agriculture technology objectives agricultural types disadvantages development importance scope definitions service system extension advantages drones transforming challenges ict communication information agro tourism rural tourism employment opportunities robotics advantages atma farming system research extens subject matter specialist broad based extension systems extension programmes t&v system atic natp ivlp technology assessment and refi lab to land programme training centre krishi vigyan kendra operational research project national demonstration first line extension problems concept rural development portal linkages mandate responsibility history transfer of agricultural techn internet service website farm publication product seeds sales pusa help.line advisory farm provided technologies centre etawahpilot nilokheri marthandam firka development sevagram programmes participatory ptd rapid rural appraisal rra venndiagram time line interview technique pra demerits merit sources news writting news journalism adopter categories stages characteristics elements diffusion of innovation innovation adoption diffusion philosophy objective principles meaning education resilient agriculture farm gate prices change of production impact of covid security nutritional food weed control deméter need conventional techniques automized technique sensors robotics applications mobile employment youth cultural eco tourism adventure natural future basic principles relationship sms service ivr pusa krishi mkisan app opportunities agricultural advisory services mobile phone m extension robots need of ict digital transformation digital project telephony e.extension cyber extension market information ict initiative role of ict information needs of farmers facilitates environment dissemination leisure time travel source of income rural life domestic travel pmvikas vibrant village programme recreation job creation awareness social development rural areas growth of economy tourism entrepreneurship
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