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OpenGL Extensions
What Is an Extension?
An OpenGL extension is really just that; an
extension to the OpenGL standard. In fact, just
like OpenGL, each extension is recorded in a
specification document. This document
describes, in detail, some extra functionality that
allows you to render faster, in better quality or
more easily. Extensions allow graphics card
vendors to quickly provide access to the most
cutting-edge features of their chipsets, without
waiting for updates to the OpenGL specification.
Extension Naming
    Prefix is the vendor name.

Name Strings
    the name string for an extension is the extension name prefixed
    by GL_, WGL_ (for Windows extensions), GLX_ (for X
    extensions), or GLU_ (for extensions to the GLU library).
Functions and Tokens
Extensions can add new functions, new tokens
        each function is prefixed by a lower case ‘‘gl’’
        the rest of the function name uses a capital letter at the
        beginning of each word
        Ex : glFunctionNameARB()

token :is a constant or enumerant such as
        should be all capital letters, with spaces replaced by
        underscores and prefixed with GL_
download the latest glext.h

Or platform-specific extension tokens
  wglext.h and a glxext.h
Obtaining a Function’s Entry
You need to link to them dynamically at runtime

Querying the graphics drivers for a function pointer to the
function you want to use. This is platform specific, but the
general idea is the same on all platforms.
First, you must declare a pointer to a function .

Next, you call a platform- specific function to find the
address of the function you want, and assign it to the
function pointer

If the function pointer is NULL after this call, then the
extension that provides the function is not available.
Steps cont.
PFNGLGETSTRINGIPROC is the typedef for the function
pointer type
On Windows, we use the wglGetProcAddress() function for this
(on X you would use glXGetProcAd- dress())
PROC wglGetProcAddress(LPCSTR lpszProcName);

Code ex:
    if (glGetStringi != NULL) { //We can use glGetStringi
Extensions on Windows

on the Windows platform, you must use
extensions to access any functionality
after OpenGL 1.1
Finding Supported Extensions

You can get available extensions by using glGetStringi()
and passing GL_EXTENSIONS as the first parameter.
WGL Extensions
There are some extensions that are specific to the
Windows system
     const char* wglGetExtensionsStringARB(HDC hdc);
     This function differs from glGetStringi() in that it returns the
     extension strings as a space-delimited list.
Defining Tokens
#define GL_HALF_FLOAT_NV 0x140B

Notice that we prefix the GL_ to the constant defined in
the specification to match the naming convention of the
other tokens.
Introduction to Glee
Moving to a
Programmable Pipeline
The main functionality
Color Index mode
OpenGL shading language versions 1.10 and 1.20 (now replaced with 1.30) n Immediate
Fixed-function vertex processing
Matrix stacks
Client vertex arrays
Raster position
Non-sprite points
Wide lines and line stipple
Quadrilateral and polygon primitives
Separate polygon drawing mode
Polygon stipple
Pixel drawing
Texture wrap mode—GL_CLAMP
Display lists
The selection buffer
The accumulation buffer

Alpha test
Attribute stacks
Unified extension string
Most of the above functionality is
now implemented using shaders,
and some parts (such as the
matrix stack) can be
implemented in separate libraries
What Is GLSL?

GLSL or the OpenGL Shading
Language is used to write
programs that run on the GPU
Main types of shaders
Vertex shaders: which operate on every vertex sent to the
graphics card.

Fragment (also known as pixel) shaders: which operate
on every pixel to be rasterized.

You effectively replace whole sections of the pipeline.
Vertex Shaders
Vertex shaders are programs that operate on each vertex that is
sent to the graphics card by a rendering command such as

The responsibility of this shader to calculate the final position of
the vertex.

Calculate per-vertex attributes such as colors

Vertex shader only knows about a single vertex at a time

It is not possible to extract information on neighboring vertices.

The only output that is required by a vertex shader is the
You will need to manually handle the following:

  Vertex transformation (using modelview and projection

  Texture coordinate generation

  Lighting calculations

  Color application

  Normal transformation
Fragment Shaders
It is the job of the fragment shader to calculate the final
output color of a pixel that will be stored in the frame
With Fragment shader you must handle the following

Computing per-pixel colors

Applying textures

Calculating per-pixel fog

Applying per-pixel lighting
The GLSL Language
There have been three versions of GLSL since its
Shader Structure
A GLSL shader must contain at least a single function
called main().

Any output that the shader generates is passed via
variables which have a qualifier of out

Variables that are passed into or out of a shader must be
declared in global scope
GLSL variables obey rules of scope

Global scope (at the top of the shader)

Variable can exist across more than one shader (program
Data Types
GLSL is a statically typed language

GLSL also has some other base types specific to shader
programming (vectors, matrices).
initialize a variable (int i = 0;)

vectors and matrices are made up of multiple components

These elements can be addressed individually by adding a
period (.) to the variable name and then using the component
name to select a component

Matrix components are accessed using the array-style notation

you can define arrays of variables in GLSL
   vec3 array[3];

The length of an array can be determined later in the shader by
using the built-in length()
   float array[3];
   int arrayLength = array.length();
struct Light { vec3 color;
vec3 position };
Light firstLight;
firstLight.color = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 2.0);

It is illegal to nest a structure declaration inside another structure
struct B {
struct A { //Invalid!
int a; };
perfectly fine for a structure to contain an instance of another

struct A { int a; } struct B {

A a; // OK.

On types such as vectors that are made up of several
  the operators work on a component-by-component basis

The one exception is multiplications involving matrices,
which work using standard linear algebra rules.
Variable Qualifiers
Variable qualifiers modify a variable’s behavior in some
Extra qualifiers
Affect the interpolation of the variable
Shader Inputs
There are two methods for passing in variable values

uniforms and attributes
A variable with a uniform qualifier has its value passed
into the shader from the application and remains constant
between the shader stages

Uniforms cannot be the target of an assignment inside the

They can be accessed by all stages of the shader
program if the variable is declared identically in each

Vertex Attributes
A vertex attribute is a regular global variable marked with
the in qualifier in a vertex shader.

GLSL contains the same flow control statements that you
find in C and C++.

It is not legal to define a variable inside an if statement
   GLSL data types have built-in constructors that can be used to
   create new variables initialized with data

   Not only to initialize new variables, but also to copy data from a
   variable of one type to another

out vec4 ourColorOutput;

 void main(void)

vec3 color = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); //A 3-element vector initialized with a

//A constructor is used to copy the data to a 4-element vector

ourColorOutput = vec4(color, 1.0); }
Some constructors allow you to pass in more than one type of
argument to construct an object of the sum of their components

vec4 fourVec(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
vec3 threeVec = vec3(fourVec.y, fourVec.z, fourVec.w);

vec4 fourVec(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
vec3 threeVec = fourVec.yzw;
Swizzling works on all vector types, and you can use any
combination of component names from the same name set
(xyzw, rgba, or stpq)
Defining Functions
Function declarations differ from C in that each parameter
may include one of the following qualifiers: in, out, inout,
or const (whereas C only has const).

Functions in GLSL can be overloaded.
Built-in Functions
Some of these functions are simple convenience functions
you could write yourself

Others provide access to hardware functionality which is
impossible to recreate manually
Using Shaders
   To use GLSL programs in your code, you need to use the C API
   functions that were promoted to core in OpenGL 2.0.

1. Create the shader objects—This will normally consist of creating
a program object and two shader objects (fragment and vertex).

2. Send the source to OpenGL—The source for each shader is
associated with the corresponding shader objects.

3. Compile the shaders.
4. Attach the shaders to the program object.
5. Link the program.
6. Bind the program ready for use.
7. Send any uniform variables and vertex attributes. 8. Render the
objects that use the program.
Creating GLSL Objects
The first thing to do to prepare our GLSL program for use
is to generate the objects that hold the state of the
program in OpenGL

There are two types of object :
  shader objects
  program objects
program objects
hold infor- mation relating to the GLSL program as a

GLuint glCreateProgram(void); //To create the program
shader objects
hold the source code and data belonging to the vertex or
fragment shaders

glCreateShader() //To create the shader objects.

GLuint glCreateShader(GLenum type);

Currently, the type parameter can be either
shader objects
  To send the shader source code to OpenGL

void glShaderSource(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const
GLchar **string, const GLint *length);
        count is the number of strings in this array
        length is an array that stores the character length of the strings
        in the string array
        If length is NULL, all strings in the array are assumed to be null-

  To compile shaders

void glCompileShader(GLuint shader);
shader objects
  To find out whether compilation of the shader was

void glGetShaderiv(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint


GLint result;
glGetShaderiv(shaderObject, GL_COMPILE_STATUS,
To attach shader

void glAttachShader(GLuint program, GLuint shader);

//If you attempt to attach the same shader to the program
twice, OpenGL generates a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error

  To detach shader

void glDetachShader(GLuint program GLuint shader);
Ready to link the GLSL
Linking may fail for a number of reasons:
  One of the shader objects hasn’t compiled successfully.
  The number of active attribute variables has exceeded the
  number supported by the OpenGL implementation.
  The number of supported or active uniform variables has been
  The main function is missing from one of the attached shaders.
  An output variable from the vertex shader is not declared
  correctly in the fragment shader.
  A function or variable reference cannot be resolved.
  A global variable shared between stages is declared with
  different types or initial values.
You link a program by using the following function:

void glLinkProgram(GLuint program);

To retrieve infor- mation on a program object, you use

void glGetProgramiv(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint
To enable a GLSL program

void glUseProgram(GLuint program);

This will bind and enable the program

Any primitives sent to OpenGL while the program is
enabled will use the attached shaders for rendering

If you pass 0 as the program parameter, then shader will
be disabled.
Sending Data to Shaders
Passing Data to Uniforms

Passing Data to Vertex Attributes
Passing Data to Uniforms
  Each GLSL implementation has a limited number of
  locations to store uniform variables

  The GLSL implementation determines which uniform goes
  in which location

  Before you can send data to a uniform, you must first find
  out its location

GLuint glGetUniformLocation(GLuint program, const GLchar*
To send the data to Uniform :
void glUniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i}(GLint location, TYPE v); void
glUniform{1|2|3|4}ui(GLint location, TYPE v);
void glUniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i}v(GLint location, GLuint count, const
TYPE *v); void glUniform{1|2|3|4}uiv(GLint location, GLuint count,
const TYPE *v);
count is the number of values in the array
v is a pointer to an array containing the data
void glUniformMatrix{2|3|4}fv(GLint location, GLuint count,
GLboolean trans- pose, const GLfloat *v);
void glUniformMatrix{2x3|3x2|2x4|4x2|3x4|4x3}fv(GLint location,
GLuint count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *v);
Transpose: If you have stored your data in column-major order then
you need to pass GL_FALSE to transpose; otherwise, pass
Passing Data to Vertex
  Attributes in GLSL are variables that are defined in the
  vertex shader with the in qualifier

  You can either let OpenGL determine which location to
  store the attribute or you can specify it manually

  OpenGL determine which location :

GLint glGetAttribLocation(GLuint program, const GLchar*

  the program needs to have been linked for this function to
Specify the location of the attributes yourself :

void glBindAttribLocation(GLuint program, GLuint index,
const GLchar* name);

Calls to glBindAttribLocation() should be made before
linking the GLSL program

Attribute zero is special and should always be used for the
vertex position.
send the data to the attribute using glVertexAttribPointer():
void glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint index, GLint size,
GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride,
const GLvoid *pointer);
     index is the location of the attribute
     size indicates the number of components per element (this can
     be between one and four)
     normalized flag is true then data will be converted to a floating-
     point value between -1.0 and 1.0 (for signed values) or 0.0 and
     1.0 for unsigned values
     stride specifies the offset in bytes between attributes in the array
     pointer is a pointer to the array of data to send to the attribute
     using VBOs (which you should be!), this should be an integer
     offset in bytes into the currently bound buffer.
Vertex attributes must be enabled before rendering

  void glEnableVertexAttribArray(GLuint index);

  The attributes can be disabled with :

void glDisableVertexAttribArray(GLuint index);
Calculating Vertex
// First multiply the current vertex by the modelview matrix
vec4 pos = modelview_matrix * vec4(a_Vertex, 1.0);

// Then multiply the result by the projection matrix

gl_Position = projection_matrix * pos;
Applying Colors
two-step process.

vertex shader, you must read the input attribute that
contains the color for the vertex. You must pass this to
your fragment shader using an out variable

the color will be interpolated before the input to the
fragment shader

In the fragment shader, you can pass this color directly out
as the final color, or you can perform some logic to
change the color
Handling Your Own Matrices

The Kazmath Library

One feature that the library provides is its own matrix

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Opengl lec 3

  • 2. What Is an Extension? An OpenGL extension is really just that; an extension to the OpenGL standard. In fact, just like OpenGL, each extension is recorded in a specification document. This document describes, in detail, some extra functionality that allows you to render faster, in better quality or more easily. Extensions allow graphics card vendors to quickly provide access to the most cutting-edge features of their chipsets, without waiting for updates to the OpenGL specification.
  • 3. Extension Naming PREFIX_extension_name Prefix is the vendor name. Name Strings glGetStringi() the name string for an extension is the extension name prefixed by GL_, WGL_ (for Windows extensions), GLX_ (for X extensions), or GLU_ (for extensions to the GLU library).
  • 4. Functions and Tokens Extensions can add new functions, new tokens each function is prefixed by a lower case ‘‘gl’’ the rest of the function name uses a capital letter at the beginning of each word Ex : glFunctionNameARB() token :is a constant or enumerant such as GL_TEXTURE_2D or GL_FLOAT should be all capital letters, with spaces replaced by underscores and prefixed with GL_ Ex: GL_SOME_NEW_TOKEN_ARB
  • 5. Instead download the latest glext.h Or platform-specific extension tokens wglext.h and a glxext.h
  • 6. Obtaining a Function’s Entry Point You need to link to them dynamically at runtime Querying the graphics drivers for a function pointer to the function you want to use. This is platform specific, but the general idea is the same on all platforms.
  • 7. Steps First, you must declare a pointer to a function . Next, you call a platform- specific function to find the address of the function you want, and assign it to the function pointer If the function pointer is NULL after this call, then the extension that provides the function is not available.
  • 8. Steps cont. PFNGLGETSTRINGIPROC is the typedef for the function pointer type On Windows, we use the wglGetProcAddress() function for this (on X you would use glXGetProcAd- dress()) PROC wglGetProcAddress(LPCSTR lpszProcName); Code ex: glGetStringi=(PFNGLGETSTRINGIPROC)wglGetProcAddress(" glGetStringi"); if (glGetStringi != NULL) { //We can use glGetStringi }
  • 9. Extensions on Windows on the Windows platform, you must use extensions to access any functionality after OpenGL 1.1
  • 10. Finding Supported Extensions You can get available extensions by using glGetStringi() and passing GL_EXTENSIONS as the first parameter.
  • 11. WGL Extensions There are some extensions that are specific to the Windows system wglGetExtensionsStringARB() const char* wglGetExtensionsStringARB(HDC hdc); This function differs from glGetStringi() in that it returns the extension strings as a space-delimited list.
  • 12. Defining Tokens #define GL_HALF_FLOAT_NV 0x140B Notice that we prefix the GL_ to the constant defined in the specification to match the naming convention of the other tokens.
  • 15. The main functionality deprecated Color Index mode OpenGL shading language versions 1.10 and 1.20 (now replaced with 1.30) n Immediate mode Fixed-function vertex processing Matrix stacks Client vertex arrays Rectangles Raster position Non-sprite points Wide lines and line stipple Quadrilateral and polygon primitives Separate polygon drawing mode Polygon stipple Pixel drawing Bitmaps Texture wrap mode—GL_CLAMP Display lists The selection buffer The accumulation buffer Alpha test Attribute stacks Evaluators Unified extension string
  • 16. Most of the above functionality is now implemented using shaders, and some parts (such as the matrix stack) can be implemented in separate libraries
  • 17. What Is GLSL? GLSL or the OpenGL Shading Language is used to write programs that run on the GPU
  • 18. Main types of shaders Vertex shaders: which operate on every vertex sent to the graphics card. Fragment (also known as pixel) shaders: which operate on every pixel to be rasterized. You effectively replace whole sections of the pipeline.
  • 19.
  • 20. Vertex Shaders Vertex shaders are programs that operate on each vertex that is sent to the graphics card by a rendering command such as glDrawArrays() The responsibility of this shader to calculate the final position of the vertex. Calculate per-vertex attributes such as colors Vertex shader only knows about a single vertex at a time It is not possible to extract information on neighboring vertices. The only output that is required by a vertex shader is the position
  • 21. You will need to manually handle the following: Vertex transformation (using modelview and projection matrices) Texture coordinate generation Lighting calculations Color application Normal transformation
  • 22. Fragment Shaders It is the job of the fragment shader to calculate the final output color of a pixel that will be stored in the frame buffer
  • 23. With Fragment shader you must handle the following parts: Computing per-pixel colors Applying textures Calculating per-pixel fog Applying per-pixel lighting
  • 24. The GLSL Language There have been three versions of GLSL since its introduction 1.10 1.20 1.30
  • 25. Shader Structure A GLSL shader must contain at least a single function called main(). Any output that the shader generates is passed via variables which have a qualifier of out Variables that are passed into or out of a shader must be declared in global scope
  • 27. Variables GLSL variables obey rules of scope Global scope (at the top of the shader) Variable can exist across more than one shader (program scope)
  • 28. Data Types GLSL is a statically typed language GLSL also has some other base types specific to shader programming (vectors, matrices).
  • 29.
  • 30. initialize a variable (int i = 0;) vectors and matrices are made up of multiple components These elements can be addressed individually by adding a period (.) to the variable name and then using the component name to select a component Matrix components are accessed using the array-style notation (mat4[column][row]) you can define arrays of variables in GLSL vec3 array[3]; The length of an array can be determined later in the shader by using the built-in length() float array[3]; int arrayLength = array.length();
  • 31. Structures struct Light { vec3 color; vec3 position }; Light firstLight; firstLight.color = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 2.0); It is illegal to nest a structure declaration inside another structure struct B { struct A { //Invalid! int a; }; };
  • 32. perfectly fine for a structure to contain an instance of another structure struct A { int a; } struct B { A a; // OK. };
  • 33. Operators On types such as vectors that are made up of several components the operators work on a component-by-component basis The one exception is multiplications involving matrices, which work using standard linear algebra rules.
  • 34. Variable Qualifiers Variable qualifiers modify a variable’s behavior in some way
  • 35.
  • 36. Extra qualifiers Affect the interpolation of the variable
  • 37. Shader Inputs There are two methods for passing in variable values uniforms and attributes
  • 38. Uniforms A variable with a uniform qualifier has its value passed into the shader from the application and remains constant between the shader stages Uniforms cannot be the target of an assignment inside the shader They can be accessed by all stages of the shader program if the variable is declared identically in each shader glUniform*()
  • 39. Vertex Attributes A vertex attribute is a regular global variable marked with the in qualifier in a vertex shader. glVertexAttribPointer()
  • 40. Statements GLSL contains the same flow control statements that you find in C and C++. It is not legal to define a variable inside an if statement
  • 41. Constructors GLSL data types have built-in constructors that can be used to create new variables initialized with data Not only to initialize new variables, but also to copy data from a variable of one type to another out vec4 ourColorOutput; void main(void) { vec3 color = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); //A 3-element vector initialized with a constructor //A constructor is used to copy the data to a 4-element vector ourColorOutput = vec4(color, 1.0); }
  • 42.
  • 43. Swizzling Some constructors allow you to pass in more than one type of argument to construct an object of the sum of their components vec4 fourVec(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); vec3 threeVec = vec3(fourVec.y, fourVec.z, fourVec.w); vec4 fourVec(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); vec3 threeVec = fourVec.yzw; Swizzling works on all vector types, and you can use any combination of component names from the same name set (xyzw, rgba, or stpq)
  • 44. Defining Functions Function declarations differ from C in that each parameter may include one of the following qualifiers: in, out, inout, or const (whereas C only has const). Functions in GLSL can be overloaded.
  • 45. Built-in Functions Some of these functions are simple convenience functions you could write yourself Others provide access to hardware functionality which is impossible to recreate manually
  • 46. Using Shaders To use GLSL programs in your code, you need to use the C API functions that were promoted to core in OpenGL 2.0. 1. Create the shader objects—This will normally consist of creating a program object and two shader objects (fragment and vertex). 2. Send the source to OpenGL—The source for each shader is associated with the corresponding shader objects. 3. Compile the shaders. 4. Attach the shaders to the program object. 5. Link the program. 6. Bind the program ready for use. 7. Send any uniform variables and vertex attributes. 8. Render the objects that use the program.
  • 47. Creating GLSL Objects The first thing to do to prepare our GLSL program for use is to generate the objects that hold the state of the program in OpenGL There are two types of object : shader objects program objects
  • 48. program objects hold infor- mation relating to the GLSL program as a whole. GLuint glCreateProgram(void); //To create the program objects
  • 49. shader objects hold the source code and data belonging to the vertex or fragment shaders glCreateShader() //To create the shader objects. GLuint glCreateShader(GLenum type); Currently, the type parameter can be either GL_VERTEX_SHADER or GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER
  • 50. shader objects To send the shader source code to OpenGL void glShaderSource(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar **string, const GLint *length); count is the number of strings in this array length is an array that stores the character length of the strings in the string array If length is NULL, all strings in the array are assumed to be null- terminated To compile shaders void glCompileShader(GLuint shader);
  • 51. shader objects To find out whether compilation of the shader was successful void glGetShaderiv(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint *params); EX: GLint result; glGetShaderiv(shaderObject, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &result);
  • 52.
  • 53. To attach shader void glAttachShader(GLuint program, GLuint shader); //If you attempt to attach the same shader to the program twice, OpenGL generates a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error To detach shader void glDetachShader(GLuint program GLuint shader);
  • 54. Ready to link the GLSL program Linking may fail for a number of reasons: One of the shader objects hasn’t compiled successfully. The number of active attribute variables has exceeded the number supported by the OpenGL implementation. The number of supported or active uniform variables has been exceeded. The main function is missing from one of the attached shaders. An output variable from the vertex shader is not declared correctly in the fragment shader. A function or variable reference cannot be resolved. A global variable shared between stages is declared with different types or initial values.
  • 55. You link a program by using the following function: void glLinkProgram(GLuint program); To retrieve infor- mation on a program object, you use glGetProgramiv() void glGetProgramiv(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint *params);
  • 56.
  • 57. To enable a GLSL program void glUseProgram(GLuint program); This will bind and enable the program Any primitives sent to OpenGL while the program is enabled will use the attached shaders for rendering If you pass 0 as the program parameter, then shader will be disabled.
  • 58. Sending Data to Shaders Passing Data to Uniforms Passing Data to Vertex Attributes
  • 59. Passing Data to Uniforms Each GLSL implementation has a limited number of locations to store uniform variables The GLSL implementation determines which uniform goes in which location Before you can send data to a uniform, you must first find out its location GLuint glGetUniformLocation(GLuint program, const GLchar* name);
  • 60. To send the data to Uniform : void glUniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i}(GLint location, TYPE v); void glUniform{1|2|3|4}ui(GLint location, TYPE v); void glUniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i}v(GLint location, GLuint count, const TYPE *v); void glUniform{1|2|3|4}uiv(GLint location, GLuint count, const TYPE *v); count is the number of values in the array v is a pointer to an array containing the data void glUniformMatrix{2|3|4}fv(GLint location, GLuint count, GLboolean trans- pose, const GLfloat *v); void glUniformMatrix{2x3|3x2|2x4|4x2|3x4|4x3}fv(GLint location, GLuint count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *v); Transpose: If you have stored your data in column-major order then you need to pass GL_FALSE to transpose; otherwise, pass GL_TRUE.
  • 61. Passing Data to Vertex Attributes Attributes in GLSL are variables that are defined in the vertex shader with the in qualifier You can either let OpenGL determine which location to store the attribute or you can specify it manually OpenGL determine which location : GLint glGetAttribLocation(GLuint program, const GLchar* name); the program needs to have been linked for this function to work.
  • 62. Specify the location of the attributes yourself : void glBindAttribLocation(GLuint program, GLuint index, const GLchar* name); Calls to glBindAttribLocation() should be made before linking the GLSL program Attribute zero is special and should always be used for the vertex position.
  • 63. send the data to the attribute using glVertexAttribPointer(): void glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); index is the location of the attribute size indicates the number of components per element (this can be between one and four) Type GL_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_SHORT, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, GL_INT, GL_UNSIGN ED_INT, GL_FLOAT, or GL_DOUBLE. normalized flag is true then data will be converted to a floating- point value between -1.0 and 1.0 (for signed values) or 0.0 and 1.0 for unsigned values stride specifies the offset in bytes between attributes in the array pointer is a pointer to the array of data to send to the attribute using VBOs (which you should be!), this should be an integer offset in bytes into the currently bound buffer.
  • 64. Vertex attributes must be enabled before rendering void glEnableVertexAttribArray(GLuint index); The attributes can be disabled with : void glDisableVertexAttribArray(GLuint index);
  • 65. Calculating Vertex Transformations // First multiply the current vertex by the modelview matrix vec4 pos = modelview_matrix * vec4(a_Vertex, 1.0); // Then multiply the result by the projection matrix gl_Position = projection_matrix * pos;
  • 66. Applying Colors two-step process. vertex shader, you must read the input attribute that contains the color for the vertex. You must pass this to your fragment shader using an out variable the color will be interpolated before the input to the fragment shader In the fragment shader, you can pass this color directly out as the final color, or you can perform some logic to change the color
  • 67. Handling Your Own Matrices The Kazmath Library One feature that the library provides is its own matrix stack

Editor's Notes

  1. To get a list of all extensions supported by the OpenGL implementation, you must iterate from 0 to NUM_EXTENSIONS – 1 calling glGetStringi() each time with the new index. But how big is NUM_EXTENSIONS? To find out, you need to pass GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS to glGetIntegerv()
  2. Note:For a variable to exist between shaders, it must be declared with the correct qualifiers in both shaders (e.g., in and out)