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Types of Lists
 There are a number of tags for building lists.
 Serves the purpose of improving the readability of the text.
 Depending on the way the list items are displayed, lists
may be divided into three types:
Unnumbered list- This will list items using plain
bullets (there is no special order between items)
 list of examples, names, components…
Ordered list (Numbered list)- This will use different
schemes of numbers to list your items.
 Items occur in a particular order, such as step-by-
step instructions or driving directions
Definition list- This arranges your items in the same
way as they are arranged in a dictionary
 Used to display a set of related items that appear in no
particular order.
◦ Each item is indented with a preceding bullet symbol.
 Specified using the tag:
<UL> ……… </UL>
 The individual items in the list are specified using the <LI>
 Attributes:
type = disc | circle | square
 The <LI> items can contain multiple paragraphs, specified
using <P>.
 Example:
<LI> First item of the list
<LI> Second item of the list
<LI> Third item of the list
</UL> 2
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title> Bulleted list 1 </title></head>
<body text=white bgcolor=blue>
<h2> The flowers I like: </h2>
<LI> Rose
<LI> Lotus
<LI> Daffodil
<LI> Marigold
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Unordered List</title>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title> Bulleted list 2 </title></head>
<body text=white bgcolor=blue>
<h2> The flowers I like: </h2>
<UL type=“square”>
<li> Rose</li>
<li> Lotus</li>
<li type=“circle”> Daffodil</li>
<li type=“disk”> Marigold</li>
 Numbered or ordered lists are used when the
sequence of the items is important.
 Specified using the tag:
<OL> ……… </OL>
 The individual items in the list are specified using
the <LI> tag.
 Example:
<LI> This is number one
<LI> This is number two
<LI> This is number three
</OL> 6
 The list items are numbered sequentially as
 Attributes:
type = 1 | A | a | I | i
 Specifies the style of numbering.
 1,2,3,… or A,B,C,… or a,b,c,… or I,II,III,… or i,ii,iii,…
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title> Numbered list 1 </title></head>
<body text=white bgcolor=blue>
<h2> To cook Maggi you must: </h2>
<LI> Put some water to boil
<LI> Put in noodles and masala
<LI> Wait for 2 minutes
<LI> Serve in a plate
</html> 8
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title> Numbered list 2 </title></head>
<body text=white bgcolor=blue>
<h2> To cook Maggi you must: </h2>
<OL type =A>
<LI> Put some water to boil
<LI> Put in noodles and masala
<LI> Wait for 2 minutes
<LI> Serve in a plate
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title> Numbered list 3 </title></head>
<body text=white bgcolor=blue>
<h2> To cook Maggi you must: </h2>
<OL type =I>
<LI> Put some water to boil
<LI> Put in noodles and masala
<LI type=1> Wait for 2 minutes
<LI> Serve in a plate
 Specified using the tag:
<DL> ……… </DL>
 Each definition comprises of a definition term
(<DT>) and a definition description (<DD>).
 Web browsers format each definition on a new line
and indent it.
 The definition list is the ideal way to present a
glossary, list of terms, or other name/value list
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Definition List</title>
<dd>This stands for Hyper Text Markup
<dd>This stands for Hyper Text Transfer
 Example:
<DD> Transmission Control Protocol
<DD> User Datagram Protocol
<DD> Internet Protocol
<head><title> Definition list 1 </title></head>
<body text=white bgcolor=blue>
<h2> Some important protocols: </h2>
<DD> Transmission Control Protocol
<DD> User Datagram Protocol
<DD> Internet Protocol
 Any list can be nested within another list.
 When unnumbered lists are nested, the browser automatically
uses a different bullet symbol for each level.
 When numbered lists are nested, by default, every level is
numbered using the arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, …).
<html><head><title> List Nesting 1 </title></head>
<body text=white bgcolor=blue>
<H3> My favorite languages are:
<LI> Java <BR>
<LI> object-oriented
<LI> platform independent
<LI> can be embedded within HTML
</UL> <BR>
<LI> Perl <BR>
<LI> a scripting language
<LI> powerful string handling capabilities
<LI> widely used for writing CGI scripts
</UL> </H3>
</body></html> 16
<html><head><title> List Nesting 2 </title></head>
<body text=white bgcolor=blue>
<H3> My favorite languages are:
<LI> Java <BR>
<LI> object-oriented
<LI> platform independent
<LI> can be embedded within HTML
</UL> <BR>
<LI> Perl <BR>
<LI> a scripting language
<LI> powerful string handling capabilities
<LI> widely used for writing CGI scripts
</OL> </H3>
 Chief power of HTML comes from its ability to link
text and/or image to another document or section
of a document.
 A webpage can contain various links that take you
directly to other pages and even specific parts of a
given page.
 These links are called hyperlinks.
 Browser by default highlights the hyperlinks with
color and/or underline.
 Hyperlinks allow visitors to navigate between Web
sites by clicking on words, phrases, and images.
Thus you can create hyperlinks using text or
images available on a webpage.
 Specified using the anchor tag:
<A> ……. </A>
 Requires an attribute called “HREF” which specifies
the path of the resource to be linked.
Syntax: <a href="url">link text</a>
 Anchors can be used to go to a particular section in a
 Within the same (or different) document.
 Example:
 <A href=“face.jpg”> portrait </A>
 <a href=“”> search </a>
 <a href="">Link
 <a href=“slides/ch5.pdf”> download pdf </a>
Note: Mailto link is a type of HTML link that activates the default mail
client on the computer for sending an e-mail. (Eg. Microsoft outlook)
 The target attribute specifies where to open the linked
Eg. <a href="" target="_blank">Visit
 This example will open the linked document in a new
browser window or in a new tab:
 _blank: Opens the linked document in a new window or
 _self : Opens the linked document in the same frame as
it was clicked (this is default)
Relative URL
 Provides a link to another document relative to the
location of the current document.
 Commonly used when referring to documents
residing on the same web site.
 Examples:
<a href=“NEWS/news.html”> Visit daily news</a>
 means that the document is one folder down from the html
document that called for it. This can go on down as many
layers as necessary.
<a href=“../NEWS/football.html”> Football news</a>
 means that the document is in one folder up from the html
document that called for it.
 These kind of links are called relative links. 21
Absolute URL
 Also called file path and full path contains the root
directory and all other subdirectories that contain a file
or folder
 Necessary when linking to documents on other
 The complete path name of the document in the
server is specified.
 Example:
<a href=“”>
One of my recent papers </a>
 The id attribute can be used to create bookmarks
inside HTML documents.
 Internal hyperlinks can be used to jump to another
part of the same web page
 Two steps involved.
 Define a id section in a document.
<a id=“tennis”> <h2>About tennis</h2> </a>
 Provide a link to the id section.
<a href=“#tennis”> Information on Tennis </a>
<a href=“ #LAN”> Local Area
Networks </a>
 In Html 4 the name attribute is also possible
<a name=“tennis”> <h2>About tennis</h2> </a>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<a href="#C4">See also Chapter 4.</a>
<h2>Chapter 1</h2>
<p>This chapter explains ba bla bla</p>
<h2>Chapter 2</h2>
<p>This chapter explains ba bla bla</p>
<h2>Chapter 3</h2>
<p>This chapter explains ba bla bla</p>
<h2><a id="C4">Chapter 4</a></h2>
<p>This chapter explains ba bla bla</p>
 When two pages are on the same directory you can link
from one to the other by using only the filename.
 A local link (link to the same web site) is specified with a
relative URL
<!DOCTYPE html>
<a href="html_images.html">HTML Images</a> is a link to a page on this
<a href="">W3C</a> is a link to a website on the World
Wide Web.
• If you upload the whole directory on another server,
the links will still work.
• If you copy a part of your web pages on a local
disc, the links may not work.
<html><head><title> Link to Other Sites </title></head>
<body text=white bgcolor=blue link=red vlink=green>
My favorite search engines are:
<li> <a href=""> Google </a>
<li> <a href=""> Yahoo </a>
<li> <a href=""> Altavista</a>
Mr. Ayele Kebede<BR> <BR>
<a href=""> <img src="x.gif"
align=middle width="70" height="70"> </a>
 In HTML, images are defined with the <img> tag.
The <img> tag is empty, it contains attributes only,
and does not have a closing tag.
 Attributes of <IMG>:
 SRC: specifies the URL of the image file
 HEIGHT: height (in pixels) to be set aside for the image.
 WIDTH: width (in pixels) to be set aside for the image.
 The alt attribute specifies an alternate text for the image,
if it cannot be displayed.
 The value of the alt attribute should describe the image in
 Supported image formats:
 JPEG, GIF(allow animated images), PNG 28
 The HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes tells the browser to
set aside appropriate space (in pixels) for the image as it
downloads the rest of the file.
 Some browsers stretch or shrink an image to fit into the
allotted space.
 Example:
<IMG SRC=xyz.gif>
<img src=“tiger.jpg “ height=“80” width=“150”>
 You can also use the style attribute to specify
the width and height of an image
<img src="html5.gif" alt="HTML5
Icon" style="width:128px;height:128px">
An image
<img src=xyz.gif align="bottom" width="48"
in the text
<p> An image
<img src =xyz.gif align="middle" width="48"
in the text
<p> An image
<img src =xyz.gif align="top" width="48"
in the text
<img src =xyz.gif align ="left" width="48"
A paragraph with an image. The image will float to
the left of this text.</p>
<img src =xyz.gif align ="right" width="48“
A paragraph with an image. The image will float to
the right of this text. </p>
<img src= x.gif" width="20" height="20"> <p>
<img src= x.gif" width="45" height="45"> <p>
<img src= x.gif" width="70" height="70"> <p>
Resizing an image by changing the values in the
"height" and "width" attributes of the img tag.
It is possible to use an image as a link. Click
on the image below to go to google.
<a href=“"><img src=x.gif>
 Tables are made up of cells, arranged into rows.
 <table></table> marks the start and end of table contents
 <tr></tr> marks the start and end of each table row
 <td></td> marks the start and the end of the contents of a
data cell
 A table row can also be divided into table headings with
the <th> tag.
 <caption></caption> formats text to appear as a table caption
 An example:
<td> Good </td><td> Bad </td>
<td> Cute </td> <td> Ugly </td>
Good Bad
cute ugly
 <TABLE> …… </TABLE>
 Defines the beginning and the end of a table.
 Can have several attributes:
• bgcolor = #rrggbb or color name : background
color of the table
• rules = all | cols | rows | none : ways to specify
which border of the table need to be displayed
<table rules="value">
• border = number : specify the border of the table
• height = number, percentage
• Width = number, percentage
 Note- the "align", "bgcolor", "border", "cellpadding", "cellspacing",
"frame", "rules", "summary", and "width" attributes are not supported
in HTML5
 Provides a caption for the table.
 Must immediately follow the “table” tag, and precede all other
 <TR> …….. </TR>
 Defines a row of cells within a table.
 Can have several attributes:
 bgcolor = #rrggbb or color name: not supported in html 5
 align = left | center | right | justify: not supported in html 5
 Note: All the layout attributes are removed in HTML5
 <TD> …….. </TD>
 Defines a table data cell.
 A table cell can contain any content, like an image, or even
another table.
 Can have several attributes:
 bgcolor = #rrggbb or color name
 colspan :specifies the number of columns the current
cell should span (default is 1).
 rowspan: Specify the number of rows that needs to be
 <TH> …….. </TH>
 Defines a table header cell.
 Browsers generally display the contents of the header
cells in bold, and centered.
 Same attributes as the <TD> tag.
 To make a cell span more than one column, use
the colspan attribute
<tr> <td colspan=2> Hello </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Good </td> <td> Day </td> </tr>
Good Day
 To make a cell span more than one row, use
the rowspan attribute
<tr> <td rowspan=2> Hello </td>
<td> Good </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Day </td> </tr>
Hello Good
<table border=1>
<caption> My Table </caption>
<tr> <th> Name </th> <th> Marks </th> </tr>
<tr> <td> Ayele</td> <td> 86</td> </tr>
<tr> <td> Kebede</td> <td> 65</td> </tr>
Name marks
Ayele 86
Kebede 65
My Table
 What are frames?
 A method for dividing the browser window into smaller
 Each subwindow displaying a different HTML document.
 How does a page with frame look like?
 Merits:
 Allow parts of the page to remain stationary while other
parts scroll.
 They can unify resources that reside on separate web
 There is a <noframe> tag, using which it is possible to
add alternative content for browsers that do not support
 All browsers do not support frames.
 Documents nested in a frame is more difficult to
 Load on the server can be significantly increased, if
there are a large number of frames in the page.
 Frames are very difficult to handle for search engines.
 Defines a collection of frames or other framesets.
 Attributes:
 cols = list of lengths (number, %, or *)
 rows = list of lengths (number, %, or *)
 Establishes the number and sizes of columns (vertical frames)
or rows (horizontal frames) in a frameset.
 In number of pixels, percentage of total area, or relative values
(*) based on available space.
 Defines a single frame within a frameset.
 Attributes:
 frameborder = 1 | 0
 src = url
 scrolling = yes | no | auto
 marginwidth = number
 marginheight = number
 name = text
 Specifies the contents to be displayed by browsers that
cannot display frames.
 Ignored by browsers that support frames.
<head><title> A document
with frame </title>
<frameset cols = “*,*”>
<frame src = “left.htm”>
<frame src = “right.htm”>
Browser does not
support frames.
<head><title> Another one with frames </title>
<frameset cols = “100,2*,*”>
<frame src = “left.htm”>
<frame src = “right.htm”>
Browser does not support frames.
<head> <title> Nested frames </title> </head>
<frameset cols = “25%, *”
<frame src = “one.htm”>
<frameset rows = “100,150,100”>
<frame src = “two.htm”>
<frame src = “three.htm”>
<frameset cols = “*,*”>
<frame src = “four.htm”>
<frame src = “five.htm”>
</frameset> </frameset>
 When a hyperlink is clicked, by default, the new
page is loaded into the same frame.
 We can load the linked page into new frame also.
 Assign a name to the targeted frame.
<frame src = “somepage.htm” name = “abc”>
 Specify this frame in a hyperlink as follows:
<a href = “newpage.htm” target=“abc”> … </a>
 The document newpage.htm will load into the frame
names “abc”.
 Provides two-way communication between web
servers and browsers.
 Demand for most of the emerging applications.
 Providing dynamic contents.
 What is a HTML FORM?
 A form basically contains boxes and buttons
 Real-life examples
 Search engines
 On-line purchase of items
 Registration
 The form allows a user to fill up the blank entries and send it
back to the owner of the page.
 Called SUBMITTING the form.
 Several tags are used in connection with forms:
<form> …… </form>
<textarea> …… </textarea>
<select> …… </select>
 This tag is used to bracket a HTML form.
 Includes attributes which specify where and how to
deliver filled-up information to the web server.
 Two main attributes:
◦ Indicates how the information in the form will be sent to
the web server when the form is submitted.
◦ Two possible values:
 POST: causes a form’s contents to be parsed one element at
a time.
 GET: concatenates all field names and values in a single large
◦ POST is the preferred method because of string size
limitations in most systems.
 Specifies the URL of a program on the origin server that
will be receiving the form’s inputs.
 Traditionally called Common Gateway Interface (CGI).
 The specified program is executed on the server, when
the form is submitted.
 Output sent back to the browser.
 Typical usage:
 This tag defines a basic form element.
 Several attributes are possible:
◦ Defines the kind of element that is to be displayed in the
 “TEXT” – defines a text box, which provides a single line area
for entering text.
 “RADIO” – radio button, used when a choice must be made
among several alternatives (clicking on one of the buttons
turns off all others in the same group).
 “CHECKBOX” – similar to the radio buttons, but each box here
can be selected independently of the others.
◦ “PASSWORD” – similar to text box, but characters are
not shown as they are typed.
◦ “HIDDEN” – used for output only; cannot be modified
(mainly used to refer to choices that have already been
made earlier).
◦ “IMAGE” – used for active maps. When the user clicks
on the image, the (x,y) co-ordinates are stored in
variables, and are returned for further processing.
◦ “SUBMIT” – creates a box labeled Submit; if clicked, the
form data are passed on to the designated CGI script.
◦ “RESET” – creates a box labeled Reset; if clicked,
clears a form’s contents.
◦ Specifies a name for the input field.
◦ The input-handling program (CGI) in reality receives a
number of (name,value) pairs.
◦ Defines the number of characters that can be displayed
in a TEXT box without scrolling.
◦ Defines the maximum number of characters a TEXT box
can contain.
◦ Used to submit a default value for a TEXT or HIDDEN
◦ Can also be used for specifying the label of a button
(renaming “Submit”, for example).
 SRC:
◦ Provides a pointer to an image file.
◦ Used for clickable maps.
◦ Used for aligning image types.
 Can be used to accommodate multiple text lines in
a box.
 Attributes are:
 NAME: name of the field.
 ROWS: number of lines of text that can fit into the box.
 COLS: width of the text area on the screen.
 Used along with the tag <OPTION>.
 Used to define a selectable list of elements.
◦ The list appears as a scrollable menu or a pop-up menu
(depends on browser).
 Attributes are:
◦ NAME: name of the field.
◦ SIZE: specifies the number of option elements that will
be displayed at a time on the menu. (If actual number
exceeds SIZE, a scrollbar will appear).
 MULTIPLE: specifies that multiple selections from
the list can be made.
<FORM ………….>
Languages known:
<OPTION> English
<OPTION> Amharic
<OPTION> Afan Oromo
<OPTION> Somali
<TITLE> Using HTML Forms </TITLE>
LINK="#FF9900" VLINK="#FF9900“ ALINK="#FF9900">
<CENTER><H3> Student Registration Form </H3>
Please fill up the following form about the courses you will
register for this Semester.
<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/cgi/feedback">
<P> Name: <INPUT NAME="name" TYPE="TEXT“ SIZE="30"
<P> Roll Number: <INPUT NAME="rollno“ TYPE="TEXT"
<P> Course Numbers:
<INPUT NAME="course1" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="6">
<INPUT NAME="course2" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="6">
<INPUT NAME="course3" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="6">
<P> <P> Press SUBMIT when done.

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  • 1. HTML LISTS Types of Lists  There are a number of tags for building lists.  Serves the purpose of improving the readability of the text.  Depending on the way the list items are displayed, lists may be divided into three types: Unnumbered list- This will list items using plain bullets (there is no special order between items)  list of examples, names, components… Ordered list (Numbered list)- This will use different schemes of numbers to list your items.  Items occur in a particular order, such as step-by- step instructions or driving directions Definition list- This arranges your items in the same way as they are arranged in a dictionary 1
  • 2. UNORDERED LIST  Used to display a set of related items that appear in no particular order. ◦ Each item is indented with a preceding bullet symbol.  Specified using the tag: <UL> ……… </UL>  The individual items in the list are specified using the <LI> tag.  Attributes: type = disc | circle | square  The <LI> items can contain multiple paragraphs, specified using <P>.  Example: <UL> <LI> First item of the list <LI> Second item of the list <LI> Third item of the list </UL> 2
  • 3. UNNUMBERED LIST (EXAMPLE 1) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title> Bulleted list 1 </title></head> <body text=white bgcolor=blue> <h2> The flowers I like: </h2> <h3> <UL> <LI> Rose <LI> Lotus <LI> Daffodil <LI> Marigold </UL> </h3> </body> </html> 3
  • 4. EXAMPLE 2 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML Unordered List</title> </head> <body> <ul> <li>Beetroot</li> <li>Ginger</li> <li>Potato</li> <li>Radish</li> </ul> </body> </html> 4
  • 5. UNNUMBERED LIST (EXAMPLE 2) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title> Bulleted list 2 </title></head> <body text=white bgcolor=blue> <h2> The flowers I like: </h2> <h3> <UL type=“square”> <li> Rose</li> <li> Lotus</li> <li type=“circle”> Daffodil</li> <li type=“disk”> Marigold</li> </UL> </h3> </body> </html> 5
  • 6. ORDERED LIST(NUMBERED LIST)  Numbered or ordered lists are used when the sequence of the items is important.  Specified using the tag: <OL> ……… </OL>  The individual items in the list are specified using the <LI> tag.  Example: <OL> <LI> This is number one <LI> This is number two <LI> This is number three </OL> 6
  • 7. NUMBERED LIST (CONTD.)  The list items are numbered sequentially as 1,2,3,…  Attributes: type = 1 | A | a | I | i  Specifies the style of numbering.  1,2,3,… or A,B,C,… or a,b,c,… or I,II,III,… or i,ii,iii,… 7
  • 8. NUMBERED LIST (EXAMPLE 1) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title> Numbered list 1 </title></head> <body text=white bgcolor=blue> <h2> To cook Maggi you must: </h2> <h3> <OL> <LI> Put some water to boil <LI> Put in noodles and masala <LI> Wait for 2 minutes <LI> Serve in a plate </OL> </h3> </body> </html> 8
  • 9. NUMBERED LIST (EXAMPLE 2) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title> Numbered list 2 </title></head> <body text=white bgcolor=blue> <h2> To cook Maggi you must: </h2> <h3> <OL type =A> <LI> Put some water to boil <LI> Put in noodles and masala <LI> Wait for 2 minutes <LI> Serve in a plate </OL> </h3> </body> </html> 9
  • 10. NUMBERED LIST (EXAMPLE 3) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title> Numbered list 3 </title></head> <body text=white bgcolor=blue> <h2> To cook Maggi you must: </h2> <h3> <OL type =I> <LI> Put some water to boil <LI> Put in noodles and masala <LI type=1> Wait for 2 minutes <LI> Serve in a plate </OL> </h3> </body> </html> 10
  • 11. DESCRIPTION LIST( HTML 4 –DEFINITION LIST)  Specified using the tag: <DL> ……… </DL>  Each definition comprises of a definition term (<DT>) and a definition description (<DD>).  Web browsers format each definition on a new line and indent it.  The definition list is the ideal way to present a glossary, list of terms, or other name/value list 11
  • 12. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML Definition List</title> </head> <body> <dl> <dt><b>HTML</b></dt> <dd>This stands for Hyper Text Markup Language</dd> <dt><b>HTTP</b></dt> <dd>This stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol</dd> </dl> </body> </html> 12
  • 13. CONT…  Example: <DL> <DT> TCP <DD> Transmission Control Protocol <DT> UDP <DD> User Datagram Protocol <DT> IP <DD> Internet Protocol </DL> 13
  • 14. EXAMPLE <html> <head><title> Definition list 1 </title></head> <body text=white bgcolor=blue> <h2> Some important protocols: </h2> <h3><DL> <DT> TCP <DD> Transmission Control Protocol <DT> UDP <DD> User Datagram Protocol <DT> IP <DD> Internet Protocol </DL></h3> </body> </html> 14
  • 15. NESTING OF LISTS  Any list can be nested within another list.  When unnumbered lists are nested, the browser automatically uses a different bullet symbol for each level.  When numbered lists are nested, by default, every level is numbered using the arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, …). 15
  • 16. NESTING OF LISTS (EXAMPLE 1) <html><head><title> List Nesting 1 </title></head> <body text=white bgcolor=blue> <H3> My favorite languages are: <UL> <LI> Java <BR> <UL> <LI> object-oriented <LI> platform independent <LI> can be embedded within HTML </UL> <BR> <LI> Perl <BR> <UL> <LI> a scripting language <LI> powerful string handling capabilities <LI> widely used for writing CGI scripts </UL> </UL> </H3> </body></html> 16
  • 17. NESTING OF LISTS (EXAMPLE 2) <html><head><title> List Nesting 2 </title></head> <body text=white bgcolor=blue> <H3> My favorite languages are: <OL> <LI> Java <BR> <UL> <LI> object-oriented <LI> platform independent <LI> can be embedded within HTML </UL> <BR> <LI> Perl <BR> <OL> <LI> a scripting language <LI> powerful string handling capabilities <LI> widely used for writing CGI scripts </OL> </OL> </H3> </body></html> 17
  • 18. SPECIFYING HYPERLINKS Hyperlinks  Chief power of HTML comes from its ability to link text and/or image to another document or section of a document.  A webpage can contain various links that take you directly to other pages and even specific parts of a given page.  These links are called hyperlinks.  Browser by default highlights the hyperlinks with color and/or underline.  Hyperlinks allow visitors to navigate between Web sites by clicking on words, phrases, and images. Thus you can create hyperlinks using text or images available on a webpage. 18
  • 19. HYPERLINKS (CONTD.)  Specified using the anchor tag: <A> ……. </A>  Requires an attribute called “HREF” which specifies the path of the resource to be linked. Syntax: <a href="url">link text</a>  Anchors can be used to go to a particular section in a document.  Within the same (or different) document.  Example:  <A href=“face.jpg”> portrait </A>  <a href=“”> search </a>  <a href="">Link text</a>  <a href=“slides/ch5.pdf”> download pdf </a> 19
  • 20. HTML LINKS TARGET ATTRIBUTE Note: Mailto link is a type of HTML link that activates the default mail client on the computer for sending an e-mail. (Eg. Microsoft outlook)  The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document. Eg. <a href="" target="_blank">Visit W3Schools!</a>  This example will open the linked document in a new browser window or in a new tab:  _blank: Opens the linked document in a new window or tab  _self : Opens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked (this is default) 20
  • 21. RELATIVE VERSUS ABSOLUTE URLS Relative URL  Provides a link to another document relative to the location of the current document.  Commonly used when referring to documents residing on the same web site.  Examples: <a href=“NEWS/news.html”> Visit daily news</a>  means that the document is one folder down from the html document that called for it. This can go on down as many layers as necessary. <a href=“../NEWS/football.html”> Football news</a>  means that the document is in one folder up from the html document that called for it.  These kind of links are called relative links. 21
  • 22. CONT.. Absolute URL  Also called file path and full path contains the root directory and all other subdirectories that contain a file or folder  Necessary when linking to documents on other servers.  The complete path name of the document in the server is specified.  Example: <a href=“”> One of my recent papers </a> 22
  • 23. HTML ID ATTRIBUTE(LINKING TO SPECIFY SECTION)  The id attribute can be used to create bookmarks inside HTML documents.  Internal hyperlinks can be used to jump to another part of the same web page  Two steps involved.  Define a id section in a document. <a id=“tennis”> <h2>About tennis</h2> </a>  Provide a link to the id section. <a href=“#tennis”> Information on Tennis </a> <a href=“ #LAN”> Local Area Networks </a>  In Html 4 the name attribute is also possible <a name=“tennis”> <h2>About tennis</h2> </a> 23
  • 24. Example <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p> <a href="#C4">See also Chapter 4.</a> </p> <h2>Chapter 1</h2> <p>This chapter explains ba bla bla</p> <h2>Chapter 2</h2> <p>This chapter explains ba bla bla</p> <h2>Chapter 3</h2> <p>This chapter explains ba bla bla</p> <h2><a id="C4">Chapter 4</a></h2> <p>This chapter explains ba bla bla</p> </body> </html> 24
  • 25. LOCAL HYPERLINKS  When two pages are on the same directory you can link from one to the other by using only the filename.  A local link (link to the same web site) is specified with a relative URL <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p> <a href="html_images.html">HTML Images</a> is a link to a page on this website. </p> <p> <a href="">W3C</a> is a link to a website on the World Wide Web. </p> </body> </html>
  • 26. LOCAL HYPERLINKS Pros: • If you upload the whole directory on another server, the links will still work. Cons: • If you copy a part of your web pages on a local disc, the links may not work.
  • 27. HYPERLINKS (EXAMPLE) <html><head><title> Link to Other Sites </title></head> <body text=white bgcolor=blue link=red vlink=green> My favorite search engines are: <ol> <li> <a href=""> Google </a> <li> <a href=""> Yahoo </a> <li> <a href=""> Altavista</a> </ol> <hr> <address> Mr. Ayele Kebede<BR> <BR> <a href=""> <img src="x.gif" align=middle width="70" height="70"> </a> </address> </body></html> 27
  • 28. HTML IMAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS  In HTML, images are defined with the <img> tag. The <img> tag is empty, it contains attributes only, and does not have a closing tag.  Attributes of <IMG>:  SRC: specifies the URL of the image file  HEIGHT: height (in pixels) to be set aside for the image.  WIDTH: width (in pixels) to be set aside for the image.  The alt attribute specifies an alternate text for the image, if it cannot be displayed.  The value of the alt attribute should describe the image in words  Supported image formats:  JPEG, GIF(allow animated images), PNG 28
  • 29. …CONT  The HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes tells the browser to set aside appropriate space (in pixels) for the image as it downloads the rest of the file.  Some browsers stretch or shrink an image to fit into the allotted space.  Example: <IMG SRC=xyz.gif> <img src=“tiger.jpg “ height=“80” width=“150”>  You can also use the style attribute to specify the width and height of an image <img src="html5.gif" alt="HTML5 Icon" style="width:128px;height:128px"> 29
  • 30. EXAMPLE 1 <html><body> An image <img src=xyz.gif align="bottom" width="48" height="48"> in the text <p> An image <img src =xyz.gif align="middle" width="48" height="48"> in the text <p> An image <img src =xyz.gif align="top" width="48" height="48"> in the text </body></html> 30
  • 31. EXAMPLE 2 <html> <body> <p> <img src =xyz.gif align ="left" width="48" height="48"> A paragraph with an image. The image will float to the left of this text.</p> <p> <img src =xyz.gif align ="right" width="48“ height="48"> A paragraph with an image. The image will float to the right of this text. </p> </body> </html> 31
  • 32. EXAMPLE 3 <html> <body> <img src= x.gif" width="20" height="20"> <p> <img src= x.gif" width="45" height="45"> <p> <img src= x.gif" width="70" height="70"> <p> Resizing an image by changing the values in the "height" and "width" attributes of the img tag. </body> </html> 32
  • 33. EXAMPLE 4 <html> <body> It is possible to use an image as a link. Click on the image below to go to google. <P> <a href=“"><img src=x.gif> </a> </body> </html> 33
  • 34. HTML TABLES  Tables are made up of cells, arranged into rows.  <table></table> marks the start and end of table contents  <tr></tr> marks the start and end of each table row  <td></td> marks the start and the end of the contents of a data cell  A table row can also be divided into table headings with the <th> tag.  <caption></caption> formats text to appear as a table caption  An example: <table> <tr> <td> Good </td><td> Bad </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Cute </td> <td> Ugly </td> </tr> </table> 34 Good Bad cute ugly
  • 35. THE TABLE TAGS  <TABLE> …… </TABLE>  Defines the beginning and the end of a table.  Can have several attributes: • bgcolor = #rrggbb or color name : background color of the table • rules = all | cols | rows | none : ways to specify which border of the table need to be displayed <table rules="value"> • border = number : specify the border of the table • height = number, percentage • Width = number, percentage . 35
  • 36.  Note- the "align", "bgcolor", "border", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "frame", "rules", "summary", and "width" attributes are not supported in HTML5  <CAPTION> …….. </CAPTION>  Provides a caption for the table.  Must immediately follow the “table” tag, and precede all other tags.  <TR> …….. </TR>  Defines a row of cells within a table.  Can have several attributes:  bgcolor = #rrggbb or color name: not supported in html 5  align = left | center | right | justify: not supported in html 5  Note: All the layout attributes are removed in HTML5  <TD> …….. </TD>  Defines a table data cell.  A table cell can contain any content, like an image, or even another table. 36
  • 37.  Can have several attributes:  bgcolor = #rrggbb or color name  colspan :specifies the number of columns the current cell should span (default is 1).  rowspan: Specify the number of rows that needs to be span  <TH> …….. </TH>  Defines a table header cell.  Browsers generally display the contents of the header cells in bold, and centered.  Same attributes as the <TD> tag. 37
  • 38. EXAMPLE 1 38  To make a cell span more than one column, use the colspan attribute <table> <tr> <td colspan=2> Hello </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Good </td> <td> Day </td> </tr> </table> Hello Good Day
  • 39. EXAMPLE 2 39  To make a cell span more than one row, use the rowspan attribute <table> <tr> <td rowspan=2> Hello </td> <td> Good </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Day </td> </tr> </table> Hello Good Day
  • 40. TABLE EXAMPLE 3 40 <table border=1> <caption> My Table </caption> <tr> <th> Name </th> <th> Marks </th> </tr> <tr> <td> Ayele</td> <td> 86</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Kebede</td> <td> 65</td> </tr> </table> Name marks Ayele 86 Kebede 65 My Table
  • 41. HTML FRAMES  What are frames?  A method for dividing the browser window into smaller subwindows.  Each subwindow displaying a different HTML document.  How does a page with frame look like? 41
  • 42. 42
  • 43. MERITS AND DEMERITS  Merits:  Allow parts of the page to remain stationary while other parts scroll.  They can unify resources that reside on separate web servers.  There is a <noframe> tag, using which it is possible to add alternative content for browsers that do not support frames. 43
  • 44. Demerits:  All browsers do not support frames.  Documents nested in a frame is more difficult to bookmark.  Load on the server can be significantly increased, if there are a large number of frames in the page.  Frames are very difficult to handle for search engines. 44
  • 45. THE FRAME TAGS <FRAMESET> …….. </FRAMESET>  Defines a collection of frames or other framesets.  Attributes:  cols = list of lengths (number, %, or *)  rows = list of lengths (number, %, or *)  Establishes the number and sizes of columns (vertical frames) or rows (horizontal frames) in a frameset.  In number of pixels, percentage of total area, or relative values (*) based on available space. 45
  • 46.  <FRAME>  Defines a single frame within a frameset.  Attributes:  frameborder = 1 | 0  src = url  scrolling = yes | no | auto  marginwidth = number  marginheight = number  name = text 46
  • 47.  <NOFRAMES> …… </NOFRAMES>  Specifies the contents to be displayed by browsers that cannot display frames.  Ignored by browsers that support frames. 47
  • 48. FRAME EXAMPLE 1 48 <html> <head><title> A document with frame </title> </head> <frameset cols = “*,*”> <frame src = “left.htm”> <frame src = “right.htm”> </frameset> <noframes> Browser does not support frames. </noframes> </html>
  • 49. FRAME EXAMPLE 2 49 <html> <head><title> Another one with frames </title> </head> <frameset cols = “100,2*,*”> <frame src = “left.htm”> <frame src = “right.htm”> </frameset> <noframes> Browser does not support frames. </noframes> </html>
  • 50. FRAME EXAMPLE 3 50 <html> <head> <title> Nested frames </title> </head> <frameset cols = “25%, *” <frame src = “one.htm”> <frameset rows = “100,150,100”> <frame src = “two.htm”> <frame src = “three.htm”> <frameset cols = “*,*”> <frame src = “four.htm”> <frame src = “five.htm”> </frameset> </frameset> </frameset> </html>
  • 51. LINKING TO A FRAMED DOCUMENT  When a hyperlink is clicked, by default, the new page is loaded into the same frame.  We can load the linked page into new frame also. 51
  • 52.  Assign a name to the targeted frame. <frame src = “somepage.htm” name = “abc”>  Specify this frame in a hyperlink as follows: <a href = “newpage.htm” target=“abc”> … </a>  The document newpage.htm will load into the frame names “abc”. 52
  • 53. HTML FORMS Introduction  Provides two-way communication between web servers and browsers.  Demand for most of the emerging applications.  Providing dynamic contents.  What is a HTML FORM?  A form basically contains boxes and buttons 53
  • 54.  Real-life examples  Search engines  On-line purchase of items  Registration  The form allows a user to fill up the blank entries and send it back to the owner of the page.  Called SUBMITTING the form. 54
  • 55. FORM TAGS AND ATTRIBUTES  Several tags are used in connection with forms: <form> …… </form> <input> <textarea> …… </textarea> <select> …… </select> 55
  • 56. <FORM> …… </FORM> TAG  This tag is used to bracket a HTML form.  Includes attributes which specify where and how to deliver filled-up information to the web server.  Two main attributes:  METHOD  ACTION 56
  • 57.  METHOD: ◦ Indicates how the information in the form will be sent to the web server when the form is submitted. ◦ Two possible values:  POST: causes a form’s contents to be parsed one element at a time.  GET: concatenates all field names and values in a single large string. ◦ POST is the preferred method because of string size limitations in most systems. 57
  • 58.  ACTION:  Specifies the URL of a program on the origin server that will be receiving the form’s inputs.  Traditionally called Common Gateway Interface (CGI).  The specified program is executed on the server, when the form is submitted.  Output sent back to the browser. 58
  • 59.  Typical usage: <FORM METHOD=“POST” ACTION=“cgi-bin/”> …….. …….. </FORM> 59
  • 60. <INPUT> TAG  This tag defines a basic form element.  Several attributes are possible:  TYPE  NAME  SIZE  MAXLENGTH  VALUE  SRC  ALIGN 60
  • 61.  TYPE: ◦ Defines the kind of element that is to be displayed in the form.  “TEXT” – defines a text box, which provides a single line area for entering text.  “RADIO” – radio button, used when a choice must be made among several alternatives (clicking on one of the buttons turns off all others in the same group).  “CHECKBOX” – similar to the radio buttons, but each box here can be selected independently of the others. 61
  • 62. ◦ “PASSWORD” – similar to text box, but characters are not shown as they are typed. ◦ “HIDDEN” – used for output only; cannot be modified (mainly used to refer to choices that have already been made earlier). ◦ “IMAGE” – used for active maps. When the user clicks on the image, the (x,y) co-ordinates are stored in variables, and are returned for further processing. ◦ “SUBMIT” – creates a box labeled Submit; if clicked, the form data are passed on to the designated CGI script. ◦ “RESET” – creates a box labeled Reset; if clicked, clears a form’s contents. 62
  • 63.  NAME: ◦ Specifies a name for the input field. ◦ The input-handling program (CGI) in reality receives a number of (name,value) pairs.  SIZE: ◦ Defines the number of characters that can be displayed in a TEXT box without scrolling.  MAXLENGTH: ◦ Defines the maximum number of characters a TEXT box can contain. 63
  • 64.  VALUE: ◦ Used to submit a default value for a TEXT or HIDDEN field. ◦ Can also be used for specifying the label of a button (renaming “Submit”, for example).  SRC: ◦ Provides a pointer to an image file. ◦ Used for clickable maps.  ALIGN: ◦ Used for aligning image types. ◦ ALIGN = TOP | MIDDLE | BOTTOM 64
  • 65. <TEXTAREA> … </TEXTAREA> TAG  Can be used to accommodate multiple text lines in a box.  Attributes are:  NAME: name of the field.  ROWS: number of lines of text that can fit into the box.  COLS: width of the text area on the screen. 65
  • 66. <SELECT> …. </SELECT> TAG  Used along with the tag <OPTION>.  Used to define a selectable list of elements. ◦ The list appears as a scrollable menu or a pop-up menu (depends on browser).  Attributes are: ◦ NAME: name of the field. ◦ SIZE: specifies the number of option elements that will be displayed at a time on the menu. (If actual number exceeds SIZE, a scrollbar will appear). 66
  • 67.  MULTIPLE: specifies that multiple selections from the list can be made. <FORM ………….> …….. Languages known: <SELECT NAME=“lang” SIZE=3 MULTIPLE> <OPTION> English <OPTION> Amharic <OPTION> Afan Oromo <OPTION> Somali </SELECT> </FORM> 67
  • 68. EXAMPLE 1 <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Using HTML Forms </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT="#FFFFFF" BGCOLOR="#0000FF“ LINK="#FF9900" VLINK="#FF9900“ ALINK="#FF9900"> <CENTER><H3> Student Registration Form </H3> </CENTER> Please fill up the following form about the courses you will register for this Semester. 68
  • 69. <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/cgi/feedback"> <P> Name: <INPUT NAME="name" TYPE="TEXT“ SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="50"> <P> Roll Number: <INPUT NAME="rollno“ TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="7"> <P> Course Numbers: <INPUT NAME="course1" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="6"> <INPUT NAME="course2" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="6"> <INPUT NAME="course3" TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="6"> <P> <P> Press SUBMIT when done. <P> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT"> <INPUT TYPE="RESET"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> 69