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Friday, 3 June 2011
                       WITHOUT SPIELBERG
                       by TCO

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Friday, 3 June 2011


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Friday, 3 June 2011
10 Tips to Making Great Videos Without Steven Spielberg

           Jurassic Park is a great film. One of
           the best ever.

           Why is it so great? There are many reasons,
           most of them to do with Steven Spielberg...

           But                don’t worry!
           Here are TWELVE tips that you can take away
           to Cannes that will let you make great videos
           without old mate Steve.

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Friday, 3 June 2011
1. Be the camera

        Cameras are vital for video content.
        They were used extensively on Jurassic
        Park, and in fact throughout Spielberg’s
        entire filmmaking career.

        Using a camera is easy. You turn it on,
        point it, and press record.

        That’s it.

        But whilst operating the camera is easy,                                                                               “This is so simple! LOL!”
        there’s a bit of a trick to being able to
        use it well...
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Friday, 3 June 2011
2. The T-Rex can only see you if you move

        Whilst it’s easy to press record, it’s important that you have thought things through
        before you do so...

        A vitally important thing to do is to keep your camera steady. Shaky, messy footage is
        useless. Spielberg often collaborates with Janusz Kaminzki, academy-award winning
        Director of Photography. Janusz says:

         “Everything falls apart once you shake that shit about, Steven”

        Aaron will now demonstrate some tricks to hold your
        camera still, like Jurassic Park holds it’s audience

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Friday, 3 June 2011
3. Establishing shots

        The wonders of the genetic experiments which took place on Isla Nublar in Jurassic Park were
        incredible, and all the more so because the audience wasn’t confused as to where they are.

        Whenever you go somewhere, be sure to get an establishing shot of that location. That is - a
        shot from outside of the building you are about to enter. Or a nice high, wide shot of the huge
        conference room you are in.

        It’s about setting the scene, establishing the location within which the subsequent action takes
                                                                                                                               Welcome... to....

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Friday, 3 June 2011
4. Three-Shot-Rule-For-The-Movie-Making-Skills

                                                 WIDE                                                                             MID   CU

                  These are your three shots.                                                                         Use them.

                  For every action you film you should be striving to capture a variety of angles. This three-shot
                  rule gives you that variety and creates a complete scene rather than a fragment of footage.
                  Like a whole dinosaur vs. a fossil. Much more interesting!

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Friday, 3 June 2011
5. Pick Your Shots

        Even though the crazy action in Jurassic Park seems like chaos, Steven Spielberg and his team actually planned the whole
        thing! Even the bit where the guy runs to the toilet!

        Pick your shots before you start shooting.

        Knowing where you are going to both start and end a shot means you will create easy cut points for editing, and this thought
        will ensure your footage is useful and informative.

        That’s not to say you shouldn’t be spontaneous - a mix of the two is perfect.

        Here is Steve planning out some shots, see what he’s doing there?

                                                                                                                   “OK so start here, and then...
                                                                                                                   go over there, Kcool?”

        And remember always                                    shoot overlay! additional shots that can tell the story.
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Friday, 3 June 2011
6. Go easy on old mate Zoom
         Zooming is fine. It helps capture things more clearly and
         gives another tool to your big, strong filmmaking arsenal.

         But it can also be your worst enemy - the Velociraptor of
         video journalism!

         Only zoom when it is necessary to do so, and be aware that
         the further you zoom in the harder it will be to hold your
                  90% of the time you will
         camera steady.

         be better off simply moving closer
         to what you are trying to record - even if it’s something

         You’ll notice that throughout the entire scene with the
         velociraptors on the kitchen, the camera never zooms.
         Zooms are distracting, and bring viewers’ attention to the
         camerawork rather than the more important things, such as
         the hot babes you are filming at Cannes...

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         Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document.

Friday, 3 June 2011
7. Shooting ratios

         Great footage is always great!                                                                     Just ask Michael Kahn, Steven Spielberg’s
         longtime editor!

                                                                                                                                “Yup, it is”

         But you need to capture the right amount of great footage! Don’t record hours of
         you in da club with all da skinniez and then only a few minutes out on the streets of
         Cannes during the day.

         A mix of all the various places your visit is ideal, but the real story we are after is
         the Young Lions experience. Not just from a fun perspective, but a professional one
         as well.

         So be sure to spread your filming time out evenly. Get a bit of hotel fun, a bit of
         roaming the streets, lots of Young Lions, and a bit of night life. Then you’re on the
         road to the oscars. LIKE STEVEN SPIELBERG!
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Friday, 3 June 2011
8. Talk

         Amazing pictures of dinosaurs are great. But there’s no point if you can’t
         hear them!
         Everywhere you go, everything you do - you should always be describing it
         to camera. Tell us where you are, what you are doing, why it’s significant,
         what you feel about it - what you hope to achieve. The more talk
         the better, as this is what allows us to actually tell a story.
         Introduce yourselves, interact with each other. If traveling together, ask
         each other to present to camera. You work in media, you’re natural

         Talking directly to the camera creates a great feel for viewers, making the
         whole video seem very personal and real - and the entire experience
         of Cannes that much more entertaining and interesting.
         The characters in Jurassic Park talk all the time. Their dialogue is how we
         learn the storyline. Without it we’d just be seeing Sam Neil walk around.
         Then dinosaurs would appear... It would still be great, but definitely more

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Friday, 3 June 2011
9. Introduce and Review

         “Hi my name is           , From                                                                                       ,
         and I'm competing in the          ,
         competition at Cannes Lions 2011.

         2. SHOOT A REVIEW                                                                                                           Hi, my name is Jeff,
                                                                                                                                   I’m from America and
                                                                                                                                    I’m a mathematician
         “So today was totally great.....I saw a living

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         Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document.

Friday, 3 June 2011
10. Have Fun

         The real key to making an entertaining video is to be entertaining.
         If you are having fun on the trip, this experience will translate on screen. Just ensure that you are filming at the right
         times, don’t waste that fun!

                                                                   LOL @ Kooky hats!                                            ROFL! Not real, kekeke! =P

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Friday, 3 June 2011
11. Interviews

        Never shoot pieces to camera/interviews with background music. Music
        rights are way expensive and we will not be able to use it in the edit,
        unless it is John Williams’ infamous score.

        Also when conducting an interview try not to speak over your subject as it
        makes it hard to edit down the track!

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Friday, 3 June 2011

                                                                                                                               jk, they’re all dead.

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Friday, 3 June 2011

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Friday, 3 June 2011
The Camera

                                                                                                                               Power Button

                                                                                                                                              Connect to computer

         Lens                                                                                                                                          AUTO BUTTON


                                                                                                                                 Touch Screen                        SD Card Slot
                                                                                                                                                    USB CONNECTOR
         This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only. 
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Friday, 3 June 2011

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         Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document.

Friday, 3 June 2011

                       STEP 1: Connect Hard Drive

                                                                                                                STEP 2: Connect Camera using USB

                                                                                                                                                   STEP 3: Push the play button

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Friday, 3 June 2011

                STEP 4: Locate drive on computer                                                                          STEP 5: Open mounted disk

                                                                                                                                                      STEP 6: Create a folder inside the
                                                                                                                                                           master backup folder

                                                                                                                                                                           STEP 7: Name the folder with
                                                                                                                                                                               the following format

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         Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document.

Friday, 3 June 2011

         STEP 8: Copy files to the folder that                                                              STEP 9: Delete the MY_MUSIC folder   STEP 10: Copy from Cannes_Working
                 is named correctly                                                                                                                      to Cannes_Mirror

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         Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document.

Friday, 3 June 2011
This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only. 
    23   TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents
         Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document.

Friday, 3 June 2011

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Young lions

  • 2. HOW TO MAKE GOOD VIDEO WITHOUT SPIELBERG by TCO This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  2 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 3. 2011 YO U W ILL BE HER E This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  3 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 4. 10 Tips to Making Great Videos Without Steven Spielberg Jurassic Park is a great film. One of the best ever. Why is it so great? There are many reasons, most of them to do with Steven Spielberg... But don’t worry! Here are TWELVE tips that you can take away to Cannes that will let you make great videos without old mate Steve. This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  4 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 5. 1. Be the camera Cameras are vital for video content. They were used extensively on Jurassic Park, and in fact throughout Spielberg’s entire filmmaking career. Using a camera is easy. You turn it on, point it, and press record. That’s it. But whilst operating the camera is easy, “This is so simple! LOL!” -Steven there’s a bit of a trick to being able to use it well... This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  5 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 6. 2. The T-Rex can only see you if you move Whilst it’s easy to press record, it’s important that you have thought things through before you do so... A vitally important thing to do is to keep your camera steady. Shaky, messy footage is useless. Spielberg often collaborates with Janusz Kaminzki, academy-award winning Director of Photography. Janusz says: “Everything falls apart once you shake that shit about, Steven” -Janusz Aaron will now demonstrate some tricks to hold your camera still, like Jurassic Park holds it’s audience enthralled... This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  6 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 7. 3. Establishing shots The wonders of the genetic experiments which took place on Isla Nublar in Jurassic Park were incredible, and all the more so because the audience wasn’t confused as to where they are. Whenever you go somewhere, be sure to get an establishing shot of that location. That is - a shot from outside of the building you are about to enter. Or a nice high, wide shot of the huge conference room you are in. It’s about setting the scene, establishing the location within which the subsequent action takes place. Welcome... to.... This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  7 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 8. 4. Three-Shot-Rule-For-The-Movie-Making-Skills WIDE MID CU These are your three shots. Use them. For every action you film you should be striving to capture a variety of angles. This three-shot rule gives you that variety and creates a complete scene rather than a fragment of footage. Like a whole dinosaur vs. a fossil. Much more interesting! This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  8 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 9. 5. Pick Your Shots Even though the crazy action in Jurassic Park seems like chaos, Steven Spielberg and his team actually planned the whole thing! Even the bit where the guy runs to the toilet! Pick your shots before you start shooting. Knowing where you are going to both start and end a shot means you will create easy cut points for editing, and this thought will ensure your footage is useful and informative. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be spontaneous - a mix of the two is perfect. Here is Steve planning out some shots, see what he’s doing there? “OK so start here, and then... go over there, Kcool?” And remember always shoot overlay! additional shots that can tell the story. This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  9 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 10. 6. Go easy on old mate Zoom Zooming is fine. It helps capture things more clearly and gives another tool to your big, strong filmmaking arsenal. But it can also be your worst enemy - the Velociraptor of video journalism! Only zoom when it is necessary to do so, and be aware that the further you zoom in the harder it will be to hold your 90% of the time you will camera steady. be better off simply moving closer to what you are trying to record - even if it’s something scary! You’ll notice that throughout the entire scene with the velociraptors on the kitchen, the camera never zooms. Zooms are distracting, and bring viewers’ attention to the camerawork rather than the more important things, such as the hot babes you are filming at Cannes... This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  10 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 11. 7. Shooting ratios Great footage is always great! Just ask Michael Kahn, Steven Spielberg’s longtime editor! “Yup, it is” -Mike But you need to capture the right amount of great footage! Don’t record hours of you in da club with all da skinniez and then only a few minutes out on the streets of Cannes during the day. A mix of all the various places your visit is ideal, but the real story we are after is the Young Lions experience. Not just from a fun perspective, but a professional one as well. So be sure to spread your filming time out evenly. Get a bit of hotel fun, a bit of roaming the streets, lots of Young Lions, and a bit of night life. Then you’re on the road to the oscars. LIKE STEVEN SPIELBERG! This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  11 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 12. 8. Talk Amazing pictures of dinosaurs are great. But there’s no point if you can’t hear them! Everywhere you go, everything you do - you should always be describing it to camera. Tell us where you are, what you are doing, why it’s significant, what you feel about it - what you hope to achieve. The more talk the better, as this is what allows us to actually tell a story. Introduce yourselves, interact with each other. If traveling together, ask each other to present to camera. You work in media, you’re natural presenters! Talking directly to the camera creates a great feel for viewers, making the whole video seem very personal and real - and the entire experience of Cannes that much more entertaining and interesting. The characters in Jurassic Park talk all the time. Their dialogue is how we learn the storyline. Without it we’d just be seeing Sam Neil walk around. Then dinosaurs would appear... It would still be great, but definitely more confusing... This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  12 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 13. 9. Introduce and Review 1. SHOOT A PERSONAL INTRODUCTION. “Hi my name is , From , and I'm competing in the , competition at Cannes Lions 2011. 2. SHOOT A REVIEW Hi, my name is Jeff, I’m from America and I’m a mathematician “So today was totally great.....I saw a living dinosaur....etc This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  13 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 14. 10. Have Fun The real key to making an entertaining video is to be entertaining. If you are having fun on the trip, this experience will translate on screen. Just ensure that you are filming at the right times, don’t waste that fun! LOL @ Kooky hats! ROFL! Not real, kekeke! =P This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  14 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 15. 11. Interviews Never shoot pieces to camera/interviews with background music. Music rights are way expensive and we will not be able to use it in the edit, unless it is John Williams’ infamous score. Also when conducting an interview try not to speak over your subject as it makes it hard to edit down the track! This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  TCO Pty Ltd claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents 15 . Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 16. 12. INCLUDE DINOSAURS! jk, they’re all dead. This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  16 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 17. THE CAMERA MACHINE This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  17 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 18. The Camera Zoom Power Button Connect to computer Lens AUTO BUTTON Microphone Touch Screen SD Card Slot USB CONNECTOR This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  18 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 19. FOR THE MAINFRAME This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  19 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 20. BACK UP OR SHUT UP STEP 1: Connect Hard Drive STEP 2: Connect Camera using USB STEP 3: Push the play button This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  20 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 21. BACK UP OR SHUT UP STEP 4: Locate drive on computer STEP 5: Open mounted disk STEP 6: Create a folder inside the master backup folder STEP 7: Name the folder with the following format This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  21 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 22. BACK UP OR SHUT UP STEP 8: Copy files to the folder that STEP 9: Delete the MY_MUSIC folder STEP 10: Copy from Cannes_Working is named correctly to Cannes_Mirror This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  22 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011
  • 23. This digital file / document contains confidential information and has been prepared for discussion purposes only.  23 TCO Pty.. Ltd.. claims ‘commercial in confidence’ with respect to the contents Please refer to our standard terms at the end of this document. . Friday, 3 June 2011