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visual communications consumer behaviour ethics and photography visual communication perception semiotics movie history film history history of photography photography cartoons history of cartoons infographics information graphics photoshopping photo manipulation translation problems ad fail language culture marketing and advertising archetypes carl jung collective unconscious brand archetypes interpretation gestalt colour colour branding buying colour perception condensed semiotic codes displaced codes analogical metonymic golden rule ethics and journalism golden mean decision making perspectives utilitarianism categorical imperative hedonism curation information_overload advancing learning cnn 24-hour news inventing tv cnn effect charles jenkins philo t farnsworth sarnoff history of television john logie baird candid camera mark burnett an american family big brother the real world survivor realty tv television innovations in film film motion pictures orson welles citizen kane movies motion picture history silent era phonophone vitaphone citizen journalism victims of violence photography ethics photojournalism right to privacy faked photos ethics of photoshopping george eastman joseph niepce louis daguerre henry fox talbot daguerreotypes the dust bowl new deal fsa the depression migrant workers participatory documenting documentary photography florence thompson dorothea lange animation comic books comic strips critical analysis of the simpsons tracey ullman show bart simpson history of the simpsons homer simpson the simpsons banksy culture and the simpsons pictographs bar charts misuse of statistics misleading graphs bad graphs vértigo north by northwest opening titles saul bass psycho design anatomy of a murder movie credits graphic design seconds history of infographics de stijl dada arts & crafts art deco design approaches: victorian psychedelic pop art hip hop new wave bauhaus art nouveau font families fonts typeface tourist guy meme tourist guy meme women in media stereotyping women gender stereotypes role of women women in advertising stereotypes gesture-based ar mobile learning virtual augmented reality mixed reality collaboration collusion plagiarism
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