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travel issue : zest : 1 }
Exploring the
K-Pop Scene
An inside look at
Afraid of flying?
Get in your car
What to WEAR
when you travel
A t r a v e l m a g a z i n e f o r s t u d e n t sssAA tt rr aa vv ee ll mm aa gg aa zz ii nn ee ff oo rr ss tt uu dd ee nn tt ss
Find abou
travel, eat
for students
by students
ut the most
places to
and have a
{ 4 : zest : travel issue
55 From the Editors
88 Diary of Road Trip
Julie Langlois and Kelsey Dunlop prove it’s
possibleto have fun at home when you can’t
afford to travel far.
1212 Trip to 3 Brewers
An exculsive tour of a Toronto brewery
that boasts some of the best local brews.
1414 A Taste of Vineland
Cheers! Exploring one of Niagara’s
top wineries.
1616 A Hitchhiker’s Guide
Twenty-year-old Jordan Kells
backpacks across Canada
2222 Road-Trip Music
Tunes to cruise to while on the road.
2424 The World Close to Home
Celebrating our multi-culturalism,
an exploration of Toronto’s global villages.
2626 Budget Runs
Tight on cash? We have suggestions for how to
enjoy your vacation without breaking the bank.
travel issue : zest : 5 }
A Weekend of Korean Pop 2626
Maria Kulesza travels from Canada to Korea
in hopes of attending a weekend long concert.
Worldly Fashion 4242The latest trends from some of the most
popular global hot spots, what to wear and
how to fit in fashionably, anywhere.
When in Rome . . . 5252
Our guide to custom, simple phrases
and ettiquette when travelling abroad.
The Life of a Child Prisoner5656
Learn first hand what its like to live
the life of a child prisioner.
Sports on the Go 6060
A look at some of the worlds most popular
international sports.
World Music 6262A look at the artists and musical genres
the world has to offer.
Open your mind 6464and mouth
Think you have an adventurous stomach?
Give these exotic dishes a try.
Remembering Your Trip 6565The special ways people choose to
commemorate their travels.
{ 6 : zest : travel issue
Managing Editors
Rodrigo Cokting
Camille Llosa
Vera Abdel Malek
Kate Bondy
Ryan Burgess
Art Directors
Kassidy Duncan
Ahmad Issawi
Maria Kulesza
Copy Editors
Jordan Brown
Lucas Casaletto
Jess Chebly
Maya Chehade
Kayla Dorricott
Kelsey Dunlop
Emily Leach
Page Layout
Liz Bevan
Jordon Childs
Tessa Fera
Community Editor
Adam Glen
Rabia Khan
Emma Jorgensen
Web Editor
Marie Adoranti
Alexa Buendia-Pereira
Sam Dotson
Angie Cheung
travel issue : zest : 7 }
From the Editors
When it comes to travel, there are many things
that can make and break your trip. But to fully submit
yourself to your vacation, will make you fall in love with
the world. Opening your eyes to the full experience
of travel can be one of the most rewarding life experi-
ences. By doing so, you’re letting yourself see the world
for what it is. Whether it’s taking a road trip around your
own city, or seeing the beauty in a foreign country, there
are adventures waiting for you.
As amazing as these journeys will be, and trust
me, they will be breath taking, try not to see it only
through your eyes, but those around you as well. Even
though there is beauty in the world, there is also pain.
So while you’re experiencing the earth for all its worth,
why not make of goal of helping someone in every place
you visit. Not only will it make that persons life just a
little better, but it will make the stories of your travel that
much more rewarding.
In this issue, we explore the issues from all
over the planet. From child prisoners in Uganda, to the
dangers of travel, this issue will inform you of troubles
around the globe. We also take a look at the lighter side
of travel, like world music, and the most haunted places
to visit.
So take a gander though our experiences here at
Zest, and perhaps it will inspire you to take an adventure
of your own. To create memories that will last a lifetime.
To share with others a journey that will not be forgotten.
Get out into the world and taste their food, dress
in their clothes, speak their languages. Their outlook on
the world has been formed by 100, 000 years of culture.
Don’t let anything stop you.
The time is now, so embrace it.
Explore your community. Get to know your country. Ex-
perience the rest of the world.
Your time in this world is limited. It is up to you to make
the best of it.
{ 8 : zest : travel issue
Road Trip Diary
Living the student lifestyle is often difficult to do, even on a bud-
get. We set off to prove that it is possible to have adventures at a
low-cost. So we thought, what better place to begin this journey
than in our backyards. Along the way, not only did we discover
more about ourselves, but also about the places around us. We
began our adventure in Hamilton and ended with sore feet and full
stomachs in Toronto. Brace yourselves, because we are about to
prove that having fun on a budget is more than possible.
travel issue : zest : 11 }
Day 1
Day One:
Woke up with the spring sweats this morning, and
we knew it was time for a homemade breakfast. The sun in-
vited us outside, as we headed down the mountain in Hamilton
to the Harbour Diner on James Street North. Not knowing what
to expect, we walked into the door like “does in headlights”.
Clearly home to the usual crowd, we felt a little out of the place
not knowing the everyday customs of this homey, vintage diner.
The unsettling feelings soon disappeared when greeted by our
friendly waitress, Jeanette, who immediately offered to help out
with our article. What a sweet heart. While we looked over the
menu full of home-style breakfast foods, Jeanette brought us
Where to Eat in Canada, by Anne Hardy. “By far the best buy
in Hamilton,” a creased page in the book read of the Harbour
Diner. The vintage wallpaper and mismatched chairs brought
an eclectic feel to this small diner. A quaint environment made
our 7$ meal of toast, eggs, and home fries all the more enjoy-
able. It was like being in a scene from a classic fifties film.
After leaving satisfied and content from the Diner,
we decided to head down Hamilton’s well-known Locke Street,
where we stopped at the Vintage Garden Tea Room. Disguised
as one of the many homes on Locke Street, it’s easy to see
why most people would drive right by this unique place. Inside
sets the scene for a real-life tea party. We were seated by the
Mad Hatter, just kidding; it was just your average waiter. Sitting
down at the old oak tables, it was hard to ignore the obvious
Alice in Wonderland jokes. China teacups and saucers were
placed in front of us as we awaited the tealeaf reader. We
weren’t allowed to take photos inside, so in the meantime we
occupied ourselves by eating homemade croissants. Messy
buggers. Eventually the reader got to our table and in a few
minutes our leafs had been read. Turns out, I’m moving to Eu-
rope and Julie will be married in a year. Congratulations should
be in order.
As we left the tearoom, our eyes locked on the
Locke Street Bakery & Bagel across the street. Captivated by
the wall of 16 different types of homemade bagels, it was hard
to notice that anyone else was even around us let alone wipe
the drool from our faces. Carb heaven. Dragging ourselves
away from the wall, we walked towards the counter to order a
cup of hot chocolate to warm ourselves. That’s when we were
told that the storeowner, Peter Giorgini, was right behind us.
He informed us that the bakery was family run and originally
opened in 1996. He was a really down to earth guy and more
than happy to answer our questions.
While walking down the street, less than a block
away, we came across Sweetness Bakery. Since Julie is a
cupcake connoisseur, we had to go in. After ten minutes of be-
ing in awe, we settled for a cotton candy cupcake, rich in blue f
food colouring and sprinkles. We had to share the mammoth
treat, as it was too sweet for one set of taste buds.
Since neither of us can afford the luxury of castle
real estate, we decided it’d be fun to live vicariously through
the ghosts of Dundurn Castle. Despite being discovered in the
century, it was still in pretty good shape with 40 luxurious
rooms over three floors. With a regal design, it was hard to
not feel like royalty. During the War of 1812 a British Army es-
tablished a military post at the castle grounds. Dundurn even-
tually became the home of Sir Allan Napier MacNab, one of
Canada’s first premiers.
After walking through 40 rooms, we were hungry
again. What better way to satisfy this hunger than with a giant
12-inch hot dog? Easterbrook’s, here were come. The worn
down diner has been around since 1930. The etched in names
on the booths and aged business cards pinned on the walls
reminds us that it is still very much full of life and history. Inside,
one sign read “WARNING: Our shakes are made with real ice
cream NOT cheap iced milk goop!!” Challenge accepted. Each
of us ordered one of these so-called best milkshakes ever.
They were right. In the words of Charlie Sheen, winning.
Nothing like feeling bloated and getting spooked. To
the Hermitage we go. After being led to the outskirts of Hamil-
ton by our outdated GPS, where the only thing living is a cow
and a bird, we found ourselves at a burnt down mansion in the
woods. Said to hold spirits of the Leith family, who once lived
at the property in 1855. The mansion caught fire in 1934 and
ever since there have been reports and rumors of murders,
satanic rituals around the house, hearing footsteps following
them, whispers, and glowing corpses. Just standing in the
mansions ruins you can feel the history and romantic tragedy it
once held.
The nightlife in Hamilton turned out to be no bore ei-
ther. In the heart of downtown Hamilton on John Street South,
we found The London Tap House. Much to our surprise and
dismay after a day full of eating, the Tap House is set with cas-
es and cases of stairs. Which only turns out to be a problem if
you’re wearing four-inch heels and a mini dress. Oh the life of a
girl. Playing the Top 40 and filled with a young crowd, it wasn’t
hard to make friends in this trendy atmosphere. The highlight
of Tap House is their rooftop balcony, which acts as a great
escape from the hot dance floor downstairs. If the nightlife isn’t
your scene, The London Tap House also doubles as your av-
erage restaurant in the daytime. You better leave a good tip
because those poor waiters and waitresses have to lug your
meal up those dreaded flights of stairs.
Love & other things, Julie and Kelsey.
{ 12 : zest : travel issue
Day 2
Day Two:
Waking up a little sore, we took the
Lakeshore through Burlington to Oakville, stopping
at Gairloch Gardens, a natural escape from the busy
downtown core of Oakville. With leading pathways to
the lake, the waterfront is surrounded by stonewalls
topped with homemade inukshuk’s. The Zen like feel
will relax you. The park is landscaped with gazebos,
paths, small ponds and beautiful flowers. A fresh start
to our day.
We headed to Oakville Square to grab
coffee at The Green Bean. The dimmed lighting
atmosphere sets a calming mood in this unique coffee
shop, mimicking that of Central Perk in Friends. With a
variety of seating areas, you’d be surprised not to see
Phoebe playing Smelly Cat on her guitar. We sat down
and enjoyed hot apple cider and chai lattes in glass
mugs that were served to us.
In case you hadn’t noticed, we haven’t done
any shopping yet. Surprisingly. So we decided to head
into Fuel, a women’s clothing store full of unique and
designer clothing, every girl’s dream. The walls are
lined with racks of clothing, which come in new every
week. Let’s just say we left with our wallets feeling a
little bit lighter.
We felt the best way to fit into our new
clothes was to go buy six cookies from the Black Forest
Bakery right next door. How convenient. The bakery is
the last of a long tradition of family owned bakeries and
have been in business for over 20 years. The owner,
John Ziemba, is a graduate of George Brown College
who apprenticed under a European Pastry Chef,
making us extra confident in these baked delicacies.
Ultimately leaving with our pants a little bit snugger.
In an attempt to work off the ten pounds
we’ve already gained from this road trip, we took the
car to Waterdown prepared to hike up Smokey Hollow
Falls, a five-meter wide and ten-meter tall historic
waterfall. We headed down a path that at first only
seemed footsteps long, which quickly turned into a
twenty-minute hike into the depths of the forest, even-
tually leading us to the bottom of the waterfall. Need-
less to say, once we reached the end, we collapsed
before the exciting trek back up.
After working up an appetite, we lugged
our bodies back to the heart of downtown Oakville and
stumbled into Stoneys. A rustic café bistro that serves
sandwiches rich in flavor and ingredients, from goat
cheese to caramelized onions. It was made much like a
piece of art is, with care and dedication, and delivered
right to our seats. Let us tell you, this sandwich can put
a Subway sandwich artist to shame.
Many people misjudge the nightlife in
Oakville; we were even told it was non-existent. Alas,
we have proven them wrong. We were invited to go
down a creepy staircase into an unknown building
called Less Than Level. This small but surprisingly
packed bar offers a good vibe for a young crowd, with
good bands and live music. Lucky for us, Saturday
meant karaoke. However, this is unlucky for those who
witnessed it. After embarrassing ourselves on a stage
in front of our peers, we looked for comfort in the full
menu of deep fried food and drinks. On other nights
Less Than Level features darts and pool. We took our
turns at each, and after failing miserably we decided it
was time to go home.
Love & other things, Julie and Kelsey.
travel issue : zest : 13 }
Day Three:
We drove to Toronto from Oakville and got on
the streetcar on the corner of Yonge and Dundas. While on
the streetcar we met friendly strangers John and Jane Doe.
Distracted by his obstructively large tuba case, we started a
conversation. When they found out what we were doing they sug-
gested that we head East on College to Croft Street. Even though
he described it as a sketchy alleyway, being the adventurers
we are, we decided to check it out. When we got there we were
surprisingly mistaken by our first impressions. Instead of it being
the typical dark and mysterious lane, one side was covered in
old style apartments with garages; the other side glowed in the
colour of original and tasteful graffiti.
We turned around and headed south on Spadina until
we hit the small village of Kensington Market. We first stopped
at a shop called Chocolate Addict, for obvious reasons, we are
addicted to chocolate. How fitting. Inside was every PMSing girls
dream. Walls and walls were covered in all different types of
chocolate from floor to ceiling. Chocolate drizzled chips, choco-
late letters, and even chocolate scorpions (in case you were
wondering, because we were, it’s a good source of protein) were
just some of the original treats you could choose from.
After we left on a sugar high, we noticed a legitimate
hole in the wall. This small café was hidden behind an aged blue
door, chipped paint and clattered posters disguised what turned
out to be one of the best in Toronto, as declared by its people.
The menu consists of a small list of your average café drinks,
coffee, hot chocolate, and lattés. This hole in the wall turned out
to be a diamond in the rough.
Next stop was the vintage clothing shops of Kensing-
ton Market. Home to hipsters and artsy folk alike, this store did
not disappoint to fulfill our vintage hopes and dreams. Flashback
is an affordable vintage shop where everything you touch is
beautiful and a preserved piece from another era. The only
trouble you’ll have is finding your dress size in this small shop,
which even smells vintage. All types of purses, shoes, coats
and jewelry pour out onto the floors from the walls. After we
were done oohing and awing over our trip back to seventies, we
stopped into another clothing store called Useto. The long and
narrow store featured anyone from Britney Spears to Karl Lager-
feld on their homemade comfortable and affordable soft-cotton
t-shirts. Unable to resist the comfort of a t-shirt, we gave in and
each purchased our own to brag about in the near future.
We left the market very pleased with what we had
seen, but apparently our stomachs were craving more. We
stopped at Lettieri Café on the corner of Queen and Spadina.
This 12 year old espresso bar features a menu of European style
coffees and fresh baked goods that make you feel as if you’re
right on the streets of Paris. Inside felt homey and casual with
glass shelves showcasing their menu items. After seeing that
bagel and croissant through the clear glass, it was love at first
sight. Our stomachs agreed and we left feeling satisfied enough
to make our trip to the St. Lawrence Market on Front Street East.
Before we even began our adventure to Toronto,
we were advised to make “The Cheese Man” in St. Lawrence
Market one of our stops. Formally known as Alex Farm Products:
The Adventure in Cheese, this hut offers the largest selection
of cheese from around the world. Owner, Alex Stoutzas, runs
a friendly and polite staff that were more than happy to help us
choose from the variety of exotic cheese and olives we were
presented with. Though Julie may be a cupcake connoisseur,
neither of us is familiar with the wide world of cheese. Of course,
we were confused. But not to worry, the staff was there to help
our lost souls. It’s no surprise that Alex Farm Products has been
in the same location of the market for 25 years, $40 worth of
cheese later, next time we know exactly where to go.
Since we had cheese on the brain, pizza seemed like
the next logical destination. How convenient that St. Lawrence
Pizza and Ice Cream was right around the corner. Aziz Hosseini
is owner of this pasta bar that specializes in homemade pasta,
pizza, pesto and sauces. The sit down bar offered us a great
view of the amazing food being made. We couldn’t just tease
ourselves, so Kelsey ordered a fresh piece of cheese pizza and
Julie satisfied her sweet tooth with an ice cream cone. Both were
good enough to go back again in a disguise so nobody would
recognize our second trip in one day. However, this was made
possible by the free samples that we swiped upon our exit. Thank
you Mr. Hosseini, you make us wish we were Italian.
Love & other things, Julie and Kelsey.
And so our three-day weekend of adventures comes
to an end. We’re a little bit fatter, a little bit poorer (emphasis on
little bit) and a whole lot wiser.
Love & other things, Julie and Kelsey.
Day 3
out to
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Day Three:
the stre
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hhhhhhhhhoooococoococoocoocococccccccccococccccoocccccocccccccccccocccccccccoococococccococccccccccccccccocccccoocccccccccololoolooooloooololooooloooloooloolollloooooollooololooloooloooollollololloloololoooooooooolooooooolooooooooolooooo atatatatatatttatatatttatataatatatataaattattattteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee frfrfrffrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfffrfrffrfrrffrfrrffrfrffrfrfrfrfrffrffrfrfffrfrfrfrffrfrrfrffrfrfrfrrfrfrfrfrrfrrfrfrfrffrffrffrffrfrrrfffrffrfrfffrfffrrffffffrfrrffromooooomooommommomomomommomomommomommoomoooooomomomoomoommommooommoommommoomommmmoommommoomooooooomoooooooooo flflflflflflflflfloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooororororororororoororoorroroooororoooororoorororororooroooroooo tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cccceccececcccecceecccccc
llllllll teteteetetteteteteteteteteteteteteteetetteteteteteteeeeteeteeteteeeeeettetetttttettttttttettttettttteteteteteeetettttetetetetettetttteetetetettteteeteteeeeteteeeteteteeetetteeeteeeeeteteeeetettteeetetettteeeeeetttetetettetetetetettetetetettetetetetteteetteeeteeeeeteeeerrrrrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrrrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrrsrsrrsrrrsrrrrrrrrrrrrsrrrrs,, aaanaanaaannnnnanaanananananaaannannaananaananananananannnnnnaannnaannnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd eveveveveveveeveveveveveveveveeevveeeeeveeveeveeeeeee eneneneneneneneeen
rrinininininininnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg,gg,g,g,gg,gggg,gggg,gg,ggggg,g,gggg,g,gg,, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeccecececececeeececececceceeecceeeecececee aaaaaaa
We drove to Toronto from Oakville and got on
streetcar on the corner of Yonge and Dundas. While on
the streetcar we met friendly strangers John and Jane Doe.
red in
owed in t
south on
Market. W
for obvio
ing. Insid
dream. Walls and walls were cover
chocolate from floor to ceiling.
ate letters, and even choc
ndering, because w
ome of the o
The A
of c
olite staff that were more than happy to help us
e and olives we were
t help us
a fri
pre ddddddddddddddddddd wiwiwiwiwwiwiwiwiwwiwiwiwwwiwiwiwiwww thththththththththththththththththhhththhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhthhhthhhh............ ThThThThThThThThThThThThThThThThThThhThThThThhThTThhThhhThhTThhhhhhThThhhhThTThThThhThThhThhhThThhTThTTThhhoouoooooooouououououououooouououououoouuoouuouooououoououuouuouououoouououooooooooooouuuuughghghhhhghghghhghghghghgghgghghghhghghghghghghhhghgghhhhhghghghhhghhhghghhhhhhhhghhhhghhghggggghgghghhgh JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJululululuululuuluulululululululuululuululuuululululllululuuuluuuluuuuullululuu ieieeieeeieieieieieieieeieieieieeeeieeieieieieeieieieeeeeeeee mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmayayayayayaayayayayayayayaayayaaayayayayyaayayayaayayayyyyayaayaayyyyayaayyyy bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cucucucucucucucucucucucucucucucuccucucucucucucucucuccucucucuuucccuccuuuccccucucucccucuuuccucuuupcpcpcppcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcppcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpccpcccpppppppp akakakakaakakakakakakaakakakakakakakakakakakakakkkakakaakakaakaakkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee coccococococococcocococococococococococococcoocococococococcococc nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooioiooioooioioiiioo sssssssss
atatattatatatatatatatataatattatatataatatatatattatattattatatttttaataattttataatttataattttaaaattaaaateerereereeeererererrerereereererrrererrerererereeerererererereerrerereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeerereeeee ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nnnnnenenenenenenenenenenenenenenneneneneenneneneneeneeeeneenennenenenenneeeeneextxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxttxtxtxtxtxtxtxxtxtxtxtxxtxxxxxttxxxxtxtxx ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimmimmimimimimimimmmimmimmimimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewwewewewewewewewewwwewewewwewewewewewewewwewwwweweeweweeweweeweweeweeweweeeeweewweweewewwwewwwweewewwwwewwwwewwwwewwwweeeee kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkknnnnnnonnonnononononononononononnnonnononnnononononononononnnnnonnnononoononnnnnnnnnonononnnnooonnonononnnnnnononoonnnnnonononnnnnnononooooonnoooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww exexexeexexexexexexeexexeeexeexexexeeeexexeexeeeexxeexexexxxxxxxxexxe acaacacacacacccacacacacacacacacacacccccacacacaccacaacaaaacaacaaacaactltlttltttltltltttltltltltltlttlttttltlttllttt yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy whwhwhwhwhwwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwwhhwhwhwhwhwhwwhhwhwhwhwwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhhhhwhwhhwhwhwhwhhwhwwhhheerererererererererererereerererererererrerererereeererrreerererererre eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ototototototototototototototoototottootoottototottoooootot
rorororororororoorooororooororoooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thththththththththththththththhthththththheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee vavavavavavvavavavavavavavavavavavvavvavavavvvavavaavariririririririririririrririririrrriririririirrrrrrrrrrr eteteteteteteteteteteteeteteteteteteteteteeteete yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ofofoofofofofofofoofofofofoofofoffoofoofofof eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexxoxxoxoxoxxxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxooooxooottttittttiiitittticccccccccccc
dddddddddddddddddddd wiwiwiwiiwiwwiwiwiwiiiwiwiwiiwiiw ththththtththtththhththtththththththh ThThThThThThThThThThThThThThThThhThhhhhTThhThhhhoouooooouoouoouuuuuuououuouooououughghhhhgghghhghhgghhggghhhhgghhghhhhhhgghghhhhhhhghhhghhhhhhhhhhhh JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJullulullululullluululuuullullullululieieieieeieieeieieieeeieeieiee mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaayayyayayyaaaaayaayyyy bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaa cucucucucucucucucuucucuucucuc pcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcppcpppcpcpcpcpcccakaaakaakakakakkknennennenenenenenenennnnnnnennnnennennenenennnnnnnnnteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteeetet dddddddddddddd
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ofofooofofoffofofofoooofofofooofofofooofoffofoooooo
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwererererererererererererrereeeereereerrererereererreeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
loooooloolololololololololololololooooolooolostststststststststststststststststststtstststststsststststtts ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
hehehehehehehehehhehehheheheheheheheeheheehehhehhhhhhhehhhheeehhh ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssamamamaamamaaaaaamaamamammamamamamammaaamamaamamaamamamamaaaamamamammmma
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sesesesesesesesesesesesesesesseseseeeseeseseeseseseseseeeeeeeeeeeee llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee neneneneneeeneeeeeeneenneextxtxtxtttxtttxttxttttxxxtxtttt lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
iiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ananananananananananananananananannanannananananannnndddddddddddddddddddddddddd
sssssssssssssss ooooooooooooooooownwnwnwnwwwwwwwnwnwnwnwnwwwwwwwnwnwwwnwwwwwnwwwwwnwnwwnwnwnww ererererererererrerereererrrerereerrereerrrrrrrrrrrrr
pipipipipipipipippiiip zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza,a,a,a,a,aaaaa,aa,aa,a,a,aaa,a,aaaaaa,aaaaaa, ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
viviivivivivivv ewewewewewwwewee ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooofffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ttththththhttttthhttttttttttttthttthttthttttththth
seseseseeeseseeeeeeseeeeseesesee ffffffffffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrr
ennnennnennnnnnennnnnntetetetetetetetetettetetteteetetttt dddddddddddd ke connoisseur,
y and polite staff that were
variety of exotic cheese and olives we we
upcake connoisseurese
we w
our l
in th
seeeeseeeeeeeeeee pppppppizizzizzizzazazazazzaaa aaanddndndndnddn
BoBBBBoBoBoBoBoBoBBoBBBBoBBBBBBBoBoBB ththttttththh wwwwwwwwererererereree eeeeeeeeeee
aaaa ededeededeededeededdeeeeeeedededeeddedeedddedeedddeededdedeedeeeeeeeeeeee
hhhhh nknkkkkhaaanknknn
an en
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttuuuururururururuuururruururruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu nnnnnn
eoeoeoeoeoeooeoeooeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeooooeoeeeeeoooooooeeoeeeeeeoooooooeoeoeeeeeeeooeoeoeoeeeooeoeoeooeeeeeeeoeoeoeooeeeeeeeeeoeoeoeoeeeeeeeoooeoeooeoeoeeeeoeoeooeeooeoeeoeooeoeooeeee lplplplplppppppplpllpllppllllplplplplplplplplplplpplpllplplppplplpplpllppplplpppllplpppllppplpplpplpppppppplplppllplppplpleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.eeeeee
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnenennnnneneneneneneeneneneeeeeeenenennnneneneneneneneeeeeeenneeeneeeeeeeeeneeeenneeneenneeeeeneeeeenneeeeeddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ooooouoooououooououououuouooooooouuuoouououooouooououooooooouoooooouououuoooououooooouooooooouoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouttttttttttt
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKeeeneneneneneeneeneeneneneeeeneeneeeneeeeennennnnnnnnnennnnnnnnnnsssssssiiiisissiiiiissiiiiiisiiisssissssssssssssssssssssssssssissssssssssssssssss nnngnngngngngngggngnnngngngggngngngngggnggnnnggngngngngngnnggnnnnnnngnnnnngnnnnngggg----
oooroororororrroroorrrooororrrrrorroorrrrrrorrrorrrrrrroroooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ddidddidididiiidddiiddididiididddddiddddddidddddddddd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
to an
luegegegegegegegegegegegegegeegeggggggggggggggg dddddddddddddddd blu
e our second trip in one d
by the free samples that
Hosseini, you make
ther things, Juli
good eno
you Mr. H
Love & ot
s,s,s,s,s,s, sssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo KeKeKeKeKKKKeKeKeKKeKeKeKeKeKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKeeeKeKeeKeKKKK lslssslslslsllslslslslslsslslsssssssseyeyeyeyeeee ooooordrddrdrdererererere edededededd aaaaaaa ffffffrererereereesshshshshss ppppppieieieieececececececce ooooffffff chchccchheee
sfisfisfisfisfisfisfisfisfissssssssssssss eeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddddd heheheheheheehehehehehheeheheeheeeheeeerrrrrrrr swswswswswswwweeeeeeeeeeetttt totototototototootototothhhhh wiwwwiwww ththh aaaaannnnnn icicciceeee crcrccc eea
ttt ggooooooo bababababababaackckckcckckcc aaaaagagagagag ininininn iiinnnnnn aaaaa diddididisgsgsgsguiuiu
JuJuJuJuJuJuJuJuJuJuJuJuuJuJuuuuJuJuuuuulililililililililillillililililililililil eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sassasassasasaaasasasasasasasasaaasasasasasssaaaaasasasasasasasassaasaaasaassaasssatitititittititititititititititttiittittitittititittitititittitttittitititititttttt ssssssssssssssssssssss
ooooouououuuoouuouououououououuuuuursrrsrrssrsrsrsrsrssrrseeeeeleleleleleeeeeleleleeleeeeelveveveveveveveveveveeeeeeeevvevveeeeeeeeeveveeeevveeveeeveveveeeeeveeeeevveeeveveeevvv sssss
ough to go back again i
second trip in one day.
good eno
ananananananananananananaaannanananannanananaaanannnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whwhwhwhwhwhwhwhhhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwwhwhhwwwwhwwwhwwwwhwwwwwwwhhwwww olololololololloooollolololoololoololooloololllololoooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lllololololololololololooollooloooooooooololoooolloloololoooooolloooloooloooollottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt wwiwiiwiiiwiwiwiwiwiwiiwiiiiwiwiwiwiwiwiiiwiwiiiiwiiiwiwiwwwiwiwwiiwwiwiwwwwiwiiwwiwiwwwiwwwwiwiwwwwiwiwwiwiwwiwwwwwiwwwiwiiwiwwiwiwwwwwiwwwwwwiwiwww sesesesesseseseseseseseseseeseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseesesesesesessseeseseseseseesessseeesessesesessesseseseseseseseseseeeesesesssesesessssesesseseseesessseeseseseseseeeesesssesesseeseeeesseeeesssesseseer.rr.rrrr.r.rrrr.rr.rrrrrr.rrrrrrrr.r.rrrrr.r.r.r.rrrrrrrr.rrrrr.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.r.r.r.rrrrrrrr..rrr..rrr.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhherererererererererererrerrererrrererrererererrerererererrererrerrreeeeeereereee tttttttttttttttttttttttthihhihhihihihiiiihihihiiiiihhihihiihihihhhingngngngngngnggngngngngngngngnnggngngngngngngngngggnggnnngngngngnnnngngnnnnngn s,s,s,s,ss,s,,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,ss,s,s,s,s,,s,,s,sss JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJululululululllllululululullulululuuluuuuuluuuuluulluuuuuluuluuuuluuuuuuuuluuulllllu ieeeeeeeeeieeieeeeeeieeeieeieieieeieieeieeieieeeeeeieeeeieieeieieieeeieeeeieeieeeieiiei aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandndnddndndndddndndndndndnddnddndndndndndndndnddndndnddnndndndndndnddndndndnddndnddndndndnddnndndndnddddndndnddndddnddddndndndddnddnddnnnddnnddnddndddd KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKeeeleleleleleleleleleleeeeeeleleleleleleeleleleeelleleleeleeleleeeeeeeleeeleeleeellllelleleeleeleleleleleeeeleeleeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeele sseseseseseseseseseseesesesesesesesesesesesssesseseesesesesesesessesessseseesesssssesesseeseseseseseeeseeeesesey.yyyy.yy.yy.y.y.y.yy.y.y.yy.yy.yyy.yy.y.y.y.y.y.yyy.y.yy.yyyyyyyyyyyyy.yyyy.yyyyyyyyy.yyyyyyyyyyyyy
tttttttttttt))))))))))))))))) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
eweweweweweeweeweweweeweweweeeeeeeweeeweeeeeeew sssssssssssssswiwiwiwiwiwwiwwiwwwiwwwiwiwiiwwipepepepepepeepeppepeeepepepepepeeepepeeeeeepeepppepepeeeeepepeppeeppppppp ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd uupupupupuuppuppupupupupuupuuuppupupuuupuppupupupppupupupuppupuupupuupupppppponnononononononononoonononononnnonononononononoonnooonnnnnnnnn ooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuruuuru
s iwiwiwiwiiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiiwiwiwiwiwiwiiiwwiiwwiwwwwiwwwiiiiwishshshshshshhshshshshshshsshshhshshshsshshshsshsshssshshsssshs wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wwewewewewwewewewewewewewewewwewewewwwwewewewweewewwwwwewweerererererrereerererererrereeererererererrererrrerereerrerereeererrererer IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItatatatatatatatataatatatatatatatattatatataatattattatatataatataatatataaataaataatataatatattt lililililiililliiilililillilililiililililiiilililliiananaanananannnnnanananananannananannnananaaananaanananaaaaaanaanananaanana ..........
aaaaaandndndndndndndndndndndndndndnndnddndddddddddndddnddnnddddddndddd KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKeleleleleleleleleleleleeleeleeleeeeleleeeleleeeellee seseseseseseseeseseseseseseseeseseseeseeseeeeey.y.y.y.yy.y.yyy.y.y.y.y.yy.y.yyy.yy.y.yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
mm cocococococococococococococooocococoocoococoocooooooooooooocooococoooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
eeee sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nononnonoooooononononononooooonoooooooononoononnononoooonooonooooonoonooononoooonoobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobobbboboobobobbobobbbbobobobobbobobbobobobobobobooboboboobobobobboboboboobbbbbobboobboooooobobooobobobbobbbooboooodydydyddyddyddydydyddyddydddyddddddydddyddydydyddddydyddddddddddyddydddddydydddddddyyyyyyyyyyyyy
wewewewwweweweeweweewweeeveveveveveveveveveveveveveveevveeevevvveveeveveveeevvvevevveerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttthihihhhhhihihihihhhhihihhhhhhihihhhhhihihihhhhihhhhhhhhhhhhhhihhhhihhihihihihihhihihhihiiiihihhihhhissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss wawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawwwaawawawawwwwwawawawawawwwwawaawwwawawawawawaawaawwawaawawawwwawwwwwwwwawwawawaww ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwewewwwewewewewewewewewwewewewwwewewwwewewwwewewweweewwwewwweew vevevveveveveveveveveeeeveveveveevvveveevveveveveveveer,r,r,rr,r,r,rrr,,rr,r,rr,r,rr,rr,r,r,r,r,r,r,,,, ttttttttttttttthhhhihhihhhihhhhihihisssssssssssss
iiii eeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd upupupupupuuppupupppppppppuupuppppppuppupuuppupppppppuppppppppuppppppoooononononononononononnonoononononnonoononnonnnon oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuruurururururururuurururururururuururrururuururrururururrrrurrr eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexiixxixixixixixixixxixixixxxixxixxixxixixixxixxxxixixxxixxxxxx T
And s
d. Wn end
bit)tle b
rcreaeaeaeammmm cocoonennenene.. B
sgsgguiuiuiuuiseseseses sssso dydyddydyy wwwwwwoooo
HHHH w sss mamamamamamaddddd
hht. Thanthat we s
ake us wi
Julie and
day. How
ack to seven
e called Useto. The lon
m Britney Spears to Ka
affordable soft-
, we gave
r ooooooooooutututututututututttuttttut ooooooooontntntntntnttnttntnttttoooooooooooo thththththhhhthhhhhhhhhthhthhhthhhththththttthheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee flflflflooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rsrsrsrssrsr ffrorooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tthththhhhhhththtthhhhthtththhhttthtththhhhhtttthhhthhhtthttttt eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wawawawawawawawawawawwawawawaawawaaawaaawaaaawwww llllllllllllllllllllll sssssssssssssss AAAAA
dd aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawiwiwwwwiwwiwwiwiwwiwwwwiiwiwiiwiwwiw ngnnngngngngngngngngnngngngggnngggggggggggngnggggngngggggngggggg ooovevevevevvvvvvveevevevevvveeevvvveeevveevevevvvveevevvvevvvvvevvvvvvvvvvvvevvvvvvvvevvvvvvvvvevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv rrrrrr ooouo rrrrr trtrtrtrtrt ipiii
, co
e walls. After
our trip back to s
store called ng
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{ 14 : zest : travel issue
A trip to
travel issue : zest : 15 }ttrtrtrtrtrtravavavavavav lelelelelelel iiiiiiissssssssssssueueueueueue ::::: zz
The next time you’re in Toronto on a shopping excursion, heading
to a Jay’s game, or sight-seeing with friends from out of town, be sure
to stop at The 3 Brewers Micro Brewery, at Yonge and Dundas.
Right across the street from the Eaton Center, The 3 Brewers is a
perfect place to sit and sip back a few beers and re-fuel yourself with
some delicious pub food, in a cozy atmosphere.
What makes this place unique from Jack Astor’s down the street,
or Casey’s around the corner is the fact that they brew their very own
beer, right in the restaurant.
Though their selection of five beers isn’t extensive, what they lack
in variety is surely made up for in quality and taste.
The White is perfect for those who like a refreshing light bodied
beer with a slight citrus taste, while the Blonde is for those who enjoy
their beer light and fruity. The Amber is a medium body with the high-
est alcohol content, and has a delicate, earthy taste, while the darkest
of the beer; the Brown has a hint of caramel, chocolate, and coffee
flavours and is a full-bodied brew. And last but not least, the Special
Brew, which is a new concoction that the brewer will think up on site.
The beer goes through a four-step process, after which it is held
in a holding tank underneath the restaurant. There are five different
holding tanks, one for each flavour of beer, and each has two hoses
attached to them, which are directly connected to the taps upstairs.
Talk about fresh!
Alongside regular beer, The 3 Brewers also offers something differ-
ent than other pubs with their unique beer cocktails. These cocktails
range from the simple Panache (Blonde beer with Sprite), to the girly
White Peach (White beer with peach schnapps), and the rich tasting
Brit (Brown beer with Jamieson whiskey).
As for food to wash all that beer down with, the restaurant offers
hearty servings of good old-fashioned pub food, though some items
do jump off the menu.
Appetizers are classics: nachos, garlic bread, chicken wings…
and then there’s the Star Platter: potato skins, mozzarella sticks, and
spicy onion scoops. These appetizers could be shared amongst three
to four people.-Salads, burgers, sauerkraut, sandwiches, steak, and
chicken fill most of the menu, while the homemade fammekueche, an
extremely thin crust pizza, offers an extensive variety of toppings to
choose from.
The 3 Brewers is a matchless alternative to other pubs in the area,
and offers quite a different experience to all those who visit it.
Get a look behind closed doors at one of Toronto’s best micro-breweries
Photos & story by Marie Adoranti
The Three Brewers
{ 16 : zest : travel issue
Tour and Taste atTour and Taste at
Vineland EstatesVineland Estates
Story and Photos by Kayla-Jane Barrie and Elizabeth Bevan
{ 18 : zest : travel issue
Rows and rows of grape vines filled the hills outside
Vineland Estates. It wasn’t until we drove over the hill
where we saw the gorgeous home to the winery. Built with
beautiful stones from Owen Sound, Ontario. Despite the
hazy weather, the vineyard wasn’t only breathtaking from
the outside, and full of friendly service and delicious wine.
The hospitality at Vineland Estates was evident when
we arrived and were given free reign of the grounds to
take as many pictures as we wanted. Located on Moyer
Rd, Niagara, there was many patios and decks with fabu-
lous views of the grape vines for acres in every direction.
Our tour guide, Jane Putnickovich, met us in the main
lobby before the tour. The store was filled with bottles
upon bottles of wine and wine glasses in every size and
size you could imagine. “We offer 15 different types of
wine. It is like a stepladder; there’s something for every-
one. There’s our cheaper wines that lead people in and
wines you can splurge on for that special occasion.”
Jane first took us on a walk through the cellar.
It was full of oak barrels containing their many different
red wines and some varieties of white. The barrels are
hand-selected by the winemaker from specific regions in
France, and they last a short period of time.
“Barrels tend to lose flavour after five years but nothing
is really thrown away. Barrels can be sold off, to restau-
rants to make balsamic vinaigrette barrels and even cre-
ate pieces like candleholders. The skins are compostable;
we try to be as environmentally friendly as possible. ” Even
the wine racks in the cellar are environmentally friendly.
The racks are made from recyclable materials and make
for a light and durable crate.
The amount of time a wine is oaked in a barrel depends
on the variety. Reserves, a more expensive wine can be
barreled for up to 36 months, causing the price to go up
and forming a different flavour. The longer the wine is in
the oak barrels, the longer flavours have to combine. Each
barrel adds certain smokiness to the wine varying from
mild, medium to heavy.
Before the oaking of the wine occurs, the grapes need
to be grown. There is a lot of precision that goes into grape
growing. Certain grapes need to be planted facing east so
that they get the maximum sun. Others are planted in rows
facing north or south to limit their sun exposure. The grape
vines need a specific amount of water to grow to an ideal
size and it takes up to four years. “You just want to get the
vine’s feet wet,” said Jane. The gardeners add clovers and
other plants in between rows to suck up the excess water.
The tour took us to the bottling line where bottles are
sterilized, filled, corked, and labeled. The bottling staff can
bottle an average of 18 skids of wine a day. That holds
over 12,000 bottles of wine. Our next, and final stop on the
tour were the rooms where the vats of wine that isn’t being
{ 20 : zest : travel issue
oaked is stored.
The first wine we got to taste was a
semi-dry, entry-level 2008 Riesling perfect
for a hot summer day on a patio deck. It’s
an easy sipper, and it isn’t even oaked very
long due its natural flavours. The colour is
a clear, clean, yellow and the flavours are
astonishing. This chardonnay smells and
tastes very sweet at first, with flavours such
as lemon grass and grapefruit. The wine
leaves you with a pucker; the back of my
mouth was actually tweaking from the com-
bination of tastes, it was unexpected and
simply extraordinary.
Our second taste was a 2009, un-oaked,
Chardonnay that won the Gold Medal
Award. The bottle is sold for $12.75 and the
price says nothing about this wine. It is a
dry wine, and sweetness if followed by hints
of pear and apples. This is a fantastically
tasty wine that is also a summer sipper that
can be paired with many cheeses due to its
apple hints.
Thirdly, we experienced a 2007 Merlot.
In 2007 it was another great year for red
wines due to humidity and dry climates.
High sugar levels add to the depth of a
wine and Canadian red wines should not
be compared to Australian or other foreign
wines due to the fact we only have warm
weather once, not all year around like
them. You know that little reaction where
you cheeks get all blushed and your head
begins to heavy? Wines that are high in
tannins cause that. This red wine is low in
tannins, making it an easy drinking wine for
Lastly, we got to taste rhubarb pie in liq-
uid form. This wine is sweet enough to be
finisher type of wine. A little bit is packed
with pure strawberry and blueberry hints
and even a hint of rhubarb to finish it off.
The tartness lasts on your tongue and the
bitter ending packs a punch, almost like the
first time I ate sour skittles, fruity and sour.
And not to mention is smells like fresh jam.
Aroma is key with any good wine, and
twirling your glass before you sip and en-
joy it’s flavours is a great tip. Take it from
experts; don’t serve your wine at room tem-
perature. ‘Cellar temperature’ (13-15 C) is
the perfect way to serve all white and red
wines, its not too cold and not to warm. Red
wine flavours can be masked if the wine is
too warm.
“We have a goal in mind; equality for
the people. Great choice, great wine,
great price. There is no such thing as low
end wine, every wine is full of depth and
travel issue : zest : 21
{ 22 : zest : travel issue
Jordan Kells takes a trip across Canada
and tells you how to survive and still
have the time if your life.
Story by:Jordan Kells
When you think of travel you picture yourself on
vacation. Days spent in a hammock on the beach,
palm trees swaying in the breeze and a fruity drink
in your hand.
Now, picture yourself with your backpack and a
cardboard sign in your hands. You’re on the road
waiting to begin a journey far more exotic that that
of an all-inclusive stay at a four-star resort on the
coast of a tropical island.
Jordan Kells, a 20-year-old hitchhiker has been
backpacking across Canada since 2009. He had no
idea what he was doing when he packed his bags
and stuck out his thumb. He just knew that he was
going somewhere for an unknown reason. His only
thoughts were, “am I actually doing this, like am I
leaving everything behind?”
After taking a bus down to Toronto from Shel-
burne, Ont., Kells stayed in a shelter for the night.
When he awoke in the morning, he was robbed at
knifepoint for the $400 he had saved for his trip. He
was now flat broke.
After getting over this traumatic experience,
Kells started walking east. Once making it to Scar-
borough he was picked up by “an old hippie dude”
who took him to Bowmansville, ON.
Kells’ second experience with living on the go
was when he stayed with a family in Brockville,
Ont. “I lived with a man and his broken family for
a couple days,” he said. “He had seen my guitar
and asked if I played. I told him I had a couple
broken frets and he immediately told me of his son
who could fix it up for me. After I was invited for
dinner, the man and his family invited me to stay
for a couple days.” Kells mentioned that this was
probably the most kindness from a stranger that he
encountered on his travels.
As Kells made stops along his route out east,
he earned back the money he lost by distributing
flyers around small towns. For eight cents a flyer,
Kells slowly but surely made enough money to feed
himself when he needed to for the rest of his trip.
“You eat when you want and you smoke when you
want,” he said. “You make due with what you have.”
As Kells made stops along his route out east,
he earned back the money he lost by distributing
flyers around small towns. For eight cents a flyer,
Kells slowly but surely made enough money to feed
himself when he needed to for the rest of his trip.
“You eat when you want and you smoke when you
want,” he said. “You make due with what you have.”
For Kells, this way of traveling is a way of life. “I
just want to get back on the road now,” Kells said
multiple times as he spoke of his travels. He loves
meeting new people, learning the ways of the road
and supporting his lifestyles as he is on the road.
“Hitch hiking forces you to meet new people, which
I now love,” he said. “It teaches you to survive with
a minimum amount of stuff and tests your patience.
You definitely learn patience.”
On the road Kells developed skills for mak-
ing money when jobs were difficult or impossible
to find. Busking, a form of entertainment on the
streets, consists of those who need to make a quick
buck. “It’s a great way to make money,” said Kells.
People play guitar, juggle, sing, dance and clown
around. For Kells, contact juggling is his specialty.
“Over the past six months I have been practicing
a form of juggling in which one balances a translu-
cent ball to trick the viewer into believing it is mov-
ing on its own,” he said. “It is quite hypnotizing, and
brings in a significant amount of money on a good
day. You really learn your own limits. You just have
to know when you can’t let yourself cross them.”
Kells not only has plans to continue traveling
across Canada, he hopes to travel to other places
in the world. “I plan to go to Central America in the
next couple years,” says Kells, “I am currently sav-
ing money for the trip. I also want to make my way
to Peru, Nicaragua, Brazil, Chili and Columbia.”
Kells also plans to continue his education in the
film industry. “I decided to get a real world expe-
rience before I dove into something like film,” he
said. “The great thing about hitchhiking is all the
people you get to know, and I hope to film about
the discoveries of those on you meet on the road.”
travel issue : zest : 23 }
{ 24 : zest : travel issue
The soundtrack to your next road trip is almost as im-
portant as making sure you have enough socks and
underwear to last the trip. It’s what inspires you to get
to not only to get to your destination but also enjoy
your trip before your arrival.
There are so many factors you need to take into
consideration for an appropriate playlist. You almost
need to make sure you have all of your bases cov-
ered for whatever you encounter.
Different genres inspire different feelings and emo-
tions. It’s not a one size fits all scenario. Music can
be very personal. “Whatever turns you on is what ap-
plies to you in your car on a road trip,” explained the
syndicated Legends of Classic Rock host and music
enthusiast Jeff Woods.
Woods relies on the rock of the late ‘60s and early
‘70s for his playlist because the music had so much
rhythm, punching guitar riffs and it appealed to almost
everyone, “You talk to kids in grade 1 or 2, they go
back to Floyd from the early 70s, Hendrix, Zeppelin.”
Over the years there are songs that stick out in your
memory from times you were in the car driving on a
road trip, on a date or learning how to drive. It could
also be just a good time you had. Those tend to be
the songs that can be the most enjoyable on the road.
“If you combine great riffs with great vocals and lyrics
that you can sing along to and that happens to trigger
some kind of memory, you’ve got it all,” said Woods.
There are a lot of songs written about cars and driving
therefore necessary for any road trip playlist. Mix it up
a little. Things can get a little redundant if song after
song is some muscle car fanatic of a rock star going
on about driving his car down highway 666 looking
for adventure. Sneak a couple lyric-less songs in the
mix for your sanity.
Mellow music is essential for a night drive or a rainy
day but be sure not to choose anything too mellow
for a night drive. Nothing ruins the road trip experi-
ence like falling asleep at the wheel. Unless you’re
stressed out by traffic it’s a good idea to keep the
Vivaldi on the shelf. Lyrics are necessary at that
point. If everyone else is asleep in the car it’s almost
like having someone talking to you. But remember,
if your eyelids are becoming heavier with each song
stop for a rest or change drivers. Don’t rely on music
and Red Bull.
Just like having a spare tire, it’s good to have some
spare tunes. Don’t resort only on your playlist. You
may run into a situation where you need an emergen-
cy music change, “Have a good collection of music in
the car so you can create the mood you need for that
moment,” said host of The Ongoing History of New
Music and self proclaimed “music geek” Alan Cross.
“Sometimes the best music for enhancing the mood
is some sort of far away AM radio station, preferably
playing some goofy bible music.” Sometimes there’s
nothing better than putting yourself at the mercy of
the local radio. It adds an element of surprise to your
music. Even if you don’t know the song it could be
just the thing to keep your spirits high.
At the end of the day what you like is what you like.
Take your surroundings, mood, weather, people,
time, favorite memories and your music taste into
consideration. But just for fun here’s an ultimate play-
list I devised with the help of Alan Cross, Jeff Woods,
blues musician and Jazz FM radio host Danny Marks
and Boom 97.3 personality Maie Pauts. They each
gave me their top road songs and I’ve added a few
of my own. Z
RoadTo the left field and sky, to the right your faithful copilot, behind you doesn’t matter and in front of you
the open road and nothing but time. The pedal gently lowers itself to the floor as the knob of your stereo
simultaneously turns itself to the maximum setting. The song burns a hole inside you and you’re alive.
I’m talking about road trip music.
Story by
Chad Brown
travel issue : zest : 25 }
In no particular order:
Mumford and Sons – The Cave
The Beatles – Get Back
Queen – I’m In Love With My Car
Bob Segar – Night Moves
Jackson Browne – Running on Empty
Lynyrd Skynyrd – That Smell
Slightly Stoopid – Circle House Blues
Tom Petty – Won’t Back Down
Steppenwolf – Born To Be Wild
Deep Purple – Highway Star
Golden Earring – Radar Love
Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers
– Roadrunner
Nelson Riddle and the Orchestra – Route 66
Canned Heat – On The Road Again
Willie Nelson – On The Road Again
Hank Snow – I’ve Been Everywhere
The Black Keys – She’s Long Gone
Canned Heat – Up The Country
Eve 6 – Open Road Song
{ 26 : zest : travel issue
Sights, sounds, foods, entertainment – no mat-
ter what the reason, people often travel to expe-
rience the differences in these cultural aspects.
Whether it’s the sprawling cities of China or the
scenic views of Italy, there’s nothing quite like
stepping off the plane into a whole new world….
at least, almost nothing.
Though there are many advantages to travel,
expenses of time and money often make such
trips few and far between. Luckily, Toronto, being
well known as Canada’s unique and well-known
cultural metropolis, features many areas which re-
flect that of their exotic counterparts. While it’s not
the same as making the actual trip, it’s possible
to experience a different culture closer to home.
...From Chinatown to Little Italy
Angie Cheung
Halfway across the globe with vast differences in language, food
and government, China is one of the most contrasting and farthest
countries one can visit. Its better known features include the Great
Wall of China, the Temple of Heaven, and the Terra-cotta Army.
The 2008 Olympic Games were held in Beijing, China, effec-
tively boosting its tourism and exposing its many new and unique
aspects. However, those wishing to experience them have to con-
tend with the high expenses of travelling, language barriers and
time differences.
Though there are a handful of Chinatowns in Toronto (about
five), the largest and most well known is the one downtown, near
Spadina and Dunda St. West. Though there are no mountains or
temples, there’s much in terms of the country’s food and wares in
this area.
Many Chinese immigrants from the early 1900’s settled in To-
ronto in the original Chinatown near Queen Street West and Bay
Street, but it has since then cleared out and relocated to where it
is today.
One of its best features is its market, which is busy at all hours
of the day and night. Fruits such as persimmons and lychee, and
meats such as roast duck and squid and a vast array of jewelry,
clothing, ceramics and other wares can be found.
Restaurants provide authentic foods such as Dim Sum and noo-
dles, which can be hard to find elsewhere. Many of these places
sell at affordable prices.
Chinatown also features some theatres and book and movie
Events that can’t be missed include the Chinese Boat Festival
and Chinese New Year. With unique Dragon Boats powered by
over a dozen rowers, the boat festival is held every June and at-
tracts hundreds of spectators. Chinese New Year is held in late
January and early February, and features the Dragon Dance Pa-
rade along with the festive food.
A busker in Chinatown playing an erhu, a traditional Chinese two-stringed fiddle.
Photo by Angie Cheung.
travel issue : zest : 27 }
Little Italy
Near College Street and Euclid Avenue, Little Italy
is Toronto’s little slice of Europe.
Known for its beautiful countryside and vineyards,
Italy is a popular destination. Its well-known attrac-
tions are the Leaning Tower of Piza, the Grand Canal
of Venice and Rome’s Sistine Basillica and Sistine
Italian immigrants settled around College Street
West and Grace Street since 1900, and opened their
businesses in the area. Since then, many of the im-
migrants and original owners have moved to St. Clair
West and other areas, but their shops and restaurants
The best-known characteristics are its small and hip
cafes, which serve interesting foods and drinks. Simi-
larly, Little Italy holds many great
restaurants —the best of which are by no means
cheap.Shops with souvenirs and clothing populate the
street, and the area is as alive at night as it is during
the day.
Things not to miss are the Taste of Little Italy Festi-
val, Café Diplomatico and Red Pegasus. The festival
is a good opportunity to sample the many foods and
beverages, as it serves up promotional and sample
cuisines. There is also live music and bustling patios
and balconies.
Indian Bazaar
Known for its spices and unique music, India is the
proud host of the Taj Mahal, Golden Temple and Hima-
layan Desert.
India boasts beautiful architecture and landscapes,
as well as exotic flora and fauna. Made popular from
media such as movies like Slumdog Millionaire and the
ever popular and exciting Bollywood, India is a must-
Located near Gerrard Street, the Indian Bazaar is
a small district with a distinct Eastern flavour. Also
known as Little India, it is the largest South Asian mar-
ket in North America.
Its restaurants are one of its more popular aspects,
serving good and diverse foods. The shops offer dif-
ferent clothes, handicrafts and jewelry, a lot of which
are imported.
Video stores, grocery stores and fashion boutiques
are also present, and clothiers and jewelers that often
cater to Indian weddings, which are an experience in
The Indian Bazaar hosts the Festival of South Asia
every year. Held during the summer, the whole street
closes for three days while the country is celebrated in
the form of dancing, music and food.
Nestled on Danforth Avenue is Greektown, popu-
lated by Toronto’s Greek Canadian community. Similar
to the other districts, its main attractions lie in its smat-
tering of ethnic shops and restaurants.
Foods available include gyros, souvlaki, Greek pas-
tries and flaming saganaki. “The Music Hall”, a per-
forming arts venue that’s been around for 90 years,
adds to some of the culture found in the area.
Greektown hosts “Taste of the Danforth”, an annual
street festival that’s held each year in August. Cele-
brating all things Greek, the event attracts over one
million visitors every year.
Along with the many districts, Toronto is alive with
worldly influences with its many events and markets
that bring together different cultures. With a vast ar-
ray to choose from, the smells, sights and sounds of
another country might be just minutes away.
An average block in Chinatown near Spadina and College Streets in Toronto. Photo by Angie Cheung
{ 28 : zest : travel issue
Story and Photography by
Sasha Horton
One of the best ways to throw together
a quick getaway is to plan a road trip.
Nothing compares to the thrill of driving
down the open road with no cares. But nowa-
days, gas prices are making the spontaneity
of a road trip seem almost obsolete and leav-
ing many pockets empty. Don’t give up hope!
Just follow these simple tips on how to take
a road trip on a budget.
travel issue : zest : 29 }
Save money easily by finding inexpensive activities to do in the cities
or countries that you visit, find cheap camp grounds or motels, find the
cheapest gas available, share the financial burden with the people you
are travelling with and bring food with you.
“All we did was look at the route we wanted to take and estimated how
much money to bring,” said Holly Cotton, a Burlington woman who went
on her first road trip last summer with her husband Shaun Cotton. “We
brought a little extra though, just to be on the safe side.”
Food and lodging are peoples main concerns while travelling. Running
through McDonald’s everyday may seem easier, however, it racks up the
road trip food bucks and can get boring to boot. You can save time and
money by packing a cooler. Partially fill your cooler with frozen bottles
of water and ice cubes and then add well-wrapped sandwiches, cheese
sticks, apples, grapes, yogurt and other quick, filling snacks. As for lodg-
ing, you don’t always have the money to get hotel room after hotel room,
so the easiest and cheapest places to sleep, would be your car, a camp-
site, or even a motel.
“It’s awful to sleep in a car,” said Shaun Cotton. “If the tem-
perature is right, it’s totally fine. However, if it’s too hot or
too cold, it sucks, but it’s cheap. I still preferred the camping
A few ways to save gas while driving are as simple as not
speeding, it wastes gas and having a ticket can really put a
damper on the fun you are supposed to be having. Turning off
the AC, easing off the petal well before a stop sign and coast-
ing to a stop, while also taking off in a mellow manner helps.
And finally, keep your car in tip-top condition. You
can easily save money on gas by making sure
your oil has been changed, and your tires are
full of air. Just taking care of these two items can
help you save more money on gas.
While finally getting everything sorted out, don’t
forget to have some fun on the open road! Having
your road trip planned ahead of time will give you the
peace of mind you need, to know that you can complete
your trip on your budget. Spending mindfully will always
save you money over the quick and easy alternatives. So,
throw the cooler in the trunk, pop in your favourite CD and
follow your map to a safe, fun and inexpensive road trip!
“With the experience that we had together,
we would definitely do it all over again,” said
Holly and Shaun Cotton. Z
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{ 32 : zest : travel issue
Premarital sex, recreational drugs, thunderstorms, and investigating a strange noise will most definitely get you killed in a horror movie. If you’re interested in
experiencing any of those things in a thrilling twist on reality, or maybe you’re just an enormous horror movie fan like myself, you may have wondered, ‘is there a
real Camp Crystal Lake?’ or, ‘is that house in Amity really causing deaths?’ This right here may just be right down your alley.
A road trip to the Eastern U.S. which will guide you through some of the most notorious locations of your favourite horror flicks, may just be that original idea you
and your friends were looking for this summer. Surely it may take some time and planning but you would get to visit the one and only “Camp Blood” or the slightly
angry town of Burkittsville. Alright, so in pretty much every case, these are not the real names of these infamous locations, but that’s just the real world. So pack
your bags, get your car tuned-up, grab your passport, call your buddies, and select your road trip tracks (check out Mr. Chad Brown’s story for some tips). You’re
in for one Hell of a ride.
Ahmad Issawi
the Highwayto Hell
First Stop: 3600 Prospect Street, Georgetown, Washington DC (The Exorcist, 1973)
To this day, The Exorcist is considered one of the most terrifying films to ever be created. Now, the front view of the home, depicted in the famous movie poster
with the silhouette of the priest viewing into the window was a set built for the film and added to the location for filming purposes only. The steps that the priest and
that snobby director were thrown down are actually a part of the home and stand strong today, looking as creepy as they did back in 1973. This house should be
your main stop while in Georgetown, but you may also want to swing by another location from the film if you’ve got the time. The Dahlgren Chapel, a part of the
Georgetown University, was the living area of Father Karras, the priest who is haunted by the guilt of his dead mother, and saviour to the young, possessed Regan.
Eastern America: Possessions & the Haunted
The Eastern United States was used often enough for films about haunted houses and demonic possession. Though not only does this side of the country
feature the infamous “Amityville Horror,” but it is also the homeland of a boy we’ve all watched grow up, named Jason Voorhees. Now travelling from Canada,
there are two ways you can kick off this tour. You could start as far down south as possible and work your way back home, or you could start closer to home and
work your way to the end and back. The order of this guide will be as if you’ve begun as far down south as necessary, working your way back home.
Burkittsville, Maryland (The Blair Witch Project, 1999)
In 1999, a ridiculous amount of both teenagers and adults believed that four teenagers had gone into the woods in Burkittsville hunting for evidence of “small-
town legend” the Blair Witch, only to disappear forever, leaving only their footage to be found. Though the myth is completely fictitious, the forested location of
the film is likely to make your skin crawl if you’re travelling through it at night. Visitors should keep to themselves while visiting this location, as the residents of
Burkittsville are not very pleased with the attention their town received from the film. Seneca Creek state park is the famous woodland known in the film as the ‘Black
Hills Forest’ and located approximately 25 miles west of Burkittsville. Unfortunately the 200 year old home featured on the big screen is located in a different park;
Patapsco Valley state park. This is where the Griggs House is located. Hope you packed a video camera to document this visit.
{ 34 : zest : travel issue
11 Sand Pond Road: Camp NoBeBoSco, Hardwick, New Jersey, known on film as Camp Crystal Lake aka Camp Blood
(Friday the 13th, 1980)
Home of Pamela and Jason Voorhees, ‘Camp Blood’ remains, after 31 years, a place that just looks like Jason will be sneaking up on you the second you’re
alone. This location was only used for the first film of the series, unfortunately, since it is quite perfect for the tone of the films. You may also want to visit the small
town nearby of Blairstown. This is where you’ll find cafés and diners used in the start of the film. Ignore warnings that there is a “death curse” and have a blast.
travel issue : zest : 35
112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, New York (The Amityville Horror)
The grand finale of the Eastern U.S. horror tour is the infamous home of the DeFeo family. Though today, residents have lived in the home without incident, on
Nov.13, 1974, Ronald “Butch” DeFeo shot and killed his mother, father, two little brothers, and two younger sisters while they lay sleeping in their beds. Not one
of the victims were moved from their beds, and it is believed that not one victim had even awoken. Just over a year later, the Lutz family moved into the home.
There were claims from a priest that voice told him to “GET OUT!” and the family claimed to witness supernatural phenomenon like angry voices, putrid smells, icy
cold drafts in the summer, and violent movements of objects in the house. Be kind as a visitor. It is a nice suburban neighbourhood, and you can’t just be rushing
in, wearing full Ghostbuster gear. The Amityville home is a great way to end your horror tour of Eastern United States.
This brings our little tour of horror to an end. Hopefully you took a camera with you and got some great shots of you and
your buddies. You have now been to the end and back of some of the most famous film locations that the horror genre has
to offer.
Seoul, South Korea
travel issue : zest : 37 }
A Concert
{ 38 : zest : travel issue
ri (We are) Big BANG!”
And the best night of my life began in South Korea, as my
favorite artist came onto the concert stage.
Making it almost a mission to get a ticket for the first night, I had flown
half way around the world for the next day’s concert with a seated ticket
for their concert. I wholeheartedly appreciated my luck in acquiring a
ticket for that evening. “Do you speak English?” I heard someone ask
another behind me while in line at Olympic stadium (venue for the con-
cert). Immediately my ears perked up, finally a language I understood. “I
have an extra ticket,” said the person who had asked the first question.
In my desperation, I swiftly turned and told them, “I need a ticket.” By
fool’s luck, the other person who was about to buy both tickets let me
have one and I was able to escape the ticket line I had been stuck in for
over 30 minutes.
If you still don’t understand where this story is going, let me say that
this is almost like a diary of a fan girl in a foreign country who flew from
Canada to South Korea to see a concert of her favorite artist. Big Bang
is a five member hip-pop group who has an annual concert every year
around this time and I happened to get a ticket by asking my Korean
friend in Toronto to buy one online for me.
The concert was starting and I was still wondering if this was real life,
if I was actually about to see Big Bang in front of me. I spent 21 hours
flying here, right? It was all real, right?
I was in one of six standing areas of the concert, so I was, if I pushed
through enough South Korean teenagers, about five people away from
the front stage. But that night I did not bother with pushing to the front
because I was still taller than most of the people there and I’d rather
enjoy the concert than be pushed back and forth for three hours. I’m
5’10/179cm in case you were wondering how I might be towering over
everyone else so easily, and compared to all the young Korean girls
there, I was easily one of the tallest in that area. Minus the Korean guy
that was about my height who was beside me throughout most of the
concert, even when I moved to other parts of the stage when the band
members were moving. I did appreciate the company I had during that
night, it was nice even though we spoke no words to each other that I
almost had a friend, kind of.
It was hard for me to believe that somehow, each member looked 20
times better in real life, and they already looked damn good in photos
and videos. They oozed this energy like they knew they were hot and
their stage presence really blew me away.
I knew they would be amazing live, but to say they are incredible
performers is an understatement. Through their performances that
night, it was obvious that they really love being on stage. They enjoy
the feeling of performing, for others, for themselves and that they really
loved their fans. As much as they are still considered by many to just be
an idol group, their label gives them musical freedom which is probably
one of the main reasons why even though they are all young men, they
have no qualms about being in a “boy band” because they do their own
solo work and make music they love. Many people say that Big Bang is
like a group of soloists rolled into one group. There is no better way to
describe them.
The concert began with a few of their debut songs. Then you notice a
member missing, and after the other four leave the stage for a moment,
the solo performances begin. Daesung, my favorite member (I don’t
even exaggerate when I say I would marry him) had his new solo
travel issue : zest : 39 }
solo song pre-released at the concert. It was utterly beautiful, even
if I am sort of biased. Afterwards came their Japanese singles,
which are always a breath of fresh air since they have a different
feel than their Korean music.
Each year Big Bang parodies a drama that is popular at the time.
This year they parodied Secret Garden. I’ve never seen the drama,
and there were no subtitles, and my basic Korean couldn’t really
do anything for me here, but it was still so funny with its gender
bending roles.
They came back to the stage with performances from their new al-
bum, performing my favorite track off of it, Café, with such intricate
stage set up it was wonderful to watch. It took place in an actual
café, all of the members having their own story in it.
Wonderful, a very upbeat song started playing and the members
went into the seated audience. I experienced the most jealousy I
have ever felt in my life in this moment, as other fans got to touch
them and see them so close. But still, I was happy to just even see
them in person.
Haru Haru and Lies, their hit songs from a few years back were
performed and suddenly they left the stage. Could it be over? Was
it really just going to end like that? No.
Saranghae (I Love You) in Korean was being chanted among the
14,000 fans inside the stadium. For 10 minutes this continued,
fans chanting, waiting for another moment to see them again. I
was chanting too, because as satisfied as I was, like the others, I
wanted more.
The stage in the front where I was began to fold up after about 10
minutes of chanting into the shape of their light stick/symbol, which
is a crown. Big Bang then rose from among it I think it might have
been Last Farewell that they performed. Seungri and GD were on
flying wires for a little while and Daesung, Taeyang and TOP were
going to all the different stages. They performed Heaven after and
then Always, which is one of my favorite Big Bang songs ever.
A moment that made my trip so much more worth it surprised me. I
mean how much dumb luck could I possibly have in a single day.
Taeyang had been dancing about five people away from me, and
although he was wearing sunglasses I felt as if he was looking
at me. Smiling and dancing and looking my way. I know, I must
sound delusional. But in what seemed like a surreal moment, he
threw the towel he had been using to me. I didn’t have to jump in
any direction to try and get it. My arm just stretched out in front of
me and my fingers closed around it. Holy crap! I thought to myself,
DIRECTLY TO ME? I couldn’t even dream of this happening, but
somehow it did. I knew being tall had its advantages, kidding.
{ 40 : zest : travel issue
The moment my hand closed around it I felt a tug in every other
direction, while other fan girls literally tried to rip this extraor-
dinary moment out of my hands. I held on. I don’t think I could
let go if I tried. I would be so mad at myself if I did. They finally
calmed down and reality began to sink in, I caught Taeyang’s
towel, I freaking caught his towel. I had flown 21 hours to a
country where I only knew the basics of the language, I got a
ticket by chance and he threw his towel to me.
Sunset Glow, the last song of the night began playing and my
mood had soared even higher. They left while the bloopers from
their parody were playing on a screen ahead and fans began to
walk out, the night ending.
I ended up going all three days of the concert, my luck going
strong until Sunday. So instead of the one day I had originally
planned to see them, I saw them three days straight. I didn’t
catch any more towels, but it was great nonetheless. How often
would I be flying to Korea, right?
I spent the days after the concert exploring Korea with a few
friends that I met online. I tell you the Internet is pretty safe!
I even went to Namsan tower, which is like a mini but more
colorful and prettier version of our CN Tower and their shopping
district alone. That week, almost alone in a foreign country was
the best week of my life. When I got on my plane to leave, I
cried. I didn’t want to leave. Why would I want to leave such
happiness? And so a goal formed: I was going to come back.
Whether it be next year to watch the concert again, or to teach
English there, I would definitely be going back. The amount of
culture exuding from every part I had visited was such a nice
change from the almost cultureless Canada.
I was going to come back, be happier than I am now, and hope-
fully never have to leave. Parting is such sweet sorrow, but we
will meet again.
travel issue : zest : 41 }
Japanese friends I made at the hostel 4 Wonderful view from my hostel window4Colorful shrine by Namsan Tower
Young girl running on the rooftop of a department store Eating a meal on the roof$ $
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travel issue : zest : 43 }
Worldly Fashion
Fitting in fashionably around the globe can be a challenge. From east to west, north
to south, how locals choose to express themselves through clothing is unique depending
on culture and environment. Each destination has its own distinct aesthetic that a visitor
can mimic with a few key items.
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{ 44 : zest : travel issue
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travel issue : zest : 45 }
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anandd ulultrtra-a-fefemiminininene jjewewelelryry..

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  • 1. travel issue : zest : 1 } KOREA Exploring the K-Pop Scene An inside look at AFRICA Afraid of flying? Get in your car & DRIVE What to WEAR when you travel A t r a v e l m a g a z i n e f o r s t u d e n t sssAA tt rr aa vv ee ll mm aa gg aa zz ii nn ee ff oo rr ss tt uu dd ee nn tt ss
  • 3. STaste.relax. for students by students ut the most places to and have a time.
  • 4. { 4 : zest : travel issue What’s Inside 55 From the Editors 88 Diary of Road Trip Julie Langlois and Kelsey Dunlop prove it’s possibleto have fun at home when you can’t afford to travel far. 1212 Trip to 3 Brewers An exculsive tour of a Toronto brewery that boasts some of the best local brews. 1414 A Taste of Vineland Cheers! Exploring one of Niagara’s top wineries. 1616 A Hitchhiker’s Guide Twenty-year-old Jordan Kells backpacks across Canada 2222 Road-Trip Music Tunes to cruise to while on the road. 2424 The World Close to Home Celebrating our multi-culturalism, an exploration of Toronto’s global villages. 2626 Budget Runs Tight on cash? We have suggestions for how to enjoy your vacation without breaking the bank.
  • 5. travel issue : zest : 5 } A Weekend of Korean Pop 2626 Maria Kulesza travels from Canada to Korea in hopes of attending a weekend long concert. Worldly Fashion 4242The latest trends from some of the most popular global hot spots, what to wear and how to fit in fashionably, anywhere. When in Rome . . . 5252 Our guide to custom, simple phrases and ettiquette when travelling abroad. The Life of a Child Prisoner5656 Learn first hand what its like to live the life of a child prisioner. Sports on the Go 6060 A look at some of the worlds most popular international sports. World Music 6262A look at the artists and musical genres the world has to offer. Open your mind 6464and mouth Think you have an adventurous stomach? Give these exotic dishes a try. Remembering Your Trip 6565The special ways people choose to commemorate their travels.
  • 6. { 6 : zest : travel issue Managing Editors Rodrigo Cokting Camille Llosa Editors Vera Abdel Malek Kate Bondy Ryan Burgess Art Directors Kassidy Duncan Ahmad Issawi Maria Kulesza Copy Editors Jordan Brown Lucas Casaletto Jess Chebly Maya Chehade Kayla Dorricott Kelsey Dunlop Emily Leach Page Layout Liz Bevan Jordon Childs Tessa Fera Community Editor Adam Glen Rabia Khan Emma Jorgensen Web Editor Marie Adoranti Alexa Buendia-Pereira Sam Dotson Marketing Angie Cheung
  • 7. travel issue : zest : 7 } From the Editors When it comes to travel, there are many things that can make and break your trip. But to fully submit yourself to your vacation, will make you fall in love with the world. Opening your eyes to the full experience of travel can be one of the most rewarding life experi- ences. By doing so, you’re letting yourself see the world for what it is. Whether it’s taking a road trip around your own city, or seeing the beauty in a foreign country, there are adventures waiting for you. As amazing as these journeys will be, and trust me, they will be breath taking, try not to see it only through your eyes, but those around you as well. Even though there is beauty in the world, there is also pain. So while you’re experiencing the earth for all its worth, why not make of goal of helping someone in every place you visit. Not only will it make that persons life just a little better, but it will make the stories of your travel that much more rewarding. In this issue, we explore the issues from all over the planet. From child prisoners in Uganda, to the dangers of travel, this issue will inform you of troubles around the globe. We also take a look at the lighter side of travel, like world music, and the most haunted places to visit. So take a gander though our experiences here at Zest, and perhaps it will inspire you to take an adventure of your own. To create memories that will last a lifetime. To share with others a journey that will not be forgotten. Get out into the world and taste their food, dress in their clothes, speak their languages. Their outlook on the world has been formed by 100, 000 years of culture. Don’t let anything stop you. The time is now, so embrace it. Explore your community. Get to know your country. Ex- perience the rest of the world. Your time in this world is limited. It is up to you to make the best of it. Travel.
  • 8. { 8 : zest : travel issue
  • 10. Road Trip Diary Living the student lifestyle is often difficult to do, even on a bud- get. We set off to prove that it is possible to have adventures at a low-cost. So we thought, what better place to begin this journey than in our backyards. Along the way, not only did we discover more about ourselves, but also about the places around us. We began our adventure in Hamilton and ended with sore feet and full stomachs in Toronto. Brace yourselves, because we are about to prove that having fun on a budget is more than possible.
  • 11. travel issue : zest : 11 } Day 1 Day One: Woke up with the spring sweats this morning, and we knew it was time for a homemade breakfast. The sun in- vited us outside, as we headed down the mountain in Hamilton to the Harbour Diner on James Street North. Not knowing what to expect, we walked into the door like “does in headlights”. Clearly home to the usual crowd, we felt a little out of the place not knowing the everyday customs of this homey, vintage diner. The unsettling feelings soon disappeared when greeted by our friendly waitress, Jeanette, who immediately offered to help out with our article. What a sweet heart. While we looked over the menu full of home-style breakfast foods, Jeanette brought us Where to Eat in Canada, by Anne Hardy. “By far the best buy in Hamilton,” a creased page in the book read of the Harbour Diner. The vintage wallpaper and mismatched chairs brought an eclectic feel to this small diner. A quaint environment made our 7$ meal of toast, eggs, and home fries all the more enjoy- able. It was like being in a scene from a classic fifties film. After leaving satisfied and content from the Diner, we decided to head down Hamilton’s well-known Locke Street, where we stopped at the Vintage Garden Tea Room. Disguised as one of the many homes on Locke Street, it’s easy to see why most people would drive right by this unique place. Inside sets the scene for a real-life tea party. We were seated by the Mad Hatter, just kidding; it was just your average waiter. Sitting down at the old oak tables, it was hard to ignore the obvious Alice in Wonderland jokes. China teacups and saucers were placed in front of us as we awaited the tealeaf reader. We weren’t allowed to take photos inside, so in the meantime we occupied ourselves by eating homemade croissants. Messy buggers. Eventually the reader got to our table and in a few minutes our leafs had been read. Turns out, I’m moving to Eu- rope and Julie will be married in a year. Congratulations should be in order. As we left the tearoom, our eyes locked on the Locke Street Bakery & Bagel across the street. Captivated by the wall of 16 different types of homemade bagels, it was hard to notice that anyone else was even around us let alone wipe the drool from our faces. Carb heaven. Dragging ourselves away from the wall, we walked towards the counter to order a cup of hot chocolate to warm ourselves. That’s when we were told that the storeowner, Peter Giorgini, was right behind us. He informed us that the bakery was family run and originally opened in 1996. He was a really down to earth guy and more than happy to answer our questions. While walking down the street, less than a block away, we came across Sweetness Bakery. Since Julie is a cupcake connoisseur, we had to go in. After ten minutes of be- ing in awe, we settled for a cotton candy cupcake, rich in blue f food colouring and sprinkles. We had to share the mammoth treat, as it was too sweet for one set of taste buds. Since neither of us can afford the luxury of castle real estate, we decided it’d be fun to live vicariously through the ghosts of Dundurn Castle. Despite being discovered in the 19th century, it was still in pretty good shape with 40 luxurious rooms over three floors. With a regal design, it was hard to not feel like royalty. During the War of 1812 a British Army es- tablished a military post at the castle grounds. Dundurn even- tually became the home of Sir Allan Napier MacNab, one of Canada’s first premiers. After walking through 40 rooms, we were hungry again. What better way to satisfy this hunger than with a giant 12-inch hot dog? Easterbrook’s, here were come. The worn down diner has been around since 1930. The etched in names on the booths and aged business cards pinned on the walls reminds us that it is still very much full of life and history. Inside, one sign read “WARNING: Our shakes are made with real ice cream NOT cheap iced milk goop!!” Challenge accepted. Each of us ordered one of these so-called best milkshakes ever. They were right. In the words of Charlie Sheen, winning. Nothing like feeling bloated and getting spooked. To the Hermitage we go. After being led to the outskirts of Hamil- ton by our outdated GPS, where the only thing living is a cow and a bird, we found ourselves at a burnt down mansion in the woods. Said to hold spirits of the Leith family, who once lived at the property in 1855. The mansion caught fire in 1934 and ever since there have been reports and rumors of murders, satanic rituals around the house, hearing footsteps following them, whispers, and glowing corpses. Just standing in the mansions ruins you can feel the history and romantic tragedy it once held. The nightlife in Hamilton turned out to be no bore ei- ther. In the heart of downtown Hamilton on John Street South, we found The London Tap House. Much to our surprise and dismay after a day full of eating, the Tap House is set with cas- es and cases of stairs. Which only turns out to be a problem if you’re wearing four-inch heels and a mini dress. Oh the life of a girl. Playing the Top 40 and filled with a young crowd, it wasn’t hard to make friends in this trendy atmosphere. The highlight of Tap House is their rooftop balcony, which acts as a great escape from the hot dance floor downstairs. If the nightlife isn’t your scene, The London Tap House also doubles as your av- erage restaurant in the daytime. You better leave a good tip because those poor waiters and waitresses have to lug your meal up those dreaded flights of stairs. Love & other things, Julie and Kelsey.
  • 12. { 12 : zest : travel issue Day 2 Day Two: Waking up a little sore, we took the Lakeshore through Burlington to Oakville, stopping at Gairloch Gardens, a natural escape from the busy downtown core of Oakville. With leading pathways to the lake, the waterfront is surrounded by stonewalls topped with homemade inukshuk’s. The Zen like feel will relax you. The park is landscaped with gazebos, paths, small ponds and beautiful flowers. A fresh start to our day. We headed to Oakville Square to grab coffee at The Green Bean. The dimmed lighting atmosphere sets a calming mood in this unique coffee shop, mimicking that of Central Perk in Friends. With a variety of seating areas, you’d be surprised not to see Phoebe playing Smelly Cat on her guitar. We sat down and enjoyed hot apple cider and chai lattes in glass mugs that were served to us. In case you hadn’t noticed, we haven’t done any shopping yet. Surprisingly. So we decided to head into Fuel, a women’s clothing store full of unique and designer clothing, every girl’s dream. The walls are lined with racks of clothing, which come in new every week. Let’s just say we left with our wallets feeling a little bit lighter. We felt the best way to fit into our new clothes was to go buy six cookies from the Black Forest Bakery right next door. How convenient. The bakery is the last of a long tradition of family owned bakeries and have been in business for over 20 years. The owner, John Ziemba, is a graduate of George Brown College who apprenticed under a European Pastry Chef, making us extra confident in these baked delicacies. Ultimately leaving with our pants a little bit snugger. In an attempt to work off the ten pounds we’ve already gained from this road trip, we took the car to Waterdown prepared to hike up Smokey Hollow Falls, a five-meter wide and ten-meter tall historic waterfall. We headed down a path that at first only seemed footsteps long, which quickly turned into a twenty-minute hike into the depths of the forest, even- tually leading us to the bottom of the waterfall. Need- less to say, once we reached the end, we collapsed before the exciting trek back up. After working up an appetite, we lugged our bodies back to the heart of downtown Oakville and stumbled into Stoneys. A rustic café bistro that serves sandwiches rich in flavor and ingredients, from goat cheese to caramelized onions. It was made much like a piece of art is, with care and dedication, and delivered right to our seats. Let us tell you, this sandwich can put a Subway sandwich artist to shame. Many people misjudge the nightlife in Oakville; we were even told it was non-existent. Alas, we have proven them wrong. We were invited to go down a creepy staircase into an unknown building called Less Than Level. This small but surprisingly packed bar offers a good vibe for a young crowd, with good bands and live music. Lucky for us, Saturday meant karaoke. However, this is unlucky for those who witnessed it. After embarrassing ourselves on a stage in front of our peers, we looked for comfort in the full menu of deep fried food and drinks. On other nights Less Than Level features darts and pool. We took our turns at each, and after failing miserably we decided it was time to go home. Love & other things, Julie and Kelsey.
  • 13. travel issue : zest : 13 } Day Three: We drove to Toronto from Oakville and got on the streetcar on the corner of Yonge and Dundas. While on the streetcar we met friendly strangers John and Jane Doe. Distracted by his obstructively large tuba case, we started a conversation. When they found out what we were doing they sug- gested that we head East on College to Croft Street. Even though he described it as a sketchy alleyway, being the adventurers we are, we decided to check it out. When we got there we were surprisingly mistaken by our first impressions. Instead of it being the typical dark and mysterious lane, one side was covered in old style apartments with garages; the other side glowed in the colour of original and tasteful graffiti. We turned around and headed south on Spadina until we hit the small village of Kensington Market. We first stopped at a shop called Chocolate Addict, for obvious reasons, we are addicted to chocolate. How fitting. Inside was every PMSing girls dream. Walls and walls were covered in all different types of chocolate from floor to ceiling. Chocolate drizzled chips, choco- late letters, and even chocolate scorpions (in case you were wondering, because we were, it’s a good source of protein) were just some of the original treats you could choose from. After we left on a sugar high, we noticed a legitimate hole in the wall. This small café was hidden behind an aged blue door, chipped paint and clattered posters disguised what turned out to be one of the best in Toronto, as declared by its people. The menu consists of a small list of your average café drinks, coffee, hot chocolate, and lattés. This hole in the wall turned out to be a diamond in the rough. Next stop was the vintage clothing shops of Kensing- ton Market. Home to hipsters and artsy folk alike, this store did not disappoint to fulfill our vintage hopes and dreams. Flashback is an affordable vintage shop where everything you touch is beautiful and a preserved piece from another era. The only trouble you’ll have is finding your dress size in this small shop, which even smells vintage. All types of purses, shoes, coats and jewelry pour out onto the floors from the walls. After we were done oohing and awing over our trip back to seventies, we stopped into another clothing store called Useto. The long and narrow store featured anyone from Britney Spears to Karl Lager- feld on their homemade comfortable and affordable soft-cotton t-shirts. Unable to resist the comfort of a t-shirt, we gave in and each purchased our own to brag about in the near future. We left the market very pleased with what we had seen, but apparently our stomachs were craving more. We stopped at Lettieri Café on the corner of Queen and Spadina. This 12 year old espresso bar features a menu of European style coffees and fresh baked goods that make you feel as if you’re right on the streets of Paris. Inside felt homey and casual with glass shelves showcasing their menu items. After seeing that bagel and croissant through the clear glass, it was love at first sight. Our stomachs agreed and we left feeling satisfied enough to make our trip to the St. Lawrence Market on Front Street East. Before we even began our adventure to Toronto, we were advised to make “The Cheese Man” in St. Lawrence Market one of our stops. Formally known as Alex Farm Products: The Adventure in Cheese, this hut offers the largest selection of cheese from around the world. Owner, Alex Stoutzas, runs a friendly and polite staff that were more than happy to help us choose from the variety of exotic cheese and olives we were presented with. Though Julie may be a cupcake connoisseur, neither of us is familiar with the wide world of cheese. Of course, we were confused. But not to worry, the staff was there to help our lost souls. It’s no surprise that Alex Farm Products has been in the same location of the market for 25 years, $40 worth of cheese later, next time we know exactly where to go. Since we had cheese on the brain, pizza seemed like the next logical destination. How convenient that St. Lawrence Pizza and Ice Cream was right around the corner. Aziz Hosseini is owner of this pasta bar that specializes in homemade pasta, pizza, pesto and sauces. The sit down bar offered us a great view of the amazing food being made. We couldn’t just tease ourselves, so Kelsey ordered a fresh piece of cheese pizza and Julie satisfied her sweet tooth with an ice cream cone. Both were good enough to go back again in a disguise so nobody would recognize our second trip in one day. However, this was made possible by the free samples that we swiped upon our exit. Thank you Mr. Hosseini, you make us wish we were Italian. Love & other things, Julie and Kelsey. And so our three-day weekend of adventures comes to an end. We’re a little bit fatter, a little bit poorer (emphasis on little bit) and a whole lot wiser. Love & other things, Julie and Kelsey. Day 3 chipped out to doo tototototototototootoootooo bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dididididididdiiidiiididididididididdidididdidddiddddidiiiddididdddiddddiddiddddddididdddddd amamaaaaaaaaamamaammmamamamamammmmmmmmmaaaaaaaamammmmmmmmmmaaammamammmmmmaaammammmmmmmaaaaaammmmmmaaaaammmmaaammaaammmmaaaammammmmmmmaammmmmmammmmmmammmmmmmmmmammmmammmmaaammmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmooooooooooooononnnnnnnnoooonnooononnooooonononnnnnnoonoooonoonoonnnooooooooonooooooononnnnoo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ininnininninnninnnnnnn tttttttttttheheheheheeeehehheeeeheehhhheheeeeheeeheheheheheheheheheheheheeeehheehh rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrououououoooooooououuuuuoooouuuoooooououuuuouuuooouuoouuo ghghghghghghghghghghhhhhhghghghghghhghhghghghhhghghhhhhhgghhhhhghghghhghhghh......... door, chipped out t enture in Chee e from around the world. 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While on the streetcar we met friendly strangers John and Jane Doe. Dist g- eing red in owed in t south on Market. W for obvio ing. Insid dream. Walls and walls were cover chocolate from floor to ceiling. 3 ate letters, and even choc ndering, because w ome of the o Aft The A of c wwww Mar , olite staff that were more than happy to help us e and olives we were , t help us pre ne w o in c a fri cho pre ddddddddddddddddddd wiwiwiwiwwiwiwiwiwwiwiwiwwwiwiwiwiwww thththththththththththththththththhhththhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhthhhthhhh............ 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  • 14. { 14 : zest : travel issue A trip to
  • 15. travel issue : zest : 15 }ttrtrtrtrtrtravavavavavav lelelelelelel iiiiiiissssssssssssueueueueueue ::::: zz The next time you’re in Toronto on a shopping excursion, heading to a Jay’s game, or sight-seeing with friends from out of town, be sure to stop at The 3 Brewers Micro Brewery, at Yonge and Dundas. Right across the street from the Eaton Center, The 3 Brewers is a perfect place to sit and sip back a few beers and re-fuel yourself with some delicious pub food, in a cozy atmosphere. What makes this place unique from Jack Astor’s down the street, or Casey’s around the corner is the fact that they brew their very own beer, right in the restaurant. Though their selection of five beers isn’t extensive, what they lack in variety is surely made up for in quality and taste. The White is perfect for those who like a refreshing light bodied beer with a slight citrus taste, while the Blonde is for those who enjoy their beer light and fruity. The Amber is a medium body with the high- est alcohol content, and has a delicate, earthy taste, while the darkest of the beer; the Brown has a hint of caramel, chocolate, and coffee flavours and is a full-bodied brew. And last but not least, the Special Brew, which is a new concoction that the brewer will think up on site. The beer goes through a four-step process, after which it is held in a holding tank underneath the restaurant. There are five different holding tanks, one for each flavour of beer, and each has two hoses attached to them, which are directly connected to the taps upstairs. Talk about fresh! Alongside regular beer, The 3 Brewers also offers something differ- ent than other pubs with their unique beer cocktails. These cocktails range from the simple Panache (Blonde beer with Sprite), to the girly White Peach (White beer with peach schnapps), and the rich tasting Brit (Brown beer with Jamieson whiskey). As for food to wash all that beer down with, the restaurant offers hearty servings of good old-fashioned pub food, though some items do jump off the menu. Appetizers are classics: nachos, garlic bread, chicken wings… and then there’s the Star Platter: potato skins, mozzarella sticks, and spicy onion scoops. These appetizers could be shared amongst three to four people.-Salads, burgers, sauerkraut, sandwiches, steak, and chicken fill most of the menu, while the homemade fammekueche, an extremely thin crust pizza, offers an extensive variety of toppings to choose from. The 3 Brewers is a matchless alternative to other pubs in the area, and offers quite a different experience to all those who visit it. Get a look behind closed doors at one of Toronto’s best micro-breweries Photos & story by Marie Adoranti The Three Brewers
  • 16. { 16 : zest : travel issue Tour and Taste atTour and Taste at Vineland EstatesVineland Estates Story and Photos by Kayla-Jane Barrie and Elizabeth Bevan
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  • 18. { 18 : zest : travel issue Rows and rows of grape vines filled the hills outside Vineland Estates. It wasn’t until we drove over the hill where we saw the gorgeous home to the winery. Built with beautiful stones from Owen Sound, Ontario. Despite the hazy weather, the vineyard wasn’t only breathtaking from the outside, and full of friendly service and delicious wine. The hospitality at Vineland Estates was evident when we arrived and were given free reign of the grounds to take as many pictures as we wanted. Located on Moyer Rd, Niagara, there was many patios and decks with fabu- lous views of the grape vines for acres in every direction. Our tour guide, Jane Putnickovich, met us in the main lobby before the tour. The store was filled with bottles upon bottles of wine and wine glasses in every size and size you could imagine. “We offer 15 different types of wine. It is like a stepladder; there’s something for every- one. There’s our cheaper wines that lead people in and wines you can splurge on for that special occasion.” Jane first took us on a walk through the cellar. It was full of oak barrels containing their many different red wines and some varieties of white. The barrels are hand-selected by the winemaker from specific regions in France, and they last a short period of time. “Barrels tend to lose flavour after five years but nothing is really thrown away. Barrels can be sold off, to restau- rants to make balsamic vinaigrette barrels and even cre- ate pieces like candleholders. The skins are compostable; we try to be as environmentally friendly as possible. ” Even the wine racks in the cellar are environmentally friendly. The racks are made from recyclable materials and make for a light and durable crate. The amount of time a wine is oaked in a barrel depends on the variety. Reserves, a more expensive wine can be barreled for up to 36 months, causing the price to go up and forming a different flavour. The longer the wine is in the oak barrels, the longer flavours have to combine. Each barrel adds certain smokiness to the wine varying from mild, medium to heavy. Before the oaking of the wine occurs, the grapes need to be grown. There is a lot of precision that goes into grape growing. Certain grapes need to be planted facing east so that they get the maximum sun. Others are planted in rows facing north or south to limit their sun exposure. The grape vines need a specific amount of water to grow to an ideal size and it takes up to four years. “You just want to get the vine’s feet wet,” said Jane. The gardeners add clovers and other plants in between rows to suck up the excess water. The tour took us to the bottling line where bottles are sterilized, filled, corked, and labeled. The bottling staff can bottle an average of 18 skids of wine a day. That holds over 12,000 bottles of wine. Our next, and final stop on the tour were the rooms where the vats of wine that isn’t being
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  • 20. { 20 : zest : travel issue oaked is stored. The first wine we got to taste was a semi-dry, entry-level 2008 Riesling perfect for a hot summer day on a patio deck. It’s an easy sipper, and it isn’t even oaked very long due its natural flavours. The colour is a clear, clean, yellow and the flavours are astonishing. This chardonnay smells and tastes very sweet at first, with flavours such as lemon grass and grapefruit. The wine leaves you with a pucker; the back of my mouth was actually tweaking from the com- bination of tastes, it was unexpected and simply extraordinary. Our second taste was a 2009, un-oaked, Chardonnay that won the Gold Medal Award. The bottle is sold for $12.75 and the price says nothing about this wine. It is a dry wine, and sweetness if followed by hints of pear and apples. This is a fantastically tasty wine that is also a summer sipper that can be paired with many cheeses due to its apple hints. Thirdly, we experienced a 2007 Merlot. In 2007 it was another great year for red wines due to humidity and dry climates. High sugar levels add to the depth of a wine and Canadian red wines should not be compared to Australian or other foreign wines due to the fact we only have warm weather once, not all year around like them. You know that little reaction where you cheeks get all blushed and your head begins to heavy? Wines that are high in tannins cause that. This red wine is low in tannins, making it an easy drinking wine for beginners. Lastly, we got to taste rhubarb pie in liq- uid form. This wine is sweet enough to be finisher type of wine. A little bit is packed with pure strawberry and blueberry hints and even a hint of rhubarb to finish it off. The tartness lasts on your tongue and the bitter ending packs a punch, almost like the first time I ate sour skittles, fruity and sour. And not to mention is smells like fresh jam. Aroma is key with any good wine, and twirling your glass before you sip and en- joy it’s flavours is a great tip. Take it from experts; don’t serve your wine at room tem- perature. ‘Cellar temperature’ (13-15 C) is the perfect way to serve all white and red wines, its not too cold and not to warm. Red wine flavours can be masked if the wine is too warm. “We have a goal in mind; equality for the people. Great choice, great wine, great price. There is no such thing as low end wine, every wine is full of depth and flavour.”
  • 21. travel issue : zest : 21
  • 22. { 22 : zest : travel issue AHitchHiker’s Guide Jordan Kells takes a trip across Canada and tells you how to survive and still have the time if your life. Story by:Jordan Kells When you think of travel you picture yourself on vacation. Days spent in a hammock on the beach, palm trees swaying in the breeze and a fruity drink in your hand. Now, picture yourself with your backpack and a cardboard sign in your hands. You’re on the road waiting to begin a journey far more exotic that that of an all-inclusive stay at a four-star resort on the coast of a tropical island. Jordan Kells, a 20-year-old hitchhiker has been backpacking across Canada since 2009. He had no idea what he was doing when he packed his bags and stuck out his thumb. He just knew that he was going somewhere for an unknown reason. His only thoughts were, “am I actually doing this, like am I leaving everything behind?” After taking a bus down to Toronto from Shel- burne, Ont., Kells stayed in a shelter for the night. When he awoke in the morning, he was robbed at knifepoint for the $400 he had saved for his trip. He was now flat broke. After getting over this traumatic experience, Kells started walking east. Once making it to Scar- borough he was picked up by “an old hippie dude” who took him to Bowmansville, ON. Kells’ second experience with living on the go was when he stayed with a family in Brockville, Ont. “I lived with a man and his broken family for a couple days,” he said. “He had seen my guitar and asked if I played. I told him I had a couple broken frets and he immediately told me of his son who could fix it up for me. After I was invited for dinner, the man and his family invited me to stay for a couple days.” Kells mentioned that this was probably the most kindness from a stranger that he encountered on his travels. As Kells made stops along his route out east, he earned back the money he lost by distributing flyers around small towns. For eight cents a flyer, Kells slowly but surely made enough money to feed himself when he needed to for the rest of his trip. “You eat when you want and you smoke when you want,” he said. “You make due with what you have.” As Kells made stops along his route out east, he earned back the money he lost by distributing flyers around small towns. For eight cents a flyer, Kells slowly but surely made enough money to feed himself when he needed to for the rest of his trip. “You eat when you want and you smoke when you want,” he said. “You make due with what you have.” For Kells, this way of traveling is a way of life. “I just want to get back on the road now,” Kells said multiple times as he spoke of his travels. He loves meeting new people, learning the ways of the road and supporting his lifestyles as he is on the road. “Hitch hiking forces you to meet new people, which I now love,” he said. “It teaches you to survive with a minimum amount of stuff and tests your patience. You definitely learn patience.” On the road Kells developed skills for mak- ing money when jobs were difficult or impossible to find. Busking, a form of entertainment on the streets, consists of those who need to make a quick buck. “It’s a great way to make money,” said Kells. People play guitar, juggle, sing, dance and clown around. For Kells, contact juggling is his specialty. “Over the past six months I have been practicing a form of juggling in which one balances a translu- cent ball to trick the viewer into believing it is mov- ing on its own,” he said. “It is quite hypnotizing, and brings in a significant amount of money on a good day. You really learn your own limits. You just have to know when you can’t let yourself cross them.” Kells not only has plans to continue traveling across Canada, he hopes to travel to other places in the world. “I plan to go to Central America in the next couple years,” says Kells, “I am currently sav- ing money for the trip. I also want to make my way to Peru, Nicaragua, Brazil, Chili and Columbia.” Kells also plans to continue his education in the film industry. “I decided to get a real world expe- rience before I dove into something like film,” he said. “The great thing about hitchhiking is all the people you get to know, and I hope to film about the discoveries of those on you meet on the road.”
  • 23. travel issue : zest : 23 }
  • 24. { 24 : zest : travel issue The soundtrack to your next road trip is almost as im- portant as making sure you have enough socks and underwear to last the trip. It’s what inspires you to get to not only to get to your destination but also enjoy your trip before your arrival. There are so many factors you need to take into consideration for an appropriate playlist. You almost need to make sure you have all of your bases cov- ered for whatever you encounter. Different genres inspire different feelings and emo- tions. It’s not a one size fits all scenario. Music can be very personal. “Whatever turns you on is what ap- plies to you in your car on a road trip,” explained the syndicated Legends of Classic Rock host and music enthusiast Jeff Woods. Woods relies on the rock of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s for his playlist because the music had so much rhythm, punching guitar riffs and it appealed to almost everyone, “You talk to kids in grade 1 or 2, they go back to Floyd from the early 70s, Hendrix, Zeppelin.” Over the years there are songs that stick out in your memory from times you were in the car driving on a road trip, on a date or learning how to drive. It could also be just a good time you had. Those tend to be the songs that can be the most enjoyable on the road. “If you combine great riffs with great vocals and lyrics that you can sing along to and that happens to trigger some kind of memory, you’ve got it all,” said Woods. There are a lot of songs written about cars and driving therefore necessary for any road trip playlist. Mix it up a little. Things can get a little redundant if song after song is some muscle car fanatic of a rock star going on about driving his car down highway 666 looking for adventure. Sneak a couple lyric-less songs in the mix for your sanity. Mellow music is essential for a night drive or a rainy day but be sure not to choose anything too mellow for a night drive. Nothing ruins the road trip experi- ence like falling asleep at the wheel. Unless you’re stressed out by traffic it’s a good idea to keep the Vivaldi on the shelf. Lyrics are necessary at that point. If everyone else is asleep in the car it’s almost like having someone talking to you. But remember, if your eyelids are becoming heavier with each song stop for a rest or change drivers. Don’t rely on music and Red Bull. Just like having a spare tire, it’s good to have some spare tunes. Don’t resort only on your playlist. You may run into a situation where you need an emergen- cy music change, “Have a good collection of music in the car so you can create the mood you need for that moment,” said host of The Ongoing History of New Music and self proclaimed “music geek” Alan Cross. “Sometimes the best music for enhancing the mood is some sort of far away AM radio station, preferably playing some goofy bible music.” Sometimes there’s nothing better than putting yourself at the mercy of the local radio. It adds an element of surprise to your music. Even if you don’t know the song it could be just the thing to keep your spirits high. At the end of the day what you like is what you like. Take your surroundings, mood, weather, people, time, favorite memories and your music taste into consideration. But just for fun here’s an ultimate play- list I devised with the help of Alan Cross, Jeff Woods, blues musician and Jazz FM radio host Danny Marks and Boom 97.3 personality Maie Pauts. They each gave me their top road songs and I’ve added a few of my own. Z Tunes forthe RoadTo the left field and sky, to the right your faithful copilot, behind you doesn’t matter and in front of you the open road and nothing but time. The pedal gently lowers itself to the floor as the knob of your stereo simultaneously turns itself to the maximum setting. The song burns a hole inside you and you’re alive. I’m talking about road trip music. Story by Chad Brown
  • 25. travel issue : zest : 25 } In no particular order: Mumford and Sons – The Cave The Beatles – Get Back Queen – I’m In Love With My Car Bob Segar – Night Moves Jackson Browne – Running on Empty Lynyrd Skynyrd – That Smell Slightly Stoopid – Circle House Blues Tom Petty – Won’t Back Down Steppenwolf – Born To Be Wild Deep Purple – Highway Star Golden Earring – Radar Love Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers – Roadrunner Nelson Riddle and the Orchestra – Route 66 Theme Canned Heat – On The Road Again Willie Nelson – On The Road Again Hank Snow – I’ve Been Everywhere The Black Keys – She’s Long Gone Canned Heat – Up The Country Eve 6 – Open Road Song Tunes to Try
  • 26. { 26 : zest : travel issue Sights, sounds, foods, entertainment – no mat- ter what the reason, people often travel to expe- rience the differences in these cultural aspects. Whether it’s the sprawling cities of China or the scenic views of Italy, there’s nothing quite like stepping off the plane into a whole new world…. at least, almost nothing. Though there are many advantages to travel, expenses of time and money often make such trips few and far between. Luckily, Toronto, being well known as Canada’s unique and well-known cultural metropolis, features many areas which re- flect that of their exotic counterparts. While it’s not the same as making the actual trip, it’s possible to experience a different culture closer to home. Toronto’s Ethnic Centres ...From Chinatown to Little Italy Angie Cheung Chinatown Halfway across the globe with vast differences in language, food and government, China is one of the most contrasting and farthest countries one can visit. Its better known features include the Great Wall of China, the Temple of Heaven, and the Terra-cotta Army. The 2008 Olympic Games were held in Beijing, China, effec- tively boosting its tourism and exposing its many new and unique aspects. However, those wishing to experience them have to con- tend with the high expenses of travelling, language barriers and time differences. Though there are a handful of Chinatowns in Toronto (about five), the largest and most well known is the one downtown, near Spadina and Dunda St. West. Though there are no mountains or temples, there’s much in terms of the country’s food and wares in this area. Many Chinese immigrants from the early 1900’s settled in To- ronto in the original Chinatown near Queen Street West and Bay Street, but it has since then cleared out and relocated to where it is today. One of its best features is its market, which is busy at all hours of the day and night. Fruits such as persimmons and lychee, and meats such as roast duck and squid and a vast array of jewelry, clothing, ceramics and other wares can be found. Restaurants provide authentic foods such as Dim Sum and noo- dles, which can be hard to find elsewhere. Many of these places sell at affordable prices. Chinatown also features some theatres and book and movie stores. Events that can’t be missed include the Chinese Boat Festival and Chinese New Year. With unique Dragon Boats powered by over a dozen rowers, the boat festival is held every June and at- tracts hundreds of spectators. Chinese New Year is held in late January and early February, and features the Dragon Dance Pa- rade along with the festive food. A busker in Chinatown playing an erhu, a traditional Chinese two-stringed fiddle. Photo by Angie Cheung.
  • 27. travel issue : zest : 27 } Little Italy Near College Street and Euclid Avenue, Little Italy is Toronto’s little slice of Europe. Known for its beautiful countryside and vineyards, Italy is a popular destination. Its well-known attrac- tions are the Leaning Tower of Piza, the Grand Canal of Venice and Rome’s Sistine Basillica and Sistine Chapel. Italian immigrants settled around College Street West and Grace Street since 1900, and opened their businesses in the area. Since then, many of the im- migrants and original owners have moved to St. Clair West and other areas, but their shops and restaurants remain. The best-known characteristics are its small and hip cafes, which serve interesting foods and drinks. Simi- larly, Little Italy holds many great restaurants —the best of which are by no means cheap.Shops with souvenirs and clothing populate the street, and the area is as alive at night as it is during the day. Things not to miss are the Taste of Little Italy Festi- val, Café Diplomatico and Red Pegasus. The festival is a good opportunity to sample the many foods and beverages, as it serves up promotional and sample cuisines. There is also live music and bustling patios and balconies. Indian Bazaar Known for its spices and unique music, India is the proud host of the Taj Mahal, Golden Temple and Hima- layan Desert. India boasts beautiful architecture and landscapes, as well as exotic flora and fauna. Made popular from media such as movies like Slumdog Millionaire and the ever popular and exciting Bollywood, India is a must- see. Located near Gerrard Street, the Indian Bazaar is a small district with a distinct Eastern flavour. Also known as Little India, it is the largest South Asian mar- ket in North America. Its restaurants are one of its more popular aspects, serving good and diverse foods. The shops offer dif- ferent clothes, handicrafts and jewelry, a lot of which are imported. Video stores, grocery stores and fashion boutiques are also present, and clothiers and jewelers that often cater to Indian weddings, which are an experience in themselves. The Indian Bazaar hosts the Festival of South Asia every year. Held during the summer, the whole street closes for three days while the country is celebrated in the form of dancing, music and food. Greektown Nestled on Danforth Avenue is Greektown, popu- lated by Toronto’s Greek Canadian community. Similar to the other districts, its main attractions lie in its smat- tering of ethnic shops and restaurants. Foods available include gyros, souvlaki, Greek pas- tries and flaming saganaki. “The Music Hall”, a per- forming arts venue that’s been around for 90 years, adds to some of the culture found in the area. Greektown hosts “Taste of the Danforth”, an annual street festival that’s held each year in August. Cele- brating all things Greek, the event attracts over one million visitors every year. Along with the many districts, Toronto is alive with worldly influences with its many events and markets that bring together different cultures. With a vast ar- ray to choose from, the smells, sights and sounds of another country might be just minutes away. An average block in Chinatown near Spadina and College Streets in Toronto. Photo by Angie Cheung
  • 28. { 28 : zest : travel issue Budget Runs Story and Photography by Sasha Horton One of the best ways to throw together a quick getaway is to plan a road trip. Nothing compares to the thrill of driving down the open road with no cares. But nowa- days, gas prices are making the spontaneity of a road trip seem almost obsolete and leav- ing many pockets empty. Don’t give up hope! Just follow these simple tips on how to take a road trip on a budget.
  • 29. travel issue : zest : 29 } Save money easily by finding inexpensive activities to do in the cities or countries that you visit, find cheap camp grounds or motels, find the cheapest gas available, share the financial burden with the people you are travelling with and bring food with you. “All we did was look at the route we wanted to take and estimated how much money to bring,” said Holly Cotton, a Burlington woman who went on her first road trip last summer with her husband Shaun Cotton. “We brought a little extra though, just to be on the safe side.” Food and lodging are peoples main concerns while travelling. Running through McDonald’s everyday may seem easier, however, it racks up the road trip food bucks and can get boring to boot. You can save time and money by packing a cooler. Partially fill your cooler with frozen bottles of water and ice cubes and then add well-wrapped sandwiches, cheese sticks, apples, grapes, yogurt and other quick, filling snacks. As for lodg- ing, you don’t always have the money to get hotel room after hotel room, so the easiest and cheapest places to sleep, would be your car, a camp- site, or even a motel. “It’s awful to sleep in a car,” said Shaun Cotton. “If the tem- perature is right, it’s totally fine. However, if it’s too hot or too cold, it sucks, but it’s cheap. I still preferred the camping though.” A few ways to save gas while driving are as simple as not speeding, it wastes gas and having a ticket can really put a damper on the fun you are supposed to be having. Turning off the AC, easing off the petal well before a stop sign and coast- ing to a stop, while also taking off in a mellow manner helps. And finally, keep your car in tip-top condition. You can easily save money on gas by making sure your oil has been changed, and your tires are full of air. Just taking care of these two items can help you save more money on gas. While finally getting everything sorted out, don’t forget to have some fun on the open road! Having your road trip planned ahead of time will give you the peace of mind you need, to know that you can complete your trip on your budget. Spending mindfully will always save you money over the quick and easy alternatives. So, throw the cooler in the trunk, pop in your favourite CD and follow your map to a safe, fun and inexpensive road trip! “With the experience that we had together, we would definitely do it all over again,” said Holly and Shaun Cotton. Z damper on the fun yo the AC, easing off the ing to a stop, while And fin c y fu hel Wh forge your r peace your trip save you throw the follow your “With th we would Holly and S o do in the cities r motels, find the h the people you , r, a camp- m- t- s. You ure s are s can t, don’t Having you the complete will always atives. So, e CD and trip! together
  • 30.
  • 32. { 32 : zest : travel issue Premarital sex, recreational drugs, thunderstorms, and investigating a strange noise will most definitely get you killed in a horror movie. If you’re interested in experiencing any of those things in a thrilling twist on reality, or maybe you’re just an enormous horror movie fan like myself, you may have wondered, ‘is there a real Camp Crystal Lake?’ or, ‘is that house in Amity really causing deaths?’ This right here may just be right down your alley. A road trip to the Eastern U.S. which will guide you through some of the most notorious locations of your favourite horror flicks, may just be that original idea you and your friends were looking for this summer. Surely it may take some time and planning but you would get to visit the one and only “Camp Blood” or the slightly angry town of Burkittsville. Alright, so in pretty much every case, these are not the real names of these infamous locations, but that’s just the real world. So pack your bags, get your car tuned-up, grab your passport, call your buddies, and select your road trip tracks (check out Mr. Chad Brown’s story for some tips). You’re in for one Hell of a ride. Ahmad Issawi the Highwayto Hell First Stop: 3600 Prospect Street, Georgetown, Washington DC (The Exorcist, 1973) To this day, The Exorcist is considered one of the most terrifying films to ever be created. Now, the front view of the home, depicted in the famous movie poster with the silhouette of the priest viewing into the window was a set built for the film and added to the location for filming purposes only. The steps that the priest and that snobby director were thrown down are actually a part of the home and stand strong today, looking as creepy as they did back in 1973. This house should be your main stop while in Georgetown, but you may also want to swing by another location from the film if you’ve got the time. The Dahlgren Chapel, a part of the Georgetown University, was the living area of Father Karras, the priest who is haunted by the guilt of his dead mother, and saviour to the young, possessed Regan.
  • 33. Eastern America: Possessions & the Haunted The Eastern United States was used often enough for films about haunted houses and demonic possession. Though not only does this side of the country feature the infamous “Amityville Horror,” but it is also the homeland of a boy we’ve all watched grow up, named Jason Voorhees. Now travelling from Canada, there are two ways you can kick off this tour. You could start as far down south as possible and work your way back home, or you could start closer to home and work your way to the end and back. The order of this guide will be as if you’ve begun as far down south as necessary, working your way back home. Burkittsville, Maryland (The Blair Witch Project, 1999) In 1999, a ridiculous amount of both teenagers and adults believed that four teenagers had gone into the woods in Burkittsville hunting for evidence of “small- town legend” the Blair Witch, only to disappear forever, leaving only their footage to be found. Though the myth is completely fictitious, the forested location of the film is likely to make your skin crawl if you’re travelling through it at night. Visitors should keep to themselves while visiting this location, as the residents of Burkittsville are not very pleased with the attention their town received from the film. Seneca Creek state park is the famous woodland known in the film as the ‘Black Hills Forest’ and located approximately 25 miles west of Burkittsville. Unfortunately the 200 year old home featured on the big screen is located in a different park; Patapsco Valley state park. This is where the Griggs House is located. Hope you packed a video camera to document this visit.
  • 34. { 34 : zest : travel issue 11 Sand Pond Road: Camp NoBeBoSco, Hardwick, New Jersey, known on film as Camp Crystal Lake aka Camp Blood (Friday the 13th, 1980) Home of Pamela and Jason Voorhees, ‘Camp Blood’ remains, after 31 years, a place that just looks like Jason will be sneaking up on you the second you’re alone. This location was only used for the first film of the series, unfortunately, since it is quite perfect for the tone of the films. You may also want to visit the small town nearby of Blairstown. This is where you’ll find cafés and diners used in the start of the film. Ignore warnings that there is a “death curse” and have a blast.
  • 35. travel issue : zest : 35 112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, New York (The Amityville Horror) The grand finale of the Eastern U.S. horror tour is the infamous home of the DeFeo family. Though today, residents have lived in the home without incident, on Nov.13, 1974, Ronald “Butch” DeFeo shot and killed his mother, father, two little brothers, and two younger sisters while they lay sleeping in their beds. Not one of the victims were moved from their beds, and it is believed that not one victim had even awoken. Just over a year later, the Lutz family moved into the home. There were claims from a priest that voice told him to “GET OUT!” and the family claimed to witness supernatural phenomenon like angry voices, putrid smells, icy cold drafts in the summer, and violent movements of objects in the house. Be kind as a visitor. It is a nice suburban neighbourhood, and you can’t just be rushing in, wearing full Ghostbuster gear. The Amityville home is a great way to end your horror tour of Eastern United States. This brings our little tour of horror to an end. Hopefully you took a camera with you and got some great shots of you and your buddies. You have now been to the end and back of some of the most famous film locations that the horror genre has to offer.
  • 37. travel issue : zest : 37 } Purpose: A Concert
  • 38. { 38 : zest : travel issue “U ri (We are) Big BANG!” And the best night of my life began in South Korea, as my favorite artist came onto the concert stage. Making it almost a mission to get a ticket for the first night, I had flown half way around the world for the next day’s concert with a seated ticket for their concert. I wholeheartedly appreciated my luck in acquiring a ticket for that evening. “Do you speak English?” I heard someone ask another behind me while in line at Olympic stadium (venue for the con- cert). Immediately my ears perked up, finally a language I understood. “I have an extra ticket,” said the person who had asked the first question. In my desperation, I swiftly turned and told them, “I need a ticket.” By fool’s luck, the other person who was about to buy both tickets let me have one and I was able to escape the ticket line I had been stuck in for over 30 minutes. If you still don’t understand where this story is going, let me say that this is almost like a diary of a fan girl in a foreign country who flew from Canada to South Korea to see a concert of her favorite artist. Big Bang is a five member hip-pop group who has an annual concert every year around this time and I happened to get a ticket by asking my Korean friend in Toronto to buy one online for me. The concert was starting and I was still wondering if this was real life, if I was actually about to see Big Bang in front of me. I spent 21 hours flying here, right? It was all real, right? I was in one of six standing areas of the concert, so I was, if I pushed through enough South Korean teenagers, about five people away from the front stage. But that night I did not bother with pushing to the front because I was still taller than most of the people there and I’d rather enjoy the concert than be pushed back and forth for three hours. I’m 5’10/179cm in case you were wondering how I might be towering over everyone else so easily, and compared to all the young Korean girls there, I was easily one of the tallest in that area. Minus the Korean guy that was about my height who was beside me throughout most of the concert, even when I moved to other parts of the stage when the band members were moving. I did appreciate the company I had during that night, it was nice even though we spoke no words to each other that I almost had a friend, kind of. It was hard for me to believe that somehow, each member looked 20 times better in real life, and they already looked damn good in photos and videos. They oozed this energy like they knew they were hot and their stage presence really blew me away. I knew they would be amazing live, but to say they are incredible performers is an understatement. Through their performances that night, it was obvious that they really love being on stage. They enjoy the feeling of performing, for others, for themselves and that they really loved their fans. As much as they are still considered by many to just be an idol group, their label gives them musical freedom which is probably one of the main reasons why even though they are all young men, they have no qualms about being in a “boy band” because they do their own solo work and make music they love. Many people say that Big Bang is like a group of soloists rolled into one group. There is no better way to describe them. The concert began with a few of their debut songs. Then you notice a member missing, and after the other four leave the stage for a moment, the solo performances begin. Daesung, my favorite member (I don’t even exaggerate when I say I would marry him) had his new solo
  • 39. travel issue : zest : 39 } solo song pre-released at the concert. It was utterly beautiful, even if I am sort of biased. Afterwards came their Japanese singles, which are always a breath of fresh air since they have a different feel than their Korean music. Each year Big Bang parodies a drama that is popular at the time. This year they parodied Secret Garden. I’ve never seen the drama, and there were no subtitles, and my basic Korean couldn’t really do anything for me here, but it was still so funny with its gender bending roles. They came back to the stage with performances from their new al- bum, performing my favorite track off of it, Café, with such intricate stage set up it was wonderful to watch. It took place in an actual café, all of the members having their own story in it. Wonderful, a very upbeat song started playing and the members went into the seated audience. I experienced the most jealousy I have ever felt in my life in this moment, as other fans got to touch them and see them so close. But still, I was happy to just even see them in person. Haru Haru and Lies, their hit songs from a few years back were performed and suddenly they left the stage. Could it be over? Was it really just going to end like that? No. Saranghae (I Love You) in Korean was being chanted among the 14,000 fans inside the stadium. For 10 minutes this continued, fans chanting, waiting for another moment to see them again. I was chanting too, because as satisfied as I was, like the others, I wanted more. The stage in the front where I was began to fold up after about 10 minutes of chanting into the shape of their light stick/symbol, which is a crown. Big Bang then rose from among it I think it might have been Last Farewell that they performed. Seungri and GD were on flying wires for a little while and Daesung, Taeyang and TOP were going to all the different stages. They performed Heaven after and then Always, which is one of my favorite Big Bang songs ever. A moment that made my trip so much more worth it surprised me. I mean how much dumb luck could I possibly have in a single day. Taeyang had been dancing about five people away from me, and although he was wearing sunglasses I felt as if he was looking at me. Smiling and dancing and looking my way. I know, I must sound delusional. But in what seemed like a surreal moment, he threw the towel he had been using to me. I didn’t have to jump in any direction to try and get it. My arm just stretched out in front of me and my fingers closed around it. Holy crap! I thought to myself, DID I JUST CATCH TAEYANG’S TOWEL? DID HE THROW IT DIRECTLY TO ME? I couldn’t even dream of this happening, but somehow it did. I knew being tall had its advantages, kidding.
  • 40. { 40 : zest : travel issue The moment my hand closed around it I felt a tug in every other direction, while other fan girls literally tried to rip this extraor- dinary moment out of my hands. I held on. I don’t think I could let go if I tried. I would be so mad at myself if I did. They finally calmed down and reality began to sink in, I caught Taeyang’s towel, I freaking caught his towel. I had flown 21 hours to a country where I only knew the basics of the language, I got a ticket by chance and he threw his towel to me. Sunset Glow, the last song of the night began playing and my mood had soared even higher. They left while the bloopers from their parody were playing on a screen ahead and fans began to walk out, the night ending. I ended up going all three days of the concert, my luck going strong until Sunday. So instead of the one day I had originally planned to see them, I saw them three days straight. I didn’t catch any more towels, but it was great nonetheless. How often would I be flying to Korea, right? I spent the days after the concert exploring Korea with a few friends that I met online. I tell you the Internet is pretty safe! I even went to Namsan tower, which is like a mini but more colorful and prettier version of our CN Tower and their shopping district alone. That week, almost alone in a foreign country was the best week of my life. When I got on my plane to leave, I cried. I didn’t want to leave. Why would I want to leave such happiness? And so a goal formed: I was going to come back. Whether it be next year to watch the concert again, or to teach English there, I would definitely be going back. The amount of culture exuding from every part I had visited was such a nice change from the almost cultureless Canada. I was going to come back, be happier than I am now, and hope- fully never have to leave. Parting is such sweet sorrow, but we will meet again. Z
  • 41. travel issue : zest : 41 } Japanese friends I made at the hostel 4 Wonderful view from my hostel window4Colorful shrine by Namsan Tower $ Young girl running on the rooftop of a department store Eating a meal on the roof$ $
  • 42. { 42 : zest : travel issue
  • 43. travel issue : zest : 43 } Worldly Fashion Fitting in fashionably around the globe can be a challenge. From east to west, north to south, how locals choose to express themselves through clothing is unique depending on culture and environment. Each destination has its own distinct aesthetic that a visitor can mimic with a few key items. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHHHaHaHaHaHaHaHHHHHHaHaHHHH vavavvvvvvav nanaanaanaannanaaaa MoMoMM dededeedededededel:ll:l:l EEEEEEEEEEEEmimimiiiimimimimimilyllylylylylylylylylyylylyyylylylyyyy DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDawawawawawawawwwwwawawsososososososoosossososososooosos nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn NeNewwwwwwww YoYoYoYoYoY rkrkrkrkrk MoMoMoMoMooModedededededededed l:l:l: AAAAAAAAlllllllll isisonon HHHHararaaaraaaaaaaa pepepepeepeppperrrrrrrrrr StStococockhkhhholollo mm MoModedel:l: SSararahah MMMMMununnnununnnunnnnnnn ToTooooookykykkkkk ooo MoModededededdeedd l:l:l:ll MMMMMMMMeieieieiieikakakkk YYeoeoooo
  • 44. { 44 : zest : travel issue Tokyo LeLeLeLeLeeLeLeLeLeLeLemomomommomomomomomomonnnnnnnnnnnnn yeyeyeyeyyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeellllllllllllllllowowowowowowowowowoww cccccccccccrorororrr pppp jajajajaj ckckcketetett ––– HH&M&M&MM&M $$$$$$$$$$$2929292992229992929.9999999.95555555 BlBlBlBlBlBBlBlBBB acacacacaacacacacacacacaacacaa kkkkkkkkkkkk ememememememmmemmememmmmbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrrbroioioioioiooioioiooo dededededededededededddededeererererereeereereddddddddddddddddd shshshshshshshshhiririririrrttttttt –––––––– AnAAnAnAA ththhthththrororororor popopopopopopopoololollololollol gigigigiiiiieeeeee $1$1$1$1$112020000200200000000.0.000000000000000000 KiKiKKiKiKKKiK ltltlttltttt ––––––––––––– RRRRRRRRRRR.J.J.J.JJJ.J..... McMcMcMcMcMcMcMcMcMcCaCaCaCaCaCaCaCaCCaCaCCaC rtrtrtrtrtrtrthyhyhyyhyhyyyyhyhy $$$$$$35355.9.955 PaPaPaPaPaPaPattttttttttttttttttererererererererreereree nenenenenenenenenenen ddddddd leleelelelellll ggggggggggggggggggggininininniiniinngsgsgsgsgsgsgsggs –– HHHHHHHHH&M&M&M&M&&M&&M $$$$$$121212111212112. ShShShShShShSShSShoeoeooeoeoeoeoeoeoeeoeoeeessssssss –––– MoMoMoMoMoMMMoodeddedededeeeddeed lslssslslsslslslssss ooooooownwnwnwwwww EyEyEyEyEyEyEyEyyyEyeleleleleleleleee asasasasasasssashehehehehehehehehheeh ssssss ––––– FoFoFFoooFoFoF rrrrr EvEvEvEvEvEvEvEvererererrererer AAAAAAAArtrttrttrtrtrtrtrttr isisisisssissississistititittittiititititticcccccccccc LaLaLLaLaLLaLaLaLaLaLaashshshhhshhshshhs esesesesees $$$$$$$$19191919199. PiPiPiPPiPPiiPiinknnknknknknknnkkkn mmmmmmmmmmesesesesesssssseseseesssssssse hhhhhhhhhhhhhh susususususuususuungngngnngnngngngnn lalalalaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssseseseesesssee –––––– AAAAAAAArdrdrdrddrdrddenenenenenenneeeeeeee $6$6$6$6$6$6$6$6$666$ 00000000 ThThThThThThThhThThheeeeeee HaHaHaHaHaaHararrararajujjjujujujukukukkukuku sssssstytytytylele,, nananan memememem dddddd foffofoforrr HaHaHHHaHaHaH rararararajujjujujuukukuukuku sssstatatatatititiitt ononononono ininin TTTTTTTokokokkokoo yoyyooooyy iiissss aaaaa mammamamashshshshshshsh-u-u-u-u-u-u-upppppp ofoffofofofofo ooooooftftftftftfttenenenenenenn ccccccconoonononno trtrttrtrtttrasasasasastitititititingnngngngggg ssssstyttytytyytyleleleleleees.sss.s. HeHeHeeeHererererere,,, yoyoyoyoununngggg pepepepepeopopopppoplelelele mmmakakkakaa eee grgrgreaeaeattt efeefeeffofofortrtrt tttoooo tatatataaakekkekek pepepeeep rsrsrsssonononnnonnalaala eexpxppprererereressssssssssioioooonnnnnn tototot aaaa nnnnnnnneweewweee hhhhigiggggiggh,h,h, mmmmmmmixixixiixxinininininggggggg fafafafafafaf ntntntntnttnnn asaaasasaasy,y, fufuuufunnnnnn anaanananananddddddd plplayayayfufuuuulnlnlnlnlneseeessse s.s.s. FaFaaaFaaashsshshshshioioioiooooioonnnn esesessssesesesesentntntntntiaiaiaiaialslssssssss::::: BiBiBig,g,g bbbbboloololoo dddd anananddddd brbrbbrigigiiiighththt cccolololllououoursrrsrssrsssssss,,, miimimmimimimimmimixxxxxxx anananannnnddddd mammamaaaamamatctcchhhhh papapapapattttttererererernsnnssnssnsssnssnsnsnn ,, neneneononn aaaandndnd jjjjumuummumu boboboo fffffalalala sesese
  • 45. travel issue : zest : 45 }
  • 46. { 46 : zest : travel issue OnOnOOnOnOnOnOnOnOOnOOOOnOOOnOOnOnOOOnOnOnOOnOOOOOOnOnOOOOnOOnOnOOnOOOnOOOOnOnOOnOOOnOOOnOOOnnnnnne-e-e-e-ee-e-e-e-ee-e-eee-e-e-ee pipipipipipipippipipipipipipipipiipipipipipiipppipipipipipipippipppiiipipipip ececececeececececececececeeeceecececececeecececececeececceececcccceeecccecceececceccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee flflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfloroorororrororororrororoo alalalalalalalaalalalala tttttttttrororororororororororooroousuususususususuu erereeerer –––– HHHHHHHHHHH&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&MM&MMMMMMM $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$3939339393939393939393393933393939. BlBlBBBlBlBlBlBBlBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBlBBlBBBlBllBlBBlBlBllBlBlBlllBBlllacacacaacacccacacaccaccccccaccccaccacacccacaaacaacaacacaccacaaackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ststsstststststststttttststststssstststststtsttststtttstststsssttstssstststtssttsstssstsssttrererererererereereererrrereereereeererrereeeereeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeereetctctctctctctctctctccttctccctctctctctcctctcttccctcctctctctccctctctccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boboboobbbbbbb yfyfyfyfyfffy riririririririrririienenenenenenenenennennnnnndddddddddddddddddddd jajajajajajajaaajaajajajj ckcccckckckckckckckckckckckckcketetetetetettetetetttttetetee –––––––– JJJJJJJJJJJJacacacacacacacacacacacaccacacaccoboboboboboboboboboboooboo $$$$$$$$$$$$60606060606060606060600000. BlBlBllllBlllBlBlBlBlBlBlBBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBBlBBlBllBlBBlBBBBlBBlBlBlBllBllBllB acacacacacacacacacacacacccacacaccacacacacacacacacacacacacacacaccacacacaccacacacaccacacaaacaccaacaacaaaacaackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk caccacacacacaccacacacacacaaaaacacacacacaccccacacaacccaaccaaaaccacccccccccacaccaccacacacaaacacaacaappppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ––––––––––––––––– ArArAAArAArArArArArrAAAArArArArrArAArArdededededededdedededededededdededdedeneneneneneneneneneneneneneneneeneen $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 505050505050500505050505050000 EaEEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaaaEaEEaaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEaEEaEaEaaEEaEaEaEEaEEEaEEaEaEaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrininininnninininininninininnnninnnninnnnininininnnnninininiiinnninnnnininnnnnninnninngsgsggsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsggsgsgsgsgsggsggsgsgsgsgsgggsgsgsgssgsssgsgsgssgsggssgsgssgsgssgsssggg ––––––––––––––––––––– MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMModododododododododododododododdoo eleleleleleleleleeleleleleleleleelelsssssssssssssssss owowoowowowowowowowowowowowowoowowowowwo nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Stockholm
  • 47. travel issue : zest : 47 } HoHomeme ttoo ononeee ofof ttthehe wwwororrldldd’s’s’s llarargegeg stst rrreteeettttaiaiaileleelersrsrsrss oooooofffff fafafaststst--- fafashshioion,n, HH&M&M,, StStocockhkhololmmm isisis vvasasast,t, pppiciccccctutututuuttt rerererer sqsqsqsqsqqqueueueueeueuee aaaaaaaandndndnn tytypipicacallllyy cocoolol.. ThThisis sseaeasoson,n, iit’t’t’sss alalallll ababouoououuuuuuuttt memem nsnssnsweweweweweweweararaaaar ininspspirireded ccututss papairireded wwitithh fefeemimimininininenene aaacccccceseesessssssssssssososoriririesesesses,,, ininninininin aaaaaaa momononochchroromamatiticc papaleleetttte.e. FaFashshioionn esessesentntiaialsls:: LoLoososee trtrououseseer,rr, bboyoyoyfrfrfrieieendndndddddddddddddddddddd bbblalalazezezer,r,r, anandd ulultrtra-a-fefemiminininene jjewewelelryry..