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The Essential Guide to Fat Loss


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     •   Stability Ball
     •   Dumbbell Set
     •   Step or stairs
     •   Exercise Mat

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss


   The material contained within this guide is provided for general information and educational
   purposes only and should not be treated as a substitute for medical or professional advice
   and supervision. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any illness, metabolic disorder,
   disease or health problem.

   Before making any changes to your diet you must consult your doctor. Do not implement any
   changes to your diet if you have a medical condition or if you are taking medication or have
   related concerns.

   The publishers Sporting Excellence Ltd and the author Phil Davies cannot be held
   responsible for any injuries, losses or harm which may occur as a result of the information
   contained herein. The information contained within this guide is true and complete to the best
   of our knowledge. All recommendations are made without any guarantee on the part of the
   publisher or author with regard to the completeness, accuracy or safety of the contents. The
   publisher and author also disclaim any liability of any kind for losses or damages caused or
   alleged to be caused directly, or indirectly, from using the information contained herein.

   Published by Sporting Excellence Limited
   13 Scarisbrick New Road
   PR8 6PU

   Copyright © Sporting Excellence Limited. All rights reserved. Neither this guide, nor any
   parts within it may be sold or reproduced in any form without prior permission.

   Layout and typesetting by Neil G. Tarvin
   Cover design by Ovi Dogar
   Interior images courtesy of
   Research & editing by Phil Davies BSc., CSCS, CPT

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss


   1. Complete the Warm Up Routine below followed by one of the Strength &
   Stability Routines followed by the Stretching Routine, in this order.

   2. Follow this plan 2-3 times per week for 6 weeks, alternating between
   Strength & Stability Routine #1 and Routine #2 each time.

   3. Avoid following the plan on consecutive days. Try to leave a day in
   between – for example do Mon / Wed / Fri or Tue / Thu / Sat.

   4. Avoid exercising immediately after eating (try to leave a couple of hours) or
   immediately after drinking tea, coffee or alcohol.

   5. Print this plan out so you have it to hand when completing the routines.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss


   The warm up routine is an essential part of the plan. Please do NOT be
   tempted to skip it.

   A gentle and progressive warm up helps to increase blood flow to the muscles
   and joints and reduce stiffness – which in turn can help to prevent injury.

   Just as importantly, a warm up will gradually increase your blood pressure
   from a resting level to an exercising level (it’s perfectly normal and healthy for
   blood pressure to rise during exercise).

   The opposite is true for a cool down (the Stretching Routine acts as your cool
   down), which helps to flush waste products from the blood and muscles and
   gradually brings blood pressure back to a resting level. Suddenly starting and
   stopping vigorous exercise can leave you feeling dizzy or faint if it causes
   dramatic and sudden changes in blood pressure.

   Here’s the routine:

                                   WARM UP ROUTINE
         EXERCISE                                              SETS      REPS       TIME
         Star Jumps                                               1        20
         Jog On Spot                                              1                 60sec
         Star Jumps                                               1        20
         Jog On Spot                                              1                 60sec
         Arm Rotations (each direction)                           2        10
         Arm Swings                                               2        20
         Hip Rotations (each direction)                           2        10
         Straight Leg Swings (each leg)                           2        10

                See the bottom of this plan for exercise images and descriptions.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss


   The Strength & Stability Routines will improve your rider-specific strength and
   posture without adding any muscle bulk. They will improve your core stability,
   your balance, coordination and your body shape.

   Combined with a healthy, fat burning eating plan, this routine will also help to
   burn excess body fat. The beauty of strength training is that it raises your
   metabolism (helping to burn more of the calories you consume) even after
   you’ve finished exercising.

   1. Complete the exercises in the order they are set out. Complete the first
   exercise, rest for the recommended period of time, then move on the next
   exercise and so on, until all exercises are completed. This is one circuit.

   2. Complete the number of circuits recommended for each week of the 6-
   week plan (see the chart below).

   3. Most exercises have a repetition range. In other words “10-15 reps” means
   you should aim to perform a minimum of 10 repetitions and a maximum of 15

   4. The last 1-2 repetitions should feel difficult. If you can easily complete the
   maximum number of repetitions suggested either increase the weight or
   complete each repetition more slowly.

   5. You may reduce the rest period between some or all of the exercises to
   improve your cardiovascular fitness and endurance (as well as enhance fat
   burning). However, you should only decrease the rest periods slowly as you
   become fitter. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being a walk in the park, 10 being all-
   out exhaustion) the whole session should feel like a 7 or 8 (no more than 8).

   6. Proper form and technique is essential. As you begin to tire it can be
   tempting to ‘cheat’ on some of the exercises to make them easier. Focusing
   on correct technique will improve your concentration and body awareness –
   which will also translate to positive results in the saddle.

   7. Remember to breathe continuously during the exercises – avoid holding
   your breath, which can increase blood pressure too much.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

                             STRENGTH & STABILITY ROUTINE #2
    EXERCISE                                                SETS      REPS         TIME      REST

  Dumbbell Squats                                             1       10-15                  45sec

  Stability Ball Push Up                                      1       10-15                  45sec

  Stability Ball Leg Plank                                    1                   10-30sec   90sec

  Reverse Lunges                                              1       10-15                  45sec

  Stability Ball Rows                                         1       10-15                  45sec

  Stability Ball Hip Bridges                                  1       10-15                  90sec

  Abductor Raises (each leg)                                  1       8-12                   45sec

  Stability Ball Single Leg Front Raises                      1       10-15                  45sec

  Stability Ball Roll Outs                                    1       10-15                  2min

                 See the bottom of this plan for exercise images and descriptions.

                             STRENGTH & STABILITY ROUTINE #2
    EXERCISE                                                SETS      REPS         TIME      REST

  Split Squats                                                1       10-15                  45sec

  Stability Ball One Leg Chest Presses                        1       10-15                  45sec

  Stability Ball Knee Lifts                                   1       10-15                  90sec

  Stability Ball Dumbbell Wall Sits                           1                   10-30sec   45sec

  Stability Ball Dumbbell Pullovers                           1       10-15                  45sec

  Stability Ball Single Leg Bridge                            1                   10-30sec   90ec

  Adductor Raises (each leg)                                  1       8-12                   45sec

  Stability Ball Single Leg Shoulder Presses                  1       10-15                  45sec

  Stability Ball Superman Poses (each side)                   1       8-10                   2min

                 See the bottom of this plan for exercise images and descriptions.

                             NUMBER OF CIRCUITS PER SESSION
                  WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6

                        2        2         2          3           3           3

   As well as gradually increasing the number of circuits over the 6 weeks, you
   can also decrease the rest time between exercises i.e. from 45sec to 30 sec.
   But base this on how you feel.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

   The Stretching Routine will improve one of the most important aspects of a
   rider’s fitness – their flexibility.

   This collection of stretches has been carefully put together with riders in mind.
   It stretches those muscles that are likely to be tight as a result of the sport
   with the minimum number of exercises to keep time down.

   Here is the routine:

                                     STRETCHING ROUTINE
       EXERCISE                                           SETS    REPS     TIME

     Chest Stretch                                         2                15sec

     Triceps Stretch (each arm)                            2                15sec

     Prayer Stretch                                        2                15sec

     Lateral Stretch (each side)                           2                15sec

     Hip Stretch                                           2                15sec

     Cobra Stretch                                         2                15sec

     Piriformis Stretch (each leg)                         2                15sec

     Letter T Stretch (each side)                          2                15sec

     Hip Flexor Stretch (each leg)                         2                15sec

     Thigh Stretch (each leg)                              2                15sec

     Hamstring Stretch (each leg)                          2                15sec

                                                           2                15sec
     Calf Stretch (each leg)

   1. You should only ever stretch until you feel a slight tightness – which should
   then diminish as you hold the stretch. If the stretch causes pain or your feel
   your muscles getting tighter, stop immediately.

   2. Complete 2 sets for each stretch before moving on to the next stretch.
   Where you stretch each limb, complete 2 sets on the same limb then move to
   the next.

   3. You can also complete 1 set per stretch for 20-30 seconds

   4. Remember to breathe continuously – avoid breath holding.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss


   Star Jumps
   1. Start with your legs side by side and
   your arms by your sides.
   2. In one motion jump and spread your
   legs out to the side while your arms
   raise out and up over your head.
   3. Land in this position and then return
   to the starting position and repeat.

   Jog On Spot
   1. Stand in place with feet hip width apart.
   2. Drive knee up towards chest and quickly
   place the foot back on the ground.
   3. Drive other knee up in a moderate to fast jog
   with minimal ground contact time.

   Arm Rotations
   1. Stand straight with your arms out to your
   2. Start swinging your arms in large circles
   in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction.
   3. Repeat for the recommended repetitions
   and repeat in opposite direction.

   Arm Swings
   1. Stand tall and hold arms out to your
   2. Slowly swing your arms back and forth
   across the front of your body.
   3. Repeat for the recommended number
   of repetitions.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

   Hip Rotations
   1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder
   width apart and standing tall.
   2. Place your hands on your hips and rotate
   your hips in a circular motion.
   3. Repeat for the desired repetitions and
   then switch and rotate your hips in the
   opposite direction.

   Straight Leg Swings
   1. Start by standing with your feet
   shoulder width apart. You can stand
   on a small step or on the ground.
   2. Keeping your upper body
   perpendicular to the ground swing one
   leg forward and backward.
   3. Do not swing your leg so hard that
   you cannot keep your upper body from
   4. Repeat for the recommended
   repetitions and repeat with the other side.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss



   Dumbbell Squats
   1. Grasp dumbbells and let arms hang down at
   2. Start position: Stand with feet slightly wider than
   hip width apart. Knees should be slightly bent.
   3. Lower body by bending at the hips and knees.
   Upper body can bend forward at the hips slightly
   during movement. Be sure to “sit back” so that
   knees stay over the feet.
   4. Once thighs are parallel to floor, return to start
   position and repeat
   5. Remember to keep head and back straight. Keep weight over the
   middle of foot and heel, not the toes.
   6. Do not allow knees to go past the big toe or deviate side to side throughout
   movement. Keep abdominals tight throughout exercise by drawing stomach
   in toward spine.

   Stability Ball Push Up
   1. Place your hands on the top of a stability ball
   with your knees on the ground and your trunk in
   a straight line.
   2. Start with your arms extended and slowly
   lower your chest to the ball and then return to
   the starting position.
   3. Keeping your body straight throughout the
   movement repeat for the required number of

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

   Stability Ball Leg Plank
   1. Rollout on the ball until just your feet are
   on the ball and you are forming a bridge.
   2. Maintain this position for the
   recommended number of seconds.

   Reverse Lunges
   1. Start position: Stand with feet hip width apart.
   2. Step backward 2-3 feet and lower body
   forming a 90° bend at the front hip and knee. Do
   not allow front knee to extend past the big toe.
   3. Pushing off front foot, return to start position.
   Continue with same leg
   4. Remember to keep head and back straight.
   Shoulders and hips should remain square at all
   5. Watch for proper knee alignment - do not let
   front knee extend past big toe or deviate side to side.
   Back knee should not come in contact with floor.

   Stability Ball Rows
   1. Lie face down on a stability ball so that the ball is
   under your lower abdomen.
   2. Holding two dumbbells, ‘row’ them up towards
   your shoulders keeping your elbows out wide and
   back staying flat.
   3. Remember to pinch your shoulder blades together
   as you row and keep your upper body stable.
   4. Repeat for the suggested number of repetitions.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

   Stability Ball Hip Bridges
   1. Assume back lying position on floor. Place
   hands at sides with palms down on floor.
   2. Start position: place heels on top of Stability ball
   with knees slightly bent.
   3. Raise hips off floor by pressing heels into ball.
   4. Return to start position.
   5. To increase difficulty, raise and extend arms
   above chest.

   Abductor Raises
   1. Lay on your right side, resting your upper
   body weight on your elbow.
   2. Using your hand for balance, lift your left leg
   upward as high as is comfortably possible.
   3. Hold for 5 seconds and slowly lower to
   starting position.
   4. Repeat for the recommended repetitions
   and repeat with the other leg.

   Stability Ball Single Leg Front Raises
   1. Sit on a ball in an upright position. Raise
   one leg off the floor and maintain balanced
   2. Start position: Grasp dumbbells with an
   overhand grip (palms down). Arms should
   hang down to front with elbows slightly bent.
   3. Raise dumbbells to front of body at shoulder
   height keeping elbows only slightly bent.
   4. Return to start position and repeat.
   5. Remember to keep back and head straight.
   Keep shoulders stabilised by squeezing
   shoulder blades together throughout

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

   Stability Ball Roll Outs
   1. Start on your knees and place your hands on
   the ball with your arms outstretched.
   2. Roll out the ball keeping your hips parallel
   with the rest of your body.
   3. Return to the starting position by pulling your
   arms back up the ball until you are in an
   upright position and repeat.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss


   Split Squats
   1. Start by holding dumbbells at your
   side and standing in a split leg position.
   2. Slowly lower yourself to the ground by
   bending your front knee and dropping
   your back knee to the ground.
   3. Once you reach the bottom extend
   your legs and stand back up.
   4. Repeat for the suggested repetitions
   and then repeat with the other leg.

   Stability Ball One Leg Chest Presses
   1. Start by lying on your back on the ball.
   Holding a dumbbell in each hand with your
   elbows out raise one leg off the floor.
   2. Contract your abdominals to maintain
   stability and once you are stabilised press the
   dumbbells up above your chest.
   3. Continue for the required number of
   repetitions and then repeat with opposite leg on
   the next circuit.

   Stability Ball Knee Lifts
   1. Lie on your back and place a
   stability ball behind your knees.
   2. Secure it with the backs of your
   legs and your feet.
   3. Lift your knees towards your
   chest, then return to the starting
   position and repeat

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

   Stability Ball Dumbbell Wall Sits
   1. Start by placing a stability ball
   against a wall and holding it there with
   the small of your back.
   2. Holding a dumbbell in each hand
   proceed to squat down until your thighs
   are parallel to the ground or you have
   reached full range of motion.
   3. Return to the starting position and
   repeat for the desired repetitions.

   Stability Ball Dumbbell Pullovers
   1. Sit in upright position on stability ball with feet
   flat on floor.
   2. Walk feet forward allowing stability ball to roll
   underneath body until it is positioned on mid to
   upper back region (you may rest head on
   stability ball). Raise hips to create a “table top”
   position parallel to floor.
   3. Place dumbbell on chest with handle at right
   angles to chest. Grasp dumbbell as shown.
   4. Start position: Extend arms so dumbbell is
   directly above eye-line.
   5. With elbows slightly bent, lower dumbbell back
   to slightly below head level.
   6. Return to start position and repeat.
   7. Remember to keep both feet flat on the floor at all times and keep
   the lower back flat (avoid arching).

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

   Stability Ball Single Leg Bridge
   1. Start by forming a parallel plank position with
   both feet on the ground and your hands on top of
   the stability ball.
   2. Holding this parallel position raise one leg off
   the ground maintaining the plank position.
   3. Hold for suggested amount of time.
   4. Remember to keep your abs tight and your hips
   level with the rest of your body.

   Adductor Raises
   1. Lie on your side and lean up on your elbow.
   Place your top foot over your lower thigh.
   2. Maintain this position and raise your lower leg
   keeping it straight. Hold for 5 seconds.
   3. Repeat for the required number of repetitions
   and then repeat with the other leg.

   Stability Ball Single Leg Shoulder Presses
   1. Sit in upright position with feet
   shoulder width apart and knees slightly
   bent. Raise one leg up off the floor and
   maintain your balance.
   2. Start position: Position dumbbells to
   ear level with an overhand grip (palms
   facing forward).
   3. Press hands up above head keeping
   wrists over the elbows and arms moving
   parallel to body at all times.
   4. Return to start position and repeat

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

   Stability Ball Superman Poses
   1. Start position: Lie face down on ball with
   hands down at sides. Raise left arm and left leg
   off floor.
   2. Return to start position and repeat with the
   other side.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss


   Chest Stretch
   1. Stand in an upright position and reach back with your arms
   extended and clasp your hands together.
   2. Raise your hands towards the ceiling keeping your arms
   straight until you feel a stretch in your chest.

   Triceps Stretch
   1. Stand or sit in upright position
   2. Place hand of arm to be stretched at base of neck.
   3. Grasp elbow with opposite hand and pull until a
   stretch is felt in triceps (in back of arm)
   4. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed.

   Prayer Stretch
   1. Start by kneeling on the ground with your arms out
   in front of you.
   2. Slide your arms further away and slowly shift your
   hips back towards your feet until a comfortable stretch
   is felt.
   3. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed.

   Lateral Stretch
   1. Stand with legs wider than shoulder width apart.
   2. Raise your arms overhead and lean to the side.
   3. Make sure that you keep your body parallel and
   do not lean forward or backwards.
   4. Lean until a comfortable stretch is felt in your side.
   5. Hold for prescribed time and t hen repeat to the
   other side.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

   Hip Stretch
   1. Start by placing your hands on the back of
   your hips.
   2. Slowly shift your hips forward using your
   muscles and your hands.
   3. Only push until a comfortable stretch or
   range of motion is achieved.
   4. Return to the starting position repeat for the
   desired repetitions.

   Cobra Stretch
   1. Lie face down on floor
   2. Using forearms, press upper body upward
   raising the chest keeping hips in contact with floor.
   Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed.
   3. Keep low back and buttocks relaxed. If pain is
   experienced in the low back during stretch,

   Piriformis Stretch
   1. Lie back and cross legs with the involved leg on top.
   2. Gently pull opposite knee towards chest until a
   stretch is felt in the hip area.
   3. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed.
   4. Remember to keep the low back straight in a
   neutral position.

   Letter T Stretch
   1. Lie on back with right knee drawn toward chest.
   2. Slowly bring bent leg across body until a stretch
   is felt in the lower back and hip area.
   3. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed.
   4. Remember to keep shoulders squared and flat
   on ground at all times. Bottom leg should be bent
   so that your knees are aligned.

The Essential Guide to Fat Loss

   Hip Flexor Stretch
   1. Stand with legs wider than shoulder width apart.
   2. Bend knee and lean to that side, with your chest
   on your thigh. Keep opposite leg straight. Stretch
   should be felt in extended straight leg.
   3. Hold for 20-30 seconds and then repeat to the
   other side.

   Thigh Stretch
   1. Lie on your side on floor or mat.
   2. Pull heel toward buttocks until stretch is felt in front of
   3. Hold for the recommended amount of time and repeat
   for other leg.
   4. Remember to keep the low back straight - avoid
   arching back during stretch by keeping abdominals tight

   Hamstring Stretch
   1. Sit in upright position. Tuck foot near groin with
   opposite leg straight.
   2. Bending from the hips and leading with the chest,
   reach down until a stretch is felt in back of thigh.
   3. Hold for the prescribed time and then repeat with
   the other leg.
   4. Remember to keep the low back straight to isolate
   stretch in hamstring.

   Calf Stretch
   1. Place your hands on the wall with one foot forward
   and the other foot back.
   2. Keep the heel of the back foot on the ground and
   lean forward using the wall for support.
   3. Lean forward until you feel a stretch in your back calf.
   4. Hold for the suggested number of seconds and then
   repeat with the other foot.

   Copyright © Sporting Excellence Limited. All rights reserved. Neither this plan, nor any parts within
                    it may be sold or reproduced in any form without prior permission.


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Intermediate fitness plan

  • 1. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss INTERMEDIATE HOME OR GYM • Stability Ball • Dumbbell Set • Step or stairs • Exercise Mat optional) 1
  • 2. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss SAFETY INFORMATION The material contained within this guide is provided for general information and educational purposes only and should not be treated as a substitute for medical or professional advice and supervision. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any illness, metabolic disorder, disease or health problem. Before making any changes to your diet you must consult your doctor. Do not implement any changes to your diet if you have a medical condition or if you are taking medication or have related concerns. The publishers Sporting Excellence Ltd and the author Phil Davies cannot be held responsible for any injuries, losses or harm which may occur as a result of the information contained herein. The information contained within this guide is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. All recommendations are made without any guarantee on the part of the publisher or author with regard to the completeness, accuracy or safety of the contents. The publisher and author also disclaim any liability of any kind for losses or damages caused or alleged to be caused directly, or indirectly, from using the information contained herein. Published by Sporting Excellence Limited 13 Scarisbrick New Road Southport Merseyside PR8 6PU England. Copyright © Sporting Excellence Limited. All rights reserved. Neither this guide, nor any parts within it may be sold or reproduced in any form without prior permission. Layout and typesetting by Neil G. Tarvin Cover design by Ovi Dogar Interior images courtesy of Research & editing by Phil Davies BSc., CSCS, CPT 2
  • 3. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. Complete the Warm Up Routine below followed by one of the Strength & Stability Routines followed by the Stretching Routine, in this order. 2. Follow this plan 2-3 times per week for 6 weeks, alternating between Strength & Stability Routine #1 and Routine #2 each time. 3. Avoid following the plan on consecutive days. Try to leave a day in between – for example do Mon / Wed / Fri or Tue / Thu / Sat. 4. Avoid exercising immediately after eating (try to leave a couple of hours) or immediately after drinking tea, coffee or alcohol. 5. Print this plan out so you have it to hand when completing the routines. 3
  • 4. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss WARM UP ROUTINE The warm up routine is an essential part of the plan. Please do NOT be tempted to skip it. A gentle and progressive warm up helps to increase blood flow to the muscles and joints and reduce stiffness – which in turn can help to prevent injury. Just as importantly, a warm up will gradually increase your blood pressure from a resting level to an exercising level (it’s perfectly normal and healthy for blood pressure to rise during exercise). The opposite is true for a cool down (the Stretching Routine acts as your cool down), which helps to flush waste products from the blood and muscles and gradually brings blood pressure back to a resting level. Suddenly starting and stopping vigorous exercise can leave you feeling dizzy or faint if it causes dramatic and sudden changes in blood pressure. Here’s the routine: WARM UP ROUTINE EXERCISE SETS REPS TIME Star Jumps 1 20 Jog On Spot 1 60sec Star Jumps 1 20 Jog On Spot 1 60sec Arm Rotations (each direction) 2 10 Arm Swings 2 20 Hip Rotations (each direction) 2 10 Straight Leg Swings (each leg) 2 10 See the bottom of this plan for exercise images and descriptions. 4
  • 5. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss STRENGTH & STABILITY ROUTINES The Strength & Stability Routines will improve your rider-specific strength and posture without adding any muscle bulk. They will improve your core stability, your balance, coordination and your body shape. Combined with a healthy, fat burning eating plan, this routine will also help to burn excess body fat. The beauty of strength training is that it raises your metabolism (helping to burn more of the calories you consume) even after you’ve finished exercising. GUIDELINES 1. Complete the exercises in the order they are set out. Complete the first exercise, rest for the recommended period of time, then move on the next exercise and so on, until all exercises are completed. This is one circuit. 2. Complete the number of circuits recommended for each week of the 6- week plan (see the chart below). 3. Most exercises have a repetition range. In other words “10-15 reps” means you should aim to perform a minimum of 10 repetitions and a maximum of 15 repetitions. 4. The last 1-2 repetitions should feel difficult. If you can easily complete the maximum number of repetitions suggested either increase the weight or complete each repetition more slowly. 5. You may reduce the rest period between some or all of the exercises to improve your cardiovascular fitness and endurance (as well as enhance fat burning). However, you should only decrease the rest periods slowly as you become fitter. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being a walk in the park, 10 being all- out exhaustion) the whole session should feel like a 7 or 8 (no more than 8). 6. Proper form and technique is essential. As you begin to tire it can be tempting to ‘cheat’ on some of the exercises to make them easier. Focusing on correct technique will improve your concentration and body awareness – which will also translate to positive results in the saddle. 7. Remember to breathe continuously during the exercises – avoid holding your breath, which can increase blood pressure too much. 5
  • 6. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss STRENGTH & STABILITY ROUTINE #2 EXERCISE SETS REPS TIME REST Dumbbell Squats 1 10-15 45sec Stability Ball Push Up 1 10-15 45sec Stability Ball Leg Plank 1 10-30sec 90sec Reverse Lunges 1 10-15 45sec Stability Ball Rows 1 10-15 45sec Stability Ball Hip Bridges 1 10-15 90sec Abductor Raises (each leg) 1 8-12 45sec Stability Ball Single Leg Front Raises 1 10-15 45sec Stability Ball Roll Outs 1 10-15 2min See the bottom of this plan for exercise images and descriptions. STRENGTH & STABILITY ROUTINE #2 EXERCISE SETS REPS TIME REST Split Squats 1 10-15 45sec Stability Ball One Leg Chest Presses 1 10-15 45sec Stability Ball Knee Lifts 1 10-15 90sec Stability Ball Dumbbell Wall Sits 1 10-30sec 45sec Stability Ball Dumbbell Pullovers 1 10-15 45sec Stability Ball Single Leg Bridge 1 10-30sec 90ec Adductor Raises (each leg) 1 8-12 45sec Stability Ball Single Leg Shoulder Presses 1 10-15 45sec Stability Ball Superman Poses (each side) 1 8-10 2min See the bottom of this plan for exercise images and descriptions. NUMBER OF CIRCUITS PER SESSION WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 2 2 2 3 3 3 As well as gradually increasing the number of circuits over the 6 weeks, you can also decrease the rest time between exercises i.e. from 45sec to 30 sec. But base this on how you feel. 6
  • 7. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss STRETCHING ROUTINE The Stretching Routine will improve one of the most important aspects of a rider’s fitness – their flexibility. This collection of stretches has been carefully put together with riders in mind. It stretches those muscles that are likely to be tight as a result of the sport with the minimum number of exercises to keep time down. Here is the routine: STRETCHING ROUTINE EXERCISE SETS REPS TIME Chest Stretch 2 15sec Triceps Stretch (each arm) 2 15sec Prayer Stretch 2 15sec Lateral Stretch (each side) 2 15sec Hip Stretch 2 15sec Cobra Stretch 2 15sec Piriformis Stretch (each leg) 2 15sec Letter T Stretch (each side) 2 15sec Hip Flexor Stretch (each leg) 2 15sec Thigh Stretch (each leg) 2 15sec Hamstring Stretch (each leg) 2 15sec 2 15sec Calf Stretch (each leg) GUIDELINES 1. You should only ever stretch until you feel a slight tightness – which should then diminish as you hold the stretch. If the stretch causes pain or your feel your muscles getting tighter, stop immediately. 2. Complete 2 sets for each stretch before moving on to the next stretch. Where you stretch each limb, complete 2 sets on the same limb then move to the next. 3. You can also complete 1 set per stretch for 20-30 seconds 4. Remember to breathe continuously – avoid breath holding. 7
  • 8. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss WARM UP EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Star Jumps 1. Start with your legs side by side and your arms by your sides. 2. In one motion jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms raise out and up over your head. 3. Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat. Jog On Spot 1. Stand in place with feet hip width apart. 2. Drive knee up towards chest and quickly place the foot back on the ground. 3. Drive other knee up in a moderate to fast jog with minimal ground contact time. Arm Rotations 1. Stand straight with your arms out to your sides. 2. Start swinging your arms in large circles in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction. 3. Repeat for the recommended repetitions and repeat in opposite direction. Arm Swings 1. Stand tall and hold arms out to your side. 2. Slowly swing your arms back and forth across the front of your body. 3. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions. 8
  • 9. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss Hip Rotations 1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. 2. Place your hands on your hips and rotate your hips in a circular motion. 3. Repeat for the desired repetitions and then switch and rotate your hips in the opposite direction. Straight Leg Swings 1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. You can stand on a small step or on the ground. 2. Keeping your upper body perpendicular to the ground swing one leg forward and backward. 3. Do not swing your leg so hard that you cannot keep your upper body from moving. 4. Repeat for the recommended repetitions and repeat with the other side. 9
  • 10. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss STRENGTH & STABILITY EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS ROUTINE #1 Dumbbell Squats 1. Grasp dumbbells and let arms hang down at sides. 2. Start position: Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Knees should be slightly bent. 3. Lower body by bending at the hips and knees. Upper body can bend forward at the hips slightly during movement. Be sure to “sit back” so that knees stay over the feet. 4. Once thighs are parallel to floor, return to start position and repeat 5. Remember to keep head and back straight. Keep weight over the middle of foot and heel, not the toes. 6. Do not allow knees to go past the big toe or deviate side to side throughout movement. Keep abdominals tight throughout exercise by drawing stomach in toward spine. Stability Ball Push Up 1. Place your hands on the top of a stability ball with your knees on the ground and your trunk in a straight line. 2. Start with your arms extended and slowly lower your chest to the ball and then return to the starting position. 3. Keeping your body straight throughout the movement repeat for the required number of repetitions. 10
  • 11. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss Stability Ball Leg Plank 1. Rollout on the ball until just your feet are on the ball and you are forming a bridge. 2. Maintain this position for the recommended number of seconds. Reverse Lunges 1. Start position: Stand with feet hip width apart. 2. Step backward 2-3 feet and lower body forming a 90° bend at the front hip and knee. Do not allow front knee to extend past the big toe. 3. Pushing off front foot, return to start position. Continue with same leg 4. Remember to keep head and back straight. Shoulders and hips should remain square at all times. 5. Watch for proper knee alignment - do not let front knee extend past big toe or deviate side to side. Back knee should not come in contact with floor. Stability Ball Rows 1. Lie face down on a stability ball so that the ball is under your lower abdomen. 2. Holding two dumbbells, ‘row’ them up towards your shoulders keeping your elbows out wide and back staying flat. 3. Remember to pinch your shoulder blades together as you row and keep your upper body stable. 4. Repeat for the suggested number of repetitions. 11
  • 12. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss Stability Ball Hip Bridges 1. Assume back lying position on floor. Place hands at sides with palms down on floor. 2. Start position: place heels on top of Stability ball with knees slightly bent. 3. Raise hips off floor by pressing heels into ball. 4. Return to start position. 5. To increase difficulty, raise and extend arms above chest. Abductor Raises 1. Lay on your right side, resting your upper body weight on your elbow. 2. Using your hand for balance, lift your left leg upward as high as is comfortably possible. 3. Hold for 5 seconds and slowly lower to starting position. 4. Repeat for the recommended repetitions and repeat with the other leg. Stability Ball Single Leg Front Raises 1. Sit on a ball in an upright position. Raise one leg off the floor and maintain balanced position. 2. Start position: Grasp dumbbells with an overhand grip (palms down). Arms should hang down to front with elbows slightly bent. 3. Raise dumbbells to front of body at shoulder height keeping elbows only slightly bent. 4. Return to start position and repeat. 5. Remember to keep back and head straight. Keep shoulders stabilised by squeezing shoulder blades together throughout movement. 12
  • 13. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss Stability Ball Roll Outs 1. Start on your knees and place your hands on the ball with your arms outstretched. 2. Roll out the ball keeping your hips parallel with the rest of your body. 3. Return to the starting position by pulling your arms back up the ball until you are in an upright position and repeat. 13
  • 14. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss ROUTINE #2 Split Squats 1. Start by holding dumbbells at your side and standing in a split leg position. 2. Slowly lower yourself to the ground by bending your front knee and dropping your back knee to the ground. 3. Once you reach the bottom extend your legs and stand back up. 4. Repeat for the suggested repetitions and then repeat with the other leg. Stability Ball One Leg Chest Presses 1. Start by lying on your back on the ball. Holding a dumbbell in each hand with your elbows out raise one leg off the floor. 2. Contract your abdominals to maintain stability and once you are stabilised press the dumbbells up above your chest. 3. Continue for the required number of repetitions and then repeat with opposite leg on the next circuit. Stability Ball Knee Lifts 1. Lie on your back and place a stability ball behind your knees. 2. Secure it with the backs of your legs and your feet. 3. Lift your knees towards your chest, then return to the starting position and repeat 14
  • 15. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss Stability Ball Dumbbell Wall Sits 1. Start by placing a stability ball against a wall and holding it there with the small of your back. 2. Holding a dumbbell in each hand proceed to squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground or you have reached full range of motion. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions. Stability Ball Dumbbell Pullovers 1. Sit in upright position on stability ball with feet flat on floor. 2. Walk feet forward allowing stability ball to roll underneath body until it is positioned on mid to upper back region (you may rest head on stability ball). Raise hips to create a “table top” position parallel to floor. 3. Place dumbbell on chest with handle at right angles to chest. Grasp dumbbell as shown. 4. Start position: Extend arms so dumbbell is directly above eye-line. 5. With elbows slightly bent, lower dumbbell back to slightly below head level. 6. Return to start position and repeat. 7. Remember to keep both feet flat on the floor at all times and keep the lower back flat (avoid arching). 15
  • 16. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss Stability Ball Single Leg Bridge 1. Start by forming a parallel plank position with both feet on the ground and your hands on top of the stability ball. 2. Holding this parallel position raise one leg off the ground maintaining the plank position. 3. Hold for suggested amount of time. 4. Remember to keep your abs tight and your hips level with the rest of your body. Adductor Raises 1. Lie on your side and lean up on your elbow. Place your top foot over your lower thigh. 2. Maintain this position and raise your lower leg keeping it straight. Hold for 5 seconds. 3. Repeat for the required number of repetitions and then repeat with the other leg. Stability Ball Single Leg Shoulder Presses 1. Sit in upright position with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Raise one leg up off the floor and maintain your balance. 2. Start position: Position dumbbells to ear level with an overhand grip (palms facing forward). 3. Press hands up above head keeping wrists over the elbows and arms moving parallel to body at all times. 4. Return to start position and repeat 16
  • 17. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss Stability Ball Superman Poses 1. Start position: Lie face down on ball with hands down at sides. Raise left arm and left leg off floor. 2. Return to start position and repeat with the other side. 17
  • 18. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss STRETCHING EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Chest Stretch 1. Stand in an upright position and reach back with your arms extended and clasp your hands together. 2. Raise your hands towards the ceiling keeping your arms straight until you feel a stretch in your chest. Triceps Stretch 1. Stand or sit in upright position 2. Place hand of arm to be stretched at base of neck. 3. Grasp elbow with opposite hand and pull until a stretch is felt in triceps (in back of arm) 4. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed. Prayer Stretch 1. Start by kneeling on the ground with your arms out in front of you. 2. Slide your arms further away and slowly shift your hips back towards your feet until a comfortable stretch is felt. 3. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed. Lateral Stretch 1. Stand with legs wider than shoulder width apart. 2. Raise your arms overhead and lean to the side. 3. Make sure that you keep your body parallel and do not lean forward or backwards. 4. Lean until a comfortable stretch is felt in your side. 5. Hold for prescribed time and t hen repeat to the other side. 18
  • 19. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss Hip Stretch 1. Start by placing your hands on the back of your hips. 2. Slowly shift your hips forward using your muscles and your hands. 3. Only push until a comfortable stretch or range of motion is achieved. 4. Return to the starting position repeat for the desired repetitions. Cobra Stretch 1. Lie face down on floor 2. Using forearms, press upper body upward raising the chest keeping hips in contact with floor. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed. 3. Keep low back and buttocks relaxed. If pain is experienced in the low back during stretch, discontinue. Piriformis Stretch 1. Lie back and cross legs with the involved leg on top. 2. Gently pull opposite knee towards chest until a stretch is felt in the hip area. 3. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed. 4. Remember to keep the low back straight in a neutral position. Letter T Stretch 1. Lie on back with right knee drawn toward chest. 2. Slowly bring bent leg across body until a stretch is felt in the lower back and hip area. 3. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed. 4. Remember to keep shoulders squared and flat on ground at all times. Bottom leg should be bent so that your knees are aligned. 19
  • 20. The Essential Guide to Fat Loss Hip Flexor Stretch 1. Stand with legs wider than shoulder width apart. 2. Bend knee and lean to that side, with your chest on your thigh. Keep opposite leg straight. Stretch should be felt in extended straight leg. 3. Hold for 20-30 seconds and then repeat to the other side. Thigh Stretch 1. Lie on your side on floor or mat. 2. Pull heel toward buttocks until stretch is felt in front of thigh. 3. Hold for the recommended amount of time and repeat for other leg. 4. Remember to keep the low back straight - avoid arching back during stretch by keeping abdominals tight Hamstring Stretch 1. Sit in upright position. Tuck foot near groin with opposite leg straight. 2. Bending from the hips and leading with the chest, reach down until a stretch is felt in back of thigh. 3. Hold for the prescribed time and then repeat with the other leg. 4. Remember to keep the low back straight to isolate stretch in hamstring. Calf Stretch 1. Place your hands on the wall with one foot forward and the other foot back. 2. Keep the heel of the back foot on the ground and lean forward using the wall for support. 3. Lean forward until you feel a stretch in your back calf. 4. Hold for the suggested number of seconds and then repeat with the other foot. Copyright © Sporting Excellence Limited. All rights reserved. Neither this plan, nor any parts within it may be sold or reproduced in any form without prior permission. 20