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Mg nome

T h i si s mU b o o k.

e' s it

                      #*       ic

 Storterunit Lesson
2 | Reodond write.

3 | Drow gour picture.
                     Write gour nome.

                                  My stcr turn
  *                                                                        *
  *                                                                    *
  *                                                                    *
  *                                                                    *
  *                                                                    *
  *                                                                    *
  *                                                                    *
                   tt                                       t(
 *                                                                     *
                   ,)r                                                 *
 *                                                                     *
 *                                                                     *
 *                                                                     *
 *                                                                     *
 *                                                                     *
 ***** ***********************                                         *

                                                 Storterunit Lesson
@ Hcffot

         the colourwords.t
4 | Circle                     I
                                                    o    g      pf         dquo

                                    red             b    r      ow         niib

                                   blue             I    e                 tgbk
                                                    o    e      CI         vurt
                                   brown            C    n                 gblo
                                                    kr          Ue llo w
                                                    9h                     ru

                                                    om          nore

S I Write the colourwords.Thencolourthe pictures.
                                                                                    b l o ck
    ri)                                                      @.,(/                 green

4                          2
          Storterunit Lesson
6 | W r i te the n u m bers.


7 | C o l ou ro n d fin d the picture.

                                                       1 = brown

                                                       2 = blue
                                                       3 = green

                                                       5 = gellow

                                                       6 = b l o ck
                                                       7 = w h i te

                                         Storterunit Lesson
                                                          3       5
@ 3losoroom
t I R eo don d m otch.


                                                  @      .(

    1 book        tr
   2 p e n ci l   T

   3 pen

   4 bog          T
   5 ru l e r     T
   6 ru b b e r   I
2 | Complete sentences.
           the             W ho t' s   A   pen   th is

         U nit 1 Le sson
3 | Reod ond motch.

                                             o Sto n du p .
   1                                         u {3it oown*l:
                                             c P o in t t o o p e n .

                                             o P o in t t o o r u b b e r .
  2                                          b S it d o wn .
                                             c P o in t t o o r u le r .

                                             o Pointto o book.
  3                                          b Po in tto o p e n cil.
                                             c Po in tto o p e n .

                                             o Po in tto o p e n cil se .

                             f               b Sto n du p .
                                             c Sit d o wn .

4 | Complete sentences.
           the       Then motchwith the pictures.
       pen   down       to   -+r,9* Point


 2 Point              o ruler.
 3 Po i n t to o

 4 Si t

 5                 to gour penc i lc os e.

                                                                                  Unit 1 Lesson
                                                                                              2   7
5 | o r ow o n d l ob e lgour pencil

                      My star turn
                                                            i****    ***    ** * ****  ***
                                                                      .n a m
                                                                       Lr'"" seL @se
                                                      *                         G@se *

                                                      *                lpurucru
                                                                     @      @
     *******************                              *                                      *
                                                      *                               I      *
     *                       Ylg penci[case     *     *                          -..         *
     XX                                              *                                      *
                                                     *                                      *
     **                                              *                     (I               *
                                                    *                                       *
     XX                                             *                                      *
                                                    *                                      *
     XX                                             *                                      *
                                                    *                Dg Ll z               *
     XX                                             ***     *****                          *
                                                                     *** * * * ****     t*

S I lvtotchthe picturesond the sentences.


 I          Unit 1 Lesson
7 | Findthe secret

     1                                        S t   a n d






     9                                                           n r i l 'E n r a . r   *. *l E r .* r   rr   r xa
                                                     ,,, &                unit 1 was                                 s
                                                     :,&           rthink                                            M
                                                           &                                                         w
                         The secret word is          ,s                                                              &
                  S                                        ffi

                                                                        Unit 1 Lesson
1 | Reodond motch.

  1 door
               tr           2 c l oc k                     3 d e sk                 4 boord

  5 ch o i r
               tr           6 tobl e                       7 win d o w


2 | Reodond colourthe picturein octivitg1.

                              W hot colou r' s t h e t o b le ?
                                                                        Re d .

                              Whot colour' s t h e c lo c k ?
                                                                      G re e n .

                              W hot colou r' s t h e d e s k ?

                              W hot colou r' s t h e d o o r?
                                                                      B ro wn .

                            Whot colour ' s t h e win d o w?
                                                                      Y e llo w.

                              Whot colour' s t h e c h o ir?
                                                                       B lo c k .

10       Unit 2 Lesson
:'    .   l

3 | Write the numbers.


                                           ? +I
    * =7
                                       3   *+?
    *       =8

            -o                         4   O+*=


                                       6   I     +A      =
                                       7   t +?
                                       8   t+I

4 | Choose
         ond write.             Howold ore gou?       Wh q t' sUo u rn o m e ?

                         Mg nome's A nn.                               l' m f o u rt e e n .

                                                                               Unit 2 Lesson
5 | Reod, motch ond complete the cords.

O nu name,; t,m ,
         r"ti,.i.                           Mg nome'sElten.
    tweLve. favourite
           Mg                                         My
                                            l'm eteven.
  1 cotouris bLue.

                     fqn c
                      ***                       Superstqrs
                      N q me                    fcrn club
                                                Nsme                         fon c
          colour g eltow
  Fqvourite                                                                  ***
                                                As e      10


5 | Drow ond write obout gou.                                      @

                      My star turn
  **          ****************                                 *
  *                                                            *
                                 Superstqrs                    *
                                 f q n cl u b                  *
  *                              *******                       *
  *                       Nome                                 *
  *                                                            *
                          Age                                  *
  *            Fqvouritecolour                                 *
  *                                                            *
  **          ****************                                 *

12            Unit 2 Lesson
7 I Lookond write.



8 | Drow o pop stor ond write the onswers.

     Wh o t ' s g o u r no me ?                                   W hot' s Uour
                                                                fovour ite col our ?

                                                      J8 S S *S W ffi Sf sf ?$ iS.S8 e, CS SB 4S Je # s. ffi ldff

                                                                  unit 2
                                                           ,think .*;lx

                          How old ore gou?


                                                                 Unit 2 Lesson
                                                                             4                           13
the sentences.
t I Vtotchond complete                  cot   f ish    dog   -bird    robbit    sPider

                                                                     1 lt's o   bird

                                                                     2 lt's o

                                                                     3 lt's o

                                                                     4 lt's o

                                                                     5 lt's o

                                                                     6 lt's o

         ond write.
2 | Choose                 It'so spider. lt's o cot.   Whot'sthis?

         Wh o t's this?

14                  1
        Unit 3 Lesson
3 | tisten ond circlethe onswer. @ lg

                                       , iei, it ii. ",
           1 ls it o dog?
                                         N o ,i t i sn ' t.

                                         Yes,it is.
           2 ls it o bird?
                                         N o , i t i sn ' t.

                                         Yes,it is.
           3 ls it o cot?
                                         N o , i t i sn ' t.

                                         Yes,it is.
                ls it q fish?
                                         N o , i t i sn ' t.

                                         Yes,it is.
                ls it o m o u s e ?
                                         N o , i t i sn ' t.

4 | Write Yes,it is or No, it isn't.

                         1 l s i t o s pi der?

                              Yes, [t ls.

                         2 l s i t o fi s h?                   5 ls it o cot?

                         3 l s i t o bi rd?                    6 ls it o r o b b it ?

           rf            4 l s i t o dog?                      7 ls it o m o u s e ?

                                                                                        Unit 3 Lesson
                                                                                                    2   t5
5 | R e o don d m o tch.

           1 lt's q li ttl e c ot.       tr    7 lt ' s o b ig d o g .          tr
           2 lt's o bi g bi rd.          tr    8 lt's o little fish .           T
           3 lt's o bi g fi s h.         tr    9 lt's o b ig co t.              tr
           4 lt's o l i ttl e dog.       tr   1 0 lt ' s o little r o b b it.   tr
           5 lt's o bi g robbi t.        tr   1 1 lt ' s o little b ir d .      tr
           6 lt's o li ttl e s pi der.   tr   1 2 lt ' s o b ig sp id e r .     T
 15        Unit 3 Lesson
5 | Completethe crossword.

7 | Write ond drow gour fovourite pet.                          ********     r**********
                                                               *                                                         *

                      My star turn                            *

  *****************                                **         *
                                                              *                                                         *
  *                                                      *   *                                                          *
                                                             *                                                         *
  *                                                      *   *                                                         *
                                                             *                                                         *
  *                                                      *   ** *****************                                      *

  *                                                      *          rymi#,x;x;,&:&rff    {'r!t8{r;*ixie:x1lGix!i*iry
  *                                                          w
                                                         *   #                          unit 3 h/os
  *                                                      *
                                                                      rthink                                           $'
                                                             w                                                         il
  *                                                      *   &                                                         x
  *                                                      *   w                                                         x
                                                             s                                                         g
  *                                                      *   &
  *                                                          ffi
                                                         *   w
       Mg Javourlte is a
                  pet                               .*       K
  *   *********                          *******   **        fu*.

                                                                            Unit 3 Lesson
-.6heir- -€st- -pen- fish   desk     window rubber mouse
                  ruler dog book         b ir d   p e n cil clo ck to b le


            Pets                    Furniture                         things

tr   Reod colour.

 one brown dog

 two g ellowdog s

 one o rongec ot

 three blockcots

 two red birds

 four blue birds

 fi ve greenpenc i l s

 si xg ellowpenc i l s
ry Pirotes
1 | Write the words.                                          hoppg                  on g r g              sod            t h ir s t g             scored hungrg


2 I AnswerYesor No.
        ,"   #   *s .*e *6 .s..& ig.:Le                                   KS   tr#::K'r381 ffi&i.Wg.trffiflflgl$g,K              f:l#r.&.Ki#li$fr,'Wlf       &]S   S,Kf   .${}S *}&   }g j** & }C g   S & *A*.
  .* @.                                   &S tK €{ Hd.# Stt ffiff+r}frm

 * 1 A re gou h u n g r g ?                                                                                           3 Ar e g o u th ir stg ?
      2 A re gou h o p p g ?                                                                                          4 Ar e g o u so d ?                                                                        &
  4 3 *. ; *t ; i { -w Hi K ss-t6 i *e f}K }fH3r s' Ks,s6i:|$l$#:} i$l.f:} gKw:.:ag]M ;f&::lw :M ]&f:Ks .m ..:}* .f]&.3Kx ]]'#..f;:f.K]&i :,s l s .$&.$,'$

20                Unit 4 Lesson
3 | Write He'sor She's.

               ong r g .                                th ir stg .                   hungrg.

4 | Reodond drow.

        1 He'sho p p g .            2 Sh e ' s d .
                                             so                       3 He ' s ed.

5 | Complete sentences.

 1 S h e 's                                3 Sh e ' s

                           2 He's                                     4 He ' s

                                                                      Unit 4 Lesson
                                                                                  2      |1:',
ond write.
6 | Choose                   G o o de v e n i n g .   Go o dm o r n in g .   Go o do fte r n o on.

7 | Completethe sentences.            thonk       gou      Ho w      l' m    Go o d   e ve n ing ore


                      l'm fine,

        Unit 4 Lesson
Complete stories.

       He's tired                               He's                                        He ' s

      Sh e 's                                   S he's                                     5he's

    D r o w on d w r i te o bout gou.

                    My Starturn
**         ****************                                                    *
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                                                                                          }' }B e # $ xg l* s s.'..s ** &w   v, * tr* ,9 ?* & Ea,-

*                                                                              *                              unit 4 was                          :
                                                                                       i       rthink
*                                                                              *       s
*                                                                              *       *
*                                                                              *       &

*                                                                              *       €
*                                                                              *       w
*                                                                              *       w
*********                               *   *     *    *   *   *   *   *   *   *       %

                                                                                                     Unit 4 Lesson
                                                                                                                 4                       23
f unnYfoces

 t   hatr


 3                               (

       l 've go t o big /,little', hos€.      I've got       eo rs.

        l've g ot big / little eors.        l've got o       mouth.

        l 've got big / little eUes.        l've got o       nose.
      l 've go t o big / little mouth.        I've got       e u e s.


24               1
     Unit 5 Lesson
3 | Reodond write the nomes.

  1 He'sgot long h o i r .                                5 He'sgot glosses.

 2 H e'sgot big e g e s .                                 6 He ' sg o t b lo ckh o ir .

 3 H e'sgot o big m o u t h .                             7 He ' sg o t o b ig n o s e .

 4 H e'sgot big e o r s .                                 8 He'sgot o little nose.

4 | Choose
         ond write.

                                m o u t h .He ' s
                                                                 Vonng has got
                             got long

                                 h o i r .S h e ' s o t

                                               b ig e g e s.

                                                                                   Unit 5 Lesson
                                                                                               2   25
5 | Listen,    ond drow.
          choose                  @ ss

                             Zipper                         Zopper

                                           No s e          Eors        M ou th

                                           o                           q4
                               4W           o

6 | W r ite o b o u t Zi pperond Zopper.

     This [s Zlpper. He's got
                                                    This ls Zapper. She'sgot
     short halr. He's got

          Unit 5 Lesson
Fo l l o wthe m o zeo nd find the robot.


                                                        q little no s e      b ig e g e s
                          little eges

                  sh o r t h o ir                                                               b ig e o rs

                                                         long ho ir

                 o big no se           o big mouth

                                                                          o lit t le mo u t h
                                    l i ttl e e o rs               END

                                                                                                                                          n u mbe r

    Drow ond write obout o robot foce.                                                              i*********r
                                                                                                                                              t *- ***** * *

                           My star turn                                                         *
*******************                                                                             *                                                                          *
                                                                                                *          ng                                                              *
**                                                                                              *                 1*6.                                                     I
**                                                                                              *                                                                          *
                                                                                                                                                   ;g g   s xtn ?# :#, gi wtu
**                                                                                              :,:!: #
                                                                                                          ?q w ?k ry &   ?€ !*i is r,.ri lf    #

*       Mg robot has got                                                                    *
**      r.   I

*       ft has got                                                                          *

                                                                                                                  Unit 5 Lesson                                      27
1 | D r ow on d lo b e lgour fomilg.

                                                         I I f lllllllf   fl   | | f lf   l lllrl   2
  I               S U,
  I         ^a- - J l- r

                            ffi         -

      @                      trgry
      b'TS'- sdtL
      g ffi                                  I tt   | !

2 | Reod ond motch.

28        Unit 6 Lesson
t L.rk;l


             I      got         h o ve h o ve n ' t siste r s m o n u       Ho w

                                                          mo n g b ro t h e rs
 hove go u                                                   gou got?

                                                                    got o brother.

                                                                  Unit 6 Lesson
                                                                              2           29
S I tvtotchond write the sentences.

                                         L u cgh o sg o t              ond two
                                         o n e b ig b r o th e r       lit t le si ste r s.

                                         Jo h nh o sg o t              ond one
                                         two little b r o th e r s
                                                                 ...   b ig s i ste r .

                                         Peterhosgot                   ond one
                                         two b ig siste r s            lit t le b r o th e r .

                                      4 Jo n eh o sg o t               ond one
                                        o n e little siste r
                                                           ...         lit t le si ste r .





         ond write.
5 | Choose

30       Unit 6 Lesson

    7 | Reodond motch.

         Drow ond write obout o personin gour fomilg.

                         My Starturn                            r***************
                                                                *   -ru.                            ***
     *******************                                                                                    *
     **                                                                                                    *
                                                            *                                              *
     **                                                                                                    *
     **                                                                                                   *
                                                            *           .{s;ia,      i r}:*.r'}/         *
     **                                                     *             lil"              /
                                                                                   1F.'',"-'             *
                                                            *****************                             *
     **                                                                                              **
                                                                                   unit 6 was
     **                                                            rthink
     *      This is mg                                  *
     *                                                  *
     *                                                  *
     *     *****************                            *

                                                                       Unit 6 Lesson
                                                                                   4                31
@ BcvfcuB
tr     Reod circle.

     C ircleth e fo m il g w ords red.
     C ircleth e fo ce w ords bl ue.
     C ircleth e fe e li ngsw ords green.

                     mouth       tired      hoppg      eors         eues      mum       siste r

                         ongru         grondmo      th ir stg       grondod     sco r e d

                               hungrg       s od     b r o th e r    h o ir   dod

tr     Drowgourself onswer questions.
                 ond     the

               Ho w old ore gou?

                         How mong sisters                                      Ho w mo n g b ro t h e r s
                          hove gou got?                                          h o v e g o u g o t?

32         units4-6 ReviewB
!     write the sentences.


'FilEE                       grondmo.

4                           noir
      shorl/ go./st'''"''
                         ll      I

'                              tr-tr
    A Write the words.                                B Write sentences.

                                   f' m


                                   f' m

                                                                             fsfql   -

                                          !0 Points
                                                                  Units ul-6 ReviewB     33
1 | Lobelthe picture.

                                                         leg foot orm
                                                             heod hond






2 | Motchthe sentences.
                     Thenwrite the numbers.

                         1           Uourfedt.
                         2           g ou r h e o d .
                         3           g ou r h o n d s.
                         4 Stomp     Uo u rle g s.
                         5 Kick      u ou r o r m s.

         Unit 7 Lesson
3 | AnswerYes,it hos or No, it hosn't.

                                  got four orms? YeS, [t hAS.
                   1 Hosthe monster

                  2 Hosit got big feet?

                      H o si t g o t l o n g l e gs?

                  4 Hosit got little eors?

                  5 H o si t g o t b i g h o n ds?

                  6 Hosit got five eges?

4 | Now write questions.

    1 Hosit got                                        m o u th s?    Yes,it hos.

    2 Hosit                                              noses?       No, it hosn't.

    3 Hos                                                             No, it hosn't.

    4                                                                 Yes,it hos.

                                                                     Unit 7 Lesson
5 | Reod ond motch.

                                   seCret                         sestret
                                             hasgot        ft hasgot big eyes.
                      It hasgot long hair'lt                                  ft
                                             got big      hasgot four long
                      four shortlegs'lt has                                 arms.
                                                          ft hasgot four long
             hasgot two arms'                                legs.

                                            Monster                Monster

6 | tisten ond write the letter.   6') ag

                                    1 M o n s te r

                                   2 M o n s te r
                                    3 M o n s te r
35       Unit 7 Lesson
7 | Complete sentences.

                    two orms?

              g o t fo ur orms.

8 | Drow ond write obout o monster.          *

                        Ilf- star turr
  ***** *********- r


  ** #mw
                                         | f--;;;#:,xr:;
       Mgmonster got
              has                        *                              ;
  I                                          :ffi
  * ft hasgot                            * W                            tr
                                            -fx",i,.h#,                w

  *******************                        *W K tr

                                                       Unit 7 Lesson
                                                                   4   37
$upersttrclothcs ,

                          o b l o c kh o t       o p u r Ple m Pe r
                                                            ju         o bfockjocket
                         o brown coot
     J,'"ffi;:il"       o n o r o n g esh ir t
                                                  o pink T-shirt        o red T-shirt


                           o b l u e sh in?
                                                                       gou or e.

                                                                      . l' m s o rrg.
                o red jumper?

38               1
      Unit8 Lesson
Book poges2 ond 3.
                      Lookot Closs
Lookond write sentences.

1                                              s Jet
2                                              6 Jet

3 Kat                                          7 Nick

4 Kot                                          8 Nick

Write Yes,I hove or No, I hoven't obout Kot.

      Ho ve go u got S pike'sshoes?                       Hove gou got Jet's T-shirt?

       Ho ve g o u got Nick'sjeons?                      Ho v e g o u g o t Nic k ' sjoc k e t ?

        H ove g o u got Jet's shoes?                    Ho v e g o u g o t S p ik e ' sju m p e r ?

                                                                      Unit 8 Lesson
5 | Write questions
                  ond onswers.

    Wh os e      hot       i st h i s ?   It'sthe      pirote's         hot
                sh i r t                            policeofficer's    shirt
               jocket                                 cowbog's        jocket
                sh o e                                 clown's        shoe
                skirt                                                 skirt

 ffi                                        @
        Unit 8 Lesson
AnswerYes,I hove or No, I hoven't obout gou.

          s i{ s€ 3g }* }g }{ }g:s. ffi.e9 #.str }f *i }f .*4 € *f tw,}H:s ff Jf tst pfJS-;f }H.i$ l# lf }f K €{. 3Hxlt 3s.}K }$y}t 3H }g sf:# .!s #(]g 3f }*n}s *s:dil sg # }* if }s *t .+g}e _ci,b
                                                                                                                                                                                                /tG                                                 'F&
    ll                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    '&
&                  Hovegou got o white T-shirt?                                                                                                                                                                                                            s
l                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          #
                   Hov eUoug o t o b r o w nj u m p e r ?
w                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $
s                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          R:
                   Hov egou g o t o b l u ec o o t ?                                                                                                                                                                                                       s
    It                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     &
    {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      s'
             4 Hov egou g o t o g r e e ns h i r t ?                                                                                                                                                                                                       Fi

    *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      h'
    r,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     E
    *              Hov egou g o t b l u ej e o n s ?                                                                                                                                                                                                       H
                   Hov egou g o t b l o c ks h o e s ?                                                                                                                                                                                                     s
    &                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      s
    x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      $
    9                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      s
          s xc   w xc{.$$r g${ffi }w ffi ${ t*t }s ffi 3s ;g
                         s                                              s $s.s{ s# w ffi' gs w r# $s s s* }i* $( w ist ffi
                                                                                                                           .Rs :{Nw w }& ffi $Rf }s .&r :$xK xi{ s$f:K
                                                                                                                              :ffi             $q                                                                                                    xsles
                                                               -g g;#
                                                                                                                                                                                          i:!   j1:         itli   *.i: :9: ri   :a:   ;ii:   i:rl

         Drow,colourond lobelgour fovouriteclothes.

                                  My star turn                                                                                                          *
                                                                                                                                                                                                      *                     T- sh;rf                             *
    ****                        *************                                                                                **                      *                                                      -ie;                                                 *
                                                                                                                                                     *                                                             otclnqe             r.l-nd                    *
    *                                                                                                                               *                *                                                             btrrcd                                *
                                                                                                                                                    *                                                                     "*
    *                                                                                                                               *               *                                                                                                            *
                                                                                                                                                    *                                                              bbe 3eans
    *                                                                                                                               *              *                                                                                                             *
    *                                                                                                                               *              *
    *                                                                                                                               *              *
    *                                                                                                                               *
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    *                                                                                                                               *        #B{                                                                                                         %
    *                                                                                                                              *                                                                                                                      *i
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                                                                                                                                   *         &                                                                                                             #
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                                                                                                                                   *         &                                                                                                             ffi
                                                                                                                                             w                                                                                                             M
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*                                                                                                                                  *         w                                                                                                             w
                                                                                                                                             w                                                                                                             M
                                                                                                                                             w                                                                                                             w
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                                                                                                                                                                              Unit 8 Lesson
                                                                                                                                                                                          4                                                          41
@ Bug cal6
 | 1 | Drow the picturesond completethe crossword. I

tt l                                                   pizzo solod chicken vegetobles
                                                       f ish chips sousoges pototoes

                                         | like

  42      Unit 9 Lesson
Listenond tick or cross. @ ot

4 | AnswerYes,I do or No, I don't obout gou.

                    My star turn                                Do g o u lik e ic e c re o m ?

                                                                                      Yes, I do.
  **********                              ******      ***

  *      1 Do Uouli k e g o g h u r t ?                     *

  *                                                         *

  ; .2 Do gou li k e o p p l e s ?                          *

  * 3 Do gou li k ec h o c o l o t e ?                      *
  *                                                         *

  *      4 Do g o u li k e s ol od?                         *
  *      5 Do g o u li k e fi s h?
  *                                                         *

  *      5 Do gou li k e p i z z o ?                        *
  *                                                         *
         7 Do gou l i k ev e g e t o b l e s ?
  *                                                         *

  * 8 Do g o u l i k e i c e c reom?                        *
  xxxxxxxxxx                               ********         *

                                                                       Unit 9 Lesson             43
5 | Drow the meolsgou like ond write sentences.

                                          opples fish
                                     cereol chicken eggs
                                        goghurt solod
                                      pototoes sousoges
                                        pizzo bononos

                                                   I don't hke

 6 | Asktwo friendsond complete chort.

               Whot do gou
                  like for

           unite Lesson
7 | Write the sentences.

  3E @ @tr@
  s E@r@
              filhPl@                 tlf-l         w
8 | Write the sentences.

     Q=   /                              g=g
     b= 6                                t =)4f
          >s                             u= E_            9-      
     d= @
                                         V =             Z=
     f-   x
  1 [ eil-f                      z
  2S[$x y'*@ mn[8$8*frfif
     F Ish
                )ea        a^1*a@

                                                  Unit 9 Lesson
@ ncvleu
f    writ" the words.

               heod     c hi ps j eons   coot      le g    s h ir t    orm     s o lo d   hond
                        c hi c k en oppl e   hot      foot       burger       shoes

                                             Clo t h e s

[Z   Rnt*"r the questions.

                                                                      1 Ho s it g o t lo n g le g s ?

                                                                      2 Ho sit g o t fo u r o r m s?
                                                                      3 Hos it got pizzo?

                                                                      4 Hos it got o coot?

                                                                      5 Ho s it g o t o h o t ?

46       Units7-9 Review
f    write the sentences.

                            thi s ?



                                                    B Answer the questions.

                                                    1 Ho v e g o u g o t o g r e e n jum p e r ?

                                                    2 Ho v e g o u g o t b lo c k s h oe s?

                                                    3 Do g o u lik e v e g e t o b le s ?

                                                    4   Hos gotsix
                                                          it      legs?
                                                    5 Whose
                                                          T-shirt this?

                                                                              Totql --------
                                      High score:          10 points
                                       10 points
                                                                   Units7-9 ReviewC            47
ry Animtlsilmi
1 | C i r c l e o n im o lwords.t O

                                               5nq   r lig                                en
               cro c odi l e monk eg
                                               cro   c odi                                le
            girof f e e l e p h o n t
        -hie'po- lion        snoke             iho   jwor                                 5V

                                               uel   ephq                                 nt

                                               phi   p       p             o"';1f              I

                                               ldo   rmtt                                 kb

                                               mon   kege                                 es

2 | Fi n dth e on im o ls
                        ond write sentences.

                                                         '- _. " --'gLi'     _=i-g.A--q
                                                         :-:+          {   ;"}r.r-qo-Y

  2 There are


          Un it 10 Le sson
Lookond write sentences.

                               There's    o                  sod              sn o ke s
                               T h e reo r e th r e e        b ig             h ip p o
                               T h e re ' s
                                          o                  hoppg            cr o co di l e
                               T h e reo r e fo u r          lit t le         m o n ke gs
                               There's    o                  lo n g           lio n

                           1 There's a


D r o w on d wr ite.

                                                        There's a


                                                        There are

                                                                        Un it 1 0 L e s s o 2
5 | Answerthe questions.
                      Write o or on.

   1 Whot's                                        Whot's                            3 Whot's
     th is ?                                       t h is?                             th is?

               It's an ostrich.

       Whot's                                      Whot's                              Whot's
       th is ?                                     t h is?                             th is?

6 | W r i t e th e o n im o l.

                                                                  I've got
            , : . 1' a: . .
                                                                  brown hoir.
                                              I l i k e me o t.
                                                                   l've got o
                                                                   lo n g n o se .
                                 l've got
                                 four legs.
                                                                  l'm from the
                                              I l i k e fish .
                                                                   I've got
                                                                   long legs,

               Unit 10 Lesson
Reodond complete
                   the chort.

         T here's o s t r i c ho h i p p oo n d
                 on              ,
         o girof f ein t h e z o o .T h e b i r d i s in
         n um ber e .T h e h i p p oi s n o t i n
         num ber hr e e .O n eo f t h e q n i m o ls
                t                                          I'm .            l' m in                 l've got .
                                                                            n u m b e r.            for lunch
         hosgot f ru i t f o r l u n c ho n d o n e
         hosgot leqves. onimolin
                      The                                   a hippo
         numbertwo hosgot vegetobles
         for lunch.
                  Thegiroffe hosn'tgot
         fruit f or lun c h .

    Drow ond write obout gour fovouriteonimol.

                      My star turn
*                                                                       *
*                                                                       *
*                                                                       *
*                                                                       *
*                                                                       *
*                                                                       *
*                                                                  '*            ![H aE sx   lE   r.x rfi l   *s   il *
                                                                            rx                                               ' [%
*                                                                       *               u_nit wqs
                                                                            i    ,think                                             n
                                                                        *                                                           &
*                                                                       *                                                           *
*                                                                       *                                                           $
*                                                                       *                                                           ffi
*                                                                                                                                   K
                                                                        *                                                           g
*                                                                       *                                                           x
*******************                                                         fu'**                                  *** #


                                                                                     Unit 10 Lesson
                                                                                                  4                  ..,l$il''
1 | Motchond write sentences.

                                                                                                                                   ft's a baLl,.

2 | AnswerYes,there is or No, there isn't.

              gg;ir if Is
                          ffi $t{ *Lr}g K }g ff }H K t   if x*'*g:glgE r*a$4 x6 3s!:w REls'Kr3#'*:@   &'r&'xf !&,&:,w:K,fiK.ww,&
         SS                                                                                                                        &rr&..}gr-wrr.&,K.&:w:K*,sw                         , qs+

                1 ls there o posterin gour room?                                                                                                                                               &,
 w            2 ls t hereo n o e r o p l o n en g o ur r o o m ?
                                             i                                                                                                                                                   X

 w                                                                                                                                                                                               &
              3 ls t hereo k e g b o o r d n g o u r r o o m ?                                                                                                                                   ry
                                          i                                                                                                                                                     s
     *                                                                                                                                                                                          X
     ffi + ls t hereo d o l l i n g o u r r o o m ?                                                                                                                                            &
     X        5 ls t hereo r o d i o i n g o u r r o o m?                                                                                                                                      s
     w                                                                                                                                                                                         e
     'ffi 6 ls t hereo b o l l i n g o u r r o o m ?                                                                                                                                           ffi
     M                                                                                                                                                                                         &
 w                                                                                                                                                                                              s
 w                                                                                                                                                                                              N
 ffi                                                                                                                                                                                            &
 w                  -rv"U't)                                                                                                                                                                         fi
 *"                                      I       {ft1                                $1fl                                 -gU.(lU-                     S?        Yl3,                                a
         ***_                -;$p                           ---fuM,
                                                                -V                        m_                                                            :-              a">
                                              -rJ+                                                                        -*4--
              q#s*&g&&s-ffi.ff':tx;&'t:e'.xgr$f.r*s,ss,jw:frrtg:rKw:.f:&,wit#,sw:m,x,:f:x.xrt,:m;gr,fitr;g.*..&:f:f,t:*:jt&s#.fiis:$p.&,&r*::&F;'.*rfp                                     -*T

52                U nit 1 1 Le sson
3 | L o o ko nd on swe r .

          1 H o w m o ng TV s ore there i n th e win d o w?

          2 How m on u c o m p u t e r o r e t h er e ?

          3 How mon u c o m p u t e r o m e s e th e r e ?
                                    g        or

          4 How m on u v i d e or e c o r d e ro re th e r e ?

              H o w m o n g tel ephonesore th e r e ?

          6 H o w m o n g C D pl ogersore the r e ?

          7 H o w m o n g v i deosore there?

           (-J^oo                                                o
                                                                     Un it 1 1 L e s s o n
                                                                                         2   53
4 | Reodond drow.

   o                            o
      Thereore four books
      on the desk.

       Thereore five CDs
       in the box.

       Thereore two dolls
       on t he bed .

       Thereore three pens
       on t he t obl e .

       Thereore six pencils
       on the desk.
   o                             o

S I then look ond onswerYes,there ore or No, there oren't.

     1 Are there posters the room?

     2 Are there CDsin the box?

     3 Are there penson the desk?

     4 A re t hereo n i m o l s n t h e b e d ?

     5 Are there comics the toble?

         Unit 11 Lesson
5 | Reodond motch.

               1 ls ther€ _                      posters.

              2 Ther eo r e t w o                o CD p lo g e ro n m g d e sk.
              3 How m o n gc o m i c s       "- o r o d io in g o u r r o o m ?

              4 There's                          lotsof booksin the box?

               5 Are there                       ore there?

      Drow ond write obout gour room.

                    My Starturn
  *     *****************                                *
  *                                                      *
  *                                                      *
  *                                                      *
  *                                                      *
  *                                                      *
  *                                                      *
  *                                                      *
  *                                                      *
  *                                                      *
                                                                                         w',K'$s w m:w w ffi w w
                                                                  s ffi w w,,iK.e 3a,w.r3x
  *                                                      *    Liffi                                              %a

  *                                                      *                                                                   w
  *                                                      *    ffi                                                            w
                                                              s                                                              w
                                                              &                                                              &
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                                                              &                                                              K
  *                                                      *    &                                                              ffi
                                                              &                                                              s
  *                                                      *    K                                                              #
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                                                              w                                                              M
                                                              &                                                              &
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                                                              &                                                              w
                                                              x         w
  *     *****************                                *     KlEIggKlr€jg              x * 8" t* t f f i s E mH g x    K

                                                                              Unit 11 Lesson                            55
@ Coodbyc,

                                                    The new Superstors

                          B u t this isn' t o CD.

     This i s Bi g B od
      Billg . H e's o
      bo n k r ob ber.

55    unit 12Lesson
Unit 12 Lesson
2 | Colourond find the pictures.

     n um bers b l u e
     clothes green
     furniture= brown
     foce ond bodg = red
     pets- oronge
      - gellow


                                               o n im o l s = w h i te
                                               f o m ilg = o r o h g €
                                               f e e lin g s= b l o ck
                                               food = r€d
                                               fovourite things
                                                = brown

58       Unit 12 Lesson
3 | Look ot the code ond write the sentence.

     o =1             b =2             C =3        d =4                 € =5                                                           f =6
     9 =7             h =8             i =9        j = 10               k = 11                                                         | - 12
     m = 13           n =14            o = 15      p - 16               q-"17                                                          r = 18
     S = 19           1=20             u =21       v =22               w= 2 3                                                          x = 24
     9 = 25           z =26


                                                                                                                j!:   ,i r j!:
                                                                       #     !!j :!!i jl:t   t:i   :ir:   :ii                    :ii   lil   :::r liil   !l   Li;l r:!: r;!: 'l'   li'l
                                                                       ffi                                                                                                                 &
                                                                       s                   unit 12 was                                                                                     &
                                                                                    tthink                                                                                                 &

                                                G o o d b g e f ro m   N                                                                                                                   &
                                                   the bugs!           fr                                                                                                                  &
                                                                       s                                                                                                                   tr
                                                                       ff                                                                                                                 .*

                                                                                               Unit 12 Lesson
                                                                                                            3                                                                      59
ry Bcvieu
A Write the words.                     B A n s we ro b o u t g o u .

                                         1 Ho w o ld o r e g o u ?

                                         2 W h o t ' s g o u r f o v o u r it e co l o u r ?

                                         3 Ho v e g o u g o t o p e t ?

                                        4 Ho v e g o u g o t b r o wn e ge s?

                                             Ho w m o n g b r o t h e r so n d si ste r s
                                             hove gou got?

                                        6 ls t h e r e o p e n c il in g o u r b o g ?

                                         7 Do g o u              bononos?

                                        8 W h o t d o g o u lik e f o r lun ch ?

                                            W h o t c o lo u r is t h e d o o r i n
                                            uour room?

                                       1 0 W h o t ' s Uo u r f o v o u r it e o n i m o l ?

                                                  igh scorei            Totql -----=-
                                                  10 points
                           J5 points
This is to certtfg thot

  hcs cornpletedLe,cel, Chit Chet.
Signed,                                     (teccher)

                - .i

                       {,,   },

                                       Un it s1 0 -1 2Re v ie wD   61
Chit chat activity book 1
Chit chat activity book 1
Chit chat activity book 1
Chit chat activity book 1
Chit chat activity book 1
Chit chat activity book 1
Chit chat activity book 1
Chit chat activity book 1
Chit chat activity book 1
Chit chat activity book 1
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Chit chat activity book 1

  • 1.
  • 2. Mg nome T h i si s mU b o o k. OXFORD -TN IV E R S ITY PRESS
  • 3. e' s it #* ic kN *6 1 Storterunit Lesson
  • 4. 2 | Reodond write. 3 | Drow gour picture. Write gour nome. My stcr turn ***************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * ,:} * * r') tt t( * * * ,)r * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** *********************** * Storterunit Lesson 1 '3
  • 5. @ Hcffot f the colourwords.t 4 | Circle I o g pf dquo red b r ow niib blue I e tgbk white o e CI vurt gellow. brown C n gblo *green* kr Ue llo w block 9h ru om nore S I Write the colourwords.Thencolourthe pictures. b l o ck ri) @.,(/ green -o red *whitF gellow /t brown white 4 2 Storterunit Lesson
  • 6. 6 | W r i te the n u m bers. -/-' 7 | C o l ou ro n d fin d the picture. 1 = brown 2 = blue 3 = green 4=red 5 = gellow 6 = b l o ck 7 = w h i te Storterunit Lesson 3 5
  • 7. bugs @ 3losoroom t I R eo don d m otch. tt @ .( 1 book tr 2 p e n ci l T T t 3 pen 4 bog T 5 ru l e r T 6 ru b b e r I 2 | Complete sentences. the W ho t' s A pen th is 1 U nit 1 Le sson
  • 8. 3 | Reod ond motch. o Sto n du p . 1 u {3it oown*l: c P o in t t o o p e n . o P o in t t o o r u b b e r . 2 b S it d o wn . c P o in t t o o r u le r . o Pointto o book. 3 b Po in tto o p e n cil. c Po in tto o p e n . o Po in tto o p e n cil se . co f b Sto n du p . c Sit d o wn . 4 | Complete sentences. the Then motchwith the pictures. o pen down to -+r,9* Point C 2 Point o ruler. t 3 Po i n t to o d 4 Si t e 5 to gour penc i lc os e. Unit 1 Lesson 2 7
  • 9. 5 | o r ow o n d l ob e lgour pencil cose. ** My star turn i**** *** ** * **** *** * ol?t?il .n a m * Lr'"" seL @se * G@se * ^91) * lpurucru @ @ ******************* * * * I * * Ylg penci[case * * -.. * * * XX * * * * ** * (I * * * XX * * * * XX * * * Dg Ll z * XX *** ***** * *** * * * **** t* ** ** ** ** XX ** ******************* S I lvtotchthe picturesond the sentences. ij:_@ T tr T I Unit 1 Lesson 3
  • 10. 7 | Findthe secret word. 1 S t a n d 2 4 5 5 4€ 8 9 n r i l 'E n r a . r *. *l E r .* r rr r xa #r ,,, & unit 1 was s :.W :,& rthink M w & w The secret word is ,s & il ry S ffi ffi & * K X * & & H &,*,*, Unit 1 Lesson 4
  • 11. 1 | Reodond motch. 1 door tr 2 c l oc k 3 d e sk 4 boord 5 ch o i r tr 6 tobl e 7 win d o w a b) 2 | Reodond colourthe picturein octivitg1. W hot colou r' s t h e t o b le ? Re d . Whot colour' s t h e c lo c k ? G re e n . W hot colou r' s t h e d e s k ? Blue. W hot colou r' s t h e d o o r? B ro wn . Whot colour ' s t h e win d o w? Y e llo w. Whot colour' s t h e c h o ir? B lo c k . 10 Unit 2 Lesson 1
  • 12. :' . l 3 | Write the numbers. t+V ? +I * =7 3 *+? * =8 -o 4 O+*= *+O 6 I +A = )=n 7 t +? 8 t+I 4 | Choose ond write. Howold ore gou? Wh q t' sUo u rn o m e ? Mg nome's A nn. l' m f o u rt e e n . 2 Unit 2 Lesson
  • 13. 5 | Reod, motch ond complete the cords. O nu name,; t,m , r"ti,.i. Mg nome'sElten. tweLve. favourite Mg My l'm eteven. 1 cotouris bLue. L*'****__ Lsgeltow. Superstors fqn c *** Superstqrs N q me fcrn club ******* Nsme fon c colour g eltow Fqvourite *** As e 10 Nome Fovouritecolour Fuvouritecolour 5 | Drow ond write obout gou. @ My star turn ** **************** * * * * Superstqrs * * * f q n cl u b * * * ******* * * Nome * * * * Age * * Fqvouritecolour * * * ** **************** * 12 Unit 2 Lesson 3
  • 14. 7 I Lookond write. or 6 8 | Drow o pop stor ond write the onswers. Wh o t ' s g o u r no me ? W hot' s Uour fovour ite col our ? J8 S S *S W ffi Sf sf ?$ iS.S8 e, CS SB 4S Je # s. ffi ldff ffiffi unit 2 ff m ,think .*;lx How old ore gou? 96*6*@t-ds*,ajq6,+. Unit 2 Lesson 4 13
  • 15. the sentences. t I Vtotchond complete cot f ish dog -bird robbit sPider 1 lt's o bird 2 lt's o 3 lt's o 4 lt's o 5 lt's o 6 lt's o ond write. 2 | Choose It'so spider. lt's o cot. Whot'sthis? Wh o t's this? 14 1 Unit 3 Lesson
  • 16. 3 | tisten ond circlethe onswer. @ lg , iei, it ii. ", 1 ls it o dog? N o ,i t i sn ' t. Yes,it is. 2 ls it o bird? N o , i t i sn ' t. Yes,it is. 3 ls it o cot? N o , i t i sn ' t. Yes,it is. ls it q fish? N o , i t i sn ' t. Yes,it is. ls it o m o u s e ? N o , i t i sn ' t. 4 | Write Yes,it is or No, it isn't. 1 l s i t o s pi der? Yes, [t ls. 2 l s i t o fi s h? 5 ls it o cot? 3 l s i t o bi rd? 6 ls it o r o b b it ? J- rf 4 l s i t o dog? 7 ls it o m o u s e ? o:?). Unit 3 Lesson 2 t5
  • 17. 5 | R e o don d m o tch. 1 lt's q li ttl e c ot. tr 7 lt ' s o b ig d o g . tr 2 lt's o bi g bi rd. tr 8 lt's o little fish . T 3 lt's o bi g fi s h. tr 9 lt's o b ig co t. tr 4 lt's o l i ttl e dog. tr 1 0 lt ' s o little r o b b it. tr 5 lt's o bi g robbi t. tr 1 1 lt ' s o little b ir d . tr 6 lt's o li ttl e s pi der. tr 1 2 lt ' s o b ig sp id e r . T 15 Unit 3 Lesson 3
  • 18. 5 | Completethe crossword. 7 | Write ond drow gour fovourite pet. ******** r********** * * * My star turn * * * * * * * ***************** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ***************** * * * rymi#,x;x;,&:&rff {'r!t8{r;*ixie:x1lGix!i*iry #Kei * w * # unit 3 h/os * * g & rthink $' H w il * * & x ffi M s fr * * w x s g * * & s * ffi * w * Mg Javourlte is a pet .* K # tg * ********* ******* ** fu*. Unit 3 Lesson 4
  • 19. -.6heir- -€st- -pen- fish desk window rubber mouse ruler dog book b ir d p e n cil clo ck to b le cat Pets Furniture things Clossroom tr Reod colour. ond one brown dog two g ellowdog s one o rongec ot three blockcots two red birds four blue birds fi ve greenpenc i l s si xg ellowpenc i l s
  • 20.
  • 21. ry Pirotes 1 | Write the words. hoppg on g r g sod t h ir s t g scored hungrg ,6- 2 I AnswerYesor No. ," # *s .*e *6 .s..& ig.:Le KS tr#::K'r381 ffi&i.Wg.trffiflflgl$g,K f:l#r.&.Ki#li$fr,'Wlf &]S S,Kf .${}S *}& }g j** & }C g S & *A*. .* @. &S tK €{ Hd.# Stt ffiff+r}frm * 1 A re gou h u n g r g ? 3 Ar e g o u th ir stg ? s 2 A re gou h o p p g ? 4 Ar e g o u so d ? & 4 3 *. ; *t ; i { -w Hi K ss-t6 i *e f}K }fH3r s' Ks,s6i:|$l$#:} i$l.f:} gKw:.:ag]M ;f&::lw :M ]&f:Ks .m ..:}* .f]&.3Kx ]]'#..f;:f.K]&i :,s l s .$&.$,'$ 20 Unit 4 Lesson 1
  • 22. 3 | Write He'sor She's. ong r g . th ir stg . hungrg. 4 | Reodond drow. 1 He'sho p p g . 2 Sh e ' s d . so 3 He ' s ed. tir 5 | Complete sentences. the 1 S h e 's 3 Sh e ' s 2 He's 4 He ' s Unit 4 Lesson 2 |1:',
  • 23. ond write. 6 | Choose G o o de v e n i n g . Go o dm o r n in g . Go o do fte r n o on. 7 | Completethe sentences. thonk gou Ho w l' m Go o d e ve n ing ore @ l'm fine, Unit 4 Lesson 3
  • 24. Complete stories. the He's tired He's He ' s Sh e 's S he's 5he's D r o w on d w r i te o bout gou. My Starturn ** **************** * * * * l--{ * * * ******. i; T f t *** * * * * l * * &EF }' }B e # $ xg l* s s.'..s ** &w v, * tr* ,9 ?* & Ea,- * * unit 4 was : i rthink * * s FJ & * * * & * * & g * * € R tr * * w H * * w s ********* * * * * * * * * * * % Unit 4 Lesson 4 23
  • 25. f unnYfoces t hatr 4 2 3 ( l 've go t o big /,little', hos€. I've got eo rs. l've g ot big / little eors. l've got o mouth. l 've got big / little eUes. l've got o nose. l 've go t o big / little mouth. I've got e u e s. N6 24 1 Unit 5 Lesson
  • 26. 3 | Reodond write the nomes. 1 He'sgot long h o i r . 5 He'sgot glosses. 2 H e'sgot big e g e s . 6 He ' sg o t b lo ckh o ir . 3 H e'sgot o big m o u t h . 7 He ' sg o t o b ig n o s e . 4 H e'sgot big e o r s . 8 He'sgot o little nose. 4 | Choose ond write. m o u t h .He ' s Vonng has got got long h o i r .S h e ' s o t g Marlehas b ig e g e s. Unit 5 Lesson 2 25
  • 27. 5 | Listen, ond drow. choose @ ss ooooo Zipper Zopper No s e Eors M ou th o q4 4W o 6 | W r ite o b o u t Zi pperond Zopper. This [s Zlpper. He's got This ls Zapper. She'sgot short halr. He's got Unit 5 Lesson 3
  • 28. Fo l l o wthe m o zeo nd find the robot. START q little no s e b ig e g e s little eges sh o r t h o ir b ig e o rs long ho ir o big no se o big mouth o lit t le mo u t h l i ttl e e o rs END Robot n u mbe r Drow ond write obout o robot foce. i*********r t *- ***** * * * My star turn * * t * * * ******************* * * * ng * ** * 1*6. I * * ** * * ** ;g g s xtn ?# :#, gi wtu ** :,:!: # :it ?q w ?k ry & ?€ !*i is r,.ri lf # q ** ** ** ** * Mg robot has got * ** r. I * ft has got * ******************* 4 Unit 5 Lesson 27
  • 29. 1 | D r ow on d lo b e lgour fomilg. I I f lllllllf fl | | f lf l lllrl 2 I S U, I ^a- - J l- r - - - - - - ffi - @ trgry dr#r b'TS'- sdtL g ffi I tt | ! 2 | Reod ond motch. tr tr tr T 28 Unit 6 Lesson 1
  • 30. ts-,dul t L.rk;l Sandu ----.---------.- tl I got h o ve h o ve n ' t siste r s m o n u Ho w )I mo n g b ro t h e rs hove go u gou got? got o brother. Unit 6 Lesson 2 29
  • 31. S I tvtotchond write the sentences. L u cgh o sg o t ond two o n e b ig b r o th e r lit t le si ste r s. Jo h nh o sg o t ond one two little b r o th e r s ... b ig s i ste r . Peterhosgot ond one ... two b ig siste r s lit t le b r o th e r . 4 Jo n eh o sg o t ond one o n e little siste r ... lit t le si ste r . 1 2 3 4 ond write. 5 | Choose 30 Unit 6 Lesson 3
  • 32. I 7 | Reodond motch. Drow ond write obout o personin gour fomilg. My Starturn r*************** * -ru. *** * * ******************* * * ** * * * * ** * * * ** * * .{s;ia, i r}:*.r'}/ * ** * lil" / 1F.'',"-' * ***************** * ** ** ** ** unit 6 was ** rthink ** ** * This is mg * * * * * * ***************** * Unit 6 Lesson 4 31
  • 33. @ BcvfcuB tr Reod circle. ond C ircleth e fo m il g w ords red. C ircleth e fo ce w ords bl ue. C ircleth e fe e li ngsw ords green. mouth tired hoppg eors eues mum siste r ongru grondmo th ir stg grondod sco r e d hungrg s od b r o th e r h o ir dod tr Drowgourself onswer questions. ond the Ho w old ore gou? How mong sisters Ho w mo n g b ro t h e r s hove gou got? h o v e g o u g o t? 32 units4-6 ReviewB
  • 34. ! write the sentences. @E 'FilEE grondmo. 4 noir shorl/ go./st'''"'' ll I ' tr-tr A Write the words. B Write sentences. f' m f'm 3 f' m 9_ fsfql - !0 Points Units ul-6 ReviewB 33
  • 35. 1 | Lobelthe picture. leg foot orm heod hond 1 2 3 4 5 2 | Motchthe sentences. Thenwrite the numbers. 1 Uourfedt. 2 g ou r h e o d . 3 g ou r h o n d s. 4 Stomp Uo u rle g s. 5 Kick u ou r o r m s. Unit 7 Lesson 1
  • 36. 3 | AnswerYes,it hos or No, it hosn't. got four orms? YeS, [t hAS. 1 Hosthe monster 2 Hosit got big feet? H o si t g o t l o n g l e gs? 4 Hosit got little eors? 5 H o si t g o t b i g h o n ds? 6 Hosit got five eges? 4 | Now write questions. 1 Hosit got m o u th s? Yes,it hos. 2 Hosit noses? No, it hosn't. 3 Hos No, it hosn't. 4 Yes,it hos. Unit 7 Lesson 2
  • 37. 5 | Reod ond motch. seCret sestret hasgot ft hasgot big eyes. It hasgot long hair'lt ft got big hasgot four long four shortlegs'lt has arms. ft hasgot four long hasgot two arms' legs. Monster Monster r 6 | tisten ond write the letter. 6') ag T tu 1 M o n s te r 2 M o n s te r tr 3 M o n s te r T 35 Unit 7 Lesson 3
  • 38. 7 | Complete sentences. the monster two orms? g o t fo ur orms. ******************* 8 | Drow ond write obout o monster. * ** Ilf- star turr ***** *********- r * * * * ** ** #mw | f--;;;#:,xr:; Mgmonster got has * ; I :ffi * ft hasgot * W tr ** -fx",i,.h#, w ** ******************* *W K tr ' Unit 7 Lesson 4 37
  • 39. $upersttrclothcs , o b l o c kh o t o p u r Ple m Pe r ju o bfockjocket o brown coot J,'"ffi;:il" o n o r o n g esh ir t o pink T-shirt o red T-shirt lJ o b l u e sh in? gou or e. . l' m s o rrg. o red jumper? 38 1 Unit8 Lesson
  • 40. Book poges2 ond 3. Lookot Closs Lookond write sentences. 1 s Jet 2 6 Jet 3 Kat 7 Nick 4 Kot 8 Nick Write Yes,I hove or No, I hoven't obout Kot. Ho ve go u got S pike'sshoes? Hove gou got Jet's T-shirt? Ho ve g o u got Nick'sjeons? Ho v e g o u g o t Nic k ' sjoc k e t ? H ove g o u got Jet's shoes? Ho v e g o u g o t S p ik e ' sju m p e r ? 2 Unit 8 Lesson
  • 41. 5 | Write questions ond onswers. Wh os e hot i st h i s ? It'sthe pirote's hot sh i r t policeofficer's shirt jocket cowbog's jocket sh o e clown's shoe skirt skirt ffi @ @ Unit 8 Lesson 3
  • 42. AnswerYes,I hove or No, I hoven't obout gou. s i{ s€ 3g }* }g }{ }g:s. ffi.e9 #.str }f *i }f .*4 € *f tw,}H:s ff Jf tst pfJS-;f }H.i$ l# lf }f K €{. 3Hxlt 3s.}K }$y}t 3H }g sf:# .!s #(]g 3f }*n}s *s:dil sg # }* if }s *t .+g}e _ci,b . /tG 'F& 's ll '& & Hovegou got o white T-shirt? s & t l # , * Hov eUoug o t o b r o w nj u m p e r ? ts w $ s R: 1f 1e Hov egou g o t o b l u ec o o t ? s H It & { s' w & 4 Hov egou g o t o g r e e ns h i r t ? Fi * h' r, E s * Hov egou g o t b l u ej e o n s ? H s R s F Hov egou g o t b l o c ks h o e s ? s & s x $ 9 s s xc w xc{.$$r g${ffi }w ffi ${ t*t }s ffi 3s ;g s s $s.s{ s# w ffi' gs w r# $s s s* }i* $( w ist ffi .Rs :{Nw w }& ffi $Rf }s .&r :$xK xi{ s$f:K :ffi $q xsles -g g;# i:! j1: itli *.i: :9: ri :a: ;ii: i:rl :i: Drow,colourond lobelgour fovouriteclothes. My star turn * I * T- sh;rf * **** ************* ** * -ie; * * otclnqe r.l-nd * * * * btrrcd * * "* * * * * * bbe 3eans * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************** * * * * f iS:SS 3g'}KS* ?& # 3g,}S ?# ffi W lg & }s'69 #il }6 i*r * * #B{ % ffi * * *i # * tr # * & # * w w * & ffi w M * * & g 'gt ffi * * w w w M * w w * w w W w * * w & w w **** ************* ** tir in -!------.J 7-a ?.. ir :a: ert a.{, :al Unit 8 Lesson 4 41
  • 43. @ Bug cal6 rr | 1 | Drow the picturesond completethe crossword. I tt, tt l pizzo solod chicken vegetobles f ish chips sousoges pototoes | like 42 Unit 9 Lesson 1
  • 44. Listenond tick or cross. @ ot 9o 4 | AnswerYes,I do or No, I don't obout gou. My star turn Do g o u lik e ic e c re o m ? Yes, I do. ********** ****** *** * 1 Do Uouli k e g o g h u r t ? * * * ; .2 Do gou li k e o p p l e s ? * * 3 Do gou li k ec h o c o l o t e ? * * * * 4 Do g o u li k e s ol od? * * 5 Do g o u li k e fi s h? * * * * 5 Do gou li k e p i z z o ? * * * 7 Do gou l i k ev e g e t o b l e s ? * * * 8 Do g o u l i k e i c e c reom? * xxxxxxxxxx ******** * 2 Unit 9 Lesson 43
  • 45. 5 | Drow the meolsgou like ond write sentences. opples fish cereol chicken eggs goghurt solod I pototoes sousoges pizzo bononos Breokfost I don't hke 6 | Asktwo friendsond complete chort. the Whot do gou like for breokfost? unite Lesson 3 l.
  • 46. 7 | Write the sentences. 1F;;1F."lf-,.f@E 2EtrT 3E @ @tr@ 4@EEF;"GI s E@r@ filhPl@ tlf-l w 8 | Write the sentences. Q= / g=g b= 6 t =)4f (= >s u= E_ 9- d= @ a- f V = Z= w f- x 1 [ eil-f z Sl-wyD 2S[$x y'*@ mn[8$8*frfif F Ish )ea a^1*a@ Unit 9 Lesson 4
  • 47. @ ncvleu c f writ" the words. heod c hi ps j eons coot le g s h ir t orm s o lo d hond c hi c k en oppl e hot foot burger shoes Clo t h e s [Z Rnt*"r the questions. e 1 Ho s it g o t lo n g le g s ? 2 Ho sit g o t fo u r o r m s? =ffi 3 Hos it got pizzo? 4 Hos it got o coot? 5 Ho s it g o t o h o t ? 46 Units7-9 Review c
  • 48. f write the sentences. thi s ? hot? s B Answer the questions. 1 Ho v e g o u g o t o g r e e n jum p e r ? 2 Ho v e g o u g o t b lo c k s h oe s? 3 Do g o u lik e v e g e t o b le s ? 4 Hos gotsix it legs? ry# p? 5 Whose T-shirt this? is 19 Totql -------- High score: 10 points 10 points Units7-9 ReviewC 47
  • 49. ry Animtlsilmi 1 | C i r c l e o n im o lwords.t O the 5nq r lig en cro c odi l e monk eg cro c odi le girof f e e l e p h o n t -hie'po- lion snoke iho jwor 5V uel ephq nt phi p p o"';1f I ldo rmtt kb mon kege es 2 | Fi n dth e on im o ls ond write sentences. '- _. " --'gLi' _=i-g.A--q :-:+ { ;"}r.r-qo-Y 2 There are 7 Un it 10 Le sson 1
  • 50. Lookond write sentences. There's o sod sn o ke s T h e reo r e th r e e b ig h ip p o T h e re ' s o hoppg cr o co di l e T h e reo r e fo u r lit t le m o n ke gs There's o lo n g lio n 1 There's a 5 D r o w on d wr ite. There's a There'-s There are Un it 1 0 L e s s o 2 n
  • 51. 5 | Answerthe questions. Write o or on. 1 Whot's Whot's 3 Whot's th is ? t h is? th is? It's an ostrich. Whot's Whot's Whot's th is ? t h is? th is? 6 | W r i t e th e o n im o l. I've got , : . 1' a: . . brown hoir. ;:::::;t I l i k e me o t. l've got o lo n g n o se . l've got four legs. l'm from the Antorctic. I l i k e fish . I've got long legs, Unit 10 Lesson 3
  • 52. Reodond complete the chort. T here's o s t r i c ho h i p p oo n d on , o girof f ein t h e z o o .T h e b i r d i s in n um ber e .T h e h i p p oi s n o t i n on num ber hr e e .O n eo f t h e q n i m o ls t I'm . l' m in l've got . n u m b e r. for lunch hosgot f ru i t f o r l u n c ho n d o n e hosgot leqves. onimolin The a hippo numbertwo hosgot vegetobles for lunch. Thegiroffe hosn'tgot fruit f or lun c h . 1 Drow ond write obout gour fovouriteonimol. My star turn ******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* ![H aE sx lE r.x rfi l *s il * rx ' [% * * u_nit wqs 1o * i ,think n * & & * * * # 4 * * $ ffi * * ffi R * K * g * * * x s ******************* fu'** *** # .rr:!r:.:i,:r ; Unit 10 Lesson 4 ..,l$il''
  • 53. 1 | Motchond write sentences. ft's a baLl,. 2 | AnswerYes,there is or No, there isn't. gg;ir if Is ffi $t{ *Lr}g K }g ff }H K t if x*'*g:glgE r*a$4 x6 3s!:w REls'Kr3#'*:@ &'r&'xf !&,&:,w:K,fiK.ww,& *K,r*.t:st,&.t,&r& - + SS &rr&..}gr-wrr.&,K.&:w:K*,sw , qs+ u 1 ls there o posterin gour room? &, q & w * w 2 ls t hereo n o e r o p l o n en g o ur r o o m ? i X F w & g & 3 ls t hereo k e g b o o r d n g o u r r o o m ? ry i s K * X ffi + ls t hereo d o l l i n g o u r r o o m ? & $ & @ X 5 ls t hereo r o d i o i n g o u r r o o m? s & * w e 'ffi 6 ls t hereo b o l l i n g o u r r o o m ? ffi x M & w s w N ffi & w w w w x K w -rv"U't) fi *" I {ft1 $1fl -gU.(lU- S? Yl3, a ***_ -;$p ---fuM, -V m_ :- a"> -rJ+ -*4-- q#s*&g&&s-ffi.ff':tx;&'t:e'.xgr$f.r*s,ss,jw:frrtg:rKw:.f:&,wit#,sw:m,x,:f:x.xrt,:m;gr,fitr;g.*..&:f:f,t:*:jt&s#.fiis:$p.&,&r*::&F;'.*rfp -*T 52 U nit 1 1 Le sson 1
  • 54. 3 | L o o ko nd on swe r . 1 H o w m o ng TV s ore there i n th e win d o w? 2 How m on u c o m p u t e r o r e t h er e ? s 3 How mon u c o m p u t e r o m e s e th e r e ? g or 4 How m on u v i d e or e c o r d e ro re th e r e ? s H o w m o n g tel ephonesore th e r e ? 6 H o w m o n g C D pl ogersore the r e ? 7 H o w m o n g v i deosore there? (-J^oo o Un it 1 1 L e s s o n 2 53
  • 55. 4 | Reodond drow. o o Thereore four books on the desk. Thereore five CDs in the box. Thereore two dolls on t he bed . Thereore three pens on t he t obl e . Thereore six pencils on the desk. eb o o S I then look ond onswerYes,there ore or No, there oren't. 1 Are there posters the room? in 2 Are there CDsin the box? 3 Are there penson the desk? 4 A re t hereo n i m o l s n t h e b e d ? o 5 Are there comics the toble? on Unit 11 Lesson 3
  • 56. 5 | Reodond motch. 1 ls ther€ _ posters. 2 Ther eo r e t w o o CD p lo g e ro n m g d e sk. 3 How m o n gc o m i c s "- o r o d io in g o u r r o o m ? 4 There's lotsof booksin the box? 5 Are there ore there? Drow ond write obout gour room. My Starturn * ***************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * w',K'$s w m:w w ffi w w s ffi w w,,iK.e 3a,w.r3x * * Liffi %a ffi * * w w * * ffi w s w & & * * ffi H & K * * & ffi & s * * K # X # * * w # w M & & * * w & & w x w * ***************** * KlEIggKlr€jg x * 8" t* t f f i s E mH g x K 4 Unit 11 Lesson 55
  • 57. @ Coodbyc, Supcrstarsl The new Superstors CD. B u t this isn' t o CD. This i s Bi g B od Billg . H e's o bo n k r ob ber. 55 unit 12Lesson 1
  • 59. 2 | Colourond find the pictures. = n um bers b l u e - clothes green furniture= brown foce ond bodg = red pets- oronge clossroomthings - gellow teve^lee^ o n im o l s = w h i te f o m ilg = o r o h g € f e e lin g s= b l o ck food = r€d fovourite things = brown 58 Unit 12 Lesson 2
  • 60. 3 | Look ot the code ond write the sentence. o =1 b =2 C =3 d =4 € =5 f =6 9 =7 h =8 i =9 j = 10 k = 11 | - 12 m = 13 n =14 o = 15 p - 16 q-"17 r = 18 S = 19 1=20 u =21 v =22 w= 2 3 x = 24 9 = 25 z =26 5H j!: ,i r j!: # !!j :!!i jl:t t:i :ir: :ii :ii lil :::r liil !l Li;l r:!: r;!: 'l' li'l % ffi & s unit 12 was & s & tthink & G o o d b g e f ro m N & ffi the bugs! fr & & s tr s # s ff .* w M ts ffi & Unit 12 Lesson 3 59
  • 61. ry Bcvieu D A Write the words. B A n s we ro b o u t g o u . 1 Ho w o ld o r e g o u ? 2 W h o t ' s g o u r f o v o u r it e co l o u r ? 3 Ho v e g o u g o t o p e t ? 4 Ho v e g o u g o t b r o wn e ge s? Ho w m o n g b r o t h e r so n d si ste r s hove gou got? 6 ls t h e r e o p e n c il in g o u r b o g ? 7 Do g o u bononos? 8 W h o t d o g o u lik e f o r lun ch ? W h o t c o lo u r is t h e d o o r i n uour room? 1 0 W h o t ' s Uo u r f o v o u r it e o n i m o l ? igh scorei Totql -----=- 10 points J5 points Units10-12ReviewD
  • 62. This is to certtfg thot I hcs cornpletedLe,cel, Chit Chet. "f Signed, (teccher) : p*'**^ ::" "{* - .i oure*p% a %. {,, }, Un it s1 0 -1 2Re v ie wD 61