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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12th April 2011 marks the 50th
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s spaceflight.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   It was the first time a human being had
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   gone into outer space and thus a huge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   achievement for mankind. A series of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   events are taking place around the UK.
HUMAN                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The following represents a selection,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   with further information available
SPACEFLIGHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                        online at

YURI GAGARIN STATUE FOR LONDON                           BOOKSHOP BARNIE                                         BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE:                                  BRITISH INTERPLANETARY SOCIETY GAGARIN                   WINE AND TALK EVENT ‘THE FIRST MAN IN                     ROYAL OBSERVATORY GREENWICH:
THE MALL, LONDON                                         THE GALLERY, FOYLES BOOKSHOP,                           KINO RUSSIAN FILM                                        LECTURE – 50 YEARS OF HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT –               SPACE… AND THE MAN WHO PUT HIM THERE’                     SATURDAY SPACE EXPLORERS
14 JULY 2011 TO JULY 2012                                CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON                              PIONEERS LONDON                                          KEY TURNING POINTS                                       BY PIERS BIZONY                                           ASTRONOMY CENTRE,
                                                         6:30 FOR DRINKS AND A 6:45 PM START,                    BFI SOUTHBANK, BELVEDERE ROAD,                           BRITISH INTERPLANETARY SOCIETY,                          ROYAL ALBERT HALL, KENSINGTON GORE,                       BLACKHEATH AVE, LONDON, SE10 8XJ
The British Council, in partnership with the             12 APRIL                                                SOUTH BANK, LONDON, SE1 8XT                              27/29 SOUTH LAMBETH ROAD, LONDON, SW8 1SZ                LONDON, SW7 2AP                                           30 APRIL, 28 MAY, 30 JULY,
Russian Space Agency, will install a sculpture of                                                                MAY – OCTOBER 2011                                       12 APRIL 2011 (7PM – 8.30 PM)                            26 JUNE 2011                                              27 AUGUST 2011 (DROP IN SESSIONS
Yuri Gagarin on the Mall on 14 July. The sculpture       Martin Sixsmith on "Russia: A 1,000-year Chronicle      Booking information: tickets can be booked online                                                                                                                           BEGIN AT 2PM, 2.30PM, 3PM, 3.30PM,
will be officially unveiled by Yuri Gagarin’s            of the Wild East". Martin was the BBC Moscow            or call 020 7928 3232                                    Reflecting on the first 50 years of human space          Piers Bizony, the author of the acclaimed first           4PM, 4.30PM)
daughter, Elena, and a number of Russian                 correspondent for almost twenty years and this                                               flight Dr David Baker will discuss critical periods,     biography of Gagarin to appear in English after the
cosmonauts, among them Alexei Leonov, the first          book explores Russia's story: from its foundation to                                                             some of which have not yet appeared in print,            collapse of the Soviet Union, talks about the myth        From finding planets in the night sky to predicting
man to walk in space, and Sergei Krikalev, the           its modern incarnation.                                 BFI Southbank is unveiling its most comprehensive        but which are key to understanding the scientific        and reality of the first cosmonaut in the world.          the phases of the moon, these workshops offer an
current Director of Star City, will attend the                Covering politics, music, literature and art, it   season of Russian cinema yet. This major new six         innovations of the past half century. BIS go             Call 08450 401 5045.                                      introduction to space and astronomy for younger
ceremony. Natalia Koroleva, daughter of Sergei           accompanies the BBC's 50-part Radio 4 series,           month overview, launching in May, will reveal why        behind the scenes to examine the myths that veil                                       visitors. The workshops are drop-in events,
Korolev, Chief Designer of the Soviet space              which marks the 20th anniversary of the                 Soviet cinema first set the world on fire in the         the reality behind key decisions made over the                                                                     providing opportunities to explore aspects of
programme, will also attend, and she and Krikalev        dissolution of the USSR. This special Bookshop          1920s, influenced so many filmmakers and can still       first 50 years of human space flight.                    NIGEL CLARK: ‘GAGARIN’                                    space using simple cardboard kits that children
will both give lectures at the Science Museum            Barnie is held in association with the British          surprise us today. The season will be explored in        Booking information: To book call 020 7735 3160          ORCHESTRAL PERFORMANCES                                   can take away and use at home.
during their visits to London.                           Council as part of the Russia-themed London Book        three parts:                                                                         UK-WIDE                                                   Booking information: call 020 8312 6608 or
     The sculpture comes from the small town of          Fair 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Lubertsy, just outside Moscow, where Gagarin                                                                     Kino: early classic Russian cinema                       INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND                             Composer Nigel Clarke has created three new works
attended vocational school between the ages of           ASTROTALKS : 1                                                                                                   TECHNOLOGY YURI GAGARIN LECTURE -                        to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Manned
15-16. The date has been chosen to coincide with         ONLINE INTERVIEW                                        Kosmos: a journey into Russian and Soviet science        A CELEBRATION OF MANNED SPACE                            Space Flight: ‘Road to the Stars’ , which focuses         SECRET SATELLITES: AISLING O’BEIRN
Gagarin’s visit to London 50 years ago– he had           HTTP://WWW.ASTROTALKUK.ORG                              fiction to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of         FLIGHT - PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE                        on the excitement of those involved, the strength         (ARTIST) AND MARK BAILEY
lunch with the Queen on 14 July – and the                FROM 9 APRIL 2011                                       Yuri Gagarin’s venture into space.                       IET LONDON: SAVOY PLACE,                                 of Gagarin’s character and the launch itself, and         (DIRECTOR OF ARMAGH OBSERVATORY)
sculpture will remain on the Mall for 12 months.                                                                                                                          2 SAVOY PLACE, LONDON, WC2R 0BL                          ‘Orbit’ , which looks at the exhilaration that            IN CONVERSATION
     The British Council will also mount an              Two days after Yuri Gagarin's historic space flight     Sukurov: the career to date of a modern Russian          TUESDAY 12 APRIL 2011 (6PM – 8PM)                        Gagarin might have experienced and the                    BELFAST EXPOSED PHOTOGRAPHY,
exhibition in its reception area on the life of          on 12th April 1961, Gagarin gave his first              master, best known for Russian Ark (2002)                                                                         impression that seeing Earth from space would             THE EXCHANGE PLACE, 23 DONEGALL ST,
Gagarin and the early Soviet space programme             international press conference on the 14th April in                                                              The Institute of Engineering and Technology              have had on him. ‘Homecoming’ is a celebration in         BELFAST, BTI 2FF
to coincide with the unveiling of the sculpture.         Moscow. Amongst the journalist present was the          THE TSAR’S BRIDE                                         presents an evening lecture, a celebration of 50         the form of a Russian folk dance.                         18 MARCH – 30 APRIL 2011
It will include photographs lent by the Gagarin          veteran BBC Aero Space correspondent, Reg Turnill.      ROYAL OPERA HOUSE, LONDON                                years of manned space flight looking at the past,        Gagarin is currently being performed world-wide. In       (TUES – SAT, 11AM-5PM).
family from their own archives, books by the             With a hastily arranged USSR visa Turnill flew out      14 APRIL - 2 MAY 2011                                    present and future. Speakers are John Zarnecki,          the UK there are performances in London, Kent,            TALK ON TUESDAY 12 APRIL 2011 (1-2PM)
father of Russian space science, Konstanin               and attended the press conference where he asked        Sung in Russian with English subtitles                   Professor of Space Science, Open University and          Northampton and Birmingham. Please see the
Tsiolkovsy, a specially made film showing the            Gagarin directly if he had landed inside his            The Friends of Covent Garden                             Robin McKie, Science and Technology Editor, The          website for further details and booking information.      For Secret Satellites, O’Beirn has produced an
training of the first group of cosmonauts and the        spacecraft. Turnill never got a clear answer to that                                                             Observer.                                                                              animation which presents a series of lay-persons’
first launch, and some extremely rare items from         or most of the other questions. He remembers the        This new production by Paul Curran is not to be          Booking information: online registration                                                                           questions around contemporary physics and some
the period of the first Vostok flights – among them      whole press conference as "Good humoured                missed: a star cast and conductor for Rimsky-                         MOON FUTURES – A TOURING EXHIBITION                       of the more quirky and abstract theories about the
a space suit and ejector seat of the sort used by        evasion".                                               Korsakov’s Russian masterpiece in its first ever                                                                  ABOUT LIVING ON THE MOON                                  fundamental nature of space and its formation.
Gagarin. There are no items of the Russian space             At the age of 95 Reg recalls the events of the      performances by The Royal Opera. The opera may           BBC RADIO 4                                              FACT (FOUNDATION FOR ART AND                                   O’Beirn is one of 4 artists exhibiting work in
programme on permanent view in the UK, and               press conference from the notes he personally took      be based on historical figures, but they act out a       RANDOM EDITION                                           CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY),                                     Secret Satellites, an exhibition at Belfast Exposed
these loans from the Russian Space Agency will           on the day. This video interview, recorded in July      fictional story of intrigue, betrayal and corruption.    MONDAY 11TH APRIL 2011, 11AM                             88 WOOD STREET, LIVERPOOL, L1 4DQ                         which explores space and the orbital environment
provide an exceptional glimpse into the dawn of          2011 will be published online on 9th April 2011.        Drawing on the director’s specialist knowledge of                                                                 DECEMBER 15 2011 – FEBRUARY 26 2012 AT FACT               from the perspective of the lay enthusiast.
the space age.                                                                                                   Russia and the Russian opera repertory, this new         This programme takes the front page of one of the        (MON TO SAT 11AM – 6PM, SUN 12PM-6PM)           
Commissioned by Visual Arts at the British Council       ASTROTALKS: 2                                           production evokes a dark and threatening world           UK’s newspapers on 12 April, l961, the date of
                                                         ONLINE INTERVIEW                                        with hardhitting contemporary resonance. Marina          Gagarin’s historic flight into orbit, and re-tells the   How will we live on the Moon? 50 years after Yuri         BUILDING THE REVOLUTION: SOVIET
FORWARD TO MARS: DESIGN AND                              HTTP://WWW.ASTROTALKUK.ORG                              Poplavskya, Johan Reuter and Ekaterina Gubanova          story through archive clips, interviews with those       Gagarin’s first flight into space, it still seems it is   ART AND ARCHITECTURE 1915-1935
THE NEW SPACE AGE                                        YURI GAGARIN AND ERIC BROWN:                            lead a cast under the baton of the much-loved and        who remember Gagarin’s visit to Britain, sound           likely that the first rehearsal for living on a           ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS, LONDON
BRITISH COUNCIL RECEPTION,                               PRIVATE MEETING IN LONDON                               respected Mark Elder. And with the brilliant             recordings of Gagarin in space talking to earth,         planetary object outside the earth will not be Mars       AUTUMN 2011
10 SPRING GARDENS,                                       13TH JULY 1961                                          orchestration and large ensembles this is a fine         and interviews with friends and family. One of the       but the Moon. But how have things changed since
LONDON SW1A 2BN                                          FROM 2 APRIL 2011                                       showcase for the acclaimed Royal Opera Chorus and        rarest interviews is is between the British Council’s    the US and Russian dash to the moon, ending in            This exhibition will present for the first time the
5-30 APRIL 2011                                                                                                  the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House. When Tsar        Andrea Rose and Elena Gagarina, Yuri Gagarin’s           the 1969/71 moon landings? A group of visual              relationship between the unprecedented burst of
                                                         During his five day visit to Great Britain, Yuri        Ivan the Terrible selects Marfa as his new bride, a      elder daughter, who talks on British radio for the       artists re-imagine life on the Moon, including            artistic creativity in Russia from 1915 and
Forward to Mars considers a range of new design          Gagarin had only one private test pilot to test pilot   web of romantic and political jealousy and intrigue      first time about her memories of her father, her life    Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Leonid Tishkov and others,           Constructivist architecture, Russia’s contribution
projects for space exploration. The exhibition gives     meeting. It took place on Thursday 13th July 1961       brings about death and disaster for her and              in Star City, and the difficulties of growing up in      in an exhibition at FACT, Liverpool, organised by         to the Modernist Movement. Drawing their
an overview of some of the most interesting British      with Captain Eric “Winkle” Brown in the heart of        everyone around. The power of the few and                the shadow of one world’s most celebrated                The Arts Catalyst.                                        inspiration from the radical abstraction of such
and international projects in development. It            the British establishment, the Admiralty (known         privileged can still control – and ruin – the lives of   figures.                                                 Booking information: free exhibition, booking             artists as Malevich, Lissitzky and Popova,
moves from projects that are currently completed         today as the Department of Defence). Details of         anyone they choose. Historical fiction and today’s                                            advised for events 0151 707 4464                          Melnikov, Ginsburg, Golosov, Vesnin and other
or under construction, to proposals for new designs      this meeting are published for the first time           fact intertwine in this new production to startling                                                                                                                         Soviet architects, as well as Le Corbusier and
for space travel and habitation, culminating in          because as Captain Brown says “No one had asked         effect. A highlight of the Season, it is a rare          BBC RADIO 4                                              KOSMICA AT THE ARTS CATALYST,                             Mendelsohn, developed a new style of architecture
plans for manned missions to Mars, and habitable         before”.                                                opportunity to see an operatic gem.                      AFTERNOON PLAY – TITANIUM                                LONDON                                                    which responded directly to Socialism’s
bases on the red planet.                                      Captain Brown, now 92 years old, recalls that                                           12 APRIL 2011, 2.15PM                                    DATES: 17 FEBRUARY, 24 MARCH, 12                          determination to create a new Utopia. Examples of
Exhibition curated by Peter Kelly and designed by        Gagarin told him that he had ejected from his                                                                                                                             APRIL 2011 AND EVERY 5-6 WEEKS                            this avant-garde architecture abound not just in
Patrick Myles, in partnership with Blueprint.            spacecraft prior to landing whilst repeatedly           NATIONAL SPACE CENTRE                                    The story of Gagarin's first space flight through the    THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. (7-10PM)                             Moscow and St Petersburg, but throughout the
Commissioned by Architecture, Design, Fashion at         insisting in public before and after this meeting       EXPLORATION DRIVE,                                       eyes of his training partner GhermanTitov.                                                                         former USSR in cities such as Kiev, Ekaterinburg,
the British Council.                                     that he had landed inside his spacecraft.               LEICESTER, LE4 5NS                                       A newly commissioned drama by Anita Sullivan             A new series of galactic gatherings for earth-            Baku, Sochi and Nizhny Novgorod. The energy,
                                                              The twenty minute video interview, recorded at     SPACECENTRE.CO.UK                                        about Yuri Gagarin's first space flight as recalled      bound artists, space engineers, performers,               optimism and innovation which embodied this
FIRST ORBIT: A NEW FILM BY                               Captain Brown's home in January 2011, will be           16 APRIL – 2 MAY 2011                                    by his training partner - the man who came closest       astronomers, musicians and anyone interested in           remarkable period in architectural history will be
CHRIS RILEY                                              published online on 2nd April 2011.                                                                              to taking Gagarin's place - Gherman Titov.               exploring and sharing space in original ways.             illustrated through drawings and paintings,
GLOBAL                                                                                                           The National Space Centre, Leicester, is celebrating           History rarely remembers who came second. If            Every KOSMICA session will be unique:                architectural publications and important archival
                                                         ASTROTALKS: 3                                           the anniversary of Gagarin’s first flight with a         Yuri Gagarin had so much as sneezed on the 12th          bringing together the cosmically curious and              photographs which will be set within the context
In a unique collaboration between the European           LEV DANILKIN, FRANCIS SPUFFORD AND                      range of new events. The following new features          of April 1961 the honour of being the first man in       culturally quirky space community. Monthly                of newly created large scale photographs by the
Space Agency astronaut Paolo Nespoli and                 ORLANDO FIGES : ‘THE SOVIET DREAM’                      will be unveiled for the Anniversary:                    orbit would have gone to his training partner,           KOSMICA evenings will bring together a social mix         renowned architectural photographer, Richard Pare
documentary film producer Dr Christopher Riley           PURCELL ROOM , SOUTHBANK CENTRE,                                                                                 Titov. But Gagarin didn't sneeze and a                   of art-space programmes – a film screening,               of these iconic buildings now in decay or suffering
‘First Orbit’ is a new film celebrating Yuri Gagarin’s   LONDON                                                  The Vostok Factor: enter Star City for trainee           disappointed Titov had to climb back down the            performance or live concert with a short                  from inept and inappropriate restoration. Recently
first space flight. Taking place in real time, it will   7.45PM, 13 APRIL 2011                                   cosmonauts and join first level basic training to see    launch tower. A few months later Titov did launch        presentation, talk and debate about alternative           discovered material from the Moscow State
reveal for the first time since Gagarin was in orbit                                                             if you have what it takes to become the next             successfully in Vostok II. He completed 17 earth         and cultural uses of space.                               Museum of Architecture (MUAR) will be brought
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THIS POSTER WAS DESIGNED BY PATRICK MYLES, AND COMMISSIONED BY ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN, FASHION AT THE BRITISH COUNCIL. WE ARE GRATEFUL TO RIA NOVOSTI FOR USE OF THE IMAGE

the exact trajectory that he took, and allow us to       Marking the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's first    cosmonaut in space                                       orbits (got space-sick, ate and slept) and is still      Booking information: full details published each          together with works from the George Costakis
see what he saw as the first man in space.               manned space flight, three writers explore the          The Gagarin Experience: Blast off in Vostok 1 or if      the youngest person ever to have gone into space.        month at                       Collection of Constructivist Art, housed in the
Humanity’s first orbit of the Earth has been re-         Soviet Union of the 1950s and 60s, in which the         you just don’t think you are brave enough you can        But he is largely unheard of because he wasn't           Online booking through                    State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki.
created by matching the orbital path of the              planned economy would outstrip capitalism, and          take charge in Mission control.                          'first'. In Anita Sullivan's play, which marks the                                                       
International Space Station as closely as possible       communism would be the economic model of the            Big Bang Science: discover the rocket science that       50th anniversary of Gagarin's flight, the story of       SCRSS EXHIBITION: YURI GAGARIN –
to that of Gagarin’s flight. The original voice          future. Lev Danilkin is Yuri Gagarin's official         got Yuri Gagarin into space with our mad scientists      the two cosmonauts - their training, their               THE FIRST MAN IN SPACE                                    YURIGAGARIN50
recording of Gagarin speaking to earth while in          biographer, and has edited several key reviews of                                                                selection, the flight and its aftermath, is told         SOCIETY FOR CO-OPERATION IN RUSSIAN                       YuriGagarin50 is the organiser and host of a range
flight on Vostok 1 has been obtained from the            contemporary Russian literature. Francis Spufford's     GAGARIN50 EXHIBITION AND TALKS BY                        through Titov's eyes as he waits at Chkalovsky           AND SOVIET STUDIES,                                       of academic and educational activities celebrating
Russian State Archive for Scientific                     book Red Plenty is part novel, part historical          CHRIS RILEY AND GURBIR SING                              Airbase for Yuri to return from what should have         320 BRIXTON ROAD, LONDON, SW9 6AB.                        the 50th anniversary of human space flight. The
Documentation, and been exactly matched to the           investigation of the communist dream and the key        THE LAURISTON GALLERY, WATERSIDE ARTS CENTRE,            been a routine training flight on the 27th March         DATES: APRIL 14 – MAY 23 2011                             website provides an invaluable timeline on
view from his capsule at the time. This is a             characters within it. Orlando Figes, one of the most    SALE, MANCHESTER, M33 7ZF                                1968.                                                    (OFFICIAL OPENING APRIL 14, 7PM.                          Gagarin, resource facility, archive documentation,
collaboration between Dr Chris Riley, YouTube and        distinguished historians of 20th-century Russia,        9 APRIL – 4 JUNE 2011                                    A BBC/Cymru Wales production,                            Writer Bernard Kops will read the                         and an extensive events listing for the scientific
the British Council, and this remarkable film from       and author of Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History       (10AM-5PM MONDAY TO SATURDAY)                            directed by Kate McAll                                   poem he wrote and presented to                            and education community. Listings of all the
is available to download free of charge from             of Russia, chairs the event                             12TH APRIL 7PM – YURI GAGARIN NIGHT                                                        Yuri Gagarin in 1961)                                     events organised by Yurigagarin50 can be found                                       Organised by the London Book Fair at the Southbank                                                                                                                                                                                  on their website:
Contact:                        Centre                                                  An exhibition of archive photography, fine art,          POYEKHALI! – GAGARIN AND THE DAWN                        Yuri Gagarin visited the offices of the Society for
                                                         video, Soviet space memorabilia and witness              OF SPACE EXPLORATION                                     Cultural Relations with the USSR (now the SCRSS)
LONDON BOOK FAIR: RUSSIA MARKET                          londonbookfair.htm                                      accounts revealing and reflecting on Gagarin as a        ROYAL ALBERT HALL, KENSINGTON GORE,                      during his visit to the UK in July 1961. The
 FOCUS 2011                                                                                                      family man, cosmonaut and icon. This is a great          LONDON, SW7 2AP                                          exhibition features photos of his visit, together
EARLS COURT AND OTHER LONDON VENUES                      ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY:                              chance to see rarely-seen artefacts from the             11 JUNE – 4 JULY FOR PEOPLE ATTENDING                    with other materials from the SCRSS archive.
11TH – 13TH APRIL                                        ‘LITTLE EAGLES’                                         extraordinary Cold War era. The exhibition also          ROYAL ALBERT HALL CONCERTS AND EVENTS                    Booking information: for the official opening and
                                                         HAMPSTEAD THEATRE, LONDON                               features specially –commissioned work from mural         25 JUNE, 2 JULY, 3 JULY ARE OPEN DAYS                    viewing by appointment contact SCRSS on 020 7274
As the official cultural programme partner of this       16 APRIL TO 7 MAY 2011                                  artist Walter Kershaw and a mixed media                                                                           2282.
flagship event, the British Council brings the best      Visit for details.                installation by Mishka Henner & David Oates.             Drawing on rarely seen contemporary photographs
of contemporary Russian writing and publishing to                                                                Young people are invited to get involved in ‘When I      from the archives of RIA Novosti, Russia’s news
London for ‘Russia Market Focus’, in collaboration       To coincide with the 50th anniversary of Yuri           Grow Up’, a short story competition.                     and information agency, and the Science Photo            ROYAL OBSERVATORY GREENWICH:
with the Russian Federal Agency for Press and Mass       Gagarin’s flight into orbit, the Royal Shakespeare      Booking information:                                     Library, this exhibition tells the story of Gagarin’s    DAWN OF SPACE AGE
Communication and Academia Rossica. A series of          Company is staging the world premiere of Rona           Gagarin & The Space Race, free talk by Chris Riley,      early life, his historic flight and the fame that        BLACKHEATH AVE, LONDON, SE10 8XJ
high-profile trade and public events highlight the       Munro’s new play, Little Eagles, at Hampstead           6.30pm 23 May 2011.                                      followed him until his untimely death in 1968.           9 – 25 APRIL 2011 (10AM-5PM)
wealth of opportunities existing at the intersection     Theatre. ‘Little Eagles’ was name given to the first    Gagarin in Manchester, free talk by Gurbir Sing,         Using as the title the phrase that Gagarin uttered
of commerce and cultural relations. Russian              group of Russian cosmonauts by the Chief                1.30pm.                                                  as he lifted off from Baikonur on 12 April l961          In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Yuri
writers, both emerging and established, and from         Designer, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, the brains          To book, call 0161 912 5616.                             (‘Let’s go!’) we see beneath the veneer of the           Gagarin’s historic journey into space the Royal
all over Russia, will be taking part in a series of      behind the early Soviet space programme. This                                           public hero to get a glimpse of a family man inside      Observatory presents Dawn of the Space Age, half
events, talks, and seminars both at the London           gripping new play charts the space race from the                                   and we find an understanding of how he became            a century of space history brought to life with
Book Fair and in cultural venues around London           perspective of the Soviet Union, bringing to life                                                                briefly the most famous man in the world. This           stunning visuals of London’s only planetarium.
among them Boris Akunin, Pavel Kostin, Olga              the fascinating and little-known story of the                                                                    exhibition is a collaboration between RIA Novosti        From mankind’s first steps into space, to the
Slavnikova and Lev Danilkin, Gagarin’s most recent       brilliant man behind its success, and of the six                                                                 and the Science Photo Library.                           daring lunar landings to today’s world of space
Russian biographer. On 12 April, a recorded link         first cosmonauts, Korolev’s beloved ‘little eagles’.                                                                                                                      tourism, the epic story of space exploration is
with the International Space Station will be shown       Gagarin was the first to fly.                                                                                                                                             made vivid and actual. .
at the Russian Pavilion at the London Book Fair.                                                                                                                                                                                   Booking information: Ages 7+, call 020 8312 6608,           Booking information: Call +44 (0)20 7722 9301                                                                                                                   
londonbookfair.htm                                       This event will be broadcast live on the web at                                                                                                                 
                                                and available to view on
                                                         demand within 48 hours of delivery. Visit our video
                                                         archive at

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Yuri Gagarin poster 2011

  • 1. CELEBRATE 50 YEARS OF 12th April 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s spaceflight. It was the first time a human being had gone into outer space and thus a huge achievement for mankind. A series of events are taking place around the UK. HUMAN The following represents a selection, with further information available SPACEFLIGHT online at YURI GAGARIN STATUE FOR LONDON BOOKSHOP BARNIE BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE: BRITISH INTERPLANETARY SOCIETY GAGARIN WINE AND TALK EVENT ‘THE FIRST MAN IN ROYAL OBSERVATORY GREENWICH: THE MALL, LONDON THE GALLERY, FOYLES BOOKSHOP, KINO RUSSIAN FILM LECTURE – 50 YEARS OF HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT – SPACE… AND THE MAN WHO PUT HIM THERE’ SATURDAY SPACE EXPLORERS 14 JULY 2011 TO JULY 2012 CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON PIONEERS LONDON KEY TURNING POINTS BY PIERS BIZONY ASTRONOMY CENTRE, 6:30 FOR DRINKS AND A 6:45 PM START, BFI SOUTHBANK, BELVEDERE ROAD, BRITISH INTERPLANETARY SOCIETY, ROYAL ALBERT HALL, KENSINGTON GORE, BLACKHEATH AVE, LONDON, SE10 8XJ The British Council, in partnership with the 12 APRIL SOUTH BANK, LONDON, SE1 8XT 27/29 SOUTH LAMBETH ROAD, LONDON, SW8 1SZ LONDON, SW7 2AP 30 APRIL, 28 MAY, 30 JULY, Russian Space Agency, will install a sculpture of MAY – OCTOBER 2011 12 APRIL 2011 (7PM – 8.30 PM) 26 JUNE 2011 27 AUGUST 2011 (DROP IN SESSIONS Yuri Gagarin on the Mall on 14 July. The sculpture Martin Sixsmith on "Russia: A 1,000-year Chronicle Booking information: tickets can be booked online BEGIN AT 2PM, 2.30PM, 3PM, 3.30PM, will be officially unveiled by Yuri Gagarin’s of the Wild East". Martin was the BBC Moscow or call 020 7928 3232 Reflecting on the first 50 years of human space Piers Bizony, the author of the acclaimed first 4PM, 4.30PM) daughter, Elena, and a number of Russian correspondent for almost twenty years and this flight Dr David Baker will discuss critical periods, biography of Gagarin to appear in English after the cosmonauts, among them Alexei Leonov, the first book explores Russia's story: from its foundation to some of which have not yet appeared in print, collapse of the Soviet Union, talks about the myth From finding planets in the night sky to predicting man to walk in space, and Sergei Krikalev, the its modern incarnation. BFI Southbank is unveiling its most comprehensive but which are key to understanding the scientific and reality of the first cosmonaut in the world. the phases of the moon, these workshops offer an current Director of Star City, will attend the Covering politics, music, literature and art, it season of Russian cinema yet. This major new six innovations of the past half century. BIS go Call 08450 401 5045. introduction to space and astronomy for younger ceremony. Natalia Koroleva, daughter of Sergei accompanies the BBC's 50-part Radio 4 series, month overview, launching in May, will reveal why behind the scenes to examine the myths that veil visitors. The workshops are drop-in events, Korolev, Chief Designer of the Soviet space which marks the 20th anniversary of the Soviet cinema first set the world on fire in the the reality behind key decisions made over the providing opportunities to explore aspects of programme, will also attend, and she and Krikalev dissolution of the USSR. This special Bookshop 1920s, influenced so many filmmakers and can still first 50 years of human space flight. NIGEL CLARK: ‘GAGARIN’ space using simple cardboard kits that children will both give lectures at the Science Museum Barnie is held in association with the British surprise us today. The season will be explored in Booking information: To book call 020 7735 3160 ORCHESTRAL PERFORMANCES can take away and use at home. during their visits to London. Council as part of the Russia-themed London Book three parts: UK-WIDE Booking information: call 020 8312 6608 or The sculpture comes from the small town of Fair 2011 Lubertsy, just outside Moscow, where Gagarin Kino: early classic Russian cinema INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND Composer Nigel Clarke has created three new works attended vocational school between the ages of ASTROTALKS : 1 TECHNOLOGY YURI GAGARIN LECTURE - to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Manned 15-16. The date has been chosen to coincide with ONLINE INTERVIEW Kosmos: a journey into Russian and Soviet science A CELEBRATION OF MANNED SPACE Space Flight: ‘Road to the Stars’ , which focuses SECRET SATELLITES: AISLING O’BEIRN Gagarin’s visit to London 50 years ago– he had HTTP://WWW.ASTROTALKUK.ORG fiction to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of FLIGHT - PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE on the excitement of those involved, the strength (ARTIST) AND MARK BAILEY lunch with the Queen on 14 July – and the FROM 9 APRIL 2011 Yuri Gagarin’s venture into space. IET LONDON: SAVOY PLACE, of Gagarin’s character and the launch itself, and (DIRECTOR OF ARMAGH OBSERVATORY) sculpture will remain on the Mall for 12 months. 2 SAVOY PLACE, LONDON, WC2R 0BL ‘Orbit’ , which looks at the exhilaration that IN CONVERSATION The British Council will also mount an Two days after Yuri Gagarin's historic space flight Sukurov: the career to date of a modern Russian TUESDAY 12 APRIL 2011 (6PM – 8PM) Gagarin might have experienced and the BELFAST EXPOSED PHOTOGRAPHY, exhibition in its reception area on the life of on 12th April 1961, Gagarin gave his first master, best known for Russian Ark (2002) impression that seeing Earth from space would THE EXCHANGE PLACE, 23 DONEGALL ST, Gagarin and the early Soviet space programme international press conference on the 14th April in The Institute of Engineering and Technology have had on him. ‘Homecoming’ is a celebration in BELFAST, BTI 2FF to coincide with the unveiling of the sculpture. Moscow. Amongst the journalist present was the THE TSAR’S BRIDE presents an evening lecture, a celebration of 50 the form of a Russian folk dance. 18 MARCH – 30 APRIL 2011 It will include photographs lent by the Gagarin veteran BBC Aero Space correspondent, Reg Turnill. ROYAL OPERA HOUSE, LONDON years of manned space flight looking at the past, Gagarin is currently being performed world-wide. In (TUES – SAT, 11AM-5PM). family from their own archives, books by the With a hastily arranged USSR visa Turnill flew out 14 APRIL - 2 MAY 2011 present and future. Speakers are John Zarnecki, the UK there are performances in London, Kent, TALK ON TUESDAY 12 APRIL 2011 (1-2PM) father of Russian space science, Konstanin and attended the press conference where he asked Sung in Russian with English subtitles Professor of Space Science, Open University and Northampton and Birmingham. Please see the Tsiolkovsy, a specially made film showing the Gagarin directly if he had landed inside his The Friends of Covent Garden Robin McKie, Science and Technology Editor, The website for further details and booking information. For Secret Satellites, O’Beirn has produced an training of the first group of cosmonauts and the spacecraft. Turnill never got a clear answer to that Observer. animation which presents a series of lay-persons’ first launch, and some extremely rare items from or most of the other questions. He remembers the This new production by Paul Curran is not to be Booking information: online registration questions around contemporary physics and some the period of the first Vostok flights – among them whole press conference as "Good humoured missed: a star cast and conductor for Rimsky- MOON FUTURES – A TOURING EXHIBITION of the more quirky and abstract theories about the a space suit and ejector seat of the sort used by evasion". Korsakov’s Russian masterpiece in its first ever ABOUT LIVING ON THE MOON fundamental nature of space and its formation. Gagarin. There are no items of the Russian space At the age of 95 Reg recalls the events of the performances by The Royal Opera. The opera may BBC RADIO 4 FACT (FOUNDATION FOR ART AND O’Beirn is one of 4 artists exhibiting work in programme on permanent view in the UK, and press conference from the notes he personally took be based on historical figures, but they act out a RANDOM EDITION CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY), Secret Satellites, an exhibition at Belfast Exposed these loans from the Russian Space Agency will on the day. This video interview, recorded in July fictional story of intrigue, betrayal and corruption. MONDAY 11TH APRIL 2011, 11AM 88 WOOD STREET, LIVERPOOL, L1 4DQ which explores space and the orbital environment provide an exceptional glimpse into the dawn of 2011 will be published online on 9th April 2011. Drawing on the director’s specialist knowledge of DECEMBER 15 2011 – FEBRUARY 26 2012 AT FACT from the perspective of the lay enthusiast. the space age. Russia and the Russian opera repertory, this new This programme takes the front page of one of the (MON TO SAT 11AM – 6PM, SUN 12PM-6PM) Commissioned by Visual Arts at the British Council ASTROTALKS: 2 production evokes a dark and threatening world UK’s newspapers on 12 April, l961, the date of ONLINE INTERVIEW with hardhitting contemporary resonance. Marina Gagarin’s historic flight into orbit, and re-tells the How will we live on the Moon? 50 years after Yuri BUILDING THE REVOLUTION: SOVIET FORWARD TO MARS: DESIGN AND HTTP://WWW.ASTROTALKUK.ORG Poplavskya, Johan Reuter and Ekaterina Gubanova story through archive clips, interviews with those Gagarin’s first flight into space, it still seems it is ART AND ARCHITECTURE 1915-1935 THE NEW SPACE AGE YURI GAGARIN AND ERIC BROWN: lead a cast under the baton of the much-loved and who remember Gagarin’s visit to Britain, sound likely that the first rehearsal for living on a ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS, LONDON BRITISH COUNCIL RECEPTION, PRIVATE MEETING IN LONDON respected Mark Elder. And with the brilliant recordings of Gagarin in space talking to earth, planetary object outside the earth will not be Mars AUTUMN 2011 10 SPRING GARDENS, 13TH JULY 1961 orchestration and large ensembles this is a fine and interviews with friends and family. One of the but the Moon. But how have things changed since LONDON SW1A 2BN FROM 2 APRIL 2011 showcase for the acclaimed Royal Opera Chorus and rarest interviews is is between the British Council’s the US and Russian dash to the moon, ending in This exhibition will present for the first time the 5-30 APRIL 2011 the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House. When Tsar Andrea Rose and Elena Gagarina, Yuri Gagarin’s the 1969/71 moon landings? A group of visual relationship between the unprecedented burst of During his five day visit to Great Britain, Yuri Ivan the Terrible selects Marfa as his new bride, a elder daughter, who talks on British radio for the artists re-imagine life on the Moon, including artistic creativity in Russia from 1915 and Forward to Mars considers a range of new design Gagarin had only one private test pilot to test pilot web of romantic and political jealousy and intrigue first time about her memories of her father, her life Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Leonid Tishkov and others, Constructivist architecture, Russia’s contribution projects for space exploration. The exhibition gives meeting. It took place on Thursday 13th July 1961 brings about death and disaster for her and in Star City, and the difficulties of growing up in in an exhibition at FACT, Liverpool, organised by to the Modernist Movement. Drawing their an overview of some of the most interesting British with Captain Eric “Winkle” Brown in the heart of everyone around. The power of the few and the shadow of one world’s most celebrated The Arts Catalyst. inspiration from the radical abstraction of such and international projects in development. It the British establishment, the Admiralty (known privileged can still control – and ruin – the lives of figures. Booking information: free exhibition, booking artists as Malevich, Lissitzky and Popova, moves from projects that are currently completed today as the Department of Defence). Details of anyone they choose. Historical fiction and today’s advised for events 0151 707 4464 Melnikov, Ginsburg, Golosov, Vesnin and other or under construction, to proposals for new designs this meeting are published for the first time fact intertwine in this new production to startling Soviet architects, as well as Le Corbusier and for space travel and habitation, culminating in because as Captain Brown says “No one had asked effect. A highlight of the Season, it is a rare BBC RADIO 4 KOSMICA AT THE ARTS CATALYST, Mendelsohn, developed a new style of architecture plans for manned missions to Mars, and habitable before”. opportunity to see an operatic gem. AFTERNOON PLAY – TITANIUM LONDON which responded directly to Socialism’s bases on the red planet. Captain Brown, now 92 years old, recalls that 12 APRIL 2011, 2.15PM DATES: 17 FEBRUARY, 24 MARCH, 12 determination to create a new Utopia. Examples of Exhibition curated by Peter Kelly and designed by Gagarin told him that he had ejected from his APRIL 2011 AND EVERY 5-6 WEEKS this avant-garde architecture abound not just in Patrick Myles, in partnership with Blueprint. spacecraft prior to landing whilst repeatedly NATIONAL SPACE CENTRE The story of Gagarin's first space flight through the THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. (7-10PM) Moscow and St Petersburg, but throughout the Commissioned by Architecture, Design, Fashion at insisting in public before and after this meeting EXPLORATION DRIVE, eyes of his training partner GhermanTitov. former USSR in cities such as Kiev, Ekaterinburg, the British Council. that he had landed inside his spacecraft. LEICESTER, LE4 5NS A newly commissioned drama by Anita Sullivan A new series of galactic gatherings for earth- Baku, Sochi and Nizhny Novgorod. The energy, The twenty minute video interview, recorded at SPACECENTRE.CO.UK about Yuri Gagarin's first space flight as recalled bound artists, space engineers, performers, optimism and innovation which embodied this FIRST ORBIT: A NEW FILM BY Captain Brown's home in January 2011, will be 16 APRIL – 2 MAY 2011 by his training partner - the man who came closest astronomers, musicians and anyone interested in remarkable period in architectural history will be CHRIS RILEY published online on 2nd April 2011. to taking Gagarin's place - Gherman Titov. exploring and sharing space in original ways. illustrated through drawings and paintings, GLOBAL The National Space Centre, Leicester, is celebrating History rarely remembers who came second. If Every KOSMICA session will be unique: architectural publications and important archival ASTROTALKS: 3 the anniversary of Gagarin’s first flight with a Yuri Gagarin had so much as sneezed on the 12th bringing together the cosmically curious and photographs which will be set within the context In a unique collaboration between the European LEV DANILKIN, FRANCIS SPUFFORD AND range of new events. The following new features of April 1961 the honour of being the first man in culturally quirky space community. Monthly of newly created large scale photographs by the Space Agency astronaut Paolo Nespoli and ORLANDO FIGES : ‘THE SOVIET DREAM’ will be unveiled for the Anniversary: orbit would have gone to his training partner, KOSMICA evenings will bring together a social mix renowned architectural photographer, Richard Pare documentary film producer Dr Christopher Riley PURCELL ROOM , SOUTHBANK CENTRE, Titov. But Gagarin didn't sneeze and a of art-space programmes – a film screening, of these iconic buildings now in decay or suffering ‘First Orbit’ is a new film celebrating Yuri Gagarin’s LONDON The Vostok Factor: enter Star City for trainee disappointed Titov had to climb back down the performance or live concert with a short from inept and inappropriate restoration. Recently first space flight. Taking place in real time, it will 7.45PM, 13 APRIL 2011 cosmonauts and join first level basic training to see launch tower. A few months later Titov did launch presentation, talk and debate about alternative discovered material from the Moscow State reveal for the first time since Gagarin was in orbit if you have what it takes to become the next successfully in Vostok II. He completed 17 earth and cultural uses of space. Museum of Architecture (MUAR) will be brought THIS POSTER WAS DESIGNED BY PATRICK MYLES, AND COMMISSIONED BY ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN, FASHION AT THE BRITISH COUNCIL. WE ARE GRATEFUL TO RIA NOVOSTI FOR USE OF THE IMAGE the exact trajectory that he took, and allow us to Marking the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's first cosmonaut in space orbits (got space-sick, ate and slept) and is still Booking information: full details published each together with works from the George Costakis see what he saw as the first man in space. manned space flight, three writers explore the The Gagarin Experience: Blast off in Vostok 1 or if the youngest person ever to have gone into space. month at Collection of Constructivist Art, housed in the Humanity’s first orbit of the Earth has been re- Soviet Union of the 1950s and 60s, in which the you just don’t think you are brave enough you can But he is largely unheard of because he wasn't Online booking through State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki. created by matching the orbital path of the planned economy would outstrip capitalism, and take charge in Mission control. 'first'. In Anita Sullivan's play, which marks the International Space Station as closely as possible communism would be the economic model of the Big Bang Science: discover the rocket science that 50th anniversary of Gagarin's flight, the story of SCRSS EXHIBITION: YURI GAGARIN – to that of Gagarin’s flight. The original voice future. Lev Danilkin is Yuri Gagarin's official got Yuri Gagarin into space with our mad scientists the two cosmonauts - their training, their THE FIRST MAN IN SPACE YURIGAGARIN50 recording of Gagarin speaking to earth while in biographer, and has edited several key reviews of selection, the flight and its aftermath, is told SOCIETY FOR CO-OPERATION IN RUSSIAN YuriGagarin50 is the organiser and host of a range flight on Vostok 1 has been obtained from the contemporary Russian literature. Francis Spufford's GAGARIN50 EXHIBITION AND TALKS BY through Titov's eyes as he waits at Chkalovsky AND SOVIET STUDIES, of academic and educational activities celebrating Russian State Archive for Scientific book Red Plenty is part novel, part historical CHRIS RILEY AND GURBIR SING Airbase for Yuri to return from what should have 320 BRIXTON ROAD, LONDON, SW9 6AB. the 50th anniversary of human space flight. The Documentation, and been exactly matched to the investigation of the communist dream and the key THE LAURISTON GALLERY, WATERSIDE ARTS CENTRE, been a routine training flight on the 27th March DATES: APRIL 14 – MAY 23 2011 website provides an invaluable timeline on view from his capsule at the time. This is a characters within it. Orlando Figes, one of the most SALE, MANCHESTER, M33 7ZF 1968. (OFFICIAL OPENING APRIL 14, 7PM. Gagarin, resource facility, archive documentation, collaboration between Dr Chris Riley, YouTube and distinguished historians of 20th-century Russia, 9 APRIL – 4 JUNE 2011 A BBC/Cymru Wales production, Writer Bernard Kops will read the and an extensive events listing for the scientific the British Council, and this remarkable film from and author of Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History (10AM-5PM MONDAY TO SATURDAY) directed by Kate McAll poem he wrote and presented to and education community. Listings of all the is available to download free of charge from of Russia, chairs the event 12TH APRIL 7PM – YURI GAGARIN NIGHT Yuri Gagarin in 1961) events organised by Yurigagarin50 can be found Organised by the London Book Fair at the Southbank on their website: Contact: Centre An exhibition of archive photography, fine art, POYEKHALI! – GAGARIN AND THE DAWN Yuri Gagarin visited the offices of the Society for video, Soviet space memorabilia and witness OF SPACE EXPLORATION Cultural Relations with the USSR (now the SCRSS) LONDON BOOK FAIR: RUSSIA MARKET londonbookfair.htm accounts revealing and reflecting on Gagarin as a ROYAL ALBERT HALL, KENSINGTON GORE, during his visit to the UK in July 1961. The FOCUS 2011 family man, cosmonaut and icon. This is a great LONDON, SW7 2AP exhibition features photos of his visit, together EARLS COURT AND OTHER LONDON VENUES ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY: chance to see rarely-seen artefacts from the 11 JUNE – 4 JULY FOR PEOPLE ATTENDING with other materials from the SCRSS archive. 11TH – 13TH APRIL ‘LITTLE EAGLES’ extraordinary Cold War era. The exhibition also ROYAL ALBERT HALL CONCERTS AND EVENTS Booking information: for the official opening and HAMPSTEAD THEATRE, LONDON features specially –commissioned work from mural 25 JUNE, 2 JULY, 3 JULY ARE OPEN DAYS viewing by appointment contact SCRSS on 020 7274 As the official cultural programme partner of this 16 APRIL TO 7 MAY 2011 artist Walter Kershaw and a mixed media 2282. flagship event, the British Council brings the best Visit for details. installation by Mishka Henner & David Oates. Drawing on rarely seen contemporary photographs of contemporary Russian writing and publishing to Young people are invited to get involved in ‘When I from the archives of RIA Novosti, Russia’s news London for ‘Russia Market Focus’, in collaboration To coincide with the 50th anniversary of Yuri Grow Up’, a short story competition. and information agency, and the Science Photo ROYAL OBSERVATORY GREENWICH: with the Russian Federal Agency for Press and Mass Gagarin’s flight into orbit, the Royal Shakespeare Booking information: Library, this exhibition tells the story of Gagarin’s DAWN OF SPACE AGE Communication and Academia Rossica. A series of Company is staging the world premiere of Rona Gagarin & The Space Race, free talk by Chris Riley, early life, his historic flight and the fame that BLACKHEATH AVE, LONDON, SE10 8XJ high-profile trade and public events highlight the Munro’s new play, Little Eagles, at Hampstead 6.30pm 23 May 2011. followed him until his untimely death in 1968. 9 – 25 APRIL 2011 (10AM-5PM) wealth of opportunities existing at the intersection Theatre. ‘Little Eagles’ was name given to the first Gagarin in Manchester, free talk by Gurbir Sing, Using as the title the phrase that Gagarin uttered of commerce and cultural relations. Russian group of Russian cosmonauts by the Chief 1.30pm. as he lifted off from Baikonur on 12 April l961 In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Yuri writers, both emerging and established, and from Designer, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, the brains To book, call 0161 912 5616. (‘Let’s go!’) we see beneath the veneer of the Gagarin’s historic journey into space the Royal all over Russia, will be taking part in a series of behind the early Soviet space programme. This public hero to get a glimpse of a family man inside Observatory presents Dawn of the Space Age, half events, talks, and seminars both at the London gripping new play charts the space race from the and we find an understanding of how he became a century of space history brought to life with Book Fair and in cultural venues around London perspective of the Soviet Union, bringing to life briefly the most famous man in the world. This stunning visuals of London’s only planetarium. among them Boris Akunin, Pavel Kostin, Olga the fascinating and little-known story of the exhibition is a collaboration between RIA Novosti From mankind’s first steps into space, to the Slavnikova and Lev Danilkin, Gagarin’s most recent brilliant man behind its success, and of the six and the Science Photo Library. daring lunar landings to today’s world of space Russian biographer. On 12 April, a recorded link first cosmonauts, Korolev’s beloved ‘little eagles’. tourism, the epic story of space exploration is with the International Space Station will be shown Gagarin was the first to fly. made vivid and actual. . at the Russian Pavilion at the London Book Fair. Booking information: Ages 7+, call 020 8312 6608, Booking information: Call +44 (0)20 7722 9301 londonbookfair.htm This event will be broadcast live on the web at and available to view on demand within 48 hours of delivery. Visit our video archive at