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Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI
Diploma Supplement
The Diploma Supplement was developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and by
UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose ofthe supplement s to provide sufficient independentdata to improve
the international transparency and fair academ c and professional recognit on of q ualifications (diplomas
degrees, certificates etc.). lt is designed to provide a description ofthe natufe, level, coriext, content
and staius ofthe stud es that were pursued and successfully completed by the indiv dual named on the
original qualifcation to which thrs supplement is appended. It s free from any value-judgements,
equivalence statements of suggestions about recogn tion. Informat on is prov ded in e ght sections.
Where inforrnation s not provided, an explanation willgive the reason why
1.1 Family name(s)
1.2 Given name(s)
'1"3 Date (dd/mm/yyyy), Place, Country of birth
28107/1980, Carbonia (CA) ltaly
1.4 Student identification number or code (if available)
PAULSN80L28B745E(Petsanal ldentification Number)
7 0l 541 37 281 ( Stude nt code)
2. eq
2.1 Name of the qualification and (if applicable) title conferred (in original language):
Laufea specialist ca in Building Engineering
Name ot title
2.2 l$ain field(s) ofstudy forthe qualification
Arch tectufe and construction eng neering - 4/S
2.3 Name and slatus of awarding institution {in o.iginal language):
tlnivers ta degli studi di Cagliari
Slate University
Head Offce: Va un vers ta', 40 CAGLIARI
2.4 Name and status of institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies (in original
2.5 Language(s) of instruction/examination
lMod. C_DS Malr 70/54/37231
Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI
3. lhformation on the level ofthe oualification
3.1 Level of qualification
3,2 Official length of programme
Two years (300 credits)
3.3 Access rcquifement(s)
Pre-feform Degree (old reg!lation)(admission and enfolment)
FIRST LEVEL DEGREE(admission and enrolmeni)
Admiss on procedure
4. Inlormation on the contents and results gained
4.1 Mode of study
Part iime
4.2 Programme requiremehts
300 credits
i-E Psr;-}
Mod. C_DSi Malr: 70/54/37281
Universitd degli Studi di CAGLIARI
4.3 Programme details (e.g modules or units studied) and the individual grades/marks/credits
14107/2008 LABORATORY OF
?F9l"9l*i, c
(PART l)
l,4od C_DS Marr 70/54/17281
Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI
s{]ll]$itltir:,tl{l': r'ls;i}sltlllll]]i]i]si:lMt:,,.{s}}lffiJ&rs';i's, XWKI'
r:i'. :' '. :*X**ll ..:ltXS$&:'
Percentage ofstudents who obtained this mark lstudy cou6el
r:#s&m. 19
)SS description
4,4 Grading scheme and, if available, glade distribution guidance
lndividLral subjects afe graded on a scaje from l to 30, with '18 and 30 as minlmlm and maximum
grade respect vely. A cum laude' can be added to the maximum grade as a special d siinction.
)is. o nary af,d sc enrifr se.t0r
Ir!a* ECTS evallation
25 -27 D
4,5 Overall classification of the qualification (in original language)
107/ 110 obtained in daie2610412010.
Performance in the finalexaminauon is graded on a scale from 1 to T 10 with 66 and 1 10 as minimum
and n aximum grade respectvely. A cum laude'can be added to the maximum grade as a speclal
[4od. C-DS Mah 70/54/3728'1
Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI
t{ark ECTS elaluation Percentag. of stldents who obtained this mark lstudy Course]
W[: 1r!:0qffi;.'.1w]l]]]S$W:,fffal:..:'r,rj-..r:r,:,: {1&r::!4::r:ii:l{{ -,t . ,d&&:Lr'110 B
106 - 108
5. Inforhation On The Function Of The Qualification
5.'1 Access to further study
Thifd Cycle Courses
5.2 Professional status (if applicable)
Graduates will be able to play, in add tion to pfofessionals in the bu lding sector executive funcUons of
high responsibilty. among others, in publc and prvaie institutions (lnst tutional bod ies, agencies and
public and private compan es, professional Iirms and eng neer ng companies) opefating nthefeds
of constfuction and transformation of cites and territory.
6. Additional information
6.1 Additional information
5.2 Additional information sources
tJnivers q/ web pages: www.unica,it
[,4inistery web pages with descripton of al accredited ltalan Universities programrnes and
lnformation about ltalian higher educat on iU
7. Certification of the supplement
7.1 Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
7.2 Name and signature
Aldo lJrru
The signatLrre s omitted undef aarlcle 3, sect on 2 D.LGS 1212/1993, n 39
7.3 Capacity
y'/""d oroor'n'"uut'on
7.4 Official stamp or seal
Mod C_DS Mat. 70/54/37231
Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI
- Corsidi [,4aster Universitario di p mo livello These are 2nd cycle programmes rntended to provloe
The ltalian unlversity system is organised in thfee cycles, according to the Bologna structure: the
main academic degrees are the Laurea(1st cycle), ihe Laurea Nlagjstrale (2nd cycle) and the
Dottorato di Ricerca(3rd cycle) The system also offers other study pfog|ammes and related
qualificat ons.
First cycle. This cycle cons sts exclusively of Corsi di Laurea. These degree prograrnmes provide
students with an adequate command of general scientfic methods and contents as we I as with
specific professional skills. The general access requifement is the ltalian school leaving qualifcation
awarded after completion of 13 years of schooling and passing the relevant State examination;
comparable foreign qualiflcations rnay also be accepted. Admission to some degree courses may
be based on specific cource requifements. The studies last 3 years. The Laurea is awarded to
str.rdents who have gained 180 ECTS cred ts (called Credili Formativ Universitari- CFU) and
satisfed allc!rricular requ rements including the production of a final wTitten papel or equ valent
final projecl. The Laufea g ves access to the Corsi di Laurea lvagistrale as well as to othef 2nd
cycle study pfogrammes.
Second cycle, The main degree programmes in this cycle are the corsi di Laurea Magistrale They
provide educaUon at an advanced level for the exercise of highly qualified activities in specfic
areas. Access is by a Laurea degree or a comparable foreign degree; adrn ssion is based on
specific coufse requ rements determlned by s ngle universities. The studies last 2 years The
Laurea lvlagistrale degree ls awarded to students who have gained 120 ECTS/CFu credits and
satsfied allcurricular requifements, including the production and pub ic defence ofan orlginal
dissertation. Some programmes (namely, those in dentistry, med cine veterinary med clne,
pharmacy, architecture, construction engineering/architecture law primary educatlon) are defined
"s ngle cycle programmes' (Corsi a ciclo unico) forthese programmes access is by the ltalian
school leavlng qualiflcatlon (or a compafable foreign qualification); adm ssion is based on entrance
exarns. The studies last 5 years (6 years and 360 EoTS/CFU cred ts in the cases of medicine and
dentstry). A Laurea l,4agistfale degree is awarded to students who have gained 300 EcTS/cFU
cred ts and satisfied allcurrcular requirements includingtheproductionandpubllcdefenceofan
original dissertat on. A Laurea Magistfale degree gives access to Corsl di Dotiorato di Ricefca as
well as to other 3fd cycle study progEmmes.
Third cycle. The main degree progfammes in ih s cycle are cors di Dottorato di Ricerca (research
doctoraie programmes); the students/young researchers enfolled ln these progfammes will acqulfe
melhodologjes for advanced scientifc research will be tralned in new technologies and will work !n
research laboratories, wherever appropriate. Access is by a Laurea lrag strale degree (or a
comparab e foreign degree), admission s based on a competitive exarn; studies last at least ihree
years and include the completion and public defefce of an ollginal research project
Other programmes.
- Corci di Specializzazione . These are 3rd cycle programmes intended to providestudenis wlth ihe
knowledge and skllls requ red for the practice of h ghly quallfied professions, rnainly n medical clinical
and surglcal specialt es. Admission is by a Laurea l,4agistrale degfee {or bl a comparable fore gn
degreetand is based on a ompetitive examl studies may last from 2 (120 ECTS/CFUcredits) to 6
ye;rs(360 ECTS/CFU credits) depending on the discipline The final degfee awarded is a Diplorna d
Mod. c_os; Matr: 70/54/37281
Pag. 15
Universitd degli Studi di CAGLIARI
students with furthef specializat on or h gher cont nuing educaiion after completion of the first cycle
Access s by a Laurea degree (or a comparabLe foreign degfee)i dmission may be sLrbject to additional
requ rements. Studies last at least 1 year (60 ECTS/CFu credits). The qualfication awarded (lVIaster
Universitario di paimo llvello) does not g ve access to Corsi d Dottorato di Ricerca or to any other 3rd
cycle programme since this type of course does not belong to the general requirements establ shed at
natonallevel, but it is offered underthe autonomous responsibllity ofeach un versity.
- Corsi di Ilasier LJnivers tar o di secondo ivelloTheseare3rdcyceprogrammesintendedtoprovde
studentswih further spec al zation or highercontinu ng educaton studies after completion ofthe second
cycle. Access is by a Laurea li,4agistrale degree (or a compafab e foreign degfee) adnr ssion rnay be
subject to add tioral fequifements. Stud es last at least 1 year (60 ECTS/CFU credits). The qLralification
awafded (l,4aster Unlversitario dl secondo hvelo) does not give access to Corsl di Dottorato di R cerca or
to any other 3rd cycle prograrnmes, since this type of course does noi belong to the general
requirements established at national level, but it is offefed undef the autonomous responslbllty of each
un vers ty.
Credits: degree courses are structured ncredts(Credti Formatv lJniversitarl-CFU). University
credlts are based on the workload siudenis need n order to achieve the expected learning
outcomes. Each credlt corresponds to 25 hours of student workload including ndependent study.
The average workload of a fu I time student is conventionally fixed at 60 credits per year. Th!s the
CFLj fullv co ncide wth ECTS cred ts.
classes of Degree courcesr all degree programmes of Laurea and Laufea f,4a9 strale sharlng
gene€leducauonalobjectrves are grouped nto'classes". ln deve oping the specific learning
o!tcomes of single programmes Universit es have to comply wlth some nat ona requirements for
each c ass concefning the types (and coffesponding amountofcredlts)ofieaching learn ng
aciiviiies to be ncluded. Degrees be onging to the sar.e class have the same legalva ue.
Academic Titles: Those who receive the Laurea are enttled to be called'Dottore'. the holdefs of a
Laurea l,4agistrale have a rightto the ttle of'Dottore I,4a9 strale" the Dottorato di cerca confers the
title of'Dottore di Ricerca' or 'PhD'.
Joint Degrees: ltalian universities are allowed to establish degree programmes in cooperation with
Italian and foreign partner un ve|sitjes, on completion ofwhich lo nt or double/mult ple degrees can
be awar0eo.
Further information: ltal an Qualificat ons Framewofk
Ouadro dei Titol ltalianl - QTI
http://www.quadrodelt toh. t
Mod C DSt Matr 70/54137281
Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI
Sislenr* unil,ersil$rio it liarro
The Ilulian {hrittersilrj Svste l
.r: !
Dottorato di Ricerca
Diploma di Specializzarione
Laul€a {asistrale
Scu.rla ,econdlris dr lr ?:raio (J afli) - Ipper 'ta.ttddry Eilacdli1n li letr:j
ScudLa lecofrCffia di 1' grado (l a,'uiJ ' i 3r'gr' .ia.c,rrr{! .5iii.drit4 Ll
S.*o!a primaria (: and) Piinrr+ -fliridr;rn /-i,red;,:)
tMod. C_Dsi Mat.: 70/54/37281

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Building engineering

  • 1. Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI Diploma Supplement Preamble The Diploma Supplement was developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and by UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose ofthe supplement s to provide sufficient independentdata to improve the international transparency and fair academ c and professional recognit on of q ualifications (diplomas degrees, certificates etc.). lt is designed to provide a description ofthe natufe, level, coriext, content and staius ofthe stud es that were pursued and successfully completed by the indiv dual named on the original qualifcation to which thrs supplement is appended. It s free from any value-judgements, equivalence statements of suggestions about recogn tion. Informat on is prov ded in e ght sections. Where inforrnation s not provided, an explanation willgive the reason why 1.1 Family name(s) 1.2 Given name(s) ALESSANDRO '1"3 Date (dd/mm/yyyy), Place, Country of birth 28107/1980, Carbonia (CA) ltaly 1.4 Student identification number or code (if available) PAULSN80L28B745E(Petsanal ldentification Number) 7 0l 541 37 281 ( Stude nt code) 2. eq 2.1 Name of the qualification and (if applicable) title conferred (in original language): Laufea specialist ca in Building Engineering Name ot title Magistraldoctor 2.2 l$ain field(s) ofstudy forthe qualification Arch tectufe and construction eng neering - 4/S 2.3 Name and slatus of awarding institution {in o.iginal language): tlnivers ta degli studi di Cagliari Slate University Head Offce: Va un vers ta', 40 CAGLIARI 2.4 Name and status of institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies (in original language): 2.5 Language(s) of instruction/examination lMod. C_DS Malr 70/54/37231
  • 2. Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI lialian 3. lhformation on the level ofthe oualification 3.1 Level of qualification SPECIALISTIC DEGREE COURSE. 2' cycle 3,2 Official length of programme Two years (300 credits) 3.3 Access rcquifement(s) Pre-feform Degree (old reg!lation)(admission and enfolment) FIRST LEVEL DEGREE(admission and enrolmeni) Admiss on procedure 4. Inlormation on the contents and results gained 4.1 Mode of study Part iime 4.2 Programme requiremehts 300 credits i-E Psr;-} Mod. C_DSi Malr: 70/54/37281
  • 3. Universitd degli Studi di CAGLIARI 4.3 Programme details (e.g modules or units studied) and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained DSSECTS 25101/2007 TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE LABORATORY 2 tcAR/10 tcAR/14 2 14107/2008 LABORATORY OF ARCHITECTURAL COI,IPOSITION 1 21l07l2OOETESTING,EXPERII/ENTATION 5 AND CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION 2 ffizooei:ls}il{Wa 29107/2008 DRAWING AND COIIIPUTER-AIDED 1O 121022407 ARCHITECTURAL COIlIPOSITION 2 31/03/2009 CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE'1 25t06t2049 O2iO7l2008 ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY ?F9l"9l*i, c ) (PART l) l,4od C_DS Marr 70/54/17281
  • 4. Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI s{]ll]$itltir:,tl{l': r'ls;i}sltlllll]]i]i]si:lMt:,,.{s}}lffiJ&rs';i's, XWKI' 03/1212009 CONSTRUCTTON TECHNIOUES 1A 23 INTEGRATED COURSE MODULEA 06/04/2010 TECHNTCAL PHYSTCS 2 r:i'. :' '. :*X**ll ..:ltXS$&:' E DSS Percentage ofstudents who obtained this mark lstudy cou6el 26 r:#s&m. 19 rbbreviation )SS description 4,4 Grading scheme and, if available, glade distribution guidance lndividLral subjects afe graded on a scaje from l to 30, with '18 and 30 as minlmlm and maximum grade respect vely. A cum laude' can be added to the maximum grade as a special d siinction. -eqend )is. o nary af,d sc enrifr se.t0r Ir!a* ECTS evallation 25 -27 D 4,5 Overall classification of the qualification (in original language) 107/ 110 obtained in daie2610412010. Performance in the finalexaminauon is graded on a scale from 1 to T 10 with 66 and 1 10 as minimum and n aximum grade respectvely. A cum laude'can be added to the maximum grade as a speclal distinction MODULE B ING-IND/11 [4od. C-DS Mah 70/54/3728'1 Pag
  • 5. Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI t{ark ECTS elaluation Percentag. of stldents who obtained this mark lstudy Course] W[: 1r!:0qffi;.'.1w]l]]]S$W:,fffal:..:'r,rj-..r:r,:,: {1&r::!4::r:ii:l{{ -,t . ,d&&:Lr'110 B 106 - 108 5. Inforhation On The Function Of The Qualification 5.'1 Access to further study Thifd Cycle Courses 5.2 Professional status (if applicable) Graduates will be able to play, in add tion to pfofessionals in the bu lding sector executive funcUons of high responsibilty. among others, in publc and prvaie institutions (lnst tutional bod ies, agencies and public and private compan es, professional Iirms and eng neer ng companies) opefating nthefeds of constfuction and transformation of cites and territory. 6. Additional information 6.1 Additional information 5.2 Additional information sources tJnivers q/ web pages: www.unica,it [,4inistery web pages with descripton of al accredited ltalan Universities programrnes and lnformation about ltalian higher educat on iU 7. Certification of the supplement 7.1 Date (dd/mm/yyyy) 4411012413 7.2 Name and signature Aldo lJrru The signatLrre s omitted undef aarlcle 3, sect on 2 D.LGS 1212/1993, n 39 iJt,rttuLuJ 7.3 Capacity y'/""d oroor'n'"uut'on 7.4 Official stamp or seal Mod C_DS Mat. 70/54/37231
  • 6. Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI 8. - Corsidi [,4aster Universitario di p mo livello These are 2nd cycle programmes rntended to provloe The ltalian unlversity system is organised in thfee cycles, according to the Bologna structure: the main academic degrees are the Laurea(1st cycle), ihe Laurea Nlagjstrale (2nd cycle) and the Dottorato di Ricerca(3rd cycle) The system also offers other study pfog|ammes and related qualificat ons. First cycle. This cycle cons sts exclusively of Corsi di Laurea. These degree prograrnmes provide students with an adequate command of general scientfic methods and contents as we I as with specific professional skills. The general access requifement is the ltalian school leaving qualifcation awarded after completion of 13 years of schooling and passing the relevant State examination; comparable foreign qualiflcations rnay also be accepted. Admission to some degree courses may be based on specific cource requifements. The studies last 3 years. The Laurea is awarded to str.rdents who have gained 180 ECTS cred ts (called Credili Formativ Universitari- CFU) and satisfed allc!rricular requ rements including the production of a final wTitten papel or equ valent final projecl. The Laufea g ves access to the Corsi di Laurea lvagistrale as well as to othef 2nd cycle study pfogrammes. Second cycle, The main degree programmes in this cycle are the corsi di Laurea Magistrale They provide educaUon at an advanced level for the exercise of highly qualified activities in specfic areas. Access is by a Laurea degree or a comparable foreign degree; adrn ssion is based on specific coufse requ rements determlned by s ngle universities. The studies last 2 years The Laurea lvlagistrale degree ls awarded to students who have gained 120 ECTS/CFu credits and satsfied allcurricular requifements, including the production and pub ic defence ofan orlginal dissertation. Some programmes (namely, those in dentistry, med cine veterinary med clne, pharmacy, architecture, construction engineering/architecture law primary educatlon) are defined "s ngle cycle programmes' (Corsi a ciclo unico) forthese programmes access is by the ltalian school leavlng qualiflcatlon (or a compafable foreign qualification); adm ssion is based on entrance exarns. The studies last 5 years (6 years and 360 EoTS/CFU cred ts in the cases of medicine and dentstry). A Laurea l,4agistfale degree is awarded to students who have gained 300 EcTS/cFU cred ts and satisfied allcurrcular requirements includingtheproductionandpubllcdefenceofan original dissertat on. A Laurea Magistfale degree gives access to Corsl di Dotiorato di Ricefca as well as to other 3fd cycle study progEmmes. Third cycle. The main degree progfammes in ih s cycle are cors di Dottorato di Ricerca (research doctoraie programmes); the students/young researchers enfolled ln these progfammes will acqulfe melhodologjes for advanced scientifc research will be tralned in new technologies and will work !n research laboratories, wherever appropriate. Access is by a Laurea lrag strale degree (or a comparab e foreign degree), admission s based on a competitive exarn; studies last at least ihree years and include the completion and public defefce of an ollginal research project Other programmes. - Corci di Specializzazione . These are 3rd cycle programmes intended to providestudenis wlth ihe knowledge and skllls requ red for the practice of h ghly quallfied professions, rnainly n medical clinical and surglcal specialt es. Admission is by a Laurea l,4agistrale degfee {or bl a comparable fore gn degreetand is based on a ompetitive examl studies may last from 2 (120 ECTS/CFUcredits) to 6 ye;rs(360 ECTS/CFU credits) depending on the discipline The final degfee awarded is a Diplorna d Soecializzazione. Mod. c_os; Matr: 70/54/37281 Pag. 15
  • 7. Universitd degli Studi di CAGLIARI students with furthef specializat on or h gher cont nuing educaiion after completion of the first cycle Access s by a Laurea degree (or a comparabLe foreign degfee)i dmission may be sLrbject to additional requ rements. Studies last at least 1 year (60 ECTS/CFu credits). The qualfication awarded (lVIaster Universitario di paimo llvello) does not g ve access to Corsi d Dottorato di Ricerca or to any other 3rd cycle programme since this type of course does not belong to the general requirements establ shed at natonallevel, but it is offered underthe autonomous responsibllity ofeach un versity. - Corsi di Ilasier LJnivers tar o di secondo ivelloTheseare3rdcyceprogrammesintendedtoprovde studentswih further spec al zation or highercontinu ng educaton studies after completion ofthe second cycle. Access is by a Laurea li,4agistrale degree (or a compafab e foreign degfee) adnr ssion rnay be subject to add tioral fequifements. Stud es last at least 1 year (60 ECTS/CFU credits). The qLralification awafded (l,4aster Unlversitario dl secondo hvelo) does not give access to Corsl di Dottorato di R cerca or to any other 3rd cycle prograrnmes, since this type of course does noi belong to the general requirements established at national level, but it is offefed undef the autonomous responslbllty of each un vers ty. Credits: degree courses are structured ncredts(Credti Formatv lJniversitarl-CFU). University credlts are based on the workload siudenis need n order to achieve the expected learning outcomes. Each credlt corresponds to 25 hours of student workload including ndependent study. The average workload of a fu I time student is conventionally fixed at 60 credits per year. Th!s the CFLj fullv co ncide wth ECTS cred ts. classes of Degree courcesr all degree programmes of Laurea and Laufea f,4a9 strale sharlng gene€leducauonalobjectrves are grouped nto'classes". ln deve oping the specific learning o!tcomes of single programmes Universit es have to comply wlth some nat ona requirements for each c ass concefning the types (and coffesponding amountofcredlts)ofieaching learn ng aciiviiies to be ncluded. Degrees be onging to the sar.e class have the same legalva ue. Academic Titles: Those who receive the Laurea are enttled to be called'Dottore'. the holdefs of a Laurea l,4agistrale have a rightto the ttle of'Dottore I,4a9 strale" the Dottorato di cerca confers the title of'Dottore di Ricerca' or 'PhD'. Joint Degrees: ltalian universities are allowed to establish degree programmes in cooperation with Italian and foreign partner un ve|sitjes, on completion ofwhich lo nt or double/mult ple degrees can be awar0eo. Further information: ltal an Qualificat ons Framewofk Ouadro dei Titol ltalianl - QTI http://www.quadrodelt toh. t Mod C DSt Matr 70/54137281
  • 8. Universiti degli Studi di CAGLIARI Sislenr* unil,ersil$rio it liarro The Ilulian {hrittersilrj Svste l .r: ! c,'ilsc]f, ,'it c,tt':Eci5 Dottorato di Ricerca Diploma di Specializzarione Laul€a {asistrale Scu.rla ,econdlris dr lr ?:raio (J afli) - Ipper 'ta.ttddry Eilacdli1n li letr:j ScudLa lecofrCffia di 1' grado (l a,'uiJ ' i 3r'gr' .ia.c,rrr{! .5iii.drit4 Ll "] S.*o!a primaria (: and) Piinrr+ -fliridr;rn /-i,red;,:) tMod. C_Dsi Mat.: 70/54/37281