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Table of Contents
.......................................................................................................................It	Won’t	Cost	You	a	Dime	 3
........................................................................................................................$464.53	Profit…	No	Cost	 3
.................................................................................................................................About	The	Method	 4
.............................................................................................................................................Can	I	Help?	 5
............................................................................................................................................About	Mark	 5
.................................................................................................................1.2	Million	in	the	last	3	years	 6
............................................................................................................................$728,850.28	in	1	Year	 6
....................................................................................................................Do	You	Hate	Your	Day	Job?	 8
...............................................................................................................................How	Did	They	Do	It?	 9
............................................................................................................................................The	Catalyst	 9
.................................................................................................So	what	was	the	missing	ingredient?	 9
.................................................................................................................Nobody	Likes	Being	Sold	To	 10
................................................................................................................................Easy	To	Do	-	LOOK	 11
..........................................................................................................Here’s	The	Process	In	a	Nutshell	 11
.............................................................................................................................................The	Magic	 11
.....................................................................................................................A	Real-World	Example	 12
.............................................................................................................................................Let’s	Do	it	 14
.........................................................................................................The	Basic	Method	in	a	nutshell…	 14
........................................................................................................#1.	Find	a	product	to	promote.	 14
................................................................................................................................#2.	Make	A	PDF	 14
...........................................................................................#3.	Give	The	PDF	Away	&	Make	Money	 15
..............................................................................................................What	About	Social	Media?	 16
....................................................................................................................The	Full	Hookum	Method	 17
©	Copyright	Mark	Bishop	|	IKKONIK	LTD.	All	rights	reserved.	No	part	of	this	eBook	may	be	reproduced	or	transmided	in	
any	form	or	by	any	means,	electronic	or	mechanical,	including	photocopying,	recording	or	by	any	informaeon	storage	and	
retrieval	system,	without	wriden	permission	from	the	author.	
Legal	Disclaimer…
The	informaeon	contained	within	this	eBook	is	strictly	for	educaeonal	purposes.	If	you	wish	to	apply	ideas	contained	in	this	
eBook,	you	are	taking	full	responsibility	for	your	aceons.
The	author	has	made	every	effort	to	ensure	the	accuracy	of	the	informaeon	within	this	book	was	correct	at	eme	of	
publicaeon.	The	author	does	not	assume	and	hereby	disclaims	any	liability	to	any	party	for	any	loss,	damage,	or	disrupeon	
caused	by	errors	or	omissions,	whether	such	errors	or	omissions	result	from	accident,	negligence,	or	any	other	cause.	
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How to Make Money Online
by Simply Giving Something Away
It Won’t Cost You a Dime
The	following	PDF	is	short	and	to	the	point.	Read	it	all,	and	you	will	understand	
how	to	make	money	online	passively	and	without	cost…	
Do	this	and	you	will	not	need	a	website,	hoseng	or	any	technical	ability…and	
yes,	this	method	will	work	for	you	if	you	are	a	Newbie,	I.e.	brand	new	to	
making	money	online.
First	of	all	take	a	look	at	the	screen	shot	below…
$464.53 Profit… No Cost
That’s	$464.53	in	affiliate	commission	(100%	profit)	adained	by	simply	giving	
an	easy	to	produce	PDF	away	for	FREE.
This	is	a	method	(I	hate	to	use	the	word	Trick)	my	associate	developed	some	
years	ago,	and	it	sell	works	today…	would	you	like	to	know	how	to	do	the	
Great	then	read	on…	
About The Method
This	PDF	details	a	very	real	method	you	can	start	using	today	to	make	money.	
As	I	meneoned	earlier,	my	associate	(Mark)	originally	developed	this	lidle	
system	some	years	ago	and	sell	uses	it	today,	as	do	lots	of	other	people	who	
either	have	access	to	this	PDF	or	HOOKUM	(the	full	method).	
The	process	I’m	about	to	detail	works	in	the	Internet	Markeeng	(IM)	or	Make	
Money	Online	(MMO)	niches	very	well.
The	process	also	works	in	nearly	any	other	niche	you	can	think	of…	For	
example:	when	Mark	started	making	money	online	as	an	affiliate	he	used	this	
system	to	sell	niche	products	such	as	health-related	products	listed	on	
Note:	As	meneoned	above	this	system	is	based	on	Mark’s	full	training	called	
HOOKUM,	so	you	will	see	that	HOOKUM	is	referred	to	throughout	this	
Can I Help?
The	reason	Mark	put	Hookum	(the	full	training)	together	inieally	was	to	help	
those	who	were	either	struggling	to	compete	in	a	very	compeeeve	
environment,	or	those	looking	for	a	quick,	cost	free	way	to:
1. Build	a	list
2. Make	Money	(without	spending	a	bunch	of	it)
Which	is,	aoer	all	the	reason	we	all	spend	so	much	eme	online.	Well,	perhaps	
that	isn’t	the	only	reason,	but	the	fact	you	are	now	reading	this	PDF	suggests	
that	you	are	at	least	interested	in	making	money	online.
Yes?...	Ok	lets	get	started.
About Mark
You	may	or	may	not	be	aware	of	Mark	Bishop…
So	let	me	quickly	explain	about	Mark’s	work,	so	you	know	what	I’m	about	to	
show	you	is	the	real	deal…	
Today	Mark	is	reasonably	well	known	and	highly	successful	in	the	internet	
markeeng	(IM)	space	as	both	a	vendor	of	his	own	products,	and	an	affiliate	for	
many	products	produced	by	others.	
Want	some	proof	of	Mark’s	ac=vi=es?		See	the	next	page…
1.2 Million in the last 3 years
$728,850.28 in 1 Year
The	screen	shot	below	is	2017	start	to	finish	(1	account).	
Currency	is	GBP	as	Mark	is	based	in	the	UK
£538,493	GBP—	that	works	out	at	$728,850.28	US—	Almost	three	quarters	of	
a	Million	Dollars	in	1	year	from	1	account!
This	income	is	shown	to	demonstrate	that	rather	than	being	one	of	those	
‘Fake’	guys,	Mark	really	does	make	a	lot	of	money	online	Day	In,	Day	Out.	
And	just	to	verify	this…	He	runs	a	registered	UK	LTD	Company	called	
IKKONIK	LTD,	Pays	corporaeon	tax,	UK	VAT,	EU	VAT	MOSS	and	his	accounts	
are	held	at	companies’	house	in	the	UK…	So	yes	–	these	figures	are	REAL.
From	the	images	above	hopefully	you	can	see	that	today	Mark	is	a	predy	
successful	online	marketer…	and	that	he	really	does	make	a	lot	of	money	
However,	this	wasn’t	always	the	case.	
Just	like	everyone	else	and	possibly	you,	he	spent	eme	and	money	looking	for	
a	way	out	of	his	day	job...
…which	at	the	eme	was	as	a	self-employed	plumber	in	the	UK.
This	was	Mark	around	four	years	ago.	(Does	this	look	like	an	internet	
markeeng	master	to	you?)	
Do You Hate Your Day Job?
Now,	if	you’re	anything	like	Mark	was	back	then,	the	day-to-day	grind	may	well	
be	driving	you	up	the	wall	as	well.	
Maybe	you	hate	your	job,	but	quivng	on	the	spot	isn’t	a	realisec	opeon	for	
you	right	now?	
I’m	sure	I	don’t	need	to	tell	you	how	soul	destroying	a	mundane	JOB	is.	
Especially	when	you	know	there	are	people	online	making	hundreds,	even	
thousands	of	dollars	each	day	using	only	their	computer—like	Mark	does…
How Did They Do It?
Mark	spent	many	hours	scratching	his	head	and	wondering	exactly	how	all	
these	people	were	making	so	much	money	online.	
Everyone	seemed	to	be	doing	something	different	and	making	money,	and	yet	
newbies	(like	Mark,	back	then)	couldn’t	make	a	dime.	(Sound	familiar?)
And	then	through	more	luck	than	judgment,	Mark	had	a	breakthrough	in	one	
lidle-known	niche.
Now,	I	want	to	point	out	that	what	I’m	about	to	explain	is	not	specific	to	Niche	
Markeeng	(although	it	can	be	applied	there).	Instead,	it	is	the	one	element	
that	ees	everything	together…	Mark	calls	it	“The	Catalyst.”
The Catalyst
So what was the missing ingredient?
What	made	everything	work	then,	and	conenues	to	make	it	work	today?
Well	in	this	case	and	with	this	method…the	key	is:	perceived	value.
The	Hookum	full	training	(no,	you	don’t	need	to	buy	it)	details	a	very	sneaky	
but	completely	ethical	trick	anyone	can	use	to	build	a	list	while	simultaneously	
making	money	daily	based	on	this	noeon	of	perceived	value…	
Or	simply	make	money	passively	without	the	list	building	element.	This	is	the	
element	I	will	outline	here	in	this	PDF.
So	let	me	quickly	explain	the	thinking	behind	this…	and	tell	you	why	it	works.
Nobody Likes Being Sold To
The	number	one	important	thing	to	consider	when	trying	to	sell	or	promote	
anything	online	(or	anywhere	else	for	that	mader)	is	that	people	do	not	like	to	
be	sold	to.	It’s	a	fact!	It’s	just	part	of	human	nature.
Number	two	is	the	factor	of	short	adeneon	spans.	Yep,	they	are	very	short	
already,	and	gevng	shorter.	People	are	hardened	to	adveresing	online…they	
open	fewer	and	fewer	emails	(especially	promoeons,	the	equivalent	of	
yesteryear’s	‘junk	mail’)….
• They’ve	seen	it	all	before.
• It’s	a	compeeeve	marketplace.
• But	you	know	that	already…	right?
BUT…	people	sell	need—and	search	for—solueons	to	their	problems	
(whatever	they	may	be).	
Day	in/day	out,	and	at	any	given	moment	on	any	day	you	care	to	pick,	
hundreds,	even	thousands	of	people	are	searching	online	for	solueons.	
So	all	we	have	to	do	is	give	them	what	they	are	looking	for	with	zero	obvious	
strings	adached…	i.e.	perceived	value.
(Stay	with	me	–	this	is	very,	very	easy	and	it’ll	work	for	you)
Let	me	sum	this	up	for	you.	When	you	stop	trying	to	sell	and	instead	give	
people	what	they	perceive	as	the	answer	or	solueon	to	their	problem,	then	
their	guard	is	dropped…	they	lower	their	barriers	of	resistance.
Now,	if	you	link	this	with	a	process	which	involves	their	making	a	
micro-commitment…they	will	be	far	more	likely	to	buy	whatever	it	is	you	are	
[NOTE:	You	can	sell	products	as	an	affiliate	and	collect	commission	daily	or	you	
can	sell	your	own	products…	It’s	enerely	up	to	you	which	way	you	go	with	this,	
but	do	it	because	it	works!]
Easy To Do - LOOK
Confused?		Don’t	be…	it’s	all	predy	easy	as	you’re	about	to	discover.
Here’s The Process In a Nutshell
Let	me	give	you	an	example:		Imagine	you	were	desperately	looking	for	a	
solueon,	and	then	you	saw	what	you	perceived	as	a	high-quality	publicaeon	
being	offered	completely	free…would	you	be	curious	enough	to	download	it?
Most	people	would…	and	when	they	go	through	that	act	of	downloading,	they	
are	making	a	“Micro	Commitment.”	That	is,	they	have	proven	they	are	
interested	and	have	gone	to	the	trouble	of	downloading	the	publicaeon.
The Magic
Now,	once	people	have	completed	that	one	Micro	Commitment,	they	have	a	
small	vested	interest	in	your	publicaeon	(in	the	example	we’re	following).	So	
there	is	a	very	high	probability	of	their	reading	through	the	publicaeon	without	
This	is	where	the	magic	happens…	You	see,	once	the	prospect	begins	to	read	
that	publicaeon,	and	provided	the	content	structure	flows	correctly,	the	
solueon	can	be	included	at	the	end	of	the	PDF	as	a	link…that	is,	your	affiliate	
A Real-World Example
In	this	example	I	explain	how	to	do	something	manually…	
(I	actually	use	this	TubeHack	PDF	myself,	using	exactly	the	process	I’ve	been	
covering.	It	brings	in	daily	leads	and	several	sales	each	week	(without	me	lioing	
a	finger.	Here’s	some	numerical	proof:)
Inside	the	TubeHack	PDF	I	deliver	helpful	content…	I	actually	tell	readers	how	
to	do	something	manually,	which	will	make	them	money	for	them	if	they	
follow	the	process	and	actually	do	it.	
And	then,	once	I	have	their	interest	and	adeneon,	I	show	them	how	they	can	
do	the	same	thing	with	only	a	couple	of	clicks,	using	automaeon	sooware.	
Then	I	give	them	the	link	(my	affiliate	link,	of	course)	to	check	out	the	
automaeon	sooware…The	link	is	embedded	inside	the	PDF,	I.e.	the	one	they	
opted-in	to	receive	from	me.
The	result	is…	people	click	the	link	and	they	buy	the	sooware.
Of	course,	not	everyone	will	buy	right	there	on	the	spot…which	is	why	I	prefer	
to	have	them	opt-in	to	my	list	first.	
Once	you	have	them	on	your	list,	you	can	start	an	autoresponder	series	
designed	to	send	out	content	and	pitch	an	affiliate	link	or	product	daily.	
(Training	for	the	whole	method	is	available	in	the	HOOKUM	product.)
Note:	it	is	common	knowledge	that	a	person	will	need	exposure	to	an	
adveresement—a	brand,	an	idea,	or	what	have	you—an	average	of	7	different	
occasions	before	they	are	ready	to	actually	commit	and	buy.	Using	an	
autoresponder	series	does	that	job	for	you.
Let’s Do it
OK,	so	in	this	short	publicaeon	we	are	outlining	just	one	aspect	of	Hookum	
(The	Full	Training)…	
And	yes,	the	informaeon	contained	within	this	PDF	is	free…you	don’t	need	to	
purchase	HOOKUM	for	this	to	work…	
But	if	you	do	want	the	full	training	(which	is	priced	under	$10	today)	that	
details	the	whole	system	including	the	ini=al	opt-in	and	follow-up	
- - C L I C K H E R E - -
The Basic Method in a nutshell…
It	goes	like	this
#1. Find a product to promote.
Ideally,	you	should	pick	something	“evergreen.”	That	term	suggests	something	
that	will	sell	be	on	sale	in	the	future,	rather	than	vanishing	in	two	weeks’	eme.	
This	way	you	do	a	lidle	work	once	(make	the	PDF)	and	it	conenues	to	make	
you	money	passively	into	the	future.	
#2. Make A PDF
Produce	a	short	write-up	about	the	product	and	copy	the	content	to	a	
document.	A	good	way	to	accomplish	this	is	to	take	content	from	the	sales	
page	for	the	product	you’ve	chosen	to	promote.	Make	the	copy	helpful	and	
informaeve;	you	want	the	copy	structure	to	flow	to	a	natural	conclusion:	Your	
Affiliate	Link.
Format	everything	in	a	document	such	as	Microsoo	Word	or	Open	Office	(a	
free	open	source	word	processor.	At	the	end	of	the	document	(or	even	several	
places	within	the	document)	make	sure	you	embed	your	affiliate	link	for	the	
product	you’re	promoeng.
Once	your	document	is	complete,	turn	it	into	a	PDF.
#3. Give The PDF Away & Make Money
Now,	the	important	bit:	your	audience.	While	in	the	full	Hookum	training	I	
detail	many	inexpensive	and	even	free	ways	to	get	your	PDFs	in	front	of	a	
targeted	audience	while	also	building	your	subscriber	list,	I	will	keep	it	simple	
here	and	provide	just	one	cost-free	method.	
(But	keep	in	mind	that	you	won’t	get	list	subscribers	with	the	method	I’m	
about	to	detail	here…)
The	key:	Wide	Distribueon
Submit	your	PDFs	to	the	leading	Document	sharing	sites,	such	as:
• hdp://
• hdps://
• hdp://
• hdp://
Add	the	PDF	to	as	many	as	you	can.	If	you	include	buying	phrases	in	your	Tags	
when	you	submit	your	PDF	to	the	document	sharing	sites	then	the	PDFs	get	
seen	and	read	quickly.	
You	will	also	find	that,	depending	on	the	keywords	you	use	when	submivng	to	
the	doc	sites,	your	PDF	will	or	may	appear	in	Google’s	organic	search	engine	
(Appearing	in	the	search	engines	is	just	a	bonus…you	don’t	need	to	do	any	
fancy	SEO	or	keyword	hacking	or	anything	like	that.	But	it	has	the	poteneal	to	
make	you	even	more	money!)
What About Social Media?
Once	you	have	your	PDF	complete	there	are	many	other	ways	you	can	
distribute	and	get	them	seen	by	more	and	more	people…	So	you	can	make	
even	more	money!	
For	example,	Mark	dropped	a	different	PDF	into	Facebook	(see	below):
That’s	$465	bucks	just	from	dropping	this	liPle	PDF	into	FaceBook…how	easy	
is	that!?
Yeah,	it	IS	Easy…and	the	real	point	here	is,	it	costs	nothing	to	do,	and	
anyone	can	do	it!
The	key	is	always	the	perceived	value.	People	are	searching	for	solueons	to	
just	about	everything,	and	they	search	online.	When	they	spot	your	PDF,	they’ll	
be	downloading	it	in	a	flash.
But	also	keep	this	in	mind:	instead	of	obviously	trying	to	sell	to	them	
something,	the	trick	is	to	offer	them	what	they	perceive	to	be	a	soluUon…for	
Do	this	right,	and	you	WILL	make	money	passively.	There	is	no	end	of	ways	in	
which	you	can	put	these	value-based	PDFs	in	front	of	a	hungry	audience…and	
you	can	do	it	in	any	niche	you	like.
Now	it’s	your	turn…Go	ahead	and	give	it	a	go!	And	if	you	want	bigger	results	as	
soon	as	tomorrow,	then	check	out	the	full	Hookum	method…see	below.
The Full Hookum Method
If	you	liked	this	outline…	
Get	the	complete	Hookum	method	(less	than	$10	Today)
- - C L I C K H E R E - -
Hookum	is	a	detailed	blueprint	covering	the	method	outlined	in	this	
publicaeon	in	far	greater	detail.	The	full	training	includes	Examples,	Case	
Studies,	Content	Structures	and	more	about	where	and	how	to	distribute…	
It	also	includes	the	full	formula	for	building	a	list	while	making	money.	Leave	
nothing	to	chance…follow	this	complete	blueprint	(less	than	$10	today).
Thanks	for	reading	this	and	I	hope	you	get	some	well-deserved	success	from	
this	very	simple	method…Give	it	a	go	Today!
Now	go	ahead	and	try	this	today…
Best	regards,

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