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UNIX Based System Software

Consistent Datastore Copies

CDC Model

  Network Shared Memory with Update

 Simple abstraction already understoods by

 Natural transistion from sequential to distributed

 Shared Memory Persistance


                                                       Version 6

                   UBSS/CDC 2
CDC Benefits

    Applications loosely coupled

    Replicated Data Services for Fault
    tolerant applications


                                                 Version 6

                UBSS/CDC 3
ATC OPERATOR Requirements

    ATC controllers require :

                  Rapid response time

                    Fixed response time

to commands and commands acknowledgment


                                                        Version 6

                       UBSS/CDC 4
ATC Centers Physical Lay Out


Operator      Operator     Operator    Operator      Operator
Operator      Operator     Operator    Operator      Operator
Position      Position     Position    Position      Position
 Position      Position     Position    Position      Position


                                                                 Version 6

                     UBSS/CDC 5
Push or Pull model

    Pull model

         clients request information from the server when

    Push model

        servers push the information to clients before



                                                            Version 6

                      UBSS/CDC 6
Push model


Operator    Operator      Operator    Operator      Operator
Operator    Operator      Operator    Operator      Operator
Position    Position      Position    Position      Position
 Position    Position      Position    Position      Position


                                                                Version 6

                   UBSS/CDC 7
Push model and data replication

    Push model implies : data replication

    Data replication implies data consistency
    between copies :
              Strong consistency

              Weak consistency


                                                          Version 6

                      UBSS/CDC 8
Strong consitency
    Strong consistency implies :

                   Atomicity : all receive the message or no one

                   Causality : all messages are received by all in

                   the same order


                                                                     Version 6

                           UBSS/CDC 9
                                A   B   C
Data Update


              Group Ack

                                            Update Available


                                                         Version 6

               UBSS/CDC 10
Causality (case study)
                                                  A   B   C
              non causal event = same time                                  Data Update
Data Update



                   Ordering Message (Atomic)


                                                                                    Version 6

                                               UBSS/CDC 11
CDC lightweight protocol

    CDC provids weak consistency :

         Replicated information may temporarily differ while data copies

         are updated = data are always available
         Serial consistency on the same record is guaranteed = an old

         data will never replace a newer data, but data update may be
         Periodic consistency check = One global acknowledgment at

         periodic time (master/slave configuration)


                                                                        Version 6

                           UBSS/CDC 12
Temporary inconsistency
Data Update               N     N     N
                                          = Version N

                          N+1   N     N

                          N+1   N+1   N

                          N+1   N+1   N+1
                                      = Version N +1


                                                               Version 6

                  UBSS/CDC 13
Periodic Consistency checking
                                                                            A     B   C    D   E

               A          B            C   D        E
   T                          Update




RRM : Retransmission Request Message       (CAM : Central Announcement Message)                          Version 6

                                           UBSS/CDC 14
CDC algorithms

    replication provides :

     Multiple Reader Single Writer : MRSW (read
      replication consistency).
     Multiple Readers Multiple Writers : MRMW
      (write shared consistency).


                                                     Version 6

                 UBSS/CDC 15
CDC Write Shared Consistency Semantic

        Shared : Write Shared Data are those that are
 frequently and concurrently writen by multiple
 threads without intervening synchronization.
Concurreny writes are safe, because the programmers
 knows that each thread updates separate portions of
 the Data.
Because of the way the data are laid out in memory,
 false sharing may be present.


                                                        Version 6

                   UBSS/CDC 16
Write Sharing Model

    Array sharing, Unshared record :
            notification false shared : filtering.

    Shared record, unshared fields :
         false   shared : filtering.

    Shared fields :
             real shared : Application synchronisation


                                                                   Version 6

                       UBSS/CDC 17
Write Shared : Array False sharing

                      CDC shared record array

Unshared Record

                                                 thread 1

                                                 thread 2

                                                 thread 3


                                                                     Version 6

                           UBSS/CDC 18
Write Shared : Record False sharing => Colision

                thread 1            thread 2   thread 3

Shared Record

                           Unshared fields


                                                                        Version 6

                              UBSS/CDC 19
CDC shared memory access semantic

           record #)

WRITE(data, record #)


          (record #)


                                                      Version 6

                   UBSS/CDC 20
Consistent Datastore Copies (CDC) : SCOPE 1/2

    Distributed algorithm for managing replicated information with stringent response
    time (access) requirements on a large number of nodes
    Replicated information may temporarily differ while data copies are updated. The
    copies converge when data modification ceases.
    The algorithm is fail-safe against node failures and insertions.

    A predefined node is the master and provides periodic consistency checking and
    In case of failure, a new master is automatically allocated by means of priority.

    Application process can subscribe to datastore. It will then be informed about any
    changes of the datastore.
    User has no knowledge about other producers or consumers.

    Serial consistency on the same record is guaranteed.


                                                                                  Version 6

                              UBSS/CDC 21
Consistent Datastore Copies (CDC) : SCOPE 2/2

    A datastore copy is a table of records

    Sorting algorithm with application defined key

    A datastore copy has fixed known attribute (size of record, number of records,
    name and identification of the datastore).
    All datastore copy with the same name will contain the same informations on all
    nodes.The application may claim access to the datastore copy.
    The lock is node wide. (It is possible to group the operations).

    Access time must be limited. Application must take care of deadlocks.

    Application defined automatic conversion function call backfor read and write

    Four different ways to access store records :
                    Physical access using pointers

                    Sequential access

                    Direct access

                    Indexed sequential access (Each user process can provide a compare function of
                    key to built a table of indexes)

                                                                                             Version 6

                                UBSS/CDC 22
CDC : Distributed Shared Memory Model

 Structure
     Layout of the shared data memory :

              Array of C or Ada record data type

 Granularity:
     Size of the unit of sharing

          C or Ada strutures size, which can vary to match
           the application requirements


                                                                 Version 6

                       UBSS/CDC 23
CDC MECHANISMS                                 Master


      Appli                                 Appli

                                                                           Data Store
      Data Store                           Data Store

                            data bus


                   Data Store                     Data Store

                   Appli                           Appli               Appli


                                                                                             Version 6

                                       UBSS/CDC 24
UBSS CDC : System Design

         RFP                           RDP                              FDP

Radar1   Radar2   Radar3   Radar4    System Tracks Identification      Flight Plan


                                                                                     Version 6

                           UBSS/CDC 25
CDC : Context diagram

            Application                           Notification

Library                        Interface      Message
Interface                                     Interface

                                           CDC protocol

     CDC store         collision store


                                                                   Version 6

                   UBSS/CDC 26
CDC : distribution and processing 1/3

    For each record, CDC maintains two field :
       - the Record Update Counter (RUC); identifies the version of the record. It is
    incremented by one for each modification.
       - the Record Update Originator (RUO); identifies the node where the last update has
    been initiated.
    A user gains exclusive access to the local datastore copy and update one or several
    records. RUC and RUO are also updated by CDC.
    When exclusive access is released, the updated records are packed into one or more
    Update Initiation Messages (UIMs) and distributed to other nodes on the LAN. UDP
    datagram broadcast facility is used.
    Each receiver node (master and slave) applies the same algorithm to update their data
    For each record received in UIM message, if the RUC(UIM) > RUC (datastore), it
    replaces the datastore record
    If RUC(UIM) = RUC (datastore) and RUO(UIM) /= RUO (datastore) then a collision
RRM : Retransmission Request Message                                                               01/04/2
UIM : Update Initiation Messages                                                       Version 6

                                       UBSS/CDC 27
CDC : distribution and processing 2/3
 (RUC : Record Update Counter)

 (RUO: Record Update Originator)

                                                data store copy

                                    RUC   RUO              User record

                                                                                        12000 records max.

RRM : Retransmission Request Message
                                                           32 Ko max.
UIM : Update Initiation Messages
                                                                         (CAM : Central Announcement Message)   Version 6

                                                  UBSS/CDC 28
CDC : distribution and processing 3/3

                slave                           master                      slave
                                                         Appli-                     Appli-
                                                         cation                     cation


                                       Appli-                     Appli-
                                       cation                     cation
                                                slave                      slave

RRM : Retransmission Request Message
UIM : Update Initiation Messages
                                                                                                           Version 6

                                                  UBSS/CDC 29
CDC : periodic consistency checking

                          slave                                                       slave
                                       Appli-                      Appli-
                                       cation                      cation


                                                 Appli-                     Appli-
                                                 cation                     cation
                                                          slave                      slave

RRM : Retransmission Request Message
UIM : Update Initiation Messages
                                                                                                                     Version 6

                                                    UBSS/CDC 30
CDC : periodic consistency checking and recovery

       At regular intervals (period is a CDC start-up parameter), the master initiates a consistency
       check by broadcasting a special message.
       The Central Announcement Message (CAM) contains the RUC and RUO fields of each
       record of the Master datastore copy.
       Each slave node performs the same algorithm.
       - CDC requests retransmission from the master when :
           RUC(CAM record) > RUC(datastore copy) (master has a new version)
           RUC(CAM record) = RUC (datastore copy) and RUOs are different. (The
       collision has not been resolved by application).
       - CDC retransmits Update in broadcast mode when :
           RUC(CAM record) < RUC(datastore copy) (master has an old version)
       CDC retransmission requests are transmitted using a Retransmission Request Message
       (RRM) with UDP point to point facility.
       The master distributes its version of the record in question by mean of the Update
       Retransmission Message (URM) with UDP broadcast facility.
RRM : Retransmission Request Message
                                                                                               Version 6

                                       UBSS/CDC 31
CDC : retransmission request

                    slave                                                   slave
                            Appli-                       Appli-
                            cation                       cation


                                       Appli-                     Appli-
                                       cation                     cation
                                                slave                      slave

RRM : Retransmission Request Message
                                                                                                           Version 6

                                          UBSS/CDC 32
CDC : Update Retransmission

                          slave                                                       slave
                                       Appli-                     Appli-
                                       cation                     cation


                                                Appli-                      Appli-
                                                cation                      cation
                                                         slave                       slave

RRM : Retransmission Request Message
UIM : Update Initiation Messages                                                                                                 01/04/2
URM : Update Retransmission Message
                                                                                                                     Version 6

                                                   UBSS/CDC 33
CDC : update collision detection 1/2

    The detection of the collision by CDC triggers the following actions

        first, the original contents of the local record is put in the collision store

        the received update of the record is placed in the datastore copy

        an update event is generated for all subscribed processes, except the originator of
          the saved collision
        the originator of the saved collision which made the update, is notified that a
          collision occurred.

    It is the responsibility of the originator to recover from the collision

RRM : Retransmission Request Message
                                                                                             Version 6

                                       UBSS/CDC 34
CDC : update collision detection 2/2

                        node A
                                                                                         node B
             local update record R                                                        local update record R
             RUC= n, RUO=A                                                                RUC= n, RUO=B

   remote update record R                                                              remote update record R
   RUC(UIM) = n, RUO(UIM) = B                                                          RUC(UIM) = n, RUO(UIM) = A

                         - node A and node B update the same record R in a close time
                         - CDC of node A(B) broadcasts an UIM message with record R update
                         - node A (B) receives an UIM message with a remote update of record R
                         - received record R has the same RUC and a different RUO as the local record R.
                         - a collision is detected
RRM : Retransmission Request Message
UIM : Update Initiation Messages
URM : Update Retransmission Message
                                                                                                              Version 6

                                                  UBSS/CDC 35
CDC : behaviour in exceptional case

    Failure of a slave has no influence for other slaves or the master.

    Consistency of datastore copies is guaranteed if the master is available.

    The master must have a high availability (located in a dual node).

    When a master switches or is about to terminate it sends a Master Died Message
    Absence of master is detected by reception of MDM or after no periodic reception of
    The event quot;master not alivequot; is then reported to the application.

    The event quot;master alivequot; occurs when a slave detects a master (CAM reception).


                                                                                          Version 6

                                 UBSS/CDC 36
CDC : control node access

    A user application is able to disconnect/reconnect the datastore copy from/to the LAN
    using a library function
    quot;Connectedquot; node access state is the normal CDC behavior. Local and remote (received)
    updates are normally processed.
    When the node access state is quot;isolatedquot;, received CDC messages are ignored. The local
    update are only performed. UIM messages are not sent
    After a transition from quot;isolatedquot; to quot;connectedquot;, the master records will overwrite local
    records (regardless of the local RUC).
    The quot;no_lan_supportquot; node access state is used when the CDC does not support LAN.
    This state can not be changed


                                                                                          Version 6

                                   UBSS/CDC 37
CDC : datastore design

    Data normalization should be a solution for a good design

    Three rules can be used:

         1 : Remove repeating fields to a separate record
         2 : Similarly, remove fields which can refer to another key
         3 : Similarly, remove fields which can refer to other non-key
         fields elsewhere
    Try to avoid records which are bigger than the medium packet-size.

    Don't forget that CDC does not support integrity neither between stores nor
    between records of the same CDC store.


                                                                                  Version 6

                            UBSS/CDC 38
CDC library functions 1/3

    Datastore copy user registration:
    cdc_open              Open a specified datastore copy.
    cdc_close             Close a datastore copy.
    cdc_subscribe         Open a specified datastore copy and subscribe for CDC events.

    Get and free exclusive datastore copy access:
    cdc_store_acc         Access to a datastore copy.

    Create / Remove indexed sequential access environment:
    cdc_is_build          Create indexed sequential access environment.
    cdc_is_remove         Remove indexed sequential access environment.

    Controlling master/slave state:

    cdc_master_slave      Change status of datastore copy.


                                                                                                Version 6

                             UBSS/CDC 39
CDC library functions 2/3

    Accessing datastore copy records:

       cdc_record_acc()         Get physical access to a datastore copy record.
       cdc_coll_acc()           Get physical access to a saved collision record.
       cdc_direct_read()        Obtain a copy of a datastore copy record by record number.
       cdc_direct_coll_read()   Obtain a copy of a saved collision record by record number.
       cdc_direct_update()      Update a datastore copy record by record number.
       cdc_direct_delete()      Delete a datastore copy record by record number.
       cdc_seq_read()           Obtain datastore copy records sequentially by record number.
       cdc_is_read()            Obtain a copy of a datastore copy record by key.
       cdc_is_update()          Update a datastore copy record by record number.
       cdc_is_create()          Create a ’new’ record using a deleted one.
       cdc_is_key_delete()      Delete all datastore records with a specified key.


                                                                                               Version 6

                                  UBSS/CDC 40
CDC library functions 3/3

    Handling events:
    cdc_event                   Get next event from the event chain.
    cdc_upd_recnum              Get number of next updated record.
    cdc_coll_recnum             Get number of next save collision record.
    cdc_event_ctl               Control sequence of event reporting.

    Retrieving datastore copy information:
    cdc_nr_records              Get number of records in datastore copy.
    cdc_size_record             Get the size of the datastore copy records.
    cdc_statistics              Get/reset statistics.
    cdc_store_acc_status        Get the store access status.
    cdc_req_cons_rep            Request consistency reply message.
    cdc_is_key_exists           Check for existence of datastore records with a specified key.

    Controlling node access state:
    cdc_control_node_access     Change status of node access.


                                                                                                       Version 6

                                  UBSS/CDC 41
CDC event management
            CDC event notiification

      CDC                                                    Process
     Process                                             Process
                                  Shared memory

                                                             CDC event
CDC events chain
                           RUC RUO        User record


                                                                               Version 6

                                UBSS/CDC 42
CDC Reader Side Typical use
                   declaration of FIFOCDC with their associated type
                   initialization of QUEUE_DECK
                   initialization of FIFOCDC
                   declaration of mask
                   initialization of CDC utilisation
                   OPEN FIFOCDC for system wide communication
                   initialization of mask with priority of FIFOCDC=1
                   OPEN CDC
                   recover events
                   do forever
                       case receiving FIFO id of
                                FIFOCDC :
                                        do forver
                                              case CDC event of
                                                   NOEVENT       : exit
                                                   UPDATE        : treament 2
                                                   COLLISION : treatment 3
                                              end case
                                        end do
                                time out : treatment
                       end case
                   end do
RRM : Retransmission Request Message                                                                     Version 6

                                                        UBSS/CDC 43
CDC debugger : CDD 1/2

    CDD is a tool to inspect and /or change contents or behavior of one or more CDC stores

    CDD is a kind of application program and must be specified in the (ncf.n) Node
    Configuration File. It can be actived by an interactive session.
    CDD main commands :
      close / open           close / open a CDC store.
      define format          define one or all records from a CDC store.
      delete                 delete one or all records from a CDC store.
      force close / unlock   force one or all processes to close or unlock a CDC store.
      format                 assign a format to a CDC store.
      get events             display events that are currently received for a CDC store.
      isolate / reconnect    disconnect / reconnect the CDC store from lan.
      lock / unlock          lock / unlock a CDC store.
      log events             enable or disable the logging of events.
      master / slave         become master / slave of a CDC store.
      read / write           read from or write to a CDC store.


                                                                                              Version 6

                                  UBSS/CDC 44
CDC debugger : CDD 2/2

    CDD main commands (continued):
         recover events        force CDC to send events for all modified records of a CDC store.
         reset statistics      reset the statistical information, kept by CDC for a CDC store.
         show users / status   show the users or status and locks of one or all CDC stores.
         skip events           skip all events that are currently received for a CDC store.
         use                   use a CDC store to be the current active CDC store .
         wait consistency      wait for (a record of) the CDC store to become consistent.
         wait events           wait for and display the receipt of events for a CDC store.

    CDD offers others general commands

       log input to a logfile
       log output and error information to a logfile
       provides options for starting with a commandfile


                                                                                                   Version 6

                                     UBSS/CDC 45

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  • 1. UBSS UNIX Based System Software CDC Consistent Datastore Copies MCC/CPC/CIS
  • 2. CDC Model Network Shared Memory with Update  Notifications  Simple abstraction already understoods by programmers  Natural transistion from sequential to distributed applications  Shared Memory Persistance 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 2
  • 3. CDC Benefits Applications loosely coupled  Replicated Data Services for Fault  tolerant applications 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 3
  • 4. ATC OPERATOR Requirements ATC controllers require :  Rapid response time  and Fixed response time  to commands and commands acknowledgment 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 4
  • 5. ATC Centers Physical Lay Out FDP FDP Request and Ack Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Position Position Position Position Position Position Position Position Position Position 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 5
  • 6. Push or Pull model Pull model  clients request information from the server when  needed Push model  servers push the information to clients before  needed 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 6
  • 7. Push model FDP FDP Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Position Position Position Position Position Position Position Position Position Position 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 7
  • 8. Push model and data replication Push model implies : data replication • Data replication implies data consistency • between copies : Strong consistency  Or Weak consistency  01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 8
  • 9. Strong consitency Strong consistency implies :  Atomicity : all receive the message or no one  Causality : all messages are received by all in  the same order 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 9
  • 10. Atomicity A B C Data Update Ack Group Ack Update Available 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 10
  • 11. Causality (case study) A B C non causal event = same time Data Update Data Update Ack Ack Ordering Message (Atomic) 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 11
  • 12. CDC lightweight protocol CDC provids weak consistency :  Replicated information may temporarily differ while data copies  are updated = data are always available Serial consistency on the same record is guaranteed = an old  data will never replace a newer data, but data update may be lost Periodic consistency check = One global acknowledgment at  periodic time (master/slave configuration) 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 12
  • 13. Temporary inconsistency Data Update N N N = Version N N+1 N N N+1 N+1 N N+1 N+1 N+1 = Version N +1 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 13
  • 14. Periodic Consistency checking A B C D E A B C D E T Update CAM T T Update CAM Update T CAM CAM T CAM Master 01/04/2 RRM : Retransmission Request Message (CAM : Central Announcement Message) Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 14
  • 15. CDC algorithms replication provides : Full  Multiple Reader Single Writer : MRSW (read replication consistency).  Multiple Readers Multiple Writers : MRMW (write shared consistency). 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 15
  • 16. CDC Write Shared Consistency Semantic Shared : Write Shared Data are those that are Write frequently and concurrently writen by multiple threads without intervening synchronization. Concurreny writes are safe, because the programmers knows that each thread updates separate portions of the Data. Because of the way the data are laid out in memory, false sharing may be present. 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 16
  • 17. Write Sharing Model Array sharing, Unshared record :  notification false shared : filtering.  Shared record, unshared fields :   false shared : filtering. Shared fields :  real shared : Application synchronisation  (Transactionnal). 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 17
  • 18. Write Shared : Array False sharing CDC shared record array Unshared Record thread 1 thread 2 thread 3 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 18
  • 19. Write Shared : Record False sharing => Colision thread 1 thread 2 thread 3 Shared Record Unshared fields 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 19
  • 20. CDC shared memory access semantic record #) READ(data, WRITE(data, record #) SUBSCRIBE (record #) NOTIFY 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 20
  • 21. Consistent Datastore Copies (CDC) : SCOPE 1/2 Distributed algorithm for managing replicated information with stringent response  time (access) requirements on a large number of nodes Replicated information may temporarily differ while data copies are updated. The  copies converge when data modification ceases. The algorithm is fail-safe against node failures and insertions.  A predefined node is the master and provides periodic consistency checking and  recovery. In case of failure, a new master is automatically allocated by means of priority.  Application process can subscribe to datastore. It will then be informed about any  changes of the datastore. User has no knowledge about other producers or consumers.  Serial consistency on the same record is guaranteed.  01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 21
  • 22. Consistent Datastore Copies (CDC) : SCOPE 2/2 A datastore copy is a table of records  Sorting algorithm with application defined key  A datastore copy has fixed known attribute (size of record, number of records,  name and identification of the datastore). All datastore copy with the same name will contain the same informations on all  nodes.The application may claim access to the datastore copy. The lock is node wide. (It is possible to group the operations).  Access time must be limited. Application must take care of deadlocks.  Application defined automatic conversion function call backfor read and write  Four different ways to access store records :  Physical access using pointers  Sequential access  Direct access  Indexed sequential access (Each user process can provide a compare function of  key to built a table of indexes) 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 22
  • 23. CDC : Distributed Shared Memory Model  Structure :  Layout of the shared data memory : Array of C or Ada record data type   Granularity:  Size of the unit of sharing  C or Ada strutures size, which can vary to match the application requirements 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 23
  • 24. CDC MECHANISMS Master Slave Slave Appli Appli Appli Data Store Data Store Data Store data bus LAN Slave Slave Data Store Data Store Appli Appli Appli 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 24
  • 25. UBSS CDC : System Design Radar RFP RDP FDP Radar1 Radar2 Radar3 Radar4 System Tracks Identification Flight Plan MMI MMI MMI MMI 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 25
  • 26. CDC : Context diagram Event Application Notification Library Library Interface Message Interface Interface CDC CDC protocol CDC store collision store LAN 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 26
  • 27. CDC : distribution and processing 1/3 For each record, CDC maintains two field :  - the Record Update Counter (RUC); identifies the version of the record. It is incremented by one for each modification. - the Record Update Originator (RUO); identifies the node where the last update has been initiated. A user gains exclusive access to the local datastore copy and update one or several  records. RUC and RUO are also updated by CDC. When exclusive access is released, the updated records are packed into one or more  Update Initiation Messages (UIMs) and distributed to other nodes on the LAN. UDP datagram broadcast facility is used. Each receiver node (master and slave) applies the same algorithm to update their data  store. For each record received in UIM message, if the RUC(UIM) > RUC (datastore), it  replaces the datastore record If RUC(UIM) = RUC (datastore) and RUO(UIM) /= RUO (datastore) then a collision  occured RRM : Retransmission Request Message 01/04/2 UIM : Update Initiation Messages Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 27
  • 28. CDC : distribution and processing 2/3 (RUC : Record Update Counter) (RUO: Record Update Originator) data store copy RUC RUO User record 12000 records max. { RRM : Retransmission Request Message 32 Ko max. CAM 01/04/2 UIM : Update Initiation Messages (CAM : Central Announcement Message) Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 28
  • 29. CDC : distribution and processing 3/3 slave master slave Appli- Appli- Appli- cation cation cation UIM Appli- Appli- cation cation slave slave RRM : Retransmission Request Message 01/04/2 UIM : Update Initiation Messages Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 29
  • 30. CDC : periodic consistency checking slave slave master Appli- Appli- Appli- cation cation cation CAM Appli- Appli- cation cation slave slave RRM : Retransmission Request Message 01/04/2 UIM : Update Initiation Messages Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 30
  • 31. CDC : periodic consistency checking and recovery At regular intervals (period is a CDC start-up parameter), the master initiates a consistency  check by broadcasting a special message. The Central Announcement Message (CAM) contains the RUC and RUO fields of each  record of the Master datastore copy. Each slave node performs the same algorithm.  - CDC requests retransmission from the master when : RUC(CAM record) > RUC(datastore copy) (master has a new version) RUC(CAM record) = RUC (datastore copy) and RUOs are different. (The collision has not been resolved by application). - CDC retransmits Update in broadcast mode when : RUC(CAM record) < RUC(datastore copy) (master has an old version) CDC retransmission requests are transmitted using a Retransmission Request Message  (RRM) with UDP point to point facility. The master distributes its version of the record in question by mean of the Update  Retransmission Message (URM) with UDP broadcast facility. 01/04/2 RRM : Retransmission Request Message Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 31
  • 32. CDC : retransmission request slave slave master Appli- Appli- Appli- cation cation cation RRM Appli- Appli- cation cation slave slave 01/04/2 RRM : Retransmission Request Message Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 32
  • 33. CDC : Update Retransmission slave slave master Appli- Appli- Appli- cation cation cation URM Appli- Appli- cation cation slave slave RRM : Retransmission Request Message UIM : Update Initiation Messages 01/04/2 URM : Update Retransmission Message Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 33
  • 34. CDC : update collision detection 1/2 The detection of the collision by CDC triggers the following actions   first, the original contents of the local record is put in the collision store  the received update of the record is placed in the datastore copy  an update event is generated for all subscribed processes, except the originator of the saved collision  the originator of the saved collision which made the update, is notified that a collision occurred. It is the responsibility of the originator to recover from the collision  01/04/2 RRM : Retransmission Request Message Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 34
  • 35. CDC : update collision detection 2/2 node A node B UIM local update record R local update record R RUC= n, RUO=A RUC= n, RUO=B remote update record R remote update record R RUC(UIM) = n, RUO(UIM) = B RUC(UIM) = n, RUO(UIM) = A - node A and node B update the same record R in a close time - CDC of node A(B) broadcasts an UIM message with record R update - node A (B) receives an UIM message with a remote update of record R - received record R has the same RUC and a different RUO as the local record R. - a collision is detected RRM : Retransmission Request Message 01/04/2 UIM : Update Initiation Messages URM : Update Retransmission Message Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 35
  • 36. CDC : behaviour in exceptional case Failure of a slave has no influence for other slaves or the master.  Consistency of datastore copies is guaranteed if the master is available.  The master must have a high availability (located in a dual node).  When a master switches or is about to terminate it sends a Master Died Message  (MDM). Absence of master is detected by reception of MDM or after no periodic reception of  CAM. The event quot;master not alivequot; is then reported to the application.  The event quot;master alivequot; occurs when a slave detects a master (CAM reception).  01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 36
  • 37. CDC : control node access A user application is able to disconnect/reconnect the datastore copy from/to the LAN  using a library function quot;Connectedquot; node access state is the normal CDC behavior. Local and remote (received)  updates are normally processed. When the node access state is quot;isolatedquot;, received CDC messages are ignored. The local  update are only performed. UIM messages are not sent After a transition from quot;isolatedquot; to quot;connectedquot;, the master records will overwrite local  records (regardless of the local RUC). The quot;no_lan_supportquot; node access state is used when the CDC does not support LAN.  This state can not be changed 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 37
  • 38. CDC : datastore design Data normalization should be a solution for a good design  Three rules can be used:  1 : Remove repeating fields to a separate record 2 : Similarly, remove fields which can refer to another key 3 : Similarly, remove fields which can refer to other non-key fields elsewhere Try to avoid records which are bigger than the medium packet-size.  Don't forget that CDC does not support integrity neither between stores nor  between records of the same CDC store. 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 38
  • 39. CDC library functions 1/3 Datastore copy user registration:  cdc_open Open a specified datastore copy. cdc_close Close a datastore copy. cdc_subscribe Open a specified datastore copy and subscribe for CDC events. Get and free exclusive datastore copy access:  cdc_store_acc Access to a datastore copy. Create / Remove indexed sequential access environment:  cdc_is_build Create indexed sequential access environment. cdc_is_remove Remove indexed sequential access environment. Controlling master/slave state:  cdc_master_slave Change status of datastore copy. 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 39
  • 40. CDC library functions 2/3 Accessing datastore copy records:  cdc_record_acc() Get physical access to a datastore copy record. cdc_coll_acc() Get physical access to a saved collision record. cdc_direct_read() Obtain a copy of a datastore copy record by record number. cdc_direct_coll_read() Obtain a copy of a saved collision record by record number. cdc_direct_update() Update a datastore copy record by record number. cdc_direct_delete() Delete a datastore copy record by record number. cdc_seq_read() Obtain datastore copy records sequentially by record number. cdc_is_read() Obtain a copy of a datastore copy record by key. cdc_is_update() Update a datastore copy record by record number. cdc_is_create() Create a ’new’ record using a deleted one. cdc_is_key_delete() Delete all datastore records with a specified key. 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 40
  • 41. CDC library functions 3/3 Handling events:  cdc_event Get next event from the event chain. cdc_upd_recnum Get number of next updated record. cdc_coll_recnum Get number of next save collision record. cdc_event_ctl Control sequence of event reporting. Retrieving datastore copy information:  cdc_nr_records Get number of records in datastore copy. cdc_size_record Get the size of the datastore copy records. cdc_statistics Get/reset statistics. cdc_store_acc_status Get the store access status. cdc_req_cons_rep Request consistency reply message. cdc_is_key_exists Check for existence of datastore records with a specified key. Controlling node access state:  cdc_control_node_access Change status of node access. 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 41
  • 42. CDC event management CDC event notiification FIFO Application CDC Process Application FIFO Process Process Shared memory CDC event CDC events chain RUC RUO User record 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 42
  • 43. CDC Reader Side Typical use declaration of FIFOCDC with their associated type initialization of QUEUE_DECK initialization of FIFOCDC declaration of mask initialization of CDC utilisation OPEN FIFOCDC for system wide communication initialization of mask with priority of FIFOCDC=1 OPEN CDC recover events do forever WAIT_FROM(mask) case receiving FIFO id of FIFOCDC : do forver case CDC event of NOEVENT : exit UPDATE : treament 2 COLLISION : treatment 3 ..... end case end do time out : treatment end case end do 01/04/2 RRM : Retransmission Request Message Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 43
  • 44. CDC debugger : CDD 1/2 CDD is a tool to inspect and /or change contents or behavior of one or more CDC stores  CDD is a kind of application program and must be specified in the (ncf.n) Node  Configuration File. It can be actived by an interactive session. CDD main commands :  close / open close / open a CDC store. define format define one or all records from a CDC store. delete delete one or all records from a CDC store. force close / unlock force one or all processes to close or unlock a CDC store. format assign a format to a CDC store. get events display events that are currently received for a CDC store. isolate / reconnect disconnect / reconnect the CDC store from lan. lock / unlock lock / unlock a CDC store. log events enable or disable the logging of events. master / slave become master / slave of a CDC store. read / write read from or write to a CDC store. 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 44
  • 45. CDC debugger : CDD 2/2 CDD main commands (continued):  recover events force CDC to send events for all modified records of a CDC store. reset statistics reset the statistical information, kept by CDC for a CDC store. show users / status show the users or status and locks of one or all CDC stores. skip events skip all events that are currently received for a CDC store. use use a CDC store to be the current active CDC store . wait consistency wait for (a record of) the CDC store to become consistent. wait events wait for and display the receipt of events for a CDC store. CDD offers others general commands  log input to a logfile log output and error information to a logfile provides options for starting with a commandfile ... 01/04/2 Version 6 MCC/CPC/CIS UBSS/CDC 45