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Dr. Tapan Dutta1, Dr. Sanjay Choudhary2 
1 Associate Professor, Nagpur Sharirik Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra. 
2 Assistant Professor, Shri Binzani City College Umred Road Nagpur, Maharashtra. 
Abstract. The purpose of the study was to find out comparison of achievement motivation 
and self concept among volleyball players of different level of achievement. A Total of 75 Male 
volleyball players were selected as subjects for the purpose of the study i.e., 25 players each from 
District, State and National level. The age of the subjects was ranged between 20 to 30 years. The 
criterion measures chosen to test the hypothesis were: Achievement Motivation test questionnaire 
developed by V. P. Bhargava and self concept questionnaire developed by Raj Kumar Saraswat. To 
compare the achievement motivation and self concept of volleyball players, One way analysis of 
variance, was used to determine the difference if any, among the volleyball players of different level of 
achievement. When the difference was found significant, the LSD Post-hoc test was applied to 
assess the significant differences among the group means. The level of significance was set at 0.05 
level of significance. The result of study showed that in all the selected psychological parameters such 
as achievement motivation and self concept significant difference was found among the means of 
three selected level of volley ball players. 
Success and failure of an athlete depend on the blending of physical conditioning, training, 
mental preparation and ability to perform well under pressure and co-operation of athlete with others, 
so all the aspects (physical, psychological and social) are needed for an athlete. If one is lacking in 
an aspect. It is very difficult to get success in competition. That’s why the coaches must not only 
have the knowledge about the skill and strategies of the sport but also should be psychologically 
Performance in sports not only demands systematic training to develop physical physiological 
variable and technical aspect of sports but also demands training and consideration of psychological 
characteristics for success in this field. 
Volleyball which is an excellent around team sport has become widely accepted as a highly 
competitive as well as a recreational game throughout the world. It is now recognized as one of the 
most breath taking and dramatic sports of the Olympic both from the players and spectators view 
Psychology as a behavioral science has made its contribution for improving sports 
performance. It has helped coaches to coach more effectively and athletes to perform more 
Motivation is essential to the learning process. The old saying “you can lead a horse to the 
water but you cannot make it drink”, is an excellent may to describe the function of motivation in
learning. People can be placed in learning situation but if they are not motivated, they will not learn. 
In the absence of proper motivation, not only learn process but life it self become an uphill task. 
Motivation than is considered as that process by which a child may be prepared to respond to the 
situations which are directed towards the achievement of certain predetermined goals or objective. In 
the field of physical education and sports, no athlete can win or show better performance without 
Several kind of identifiable personality traits revolve around what could be considered the 
athletes self-concept. Traits such as self-confidence self-assurance, self-enhancement and self-respect 
all evolved out of this elaboration of a persons, self-image or self-concept. Self-confidence, 
for example, has been identified as being high in athletes by Johnson, and found athletes to have high 
senses of personal worth and self-concept. 
Therefore realizing the importance of above factors the above study was undertaken. 
Material and Methods 
Subjects: A Total of 75 Male volleyball players were selected as subjects for the purpose of the study i.e., 25 
players each from District, State and National level. The age of the subjects was ranged between 20 to 30 
Definitions: District level Players: District level players were those players who had participated in 
District level tournaments and were not selected to represent their District in State championship 
tournaments. State level Players: State level players were those players who had participated in 
State level tournaments by representing their District in State championship tournaments and were 
not selected to represent their state in National level tournaments. National level Players: National 
level players were those players who had participated in National level tournaments by representing 
their state in National championship tournaments and were not selected for Indian team to participate 
in international tournaments. 
Criterion Measures: The Achievement Motivation score was obtained by using Achievement Motivation test 
questionnaire developed by V. P. Bhargava. The Self Concept was obtained by using self concept questionnaire 
developed by Raj Kumar Saraswat.
Table-1. One way analysis of variance of achievement motivation and self concept (scores) in 
points of volleyball players of different level of achievements. 
Variables SOV df ss mss F- Ratio 
F- Ratio 
2 1604.19 802.09 
100.14* 3.13 
72 576.96 8.01 
Self Concept 
2 1201.20 600.60 
63.35* 3.13 
72 682.80 9.48 
Self Concept 
2 1225.79 612.90 
81.39* 3.13 
72 542.40 7.53 
Self Concept 
2 1765.68 882.84 
79.25* 3.13 
72 802.32 11.14 
Self Concept 
2 1404.59 702.30 
95.55* 3.13 
72 529.20 7.35 
Self Concept 
2 1659.84 829.92 
102.21* 3.13 
72 584.30 8.12 
Self Concept 
2 1621.76 810.88 
112.47* 3.13 
72 518.96 7.21 
Self Concept 
2 52755.92 26377.96 
583.11* 3.13 
72 3529.20 49.02 
*Significant at 0.05 level 
The findings of the study revealed that in all the selected psychological parameters such as 
achievement motivation and self concept of volleyball players of different level of achievement differs 
significantly, as the obtained 'F' value among the groups is greater than the required 'F' value at 0.05 
Table-2. Post- Hoc test of significance for achievement motivation and self concept (scores) in 
points and difference among the means of different groups. 
District Level 
State Level 
National Level 
M. D. C. D. 
19.24 30.56 11.32* 
19.24 24.52 5.28* 2.00 
30.56 24.52 6.04* 
Self Concept 
24.50 28.76 4.56* 
24.50 33.52 9.32* 2.18 
28.76 33.52 4.76* 
Self Concept 
21.84 26.20 4.36* 
21.84 31.72 9.88* 2.15 
26.20 31.72 5.52* 
Self Concept 
19.36 25.00 5.64* 
19.36 31.24 11.88* 2.32 
25.00 31.24 6.24* 
Self Concept 
23.04 27.52 4.48* 
23.04 33.60 10.56* 1.93 
27.52 33.60 6.08* 
Self Concept 
21.64 27.16 5.52* 
21.64 33.16 11.52* 2.03 
27.16 33.16 6.00* 
Self Concept 
21.08 26.04 4.96* 
21.08 32.44 11.36* 1.90 
26.04 32.44 6.40* 
Self Concept 
131.24 160.24 29.56* 
131.24 196.12 64.88* 4.95 
160.24 196.12 35.32* 
*Significant at 0.05 level 
The findings of the study revealed that in all the selected psychological parameters such as 
achievement motivation and self concept the mean difference value of District level volleyball players and 
State level volleyball players, District level volleyball players and National level volleyball players, 
State level volleyball players and National level volleyball players reveals that there are significant 
difference in as the mean difference value between the groups is greater than the critical difference 
Discussion of findings 
Motivation in general is a process which indicates why people participate is sports the way 
they do. The urge to run and play when young, to excel when competing to struggle, when hundred 
to prove something when challenged to escape when confined, to be aggressive when angered, and
to feel when frightened are typical of man as he matures and develops and moves through life’s many 
dangerous and competitive situations. 
Researches have speculated on the relationship of physical competence to academic skill. 
Improving his or her physical skills may improve the student self-concept, when we feel good about 
ourselves; we are perhaps apt to study more efficiently. In other words physical programme contribute 
to the development of a favorable self-concept. Athletic programs can and should make beneficial 
contribution to the self-concept of the participants. 
The findings of the present study showed that State level volleyball players were highly 
motivated in terms of achievement motivation than the other two selected group followed by National 
level volleyball players, and the District level volleyball players had scored least in achievement 
motivation test. It may be due to the reason that when person work for achieving something new he is 
considered to be motivated with achievement motivation. The aspiration levels of such persons are 
considered to be high and they show great determination in doing work related with achievement. They 
feel happy with their achievement and they remain more anxious for their achievement. As the State 
level volleyball players where found to be more anxious in getting selected for national side they might 
have found to be more motivated than the other two selected groups. The National level volleyball 
players found to be less motivated than the State level volleyball players it may be due to the reason 
that the day when data was collected they where having their preliminary round matches and were at 
ease which might have affected their mind set and couldn’t perceive the meaning of questionnaire 
resulted in showing least performance than the State level volleyball players. Whereas least 
performance was shown by District level volleyball players as the were found to be least bother about 
their matches and where aware of the out come of matches to be played by them might have resulted in 
low arousal level which indirectly might have affected their motivation factor related with achievement. 
The analysis of data reveals that all 6 out of 6 self-concept dimensions namely physical, 
social, temperamental, educational, moral, and intellectual differed significantly at .05 level of 
confidence along with total self- concept when volleyball players of different level of achievement were 
Physical Self Concept 
Significant difference was observed between the National, State and District level volleyball 
players in physical self-concept. The analysis of data reveals that in physical self - concept the 
National level volleyball players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players 
and the least scores have been shown by District level volleyball players. Physical self-concept 
includes the individual’s view of their body, health, physical appearance and strength. Fitness may
have psychological consequences, because enhanced fitness level often has a positive effect on 
one’s body image. Thus, improving one’s fitness through sport would increase his positive feeling 
about his body and enhance his self-concept, thus physical self-concept changes as bodily changes 
Body build, energy level and body control are interrelated factors and are directly associated 
with the state of physical fitness which further influence the self-concept of an individual. Thus 
development of self-concept is based on physical competence. 
Thus it happened to be the innate tendency of top sportsmen to remain in bodily healthful and 
fit condition in order to execute high standard of performance over a longer period of time which assist 
the sportsmen to gain stable recognition. Probably such awareness might have enhanced the sense 
of physical self-concept of National level volleyball players due to prolonged involvement with the 
Social Self-Concept 
The analysis of data reveals that in social self concept the National level volleyball players 
have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least scores have been 
shown by District level volleyball players. Social self-concept includes individual’s sense of worth in 
social interaction. The effect of social self-concept on the behaviour of the individual usually depends 
largely on how important the opinions of others are to him. Thus understanding of the self is enhanced 
by social comparison or the ability to evaluate the self in relation to others. One’s perception of 
oneself as a cooperative or competitive individual influences the performance level. Further high 
levels of cohesiveness are associated with the greater success and satisfaction. 
We know that success, reputation and recognition are earned at the cost of hard labor, high 
coordination and lot of co-operation. Once the reputation is established, the individual sportsman 
carefully behaves and effectively adjust with his own and other team mates, officials, and spectators 
in order to maintain the reputation, which enhances social interaction. Because of such positive 
reasons probably the National level volleyball players, who had lot of such experiences in the past, 
were able to score significantly higher than other selected groups and thus significant difference 
between these three groups was observed in social self-concept. 
Temperamental Self-Concept 
The analysis of data also reveals that in temperamental self concept the National level 
volleyball players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least 
scores have been shown by District level volleyball players. Success in the games and sports lies 
behind many troublesome hurdles and it march with hard happenings. An athlete will be successful in 
stressful competition only if he is able to evidence and maintain a degree of cool temperament and 
emotional control.
The modern game of volleyball has became fast and played with vigor, where time and again 
the tough physical blocking and spiking are committed by one players with the negative intention to 
minimize the sharpness of rival’s efficiency which is usually done through playing with the player’s 
temperament. On the other hand, in anticipation, the proficient athletes are likely to be more alert and 
aware on this factor. Through the process of prolonged involvement with this game, the National level 
volleyball players might have developed strong grip on their temperament and thus they have scored 
significantly higher than that of other two selected groups in this dimension. 
Educational Self-Concept 
The analysis of data also reveals that in educational self concept the National level volleyball 
players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least scores 
have been shown by District level volleyball players. 
Educational self-concept includes the individual’s view of themselves in relation to educational 
institution, teachers and extra-curricular activities. High proficient athletes of the educational institution 
represents their institutions in various competitions and as most of the National level volleyball players were 
from the academy, the sense of belongingness and high esteem towards the teachers, educational values 
and extra-curricular activities, gradually enhance. Thus, due to all these factors, probably, the National level 
volleyball players scored significantly higher in this dimension than that of other two selected groups. 
Moral Self-Concept 
The analysis of data also reveals that in moral self concept the National level volleyball 
players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least scores 
have been shown by District level Volleyball players. Moral self-concept expresses the individual’s 
estimation of their moral worth, right and wrong activities. 
To attain high fitness level, National level volleyball players have to follow vigorous training 
programme. They cannot indulge in socially unaccepted activities. They have to be more disciplined. 
Further, in the game of Volleyball, the offences are strictly treated through application of 
respective rules were the players are warned, temperately suspended and even are permanently 
suspended depending upon the nature of offence. 
Thus, high proficient volleyball players are expected to have high estimation of right and 
wrong activities. Due to such attributer factors, probably the National level volleyball players scored 
significantly higher in this dimension and thus, significant difference was observed between the three 
selected groups in moral self- concept.
Intellectual Self-Concept 
The analysis of data also reveals that in intellectual self concept the National level volleyball 
players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least scores 
have been shown by District level volleyball players. It includes individual’s awareness of his 
intelligence and capacity of problem solving and judgment. New and critical situations arise frequently 
in the game of volleyball. So, number of decisions and accurate judgment are to be made at the spur 
of the moment. Thus, the considerable degree of intelligence, anticipation ability, judgment and 
problem solving capacity within the shortest possible time is highly expected to overcome the 
difficulties in volleyball. Probably National level volleyball players were highly equipped with these 
qualities and thus they have scored significantly higher than that of other selected groups in this 
Total Self-Concept 
The analysis of data reveals that in total self concept the National level volleyball players have 
shown superior scores followed by State level Volleyball players and the least scores have been shown 
by District level volleyball players. The total self-concept includes the sum of physical, social, 
temperamental, educational, moral and intellectual dimensions of self-concept. 
From the previous discussion it is evident that all six dimensions of self-concept showed 
significant differences between the three selected groups. Thus, the sum of these dimensions is also 
expected to show significant difference between these three groups. Because of such reason, probably 
the National level volleyball players scored significantly higher in total self-concept than that of State 
level volleyball players and District level volleyball players. 
Within the limitations of the present study and on the basis of findings, the following 
conclusions are drawn: 
1. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant difference in achievement 
motivation and self concept of volley ball players of different level of achievements. 
2. The findings of the study also reveals that State level volleyball players were highly motivated in 
terms of achievement motivation among the three selected groups followed by National level 
volleyball players and the least motivated group was that of District level volleyball players. 
3. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self 
concept dimension i.e. Physical self concept among the three selected groups followed by 
State level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior 
among the selected groups. 
4. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self 
concept dimension i.e. Social self concept among the three selected groups followed by State
level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior among 
the selected groups. 
5. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self 
concept dimension i.e. Temperamental self concept among the three selected groups 
followed by State level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to 
be inferior among the selected groups. 
6. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self 
concept dimension i.e. Education self concept among the three selected groups followed by 
State level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior 
among the selected groups. 
7. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self 
concept dimension i.e. Moral self concept among the three selected groups followed by State 
level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior among 
the selected groups. 
8. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self 
concept dimension i.e. Intellectual self concept among the three selected groups followed by 
State level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior 
among the selected groups. 
9. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in Total 
self concept dimension among the three selected groups followed by State level volleyball 
players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior among the selected 
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  • 1. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ACHIVEMENT MOTIVATION AND SELF CONCEPT AMONG VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS OF DIFFERENT LEVEL OF ACHIVEMENTS Dr. Tapan Dutta1, Dr. Sanjay Choudhary2 1 Associate Professor, Nagpur Sharirik Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra. 2 Assistant Professor, Shri Binzani City College Umred Road Nagpur, Maharashtra. Abstract. The purpose of the study was to find out comparison of achievement motivation and self concept among volleyball players of different level of achievement. A Total of 75 Male volleyball players were selected as subjects for the purpose of the study i.e., 25 players each from District, State and National level. The age of the subjects was ranged between 20 to 30 years. The criterion measures chosen to test the hypothesis were: Achievement Motivation test questionnaire developed by V. P. Bhargava and self concept questionnaire developed by Raj Kumar Saraswat. To compare the achievement motivation and self concept of volleyball players, One way analysis of variance, was used to determine the difference if any, among the volleyball players of different level of achievement. When the difference was found significant, the LSD Post-hoc test was applied to assess the significant differences among the group means. The level of significance was set at 0.05 level of significance. The result of study showed that in all the selected psychological parameters such as achievement motivation and self concept significant difference was found among the means of three selected level of volley ball players. Introduction Success and failure of an athlete depend on the blending of physical conditioning, training, mental preparation and ability to perform well under pressure and co-operation of athlete with others, so all the aspects (physical, psychological and social) are needed for an athlete. If one is lacking in an aspect. It is very difficult to get success in competition. That’s why the coaches must not only have the knowledge about the skill and strategies of the sport but also should be psychologically skillful. Performance in sports not only demands systematic training to develop physical physiological variable and technical aspect of sports but also demands training and consideration of psychological characteristics for success in this field. Volleyball which is an excellent around team sport has become widely accepted as a highly competitive as well as a recreational game throughout the world. It is now recognized as one of the most breath taking and dramatic sports of the Olympic both from the players and spectators view point. Psychology as a behavioral science has made its contribution for improving sports performance. It has helped coaches to coach more effectively and athletes to perform more proficiently. Motivation is essential to the learning process. The old saying “you can lead a horse to the water but you cannot make it drink”, is an excellent may to describe the function of motivation in
  • 2. learning. People can be placed in learning situation but if they are not motivated, they will not learn. In the absence of proper motivation, not only learn process but life it self become an uphill task. Motivation than is considered as that process by which a child may be prepared to respond to the situations which are directed towards the achievement of certain predetermined goals or objective. In the field of physical education and sports, no athlete can win or show better performance without motivation. Several kind of identifiable personality traits revolve around what could be considered the athletes self-concept. Traits such as self-confidence self-assurance, self-enhancement and self-respect all evolved out of this elaboration of a persons, self-image or self-concept. Self-confidence, for example, has been identified as being high in athletes by Johnson, and found athletes to have high senses of personal worth and self-concept. Therefore realizing the importance of above factors the above study was undertaken. Material and Methods Subjects: A Total of 75 Male volleyball players were selected as subjects for the purpose of the study i.e., 25 players each from District, State and National level. The age of the subjects was ranged between 20 to 30 years. Definitions: District level Players: District level players were those players who had participated in District level tournaments and were not selected to represent their District in State championship tournaments. State level Players: State level players were those players who had participated in State level tournaments by representing their District in State championship tournaments and were not selected to represent their state in National level tournaments. National level Players: National level players were those players who had participated in National level tournaments by representing their state in National championship tournaments and were not selected for Indian team to participate in international tournaments. Criterion Measures: The Achievement Motivation score was obtained by using Achievement Motivation test questionnaire developed by V. P. Bhargava. The Self Concept was obtained by using self concept questionnaire developed by Raj Kumar Saraswat.
  • 3. Results: Table-1. One way analysis of variance of achievement motivation and self concept (scores) in points of volleyball players of different level of achievements. Variables SOV df ss mss F- Ratio Required F- Ratio Achievement Motivation Between Group 2 1604.19 802.09 100.14* 3.13 Within Group 72 576.96 8.01 Self Concept (Physical) Between Group 2 1201.20 600.60 63.35* 3.13 Within Group 72 682.80 9.48 Self Concept (Social) Between Group 2 1225.79 612.90 81.39* 3.13 Within Group 72 542.40 7.53 Self Concept (Temperamental) Between Group 2 1765.68 882.84 79.25* 3.13 Within Group 72 802.32 11.14 Self Concept (Education) Between Group 2 1404.59 702.30 95.55* 3.13 Within Group 72 529.20 7.35 Self Concept (Moral) Between Group 2 1659.84 829.92 102.21* 3.13 Within Group 72 584.30 8.12 Self Concept (Intellectual) Between Group 2 1621.76 810.88 112.47* 3.13 Within Group 72 518.96 7.21 Total Self Concept Between Group 2 52755.92 26377.96 583.11* 3.13 Within Group 72 3529.20 49.02 *Significant at 0.05 level The findings of the study revealed that in all the selected psychological parameters such as achievement motivation and self concept of volleyball players of different level of achievement differs significantly, as the obtained 'F' value among the groups is greater than the required 'F' value at 0.05 level.
  • 4. Table-2. Post- Hoc test of significance for achievement motivation and self concept (scores) in points and difference among the means of different groups. District Level Volleyball Players State Level Volleyball Players National Level Volleyball Players M. D. C. D. Achievement Motivation 19.24 30.56 11.32* 19.24 24.52 5.28* 2.00 30.56 24.52 6.04* Self Concept (Physical) 24.50 28.76 4.56* 24.50 33.52 9.32* 2.18 28.76 33.52 4.76* Self Concept (Social) 21.84 26.20 4.36* 21.84 31.72 9.88* 2.15 26.20 31.72 5.52* Self Concept (Temperamental) 19.36 25.00 5.64* 19.36 31.24 11.88* 2.32 25.00 31.24 6.24* Self Concept (Education) 23.04 27.52 4.48* 23.04 33.60 10.56* 1.93 27.52 33.60 6.08* Self Concept (Moral) 21.64 27.16 5.52* 21.64 33.16 11.52* 2.03 27.16 33.16 6.00* Self Concept (Intellectual) 21.08 26.04 4.96* 21.08 32.44 11.36* 1.90 26.04 32.44 6.40* Total Self Concept 131.24 160.24 29.56* 131.24 196.12 64.88* 4.95 160.24 196.12 35.32* *Significant at 0.05 level The findings of the study revealed that in all the selected psychological parameters such as achievement motivation and self concept the mean difference value of District level volleyball players and State level volleyball players, District level volleyball players and National level volleyball players, State level volleyball players and National level volleyball players reveals that there are significant difference in as the mean difference value between the groups is greater than the critical difference value. Discussion of findings Motivation in general is a process which indicates why people participate is sports the way they do. The urge to run and play when young, to excel when competing to struggle, when hundred to prove something when challenged to escape when confined, to be aggressive when angered, and
  • 5. to feel when frightened are typical of man as he matures and develops and moves through life’s many dangerous and competitive situations. Researches have speculated on the relationship of physical competence to academic skill. Improving his or her physical skills may improve the student self-concept, when we feel good about ourselves; we are perhaps apt to study more efficiently. In other words physical programme contribute to the development of a favorable self-concept. Athletic programs can and should make beneficial contribution to the self-concept of the participants. ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION The findings of the present study showed that State level volleyball players were highly motivated in terms of achievement motivation than the other two selected group followed by National level volleyball players, and the District level volleyball players had scored least in achievement motivation test. It may be due to the reason that when person work for achieving something new he is considered to be motivated with achievement motivation. The aspiration levels of such persons are considered to be high and they show great determination in doing work related with achievement. They feel happy with their achievement and they remain more anxious for their achievement. As the State level volleyball players where found to be more anxious in getting selected for national side they might have found to be more motivated than the other two selected groups. The National level volleyball players found to be less motivated than the State level volleyball players it may be due to the reason that the day when data was collected they where having their preliminary round matches and were at ease which might have affected their mind set and couldn’t perceive the meaning of questionnaire resulted in showing least performance than the State level volleyball players. Whereas least performance was shown by District level volleyball players as the were found to be least bother about their matches and where aware of the out come of matches to be played by them might have resulted in low arousal level which indirectly might have affected their motivation factor related with achievement. SELF CONCEPT DIMENSIONS The analysis of data reveals that all 6 out of 6 self-concept dimensions namely physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral, and intellectual differed significantly at .05 level of confidence along with total self- concept when volleyball players of different level of achievement were compared. Physical Self Concept Significant difference was observed between the National, State and District level volleyball players in physical self-concept. The analysis of data reveals that in physical self - concept the National level volleyball players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least scores have been shown by District level volleyball players. Physical self-concept includes the individual’s view of their body, health, physical appearance and strength. Fitness may
  • 6. have psychological consequences, because enhanced fitness level often has a positive effect on one’s body image. Thus, improving one’s fitness through sport would increase his positive feeling about his body and enhance his self-concept, thus physical self-concept changes as bodily changes occurs. Body build, energy level and body control are interrelated factors and are directly associated with the state of physical fitness which further influence the self-concept of an individual. Thus development of self-concept is based on physical competence. Thus it happened to be the innate tendency of top sportsmen to remain in bodily healthful and fit condition in order to execute high standard of performance over a longer period of time which assist the sportsmen to gain stable recognition. Probably such awareness might have enhanced the sense of physical self-concept of National level volleyball players due to prolonged involvement with the game. Social Self-Concept The analysis of data reveals that in social self concept the National level volleyball players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least scores have been shown by District level volleyball players. Social self-concept includes individual’s sense of worth in social interaction. The effect of social self-concept on the behaviour of the individual usually depends largely on how important the opinions of others are to him. Thus understanding of the self is enhanced by social comparison or the ability to evaluate the self in relation to others. One’s perception of oneself as a cooperative or competitive individual influences the performance level. Further high levels of cohesiveness are associated with the greater success and satisfaction. We know that success, reputation and recognition are earned at the cost of hard labor, high coordination and lot of co-operation. Once the reputation is established, the individual sportsman carefully behaves and effectively adjust with his own and other team mates, officials, and spectators in order to maintain the reputation, which enhances social interaction. Because of such positive reasons probably the National level volleyball players, who had lot of such experiences in the past, were able to score significantly higher than other selected groups and thus significant difference between these three groups was observed in social self-concept. Temperamental Self-Concept The analysis of data also reveals that in temperamental self concept the National level volleyball players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least scores have been shown by District level volleyball players. Success in the games and sports lies behind many troublesome hurdles and it march with hard happenings. An athlete will be successful in stressful competition only if he is able to evidence and maintain a degree of cool temperament and emotional control.
  • 7. The modern game of volleyball has became fast and played with vigor, where time and again the tough physical blocking and spiking are committed by one players with the negative intention to minimize the sharpness of rival’s efficiency which is usually done through playing with the player’s temperament. On the other hand, in anticipation, the proficient athletes are likely to be more alert and aware on this factor. Through the process of prolonged involvement with this game, the National level volleyball players might have developed strong grip on their temperament and thus they have scored significantly higher than that of other two selected groups in this dimension. Educational Self-Concept The analysis of data also reveals that in educational self concept the National level volleyball players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least scores have been shown by District level volleyball players. Educational self-concept includes the individual’s view of themselves in relation to educational institution, teachers and extra-curricular activities. High proficient athletes of the educational institution represents their institutions in various competitions and as most of the National level volleyball players were from the academy, the sense of belongingness and high esteem towards the teachers, educational values and extra-curricular activities, gradually enhance. Thus, due to all these factors, probably, the National level volleyball players scored significantly higher in this dimension than that of other two selected groups. Moral Self-Concept The analysis of data also reveals that in moral self concept the National level volleyball players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least scores have been shown by District level Volleyball players. Moral self-concept expresses the individual’s estimation of their moral worth, right and wrong activities. To attain high fitness level, National level volleyball players have to follow vigorous training programme. They cannot indulge in socially unaccepted activities. They have to be more disciplined. Further, in the game of Volleyball, the offences are strictly treated through application of respective rules were the players are warned, temperately suspended and even are permanently suspended depending upon the nature of offence. Thus, high proficient volleyball players are expected to have high estimation of right and wrong activities. Due to such attributer factors, probably the National level volleyball players scored significantly higher in this dimension and thus, significant difference was observed between the three selected groups in moral self- concept.
  • 8. Intellectual Self-Concept The analysis of data also reveals that in intellectual self concept the National level volleyball players have shown superior scores followed by State level volleyball players and the least scores have been shown by District level volleyball players. It includes individual’s awareness of his intelligence and capacity of problem solving and judgment. New and critical situations arise frequently in the game of volleyball. So, number of decisions and accurate judgment are to be made at the spur of the moment. Thus, the considerable degree of intelligence, anticipation ability, judgment and problem solving capacity within the shortest possible time is highly expected to overcome the difficulties in volleyball. Probably National level volleyball players were highly equipped with these qualities and thus they have scored significantly higher than that of other selected groups in this dimension. Total Self-Concept The analysis of data reveals that in total self concept the National level volleyball players have shown superior scores followed by State level Volleyball players and the least scores have been shown by District level volleyball players. The total self-concept includes the sum of physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral and intellectual dimensions of self-concept. From the previous discussion it is evident that all six dimensions of self-concept showed significant differences between the three selected groups. Thus, the sum of these dimensions is also expected to show significant difference between these three groups. Because of such reason, probably the National level volleyball players scored significantly higher in total self-concept than that of State level volleyball players and District level volleyball players. Conclusions. Within the limitations of the present study and on the basis of findings, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant difference in achievement motivation and self concept of volley ball players of different level of achievements. 2. The findings of the study also reveals that State level volleyball players were highly motivated in terms of achievement motivation among the three selected groups followed by National level volleyball players and the least motivated group was that of District level volleyball players. 3. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self concept dimension i.e. Physical self concept among the three selected groups followed by State level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior among the selected groups. 4. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self concept dimension i.e. Social self concept among the three selected groups followed by State
  • 9. level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior among the selected groups. 5. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self concept dimension i.e. Temperamental self concept among the three selected groups followed by State level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior among the selected groups. 6. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self concept dimension i.e. Education self concept among the three selected groups followed by State level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior among the selected groups. 7. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self concept dimension i.e. Moral self concept among the three selected groups followed by State level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior among the selected groups. 8. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in self concept dimension i.e. Intellectual self concept among the three selected groups followed by State level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior among the selected groups. 9. The finding of the study reveals that National level volleyball players were superior in Total self concept dimension among the three selected groups followed by State level volleyball players and the District level volleyball players were found to be inferior among the selected groups. References: Boutilier Mary A. and Giovanni Lucinda San, The Sporting Women Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1983. Breedlove Janet S., “Predicting Gymnastic Performance Based on Personality Traits and Professed Self-Concept for College Women,” Completed Research in Health, Physical Education and Recreation 19 (1977): 220. Choubey Veena, “Assessment of Self-Concept of High Fitness and Low Fitness Groups of Physical Education Students,” (Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Jiwaji University, 1986). Cratty Bryant J., Social Dimensions of Physical Activity Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967. Cratty Bryant J., Psychology in Contemporary Sport: Guidelines for Coaches and Ahletes New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1973. John W. Loy, Jr. Gerald S. Kenyon and Barry D. McPherson, Sports Culture and Society 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1981. Johnson Joseph Bengamin, “A Comparison of Physical Fitness and Self-Concept between Junior High School Negro and White Male Students,” Dissertation Abstracts International 31 (April 1971): 5180-A.
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