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Ad analytics or advertising analytics refers to the process of quantifying impressions,
clicks and conversions that digital ads generate. It is the art of evaluating digital
advertising effectiveness and performances.
An ad blocker is a small software or browser add-on which prevents the display of
online advertising banners or other advertising formats.
Filtering is done by recognition of main networks ad server tags.
Ad blockers are used by web users for preventing ad annoyance and
intrusively and are also used in schools and organizations to accelerate navigation and
to save bandwidth.
Ad engagement is often measured by observing and numbering the different
consumer interactions beyond the "traditional" click for a given ad.
Metrics for measuring ad engagement vary according to the type of ad.
For a rich media ad, engagement may be measured through the different uses of
interaction possibilities offered by the ad. For instance, for a playable rich media ad,
engagement may be measured by the play rate and the average play length.
An ad exchange is an automatic platform for selling and buying online advertising
inventories where space buyers (advertisers, media agencies, retargeting networks)
and suppliers (networks, publisher) meet.
An ad exchange allows automation for buying / selling phases and
campaign implementation.
On an ad exchange, a campaign can be set up without any direct contact between the
seller and the buyer of advertising spaces. Thus, an ad exchange vocation is to reduce
market costs and to gain efficiency.
Ad impressions are the number of times an ad is displayed within a webpage consulted by
a visitor. Ad impressions are numbered by ad servers.
Ad impressions measure an Internet advertising campaign volume and power.
An ad impression differs from an ad view because an ad can be displayed below the fold
and not be really viewed.
An ad network is a company which aggregates advertising inventories from a large
number of publishers’ websites. The advertising network is a commercial and technical
intermediary between advertisers and publishers.
Ad networks are a single buying opportunity for media buyers and an opportunity to
access advertising market for small publishers or to sell remnant inventory for premium /
standard publishers.
Ad rank commonly refers to the position given to an ad on a PPC platform like Google
Adwords or Facebook sponsored links program.
Ad rank is of great importance as it notably impacts ad click-trough rates.
On Google Adwords it is very important to be among the first three ads because the latter
are generally displayed above organic results and the other ads are on right hand
and are less viewable.
Ad servers are essential for running an online advertising campaign.
An ad server is a software allowing ad campaigns management and distributing ads
across a range of websites. It also provides campaign statistics
which can be consulted by the actors taking part in a campaign.
Ad servers are used by publishers, ad networks, agencies and some advertisers. Several ad
servers can be used in the same campaign by the means of ad redirects.
Most of the ad servers are offered as Saas.
AdSense is a monetization program offered by Google to publishers
and counts over 2 millions websites.
The AdSense program provides some of the audience offered to advertisers by Google
through its Adwords program and is also called display network.
Adwords is the commercial name of the Google sponsored links program and is the
source of more than 95% of Google sales.
An AdWords ad is an ad which is displayed on Google result pages or Google partner
websites (AdSense Network). The standard ad created by the advertiser is made of
visible elements (headline, description lines, display URL) and an invisible element
(destination URL).
Ad extensions offer several other formats for Google Ads. For standard ad, the headline
can contain 25 characters maximum, spaces included, the two description lines 35
characters each and the display URL 35.
AdWords Keyword Tool is a functionality offered by Google AdWords to advertisers
to suggest keywords for PPC campaigns.
The advertiser enters a generic keyword and the tools suggests dozens
or hundreds of keywords matching associated queries.
The AdWords Keyword Tool is also used for SEO purposes, for advertising effectiveness
measurement - a TV commercial may cause a lift in brand queries - and other marketing studies.
The point at which a recipient of a marketing message performs a desired action.” In other
words, conversion is simply getting someone to respond to your call-to-action
such as making a purchase, registering for an event, subscribing to an e-newsletter,
completing a lead-gen form, downloading a file, etc.
Conversion Rate
This is the percentage of visitors to a site or ad who actually take a further action, like buying
a product or filling out a survey. For example, if your primary goal is to collect survey data
through your site, and 20 people visit it, but only 5 people complete the survey, you have a
conversion rate of 25%.
Represents the ratio of the total cost of a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign to the total number
of leads or customers, often called “CPA” or “conversion cost.
Cost per Acquisition is a pricing model where companies are charged by advertising
platforms only when leads, sales or conversions are generated. It’s been around for a while
but has been generating much more traffic as a common pricing model . Best part about
CPA is you are only charged for the results that you want.
A method of paying for targeted traffic which direct to your site.
Cost per Click is a pricing model where companies are charged by publishers for every click
people make on a displayed/test ad which leads people to your company’s website
or your landing page.
Cost per Thousand is a pricing model where advertising impressions are purchased
and companies are charged according to the number of times their ad appears per
1,000 impressions. It’s definitely a favorite form of selling ads by publishers because they
get paid regardless by just displaying ads.
CPM model really only makes sense if you are trying to increase brand awareness.
The “M” in “CPM” is derived from the Latin word for 1,000 (mille).
A dynamic creative ad is a personalized or unique ad built in real time when an ad request is
delivered to an ad server. The dynamic ad is created on the fly by using a unique ad
template and different elements pulled from a merchant product feed.
An advertisement created by a business on Facebook that’s served up to Facebook users
based on user activity, demographic information, device use information, advertising and
marketing partner-supplied information, and off-Facebook activity.
Facebook Custom Audiences is a Facebook advertising offer that lets advertisers take their
customer lists and show ads to those people on Facebook.
Through Custom Audiences, advertisers may port their CRM database to Facebook’s
platform and reach their existing customers. It can be done using email addresses, phone
numbers or Facebook user IDs to make the match.
Advertisers input an email or phone list representing their selected customer segments into
the Facebook Power Editor. The list is then be hashed before being sent to Facebook and the
system will match the encrypted data against Facebook’s active users.
Use of Facebook Custom Audiences may be expanded to Lookalike Audiences to reach
users who are similar to customers.
Facebook Lookalike Audiences is a specific kind of advertising targeting offered by
Facebook and based upon look-alike targeting techniques.
It lets advertisers reach Facebook users who are are similar to a customer list they care about.
Facebook’s custom audience algorithm retrieves clusters of users to target based on similar
interests, demographic data or location.
For targeting a Facebook lookalike audience an advertiser must had beforehand built a
Facebook custom audience.
Facebook post engagement rate measures how fans interact with the different Facebook
posts of a brand.
Different formulas can be used for post engagement calculation. The engagement rate can
be calculated for a single post or for all posts for a time frame.
People who Liked, Commented, Shared or Clicked on your post
People who saw your post (Post Reach)
Engagement Rate =
A keyword is word or phrase that your audience uses to search for relevant topics on
search engines. If you are a flower shop, a relevant keyword could be “Buy Red
Roses” [short keyword] or “Looking to purchase roses from a flower shop” [long tail
Keyword research tools and softwares are dedicated online tools which, for a given
generic keyword, list hundreds or thousands of keywords used for search engine queries.
Their purpose is to suggest keywords for SEO and PPC campaigns.
Some keyword tools are free functions integrated in PPC search engine platforms. The
most known is AdWords keyword tool.
Keywords buying is the practice by which an advertiser can ensure himself of a favorable
position in search engines results pages by bidding on a keyword.
An advertiser’s ad is displayed when a query matches the keyword. The advertiser is
usually charged for the bid sum when the ad text is used (or clicked) by an Internet user.
The most famous and dominating keywords buying program is Google’s Adwords.
The ad texts with keyword buying are called sponsored links.
A landing page can be commonly defined as the page beyond the click in a digital
marketing campaign context. Landing page optimization is a central issue for: display
campaigns, PPC ads, affiliate marketing programs, email marketing campaigns
and some offline campaigns.
Most often, the main goal of a landing page is considered as leading to conversions -
directly on the page or further on the website. Naturally, landing page goals depend on
campaign goals. Some landing pages are designed to provoke buying, some are
designed for lead generation and others to offer self-segmentation. For some campaigns,
landing pages could be more focused on branding than direct conversion.
Long-tail keywords refer to the multitude of keywords which taken individually represent little
search traffic but a big part of a website search traffic when considered all together. Long-tails
can count hundreds or even thousands of keywords for a single generic short-tail keyword.
Long-tail keywords are usually longer than short-tail keywords and can be made of three or
more words. But some rare synonyms can be one word long and being long tail keywords.
By referring to the long tail theory, a short tail keyword is a keyword which is often used in
search queries for a precise universe of activity and which therefore may represent a good
part of traffic originating from search engines.
Short tail keywords are often one or two words long. Due to their traffic potential and
because all completion is focusing on them, they are expensive on PPC platforms. For the
same reasons, it is also harder to gain good organic positions on SERP for short tail keywords.
Paradoxically, they often lead to lower conversion rates as they are less precise for qualifying
a purchase intent.
This term is used to define the number of times the ad will appear to its target audience.
Impression could also be related to a website and the number of times the web page
appear in total. Example of how impressions work.
1 visitor could view 5 pages which would create 5 impressions.
2 visitors could view 5 pages which would generate 10 impressions.
POEM is an acronym for Paid, Owned and Earned Media and refers to the different means for a
brand to gain visibility on the Internet and beyond.
Paid media
is all ad placements which the brand advertiser has bought on digital or traditional media.
Owned media
refers to all points of contacts and exposures owned and controlled by the brand.
In digital context the more important element of own media is often the brand website or a FB
& Twitter accounts, brand blogs and newsletters are also kinds of owned media.
Earned media
is free exposure gained from customer comments and recommendations. It is essentially social
media content, consumer reviews, viral video views, etc.
Paid media is a term generally used for referring to the POEM : Paid, Owned, Earned media.
In this case online paid media are: display ads, ppc ads, social ads and SEO (SEO can be
viewed as earned or paid media)
Also offline media, paid media are also classic advertising and marketing channels: TV
commercials, outdoor advertising and direct mail
Paid search is
when a company bids on keywords and makes advertisements around those keywords
to be displayed on search engines. These results appear separately,
either on the top, bottom or right side of a search results page. Paid traffic also
encompasses any form of paid advertisement that directly points to your website.
PPC or pay per click advertising is theoretically all forms of digital advertising whereby the
advertiser is charged for each click and not for ad impressions. Click prices can be fixed
by a dynamic bidding system or be fixed prices (according to ratecards or by a pre-
campaign agreement with a PPC network).
Many forms of digital advertising are PPC advertising or are sometimes charged on a PPC
basis: Paid search, PPC for display, Site-retargeting, Search retargeting, Other forms of
retargeting, Some ads on social media
Programmatic marketing can be seen as advanced forms of marketing automation.
In digital marketing context, programmatic marketing campaigns are automatically
triggered by any type of event and deployed according to a set of rules applied by
softwares and algorithms. Human skills are still needed in programmatic campaigns as the
campaigns and rules are beforehand planned and established by marketers.
The most common forms of programmatic marketing on digital channels are:
programmatic buying via RTB and ad exchanges, programmatic site retargeting,
shopping cart abandonment email campaigns, dynamic creative optimization, Product
recommendation and etc..
Programmatic buying commonly refers to automated processes used for ad space buying.
In recent developments of digital advertising, the term of programmatic buying tends to
refer to display advertising buying / selling by the means of ad exchanges and RTB.
However, programmatic buying started on the Internet with search advertising and
sponsored text links platforms.
Programmatic buying corresponds to the buyer’s point of view of an ad exchange.
Advertisers use a demand side platform (DSP) to purchase the inventory,
which is more often unsold inventory.
The DSP automatically makes the decision to buy according to different parameters
entered by the advertiser (price, targeted profile, placement, success metrics...). The
purchase is made in real time and usually for a single impression.
Programmatic marketing can be seen as advanced forms of marketing automation.
In digital marketing context, programmatic marketing campaigns are automatically
triggered by any type of event and deployed according to a set of rules applied by
softwares and algorithms. Human skills are still needed in programmatic campaigns as the
campaigns and rules are beforehand planned and established by marketers.
The most common forms of programmatic marketing on digital channels are:
programmatic buying via RTB and ad exchanges, programmatic site retargeting,
shopping cart abandonment email campaigns, dynamic creative optimization, Product
recommendation and etc..
Real time bidding (RTB) refers to the practice of buying and selling display ad impressions
through ad exchanges in real time and an impression at a time.
agencies, advertisers and some networks - are usually connected to the ad exchange by the
way of demand side platforms. The DSP automatically makes the decision to buy according to
different parameters entered by the advertiser (price, target, ad unit, etc).
publishers and some networks - are usually connected to the ad exchange through a seller side
platform (SSP) upon which they deliver ad impression inventories and set floor prices.
Real time bidding on ad exchanges was initially used for selling remnant or second tier
inventories or small publishers’ inventories but RTB is expanding to all digital advertising domains.
Retargeting is the process of fetching back an audience which has already been
exposed to a message, offer or advertiser’s website. There are, in principles, different kinds
of retargeting in digital marketing context. Nevertheless, retargeting is most often used for
referring to a particular form of retargeting also and initially called site retargeting.
In this latter case, retargeting is the process by which visitors of a website are later found
and fetched back on an ad exchange, and exposed to custom tailored ads based on
their previous browsing on the advertiser’s site. Most often, the targeted users are visitors
who have not converted and the dynamic ads display products which have been
previously browsed. Retargeting for online retailers is the best known and identified form
of site retargeting, but there are many other forms and usages.
Rich Media is an Internet advertising term for a Web page ad that uses advanced
technology such as streaming video , downloaded applet s (programs) that interact
instantly with the user, and ads that change when the user's mouse passes over it.
This is traffic that is generated to your website which is generated by a Search Engine. This
could be traffic from Google, Yahoo or Bing. It’s also known as “Free” traffic. Organic
traffic is the best type of traffic!
A referrer is the last page viewed before clicking over to a landing website or page.
So, a referrer is a source of visit(s). In accordance with Internet Protocol, the referrer page
is transmitted to the destination website server by visitors’ browsers and identified by his
URL which is called referrer URL.
Referrers analysis is an important part of web analytics and very useful to identify and
analyze traffic sources. Search engine referrer URLs are analyzed and processed to
extract keywords used by visitors to access the website.
Referral sources are webpages which display backlinks for a website and are therefore a
source of visit(s). In web analytics tool interfaces, referral sources are displayed at domain
and page levels.
Organic search may be considered as a misnomer as all searches are by definition
"natural" searches. However, searches can leads to naturel or paid results.
Nevertheless, organic search term is often used to refer to SEO.
Search Engine Optimization is a way a company optimizes its webpage allowing the
website to rank higher on a search engine’s results Google’s page (SERP). The higher your
ranking, typically more traffic is generated and more targeted traffic.
SEO is made of on-page SEO and off-page SEO.
On-page SEO consists of optimizing site and page contents through several hundreds of
factors. For more details see on-page SEO.
Off-page SEO refers to link-building strategies.
Search Engine Marketing is a way companies can get higher placement
on search engines by bidding on search terms.
Search Engine Results Page is the list of results provided by a search engine after a search
query is made. Essentially, if you are looking for where your website ranks for “Best Digital
Marketing Agency” a SERP report will let you know that your website is ranked #4.
Meaning that your website is in the Fourth position (1st page).
Search retargeting is a display advertising technique which consists of targeting
consumers who have previously made a keyword search. Search retargeting is mainly
used for keywords which are seen as purchase intent signals but can also be used for
more generic keywords. An advertiser can buy his products names or competitor names.
- Source -

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Digital Marketing Glossary

  • 2. Ad analytics or advertising analytics refers to the process of quantifying impressions, clicks and conversions that digital ads generate. It is the art of evaluating digital advertising effectiveness and performances. AD ANALYTICS
  • 3. An ad blocker is a small software or browser add-on which prevents the display of online advertising banners or other advertising formats. Filtering is done by recognition of main networks ad server tags. Ad blockers are used by web users for preventing ad annoyance and intrusively and are also used in schools and organizations to accelerate navigation and to save bandwidth. AD BLOCKER
  • 4. Ad engagement is often measured by observing and numbering the different consumer interactions beyond the "traditional" click for a given ad. Metrics for measuring ad engagement vary according to the type of ad. For a rich media ad, engagement may be measured through the different uses of interaction possibilities offered by the ad. For instance, for a playable rich media ad, engagement may be measured by the play rate and the average play length. AD ENGAGEMENT
  • 5. An ad exchange is an automatic platform for selling and buying online advertising inventories where space buyers (advertisers, media agencies, retargeting networks) and suppliers (networks, publisher) meet. An ad exchange allows automation for buying / selling phases and campaign implementation. On an ad exchange, a campaign can be set up without any direct contact between the seller and the buyer of advertising spaces. Thus, an ad exchange vocation is to reduce market costs and to gain efficiency. AD EXCHANGE
  • 6. Ad impressions are the number of times an ad is displayed within a webpage consulted by a visitor. Ad impressions are numbered by ad servers. Ad impressions measure an Internet advertising campaign volume and power. An ad impression differs from an ad view because an ad can be displayed below the fold and not be really viewed. AD IMPRESSION
  • 7. An ad network is a company which aggregates advertising inventories from a large number of publishers’ websites. The advertising network is a commercial and technical intermediary between advertisers and publishers. Ad networks are a single buying opportunity for media buyers and an opportunity to access advertising market for small publishers or to sell remnant inventory for premium / standard publishers. AD NETWORK
  • 8. Ad rank commonly refers to the position given to an ad on a PPC platform like Google Adwords or Facebook sponsored links program. Ad rank is of great importance as it notably impacts ad click-trough rates. On Google Adwords it is very important to be among the first three ads because the latter are generally displayed above organic results and the other ads are on right hand and are less viewable. AD RANK
  • 9. Ad servers are essential for running an online advertising campaign. An ad server is a software allowing ad campaigns management and distributing ads across a range of websites. It also provides campaign statistics which can be consulted by the actors taking part in a campaign. Ad servers are used by publishers, ad networks, agencies and some advertisers. Several ad servers can be used in the same campaign by the means of ad redirects. Most of the ad servers are offered as Saas. AD SERVER
  • 10. AdSense is a monetization program offered by Google to publishers and counts over 2 millions websites. The AdSense program provides some of the audience offered to advertisers by Google through its Adwords program and is also called display network. ADSENSE
  • 11. Adwords is the commercial name of the Google sponsored links program and is the source of more than 95% of Google sales. An AdWords ad is an ad which is displayed on Google result pages or Google partner websites (AdSense Network). The standard ad created by the advertiser is made of visible elements (headline, description lines, display URL) and an invisible element (destination URL). Ad extensions offer several other formats for Google Ads. For standard ad, the headline can contain 25 characters maximum, spaces included, the two description lines 35 characters each and the display URL 35. ADWORDS
  • 12. AdWords Keyword Tool is a functionality offered by Google AdWords to advertisers to suggest keywords for PPC campaigns. The advertiser enters a generic keyword and the tools suggests dozens or hundreds of keywords matching associated queries. The AdWords Keyword Tool is also used for SEO purposes, for advertising effectiveness measurement - a TV commercial may cause a lift in brand queries - and other marketing studies. ADWORDS KEYWORD TOOL
  • 13. The point at which a recipient of a marketing message performs a desired action.” In other words, conversion is simply getting someone to respond to your call-to-action such as making a purchase, registering for an event, subscribing to an e-newsletter, completing a lead-gen form, downloading a file, etc. Conversion Rate This is the percentage of visitors to a site or ad who actually take a further action, like buying a product or filling out a survey. For example, if your primary goal is to collect survey data through your site, and 20 people visit it, but only 5 people complete the survey, you have a conversion rate of 25%. CONVERSION
  • 14. Represents the ratio of the total cost of a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign to the total number of leads or customers, often called “CPA” or “conversion cost. Cost per Acquisition is a pricing model where companies are charged by advertising platforms only when leads, sales or conversions are generated. It’s been around for a while but has been generating much more traffic as a common pricing model . Best part about CPA is you are only charged for the results that you want. COST-PER-ACQUISITION (CPA)
  • 15. A method of paying for targeted traffic which direct to your site. Cost per Click is a pricing model where companies are charged by publishers for every click people make on a displayed/test ad which leads people to your company’s website or your landing page. COST-PER-CLICK (CPC)
  • 16. Cost per Thousand is a pricing model where advertising impressions are purchased and companies are charged according to the number of times their ad appears per 1,000 impressions. It’s definitely a favorite form of selling ads by publishers because they get paid regardless by just displaying ads. CPM model really only makes sense if you are trying to increase brand awareness. The “M” in “CPM” is derived from the Latin word for 1,000 (mille). COST-PER-THOUSAND (CPM)
  • 17. A dynamic creative ad is a personalized or unique ad built in real time when an ad request is delivered to an ad server. The dynamic ad is created on the fly by using a unique ad template and different elements pulled from a merchant product feed. DYNAMIC CREATIVE AD
  • 18. An advertisement created by a business on Facebook that’s served up to Facebook users based on user activity, demographic information, device use information, advertising and marketing partner-supplied information, and off-Facebook activity. FACEBOOK ADVERTISING
  • 19. Facebook Custom Audiences is a Facebook advertising offer that lets advertisers take their customer lists and show ads to those people on Facebook. Through Custom Audiences, advertisers may port their CRM database to Facebook’s platform and reach their existing customers. It can be done using email addresses, phone numbers or Facebook user IDs to make the match. Advertisers input an email or phone list representing their selected customer segments into the Facebook Power Editor. The list is then be hashed before being sent to Facebook and the system will match the encrypted data against Facebook’s active users. Use of Facebook Custom Audiences may be expanded to Lookalike Audiences to reach users who are similar to customers. FACEBOOK CUSTOM AUDIENCES
  • 20. Facebook Lookalike Audiences is a specific kind of advertising targeting offered by Facebook and based upon look-alike targeting techniques. It lets advertisers reach Facebook users who are are similar to a customer list they care about. Facebook’s custom audience algorithm retrieves clusters of users to target based on similar interests, demographic data or location. For targeting a Facebook lookalike audience an advertiser must had beforehand built a Facebook custom audience. FACEBOOK LOOKALIKE AUDIENCES
  • 21. Facebook post engagement rate measures how fans interact with the different Facebook posts of a brand. Different formulas can be used for post engagement calculation. The engagement rate can be calculated for a single post or for all posts for a time frame. FACEBOOK POST ENGAGEMENT RATE People who Liked, Commented, Shared or Clicked on your post People who saw your post (Post Reach) Engagement Rate =
  • 22. A keyword is word or phrase that your audience uses to search for relevant topics on search engines. If you are a flower shop, a relevant keyword could be “Buy Red Roses” [short keyword] or “Looking to purchase roses from a flower shop” [long tail keyword] KEYWORD
  • 23. Keyword research tools and softwares are dedicated online tools which, for a given generic keyword, list hundreds or thousands of keywords used for search engine queries. Their purpose is to suggest keywords for SEO and PPC campaigns. Some keyword tools are free functions integrated in PPC search engine platforms. The most known is AdWords keyword tool. KEYWORD RESEARCH TOOL
  • 24. Keywords buying is the practice by which an advertiser can ensure himself of a favorable position in search engines results pages by bidding on a keyword. An advertiser’s ad is displayed when a query matches the keyword. The advertiser is usually charged for the bid sum when the ad text is used (or clicked) by an Internet user. The most famous and dominating keywords buying program is Google’s Adwords. The ad texts with keyword buying are called sponsored links. KEYWORD BUYING
  • 25. A landing page can be commonly defined as the page beyond the click in a digital marketing campaign context. Landing page optimization is a central issue for: display campaigns, PPC ads, affiliate marketing programs, email marketing campaigns and some offline campaigns. Most often, the main goal of a landing page is considered as leading to conversions - directly on the page or further on the website. Naturally, landing page goals depend on campaign goals. Some landing pages are designed to provoke buying, some are designed for lead generation and others to offer self-segmentation. For some campaigns, landing pages could be more focused on branding than direct conversion. LANDING PAGE
  • 26. Long-tail keywords refer to the multitude of keywords which taken individually represent little search traffic but a big part of a website search traffic when considered all together. Long-tails can count hundreds or even thousands of keywords for a single generic short-tail keyword. Long-tail keywords are usually longer than short-tail keywords and can be made of three or more words. But some rare synonyms can be one word long and being long tail keywords. LONG-TAIL KEYWORDS
  • 27. By referring to the long tail theory, a short tail keyword is a keyword which is often used in search queries for a precise universe of activity and which therefore may represent a good part of traffic originating from search engines. Short tail keywords are often one or two words long. Due to their traffic potential and because all completion is focusing on them, they are expensive on PPC platforms. For the same reasons, it is also harder to gain good organic positions on SERP for short tail keywords. Paradoxically, they often lead to lower conversion rates as they are less precise for qualifying a purchase intent. SHORT-TAIL KEYWORDS
  • 28. This term is used to define the number of times the ad will appear to its target audience. Impression could also be related to a website and the number of times the web page appear in total. Example of how impressions work. 1 visitor could view 5 pages which would create 5 impressions. 2 visitors could view 5 pages which would generate 10 impressions. IMPRESSION
  • 29. POEM is an acronym for Paid, Owned and Earned Media and refers to the different means for a brand to gain visibility on the Internet and beyond. Paid media is all ad placements which the brand advertiser has bought on digital or traditional media. Owned media refers to all points of contacts and exposures owned and controlled by the brand. In digital context the more important element of own media is often the brand website or a FB & Twitter accounts, brand blogs and newsletters are also kinds of owned media. Earned media is free exposure gained from customer comments and recommendations. It is essentially social media content, consumer reviews, viral video views, etc. POEM POEM
  • 30. Paid media is a term generally used for referring to the POEM : Paid, Owned, Earned media. In this case online paid media are: display ads, ppc ads, social ads and SEO (SEO can be viewed as earned or paid media) Also offline media, paid media are also classic advertising and marketing channels: TV commercials, outdoor advertising and direct mail PAID MEDIA
  • 31. Paid search is when a company bids on keywords and makes advertisements around those keywords to be displayed on search engines. These results appear separately, either on the top, bottom or right side of a search results page. Paid traffic also encompasses any form of paid advertisement that directly points to your website. PAID TRAFFIC
  • 32. PPC or pay per click advertising is theoretically all forms of digital advertising whereby the advertiser is charged for each click and not for ad impressions. Click prices can be fixed by a dynamic bidding system or be fixed prices (according to ratecards or by a pre- campaign agreement with a PPC network). Many forms of digital advertising are PPC advertising or are sometimes charged on a PPC basis: Paid search, PPC for display, Site-retargeting, Search retargeting, Other forms of retargeting, Some ads on social media PPC ADVERTISING
  • 33. Programmatic marketing can be seen as advanced forms of marketing automation. In digital marketing context, programmatic marketing campaigns are automatically triggered by any type of event and deployed according to a set of rules applied by softwares and algorithms. Human skills are still needed in programmatic campaigns as the campaigns and rules are beforehand planned and established by marketers. The most common forms of programmatic marketing on digital channels are: programmatic buying via RTB and ad exchanges, programmatic site retargeting, shopping cart abandonment email campaigns, dynamic creative optimization, Product recommendation and etc.. PROGRAMMATIC MARKETING
  • 34. Programmatic buying commonly refers to automated processes used for ad space buying. In recent developments of digital advertising, the term of programmatic buying tends to refer to display advertising buying / selling by the means of ad exchanges and RTB. However, programmatic buying started on the Internet with search advertising and sponsored text links platforms. Programmatic buying corresponds to the buyer’s point of view of an ad exchange. Advertisers use a demand side platform (DSP) to purchase the inventory, which is more often unsold inventory. The DSP automatically makes the decision to buy according to different parameters entered by the advertiser (price, targeted profile, placement, success metrics...). The purchase is made in real time and usually for a single impression. PROGRAMMATIC BUYING
  • 35. Programmatic marketing can be seen as advanced forms of marketing automation. In digital marketing context, programmatic marketing campaigns are automatically triggered by any type of event and deployed according to a set of rules applied by softwares and algorithms. Human skills are still needed in programmatic campaigns as the campaigns and rules are beforehand planned and established by marketers. The most common forms of programmatic marketing on digital channels are: programmatic buying via RTB and ad exchanges, programmatic site retargeting, shopping cart abandonment email campaigns, dynamic creative optimization, Product recommendation and etc.. PROGRAMMATIC MARKETING
  • 36. Real time bidding (RTB) refers to the practice of buying and selling display ad impressions through ad exchanges in real time and an impression at a time. Buyers agencies, advertisers and some networks - are usually connected to the ad exchange by the way of demand side platforms. The DSP automatically makes the decision to buy according to different parameters entered by the advertiser (price, target, ad unit, etc). Sellers publishers and some networks - are usually connected to the ad exchange through a seller side platform (SSP) upon which they deliver ad impression inventories and set floor prices. Real time bidding on ad exchanges was initially used for selling remnant or second tier inventories or small publishers’ inventories but RTB is expanding to all digital advertising domains. REAL TIME BIDDING
  • 37. Retargeting is the process of fetching back an audience which has already been exposed to a message, offer or advertiser’s website. There are, in principles, different kinds of retargeting in digital marketing context. Nevertheless, retargeting is most often used for referring to a particular form of retargeting also and initially called site retargeting. In this latter case, retargeting is the process by which visitors of a website are later found and fetched back on an ad exchange, and exposed to custom tailored ads based on their previous browsing on the advertiser’s site. Most often, the targeted users are visitors who have not converted and the dynamic ads display products which have been previously browsed. Retargeting for online retailers is the best known and identified form of site retargeting, but there are many other forms and usages. RE-TARGETING
  • 38. Rich Media is an Internet advertising term for a Web page ad that uses advanced technology such as streaming video , downloaded applet s (programs) that interact instantly with the user, and ads that change when the user's mouse passes over it. RICH MEDIA
  • 39. This is traffic that is generated to your website which is generated by a Search Engine. This could be traffic from Google, Yahoo or Bing. It’s also known as “Free” traffic. Organic traffic is the best type of traffic! ORGANIC TRAFFIC
  • 40. A referrer is the last page viewed before clicking over to a landing website or page. So, a referrer is a source of visit(s). In accordance with Internet Protocol, the referrer page is transmitted to the destination website server by visitors’ browsers and identified by his URL which is called referrer URL. Referrers analysis is an important part of web analytics and very useful to identify and analyze traffic sources. Search engine referrer URLs are analyzed and processed to extract keywords used by visitors to access the website. Referral sources are webpages which display backlinks for a website and are therefore a source of visit(s). In web analytics tool interfaces, referral sources are displayed at domain and page levels. REFERRER
  • 41. Organic search may be considered as a misnomer as all searches are by definition "natural" searches. However, searches can leads to naturel or paid results. Nevertheless, organic search term is often used to refer to SEO. ORGANIC SEARCH
  • 42. Search Engine Optimization is a way a company optimizes its webpage allowing the website to rank higher on a search engine’s results Google’s page (SERP). The higher your ranking, typically more traffic is generated and more targeted traffic. SEO is made of on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO consists of optimizing site and page contents through several hundreds of factors. For more details see on-page SEO. Off-page SEO refers to link-building strategies. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO)
  • 43. Search Engine Marketing is a way companies can get higher placement on search engines by bidding on search terms. SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING (SEM)
  • 44. Search Engine Results Page is the list of results provided by a search engine after a search query is made. Essentially, if you are looking for where your website ranks for “Best Digital Marketing Agency” a SERP report will let you know that your website is ranked #4. Meaning that your website is in the Fourth position (1st page). SEARCH ENGINE RESULT PAGE
  • 45. Search retargeting is a display advertising technique which consists of targeting consumers who have previously made a keyword search. Search retargeting is mainly used for keywords which are seen as purchase intent signals but can also be used for more generic keywords. An advertiser can buy his products names or competitor names. SEARCH RETARGETING