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Job Search Guide
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When I graduated from college I sucked at job
search and spent six miserable months unemployed. From
the lessons I learned then and over the last 15 years in
business, I‘ll teach you to be better than 99% of all other
job seekers and land a job at a great company. Below,
you‘ll find those lessons distilled down into a step-by-step
guide complete with e-mail templates and telephone
If you haven‘t studied and practiced job search skills, you
should assume you suck at job search. Here‘s why. At
great companies:
Bosses and recruiters like me will notice little mistakes
that are totally off your radar.
 We‘ll assume those mistakes are signs that
you‘d suck at the job you‘re applying for.
 You won‘t get good feedback and will assume
the problem is any factor but you.
Sounds harsh… yes. And I know there are
jobseekers so desperate they‘ve considered
suicide. Here‘s why tough love is the right
First, change is hard. Improvement is hard. I‘m
sharing from my personal experience, so if I‘m
passionate, think of it as reality coaching. A good
coach is someone who tells you the plain truth
with the intensity to grab your attention and hold
Second, the surest way to fail at job search is to
think about yourself and talk about
what you want from an employer. I want you to
forget yourself and get inside the mind of the hiring manager (that‘s me). I want you to hear
what it sounds like in our heads.
You‘ve probably already guessed it‘s not pretty… Competition in business is fierce and
everything that can go wrong, will. We‘ve made every kind of mistake, especially in hiring –
we hire people who cannot perform the work, people who can, but are dishonest or have no
interest in it, people who say all the right things but never do anything, and so on.
Nothing we do in business is so difficult as recruiting the right people. And yet recruiting
problems are just the first layer. Natural disasters happen, too, equipment fails, hackers
attack our websites, employees get sick, they divorce, they burn out, customers go out of
business, business models fail, costs go up, competitors rise, etc. etc.
Job Search Guide
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It‘s a manager‘s job to take on the turbulence, to tame it and out of the chaos
deliver a reliable product or service. We recruit because we dream that all the problems are
solvable. We recruit to lighten our load – because we need help. That‘s why the most
effective message you can send is this: ―You‘ve got problems I can solve — let me show you
Third, we‘re in a crisis of massive proportions – a perfect storm. It started with the baby
boom parents who built up their kids‘ egos
creating the ‗entitlement generation‗. The kids
came into the workforce just as the Internet
and government policy enticed businesses to
get work done cheaply overseas.
Fourth, great companies aim to hire only top-
tier talent today – we‘ve entered a winner-
take-all age. Harvard Business Review and all
the brilliant management gurus advise us to
recruit and employ ―A Players‖ only. Throw
everyone else overboard! This is what they say
it takes to compete and win.
We only need a couple great companies in
every market – one e-commerce company like Amazon who can send us any book on Earth or
toothbrushes and Q-tips on a schedule every six months. Amazon‘s competitors are going out
of business and this process is repeating itself across markets. Every year that goes by, it gets
more profitable to win and more painful to lose. When companies win today, they (and their
employees) earn millions and billions. Where do you want to ride out this wave?
What is a great company? If you put in the effort to learn what I‘ll share here, you get to
decide what ‗great company‘ means to
you in your life – your definition, your
choice (profit-sharing, open book,
telecommute, etc). If you can‘t do it, get
used to working for one crappy company
after another and long hours, high stress,
low satisfaction and few rewards.
Do you want to work in a great company
with a great future? You‘ll need
to be great and show your greatness in a
job search and on-the-job. Here‘s what
you need to learn and do to turn your
work life into a source of pride and
Job Search Guide
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Job search is frustrating – you‘re being evaluated! You‘ve got to laugh about it and ask others
for help. Mostly though, you need to do everything right to avoid wasting your time and
burning yourself out. Here are five general principles that will take you there – apply these in
every aspect of your job search. Finally, if you have questions not answered in this
guide, please ask.
1. Know yourself. Know what you are good at and what you enjoy. Search out positions that
will engage you fully – nothing will make job search easier for you.
2. Understand that cultural fit is an important factor in every hiring decision and you are
being scrutinized for it. If you fit, you‘ll be hired.
3. Get feedback from someone who will tell you the cold hard truth about your clothes, your
grooming, your speech, your handshake, your blog/website and your writing. This needs to be
someone who understands the culture you want to be hired into (not necessarily your best
friend). Don‘t know the right people? Meet them through informational interviews or get
professional help.
4. Show up ready for battle – upbeat and energetic. This is make or break for your job
search. It may not be easy, but it is doable.
5. Use checklists – understand the process and keep this checklist in front of you.
Spend about a third of your time on job boards but no more. Remember that employers make
roughly 33% of their hires using job boards (so 66% come from other sources).
1. Know what you want and go after it. We want passion. If you‘re just looking for a place to
park your rear so you can pay your bills, we‘ll pick up on that and will take a pass on you.
2. Go to companies and cities that are thriving. There is always low hanging fruit somewhere
in our $15 trillion economy. Hunt it down. Listen to Gisel:
. . . I left my job in June during the current recession. I tried applying for jobs online and nothing
worked. . . . I grabbed my local newspaper and found an article that listed the top 100 employers to
work for and the runners up. I created a spreadsheet that listed my top 4 characteristics that my
future employer should have and then plugged in the companies that had these. . . . I used [LinkedIn]
to find HR persons in the companies that I wanted to work for and sent them a request to connect.
The majority of the persons accepted my request and to make a long story short – I obtained 3 job
interviews using this method and LinkedIn as a job search tool. . . . next week I will be starting my
new job! -Gisel
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3. Use old-fashioned mail and the telephone. Start by sending a value proposition
letter to the CEOs of companies you‘d like to work for. Make cold calls. Most jobs are not
advertised and the competition for those hidden jobs is much lower than the extreme
competition you‘ll face on job search engines. You‘ll never network your way into hundreds
of companies in the same amount of time it takes to get off a letter campaign.
4. Do some free work to prove yourself if a company you really want to work for says they are
not hiring. Or offer to work for a time as a contractor. Show your passion for that company.
5. Show that you won‘t go away or give up if you really want to work somewhere. Don‘t make
yourself a pest (ask the recruiter how often), but continue to check-in periodically. Be like a
dog with an old shoe – don‘t let go. And don‘t try to remember it all in your head either, use
tools like Jibber Jobber and start wire.
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will
not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The
slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the
problems of the human race.
-Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the US
Cover letters
A good cover letter is like a sip of cold
water in the desert to a recruiter sifting
through his inbox. A good ‗cover letter‘ is
really what we call a ‗value proposition‘
letter and can even stand alone with no
resume and trigger an immediate phone
call or e-mail. Here‘s a detailed blueprint
for writing one. Not a gifted writer?
Consider asking someone to help you.
1. Talk about the needs of the employer. Don‘t talk about what you want from the job. When
I read your cover letter, I‘m looking into your mind. Nine times out of ten, what I see is self-
absorption and those applications go right in the trash. If you‘re self-absorbed, you
don‘t listen well, you‘ll have weak people skills and trouble living by your boss‘s priorities.
2. Keep it short. No more than three paragraphs with three or four sentences each. If it‘s
long, you look unfocused and self absorbed. Short and sweet piques my interest in you when
you say the right things.
3. Keep it focused. How can you help me? Why would you want to? What‘s special about my
company? How do your skills and experiences fit with our needs? What‘s the most similar work
you‘ve done in the past? Answer those and you‘ve nailed the cover letter. Don‘t ask questions
like ―Can you give me me more info about this position?‖
4. Be authentic. Speak in your own words and you‘ll catch my attention. Sound like everyone
else and I‘ll know you copied and pasted from someone else‘s resume.
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5. Follow instructions. RTFM. If you are responding to a job posting that outlines a
couple of steps for applying or requests you complete a task, follow the instructions carefully
or don‘t bother responding at all. We figure you‘ll flat out suck at the job if you can‘t or
won‘t follow some simple steps to apply.
Only about 2 out of 10 applicants will follow directions, so if you can and do follow the
instructions, your chances of being contacted will skyrocket. If there is some test of your
skills involved, 2 out of 100 may follow the directions. Your odds go way up if you are one of
those two!
One possible exception – if asked for your salary history, you may want to hold back. We will
screen you out immediately if your history or expectations don‘t match our opening.
Your resume is a tool for connecting with a recruiter – not a list of work experience, not a
puzzle for the recruiter to figure out. Here‘s what you need to do it right, or, if you have a
professional help you, this is how to evaluate their work:
1. Make it easy on my eyes and brain. Less is more. A clean uncluttered resume will stand out
and show you put some thought into what‘s most important, that you have an eye for detail,
and have thought about the reader‘s experience. Include a short objective statement which
summarizes your cover letter. Sometimes the screener is not going to see the cover letter you
spent hour writing – so the objective is your chance to boil it down into a couple lines. It‘s
also a good opportunity to match keywords from the job description (see item 3 below).
2. Sell yourself by talking about your accomplishments. Don‘t list responsibilities. In 5 or 10
seconds, I want to know what you‘re good at and proud of. I want to know what impact you
had in your previous jobs. Impact is about your skills and abilities, not a laundry list of your
3. Sell yourself by showing what‘s relevant. Your resume is not your work history – it‘s a tool
for connecting with the recruiter/hiring manager. To make that connection, your resume
should include keywords from the job description. In 5 to 10 seconds I want to see you are a
good fit because you‘ve done similar work and can solve my business problems. Make it
crystal clear. Make every single word earn its place on your resume. Leave your street address
Include important details. Give me numbers! How many people did you supervise? How many
clients did you manage? How much did you sell? I can tease these things out of you, but will
be very impressed if you deliver them before I ask.
4. Are you over the hill? ‗Overqualified‘? Don‘t call attention to it. Only go back 10 years in
your work experience. Consider leaving the dates off your education and tone down your
responsibility level as you can. Most recruiters will be wary of a candidate with 20+ years of
experience or significantly greater level of responsibility in prior jobs.
Yes, you have to tell the truth and we‘ll figure out your full story eventually, but your
chances of having a conversation with the recruiter are better if your resume doesn‘t scream
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that you are old and overqualified. I know, it‘s unfair and it sucks – read the next
section about blogs if you want to change your luck.
5. No abbreviations or industry jargon. No typos. Abbreviations or acronyms that I don‘t
recognize are a red flag that you lack situational awareness and empathy and is a clear mark
against you. Typos, misspellings and grammatical errors are a sure way to get your resume
deleted. Why?
You put your best foot forward in your job search, right? So if you‘re making easily avoidable
mistakes, you‘re going to be a pain in the ass when you‘re working for me. So use
spellchecker and read everything you write out loud. You‘ll catch many more mistakes, if not
all of them.
Most jobs are not advertised — so how are the ‗hidden jobs‘ filled?
People like me always start by
asking around informally: ―Hey,
we‘re going to add another
PHP developer, do you know
anyone?‖ You get
recommended for these
positions when you have a
healthy professional network –
lots of friends in good places.
But, there are many ways that
networking can go wrong and
it‘s natural to fear it. We fear
the awkwardness of
approaching someone cold, we
fear being rejected and fear we‘ll sit at an event talking to someone we already know the
entire time. We fear getting stuck with someone who talks too much. If you have fears about
networking, this is for you:
1. Put yourself in the pole position – volunteer with a trade association or business network so
that it‘s your job to coordinate invitations to speakers. Smart, successful people will come to
you and you‘ll meet everyone you want to! You can also create a website and interview your
heroes for it.
2. Embrace your fear – you will be rejected a few times when you start growing your
network. So what! Accept it and set a goal to meet three new people at the next event you
attend. Embracing rejection and failure is the key to succeeding in anything. Think of a kid
learning to ride a bike, he wails ―I‘ll NEVER learn‖ and you laugh. Right?
When you send 10 e-mails inviting people you want to meet to lunch, expect 8 or 9 to reject
you. You only need the 10th to say yes to change the course of your life. Try not to take the
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rejections personally. I decline 99 of 100 invitations. I‘m over-committed and have
health limitations, but that‘s about me, not you – so brush it off.
3. Start doing informational interviews. They work as Steve will tell you:
The informational interview works! 5 years ago I called my now current supervisor and
started asking him questions about the company, the department I am now in, its roles,
responsibilities, challenges, and other pertinent information. We talked for at least an hour.
We exchanged contact information, and I spoke with him one other time afterwards when I
inquired about specific software that is used. 5 months later I received a call inviting me to
apply and interview for the job. I was hired in 2007. -Steve
A. Make a list of 10 people you‘d like to meet. Start with:
 people who have a job title that interests you (preferably with some connection to you,
college alum are best)
 people who work at companies where you‘d want to work
 people who are doing interesting things you want to learn about
LinkedIn is a good place to start your research as Gisel points out:
LinkedIn is a very useful tool . . . I used this tool to find HR persons in the companies that I
wanted to work for and sent them a request to connect. The majority of the persons
accepted my request and to make a long story short – I obtained 3 job interviews using this
method and LinkedIn as a job search tool. I began this new process in December and next
week I will be starting my new job! -Gisel
B. Send an email like the example below (using your university email address if you have one)
or choose a template here that fits you better:
Subject: Eric – request to chat from SHMS alum
Dear Anand,
My name is Viswas and I‘m a recent SHMS grad also living in Mumbai,India. I found you via
LinkedIn and am writing to see if you have 15 min. to chat with me about internet business
which I can see from your profile and website you know a lot about. I‘d really value the
opportunity to hear how you got where you are and ask you for advice.
If you are free, I‘m available during the following times:
 Fri 2/12 from 3 to 6 pm
 Sat 2/13 from noon to 4 pm
 Mon 2/15 from 6 to 8 pm
 Tue from 2 to 4 pm
 Wed from 1 to 4 pm
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 Thur from 4 pm – 6pm
Thank you,
(022) 422-6762
C. Why this works:
1. The subject line calls attention quickly with my name, it‘s short and easily readable on a
smart phone, makes a personal connection with my school, and has clarity (no tricks or
2. In the body you make two connections – you are in the same tribe (University) & same city.
3. This is easy to say ‗yes‘ to, your request has a short limited scope, you took time to share
your calendar with specific hours when you will really be available (and on your A game,
not just waking up or eating lunch).
4. You used a polite salutation and included your phone number (you may get a call right
away, so send the e-mail when you have the next half-hour free).
D. What to talk about on the call:
1. Ask if it‘s still a good time to talk.
2. Thank this person for his or her time.
3. Give a short introduction of yourself and why you contacted this person.
4. Be positive so you are associated with good feelings.
5. Get the ball rolling with something like this: ―So, I‘m really interested to hear your story –
how you got where you are and if you have any advice for someone like me…‖. But, if this
person writes a blog, make sure you‘ve read it first and mention it! If it sounds like you
want me to personally tell you on the phone what I‘ve spent hours writing in my blog, I‘ll
think you‘re a jerk.
6. Shut up and listen, don‘t interrupt.
7. Ask: is there anything you wish you had known when you are starting out?
8. Ask: is there anyone else you think I should talk to?
9. End the call on time even if you know the person is enjoying the call. You want to be
perceived as an efficient communicator and don‘t want to leave the person feeling
drained. If you asked for 15 min., end the call at 15 min.!
E. Keep in touch!
1. Send a quick thank you e-mail after the call.
2. Understand that you may not have much to offer a successful expert who‘s willing to give
you time he might otherwise bill at $200 an hour or higher. What you do have to offer is
good karma – show him how he made the world a better place.
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3. Send periodic updates letting the person know how you implemented his advice
and how it worked out. Let him know his impact on you and the end of the story. That‘s
Great companies all want to hire the same ―talent‖. We want to hire smart, high-energy,
passionate workers with an edge, who execute well, care more, and energize themselves and
people around them.
―Whoa! Is that all?‖ you ask. I‘m sorry, but it‘s true, that‘s what we want and that‘s what you
are trying to communicate in your cover letter, your resume and interview – that you are the
cat‘s meow!
The problem with recruiting is that many job seekers (and now you) know exactly what I‘m
looking for and precisely what I want to hear. That‘s why I do two-hour long interviews using
Brad Smart‘s Top Grading process. That‘s what it takes to reliably screen out the pretenders.
If you are one of those with genuine smarts, energy, leadership, passion, caring and ability to
get things done, the absolute
surest way to demonstrate that
is with a blog. When you‘ve been
writing regularly for six months,
a year or longer, we know for a
fact you aren‘t faking anything.
A good blog is solid gold for your
credibility and has the potential
to push you to the top of the
candidate list. But, be careful –
your blog can also get you screened out. Here‘s a blog checklist you‘ll want to review.
Want to be first on the short-list after your interview? Do more preparation than any other
candidate. But, that‘s not always enough, because walking away with a job offer is all
about driving the sales process. Just about everything you need to know is here, but if you
aren‘t a natural, consider getting help from a coach also.
1. Research the company, the position and the management. You can look great on paper,
sound great on the phone and answer every question well, but if you have not bothered to
research me and my company, I won‘t hire you because I know you‘re not really interested in
the job. How could you be without knowing who we are and what we do?
Cultural fit is an important factor in every hiring decision and researching the company allows
you to dress, look, and speak like the team. True, fit is in the eye of the beholder, but do
what you can to fit in (if it‘s comfortable for you). Do your research to discover if we‘re a
good fit for each other and try not to show off in the interview. If you‘ve done the research,
just relax and let it show naturally.
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If you don‘t do the research, you can‘t ask intelligent questions, so you‘ll also fail
below in item 12.
2. Know clearly why you want to work for my company. It matters to me because I‘m looking
for someone who‘s going to be with me for years through thick and thin. If you don‘t know
why or it is not a compelling reason, we‘re not a good fit for each other.
3. Know what you are proud of in your life and career. Tell me about the impact you‘ve had
in your prior jobs. Think of a few stories you can tell that illustrate each key point you want
to make about yourself. Tell me how your experience and skills relate to the position I‘m
recruiting for. Talk to me about the similarities between your previous experiences and my
needs. Talk to me about your ideas for having an impact in my company. How will you save or
make money for my company?
4. Know how you will answer the most common and most difficult questions you may be
asked. Every interviewer is going to ask you about your weaknesses and failures. If you‘re
perfect or the best you can do is ―I‘m impatient‖, I‘m not going to hire you. Never met a
talented person without a few character flaws and who hasn‘t made some interesting
mistakes. Questions you should be able to answer without babbling include:
 Why should we hire you?
 Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself?
 What is your greatest strength? weakness?
 What motivates you?
 What are your salary expectations?
 Describe (for each position you‘ve held) a low point/mistake/difficult situation and how
you overcame it?
 What‘s the hardest thing you‘ve ever done? Funniest thing that‘s ever happened to you at
work? Biggest disappointment?
 What would you like to be doing 5 years from now?
5. Proofread your resume and any other materials you plan to offer the day before the
interview. Read everything out loud to yourself – you‘ll catch more errors that way, if not all
of them. Wait a day or two and proofread it again. Ask at least one other person to review
your resume.
6. Bring copies of your resume and a notepad. Take notes if appropriate.
7. Be likable with good hygiene. Never smoke a cigarette before an interview and be aware
that body odor or bad breath will ruin your interview before you even get started.
8. Be likable by making a connection: First, the basics – be on time, turn your phone off,
shake hands firmly, make eye contact, smile and use the interviewer‘s name (last name is
safest unless asked to use first). Be confident and positive – don‘t badmouth previous bosses
because, as a hiring manager, I‘m likely to identify with your ex boss.
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Remember to smile genuinely at everyone, not just your interviewer. Everyone you
meet counts — remember all their names. If you treat me differently from my team, that‘s
an important red flag.
Second, look for something you have in common that might build rapport, someone you know
in the company (check Facebook and LinkedIn), favorite sports teams, hobbies, etc. Research
the interviewer online before the interview and look around the office for clues when you
9. Read body language. Most interviewers don‘t like to give bad news and will only tell you
what you want to hear even when they‘re trying to get rid of you as fast as possible. Our
body language gives us away, though. Our voice lies, but the body always tells the truth. We
cross our arms, avoid making eye contact or fidget when we‘re internally conflicted or just
bored. Read the body language and if it tells you your interview is not going well, find out
When your interview is going well, your interviewer may be leaning forward, arms and legs
uncrossed, hands open, jacket unbuttoned, with good eye contact. This is the same good,
open, engaged posture you want to display yourself.
10. Don‘t babble. Stay focused on the answer to each question and be careful not to go off on
tangents. Don‘t give a lot of details initially – that‘s babble. Trust me to ask you good follow-
up questions. Don‘t jump to fill silences unless asked to. Sometimes I want to think during an
interview - let me.
11. Avoid soundbites and buzzwords. If your answers sound scripted and I sense that you are
dropping buzzwords to impress me, I‘m going to associate you with all the candidates I hired
that talked a good game but couldn‘t deliver. Don‘t do it! Speak fromyour
experience about your experience – keep it honest and authentic. That will impress me.
12. Ask good questions that show you care. If you ask something you could‘ve learned in 60
seconds on our website, you‘re unlikely to get the job. If your questions are mostly about
compensation, I‘m unlikely to hire you. The questions you ask reveal your interest level in the
position and the depth of your research. They also help me understand your previous work
Ask me difficult questions – express your concerns about my company freely. Most likely,
you‘ll impress me with your critical thinking and authenticity.
Early in the interview, ask your interviewer to describe the qualifications of the ideal
candidate. You want to confirm what you think you already know about the job before
leading the interview in the wrong direction.
Good questions are open-ended and can‘t be answered with a yes or no.
Ask your interviewer for feedback during the interview – ―How do you see me fitting in at
your company?‖ or ―On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how do you think I‘d do in this
position?‖ The rating question sets up a good follow-up: ―What could I do to score higher?‖
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Asking for feedback during the interview may be uncomfortable for you, but, ‗closing
the sale‗ as it‘s called, shows strength and maturity on your part. Best of all, you get
information you need if not a job offer.
13. Send a thank you e-mail the same day you interview. If you interview with me and fail to
send a quick thank you, it‘s game over, no matter how perfect a candidate you are in every
other aspect. It‘s not about my ego, it‘s just business.
We look for people with 1) high interest in working for us and 2) a sense of urgency who 3)
will treat everyone inside and outside the company with care. The ‗thank you‘ (or lack of it)
is a perfect test of those characteristics for us. In your thank you note, take the opportunity
to include any materials or references you think may be helpful.
Here‘s a real-life example from an online chat I had today:
Keith: Hi Eric, I was wondering if you made any decisions regarding the Customer Support
Eric: hi Keith, did you send me an e-mail by any chance?
Keith: no, I thought you had my resume
Eric: Yes I did have your resume and would have loved to hire you, but needed more
communication from you. Looking for somebody with a sense of urgency and who will take
good care of customers. That means a lot of communication. After our second interview I sent
you an e-mail asking for references also…
Keith: ok, I don‘t think I got that email
Eric: I suppose not, anyhow thanks for your time and best wishes.
Keith: ok, same to you
14. Leave something for the employer to remember you by or be just another face in the
crowd. Be fascinating or forgotten.
15. Contact your interviewer regularly for updates, until you are hired or rejected. Unless you
are asked to do this less frequently, once a week will work nicely. Remember that contacting
your interviewer is a display of your ability to manage a process and follow through. You‘re
showing skills you may be hired for.
When you apply for a job at a great company, your references become much more important
in the hiring process. I‘m not talking about letters of recommendation.
I‘m talking about a key role for your references. If you want to be prepared for the toughest
process you may encounter, this is what to expect. First, pretend your name is John and I‘ve
just interviewed you asking the same questions for each of your previous employments:
 What was your boss‘s name?
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 What was it like to work with him/her?
 How do you think he/she will rate you on a scale of 1 to 10 when I ask?
 What will your boss give as reasons for that rating?
At the end of the interview, I‘ll ask for contact information for each of your previous
bosses (and maybe some coworkers) discussed in the interview. I‘ll ask you to give them each
a heads-up and permission to contact them. When I reach them, these are the questions I‘ll
 In what context did you work with John? (conversation starter, memory jog)
 What were John‘s biggest strengths?
 What were John‘s biggest areas for improvement back then?
 How would you rate John‘s overall performance in that job on a 1 to 10 scale? What about
his performance causes you to give that rating?
 John mentioned that he struggled with [something] in that job. Can you tell me more about
that? (next I‘ll ask for examples)
 Is John one of the best people you‘ve ever worked with?
I‘m looking for people who consistently get ratings of 8, 9, and 10 across my reference calls.
Anything lower is a warning flag I want to look at more closely. One 6 isn‘t necessarily a deal-
breaker but I will want to understand why it exists.
Recruiters know that people don‘t like to give negative references. They want to help former
colleagues, not hurt them and they want to avoid conflict. They want to feel good about
themselves and try to avoid nailing anyone with a reference.
This is why a reference who hesitates (―if… then…‖ qualifiers or um‘s and er‘s) is probably
trying hard not to say something that will harm you or put him or herself at legal risk. Faint
praise in a reference interview is a nail in the coffin.
A good reference on the other hand will overflow with enthusiasm and clear
admiration. There won‘t be any hesitation or hedging about it. There is a spark that tells the
recruiter, he‘s found an ‗A player‘.
Now that you know our tricks, the million-dollar question is – do you know what your
references are saying about you? If you don‘t, it‘s time to find out!
Recruiters like me are desperate for these simple things you can deliver with a bit of effort.
Okay… taken together it‘s much more than a little effort, it‘s more like a full-time job. And
remember, if you screw up these ―little‖ things, the recruiter is thinking something like,
―Wow, he didn‘t even bother to _______!‖ as he crosses your name off the list.
The complete job search guide is an important read for anyone who hasn‘t had the privilege
of running an organization. That‘s because when you know how managers think, job-search
becomes a little like shooting fish in a barrel. So, read the long version first and then use this
checklist to track your progress with every job application:
Job Search Guide
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Job Search Checklist
The starting line
1. Know yourself. Know what you are good at and what you enjoy. Search out positions
that will engage you fully.
2. Hunt down companies that are thriving in your neighborhood. If willing to relocate,
hunt down thriving cities first.
3. Go off-line and send a value proposition letter. It will get read because they are so
rare. Follow up with phone calls.
4. When you find a company you love, go after it and keep trying. Stay in touch.
5. Spend about a third of your time on job boards, but no more. Remember that
employers make roughly 33% of their hires using job boards, that means 66% come
from other sources.
First contact – cover letters and value proposition letters
1. Talk about the needs of the employer – not what you want.
2. Keep it short – two or three short paragraphs (6 to 9 sentences total).
3. Say what you do, how you do it and what the outcome is (what impact you‘ve had).
4. Explain why you are job searching and, if this is an unsolicited value proposition
letter, include desired salary range.
Your resume
1. Use a clean, minimalist format.
2. Talk about your accomplishments, not your responsibilities. Describe the impact
you‘ve had.
3. Make a connection with the recruiter by showing what‘s relevant to the position you
are applying for. Use keywords from the job description.
Job Search Guide
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4. Include important details – numbers. How many people did you supervise?
How many clients did you manage?
5. No abbreviations, no industry jargon, and no typos. Read it out loud to yourself to
eliminate every last error.
1. Do informational interviews to build relationships (not to get a job) with people who
can help you.
2. Look for work at companies where you already know someone.
3. Keep an updated profile on LinkedIn and collect a handful of recommendations.
4. Volunteer at a trade or professional association in a position that will bring you into
contact with speakers.
5. Write a blog about a professional interest and introduce yourself to other bloggers in
your niche.
1. Research the company,
management and your interviewer.
This is critical – take your time and
read everything you can find.
2. Know why you want to work
for this company and be ready to
explain it.
3. Write down a couple high
points and low points for every job
you‘ve ever held. Be ready to tell a
story for each that illustrates your
strengths, the impact you had or
what you learned from a mistake.
4. Write down a list of questions
that emerged from the research you did (but ask about compensation at your own
5. Ask your interviewer to describe the qualifications of the ideal candidate, early in the
interview. You want to confirm what you think you already know about the job before
leading the interview in the wrong direction.
6. Practice answering common interview questions without babbling.
7. Bring copies of your resume and a notepad.
8. Proofread all the materials you plan to offer – read them out loud to yourself.
9. Pay attention to your body language and your interviewers.
10. Make a connection: Don‘t smoke before the interview, be on time, dress well, no
perfume or cologne, turn your phone off, shake hands firmly, make eye contact,
smile, and use the interviewer‘s name. Treat everyone you meet equally well and
remember the name of everyone you meet. Look for mutual friends or shared interests
and bring them to the interviewer‘s attention. Be confident and positive – don‘t
badmouth a previous boss.
11. Ask for feedback in the interview, then ask for the job (the close).
Job Search Guide
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12. Follow-up quickly with a thank you e-mail after every phone call or in-person
interview and give the recruiter something to remember you by. Here‘s an incredible
example (yep, she got the job).
1. Keep in touch with your previous supervisors and coworkers so you can offer them
as references.
2. Know what they will say about you before you offer them. Ask them how they would
rate you on a scale of 1 to 10, ask for the reasons, and what it would‘ve taken to
increase your rating.
1. Understand that cultural fit is an important factor in every hiring decision and you are
being scrutinized for it.
2. Research the company so you can fit in better by dressing, looking and speaking like
the team.
3. Don‘t smoke or use perfume, cologne or anything else that smells.
4. Get feedback from someone who will tell you the cold hard truth about your clothes,
your grooming, your speech, your handshake, your blog/website and your writing.
5. Show up ready for battle – upbeat and energetic. Drive the process.
Job Search Guide
Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC
Job-Search Checklist
Part 1: job search planning & preparation
I have:
A clear understanding of the job search process and have developed a job-
search strategy. Read more.
A clear understanding of the jobs that interest me -- and that i am qualified
Outlined a clear career path/track for myself.
Identified my strengths and weaknesses.
Developed my unique selling proposition, which will help me distinguish
myself from other job-seekers.
Identified my key accomplishments from all school and work experiences.
Identified my core transferable skills.
Identified the main industries/companies that interest me.
Researched the companies that most interest me.
A clear understanding of the importance of marketing skills when job-
Gathered a key list (including contact information) of references.
Part 2: resumes
I have:
Reviewed the resume tutorial.
A clear understanding of the different types of resumes formats.
Developed a list (3-4) of key accomplishments for each work experience.
Used bullets and short phrases to describe my accomplishments.
Avoided the usage of "responsibilities included" or "duties included,"
"responsible for."
Provided as much contact information as possible on my resume.
Job Search Guide
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Composed a "summary of qualifications" or "key accomplishments" section.
Reviewed samples of strong resumes.
Avoided using personal pronouns ("i," "my," "me") in my resume.
Considered using transferable skills (especially if i am a career changer or
recent college grad without much experience).
Not listed any personal information (age, marital status, etc.) On my resume.
Not lied or provided any false information on my resume.
Not listed any references directly on my resume.
Proofread my resume carefully and eliminated any errors, typos, and
Part 3: cover letters
I have:
Reviewed the cover letter tutorial.
Read about the basic strategy and importance of using a cover letter.
Reviewed the basic structure of a dynamic cover letter.
Examined examples of strong, dynamic cover letters.
Used action verbs to describe my accomplishments.
Focused my cover letter with specific information.
Addressed each cover letter to a named individual.
Tailored each cover letter to the specific needs of each employer.
Clearly stated how i can meet the employer's needs.
Demonstrated my knowledge of the company.
Kept my cover letter to one page.
Not rehashed my resume, but highlighted specific critical points.
Not stated anything negative.
Job Search Guide
Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC
Avoided the three most common cover letter mistakes.
Edited and proofread each letter carefully.
Requested action (an interview) from the employer.
Reviewed the cover letter checklist.
Part 4: networking
I have:
Reviewed the key elements of networking and why networking plays such an
important role in job-hunting.
Researched the role of networking and the hidden job market.
Used (or considered using) informational interviews to gain insights, broaden
my network of contacts.
Implemented strategies for how to expand my network of contacts.
Developed a social networking strategy for raising my visibility.
Started using linkedin and other social networks to promote my professional
Minded my do's and don'ts of networking.
Assessed my networking skills and made adjustments, as necessary.
Part 5: interviewing skills
I have:
Reviewed the job interviewing tutorial.
Read about and reviewed different types of job interviews.
Prepared answers for the most common interview questions.
Practiced answering different types of job interview questions.
Taken advantage of mock interviews.
Prepared several questions to ask the employer during the interview.
A clear understanding of the position i am interviewing for.
Job Search Guide
Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC
Prepared for the possibility of an initial screening interview by phone.
Read and reviewed the importance of dressing for success.
Taken a practice run so i know how long it will take to reach the interview.
Prepared myself to give a firm (and dry) handshake, to make eye contact
with the interviewer(s), and to show enthusiasm for the job and company.
Researched each company so that i can showcase that knowledge in the
A clear understanding of the salary negotiation process.
Researched salaries and have clear expectations about salaries.
Prepared a "closing" for the interview that expresses my desire for the job
and inquires about the next step in the interview process.
Part 6: follow-up
I have:
Chased down every potential job lead.
Kept my network of contacts informed of my job search progress.
Followed-up each cover letter with a phone call or email to the employer
requesting a job interview.
Written thank you letters to every person i interviewed with at each
Phoned the employer about a week after the first interview to check on the
progress of the job search.
Written acceptance or declining letters to all job offers.
Job Search Guide
Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC
Career Success Workshops
Below is a brief description of all our career success workshops.
Résumé Workshop
Need to polish that résumé? Learn from the pros how to create and target a winning
résumé to land your next interview. In this workshop, you will learn different résumé
styles as well as the importance of using keywords in your résumé and what hiring
managers respond to most. Topics include:
 Résumé style options and benefits
 Personal skill set inventory
 Importance of keywords
 Cover letter effectiveness
 Multimedia alternatives
Interview Workshop
Congratulations! You have an interview but may need a few tips. This workshop will be
your best move. Here, you will discover the most effective ways to promote yourself and
showcase your knowledge in a professional manner to get the results you want. Topics
 Company research
 Appropriate attire
 Common interview questions
 Business etiquette
 Selling yourself
 Follow-up letter
Job Search Workshop
"Where do I begin?" This workshop will answer that question. It details an effective job
search method and continues through the hiring process to job search success! If you
need advice about job search "dos and don'ts," this workshop is the one to take! Topics
 Things to know and do
 Job search methods
 Networking strategies
 Tips for staying on the job
 Helpful facts for savvy job hunters
Job Search Guide
Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC
If you read all the way through and you still have questions about job search, you deserve an
answer! Please Ask Here
Career Development Services for Young Hospitality Graduates
(Complete Package)
1. Resume & Cover Letter
2. Career & Job search
3. Interviewing
4. Promote Yourself
5. International Job Placement
Personal Career Branding for Experienced Executives
 Branded Resume in Three Formats:
 Cover Letter in Three Formats:
 LinkedIn
 Facebook
 Twitter
 Customized Thank You Letter
 Executive Bio
 Networking Cards
 Networking Pitch/Value Proposition

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Job Search Strategy Guide

  • 1.
  • 2. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC When I graduated from college I sucked at job search and spent six miserable months unemployed. From the lessons I learned then and over the last 15 years in business, I‘ll teach you to be better than 99% of all other job seekers and land a job at a great company. Below, you‘ll find those lessons distilled down into a step-by-step guide complete with e-mail templates and telephone scripts. If you haven‘t studied and practiced job search skills, you should assume you suck at job search. Here‘s why. At great companies: Bosses and recruiters like me will notice little mistakes that are totally off your radar.  We‘ll assume those mistakes are signs that you‘d suck at the job you‘re applying for.  You won‘t get good feedback and will assume the problem is any factor but you. Sounds harsh… yes. And I know there are jobseekers so desperate they‘ve considered suicide. Here‘s why tough love is the right approach. First, change is hard. Improvement is hard. I‘m sharing from my personal experience, so if I‘m passionate, think of it as reality coaching. A good coach is someone who tells you the plain truth with the intensity to grab your attention and hold it. Second, the surest way to fail at job search is to think about yourself and talk about what you want from an employer. I want you to forget yourself and get inside the mind of the hiring manager (that‘s me). I want you to hear what it sounds like in our heads. You‘ve probably already guessed it‘s not pretty… Competition in business is fierce and everything that can go wrong, will. We‘ve made every kind of mistake, especially in hiring – we hire people who cannot perform the work, people who can, but are dishonest or have no interest in it, people who say all the right things but never do anything, and so on. Nothing we do in business is so difficult as recruiting the right people. And yet recruiting problems are just the first layer. Natural disasters happen, too, equipment fails, hackers attack our websites, employees get sick, they divorce, they burn out, customers go out of business, business models fail, costs go up, competitors rise, etc. etc.
  • 3. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC It‘s a manager‘s job to take on the turbulence, to tame it and out of the chaos deliver a reliable product or service. We recruit because we dream that all the problems are solvable. We recruit to lighten our load – because we need help. That‘s why the most effective message you can send is this: ―You‘ve got problems I can solve — let me show you how!‖ Third, we‘re in a crisis of massive proportions – a perfect storm. It started with the baby boom parents who built up their kids‘ egos creating the ‗entitlement generation‗. The kids came into the workforce just as the Internet and government policy enticed businesses to get work done cheaply overseas. Fourth, great companies aim to hire only top- tier talent today – we‘ve entered a winner- take-all age. Harvard Business Review and all the brilliant management gurus advise us to recruit and employ ―A Players‖ only. Throw everyone else overboard! This is what they say it takes to compete and win. We only need a couple great companies in every market – one e-commerce company like Amazon who can send us any book on Earth or toothbrushes and Q-tips on a schedule every six months. Amazon‘s competitors are going out of business and this process is repeating itself across markets. Every year that goes by, it gets more profitable to win and more painful to lose. When companies win today, they (and their employees) earn millions and billions. Where do you want to ride out this wave? What is a great company? If you put in the effort to learn what I‘ll share here, you get to decide what ‗great company‘ means to you in your life – your definition, your choice (profit-sharing, open book, telecommute, etc). If you can‘t do it, get used to working for one crappy company after another and long hours, high stress, low satisfaction and few rewards. Do you want to work in a great company with a great future? You‘ll need to be great and show your greatness in a job search and on-the-job. Here‘s what you need to learn and do to turn your work life into a source of pride and satisfaction:
  • 4. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC Forward Job search is frustrating – you‘re being evaluated! You‘ve got to laugh about it and ask others for help. Mostly though, you need to do everything right to avoid wasting your time and burning yourself out. Here are five general principles that will take you there – apply these in every aspect of your job search. Finally, if you have questions not answered in this guide, please ask. 1. Know yourself. Know what you are good at and what you enjoy. Search out positions that will engage you fully – nothing will make job search easier for you. 2. Understand that cultural fit is an important factor in every hiring decision and you are being scrutinized for it. If you fit, you‘ll be hired. 3. Get feedback from someone who will tell you the cold hard truth about your clothes, your grooming, your speech, your handshake, your blog/website and your writing. This needs to be someone who understands the culture you want to be hired into (not necessarily your best friend). Don‘t know the right people? Meet them through informational interviews or get professional help. 4. Show up ready for battle – upbeat and energetic. This is make or break for your job search. It may not be easy, but it is doable. 5. Use checklists – understand the process and keep this checklist in front of you. Prospecting Spend about a third of your time on job boards but no more. Remember that employers make roughly 33% of their hires using job boards (so 66% come from other sources). 1. Know what you want and go after it. We want passion. If you‘re just looking for a place to park your rear so you can pay your bills, we‘ll pick up on that and will take a pass on you. 2. Go to companies and cities that are thriving. There is always low hanging fruit somewhere in our $15 trillion economy. Hunt it down. Listen to Gisel: . . . I left my job in June during the current recession. I tried applying for jobs online and nothing worked. . . . I grabbed my local newspaper and found an article that listed the top 100 employers to work for and the runners up. I created a spreadsheet that listed my top 4 characteristics that my future employer should have and then plugged in the companies that had these. . . . I used [LinkedIn] to find HR persons in the companies that I wanted to work for and sent them a request to connect. The majority of the persons accepted my request and to make a long story short – I obtained 3 job interviews using this method and LinkedIn as a job search tool. . . . next week I will be starting my new job! -Gisel
  • 5. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC 3. Use old-fashioned mail and the telephone. Start by sending a value proposition letter to the CEOs of companies you‘d like to work for. Make cold calls. Most jobs are not advertised and the competition for those hidden jobs is much lower than the extreme competition you‘ll face on job search engines. You‘ll never network your way into hundreds of companies in the same amount of time it takes to get off a letter campaign. 4. Do some free work to prove yourself if a company you really want to work for says they are not hiring. Or offer to work for a time as a contractor. Show your passion for that company. 5. Show that you won‘t go away or give up if you really want to work somewhere. Don‘t make yourself a pest (ask the recruiter how often), but continue to check-in periodically. Be like a dog with an old shoe – don‘t let go. And don‘t try to remember it all in your head either, use tools like Jibber Jobber and start wire. Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. -Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the US Cover letters A good cover letter is like a sip of cold water in the desert to a recruiter sifting through his inbox. A good ‗cover letter‘ is really what we call a ‗value proposition‘ letter and can even stand alone with no resume and trigger an immediate phone call or e-mail. Here‘s a detailed blueprint for writing one. Not a gifted writer? Consider asking someone to help you. 1. Talk about the needs of the employer. Don‘t talk about what you want from the job. When I read your cover letter, I‘m looking into your mind. Nine times out of ten, what I see is self- absorption and those applications go right in the trash. If you‘re self-absorbed, you don‘t listen well, you‘ll have weak people skills and trouble living by your boss‘s priorities. 2. Keep it short. No more than three paragraphs with three or four sentences each. If it‘s long, you look unfocused and self absorbed. Short and sweet piques my interest in you when you say the right things. 3. Keep it focused. How can you help me? Why would you want to? What‘s special about my company? How do your skills and experiences fit with our needs? What‘s the most similar work you‘ve done in the past? Answer those and you‘ve nailed the cover letter. Don‘t ask questions like ―Can you give me me more info about this position?‖ 4. Be authentic. Speak in your own words and you‘ll catch my attention. Sound like everyone else and I‘ll know you copied and pasted from someone else‘s resume.
  • 6. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC 5. Follow instructions. RTFM. If you are responding to a job posting that outlines a couple of steps for applying or requests you complete a task, follow the instructions carefully or don‘t bother responding at all. We figure you‘ll flat out suck at the job if you can‘t or won‘t follow some simple steps to apply. Only about 2 out of 10 applicants will follow directions, so if you can and do follow the instructions, your chances of being contacted will skyrocket. If there is some test of your skills involved, 2 out of 100 may follow the directions. Your odds go way up if you are one of those two! One possible exception – if asked for your salary history, you may want to hold back. We will screen you out immediately if your history or expectations don‘t match our opening. Resumes Your resume is a tool for connecting with a recruiter – not a list of work experience, not a puzzle for the recruiter to figure out. Here‘s what you need to do it right, or, if you have a professional help you, this is how to evaluate their work: 1. Make it easy on my eyes and brain. Less is more. A clean uncluttered resume will stand out and show you put some thought into what‘s most important, that you have an eye for detail, and have thought about the reader‘s experience. Include a short objective statement which summarizes your cover letter. Sometimes the screener is not going to see the cover letter you spent hour writing – so the objective is your chance to boil it down into a couple lines. It‘s also a good opportunity to match keywords from the job description (see item 3 below). 2. Sell yourself by talking about your accomplishments. Don‘t list responsibilities. In 5 or 10 seconds, I want to know what you‘re good at and proud of. I want to know what impact you had in your previous jobs. Impact is about your skills and abilities, not a laundry list of your experience. 3. Sell yourself by showing what‘s relevant. Your resume is not your work history – it‘s a tool for connecting with the recruiter/hiring manager. To make that connection, your resume should include keywords from the job description. In 5 to 10 seconds I want to see you are a good fit because you‘ve done similar work and can solve my business problems. Make it crystal clear. Make every single word earn its place on your resume. Leave your street address out. Include important details. Give me numbers! How many people did you supervise? How many clients did you manage? How much did you sell? I can tease these things out of you, but will be very impressed if you deliver them before I ask. 4. Are you over the hill? ‗Overqualified‘? Don‘t call attention to it. Only go back 10 years in your work experience. Consider leaving the dates off your education and tone down your responsibility level as you can. Most recruiters will be wary of a candidate with 20+ years of experience or significantly greater level of responsibility in prior jobs. Yes, you have to tell the truth and we‘ll figure out your full story eventually, but your chances of having a conversation with the recruiter are better if your resume doesn‘t scream
  • 7. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC that you are old and overqualified. I know, it‘s unfair and it sucks – read the next section about blogs if you want to change your luck. 5. No abbreviations or industry jargon. No typos. Abbreviations or acronyms that I don‘t recognize are a red flag that you lack situational awareness and empathy and is a clear mark against you. Typos, misspellings and grammatical errors are a sure way to get your resume deleted. Why? You put your best foot forward in your job search, right? So if you‘re making easily avoidable mistakes, you‘re going to be a pain in the ass when you‘re working for me. So use spellchecker and read everything you write out loud. You‘ll catch many more mistakes, if not all of them. Networking Most jobs are not advertised — so how are the ‗hidden jobs‘ filled? People like me always start by asking around informally: ―Hey, we‘re going to add another PHP developer, do you know anyone?‖ You get recommended for these positions when you have a healthy professional network – lots of friends in good places. But, there are many ways that networking can go wrong and it‘s natural to fear it. We fear the awkwardness of approaching someone cold, we fear being rejected and fear we‘ll sit at an event talking to someone we already know the entire time. We fear getting stuck with someone who talks too much. If you have fears about networking, this is for you: 1. Put yourself in the pole position – volunteer with a trade association or business network so that it‘s your job to coordinate invitations to speakers. Smart, successful people will come to you and you‘ll meet everyone you want to! You can also create a website and interview your heroes for it. 2. Embrace your fear – you will be rejected a few times when you start growing your network. So what! Accept it and set a goal to meet three new people at the next event you attend. Embracing rejection and failure is the key to succeeding in anything. Think of a kid learning to ride a bike, he wails ―I‘ll NEVER learn‖ and you laugh. Right? When you send 10 e-mails inviting people you want to meet to lunch, expect 8 or 9 to reject you. You only need the 10th to say yes to change the course of your life. Try not to take the
  • 8. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC rejections personally. I decline 99 of 100 invitations. I‘m over-committed and have health limitations, but that‘s about me, not you – so brush it off. 3. Start doing informational interviews. They work as Steve will tell you: The informational interview works! 5 years ago I called my now current supervisor and started asking him questions about the company, the department I am now in, its roles, responsibilities, challenges, and other pertinent information. We talked for at least an hour. We exchanged contact information, and I spoke with him one other time afterwards when I inquired about specific software that is used. 5 months later I received a call inviting me to apply and interview for the job. I was hired in 2007. -Steve A. Make a list of 10 people you‘d like to meet. Start with:  people who have a job title that interests you (preferably with some connection to you, college alum are best)  people who work at companies where you‘d want to work  people who are doing interesting things you want to learn about LinkedIn is a good place to start your research as Gisel points out: LinkedIn is a very useful tool . . . I used this tool to find HR persons in the companies that I wanted to work for and sent them a request to connect. The majority of the persons accepted my request and to make a long story short – I obtained 3 job interviews using this method and LinkedIn as a job search tool. I began this new process in December and next week I will be starting my new job! -Gisel B. Send an email like the example below (using your university email address if you have one) or choose a template here that fits you better: Subject: Eric – request to chat from SHMS alum Dear Anand, My name is Viswas and I‘m a recent SHMS grad also living in Mumbai,India. I found you via LinkedIn and am writing to see if you have 15 min. to chat with me about internet business which I can see from your profile and website you know a lot about. I‘d really value the opportunity to hear how you got where you are and ask you for advice. If you are free, I‘m available during the following times:  Fri 2/12 from 3 to 6 pm  Sat 2/13 from noon to 4 pm  Mon 2/15 from 6 to 8 pm  Tue from 2 to 4 pm  Wed from 1 to 4 pm
  • 9. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC  Thur from 4 pm – 6pm Thank you, Viswas (022) 422-6762 C. Why this works: 1. The subject line calls attention quickly with my name, it‘s short and easily readable on a smart phone, makes a personal connection with my school, and has clarity (no tricks or confusion). 2. In the body you make two connections – you are in the same tribe (University) & same city. 3. This is easy to say ‗yes‘ to, your request has a short limited scope, you took time to share your calendar with specific hours when you will really be available (and on your A game, not just waking up or eating lunch). 4. You used a polite salutation and included your phone number (you may get a call right away, so send the e-mail when you have the next half-hour free). D. What to talk about on the call: 1. Ask if it‘s still a good time to talk. 2. Thank this person for his or her time. 3. Give a short introduction of yourself and why you contacted this person. 4. Be positive so you are associated with good feelings. 5. Get the ball rolling with something like this: ―So, I‘m really interested to hear your story – how you got where you are and if you have any advice for someone like me…‖. But, if this person writes a blog, make sure you‘ve read it first and mention it! If it sounds like you want me to personally tell you on the phone what I‘ve spent hours writing in my blog, I‘ll think you‘re a jerk. 6. Shut up and listen, don‘t interrupt. 7. Ask: is there anything you wish you had known when you are starting out? 8. Ask: is there anyone else you think I should talk to? 9. End the call on time even if you know the person is enjoying the call. You want to be perceived as an efficient communicator and don‘t want to leave the person feeling drained. If you asked for 15 min., end the call at 15 min.! E. Keep in touch! 1. Send a quick thank you e-mail after the call. 2. Understand that you may not have much to offer a successful expert who‘s willing to give you time he might otherwise bill at $200 an hour or higher. What you do have to offer is good karma – show him how he made the world a better place.
  • 10. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC 3. Send periodic updates letting the person know how you implemented his advice and how it worked out. Let him know his impact on you and the end of the story. That‘s priceless. Blogs Great companies all want to hire the same ―talent‖. We want to hire smart, high-energy, passionate workers with an edge, who execute well, care more, and energize themselves and people around them. ―Whoa! Is that all?‖ you ask. I‘m sorry, but it‘s true, that‘s what we want and that‘s what you are trying to communicate in your cover letter, your resume and interview – that you are the cat‘s meow! The problem with recruiting is that many job seekers (and now you) know exactly what I‘m looking for and precisely what I want to hear. That‘s why I do two-hour long interviews using Brad Smart‘s Top Grading process. That‘s what it takes to reliably screen out the pretenders. If you are one of those with genuine smarts, energy, leadership, passion, caring and ability to get things done, the absolute surest way to demonstrate that is with a blog. When you‘ve been writing regularly for six months, a year or longer, we know for a fact you aren‘t faking anything. A good blog is solid gold for your credibility and has the potential to push you to the top of the candidate list. But, be careful – your blog can also get you screened out. Here‘s a blog checklist you‘ll want to review. Interviewing Want to be first on the short-list after your interview? Do more preparation than any other candidate. But, that‘s not always enough, because walking away with a job offer is all about driving the sales process. Just about everything you need to know is here, but if you aren‘t a natural, consider getting help from a coach also. 1. Research the company, the position and the management. You can look great on paper, sound great on the phone and answer every question well, but if you have not bothered to research me and my company, I won‘t hire you because I know you‘re not really interested in the job. How could you be without knowing who we are and what we do? Cultural fit is an important factor in every hiring decision and researching the company allows you to dress, look, and speak like the team. True, fit is in the eye of the beholder, but do what you can to fit in (if it‘s comfortable for you). Do your research to discover if we‘re a good fit for each other and try not to show off in the interview. If you‘ve done the research, just relax and let it show naturally.
  • 11. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC If you don‘t do the research, you can‘t ask intelligent questions, so you‘ll also fail below in item 12. 2. Know clearly why you want to work for my company. It matters to me because I‘m looking for someone who‘s going to be with me for years through thick and thin. If you don‘t know why or it is not a compelling reason, we‘re not a good fit for each other. 3. Know what you are proud of in your life and career. Tell me about the impact you‘ve had in your prior jobs. Think of a few stories you can tell that illustrate each key point you want to make about yourself. Tell me how your experience and skills relate to the position I‘m recruiting for. Talk to me about the similarities between your previous experiences and my needs. Talk to me about your ideas for having an impact in my company. How will you save or make money for my company? 4. Know how you will answer the most common and most difficult questions you may be asked. Every interviewer is going to ask you about your weaknesses and failures. If you‘re perfect or the best you can do is ―I‘m impatient‖, I‘m not going to hire you. Never met a talented person without a few character flaws and who hasn‘t made some interesting mistakes. Questions you should be able to answer without babbling include:  Why should we hire you?  Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself?  What is your greatest strength? weakness?  What motivates you?  What are your salary expectations?  Describe (for each position you‘ve held) a low point/mistake/difficult situation and how you overcame it?  What‘s the hardest thing you‘ve ever done? Funniest thing that‘s ever happened to you at work? Biggest disappointment?  What would you like to be doing 5 years from now? 5. Proofread your resume and any other materials you plan to offer the day before the interview. Read everything out loud to yourself – you‘ll catch more errors that way, if not all of them. Wait a day or two and proofread it again. Ask at least one other person to review your resume. 6. Bring copies of your resume and a notepad. Take notes if appropriate. 7. Be likable with good hygiene. Never smoke a cigarette before an interview and be aware that body odor or bad breath will ruin your interview before you even get started. 8. Be likable by making a connection: First, the basics – be on time, turn your phone off, shake hands firmly, make eye contact, smile and use the interviewer‘s name (last name is safest unless asked to use first). Be confident and positive – don‘t badmouth previous bosses because, as a hiring manager, I‘m likely to identify with your ex boss.
  • 12. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC Remember to smile genuinely at everyone, not just your interviewer. Everyone you meet counts — remember all their names. If you treat me differently from my team, that‘s an important red flag. Second, look for something you have in common that might build rapport, someone you know in the company (check Facebook and LinkedIn), favorite sports teams, hobbies, etc. Research the interviewer online before the interview and look around the office for clues when you arrive. 9. Read body language. Most interviewers don‘t like to give bad news and will only tell you what you want to hear even when they‘re trying to get rid of you as fast as possible. Our body language gives us away, though. Our voice lies, but the body always tells the truth. We cross our arms, avoid making eye contact or fidget when we‘re internally conflicted or just bored. Read the body language and if it tells you your interview is not going well, find out why! When your interview is going well, your interviewer may be leaning forward, arms and legs uncrossed, hands open, jacket unbuttoned, with good eye contact. This is the same good, open, engaged posture you want to display yourself. 10. Don‘t babble. Stay focused on the answer to each question and be careful not to go off on tangents. Don‘t give a lot of details initially – that‘s babble. Trust me to ask you good follow- up questions. Don‘t jump to fill silences unless asked to. Sometimes I want to think during an interview - let me. 11. Avoid soundbites and buzzwords. If your answers sound scripted and I sense that you are dropping buzzwords to impress me, I‘m going to associate you with all the candidates I hired that talked a good game but couldn‘t deliver. Don‘t do it! Speak fromyour experience about your experience – keep it honest and authentic. That will impress me. 12. Ask good questions that show you care. If you ask something you could‘ve learned in 60 seconds on our website, you‘re unlikely to get the job. If your questions are mostly about compensation, I‘m unlikely to hire you. The questions you ask reveal your interest level in the position and the depth of your research. They also help me understand your previous work experience. Ask me difficult questions – express your concerns about my company freely. Most likely, you‘ll impress me with your critical thinking and authenticity. Early in the interview, ask your interviewer to describe the qualifications of the ideal candidate. You want to confirm what you think you already know about the job before leading the interview in the wrong direction. Good questions are open-ended and can‘t be answered with a yes or no. Ask your interviewer for feedback during the interview – ―How do you see me fitting in at your company?‖ or ―On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how do you think I‘d do in this position?‖ The rating question sets up a good follow-up: ―What could I do to score higher?‖
  • 13. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC Asking for feedback during the interview may be uncomfortable for you, but, ‗closing the sale‗ as it‘s called, shows strength and maturity on your part. Best of all, you get information you need if not a job offer. 13. Send a thank you e-mail the same day you interview. If you interview with me and fail to send a quick thank you, it‘s game over, no matter how perfect a candidate you are in every other aspect. It‘s not about my ego, it‘s just business. We look for people with 1) high interest in working for us and 2) a sense of urgency who 3) will treat everyone inside and outside the company with care. The ‗thank you‘ (or lack of it) is a perfect test of those characteristics for us. In your thank you note, take the opportunity to include any materials or references you think may be helpful. Here‘s a real-life example from an online chat I had today: Keith: Hi Eric, I was wondering if you made any decisions regarding the Customer Support Position? Eric: hi Keith, did you send me an e-mail by any chance? Keith: no, I thought you had my resume Eric: Yes I did have your resume and would have loved to hire you, but needed more communication from you. Looking for somebody with a sense of urgency and who will take good care of customers. That means a lot of communication. After our second interview I sent you an e-mail asking for references also… Keith: ok, I don‘t think I got that email Eric: I suppose not, anyhow thanks for your time and best wishes. Keith: ok, same to you 14. Leave something for the employer to remember you by or be just another face in the crowd. Be fascinating or forgotten. 15. Contact your interviewer regularly for updates, until you are hired or rejected. Unless you are asked to do this less frequently, once a week will work nicely. Remember that contacting your interviewer is a display of your ability to manage a process and follow through. You‘re showing skills you may be hired for. References When you apply for a job at a great company, your references become much more important in the hiring process. I‘m not talking about letters of recommendation. I‘m talking about a key role for your references. If you want to be prepared for the toughest process you may encounter, this is what to expect. First, pretend your name is John and I‘ve just interviewed you asking the same questions for each of your previous employments:  What was your boss‘s name?
  • 14. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC  What was it like to work with him/her?  How do you think he/she will rate you on a scale of 1 to 10 when I ask?  What will your boss give as reasons for that rating? At the end of the interview, I‘ll ask for contact information for each of your previous bosses (and maybe some coworkers) discussed in the interview. I‘ll ask you to give them each a heads-up and permission to contact them. When I reach them, these are the questions I‘ll ask:  In what context did you work with John? (conversation starter, memory jog)  What were John‘s biggest strengths?  What were John‘s biggest areas for improvement back then?  How would you rate John‘s overall performance in that job on a 1 to 10 scale? What about his performance causes you to give that rating?  John mentioned that he struggled with [something] in that job. Can you tell me more about that? (next I‘ll ask for examples)  Is John one of the best people you‘ve ever worked with? I‘m looking for people who consistently get ratings of 8, 9, and 10 across my reference calls. Anything lower is a warning flag I want to look at more closely. One 6 isn‘t necessarily a deal- breaker but I will want to understand why it exists. Recruiters know that people don‘t like to give negative references. They want to help former colleagues, not hurt them and they want to avoid conflict. They want to feel good about themselves and try to avoid nailing anyone with a reference. This is why a reference who hesitates (―if… then…‖ qualifiers or um‘s and er‘s) is probably trying hard not to say something that will harm you or put him or herself at legal risk. Faint praise in a reference interview is a nail in the coffin. A good reference on the other hand will overflow with enthusiasm and clear admiration. There won‘t be any hesitation or hedging about it. There is a spark that tells the recruiter, he‘s found an ‗A player‘. Now that you know our tricks, the million-dollar question is – do you know what your references are saying about you? If you don‘t, it‘s time to find out! Recruiters like me are desperate for these simple things you can deliver with a bit of effort. Okay… taken together it‘s much more than a little effort, it‘s more like a full-time job. And remember, if you screw up these ―little‖ things, the recruiter is thinking something like, ―Wow, he didn‘t even bother to _______!‖ as he crosses your name off the list. The complete job search guide is an important read for anyone who hasn‘t had the privilege of running an organization. That‘s because when you know how managers think, job-search becomes a little like shooting fish in a barrel. So, read the long version first and then use this checklist to track your progress with every job application:
  • 15. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC Job Search Checklist The starting line 1. Know yourself. Know what you are good at and what you enjoy. Search out positions that will engage you fully. 2. Hunt down companies that are thriving in your neighborhood. If willing to relocate, hunt down thriving cities first. 3. Go off-line and send a value proposition letter. It will get read because they are so rare. Follow up with phone calls. 4. When you find a company you love, go after it and keep trying. Stay in touch. 5. Spend about a third of your time on job boards, but no more. Remember that employers make roughly 33% of their hires using job boards, that means 66% come from other sources. First contact – cover letters and value proposition letters 1. Talk about the needs of the employer – not what you want. 2. Keep it short – two or three short paragraphs (6 to 9 sentences total). 3. Say what you do, how you do it and what the outcome is (what impact you‘ve had). 4. Explain why you are job searching and, if this is an unsolicited value proposition letter, include desired salary range. Your resume 1. Use a clean, minimalist format. 2. Talk about your accomplishments, not your responsibilities. Describe the impact you‘ve had. 3. Make a connection with the recruiter by showing what‘s relevant to the position you are applying for. Use keywords from the job description.
  • 16. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC 4. Include important details – numbers. How many people did you supervise? How many clients did you manage? 5. No abbreviations, no industry jargon, and no typos. Read it out loud to yourself to eliminate every last error. Networking 1. Do informational interviews to build relationships (not to get a job) with people who can help you. 2. Look for work at companies where you already know someone. 3. Keep an updated profile on LinkedIn and collect a handful of recommendations. 4. Volunteer at a trade or professional association in a position that will bring you into contact with speakers. 5. Write a blog about a professional interest and introduce yourself to other bloggers in your niche. Interviewing 1. Research the company, management and your interviewer. This is critical – take your time and read everything you can find. 2. Know why you want to work for this company and be ready to explain it. 3. Write down a couple high points and low points for every job you‘ve ever held. Be ready to tell a story for each that illustrates your strengths, the impact you had or what you learned from a mistake. 4. Write down a list of questions that emerged from the research you did (but ask about compensation at your own risk). 5. Ask your interviewer to describe the qualifications of the ideal candidate, early in the interview. You want to confirm what you think you already know about the job before leading the interview in the wrong direction. 6. Practice answering common interview questions without babbling. 7. Bring copies of your resume and a notepad. 8. Proofread all the materials you plan to offer – read them out loud to yourself. 9. Pay attention to your body language and your interviewers. 10. Make a connection: Don‘t smoke before the interview, be on time, dress well, no perfume or cologne, turn your phone off, shake hands firmly, make eye contact, smile, and use the interviewer‘s name. Treat everyone you meet equally well and remember the name of everyone you meet. Look for mutual friends or shared interests and bring them to the interviewer‘s attention. Be confident and positive – don‘t badmouth a previous boss. 11. Ask for feedback in the interview, then ask for the job (the close).
  • 17. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC 12. Follow-up quickly with a thank you e-mail after every phone call or in-person interview and give the recruiter something to remember you by. Here‘s an incredible example (yep, she got the job). References 1. Keep in touch with your previous supervisors and coworkers so you can offer them as references. 2. Know what they will say about you before you offer them. Ask them how they would rate you on a scale of 1 to 10, ask for the reasons, and what it would‘ve taken to increase your rating. Presentation 1. Understand that cultural fit is an important factor in every hiring decision and you are being scrutinized for it. 2. Research the company so you can fit in better by dressing, looking and speaking like the team. 3. Don‘t smoke or use perfume, cologne or anything else that smells. 4. Get feedback from someone who will tell you the cold hard truth about your clothes, your grooming, your speech, your handshake, your blog/website and your writing. 5. Show up ready for battle – upbeat and energetic. Drive the process.
  • 18. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC Job-Search Checklist Part 1: job search planning & preparation I have: A clear understanding of the job search process and have developed a job- search strategy. Read more. A clear understanding of the jobs that interest me -- and that i am qualified for. Outlined a clear career path/track for myself. Identified my strengths and weaknesses. Developed my unique selling proposition, which will help me distinguish myself from other job-seekers. Identified my key accomplishments from all school and work experiences. Identified my core transferable skills. Identified the main industries/companies that interest me. Researched the companies that most interest me. A clear understanding of the importance of marketing skills when job- hunting. Gathered a key list (including contact information) of references. Part 2: resumes I have: Reviewed the resume tutorial. A clear understanding of the different types of resumes formats. Developed a list (3-4) of key accomplishments for each work experience. Used bullets and short phrases to describe my accomplishments. Avoided the usage of "responsibilities included" or "duties included," "responsible for." Provided as much contact information as possible on my resume.
  • 19. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC Composed a "summary of qualifications" or "key accomplishments" section. Reviewed samples of strong resumes. Avoided using personal pronouns ("i," "my," "me") in my resume. Considered using transferable skills (especially if i am a career changer or recent college grad without much experience). Not listed any personal information (age, marital status, etc.) On my resume. Not lied or provided any false information on my resume. Not listed any references directly on my resume. Proofread my resume carefully and eliminated any errors, typos, and misspellings. Part 3: cover letters I have: Reviewed the cover letter tutorial. Read about the basic strategy and importance of using a cover letter. Reviewed the basic structure of a dynamic cover letter. Examined examples of strong, dynamic cover letters. Used action verbs to describe my accomplishments. Focused my cover letter with specific information. Addressed each cover letter to a named individual. Tailored each cover letter to the specific needs of each employer. Clearly stated how i can meet the employer's needs. Demonstrated my knowledge of the company. Kept my cover letter to one page. Not rehashed my resume, but highlighted specific critical points. Not stated anything negative.
  • 20. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC Avoided the three most common cover letter mistakes. Edited and proofread each letter carefully. Requested action (an interview) from the employer. Reviewed the cover letter checklist. Part 4: networking I have: Reviewed the key elements of networking and why networking plays such an important role in job-hunting. Researched the role of networking and the hidden job market. Used (or considered using) informational interviews to gain insights, broaden my network of contacts. Implemented strategies for how to expand my network of contacts. Developed a social networking strategy for raising my visibility. Started using linkedin and other social networks to promote my professional brand. Minded my do's and don'ts of networking. Assessed my networking skills and made adjustments, as necessary. Part 5: interviewing skills I have: Reviewed the job interviewing tutorial. Read about and reviewed different types of job interviews. Prepared answers for the most common interview questions. Practiced answering different types of job interview questions. Taken advantage of mock interviews. Prepared several questions to ask the employer during the interview. A clear understanding of the position i am interviewing for.
  • 21. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC Prepared for the possibility of an initial screening interview by phone. Read and reviewed the importance of dressing for success. Taken a practice run so i know how long it will take to reach the interview. Prepared myself to give a firm (and dry) handshake, to make eye contact with the interviewer(s), and to show enthusiasm for the job and company. Researched each company so that i can showcase that knowledge in the interview. A clear understanding of the salary negotiation process. Researched salaries and have clear expectations about salaries. Prepared a "closing" for the interview that expresses my desire for the job and inquires about the next step in the interview process. Part 6: follow-up I have: Chased down every potential job lead. Kept my network of contacts informed of my job search progress. Followed-up each cover letter with a phone call or email to the employer requesting a job interview. Written thank you letters to every person i interviewed with at each company. Phoned the employer about a week after the first interview to check on the progress of the job search. Written acceptance or declining letters to all job offers.
  • 22. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC Career Success Workshops Below is a brief description of all our career success workshops. Résumé Workshop Need to polish that résumé? Learn from the pros how to create and target a winning résumé to land your next interview. In this workshop, you will learn different résumé styles as well as the importance of using keywords in your résumé and what hiring managers respond to most. Topics include:  Résumé style options and benefits  Personal skill set inventory  Importance of keywords  Cover letter effectiveness  Multimedia alternatives Interview Workshop Congratulations! You have an interview but may need a few tips. This workshop will be your best move. Here, you will discover the most effective ways to promote yourself and showcase your knowledge in a professional manner to get the results you want. Topics include:  Company research  Appropriate attire  Common interview questions  Business etiquette  Selling yourself  Follow-up letter Job Search Workshop "Where do I begin?" This workshop will answer that question. It details an effective job search method and continues through the hiring process to job search success! If you need advice about job search "dos and don'ts," this workshop is the one to take! Topics include:  Things to know and do  Job search methods  Networking strategies  Tips for staying on the job  Helpful facts for savvy job hunters
  • 23. Job Search Guide Facebook:||Email|| Twitter Handle:@AskHCC Ask If you read all the way through and you still have questions about job search, you deserve an answer! Please Ask Here Career Development Services for Young Hospitality Graduates (Complete Package) 1. Resume & Cover Letter 2. Career & Job search 3. Interviewing 4. Promote Yourself 5. International Job Placement Personal Career Branding for Experienced Executives  Branded Resume in Three Formats:  Cover Letter in Three Formats:  LinkedIn  Facebook  Twitter  Customized Thank You Letter  Executive Bio  Networking Cards  Networking Pitch/Value Proposition