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January 27, 2013
by Arun K. Simha
The first X cymbals were created in 1618 by Avedis X, an alchemist who created an alloy
combining tin, copper, and silver into a sheet of metal that could make musical sounds without
shattering. Avedis was given the name of X by the Sultan Osman II. X is Turkish for cymbal

In the 1920s, the family migrated to the US. Today, the 14th generation of the family continues
to run the business from Massachusetts.

Name X.
Ans. Zildjian
This spacecraft was named after a Peter, Paul and Mary song by Elon Musk, the CEO of
Space X. Name the spacecraft and the song.
Ans. Dragon from ‗Puff the Magic Dragon‘. See the Peter, Paul and Mary version here
The pic on the left shows an invention by Thomas Jefferson called ―Hawkins & Peale‘s Patent
Polygraph No. 57‖. The image on the right shows a modern variation. It was used in early
Jan. What is the common name for this device?
Ans. Autopen. President Obama signed the so-called fiscal cliff bill with it since he was on
vacation in Hawaii.
An Italian cookbook from 1549 contained such a recipe "to make pies so that birds may be
alive in them and flie out when it is cut up.‖
A description of a wedding of Marie de' Medici and Henry IV of France in 1600 has this; "The
first surprise, though, came shortly before the starter—when the guests sat down, unfolded
their napkins and saw songbirds fly out.‖
According to one interpretation, the above episodes explain some of the wording in which
nursery rhyme?
Ans. Sing a song of sixpence.
Colin Powell writing in his memoir, ‗It worked for

"I expressed my admiration for German flip-top
beer one day, the kind with the little tops that
pop off, and Joschka Fischer sent me a case
and I enjoyed it very much.‖

"And the next time I saw him, since he is a
member of the Greens party, I gave him X,‖

What was X?
Ans. He gave him the empty bottles back. 
Connect this to a sporting legend. This is a tribute to a real restaurant by Jim Belushi, Bill
   Murray and Dan Akroyd in a SNL sketch
The curse of the Chicago Cubs. and
Very few famous recordings of this extremely popular seasonal song (by Irving Berlin) have
    the first stanza which refers to California. Which song? Part of the FITB has the title

    The sun is shining, the grass is green
    The orange and palm trees sway
    There's never been such a day
    In Beverly Hills, L.A.

    But it's December the 24th
    And I'm longing to be up North...

    just like the ones I used to know
    Where the treetops glisten and children listen
    to hear sleigh bells in the snow
Ans. White Christmas Here‘s the
   great Bing Crosby‘s version with those words!
In an article titled, ―Dead Souls: The Denationalization of the American Elite‖, in the
Spring 2004 issue of the National Interest, Samuel Huntington coined this term to
describe a certain class of people.
― [..] these transnationalists have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries
as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues
from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the elite's global operations. In
the coming years, one corporation executive confidently predicted, "the only people who
will care about national boundaries are politicians.―

What was the term that he coined for these people?
Ans. Davos Man.
―Merry Christmas‖ said the Orthodox Russian Christians. On Jan 7th, 2013.
Why did they celebrate Christmas on Jan 7th?
Because the Russian Orthodox Church still observes the Julian calendar. Dec. 25 on the
Julian calendar corresponds to Jan. 7 on the Gregorian calendar, which America and
most of the rest of the world uses. Currently, each day of the Julian calendar occurs 13
days after its corresponding day on the Gregorian calendar—therefore, Dec. 25 on the
Julian calendar corresponds to today on the Gregorian calendar.
In August of 1965, Dr. Dana Shires, a renal scientist at the University of Florida, met with
Dewayne Douglass the university‘s football coach during which he described his team‘s
struggles with ―heat exhaustion and dehydration‖ and implored her to develop ―something to
negate the strain of the brutal summer heat.‖

She returned to the lab and within two months, developed something that was field tested:
first with a freshman and varsity B-team scrimmage, and then in a real contest between the
the University of Florida‘s team and Louisiana State.

What was the creation?
Ans. Gatorade (The Florida Gators)
X was the name given to a mythical island populated only by beautiful Amazon warriors in the
popular early 16th-century romance novel Las Sergas de Esplandián (The Adventures of
Esplandián) by Spanish author Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. This popular Spanish novel was
printed in several editions with the earliest surviving edition published about 1510.

Businessman and statesman James Duval Phelan named his summer home Villa Montalvo
(Saratoga) as a tribute to the author.
What is X?
Ans. California
An article in the New Yorker dated April 26, 2012 began thus, ―The special tool we use here at
The New Yorker for punching out the two dots that we then center carefully over the second
vowel in such words as ―naïve‖ and ―Laocoön‖ will be getting a workout this year, as the
Democrats coöperate to reëlect the President.‖

Those two dots, often mistaken for an umlaut, are actually a X. While the umlaut alters the
pronunciation/meaning of the word, a X goes over the second vowel and indicates that it
forms a separate syllable.

What is X?
Ans. Diaeresis
 And did those feet in ancient time.    Poem titled ―And did those feet in ancient time‘ by
                                        William Blake. Now famously known as the anthem
 Walk upon Englands mountains green:    ‗Jerusalem‘
 And was the holy Lamb of God,
 On Englands pleasant pastures seen!    At the end of a famous film, a church congregation
                                        sings this song, which is overlaid partly by a
                                        composition by Vangelis in the soundtrack.
 And did the Countenance Divine,
 Shine forth upon our clouded hills?    FITB for the title of the film.
 And was Jerusalem builded here,
 Among these dark Satanic Mills?

 Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
 Bring me my Arrows of desire:
 Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
 Bring me my _____ _____ _____!

 I will not cease from Mental Fight,
 Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
 Till we have built Jerusalem,
 In Englands green & pleasant Land
Ans. Chariots of Fire
Who about what?

―It‘s like The Truman Show, at country scale. ‖
Ans. Sophie Schmidt, daughter of Google‘s Eric Schmidt

Explain the connection
Ans. Method Acting. The man in the pic is Lee Strasberg and he also acted as Hyman Roth in
   Godfather II
A X brewery, according to the Brewers Association, is one that produces less than two million
barrels a year; a Y produces less than fifteen thousand; and a brewpub serves at least a
quarter of its beer in house.

What are X and Y?
A ns. Craft brewery and Micro brewery
While turkey hunting in California, X‘s brother-in-law accidentally discharged his shotgun while
standing only a few feet away from the champion.
Sports Illustrated has the details:
     X started to straighten up, to ask, ―Who shot. . . ?‖ when he felt the blow of approximately
     60 No. 2-sized pellets in his back and side. He discovered he could barely breathe — his
     right lung had collapsed. His kidney and liver were hit. So were his diaphragm and
     intestine. Two pellets lodged in the lining of his heart. As X lay in the field, awaiting the
     helicopter that would ultimately save his life, he thought he was going to die .

Who is X, the first non-European and now the only American champion in a particular sport?
Ans. Greg Lemond
X is the term for a song in which a pre-existing melody is fitted out with new words.
The Star Spangled Banner is a classic example of X, since new words are set to the tune of
an existing song ‗To Anacreon in Heaven‖.
Ans. Contrafactum
X was born at Chiswick,
London. His mother, Tina
Angela Lal was half-Indian,
born to a Punjabi father,
Sardari Lal, and an English
mother, Vera Swan.
Sardari Lal‘s family still owns
the Marina Hotel at
Connaught Place. X was
very visible in 2012. After all,
he ran a big show and was,
for a long time, the world
record holder in the 800 and
1500m track events.

Who is X?
Ans. Lord Sebastian Coe
X is an American, privately held, consumer electronics company that sells home digital media
products. The company is based in Saratoga, California. The company was founded in
October 2002, by ReplayTV founder Anthony Wood. X means "six" in Japanese, a reference
to the six companies Wood has launched.
Ans. Roku
In X’s 1985 comic strip titled "The Rule‖, an unnamed female character says that she only
watches a movie if it satisfies the following requirements:
(1) It has to have at least two women in it,
(2) who talk to each other,
(3) about something besides a man

This is now known as X‘s test or X‘s law and is a good measure of gender bias in fiction.

Identify X.

X was an American film critic who wrote for The New Yorker magazine from 1968 to 1991 and
was regarded as the most influential critic of her day, inspiring writers and film-makers alike.
When Nixon won the 1972 election, she is supposed to have said "How can that be? No one I
know voted for Nixon!‖ This is often used by Republicans to demonstrate how out of touch
liberals are with the real world. It is called The X problem. The supposed quote has been

Name X. (First & Last name)
In 2005, Amartya Sen gave a speech in Hong Kong in which he argued that, ―Maoist China had
actually made great strides in medicine, bringing down child mortality rates and prolonging life
expectancy. Moving to a privatized system was making the system less fair and efficient.‖

At that point, one Weijin Shan, a banker, stood up and recounted how painful it was to live through
the cultural revolution. "I observed with my own eyes the total absence of medicine in some parts of
China. The system was totally unsustainable. We used to admire India,‖
A Wall Street Journal article reporting the above called it the ___ ___ moment referring to the film in
which ―a character is sounding off about the Canadian media theorist Marshall MacLuhan when the
subject himself appears and says: "Excuse me, I'm Marshall MacLuhan. You know nothing of my
work.‖ Woody Allen then turns to the audience and asks, "don't you wish life were like that?‖

FITB for the name of the film.
Ans. Annie Hall.
Who modeled in the ―before‖ and ―after‖ pictures in a 1944 newspaper ad for a fictional
obesity slaying product called Reduco? The pictures were genuine since he had gone on a
diet which reduced his weight, but the product was fake.

In 1948, Reduco once again appeared, but this time as a red neon sign with that man‘s profile.
In Nov 2012, who (virtually) appeared on The Big Bang Theory to play Words with Friends
with Sheldon Cooper? He was characterized by Cooper as ―a sore loser‘ .
He said this, ―What do Sheldon Cooper and a black hole have in common? They both suck.
Neener, neener, neener.‖
Ans. Stephen Hawking
She is the daughter of a Vietnam vet and ex-con man who taught her to play soccer at the age
of 5. He later moved out of the house and lived on the streets of Seattle for a while. Later, he
reconnected with his daughter when she was with the University of Washington soccer team.
He would come early to her events and she would go to his tent in the woods and bring him
mac ‗n‘ cheese.

In 2001, her father became a suspect in a brutal murder, and died of a heart attack. She would
sprinkle his ashes in the goal before every game in the 2007 World Cup. She fought to
defend his name and finally in 2011, they discovered that a rogue cop had committed the

Name her.
The internet term for this meme is ‗planking‘, assuming plank like rigid positions and posting
the resulting picture on social media. In Nov 2012, an event occurred in China that gave rise
to this viral planking pose, covered by many publications including the WSJ. What was the
Laloo Prasad Yadav‘s daughter‘s name is derived from a draconian act promulgated by Indira
Gandhi during the Emergency. Laloo Yadav was among thousands of political prisoners
thrown into jail all over the country during those days. She was born a few months after Laloo
Yadav's arrest.

What is her name?
Ans. Misa Bharti after MISA (Maintenance of Internal Security Act)
According to both the Guardian and the Telegraph the Indian word X entered the OED due to
the popularity of the show Goodness Gracious Me in which the Simpson-ian phrase ―Kiss my
X‖ appears often.
What is X? [Hinglish word].

Disclaimer: I could not find the word in the OED.
Ans. Chuddies
He started off as a footballer, even trying out for the Glasgow Rangers, but seriously injured
his knee during training. Although he claims to have played two non-league games for the
team as a trailist, no evidence was found by journalists to confirm it.

But he is more famous as the first Scotsman to win three Michelin stars, an OBE, host of
many TV shows and owner of many fine dining restaurants and gastro pubs.

Ans. Gordon Ramsay
This phrase or initialism is derived from the burial service of the Catholic Church according to
the Tridentine Rite, in whose parts including the Missa pro Defunctis (Requiem Mass) it
appears several times. In Latin, the phrase is parsed as;
     cat in pace

Which commonly used phrase/initialism?
Ans. Rest in peace (R. I. P)
IDC‘s projection showed that Google OS was getting bundled with twice as many devices as
Apple‘s by 2016. However, Facebook‘s employees still used iPhones and in order to
encourage them to do ‗droidfooding‘, they created an internal ―ad‖ campaign. Also, to
facilitate easy testing, they created something called ‘Rage Shake‘.

What is ‗Rage Shake‘?

It‘s called ―Rage Shake‖ and the name is spot-on. Employees just violently shake their
phone and it automatically logs its current state and sends details to Facebook‘s mobile
bug-squashers. The Google+ team apparently also has a ―Rage Shake‖ feature and even
gave access to it to end users, though it‘s unclear which company had if first.
By avoiding a more complicated manual reporting process, Facebook maximizes the
number of bugs it hears about from its 4,000 employee-testers. If Facebookers like the
taste of Droidfood, they could make sure it‘s not their actual users shaking their phones
in fits of anger.
Gus Van Sant, the openly gay filmmaker behind ―Milk‖ and ―Good Will Hunting,‖ approached X
about performing in ―Brokeback Mountain‖ alongside Joaquin Phoenix. But X had just finished
―The Talented Mr. Ripley‖ and ―All the Pretty Horses.‖

―Gus, let‘s do it in a couple of years,‖ X told the acclaimed director. ―I just did a gay movie and
a cowboy movie. I can‘t do a gay cowboy movie now.‖

Who is X?
Ans. Matt Damon
A group of researchers from the
Netherlands and Norway published a study
in Dec 2012 in the online medical journal
BMJ, indicating that this phenomenon
occurs due to an extremely dense array of
blood vessels, in the body of the Rangifer
Tarandus in order to supply blood and
regulate body temperature in extreme

What phenomenon?
An obituary in the Economist on Jan 18th, 2007 began with these words–
―FOR centuries men and women have turned to the east for the secret of life, health and
happiness. But Momofuku Ando taught that there is no need to climb half-naked up a
mountain peak, or meditate for hours on a prayer-mat, or knot one's legs round one's neck
while intoning ―Om‖ through the higher nasal passages. One should simply
    Peel off lid.
    Pour boiling water.
    Steep for three minutes.
    Stir well and serve.‖ [.]

What did Momofuku Ando invent?
Economist, August 31, 2000. Lancelot Ware.

[..] In any case, the origins of ________ are obscure. The generally accepted version, in Victor
Serebriakoff's history of ________, is that Mr Ware and Roland Berrill, an Australian, were strangers
on a train, in a first-class carriage, when, in an unEnglish way, the Australian sought to make
conversation. He asked if the publication Mr Ware was reading was ―Hansard‖, a report of
proceedings in Parliament.

―Obviously,‖ said Mr Ware. ―You can see it from the title.‖

Not a promising first encounter, but by the end of the journey the two men, both lawyers, had formed
a tentative interest in each other. They discussed cleverness. The Australian thought it could be
measured by studying bumps in the head. Mr Ware was a fan of intelligence tests and offered to
give his new companion a test. The Australian did brilliantly well and was immensely pleased; no
one had said he was clever before. Would it not be a splendid idea to bring together an aristocracy
of gifted people to attend to the problems of the world? It would indeed, the two men agreed. [..]

FITB for the name of the organization that Lancelot Ware founded.
Economist, July 27th 2006. Joint obituary of Mickey Spillane and Robert Brooks
[..] Mr Brooks had been a self-made man, raised on a hardscrabble tobacco farm in South Carolina. He had
stacked up his fortune in the food business in Atlanta. After he took ________ over, in the mid-1980s, the
company boomed: 435 restaurants, soaring profits (of which Mr Brooks gave much to charity), a casino, a pro
golf tour, a NASCAR racing series, an airline. Hell, thought Mike Hammer, he could have flown back to Newark
on ________Air, with two beautiful________ girls attending to make sure his seatbelt was securely fastened. A
crying shame it had stopped commercial flights after three years.
A man sat down at his table, cradling a beer. ―Quite a place,‖ he said.
―Damn right.‖
―You know Brooks was a Methodist? Didn't know what ________meant?‖
―You don't say.‖
―Used to bring ministers to his restaurants, to show them how wholesome it was. And how you could never go
wrong with good food, cold beer and pretty girls.‖
Wholesomely, a waitress approached him. Her orange crotch was on a level with his chin, and her legs went on
and on. ―What'll you have?‖ she asked him.
―Anything you've got, honey.‖

FITB for the name of the business that Robert Brooks founded.
Ans. Hooters
Economist, March 19, 1998.
X, family doctor to the world, died on March 15th, aged 94

IT WAS, on the face of it, an odd book to have become one of the bestsellers of the century.
The one endeavour the human race was used to, and indeed had become quite good at, was
having babies and bringing them to adulthood. X, who seemed continually to be surprised,
and perhaps disturbed, by his success, acknowledged that parents already knew, if
instinctively, much of what he set down in his handbook, first published in 1946 under the title
―The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care‖. Although the title was changed from time
to time as the book went through numerous editions, and its contents were updated to take
note of single-parent families and other social developments, he retained the sentence that
was the key to his teaching: ―Trust yourself—you know more than you think you do.‖
Ans. Dr. Benjamin Spock
Economist, Nov 21, 2012

A toxin in your tank

Not all that long ago, X seemed to be a magical substance. It whitened the skins of young women,
outlined their eyes and turned their lips gloss-red. It made house-paint glow fresh and dry fast, and
gave toy soldiers their gleaming uniforms. It tasted sweet, too, when you put that toy soldier in your
mouth; a reminder that medieval folk added ―sugar of X‖ to food, and 18th-century oenophiles
popped a spoonful into port. X stirred in silica gave pots a hard, shining glaze; a little X oxide,
added to glass, gave it a crystalline sparkle; white X, ground with linseed oil, primed painters‘
canvases and made them spring to life. Not least, X spiked with tin and antimony made hot metal,
which when cast into letters and lines of type spread free thought around the world.

Identify X
Ans. Lead
Economist, Aug 26th, 2004.

ST PAUL saw the light on the road to Damascus, Archimedes while soaking in the bath. X‘s
moment of illumination came in a restaurant in Rouen in 1948. The meal was simple: oysters
on the half-shell, sole meunière, green salad, a bottle of Pouilly-Fuissé, café filtre. But the
whole experience, she later wrote, was ―an opening up of the soul and spirit for me.‖
Until that moment, Mrs X knew nothing of French food. She had never tasted crème fraîche or
encountered a shallot. Nor had most Americans. Their menus revolved around Jell-O, Cream
of Wheat and a single, rubbery, species of cheese. Almost single-handedly, Mrs X was to
change all that. Under her trilling and exuberant guidance, Americans came to embrace at
least the cooking of France.

Who was X?
Ans. Julia Child
The stupidest comment of 2009 is topical today. Whoopi Goldberg commenting on whom?

Whoopi: "I know it wasn't rape-rape. It was something else but I don't believe it was rape-rape.
He went to jail and and when they let him out he was like "You know what this guy's going to
give me a hundred years in jail I'm not staying, so that's why he left."
Ans. Roman Polanski
X's Curse is the belief that anything natively Hawaiian, such as sand, rock, or pumice, will
effect bad luck on whoever takes it away from Hawaii.
The origins of this superstition has nothing to do with Hawaiian culture. It could have come
from an park ranger who was dismayed by the souvenir taking tourists or from an irate bus
driver trying to dissuade his clients from messing his bus.
X is the Hawaiian goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes. [Hint: also the nickname of a
legendary sportsman.]
Ans. Pele
This is Larry Ellison‘s 288m yacht named after a famed 16-17th century Japanese swordsman,
poet and author of ‗The Book of Five Rings‘, a book on strategy and philosophy. Hiroshi
Inagaki‘s three part film about the man starring Toshiro Mifune in the lead role is very popular.

Name the Japanese swordsman.
The word X has many meanings.

It means ―a condition of dullness or drowsiness; dumps, low spirits, depression.‖

It also refers to ―a region in which ships are specially liable to be becalmed; spec, the region
of calms and light baffling winds near the equator, where the trade winds meet and neutralize
each other.‖

Identify X.
Ans. Doldrums
The X is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide or remove a piece of information
has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually
facilitated by the Internet. The term is a modern expression of the older phenomenon
that banning or censoring something often makes that item or information more
desirable, and leads to it being actively sought out to a greater extent than it would have
otherwise been.

What is X? (Two words)
Ans. The Streisand effect, after Barbara Streisand‘s infamous law suit. This is her home in
Malibu that caused all the trouble.
The director being interviewed by the NY Times Dec 15, 1985 on the release of his film.

―Without speaking a word and with few gestures to rely on, he must convey the disintegration
of a great mind and powerful will. With his castle consumed in flames all around him, his
soldiers all dead or dying, he must emerge alone through billowing clouds of smoke, staring
straight ahead, and walk down a long flight of steps, each a foot or so high. I didn‘t want him
to stumble or look down at his feet, but each time I tried to go down those steps myself during
rehearsals, I had to be helped by two or three people. Since the castle was literally burning,
we had only one take to shoot the scene. If he had stumbled, it would have weakened the
intensity of the scene, but we would have had to accept it. But Nakadai did it perfectly, without
a single misstep, staring sightlessly like a sleepwalker or a madman.‖

Name the film.
Ans. Ran
"It was beginning to get ridiculous: the speculation . .. the rumors . . . the jokes." said Mellisa
Etherridge on the media‘s obsession with the identify of the biological father of her‘s and film-maker
Julie Cypher‘s child.

During an interview with Letterman, Etheridge said, "All right," she said, "it‘s Dan Quayle."
Time‘s Joel Stein asked, "Did Brad Pitt father your children?‖

Finally, in 2000, after facing questions from their daughter, the two revealed the dad‘s identity. It
turned out to be someone much older. He was one of the members of a quartet whose
performances from Woodstock onwards has captivated audiences everywhere. He was also a
member of the ‗Byrds‘ before forming the other group. Some of his more famous songs include
"Guinnevere", "Almost Cut My Hair," "Long Time Gone," and "Delta‖.

Name the famous father?
Ans. David Crosby
―This work, sometimes called ―the Dutch Mona Lisa,‖ is one of only 36 known paintings by the
artist and rarely travels outside the Netherlands. Though little is known about the artist‘s life,
the quiet grace and virtuoso technique evident in his paintings, and in particular his rendering
of light, have placed him among the most important artists of the 17th century.‖

Tracy Chevalier wrote a best-selling novel fictionalizing the relationship between the artist and
the model. It was made into a 2003 film starring Colin Firth as the artist and Scarlett
Johansson as the model.

Name the artist and the title of the painting.
Ans. ‗The girl with a pearl earring‘ by Johannes Vermeer. It will be exhibited at San Francisco‘s
De Young museum from Jan 26 – Jun 2, 2013.

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Sfbay quiz jan2013_withans

  • 1. SF BAY QUIZ January 27, 2013 by Arun K. Simha
  • 2. MUSIC The first X cymbals were created in 1618 by Avedis X, an alchemist who created an alloy combining tin, copper, and silver into a sheet of metal that could make musical sounds without shattering. Avedis was given the name of X by the Sultan Osman II. X is Turkish for cymbal maker. In the 1920s, the family migrated to the US. Today, the 14th generation of the family continues to run the business from Massachusetts. Name X.
  • 4. GEEK CULTURE This spacecraft was named after a Peter, Paul and Mary song by Elon Musk, the CEO of Space X. Name the spacecraft and the song.
  • 5. Ans. Dragon from ‗Puff the Magic Dragon‘. See the Peter, Paul and Mary version here
  • 6. INVENTION The pic on the left shows an invention by Thomas Jefferson called ―Hawkins & Peale‘s Patent Polygraph No. 57‖. The image on the right shows a modern variation. It was used in early Jan. What is the common name for this device?
  • 7. Ans. Autopen. President Obama signed the so-called fiscal cliff bill with it since he was on vacation in Hawaii.
  • 8. FOOD An Italian cookbook from 1549 contained such a recipe "to make pies so that birds may be alive in them and flie out when it is cut up.‖ A description of a wedding of Marie de' Medici and Henry IV of France in 1600 has this; "The first surprise, though, came shortly before the starter—when the guests sat down, unfolded their napkins and saw songbirds fly out.‖ According to one interpretation, the above episodes explain some of the wording in which nursery rhyme?
  • 9. Ans. Sing a song of sixpence. nursery-rhyme-sing-a-song-of-sixpence-all-about
  • 10. POLITICS Colin Powell writing in his memoir, ‗It worked for me.‘ "I expressed my admiration for German flip-top beer one day, the kind with the little tops that pop off, and Joschka Fischer sent me a case and I enjoyed it very much.‖ "And the next time I saw him, since he is a member of the Greens party, I gave him X,‖ What was X?
  • 11. Ans. He gave him the empty bottles back. 
  • 12. SPORTS Connect this to a sporting legend. This is a tribute to a real restaurant by Jim Belushi, Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd in a SNL sketch
  • 13. The curse of the Chicago Cubs. and
  • 14. MUSIC Very few famous recordings of this extremely popular seasonal song (by Irving Berlin) have the first stanza which refers to California. Which song? Part of the FITB has the title The sun is shining, the grass is green The orange and palm trees sway There's never been such a day In Beverly Hills, L.A. But it's December the 24th And I'm longing to be up North... _____________________________ just like the ones I used to know Where the treetops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow
  • 15. Ans. White Christmas Here‘s the great Bing Crosby‘s version with those words!
  • 16. SOCIAL STUDIES In an article titled, ―Dead Souls: The Denationalization of the American Elite‖, in the Spring 2004 issue of the National Interest, Samuel Huntington coined this term to describe a certain class of people. ― [..] these transnationalists have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the elite's global operations. In the coming years, one corporation executive confidently predicted, "the only people who will care about national boundaries are politicians.― What was the term that he coined for these people?
  • 17. Ans. Davos Man. american-elite-620
  • 18. RELIGION ―Merry Christmas‖ said the Orthodox Russian Christians. On Jan 7th, 2013. Why did they celebrate Christmas on Jan 7th?
  • 19. ANS Because the Russian Orthodox Church still observes the Julian calendar. Dec. 25 on the Julian calendar corresponds to Jan. 7 on the Gregorian calendar, which America and most of the rest of the world uses. Currently, each day of the Julian calendar occurs 13 days after its corresponding day on the Gregorian calendar—therefore, Dec. 25 on the Julian calendar corresponds to today on the Gregorian calendar. te_why_do_eastern_orthodox_christians_celebrate_christmas.html
  • 20. SCIENCE In August of 1965, Dr. Dana Shires, a renal scientist at the University of Florida, met with Dewayne Douglass the university‘s football coach during which he described his team‘s struggles with ―heat exhaustion and dehydration‖ and implored her to develop ―something to negate the strain of the brutal summer heat.‖ She returned to the lab and within two months, developed something that was field tested: first with a freshman and varsity B-team scrimmage, and then in a real contest between the the University of Florida‘s team and Louisiana State. What was the creation?
  • 21. Ans. Gatorade (The Florida Gators)
  • 22. BAY AREA X was the name given to a mythical island populated only by beautiful Amazon warriors in the popular early 16th-century romance novel Las Sergas de Esplandián (The Adventures of Esplandián) by Spanish author Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. This popular Spanish novel was printed in several editions with the earliest surviving edition published about 1510. Businessman and statesman James Duval Phelan named his summer home Villa Montalvo (Saratoga) as a tribute to the author. What is X?
  • 24. LANGUAGE An article in the New Yorker dated April 26, 2012 began thus, ―The special tool we use here at The New Yorker for punching out the two dots that we then center carefully over the second vowel in such words as ―naïve‖ and ―Laocoön‖ will be getting a workout this year, as the Democrats coöperate to reëlect the President.‖ Those two dots, often mistaken for an umlaut, are actually a X. While the umlaut alters the pronunciation/meaning of the word, a X goes over the second vowel and indicates that it forms a separate syllable. What is X?
  • 26. POETRY And did those feet in ancient time. Poem titled ―And did those feet in ancient time‘ by William Blake. Now famously known as the anthem Walk upon Englands mountains green: ‗Jerusalem‘ And was the holy Lamb of God, On Englands pleasant pastures seen! At the end of a famous film, a church congregation sings this song, which is overlaid partly by a composition by Vangelis in the soundtrack. And did the Countenance Divine, Shine forth upon our clouded hills? FITB for the title of the film. And was Jerusalem builded here, Among these dark Satanic Mills? Bring me my Bow of burning gold; Bring me my Arrows of desire: Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my _____ _____ _____! I will not cease from Mental Fight, Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand: Till we have built Jerusalem, In Englands green & pleasant Land
  • 28. BLOGGING Who about what? ―It‘s like The Truman Show, at country scale. ‖
  • 29. Ans. Sophie Schmidt, daughter of Google‘s Eric Schmidt
  • 31. Ans. Method Acting. The man in the pic is Lee Strasberg and he also acted as Hyman Roth in Godfather II
  • 32. FOOD A X brewery, according to the Brewers Association, is one that produces less than two million barrels a year; a Y produces less than fifteen thousand; and a brewpub serves at least a quarter of its beer in house. What are X and Y?
  • 33. A ns. Craft brewery and Micro brewery
  • 34. SPORTS While turkey hunting in California, X‘s brother-in-law accidentally discharged his shotgun while standing only a few feet away from the champion. Sports Illustrated has the details: X started to straighten up, to ask, ―Who shot. . . ?‖ when he felt the blow of approximately 60 No. 2-sized pellets in his back and side. He discovered he could barely breathe — his right lung had collapsed. His kidney and liver were hit. So were his diaphragm and intestine. Two pellets lodged in the lining of his heart. As X lay in the field, awaiting the helicopter that would ultimately save his life, he thought he was going to die . Who is X, the first non-European and now the only American champion in a particular sport?
  • 36. LANGUAGE X is the term for a song in which a pre-existing melody is fitted out with new words. The Star Spangled Banner is a classic example of X, since new words are set to the tune of an existing song ‗To Anacreon in Heaven‖.
  • 38. SPORTS X was born at Chiswick, London. His mother, Tina Angela Lal was half-Indian, born to a Punjabi father, Sardari Lal, and an English mother, Vera Swan. Sardari Lal‘s family still owns the Marina Hotel at Connaught Place. X was very visible in 2012. After all, he ran a big show and was, for a long time, the world record holder in the 800 and 1500m track events. Who is X?
  • 40. BAY AREA X is an American, privately held, consumer electronics company that sells home digital media products. The company is based in Saratoga, California. The company was founded in October 2002, by ReplayTV founder Anthony Wood. X means "six" in Japanese, a reference to the six companies Wood has launched.
  • 42. CULTURE In X’s 1985 comic strip titled "The Rule‖, an unnamed female character says that she only watches a movie if it satisfies the following requirements: (1) It has to have at least two women in it, (2) who talk to each other, (3) about something besides a man This is now known as X‘s test or X‘s law and is a good measure of gender bias in fiction. Identify X.
  • 44. POLITICS X was an American film critic who wrote for The New Yorker magazine from 1968 to 1991 and was regarded as the most influential critic of her day, inspiring writers and film-makers alike. When Nixon won the 1972 election, she is supposed to have said "How can that be? No one I know voted for Nixon!‖ This is often used by Republicans to demonstrate how out of touch liberals are with the real world. It is called The X problem. The supposed quote has been debunked. Name X. (First & Last name)
  • 46. ENTERTAINMENT In 2005, Amartya Sen gave a speech in Hong Kong in which he argued that, ―Maoist China had actually made great strides in medicine, bringing down child mortality rates and prolonging life expectancy. Moving to a privatized system was making the system less fair and efficient.‖ At that point, one Weijin Shan, a banker, stood up and recounted how painful it was to live through the cultural revolution. "I observed with my own eyes the total absence of medicine in some parts of China. The system was totally unsustainable. We used to admire India,‖ A Wall Street Journal article reporting the above called it the ___ ___ moment referring to the film in which ―a character is sounding off about the Canadian media theorist Marshall MacLuhan when the subject himself appears and says: "Excuse me, I'm Marshall MacLuhan. You know nothing of my work.‖ Woody Allen then turns to the audience and asks, "don't you wish life were like that?‖ FITB for the name of the film.
  • 47. Ans. Annie Hall.
  • 48. ENTERTAINMENT Who modeled in the ―before‖ and ―after‖ pictures in a 1944 newspaper ad for a fictional obesity slaying product called Reduco? The pictures were genuine since he had gone on a diet which reduced his weight, but the product was fake. In 1948, Reduco once again appeared, but this time as a red neon sign with that man‘s profile.
  • 50. ENTERTAINMENT In Nov 2012, who (virtually) appeared on The Big Bang Theory to play Words with Friends with Sheldon Cooper? He was characterized by Cooper as ―a sore loser‘ . He said this, ―What do Sheldon Cooper and a black hole have in common? They both suck. Neener, neener, neener.‖
  • 52. SPORTS She is the daughter of a Vietnam vet and ex-con man who taught her to play soccer at the age of 5. He later moved out of the house and lived on the streets of Seattle for a while. Later, he reconnected with his daughter when she was with the University of Washington soccer team. He would come early to her events and she would go to his tent in the woods and bring him mac ‗n‘ cheese. In 2001, her father became a suspect in a brutal murder, and died of a heart attack. She would sprinkle his ashes in the goal before every game in the 2007 World Cup. She fought to defend his name and finally in 2011, they discovered that a rogue cop had committed the murder. Name her.
  • 54. ENTERTAINMENT The internet term for this meme is ‗planking‘, assuming plank like rigid positions and posting the resulting picture on social media. In Nov 2012, an event occurred in China that gave rise to this viral planking pose, covered by many publications including the WSJ. What was the event?
  • 56. POLITICS Laloo Prasad Yadav‘s daughter‘s name is derived from a draconian act promulgated by Indira Gandhi during the Emergency. Laloo Yadav was among thousands of political prisoners thrown into jail all over the country during those days. She was born a few months after Laloo Yadav's arrest. What is her name?
  • 57. Ans. Misa Bharti after MISA (Maintenance of Internal Security Act)
  • 58. LANGUAGE According to both the Guardian and the Telegraph the Indian word X entered the OED due to the popularity of the show Goodness Gracious Me in which the Simpson-ian phrase ―Kiss my X‖ appears often. What is X? [Hinglish word]. Disclaimer: I could not find the word in the OED.
  • 60. ENTERTAINMENT He started off as a footballer, even trying out for the Glasgow Rangers, but seriously injured his knee during training. Although he claims to have played two non-league games for the team as a trailist, no evidence was found by journalists to confirm it. But he is more famous as the first Scotsman to win three Michelin stars, an OBE, host of many TV shows and owner of many fine dining restaurants and gastro pubs. Who?
  • 62. LANGUAGE This phrase or initialism is derived from the burial service of the Catholic Church according to the Tridentine Rite, in whose parts including the Missa pro Defunctis (Requiem Mass) it appears several times. In Latin, the phrase is parsed as; Requiesce cat in pace Which commonly used phrase/initialism?
  • 63. Ans. Rest in peace (R. I. P)
  • 64. TECHNOLOGY IDC‘s projection showed that Google OS was getting bundled with twice as many devices as Apple‘s by 2016. However, Facebook‘s employees still used iPhones and in order to encourage them to do ‗droidfooding‘, they created an internal ―ad‖ campaign. Also, to facilitate easy testing, they created something called ‘Rage Shake‘. What is ‗Rage Shake‘?
  • 65. ANS. It‘s called ―Rage Shake‖ and the name is spot-on. Employees just violently shake their phone and it automatically logs its current state and sends details to Facebook‘s mobile bug-squashers. The Google+ team apparently also has a ―Rage Shake‖ feature and even gave access to it to end users, though it‘s unclear which company had if first. By avoiding a more complicated manual reporting process, Facebook maximizes the number of bugs it hears about from its 4,000 employee-testers. If Facebookers like the taste of Droidfood, they could make sure it‘s not their actual users shaking their phones in fits of anger.
  • 66. ENTERTAINMENT Gus Van Sant, the openly gay filmmaker behind ―Milk‖ and ―Good Will Hunting,‖ approached X about performing in ―Brokeback Mountain‖ alongside Joaquin Phoenix. But X had just finished ―The Talented Mr. Ripley‖ and ―All the Pretty Horses.‖ ―Gus, let‘s do it in a couple of years,‖ X told the acclaimed director. ―I just did a gay movie and a cowboy movie. I can‘t do a gay cowboy movie now.‖ Who is X?
  • 68. SCIENCE A group of researchers from the Netherlands and Norway published a study in Dec 2012 in the online medical journal BMJ, indicating that this phenomenon occurs due to an extremely dense array of blood vessels, in the body of the Rangifer Tarandus in order to supply blood and regulate body temperature in extreme environments. What phenomenon?
  • 70. OBITUARY An obituary in the Economist on Jan 18th, 2007 began with these words– ―FOR centuries men and women have turned to the east for the secret of life, health and happiness. But Momofuku Ando taught that there is no need to climb half-naked up a mountain peak, or meditate for hours on a prayer-mat, or knot one's legs round one's neck while intoning ―Om‖ through the higher nasal passages. One should simply Peel off lid. Pour boiling water. Steep for three minutes. Stir well and serve.‖ [.] What did Momofuku Ando invent?
  • 71.
  • 72. OBITUARY Economist, August 31, 2000. Lancelot Ware. [..] In any case, the origins of ________ are obscure. The generally accepted version, in Victor Serebriakoff's history of ________, is that Mr Ware and Roland Berrill, an Australian, were strangers on a train, in a first-class carriage, when, in an unEnglish way, the Australian sought to make conversation. He asked if the publication Mr Ware was reading was ―Hansard‖, a report of proceedings in Parliament. ―Obviously,‖ said Mr Ware. ―You can see it from the title.‖ Not a promising first encounter, but by the end of the journey the two men, both lawyers, had formed a tentative interest in each other. They discussed cleverness. The Australian thought it could be measured by studying bumps in the head. Mr Ware was a fan of intelligence tests and offered to give his new companion a test. The Australian did brilliantly well and was immensely pleased; no one had said he was clever before. Would it not be a splendid idea to bring together an aristocracy of gifted people to attend to the problems of the world? It would indeed, the two men agreed. [..] FITB for the name of the organization that Lancelot Ware founded.
  • 74. OBITUARY Economist, July 27th 2006. Joint obituary of Mickey Spillane and Robert Brooks [..] Mr Brooks had been a self-made man, raised on a hardscrabble tobacco farm in South Carolina. He had stacked up his fortune in the food business in Atlanta. After he took ________ over, in the mid-1980s, the company boomed: 435 restaurants, soaring profits (of which Mr Brooks gave much to charity), a casino, a pro golf tour, a NASCAR racing series, an airline. Hell, thought Mike Hammer, he could have flown back to Newark on ________Air, with two beautiful________ girls attending to make sure his seatbelt was securely fastened. A crying shame it had stopped commercial flights after three years. A man sat down at his table, cradling a beer. ―Quite a place,‖ he said. ―Damn right.‖ ―You know Brooks was a Methodist? Didn't know what ________meant?‖ ―You don't say.‖ ―Used to bring ministers to his restaurants, to show them how wholesome it was. And how you could never go wrong with good food, cold beer and pretty girls.‖ Wholesomely, a waitress approached him. Her orange crotch was on a level with his chin, and her legs went on and on. ―What'll you have?‖ she asked him. ―Anything you've got, honey.‖ [..] FITB for the name of the business that Robert Brooks founded.
  • 76. OBITUARY Economist, March 19, 1998. X, family doctor to the world, died on March 15th, aged 94 IT WAS, on the face of it, an odd book to have become one of the bestsellers of the century. The one endeavour the human race was used to, and indeed had become quite good at, was having babies and bringing them to adulthood. X, who seemed continually to be surprised, and perhaps disturbed, by his success, acknowledged that parents already knew, if instinctively, much of what he set down in his handbook, first published in 1946 under the title ―The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care‖. Although the title was changed from time to time as the book went through numerous editions, and its contents were updated to take note of single-parent families and other social developments, he retained the sentence that was the key to his teaching: ―Trust yourself—you know more than you think you do.‖
  • 78. OBITUARY Economist, Nov 21, 2012 A toxin in your tank Not all that long ago, X seemed to be a magical substance. It whitened the skins of young women, outlined their eyes and turned their lips gloss-red. It made house-paint glow fresh and dry fast, and gave toy soldiers their gleaming uniforms. It tasted sweet, too, when you put that toy soldier in your mouth; a reminder that medieval folk added ―sugar of X‖ to food, and 18th-century oenophiles popped a spoonful into port. X stirred in silica gave pots a hard, shining glaze; a little X oxide, added to glass, gave it a crystalline sparkle; white X, ground with linseed oil, primed painters‘ canvases and made them spring to life. Not least, X spiked with tin and antimony made hot metal, which when cast into letters and lines of type spread free thought around the world. Identify X
  • 80. OBITUARY Economist, Aug 26th, 2004. ST PAUL saw the light on the road to Damascus, Archimedes while soaking in the bath. X‘s moment of illumination came in a restaurant in Rouen in 1948. The meal was simple: oysters on the half-shell, sole meunière, green salad, a bottle of Pouilly-Fuissé, café filtre. But the whole experience, she later wrote, was ―an opening up of the soul and spirit for me.‖ Until that moment, Mrs X knew nothing of French food. She had never tasted crème fraîche or encountered a shallot. Nor had most Americans. Their menus revolved around Jell-O, Cream of Wheat and a single, rubbery, species of cheese. Almost single-handedly, Mrs X was to change all that. Under her trilling and exuberant guidance, Americans came to embrace at least the cooking of France. Who was X?
  • 82. SOCIAL STUDIES The stupidest comment of 2009 is topical today. Whoopi Goldberg commenting on whom? Whoopi: "I know it wasn't rape-rape. It was something else but I don't believe it was rape-rape. He went to jail and and when they let him out he was like "You know what this guy's going to give me a hundred years in jail I'm not staying, so that's why he left."
  • 83. Ans. Roman Polanski
  • 84. SOCIAL STUDIES X's Curse is the belief that anything natively Hawaiian, such as sand, rock, or pumice, will effect bad luck on whoever takes it away from Hawaii. The origins of this superstition has nothing to do with Hawaiian culture. It could have come from an park ranger who was dismayed by the souvenir taking tourists or from an irate bus driver trying to dissuade his clients from messing his bus. X is the Hawaiian goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes. [Hint: also the nickname of a legendary sportsman.]
  • 86. HISTORY This is Larry Ellison‘s 288m yacht named after a famed 16-17th century Japanese swordsman, poet and author of ‗The Book of Five Rings‘, a book on strategy and philosophy. Hiroshi Inagaki‘s three part film about the man starring Toshiro Mifune in the lead role is very popular. Name the Japanese swordsman.
  • 88. LANGUAGE The word X has many meanings. It means ―a condition of dullness or drowsiness; dumps, low spirits, depression.‖ It also refers to ―a region in which ships are specially liable to be becalmed; spec, the region of calms and light baffling winds near the equator, where the trade winds meet and neutralize each other.‖ Identify X.
  • 90. PSYCHOLOGY The X is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide or remove a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. The term is a modern expression of the older phenomenon that banning or censoring something often makes that item or information more desirable, and leads to it being actively sought out to a greater extent than it would have otherwise been. What is X? (Two words)
  • 91. Ans. The Streisand effect, after Barbara Streisand‘s infamous law suit. This is her home in Malibu that caused all the trouble.
  • 92. ENTERTAINMENT The director being interviewed by the NY Times Dec 15, 1985 on the release of his film. ―Without speaking a word and with few gestures to rely on, he must convey the disintegration of a great mind and powerful will. With his castle consumed in flames all around him, his soldiers all dead or dying, he must emerge alone through billowing clouds of smoke, staring straight ahead, and walk down a long flight of steps, each a foot or so high. I didn‘t want him to stumble or look down at his feet, but each time I tried to go down those steps myself during rehearsals, I had to be helped by two or three people. Since the castle was literally burning, we had only one take to shoot the scene. If he had stumbled, it would have weakened the intensity of the scene, but we would have had to accept it. But Nakadai did it perfectly, without a single misstep, staring sightlessly like a sleepwalker or a madman.‖ Name the film.
  • 94. ENTERTAINMENT "It was beginning to get ridiculous: the speculation . .. the rumors . . . the jokes." said Mellisa Etherridge on the media‘s obsession with the identify of the biological father of her‘s and film-maker Julie Cypher‘s child. During an interview with Letterman, Etheridge said, "All right," she said, "it‘s Dan Quayle." Time‘s Joel Stein asked, "Did Brad Pitt father your children?‖ Finally, in 2000, after facing questions from their daughter, the two revealed the dad‘s identity. It turned out to be someone much older. He was one of the members of a quartet whose performances from Woodstock onwards has captivated audiences everywhere. He was also a member of the ‗Byrds‘ before forming the other group. Some of his more famous songs include "Guinnevere", "Almost Cut My Hair," "Long Time Gone," and "Delta‖. Name the famous father?
  • 96. ART ―This work, sometimes called ―the Dutch Mona Lisa,‖ is one of only 36 known paintings by the artist and rarely travels outside the Netherlands. Though little is known about the artist‘s life, the quiet grace and virtuoso technique evident in his paintings, and in particular his rendering of light, have placed him among the most important artists of the 17th century.‖ Tracy Chevalier wrote a best-selling novel fictionalizing the relationship between the artist and the model. It was made into a 2003 film starring Colin Firth as the artist and Scarlett Johansson as the model. Name the artist and the title of the painting.
  • 97. Ans. ‗The girl with a pearl earring‘ by Johannes Vermeer. It will be exhibited at San Francisco‘s De Young museum from Jan 26 – Jun 2, 2013.