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* #sor09
Ruby sittin’ on the Couch
About me

• Alexander Lang
• Upstream Agile GmbH, Berlin
  programmer, owner
Web development w/
Buzzword Driven
Pair Programming

          * all the f****** time
About me

• playing with CouchDB since 09/2008
• helped hack the CouchDB statistics module
  (with @janl)
• wrote Couch Potato
• working on smaller production apps
Who are you?
Who is in this room?
• Chris Anderson
• George Palmer
• Paul Carey
• Johan Sørensen
• Cheah Chu Yeow/Carlos Villela
Who is in this room?
• Chris Anderson (couchrest + couchapp)
• George Palmer (couch_foo)
• Paul Carey (relaxdb)
• Johan Sørensen (couchbject)
• Cheah Chu Yeow/Carlos Villela (activecouch)
Forget it!

• CouchDB introduction
• The CouchDB example wiki
• The frameworks
• Conclusion: where to go from here?
• Q &A
CouchDB introduction
What is CouchDB?
Apache Project
   so it has to be good
Document oriented
Store/read any JSON
Powerful map/reduce
 views for querying*
     * we’ll see what that is
Why CouchDB?
HTTP interface
the thing that made Google rich
Fun !
No more SQL/Schema/
JavaScript views instead
HTTP interface
can use existing
clients, libraries
It scales
just like Ruby :)
No locks,
instead MVCC
integrated replication
      (yes, multi master)
use existing load
balancer, proxies etc.
        HTTP ftw
and so on...
So how does Couch work?
    _id: “some UUID”,
    _rev: “MVCC key”,
    title: “page one”
    body: “this is page one.”,
    tags: [“ruby”, “couchdb”, “sor09”]
    metadata: {created_at: “2009/03/28 06:34:00”,
      author: “alex”}

• POST ‘/my_db’, {my_json}
• GET ‘/my_db/my_document_id’
• PUT ‘/my_db/my_document_id’,
• DELETE ‘/my_db/my_document_id’
Map/Reduce views

• views are documens
• provide a map (and optional reduce
  function) written in JavaScript
• this creates an index over all documents
• query that index via GET
Map/Reduce views
    title: “page one”,
    tags: [“first”, important”]

    title: “page 2”,
    tags: [“funny”]
Map/Reduce views
{                                function(doc) {
    title: “page one”,
                                   emit(doc.title, doc.tags.length)
    tags: [“first”, important”]

    title: “page 2”,
    tags: [“funny”]
Map/Reduce views
{                                function(doc) {
    title: “page one”,
                                   emit(doc.title, doc.tags.length)
    tags: [“first”, important”]
                                              key        value
                                           “page one”      2
    title: “page 2”,
    tags: [“funny”]                         “page 2”       1
Map/Reduce views
{                                function(doc) {
    title: “page one”,
                                   emit(doc.title, doc.tags.length)
    tags: [“first”, important”]
                                              key        value
                                           “page one”      2
    title: “page 2”,
    tags: [“funny”]                         “page 2”       1

               function(keys, values) {
                 return sum(values);
Map/Reduce views
{                                function(doc) {
    title: “page one”,
                                   emit(doc.title, doc.tags.length)
    tags: [“first”, important”]
                                              key        value
                                           “page one”      2
    title: “page 2”,
    tags: [“funny”]                         “page 2”       1

               function(keys, values) {
                 return sum(values);
Query a View
Query a View

Query a View

Query a View

Query a View

/my_db/_design/wiki/_view/tags_count?key=page one
Query a View

/my_db/_design/wiki/_view/tags_count?key=page one
Query a View
Query a View
  ?key=‘page one’
Query a View
          ?key=‘page one’
?startkey=‘page 1’&endkey=’page 999’
Query a View
          ?key=‘page one’
?startkey=‘page 1’&endkey=’page 999’
      ?key=[‘composite’, ‘key’]
Query a View
           ?key=‘page one’
?startkey=‘page 1’&endkey=’page 999’
      ?key=[‘composite’, ‘key’]
       ?keys=[‘set’, ‘of’, ‘keys’]
Query a View
           ?key=‘page one’
?startkey=‘page 1’&endkey=’page 999’
      ?key=[‘composite’, ‘key’]
       ?keys=[‘set’, ‘of’, ‘keys’]
That is CouchDB
                 (the basics)

• upload documents via POST/PUT
• read documents via GET
• create indexes by providing map/reduce
• query views via GET, pass keys + other
The CouchDB example wiki
Example Wiki
• ActiveRecord   • RelaxDB
• CouchRest      • Couch Potato
• ActiveCouch    • CouchOject
• CouchFoo       • CouchApp
• a wiki example app implemented in all
      frameworks I could find
   • + in ActiveRecord for comparison

DISCLAIMER: implementations are insecure, have
bugs and aren’t meant for production at all
Example Wiki

• a few simple features
 • create a page
 • add new pages by clicking on a
    CamelCase link
 • list of pages
Example Wiki

• and a few special cases
 • keep history of each page, browse old
 • statistics: count occurrences of all words
    in all pages
Example Wiki

• creating pages is easy
• versioning, statistics harder
• views are the source of CouchDB’s power
let me show you how it works
          Example Wiki
ActiveRecord Wiki
map.resources :pages do |pages|
  pages.resources :versions

map.resources :statistics
map.root :controller => quot;pagesquot;, :action => 'show'
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base

  def to_param
<%= <%= simple_format linkify(@page.body) %>
    simple_format linkify(@page.body) %>

  def linkify(text)
    text.gsub(/([A-Z][a-z]+([A-Z][a-z]+)+)/) do
      link_to($1, page_path($1))

replace CamelCase words with links to #show

def show
  @page = Page.first unless params[:id]
  @page ||= Page.find_by_title params[:id]
  redirect_to new_page_path(:title => params[:id]) unless @page

           redirect to #new if no page found
  def self.word_counts; quot;).split(/s
+/).grep(/w+/i).inject( do |res,
      res[word] += 1
create_table   quot;page_versionsquot;, :force => true do |t|
  t.integer    quot;page_idquot;
  t.integer    quot;versionquot;
  t.text       quot;bodyquot;
  t.datetime   quot;created_atquot;
  t.datetime   quot;updated_atquot;

create_table   quot;pagesquot;, :force => true do |t|
  t.string     quot;titlequot;
  t.text       quot;bodyquot;
  t.datetime   quot;created_atquot;
  t.datetime   quot;updated_atquot;
  t.integer    quot;versionquot;,    :default => 1
AR Summary

• Page has_many PageVersions
• ugly schema with duplicated table
• acts_as_versioned does the magic for us
• statistics - ?!?
CouchDB Wiki
  How does it work?
The Page
    _id: “89765”,
    _rev: “lb7tlb”,
    type: “Page”,
    title: “page one”,
    body: “this is page one”
Page Versions
    _id: “765”,
    _rev: “lhjb97”
    type: “PageVersion”,
    title: “page one”,
    body: “this is page one”,
    version: 23,
    page_id: “89765”
All in one namespace
    {                                                                            {
        _id: “ 89765”,                           {
                                                                                     _id: “ 9753”,
                                                     _id: “97865”,
        _rev: “lb7tlb”,                                                              _rev: “lb7tlb”,
                                                     _rev: “lhjb97”
        type: “Page”,                                type: “PageVersion”,
                                                                                     type: “Page”,
                                                     title: “page one”,
        title: “page one”,                                                           title: “page one”,
                                                     body: “this is page one”,
        body: “this is page one”                     version: 23,
                                                                                     body: “this is page one”
                                                     page_id: “89765”
    }                  {
                           _id: “6437”,
                           _rev: “lhjb97”                                                     {
                           type: “PageVersion”,                                                   _id: “6367”,
                           title: “page one”,
{                                                           {                                     _rev: “lhjb97”
                           body: “this is page one”,                                              type: “PageVersion”,
    _id: “ 76538”,                                              _id: “ 8975763”,
                           version: 23,                                                           title: “page one”,
                           page_id: “89765”
    _rev: “lb7tlb”, }                                           _rev: “lb7tlb”,                   body: “this is page one”,
                                                                                                  version: 23,
    type: “Page”,                                               type: “Page”,                     page_id: “89765”
    title: “page one”,                                          title: “page one”,            }
    body: “this is page one”                                    body: “this is page one”
}                                                           }
Finding pages
function(doc) {                 key       value
  if(doc.type == “Page”) {
    emit(doc.title, doc);
                              “page 2”    {...}
                             “page one”   {...}
Finding Page Versions
function(doc) {
  if(doc.type == “PageVersion”) {
    emit([doc.page_id, doc.version], doc);
}                                key          value
                            [“ladsb7gi”, 1]   {...}
                            [“ladsb7gi”, 2]   {...}
                            [“nloh79d”, 1]    {...}
Finding Page Versions
                               key          value
                          [“ladsb7gi”, 1]   {...}
                          [“ladsb7gi”, 2]   {...}
                          [“nloh79d”, 1]    {...}

GET /mydb/_design/page_versions/_view/by_page? 
  startkey=[“ladsb7gi”, 1]&endkey=[“ ladsb7gi”,{}]
Counting Words - Map
Counting Words - Map

{body: “page one”}
 {body: “page 2”}
Counting Words - Map
function(doc) {
  if(doc.type == 'Page') {
    var words = doc.body.split(/W/);
    words.forEach(function(word) {
      if (word.length > 0) emit(word, 1);

{body: “page one”}
 {body: “page 2”}
Counting Words - Map
function(doc) {
  if(doc.type == 'Page') {
    var words = doc.body.split(/W/);
    words.forEach(function(word) {
      if (word.length > 0) emit(word, 1);

                                   key      value
                                  “page”      1
{body: “page one”}
                                  “page”      1
 {body: “page 2”}
                                  “one”       1
                                   “2”        1
Counting Words - reduce
Counting Words - reduce
 key     value
“page”     1
“page”     1
“one”      1
 “2”       1
Counting Words - reduce
  key          value
 “page”          1
 “page”          1
 “one”           1
  “2”            1

function(keys, values) {
  return sum(values);
Counting Words - reduce
  key          value
 “page”          1
 “page”          1
 “one”           1
  “2”            1
                            key     value
                           “page”    2
function(keys, values) {
  return sum(values);
                           “one”     1

                            “2”      1
CouchDB summary

• no schema, arbitrary documents in one
• still use foreign keys to implement
• create views instead of join tables
• views! views! views!
Show us the
frameworks already
What’s the framework’s job?
What’s the framework’s job?
What’s the framework’s job?

• map objects to relations and back
• do the whole SQL thing
What’s the framework’s job?
schema                                   attribute auto
tracking                                   detection
          serialized attributes   pagination
                       JOINS unique    lazy loading
     • map objects to relations and back count
     • do the whole SQL thing           HABTM
                        create or update?
  has_many :through                   conditions
       eager association loading
connection DDL              :dependent => :destroy
What’s the framework’s job?
           Page.all :include => :tags

SELECT ... JOIN tags ON ... WHERE ...
           ... [10 more lines] ...
What’s the framework’s job?

      big fat abstraction

What’s the framework’s job?
What’s the framework’s job?

      <#134 Page title=”page one”>

{type: “Page”, title: “page one”}
What’s the framework’s job?

POST /mydb/, {title: “page one”, type: “Page”}

            GET /mydb/page-one
What’s the framework’s job?

         CouchDB        abstraction

          ... are not *that* important
The frameworks

       CouchPoato        RelaxDB

• 2 in 1
• foundation for most
  other frameworks
Low level part

• relatively thin layer on top of RestClient
• store and retrieve JSON structures
• query views the Couch way
Class mapping part

• map Ruby classes to JSON documents
• declarative views with CouchDB

• CRUD + very basic associations
• automatic view generation via view_by
• a bit of support for custom views via
• CouchDB like view API
Couch Object

• last updated in 2007
• pretty low level - okay for learning
  the details of Couch the DIY way
• no update, no properties, no
  automatic view creation
Couch Potato
• CRUD, associations + JSON mapping
• built-in acts_as_versioned - 60 LOC but
  doing it by hand only requires 7
• ViewQuery class for creating/querying
  custom views
• AR like finders

• takes ActiveRecord and makes it
  work with CouchDB
• if you (have) to migrate an AR
• doesn’t give you the power of
• “Object Relational Mapper for [..]
• “Since, the Rubyists here at Wego are
  already very familiar with ActiveRecord
  semantics, care has been taken to ensure
  that ActiveCouch resembled it in many

• one database per model
• View class to upload #@!? views via Rake
• no support for custom views
Use the source
CouchRest Wiki
class Page < CouchRest::ExtendedDocument
  update_callback :after, :create_version

  property :title          can’t infer attributes from table
  property :body

  view_by :title
                         auto-generate simple views
  def create_version => id,
      :body => @body_was, :version => versions_count + 1).save!
                                  create version on update

class PageVersion < CouchRest::ExtendedDocument
  property :body
  property :version
  property :page_id

  view_by [:page_id, :version]
Word Count
class WordCount < CouchRest::ExtendedDocument
  view_by :all, :map => quot;function(doc) {
     if(doc['couchrest-type'] == 'Page') {
       var words = doc.body.split(/W/);
       words.forEach(function(word) {
         if (word.length > 0) emit(word, 1);
  :reduce => quot;function(keys, values) {
     return sum(values);
Querying Views

Page.by_created_at(:limit => 1)

PageVersion.get params[:id]

Page.by_title(:key => title, :limit => 1).first

One more thing

• serve entire apps directly from CouchDB
• just JSON, HTML & JavaScript
What is CouchApp

• bunch of Ruby Python scripts to help with
• data, CouchDB views, validations, shows,
  lists and assets in one database
AJAX apps
•   serve HTML, CSS as assets

•   do all the work in JavaScript

•   in the browser: GET from couch and append
    HTML, POST form data to CouchDB to
    update documents

•   in CouchDB: views to retrieve, compute data,
“real” apps

• lists
• shows
• server HTML, XML etc. from CouchDB

use ActiveCouch
unless you understand why it is
the way it is

or Couch Potato
I’ll break all of its bones and APIS

or CouchFoo
unless you want more power
than AR can give you

forgetting about the ActiveRecord way
is more important than what framework

think in documents & views,
not in records and associations

CouchDB is not about finding your
records, it’s about clever map/reduce
to get exactly what you want
What you want is

a thin abstraction
CouchDB semantics, not ActiveRecord
start simple with CouchREST or RelaxDB
and relax...

       time to relax
•   The CouchDB book

•   jchris CouchApp talk

•   janl CouchDB talk

•   The example wiki

    support, training, hosting, development
• Email:
• Twitter: @langalex

                   time to relax

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