future ict influence ict revolutionized wild cards foresight evolution future of education early warning weak signals energy strategy horizonscan global renewable energy nuclear fusion photosynthesis future edcaution social reponsibility using future narratives survival success shaping business environment resilience darwin business strategy adaptation responsible research and innovation rri statistiek sterfte dutch aow insurance mortality retirement chances pensioen levensverwachting retirement age sterftekans life expectancy chance to die social responsibility of higher education responsible research policy social responsibility of universities brainmachiene interaction genetic engineering education transhumanism singularity cognitive enhancement human enhancement open source mooc institutional challenges self learning teaching to learn higher education future of learning future of teaching educational policy digital world teaching work future profession imaginary wild cards sudden change propaganda cards persuasive psychlogology research programming learning working conditions ict revolution stress labour economics science policy future studies scanning weaksignals europarliament technology assessment cognitive enhancement eralywarning policy outreach methods lner sustainable cold fusion creation earlywarning emerging issues biomass co2 c-cycle renewables system
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