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DateBranchOffice ReceivedEMD:
Datc Agreementis acccptcdby ALL Pafiies: I -l
DateBranchis notitledthatAgreementis acceptedby ALL Parties:_ I - I
DateEMD is deposited:
Branch offi ce signature:
Date: I I
you haverendered an Earnest Money Depositin connectionwith an ofTermadeofthe property rel'erencedabove- StateLaw requires
that the Salespersondeliver your EarnestMoney Depositto his/her Broker immediately. It will be depositedin the Broker's non-
interestbearingtrust account.
If your Earnest Money Depositwasrendered in the form of a personalcheck,you shouldhavefunds readily availablein your bank
accountto allow it to cleaiproperty. ln the eventyour checkis returned for non-sufficientfunds, a feeof $50'00will be chargedfor
eachoccurrence. By your rigo"tu"u on this document,you acknowledgeand agreethat any suchchargemay be deductedfrom a
refund of your Earneit Moniy Deposit,or may be included asa chargeto you in your closingdocuments(unlesspaid separately)at
the solediscretion of RE/MAX Classic.
This contract is for use by Realcory subscri,bers- use by any other palty is illegal and voids the contract'
torms -'
AMOTINTS s,ooo.oo BankDrawnon:
ln theformof: & Personalcheck tr cashiers/certifiedcheck
Payor'sName(s): Re/Max Classic
Purchaser'sName(s): l{eghan and RYan Hudgon
Seller'sName(s): A}IN M SISTY
Properfy Addrcss: 3110 BRTGHToNLAKEFo BRIGTTTON 48116
Date EarnestMoney
Depositis Receivedby Salesperson:-
Salcspcrson'sSignaturc: Date: I I
providedto thebuyeror sellerbeforedisclosureofany confidentialinformation.
Licensee Date
By signingbelow,thepartiesacknowledgethatthey havereceivedandreadtheinformationin this agencydisclosurestatementand
acknowledeethatthis form wasprovidedto thembeforethedisclosureof anvconfidentialinformation.TIIIS IS NOT A CONTRACT.
Theundersigned DOES X nOl,S NOT haveanagencyrelationshipwith anyotherrealestatelicensee.If anagency
{-7 - t)
t., {-V'17
(circle one) Date
Disclaimer This fonn is providedasa serviceof theMichiganAssociationof REALTORS@.Please
reviewboththeformanddetailsofthe particulartransactionto ensurethateachsectionis appropriatefor
thetransaction.TheMichiganAssociationof REALTORS@is notresponsiblefbr useor misuseof the
form, for misrepresentation,or for warrantiesmadein connectionwith theform.
FormK Ol9g5MichigmAssociationofREALTORSG),reviscd06/2011.P.O.Box4(l?25,Lansing,MI4890t-7925Ph.t100.454.7842Fax517.334.5568
This cortract i! f,or use by R€llcoqr SubscriS.r3- O!. by .ny other lErty is j-lleEal- and. voids tlE contlect
Individual servicesmay bewaivedby thesellerthroughexecutionofa linritedserviceagreement.Only thoseselices setforth in
paragraph(2Xb),(c), and(d) abovemay Lrewaivedby theexecutionof a limited serviceagreement.
A buyer'sagent,undera buyer'sagencyagrcementwith thebuyer,actssolelyonbehalfof thebuyer.A subagentof thebuyeris onewho
hasagreedto work with thebuyer'sagentwith who,likethebuyer'sagent.actssolelyonbehalfofthebuyer.Buyer'sagentsandtheirsubagentswill
discloseto thebuyerknowninformationaboutthesellerwhichmaybeusedto benefitthebuyer.
Individualservicesmaybewaivedby thebuyerthroughexecutionof a limitedserviceagreement.Only thoseservicessetforthin
paragraph(2Xb),(c),and(d) abovernaybewaivedby theexecutionofa limitedserviceagreement.
A real estatelicenseecan be the agcnt ofboth the sellcr and the buycr in a transaction,but only with the knowledge and informed consent,
in writing, ofboth the seller and the buyer.
In such a dual agency situation,the licenseewill not be able to discloseall known infonration to either the seller or the buyer. As a dual
agent, the licenseewill not be ablc to provide the full range offiduciary duties to thc scller or the buyer.
The obligalions ol'a dual agent are subjectto any specific provisions set torth in any agreementbetween the dual agent, the seller and the
A transactioncoordinator is a licenseewho is not acting as an agento!'either the seller or the buvcr, yet is providing serviccs to complcte a
rcal estatetransaction. The transactioncoordinator is not an agentfbr either party and theretbreowes no fiduciary duty to eithor party.
A buyer or seller with a designatedagency agreenrentis representedonly by agentsspecifically named in the agreement.Any agentsofthe
firm not named in the agrecmentdo not representthe buyer or seller.The named "designated" agent acts solely on behalfofhis or her client and may
only sharecontidential informati<lnabout the clicnt with thc agent's supervisorybroker who is also namcd in thc agreerncnt.Olher agentsin the firm
have no duties to the buyer or seller and may act solely on behalfofanother party in the transaction.
I herebydisclosethattheagencystatusofthe licenseenarnedbelowis:
Seller's agcnt
Seller's agent- limited serviceagreement
X Buyer'sagent
Buyer'sagent- limitedscrviceagreenrent
Transactioncoordinator(A licenseewho isnotactinqasanaqentof eithertheselleror thebuver.)
None of the above
X Check here ifacting asa designatedagent.Only the licensee'sbroker antl a named supervisor broker have the same
agency relationship as the licenseenamed below. Ifthe other party in a transactionis representedby an affiliated licensee,
then the licensee'sbroker and all named supervisorybrokers shall be considereddisclosedconsensualdual agents.
Check here ifnot acting as a designatedagent.All affiliated licenseeshave the same agency rclationship as the licensee
named below.
Thi.s contract ls for use by Realcqq) subscribers. Use by any other party i6 illegal ud voids the contract
DisclosureRegardingReal Estate
Agency Relationships
Beforeyoudiscloseconfidentialinformationto a realestatelicenseeregardinga realestatetransaction,you shouldunderstandwhattypeof
agencyrelationshipyou havewith thatlicensee.A realestatetransactionisa transactioninvolvingtbesaleor leaseofany legalor equitableinterest
in realestateconsistingof notlessthanI or notmorethan4 residentialdwelling unitsor consistingof a buildingsitefor a residentialuniton eithera
lot asdelinedin section| 02 of thelanddivisionact,1967PA 288,MCL 560.I02,or a condominiumunitasdcfinedin section4 of thecondominium
act.1978PA 59.MCL 559.104.
(l ) An agent providing servicesurrderany service provision agreernentowes, at a mininrum, the fbllowing duties to the client:
(a) Theexerciseofreasonablecareandskill inrepresentingtheclientandcarryingouttheresponsibilitiesoftheagencyrelationship.
(b) The performanceof the terrnsof tlre serviceprovision agreement.
(c) Loyalry to the intcrestofthe clicnt.
(d) Compliance with the laws, rules,and regulationsof this stateand any applioablefederal statutesor regulations.
(e) Rel-erralof the client to other liccnsedprof'essionalsfbr expert advice related to matcrial malters that arc not within thc expcrtisc
ofthe licenscd agent.A real estate licensec does not act as an attornev. tax advisor. survevor. apnraiser. cnvironmental
expert. or structural or mechanical engineer and vou should contact prol'cssionals on thesc matters.
(i) An accounting in a timely manner oiall money and property receivedby the agent in which thc clicnt has or may have an
(g) Confidentiality of all infbrrnation obtained within the coursc of thc agency relationship,unlessdisclosedwith thc client's
permission or as provided by law, including the duty not b disclosc oonfidcntial infirrmation to any licenseewho is not an agent
of rheclient.
(2) A real estatebroker or real estatesalespersonacting pursuantto a seruiceprovision agreen'lentshall providc the following sarviccs lo
his or hcr client:
(a) When the real estatebroker or real estatesirlespersonis reprcscntinga scller or lessor,thc rnarkcting ofthc clienl's propcrty in
thc nranneragreedupon in thc servicc provision agrL'elncnt.
(b) Acoeptanceofdeliveryandpresentationofoffersandcounterofferstobuy,sell,orleasetheclient'spropertyorthepropertythe
clicnt secksto purclrascor lease.
(c) Assistancein developing, comnrunicating,negotiating,and prescntingoffers, countcroffers,and rclated documcnts or notices
until a purchaseor lcaseagreementis executedby all partiesand all contingcncicsare satisfiedor waivcd.
(d) Alterexecutionolapurchascagreementbyall parties,assistanceasnecessarytocompletethetransactionundertheterms
specified in the purchaseagreement.
(e) For a broker or associatebroker who is involved at the closing of a real estatcor businessoppornrnity transaction,furnishing, or
causing to be furnished,to the buyer and seller,a complete and detailedclosing statementsigned by the broker or associate
brokcr showing each party all rcceipts and disbursementsalTectingthal party.
Michigan law lequires real estatelicenseeswho are acting asagentsofsellers or buyers of'real property to advise the potential sellersor
buyers with whorn they work of the natureof their agency relationship.
A sellcr's agent.under a listing agreementwith the seller.acts solely on behalfol'the sellcr. A seller can authorize a seller's agent to work
with subagents,buyer's agentsand./ortransactionr:oordinators.A subagentofthe seller is one who has agreedto work with the listing agent,and
who, like the Iisting agent,acts solely on behalf of the seller.Seller's agentsand their subagentswill discloseto the seller known intbrmation about
the buyer which rnay be used to the benefit ofthe seller.
lhis coneiact is f,or usc by Realcorry Subscribefs- Use by any othet party is itlegal od voids the contract
Beforeyou discloseconfidentialinformationto a realestatelicenseeregardinga realestatetransaction,you shouldunderstandwhattypeof
agencyrelationshipyouhavewith thatlicensee.A realestateffansactionisa transactioninvolvingthesaleor leaseofany legalor equitableinterest
in realestateconsistingof not lessthanI or notmorethan4 residentialdwellingunitsor consistingof a buildingsitefor a residentialuniton eithera
Itrtasdefinedin sectionI02of thelanddivisionact,1967PA 288,MCL 560.102,or a condominiumunitasdefinedin section4 of thecondominium
act.1978PA 59.MCL 559.104.
( I ) An agentproviding servicesunder any serviceprovision agreementowes, at a minimurn, the following dulies to the client:
(a) Theexerciseofreasonablecareandskill inrepresentingthcclientandcarryingouttheresponsibilitiesoftheagencyrelationship
(b) The perlormance of thc terms of the serviceprovision agreement.
(c) Loyalty to the interestofthe client.
(d) Compliancewiththelaws,rules,andregulationsofthisstateandanyapplicablefedcral statutesorregulations.
(e) Rcferraloftheclienttootherlicensedprofessionalsforexpertadviccrelatedtomatcrialmattersthatarenotwithintheexpertisc
ofthe licensedagent.A real estate licenseedoes not act as an attorney. tax advisor. survevor. apDraiser. environmental
expert. or structural or mechanical ensineer and vou should contact professionals on thcse matters.
(l) An accounting in a timely manner of all money and property receivedby the agent in which the client hasor may have an
(g) Confidentialityofallinfbrmationobtainedwithinthecourseoftheagencyrclationship,unlessdisclosedwiththeclient's
permission or as provided by law, including the duty not to disclosecontidential information to any licenseewho is not an agcnt
ol'the client.
(2) A real estatebroker or real estatesalespersonacting pursuantto a serviceprovision agreementshall provide the following servicesto
his or her clicnt:
(a) Whenthereal estatebrokerorrealestatesalespersonisrepresentingasellerorlessor,themarketingoftheclient'spropertyin
the manner agreedupon in thc service provision agrcement.
Acceptanceofdelivery and presentationofoffers and counteroffersto buy, sell, or leasethe client's property or the properfy rhe
client seeksto purchaseor lease.
Assistancc in devcloping, communicating, negotiating,and presentingoffers, counteroffers,and relatcd documentsor notices
until a purchaseor leaseagreementis executedby all partiesand all contingenciesare satisficd or waived.
After executionofa purchaseagreementby all parties,assistanceas necessaryto complcte the trzrnsactionunder the terms
specified in the purchaseagreelnent.
For a broker or associatebroker who is involved at the closing of a real estateor businessopportunity transaction,furnishing, or
causing to be furnished,to the buyer and seller,a complete and detailedclosing statementsigned by the broker or associate
broker showing eachparly all receiptsand disbursementsaff'ectingthal party.
Michigan law requires real estatelicenseeswho are acting as agentsofsellers or buyers ofreal property to advise the potential sellersor
buyers with whorn they work of the natureof their agency relationship.
A seller's agent,under a listing agreementwith the seller,acts solely on behalfofthe seller.A seller can authorize a seller's agent to work
with subagents,buyer's agentsand/or transactioncoordinators.A subagentofthe seller is one who hasagreedto work with the listing agent,and
who, like the listing agent,acts solely on behalfofthe seller.Seller's agentsand their subagentswill discloseto the seller known infbrmation about
the buver which mav be used to the benefit ofthe seller.
This contlact is for use by Rea1cottrp Subscribers. Ose by any oCher parey is illegal ud volds the contlact.
Page 1 of 7
RE/MAXClassic("Broker")andits salesperson(s)are underagencyagreementwiththe Purchaser.The
designatedagent from RE/MM Classic listed here is working on behalf of the Purchaser
THOMAS GILLIAI,T andtheSupervisoryBrokershallbe eitherCarolBoji,
BartPattersonor MikeBailey.
(Purchaserinitials) (Sellerinitials)
TYPEOF SALE: Thefollowingmentionedpropertyis beingofferedfor saleandadvertisedas one of the
followingtypesof sale.
fl erivateOwned n BankOwned(seeBankAddendums)n SnortSale(seeShortSaleAddendum)
1. THE UNDERSIGNEDhereby offers and agrees to buy the followingland
(City/TownshipA/illage)of BRIGHTON I,IV
situated in the
described as flegal description] sEc 31 r2N R6E oRE cREEKHrGHLAlirpssuB, Lor 3
and commonly known as 340 BRTGHToNLAKERp
[PropertyTaxlD Number] 1831103003 , togetherwith all fixtures
andappurtenancesin or onthepremises(unlessspecificallyexceptedherein),including,if any,lighting
fixtures,windowtreatments(includingdrapes,shades,curtains,blindsand hardware),ventilating
fixtures,screens,stormsash,garagedoor openers(includingtransmitter),water softener(unless
leased),satellitedish and accessories,built-inkitchenequipment,attachedmirrors,attached
humidifiers,airfilters,centralvacuumandattachments,awnings,allTV antennas,rotorsandcontrols,
builtin barbecues,landscaping,poolequipment(includingcovers),fuel in tank(s),fireplacegrates,
Al]. .Appliances
now on the premises and to pay therefore the sum of
One Hundred anf Fortv Thousand Dollars$ ( l4s,ooo.oo ) subjectto
the existingbuildingand use restrictions,easement,and zoningordinances,if any, upon the following
conditions:Seller shall deliver a warranty deed conveying marketabletitle
A. n CASH SALE: Paymentto be in a certifiedfundsor wiredper lendinginstitutionor TitleCo.
B. Z CASH SALE WITH NEW MORTGAGE:Paymentof purchasemoney is to be made in cash or
certifiedcheck. This agreementis contingentupon Purchaserbeing able
mortgageintheamountof $ 140 .000 . 00
of so years and pay $ 5,000 . 00 down plus mortgagecost, prepaid
items,andadjustmentsin cash. Purchaseragreesto applyfor suchmortgagewithin
daysfromacceptanceofthisofferat Purchaser'sexpense.lf commitmentforsuchmortgagecannot
beobtainedwithin 1s daysfromdateof acceptance,thisoffershallbedeclarednullandvoid
and the depositshall be returnedto Purchaser. Writtenevidenceof mortgagedenialshall be
immediatelypresentedto Seller.Denialof specifiedmortgageshallrenderthisAgreementnulland
voidandthe Depositshallbe returnedto Purchaser.Thepartiesagreethatif theappraisedvalueof
the propertyis lessthanthe purchaseprice,PurchasermaydeclarethisAgreementnullandvoid
andthedepositshallbe returned.
c. n cAsH SALEWITHNEWLANDCONTRACT. n SeeLandContractAddendum.
3. Seller'sconcessions:Selleragreesto pay$ attheclosingto beusedtowardsany
to secure a
for a term
ffi sener,sInitiats-RE/MAXCLASSIC-B PropeityAddress: 34O BRIGHToN IAKE Rp, BRrcHToN, MI 48116
This contract is for use by RealcoElr Su.bsclibers- Use by any other party is illegal and voids the contBct lnstatr)t
Page2 ot 7
4. POSSESSION:Sellershallremoveall personalpropertyand refusefromthe buildingsand landand
shalldeliverandPurchasershallacceptpossessionof saidpropertysubjectto therightsofthefollowing
if Selleroccupiesthe propertyit shall be vacatedfl at closingOR E on or before5:00 P.M.
l4davs daysafterclosing.Fromthe dateafterclosingthroughthe dateof vacatingthe property
as agreed,SELLERSHALLPAYthe sum of $_fgggN!rM3g_per day. The titlecompanyactingas an
escrowagent,shallretainfromtheamountdueSellerat closing,the sumof $ as security
for saidoccupancycharge,payingto the Purchaserthe amountdue,and returningto the Sellerthe
unusedportionas determinedby date propertyis vacatedand keys surrenderedto the Purchaser.
Seller agrees to pay or reimbursePurchaserfor all costs and expensesincurredin recovering
possessionof the property,includingactualattorneysfees, togetherwith all actual,incidentaland
consequentialdamagessustainedby Purchaserwhichshallinclude,but not be limitedto, housing
expense,storagefees,actualattorneysfeesandanyothercostsor expenseswhicheitherariseoutof
or are connectedwith Seller'sfailureor refusalto vacatethe propertyas requiredby this Agreement.
(TheEscrowAgentor Brokerhas no obligationimpliedor otherwisefor seeingthatthe premisesare
vacatedon thedatespecifiedorfortheconditionsofthepremises,etc.)
5. EARNESTMONEYDEPOSIT:The Brokeris herebyauthorizedto this offer and collect the
deposit of Five rhousand Dollars
the form of El Cneck E to be held by Broker in
s,ooo.oo ) in
accordancewithMCL339.25120) (l) andappliedto the purchasepriceif the saleis completedOR
Purchaseragreesto pay$ upon signingthisoffermakingthetotaldepositamount
of$ Broker shall be depositingthe earnestmoney within days
from dateof Seller'sacceptanceof this offer. lf the agreementis terminatedpursuantto paragraphs
2,7,11,12,31,32within,the partiesagreethatSellingBrokershallreturnthe Depositto Purchaserand
Seller'sremedies,if any,arelimitedto anawardofdamagesequalto theamountoftheDeposit.
FLOODINSURANCE:Purchasermay,at his expense,obtaina FloodplainCertificationwithin 1s
calendardaysfromthedateof Seller'sacceptanceofthisAgreement.lf theCertificationdisclosesthat
thepropertyis in a SpecialFloodHazardArea,PurchasermaynotifySeller,inwriting,within g days
fromthedateof the CertificationthatPurchaserdeclaresthisAgreementnullandvoidandthe deposit
shallbe returnedto Purchaser.Failureto notifySellerthatthe propertyis in a SpecialFloodHazard
Areawithinthis time periodshallconstitutea waiverof Purchaser'srightto terminatethe Agreement
underthisparagraphand Purchaseragreesto obtaina policyof floodinsuranceif requiredto do so by
PROPERTYINSPEGTION(s):(Note: Inspectionsrequiredby FHA,VA, lendersor municipalities
are not madefor, nor should they be reliedupon by Purchaser.)Brokerrecommendsand Seller
agreesto allow Purchaserto have propertyinspectedat Purchaser'sexpenseby inspector(s) of
Purchaser'schoicewithin 1 Businessdaysfromdateof seller'sacceptancefor(including,
andappliances,pest,(proximityto anduseof:arealandandimprovements,waterandanywaterrights,
use,availabilityandcostof utilitiesor verificationof anyinformationprovidedto Purchaserby Brokeror
Seller. lf the Purchaserdoes not notifySellerin writingwithin Businessdays from the date
of the inspection(s)thatthe Purchaseris dissatisfiedwiththeinspection(s)or anyinformationobtained
regardingthe property,this agreementshallbe bindingwithoutregardto said inspection(s).lf the
Purchasernotifiesthe ListingBrokerin writingthat,in Purchaser'ssolejudgmentthat Purchaseris
dissatisfiedwith the inspection(s)of the propertywithin the above specifiedbusinessdays, then
Purchasermaydeclarethisagreementvoidandallearnestmoneydepositsshallbe refunded.
@ Purchaserwill havea PropertyInspectionaccordingto theseterms.
D Purchaserwaivesthe rigftllto a PropertyInspection.
purchaser'srnitiars/)'7-d. frt sette/sInitiats-
RE/MAxcLAsSlcE- TtorFy Address: 340 BRTGHToNLAKE RD BRIGHTON Mr 481t 6
this contract is for use by Rcal,corq) Use by aDy other parby is illegal sd voids th. conttact. lnstanC)t
forms v
Page3 of 7
8. LEAD-BASEDPAINTINSPECTION:Thiscontractis contingentupona riskassessmentor inspection
of the propertyfor the presenceof lead-basedpaintand/orlead-basedpainthazards(as defined)at
Purchaser'sexpense.Thiscontingencywillexpireten calendardaysfollowingSeller'sacceptanceof
thisAgreement,unlessPurchaser(or his agent)deliversto Seller(or his agent)a writtenlistof the
specificexistingdeficienciesand correctionsneeded,togetherwith a copy of the inspectionor risk
assessmentreport. Seller may, at Seller'soption within days after receiptof a list and
accompanyingreport,electto correctthe conditionpriorto closing.lf Sellerwillcorrectthe condition,
SellershallfurnishPurchaserwithcedificationfroma riskassessoror inspectordemonstratingthatthe
conditionhasbeenremediedpriorto closing.lf Sellerdoesnotelectto makethe repairs,or if Seller
makesa counter-proposal,Purchasershallhave days to respondto the counter-proposalor
andthe depositshallbe returnedto Purchaser.Purchasermayremovethiscontingencyat anytime
@ Purchaserwaivesthis contingency.
9. FACSIMILE/ EMAIL:PurchaserandSelleragreethata facsimiletransmissionof anysigneddocument
or Emailshallhavethe sameeffectas an original.The partiesagreethatsignedfacsimilecopiesof
documentsor EmailAttachmentshallbeappendedtotheoriginalsthereofandintegratedtherewith.Any
suchwrittennoticeor communicationshallbe deemeddeliveredat the timeit is sentor transmitted.
Sellerand buyeragreethat the informationprovidedunderthe Signaturesof each party in this
agreementare the acknowledgedelectronicdeliveryaddressesfor each partyand will be used for
purposesof completingthisagreementanddelivery.
10.TITLE EVIDENCE:Sellersagreesto furnishPurchasera Commitmentof Title Insurancewithout
standardexceptionswithin 30 businessdaysof acceptance,and afterclosing,a Policyof
the acceptancehereofand guarantyingthe title in the conditionrequiredfor performanceof this
agreement.Purchaseragreesto obtainandpayfora surveybya registeredlandsurveyor,as required
by lender.(lf,for anyreason,Purchaserdoesnotobtaina survey,the Policyof TitleInsurancewillbe
issuedwithstandardexceptionsandPurchaseragreesto holdBrokerandSellerharmless.Purchaser
and Selleragreethat SeasonsTitleAgencywill providethe mortgagetitle insurancerequiredby the
bankandalsoconducttheclosingforthetransaction.Purchaseragreesto paythecustomaryclosing
11.TITLEOBJECTIONS:Aftera titleinsurancecommitmentis deliveredto Buyer,anyobjectionby Buyer
to Seller'stitleshallbe (a)basedupona writtenopinionof Buyer'sattorneyto the effectthatthistitleis
not in the conditionrequiredfor performancehereunder,and(b) madein writingidentifyingthe defects
formingthe basisof the objection,whichwrittenopinionshallbe deliveredto Brokerwithinfive (5)
calendardaysfollowingBuyer'sreceiptof such commitment.Withinthirty(30) calendardaysfrom
deliveryto Brokerof saiddefects,Sellershallattemptto rendersuchtitlemarketableandshallcause
said title commitmentto be reissuedand redeliveredto the Buyerfor examination.The date of
consummationofsaleasspecifiedelsewherehereinshallbeextendedbynumberof daysnecessaryfor
Sellerto haveacceptabletitlecommitmentrevisedand deliveredto BuyerfromdateSellerreceives
writtennotificationof thetitleobjections.ShouldSellerbe unableto rendersuchtitlemarketable,or be
unableto securea commitmentinsuringtitlewithinthe30 calendardayperiodaboveor anyextensions
thereofagreeduponin writing,Buyershallhavethe optioneitherto consummatethe saleandaccept
such title as Sellermay be able to conveyin full satisfactionand accordor demandin writingand
receiveall moneysdepositedhereunder.Uponreturnof allsaidmoneyto the Buyer,BuyerandSeller
12.TAXES:Alltaxeson thelandwhicharedueandpayableon or beforethedateof closingshallbe paid
by the Seller.Currenttaxesshallbe proratedandadjustedas of the dateof closingin accordancewith
theduedatebasisofthemunicipalityor taxingunitinwhichthepropertyis located,on a 365daybasis.
Sellerto payanyapplicabletransfertaxesas perlaw.
Purchaser'slnitiarrlil. H - R Seller'slnitials
rorms ''
this contlact is for use by Realcorq) Subscrlb€rs. gse by any other parly is illegal and woide the contract
Page 4 ol7
13.DEFAULT/RELEASE:ln the eventof defaultby the Seller,Purchasermayelectto enforcethe terms
hereofor demandandbe entitledto a refundof the entiredeposit,in fullterminationof thisagreement.
ln the event of defaultby the Purchaser,Sellermay declareforfeitureand retainthe depositas
liquidateddamagesas the Seller'ssoleremedy.A MutualReleaseof PurchaseAgreementor similar
cancellationmust be signedby all parties,priorto the disbursementof earnestmoneydepositsin
disputeorto be returned,undertheprovisionsofthePurchaseAgreement.SellerandPurchaseragree
thatListingandSellingBrokersandtheirsalespeopleshallnotbe madepartiesto anyactiontakento
enforceor terminatethisagreement.
14.SPECIALASSESSMENTS:Specialassessmentsfor publicimprovementswhichhavebeen billedby
publicauthoritypriorto the date of closingshallbe paid by the Sellerin full includingall future
installments,unlessotherwiseagreedto in writing.Sellerrepresentsthatthey havenot beenmade
awareof or advisedof any newor possibleassessmentsthatmaybe in the discussionstage,formally
proposedor not yet assessedand/orrecorded.lf seller(s)doeshaveknowledgeand/ordocuments
pertainingto the newassessmentsas stated,theyshallprovidethisinformationto purchaser(s).Upon
receipt,purchaser(s)shallhavethree(3)calendardaysto reviewsuchdocuments.Purchaser(s)shall
notifyseller(s)withinthosethreedaysif theywishto withdrawtheirofferanddeclareit nullandvoid,or
theirwillingnessto proceedaccordingto theagreedupontermsandconditions,or someotherremedy
15.OTHERPRORATIONS:Associationfees,interestandrents,if any,shallbeproratedandadjustedasof
16.SEWERAND WATERCHARGES:The Selleragreesto payfor allsewerandwaterusageto dateof
possession.TheTitleCompanyshallretainfromtheamountdueto theSellerat closing,a minimumof
$300.00forwater/sewercharges.Whenthefinalwaterbillor readingis received,theunusedportionif
any,(afterproratingor proofof payment)shallbereturnedtotheSeller.
17.COMPENSATION:Purchaser(s)agreesto paysellingbrokera transactionfee of $ lgs.oo at
closing. Any additionalcommissionchargesshall be specifiedin the contractbetweenthe Listingand
18.HOMEPROTECTIONPLANS:SellerZ willor I willnotprovideat closinga oneyearstandardhome
protectionplanin favorof Purchaserat a costnotto exceed$ 500.00 . Theprotectionplan
herein will be selected by Purchaser and ordered by Purchaser's agent and will also include:
Purchaseragrees to
claimswhichwouldbeholdSeller,Listingand SellingBrokersandtheirsalespeopleharmlessfor all
coveredbya homeprotectionplan,whetherplnotPurchaseracceptstheplan.
Acknowledsement:fYlH' 4lPurchaser PurChds& Seller
19.FINALWALK-THROUGHPRIORTO CLOSING:Purchaserreservesthe rightto walk throughthe
propertywithin72 hourspriorto closing.
20.MAINTENANCEOF THEPROPERTYUNTILPOSSESSION:Untilpossessionis delivered,the Seller
agreesto keepthe propertyin the sameconditionas of the dateof this agreementand agreesto
equipmentin normalworkingorder;maintainthe grounds,and sprinklersystemand to keeo the
basement(ifapolicable)andtherooffreeof leaks.Inaccordancewithparagraph2,Sellerfurtheragrees
to keepall utilityservices(electric,gasandwater)operatinguntilthedatethepropertyis vacated.Inthe
eventthe propertyhas beenwinterized,it shallbe the obligationand expenseof the Sellerto de-
winterizethe propertyprior to closing.Purchaserunderstandsand acceptsthat reasonableholes,
scratches,discolorationandsmallhangingdevicessuchas nails,etc.maybe leftin thewallor ceiling
surfacefromthe removalof personalitemsnotincludedin thetransaction.Selleragreesto leavethe
premisesbroom-cleanandfreeof debris.
Seller's lnitials
tarrms -'
Thi6 contract is for use by Realco(tt subicribers. Ose by any other party is illegal ed void6 the contract
Page5 of 7
21.PROVISIONFORAS lS CONDITION:By executionof thisagreementthe Purchaseracknowledges
THATPURCHASERHASEXAMINEDTHEABOVEdescribedpropertyandis satisfiedwiththephysical
conditionof the structuresthereinand purchasesaidpropertyin "AS lS CONDITION",subjectonlyto
the right of a propertyinspectionas providedfor hereinand the Se//er'sDisclosureStatementif
required. NeitherSellernor Listingand SellingBrokersand their salespeoplehave made any
representationsor warrantiesof anykindconcerningtheproperty,uponwhichthe Purchaserhasrelied,
exceptas setforthin thisagreement.Purchaseracknowledgesthat(a)theinformationprovidedin the
multi-listdescriptionof this Propertyis not warrantedor guaranteed;and (b) he has not reliedon the
multi-listdescriptionin makingthisagreement.
22.EXPIRATION:Thisofferto purchaseshallremainvaliduntil 05/09/L3 at n nnn
Z pn4for sellersacceptance.ln the eventthe Sellermakesany writtenchangesto the termsand
conditionsherein,suchchangesif initialedandsignedbySeller,shallconstitutea counterofferbyseller
to purchaserwhichwillremainvaliduntil os/LL/L3 al n n nU E ptvtunlesseadier
withdrawnby Seller,andshallrequireacceptancebythepurchaserby initialingeachandeverychange
beforesaid time,failureto acceptwithinthe giventime will makethis offernull and void and the
23.LEGALCOUNSEL:Brokerrecommendsthatall partiesretainan attorneyto protecttheir interest.
24.BINDINGTO THE HEIRS,ETC.:The agreementshereinshallbindand inureto the benefitof the
25.HOMEOWNERSASSOCIATION:lf thereis a HomeownersAssociationthat has authorityover the
property,Selleris to providePurchaserwitha copyof the mostrecentfinancialstatement,by-lawsand
assessmentsandanyotherrelatedinformationwithinsevendaysof acceptance.lf Purchaserdoesnot
notifySellerin writingwithinfivecalendardaysfromthe dateof receiptof hereindocumentsthatthe
Purchaseris dissatisfiedwithsaiddocuments,thisagreementshallbe bindingwithoutregardto said
documents.lf PurchasernotifiesSellerinwritingthatPurchaseris dissatisfiedwiththedocumentswithin
the abovespecifiedcalendardays,thenPurchasermaydeclarethisagreementvoidand all earnest
26.FOREIGNINVESTMENTlN REALPROPERTYTAX ACT: lf the salespriceof the propertyexceeds
$300,000partiesto this agreementare to be boundby (FIRPTA)requirementsand mustcomplete
27.CITYCERTIFICATION:lf thepropertyis locatedin a municipalitythatrequiresan inspectionpriortoa
sale,Sellerwill payfor necessaryinspectionsand/orrequiredrepairs,if any,to obtainwrittenapproval
ofthe municipality.
28.NOTICE:Anywrittennoticeto Purchaser/Sellermaybe servedat the officeof Purchaser'sor Seller's
29.SELLER'SDISCLOSURES:PurchaseracknowledgesthathereceivedfromSellera Se//er'sDisclosure
Statementand,if the propertyis residentialhousingbuiltbefore1978,a Lead-BasedPaintand Lead-
BasedPaintHazardsDisc/osurepriorto signingthis agreement. Purchaseracknowledgesthat the
informationprovidedin the Se//er'sDisclosureStatement,Lead-BasedPaint and Lead-BasedPaint
HazardsDisclosureand any otherpropertydisclosurestatementis (a) baseduponSeller'sknowledge
andis nota warrantyof anykindby Selleror Listingor SellingBrokersandtheirsalespeople;(b)nota
substitutefor any inspectionsor warrantiesPurchasermaywishto obtain;(c) providedsolelyby Seller
and is not a representationmadeby Listingand SellingBrokersand theirsalespeople;and (d) a
disclosureonlyandnotintendedto bea partofthisagreement.
Purchaser'srnitials ff H'
rorms "
This contract Ls foE utG by ReaLcofip Subscriber6- Use by any othci party ir i1169al .nd voids the contraet
Page6 of 7
30.ACCEPTANGE:Finalacceptanceof thisPurchaseAgreementandany counteroffers,if any,shallbe
uponwritten,Faxor Emaileddeliveryof acceptanceto eitherpartyortheirrepresentativeagent.
31.CLOSING:lf this offeris acceptedby Sellerand if titlecan be conveyedin the conditionrequired
o6loi/L3 at thehereunder,PurchaserandSelleragreeto completethe saleon or before
officeoftheListingBroker,subjectto lenderrequirements.
32.ADDENDUM:ThecheckedAddendum(s)is to be incorporatedas partof thisagreement.Inthe event
any termsin the PurchaseAgreementand any addendumconflict,the termsof the addendumshall
I ContingencyAddendum tr
33.INFORMATIONPROVIDED:Any informationprovidedby Brokersuch as demographicsor other
informationis forconvenienceonly. Purchasershallindependentlyconfirmanyandallinformationand
agreesthatBrokerhasnotviolatedPurchaser'srightin regardto anyfairhousinglaws.
34.HOLD HARMLESS:Purchaserand Seller hold Broker(s)and their salespersons,brokers,and
employees,respectively,harmlessanddo herebyindemnifythemagainstallclaims,actionsor suitsfor
35.ARBITRATION:PurchaserandSelleragreethatanycontroversyor claimarisingfromor relatingto this
contractor the breachthereof,dispositionof the Deposit,or the physicalconditionof the Property,and
any claimof fraud,misrepresentationor negligenceshallbe settledby arbitrationadministeredby the
NationalCenterfor DisputeSettlementunderits ArbitrationRulesfor the RealEstatelndustryand
judgmenton the awardrenderedby the arbitrator(s)maybe enteredin any courthaving jurisdiction
thereof. TIME FOR CLAIMS: Buyer and Seller agreesthat any action or suit againstthe
REALTOR/BROKERarisingout of this agreementor any servicesrenderedor not renderedby
REALTOR/BROKER,mustbe broughtwithinthe shorterof: a) the timeprovidedby law or b) six (6)
monthsof the eventgivingriseto the claims,or be foreverby barred. Sellerspecificallywaivesany
limitationperiodto thecontrary.
f] ceneralAddendum
fl CondoAddendum
n BankAddendum(s)
fl RelocationAddendum(s)
Seller's lnitials
f] SnortSaleAddendum(s)
I LandContractAddendum(s)
ll':!:::f:','t'g:.f1{.nRE/MAXCLASSIC-B PropertyAddress: 340 BRIGHTON LAKE RD, BRTGHION Mr 48116
fhi.a contllct is for use by RealcdlP Sub6criber6. Use by any othc! p.rty is illegal sd void6 tlre contlact lostax)I
By the signaturesUetow,purcnasetac&
SalespersonlD # rrnsre
OfficelD # 301741
tqilliam@tuni. rr. con
?*r,-, {-Loro,a
<-'7 tl 1
BROKER'SACKNOWLEDGMENTOF DEPOSIT:Receivedfrom the above named Purchaserthe depositmoney above
mentioned,which will be applied as indicatedin #5 will be returnedforthwithaftertenderif the foregoingoffer
anddepositisdeclined.BElilllXtQlASS!9 BY:
ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER: The foregoingoffer is acceptedin accordancewith the terms stated.
By the execution of this anstrument the Seller acknowledges a receipt of a copy of this agreement.
SalespersonlD# oezroo
Office lD # i56555
f rankadanqeloGqmail . com
The undersignedPurchaserherebyacknowledgesreceiptof a copy of the Seller'ssigned acceptanceof the foregoing
Offerto Purchase.
fn"Purchaser'slnitialstI''['f' Vl
Sellefe Initials
rorms v
U.e by any other party is illegal sd void6 ttre contract.
Congratulations,youhavebeenpre-approvedfor aFHA loanto financethepurchaseofa
singlefamilyhomefor upto $145,000.
Finalapprovalis subjectto satisfactoryunderwritingreviewof a fully executedpurchase
agreement,appraisal,title insuranceandsurveyif requiredbythetitlecompany.
I lookforwardto servicingyourmortgageneeds.Shouldyouhaveanyfurtherquestions,
pfeasedonothesitateto callmeat(810)522-1903.
Thankyoufor choosingUnitedBankandTrust.
205W GrandRiver,Suite102
Brighton,MI 481l6
NMLS 532148
"g2723SouIh State Street ' Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 . 734.214-3700 . . PO. Box 1127. Ann Arbror.Ml 481C6-1127 MEMBEFTFDTc
This addendum
is part of andincorporatedinto an Agrcementof Saledate 2013
Forthepropertylocatedat: 340 BRIGHTON LAKE RD, BRIGHTON, MI 48116
1.FHA/VA: AmendatoryClauseRegardingAppraisedValue
It is expresslyagreethat,nofwithstandinganyotherprovisionsof thiscontract,thePurchasershallnotbeobligated
to completethepurchaseof thepropertydescribedhereinor to incuranypenaltyby forfeitureof earnestmoney
depositsor otherwiseunlessthePurchaserhasbeengiven,in accordancewith HUD/FHA or VA requirements,a
writtenstatementissuedby theFederalHousingCommissioner,VeteransAdministrationor aDirectEndorsement
Lender,settingforthappraisedvalueof thepropertyof notlessthan$ tns,.ooo.oo . . ThePurchasershall
havetheprivilegeandoptionof proceedingwith theconsummationof thecontractwithoutregardto theamountof
theappraisedvaluation.Theappraisedvaluationis arrivedatto determinethemaximummortgagetheDepartment
of HousingandUrbanDevelopmentwill insure.HUD doesnotwarrantthevaluenortheconditionof theproperty.
ThePurchasershouldsatisfyhimself/herselfthatthepriceandconditionof thepropertyareacceptable.
2.RequiredFHA/VA FinancingExpenses
Selleracknowledgesthattherearecertainfinancingexpensesthatcannotbechargedto thePurchaserunder
FHA/VA guidelines.Theseexpensesmustbepaidby theSeller.Approximatecoststotal$400for FHA financing,
and$850for VA financing,butcanvarybefweenlenders.
Selleragreesto pay for thesefinancingexpenses.
3. SellerosOptional Contributions
Selleragreesto payup to towardsPurchasersclosingcosts,prepaidexpenses,
and/or discount points. This amount is in addition to the amount stipulated inparagraph2.
4. FHA/VA: Completion and Payment for Repairs
Sellershallcompleteandpaynot morethan$ 100 .00 for repairs,improvements,andre-inspectionfees
Requiredby theFHA or VA in orderto completethistransaction.If saidrepaircostsexceedSeller'scontribution,
Purchasermaycontributetheexcess.ln theeventPurchaserdeclinesto payfor suchexcessthenSellers,attheir
option,maydeclarethistransactionnull andvoid with thedepositretumedto thePurchaseruponexecutionof a
Mutual release. Notice;All repairsand/orimprovementsmustbecompletedin a workmanlikemannerpriorto thetransactionclosing.
However,in theeventcertainrepairscannotbecompleteddueto weather,or otherunforeseenconditions,anescrowfor repairswill be
createdin compliancewith FHA or VA requirements.Two estimatesfor thework will berequiredandanescrowaccountat I -ll2 times
thehighestestimatewill beestablishedto assurecompletionof thework.
5.It is understoodbetweenPurchaserand Sellerthat any additionalpersonalproperty listedhasno value.
Seller Date
Seller Date
Listing Real EstateBroker
ry;,$?!gThis coneract is for use by Realcory SubscEiSers, Use by any other party is illegal and voids the contract.
2 q'o BPt6f'l-7ON I-AP 8?
B'n rf a-ra rV Michigan
City. villoga or Towrrrhip
Prrltrrrcof$tllcnrcnt: Thisrlatcmatiradisclogrrcofthccoodilionoflhcprcpcnyincomplirntcwilhrhcscllcrdisclosurcacr,Thissarcrcoris
n disclosurc rrf tftc eonditiorrmd infomtion mreming thc propcrgr.known by thc stllcr. Unlcs othcruirc adviscd. the sclllrdogc ror pssls;s rny
crpcnisc in onrtnction. nrchitecrura mginering. or any oLhcrrpccific lcr ducd to thc congn cliorl or c.lndirion of thc imprcvcrrcnu on the
ptolcn! o. tic lmd, Also. unlcss otherwi:c adviscd. thc rcllrr har not snductcd uy iosprcoion of gsncnlty i$cacasiblc l|B such an drc
foundntioo or rmf Thii stotlmcfit is oo: a mruty of ony kind by thr scller or by 6ny tgcnr lgp.*nring the sclla in thii annssclio,L ord ir nor a
.whsrilurc lbr ary inspcctionsnr umrics tlrc buycr may rvish ro oboin.
$cllcr'r Dirc|ruurc Thc rcllcr disclosc the following infonmtion vith thc tnowlcdgr tbrt svtn lhougb this ir nor a mmnry. tlc scllcr spccifiolly
nnls rhc lhllnwing reprc*cntatioro bascdon rhc sc.llcr'c lnowlcdgc rr aLcrigning ofahis docunanrl Upon rccciving this.crarcmenrl"romrhc scllcr.
thc scllcr'r agal is rcquind to providc s copy lo lh€ buys or tha egEnrofthc bu)'cr. Ttc scllcr luthorizcr ;rs og.ntl6) lo povidc s ertpy ofahir
Nrrrcnrntrtn my pmrpativc buyar in mnncction vitb my rtull or mttcip.rcd r6lc of pmpcny. Tbc follouing !r! rcpr6arralionn mdc mlcly by thc
*cllcr arxl an nnt tlrc rcprccrrmtionr ofthc rcllcrl !gcn(r). iflny.
lorlnrrrionrrothcScllcn {l}AnrwcrALLgucstion:, {?iRcponknomconditioncltrccringlhcpmpcny. (l)Alrlchndditimdlpigsswithyour
sigrrrrrrrc if rdditiorul spre is rcquired. {41 Cnmplctc this fom younclf. (5} ll somc itmu do oor apply to your propcny. chcck NOT
No UnLnosn Availnblc
TV rrrrclrrl. TV rotor & cnnrmls
Elcoriul syfrcrn
Onngc dmr opcner& rcrnotemntml
/lnrtn systcnl
Ccntnl trcrruut
At|ic lrrl
PMI hcotci rvlll lincr & cquiprmrrt
dcilirrg lirrr
Srrla/hot tuh
ltnrcr hcttcr
Phmlrilg sprctn
wrrcr s.rlic$crlcotditiolcr
lvcll & nitrrp
Scpltctrnl & rlmrn licki
Strxu pDrnp
City wrrcr S)Ercrtr
City ScrvcrSvsern
Colral lir sndiri0tritrg
L-cnrnl Ic'titrg sl4ilcfl!
lvill llntncc
Elcrtrolic oir 6lrcr
.Sohr hc:tring
Fircplacc & clrinucy
tVrrxl hunrirrgsyrtcnr
ro- HSELL$R'S DISCLO$URT STATEMENTslllfJ5,li""utl-J or REArIoRse
li:Flnnatirrnr {alqch additionol thccts if ncccseryl:,
ilNLR{ .rT|l€nrv$E
lvn nlrrfiTl' oEVOND DaTE OF CtOStNG.
PruPcrry c0rrrlitloil& itrrproe.tncnr & addltlonrl loformsalonl
l. lll.rtr4{r/cnrLFacr: Hlr thm bcn cvidene tf sore|?
Ycs- r'lo t r'--
ll-ycr, ptcarueplail:
lrsubtion: Dmribq ifkoom
llrca Fornr:ldcltydc Fmrn llnrlariorr (UFFI) is insrrllcd?
llool: Lcaksi'
Approxirrurcngcif knotvn
.1. W(ll: Typc rlf wrll ldepth/diamiicr. lga ard rcpiir hidory. if known):
Hrs lhc eatcrhucrrtcslcd?
ll'ycJ, tlrc daacofltrrl Epof,l.siultJ:
Unknown_Ye v.-- No_
Y6_ No_
Ys No
$. 0lcctric:l Svslcnt;Aoynnrvnpmblcnt? (.D
^ lzr
::rpridmrkrl{lrainIttld!, Crldilion.if krrom; | l^
= i ; iiEi ;;: i
llcrrinr r.vrre,u:Typcy'opprerirureogc:{-Of Co a Ai( ltNa
I'luorhintryrtcor:r*, anr*r.*j ***u-- o,n*-,-
I r
Any trrtvn pmblcns? rf'l
rf. tlisror-v of lnfcJasainn"lt rtry: llcmitas. cnrp€nlct ilt13.ctc-) f1D
llt, Elvlhtorcrtil Prolrlcns: Aft you nwalr of aly :rtbsranccs,tnatltitts, or prcducB tbsl mly bc an cnvircrrmcnlll h3zntd s[ch nr' hul nor
tinrirc.t or, $bcstoe m.lotr $trs.fommUUyae loa-brcA poim. Rrelotc&mical llorogc lmts lnd &ntamiollcd sil on lhc prcpcf,y'
Untioown- Yts*--- No;j*
ll lrs nltr.* c.rDhin:
I l- Flnorf irlrrlocc: Do ymr hove flsrd inonrrcc or thx proqcnyl
I l rllilenl rigltrr: Dn you orvn thc oincml rights?
Othcr lten*: Arc yol trqe ol'toy of the follnrving?:
Yas _
Fcalrnc ollhc pmprny sharcd in cnmmn wilh th€ odjoitring hndo*ncrs. sucl os rvqlls. fcilcls. mtdt !{d drivcwjry$.
llrorros rvh,rs 6c or rcgnnsibility for mintcnancc may hlvc on cllcct on thc Propeny? t,
Unhoq- Y6- N"lZ-
Arry grcroacnmcrrs, eteorelrs. zoning violntions. or nonconfomitg uscs? Unllnorvn
Nrr lz'
A[y "!!rqmor rrca<" {fncilirics likc p{)oli tatnir couns. rvalkwoyS'ot olhcr ltas co{wncd rvi'h olhcts)' or o lrumcrtwrt?-
rss,rinri,rn tlrar hff any n$horily ovcitic pmpany? Unltnorn
Yo *- N"  -
Slnrcrrrnf nrxlilimtiortg. nltc61i915' or rrpair mldc without nccsry pmir* or li€sscd 6nlmdo6? tt'
No zz
sctrl'ng. llmdiil& drairtagc strucntral' or gnding poblcms? Unnorw
tvlriordotrugcrothepropcnyfmrnfirc.wind.floods,orlondslidcs? Untnom- Ycs- Nu  1
Au! fffr.lcryormd sromgc ttrrls'.' Unknown
No t'//
Fam rrr l'rnn onmtinn in thc vicinity: or pmrimity lo o ldndnll. airpon. tn*,"n
.- N^ ,.r.',.ifrrirnf!,irg fililitv asscrsmcomor Gc' including aly natunl gasmin ert"no'on
"'*oF- ,-
ru, rrrrtsrarrlingmrmrcipal&$6nrfits or I'cs? Unknown
A' S''/-
..rrvlnrrling litigatiorr thnt could allcct tlc proSrny or thc rcllcr's rig-htto onvcy thc p.opcny?
N" Vtt'-
l, thc rrsrrc. ro nrrvrrf thcc qrrsrions is yc, plasc aplain. Anadr additiorralrhats. if ncccs$ry:
Thc srttcr hs tivst ar rhc cidcnc on thc propcny f-. Ctf ol00q (darc) rog35g15!-- (d!tc). Thc slls hrc orvncd lhc Frcpcny
riu-.Od_Ciff!tr- ldatcl. Thc rcllcr hff indicarcd nbovc rhc condiion of nll t* itlrns bsscd on inlomtion htowu to thc scllcr. lf nuy
rhnngr:soccrrrin thc srnrnrr:ryrnechanical/applianccsysrcrnsofrhis propcrry liom thc darcofthis fmm ro thc dlts ofclosing scllcr rvill inrmuliotcly
.liFctds rhc chmges ro brrlrr. In no evor shlll lhc ptnics hold lhc brotcr lirble for any rcprcscntitioos mt ditlclly rmdc by thc bmkcr m brokcr's
Scllcrccnilicsrhartbcinlhmatinrrin riis strrcrruntismrcandcomct rolhcbcsrofscllcr'slnowlcdgcusof lhcdnrcof scllcr's.rignntnrt.
iltlcHlc,lN l,^rv. REAL PftoPERTl'T,rJ( on|"tc/lTtoNs c^ly cBANGti srcwtFtc NTLy rvHEN rRorsRT.t,
tti Tn,rN.qFEnnED.
thi,s sht?mnl
r-r -
rim: u:0 u tpyy-l
paniurrlarrmrrroiontocnsurcihstachscrionisappropriotafortherransnctinrr. ThcMiehiglnAssocintiooofREALTO&Sdlislotrrsponsiblc(or
nscor nisrrrc nl'l'orrrr lhr misrcoeerlation or lbr rvarr0rtti6 mde il conneaion rvith thc fom.
s"rlu,.r,. *fY" (h  o^,"lil &6r Pffl?
S!'l lcl
F{lRtvt ll .lANJ(li'
"Each office
,s indepefidenlly
awnad and operated"
PunposEor rnls Stlteueur Theinformationprovidedinthisstatementis requiredto beprovidedby allsellersoi
residenttalhousingbuiltbefore1978.Thisstatementis requiredbytheResidenlialLead-BasedHazardReductionAct
of 1992{42U.S.C.4852d).
pnopenwaro.u, 4'/ o EL/6H7o tV Lo E€ ED
Theresidenceat thrsaddresswas
I yes
(lf Yes is checked, omit the rest of
L€Ao WAsNrNcSterguenn
this Disclosureand sign below, othenvise, complete the following portion.)
EveryPurchaseroJanyintereslin residentialrealestateon whicha residentialdwellingwasbuillpflorlo 1978isnotified
lhatsuchproperlymaypresentexposureto leadfromlead-basedpaintthatmayplaceyoungchildrenal riskot
developlngleadpoisoning.Leadpoisoningin youngchildrenmayproducepermanentneurologicaldamage,including
posesa particularriskto pregnantwomen"Thesellerof anyinlereslin residentialrealpropertyis requiredto providethe
buyerwithanyintormationon lead-basedpainthazardslromriskassessmentsor inspectionsin theseller'spossession
andnotifythebuyerof anyknownlead-basedpainlhazards.A riskassessmentor inspectionforpossiblelead-based
painlhazardsis recommendedpriorlo purchase.
Selun's DrsclosuRElrnif,ar)
constructedafterJanuary1, 1978:(sellermustinitialone)
'8 no unr{rown
A ..-
vJ. 1 Presenceof lead-trased
(a) Known lead-based painl
paint and,iorlead-based pairrthazards(check gar b below):
and/or lead'based painl hazards are present in the housing (explain)
E-+- - 2.
Y Seller has no reports or
t/Setter has no knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing.
Reco' 's and reports availableto the Seller (checka or b below):
Seller has provided lhe purchaser with all availablerecords and reports pertainingto lead-based paint
and/or lead-based paint hazardsin th€ housing (listdocument$ below).
(b) records perlaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the
the housing
Selleracknolledges thal agerltshave informedsellerof seller'sobligatronunder42 U.S.C.4852d
Puncnasen'sAcxr.rowLeocuEur(In itial)
Purchaserhas recervedcopres oi all infornlatianlisted above and the attached
As set forthin the Offerto PLrrchase.purchaserhas(checka ar b below):
Receiveda '10-dayoppcrtunity(ormutuallyagreeduponperiod)to conducta riskassessmentor
inspectionforthepresenceof lead-basedpaintand/orlead-basedpainthazardsor
{ WaiveOtheopportunityfo conducta riskassessmentor insp€ctionforthepresenceof lead-basedpaini
CENTURY21 HARTFoRDSowx, lruc.Aaeur's AcrruowueocuElr (rnitial
CERnFtcATtoN oF AccuRAcY
Agenthasinfsnnedthesellerof theseller'sobligalionunder42 U.S,C.4852dandis aware0f his/het
responsibilityto ensurecompliance,
informationprovided by the signatoryis true and accurate
-,/ /
x- -:l/l-s/17
seller Dat'e
Meqhan and Rvan Hudson
PHONE: 231-357-3691
l. CONSIDERATION AND TERM OF CONTRACT: This agreementis entered into 1Hs 7 day of
May , 2oL3 , betweenthe above mentionedREALTOR/BROKER ("the REALTOR/BROKER") and the
abovementionedBUYER(S)("theBUYER") in considerationof theContractof theREALTOR/BROKERto consultwith
theBUYER regardingtheavailabilityof particularproperties,theavailabilityof financing,negotiatingpurchaseagreements,
and generally, to assist thc BUYER in purchasingproperty acceptable to the BUYER; the BUYER grants the
REALTOR/BROKER the exclusive right to representthe BUYER as BUYER'S AGENT to acquire property from
0s/o7/L3 to ll:59 p.m. on LL/07 /L3 . BUYER acknowledgesthat the
REALTOR/BROKER is not, including but not limited to, an attorney, tax advisor, appraiser, surveyor,
environmentalexpert, nor a structural or mechanicalengineerand that BUYER should contactprofessionalson
thcsematters. Thiscontractmavbecancelledonlvbv themutualconselltof theoartiesheretoin writins.
Price Range: 150000 Amount of PurchasePrice to be financed 145000
Buyer's Price Ceiling (if known) 150000 PreferredLocation Brighton
Specialrequirementsof propertysoughtby BUYER :
3. COMPENSATION: Brokcr shall be compensatedby the Seller or thc listing broker. BUYER agreesto pay to
REALTOR/BROKERa Transactionfee to RE/MAX Classicof $ass.oo for documentretention& techservicesto be
BUYER DUTIESiREPRESENTATION: The BUYER representsto theREALTOR/BROKER that,asof the dateof this
contract,BUYER hasnot euteredinto any othercontractswith othcrbrokeragecompaniesor salesagentto represclltthe
a. FurnishtheREALTOR/BROKERwithrelevantpersonalandfinancialinlbrmationtothcilitatetheBUYER'Sabilitytoacquire
b. Exerr:isecareanddiligenceinevaluatingthephysicalandlegalconditionofthepropertyselectedbytheBUYER,and
c. In allcommunicationswithotherrealestateagents,notirytheagentsthattheBUYERhasenteredintothisexclusivecontract
OTHER BUYERS: Other potentialbuyersmay be interestedin the samepropertiesas BUYER. It is agreedthat
REALTOR/BROKERmayrepresentthosebuyerswhethersuchrepresentationarisesprior to,during,or aftertheendof this
contract.In sucha situation,REALTOR/BROKERwill not discloseto eitherbuyerthetermsof theother'soffer.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: BLJYERacknowledgesthatfrom timeto timeREALTOR/BROKERand/orthesalesagents
of REALTOR/BROKERmayelectto representSellers.REALTOR/BROKERmayrepresentbothBUYER andSellerin the
sarnetransactionbut only with the knowledgeandwrittenconsentof both BUYER and Seller.This situationcommonly
arisesif the BLIYER is interestedin a propertylistedwith the REALTOR/BROKER.If the REALTOR/BROKIR obtains
writtenconsentto representbothBUYER andSeller,thereis a limitationon theREALTOR,tsROKER'Sabilityto represent
eitherparryexclusivelyandfully. For example,informationobtainedin confidencewith onepartymaynot be disclosedto
the otherpartywithoutprior consent.BUYER herebygivespreliminaryapprovalto th€ conceptof DISCLOSEDDUAL
DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED: It is agreedby the REALTOR/BROKER and the BUYER "(the parties to this
contract)"that asrequiredby law, discriminationbecauseof race,religion,color,nationalorigin,sex,maritalstatus,age,
height,weight,or physicalor mentalhandicap,or familialstatus,by saidparliesin respectto thepurchaseof thedescribed
Propertyis PROHIBITED.
ENTIRE CONTRACT: This contractconstitutestheentireagreementbefweentheparties,andanyprior contractsandor
agreements,whetheroral or written,have beenmergedandintegratedinto this contract.
Buyer Initials Buyer Initials
This contract ls for uae by RealcoEp Subscribers. Use by ey other pDty is illegal and voids the contract.
TIME FOR CLAIMS : Buyeragreesthatanyactionor suitagainsttheREALTOR/BROKERarisingoutof thisagreement
or any servicesrenderedor not renderedby REALTOR/BROKER, must be broughtwithin the shorterof: a)the time
providedby law or b) six (6) monthsof the eventgiving rise to the claims,or be foreverby barred. Buyer specifically
waivesanylimitationperiodto thecontrary
DESIGNATED AGENCY: REA4AX Classic("Company")andBuyerherebydesignate rHoMAs GTLLTAM
Company,the designatedagent(s)namesaboveandthefollowing supervisorybroker(s) carol Boii
If a potentialselleris representedby anagentwithin theCompanyotherthanth" designat.dugen49 nurnii uUo*;fr"n onfy
theCompanyandall supervisorybroker(s)slrallbedeemeddisclosedconsensualdualagents."Dual Agency,"whenusedin
thisbuyer'sagencycontract,shallnotincludethesituationwherethesellerofthe propertyin whichtheBuyeris interestedis
representedby anagentwithin theCompanythatdoesnot haveanagencyrelationshipwith theBuyer.
Bry* I"ttt"tr Bry"r l"ttt"lt
any other palty ia itlegal and voids the contract
R hasread this
REA{AX Classic
knowledgesreceiptof a completedcopy of this contract.
thi.s contract is f,or usc by Realeor{) Subscribera. Use by
,'; r,":,:*:liir:i-{r,
DateBranchOffice ReceivedEMD:
Date Agreementis acceptcdby ALL Partics: I - I
DateBranchis notifiedthatAgreementis acceptedby ALL Parties:- I -l
DateEMD is deposited:
Date: I I
you haverendered an Earnest Money Depositin connectlonwith an offer madeof the property referencedabove. StateLaw requires
that the Salespersondeliver your Earnest Money Depositto his/her Broker immediately. It will be depositedin the Broker's non-
interest bearing trust account.
Ifyour Earnest Money Depositwas renderedin the form of a personal check,you should havefunds readily available in your bank
accountto allow it to cleaiproperly, In the eventyour checkis returned for non*u{ficient funds, a feeof $50.00will be chargedfor
eachoccurrence. By your signatureon this document,you acknowledgeand agreethat any suchchargemay be deductedfrom a
refund of your Earneit Moniy Deposit,or may be included asa chargeto you in your closingdocuments(unlesspaid separately)at
the solediscretion of RE/MAX Classic'
This contract is for use by Realcoep subscribels- Itse by any other Party is iuega]. and voids the contract'
,--^ J forms
rr)-H. rf{
AMOUNT $ s,ooo.oo BankDrawnOn: 0nr)gC{ /i
ln the form of:
E PersonalCheck D Cashiers/CertifiedCheck
Re/Max Classic
Purchaser'sName(s): Meghan and Ryan Hudson
StreetAddrcss City zip
Depositis Receivedby Salesperson:-
Salesperson's Signature: Date: I I
Offer Not Accepted:
Your Earnest Money Depositwill bereturned to you promptly, subject to the samelimitations noted in the
following paragraph with respectto PersonalChecks.
If the saledoesnot close,your Earnest Money Depositwill be handled asprovided for in the related
PurchaseAgreementor a fully executedReleaseof PurchaseAgreement, For a depositin tbe form of a
PersonalCheck (drawn on a Michigan bank) it can take up to seven(7) daysfor us to be notified that your
checkhascleared(up to ten (t 0) daysfor out-of-statebanks). Your depositwill be refunded when we have
receivednoticethat your checkhascleared'
Board ofReal EstateBrokers and SalespersonsAdministrative Rule 313(6).2002and. R339.22313(6)
provides that any depositfor which both the buyer and sellerhavemade a claim shall remain in the
RE/l{AX ClassicTrust Account until (1) the Buyer and Sellerhaveagreed,in writing, to the disposition of
thedeposit;(2) a civil actionhasdeterminedto whom the depositmustbepaid; or (3) REMax Classichas
beenallowedto interpleadthe depositwith the proper court. Rule313(6)supercedesany inconsistent
provisionin a PurchaseAgreement.
DisputesOver EMD:
It is our sincerehopethat your offer is accepted,But if it is not, pleaseinclude this Refund Policy in your home-buyingplans.
Co-Purchaser: Date
70rms z
This contlact is for use by Realco6p subscribers. gse by any olher palty as illegal and voids the contract.
(Use photocopy for New File - have original lbrm in Original File)
Provideda reftrndis otherwiseavailablein accordancewith therelatedPurchaseAgreementor fully executed
Releaseof PurchaseAgreement,Buyer herebydirectsRE/Max Classicto transferEantestMoney in the
amountef $ s, ooo.oo from theabovepropertyto thepropertynotedbelow in connection
with an offer madeon I I
DateOffice ReceivesTransferRequest: I _/
Seller'sName(s) ANN !{ STSTY Dateof TransferRequest I I
Strcet Namc City Zip
Dateon which thePurchaseAgreementis acceptedby ALL parties: I I

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340 Brightonlake Rd, Beautiful New Listing In Brighton Michigan

  • 1. , r:il 11,fl;:"'f;iiilrii,r Rf;,ffi9 _. : '-.:: t RECEIPT AND AGREEMENT RE/MAX CLASSIC EarnestMoneYDePosit OriginalDepositE AdditionalDepositB TransferDepositfl S A L E S P E R S o N DateBranchOffice ReceivedEMD: Datc Agreementis acccptcdby ALL Pafiies: I -l DateBranchis notitledthatAgreementis acceptedby ALL Parties:_ I - I DateEMD is deposited: Branch offi ce signature: // Date: I I NOTICE TO BUYER(S) you haverendered an Earnest Money Depositin connectionwith an ofTermadeofthe property rel'erencedabove- StateLaw requires that the Salespersondeliver your EarnestMoney Depositto his/her Broker immediately. It will be depositedin the Broker's non- interestbearingtrust account. If your Earnest Money Depositwasrendered in the form of a personalcheck,you shouldhavefunds readily availablein your bank accountto allow it to cleaiproperty. ln the eventyour checkis returned for non-sufficientfunds, a feeof $50'00will be chargedfor eachoccurrence. By your rigo"tu"u on this document,you acknowledgeand agreethat any suchchargemay be deductedfrom a refund of your Earneit Moniy Deposit,or may be included asa chargeto you in your closingdocuments(unlesspaid separately)at the solediscretion of RE/MAX Classic. Rec SEER-EVERSESIDE"' This contract is for use by Realcory subscri,bers- use by any other palty is illegal and voids the contract' o F F I C E lostanc;t torms -' AMOTINTS s,ooo.oo BankDrawnon: ln theformof: & Personalcheck tr cashiers/certifiedcheck Payor'sName(s): Re/Max Classic Purchaser'sName(s): l{eghan and RYan Hudgon Seller'sName(s): A}IN M SISTY Properfy Addrcss: 3110 BRTGHToNLAKEFo BRIGTTTON 48116 Date EarnestMoney Salesperson'sNalne: Depositis Receivedby Salesperson:- Officc: Salcspcrson'sSignaturc: Date: I I
  • 2. K-3 providedto thebuyeror sellerbeforedisclosureofany confidentialinformation. 5'7-tz o"t" Licensee Date ACKNOWLEDGMENT By signingbelow,thepartiesacknowledgethatthey havereceivedandreadtheinformationin this agencydisclosurestatementand acknowledeethatthis form wasprovidedto thembeforethedisclosureof anvconfidentialinformation.TIIIS IS NOT A CONTRACT. Theundersigned DOES X nOl,S NOT haveanagencyrelationshipwith anyotherrealestatelicensee.If anagency AS SELLER X BUYER. {-7 - t) t., {-V'17 (circle one) Date Disclaimer This fonn is providedasa serviceof theMichiganAssociationof REALTORS@.Please reviewboththeformanddetailsofthe particulartransactionto ensurethateachsectionis appropriatefor thetransaction.TheMichiganAssociationof REALTORS@is notresponsiblefbr useor misuseof the form, for misrepresentation,or for warrantiesmadein connectionwith theform. FormK Ol9g5MichigmAssociationofREALTORSG),reviscd06/2011.P.O.Box4(l?25,Lansing,MI4890t-7925Ph.t100.454.7842Fax517.334.5568 Date This cortract i! f,or use by R€llcoqr SubscriS.r3- O!. by .ny other lErty is j-lleEal- and. voids tlE contlect ,r;Bg#
  • 3. K-2 Individual servicesmay bewaivedby thesellerthroughexecutionofa linritedserviceagreement.Only thoseselices setforth in paragraph(2Xb),(c), and(d) abovemay Lrewaivedby theexecutionof a limited serviceagreement. BUYER'S AGENTS A buyer'sagent,undera buyer'sagencyagrcementwith thebuyer,actssolelyonbehalfof thebuyer.A subagentof thebuyeris onewho hasagreedto work with thebuyer'sagentwith who,likethebuyer'sagent.actssolelyonbehalfofthebuyer.Buyer'sagentsandtheirsubagentswill discloseto thebuyerknowninformationaboutthesellerwhichmaybeusedto benefitthebuyer. Individualservicesmaybewaivedby thebuyerthroughexecutionof a limitedserviceagreement.Only thoseservicessetforthin paragraph(2Xb),(c),and(d) abovernaybewaivedby theexecutionofa limitedserviceagreement. DUAL AGENTS A real estatelicenseecan be the agcnt ofboth the sellcr and the buycr in a transaction,but only with the knowledge and informed consent, in writing, ofboth the seller and the buyer. In such a dual agency situation,the licenseewill not be able to discloseall known infonration to either the seller or the buyer. As a dual agent, the licenseewill not be ablc to provide the full range offiduciary duties to thc scller or the buyer. The obligalions ol'a dual agent are subjectto any specific provisions set torth in any agreementbetween the dual agent, the seller and the buycr TRANSACTION COORDINATOR A transactioncoordinator is a licenseewho is not acting as an agento!'either the seller or the buvcr, yet is providing serviccs to complcte a rcal estatetransaction. The transactioncoordinator is not an agentfbr either party and theretbreowes no fiduciary duty to eithor party. DESIGNATED AGENCY A buyer or seller with a designatedagency agreenrentis representedonly by agentsspecifically named in the agreement.Any agentsofthe firm not named in the agrecmentdo not representthe buyer or seller.The named "designated" agent acts solely on behalfofhis or her client and may only sharecontidential informati<lnabout the clicnt with thc agent's supervisorybroker who is also namcd in thc agreerncnt.Olher agentsin the firm have no duties to the buyer or seller and may act solely on behalfofanother party in the transaction. LICENSEI:,DISCLOSURE(Checkone) I herebydisclosethattheagencystatusofthe licenseenarnedbelowis: Seller's agcnt Seller's agent- limited serviceagreement X Buyer'sagent Buyer'sagent- limitedscrviceagreenrent Dualagcnt Transactioncoordinator(A licenseewho isnotactinqasanaqentof eithertheselleror thebuver.) None of the above AFFILIATED LICENSEE DISCLOSURE(Checkone) X Check here ifacting asa designatedagent.Only the licensee'sbroker antl a named supervisor broker have the same agency relationship as the licenseenamed below. Ifthe other party in a transactionis representedby an affiliated licensee, then the licensee'sbroker and all named supervisorybrokers shall be considereddisclosedconsensualdual agents. Check here ifnot acting as a designatedagent.All affiliated licenseeshave the same agency rclationship as the licensee named below. Thi.s contract ls for use by Realcqq) subscribers. Use by any other party i6 illegal ud voids the contract lnstancX forms'-r
  • 4. K-l DisclosureRegardingReal Estate Agency Relationships Beforeyoudiscloseconfidentialinformationto a realestatelicenseeregardinga realestatetransaction,you shouldunderstandwhattypeof agencyrelationshipyou havewith thatlicensee.A realestatetransactionisa transactioninvolvingtbesaleor leaseofany legalor equitableinterest in realestateconsistingof notlessthanI or notmorethan4 residentialdwelling unitsor consistingof a buildingsitefor a residentialuniton eithera lot asdelinedin section| 02 of thelanddivisionact,1967PA 288,MCL 560.I02,or a condominiumunitasdcfinedin section4 of thecondominium act.1978PA 59.MCL 559.104. (l ) An agent providing servicesurrderany service provision agreernentowes, at a mininrum, the fbllowing duties to the client: (a) Theexerciseofreasonablecareandskill inrepresentingtheclientandcarryingouttheresponsibilitiesoftheagencyrelationship. (b) The performanceof the terrnsof tlre serviceprovision agreement. (c) Loyalry to the intcrestofthe clicnt. (d) Compliance with the laws, rules,and regulationsof this stateand any applioablefederal statutesor regulations. (e) Rel-erralof the client to other liccnsedprof'essionalsfbr expert advice related to matcrial malters that arc not within thc expcrtisc ofthe licenscd agent.A real estate licensec does not act as an attornev. tax advisor. survevor. apnraiser. cnvironmental expert. or structural or mechanical engineer and vou should contact prol'cssionals on thesc matters. (i) An accounting in a timely manner oiall money and property receivedby the agent in which thc clicnt has or may have an Intcrest. (g) Confidentiality of all infbrrnation obtained within the coursc of thc agency relationship,unlessdisclosedwith thc client's permission or as provided by law, including the duty not b disclosc oonfidcntial infirrmation to any licenseewho is not an agent of rheclient. (2) A real estatebroker or real estatesalespersonacting pursuantto a seruiceprovision agreen'lentshall providc the following sarviccs lo his or hcr client: (a) When the real estatebroker or real estatesirlespersonis reprcscntinga scller or lessor,thc rnarkcting ofthc clienl's propcrty in thc nranneragreedupon in thc servicc provision agrL'elncnt. (b) Acoeptanceofdeliveryandpresentationofoffersandcounterofferstobuy,sell,orleasetheclient'spropertyorthepropertythe clicnt secksto purclrascor lease. (c) Assistancein developing, comnrunicating,negotiating,and prescntingoffers, countcroffers,and rclated documcnts or notices until a purchaseor lcaseagreementis executedby all partiesand all contingcncicsare satisfiedor waivcd. (d) Alterexecutionolapurchascagreementbyall parties,assistanceasnecessarytocompletethetransactionundertheterms specified in the purchaseagreement. (e) For a broker or associatebroker who is involved at the closing of a real estatcor businessoppornrnity transaction,furnishing, or causing to be furnished,to the buyer and seller,a complete and detailedclosing statementsigned by the broker or associate brokcr showing each party all rcceipts and disbursementsalTectingthal party. Michigan law lequires real estatelicenseeswho are acting asagentsofsellers or buyers of'real property to advise the potential sellersor buyers with whorn they work of the natureof their agency relationship. SELLER'S AGENTS A sellcr's agent.under a listing agreementwith the seller.acts solely on behalfol'the sellcr. A seller can authorize a seller's agent to work with subagents,buyer's agentsand./ortransactionr:oordinators.A subagentofthe seller is one who has agreedto work with the listing agent,and who, like the Iisting agent,acts solely on behalf of the seller.Seller's agentsand their subagentswill discloseto the seller known intbrmation about the buyer which rnay be used to the benefit ofthe seller. lhis coneiact is f,or usc by Realcorry Subscribefs- Use by any othet party is itlegal od voids the contract lnstarr)t fiorms':/
  • 5. K-l DisclosureRegardingReaIEstate AgencyRelationships Beforeyou discloseconfidentialinformationto a realestatelicenseeregardinga realestatetransaction,you shouldunderstandwhattypeof agencyrelationshipyouhavewith thatlicensee.A realestateffansactionisa transactioninvolvingthesaleor leaseofany legalor equitableinterest in realestateconsistingof not lessthanI or notmorethan4 residentialdwellingunitsor consistingof a buildingsitefor a residentialuniton eithera Itrtasdefinedin sectionI02of thelanddivisionact,1967PA 288,MCL 560.102,or a condominiumunitasdefinedin section4 of thecondominium act.1978PA 59.MCL 559.104. ( I ) An agentproviding servicesunder any serviceprovision agreementowes, at a minimurn, the following dulies to the client: (a) Theexerciseofreasonablecareandskill inrepresentingthcclientandcarryingouttheresponsibilitiesoftheagencyrelationship (b) The perlormance of thc terms of the serviceprovision agreement. (c) Loyalty to the interestofthe client. (d) Compliancewiththelaws,rules,andregulationsofthisstateandanyapplicablefedcral statutesorregulations. (e) Rcferraloftheclienttootherlicensedprofessionalsforexpertadviccrelatedtomatcrialmattersthatarenotwithintheexpertisc ofthe licensedagent.A real estate licenseedoes not act as an attorney. tax advisor. survevor. apDraiser. environmental expert. or structural or mechanical ensineer and vou should contact professionals on thcse matters. (l) An accounting in a timely manner of all money and property receivedby the agent in which the client hasor may have an interest. (g) Confidentialityofallinfbrmationobtainedwithinthecourseoftheagencyrclationship,unlessdisclosedwiththeclient's permission or as provided by law, including the duty not to disclosecontidential information to any licenseewho is not an agcnt ol'the client. (2) A real estatebroker or real estatesalespersonacting pursuantto a serviceprovision agreementshall provide the following servicesto his or her clicnt: (a) Whenthereal estatebrokerorrealestatesalespersonisrepresentingasellerorlessor,themarketingoftheclient'spropertyin the manner agreedupon in thc service provision agrcement. Acceptanceofdelivery and presentationofoffers and counteroffersto buy, sell, or leasethe client's property or the properfy rhe client seeksto purchaseor lease. Assistancc in devcloping, communicating, negotiating,and presentingoffers, counteroffers,and relatcd documentsor notices until a purchaseor leaseagreementis executedby all partiesand all contingenciesare satisficd or waived. After executionofa purchaseagreementby all parties,assistanceas necessaryto complcte the trzrnsactionunder the terms specified in the purchaseagreelnent. For a broker or associatebroker who is involved at the closing of a real estateor businessopportunity transaction,furnishing, or causing to be furnished,to the buyer and seller,a complete and detailedclosing statementsigned by the broker or associate broker showing eachparly all receiptsand disbursementsaff'ectingthal party. Michigan law requires real estatelicenseeswho are acting as agentsofsellers or buyers ofreal property to advise the potential sellersor buyers with whorn they work of the natureof their agency relationship. SELLtrR'S AGENTS A seller's agent,under a listing agreementwith the seller,acts solely on behalfofthe seller.A seller can authorize a seller's agent to work with subagents,buyer's agentsand/or transactioncoordinators.A subagentofthe seller is one who hasagreedto work with the listing agent,and who, like the listing agent,acts solely on behalfofthe seller.Seller's agentsand their subagentswill discloseto the seller known infbrmation about the buver which mav be used to the benefit ofthe seller. (b) (c) (d) (e) This contlact is for use by Rea1cottrp Subscribers. Ose by any oCher parey is illegal ud volds the contlact. lnstan<)t rorms.'z
  • 6. Page 1 of 7 BUILOINCA STRONGCOMPANi To I.{ELPGREATPEoFLE AcHIEVEOUTSTANDINGRESULTS PURCHASEAGREEMENT BROKER ADDRESS2e630 oRcHARDLAKERD TELEPHONE 248-737-6800 RE/MAXClassic("Broker")andits salesperson(s)are underagencyagreementwiththe Purchaser.The designatedagent from RE/MM Classic listed here is working on behalf of the Purchaser THOMAS GILLIAI,T andtheSupervisoryBrokershallbe eitherCarolBoji, BartPattersonor MikeBailey. (Purchaserinitials) (Sellerinitials) TYPEOF SALE: Thefollowingmentionedpropertyis beingofferedfor saleandadvertisedas one of the followingtypesof sale. tllux w fl erivateOwned n BankOwned(seeBankAddendums)n SnortSale(seeShortSaleAddendum) 1. THE UNDERSIGNEDhereby offers and agrees to buy the followingland (City/TownshipA/illage)of BRIGHTON I,IV situated in the County,Michigan, described as flegal description] sEc 31 r2N R6E oRE cREEKHrGHLAlirpssuB, Lor 3 and commonly known as 340 BRTGHToNLAKERp [PropertyTaxlD Number] 1831103003 , togetherwith all fixtures andappurtenancesin or onthepremises(unlessspecificallyexceptedherein),including,if any,lighting fixtures,windowtreatments(includingdrapes,shades,curtains,blindsand hardware),ventilating fixtures,screens,stormsash,garagedoor openers(includingtransmitter),water softener(unless leased),satellitedish and accessories,built-inkitchenequipment,attachedmirrors,attached humidifiers,airfilters,centralvacuumandattachments,awnings,allTV antennas,rotorsandcontrols, builtin barbecues,landscaping,poolequipment(includingcovers),fuel in tank(s),fireplacegrates, screens,gaslogs,andcovers,allceilingfans,allinstalledcarpeting,alarmsystem(unlessleased)and Al]. .Appliances now on the premises and to pay therefore the sum of One Hundred anf Fortv Thousand Dollars$ ( l4s,ooo.oo ) subjectto the existingbuildingand use restrictions,easement,and zoningordinances,if any, upon the following conditions:Seller shall deliver a warranty deed conveying marketabletitle 2. THE SALE TO BE GONSUMMATEDBY: A. n CASH SALE: Paymentto be in a certifiedfundsor wiredper lendinginstitutionor TitleCo. B. Z CASH SALE WITH NEW MORTGAGE:Paymentof purchasemoney is to be made in cash or certifiedcheck. This agreementis contingentupon Purchaserbeing able mortgageintheamountof $ 140 .000 . 00 of so years and pay $ 5,000 . 00 down plus mortgagecost, prepaid items,andadjustmentsin cash. Purchaseragreesto applyfor suchmortgagewithin daysfromacceptanceofthisofferat Purchaser'sexpense.lf commitmentforsuchmortgagecannot beobtainedwithin 1s daysfromdateof acceptance,thisoffershallbedeclarednullandvoid and the depositshall be returnedto Purchaser. Writtenevidenceof mortgagedenialshall be immediatelypresentedto Seller.Denialof specifiedmortgageshallrenderthisAgreementnulland voidandthe Depositshallbe returnedto Purchaser.Thepartiesagreethatif theappraisedvalueof the propertyis lessthanthe purchaseprice,PurchasermaydeclarethisAgreementnullandvoid andthedepositshallbe returned. c. n cAsH SALEWITHNEWLANDCONTRACT. n SeeLandContractAddendum. 3. Seller'sconcessions:Selleragreesto pay$ attheclosingto beusedtowardsany to secure a for a term ofthefollowing:Purchaser(S)closingcosts,discountpoints,prepaids,commission,oradjustments. Purchaser'srnitiarsfYl.(t' ffi sener,sInitiats-RE/MAXCLASSIC-B PropeityAddress: 34O BRIGHToN IAKE Rp, BRrcHToN, MI 48116 This contract is for use by RealcoElr Su.bsclibers- Use by any other party is illegal and voids the contBct lnstatr)t lorms'!
  • 7. Page2 ot 7 4. POSSESSION:Sellershallremoveall personalpropertyand refusefromthe buildingsand landand shalldeliverandPurchasershallacceptpossessionof saidpropertysubjectto therightsofthefollowing tenants: if Selleroccupiesthe propertyit shall be vacatedfl at closingOR E on or before5:00 P.M. l4davs daysafterclosing.Fromthe dateafterclosingthroughthe dateof vacatingthe property as agreed,SELLERSHALLPAYthe sum of $_fgggN!rM3g_per day. The titlecompanyactingas an escrowagent,shallretainfromtheamountdueSellerat closing,the sumof $ as security for saidoccupancycharge,payingto the Purchaserthe amountdue,and returningto the Sellerthe unusedportionas determinedby date propertyis vacatedand keys surrenderedto the Purchaser. Seller agrees to pay or reimbursePurchaserfor all costs and expensesincurredin recovering possessionof the property,includingactualattorneysfees, togetherwith all actual,incidentaland consequentialdamagessustainedby Purchaserwhichshallinclude,but not be limitedto, housing expense,storagefees,actualattorneysfeesandanyothercostsor expenseswhicheitherariseoutof or are connectedwith Seller'sfailureor refusalto vacatethe propertyas requiredby this Agreement. (TheEscrowAgentor Brokerhas no obligationimpliedor otherwisefor seeingthatthe premisesare vacatedon thedatespecifiedorfortheconditionsofthepremises,etc.) 5. EARNESTMONEYDEPOSIT:The Brokeris herebyauthorizedto this offer and collect the deposit of Five rhousand Dollars the form of El Cneck E to be held by Broker in s,ooo.oo ) in accordancewithMCL339.25120) (l) andappliedto the purchasepriceif the saleis completedOR Purchaseragreesto pay$ upon signingthisoffermakingthetotaldepositamount of$ Broker shall be depositingthe earnestmoney within days from dateof Seller'sacceptanceof this offer. lf the agreementis terminatedpursuantto paragraphs 2,7,11,12,31,32within,the partiesagreethatSellingBrokershallreturnthe Depositto Purchaserand Seller'sremedies,if any,arelimitedto anawardofdamagesequalto theamountoftheDeposit. FLOODINSURANCE:Purchasermay,at his expense,obtaina FloodplainCertificationwithin 1s calendardaysfromthedateof Seller'sacceptanceofthisAgreement.lf theCertificationdisclosesthat thepropertyis in a SpecialFloodHazardArea,PurchasermaynotifySeller,inwriting,within g days fromthedateof the CertificationthatPurchaserdeclaresthisAgreementnullandvoidandthe deposit shallbe returnedto Purchaser.Failureto notifySellerthatthe propertyis in a SpecialFloodHazard Areawithinthis time periodshallconstitutea waiverof Purchaser'srightto terminatethe Agreement underthisparagraphand Purchaseragreesto obtaina policyof floodinsuranceif requiredto do so by themortgagelender. PROPERTYINSPEGTION(s):(Note: Inspectionsrequiredby FHA,VA, lendersor municipalities are not madefor, nor should they be reliedupon by Purchaser.)Brokerrecommendsand Seller agreesto allow Purchaserto have propertyinspectedat Purchaser'sexpenseby inspector(s) of Purchaser'schoicewithin 1 Businessdaysfromdateof seller'sacceptancefor(including, butnotlimitedto):structural,buildingsandcosmeticcondition,geologicstabilityandcondition,systems andappliances,pest,(proximityto anduseof:arealandandimprovements,waterandanywaterrights, schoolingtransportation,noiseandenvironmentalhazards)squarefootageandlotsize,zoningorfuture use,availabilityandcostof utilitiesor verificationof anyinformationprovidedto Purchaserby Brokeror Seller. lf the Purchaserdoes not notifySellerin writingwithin Businessdays from the date of the inspection(s)thatthe Purchaseris dissatisfiedwiththeinspection(s)or anyinformationobtained regardingthe property,this agreementshallbe bindingwithoutregardto said inspection(s).lf the Purchasernotifiesthe ListingBrokerin writingthat,in Purchaser'ssolejudgmentthat Purchaseris dissatisfiedwith the inspection(s)of the propertywithin the above specifiedbusinessdays, then Purchasermaydeclarethisagreementvoidandallearnestmoneydepositsshallbe refunded. @ Purchaserwill havea PropertyInspectionaccordingto theseterms. make ($- 6. 7. D Purchaserwaivesthe rigftllto a PropertyInspection. purchaser'srnitiars/)'7-d. frt sette/sInitiats- RE/MAxcLAsSlcE- TtorFy Address: 340 BRTGHToNLAKE RD BRIGHTON Mr 481t 6 this contract is for use by Rcal,corq) Use by aDy other parby is illegal sd voids th. conttact. lnstanC)t forms v
  • 8. Page3 of 7 8. LEAD-BASEDPAINTINSPECTION:Thiscontractis contingentupona riskassessmentor inspection of the propertyfor the presenceof lead-basedpaintand/orlead-basedpainthazards(as defined)at Purchaser'sexpense.Thiscontingencywillexpireten calendardaysfollowingSeller'sacceptanceof thisAgreement,unlessPurchaser(or his agent)deliversto Seller(or his agent)a writtenlistof the specificexistingdeficienciesand correctionsneeded,togetherwith a copy of the inspectionor risk assessmentreport. Seller may, at Seller'soption within days after receiptof a list and accompanyingreport,electto correctthe conditionpriorto closing.lf Sellerwillcorrectthe condition, SellershallfurnishPurchaserwithcedificationfroma riskassessoror inspectordemonstratingthatthe conditionhasbeenremediedpriorto closing.lf Sellerdoesnotelectto makethe repairs,or if Seller makesa counter-proposal,Purchasershallhave days to respondto the counter-proposalor removethiscontingencyandtakethepropertyin"ASlS"condition,orthisAgreementshallbecomevoid andthe depositshallbe returnedto Purchaser.Purchasermayremovethiscontingencyat anytime withoutcause.AllinspectionperiodsprovidedforinthisAgreementshallrunconcurrently. @ Purchaserwaivesthis contingency. 9. FACSIMILE/ EMAIL:PurchaserandSelleragreethata facsimiletransmissionof anysigneddocument or Emailshallhavethe sameeffectas an original.The partiesagreethatsignedfacsimilecopiesof documentsor EmailAttachmentshallbeappendedtotheoriginalsthereofandintegratedtherewith.Any suchwrittennoticeor communicationshallbe deemeddeliveredat the timeit is sentor transmitted. Sellerand buyeragreethat the informationprovidedunderthe Signaturesof each party in this agreementare the acknowledgedelectronicdeliveryaddressesfor each partyand will be used for purposesof completingthisagreementanddelivery. 10.TITLE EVIDENCE:Sellersagreesto furnishPurchasera Commitmentof Title Insurancewithout standardexceptionswithin 30 businessdaysof acceptance,and afterclosing,a Policyof Titlelnsurancewithoutstandardexceptionsintheamountofthepurchaseprice,bearingdatelaterthan the acceptancehereofand guarantyingthe title in the conditionrequiredfor performanceof this agreement.Purchaseragreesto obtainandpayfora surveybya registeredlandsurveyor,as required by lender.(lf,for anyreason,Purchaserdoesnotobtaina survey,the Policyof TitleInsurancewillbe issuedwithstandardexceptionsandPurchaseragreesto holdBrokerandSellerharmless.Purchaser and Selleragreethat SeasonsTitleAgencywill providethe mortgagetitle insurancerequiredby the bankandalsoconducttheclosingforthetransaction.Purchaseragreesto paythecustomaryclosing feeschargedbythetitlecompanywhichsupervisestheclosing.) 11.TITLEOBJECTIONS:Aftera titleinsurancecommitmentis deliveredto Buyer,anyobjectionby Buyer to Seller'stitleshallbe (a)basedupona writtenopinionof Buyer'sattorneyto the effectthatthistitleis not in the conditionrequiredfor performancehereunder,and(b) madein writingidentifyingthe defects formingthe basisof the objection,whichwrittenopinionshallbe deliveredto Brokerwithinfive (5) calendardaysfollowingBuyer'sreceiptof such commitment.Withinthirty(30) calendardaysfrom deliveryto Brokerof saiddefects,Sellershallattemptto rendersuchtitlemarketableandshallcause said title commitmentto be reissuedand redeliveredto the Buyerfor examination.The date of consummationofsaleasspecifiedelsewherehereinshallbeextendedbynumberof daysnecessaryfor Sellerto haveacceptabletitlecommitmentrevisedand deliveredto BuyerfromdateSellerreceives writtennotificationof thetitleobjections.ShouldSellerbe unableto rendersuchtitlemarketable,or be unableto securea commitmentinsuringtitlewithinthe30 calendardayperiodaboveor anyextensions thereofagreeduponin writing,Buyershallhavethe optioneitherto consummatethe saleandaccept such title as Sellermay be able to conveyin full satisfactionand accordor demandin writingand receiveall moneysdepositedhereunder.Uponreturnof allsaidmoneyto the Buyer,BuyerandSeller arerelievedfromfurtherobligationsunderthisAgreement. 12.TAXES:Alltaxeson thelandwhicharedueandpayableon or beforethedateof closingshallbe paid by the Seller.Currenttaxesshallbe proratedandadjustedas of the dateof closingin accordancewith theduedatebasisofthemunicipalityor taxingunitinwhichthepropertyis located,on a 365daybasis. Sellerto payanyapplicabletransfertaxesas perlaw. Purchaser'slnitiarrlil. H - R Seller'slnitials RE/MAXCLASSIC.B PropertyAddress: 340 BRIGHTON I,AKE RD BRIGHTON Mr 48116 lostartb rorms '' this contlact is for use by Realcorq) Subscrlb€rs. gse by any other parly is illegal and woide the contract
  • 9. Page 4 ol7 13.DEFAULT/RELEASE:ln the eventof defaultby the Seller,Purchasermayelectto enforcethe terms hereofor demandandbe entitledto a refundof the entiredeposit,in fullterminationof thisagreement. ln the event of defaultby the Purchaser,Sellermay declareforfeitureand retainthe depositas liquidateddamagesas the Seller'ssoleremedy.A MutualReleaseof PurchaseAgreementor similar cancellationmust be signedby all parties,priorto the disbursementof earnestmoneydepositsin disputeorto be returned,undertheprovisionsofthePurchaseAgreement.SellerandPurchaseragree thatListingandSellingBrokersandtheirsalespeopleshallnotbe madepartiesto anyactiontakento enforceor terminatethisagreement. 14.SPECIALASSESSMENTS:Specialassessmentsfor publicimprovementswhichhavebeen billedby publicauthoritypriorto the date of closingshallbe paid by the Sellerin full includingall future installments,unlessotherwiseagreedto in writing.Sellerrepresentsthatthey havenot beenmade awareof or advisedof any newor possibleassessmentsthatmaybe in the discussionstage,formally proposedor not yet assessedand/orrecorded.lf seller(s)doeshaveknowledgeand/ordocuments pertainingto the newassessmentsas stated,theyshallprovidethisinformationto purchaser(s).Upon receipt,purchaser(s)shallhavethree(3)calendardaysto reviewsuchdocuments.Purchaser(s)shall notifyseller(s)withinthosethreedaysif theywishto withdrawtheirofferanddeclareit nullandvoid,or theirwillingnessto proceedaccordingto theagreedupontermsandconditions,or someotherremedy agreeduponbybothseller(s)andpurchaser(s). 15.OTHERPRORATIONS:Associationfees,interestandrents,if any,shallbeproratedandadjustedasof thedateofclosing. 16.SEWERAND WATERCHARGES:The Selleragreesto payfor allsewerandwaterusageto dateof possession.TheTitleCompanyshallretainfromtheamountdueto theSellerat closing,a minimumof $300.00forwater/sewercharges.Whenthefinalwaterbillor readingis received,theunusedportionif any,(afterproratingor proofof payment)shallbereturnedtotheSeller. 17.COMPENSATION:Purchaser(s)agreesto paysellingbrokera transactionfee of $ lgs.oo at closing. Any additionalcommissionchargesshall be specifiedin the contractbetweenthe Listingand SellingBroker. 18.HOMEPROTECTIONPLANS:SellerZ willor I willnotprovideat closinga oneyearstandardhome protectionplanin favorof Purchaserat a costnotto exceed$ 500.00 . Theprotectionplan herein will be selected by Purchaser and ordered by Purchaser's agent and will also include: Purchaseragrees to claimswhichwouldbeholdSeller,Listingand SellingBrokersandtheirsalespeopleharmlessfor all coveredbya homeprotectionplan,whetherplnotPurchaseracceptstheplan. Acknowledsement:fYlH' 4lPurchaser PurChds& Seller 19.FINALWALK-THROUGHPRIORTO CLOSING:Purchaserreservesthe rightto walk throughthe propertywithin72 hourspriorto closing. 20.MAINTENANCEOF THEPROPERTYUNTILPOSSESSION:Untilpossessionis delivered,the Seller agreesto keepthe propertyin the sameconditionas of the dateof this agreementand agreesto maintainheating,sewer,well,septic,plumbing,electricalsystems,centralair,pool,spa,appliancesand equipmentin normalworkingorder;maintainthe grounds,and sprinklersystemand to keeo the basement(ifapolicable)andtherooffreeof leaks.Inaccordancewithparagraph2,Sellerfurtheragrees to keepall utilityservices(electric,gasandwater)operatinguntilthedatethepropertyis vacated.Inthe eventthe propertyhas beenwinterized,it shallbe the obligationand expenseof the Sellerto de- winterizethe propertyprior to closing.Purchaserunderstandsand acceptsthat reasonableholes, scratches,discolorationandsmallhangingdevicessuchas nails,etc.maybe leftin thewallor ceiling surfacefromthe removalof personalitemsnotincludedin thetransaction.Selleragreesto leavethe premisesbroom-cleanandfreeof debris. P-Y:li::l:l1'rr:JnHRE/MAXCLASSIC.B Seller's lnitials 340 BRIGHTON LAKE RD BRIGITTON Mr 48116 lostanc.,t tarrms -' Thi6 contract is for use by Realco(tt subicribers. Ose by any other party is illegal ed void6 the contract
  • 10. Page5 of 7 21.PROVISIONFORAS lS CONDITION:By executionof thisagreementthe Purchaseracknowledges THATPURCHASERHASEXAMINEDTHEABOVEdescribedpropertyandis satisfiedwiththephysical conditionof the structuresthereinand purchasesaidpropertyin "AS lS CONDITION",subjectonlyto the right of a propertyinspectionas providedfor hereinand the Se//er'sDisclosureStatementif required. NeitherSellernor Listingand SellingBrokersand their salespeoplehave made any representationsor warrantiesof anykindconcerningtheproperty,uponwhichthe Purchaserhasrelied, exceptas setforthin thisagreement.Purchaseracknowledgesthat(a)theinformationprovidedin the multi-listdescriptionof this Propertyis not warrantedor guaranteed;and (b) he has not reliedon the multi-listdescriptionin makingthisagreement. 22.EXPIRATION:Thisofferto purchaseshallremainvaliduntil 05/09/L3 at n nnn Z pn4for sellersacceptance.ln the eventthe Sellermakesany writtenchangesto the termsand conditionsherein,suchchangesif initialedandsignedbySeller,shallconstitutea counterofferbyseller to purchaserwhichwillremainvaliduntil os/LL/L3 al n n nU E ptvtunlesseadier withdrawnby Seller,andshallrequireacceptancebythepurchaserby initialingeachandeverychange beforesaid time,failureto acceptwithinthe giventime will makethis offernull and void and the Purchasersearnestmoneyshallbereturned. 23.LEGALCOUNSEL:Brokerrecommendsthatall partiesretainan attorneyto protecttheir interest. 24.BINDINGTO THE HEIRS,ETC.:The agreementshereinshallbindand inureto the benefitof the executors,administrators,successorsandassignsoftherespectiveparties. 25.HOMEOWNERSASSOCIATION:lf thereis a HomeownersAssociationthat has authorityover the property,Selleris to providePurchaserwitha copyof the mostrecentfinancialstatement,by-lawsand assessmentsandanyotherrelatedinformationwithinsevendaysof acceptance.lf Purchaserdoesnot notifySellerin writingwithinfivecalendardaysfromthe dateof receiptof hereindocumentsthatthe Purchaseris dissatisfiedwithsaiddocuments,thisagreementshallbe bindingwithoutregardto said documents.lf PurchasernotifiesSellerinwritingthatPurchaseris dissatisfiedwiththedocumentswithin the abovespecifiedcalendardays,thenPurchasermaydeclarethisagreementvoidand all earnest moneydepositsshallberefunded. 26.FOREIGNINVESTMENTlN REALPROPERTYTAX ACT: lf the salespriceof the propertyexceeds $300,000partiesto this agreementare to be boundby (FIRPTA)requirementsand mustcomplete addendumfor(FIRPTA). 27.CITYCERTIFICATION:lf thepropertyis locatedin a municipalitythatrequiresan inspectionpriortoa sale,Sellerwill payfor necessaryinspectionsand/orrequiredrepairs,if any,to obtainwrittenapproval ofthe municipality. 28.NOTICE:Anywrittennoticeto Purchaser/Sellermaybe servedat the officeof Purchaser'sor Seller's representativeBroker. 29.SELLER'SDISCLOSURES:PurchaseracknowledgesthathereceivedfromSellera Se//er'sDisclosure Statementand,if the propertyis residentialhousingbuiltbefore1978,a Lead-BasedPaintand Lead- BasedPaintHazardsDisc/osurepriorto signingthis agreement. Purchaseracknowledgesthat the informationprovidedin the Se//er'sDisclosureStatement,Lead-BasedPaint and Lead-BasedPaint HazardsDisclosureand any otherpropertydisclosurestatementis (a) baseduponSeller'sknowledge andis nota warrantyof anykindby Selleror Listingor SellingBrokersandtheirsalespeople;(b)nota substitutefor any inspectionsor warrantiesPurchasermaywishto obtain;(c) providedsolelyby Seller and is not a representationmadeby Listingand SellingBrokersand theirsalespeople;and (d) a disclosureonlyandnotintendedto bea partofthisagreement. Seller'slnitials 340 BRIGHTON LAIG RD BRIGHTON Mr 48116 Purchaser'srnitials ff H' RE/MAXCLASSIC.B lOstarci,t rorms " This contract Ls foE utG by ReaLcofip Subscriber6- Use by any othci party ir i1169al .nd voids the contraet
  • 11. Page6 of 7 30.ACCEPTANGE:Finalacceptanceof thisPurchaseAgreementandany counteroffers,if any,shallbe uponwritten,Faxor Emaileddeliveryof acceptanceto eitherpartyortheirrepresentativeagent. 31.CLOSING:lf this offeris acceptedby Sellerand if titlecan be conveyedin the conditionrequired o6loi/L3 at thehereunder,PurchaserandSelleragreeto completethe saleon or before officeoftheListingBroker,subjectto lenderrequirements. 32.ADDENDUM:ThecheckedAddendum(s)is to be incorporatedas partof thisagreement.Inthe event any termsin the PurchaseAgreementand any addendumconflict,the termsof the addendumshall prevail. I ContingencyAddendum tr 33.INFORMATIONPROVIDED:Any informationprovidedby Brokersuch as demographicsor other informationis forconvenienceonly. Purchasershallindependentlyconfirmanyandallinformationand agreesthatBrokerhasnotviolatedPurchaser'srightin regardto anyfairhousinglaws. 34.HOLD HARMLESS:Purchaserand Seller hold Broker(s)and their salespersons,brokers,and employees,respectively,harmlessanddo herebyindemnifythemagainstallclaims,actionsor suitsfor damageofanynaturewhatsoeverarisingfromtheiractionsregardingthissale. 35.ARBITRATION:PurchaserandSelleragreethatanycontroversyor claimarisingfromor relatingto this contractor the breachthereof,dispositionof the Deposit,or the physicalconditionof the Property,and any claimof fraud,misrepresentationor negligenceshallbe settledby arbitrationadministeredby the NationalCenterfor DisputeSettlementunderits ArbitrationRulesfor the RealEstatelndustryand judgmenton the awardrenderedby the arbitrator(s)maybe enteredin any courthaving jurisdiction thereof. TIME FOR CLAIMS: Buyer and Seller agreesthat any action or suit againstthe REALTOR/BROKERarisingout of this agreementor any servicesrenderedor not renderedby REALTOR/BROKER,mustbe broughtwithinthe shorterof: a) the timeprovidedby law or b) six (6) monthsof the eventgivingriseto the claims,or be foreverby barred. Sellerspecificallywaivesany limitationperiodto thecontrary. 36.OTHERTERMSANDCONDITIONS: f] ceneralAddendum E FHA/VA fl CondoAddendum n BankAddendum(s) fl RelocationAddendum(s) Seller's lnitials f] SnortSaleAddendum(s) I LandContractAddendum(s) ll':!:::f:','t'g:.f1{.nRE/MAXCLASSIC-B PropertyAddress: 340 BRIGHTON LAKE RD, BRTGHION Mr 48116 fhi.a contllct is for use by RealcdlP Sub6criber6. Use by any othc! p.rty is illegal sd void6 tlre contlact lostax)I totms-v
  • 12. &7./, PageTot7 By the signaturesUetow,purcnasetac& SalespersonlD # rrnsre OfficelD # 301741 Agent THoMAS GILLIA{ tqilliam@tuni. rr. con EMAILAGENT ?*r,-, {-Loro,a PRINTNAME <-'7 tl 1 Date BROKER'SACKNOWLEDGMENTOF DEPOSIT:Receivedfrom the above named Purchaserthe depositmoney above mentioned,which will be applied as indicatedin #5 will be returnedforthwithaftertenderif the foregoingoffer anddepositisdeclined.BElilllXtQlASS!9 BY: GILLIAM ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER: The foregoingoffer is acceptedin accordancewith the terms stated. By the execution of this anstrument the Seller acknowledges a receipt of a copy of this agreement. WITNESS SalespersonlD# oezroo PRINTNAME Office lD # i56555 Agent FRANK D'ANGELO f rankadanqeloGqmail . com EMAILAGENT SELLERSIGNATURE PRINTNAME Date EMAILSELLER The undersignedPurchaserherebyacknowledgesreceiptof a copy of the Seller'ssigned acceptanceof the foregoing Offerto Purchase. Date PURCHASER SELLERSIGNATURE EMAILSELLER fn"Purchaser'slnitialstI''['f' Vl *''"T:::::.1"'- ".*lffi=. Sellefe Initials 340 BRIGHTON LAKE RD, BRTGHTON, UI 48116 lnstarr* rorms v EMAILPURCHASER U.e by any other party is illegal sd void6 ttre contract.
  • 13. MHNIIFP May7,2013 MeghanandRyanHudson, Congratulations,youhavebeenpre-approvedfor aFHA loanto financethepurchaseofa singlefamilyhomefor upto $145,000. Finalapprovalis subjectto satisfactoryunderwritingreviewof a fully executedpurchase agreement,appraisal,title insuranceandsurveyif requiredbythetitlecompany. I lookforwardto servicingyourmortgageneeds.Shouldyouhaveanyfurtherquestions, pfeasedonothesitateto callmeat(810)522-1903. Thankyoufor choosingUnitedBankandTrust. Sincerely, -nfa*rt* ScottLunn MortgageOriginator 205W GrandRiver,Suite102 Brighton,MI 481l6 NMLS 532148 "g2723SouIh State Street ' Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 . 734.214-3700 . . PO. Box 1127. Ann Arbror.Ml 481C6-1127 MEMBEFTFDTc
  • 14. fr;[ ? RV/AX G@ts This addendum RE/MAX CLASSIC FHA/VA ADDENDUM is part of andincorporatedinto an Agrcementof Saledate 2013 Forthepropertylocatedat: 340 BRIGHTON LAKE RD, BRIGHTON, MI 48116 1.FHA/VA: AmendatoryClauseRegardingAppraisedValue It is expresslyagreethat,nofwithstandinganyotherprovisionsof thiscontract,thePurchasershallnotbeobligated to completethepurchaseof thepropertydescribedhereinor to incuranypenaltyby forfeitureof earnestmoney depositsor otherwiseunlessthePurchaserhasbeengiven,in accordancewith HUD/FHA or VA requirements,a writtenstatementissuedby theFederalHousingCommissioner,VeteransAdministrationor aDirectEndorsement Lender,settingforthappraisedvalueof thepropertyof notlessthan$ tns,.ooo.oo . . ThePurchasershall havetheprivilegeandoptionof proceedingwith theconsummationof thecontractwithoutregardto theamountof theappraisedvaluation.Theappraisedvaluationis arrivedatto determinethemaximummortgagetheDepartment of HousingandUrbanDevelopmentwill insure.HUD doesnotwarrantthevaluenortheconditionof theproperty. ThePurchasershouldsatisfyhimself/herselfthatthepriceandconditionof thepropertyareacceptable. 2.RequiredFHA/VA FinancingExpenses Selleracknowledgesthattherearecertainfinancingexpensesthatcannotbechargedto thePurchaserunder FHA/VA guidelines.Theseexpensesmustbepaidby theSeller.Approximatecoststotal$400for FHA financing, and$850for VA financing,butcanvarybefweenlenders. Selleragreesto pay for thesefinancingexpenses. 3. SellerosOptional Contributions Selleragreesto payup to towardsPurchasersclosingcosts,prepaidexpenses, and/or discount points. This amount is in addition to the amount stipulated inparagraph2. 4. FHA/VA: Completion and Payment for Repairs Sellershallcompleteandpaynot morethan$ 100 .00 for repairs,improvements,andre-inspectionfees Requiredby theFHA or VA in orderto completethistransaction.If saidrepaircostsexceedSeller'scontribution, Purchasermaycontributetheexcess.ln theeventPurchaserdeclinesto payfor suchexcessthenSellers,attheir option,maydeclarethistransactionnull andvoid with thedepositretumedto thePurchaseruponexecutionof a Mutual release. Notice;All repairsand/orimprovementsmustbecompletedin a workmanlikemannerpriorto thetransactionclosing. However,in theeventcertainrepairscannotbecompleteddueto weather,or otherunforeseenconditions,anescrowfor repairswill be createdin compliancewith FHA or VA requirements.Two estimatesfor thework will berequiredandanescrowaccountat I -ll2 times thehighestestimatewill beestablishedto assurecompletionof thework. 5.It is understoodbetweenPurchaserand Sellerthat any additionalpersonalproperty listedhasno value. Seller Date Seller Date 5-7 .00 .00 Listing Real EstateBroker CENTT'RY 21 ITARTFORD SOUTH Date RE/MAX CLASSIC ry;,$?!gThis coneract is for use by Realcory SubscEiSers, Use by any other party is illegal and voids the contract.
  • 15. f,roprrrv ^,r,r,"*, 2 q'o BPt6f'l-7ON I-AP 8? Slrcrl B'n rf a-ra rV Michigan City. villoga or Towrrrhip Prrltrrrcof$tllcnrcnt: Thisrlatcmatiradisclogrrcofthccoodilionoflhcprcpcnyincomplirntcwilhrhcscllcrdisclosurcacr,Thissarcrcoris n disclosurc rrf tftc eonditiorrmd infomtion mreming thc propcrgr.known by thc stllcr. Unlcs othcruirc adviscd. the sclllrdogc ror pssls;s rny crpcnisc in onrtnction. nrchitecrura mginering. or any oLhcrrpccific lcr ducd to thc congn cliorl or c.lndirion of thc imprcvcrrcnu on the ptolcn! o. tic lmd, Also. unlcss otherwi:c adviscd. thc rcllrr har not snductcd uy iosprcoion of gsncnlty i$cacasiblc l|B such an drc foundntioo or rmf Thii stotlmcfit is oo: a mruty of ony kind by thr scller or by 6ny tgcnr lgp.*nring the sclla in thii annssclio,L ord ir nor a .whsrilurc lbr ary inspcctionsnr umrics tlrc buycr may rvish ro oboin. $cllcr'r Dirc|ruurc Thc rcllcr disclosc the following infonmtion vith thc tnowlcdgr tbrt svtn lhougb this ir nor a mmnry. tlc scllcr spccifiolly nnls rhc lhllnwing reprc*cntatioro bascdon rhc sc.llcr'c lnowlcdgc rr aLcrigning ofahis docunanrl Upon rccciving this.crarcmenrl"romrhc scllcr. thc scllcr'r agal is rcquind to providc s copy lo lh€ buys or tha egEnrofthc bu)'cr. Ttc scllcr luthorizcr ;rs og.ntl6) lo povidc s ertpy ofahir Nrrrcnrntrtn my pmrpativc buyar in mnncction vitb my rtull or mttcip.rcd r6lc of pmpcny. Tbc follouing !r! rcpr6arralionn mdc mlcly by thc *cllcr arxl an nnt tlrc rcprccrrmtionr ofthc rcllcrl !gcn(r). iflny. TIII.CIIIF(IRNI^TION IS A fIISCI.OSUNEONLY ^ND IS NO.r INTENDEDTO '|E F^NTOF ^NY CONTN^CT OSTTVEENNUYEI AND SELL€R- lorlnrrrionrrothcScllcn {l}AnrwcrALLgucstion:, {?iRcponknomconditioncltrccringlhcpmpcny. (l)Alrlchndditimdlpigsswithyour sigrrrrrrrc if rdditiorul spre is rcquired. {41 Cnmplctc this fom younclf. (5} ll somc itmu do oor apply to your propcny. chcck NOT ^vAlLAgLE. lf yorr do not kn.rv thc fids. chcclrUNKNOWN. FAILURE TO PROVIDE A PURCHASER WITH A SIGNED DISCLOSURE $TATEMF,NT WILL €NABLE A I'URC'{ASER TO TERMIN^TE AN OTHERWIS€ BINDINC PURCHASEAcREEME}'IT. jrt,Fliro.rtAirrrcrirscrvlGrllEircGhclnw!diruulingorddathdiknrbaloen(i.dud.dinlha6lcofthcFopmtonltifthrFrch&sagEw€olsprovrlcsl: Nor No UnLnosn Availnblc llonltclovcrr f)ishrtaslrcr Rcl"rigcntrrr ll'mrl/fxrr Disposal TV rrrrclrrl. TV rotor & cnnrmls Elcoriul syfrcrn Onngc dmr opcner& rcrnotemntml /lnrtn systcnl Iltcrgrnr Ccntnl trcrruut At|ic lrrl PMI hcotci rvlll lincr & cquiprmrrt Micr*vlvc TmshrrxuFoctor dcilirrg lirrr Srrla/hot tuh l)rvcr Lrrvrrsprirrllctsvstcttt ltnrcr hcttcr Phmlrilg sprctn wrrcr s.rlic$crlcotditiolcr lvcll & nitrrp Scpltctrnl & rlmrn licki Strxu pDrnp City wrrcr S)Ercrtr City ScrvcrSvsern Colral lir sndiri0tritrg L-cnrnl Ic'titrg sl4ilcfl! lvill llntncc Hurnirlificr Elcrtrolic oir 6lrcr .Sohr hc:tring -rysrcilr Fircplacc & clrinucy tVrrxl hunrirrgsyrtcnr ro- HSELL$R'S DISCLO$URT STATEMENTslllfJ5,li""utl-J or REArIoRse L. l/' L"' -- --v- Z. = -v* ./ --v- -v: ** /' yo.- "; _3 -** = -7* -v* ,.7v- .-' -i-*l- l-/' _11_ - -7 - li:Flnnatirrnr {alqch additionol thccts if ncccseryl:, ilNLR{ .rT|l€nrv$E ^CnE€D. ALL HOU8EfiOLD APPUANCES lvn nlrrfiTl' oEVOND DaTE OF CtOStNG. PruPcrry c0rrrlitloil& itrrproe.tncnr & addltlonrl loformsalonl l. lll.rtr4{r/cnrLFacr: Hlr thm bcn cvidene tf sore|? AnE $OLD lN lvORKlt{C ORDCn EXCEr?r AS NOrEn. TVTTHOUT Ycs- r'lo t r'-- ll-ycr, ptcarueplail: lrsubtion: Dmribq ifkoom llrca Fornr:ldcltydc Fmrn llnrlariorr (UFFI) is insrrllcd? llool: Lcaksi' Approxirrurcngcif knotvn .1. W(ll: Typc rlf wrll ldepth/diamiicr. lga ard rcpiir hidory. if known): Hrs lhc eatcrhucrrtcslcd? ll'ycJ, tlrc daacofltrrl Epof,l.siultJ: Unknown_Ye v.-- No_ Y6_ No_ Ys No
  • 16. 6. $. 0lcctric:l Svslcnt;Aoynnrvnpmblcnt? (.D ^ lzr ::rpridmrkrl{lrainIttld!, Crldilion.if krrom; | l^ = i ; iiEi ;;: i llcrrinr r.vrre,u:Typcy'opprerirureogc:{-Of Co a Ai( ltNa *1ufb .Jril-mfoN]c I'luorhintryrtcor:r*, anr*r.*j ***u-- o,n*-,- I r Any trrtvn pmblcns? rf'l rf. tlisror-v of lnfcJasainn"lt rtry: llcmitas. cnrp€nlct ilt13.ctc-) f1D llt, Elvlhtorcrtil Prolrlcns: Aft you nwalr of aly :rtbsranccs,tnatltitts, or prcducB tbsl mly bc an cnvircrrmcnlll h3zntd s[ch nr' hul nor tinrirc.t or, $bcstoe m.lotr $trs.fommUUyae loa-brcA poim. Rrelotc&mical llorogc lmts lnd &ntamiollcd sil on lhc prcpcf,y' Untioown- Yts*--- No;j* ll lrs nltr.* c.rDhin: I l- Flnorf irlrrlocc: Do ymr hove flsrd inonrrcc or thx proqcnyl I l rllilenl rigltrr: Dn you orvn thc oincml rights? Othcr lten*: Arc yol trqe ol'toy of the follnrving?: Unkanwn Unktnwn Ycs- Yas _ You.z/ n"-€/' "1 li lll tl Fcalrnc ollhc pmprny sharcd in cnmmn wilh th€ odjoitring hndo*ncrs. sucl os rvqlls. fcilcls. mtdt !{d drivcwjry$. "r ttllrct llrorros rvh,rs 6c or rcgnnsibility for mintcnancc may hlvc on cllcct on thc Propeny? t, Unhoq- Y6- N"lZ- Arry grcroacnmcrrs, eteorelrs. zoning violntions. or nonconfomitg uscs? Unllnorvn -- Ye$ - Nrr lz' A[y "!!rqmor rrca<" {fncilirics likc p{)oli tatnir couns. rvalkwoyS'ot olhcr ltas co{wncd rvi'h olhcts)' or o lrumcrtwrt?- rss,rinri,rn tlrar hff any n$horily ovcitic pmpany? Unltnorn - Yo *- N" - Slnrcrrrnf nrxlilimtiortg. nltc61i915' or rrpair mldc without nccsry pmir* or li€sscd 6nlmdo6? tt' Urlkrroq - Ys - No zz sctrl'ng. llmdiil& drairtagc strucntral' or gnding poblcms? Unnorw - Yes - N" -!Z-- tvlriordotrugcrothepropcnyfmrnfirc.wind.floods,orlondslidcs? Untnom- Ycs- Nu 1 Au! fffr.lcryormd sromgc ttrrls'.' Unknown - Ycs - No t'// Fam rrr l'rnn onmtinn in thc vicinity: or pmrimity lo o ldndnll. airpon. tn*,"n [;t:;1;t' "o .- N^ ,.r.',.ifrrirnf!,irg fililitv asscrsmcomor Gc' including aly natunl gasmin ert"no'on "'*oF- ,- -,'-Unltnwn - Ys - fl" -V.- ru, rrrrtsrarrlingmrmrcipal&$6nrfits or I'cs? Unknown - Yeg - A' S''/- ..rrvlnrrling litigatiorr thnt could allcct tlc proSrny or thc rcllcr's rig-htto onvcy thc p.opcny? Unknown - YG -- N" Vtt'- l, thc rrsrrc. ro nrrvrrf thcc qrrsrions is yc, plasc aplain. Anadr additiorralrhats. if ncccs$ry: Thc srttcr hs tivst ar rhc cidcnc on thc propcny f-. Ctf ol00q (darc) rog35g15!-- (d!tc). Thc slls hrc orvncd lhc Frcpcny riu-.Od_Ciff!tr- ldatcl. Thc rcllcr hff indicarcd nbovc rhc condiion of nll t* itlrns bsscd on inlomtion htowu to thc scllcr. lf nuy rhnngr:soccrrrin thc srnrnrr:ryrnechanical/applianccsysrcrnsofrhis propcrry liom thc darcofthis fmm ro thc dlts ofclosing scllcr rvill inrmuliotcly .liFctds rhc chmges ro brrlrr. In no evor shlll lhc ptnics hold lhc brotcr lirble for any rcprcscntitioos mt ditlclly rmdc by thc bmkcr m brokcr's tt':cdl Scllcrccnilicsrhartbcinlhmatinrrin riis strrcrruntismrcandcomct rolhcbcsrofscllcr'slnowlcdgcusof lhcdnrcof scllcr's.rignntnrt. NUYEIISHOULDOBTAIN PNOTESSIONALAOVISEAND INSPECJ1ONSOF THE PROPERT'I'TO MOIIE FULLY NETERIVIINETHE CONDITIONOF THE PROPSRTY.TH6SEINSPECTIONSSHOULDTAKE 'NDOOR AIR AND WATENOUALITY INTO ^CCOUNT. AS WELLASANY EVIDSNCEOFTJNUSU^LLYHI6H LEVELSOF POTENTIAL ITLLERGENSINCLUDING.BUTNOTLIM'TEDTO,I{OUSEHOLOMOLD.MILDEWAND BACTERIA. NUYENSANE ADVISEDTHAT CENTA'N INFORMATIONCOMPILEDPURSUANTTO THE SEX OFTENDERS frEcrSrRATtoNAcT. t99. pA r95. MCL 28.72tTO 18.7J1lS AVAILAELETO THE PU8UC. EUYERSSSEKING rHAT INFORMATIONSHOULD COI,ITACTTHE APPROPRIATELOCAL LAW FNFORC€MEI{TACENCY ON SHERIFF'SOEPARTMENTDIRSCTLY, NUYEII IS ADVISEDTHAT THE ST^18 EOUAUZEDVALUE OF THE PROPERTY.PRINCIPALNSSIDENCE EXEMTITIONINFORMATTON.AND OTT{ERRE^L PROPERTYTAx INFoRMATIoN Is AVAILAOLc FRol,IT}tE ,P"ROPRIATELOCALASSESSOR'SOFfICE BUYENSHOULONOT ^SSUM€ TH^T ITUY€N'$FUTUfTf,T^X IIILUi ON THf, PNOPSFTYTVILL BE THg SAME AS THE SSLLSN'S PRESET{TT^X BILIJ. UNNEN iltlcHlc,lN l,^rv. REAL PftoPERTl'T,rJ( on|"tc/lTtoNs c^ly cBANGti srcwtFtc NTLy rvHEN rRorsRT.t, tti Tn,rN.qFEnnED. Dlrc thi,s sht?mnl ,n"5-?nl] r-r - rim: u:0 u tpyy-l fimc: paniurrlarrmrrroiontocnsurcihstachscrionisappropriotafortherransnctinrr. ThcMiehiglnAssocintiooofREALTO&Sdlislotrrsponsiblc(or nscor nisrrrc nl'l'orrrr lhr misrcoeerlation or lbr rvarr0rtti6 mde il conneaion rvith thc fom. s"rlu,.r,. *fY" (h o^,"lil &6r Pffl? S!'l lcl l-luvcr F{lRtvt ll .lANJ(li'
  • 17. "Each office ,s indepefidenlly awnad and operated" LEAD.BASEOPAINTANDLEAD.BASEDPAINTHAZARDS DISCLOSUFEOFINFORMATIONFORRESIO€NTIALSALES PunposEor rnls Stlteueur Theinformationprovidedinthisstatementis requiredto beprovidedby allsellersoi residenttalhousingbuiltbefore1978.Thisstatementis requiredbytheResidenlialLead-BasedHazardReductionAct of 1992{42U.S.C.4852d). pnopenwaro.u, 4'/ o EL/6H7o tV Lo E€ ED Theresidenceat thrsaddresswas I yes (lf Yes is checked, omit the rest of L€Ao WAsNrNcSterguenn this Disclosureand sign below, othenvise, complete the following portion.) EveryPurchaseroJanyintereslin residentialrealestateon whicha residentialdwellingwasbuillpflorlo 1978isnotified lhatsuchproperlymaypresentexposureto leadfromlead-basedpaintthatmayplaceyoungchildrenal riskot developlngleadpoisoning.Leadpoisoningin youngchildrenmayproducepermanentneurologicaldamage,including learningdisabilities,reducedintelligencequolient.behavioralproblems,andimpairedmemory.Leadpoisoningalso posesa particularriskto pregnantwomen"Thesellerof anyinlereslin residentialrealpropertyis requiredto providethe buyerwithanyintormationon lead-basedpainthazardslromriskassessmentsor inspectionsin theseller'spossession andnotifythebuyerof anyknownlead-basedpainlhazards.A riskassessmentor inspectionforpossiblelead-based painlhazardsis recommendedpriorlo purchase. Selun's DrsclosuRElrnif,ar) Hartlord$osth,Inc. constructedafterJanuary1, 1978:(sellermustinitialone) '8 no unr{rown A ..- vJ. 1 Presenceof lead-trased (a) Known lead-based painl paint and,iorlead-based pairrthazards(check gar b below): and/or lead'based painl hazards are present in the housing (explain) l( E-+- - 2. LJ. Y Seller has no reports or (b) {a) t/Setter has no knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing. Reco' 's and reports availableto the Seller (checka or b below): Seller has provided lhe purchaser with all availablerecords and reports pertainingto lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazardsin th€ housing (listdocument$ below). (b) records perlaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the the housing Selleracknolledges thal agerltshave informedsellerof seller'sobligatronunder42 U.S.C.4852d Puncnasen'sAcxr.rowLeocuEur(In itial) IWH.h /vLH_i?r1 rq##ftr Purchaserhas recervedcopres oi all infornlatianlisted above and the attached PurchaserhasreceivedthepamphletProtectYourFamilyfromLeadinYourHome. As set forthin the Offerto PLrrchase.purchaserhas(checka ar b below): Receiveda '10-dayoppcrtunity(ormutuallyagreeduponperiod)to conducta riskassessmentor inspectionforthepresenceof lead-basedpaintand/orlead-basedpainthazardsor { WaiveOtheopportunityfo conducta riskassessmentor insp€ctionforthepresenceof lead-basedpaini ' and/orlead-basedoainthazards. CENTURY21 HARTFoRDSowx, lruc.Aaeur's AcrruowueocuElr (rnitial €8't. CERnFtcATtoN oF AccuRAcY (a) (b) Agenthasinfsnnedthesellerof theseller'sobligalionunder42 U.S,C.4852dandis aware0f his/het responsibilityto ensurecompliance, Thefollowingpartieshavereviewedtheinlormalionandcerlity,tothe informationprovided by the signatoryis true and accurate -,/ / x- -:l/l-s/17 seller Dat'e
  • 18. itfrii 3 RFrtUN,g@D BUYER'SNAME: _ ADDRESS: RE/MAX CLASSIC EXCLUSIVE BUYER AGENCY CONTRACT Meqhan and Rvan Hudson A PHONE: 231-357-3691 l. CONSIDERATION AND TERM OF CONTRACT: This agreementis entered into 1Hs 7 day of May , 2oL3 , betweenthe above mentionedREALTOR/BROKER ("the REALTOR/BROKER") and the abovementionedBUYER(S)("theBUYER") in considerationof theContractof theREALTOR/BROKERto consultwith theBUYER regardingtheavailabilityof particularproperties,theavailabilityof financing,negotiatingpurchaseagreements, and generally, to assist thc BUYER in purchasingproperty acceptable to the BUYER; the BUYER grants the REALTOR/BROKER the exclusive right to representthe BUYER as BUYER'S AGENT to acquire property from 0s/o7/L3 to ll:59 p.m. on LL/07 /L3 . BUYER acknowledgesthat the REALTOR/BROKER is not, including but not limited to, an attorney, tax advisor, appraiser, surveyor, environmentalexpert, nor a structural or mechanicalengineerand that BUYER should contactprofessionalson thcsematters. Thiscontractmavbecancelledonlvbv themutualconselltof theoartiesheretoin writins. 2. GENERAL PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: Z SINCLEFAMILY tr CoNDoMINIUM t] VACANT LAND D CoMMERCIAL/INVESTMENT Price Range: 150000 Amount of PurchasePrice to be financed 145000 Buyer's Price Ceiling (if known) 150000 PreferredLocation Brighton Specialrequirementsof propertysoughtby BUYER : 3. COMPENSATION: Brokcr shall be compensatedby the Seller or thc listing broker. BUYER agreesto pay to REALTOR/BROKERa Transactionfee to RE/MAX Classicof $ass.oo for documentretention& techservicesto be payableatclosing. 5. BUYER DUTIESiREPRESENTATION: The BUYER representsto theREALTOR/BROKER that,asof the dateof this contract,BUYER hasnot euteredinto any othercontractswith othcrbrokeragecompaniesor salesagentto represclltthe BUYER.TheBUYERwill: a. FurnishtheREALTOR/BROKERwithrelevantpersonalandfinancialinlbrmationtothcilitatetheBUYER'Sabilitytoacquire theproperty. b. Exerr:isecareanddiligenceinevaluatingthephysicalandlegalconditionofthepropertyselectedbytheBUYER,and c. In allcommunicationswithotherrealestateagents,notirytheagentsthattheBUYERhasenteredintothisexclusivecontract withtheREALTOR/BROKER. OTHER BUYERS: Other potentialbuyersmay be interestedin the samepropertiesas BUYER. It is agreedthat REALTOR/BROKERmayrepresentthosebuyerswhethersuchrepresentationarisesprior to,during,or aftertheendof this contract.In sucha situation,REALTOR/BROKERwill not discloseto eitherbuyerthetermsof theother'soffer. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: BLJYERacknowledgesthatfrom timeto timeREALTOR/BROKERand/orthesalesagents of REALTOR/BROKERmayelectto representSellers.REALTOR/BROKERmayrepresentbothBUYER andSellerin the sarnetransactionbut only with the knowledgeandwrittenconsentof both BUYER and Seller.This situationcommonly arisesif the BLIYER is interestedin a propertylistedwith the REALTOR/BROKER.If the REALTOR/BROKIR obtains writtenconsentto representbothBUYER andSeller,thereis a limitationon theREALTOR,tsROKER'Sabilityto represent eitherparryexclusivelyandfully. For example,informationobtainedin confidencewith onepartymaynot be disclosedto the otherpartywithoutprior consent.BUYER herebygivespreliminaryapprovalto th€ conceptof DISCLOSEDDUAL AGENCY AND LIMITED REPRESENTATION. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED: It is agreedby the REALTOR/BROKER and the BUYER "(the parties to this contract)"that asrequiredby law, discriminationbecauseof race,religion,color,nationalorigin,sex,maritalstatus,age, height,weight,or physicalor mentalhandicap,or familialstatus,by saidparliesin respectto thepurchaseof thedescribed Propertyis PROHIBITED. ENTIRE CONTRACT: This contractconstitutestheentireagreementbefweentheparties,andanyprior contractsandor agreements,whetheroral or written,have beenmergedandintegratedinto this contract. 7. Buyer Initials Buyer Initials This contract ls for uae by RealcoEp Subscribers. Use by ey other pDty is illegal and voids the contract. 6. 8. lastanet forms'?
  • 19. 9. 10. RE/MAX CLASSIC EXCLUSIVE BUYER AGENCY CONTRACT TIME FOR CLAIMS : Buyeragreesthatanyactionor suitagainsttheREALTOR/BROKERarisingoutof thisagreement or any servicesrenderedor not renderedby REALTOR/BROKER, must be broughtwithin the shorterof: a)the time providedby law or b) six (6) monthsof the eventgiving rise to the claims,or be foreverby barred. Buyer specifically waivesanylimitationperiodto thecontrary DESIGNATED AGENCY: REA4AX Classic("Company")andBuyerherebydesignate rHoMAs GTLLTAM astheBuyer'sdesignatedagent.ForpurposesofthiSlisting,Buyersha|lhaveunug.n@ Company,the designatedagent(s)namesaboveandthefollowing supervisorybroker(s) carol Boii If a potentialselleris representedby anagentwithin theCompanyotherthanth" designat.dugen49 nurnii uUo*;fr"n onfy theCompanyandall supervisorybroker(s)slrallbedeemeddisclosedconsensualdualagents."Dual Agency,"whenusedin thisbuyer'sagencycontract,shallnotincludethesituationwherethesellerofthe propertyin whichtheBuyeris interestedis representedby anagentwithin theCompanythatdoesnot haveanagencyrelationshipwith theBuyer. II. OTHER: tarY1 Dated Bry* I"ttt"tr Bry"r l"ttt"lt any other palty ia itlegal and voids the contract lOstatf:tt rorms'? R hasread this REA{AX Classic knowledgesreceiptof a completedcopy of this contract. thi.s contract is f,or usc by Realeor{) Subscribera. Use by
  • 20. ,'; r,":,:*:liir:i-{r, RECEIPT AND AGREEMENT RE/MAX CLASSIC EarnestMoneYDePosit OriginalDepositE AdditionalDepositfl TransferDepositE Rk'ry S A L E S P E R S o N DateBranchOffice ReceivedEMD: Date Agreementis acceptcdby ALL Partics: I - I DateBranchis notifiedthatAgreementis acceptedby ALL Parties:- I -l DateEMD is deposited: Branchofficesignature: tt Date: I I NOTTCETO BIJYER(S) you haverendered an Earnest Money Depositin connectlonwith an offer madeof the property referencedabove. StateLaw requires that the Salespersondeliver your Earnest Money Depositto his/her Broker immediately. It will be depositedin the Broker's non- interest bearing trust account. Ifyour Earnest Money Depositwas renderedin the form of a personal check,you should havefunds readily available in your bank accountto allow it to cleaiproperly, In the eventyour checkis returned for non*u{ficient funds, a feeof $50.00will be chargedfor eachoccurrence. By your signatureon this document,you acknowledgeand agreethat any suchchargemay be deductedfrom a refund of your Earneit Moniy Deposit,or may be included asa chargeto you in your closingdocuments(unlesspaid separately)at the solediscretion of RE/MAX Classic' Rec SEEREVERSESIDE... This contract is for use by Realcoep subscribels- Itse by any other Party is iuega]. and voids the contract' tnstantlt ,--^ J forms - rr)-H. rf{ o F F I C E AMOUNT $ s,ooo.oo BankDrawnOn: 0nr)gC{ /i ln the form of: Payor'sName(s): E PersonalCheck D Cashiers/CertifiedCheck Re/Max Classic Purchaser'sName(s): Meghan and Ryan Hudson PlcasePrinl Seller'sName(s): PropertyAddress: A}IN M SISTY PlcascPrint 340 BRIGHTON LAKE FD BRIGHTON 48116 StreetAddrcss City zip DateEarnestMoney Salespcrson'sNamc: Depositis Receivedby Salesperson:- Office: PleascPrinl Salesperson's Signature: Date: I I
  • 21. Offer Not Accepted: AcceptedOffer: REFUND POLICY Your Earnest Money Depositwill bereturned to you promptly, subject to the samelimitations noted in the following paragraph with respectto PersonalChecks. If the saledoesnot close,your Earnest Money Depositwill be handled asprovided for in the related PurchaseAgreementor a fully executedReleaseof PurchaseAgreement, For a depositin tbe form of a PersonalCheck (drawn on a Michigan bank) it can take up to seven(7) daysfor us to be notified that your checkhascleared(up to ten (t 0) daysfor out-of-statebanks). Your depositwill be refunded when we have receivednoticethat your checkhascleared' Board ofReal EstateBrokers and SalespersonsAdministrative Rule 313(6).2002and. R339.22313(6) provides that any depositfor which both the buyer and sellerhavemade a claim shall remain in the RE/l{AX ClassicTrust Account until (1) the Buyer and Sellerhaveagreed,in writing, to the disposition of thedeposit;(2) a civil actionhasdeterminedto whom the depositmustbepaid; or (3) REMax Classichas beenallowedto interpleadthe depositwith the proper court. Rule313(6)supercedesany inconsistent provisionin a PurchaseAgreement. DisputesOver EMD: It is our sincerehopethat your offer is accepted,But if it is not, pleaseinclude this Refund Policy in your home-buyingplans. Acknowledged Co-Purchaser: Date lDstatr.,t 70rms z This contlact is for use by Realco6p subscribers. gse by any olher palty as illegal and voids the contract. RANSFEROF EARNBSTMONEY DEPOSITTO NEW PURCHASEAGREEMENT (Use photocopy for New File - have original lbrm in Original File) Provideda reftrndis otherwiseavailablein accordancewith therelatedPurchaseAgreementor fully executed Releaseof PurchaseAgreement,Buyer herebydirectsRE/Max Classicto transferEantestMoney in the amountef $ s, ooo.oo from theabovepropertyto thepropertynotedbelow in connection with an offer madeon I I DateOffice ReceivesTransferRequest: I _/ Seller'sName(s) ANN !{ STSTY Dateof TransferRequest I I PleascPrint PropertyAddress: Strcet Namc City Zip Buyer'sAcknowlcdgcment: PurchaserSignaturc Co-PurchaserSisnature Dateon which thePurchaseAgreementis acceptedby ALL parties: I I THIS FORM MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE NEW PENDING FILE