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Dupont Advisory Committee on

Innovation &
For The
21St Century
Report and Recommendations
PAGE 1         2011

The world is faced with the vast challenge of meeting ever-increasing food demands placed
on the agriculture sector due to a rapidly growing population. In fact, the world population
has been increasing by an estimated 78 million each year, about the size of the popula-
tion of Germany.1 Challenges around food security – ensuring there is enough food to meet
demand – will be exacerbated when the population surpasses 9 billion by 2050 and 10
billion by the turn of the century.2 Global food production must be 70 percent greater than
today’s level to close the deficit between supply and demand, commonly referred to as the
productivity gap.3 And, it must be done without using substantially more land. With current
grain stocks at historically low levels and food demand increasing at rates higher than pro-
duction, the challenge is not decades into the future, but is here today.

Populations continue to migrate from rural       ·	 Address the challenge in a continuously
to urban areas at high rates; by 2050, ap-          more sustainable and comprehensive way.
proximately 70 percent of the world’s popu-
lation will live in cities and large towns (up   To address these needs, a multi-faceted,
from 49 percent today).4 This means that the     innovative approach is required. Exist-
majority of the population will not live near    ing knowledge and practices, as well as
where food is grown. Consumer preferences        new science and technology, must be dis-
will also change as per capita incomes in        seminated to enable all farmers around
developing countries rise, which will cause      the world to be successful. The challenge
diets to gradually move away from staples        requires new types of investments, policy
towards increased consumption of meats           and regulatory structures, and creative col-   1	
                                                                                                     United Nations Population Fund, Fact
                                                                                                	    Sheet: Population Growth and Poverty
and processed foods.5 These demands be-          laborations among a variety of global and      	    (August 2009) available at http://www.
come more complex when coupled with a            local partners, and between the public and     	    pid/3856.
scarcity of key resources, such as water and     private sectors.                               2
                                                                                                    	 Gillis, J. and Dugger, C. W., U.N. Forecasts
arable land, as well as climate change and                                                      	     10.1 Billion People by Century’s End, N. Y.
                                                 The DuPont Advisory Committee on Agri-         	     Times, (May 3, 2011) available at http://
other environmental challenges. In addi-                                                    
tion, as populations grow and age, there is      cultural Innovation & Productivity for the     	     04population.html; United Nations
                                                 21st Century (the “Committee”) was es-         	     Press Release, World Population to Reach
a greater need for more nutritious food to                                                      	     10 Billion by 2100 if Fertility in All
ensure health and wellness.                      tablished to address these issues and to       	     Countries Converges to Replacement Level,
                                                 prepare a report including recommenda-         	     (May 3, 2011) available at http://esa.
This unique set of variables creates one         tions for DuPont and global leaders in ag-     3	
                                                                                                     Organization for Economic Co-Operation
of the most challenging issues the world         riculture, policymakers and business lead-     	    and Development (OECD) – Food and
                                                                                                	    Agricultural Organization of the United
has ever faced, and one that threatens the       ers (the “Report”). DuPont is committed to     	    Nations (FAO), OECD-FAO Agricultural Out-
                                                 addressing the food productivity gap and       	    look 2010-2019 – Highlights (June 15,
political and economic stability of nations                                                     	    2010) available at
around the world. The urgency of this chal-      will evaluate the recommendations and          	    document/10/0,3746,en_36774715_3
lenge demands concerted efforts from all         respond with commitments that align with       	    en-USS_01DBC.html.
stakeholders, beginning now. The chal-           its key competency in using science to de-     4
                                                                                                    	 FAO, 2050: A Third More Mouths to Feed:
                                                                                                	     Food Production Will Have to Increase by
lenge is three-fold:                             liver innovation and its longstanding belief   	     70 percent - FAO Convenes High-Level
                                                 that collaboration is key to addressing the    	     Expert Forum available at http://www.fao.
·	 Produce more food and increase the 	          world’s important challenges.
   nutritional value of food;
                                                                                                    	 OECD – FAO, OECD-FAO Agricultural Out-
                                                                                                	     look 2010-2019 – Highlights (June 15,
                                                                                                	     2010) available at
·	 Make food accessible and affordable for                                                      	
   everyone; and                                                                                	     USS_01DBC.html.

                    DuPont Advisory Committee on Agricultural Innovation 	
                    & Productivity for the 21st Century.
                    In 2010, DuPont responded to the global food security challenge by convening a group
                    of experts in global agriculture, development, science, policy and economics to form the
                    Committee. Over the course of a year, the Committee met several times, beginning with a
                    listening tour with farmers in Iowa, and including a week-long meeting in Africa with a di-
                    verse group including farmers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government
                    leaders, among others. The Committee explored complex issues around meeting global
                    food demand to provide recommendations on potential solutions, including how DuPont
                    can play a unique and catalytic role in addressing the challenge ahead.

                    The Committee explored the issues through the lens of both the developed and devel-
                    oping world, with farmers as its focus. Specifically, the Committee examined issues of
                    farmer productivity, including technology and innovation; capacity building; infrastruc-
                    ture needs; education; policy and regulatory challenges relating to markets and trade;
                    intellectual property (IP); and environmental, economic and social sustainability.

                    The Committee commends the leadership, engagement and support of DuPont and its
                    team during this process and looks forward to the company’s more specific responses
                    to these recommendations. Set forth below in this Report is a summary of the key issues
                    and findings of the Committee, and its recommendations for the agricultural community.
PAGE 3   2011
PAGE 5        2011

FARMERS ARE CENTRAL                               ers will benefit from having access to, and
First and foremost, farmers should be at          making use of, tools and technologies that
the center of creating sustainable food           are best suited to their unique needs. All
solutions. Large commercial farmers and           different types of farmers will be a vital
smallholder farmers alike will be critical        part of the solution, and organizations,
in providing global food security, although       governments and companies should con-
their contributions are likely to differ.         sider and enable creative business models
                                                  that address the needs of all.
There are approximately 500 million small-
holder farmers worldwide who are respon-          A COMPREHENSIVE AND COLLABORA-
sible for the livelihoods of more than 2 bil-     TIVE APPROACH IS NECESSARY
lion people and who produce an estimated          The global food challenge will require
80 percent of the food consumed in Asia and       systemic improvement in science and in-
Sub-Saharan Africa.6 There is nearly a ten-       novation, education and collaboration,
fold difference in cereal production between      capacity and infrastructure, and policy
North America and Europe compared to              and regulation. A comprehensive and col-
Africa.7 Consequently, even small improve-        laborative approach to food security that
ments in productivity (from 1 to 3 tons/ha)       improves seed and boosts yields, uses fer-
can turn poor and struggling farmers into         tilizer wisely, addresses postharvest loss,
entrepreneurs, allowing them to better sup-       increases nutrition, reduces waste, pro-
port their families, while also contributing to   vides financing and credit, ensures access
an increased food supply. At the same time,       to markets, and improves infrastructure
medium to large scale, mechanized farms           will be an absolute necessity. While this
will play an ever more important role in clos-    Committee is focused on crop productivity
ing the food gap and ensuring that food and       and innovation, it is also important to view
agricultural products can move from places        food security more broadly to examine
where they can be optimally produced to           agriculture’s other dimensions, including
places where consumption needs cannot be          livestock, aquaculture, tree crops, and re-
met through local production.                     newable energy. Anything less than a com-
                                                  prehensive approach simply will not meet
While there is no single solution to meet-        the challenge.
ing global food challenges, farmers every-
where share a basic value that underpins          A problem of this magnitude also requires
economic and social growth – a desire to          an unprecedented level of cooperation
be productive and profitable in a sustain-        between and leadership from private com-
able way that accommodates the welfare            panies, governments, research entities,
of future generations. To that end, encour-       educational institutions, NGOs both inside
aging greater smallholder productivity re-        and outside of the agriculture industry, and
quires a conducive environment, ranging           farmers around the world. Stakeholders
from improved access to finance, markets,         can no longer work in what have become         6	
                                                                                                   International Fund for Agricultural
and agricultural inputs, to more secure           overly fragmented “silos.” Keeping in mind     	 Development (IFAD), Viewpoint:
                                                                                                 	 Smallholders Can Feed the World.
land rights, modernized infrastructure,           there is no single solution, the Committee     7	
                                                                                                   FAO, Crop Prospects and Food Situation,
and stronger farmers’ organizations. Farm-        advises that stakeholders remain focused       	 No. 2 (May 2010).

      Figure 1. Average Annual Agricultural TFP Growth Rates by Country, 1970-2007

                                                                                                                        China: 2.5%

                                                                                                                          Vietnam: 2.0%

                                                                                                   Malaysia: 3.1%

                             Chile: 2.3%               Brazil: 2.4%

AVERAGE ANNUAL 	                                                              South Africa: 2.2%
       > 2%
                                                    on the question of how to adequately                tivity growth will not be enough to meet
                                                    raise productivity to meet the world’s food         the needs of a growing population in the
                                                    needs, rather than get distracted by historic       coming decades, as gains in productivity
                                                    disputes, such as biotechnology versus              growth have decreased in the last decade.
                                                    traditional crop breeding, organic farming          To close the productivity gap and achieve
                                                    versus conventional farming, or food versus         food security, the current productivity rate
                                                    fuel production. In fact, the creation of non-      will need to grow 25 percent faster than
                                                    traditional partnerships in the industry may        current trends over the next 40 years and
                                                    yield the most innovative solutions. Simi-          even faster over the next two decades.10
                                                    larly, efforts to support productivity abroad       While technological advances of the past
                                                    should not be perceived as weakening U.S.           triggered impressive yield increases, which
                                                    competitiveness.                                    will be critical to meeting the productivity
                                                                                                        challenge, industry must proactively en-
                                                    A THREE-PRONGED CHALLENGE                           sure that we achieve benefits from agricul-
                                                    Unleash Innovation to Produce More and              ture practices without unintended impacts
                                                    Nutritionally Better Food – The increased           on our environment and natural resources.
                                                    demands placed on the agriculture sector
                                                    make agricultural productivity growth a             An exclusive focus on productivity is nev-
                                                    key priority. This requires closing the yield       ertheless not sufficient because increasing
                                                    gap that currently exists among different           rates of malnutrition require not only more
      The Global Harvest Initiative (GHI) is a      regions, as well as moving the actual yield         calories, but more nutritious food. The World
	     partnership established in 2008 between
	     the Archer Daniels Midland Company            curve through innovative practices and              Bank reports that roughly 3.5 million children
	     (ADM), DuPont, John Deere, and Monsanto       technologies. According to the Global Har-          under 5 years old die each year from causes
	     whose mission is to eliminate the global
	     productivity gap by doubling agricultural     vest Initiative (GHI),8 global agricultural         related to undernutrition in developing coun-
	     output in a sustainable manner.               productivity has grown at an average total          tries.11 And two-thirds of the undernourished
  GHI, The Global Harvest Initiative’s 2010         factor productivity (TFP) of 1.4 percent per        live in seven countries – Bangladesh, China,
	 GAP Report: Measuring Global Agricultural         year between 2000 and 2007, with con-               the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethio-
	 Productivity (2010) available at http://          siderable variation in rates of productivity        pia, India, Indonesia and Pakistan – with
                                                    around the world (Figure 1).9                       over 40 percent in China and India alone.12
                                                                                                        Meanwhile, approximately 30 percent of Af-
      The World Bank, Food Security Fears Rise
	     Along with Prices (April 1, 2001) available
                                                    Global food demand will require that farm-          rica’s almost 840 million people are under-
	     at           ers everywhere have access to existing              nourished.13 As a result, finding solutions to
                                                    tools, knowledge and technology to be               improve the nutritional value of food will be
	     SitePK:4607,00.html.                          productive, but further innovations will            as important as increasing productivity.
      Id.                                           also be crucial. Current rates of produc-
PAGE 7        2011

                                             Figure 2. DISTRIBUTION OF ARABLE LAND COMPARED TO DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION

                                                     PERCENT OF ARABLE LAND                                       PERCENT DISTRIBUTION
                                                                                                                     OF POPULATION
                                                                    Africa 11%                                                        Africa 11%
                                                   OECD                                                      OECD
                                            Countries 26%                         East Asia &         Countries 14%
                                                                                  The Pacific
                                                                                                                                                     East Asia &
                                                                                                                                                     The Pacific
                                                                                                South Asia                                           31%
                                        South Asia

                                                                                 Europe &
                                                                                                    Middle East &
                                                                                 Central Asia
                                           Middle East &                                           North Africa 5%
                                                                                 20%                                                     Europe & Central Asia
                                          North Africa 4%   Latin America &                                   Latin America &            8%
                                                            Caribbean 10%                                      Caribbean 9%

Ensuring Access to Food – In addition to             able. As such, they must address unique
concerted efforts to increase productivity           local needs, such as property rights, edu-
and improve nutrition, we must ensure that           cation, extension services, and leadership
food reaches all markets and all people. The         training. Given that women play an impor-
U.N. predicts the population in Africa alone         tant role as farmers in certain regions of the
could more than triple in this century – from 1      world, socially sustainable solutions will
billion to 3.6 billion.14 Poverty is a key cause     also require gender equality. Economically
of insufficient access to food and must be           sustainable solutions must stand the test of
addressed through economic development               time and spur private sector entrepreneur-
efforts and improved social safety nets. The         ship. The private sector, working closely
world’s population is also distributed very          with government and civil society, has an
differently than its arable land, which re-          important role in providing solutions.
quires that food and agriculture products be
able to move from places of surplus to places        RISING TO THE CHALLENGE
of deficit (Figure 2).15 This requires efficient     Farmers around the world, in partnership
supply chains and a sound, rules-based in-           with all key stakeholders, can innovate to
ternational trading system. Farmers need             meet the world’s food needs. We must take
improved access to local, regional and inter-        an all-inclusive and collaborative approach
national markets. The supply chain of food           that recognizes the benefits of existing tech-
and agricultural products requires improved          nologies and practices, and supports new
infrastructure, storage, processing and              and innovative practices and technologies.
distribution systems.                                Innovation will come not just from science
                                                     and technology, but from creative syner-
All Efforts Should Improve Sustainability –          gies of technology and best practices, from
The challenge is not only to produce more            nontraditional partnerships to develop new
and better food and to ensure that food              business models in emerging markets, and                 13	

reaches those who need it, but to also do so         from solutions catalyzed by effectively bal-             14	
                                                                                                                    Gillis, J. and Dugger, C. W., U.N.
in a sustainable way. Finite resources and           ancing collaboration and competition.                    	     Forecasts 10.1 Billion People by Century’s
                                                                                                              	     End, N. Y. Times, (May 3, 2011) available
environmental concerns will mandate that                                                                      	     at
investments be made in solutions that ad-                                                                     	     world/04population.html; United Nations
                                                                                                              	     Press Release, World Population to Reach
dress ecosystem needs to arrest land deg-                                                                     	     10 Billion by 2100 if Fertility in All
radation, reduce water consumption and                                                                        	     Countries Converges to Replacement Level,
                                                                                                              	     (May 3, 2011) available at http://esa.
eliminate deforestation. Any solutions that                                                               
are proposed to address food security must                                                                      Data compiled from World Bank, World

also be socially and economically sustain-                                                                    	 Development Indicators (2010).

                                   ·	 enable farmers everywhere to be   ·	 increase public research and
                                   	 more productive.                   	 development funding.
                                   ·	 improve productivity through      ·	 promote public and private
                                   	 investment in extension,           	 collaboration on indigenous
                                   	 education and best practices.      	 crop investment and nutritional
                                                                        ·	 the agriculture sector should	
                                                                        	 partner globally with goverments,
                                                                        	 other private sector companies in
                                                                        	 the value chain, and ngos to offer
                                                                        	 financing mechanisms so farmers
                                                                        	 can afford the tools to
                                                                        	 produce more.
PAGE 9   2011

·	 ensure that intellectual property   ·	 increases in productivity must be     ·	 ensure science-based regulatory
	 rights, competition and farmer       	 coupled with access to markets,        	 frameworks and remove
	 benefits from innovation             	 particularly for smallholder           	 regulatory barriers to achieving
	 go hand-in-hand.                     	 farmers. stakeholders should           	 food security.
                                       	 facilitate and invest in models that
·	 governments should strengthen       	 better link smallholders to the        ·	 environmental – investment must
	 social safety net programs to        	 global value chain.                    	 be made in technology and best
	 ensure the most vulnerable have                                               	 practices for continuous im-	
	 access to food.                      ·	 the private sector must work with     	 provement of agriculture sustain-
                                       	 governments to foster a more           	 ability and resource efficiency.
·	 global infrastructure inves-        	 open and equitable trading system
	 ments are needed to ensure move-     	 for food and agricultural products.    ·	 social - both the public and private
	 ment of food from areas of sur-	                                              	 sector should invest in education
	 plus to areas of deficit. invest-    ·	 governments and policymakers          	 and youth development efforts.
	 ments must also be made in pro-      	 should reconsider policies on
	 cessing and storage facilities to    	 subsidies and examine alternative      ·	 economic – governments should
	 prevent postharvest loss.            	 safety net policies.                   	 take steps to reduce risk and
                                                                                	 create incentives for private
                                                                                	 sector investments. companies
                                                                                	 should consider increasing
                                                                                	 long-term investments in
                                                                                	 emerging markets.
PAGE 11              2011

                                                                                                    Figure 3. the global
                                                                                                    agricultural productivity gap




                                                                                              150                                                        1.4%













UNLEASH INNOVATION TO PRODUCE                      The “new” tools of biotechnology – such
                                                                                                                              Annual Productivity;
MORE AND NUTRITIONALLY BETTER FOOD                 as genome definition and marker-assisted                                     growth needed to
Feeding the world by 2050 will require in-         selection (genetic code variations or mark-                                     double output
creasing agricultural output by 70 percent.16      ers that help tell how genes will perform)                                         Annual current
To achieve this, agricultural productivity will    – enable breeders to more efficiently and                                           productivity;
need to grow at an annual average rate of at       effectively identify, track and evaluate the
least 1.75 percent from a relatively fixed bun-    impact that specific genes (and combina-
dle of agricultural resources given growing re-    tions of genes) have on plant performance.
gional scarcities of water and arable land (Fig-   This combination of conventional breed-
ure 3).17 As noted earlier, over the past seven    ing (gaining intimate knowledge of traits
years, that rate has averaged 1.4 percent.18       by physically growing them and observing
                                                   the results) with the new tools of molecular
Enable farmers everywhere to be more               breeding permits faster and better ways to
productive.                                        improve crop performance. Additionally,
                                                   crops with transgenic traits can provide sig-
Farmers will require a range of solutions          nificant positive impacts to farmers, such as
that allow them to close the yield gap, in-        pest resistance and drought tolerance. Fur-
cluding existing technologies and practices        thermore, new solutions that protect crops
that will improve their productivity.              and seeds in the developing world from abi-
                                                   otic stresses and disease will also be vital.
Smallholders in emerging economies may
require a substantially different set of           However, while biotechnology and geneti-
tools, compared to large-scale farmers, to         cally modified seeds will play an important
enhance their productivity. Industry, gov-         role in addressing productivity, environ-
ernments and other organizations should            mental and nutrition challenges, they are
partner to create solutions specifically tar-      only one segment of a broad set of tools
geted at helping smallholders play a critical      that must be available to farmers. Organic
role in feeding the world. Hybrid seeds and        farming will also play a role in feeding some
improved varieties can help subsistence            segments of the population. All forms of
farmers make a dramatic improvement in             technology, including traditional farming
productivity, as does increased fertilizer         practices and organic farming, need to be
use. Cost constraints that keep smallhold-         available to farmers. The transfer of knowl-
ers from accessing much needed inputs              edge and the benefits of the latest technol-
must be addressed expeditiously. DuPont            ogy and science to local farmers is critical.
and others in the industry should further ex-      All solutions should build on local and re-
                                                                                                              OECD – FAO, OECD-FAO Agricultural Out
                                                                                                        	     -look 2010-2019 – Highlights (June 15,
plore creative partnerships, new business          gional successes and the needs of the farm-          	     2010) available at
models, and varied pricing arrangements to         ers being served, with the goal of advancing         	     36775671_42852746_1_1_1_1,00&&
address this problem.                              smallholder regions from deficit regions to
                                                   surplus regions, and further improving the           17	
                                                                                                              GHI, The Global Harvest Initiative’s 2010
                                                                                                        	     GAP Report: Measuring Global
Leading-edge technology (e.g., molecular           productivity of larger farming operations.           	     Agricultural Productivity (2010) available
markers) can also be used to accelerate                                                                 	     at
traditional breeding methods to improve
the seeds available to smallholder farmers.                                                             18	

                                                  Improve productivity through investment in        quires not just a focus on increasing pro-
African Biofortified Sor-                         extension, education and best practices.          ductivity and output in staple crops, but
ghum Project (the “ABS Proj-                                                                        also on the nutritional content and qual-
ect”) – Working to Improve 	
An Indigenous Crop in Africa                      Technology alone is not enough to suf-            ity of all crops. Malnutrition, in the form of
                                                  ficiently increase productivity. It must be       both undernutrition and overnutrition, af-
The ABS Consortium, of which African
institutions are the majority, has partnered      paired with extension services and educa-         fects billions of people today. For develop-
with the private sector to develop improved       tion that inform best practices for continu-      ing countries, in particular, increasing the
varieties of sorghum, which is an affordable      ous improvement. Agricultural extension           nutritional content of crops is just as vital
African staple for more than 300 million          is generally recognized as a mechanism to         as increasing crop yields and calories. The
people in Africa, many of whom reside in          help farmers identify and analyze their pro-      three most common forms of micronutrient
drier and more vulnerable areas. The ABS          duction problems, and become aware of             malnutrition - iron, vitamin A, and iodine
Project seeks to improve nutrition and
                                                  the opportunities for improvement and how         deficiencies - affect at least one-third of the
overall health across the African continent
by using science and technology to enhance        to best take advantage of those opportuni-        world’s population, although primarily in
sorghum’s nutritional content, particularly       ties. Private sector investment in extension      developing countries.20 These deficiencies
in terms of protein digestibility, iron and       services is critical to empower farmers to        must be addressed in order to effectively
zinc bioavailability and Provitamin A. In         become successful entrepreneurs. There are        accomplish food security worldwide. Nutri-
addition, the ABS Project is developing           innovative examples of new models of exten-       tional improvements can be accomplished
mutually beneficial science partnerships and      sion services that leverage mobile technolo-      through crop diversification, biofortifica-
local research capacity in key sub-regions
                                                  gy, linking farmers with real time information    tion of crops, and supplementation.
of Africa.
                                                  on prices, weather, and other best practices,
Pioneer Hi-Bred (“Pioneer”)23 donated             including traditional agro-ecologically sound     Indigenous crops (so called “neglected”
$4.5 million for the initial technology and       practices, improved local practices, as well      crops), such as yams and cassava, which
has provided capacity building opportunities      as modern farming approaches that should          provide a great deal of sustenance in many
for institutions and scientists involved in the   be emulated more broadly.                         developing countries, but are infrequently
research, and has hosted 13 African sci-                                                            traded on a global scale, have not had sub-
entists at Pioneer’s Johnston research labs.      Increase public research and development          stantial public and private research efforts
Phase I was funded by the Bill and Me-            funding.
linda Gates Foundation under the Grand
                                                                                                    devoted to their improvement when com-
Challenges in Global Health initiative at                                                           pared to the more widely-traded commodi-
a value of over $21 million. Recently, the        Over the last several years, the growth rate      ties. Finding innovative solutions for these
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center              of agricultural output has outpaced the           neglected crops to yield more, withstand
and DuPont announced a $4 million grant           growth rate for public agricultural research      harsh conditions, and have greater digest-
from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation,            funding. In fact, in the U.S., expenditures for   ibility and nutritional value could be a sig-
which will help fund the completion of the        public agricultural research grew during two      nificant step toward addressing countries’
development of biofortified sorghum. The          decades leading up to 1980 by an average          local food needs. Stakeholders will, there-
introduction of biofortified sorghum is ex-
                                                  of 3.2% per year (adjusted for inflation), but    fore, need to collaborate on research and
pected to have a major impact on the health
and life of targeted communities in Africa        no net growth occurred during 1980–1990,          development efforts, because unlike some
and will be distributed to underserved            and net growth averaged only 0.6% per year        commodities that offer a business model
communities in multiple African countries,        during 1990–2009.19 Stakeholders must             that incentivizes private sector investment
royalty free.                                     come together to renew their investments          and competition, many indigenous crops in
                                                  in agriculture research. Public agricultural      developing markets do not offer the same
                                                  research is critical to spurring research         business incentives.
                                                  and technology development, and is key to
  CAST Commentary, Investing in a Better
19	                                               meeting our food challenge.                       Finally, the world needs to think in terms of
	 Future through Public Agricultural
	 Research (March 2011).                                                                            total nutrition per hectare rather than sim-
                                                  Promote public and private collaboration          ply in terms of bushels per hectare. Gov-
      World Health Organization, Guidelines on    on indigenous crop investment and nutri-          ernments, private sector, and civil society
	     Food Fortification with Micronutrients
	     (2006) available at http://www.who.         tional enhancement.                               should collaborate on a more coordinated
	     micronutrients/9241594012/en/                                                                 approach to research and development to
	     index.html.                                 Meeting the challenge of food security re-        improve indigenous crops. There are cur-
PAGE 13        2011

                                                                                   Promote public and private
                                                                                      collaboration on indigenous
                                                                                  crop investment and nutritional

rent examples of successful collaborations       ing on banks.24 These solutions must occur
resulting in work on important indigenous        today without delay if the world is to be
crops, such as the African Biofortified Sor-     prepared to meet increasing food demand.
ghum Project (the “ABS Project”). Efforts
like these should be scaled and new collab-      Ensure that intellectual property rights,
orative public-private partnerships pursued.     competition and farmer benefits from 	
Now that such tools are available, DuPont        innovation go hand-in-hand.
and other private sector leaders should col-
laborate with public international and na-       Intellectual property (IP) rights represent
tional research institutions to increase pro-    the societal compact that seeks to incentiv-
tein content and digestibility, iron and zinc    ize investment and innovation by inventors,
bioavailability, and Provitamin A content of     while ensuring those very innovations en-
other indigenous and largely neglected food      ter the public domain after an established
crops.21 The industry should also consider       period of time. This will continue to be of
nitrogen fixing trees and shrubs for faster      the utmost importance as the world seeks
growth.22 The industry could form a “Biofor-     to increase agricultural productivity and
tification Consortium” composed of CGIAR         promote global food security. For example,
Centers, national research institutes, private   the private sector is often reluctant to in-
entities and the nutrition community.            vest resources in countries where there is
                                                 no mechanism in place to protect IP rights.
The agriculture sector should partner glob-      The protection of IP around the world, in
ally with governments, other private sector      all its various forms, will encourage more
companies in the value chain, and NGOs to        research and development, lead to bet-
offer financing mechanisms so farmers can        ter products, and facilitate much needed
afford the tools to produce more.                trade. Innovations flourish in countries that
                                                 offer strong IP rights. A lack of enforceable
One of the most significant impediments          IP regimes in developing nations will also
to the use of science and technology in the      prevent their farmers from obtaining the
developing world is access and financing.        best, new products, such as biotechnology
In emerging economies, a lack of financ-         traits that improve the nutritional quality
ing is often one of the most significant         of plants or advances in traditional breed-
constraints to improving productivity and        ing that can help create drought-resistant
the success of farmers. The innovative so-       plants. Consequently, global leaders in IP
                                                                                                       These crops could include cereals like
lutions in which the private sector invests      and biotechnology, as well as policymakers      	     pearl millet, finger millet, and teff; soy
should be accessible to smallholder farm-        and NGOs, should foster consensus on the        	     beans for direct food consumption, as well
                                                                                                 	     as beans, peanuts, pigeon pea and check
ers. Global partners should find ways to         most appropriate balance between strong         	     pea grain legumes; cassava, potato, sweet
create access to financing for smallhold-        IP rights that encourage and facilitate in-     	     potato, indigenous and other yams, taro
                                                                                                 	     and arrowroot; indigenous African leafy
ers, and the private sector should explore       vestment and innovation while spreading         	     vegetable species; and fruits extensively
creative business models that focus on           the benefits of new technologies to farmers     	     consumed such as matoke bananas,
                                                                                                 	     mangos, avocados and passion fruit.
longer-term market development in emerg-         around the globe.
ing markets. It is imperative to explore                                                           Particularly Faidherbia albida, and to

                                                                                                 	 enhance nitrogen fixation in some species
novel ways to address this constraint, in-       There are also a number of issues that in-      	 of the genera Sesbania, Tephrosia,
cluding partnering to spread risk to provid-     dustry and regulators must address as the       	 Gliricidia, Crotalaria, and Mucuna.
ing loans and financing for improved seed,       first biotechnology trait is due to come off    23	
                                                                                                       Pioneer Hi-Bred is a DuPont business.
fertilizer and crop protection solutions.        patent in 2014, with others to follow. There
                                                                                                       Under this scheme, farmers can sign
Another way may be to have governments           is a pressing need to more clearly define       	     agreements with input providers entitling
recognize grain certificates as a formalized     the transition to generic biotechnology         	     the provider to a certain amount of
                                                                                                 	     bushels of their product to pay for the
loan mechanism to purchase inputs, there-        products and associated issues pertaining       	     input. Governments can ensure penalties
by providing access to capital without rely-     to registration, stewardship and the ap-        	     for defaulting.

                                                      propriate use of and access to data created      the most vulnerable. Food assistance pro-
ADM Partners with the 	                               to satisfy regulatory requirements. There        grams should be targeted to ensure that
University of Illinois                                is currently no mechanism in the U.S. leg-       food aid reaches those who need it the
Earlier this year, the Archer Daniels                 islative or regulatory system that ensures       most – those who are suffering acute hun-
Midland Company (ADM) founded the                     the ability to build new innovations from        ger due to war or natural disasters and can-
ADM Institute for the Prevention of                   inventions in this area that are moving off      not grow their own food – and assistance
Postharvest Loss (the “Institute”) with a             patent. Questions pertaining to how best         delivery should be commensurate with
grant of $10 million to the University of             to foster ongoing innovation by creating a       the urgency of those needs. Still, there are
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.29 The In-               pathway to competition that uses generic         about 20 percent of households in African
stitute will work with smallholder farmers
                                                      inputs must be addressed. Solutions that         villages that are too poor to grow their own
in developing countries to curb postharvest
loss due to pests, disease, mishandling and           allow for the use of regulatory data for the     food, because of a lack of land, illness
other factors. According to ADM, their                production and dissemination of post-pat-        (particularly HIV/AIDS), and advanced age.
educational, research, and outreach func-             ent generic seeds, as well as for research       The safety net is sometimes provided by
tions will include, among other things: devel-        purposes in the development of new bio-          their communities, but also by food aid.
oping courses to provide training on best             technology traits, are required. Both the
practices and technologies for minimizing             U.S. regulatory treatment of IP issues for       In the U.S., food aid has typically consist-
postharvest losses; and promoting technology          pharmaceutical and crop protection prod-         ed of in-kind donations whereby domes-
advancements and improved supply-chain
and information systems.
                                                      ucts provides useful guidance on these           tically produced commodities have been
                                                      issues. We encourage DuPont and other            physically delivered to areas of need, but
                                                      biotechnology companies to work with pol-        this approach may cost more than helping
                                                      icymakers and other stakeholders to out-         farmers help themselves.25 Still, this type
                                                      line a framework to address these issues.        of emergency assistance will remain im-
                                                                                                       portant, but a greater focus should also be
                                                      ENSURING ACCESS TO FOOD                          given to the ability to engage in local and
                                                                                                       regional purchases, which may improve
                                                      Governments should strengthen social             responsiveness and have additional de-
                                                      safety net programs to ensure the most 	         velopment benefits by providing a market
                                                      vulnerable have access to food.                  for smallholder farmers. We applaud the
                                                                                                       efforts of the World Food Program, the Bill
                                                      Poverty remains a key cause of hunger and        & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the How-
                                                      malnutrition. Long-term investment in eco-       ard G. Buffett Foundation in finding ways to
                                                      nomic development in rural and urban ar-         purchase maize and staples locally.
                                                      eas to ensure private sector growth and job
                                                      creation is necessary to achieve food se-        Global infrastructure investments are need-
                                                      curity and ensure that food is accessible.       ed to ensure movement of food from areas
                                                      Investment in agriculture is by far the best     of surplus to areas of deficit. Investments
                                                      way to substantially reduce poverty in rural     must also be made in processing and stor-
                                                      areas, where the world’s poorest reside.         age facilities to prevent postharvest loss.
                                                      In addition, with the expected population
                                                      growth in many developing countries, even        A lack of the most basic infrastructure in
                                                      substantial increases in agricultural pro-       some developing markets, including roads
                                                      ductivity locally will not be enough to meet     and bridges, severely impedes agriculture
                                                      the growing food needs. Economic devel-          productivity and causes substantial waste.
                                                      opment, led by agricultural development          According to the Food and Agriculture Or-
      Sanchez, P. A., A Smarter Way to Combat                                                          ganization of the United Nations (FAO),
	     Hunger, Nature 458:148 (2009) (It costs         in those countries, will be critical to enable
	     about six times more to deliver a
                                                      them to afford to import food.                   the postharvest waste in Africa largely ex-
	     ton of maize as U.S. food aid to a
	     distribution point in Africa, than it does to                                                    plains why many smallholders are net pur-
	     provide farmers with enough fertilizer and
	     hybrid maize seed (at unsubsidized              Strong safety net programs will also be im-      chasers of food despite growing enough
	     prices) needed to produce an extra ton
	     of maize on smallholder farms).                 portant to ensure that food is accessible to     for their families to eat.26 Waste also oc-
PAGE 15         2011

curs in developed countries. In fact, both        not connected to commerce. In order to
in rich and poor countries, an astounding         move from subsistence to surplus, farm-
30-50% of all food produced rots or goes          ers must have the ability to sell in an open
uneaten. In developing countries, approxi-        marketplace and be a part of the global
mately two-thirds of the waste occurs from        value chain to fully succeed in moving from
production to retail sites and in developed       net importers to net exporters. Smallhold-
countries approximately two-thirds of the         ers will be benefit from greater integration
waste occurs at retail, foodservice, and          into local and regional markets and gov-
consumer sites.27 Consequently, merely            ernments, and agriculture sector partners
addressing our food waste and posthar-            should also make efforts to link smallhold-
vest loss will make substantial headway in        ers to global value chains.
meeting food demand. Governments and
the private sector should invest in storage       There are varying public and private sec-
and infrastructure; educate farmers about         tor mechanisms that can enhance market
available technology options that can be          access for farmers, such as farmer orga-
incorporated into grain handling and stor-        nizations and cooperatives. Agribusiness
age practices; and enable transportation          should collaborate with partners across
and distribution more efficiently. Main-          the value chain to incorporate smallhold-
taining and improving infrastructure in           ers to improve stability and predictability,
developed markets, such as roads, ports,          and increase the likelihood of smallhold-
barges, elevators and rail, is also critical to   ers’ willingness to invest in enhanced tech-
move huge amounts of grain.                       nology to improve output.

Every effort must be made in the devel-           The private sector must work with govern-
oped and developing world to reduce               ments to foster a more open and equitable
waste through the whole supply chain,             trading system for food and agricultural
by investing in research, technology, and         products.
infrastructure to reduce waste resulting
from insects, weeds, and postharvest loss.        It is vitally important for countries to in-
Currently, only 5 percent of agriculture re-      crease food and agricultural productivity,
search funding is dedicated to the study          particularly since today some 85 percent of
of postharvest loss prevention, yet an es-        food never crosses international borders.30
timated $14 billion in food went to waste         Yet food security should not be equated
worldwide in 2007.28 Recent partnerships,         with self-sufficiency. Considering that the    26	
                                                                                                       The Economist, A Special Report on
such as the establishment of a new re-            world’s population and arable land are not     	     Feeding the World: Waste Not, Want Not -
                                                                                                 	     Far Too Much Food Never Reaches the
search institute dedicated to reducing            evenly distributed, and that some 70 per-      	     Plate (Feb. 24, 2011) available at http://
waste and postharvest loss, are promising         cent of the global population will reside in   	     print.
and should be replicated.                         cities by 2050, the unrestricted movement
                                                  of food and agricultural products already        GHI Symposium, Capturing Full Value of

                                                                                                 	 the Supply Chain: Reducing Postharvest
Increases in productivity must be coupled         is and will become increasingly important.     	 Waste (Sept. 22, 2009).

with access to markets, particularly for          Moreover, an open and non-distorting           28	
                                                                                                        See ADM, ADM Gives U.S.$10 Million to
smallholder farmers. Stakeholders should          trade system facilitates development,          	     Found Institute to Reduce Global
                                                                                                 	     Postharvest Loss of Grains and Oilseeds
facilitate and invest in models that better       creates economies of scale that attracts       	     (Jan. 19, 2011) available at http://www.
link smallholders to the global value chain.      investment, spurs innovation and efficien-     	
                                                  cies, and provides more affordable and         29	
Ensuring food security in the coming de-          reliable access to agricultural inputs and     30	
                                                                                                       DuPont, News Release, Agriculture is a
cades will require that all farmers increase      food at more stable prices.                    	     Key Driver to Meet UN Millenium
                                                                                                 	     Development Goals, (Sept. 27, 2010)
their productivity. However, productivity                                                        	     available at
increases are meaningless if farmers are                                                         	     events/cp_releases/2010-09-27.html.

                          A multilateral framework, which provides         production or price-linked subsidies that
                          for global rules, mechanisms for monitor-        have served to distort the international
                          ing and an effective dispute settlement          food and agricultural system. We note that
                          process, has long been considered optimal        in the present environment of high prices,
                          for agricultural trade liberalization efforts.   price-linked subsidy outlays have been
                          Efforts to strengthen it must be sustained       substantially lower, and that in a sustained
                          and brought to fruition. Whereas the Or-         higher price environment, it should be
                          ganization for Economic Cooperation and          more feasible to reduce these, particularly
                          Development (OECD) countries must con-           if such reductions lead to increased access
                          tinue on a reform path to level the playing      to other markets.
                          field in international food and agricultural
                          trade, developing countries should also          Phasing out trade-distorting subsidies
                          more proactively address trade barriers          does not mean that governments stop
                          and promote greater trade facilitation be-       providing “safety net” policies for their
                          tween themselves, especially in light of the     farmers – there are non-trade distorting
                          increasing amount of trade among them.           tools such as crop insurance and revenue
                          Countries also are well-advised to pursue        insurance programs that help farmers cope
                          trade reform on their own, as benefits           with unforeseen crop failures or market
                          reaped from such reforms can be greater          disruptions. Furthermore, since subsidies
                          than those that accrue from trade reform         are notoriously hard to remove once imple-
                          by other countries. Bilateral and regional       mented and can become a serious drain on
                          trade agreements are likely to continue to       public coffers, policymakers should ensure
                          be negotiated, and care must be taken to         that when introduced, they are clearly de-
                          ensure that they encompass the agricultur-       lineated in nature and scope, established
                          al sector in the broadest sense. The private     for clearly defined timeframes, and accom-
                          sector needs to engage in the development        panied by an “exit strategy” that paves the
                          of trade agreements that will ensure food        transition to market-based approaches.
                          can move freely across borders.
                                                                           For poor countries in Africa where crop
                          Governments and policymakers should re-          yields can be as low as one-tenth of those
                          consider policies on subsidies and examine       produced in the U.S., targeted, smart sub-
                          alternative safety net policies.                 sidies for fertilizer and hybrid maize seed
                                                                           are one tool that has been used to increase
                          A non-distorted trade system must also           productivity. Smallholder farmers often
                          effectively deal with the question of sub-       cannot afford to pay for fertilizer and im-
                          sidies. Agricultural subsidies have been in      proved seed and it is almost impossible to
                          place for several decades, and some have         access credit because they lack collateral.
                          had very useful impacts on productivity,         In some cases, smart, well-targeted subsi-
                          the environment, rural development, and          dies kick start productivity to help farmers
                          research and development efforts. Subsi-         out of poverty. For example, facing a 45
                          dies that are tied to production and prices,     percent deficit in maize production, the
                          however, have contributed to surplus pro-        President of Malawi instituted a somewhat
                          duction, which has served to lower global        controversial voucher program for farmers
                          prices to the detriment of developing coun-      to buy two bags of fertilizer and 3-5 kg of
                          try producers, and has also contributed to       improved hybrid seeds at a 75 percent dis-
                          the low level of investment in the agricul-      count, enough to plant one acre of land.
                          tural sectors of poorer countries. Coun-         The country rapidly doubled maize yields
                          tries are not likely to eliminate subsidies      and became a maize exporter to neighbor-
                          entirely, but should consider phasing out        ing Zimbabwe, as well as a food aid do-
PAGE 17        2011

nor to Lesotho and Swaziland. However,           altogether in some countries, serve to slow
greater crop diversification is necessary in     down the adoption of new technologies, at       Global Joint Review
order to improve high malnutrition rates.        a time when innovative solutions are more
                                                                                                 Under the Organization for Economic
Moreover, as this country’s population           necessary than ever. Such divergences           Cooperation and Development (OECD)
is expected to grow from approximately           also negatively impact international trade.     Workshare or Global Joint Review
13 million (in 2008) to over 40 million by       Farmers and consumers around the world          (GJR), participating regulatory authorities
2040,31 these subsidies will likely not be       will benefit from efforts by governments to     distribute the work amongst participat-
sustainable over the long-term, and should       streamline national regulations by more         ing countries and each country reviews a
be gradually phased out as yields reach          effectively sharing data and encouraging        portion of the data dossier (e.g., the U.S.
                                                                                                 would review toxicology, while the United
higher levels. Efforts must be undertaken        collaboration in scientific risk assessment.
                                                                                                 Kingdom reviews ecotoxicology). After
to move towards an effective market-based        Such efforts will be important to avoid over-   reviewing their assigned sections, the regula-
strategy to replace this subsidy scheme.         ly divergent approval processes and time-       tory authorities conduct a collaborative
                                                 lines that not only lead to delays, but also    peer review of the evaluations and agree
Ensure science-based regulatory frame-           trigger additional obstacles and costs in the   on the end points used in the risk assess-
works and remove regulatory barriers to          supply chain and in international trade.        ment process. At this point, each country
achieving food security.                                                                         individually assesses the evaluations and
                                                                                                 recommended risk assessment end points
                                                 Countries should move to science-based
Sound regulatory standards to protect hu-                                                        to decide whether their country will grant
                                                 international harmonization for plant bio-      registration of the product.
man, animal and plant health and to en-          technology. Science-based local needs and
sure food safety are critically important.       conditions (e.g., differences in insect spe-    This process results in major resource savings
Yet, when standards are not based on             cies populations and their resistance) can      for each participating country; as well as
science, are insufficiently consistent and       be successfully built into international har-   additional benefits for regulators, growers
not transparent, they not only cause seri-       monization regulations. Harmonized data         and crop protection product manufacturers.
ous disruptions to markets, but also stifle      packages and synchronized reviews would         The GJR provided expedited approvals for
much needed innovation. The urgent need                                                          DuPont Rynaxypyr® 32 around the world,
                                                 significantly speed the transition of much
                                                                                                 allowing growers accelerated access to this
to increase productivity to meet global          needed innovation into improved global          technology and increasing confidence in the
food demand makes it imperative to get           crop yields and nutrition without compro-       quality of the regulatory approval process.
the best technology and practices into the       mising science-based safety assessments.
hands of farmers rapidly, while maintain-        Agriculture industry partners, including the
ing strong safety and environmental stan-        private sector, NGOs and nonprofits should
dards. Regulatory frameworks must be ef-         establish a framework and lead these ef-
ficient: scientifically unjustified delays and   forts to improve regulatory processes. Fur-
barriers that slow down approval process-        thermore, innovators have a role to play in
es and delay the adoption of tools for en-       sharing information and educating consum-
hancing productivity of farmers need to be       ers to build confidence in the safety and ef-
addressed so that innovative products can        ficacy of products. Countries with strong
enter the market more expeditiously and          regulatory frameworks can enhance confi-
at lower cost. Currently, it takes almost ten    dence in consuming countries by sharing
years and over $250 million to bring crop        findings and information to ensure safety,
protection products to market. For seeds,        particularly when developing countries lack
it can take as many as fifteen years and an      the sophisticated platforms and resources
estimated $150 million from discovery to         necessary to confirm safety and efficacy.
commercialization of a biotechnology trait.
                                                 ALL EFFORTS SHOULD 	
Governments rightly insist on establish-         IMPROVE SUSTAINABILITY
ing and implementing their own regulatory        Sustainability rests on the principle that        The Malawi Ministry of Development

                                                                                                 	 Planning and Cooperation, RAPID:
frameworks given local needs and condi-          we must meet the needs of the present           	 Population and Development (2010).
tions, but widely divergent regulatory sys-      without compromising the ability of fu-
                                                                                                   Rynaxypyr® is the first insecticide in its
tems, and the lack of functioning systems        ture generations to meet their own needs.       	 class (anthranilic diamides).

                                                   Therefore, stewardship of natural and hu-          who can utilize the practices that work
Investing in Youth 	                               man resources is critical. The three main          most effectively with their growing condi-
Development                                        components of sustainability are environ-          tions, soils and crops. Implementing prac-
                                                   mental, social and economic.                       tices that address ecosystem issues, such
Researchers in the U.S. and around the                                                                as reducing water use and controlling field
world have demonstrated that 4-H posi-
                                                   Environmental – Investment must be                 runoff, will be important. Product steward-
tive youth development programs promote
                                                   made in technology and best practices for          ship with farmers is critical.
science literacy and increase incomes for
rural youth. In Tanzania, 4-H clubs                continuous improvement of agriculture
use positive youth development strategies          sustainability and resource efficiency.            Continuously improving the sustainability
to reach 34,000 boys and girls with                                                                   of agriculture will require increased invest-
agricultural science and entrepreneurship          By 2030, the world will consume renew-             ment and collaboration from all stakehold-
training. In 2010, young Tanzanian 4-H             able resources equivalent to two planet            ers in the industry. Governments should
agri-business people reported more than            earths to sustain human needs.33 To meet           create policy environments conducive to
$82,000 USD in profit. Long-term in-               future demand, arable land in developing
vestments in basic education and strategies,                                                          private sector investment, as well as devote
                                                   countries would have to expand by about            resources to sustainability research. The
such as 4-H, will be essential to mobilize
young people to lead technology transfer           120 million hectares.34 However, due to            industry should take increasingly proac-
and adoption of innovation.                        increasing land degradation caused by cli-         tive steps on stewardship to ensure that we
                                                   mate change, certain developing countries          achieve the benefits of agriculture technol-
                                                   are expected to see 9-20 percent of arable         ogy and practices without unintended con-
                                                   land becoming much less suitable for agri-         sequences. Finally, new partnerships be-
                                                   culture.35 Furthermore, FAO estimates that         tween industry and environmental groups
                                                   water scarcity may reduce crop yields by up        must be forged, and ongoing dialogue is
                                                   to 12 percent.36 Consequently, productivity        and will be critical to solving this challenge.
                                                   and efficiency will be critical, as will contin-
                                                   ued investment in crops that have greater          Social - Both the public and private sector
                                                   yield per acre (in quantity and nutritional        should invest in education and youth 	
                                                   value) while addressing ecosystem issues           development efforts.
                                                   such as using less water and fuel, and us-
                                                   ing the right amount of fertilizers to protect     The ability of the agricultural sector to meet
                                                   the quality of water and biodiversity.             global food demands will depend on solu-
                                                                                                      tions that are socially sustainable. Facilitat-
                                                   The private sector should continue to in-          ing human capacity development through
                                                   vest in technology that improves agricul-          training and education of the next genera-
                                                   ture sustainability and resource efficiency.       tion of farmers and consumers is critical.
                                                   Addressing food shortages with efficient           The farmer who will feed the world in 2025
                                                   sources of protein, such as soy, can boost         is 13 years old today. Indeed, children and
                                                   nutrition while using fewer natural re-            adolescents represent 65 percent of total
                                                   sources. Continuing to identify technolo-          agricultural employment in Sub-Saharan Af-
        World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Futures for
	      Our Planet available at http://wwf.panda.   gies that can reduce tillage and field work,       rica. These young people can lead the next
	      living_planet_report/me_and_my_             and therefore reduce soil loss, will also          “Green Revolution,” but only if science-pow-
                                                   enhance sustainability. Efforts to reclaim         ered innovations in agriculture are integrat-
       FAO, World Agriculture: Towards
	      2015/2030: An FAO Perspective - Crop        degraded land should also be redoubled.            ed with social science research in fields such
	      Production and Natural Resource Use
	      available at                                                             as positive youth development, learning,
	      crep/005/y4252e/y4252e06.htm#P4_3.          However, more efficient and sustainable            community development and technology
  FAO, Africa’s Changing Landscape:
                                                   technology must be coupled with educa-             transfer. In particular, education focused on
	 Securing Land Access for the Rural Poor
	 (April 2010).                                    tion and extension services focused on             women and girls will be vital. School feeding
       FAO, Food Security and Agricultural         sustainable best practices. Stakeholders           programs are also effective tools, as food is
	      Mitigation in Developing Countries:
	      Options for Capturing Synergies             must continue to identify best practices           often provided by villagers, and attracts the
	      available at
	      docrep/012/i1318e/i1318e00.pdf.             and put them into the hands of farmers,            poorest youth to go to school, particularly
PAGE 19        2011

                                                                       Social   - Both the public and private
                                                                        sector should invest in education and
                                                                                   youth development efforts.

girls that would otherwise stay at home.        efforts to address trade barriers with
Reinforcing the importance of agricultural      neighboring countries in order to create      Government Incentives for 
contributions and its value to society, and     larger economies of scale, also crucial for   Private Sector Investment
promoting the merits of a career in agri-       attracting private sector investment. Donor   Brazil and Thailand became leading
culture are also essential to recruiting to-    governments also have an important role       global suppliers of soybeans and cassava
morrow’s farmers and innovators. DuPont         of emphasizing the importance of a policy     among other agricultural exports. This
and other private sector companies with         environment required for attracting greater   was largely due to policies that enabled
an interest in developing markets should        private sector assessment and use devel-      private sector investment, including
also create comprehensive strategies for        opment assistance in order to more effec-     permissive land policies, improved public
                                                                                              infrastructure and business development
community investment and philanthropy.          tively leverage private sector investments.
                                                                                              services, a supportive policy environment,
Finally, solutions will be most sustainable     Public-private partnerships between pri-      and liberalized markets.
when stakeholders partner with local or-        vate sector companies, governments and
ganizations that know best the cultural         other organizations can be very effective
norms and needs.                                and efforts should be made to improve
                                                and increase these types of collaborations,
Economic – Governments should take steps        and we encourage a sustained dialogue to
to reduce risk and create incentives for pri-   accomplish this.
vate sector investments. Companies should
consider increasing long-term investments
in emerging markets.

Governments and the private sector must
collaborate to enable farmers to be suc-
cessful. Addressing the productivity gap
requires a significant investment that can
only be accomplished effectively through
investments from private donors. Accord-
ing to the GHI, the overall developing
country investment gap approaches $90
billion annually – a very conservative es-
timate that nevertheless is almost twice
the $48 billion in agricultural support that
was available from international sources
in 2008.37 To close this investment gap,
governments must enable private sector
investment by dedicating a substantial
percentage of their budget over the long-
term to investments in agriculture and in-
frastructure development and by creating
long-term plans coupled with dedicated
leadership and funding streams.

Governments should also facilitate great-
er private sector investment by ensuring
strong governance and stability through
rule of law, anti-corruption, IP rights, reg-
ulatory systems, land rights, and open                                                        37	

                                                                                                     GHI, Enhanced Private Sector
                                                                                                    Involvement in Agriculture and Rural
dialogue with private sector partners. Ad-                                                    	     Infrastructure Development
                                                                                              	     (Paper prepared by William C. Motes)
ditionally, governments should increase                                                       	     (March 16, 2011).
PAGE 21   2011

The confluence of changing demographics and consumer food preferences, substantial in-
creases in population, scarcity of resources, and climate change presents the human race
with one of its most substantial challenges to date – how to feed a world with more than
9 billion people. Global food demand will require that farmers everywhere have access
to the tools, education and technology to be productive. Increasing rates of malnutrition
will not just require more calories, but more nutritious food. A problem of this enormity re-
quires an unprecedented level of cooperation and leadership among private companies,
governments, universities and research institutions, NGOs and farmers around the world.
Those within and outside of the agricultural community will need to come together to de-
velop innovative solutions to ensure a food secure world by 2050. DuPont is committed
to providing a leadership role in addressing the global challenge of providing more and
better food for a growing population.

About the Committee
                     Senator Thomas                                 Charlotte 	
                     A. Daschle                                     Hebebrand
                      is Chairman of the                            has served as Chief
                      Committee and a                               Executive of the In-
                      Senior Policy Advi-                           ternational Food &
                      sor at the law firm                           Agricultural Trade
                      of DLA Piper where                            Policy Council (IPC)
                      he provides clients                           since February 2006.
                      with strategic advice                         The IPC is committed
on issues such as climate change, energy,     to promoting a more open and equitable
health care, trade, financial services, ag-   global food system and is composed of a
riculture and food, foreign affairs, and      diverse mix of distinguished international
telecommunications. Senator Daschle is        agricultural trade experts from around the
one of the longest serving Senate Demo-       world. Charlotte came to IPC from the Eu-
cratic Leaders in history and the only one
to serve twice as both Majority and Minor-
ity Leader. In 1986, he was elected to the
                                  “An ongoing focus on improving
U.S. Senate and eight years later became
                                   agricultural productivity must
its Democratic Leader. During his tenure,
                                   be accompanied by efforts to
Senator Daschle navigated the Senate
                                   improve access to food. A more
through some of its most historic eco-
                                   open and equitable trading
                                   system for food and agricultural
                                   products will not only ensure
“Addressing the food productivity that food gets to people who
 gap may be the defining issue     need it, but can also contribute
 for mankind for the next          to income growth in rural areas,
 century. We need to consider not where the majority of the world’s
 only producing more food, but     poorest people reside.”
 also ensuring we can meet
 the nutritional needs of the
 growing population.”              ropean Commission’s (EC’s) Washington
                                              Delegation, where she served as Special
                                              Advisor, respectively, on international
nomic and national security challenges.       development, trade, agriculture and food
He also served in the U.S. House of Rep-      safety issues. Prior to her time with the EC,
resentatives for eight years beginning in     Charlotte worked at the Brookings Institu-
1978. He is the author of several books, a    tion’s Foreign Policy Division.
co-founder of the Bipartisan Policy Center,
a board member at the Center for Ameri-
can Progress, a Vice Chair at the National
Democratic Institute, and is a member of
the Council of Foreign Relations as well as
many other boards and councils.
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Agricultural Innovation & Productivity for the 21st Century

  • 1. Dupont Advisory Committee on Agricultural Innovation & Productivity For The 21St Century Report and Recommendations
  • 2. 2011 SUMMMARY
  • 3. PAGE 1 2011 SUMMARY The world is faced with the vast challenge of meeting ever-increasing food demands placed on the agriculture sector due to a rapidly growing population. In fact, the world population has been increasing by an estimated 78 million each year, about the size of the popula- tion of Germany.1 Challenges around food security – ensuring there is enough food to meet demand – will be exacerbated when the population surpasses 9 billion by 2050 and 10 billion by the turn of the century.2 Global food production must be 70 percent greater than today’s level to close the deficit between supply and demand, commonly referred to as the productivity gap.3 And, it must be done without using substantially more land. With current grain stocks at historically low levels and food demand increasing at rates higher than pro- duction, the challenge is not decades into the future, but is here today. Populations continue to migrate from rural · Address the challenge in a continuously to urban areas at high rates; by 2050, ap- more sustainable and comprehensive way. proximately 70 percent of the world’s popu- lation will live in cities and large towns (up To address these needs, a multi-faceted, from 49 percent today).4 This means that the innovative approach is required. Exist- majority of the population will not live near ing knowledge and practices, as well as where food is grown. Consumer preferences new science and technology, must be dis- will also change as per capita incomes in seminated to enable all farmers around developing countries rise, which will cause the world to be successful. The challenge diets to gradually move away from staples requires new types of investments, policy towards increased consumption of meats and regulatory structures, and creative col- 1 United Nations Population Fund, Fact Sheet: Population Growth and Poverty and processed foods.5 These demands be- laborations among a variety of global and (August 2009) available at http://www. come more complex when coupled with a local partners, and between the public and pid/3856. scarcity of key resources, such as water and private sectors. 2 Gillis, J. and Dugger, C. W., U.N. Forecasts arable land, as well as climate change and 10.1 Billion People by Century’s End, N. Y. The DuPont Advisory Committee on Agri- Times, (May 3, 2011) available at http:// other environmental challenges. In addi- tion, as populations grow and age, there is cultural Innovation & Productivity for the 04population.html; United Nations 21st Century (the “Committee”) was es- Press Release, World Population to Reach a greater need for more nutritious food to 10 Billion by 2100 if Fertility in All ensure health and wellness. tablished to address these issues and to Countries Converges to Replacement Level, prepare a report including recommenda- (May 3, 2011) available at http://esa. This unique set of variables creates one tions for DuPont and global leaders in ag- 3 Organization for Economic Co-Operation of the most challenging issues the world riculture, policymakers and business lead- and Development (OECD) – Food and Agricultural Organization of the United has ever faced, and one that threatens the ers (the “Report”). DuPont is committed to Nations (FAO), OECD-FAO Agricultural Out- addressing the food productivity gap and look 2010-2019 – Highlights (June 15, political and economic stability of nations 2010) available at around the world. The urgency of this chal- will evaluate the recommendations and document/10/0,3746,en_36774715_3 6775671_42852746_1_1_1_1,00&& lenge demands concerted efforts from all respond with commitments that align with en-USS_01DBC.html. stakeholders, beginning now. The chal- its key competency in using science to de- 4 FAO, 2050: A Third More Mouths to Feed: Food Production Will Have to Increase by lenge is three-fold: liver innovation and its longstanding belief 70 percent - FAO Convenes High-Level that collaboration is key to addressing the Expert Forum available at http://www.fao. org/news/story/en/item/35571/. · Produce more food and increase the world’s important challenges. nutritional value of food; 5 OECD – FAO, OECD-FAO Agricultural Out- look 2010-2019 – Highlights (June 15, 2010) available at · Make food accessible and affordable for document/10/0,3746,en_36774715_ 36775671_42852746_1_1_1_1,00&&en- everyone; and USS_01DBC.html.
  • 4. 2011 BACKGROUND BACKGROUND DuPont Advisory Committee on Agricultural Innovation & Productivity for the 21st Century. In 2010, DuPont responded to the global food security challenge by convening a group of experts in global agriculture, development, science, policy and economics to form the Committee. Over the course of a year, the Committee met several times, beginning with a listening tour with farmers in Iowa, and including a week-long meeting in Africa with a di- verse group including farmers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government leaders, among others. The Committee explored complex issues around meeting global food demand to provide recommendations on potential solutions, including how DuPont can play a unique and catalytic role in addressing the challenge ahead. The Committee explored the issues through the lens of both the developed and devel- oping world, with farmers as its focus. Specifically, the Committee examined issues of farmer productivity, including technology and innovation; capacity building; infrastruc- ture needs; education; policy and regulatory challenges relating to markets and trade; intellectual property (IP); and environmental, economic and social sustainability. The Committee commends the leadership, engagement and support of DuPont and its team during this process and looks forward to the company’s more specific responses to these recommendations. Set forth below in this Report is a summary of the key issues and findings of the Committee, and its recommendations for the agricultural community.
  • 5. PAGE 3 2011
  • 7. PAGE 5 2011 COMMITTEE ASSESSMENT FARMERS ARE CENTRAL ers will benefit from having access to, and First and foremost, farmers should be at making use of, tools and technologies that the center of creating sustainable food are best suited to their unique needs. All solutions. Large commercial farmers and different types of farmers will be a vital smallholder farmers alike will be critical part of the solution, and organizations, in providing global food security, although governments and companies should con- their contributions are likely to differ. sider and enable creative business models that address the needs of all. There are approximately 500 million small- holder farmers worldwide who are respon- A COMPREHENSIVE AND COLLABORA- sible for the livelihoods of more than 2 bil- TIVE APPROACH IS NECESSARY lion people and who produce an estimated The global food challenge will require 80 percent of the food consumed in Asia and systemic improvement in science and in- Sub-Saharan Africa.6 There is nearly a ten- novation, education and collaboration, fold difference in cereal production between capacity and infrastructure, and policy North America and Europe compared to and regulation. A comprehensive and col- Africa.7 Consequently, even small improve- laborative approach to food security that ments in productivity (from 1 to 3 tons/ha) improves seed and boosts yields, uses fer- can turn poor and struggling farmers into tilizer wisely, addresses postharvest loss, entrepreneurs, allowing them to better sup- increases nutrition, reduces waste, pro- port their families, while also contributing to vides financing and credit, ensures access an increased food supply. At the same time, to markets, and improves infrastructure medium to large scale, mechanized farms will be an absolute necessity. While this will play an ever more important role in clos- Committee is focused on crop productivity ing the food gap and ensuring that food and and innovation, it is also important to view agricultural products can move from places food security more broadly to examine where they can be optimally produced to agriculture’s other dimensions, including places where consumption needs cannot be livestock, aquaculture, tree crops, and re- met through local production. newable energy. Anything less than a com- prehensive approach simply will not meet While there is no single solution to meet- the challenge. ing global food challenges, farmers every- where share a basic value that underpins A problem of this magnitude also requires economic and social growth – a desire to an unprecedented level of cooperation be productive and profitable in a sustain- between and leadership from private com- able way that accommodates the welfare panies, governments, research entities, of future generations. To that end, encour- educational institutions, NGOs both inside aging greater smallholder productivity re- and outside of the agriculture industry, and quires a conducive environment, ranging farmers around the world. Stakeholders from improved access to finance, markets, can no longer work in what have become 6 International Fund for Agricultural and agricultural inputs, to more secure overly fragmented “silos.” Keeping in mind Development (IFAD), Viewpoint: Smallholders Can Feed the World. land rights, modernized infrastructure, there is no single solution, the Committee 7 FAO, Crop Prospects and Food Situation, and stronger farmers’ organizations. Farm- advises that stakeholders remain focused No. 2 (May 2010).
  • 8. 2011 COMMITTEE ASSESSMENT Figure 1. Average Annual Agricultural TFP Growth Rates by Country, 1970-2007 China: 2.5% Vietnam: 2.0% Malaysia: 3.1% Chile: 2.3% Brazil: 2.4% AVERAGE ANNUAL South Africa: 2.2% TFP GROWTH > 2% 1-2% <1% on the question of how to adequately tivity growth will not be enough to meet raise productivity to meet the world’s food the needs of a growing population in the needs, rather than get distracted by historic coming decades, as gains in productivity disputes, such as biotechnology versus growth have decreased in the last decade. traditional crop breeding, organic farming To close the productivity gap and achieve versus conventional farming, or food versus food security, the current productivity rate fuel production. In fact, the creation of non- will need to grow 25 percent faster than traditional partnerships in the industry may current trends over the next 40 years and yield the most innovative solutions. Simi- even faster over the next two decades.10 larly, efforts to support productivity abroad While technological advances of the past should not be perceived as weakening U.S. triggered impressive yield increases, which competitiveness. will be critical to meeting the productivity challenge, industry must proactively en- A THREE-PRONGED CHALLENGE sure that we achieve benefits from agricul- Unleash Innovation to Produce More and ture practices without unintended impacts Nutritionally Better Food – The increased on our environment and natural resources. demands placed on the agriculture sector make agricultural productivity growth a An exclusive focus on productivity is nev- key priority. This requires closing the yield ertheless not sufficient because increasing gap that currently exists among different rates of malnutrition require not only more 8 The Global Harvest Initiative (GHI) is a regions, as well as moving the actual yield calories, but more nutritious food. The World partnership established in 2008 between the Archer Daniels Midland Company curve through innovative practices and Bank reports that roughly 3.5 million children (ADM), DuPont, John Deere, and Monsanto technologies. According to the Global Har- under 5 years old die each year from causes whose mission is to eliminate the global productivity gap by doubling agricultural vest Initiative (GHI),8 global agricultural related to undernutrition in developing coun- output in a sustainable manner. productivity has grown at an average total tries.11 And two-thirds of the undernourished 9 GHI, The Global Harvest Initiative’s 2010 factor productivity (TFP) of 1.4 percent per live in seven countries – Bangladesh, China, GAP Report: Measuring Global Agricultural year between 2000 and 2007, with con- the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethio- Productivity (2010) available at http:// siderable variation in rates of productivity pia, India, Indonesia and Pakistan – with around the world (Figure 1).9 over 40 percent in China and India alone.12 10 Id. Meanwhile, approximately 30 percent of Af- 11 The World Bank, Food Security Fears Rise Along with Prices (April 1, 2001) available Global food demand will require that farm- rica’s almost 840 million people are under- at ers everywhere have access to existing nourished.13 As a result, finding solutions to EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:2287659 2~pagePK:64257043~piPK:437376~the tools, knowledge and technology to be improve the nutritional value of food will be SitePK:4607,00.html. productive, but further innovations will as important as increasing productivity. 12 Id. also be crucial. Current rates of produc-
  • 9. PAGE 7 2011 Figure 2. DISTRIBUTION OF ARABLE LAND COMPARED TO DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION PERCENT OF ARABLE LAND PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION Africa 11% Africa 11% OECD OECD Countries 26% East Asia & Countries 14% The Pacific 14% East Asia & The Pacific South Asia 31% 22% South Asia 15% Europe & Middle East & Central Asia Middle East & North Africa 5% 20% Europe & Central Asia North Africa 4% Latin America & Latin America & 8% Caribbean 10% Caribbean 9% Ensuring Access to Food – In addition to able. As such, they must address unique concerted efforts to increase productivity local needs, such as property rights, edu- and improve nutrition, we must ensure that cation, extension services, and leadership food reaches all markets and all people. The training. Given that women play an impor- U.N. predicts the population in Africa alone tant role as farmers in certain regions of the could more than triple in this century – from 1 world, socially sustainable solutions will billion to 3.6 billion.14 Poverty is a key cause also require gender equality. Economically of insufficient access to food and must be sustainable solutions must stand the test of addressed through economic development time and spur private sector entrepreneur- efforts and improved social safety nets. The ship. The private sector, working closely world’s population is also distributed very with government and civil society, has an differently than its arable land, which re- important role in providing solutions. quires that food and agriculture products be able to move from places of surplus to places RISING TO THE CHALLENGE of deficit (Figure 2).15 This requires efficient Farmers around the world, in partnership supply chains and a sound, rules-based in- with all key stakeholders, can innovate to ternational trading system. Farmers need meet the world’s food needs. We must take improved access to local, regional and inter- an all-inclusive and collaborative approach national markets. The supply chain of food that recognizes the benefits of existing tech- and agricultural products requires improved nologies and practices, and supports new infrastructure, storage, processing and and innovative practices and technologies. distribution systems. Innovation will come not just from science and technology, but from creative syner- All Efforts Should Improve Sustainability – gies of technology and best practices, from The challenge is not only to produce more nontraditional partnerships to develop new and better food and to ensure that food business models in emerging markets, and 13 Id. reaches those who need it, but to also do so from solutions catalyzed by effectively bal- 14 Gillis, J. and Dugger, C. W., U.N. in a sustainable way. Finite resources and ancing collaboration and competition. Forecasts 10.1 Billion People by Century’s End, N. Y. Times, (May 3, 2011) available environmental concerns will mandate that at investments be made in solutions that ad- world/04population.html; United Nations Press Release, World Population to Reach dress ecosystem needs to arrest land deg- 10 Billion by 2100 if Fertility in All radation, reduce water consumption and Countries Converges to Replacement Level, (May 3, 2011) available at http://esa. eliminate deforestation. Any solutions that are proposed to address food security must Data compiled from World Bank, World 15 also be socially and economically sustain- Development Indicators (2010).
  • 10. 2011 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS · enable farmers everywhere to be · increase public research and more productive. development funding. · improve productivity through · promote public and private investment in extension, collaboration on indigenous education and best practices. crop investment and nutritional enhancement. · the agriculture sector should partner globally with goverments, other private sector companies in the value chain, and ngos to offer financing mechanisms so farmers can afford the tools to produce more.
  • 11. PAGE 9 2011 · ensure that intellectual property · increases in productivity must be · ensure science-based regulatory rights, competition and farmer coupled with access to markets, frameworks and remove benefits from innovation particularly for smallholder regulatory barriers to achieving go hand-in-hand. farmers. stakeholders should food security. facilitate and invest in models that · governments should strengthen better link smallholders to the · environmental – investment must social safety net programs to global value chain. be made in technology and best ensure the most vulnerable have practices for continuous im- access to food. · the private sector must work with provement of agriculture sustain- governments to foster a more ability and resource efficiency. · global infrastructure inves- open and equitable trading system ments are needed to ensure move- for food and agricultural products. · social - both the public and private ment of food from areas of sur- sector should invest in education plus to areas of deficit. invest- · governments and policymakers and youth development efforts. ments must also be made in pro- should reconsider policies on cessing and storage facilities to subsidies and examine alternative · economic – governments should prevent postharvest loss. safety net policies. take steps to reduce risk and create incentives for private sector investments. companies should consider increasing long-term investments in emerging markets.
  • 13. PAGE 11 2011 Figure 3. the global agricultural productivity gap 200 190 1.75% 180 170 “GAP” 160 COMMITTEE 150 1.4% 140 130 RECOMMENDATIONS 120 110 100 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 UNLEASH INNOVATION TO PRODUCE The “new” tools of biotechnology – such Annual Productivity; MORE AND NUTRITIONALLY BETTER FOOD as genome definition and marker-assisted growth needed to Feeding the world by 2050 will require in- selection (genetic code variations or mark- double output creasing agricultural output by 70 percent.16 ers that help tell how genes will perform) Annual current To achieve this, agricultural productivity will – enable breeders to more efficiently and productivity; need to grow at an annual average rate of at effectively identify, track and evaluate the least 1.75 percent from a relatively fixed bun- impact that specific genes (and combina- dle of agricultural resources given growing re- tions of genes) have on plant performance. gional scarcities of water and arable land (Fig- This combination of conventional breed- ure 3).17 As noted earlier, over the past seven ing (gaining intimate knowledge of traits years, that rate has averaged 1.4 percent.18 by physically growing them and observing the results) with the new tools of molecular Enable farmers everywhere to be more breeding permits faster and better ways to productive. improve crop performance. Additionally, crops with transgenic traits can provide sig- Farmers will require a range of solutions nificant positive impacts to farmers, such as that allow them to close the yield gap, in- pest resistance and drought tolerance. Fur- cluding existing technologies and practices thermore, new solutions that protect crops that will improve their productivity. and seeds in the developing world from abi- otic stresses and disease will also be vital. Smallholders in emerging economies may require a substantially different set of However, while biotechnology and geneti- tools, compared to large-scale farmers, to cally modified seeds will play an important enhance their productivity. Industry, gov- role in addressing productivity, environ- ernments and other organizations should mental and nutrition challenges, they are partner to create solutions specifically tar- only one segment of a broad set of tools geted at helping smallholders play a critical that must be available to farmers. Organic role in feeding the world. Hybrid seeds and farming will also play a role in feeding some improved varieties can help subsistence segments of the population. All forms of farmers make a dramatic improvement in technology, including traditional farming productivity, as does increased fertilizer practices and organic farming, need to be use. Cost constraints that keep smallhold- available to farmers. The transfer of knowl- ers from accessing much needed inputs edge and the benefits of the latest technol- must be addressed expeditiously. DuPont ogy and science to local farmers is critical. and others in the industry should further ex- All solutions should build on local and re- 16 OECD – FAO, OECD-FAO Agricultural Out -look 2010-2019 – Highlights (June 15, plore creative partnerships, new business gional successes and the needs of the farm- 2010) available at document/10/0,3746,en_36774715_ models, and varied pricing arrangements to ers being served, with the goal of advancing 36775671_42852746_1_1_1_1,00&& en-USS_01DBC.html. address this problem. smallholder regions from deficit regions to surplus regions, and further improving the 17 GHI, The Global Harvest Initiative’s 2010 GAP Report: Measuring Global Leading-edge technology (e.g., molecular productivity of larger farming operations. Agricultural Productivity (2010) available markers) can also be used to accelerate at GAP.htm. traditional breeding methods to improve the seeds available to smallholder farmers. 18 Id.
  • 14. 2011 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Improve productivity through investment in quires not just a focus on increasing pro- African Biofortified Sor- extension, education and best practices. ductivity and output in staple crops, but ghum Project (the “ABS Proj- also on the nutritional content and qual- ect”) – Working to Improve An Indigenous Crop in Africa Technology alone is not enough to suf- ity of all crops. Malnutrition, in the form of ficiently increase productivity. It must be both undernutrition and overnutrition, af- The ABS Consortium, of which African institutions are the majority, has partnered paired with extension services and educa- fects billions of people today. For develop- with the private sector to develop improved tion that inform best practices for continu- ing countries, in particular, increasing the varieties of sorghum, which is an affordable ous improvement. Agricultural extension nutritional content of crops is just as vital African staple for more than 300 million is generally recognized as a mechanism to as increasing crop yields and calories. The people in Africa, many of whom reside in help farmers identify and analyze their pro- three most common forms of micronutrient drier and more vulnerable areas. The ABS duction problems, and become aware of malnutrition - iron, vitamin A, and iodine Project seeks to improve nutrition and the opportunities for improvement and how deficiencies - affect at least one-third of the overall health across the African continent by using science and technology to enhance to best take advantage of those opportuni- world’s population, although primarily in sorghum’s nutritional content, particularly ties. Private sector investment in extension developing countries.20 These deficiencies in terms of protein digestibility, iron and services is critical to empower farmers to must be addressed in order to effectively zinc bioavailability and Provitamin A. In become successful entrepreneurs. There are accomplish food security worldwide. Nutri- addition, the ABS Project is developing innovative examples of new models of exten- tional improvements can be accomplished mutually beneficial science partnerships and sion services that leverage mobile technolo- through crop diversification, biofortifica- local research capacity in key sub-regions gy, linking farmers with real time information tion of crops, and supplementation. of Africa. on prices, weather, and other best practices, Pioneer Hi-Bred (“Pioneer”)23 donated including traditional agro-ecologically sound Indigenous crops (so called “neglected” $4.5 million for the initial technology and practices, improved local practices, as well crops), such as yams and cassava, which has provided capacity building opportunities as modern farming approaches that should provide a great deal of sustenance in many for institutions and scientists involved in the be emulated more broadly. developing countries, but are infrequently research, and has hosted 13 African sci- traded on a global scale, have not had sub- entists at Pioneer’s Johnston research labs. Increase public research and development stantial public and private research efforts Phase I was funded by the Bill and Me- funding. linda Gates Foundation under the Grand devoted to their improvement when com- Challenges in Global Health initiative at pared to the more widely-traded commodi- a value of over $21 million. Recently, the Over the last several years, the growth rate ties. Finding innovative solutions for these Donald Danforth Plant Science Center of agricultural output has outpaced the neglected crops to yield more, withstand and DuPont announced a $4 million grant growth rate for public agricultural research harsh conditions, and have greater digest- from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, funding. In fact, in the U.S., expenditures for ibility and nutritional value could be a sig- which will help fund the completion of the public agricultural research grew during two nificant step toward addressing countries’ development of biofortified sorghum. The decades leading up to 1980 by an average local food needs. Stakeholders will, there- introduction of biofortified sorghum is ex- of 3.2% per year (adjusted for inflation), but fore, need to collaborate on research and pected to have a major impact on the health and life of targeted communities in Africa no net growth occurred during 1980–1990, development efforts, because unlike some and will be distributed to underserved and net growth averaged only 0.6% per year commodities that offer a business model communities in multiple African countries, during 1990–2009.19 Stakeholders must that incentivizes private sector investment royalty free. come together to renew their investments and competition, many indigenous crops in in agriculture research. Public agricultural developing markets do not offer the same research is critical to spurring research business incentives. and technology development, and is key to CAST Commentary, Investing in a Better 19 meeting our food challenge. Finally, the world needs to think in terms of Future through Public Agricultural Research (March 2011). total nutrition per hectare rather than sim- Promote public and private collaboration ply in terms of bushels per hectare. Gov- 20 World Health Organization, Guidelines on on indigenous crop investment and nutri- ernments, private sector, and civil society Food Fortification with Micronutrients (2006) available at http://www.who. tional enhancement. should collaborate on a more coordinated int/nutrition/publications/ micronutrients/9241594012/en/ approach to research and development to index.html. Meeting the challenge of food security re- improve indigenous crops. There are cur-
  • 15. PAGE 13 2011 Promote public and private collaboration on indigenous crop investment and nutritional enhancement. rent examples of successful collaborations ing on banks.24 These solutions must occur resulting in work on important indigenous today without delay if the world is to be crops, such as the African Biofortified Sor- prepared to meet increasing food demand. ghum Project (the “ABS Project”). Efforts like these should be scaled and new collab- Ensure that intellectual property rights, orative public-private partnerships pursued. competition and farmer benefits from Now that such tools are available, DuPont innovation go hand-in-hand. and other private sector leaders should col- laborate with public international and na- Intellectual property (IP) rights represent tional research institutions to increase pro- the societal compact that seeks to incentiv- tein content and digestibility, iron and zinc ize investment and innovation by inventors, bioavailability, and Provitamin A content of while ensuring those very innovations en- other indigenous and largely neglected food ter the public domain after an established crops.21 The industry should also consider period of time. This will continue to be of nitrogen fixing trees and shrubs for faster the utmost importance as the world seeks growth.22 The industry could form a “Biofor- to increase agricultural productivity and tification Consortium” composed of CGIAR promote global food security. For example, Centers, national research institutes, private the private sector is often reluctant to in- entities and the nutrition community. vest resources in countries where there is no mechanism in place to protect IP rights. The agriculture sector should partner glob- The protection of IP around the world, in ally with governments, other private sector all its various forms, will encourage more companies in the value chain, and NGOs to research and development, lead to bet- offer financing mechanisms so farmers can ter products, and facilitate much needed afford the tools to produce more. trade. Innovations flourish in countries that offer strong IP rights. A lack of enforceable One of the most significant impediments IP regimes in developing nations will also to the use of science and technology in the prevent their farmers from obtaining the developing world is access and financing. best, new products, such as biotechnology In emerging economies, a lack of financ- traits that improve the nutritional quality ing is often one of the most significant of plants or advances in traditional breed- constraints to improving productivity and ing that can help create drought-resistant the success of farmers. The innovative so- plants. Consequently, global leaders in IP 21 These crops could include cereals like lutions in which the private sector invests and biotechnology, as well as policymakers pearl millet, finger millet, and teff; soy should be accessible to smallholder farm- and NGOs, should foster consensus on the beans for direct food consumption, as well as beans, peanuts, pigeon pea and check ers. Global partners should find ways to most appropriate balance between strong pea grain legumes; cassava, potato, sweet create access to financing for smallhold- IP rights that encourage and facilitate in- potato, indigenous and other yams, taro and arrowroot; indigenous African leafy ers, and the private sector should explore vestment and innovation while spreading vegetable species; and fruits extensively creative business models that focus on the benefits of new technologies to farmers consumed such as matoke bananas, mangos, avocados and passion fruit. longer-term market development in emerg- around the globe. ing markets. It is imperative to explore Particularly Faidherbia albida, and to 22 enhance nitrogen fixation in some species novel ways to address this constraint, in- There are also a number of issues that in- of the genera Sesbania, Tephrosia, cluding partnering to spread risk to provid- dustry and regulators must address as the Gliricidia, Crotalaria, and Mucuna. ing loans and financing for improved seed, first biotechnology trait is due to come off 23 Pioneer Hi-Bred is a DuPont business. fertilizer and crop protection solutions. patent in 2014, with others to follow. There 24 Under this scheme, farmers can sign Another way may be to have governments is a pressing need to more clearly define agreements with input providers entitling recognize grain certificates as a formalized the transition to generic biotechnology the provider to a certain amount of bushels of their product to pay for the loan mechanism to purchase inputs, there- products and associated issues pertaining input. Governments can ensure penalties by providing access to capital without rely- to registration, stewardship and the ap- for defaulting.
  • 16. 2011 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS propriate use of and access to data created the most vulnerable. Food assistance pro- ADM Partners with the to satisfy regulatory requirements. There grams should be targeted to ensure that University of Illinois is currently no mechanism in the U.S. leg- food aid reaches those who need it the Earlier this year, the Archer Daniels islative or regulatory system that ensures most – those who are suffering acute hun- Midland Company (ADM) founded the the ability to build new innovations from ger due to war or natural disasters and can- ADM Institute for the Prevention of inventions in this area that are moving off not grow their own food – and assistance Postharvest Loss (the “Institute”) with a patent. Questions pertaining to how best delivery should be commensurate with grant of $10 million to the University of to foster ongoing innovation by creating a the urgency of those needs. Still, there are Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.29 The In- pathway to competition that uses generic about 20 percent of households in African stitute will work with smallholder farmers inputs must be addressed. Solutions that villages that are too poor to grow their own in developing countries to curb postharvest loss due to pests, disease, mishandling and allow for the use of regulatory data for the food, because of a lack of land, illness other factors. According to ADM, their production and dissemination of post-pat- (particularly HIV/AIDS), and advanced age. educational, research, and outreach func- ent generic seeds, as well as for research The safety net is sometimes provided by tions will include, among other things: devel- purposes in the development of new bio- their communities, but also by food aid. oping courses to provide training on best technology traits, are required. Both the practices and technologies for minimizing U.S. regulatory treatment of IP issues for In the U.S., food aid has typically consist- postharvest losses; and promoting technology pharmaceutical and crop protection prod- ed of in-kind donations whereby domes- advancements and improved supply-chain and information systems. ucts provides useful guidance on these tically produced commodities have been issues. We encourage DuPont and other physically delivered to areas of need, but biotechnology companies to work with pol- this approach may cost more than helping icymakers and other stakeholders to out- farmers help themselves.25 Still, this type line a framework to address these issues. of emergency assistance will remain im- portant, but a greater focus should also be ENSURING ACCESS TO FOOD given to the ability to engage in local and regional purchases, which may improve Governments should strengthen social responsiveness and have additional de- safety net programs to ensure the most velopment benefits by providing a market vulnerable have access to food. for smallholder farmers. We applaud the efforts of the World Food Program, the Bill Poverty remains a key cause of hunger and & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the How- malnutrition. Long-term investment in eco- ard G. Buffett Foundation in finding ways to nomic development in rural and urban ar- purchase maize and staples locally. eas to ensure private sector growth and job creation is necessary to achieve food se- Global infrastructure investments are need- curity and ensure that food is accessible. ed to ensure movement of food from areas Investment in agriculture is by far the best of surplus to areas of deficit. Investments way to substantially reduce poverty in rural must also be made in processing and stor- areas, where the world’s poorest reside. age facilities to prevent postharvest loss. In addition, with the expected population growth in many developing countries, even A lack of the most basic infrastructure in substantial increases in agricultural pro- some developing markets, including roads ductivity locally will not be enough to meet and bridges, severely impedes agriculture the growing food needs. Economic devel- productivity and causes substantial waste. opment, led by agricultural development According to the Food and Agriculture Or- 25 Sanchez, P. A., A Smarter Way to Combat ganization of the United Nations (FAO), Hunger, Nature 458:148 (2009) (It costs in those countries, will be critical to enable about six times more to deliver a them to afford to import food. the postharvest waste in Africa largely ex- ton of maize as U.S. food aid to a distribution point in Africa, than it does to plains why many smallholders are net pur- provide farmers with enough fertilizer and hybrid maize seed (at unsubsidized Strong safety net programs will also be im- chasers of food despite growing enough prices) needed to produce an extra ton of maize on smallholder farms). portant to ensure that food is accessible to for their families to eat.26 Waste also oc-
  • 17. PAGE 15 2011 curs in developed countries. In fact, both not connected to commerce. In order to in rich and poor countries, an astounding move from subsistence to surplus, farm- 30-50% of all food produced rots or goes ers must have the ability to sell in an open uneaten. In developing countries, approxi- marketplace and be a part of the global mately two-thirds of the waste occurs from value chain to fully succeed in moving from production to retail sites and in developed net importers to net exporters. Smallhold- countries approximately two-thirds of the ers will be benefit from greater integration waste occurs at retail, foodservice, and into local and regional markets and gov- consumer sites.27 Consequently, merely ernments, and agriculture sector partners addressing our food waste and posthar- should also make efforts to link smallhold- vest loss will make substantial headway in ers to global value chains. meeting food demand. Governments and the private sector should invest in storage There are varying public and private sec- and infrastructure; educate farmers about tor mechanisms that can enhance market available technology options that can be access for farmers, such as farmer orga- incorporated into grain handling and stor- nizations and cooperatives. Agribusiness age practices; and enable transportation should collaborate with partners across and distribution more efficiently. Main- the value chain to incorporate smallhold- taining and improving infrastructure in ers to improve stability and predictability, developed markets, such as roads, ports, and increase the likelihood of smallhold- barges, elevators and rail, is also critical to ers’ willingness to invest in enhanced tech- move huge amounts of grain. nology to improve output. Every effort must be made in the devel- The private sector must work with govern- oped and developing world to reduce ments to foster a more open and equitable waste through the whole supply chain, trading system for food and agricultural by investing in research, technology, and products. infrastructure to reduce waste resulting from insects, weeds, and postharvest loss. It is vitally important for countries to in- Currently, only 5 percent of agriculture re- crease food and agricultural productivity, search funding is dedicated to the study particularly since today some 85 percent of of postharvest loss prevention, yet an es- food never crosses international borders.30 timated $14 billion in food went to waste Yet food security should not be equated worldwide in 2007.28 Recent partnerships, with self-sufficiency. Considering that the 26 The Economist, A Special Report on such as the establishment of a new re- world’s population and arable land are not Feeding the World: Waste Not, Want Not - Far Too Much Food Never Reaches the search institute dedicated to reducing evenly distributed, and that some 70 per- Plate (Feb. 24, 2011) available at http:// waste and postharvest loss, are promising cent of the global population will reside in print. and should be replicated. cities by 2050, the unrestricted movement of food and agricultural products already GHI Symposium, Capturing Full Value of 27 the Supply Chain: Reducing Postharvest Increases in productivity must be coupled is and will become increasingly important. Waste (Sept. 22, 2009). with access to markets, particularly for Moreover, an open and non-distorting 28 See ADM, ADM Gives U.S.$10 Million to smallholder farmers. Stakeholders should trade system facilitates development, Found Institute to Reduce Global Postharvest Loss of Grains and Oilseeds facilitate and invest in models that better creates economies of scale that attracts (Jan. 19, 2011) available at http://www. link smallholders to the global value chain. investment, spurs innovation and efficien- ReleaseDetail.aspx?ID=286. cies, and provides more affordable and 29 Id. Ensuring food security in the coming de- reliable access to agricultural inputs and 30 DuPont, News Release, Agriculture is a cades will require that all farmers increase food at more stable prices. Key Driver to Meet UN Millenium Development Goals, (Sept. 27, 2010) their productivity. However, productivity available at Production_Agriculture/en_US/news_ increases are meaningless if farmers are events/cp_releases/2010-09-27.html.
  • 18. 2011 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS A multilateral framework, which provides production or price-linked subsidies that for global rules, mechanisms for monitor- have served to distort the international ing and an effective dispute settlement food and agricultural system. We note that process, has long been considered optimal in the present environment of high prices, for agricultural trade liberalization efforts. price-linked subsidy outlays have been Efforts to strengthen it must be sustained substantially lower, and that in a sustained and brought to fruition. Whereas the Or- higher price environment, it should be ganization for Economic Cooperation and more feasible to reduce these, particularly Development (OECD) countries must con- if such reductions lead to increased access tinue on a reform path to level the playing to other markets. field in international food and agricultural trade, developing countries should also Phasing out trade-distorting subsidies more proactively address trade barriers does not mean that governments stop and promote greater trade facilitation be- providing “safety net” policies for their tween themselves, especially in light of the farmers – there are non-trade distorting increasing amount of trade among them. tools such as crop insurance and revenue Countries also are well-advised to pursue insurance programs that help farmers cope trade reform on their own, as benefits with unforeseen crop failures or market reaped from such reforms can be greater disruptions. Furthermore, since subsidies than those that accrue from trade reform are notoriously hard to remove once imple- by other countries. Bilateral and regional mented and can become a serious drain on trade agreements are likely to continue to public coffers, policymakers should ensure be negotiated, and care must be taken to that when introduced, they are clearly de- ensure that they encompass the agricultur- lineated in nature and scope, established al sector in the broadest sense. The private for clearly defined timeframes, and accom- sector needs to engage in the development panied by an “exit strategy” that paves the of trade agreements that will ensure food transition to market-based approaches. can move freely across borders. For poor countries in Africa where crop Governments and policymakers should re- yields can be as low as one-tenth of those consider policies on subsidies and examine produced in the U.S., targeted, smart sub- alternative safety net policies. sidies for fertilizer and hybrid maize seed are one tool that has been used to increase A non-distorted trade system must also productivity. Smallholder farmers often effectively deal with the question of sub- cannot afford to pay for fertilizer and im- sidies. Agricultural subsidies have been in proved seed and it is almost impossible to place for several decades, and some have access credit because they lack collateral. had very useful impacts on productivity, In some cases, smart, well-targeted subsi- the environment, rural development, and dies kick start productivity to help farmers research and development efforts. Subsi- out of poverty. For example, facing a 45 dies that are tied to production and prices, percent deficit in maize production, the however, have contributed to surplus pro- President of Malawi instituted a somewhat duction, which has served to lower global controversial voucher program for farmers prices to the detriment of developing coun- to buy two bags of fertilizer and 3-5 kg of try producers, and has also contributed to improved hybrid seeds at a 75 percent dis- the low level of investment in the agricul- count, enough to plant one acre of land. tural sectors of poorer countries. Coun- The country rapidly doubled maize yields tries are not likely to eliminate subsidies and became a maize exporter to neighbor- entirely, but should consider phasing out ing Zimbabwe, as well as a food aid do-
  • 19. PAGE 17 2011 nor to Lesotho and Swaziland. However, altogether in some countries, serve to slow greater crop diversification is necessary in down the adoption of new technologies, at Global Joint Review order to improve high malnutrition rates. a time when innovative solutions are more Under the Organization for Economic Moreover, as this country’s population necessary than ever. Such divergences Cooperation and Development (OECD) is expected to grow from approximately also negatively impact international trade. Workshare or Global Joint Review 13 million (in 2008) to over 40 million by Farmers and consumers around the world (GJR), participating regulatory authorities 2040,31 these subsidies will likely not be will benefit from efforts by governments to distribute the work amongst participat- sustainable over the long-term, and should streamline national regulations by more ing countries and each country reviews a be gradually phased out as yields reach effectively sharing data and encouraging portion of the data dossier (e.g., the U.S. would review toxicology, while the United higher levels. Efforts must be undertaken collaboration in scientific risk assessment. Kingdom reviews ecotoxicology). After to move towards an effective market-based Such efforts will be important to avoid over- reviewing their assigned sections, the regula- strategy to replace this subsidy scheme. ly divergent approval processes and time- tory authorities conduct a collaborative lines that not only lead to delays, but also peer review of the evaluations and agree Ensure science-based regulatory frame- trigger additional obstacles and costs in the on the end points used in the risk assess- works and remove regulatory barriers to supply chain and in international trade. ment process. At this point, each country achieving food security. individually assesses the evaluations and recommended risk assessment end points Countries should move to science-based Sound regulatory standards to protect hu- to decide whether their country will grant international harmonization for plant bio- registration of the product. man, animal and plant health and to en- technology. Science-based local needs and sure food safety are critically important. conditions (e.g., differences in insect spe- This process results in major resource savings Yet, when standards are not based on cies populations and their resistance) can for each participating country; as well as science, are insufficiently consistent and be successfully built into international har- additional benefits for regulators, growers not transparent, they not only cause seri- monization regulations. Harmonized data and crop protection product manufacturers. ous disruptions to markets, but also stifle packages and synchronized reviews would The GJR provided expedited approvals for much needed innovation. The urgent need DuPont Rynaxypyr® 32 around the world, significantly speed the transition of much allowing growers accelerated access to this to increase productivity to meet global needed innovation into improved global technology and increasing confidence in the food demand makes it imperative to get crop yields and nutrition without compro- quality of the regulatory approval process. the best technology and practices into the mising science-based safety assessments. hands of farmers rapidly, while maintain- Agriculture industry partners, including the ing strong safety and environmental stan- private sector, NGOs and nonprofits should dards. Regulatory frameworks must be ef- establish a framework and lead these ef- ficient: scientifically unjustified delays and forts to improve regulatory processes. Fur- barriers that slow down approval process- thermore, innovators have a role to play in es and delay the adoption of tools for en- sharing information and educating consum- hancing productivity of farmers need to be ers to build confidence in the safety and ef- addressed so that innovative products can ficacy of products. Countries with strong enter the market more expeditiously and regulatory frameworks can enhance confi- at lower cost. Currently, it takes almost ten dence in consuming countries by sharing years and over $250 million to bring crop findings and information to ensure safety, protection products to market. For seeds, particularly when developing countries lack it can take as many as fifteen years and an the sophisticated platforms and resources estimated $150 million from discovery to necessary to confirm safety and efficacy. commercialization of a biotechnology trait. ALL EFFORTS SHOULD Governments rightly insist on establish- IMPROVE SUSTAINABILITY ing and implementing their own regulatory Sustainability rests on the principle that The Malawi Ministry of Development 31 Planning and Cooperation, RAPID: frameworks given local needs and condi- we must meet the needs of the present Population and Development (2010). tions, but widely divergent regulatory sys- without compromising the ability of fu- Rynaxypyr® is the first insecticide in its 32 tems, and the lack of functioning systems ture generations to meet their own needs. class (anthranilic diamides).
  • 20. 2011 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Therefore, stewardship of natural and hu- who can utilize the practices that work Investing in Youth man resources is critical. The three main most effectively with their growing condi- Development components of sustainability are environ- tions, soils and crops. Implementing prac- mental, social and economic. tices that address ecosystem issues, such Researchers in the U.S. and around the as reducing water use and controlling field world have demonstrated that 4-H posi- Environmental – Investment must be runoff, will be important. Product steward- tive youth development programs promote made in technology and best practices for ship with farmers is critical. science literacy and increase incomes for rural youth. In Tanzania, 4-H clubs continuous improvement of agriculture use positive youth development strategies sustainability and resource efficiency. Continuously improving the sustainability to reach 34,000 boys and girls with of agriculture will require increased invest- agricultural science and entrepreneurship By 2030, the world will consume renew- ment and collaboration from all stakehold- training. In 2010, young Tanzanian 4-H able resources equivalent to two planet ers in the industry. Governments should agri-business people reported more than earths to sustain human needs.33 To meet create policy environments conducive to $82,000 USD in profit. Long-term in- future demand, arable land in developing vestments in basic education and strategies, private sector investment, as well as devote countries would have to expand by about resources to sustainability research. The such as 4-H, will be essential to mobilize young people to lead technology transfer 120 million hectares.34 However, due to industry should take increasingly proac- and adoption of innovation. increasing land degradation caused by cli- tive steps on stewardship to ensure that we mate change, certain developing countries achieve the benefits of agriculture technol- are expected to see 9-20 percent of arable ogy and practices without unintended con- land becoming much less suitable for agri- sequences. Finally, new partnerships be- culture.35 Furthermore, FAO estimates that tween industry and environmental groups water scarcity may reduce crop yields by up must be forged, and ongoing dialogue is to 12 percent.36 Consequently, productivity and will be critical to solving this challenge. and efficiency will be critical, as will contin- ued investment in crops that have greater Social - Both the public and private sector yield per acre (in quantity and nutritional should invest in education and youth value) while addressing ecosystem issues development efforts. such as using less water and fuel, and us- ing the right amount of fertilizers to protect The ability of the agricultural sector to meet the quality of water and biodiversity. global food demands will depend on solu- tions that are socially sustainable. Facilitat- The private sector should continue to in- ing human capacity development through vest in technology that improves agricul- training and education of the next genera- ture sustainability and resource efficiency. tion of farmers and consumers is critical. Addressing food shortages with efficient The farmer who will feed the world in 2025 sources of protein, such as soy, can boost is 13 years old today. Indeed, children and nutrition while using fewer natural re- adolescents represent 65 percent of total sources. Continuing to identify technolo- agricultural employment in Sub-Saharan Af- 33 World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Futures for Our Planet available at http://wwf.panda. gies that can reduce tillage and field work, rica. These young people can lead the next org/about_our_earth/all_publications/ living_planet_report/me_and_my_ and therefore reduce soil loss, will also “Green Revolution,” but only if science-pow- planet/footprint_scenarios/. enhance sustainability. Efforts to reclaim ered innovations in agriculture are integrat- 34 FAO, World Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030: An FAO Perspective - Crop degraded land should also be redoubled. ed with social science research in fields such Production and Natural Resource Use available at as positive youth development, learning, crep/005/y4252e/y4252e06.htm#P4_3. However, more efficient and sustainable community development and technology FAO, Africa’s Changing Landscape: 35 technology must be coupled with educa- transfer. In particular, education focused on Securing Land Access for the Rural Poor (April 2010). tion and extension services focused on women and girls will be vital. School feeding 36 FAO, Food Security and Agricultural sustainable best practices. Stakeholders programs are also effective tools, as food is Mitigation in Developing Countries: Options for Capturing Synergies must continue to identify best practices often provided by villagers, and attracts the available at docrep/012/i1318e/i1318e00.pdf. and put them into the hands of farmers, poorest youth to go to school, particularly
  • 21. PAGE 19 2011 Social - Both the public and private sector should invest in education and youth development efforts. girls that would otherwise stay at home. efforts to address trade barriers with Reinforcing the importance of agricultural neighboring countries in order to create Government Incentives for contributions and its value to society, and larger economies of scale, also crucial for Private Sector Investment promoting the merits of a career in agri- attracting private sector investment. Donor Brazil and Thailand became leading culture are also essential to recruiting to- governments also have an important role global suppliers of soybeans and cassava morrow’s farmers and innovators. DuPont of emphasizing the importance of a policy among other agricultural exports. This and other private sector companies with environment required for attracting greater was largely due to policies that enabled an interest in developing markets should private sector assessment and use devel- private sector investment, including also create comprehensive strategies for opment assistance in order to more effec- permissive land policies, improved public infrastructure and business development community investment and philanthropy. tively leverage private sector investments. services, a supportive policy environment, Finally, solutions will be most sustainable Public-private partnerships between pri- and liberalized markets. when stakeholders partner with local or- vate sector companies, governments and ganizations that know best the cultural other organizations can be very effective norms and needs. and efforts should be made to improve and increase these types of collaborations, Economic – Governments should take steps and we encourage a sustained dialogue to to reduce risk and create incentives for pri- accomplish this. vate sector investments. Companies should consider increasing long-term investments in emerging markets. Governments and the private sector must collaborate to enable farmers to be suc- cessful. Addressing the productivity gap requires a significant investment that can only be accomplished effectively through investments from private donors. Accord- ing to the GHI, the overall developing country investment gap approaches $90 billion annually – a very conservative es- timate that nevertheless is almost twice the $48 billion in agricultural support that was available from international sources in 2008.37 To close this investment gap, governments must enable private sector investment by dedicating a substantial percentage of their budget over the long- term to investments in agriculture and in- frastructure development and by creating long-term plans coupled with dedicated leadership and funding streams. Governments should also facilitate great- er private sector investment by ensuring strong governance and stability through rule of law, anti-corruption, IP rights, reg- ulatory systems, land rights, and open 37 GHI, Enhanced Private Sector Involvement in Agriculture and Rural dialogue with private sector partners. Ad- Infrastructure Development (Paper prepared by William C. Motes) ditionally, governments should increase (March 16, 2011).
  • 22. 2011 CONCLUSION
  • 23. PAGE 21 2011 CONCLUSION The confluence of changing demographics and consumer food preferences, substantial in- creases in population, scarcity of resources, and climate change presents the human race with one of its most substantial challenges to date – how to feed a world with more than 9 billion people. Global food demand will require that farmers everywhere have access to the tools, education and technology to be productive. Increasing rates of malnutrition will not just require more calories, but more nutritious food. A problem of this enormity re- quires an unprecedented level of cooperation and leadership among private companies, governments, universities and research institutions, NGOs and farmers around the world. Those within and outside of the agricultural community will need to come together to de- velop innovative solutions to ensure a food secure world by 2050. DuPont is committed to providing a leadership role in addressing the global challenge of providing more and better food for a growing population.
  • 24. 2011 ABOUT THE COMMITTEE About the Committee Senator Thomas Charlotte A. Daschle Hebebrand is Chairman of the has served as Chief Committee and a Executive of the In- Senior Policy Advi- ternational Food & sor at the law firm Agricultural Trade of DLA Piper where Policy Council (IPC) he provides clients since February 2006. with strategic advice The IPC is committed on issues such as climate change, energy, to promoting a more open and equitable health care, trade, financial services, ag- global food system and is composed of a riculture and food, foreign affairs, and diverse mix of distinguished international telecommunications. Senator Daschle is agricultural trade experts from around the one of the longest serving Senate Demo- world. Charlotte came to IPC from the Eu- cratic Leaders in history and the only one to serve twice as both Majority and Minor- ity Leader. In 1986, he was elected to the “An ongoing focus on improving U.S. Senate and eight years later became agricultural productivity must its Democratic Leader. During his tenure, be accompanied by efforts to Senator Daschle navigated the Senate improve access to food. A more through some of its most historic eco- open and equitable trading system for food and agricultural products will not only ensure “Addressing the food productivity that food gets to people who gap may be the defining issue need it, but can also contribute for mankind for the next to income growth in rural areas, century. We need to consider not where the majority of the world’s only producing more food, but poorest people reside.” also ensuring we can meet the nutritional needs of the growing population.” ropean Commission’s (EC’s) Washington Delegation, where she served as Special Advisor, respectively, on international nomic and national security challenges. development, trade, agriculture and food He also served in the U.S. House of Rep- safety issues. Prior to her time with the EC, resentatives for eight years beginning in Charlotte worked at the Brookings Institu- 1978. He is the author of several books, a tion’s Foreign Policy Division. co-founder of the Bipartisan Policy Center, a board member at the Center for Ameri- can Progress, a Vice Chair at the National Democratic Institute, and is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations as well as many other boards and councils.