feature transformation iot based health monitoring heartbeat and pulse sensor heart beat monitoring sensor pulse sensor iot sensor health monitoring system ai for iot industry artificial intelligence in iot ai for iot various types of iot testing iot application testing testing in iot azure devops devops in cloud platform working with azure devops working with durpal inn cloud creation of web portal using d aws rds instance aws relational rds aws rds working with s3 buckets creation of aws s3 s3 buckets instance creation in asw working with aws instance aws instance amazon cloud watch ec2 instances compnents and services of aws services of aws components of aws aws features amazon web services security services cloud security alliances cloud computing threats security in cloud computing cloud security paas saas cloud reference model types of cloud services cloud computing technologies linear regression regression classification algorithms supervised algorithm classification k-means clustering hierarchical clustering types of clustering clustering vectorization encoding categorical feature construction feature scale 4 nf 3 nf 2 nf 3 normal form trival dependency multivalued dependency functional dependency dependencies 1 normal form normalization normal forms relational query relational algebra relational database serialization schedule transaction acid properties aws in iot frameworks in iot iot frameworks internet of things application iot realworld applications iot applications internet of things introduction on iot iot overview iot introduction model evauation candidate keys super keys unique keys foreign keys primary key conflict serializability view serializability concurrent transaction serializability serial schedule non-serial schedule simple cloud api vmware vsphere machine imaging full virtualization paravirtualization emulation hypervisor types of virtualization virtualization openid slas that enforce for protecti auditing and compliance encryption brokered cloud storage access cloud security challenges ensemble methods encoding techniques feature engineering preprocessing confusion matrix variance bias loocv k-fold overfitting underfitting android architecture android features introduction to android programming preprocessing in python pandas standardization sampling unbalanced dataset machine learning datapreprocessing data preprocessing
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