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FormsKitDavid Rodrigues,@dmcrodrigues
Babylon Health
Forms? !
Butbefore starting some
Managing state can bean
» Mutability
» Observation
» Thread-safety
To buildaformweare
especiallyinterested in
mutabilityand observation
fundamentalbut outofscope
final class Property<Value> {
private var handlers: [(Value) -> Void] = []
var value: Value {
didSet { handlers.forEach { $0(value) } }
init(value: Value) {
self.value = value
func observe(_ handler: @escaping (Value) -> Void) {
func map<T>(_ transform: @escaping (Value) -> T) -> Property<T> {
let property = Property<T>(value: transform(value))
observe { [weak property] value in property?.value = transform(value) }
return property
Please notethis isafairly
simple implementation !
Propertygive usanicewayto observe
1> let a = Property(value: 1)
2> a.observe { value in print("Value: (value)") }
"Value: 1"
3> a.value = a.value + 2
"Value: 3"
Andto derive newstates
1> let a = Property(value: 1.0)
2> let b = { value in "(value) as String" }
4> b.value
"1.0 as String"
5> a.value = a.value * 10
6> a.value
7> b.value
"10.0 as String"
Backto forms...
// Sign-Up Table View DataSource
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return 12
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
switch indexPath.row {
case 0:
// Facebook button
case 1:
// Or text
case 2:
// First Name
case 3:
// Last Name
Adding or removing elements requires:
» update the total number of elements
» shift all indices affected
Moving elements requires:
» shift all indices affected
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
switch indexPath.row {
case 0:
// Account selected
case 1:
switch consultantType {
case .gp:
switch dateAndTimeAvailable {
case true:
case false:
case .specialist:
case ???:
Buthowcanwe getthose
something changes?
Index pathsare
aweak system,
hard to manage
and maintain21
Especially with
dynamic changes
Let's forgeteverythingand
startfrom scratch...
Aform isacollection
of components following
asequential order
A form isa collection
ofcomponents following
a sequentialorder
Colection ofcomponents
ArrayAn ordered, random-access collection
1> let array = [0, 1, 2]
2> array
We can representaform
withacollection of
» Text
» Text Input
» Password
» Selection
» Buttons
» ...
enum Component {
case text(String)
case textInput(placeholder: String, ...)
case password(placeholder: String, ...)
case selection(...)
case button(title: String, ...)
case facebookButton(...)
case toggle(title: String, ...)
let components: [Component] = [
.facebookButton(...), // Row 0
.text("OR"), // Row 1
.textInput(placeholder: "First name", ...), // Row 2
.textInput(placeholder: "Last name", ...), // Row 3
.textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), // Row 4
.password(placeholder: "Password", ...), // Row 5
derive therespective
state (indexpaths)witha
clear and
declarative way 35
Adding, removing or moving
elements is super easy✨
let components: [Component] = [
.textInput(placeholder: "First name", ...), // Row 0
.textInput(placeholder: "Last name", ...), // Row 1
.textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), // Row 2
.password(placeholder: "Password", ...), // Row 3
Buthow dowe go
fromacollection of
form? !
protocol Form {
var components: Property<[FormComponent]> { get }
protocol FormComponent {
func matches(with component: FormComponent) -> Bool
func render() -> UIView & FormComponentView
protocol FormComponentView {
enum Component: FormComponent {
⚠ Disclaimer ⚠
The following examplesare
based on MVVM
Butthis can be
including MVC ifyou
are wondering !
class SignUpViewModel: Form {
let components: Property<[Component]>
init(...) {
self.components = Property(value: [
.textInput(placeholder: "First name", ...),
.textInput(placeholder: "Last name", ...),
.textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...),
.password(placeholder: "Password", ...),
final class FormTableViewDataSource: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource {
private var currentComponents: [FormComponent] = []
init(tableView: UITableView, components: Property<[FormComponent]>) {
components.observe { components in
self.currentComponents = components
open class FormViewController<F: Form>: UIViewController {
private let tableView = UITableView()
private let dataSource: FormTableViewDataSource
init(form: F) {
dataSource = FormTableViewDataSource(
tableView: tableView,
components: form.components
final class SignUpViewController: FormViewController {
init(viewModel: SignUpViewModel) {
super.init(form: viewModel)
Ok butwhatifwe needa
dynamic collection of
components? !
Quick Example:
withtwotypes ofauthentication
» Email + Password
» Email + Membership ID
enum SignInType {
case standard
case membership
class SignInViewModel: Form {
let components: Property<[Component]>
init(...) {
self.components = ??? !
switch signInType {
case .standard:
components = Property(value: [
.textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...),
.password(placeholder: "Password", ...),
.toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...)
.button(title: "Submit", ...)
case .membership:
components = Property(value: [
.textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...),
.toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...)
.textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...),
.button(title: "Submit", ...)
Firstwe needatriggerto change from one
statetothe other
.toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...)
enum Component: FormComponent {
case toggle(title: String, isOn: Property<Bool>)
Nowwe can define component's initialvalue
and observeanychanges
enum SignInType {
case standard
case membership
class SignInViewModel: Form {
private isMembershipSelected = Property(value: false)
let components: Property<[Component]>
init(...) {
self.components = ??? !
enum SignInType { case standard, membership }
class SignInViewModel: Form {
private isMembershipSelected = Property(value: false)
private signInType: Property<SignInType>
let components: Property<[Component]>
init(...) {
self.signInType = { isSelected in
return isSelected ? .membership : .standard
self.components = ??? !
enum SignInType { case standard, membership }
class SignInViewModel: Form {
private isMembershipSelected = Property(value: false)
private signInType: Property<SignInType>
let components: Property<[Component]>
init(...) {
self.signInType = ...
self.components = { signInType in
switch signInType {
case .standard:
case .membership:
self.components = { signInType in
switch signInType {
case .standard: return [
title: "Sign-In with Membership ID",
isOn: isMembershipSelected
case .membership: return [
title: "Sign-In with Membership ID",
isOn: isMembershipSelected
switch signInType {
case .standard:
components = Property(value: [
.textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...),
.toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...)
.button(title: "Submit", ...)
case .membership:
components = Property(value: [
.textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...),
.toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...)
.button(title: "Submit", ...)
Weare repeatingthe same
components for each
state... can'twe compose
this inabetterway?
foreachstate...can'twe compose
struct FormBuilder<Component: FormComponent> {
let components: [Component]
public static var empty: FormBuilder {
return FormBuilder()
init(components: [Component] = []) {
self.components = components
We havethe container, now
we onlyneed methodsto
have operators?
precedencegroup ChainingPrecedence {
associativity: left
higherThan: TernaryPrecedence
// Compose with a new component
infix operator |-+ : ChainingPrecedence
// Compose with another builder
infix operator |-* : ChainingPrecedence
struct FormBuilder {
static func |-+(
builder: FormBuilder,
component: Component
) -> FormBuilder {
static func |-* (
builder: FormBuilder,
components: [Component]
) -> FormBuilder {
func signInStandardComponents(for signInType: SignInType) -> FormBuilder {
guard let signInType == .standard else { return .empty }
return FormBuilder.empty
|-+ .password(placeholder: "Password", ...)
func signInMembershipComponents(for signInType: SignInType) -> FormBuilder {
guard let signInType == .standard else { return .empty }
return FormBuilder.empty
|-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...)
self.components = { signInType in
let builder = FormBuilder<Component>.empty
|-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...)
|-* signInStandardComponents(for: signInType)
|-+ .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", isOn: isMembershipSelected)
|-* signInMembershipComponents(for: signInType)
|-+ .button(title: "Submit", ...)
return builder.components
builder is powerfulbutmaybewe can
have something simpler
// Compose components pending on a boolean condition
infix operator |-? : ChainingPrecedence
struct FormBuilder<Component: FormComponent> {
static func |-? (
builder: FormBuilder,
validator: Validator<FormBuilder<Component>>
) -> FormBuilder {
struct Validator<T> {
// `iff` stands for "if and only if" from math and logic
static func iff(
_ condition: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Bool,
generator: @escaping (T) -> T
) -> Validator<T> {
self.components = { signInType in
let builder = FormBuilder<Component>.empty
|-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...)
|-? .iff(signInType == .standard) {
$0 |-+ .password(placeholder: "Password", ...)
|-+ .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", isOn: isMembershipSelected)
|-? .iff(signInType == .membership) {
$0 |-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...)
|-+ .button(title: "Submit", ...)
return builder.components
Nowwe haveadynamic collection of
componentsand consequentlya
dynamic rendering
consequentlyadynamic rendering !
We can definearendererto
renderthe collection of
components for each state
protocol Renderer {
associatedtype FormState
func render(state: FormState) -> [FormComponent]
struct SignInRenderer: Renderer {
func render(state: SignInType) -> [FormComponent] {
let builder = FormBuilder<Component>.empty
|-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...)
|-? .iff(signInType == .standard) {
$0 |-+ .password(placeholder: "Password", ...)
|-+ .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", isOn: isMembershipSelected)
|-? .iff(signInType == .membership) {
$0 |-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...)
|-+ .button(title: "Submit", ...)
return builder.components
enum SignInType { case standard, membership }
class SignInViewModel: Form {
private isMembershipSelected = Property(value: false)
private signInType: Property<SignInType>
let components: Property<[Component]>
init(...) {
self.signInType = { isSelected in
return isSelected ? .membership : .standard
let renderer = SignInRenderer(
isMembershipSelected: isMembershipSelected,
self.components =
Andwiththis canwe have
fancyanimations? !
final class FormTableViewDataSource: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource {
private var currentComponents: [FormComponent] = []
init(tableView: UITableView, components: Property<[FormComponent]>) {
components.observe { components in
self.currentComponents = components
tableView.reloadData() // !
YET 78
Everytime our state
ofcomponents is
generatedto reflectthat
particular state
1> (signInViewModel.signInType, signInViewModel.components)
(SignInType.standard, [
.textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...),
.password(placeholder: "Password", ...),
.toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...),
.button(title: "Submit", ...)
2> (signInViewModel.signInType, signInViewModel.components)
(SignInType.membership, [
.textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...),
.toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...),
.textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...),
.button(title: "Submit", ...)
1> (signInViewModel.signInType, signInViewModel.components)
// (SignInType.standard, [
// .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...),
.password(placeholder: "Password", ...),
// .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...),
// .button(title: "Submit", ...)
2> (signInViewModel.signInType, signInViewModel.components)
// (SignInType.membership, [
// .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...),
// .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...),
.textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...),
// .button(title: "Submit", ...)
SignInType.standard ➡ SignInType.membership
.password(placeholder: "Password", ...)
.textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...)
SignInType.membership ➡ SignInType.standard
.textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...)
.password(placeholder: "Password", ...)
protocol FormComponent {
func matches(with component: FormComponent) -> Bool
Givenacertain component
we can match itagainst
another componentto
validate iftheyare
equivalentor not
1> let componentA = Component.password(placeholder: "Password", ...)
2> let componentB = Component.password(placeholder: "Password", ...)
3> let componentC = Component.textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...)
4> componentA.matches(with: componentA)
5> componentA.matches(with: componentB)
6> componentA.matches(with: componentC)
Then byemployingadiffing
algorithmwe can identify
anychanges betweentwo
collections ofcomponents
import Dwifft
static func diff<Value>(
_ lhs: [Value],
_ rhs: [Value]
) -> [DiffStep<Value>] where Value: Equatable
import Dwifft
static func diff<Value>(
_ lhs: [Value],
_ rhs: [Value]
) -> [DiffStep<Value>] where Value: Equatable
enum DiffStep<Value> {
case insert(Int, Value)
case delete(Int, Value)
import Dwifft
static func diff<Value>(
_ lhs: [Value],
_ rhs: [Value]
) -> [DiffStep<Value>] where Value: Equatable
enum DiffStep<Value> {
case insert(Int, Value)
case delete(Int, Value)
Value: Equatable !
struct FormNode: Equatable {
let component: FormComponent
static func ==(left: FormNode, right: FormNode) -> Bool {
return left.component.matches(with: right.component)
struct FormBuilder<Component: FormComponent> {
func build() -> [FormNode] {
protocol Form {
var nodes: Property<[FormNode]> { get }
final class FormTableViewDataSource: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource {
private var currentNodes: [FormNode] = []
init(tableView: UITableView, nodes: Property<[FormNode]>) {
nodes.observe { nodes in
self.currentNodes = nodes
nodes.observe { nodes in
let previousNodes = self.currentNodes
self.currentNodes = nodes
for step in Dwifft.diff(previousNodes, currentNodes) {
switch step {
case let .insert(index, _):
at: [IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)], with: .fade)
case let .delete(index, _):
at: [IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)], with: .fade)
Timeto recap
The conceptis highlyinspired on React
from Facebook
⏰ Timeto close ⏰
Managing state is hard but
we cantryto minimise how
hard itbecomes
State derivation is
essentialto reduce
self-descriptive system
FormsKit's ultimate goalis
to helpcreatingand
managinganykind ofform
Open source
You ! 103

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  • 3. 3
  • 5. Managing state can bean extremelyhardtask » Mutability » Observation » Thread-safety 5
  • 8. final class Property<Value> { private var handlers: [(Value) -> Void] = [] var value: Value { didSet { handlers.forEach { $0(value) } } } init(value: Value) { self.value = value } func observe(_ handler: @escaping (Value) -> Void) { self.handlers.append(handler) handler(value) } func map<T>(_ transform: @escaping (Value) -> T) -> Property<T> { let property = Property<T>(value: transform(value)) observe { [weak property] value in property?.value = transform(value) } return property } } 8
  • 9. ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ Please notethis isafairly simple implementation ! ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ 9
  • 10. Propertygive usanicewayto observe changes 1> let a = Property(value: 1) 2> a.observe { value in print("Value: (value)") } "Value: 1" 3> a.value = a.value + 2 "Value: 3" 10
  • 11. Andto derive newstates 1> let a = Property(value: 1.0) 2> let b = { value in "(value) as String" } 4> b.value "1.0 as String" 5> a.value = a.value * 10 6> a.value 10.0 7> b.value "10.0 as String" 11
  • 13. 13
  • 14. // Sign-Up Table View DataSource func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return 12 } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { switch indexPath.row { case 0: // Facebook button case 1: // Or text case 2: // First Name case 3: // Last Name ... } } 14
  • 15. Adding or removing elements requires: » update the total number of elements » shift all indices affected Moving elements requires: » shift all indices affected 15
  • 17. 17
  • 18. func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { switch indexPath.row { case 0: // Account selected case 1: switch consultantType { case .gp: switch dateAndTimeAvailable { case true: ... case false: ... } case .specialist: ... } case ???: ... ... } } 18
  • 20. 20
  • 21. Index pathsare aweak system, hard to manage and maintain21
  • 26. Aform isacollection of components following asequential order 26
  • 27. 27
  • 28. A form isa collection ofcomponents following a sequentialorder 28
  • 30. ArrayAn ordered, random-access collection 1> let array = [0, 1, 2] 2> array [ 0, 1, 2 ] 30
  • 32. » Text » Text Input » Password » Selection » Buttons » ... 32
  • 33. enum Component { case text(String) case textInput(placeholder: String, ...) case password(placeholder: String, ...) case selection(...) case button(title: String, ...) case facebookButton(...) case toggle(title: String, ...) ... } 33
  • 34. let components: [Component] = [ .facebookButton(...), // Row 0 .text("OR"), // Row 1 .textInput(placeholder: "First name", ...), // Row 2 .textInput(placeholder: "Last name", ...), // Row 3 .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), // Row 4 .password(placeholder: "Password", ...), // Row 5 ... ] 34
  • 36. Adding, removing or moving elements is super easy✨ let components: [Component] = [ .textInput(placeholder: "First name", ...), // Row 0 .textInput(placeholder: "Last name", ...), // Row 1 .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), // Row 2 .password(placeholder: "Password", ...), // Row 3 ... ] 36
  • 37. Buthow dowe go fromacollection of componentstoa form? ! 37
  • 38. protocol Form { var components: Property<[FormComponent]> { get } } protocol FormComponent { func matches(with component: FormComponent) -> Bool func render() -> UIView & FormComponentView } protocol FormComponentView { ... } enum Component: FormComponent { ... } 38
  • 39. ⚠ Disclaimer ⚠ The following examplesare based on MVVM 39
  • 40. 40
  • 41. Butthis can be appliedtoanything, including MVC ifyou are wondering ! 41
  • 42. class SignUpViewModel: Form { let components: Property<[Component]> init(...) { self.components = Property(value: [ .facebookButton(...), .text("OR"), .textInput(placeholder: "First name", ...), .textInput(placeholder: "Last name", ...), .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), .password(placeholder: "Password", ...), ... ]) } } 42
  • 43. final class FormTableViewDataSource: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource { private var currentComponents: [FormComponent] = [] init(tableView: UITableView, components: Property<[FormComponent]>) { components.observe { components in self.currentComponents = components tableView.reloadData() } } } open class FormViewController<F: Form>: UIViewController { private let tableView = UITableView() private let dataSource: FormTableViewDataSource init(form: F) { dataSource = FormTableViewDataSource( tableView: tableView, components: form.components ) ... } } 43
  • 44. final class SignUpViewController: FormViewController { init(viewModel: SignUpViewModel) { super.init(form: viewModel) } } 44
  • 45. Ok butwhatifwe needa dynamic collection of components? ! 45
  • 46. Quick Example: Sign-Inwithtwotypes ofauthentication » Email + Password » Email + Membership ID 46
  • 47. 47
  • 48. enum SignInType { case standard case membership } class SignInViewModel: Form { let components: Property<[Component]> init(...) { self.components = ??? ! } } 48
  • 49. switch signInType { case .standard: components = Property(value: [ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), .password(placeholder: "Password", ...), .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...) .button(title: "Submit", ...) ]) case .membership: components = Property(value: [ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...) .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...), .button(title: "Submit", ...) ]) } 49
  • 50. Firstwe needatriggerto change from one statetothe other .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...) 50
  • 51. enum Component: FormComponent { ... case toggle(title: String, isOn: Property<Bool>) ... } Nowwe can define component's initialvalue and observeanychanges 51
  • 52. enum SignInType { case standard case membership } class SignInViewModel: Form { private isMembershipSelected = Property(value: false) let components: Property<[Component]> init(...) { self.components = ??? ! } } 52
  • 53. enum SignInType { case standard, membership } class SignInViewModel: Form { private isMembershipSelected = Property(value: false) private signInType: Property<SignInType> let components: Property<[Component]> init(...) { self.signInType = { isSelected in return isSelected ? .membership : .standard } self.components = ??? ! } } 53
  • 54. enum SignInType { case standard, membership } class SignInViewModel: Form { private isMembershipSelected = Property(value: false) private signInType: Property<SignInType> let components: Property<[Component]> init(...) { self.signInType = ... self.components = { signInType in switch signInType { case .standard: ... case .membership: ... } } } } 54
  • 55. self.components = { signInType in switch signInType { case .standard: return [ ... .toggle( title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", isOn: isMembershipSelected ) ... ] case .membership: return [ ... .toggle( title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", isOn: isMembershipSelected ) ... ] } } 55
  • 56. 56
  • 57. switch signInType { case .standard: components = Property(value: [ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), ... .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...) .button(title: "Submit", ...) ]) case .membership: components = Property(value: [ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...) ... .button(title: "Submit", ...) ]) } 57
  • 58. Weare repeatingthe same components for each state... can'twe compose this inabetterway? 58
  • 61. struct FormBuilder<Component: FormComponent> { let components: [Component] public static var empty: FormBuilder { return FormBuilder() } init(components: [Component] = []) { self.components = components } } 61
  • 62. We havethe container, now we onlyneed methodsto compose 62
  • 64. precedencegroup ChainingPrecedence { associativity: left higherThan: TernaryPrecedence } // Compose with a new component infix operator |-+ : ChainingPrecedence // Compose with another builder infix operator |-* : ChainingPrecedence 64
  • 65. struct FormBuilder { ... static func |-+( builder: FormBuilder, component: Component ) -> FormBuilder { ... } static func |-* ( builder: FormBuilder, components: [Component] ) -> FormBuilder { ... } } 65
  • 66. func signInStandardComponents(for signInType: SignInType) -> FormBuilder { guard let signInType == .standard else { return .empty } return FormBuilder.empty |-+ .password(placeholder: "Password", ...) } func signInMembershipComponents(for signInType: SignInType) -> FormBuilder { guard let signInType == .standard else { return .empty } return FormBuilder.empty |-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...) } self.components = { signInType in let builder = FormBuilder<Component>.empty |-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...) |-* signInStandardComponents(for: signInType) |-+ .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", isOn: isMembershipSelected) |-* signInMembershipComponents(for: signInType) |-+ .button(title: "Submit", ...) return builder.components } 66
  • 68. // Compose components pending on a boolean condition infix operator |-? : ChainingPrecedence struct FormBuilder<Component: FormComponent> { ... static func |-? ( builder: FormBuilder, validator: Validator<FormBuilder<Component>> ) -> FormBuilder { ... } } struct Validator<T> { // `iff` stands for "if and only if" from math and logic static func iff( _ condition: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Bool, generator: @escaping (T) -> T ) -> Validator<T> { ... } } 68
  • 69. self.components = { signInType in let builder = FormBuilder<Component>.empty |-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...) |-? .iff(signInType == .standard) { $0 |-+ .password(placeholder: "Password", ...) } |-+ .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", isOn: isMembershipSelected) |-? .iff(signInType == .membership) { $0 |-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...) } |-+ .button(title: "Submit", ...) return builder.components } 69
  • 70. Nowwe haveadynamic collection of componentsand consequentlya dynamic rendering 70
  • 72. We can definearendererto renderthe collection of components for each state 72
  • 73. protocol Renderer { associatedtype FormState func render(state: FormState) -> [FormComponent] } struct SignInRenderer: Renderer { func render(state: SignInType) -> [FormComponent] { let builder = FormBuilder<Component>.empty |-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...) |-? .iff(signInType == .standard) { $0 |-+ .password(placeholder: "Password", ...) } |-+ .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", isOn: isMembershipSelected) |-? .iff(signInType == .membership) { $0 |-+ .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...) } |-+ .button(title: "Submit", ...) return builder.components } } 73
  • 74. enum SignInType { case standard, membership } class SignInViewModel: Form { private isMembershipSelected = Property(value: false) private signInType: Property<SignInType> let components: Property<[Component]> init(...) { self.signInType = { isSelected in return isSelected ? .membership : .standard } let renderer = SignInRenderer( isMembershipSelected: isMembershipSelected, ... ) self.components = } } 74
  • 76. YES76
  • 77. final class FormTableViewDataSource: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource { private var currentComponents: [FormComponent] = [] init(tableView: UITableView, components: Property<[FormComponent]>) { components.observe { components in self.currentComponents = components tableView.reloadData() // ! } } } 77
  • 79. Everytime our state changes,anewcollection ofcomponents is generatedto reflectthat particular state 79
  • 80. 1> (signInViewModel.signInType, signInViewModel.components) (SignInType.standard, [ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), .password(placeholder: "Password", ...), .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...), .button(title: "Submit", ...) ]) 2> (signInViewModel.signInType, signInViewModel.components) (SignInType.membership, [ .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...), .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...), .button(title: "Submit", ...) ]) 80
  • 81. 1> (signInViewModel.signInType, signInViewModel.components) // (SignInType.standard, [ // .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), .password(placeholder: "Password", ...), // .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...), // .button(title: "Submit", ...) //]) 2> (signInViewModel.signInType, signInViewModel.components) // (SignInType.membership, [ // .textInput(placeholder: "Email", ...), // .toggle(title: "Sign-In with Membership ID", ...), .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...), // .button(title: "Submit", ...) //]) 81
  • 82. SignInType.standard ➡ SignInType.membership » REMOVES (-) .password(placeholder: "Password", ...) » INSERTS (+) .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...) 82
  • 83. SignInType.membership ➡ SignInType.standard » REMOVES (-) .textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...) » INSERTS (+) .password(placeholder: "Password", ...) 83
  • 84. Rememberthis? protocol FormComponent { func matches(with component: FormComponent) -> Bool } 84
  • 85. Givenacertain component we can match itagainst another componentto validate iftheyare equivalentor not 85
  • 86. 1> let componentA = Component.password(placeholder: "Password", ...) 2> let componentB = Component.password(placeholder: "Password", ...) 3> let componentC = Component.textInput(placeholder: "Membership ID", ...) 4> componentA.matches(with: componentA) true 5> componentA.matches(with: componentB) true 6> componentA.matches(with: componentC) false 86
  • 87. Then byemployingadiffing algorithmwe can identify anychanges betweentwo collections ofcomponents 87
  • 88. import Dwifft static func diff<Value>( _ lhs: [Value], _ rhs: [Value] ) -> [DiffStep<Value>] where Value: Equatable 88
  • 89. import Dwifft static func diff<Value>( _ lhs: [Value], _ rhs: [Value] ) -> [DiffStep<Value>] where Value: Equatable enum DiffStep<Value> { case insert(Int, Value) case delete(Int, Value) } 89
  • 90. import Dwifft static func diff<Value>( _ lhs: [Value], _ rhs: [Value] ) -> [DiffStep<Value>] where Value: Equatable enum DiffStep<Value> { case insert(Int, Value) case delete(Int, Value) } Value: Equatable ! 90
  • 91. struct FormNode: Equatable { let component: FormComponent static func ==(left: FormNode, right: FormNode) -> Bool { return left.component.matches(with: right.component) } } 91
  • 92. struct FormBuilder<Component: FormComponent> { ... func build() -> [FormNode] { return } } protocol Form { var nodes: Property<[FormNode]> { get } } 92
  • 93. final class FormTableViewDataSource: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource { private var currentNodes: [FormNode] = [] init(tableView: UITableView, nodes: Property<[FormNode]>) { nodes.observe { nodes in self.currentNodes = nodes tableView.reloadData() } } } 93
  • 94. nodes.observe { nodes in let previousNodes = self.currentNodes self.currentNodes = nodes tableView.beginUpdates() for step in Dwifft.diff(previousNodes, currentNodes) { switch step { case let .insert(index, _): tableView.insertRows( at: [IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)], with: .fade) case let .delete(index, _): tableView.deleteRows( at: [IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)], with: .fade) } } tableView.endUpdates() } 94
  • 96. 96
  • 97. The conceptis highlyinspired on React from Facebook 97
  • 99. Managing state is hard but we cantryto minimise how hard itbecomes 99
  • 100. State derivation is essentialto reduce mutabilityandachievea self-descriptive system 100
  • 101. FormsKit's ultimate goalis to helpcreatingand managinganykind ofform Openforextension 101