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POL 370: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide
The final project for this course is the creation of a Research
Strategy Proposal. Students will design an original proposal that
outlines a research strategy for
addressing a contemporary political issue. This proposal will be
written as if it were being presented to the audience of a
specific political institution (a think tank,
a nonprofit, a government agency, etc.). The proposal will
include an evaluative review of existing literature on the
student-selected topic, proposal of a testable
hypothesis, and an examination of the relationship between
independent and dependent variables, as well as an account of
any control variables. Possible data
collection techniques and ethical concerns will also be
The project is divided into two milestones, which will be
submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold
learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules
Two and Five. The final project is due in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the
following course outcomes:
• POL-370-01: Analyze data collection techniques for their
appropriateness and applicability for diverse research scenarios
in political science
• POL-370-02: Determine appropriate statistical techniques for
analyzing relationships between independent and dependent
variables in political science
• POL-370-03: Evaluate peer-reviewed academic sources for
informing the design of original research proposals
• POL-370-04: Propose appropriate research designs for
relevant, contemporary issues in political science
• POL-370-05: Evaluate research designs in political science for
their compliance with ethical standards governing the use of
human subjects as referenced in
the Common Rule
Your research proposal should answer the following prompt:
What considerations would need to be contemplated in order to
perform an appropriate and ethical
research study on a contemporary political issue?
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Research Question
A. What is your research question? [POL-370-04]
B. How does your research question relate to broader theoretical
debates within political science? [POL-370-04]
C. Why is your research question relevant to real-world
political practice? [POL-370-04]
D. Who is your target audience for this proposal? Why would
your research be relevant for this audience? [POL-370-04]
II. Literature Review
A. What methods and techniques have been used to study an
issue similar to yours? Were these methods and techniques the
most appropriate for
this study? Why or why not? [POL-370-03]
B. How will your research contribute to the existing body of
knowledge in political science? In other words, to which
specific fields in the political
science literature will your research proposal be relevant?
III. Variables and Hypothesis
A. What are the conceptual definitions for each of the variables
(independent, dependent, and control) you plan on studying?
B. How would you defend the validity and reliability of the
variables you have developed? [POL-370-01]
C. What level of measurement do you believe you can achieve
for each variable? [POL-370-01]
D. What is your testable hypothesized relationship between your
independent and dependent variable? [POL-370-02]
E. Why do you believe the control variables will affect your
first-order relationship? [POL-370-02]
IV. Methods
A. From which population will you gather your data and what
technique do you think is most appropriate? [POL-370-01]
B. How would you ensure conformity with political science
ethical standards if you were to collect data for this proposal?
C. What statistical technique(s), measures of association, and
tests of statistical significance would be most appropriate to test
your hypothesis?
V. Conclusion
A. To which other contemporary political issues could this
research proposal be applied? [POL-370-04]
B. What kinds of ethical political change could be affected if
you were to carry out this research? [POL-370-05]
Milestone One: Literature Review
In task 2-2, you will submit a literature review of the political
issue you wish to study in your research. The literature review
will be 2–3 pages in length (excluding
title and reference pages), formatted according to APA
guidelines and include at least three scholarly sources, which
may include your course text. This milestone
is graded with the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric.
Milestone Two: Rough Draft
In task 5-2, you will submit the rough draft of your research
proposal. The rough draft will be 5–7 pages in length (excluding
title and reference pages), formatted
according to APA style, and include at least three resources that
you will use in writing your final paper. The rough draft will
include the same elements as the
final paper, but will not go into as much detail. This milestone
is graded with the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric.
Final Submission: Research Strategy Proposal
In task 7-2, you will submit your research proposal. The
research proposal will be a complete, polished artifact
containing all of the critical elements of the final
product. The research proposal should be between 8–10 pages in
length (excluding title and reference pages), formatted
according to APA style, and include
between 4–6 resources. It should reflect the incorporation of
feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will be
graded using the Final Project
Guidelines and Rubric.
Deliverable Milestones
Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading
1 Literature Review Two Graded Separately; Milestone One
Guidelines and Rubric
2 Rough Draft Five Graded Separately; Milestone Two
Guidelines and Rubric
Final Project: Research Proposal Seven Graded Separately;
Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
Research Strategy Proposal Rubric
Requirements of Submission: Written components of projects
must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable:
double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate
citations. The final document should be 8–10 pages, in addition
to a cover page and a reference page,
written in APA format, with 4–6 references. Cite your sources
within the text of your paper and on the reference page.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs
Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Research Question:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
research question is innovative
Proposes a researchable empirical
question in a clear manner that is
relevant to a contemporary political
Proposes an empirical research
question, but the question is not
relevant to a contemporary political
issue or is not clearly stated
Does not propose an empirical
research question that is relevant to
a contemporary political issue
Research Question:
Broader Theoretical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
analysis of theoretical debates is
thorough and nuanced
Accurately analyzes broader
theoretical debates within political
science and justifies a claim as to
how the research question fits
within this debate
Analysis of broader theoretical
debates is cursory, makes
inaccurate statements, or not all
claims about the research
question’s place within this debate
are justifiable
Does not analyze the broader
theoretical debates in political
Research Question:
Real-World Political
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
justifies claims with concrete
Analyzes the relevancy of the
research question within the
context of real-world political
Analyzes the relevancy of the
research question, but not the
relationship to real-world political
Does not address the relevance of
the research question to real-world
political practice
Research Question:
Target Audience
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
includes concrete examples
Identifies a target audience and
explains why the research is
relevant for this population
Addresses a target audience, but
choice of target audience is not
relevant or lacks explanation as to
why research is relevant
Does not identify a specific target
Literature Review:
Methods and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
evaluates the differences among
the various techniques
Accurately describes methods and
techniques that have been used in
similar research studies available in
peer-reviewed academic
publications and their
appropriateness within such a study
Describes the methods and
techniques that have been used in
similar research studies available in
peer-reviewed academic
publications, but does not address
the appropriateness of the methods
used or the description is lacking in
Does not describe the methods and
techniques that have been used in
similar research studies available in
peer-reviewed academic
Literature Review:
Contribution to Body
of Knowledge
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
defends claim with scholarly
Makes claims relative to how the
research contributes to the existing
body of knowledge in political
Not all claims relative to how the
research contributes to the existing
body of knowledge in political
science are justifiable
Does not make claims to how the
research contributes to the existing
body of knowledge in political
Variables and Meets “Proficient” criteria and Provides an
accurate conceptual Provides a definition of the Does not
provide definitions for the 5
definitions are comprehensive definition for the independent,
dependent, and control variables
independent, dependent and
control variables, but definition is
basic or inaccurate
independent, dependent, or control
Variables and
Hypothesis: Validity
and Reliability
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
claim is defended by scholarly
Defends the validity and reliability
of the independent, dependent,
and all control variables
Defends only the validity or the
reliability of the independent,
dependent, and all control
variables, but not both
Does not defend the validity or the
reliability of the independent,
dependent, and all control variables
Variables and
Hypothesis: Levels of
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
determination is substantiated
through the use of similar studies
Correctly determines the level of
measurement for the independent,
dependent, and control variables
Makes errors in determining the
level of measurement for the
independent, dependent, or control
Does not make a statement about
the level of measurement of the
Variables and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and cites
similar examples from research
Posits a specific, testable
relationship between the
independent and dependent
Posits a relationship between the
independent and dependent
variable, but relationship is not
Does not posit a relationship
between independent and
dependent variables
Variables and
Hypothesis: Control
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
justification is substantiated by
comparison to similar studies
Justifies the inclusion of all control
variables in the model and how
they affect the first-order
Justifies the inclusion of all control
variables in the model, but not how
they affect the first-order
Does not justify the inclusion of all
control variables in the model
Gather Data
Meets “Proficient” criteria and the
appropriateness of the technique is
substantiated by scholarly research
Determines the most appropriate
technique to be utilized when
gathering data and describes which
population to be used
Determines a technique to be
utilized when gathering data, but
the technique is not the most
appropriate or the population to be
used is not described
Does not determine a technique to
be utilized when gathering data
Methods: Ethical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supports recommendations with
examples from scholarly research
Considers potential ethical issues
within the research process and
describes steps that could be taken
to ensure compliance with ethical
standards in political science
Considers potential ethical issues
within the research process, but
does not adequately describe steps
to ensure compliance with ethical
standards in political science
Does not considers potential ethical
issues within the research process
or unethical data collection
methods are proposed
Methods: Statistical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
questions the differences among
the various techniques
Determines statistical technique(s),
appropriate measures of
association, and specifies tests for
statistical significance that could be
used to test the hypothesis
Makes errors in determining
statistical technique(s), appropriate
measures of association, and/or
tests for statistical significance that
could be used to test the hypothesis
Does not address the issue of
appropriate statistical technique(s)
for data analysis 6
Conclusion: Other
Contemporary Issues
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
justifies claim with scholarly
Makes claims as to how the
research proposal could be applied
to other contemporary issues
Makes broad claims concerning the
applicability of the research
proposal or not all claims can be
Does not address the applicability
of the research proposal to other
contemporary political issues
Conclusion: Ethical Meets “Proficient” criteria and Evaluates
how ethical political Not all proposals can be Does not propose
ethical political 8
Political Change
provides examples of ethical
political changes within similar
change could be affected if the
research was carried out
substantiated or unethical political
outcomes are proposed
Articulation of
Meets “Proficient” criteria, has
excellent syntax and sentence
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization that
negatively impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization that
prevent understanding of ideas
Earned Total 100%
POL 370: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide
POL 370: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide
The final project for this course is the creation of a Research
Strategy Proposal. Students will design an original proposal that
outlines a research strategy for
addressing a contemporary political issue. This proposal will be
written as if it were being presented to the audience of a
specific political institution (a think tank,
a nonprofit, a government agency, etc.). The proposal will
include an evaluative review of existing literature on the
student-selected topic, proposal of a testable
hypothesis, and an examination of the relationship between
independent and dependent variables, as well as an account of
any control variables. Possible data
collection techniques and ethical concerns will also be
The project is divided into two milestones, which will be
submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold
learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules
Two and Five. The final project is due in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the
following course outcomes:
• POL-370-01: Analyze data collection techniques for their
appropriateness and applicability for diverse research scenarios
in political science
• POL-370-02: Determine appropriate statistical techniques for
analyzing relationships between independent and dependent
variables in political science
• POL-370-03: Evaluate peer-reviewed academic sources for
informing the design of original research proposals
• POL-370-04: Propose appropriate research designs for
relevant, contemporary issues in political science
• POL-370-05: Evaluate research designs in political science for
their compliance with ethical standards governing the use of
human subjects as referenced in
the Common Rule
Your research proposal should answer the following prompt:
What considerations would need to be contemplated in order to
perform an appropriate and ethical
research study on a contemporary political issue?
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Research Question
A. What is your research question? [POL-370-04]
B. How does your research question relate to broader theoretical
debates within political science? [POL-370-04]
C. Why is your research question relevant to real-world
political practice? [POL-370-04]
D. Who is your target audience for this proposal? Why would
your research be relevant for this audience? [POL-370-04]
II. Literature Review
A. What methods and techniques have been used to study an
issue similar to yours? Were these methods and techniques the
most appropriate for
this study? Why or why not? [POL-370-03]
B. How will your research contribute to the existing body of
knowledge in political science? In other words, to which
specific fields in the political
science literature will your research proposal be relevant?
III. Variables and Hypothesis
A. What are the conceptual definitions for each of the variables
(independent, dependent, and control) you plan on studying?
B. How would you defend the validity and reliability of the
variables you have developed? [POL-370-01]
C. What level of measurement do you believe you can achieve
for each variable? [POL-370-01]
D. What is your testable hypothesized relationship between your
independent and dependent variable? [POL-370-02]
E. Why do you believe the control variables will affect your
first-order relationship? [POL-370-02]
IV. Methods
A. From which population will you gather your data and what
technique do you think is most appropriate? [POL-370-01]
B. How would you ensure conformity with political science
ethical standards if you were to collect data for this proposal?
C. What statistical technique(s), measures of association, and
tests of statistical significance would be most appropriate to test
your hypothesis?
V. Conclusion
A. To which other contemporary political issues could this
research proposal be applied? [POL-370-04]
B. What kinds of ethical political change could be affected if
you were to carry out this research? [POL-370-05]
Milestone One: Literature Review
In task 2-2, you will submit a literature review of the political
issue you wish to study in your research. The literature review
will be 2–3 pages in length (excluding
title and reference pages), formatted according to APA
guidelines and include at least three scholarly sources, which
may include your course text. This milestone
is graded with the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric.
Milestone Two: Rough Draft
In task 5-2, you will submit the rough draft of your research
proposal. The rough draft will be 5–7 pages in length (excluding
title and reference pages), formatted
according to APA style, and include at least three resources that
you will use in writing your final paper. The rough draft will
include the same elements as the
final paper, but will not go into as much detail. This milestone
is graded with the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric.
Final Submission: Research Strategy Proposal
In task 7-2, you will submit your research proposal. The
research proposal will be a complete, polished artifact
containing all of the critical elements of the final
product. The research proposal should be between 8–10 pages in
length (excluding title and reference pages), formatted
according to APA style, and include
between 4–6 resources. It should reflect the incorporation of
feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will be
graded using the Final Project
Guidelines and Rubric.
Deliverable Milestones
Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading
1 Literature Review Two Graded Separately; Milestone One
Guidelines and Rubric
2 Rough Draft Five Graded Separately; Milestone Two
Guidelines and Rubric
Final Project: Research Proposal Seven Graded Separately;
Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
Research Strategy Proposal Rubric
Requirements of Submission: Written components of projects
must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable:
double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate
citations. The final document should be 8–10 pages, in addition
to a cover page and a reference page,
written in APA format, with 4–6 references. Cite your sources
within the text of your paper and on the reference page.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs
Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Research Question:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
research question is innovative
Proposes a researchable empirical
question in a clear manner that is
relevant to a contemporary political
Proposes an empirical research
question, but the question is not
relevant to a contemporary political
issue or is not clearly stated
Does not propose an empirical
research question that is relevant to
a contemporary political issue 4
Research Question:
Broader Theoretical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
analysis of theoretical debates is
thorough and nuanced
Accurately analyzes broader
theoretical debates within political
science and justifies a claim as to
how the research question fits
within this debate
Analysis of broader theoretical
debates is cursory, makes
inaccurate statements, or not all
claims about the research
question’s place within this debate
are justifiable
Does not analyze the broader
theoretical debates in political
science 4
Research Question:
Real-World Political
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
justifies claims with concrete
Analyzes the relevancy of the
research question within the
context of real-world political
Analyzes the relevancy of the
research question, but not the
relationship to real-world political
Does not address the relevance of
the research question to real-world
political practice 4
Research Question:
Target Audience
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
includes concrete examples
Identifies a target audience and
explains why the research is
relevant for this population
Addresses a target audience, but
choice of target audience is not
relevant or lacks explanation as to
why research is relevant
Does not identify a specific target
audience 4
Literature Review:
Methods and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
evaluates the differences among
the various techniques
Accurately describes methods and
techniques that have been used in
similar research studies available in
peer-reviewed academic
publications and their
appropriateness within such a study
Describes the methods and
techniques that have been used in
similar research studies available in
peer-reviewed academic
publications, but does not address
the appropriateness of the methods
used or the description is lacking in
Does not describe the methods and
techniques that have been used in
similar research studies available in
peer-reviewed academic
publications 8
Literature Review:
Contribution to Body
of Knowledge
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
defends claim with scholarly
Makes claims relative to how the
research contributes to the existing
body of knowledge in political
Not all claims relative to how the
research contributes to the existing
body of knowledge in political
science are justifiable
Does not make claims to how the
research contributes to the existing
body of knowledge in political
Variables and Meets “Proficient” criteria and Provides an
accurate conceptual Provides a definition of the Does not
provide definitions for the 5
definitions are comprehensive definition for the independent,
dependent, and control variables
independent, dependent and
control variables, but definition is
basic or inaccurate
independent, dependent, or control
Variables and
Hypothesis: Validity
and Reliability
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
claim is defended by scholarly
Defends the validity and reliability
of the independent, dependent,
and all control variables
Defends only the validity or the
reliability of the independent,
dependent, and all control
variables, but not both
Does not defend the validity or the
reliability of the independent,
dependent, and all control variables 5
Variables and
Hypothesis: Levels of
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
determination is substantiated
through the use of similar studies
Correctly determines the level of
measurement for the independent,
dependent, and control variables
Makes errors in determining the
level of measurement for the
independent, dependent, or control
Does not make a statement about
the level of measurement of the
variables 5
Variables and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and cites
similar examples from research
Posits a specific, testable
relationship between the
independent and dependent
Posits a relationship between the
independent and dependent
variable, but relationship is not
Does not posit a relationship
between independent and
dependent variables 6
Variables and
Hypothesis: Control
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
justification is substantiated by
comparison to similar studies
Justifies the inclusion of all control
variables in the model and how
they affect the first-order
Justifies the inclusion of all control
variables in the model, but not how
they affect the first-order
Does not justify the inclusion of all
control variables in the model 6
Gather Data
Meets “Proficient” criteria and the
appropriateness of the technique is
substantiated by scholarly research
Determines the most appropriate
technique to be utilized when
gathering data and describes which
population to be used
Determines a technique to be
utilized when gathering data, but
the technique is not the most
appropriate or the population to be
used is not described
Does not determine a technique to
be utilized when gathering data
Methods: Ethical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supports recommendations with
examples from scholarly research
Considers potential ethical issues
within the research process and
describes steps that could be taken
to ensure compliance with ethical
standards in political science
Considers potential ethical issues
within the research process, but
does not adequately describe steps
to ensure compliance with ethical
standards in political science
Does not considers potential ethical
issues within the research process
or unethical data collection
methods are proposed
Methods: Statistical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
questions the differences among
the various techniques
Determines statistical technique(s),
appropriate measures of
association, and specifies tests for
statistical significance that could be
used to test the hypothesis
Makes errors in determining
statistical technique(s), appropriate
measures of association, and/or
tests for statistical significance that
could be used to test the hypothesis
Does not address the issue of
appropriate statistical technique(s)
for data analysis 6
Conclusion: Other
Contemporary Issues
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
justifies claim with scholarly
Makes claims as to how the
research proposal could be applied
to other contemporary issues
Makes broad claims concerning the
applicability of the research
proposal or not all claims can be
Does not address the applicability
of the research proposal to other
contemporary political issues 4
Conclusion: Ethical Meets “Proficient” criteria and Evaluates
how ethical political Not all proposals can be Does not propose
ethical political 8
Political Change
provides examples of ethical
political changes within similar
change could be affected if the
research was carried out
substantiated or unethical political
outcomes are proposed
Articulation of
Meets “Proficient” criteria, has
excellent syntax and sentence
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization that
negatively impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization that
prevent understanding of ideas
Earned Total 100%
POL 370: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide

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POL 370 Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide O.docx

  • 1. POL 370: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a Research Strategy Proposal. Students will design an original proposal that outlines a research strategy for addressing a contemporary political issue. This proposal will be written as if it were being presented to the audience of a specific political institution (a think tank, a nonprofit, a government agency, etc.). The proposal will include an evaluative review of existing literature on the student-selected topic, proposal of a testable hypothesis, and an examination of the relationship between independent and dependent variables, as well as an account of any control variables. Possible data collection techniques and ethical concerns will also be considered. The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two and Five. The final project is due in Module Seven. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: • POL-370-01: Analyze data collection techniques for their appropriateness and applicability for diverse research scenarios
  • 2. in political science • POL-370-02: Determine appropriate statistical techniques for analyzing relationships between independent and dependent variables in political science • POL-370-03: Evaluate peer-reviewed academic sources for informing the design of original research proposals • POL-370-04: Propose appropriate research designs for relevant, contemporary issues in political science • POL-370-05: Evaluate research designs in political science for their compliance with ethical standards governing the use of human subjects as referenced in the Common Rule Prompt Your research proposal should answer the following prompt: What considerations would need to be contemplated in order to perform an appropriate and ethical research study on a contemporary political issue? Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Research Question A. What is your research question? [POL-370-04] B. How does your research question relate to broader theoretical debates within political science? [POL-370-04] C. Why is your research question relevant to real-world political practice? [POL-370-04] D. Who is your target audience for this proposal? Why would your research be relevant for this audience? [POL-370-04]
  • 3. II. Literature Review A. What methods and techniques have been used to study an issue similar to yours? Were these methods and techniques the most appropriate for this study? Why or why not? [POL-370-03] B. How will your research contribute to the existing body of knowledge in political science? In other words, to which specific fields in the political science literature will your research proposal be relevant? [POL-370-03] III. Variables and Hypothesis A. What are the conceptual definitions for each of the variables (independent, dependent, and control) you plan on studying? [POL-370-01] B. How would you defend the validity and reliability of the variables you have developed? [POL-370-01] C. What level of measurement do you believe you can achieve for each variable? [POL-370-01] D. What is your testable hypothesized relationship between your independent and dependent variable? [POL-370-02] E. Why do you believe the control variables will affect your first-order relationship? [POL-370-02] IV. Methods A. From which population will you gather your data and what technique do you think is most appropriate? [POL-370-01] B. How would you ensure conformity with political science ethical standards if you were to collect data for this proposal?
  • 4. [POL-370-05] C. What statistical technique(s), measures of association, and tests of statistical significance would be most appropriate to test your hypothesis? [POL-370-02] V. Conclusion A. To which other contemporary political issues could this research proposal be applied? [POL-370-04] B. What kinds of ethical political change could be affected if you were to carry out this research? [POL-370-05] Milestones Milestone One: Literature Review In task 2-2, you will submit a literature review of the political issue you wish to study in your research. The literature review will be 2–3 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), formatted according to APA guidelines and include at least three scholarly sources, which may include your course text. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric. Milestone Two: Rough Draft In task 5-2, you will submit the rough draft of your research proposal. The rough draft will be 5–7 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), formatted according to APA style, and include at least three resources that you will use in writing your final paper. The rough draft will include the same elements as the final paper, but will not go into as much detail. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric.
  • 5. Final Submission: Research Strategy Proposal In task 7-2, you will submit your research proposal. The research proposal will be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. The research proposal should be between 8–10 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), formatted according to APA style, and include between 4–6 resources. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will be graded using the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric. Deliverable Milestones Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading 1 Literature Review Two Graded Separately; Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric 2 Rough Draft Five Graded Separately; Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Final Project: Research Proposal Seven Graded Separately; Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Research Strategy Proposal Rubric
  • 6. Requirements of Submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. The final document should be 8–10 pages, in addition to a cover page and a reference page, written in APA format, with 4–6 references. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Research Question: Define [POL-370-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and research question is innovative Proposes a researchable empirical question in a clear manner that is relevant to a contemporary political issue Proposes an empirical research question, but the question is not relevant to a contemporary political issue or is not clearly stated Does not propose an empirical research question that is relevant to a contemporary political issue
  • 7. 4 Research Question: Broader Theoretical Debates [POL-370-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and analysis of theoretical debates is thorough and nuanced Accurately analyzes broader theoretical debates within political science and justifies a claim as to how the research question fits within this debate Analysis of broader theoretical debates is cursory, makes inaccurate statements, or not all claims about the research question’s place within this debate are justifiable Does not analyze the broader theoretical debates in political science 4 Research Question: Real-World Political Practice [POL-370-04]
  • 8. Meets “Proficient” criteria and justifies claims with concrete examples Analyzes the relevancy of the research question within the context of real-world political practice Analyzes the relevancy of the research question, but not the relationship to real-world political practice Does not address the relevance of the research question to real-world political practice 4 Research Question: Target Audience [POL-370-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes concrete examples Identifies a target audience and explains why the research is relevant for this population Addresses a target audience, but choice of target audience is not relevant or lacks explanation as to
  • 9. why research is relevant Does not identify a specific target audience 4 Literature Review: Methods and Techniques [POL-370-03] Meets “Proficient” criteria and evaluates the differences among the various techniques Accurately describes methods and techniques that have been used in similar research studies available in peer-reviewed academic publications and their appropriateness within such a study Describes the methods and techniques that have been used in similar research studies available in peer-reviewed academic publications, but does not address the appropriateness of the methods used or the description is lacking in detail Does not describe the methods and techniques that have been used in similar research studies available in
  • 10. peer-reviewed academic publications 8 Literature Review: Contribution to Body of Knowledge [POL-370-03] Meets “Proficient” criteria and defends claim with scholarly research Makes claims relative to how the research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in political science Not all claims relative to how the research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in political science are justifiable Does not make claims to how the research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in political science 8 Variables and Meets “Proficient” criteria and Provides an accurate conceptual Provides a definition of the Does not provide definitions for the 5
  • 11. Hypothesis: Conceptual Definitions [POL-370-01] definitions are comprehensive definition for the independent, dependent, and control variables independent, dependent and control variables, but definition is basic or inaccurate independent, dependent, or control variables Variables and Hypothesis: Validity and Reliability [POL-370-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and claim is defended by scholarly research Defends the validity and reliability of the independent, dependent, and all control variables Defends only the validity or the reliability of the independent, dependent, and all control
  • 12. variables, but not both Does not defend the validity or the reliability of the independent, dependent, and all control variables 5 Variables and Hypothesis: Levels of Measurement [POL-370-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and determination is substantiated through the use of similar studies Correctly determines the level of measurement for the independent, dependent, and control variables Makes errors in determining the level of measurement for the independent, dependent, or control variables Does not make a statement about the level of measurement of the variables 5 Variables and Hypothesis: Relationship
  • 13. [POL-370-02] Meets “Proficient” criteria and cites similar examples from research Posits a specific, testable relationship between the independent and dependent variable Posits a relationship between the independent and dependent variable, but relationship is not testable Does not posit a relationship between independent and dependent variables 6 Variables and Hypothesis: Control [POL-370-02] Meets “Proficient” criteria and justification is substantiated by comparison to similar studies Justifies the inclusion of all control variables in the model and how they affect the first-order relationship Justifies the inclusion of all control
  • 14. variables in the model, but not how they affect the first-order relationship Does not justify the inclusion of all control variables in the model 6 Methods: Gather Data [POL-370-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and the appropriateness of the technique is substantiated by scholarly research Determines the most appropriate technique to be utilized when gathering data and describes which population to be used Determines a technique to be utilized when gathering data, but the technique is not the most appropriate or the population to be used is not described Does not determine a technique to be utilized when gathering data 5 Methods: Ethical Standards
  • 15. [POL-370-05] Meets “Proficient” criteria and supports recommendations with examples from scholarly research Considers potential ethical issues within the research process and describes steps that could be taken to ensure compliance with ethical standards in political science Considers potential ethical issues within the research process, but does not adequately describe steps to ensure compliance with ethical standards in political science Does not considers potential ethical issues within the research process or unethical data collection methods are proposed 8 Methods: Statistical Technique [POL-370-02] Meets “Proficient” criteria and questions the differences among the various techniques Determines statistical technique(s), appropriate measures of
  • 16. association, and specifies tests for statistical significance that could be used to test the hypothesis Makes errors in determining statistical technique(s), appropriate measures of association, and/or tests for statistical significance that could be used to test the hypothesis Does not address the issue of appropriate statistical technique(s) for data analysis 6 Conclusion: Other Contemporary Issues [POL-370-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and justifies claim with scholarly research Makes claims as to how the research proposal could be applied to other contemporary issues Makes broad claims concerning the applicability of the research proposal or not all claims can be justified Does not address the applicability of the research proposal to other contemporary political issues
  • 17. 4 Conclusion: Ethical Meets “Proficient” criteria and Evaluates how ethical political Not all proposals can be Does not propose ethical political 8 Political Change [POL-370-05] provides examples of ethical political changes within similar studies change could be affected if the research was carried out substantiated or unethical political outcomes are proposed outcomes Articulation of Response Meets “Proficient” criteria, has excellent syntax and sentence construction Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related
  • 18. to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Earned Total 100% POL 370: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide POL 370: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a Research Strategy Proposal. Students will design an original proposal that outlines a research strategy for addressing a contemporary political issue. This proposal will be written as if it were being presented to the audience of a specific political institution (a think tank, a nonprofit, a government agency, etc.). The proposal will include an evaluative review of existing literature on the student-selected topic, proposal of a testable hypothesis, and an examination of the relationship between independent and dependent variables, as well as an account of any control variables. Possible data collection techniques and ethical concerns will also be
  • 19. considered. The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two and Five. The final project is due in Module Seven. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: • POL-370-01: Analyze data collection techniques for their appropriateness and applicability for diverse research scenarios in political science • POL-370-02: Determine appropriate statistical techniques for analyzing relationships between independent and dependent variables in political science • POL-370-03: Evaluate peer-reviewed academic sources for informing the design of original research proposals • POL-370-04: Propose appropriate research designs for relevant, contemporary issues in political science • POL-370-05: Evaluate research designs in political science for their compliance with ethical standards governing the use of human subjects as referenced in the Common Rule Prompt Your research proposal should answer the following prompt: What considerations would need to be contemplated in order to perform an appropriate and ethical research study on a contemporary political issue? Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
  • 20. I. Research Question A. What is your research question? [POL-370-04] B. How does your research question relate to broader theoretical debates within political science? [POL-370-04] C. Why is your research question relevant to real-world political practice? [POL-370-04] D. Who is your target audience for this proposal? Why would your research be relevant for this audience? [POL-370-04] II. Literature Review A. What methods and techniques have been used to study an issue similar to yours? Were these methods and techniques the most appropriate for this study? Why or why not? [POL-370-03] B. How will your research contribute to the existing body of knowledge in political science? In other words, to which specific fields in the political science literature will your research proposal be relevant? [POL-370-03] III. Variables and Hypothesis A. What are the conceptual definitions for each of the variables (independent, dependent, and control) you plan on studying? [POL-370-01] B. How would you defend the validity and reliability of the variables you have developed? [POL-370-01]
  • 21. C. What level of measurement do you believe you can achieve for each variable? [POL-370-01] D. What is your testable hypothesized relationship between your independent and dependent variable? [POL-370-02] E. Why do you believe the control variables will affect your first-order relationship? [POL-370-02] IV. Methods A. From which population will you gather your data and what technique do you think is most appropriate? [POL-370-01] B. How would you ensure conformity with political science ethical standards if you were to collect data for this proposal? [POL-370-05] C. What statistical technique(s), measures of association, and tests of statistical significance would be most appropriate to test your hypothesis? [POL-370-02] V. Conclusion A. To which other contemporary political issues could this research proposal be applied? [POL-370-04] B. What kinds of ethical political change could be affected if you were to carry out this research? [POL-370-05] Milestones Milestone One: Literature Review In task 2-2, you will submit a literature review of the political issue you wish to study in your research. The literature review will be 2–3 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), formatted according to APA guidelines and include at least three scholarly sources, which
  • 22. may include your course text. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric. Milestone Two: Rough Draft In task 5-2, you will submit the rough draft of your research proposal. The rough draft will be 5–7 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), formatted according to APA style, and include at least three resources that you will use in writing your final paper. The rough draft will include the same elements as the final paper, but will not go into as much detail. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric. Final Submission: Research Strategy Proposal In task 7-2, you will submit your research proposal. The research proposal will be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. The research proposal should be between 8–10 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), formatted according to APA style, and include between 4–6 resources. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will be graded using the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric. Deliverable Milestones Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading 1 Literature Review Two Graded Separately; Milestone One
  • 23. Guidelines and Rubric 2 Rough Draft Five Graded Separately; Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Final Project: Research Proposal Seven Graded Separately; Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Research Strategy Proposal Rubric Requirements of Submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. The final document should be 8–10 pages, in addition to a cover page and a reference page, written in APA format, with 4–6 references. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Research Question: Define [POL-370-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and research question is innovative
  • 24. Proposes a researchable empirical question in a clear manner that is relevant to a contemporary political issue Proposes an empirical research question, but the question is not relevant to a contemporary political issue or is not clearly stated Does not propose an empirical research question that is relevant to a contemporary political issue 4 Research Question: Broader Theoretical Debates [POL-370-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and analysis of theoretical debates is thorough and nuanced Accurately analyzes broader theoretical debates within political science and justifies a claim as to how the research question fits within this debate Analysis of broader theoretical debates is cursory, makes inaccurate statements, or not all claims about the research question’s place within this debate are justifiable
  • 25. Does not analyze the broader theoretical debates in political science 4 Research Question: Real-World Political Practice [POL-370-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and justifies claims with concrete examples Analyzes the relevancy of the research question within the context of real-world political practice Analyzes the relevancy of the research question, but not the relationship to real-world political practice Does not address the relevance of the research question to real-world political practice 4 Research Question: Target Audience [POL-370-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes concrete examples
  • 26. Identifies a target audience and explains why the research is relevant for this population Addresses a target audience, but choice of target audience is not relevant or lacks explanation as to why research is relevant Does not identify a specific target audience 4 Literature Review: Methods and Techniques [POL-370-03] Meets “Proficient” criteria and evaluates the differences among the various techniques Accurately describes methods and techniques that have been used in similar research studies available in peer-reviewed academic publications and their appropriateness within such a study Describes the methods and techniques that have been used in similar research studies available in peer-reviewed academic publications, but does not address the appropriateness of the methods
  • 27. used or the description is lacking in detail Does not describe the methods and techniques that have been used in similar research studies available in peer-reviewed academic publications 8 Literature Review: Contribution to Body of Knowledge [POL-370-03] Meets “Proficient” criteria and defends claim with scholarly research Makes claims relative to how the research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in political science Not all claims relative to how the research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in political science are justifiable Does not make claims to how the research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in political science 8
  • 28. Variables and Meets “Proficient” criteria and Provides an accurate conceptual Provides a definition of the Does not provide definitions for the 5 Hypothesis: Conceptual Definitions [POL-370-01] definitions are comprehensive definition for the independent, dependent, and control variables independent, dependent and control variables, but definition is basic or inaccurate independent, dependent, or control variables Variables and Hypothesis: Validity and Reliability [POL-370-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and claim is defended by scholarly research Defends the validity and reliability of the independent, dependent, and all control variables
  • 29. Defends only the validity or the reliability of the independent, dependent, and all control variables, but not both Does not defend the validity or the reliability of the independent, dependent, and all control variables 5 Variables and Hypothesis: Levels of Measurement [POL-370-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and determination is substantiated through the use of similar studies Correctly determines the level of measurement for the independent, dependent, and control variables Makes errors in determining the level of measurement for the independent, dependent, or control variables Does not make a statement about the level of measurement of the variables 5 Variables and Hypothesis: Relationship
  • 30. [POL-370-02] Meets “Proficient” criteria and cites similar examples from research Posits a specific, testable relationship between the independent and dependent variable Posits a relationship between the independent and dependent variable, but relationship is not testable Does not posit a relationship between independent and dependent variables 6 Variables and Hypothesis: Control [POL-370-02] Meets “Proficient” criteria and justification is substantiated by comparison to similar studies Justifies the inclusion of all control variables in the model and how they affect the first-order relationship Justifies the inclusion of all control variables in the model, but not how they affect the first-order
  • 31. relationship Does not justify the inclusion of all control variables in the model 6 Methods: Gather Data [POL-370-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and the appropriateness of the technique is substantiated by scholarly research Determines the most appropriate technique to be utilized when gathering data and describes which population to be used Determines a technique to be utilized when gathering data, but the technique is not the most appropriate or the population to be used is not described Does not determine a technique to be utilized when gathering data 5 Methods: Ethical Standards [POL-370-05] Meets “Proficient” criteria and supports recommendations with
  • 32. examples from scholarly research Considers potential ethical issues within the research process and describes steps that could be taken to ensure compliance with ethical standards in political science Considers potential ethical issues within the research process, but does not adequately describe steps to ensure compliance with ethical standards in political science Does not considers potential ethical issues within the research process or unethical data collection methods are proposed 8 Methods: Statistical Technique [POL-370-02] Meets “Proficient” criteria and questions the differences among the various techniques Determines statistical technique(s), appropriate measures of association, and specifies tests for statistical significance that could be used to test the hypothesis
  • 33. Makes errors in determining statistical technique(s), appropriate measures of association, and/or tests for statistical significance that could be used to test the hypothesis Does not address the issue of appropriate statistical technique(s) for data analysis 6 Conclusion: Other Contemporary Issues [POL-370-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and justifies claim with scholarly research Makes claims as to how the research proposal could be applied to other contemporary issues Makes broad claims concerning the applicability of the research proposal or not all claims can be justified Does not address the applicability of the research proposal to other contemporary political issues 4 Conclusion: Ethical Meets “Proficient” criteria and Evaluates how ethical political Not all proposals can be Does not propose ethical political 8
  • 34. Political Change [POL-370-05] provides examples of ethical political changes within similar studies change could be affected if the research was carried out substantiated or unethical political outcomes are proposed outcomes Articulation of Response Meets “Proficient” criteria, has excellent syntax and sentence construction Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors
  • 35. related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Earned Total 100% POL 370: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide