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Continuation-passing style and
     Macros with Clojure

                          Leonardo Borges
CPS in a nutshell
• not new. It was coined in 1975 by Gerald Sussman and Guy Steele
• style of programming where control is passed explicitly in the form of a
• every function receives an extra argument k - the continuation
• makes implicit things explicit, such as order of evaluation, procedure
returns, intermediate values...
• used by functional language compilers as an intermediate representation
(e.g.: Scheme, ML, Haskell)
CPS - Pythagorean theorem
 You know the drill...
 a² + b² = c²

 ;;direct style
 (defn pyth [a b]
   (+ (* a a) (* b b)))
CPS - Pythagorean theorem
 You know the drill...
 a² + b² = c²

 ;;direct style
 (defn pyth [a b]
   (+ (* a a) (* b b)))

 (defn pyth-cps [a b k]
   (*-cps a a (fn [a2]
                (*-cps b b (fn [b2]
                             (+-cps a2 b2 k))))))
Untangling pyth-cps
(defn *-cps [x y k]
  (k (* x y)))

(defn +-cps [x y k]
  (k (+ x y)))

(defn pyth-cps [a b k]
  (*-cps a a (fn [a2]
               (*-cps b b (fn [b2]
                            (+-cps a2 b2 k))))))
Untangling pyth-cps
(defn *-cps [x y k]
  (k (* x y)))

(defn +-cps [x y k]
  (k (+ x y)))

(defn pyth-cps [a b k]
  (*-cps a a (fn [a2]
               (*-cps b b (fn [b2]
                            (+-cps a2 b2 k))))))

(pyth-cps 5 6 identity) ;61
CPS - Fibonacci
;;direct style
(defn fib [n]
  (if (<= n 1)
    (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
CPS - Fibonacci
(defn fib-cps [n k]
  (letfn [(cont [n1]
            (fib-cps (- n 2) (fn [n2]
                               (k (+ n1 n2)))))]
    (if (<= n 1)
      (k n)
      (recur (- n 1) cont))))

(fib-cps 20 identity);55
Another look at CPS

Think of it in terms of up to three functions:

• accept: decides when the computation should end
• return continuation: wraps the return value
• next continuation: provides the next step of the computation
CPS - Fibonacci
(defn fib-cps [n k]
  (letfn [(cont [n1]
            (fib-cps (- n 2) (fn [n2]
                               (k (+ n1 n2)))))]
    (if (<= n 1)
      (k n)
      (recur (- n 1) cont))))         accept function

(fib-cps 20 identity);55
CPS - Fibonacci
(defn fib-cps [n k]
  (letfn [(cont [n1]
            (fib-cps (- n 2) (fn [n2]
                               (k (+ n1 n2)))))]
    (if (<= n 1)
      (k n)                     return continuation
      (recur (- n 1) cont))))

(fib-cps 20 identity);55
CPS - Fibonacci
(defn fib-cps [n k]               next continuation
  (letfn [(cont [n1]
            (fib-cps (- n 2) (fn [n2]
                               (k (+ n1 n2)))))]
    (if (<= n 1)
      (k n)
      (recur (- n 1) cont))))

(fib-cps 20 identity);55
CPS - generic function
(defn mk-cps [accept? end-value kend kont]
  (fn [n]
    ((fn [n k]
       (let [cont (fn [v] (k (kont v n)))]
          (if (accept? n)
            (k end-value)
            (recur (dec n) cont))))
      n kend)))
CPS - generic function
(def fac (mk-cps zero? 1 identity #(* %1 %2)))
(fac 10); 3628800

;;Triangular number
(def tri (mk-cps zero? 1 dec #(+ %1 %2)))
(tri 10); 55
Seaside - a more practical use
            of CPS

  • continuation-based web application framework for Smalltalk
  • UI is built as a tree of independent, stateful components
  • uses continuations to model multiple independent flows between
  different components
Seaside - a more practical use
            of CPS

  • continuation-based web application framework for Smalltalk
  • UI is built as a tree of independent, stateful components
  • uses continuations to model multiple independent flows between
  different components

  • memory intensive
  • not RESTful by default
Seaside - Task example [1]

    " [ self chooseCheese.
    "   self confirmCheese ] whileFalse.
    " self informCheese

                                           [1] Try it yourself (
Seaside - Task example

" cheese := self
" " chooseFrom: #( 'Greyerzer' 'Tilsiter' 'Sbrinz' )
" " caption: 'What''s your favorite Cheese?'.
" cheese isNil ifTrue: [ self chooseCheese ]

" ^ self confirm: 'Is ' , cheese ,   'your favorite Cheese?'

" self inform: 'Your favorite is ' , cheese , '.'
CPS - Other real world
• web interactions ~ continuation invocation [2]
• event machine + fibers in the Ruby world [3]
• functional language compilers
• ajax requests in javascript - callbacks anyone?
• node.js - traditionally blocking functions take a callback instead
• ...

                                                        [2] Automatically RESTful Web Applications (
                                                        [3] Untangling Evented Code with Ruby Fibers (

If you give someone Fortran, he has Fortran.
If you give someone Lisp, he has any language he pleases.
                                                            - Guy Steele

•   Data is code is data
•   Programs that write programs
•   Magic happens at compile time
•   Most control structures in Clojure are built out of macros
e.g.: avoiding nesting levels
 (def guitar
   {:model "EC-401FM"
     :brand "ESP"
     :specs {
              :pickups {:neck {:brand "EMG"
                                :model "EMG 60"}
                        :bridge {:brand "EMG"
                                  :model "EMG 81"}}
              :body "Mahoganny"
              :neck "Mahoganny"}})
e.g.: avoiding nesting levels
 (def guitar
   {:model "EC-401FM"
     :brand "ESP"
     :specs {
              :pickups {:neck {:brand "EMG"
                                :model "EMG 60"}
                        :bridge {:brand "EMG"
                                  :model "EMG 81"}}
              :body "Mahoganny"
              :neck "Mahoganny"}})

     (:model (:neck (:pickups (:specs guitar))))
e.g.: avoiding nesting levels

 what if we could achieve the same like this instead?

 (t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)
Macros to the rescue!
(defmacro t
  ([v form] (if (seq? form)
              `(~(first form) ~v ~@(rest form))
              (list form v)))
  ([v form & rest] `(t (t ~v ~form) ~@rest)))
Macros to the rescue!
(defmacro t
  ([v form] (if (seq? form)
              `(~(first form) ~v ~@(rest form))
              (list form v)))
  ([v form & rest] `(t (t ~v ~form) ~@rest)))

       (t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)
What’s with all that `~@ ?
Prevents evaluation
Prevents evaluation

(def my-list (1 2 3))
Prevents evaluation

(def my-list (1 2 3))
;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
Prevents evaluation

(def my-list (1 2 3))
;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

(def my-list '(1 2 3)) ;Success!
Prevents evaluation

(def my-list (1 2 3))
;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

(def my-list '(1 2 3)) ;Success!

'my-list ;my-list
Prevents evaluation

(def my-list (1 2 3))
;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

(def my-list '(1 2 3)) ;Success!

'my-list ;my-list
'(1 2 3) ;(1 2 3)
Prevents evaluation

(def my-list (1 2 3))
;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

(def my-list '(1 2 3)) ;Success!

'my-list ;my-list
'(1 2 3) ;(1 2 3)

Syntax-quote: automatically qualifies all unqualified symbols
Prevents evaluation

(def my-list (1 2 3))
;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

(def my-list '(1 2 3)) ;Success!

'my-list ;my-list
'(1 2 3) ;(1 2 3)

Syntax-quote: automatically qualifies all unqualified symbols

`my-list ;user/my-list

Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression

Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression

Before unquoting...

Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression

Before unquoting...
`(map even? my-list)

Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression

Before unquoting...
`(map even? my-list)
;;(clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? user/my-list)

Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression

Before unquoting...
`(map even? my-list)
;;(clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? user/my-list)


Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression

Before unquoting...
`(map even? my-list)
;;(clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? user/my-list)

`(map even? '~my-list)

Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression

Before unquoting...
`(map even? my-list)
;;(clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? user/my-list)

`(map even? '~my-list)
;;(clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? (quote (1 2 3)))
Unpacks the sequence at hand
Unpacks the sequence at hand

Before unquote-splicing...
Unpacks the sequence at hand

Before unquote-splicing...
`(+ ~my-list)
Unpacks the sequence at hand

Before unquote-splicing...
`(+ ~my-list)
;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3))
Unpacks the sequence at hand

Before unquote-splicing...
`(+ ~my-list)
;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3))

(eval `(+ ~my-list))
Unpacks the sequence at hand

Before unquote-splicing...
`(+ ~my-list)
;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3))

(eval `(+ ~my-list))
;;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
Unpacks the sequence at hand

Before unquote-splicing...
`(+ ~my-list)
;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3))

(eval `(+ ~my-list))
;;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

Unpacks the sequence at hand

Before unquote-splicing...
`(+ ~my-list)
;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3))

(eval `(+ ~my-list))
;;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

`(+ ~@my-list)
Unpacks the sequence at hand

Before unquote-splicing...
`(+ ~my-list)
;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3))

(eval `(+ ~my-list))
;;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

`(+ ~@my-list)
;;(clojure.core/+ 1 2 3)
Unpacks the sequence at hand

Before unquote-splicing...
`(+ ~my-list)
;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3))

(eval `(+ ~my-list))
;;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

`(+ ~@my-list)
;;(clojure.core/+ 1 2 3)

(eval `(+ ~@my-list)) ;6
back to our macro...
(defmacro t
  ([v form] (if (seq? form)
              `(~(first form) ~v ~@(rest form))
              (list form v)))
  ([v form & rest] `(t (t ~v ~form) ~@rest)))
back to our macro...
(defmacro t
  ([v form] (if (seq? form)
              `(~(first form) ~v ~@(rest form))
              (list form v)))
  ([v form & rest] `(t (t ~v ~form) ~@rest)))

                      better now?
Macro expansion
Macro expansion
(macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))
Macro expansion
(macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))

;;expands to
Macro expansion
(macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))

;;expands to
(:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck))
Macro expansion
(macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))

;;expands to
(:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck))

(require '[clojure.walk :as walk])
Macro expansion
(macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))

;;expands to
(:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck))

(require '[clojure.walk :as walk])
(walk/macroexpand-all '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))
Macro expansion
(macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))

;;expands to
(:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck))

(require '[clojure.walk :as walk])
(walk/macroexpand-all '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))

;;expands to
Macro expansion
(macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))

;;expands to
(:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck))

(require '[clojure.walk :as walk])
(walk/macroexpand-all '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))

;;expands to
(:model (:neck (:pickups (:specs guitar))))
Macro expansion
(macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))

;;expands to
(:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck))

(require '[clojure.walk :as walk])
(walk/macroexpand-all '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))

;;expands to
(:model (:neck (:pickups (:specs guitar))))

          However our macro is worthless. Clojure implements this
          for us, in the form of the -> [4] macro

                                                        [4] The -> macro on ClojureDocs (
Implementing unless

    We want...

    (unless (zero? 2)
      (print "Not zero!"))
1st try - function
1st try - function
 (defn unless [predicate body]
   (when (not predicate)
1st try - function
 (defn unless [predicate body]
   (when (not predicate)

 (unless (zero? 2)
   (print "Not zero!"))
 ;;Not zero!
1st try - function
 (defn unless [predicate body]
   (when (not predicate)

 (unless (zero? 2)
   (print "Not zero!"))
 ;;Not zero!

 (unless (zero? 0)
   (print "Not zero!"))
 ;;Not zero!
1st try - function
 (defn unless [predicate body]
   (when (not predicate)

 (unless (zero? 2)
   (print "Not zero!"))
 ;;Not zero!

 (unless (zero? 0)
   (print "Not zero!"))
 ;;Not zero!

            Oh noes!
1st try - function

 Function arguments are eagerly evaluated!
Unless - our second macro
    (defmacro unless [predicate body]
      `(when (not ~predicate)
Unless - our second macro
    (defmacro unless [predicate body]
      `(when (not ~predicate)

    (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2)
Unless - our second macro
    (defmacro unless [predicate body]
      `(when (not ~predicate)

    (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2)
                    (print "Not zero!")))
Unless - our second macro
    (defmacro unless [predicate body]
      `(when (not ~predicate)

    (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2)
                    (print "Not zero!")))

    ;;expands to
Unless - our second macro
    (defmacro unless [predicate body]
      `(when (not ~predicate)

    (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2)
                    (print "Not zero!")))

    ;;expands to
    (if (clojure.core/not (zero? 2))
Unless - our second macro
    (defmacro unless [predicate body]
      `(when (not ~predicate)

    (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2)
                    (print "Not zero!")))

    ;;expands to
    (if (clojure.core/not (zero? 2))
      (do (print "Not zero!")))
Unless - our second macro
    (defmacro unless [predicate body]
      `(when (not ~predicate)

    (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2)
                    (print "Not zero!")))

    ;;expands to
    (if (clojure.core/not (zero? 2))
      (do (print "Not zero!")))

     You could of course use the if-not [5] macro to the
     same effect
                                              [5] The if-not macro on ClojureDocs (

         Leonardo Borges

• The Joy of Clojure (
• Automatically RESTful Web Applications (
• Seaside (

                                                             Leonardo Borges

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Continuation Passing Style and Macros in Clojure - Jan 2012

  • 1. Continuation-passing style and Macros with Clojure Leonardo Borges @leonardo_borges
  • 2. CPS in a nutshell • not new. It was coined in 1975 by Gerald Sussman and Guy Steele • style of programming where control is passed explicitly in the form of a continuation • every function receives an extra argument k - the continuation • makes implicit things explicit, such as order of evaluation, procedure returns, intermediate values... • used by functional language compilers as an intermediate representation (e.g.: Scheme, ML, Haskell)
  • 3. CPS - Pythagorean theorem You know the drill... a² + b² = c² ;;direct style (defn pyth [a b] (+ (* a a) (* b b)))
  • 4. CPS - Pythagorean theorem You know the drill... a² + b² = c² ;;direct style (defn pyth [a b] (+ (* a a) (* b b))) ;;CPS (defn pyth-cps [a b k] (*-cps a a (fn [a2] (*-cps b b (fn [b2] (+-cps a2 b2 k))))))
  • 6. Untangling pyth-cps ;;CPS (defn *-cps [x y k] (k (* x y))) (defn +-cps [x y k] (k (+ x y))) (defn pyth-cps [a b k] (*-cps a a (fn [a2] (*-cps b b (fn [b2] (+-cps a2 b2 k))))))
  • 7. Untangling pyth-cps ;;CPS (defn *-cps [x y k] (k (* x y))) (defn +-cps [x y k] (k (+ x y))) (defn pyth-cps [a b k] (*-cps a a (fn [a2] (*-cps b b (fn [b2] (+-cps a2 b2 k)))))) (pyth-cps 5 6 identity) ;61
  • 8. CPS - Fibonacci ;;direct style (defn fib [n] (if (<= n 1) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
  • 9. CPS - Fibonacci ;;CPS (defn fib-cps [n k] (letfn [(cont [n1] (fib-cps (- n 2) (fn [n2] (k (+ n1 n2)))))] (if (<= n 1) (k n) (recur (- n 1) cont)))) (fib-cps 20 identity);55
  • 10. Another look at CPS Think of it in terms of up to three functions: • accept: decides when the computation should end • return continuation: wraps the return value • next continuation: provides the next step of the computation
  • 11. CPS - Fibonacci ;;CPS (defn fib-cps [n k] (letfn [(cont [n1] (fib-cps (- n 2) (fn [n2] (k (+ n1 n2)))))] (if (<= n 1) (k n) (recur (- n 1) cont)))) accept function (fib-cps 20 identity);55
  • 12. CPS - Fibonacci ;;CPS (defn fib-cps [n k] (letfn [(cont [n1] (fib-cps (- n 2) (fn [n2] (k (+ n1 n2)))))] (if (<= n 1) (k n) return continuation (recur (- n 1) cont)))) (fib-cps 20 identity);55
  • 13. CPS - Fibonacci ;;CPS (defn fib-cps [n k] next continuation (letfn [(cont [n1] (fib-cps (- n 2) (fn [n2] (k (+ n1 n2)))))] (if (<= n 1) (k n) (recur (- n 1) cont)))) (fib-cps 20 identity);55
  • 14. CPS - generic function builders (defn mk-cps [accept? end-value kend kont] (fn [n] ((fn [n k] (let [cont (fn [v] (k (kont v n)))] (if (accept? n) (k end-value) (recur (dec n) cont)))) n kend)))
  • 15. CPS - generic function builders ;;Factorial (def fac (mk-cps zero? 1 identity #(* %1 %2))) (fac 10); 3628800 ;;Triangular number (def tri (mk-cps zero? 1 dec #(+ %1 %2))) (tri 10); 55
  • 16. Seaside - a more practical use of CPS • continuation-based web application framework for Smalltalk • UI is built as a tree of independent, stateful components • uses continuations to model multiple independent flows between different components
  • 17. Seaside - a more practical use of CPS • continuation-based web application framework for Smalltalk • UI is built as a tree of independent, stateful components • uses continuations to model multiple independent flows between different components • memory intensive • not RESTful by default
  • 18. Seaside - Task example [1] go " [ self chooseCheese. " self confirmCheese ] whileFalse. " self informCheese [1] Try it yourself (
  • 19. Seaside - Task example chooseCheese " cheese := self " " chooseFrom: #( 'Greyerzer' 'Tilsiter' 'Sbrinz' ) " " caption: 'What''s your favorite Cheese?'. " cheese isNil ifTrue: [ self chooseCheese ] confirmCheese " ^ self confirm: 'Is ' , cheese , 'your favorite Cheese?' informCheese " self inform: 'Your favorite is ' , cheese , '.'
  • 20. CPS - Other real world usages • web interactions ~ continuation invocation [2] • event machine + fibers in the Ruby world [3] • functional language compilers • ajax requests in javascript - callbacks anyone? • node.js - traditionally blocking functions take a callback instead • ... [2] Automatically RESTful Web Applications ( [3] Untangling Evented Code with Ruby Fibers (
  • 21. Macros If you give someone Fortran, he has Fortran. If you give someone Lisp, he has any language he pleases. - Guy Steele
  • 22. Macros • Data is code is data • Programs that write programs • Magic happens at compile time • Most control structures in Clojure are built out of macros
  • 23. e.g.: avoiding nesting levels (def guitar {:model "EC-401FM" :brand "ESP" :specs { :pickups {:neck {:brand "EMG" :model "EMG 60"} :bridge {:brand "EMG" :model "EMG 81"}} :body "Mahoganny" :neck "Mahoganny"}})
  • 24. e.g.: avoiding nesting levels (def guitar {:model "EC-401FM" :brand "ESP" :specs { :pickups {:neck {:brand "EMG" :model "EMG 60"} :bridge {:brand "EMG" :model "EMG 81"}} :body "Mahoganny" :neck "Mahoganny"}}) (:model (:neck (:pickups (:specs guitar))))
  • 25. e.g.: avoiding nesting levels what if we could achieve the same like this instead? (t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)
  • 26. Macros to the rescue! (defmacro t ([v form] (if (seq? form) `(~(first form) ~v ~@(rest form)) (list form v))) ([v form & rest] `(t (t ~v ~form) ~@rest)))
  • 27. Macros to the rescue! (defmacro t ([v form] (if (seq? form) `(~(first form) ~v ~@(rest form)) (list form v))) ([v form & rest] `(t (t ~v ~form) ~@rest))) (t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)
  • 28. What’s with all that `~@ ?
  • 31. Quoting Prevents evaluation (def my-list (1 2 3)) ;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
  • 32. Quoting Prevents evaluation (def my-list (1 2 3)) ;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn (def my-list '(1 2 3)) ;Success!
  • 33. Quoting Prevents evaluation (def my-list (1 2 3)) ;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn (def my-list '(1 2 3)) ;Success! 'my-list ;my-list
  • 34. Quoting Prevents evaluation (def my-list (1 2 3)) ;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn (def my-list '(1 2 3)) ;Success! 'my-list ;my-list '(1 2 3) ;(1 2 3)
  • 35. Quoting Prevents evaluation (def my-list (1 2 3)) ;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn (def my-list '(1 2 3)) ;Success! 'my-list ;my-list '(1 2 3) ;(1 2 3) Syntax-quote: automatically qualifies all unqualified symbols
  • 36. Quoting Prevents evaluation (def my-list (1 2 3)) ;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn (def my-list '(1 2 3)) ;Success! 'my-list ;my-list '(1 2 3) ;(1 2 3) Syntax-quote: automatically qualifies all unqualified symbols `my-list ;user/my-list
  • 37. Unquote Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression
  • 38. Unquote Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression Before unquoting...
  • 39. Unquote Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression Before unquoting... `(map even? my-list)
  • 40. Unquote Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression Before unquoting... `(map even? my-list) ;;(clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? user/my-list)
  • 41. Unquote Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression Before unquoting... `(map even? my-list) ;;(clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? user/my-list) After...
  • 42. Unquote Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression Before unquoting... `(map even? my-list) ;;(clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? user/my-list) After... `(map even? '~my-list)
  • 43. Unquote Evaluates some forms in a quoted expression Before unquoting... `(map even? my-list) ;;(clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? user/my-list) After... `(map even? '~my-list) ;;(clojure.core/map clojure.core/even? (quote (1 2 3)))
  • 45. Unquote-splicing Unpacks the sequence at hand Before unquote-splicing...
  • 46. Unquote-splicing Unpacks the sequence at hand Before unquote-splicing... `(+ ~my-list)
  • 47. Unquote-splicing Unpacks the sequence at hand Before unquote-splicing... `(+ ~my-list) ;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3))
  • 48. Unquote-splicing Unpacks the sequence at hand Before unquote-splicing... `(+ ~my-list) ;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3)) (eval `(+ ~my-list))
  • 49. Unquote-splicing Unpacks the sequence at hand Before unquote-splicing... `(+ ~my-list) ;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3)) (eval `(+ ~my-list)) ;;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
  • 50. Unquote-splicing Unpacks the sequence at hand Before unquote-splicing... `(+ ~my-list) ;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3)) (eval `(+ ~my-list)) ;;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn After...
  • 51. Unquote-splicing Unpacks the sequence at hand Before unquote-splicing... `(+ ~my-list) ;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3)) (eval `(+ ~my-list)) ;;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn After... `(+ ~@my-list)
  • 52. Unquote-splicing Unpacks the sequence at hand Before unquote-splicing... `(+ ~my-list) ;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3)) (eval `(+ ~my-list)) ;;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn After... `(+ ~@my-list) ;;(clojure.core/+ 1 2 3)
  • 53. Unquote-splicing Unpacks the sequence at hand Before unquote-splicing... `(+ ~my-list) ;;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3)) (eval `(+ ~my-list)) ;;java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn After... `(+ ~@my-list) ;;(clojure.core/+ 1 2 3) (eval `(+ ~@my-list)) ;6
  • 54. back to our macro... (defmacro t ([v form] (if (seq? form) `(~(first form) ~v ~@(rest form)) (list form v))) ([v form & rest] `(t (t ~v ~form) ~@rest)))
  • 55. back to our macro... (defmacro t ([v form] (if (seq? form) `(~(first form) ~v ~@(rest form)) (list form v))) ([v form & rest] `(t (t ~v ~form) ~@rest))) better now?
  • 57. Macro expansion (macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))
  • 58. Macro expansion (macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)) ;;expands to
  • 59. Macro expansion (macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)) ;;expands to (:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck))
  • 60. Macro expansion (macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)) ;;expands to (:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck)) (require '[clojure.walk :as walk])
  • 61. Macro expansion (macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)) ;;expands to (:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck)) (require '[clojure.walk :as walk]) (walk/macroexpand-all '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model))
  • 62. Macro expansion (macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)) ;;expands to (:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck)) (require '[clojure.walk :as walk]) (walk/macroexpand-all '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)) ;;expands to
  • 63. Macro expansion (macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)) ;;expands to (:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck)) (require '[clojure.walk :as walk]) (walk/macroexpand-all '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)) ;;expands to (:model (:neck (:pickups (:specs guitar))))
  • 64. Macro expansion (macroexpand '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)) ;;expands to (:model (user/t (user/t (user/t guitar :specs) :pickups) :neck)) (require '[clojure.walk :as walk]) (walk/macroexpand-all '(t guitar :specs :pickups :neck :model)) ;;expands to (:model (:neck (:pickups (:specs guitar)))) However our macro is worthless. Clojure implements this for us, in the form of the -> [4] macro [4] The -> macro on ClojureDocs (
  • 65. Implementing unless We want... (unless (zero? 2) (print "Not zero!"))
  • 66. 1st try - function
  • 67. 1st try - function (defn unless [predicate body] (when (not predicate) body))
  • 68. 1st try - function (defn unless [predicate body] (when (not predicate) body)) (unless (zero? 2) (print "Not zero!")) ;;Not zero!
  • 69. 1st try - function (defn unless [predicate body] (when (not predicate) body)) (unless (zero? 2) (print "Not zero!")) ;;Not zero! (unless (zero? 0) (print "Not zero!")) ;;Not zero!
  • 70. 1st try - function (defn unless [predicate body] (when (not predicate) body)) (unless (zero? 2) (print "Not zero!")) ;;Not zero! (unless (zero? 0) (print "Not zero!")) ;;Not zero! Oh noes!
  • 71. 1st try - function Function arguments are eagerly evaluated!
  • 72. Unless - our second macro (defmacro unless [predicate body] `(when (not ~predicate) ~@body))
  • 73. Unless - our second macro (defmacro unless [predicate body] `(when (not ~predicate) ~@body)) (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2)
  • 74. Unless - our second macro (defmacro unless [predicate body] `(when (not ~predicate) ~@body)) (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2) (print "Not zero!")))
  • 75. Unless - our second macro (defmacro unless [predicate body] `(when (not ~predicate) ~@body)) (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2) (print "Not zero!"))) ;;expands to
  • 76. Unless - our second macro (defmacro unless [predicate body] `(when (not ~predicate) ~@body)) (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2) (print "Not zero!"))) ;;expands to (if (clojure.core/not (zero? 2))
  • 77. Unless - our second macro (defmacro unless [predicate body] `(when (not ~predicate) ~@body)) (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2) (print "Not zero!"))) ;;expands to (if (clojure.core/not (zero? 2)) (do (print "Not zero!")))
  • 78. Unless - our second macro (defmacro unless [predicate body] `(when (not ~predicate) ~@body)) (macroexpand '(unless (zero? 2) (print "Not zero!"))) ;;expands to (if (clojure.core/not (zero? 2)) (do (print "Not zero!"))) You could of course use the if-not [5] macro to the same effect [5] The if-not macro on ClojureDocs (
  • 79. Thanks! Questions?! Leonardo Borges @leonardo_borges
  • 80. References • The Joy of Clojure ( • Automatically RESTful Web Applications ( • Seaside ( • • • Leonardo Borges @leonardo_borges