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A Quick Safari Through
Quantum Computation and

              M. Reza Rahimi,
       Computer Science Department,
      Sharif University of Technology,
               Tehran, Iran,
               August 2005.

   Introduction
   Quantum Physics
   Quantum Physics Foundations
   Classical Computation Using Reversible Gates
   Quantum Gates and Universal Quantum Gates
   Quantum Complexity Class BQP
   Case Study: Grovers’ Search Algorithm
   Conclusion

   Computation is basically a physical fact. This is the
    origin of Church-Turing-Markov thesis, which
    implies that:
        A Partial function is computable (in any accepted informal sense)
       if and only if it is computable by some binary Turing machine.

   In this case, Church-Turing’s thesis is saying that
    the universe can be simulated by a Turing machine .

   So if we know the rules of the universe, we can
    make good physical model for computation.
   One of the first questions that leaded us toward
    quantum computation was ” What is the minimum
    energy for computing of a special problem?”
   In this case we must analysis our program in
    respect of power consumption.

                         Landauer’s Principle:
      Erasure of information is necessarily a dissipative process.
    If the process of erasure is isothermal then the work needed,
                              is at least:

   This rule tells us that any physical computation
    process that erases information, is energy
    consuming process. ( this fact is derived
    according to thermodynamics laws.)
   Charles Bennett found another interesting
    principle in 1973 that :
         “Any computation that can be carried out in the reversible
                  process is dissipating no power.”

   So if we can make reversible gates, we can make
    computers that dissipate no power.
   This phenomenon will be very important if we want
    to make VLSI chip. The generated hit may damage
    the chip.

   As we know: “the universe is fundamentally
    quantum mechanics, and the rules of quantum
    mechanics are reversible in time, what kinds of
    problems quantum machine can solve for us?”
   The break of this question was Peter Shor
    Algorithm about integer factorization in
    polynomial time.
   It was not known that integer factorization has a
    classical polynomial time algorithm or not.
   The time complexity of Shor algorithm for L- digit
    number is:
                 O ( L2 Log ( L) Log ( Log ( L)))
   The best known classical algorithm runs in:
                           1       2
                 O (exp(cL Log 3 L))

    So studying quantum computation is useful,
     For examples :
2.   In chip design industry,
3.   In cryptography,
4.   ……
    In this talk I focuse on theoretical point of
     quantum computation. At first general
     principles of quantum physics and reversible
     computation is reviewd, then quantum
     complexity class is defined, and finally I focus
     on Grover’s search algorithm.

    Quantum Physics
   Quantum physics phenomena are very odd. Let’s
    take a look at an example.
   In figure 1 we have the wall with two slits on it
    and one electron gun which shoots electrons
    ( Young’s Experiment).
   The first experience:
    Cover one of the slits and compute the number
    of electrons that collide the wall.
   Figure 1 shows the results according to our

      Figure 1: The result of the first experience.

           The second experience :

Now use both of the slits and count the number
      of electrons that collide the wall.
         What do you expect?

          Figure 2: The result of the second experience.

   Very interesting result! it seems that electrons
    behave like wave.
   The third experience:
    Now use one detector in one of the slits and see
    the movement of electrons. what do you expect to
    see on the wall?

   The experience shows that in this case we have
    the result expected in classical physics, that
    means the similar result drown in figure 1.
   So it seems that classical physics rules can not
    describe subatomic phenomena.
   We need physical framework for subatomic

     Quantum Physics Foundations
   States: A state is a complete description of a
    physical system. In quantum mechanics a state is a
    ray in Hilbert Space . We use the following Dirac
    Ket Notation.
                ϕ = ∑αi i , αi ∈C

   Observables: The observable is a property of a
    physical system that in principle can be measured.
    In quantum mechanics an observable is a self-
    adjoint operator:
                          A = At

   Measurement: In quantum mechanics the
    numerical outcome of a measurement of
    observable A is an eigenvalue of A, and the
    state of it is eigenstate. Briefly we have:
                                            2   2
              ϕ =α 0 + β 1            α + β =1

   Which  α2   and β are the probability of system

    to be in state 0 or 1 after measurement.
   Dynamics: Time evolution of the system is
    unitary we have Schrödinger equation.
           ϕ(t ) = −iH ϕ(t )  → ϕ(t ) = U (t ) ϕ(0)
                      U (t ) t U (t ) = I

        State of the n-qubit quantum register is:
                       ∑α                   ∑α
               ϕ =                s   S              s        =1
                     s∈ 0 ,1} n
                       {                  s∈ 0 ,1}

        Suppose that we observe one qubit of
         quantum register and see it is 0. what is the
         state of the register after observation?

    ∑α s 0 ⊗ S + βs 1 ⊗ S 0observed in qreg[1]→
                                                                               ∑α          s   0 ⊗S
s∈{0 ,1}n −1                                                                     s∈{0 ,1}n −1
                                                         s∈{0 ,1} n −1
   For 1- qubit system we have:
                ϕ =α 0 +β 1        α + β =1
                                       2       2

   The above expression means that:
Pr[ After measurement the 1-qubit is in state 0]= α

Pr[ After measurement the 1-qubit is in state 1]= β

   For 2-qubit system we have:
                                               2      2       2           2
 ϕ = α 00 00 + α 01 01 + α 10 10 + α 11 11 , α 00 + α 01 + α 10 + α 11 = 1
Pr[ After measurement the 2-qubit is in state 00]= α 00
Pr[ After measurement the 2-qubit is in state 01]= α01
Pr[ After measurement the 2-qubit is in state 10]= α10
Pr[ After measurement the 2-qubit is in state 11]= α11

Classical Computation Using Reversible
   As stated before if we want to achieve
    minimum energy, we must use reversible gates.
            f : {0,1}n −1→ 0,1}n
                         {

   For example classical AND and OR gates are
    not reversible.
   One of the most popular reversible gates is
    Fredkin gate.
   The definition of this gate is as follow:

    f(a, b, c) = (a, if(a) then b else c, if(a) then c else b).

    It is easy to check that F(F(a,b,c))=(a,b,c).
    AND, OR, and NOT gates can be easily made up of
     Fredkin gate as follow:
                     a                     a
                           Fredkin Gate
                     0                    ¬a^b

                Figure 3: AND gate Implementation.

                     a                      a
                     0                     ¬a
                           Fredkin Gate
                     1                      a

                 Figure 4: NOT gate Implementation.

   So we can implement any logical circuit with
    Universal Fredkin gate. (in linear size with
    some control input bits).

                Input Bits                      Output Bits

                              Fredkin Circuit

         Control Input Bits                     Some Junk output

Quantum Gates and Universal Quantum
   As it was said quantum gates are unitary
    matrices. For example:

                                  u00 u01 
   1-input quantum gate is: U = 
                                 u         , UU t = I
                                  10 u11 

           α0 0 + β0 1       u     u01  α 0 + β 1
                         U =  00
                             u         
                              10   u11 

            U (α0 0 + β0 1 ) = (α 0 + β 1 ).

         For 2-input quantum gate we have:

                                               u00   u01 u02 u03 
                                                                 
    α 00 00 + α 01 01 + α10 10 + α11 11       u      u11 u12 u13             β 00 00 + β 01 01 + β10 10 + β11 11
                                          U =  10                 , UU = I

                                                u     u21 u22 u23
                                               20                
                                              u      u31 u32 u33 
                                               30                

         Generally for n-input quantum gate the matrix
          size is: 2 × 2
                    n    n

   There are some examples of famous quantum
           1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
                                         
           0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0
           0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
           0                           0
                                                      1 1 1 
        F =
                0   0   1   0   0   0
                                                 H=     
                                                        1 − 1
           0   0   0   0   1   0   0
           0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0
                                         
           0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0
           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1 8×8
                                         

        Fredkin Quantum Gate                     Hadamard Quantum Gate

   Note that the Fredkin gate is permutation
    matrix and Hadamard gate has this property
    that if input is in state 0 or 1 the output state
    will be symmetric. (Both are Unitary Matrix).

    Suppose we have n-qbit register and on the
     first qbit U operates. what is the new state of
     the system?

                    n-qbit                        n-qbit

    (U ⊗ I )( 0 ⊗ ϕ 0 + 1 ⊗ ϕ 1 ) = U 0 ⊗ I ϕ 0 + U 1 ⊗ I ϕ 1

               a00 B a01B ...
                             
      A ⊗ B =  a10 B ... ...     ϕ ⊗ φ = ∑αiβ j i ⊗ j
                                           i, j
               ...    ... ...
                             

   As it is clear the set of all quantum gates are
    uncountable, So one may ask are there any
    small sets of universal quantum gates?
   The answer to this question is Yes.
   Researchers have shown that there are some
    universal quantum gates that we can make every
    quantum circuit with good approximation. (for
    example Tofolli and Hadamard Gates is
    universal set)
   But for now we only use Hadamard and Fredkin

Quantum Complexity Class BQP
   Definition: A language L ⊂ {0,1}∗ is in BQP iff there is a set of
    quantum circuit {Cn }of size n k that:
                       x ∈ L ⇒ Pr{C ( x)1 = 1} ≥
                       x ∉ L ⇒ Pr{C ( x)1 = 1} ≤

   Also the circuit must be uniform which means that a
    deterministic polynomial time Turing machine with input 1 writes
    the description of the circuit {Cn } .
   Note!
    the Turing machine writes the approximation of the circuit
    because each gate can have complex numbers and for complex
    numbers we need generally infinite precession.

   Theorems:
    1. P ⊆ BQP
    2. BPP ⊆ BQP
    3. BQP ⊆ PSPACE
   For proving the first one we know that every
    language in P has Polynomial size circuit, we
    can easily replace it with Fredkin gate.
   For the second one we know that BPP has
    polynomial size circuit with random control

x1                                                            |x1>
                            Out                                                            Out
x2                                                            |x2>
x3                          Transformation to Quantum circuit |x3>
x4      Classical Circuit                                     |x4>       Fredkin Circuit

xn                                                          |xn>

rand1                                                       |0>      H
rand2                                                       |0>            H
randn                                                       |0>                   H

    For the proof of the last one you can see

Case Study: Grover's Search Algorithm

   Problem Statement:
          There is quantum space of size N we want the target
           state a .
          This Problem is usually called Quantum Database Search.
   For solving this problem we use Grover Search
   Before presentation of algorithm lets define
    some basic unitary operators.
                           1 0       ...       0
                                                 
                           0 1       ...       0
                            . . a = −1         0
                                  ii
                            0 ...    0         1  N ×N
                                                 

 Phase shift operator which changes the sign of the i th element .
 It is Obvious that this operator is unitary.

       −1     0     ...     0
                               
       0      1     ...     0
D = HN                         H N ,   H N = H 2× 2 ⊗ H 2× 2 ⊗ ... ⊗ H 2× 2
         ...   ...   ...    ...                                
                                                         Log 2 N Times
       0      0      0     1
                               

                D is called diffusion operator .

   Lemma: Diffusion operator has two properties:
       It is unitary and can be efficiently realized.
       It can be interpreted as “inversion about the mean”.
         Proof:            
                            1     0    ...  0
                           0     1     ...  0
                  D =H N   ...                  HN
                                  ...   ... ... 
                                               
                           0       0   ...  1
                                               
                          −
                           2     0   ...   0     
                                                
                          0
                                 0   ...   0     
                  =H N    ...
                                             +I  N
                                  ... ... ...
                                                
                          0      0   0     0     
                                                
                    2 N         − N
                                  2        ...         − N
                                                        2   
                                                           
                    2 N         − N
                                  2        ...         − N
                                                        2   
                  =                                        +I
                     ...          ...      ...          ...
                                                           
                    2 N
                    −            − N
                                  2       − N
                                           2           − N
                                                        2   
                                                           
                    2 N +
                    −      1        − N
                                      2          ...     − N 
                                                               
                    − N
                      2            − N +
                                    2     1      ...     − N 
                  =                                            
                       ...            ...        ...       ...
                                                               
                    − N
                      2             − N
                                      2          ...    − N + 
                                                         2     1

            α 1   β1 
                     
            α2   β2 
            .  =  .  → β = − 2 α +α = −2µ + α .
                        i     ∑ j i
                               N j =1

            .   . 
           α   β 
            N  N

µ                                      µ

    αi       αj                            αi   αj


                          βi   βj

1.   Start state is       ϕ =∑
                            x .
                        x N
2.   Invert the phase of a using phase shift
3.   Then invert about the mean using D.
4.   Repeat step 2 and 3 N times.
5.   Measure.

    According to the last relation it is obvious
     that after N we can measure a with
     probability at least 0.5.

     Running Time of The Grover Search Algorithm = O   ( N ).

   In this talk we took a glance at quantum
   It is clear that quantum computing can solve
    some problems that are hard for classical
   Some people may ask “what is the
    philosophical source of the power for
    quantum machines?”
   Really the sources of the power of quantum
    machines are quantum superposition and
    quantum entanglement.

   Talking about these properties is a little long
    and deep so for more information you can see
    books in quantum mechanics.
   Nowadays researchers spend a lot of time
    working on theoretical and practical aspects of
    quantum machines.

                 The END

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Quantum Computation and Algorithms

  • 1. 1 A Quick Safari Through Quantum Computation and Algorithms M. Reza Rahimi, Computer Science Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, August 2005.
  • 2. 2 Outline  Introduction  Quantum Physics  Quantum Physics Foundations  Classical Computation Using Reversible Gates  Quantum Gates and Universal Quantum Gates  Quantum Complexity Class BQP  Case Study: Grovers’ Search Algorithm  Conclusion
  • 3. 3 Introduction  Computation is basically a physical fact. This is the origin of Church-Turing-Markov thesis, which implies that: A Partial function is computable (in any accepted informal sense) if and only if it is computable by some binary Turing machine.  In this case, Church-Turing’s thesis is saying that the universe can be simulated by a Turing machine .
  • 4. 4  So if we know the rules of the universe, we can make good physical model for computation.  One of the first questions that leaded us toward quantum computation was ” What is the minimum energy for computing of a special problem?”  In this case we must analysis our program in respect of power consumption. Landauer’s Principle: Erasure of information is necessarily a dissipative process. If the process of erasure is isothermal then the work needed, is at least: W=KTLn2.
  • 5. 5  This rule tells us that any physical computation process that erases information, is energy consuming process. ( this fact is derived according to thermodynamics laws.)  Charles Bennett found another interesting principle in 1973 that : “Any computation that can be carried out in the reversible process is dissipating no power.”  So if we can make reversible gates, we can make computers that dissipate no power.  This phenomenon will be very important if we want to make VLSI chip. The generated hit may damage the chip.
  • 6. 6  As we know: “the universe is fundamentally quantum mechanics, and the rules of quantum mechanics are reversible in time, what kinds of problems quantum machine can solve for us?”  The break of this question was Peter Shor Algorithm about integer factorization in polynomial time.  It was not known that integer factorization has a classical polynomial time algorithm or not.  The time complexity of Shor algorithm for L- digit number is: O ( L2 Log ( L) Log ( Log ( L)))  The best known classical algorithm runs in: 1 2 O (exp(cL Log 3 L)) 3
  • 7. 7  So studying quantum computation is useful, For examples : 2. In chip design industry, 3. In cryptography, 4. ……  In this talk I focuse on theoretical point of quantum computation. At first general principles of quantum physics and reversible computation is reviewd, then quantum complexity class is defined, and finally I focus on Grover’s search algorithm.
  • 8. 8 Quantum Physics  Quantum physics phenomena are very odd. Let’s take a look at an example.  In figure 1 we have the wall with two slits on it and one electron gun which shoots electrons ( Young’s Experiment).  The first experience: Cover one of the slits and compute the number of electrons that collide the wall.  Figure 1 shows the results according to our expectation.
  • 9. 9 Figure 1: The result of the first experience. The second experience : Now use both of the slits and count the number of electrons that collide the wall. What do you expect?
  • 10. 10 Figure 2: The result of the second experience.  Very interesting result! it seems that electrons behave like wave.  The third experience: Now use one detector in one of the slits and see the movement of electrons. what do you expect to see on the wall?
  • 11. 11  The experience shows that in this case we have the result expected in classical physics, that means the similar result drown in figure 1.  So it seems that classical physics rules can not describe subatomic phenomena.  We need physical framework for subatomic physics.
  • 12. 12 Quantum Physics Foundations  States: A state is a complete description of a physical system. In quantum mechanics a state is a ray in Hilbert Space . We use the following Dirac Ket Notation. ϕ = ∑αi i , αi ∈C i  Observables: The observable is a property of a physical system that in principle can be measured. In quantum mechanics an observable is a self- adjoint operator: A = At
  • 13. 13  Measurement: In quantum mechanics the numerical outcome of a measurement of observable A is an eigenvalue of A, and the state of it is eigenstate. Briefly we have: 2 2 ϕ =α 0 + β 1 α + β =1  Which α2 and β are the probability of system 2 to be in state 0 or 1 after measurement.  Dynamics: Time evolution of the system is unitary we have Schrödinger equation. d ϕ(t ) = −iH ϕ(t )  → ϕ(t ) = U (t ) ϕ(0)  dt U (t ) t U (t ) = I
  • 14. 14 Examples:  State of the n-qubit quantum register is: ∑α ∑α 2 ϕ = s S s =1 n s∈ 0 ,1} n { s∈ 0 ,1} {  Suppose that we observe one qubit of quantum register and see it is 0. what is the state of the register after observation? 1 ∑α s 0 ⊗ S + βs 1 ⊗ S 0observed in qreg[1]→ is     ∑α s 0 ⊗S ∑α 2 s∈{0 ,1}n −1 s∈{0 ,1}n −1 s s∈{0 ,1} n −1
  • 15. 15  For 1- qubit system we have: ϕ =α 0 +β 1 α + β =1 2 2  The above expression means that: Pr[ After measurement the 1-qubit is in state 0]= α 2 Pr[ After measurement the 1-qubit is in state 1]= β 2  For 2-qubit system we have: 2 2 2 2 ϕ = α 00 00 + α 01 01 + α 10 10 + α 11 11 , α 00 + α 01 + α 10 + α 11 = 1 2 Pr[ After measurement the 2-qubit is in state 00]= α 00 2 Pr[ After measurement the 2-qubit is in state 01]= α01 2 Pr[ After measurement the 2-qubit is in state 10]= α10 2 Pr[ After measurement the 2-qubit is in state 11]= α11
  • 16. 16 Classical Computation Using Reversible Gates  As stated before if we want to achieve minimum energy, we must use reversible gates. f : {0,1}n −1→ 0,1}n  { 1  For example classical AND and OR gates are not reversible.  One of the most popular reversible gates is Fredkin gate.  The definition of this gate is as follow:
  • 17. 17 f(a, b, c) = (a, if(a) then b else c, if(a) then c else b).  It is easy to check that F(F(a,b,c))=(a,b,c).  AND, OR, and NOT gates can be easily made up of Fredkin gate as follow: a a a^b b Fredkin Gate 0 ¬a^b Figure 3: AND gate Implementation. a a 0 ¬a Fredkin Gate 1 a Figure 4: NOT gate Implementation.
  • 18. 18  So we can implement any logical circuit with Universal Fredkin gate. (in linear size with some control input bits). Input Bits Output Bits Fredkin Circuit Control Input Bits Some Junk output
  • 19. 19 Quantum Gates and Universal Quantum Gates  As it was said quantum gates are unitary matrices. For example:  u00 u01   1-input quantum gate is: U =  u  , UU t = I   10 u11  α0 0 + β0 1 u u01  α 0 + β 1 U =  00 u   10 u11   U (α0 0 + β0 1 ) = (α 0 + β 1 ).
  • 20. 20  For 2-input quantum gate we have:  u00 u01 u02 u03    α 00 00 + α 01 01 + α10 10 + α11 11 u u11 u12 u13  β 00 00 + β 01 01 + β10 10 + β11 11 U =  10  , UU = I t u u21 u22 u23  20  u u31 u32 u33   30   Generally for n-input quantum gate the matrix size is: 2 × 2 n n
  • 21. 21  There are some examples of famous quantum gates: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0  1 1 1  F = 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 H=  1 − 1  0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0     0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8×8   Fredkin Quantum Gate Hadamard Quantum Gate  Note that the Fredkin gate is permutation matrix and Hadamard gate has this property that if input is in state 0 or 1 the output state will be symmetric. (Both are Unitary Matrix).
  • 22. 22  Suppose we have n-qbit register and on the first qbit U operates. what is the new state of the system? U n-qbit n-qbit (U ⊗ I )( 0 ⊗ ϕ 0 + 1 ⊗ ϕ 1 ) = U 0 ⊗ I ϕ 0 + U 1 ⊗ I ϕ 1  a00 B a01B ...   A ⊗ B =  a10 B ... ... ϕ ⊗ φ = ∑αiβ j i ⊗ j i, j  ... ... ...  
  • 23. 23  As it is clear the set of all quantum gates are uncountable, So one may ask are there any small sets of universal quantum gates?  The answer to this question is Yes.  Researchers have shown that there are some universal quantum gates that we can make every quantum circuit with good approximation. (for example Tofolli and Hadamard Gates is universal set)  But for now we only use Hadamard and Fredkin gates.
  • 24. 24 Quantum Complexity Class BQP  Definition: A language L ⊂ {0,1}∗ is in BQP iff there is a set of quantum circuit {Cn }of size n k that: 2 x ∈ L ⇒ Pr{C ( x)1 = 1} ≥ 3 1 x ∉ L ⇒ Pr{C ( x)1 = 1} ≤ 3  Also the circuit must be uniform which means that a n deterministic polynomial time Turing machine with input 1 writes the description of the circuit {Cn } .  Note! the Turing machine writes the approximation of the circuit because each gate can have complex numbers and for complex numbers we need generally infinite precession.
  • 25. 25  Theorems: 1. P ⊆ BQP 2. BPP ⊆ BQP 3. BQP ⊆ PSPACE  For proving the first one we know that every language in P has Polynomial size circuit, we can easily replace it with Fredkin gate.  For the second one we know that BPP has polynomial size circuit with random control bits.
  • 26. 26 x1 |x1> Out Out x2 |x2> x3 Transformation to Quantum circuit |x3> x4 Classical Circuit |x4> Fredkin Circuit xn |xn> rand1 |0> H rand2 |0> H randn |0> H  For the proof of the last one you can see references.
  • 27. 27 Case Study: Grover's Search Algorithm  Problem Statement:  There is quantum space of size N we want the target state a .  This Problem is usually called Quantum Database Search.  For solving this problem we use Grover Search Algorithm.  Before presentation of algorithm lets define some basic unitary operators.
  • 28. 28 1 0 ... 0   0 1 ... 0  . . a = −1 0  ii   0 ... 0 1  N ×N   Phase shift operator which changes the sign of the i th element . It is Obvious that this operator is unitary. −1 0 ... 0   0 1 ... 0 D = HN  H N , H N = H 2× 2 ⊗ H 2× 2 ⊗ ... ⊗ H 2× 2 ... ... ... ...      Log 2 N Times 0 0 0 1   D is called diffusion operator .
  • 29. 29  Lemma: Diffusion operator has two properties:  It is unitary and can be efficiently realized.  It can be interpreted as “inversion about the mean”. Proof:  −  1 0 ... 0  0 1 ... 0 D =H N ... HN ... ... ...    0 0 ... 1    −  2 0 ... 0      0  0 ... 0  =H N  ...  +I  N H ... ... ...      0 0 0 0     −  2 N − N 2 ... − N 2    −  2 N − N 2 ... − N 2  = +I ... ... ... ...    2 N − − N 2 − N 2 − N 2     2 N + − 1 − N 2 ... − N  2    − N 2 − N + 2 1 ... − N  2 =  ... ... ... ...    − N 2 − N 2 ... − N +  2 1 
  • 30. 30  α 1   β1       α2   β2   .  =  .  → β = − 2 α +α = −2µ + α . N D     i ∑ j i N j =1 i  .   .  α   β   N  N µ µ αi αj αi αj µ βi βj
  • 31. 31 1 1. Start state is ϕ =∑ x . x N 2. Invert the phase of a using phase shift operator. 3. Then invert about the mean using D. 4. Repeat step 2 and 3 N times. 5. Measure.  According to the last relation it is obvious that after N we can measure a with probability at least 0.5. Running Time of The Grover Search Algorithm = O ( N ).
  • 32. 32 Conclusion  In this talk we took a glance at quantum computation.  It is clear that quantum computing can solve some problems that are hard for classical computers.  Some people may ask “what is the philosophical source of the power for quantum machines?”  Really the sources of the power of quantum machines are quantum superposition and quantum entanglement.
  • 33. 33  Talking about these properties is a little long and deep so for more information you can see books in quantum mechanics.  Nowadays researchers spend a lot of time working on theoretical and practical aspects of quantum machines. The END