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Xtreme Xavier Apocalypse
Chapter 7
Official Timelapse Graphic
Brianna: At last! I'm BFFs with Meadow, out of the red and into
the gold. Now, my only fulfillable want is to become BFFs with
Seth! Hey, Seth, let's take a picture of the two of us, and shuffle
the family photos around a bit.
So, there's the future Mazza family above your head. What do you
say? Eternally young, or played through life? You could send
your kids to college with their cousins. Who knows? Another
generation or two and they might even marry back in.
Brianna: If I'm played through, I'd have to follow apocalypse rules,
wouldn't I?
You would, yes. And your family would not make any lifts.
Brianna: That means we'd have to just wait for Baldo's kids to
make their lifts, with no input from us? I don't like the sound of
that. What about if you don't play us?
Then I'll watch you earn your perma-plat status, and cheat your
husband into perma-plat status to match, put you in a non-
apocalypse house and leave you there, never to be touched
unless I decide I need you for plot or drama or something, but
that's highly unlikely. I'm not that kind of writer.
Brianna: In that case, I think I'll go for eternally young. Seth's OK
with it, and I like the idea of being around forever to look out for
my nieces and nephews, and their own offspring. I've never
really wanted children of my own, you know, but I do want to
continue to contribute to lifting the apocalypse, even if it's only by
being the perpetual family friend.
That is a help, for sure!
Meadow: Attention! Attention! I'm going into labor!
Baldo: That's nice, dear. I think I'll go play pinball downstairs.
Seriously, it was all I could do to keep this guy in the room to
receive the first twin. “Family” sim. Right. I know it's only
secondary, but still...
And neither one of you managed to hold onto the want for a baby.
At this point, Brianna has the highest aspiration level, thanks to
the BFF thing.
Meadow: Here, Baldo. Hold your son.
Brianna: Awww, my niece and nephew are so cute! I'm glad I'm
still here to cuddle them. I'll probably make my lift within the
week, and head out then, but I'm glad to be here for this.
Baldo: You said you'd help with the first four kids.
Brianna: I wasn't in love, then. Besides, with two mood boosters
and you both unemployed, will you really need me?
Baldo: I guess not.
Baldo: Writer, meet my son, Carlos.
Meadow: And my daughter, Clara.
Oh, they are adorable. Still, I'm very glad this isn't a genetics
legacy, because I see no sign of Xtreme in them. Their
personalities will, of course, be encouraged right up, but as for
the genes, I see nothing. Anyway, welcome Generation Four!
Meadow: Thank you! I am doing this one more time, and then I'll
be done. Pregnancy was just too hard for me.
Meadow: You two take care of the kids. I need to eat and sleep
before I pass out.
Baldo: I am happy to take care of them. If only I could reach the
Oh, I see you've gone platinum, Baldo. Having a baby pushed you
into that Freetime lifetime happiness deal, didn't it?
Baldo: Yes, I'm forever happy. But I still need to get a bottle.
Meadow: Thanks to knowing Physiology, I topped my body skill in
about an hour.
That should make your next pregnancy much easier! You might
even change your mind and do it three times.
Meadow: Possibly. We do have room, or we will once Brianna
moves out. We'll see how the second one goes.
Meadow: Now I have a fulfillable want to learn Parenting. I won't
try for baby again until I've learned it, and set my aspiration as
high as possible.
Baldo: Gee, waiting for the babies to need a bottle or a diaper
change is kind of boring. And I just thought of something: They
will need to all go to college at the same time, so they can take
the mood boosters with them, and play through there, without
cutting to us, because we will need the boosters here at home,
too. And what if they forget to bring them home?
Brianna: Use the computer to get jobs in Adventure and
Journalism, and send the extra rewards to college.
Baldo: That's a brilliant idea! I don't need the jobs, but I can check
the listings every day for Adventurer and Journalism. Both
households will have mood boosters, and we don't need to worry
about remembering to transfer them back and forth each
generation. Let's see. There's a listing here for Adventurer, and
another one for Science. I can get Grandma Xtreme's career
reward, after all.
Baldo: There was no listing for Journalism today, but it's just as
well, since I never did write a novel for creativity skill points.
Now that I'm safely platinum, though, it doesn't matter if my first
novel is a flop.
Brianna: With a Thinking Cap on, it won't be. You'll earn just
enough creativity skill to avoid that problem. Two novels should
max you out, and you can get the Journalism quill whenever it
shows up.
Now this is the kind of ghost activity I like to see. All hands on
But Xtreme was never a kindly ghost, even before we put her bed
in inventory and sent it with Austen to the grave. Of course, she
had to haunt someone, and as usual, it was Brianna.
Fortunately, Brianna didn't lose much more than some energy,
and that is easily fixed.
Still, it's a good thing that Brianna claimed Alabama to bring with
her. The family needs the option to cook a fresh meal now and
then. They actually are running through their food storage.
Meadow: I actually rolled some skilling wants! I'm not leaving this
sofa until I max cleaning! Then I'll be ready to try for baby again.
Don't forget, it's Monday, and time to pay the protection money.
$2100 this time.
Meadow: Brianna can pay it on the way to work. Only two
promotions to go for her. Can you believe it?
Brianna: I'm at level 9, and I'm platinum. Can I hold onto it until
next shift?
Brianna: I'm too playful to meditate, unfortunately. Good thing I'm
really tired, now, but will I be able to sleep through the night?
Answer: Nope! You'll just have to rely on a good mood to get that
last promotion, Brianna. But remember, you can't move out until
you have introduced Carlos and Clara to Brandon Lillard and
Kelly Kim. One of them will marry in, and lift Law for us.
Meadow: Pregnancy is hitting me hard again. This basement
used to be full of left-overs, and now we only have five serving
platters left. During pregnancy, I go through a platter a day.
Still, I should be able to manage a third pregnancy.
Baldo: I think we should go for a Culinary lift next generation.
Even with two mood boosters, we still need food. And fresh food
would be better than generations-old left-overs.
Baldo: In fact, I have decided on the lifts for next generation, if you
agree to have six children, Meadow. Paranormal, of course, and
Slacker. Then Culinary and Medical, so we're not tied to the one
room and the mood boosters. Finally, with Natural Science and
Intelligence, we can grow our own food in the basement! With
that combination, we'll be super comfortable, all over the house.
After that, the rest of the apocalypse will be easy. And with the
Bookcase of Education, skilling will be easy, too!
Brianna: I am Education Minister! I have lifted the Education
restrictions! Sims can choose their own aspiration, and change
it, too. We can teach our kids how to do homework, and train
them with career rewards, if we want too. In fact, we can train
prospective spouses with career rewards.
Brianna: And with this career reward, skilling will be a breeze, no
matter what the subject. Artist? Not necessary. Even children
can learn creativity now, just by reading a book, and it will go
quickly, too. I highly recommend taking a job in Education, just
for the career reward.
Baldo: Already done, and in my inventory, so the kids can take it
with them to college, along with the mood boosters.
Brianna: I have one last task to perform before I move out with
Brianna: Hurry over! The babies are about to grow into toddlers!
Kelly: How exciting! One of us is meeting our future spouse!
Brandon: It's so gonna be me. Writer likes my nose.
Actually, we are going to let the children decide for themselves.
When all of them are in college, they'll be able to court you, and
see who has the best chemisry and relationship. Whoever
scores highest wins the heirship for Generation Four. So, be on
your best behavior, if you really want to marry in.
Meadow: Little Clara is a big girl, now! She's a Libra, with a
personality of 4/7/4/10/10, which will, of course, be encouraged
upwards to be as extreme as possible before she grows up.
Time to get out the wabbit head and meet your potential
husband, sweetiepie.
Meadow: Carlos the Bald is a Taurus, 8/7/9/10/1. He's going to
need a LOT of encouraging, because I refuse to have a mean
child. Even though it would fit with the extreme theme, I just
won't have it. But at least he's starting with high points in the
others, so it won't take up his entire childhood. And he's set to
get to know Kelly Kim as a potential wife.
Brianna: One evening of this, and I'll leave. But I promise to come
back and befriend all my nieces and nephews, throughout the
generations. At least, if you promise to invite me, each
Meadow: Aww, look. They're already planning their futures at
college and beyond. Carlos wants to lift Paranormal, and use
the genie lamp.
Meadow: Thanks to you, Brianna, I am now the ideal parent. I
was already Family, and now I'm secondary Knowledge, with all
the Family and Knowledge perks I can get. If I don't roll
fulfillable wants now, it won't be my fault.
Brianna: Yeah, don't peak too soon, by maxing all your skills and
leaving nothing to learn.
Meadow: Then I'll roll wants to teach my children.
Kelly: I didn't quite manage to achieve friendship with anyone in
the house, so you'll have to call me several times a day, until I'm
your friend, and we can try it again with the kids.
Baldo: Don't worry. I'll make sure you get your fair chance to
marry in. Brandon won't win by default.
Meadow: I can't wait for proper food storage and not being tied to
moodboosters for mere survival in pregnancy. Blech.
Baldo: Thanks to the Bookcase of Education, and Showbiz Pet
allowing you to study from it, you can learn charisma as children,
too, so those bunny heads are really only for ease of befriending
potential suitors. You're going to be the first generation to
actually learn all of your toddler skills, and get the most perks
possible. If one of you, or your siblings, lifts Medical, then even
a spouse can use the needs perks, which makes life even
easier. Each generation has it better than the one before.
Baldo: Yes, Brandon, I know you hope to kiss my daughter when
she grows up, but I think she's just a little bit too young to be
talking about romance, just yet.
Grooming youngsters for arranged marriages: not-quite-pedophilia
is a long-standing tradition in apocalypses. I'm just glad I don't
have Inteenimator installed.
Meadow: It occurs to me that with all of our kids vying for the
same potential spouses, we could have some jealousy on our
hands next generation, after all. Do you want to study Couples
Counseling, or simply declare the first batch of twins to be the
only eligible heirs?
Baldo: Better idea: Let's just tell them to stick to friendship with
Brandon and Kelly, until they have established their sexuality,
then have them both over and everyone “scope room.”
Baldo: That way, all the kids will be able to have the chance to find
out their chemistry, while still not actually having any romantic
interactions with Brandon or Kelly, so there will be no jealousy
when the winner is declared, and moves in for the proposal of
Meadow: I like the idea of no jealousy. Drama like that may be
fun for our Writer, but I did not enjoy it, at all. And it can be an
unofficial engagement party, too.
Carlos is at 100 daily relationship with Kelly, and Clara is at 100
daily relationship with Brandon. Their parents aren't friends with
either, just high enough to invite them over, but when the kids
grow up, they can handle inviting the Potential Spouses over for
their younger siblings to meet. At this point, Baldo and
Meadow's only responsibility is to bear the full generation, and
keep them alive and kicking until they are ready for college, then
hold the house until the kids graduate and return.
Official Timelapse Graphic. Xtreme Xavier insisted that we didn't
need to see every little thing, so in her honor, when it's just a
matter of marking time, you'll get the Official Timelapse Graphic,
instead of the typical montage. I used it first when spending a lot
of time running a business, and collecting customer stars, but it
will work as well here. It saves on slides and keeps the story
moving along. If something really interesting happens, you'll see
it, but mostly, kids are born, kids grow, kids skill up.
Meadow: Meet Cassandra and Celeste. Three girls means a good
chance of good chemistry with Brandon.
Baldo: My first batch of twins have grown into children and now
begin their studies, while their mother, pregnant with the third
and final batch of twins, naps on the other loveseat. I have
moved the cribs into the living room, and will eventually shuffle
things around so that there are six loveseats in here, with the
mood boosters. At that point, Meadow and I will be able to
manage our needs well enough with one daily meal, mutual
grooming, and regular beds.
Meadow: Cassandra is a Taurus, 8/7/9/10/1. Where the heck is
all this meanness coming from?
Meadow: Celeste is a Libra, with a personality of 4/7/4/10/10.
Short interlude to show Mr. and Mrs. Mazza in their new four-
bedroom New England style home. As you can see, Brianna is
perma-plat, thanks to Freetime lifetime happiness. Getting
married pushed her right to the top. Seth was cheated into
being perma-plat, because I want him to be happy, despite
becoming a “playable,” who will not be played. There's plenty of
room here for future Xaviers to join them. Baldo and Meadow,
of course, will move in as soon as the kids return from college.
Monday #15 means $2250 is paid in protection money. Not a
problem in this house.
Carlos: Writer! You're not giving us any time for characterization. I
You can have characterization if you win the heirship. For now, I'm
too busy handling a house full of sims with limited food and
hygiene resources, and get to the living room, you two!
Meadow: Welcome to the family, Corey and Caleb. We have an
even split between girls and boys, so the heirship is anybody's
guess. Personally, I'm hoping for a girl to be the heir, as she'll
have an easier pregnancy, due to lifetime happiness perks, than
a wife who marries in. At least until Medical is lifted, and those
perks can be taken by anyone, rather than just toddlers, on their
child birthday.
Cassandra grows up in the pink dress, and Celeste grows up in the
blue top and trousers.
Meadow: With just a few hours to go until six o'clock, the day
before I'll be forced to grow up, I have maxed all my skills and
am fully platinum. Time to meditate until six, and then I can
choose to grow up as well as possible, for the longest lifespan I
can get.
Baldo: Yeah, that really matters after we move in with my
“playable” sister.
Meadow: Time for Corey to grow up. He's an Aries, with a
personality of 7/10/9/3/2. Don't worry. We'll encourage that
meanness away.
Meadow: I had a topped out aspiration meter at growing up time,
so I should live long enough. But I'm taking no chances. As
soon as the youngest kids become teens, they're all being
shipped off to college. They can skill up there, and with the
older teens having a lot of scholarships, they should be able to
build a good enough shelter. Then, we won't age while they're
at college, and as soon as they come home, Baldo and I will join
Brianna and Seth Mazza in their home, without any more aging.
Meadow: Caleb is a Pisces with a personality of 3/1/10/2/10.
Already a good example of an extreme personality! Kid, your
great-grandmother would be proud. Still, you'll be encouraged
all the way up, as well.
Baldo: I hope to have all the kids encouraged up to 10/10/10/10/10
before they go to college. With identical personalities, it will be
down to zodiac signs and turn-ons to see who has the best
chemistry, for the win.
Baldo: Finally, it's my turn. I feel really good about my life. The
best part about growing up today is that I have time as an elder
to finish encouraging Carlos and Clara, as children. The more of
an age difference, the more effective encouraging is, so the
younger kids will encourage up really quickly.
Baldo: Congratulations, Clara. You are the first Xavier to have the
most extreme personality, possible. I'm so proud of you, and I'm
sure my grandmother would be, as well. Now, off you go to
study your skills so you can have as many scholarships as you
can. I'm going to encourage your brother, now, before he
becomes a teen.
Clara: OK, Dad!
Meadow: Happy birthday, Clara and Carlos! Tell us about
Clara: I'm a Popularity/Romance sim.
Carlos: I'm Pleasure/Popularity.
Meadow: And your turn ons and offs?
Clara: Too changeable to report at this time. ReNuYu!
Clara: In fact, I'm going to use the ReNuYu and change myself to
a Knowledge/Family sim.
Carlos: Me, too. I think we should all choose the same aspiration.
Knowledge will see us through college with the highest
aspiration, and if we're the same aspiration, it will make the
heirship challenge more equal. Basically, it will boil down to
zodiac sign, and perhaps hair color, depending on Brandon and
Kelly's turn-ons and offs.
Clara: Thanks to the Education lift, we can choose for ourselves.
Until the heirship challenge is won, we should all go for the same
thing: Knowledge/Family, with the turn-ons of Charisma and
Cleaning, and a turn-off of Blonde hair. That should give the
best possible chemistry that a ReNuYu can give us, for Brandon
and Kelly. Of course, after graduation, we can change to
anything we want.
Clara: I have the mood-boosters and some other career rewards
in my inventory, along with a few other items of furniture. Carlos
and I just have one more scholarship to get. We have not gotten
jobs, so we won't get the scholarship for that one, but we have at
least 8 in every skill, and now we just need dance. Then, we
can move to college and move into an empty lot, and hold it
while we wait for our siblings to move in with us, so we can build
a good house and be on the same schedule.
Clara: Here we are at Xtreme University. We bought an empty lot,
and built the best home we could with just the money Carlos and
I brought with us. I furnished it almost completely with stuff I
brought from home, but I did buy a few new items, as well.
Clara: The ground floor has a kitchenette (with a grill outside), a
computer for writing term papers, the pinball game for fun, a
photo booth to memorialize our time here, and a small
Clara: Upstairs is another small bathroom, plus a reading area, the
punching bag, so we can train our friends in body skill, and
sleeping for six. With the two mood boosters here, we should be
well able to keep up our motives while we are studying and
sleeping, and the rest should take care of itself.
Clara: The basement holds our one-time stash of ReNuYu
SensoOrbs, thanks to Grandma Audrey, plus six Thinking Caps
to help with grades, and the ballet barre, because we might want
to use it, sometimes. We'll have to shuffle stuff around to do it,
but can do that. Note that most of the floor is uncovered.
Eventually, we hope to put in a garden down here, although we'll
have to expand the house or stash the ReNuYu orbs to allow it.
For now, the house is big enough for our needs at college.
Baldo: Here at home, it's Caleb and Corey's birthday. Our last
children are all grown up. Well, grown out of the toddler stage,
at least. Here is Caleb in his pirate outfit.
Baldo: And here is Corey, the only one who does not have my
black hair. He takes after his mother. Awww. I immediately set
them to study Lifelong Happiness, before I start encouraging
their personalities. We pretty much do nothing but study in this
house, now.
Baldo: This is our life, now. Another week goes by, and we pay
$2400 in protection payments.
Celeste: I got five scholarships. How about you, Cassandra?
Cassandra (still rocking the pink): Same. Let's go to college! Life
has got to be more exciting there. We don't do anything but skill
here at home.
You people are so boring to me. Everyone just skills or works on their
personality all day long. For the whole generation, no one has left the family
room except to go to school or occassionally visit the bathroom, to get
bottles, or to grill hamburgers for the pregnant woman, and that's not even a
thing now. So Boring!
Baldo: It's this heirship challenge. Trying to make it fair for everyone by giving
them all the same personality.
Nope. It's being tied to the mood boosters. Even Meadow, who is fully skilled, is
studying just to keep from wandering away from them. BORING!
Yes, readers. I lied. This Official Timelapse Graphic is not for your
convenience, but because it keeps me from pulling my hair out,
looking at picture after picture after picture after picture after
picture of the family doing THE SAME BLASTED THING ALL
I can't wait to play them through college. It will be much more
interesting. College hijinks! Romance! Drama! There's a
Secret Society! Will somone screw up the schedule? Hooray!
Corey: No, Daddy! Don't let goooooo!
BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAA! I have never been so grateful
for a glitch! Thank you, sims, for finally doing something
interesting again.
Aaaand, back to skilling and encouraging, please. Your moods are
dropping outside. :sighs: Moodboosters will keep you alive but
normal living is better and more varied.
One last Official Timelapse Graphic, and then it's time for Corey
and Caleb to grow into teens and move to college.
Meadow: Caleb and Corey have grown up! I'm gonna be an
empty nester, any minute.
Caleb: We still need to call for scholarships, but then we're off to
college! Hooray!
Baldo: Bye, bye, kids. Have fun at university. Please pay this
week's protection money, $2550, on your way out.
And now here we are, all together at college, at last. … Um, guys,
I'm over here.
Here are the first Xaviers to go to college. From left to right:
Clara, Carlos, Cassandra, Celeste, Corey and Caleb. They are all
10/10/10/10/10, Knowledge/Family sims, with the turn ons of
Charisma and Cleaning, and a turn-off of Blonde. Zodiac signs
and Brandon's/Kelly's attraction to them will be the only real
difference in the coming trial. But that's for next chapter. Until
then, Happy Simming!

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Xtreme Xavier Apocalypse 7

  • 1. Xtreme Xavier Apocalypse Chapter 7 Official Timelapse Graphic
  • 2. Brianna: At last! I'm BFFs with Meadow, out of the red and into the gold. Now, my only fulfillable want is to become BFFs with Seth! Hey, Seth, let's take a picture of the two of us, and shuffle the family photos around a bit.
  • 3. So, there's the future Mazza family above your head. What do you say? Eternally young, or played through life? You could send your kids to college with their cousins. Who knows? Another generation or two and they might even marry back in. Brianna: If I'm played through, I'd have to follow apocalypse rules, wouldn't I? You would, yes. And your family would not make any lifts.
  • 4. Brianna: That means we'd have to just wait for Baldo's kids to make their lifts, with no input from us? I don't like the sound of that. What about if you don't play us? Then I'll watch you earn your perma-plat status, and cheat your husband into perma-plat status to match, put you in a non- apocalypse house and leave you there, never to be touched unless I decide I need you for plot or drama or something, but that's highly unlikely. I'm not that kind of writer.
  • 5. Brianna: In that case, I think I'll go for eternally young. Seth's OK with it, and I like the idea of being around forever to look out for my nieces and nephews, and their own offspring. I've never really wanted children of my own, you know, but I do want to continue to contribute to lifting the apocalypse, even if it's only by being the perpetual family friend. That is a help, for sure!
  • 6. Meadow: Attention! Attention! I'm going into labor! Baldo: That's nice, dear. I think I'll go play pinball downstairs. Meadow: DON'T YOU DARE! Seriously, it was all I could do to keep this guy in the room to receive the first twin. “Family” sim. Right. I know it's only secondary, but still...
  • 7. And neither one of you managed to hold onto the want for a baby. At this point, Brianna has the highest aspiration level, thanks to the BFF thing. Meadow: Here, Baldo. Hold your son.
  • 8. Brianna: Awww, my niece and nephew are so cute! I'm glad I'm still here to cuddle them. I'll probably make my lift within the week, and head out then, but I'm glad to be here for this. Baldo: You said you'd help with the first four kids. Brianna: I wasn't in love, then. Besides, with two mood boosters and you both unemployed, will you really need me? Baldo: I guess not.
  • 9. Baldo: Writer, meet my son, Carlos.
  • 10. Meadow: And my daughter, Clara. Oh, they are adorable. Still, I'm very glad this isn't a genetics legacy, because I see no sign of Xtreme in them. Their personalities will, of course, be encouraged right up, but as for the genes, I see nothing. Anyway, welcome Generation Four! Meadow: Thank you! I am doing this one more time, and then I'll be done. Pregnancy was just too hard for me.
  • 11. Meadow: You two take care of the kids. I need to eat and sleep before I pass out. Baldo: I am happy to take care of them. If only I could reach the fridge. Oh, I see you've gone platinum, Baldo. Having a baby pushed you into that Freetime lifetime happiness deal, didn't it? Baldo: Yes, I'm forever happy. But I still need to get a bottle.
  • 12. Meadow: Thanks to knowing Physiology, I topped my body skill in about an hour. That should make your next pregnancy much easier! You might even change your mind and do it three times. Meadow: Possibly. We do have room, or we will once Brianna moves out. We'll see how the second one goes.
  • 13. Meadow: Now I have a fulfillable want to learn Parenting. I won't try for baby again until I've learned it, and set my aspiration as high as possible.
  • 14. Baldo: Gee, waiting for the babies to need a bottle or a diaper change is kind of boring. And I just thought of something: They will need to all go to college at the same time, so they can take the mood boosters with them, and play through there, without cutting to us, because we will need the boosters here at home, too. And what if they forget to bring them home? Brianna: Use the computer to get jobs in Adventure and Journalism, and send the extra rewards to college.
  • 15. Baldo: That's a brilliant idea! I don't need the jobs, but I can check the listings every day for Adventurer and Journalism. Both households will have mood boosters, and we don't need to worry about remembering to transfer them back and forth each generation. Let's see. There's a listing here for Adventurer, and another one for Science. I can get Grandma Xtreme's career reward, after all.
  • 16. Baldo: There was no listing for Journalism today, but it's just as well, since I never did write a novel for creativity skill points. Now that I'm safely platinum, though, it doesn't matter if my first novel is a flop. Brianna: With a Thinking Cap on, it won't be. You'll earn just enough creativity skill to avoid that problem. Two novels should max you out, and you can get the Journalism quill whenever it shows up.
  • 17. Now this is the kind of ghost activity I like to see. All hands on deck!
  • 18. But Xtreme was never a kindly ghost, even before we put her bed in inventory and sent it with Austen to the grave. Of course, she had to haunt someone, and as usual, it was Brianna. Fortunately, Brianna didn't lose much more than some energy, and that is easily fixed. Still, it's a good thing that Brianna claimed Alabama to bring with her. The family needs the option to cook a fresh meal now and then. They actually are running through their food storage.
  • 19. Meadow: I actually rolled some skilling wants! I'm not leaving this sofa until I max cleaning! Then I'll be ready to try for baby again. Don't forget, it's Monday, and time to pay the protection money. $2100 this time. Meadow: Brianna can pay it on the way to work. Only two promotions to go for her. Can you believe it?
  • 20. Brianna: I'm at level 9, and I'm platinum. Can I hold onto it until next shift?
  • 21. Brianna: I'm too playful to meditate, unfortunately. Good thing I'm really tired, now, but will I be able to sleep through the night? Answer: Nope! You'll just have to rely on a good mood to get that last promotion, Brianna. But remember, you can't move out until you have introduced Carlos and Clara to Brandon Lillard and Kelly Kim. One of them will marry in, and lift Law for us.
  • 22. Meadow: Pregnancy is hitting me hard again. This basement used to be full of left-overs, and now we only have five serving platters left. During pregnancy, I go through a platter a day. Still, I should be able to manage a third pregnancy. Baldo: I think we should go for a Culinary lift next generation. Even with two mood boosters, we still need food. And fresh food would be better than generations-old left-overs.
  • 23. Baldo: In fact, I have decided on the lifts for next generation, if you agree to have six children, Meadow. Paranormal, of course, and Slacker. Then Culinary and Medical, so we're not tied to the one room and the mood boosters. Finally, with Natural Science and Intelligence, we can grow our own food in the basement! With that combination, we'll be super comfortable, all over the house. After that, the rest of the apocalypse will be easy. And with the Bookcase of Education, skilling will be easy, too!
  • 24. Brianna: I am Education Minister! I have lifted the Education restrictions! Sims can choose their own aspiration, and change it, too. We can teach our kids how to do homework, and train them with career rewards, if we want too. In fact, we can train prospective spouses with career rewards.
  • 25. Brianna: And with this career reward, skilling will be a breeze, no matter what the subject. Artist? Not necessary. Even children can learn creativity now, just by reading a book, and it will go quickly, too. I highly recommend taking a job in Education, just for the career reward. Baldo: Already done, and in my inventory, so the kids can take it with them to college, along with the mood boosters.
  • 26. Brianna: I have one last task to perform before I move out with Alabama.
  • 27. Brianna: Hurry over! The babies are about to grow into toddlers!
  • 28. Kelly: How exciting! One of us is meeting our future spouse! Brandon: It's so gonna be me. Writer likes my nose. Actually, we are going to let the children decide for themselves. When all of them are in college, they'll be able to court you, and see who has the best chemisry and relationship. Whoever scores highest wins the heirship for Generation Four. So, be on your best behavior, if you really want to marry in.
  • 29. Meadow: Little Clara is a big girl, now! She's a Libra, with a personality of 4/7/4/10/10, which will, of course, be encouraged upwards to be as extreme as possible before she grows up. Time to get out the wabbit head and meet your potential husband, sweetiepie.
  • 30. Meadow: Carlos the Bald is a Taurus, 8/7/9/10/1. He's going to need a LOT of encouraging, because I refuse to have a mean child. Even though it would fit with the extreme theme, I just won't have it. But at least he's starting with high points in the others, so it won't take up his entire childhood. And he's set to get to know Kelly Kim as a potential wife.
  • 31. Brianna: One evening of this, and I'll leave. But I promise to come back and befriend all my nieces and nephews, throughout the generations. At least, if you promise to invite me, each generation. Meadow: Aww, look. They're already planning their futures at college and beyond. Carlos wants to lift Paranormal, and use the genie lamp.
  • 32. Meadow: Thanks to you, Brianna, I am now the ideal parent. I was already Family, and now I'm secondary Knowledge, with all the Family and Knowledge perks I can get. If I don't roll fulfillable wants now, it won't be my fault. Brianna: Yeah, don't peak too soon, by maxing all your skills and leaving nothing to learn. Meadow: Then I'll roll wants to teach my children.
  • 33. Kelly: I didn't quite manage to achieve friendship with anyone in the house, so you'll have to call me several times a day, until I'm your friend, and we can try it again with the kids. Baldo: Don't worry. I'll make sure you get your fair chance to marry in. Brandon won't win by default. Meadow: I can't wait for proper food storage and not being tied to moodboosters for mere survival in pregnancy. Blech.
  • 34. Baldo: Thanks to the Bookcase of Education, and Showbiz Pet allowing you to study from it, you can learn charisma as children, too, so those bunny heads are really only for ease of befriending potential suitors. You're going to be the first generation to actually learn all of your toddler skills, and get the most perks possible. If one of you, or your siblings, lifts Medical, then even a spouse can use the needs perks, which makes life even easier. Each generation has it better than the one before.
  • 35. Baldo: Yes, Brandon, I know you hope to kiss my daughter when she grows up, but I think she's just a little bit too young to be talking about romance, just yet. Grooming youngsters for arranged marriages: not-quite-pedophilia is a long-standing tradition in apocalypses. I'm just glad I don't have Inteenimator installed.
  • 36. Meadow: It occurs to me that with all of our kids vying for the same potential spouses, we could have some jealousy on our hands next generation, after all. Do you want to study Couples Counseling, or simply declare the first batch of twins to be the only eligible heirs? Baldo: Better idea: Let's just tell them to stick to friendship with Brandon and Kelly, until they have established their sexuality, then have them both over and everyone “scope room.”
  • 37. Baldo: That way, all the kids will be able to have the chance to find out their chemistry, while still not actually having any romantic interactions with Brandon or Kelly, so there will be no jealousy when the winner is declared, and moves in for the proposal of marriage. Meadow: I like the idea of no jealousy. Drama like that may be fun for our Writer, but I did not enjoy it, at all. And it can be an unofficial engagement party, too.
  • 38. Carlos is at 100 daily relationship with Kelly, and Clara is at 100 daily relationship with Brandon. Their parents aren't friends with either, just high enough to invite them over, but when the kids grow up, they can handle inviting the Potential Spouses over for their younger siblings to meet. At this point, Baldo and Meadow's only responsibility is to bear the full generation, and keep them alive and kicking until they are ready for college, then hold the house until the kids graduate and return.
  • 39. Official Timelapse Graphic. Xtreme Xavier insisted that we didn't need to see every little thing, so in her honor, when it's just a matter of marking time, you'll get the Official Timelapse Graphic, instead of the typical montage. I used it first when spending a lot of time running a business, and collecting customer stars, but it will work as well here. It saves on slides and keeps the story moving along. If something really interesting happens, you'll see it, but mostly, kids are born, kids grow, kids skill up.
  • 40. Meadow: Meet Cassandra and Celeste. Three girls means a good chance of good chemistry with Brandon.
  • 41.
  • 42. Baldo: My first batch of twins have grown into children and now begin their studies, while their mother, pregnant with the third and final batch of twins, naps on the other loveseat. I have moved the cribs into the living room, and will eventually shuffle things around so that there are six loveseats in here, with the mood boosters. At that point, Meadow and I will be able to manage our needs well enough with one daily meal, mutual grooming, and regular beds.
  • 43.
  • 44. Meadow: Cassandra is a Taurus, 8/7/9/10/1. Where the heck is all this meanness coming from?
  • 45. Meadow: Celeste is a Libra, with a personality of 4/7/4/10/10.
  • 46.
  • 47. Short interlude to show Mr. and Mrs. Mazza in their new four- bedroom New England style home. As you can see, Brianna is perma-plat, thanks to Freetime lifetime happiness. Getting married pushed her right to the top. Seth was cheated into being perma-plat, because I want him to be happy, despite becoming a “playable,” who will not be played. There's plenty of room here for future Xaviers to join them. Baldo and Meadow, of course, will move in as soon as the kids return from college.
  • 48. Monday #15 means $2250 is paid in protection money. Not a problem in this house. Carlos: Writer! You're not giving us any time for characterization. I object! You can have characterization if you win the heirship. For now, I'm too busy handling a house full of sims with limited food and hygiene resources, and get to the living room, you two!
  • 49. Meadow: Welcome to the family, Corey and Caleb. We have an even split between girls and boys, so the heirship is anybody's guess. Personally, I'm hoping for a girl to be the heir, as she'll have an easier pregnancy, due to lifetime happiness perks, than a wife who marries in. At least until Medical is lifted, and those perks can be taken by anyone, rather than just toddlers, on their child birthday.
  • 50.
  • 51. Cassandra grows up in the pink dress, and Celeste grows up in the blue top and trousers.
  • 52.
  • 53. Meadow: With just a few hours to go until six o'clock, the day before I'll be forced to grow up, I have maxed all my skills and am fully platinum. Time to meditate until six, and then I can choose to grow up as well as possible, for the longest lifespan I can get. Baldo: Yeah, that really matters after we move in with my “playable” sister.
  • 54. Meadow: Time for Corey to grow up. He's an Aries, with a personality of 7/10/9/3/2. Don't worry. We'll encourage that meanness away.
  • 55. Meadow: I had a topped out aspiration meter at growing up time, so I should live long enough. But I'm taking no chances. As soon as the youngest kids become teens, they're all being shipped off to college. They can skill up there, and with the older teens having a lot of scholarships, they should be able to build a good enough shelter. Then, we won't age while they're at college, and as soon as they come home, Baldo and I will join Brianna and Seth Mazza in their home, without any more aging.
  • 56. Meadow: Caleb is a Pisces with a personality of 3/1/10/2/10. Already a good example of an extreme personality! Kid, your great-grandmother would be proud. Still, you'll be encouraged all the way up, as well. Baldo: I hope to have all the kids encouraged up to 10/10/10/10/10 before they go to college. With identical personalities, it will be down to zodiac signs and turn-ons to see who has the best chemistry, for the win.
  • 57. Baldo: Finally, it's my turn. I feel really good about my life. The best part about growing up today is that I have time as an elder to finish encouraging Carlos and Clara, as children. The more of an age difference, the more effective encouraging is, so the younger kids will encourage up really quickly.
  • 58.
  • 59. Baldo: Congratulations, Clara. You are the first Xavier to have the most extreme personality, possible. I'm so proud of you, and I'm sure my grandmother would be, as well. Now, off you go to study your skills so you can have as many scholarships as you can. I'm going to encourage your brother, now, before he becomes a teen. Clara: OK, Dad!
  • 60. Meadow: Happy birthday, Clara and Carlos! Tell us about yourselves. Clara: I'm a Popularity/Romance sim. Carlos: I'm Pleasure/Popularity. Meadow: And your turn ons and offs? Clara: Too changeable to report at this time. ReNuYu!
  • 61. Clara: In fact, I'm going to use the ReNuYu and change myself to a Knowledge/Family sim. Carlos: Me, too. I think we should all choose the same aspiration. Knowledge will see us through college with the highest aspiration, and if we're the same aspiration, it will make the heirship challenge more equal. Basically, it will boil down to zodiac sign, and perhaps hair color, depending on Brandon and Kelly's turn-ons and offs.
  • 62. Clara: Thanks to the Education lift, we can choose for ourselves. Until the heirship challenge is won, we should all go for the same thing: Knowledge/Family, with the turn-ons of Charisma and Cleaning, and a turn-off of Blonde hair. That should give the best possible chemistry that a ReNuYu can give us, for Brandon and Kelly. Of course, after graduation, we can change to anything we want.
  • 63.
  • 64. Clara: I have the mood-boosters and some other career rewards in my inventory, along with a few other items of furniture. Carlos and I just have one more scholarship to get. We have not gotten jobs, so we won't get the scholarship for that one, but we have at least 8 in every skill, and now we just need dance. Then, we can move to college and move into an empty lot, and hold it while we wait for our siblings to move in with us, so we can build a good house and be on the same schedule.
  • 65. Clara: Here we are at Xtreme University. We bought an empty lot, and built the best home we could with just the money Carlos and I brought with us. I furnished it almost completely with stuff I brought from home, but I did buy a few new items, as well.
  • 66. Clara: The ground floor has a kitchenette (with a grill outside), a computer for writing term papers, the pinball game for fun, a photo booth to memorialize our time here, and a small bathroom.
  • 67. Clara: Upstairs is another small bathroom, plus a reading area, the punching bag, so we can train our friends in body skill, and sleeping for six. With the two mood boosters here, we should be well able to keep up our motives while we are studying and sleeping, and the rest should take care of itself.
  • 68. Clara: The basement holds our one-time stash of ReNuYu SensoOrbs, thanks to Grandma Audrey, plus six Thinking Caps to help with grades, and the ballet barre, because we might want to use it, sometimes. We'll have to shuffle stuff around to do it, but can do that. Note that most of the floor is uncovered. Eventually, we hope to put in a garden down here, although we'll have to expand the house or stash the ReNuYu orbs to allow it. For now, the house is big enough for our needs at college.
  • 69.
  • 70. Baldo: Here at home, it's Caleb and Corey's birthday. Our last children are all grown up. Well, grown out of the toddler stage, at least. Here is Caleb in his pirate outfit.
  • 71. Baldo: And here is Corey, the only one who does not have my black hair. He takes after his mother. Awww. I immediately set them to study Lifelong Happiness, before I start encouraging their personalities. We pretty much do nothing but study in this house, now.
  • 72.
  • 73. Baldo: This is our life, now. Another week goes by, and we pay $2400 in protection payments.
  • 74. Celeste: I got five scholarships. How about you, Cassandra? Cassandra (still rocking the pink): Same. Let's go to college! Life has got to be more exciting there. We don't do anything but skill here at home.
  • 75.
  • 76. You people are so boring to me. Everyone just skills or works on their personality all day long. For the whole generation, no one has left the family room except to go to school or occassionally visit the bathroom, to get bottles, or to grill hamburgers for the pregnant woman, and that's not even a thing now. So Boring! Baldo: It's this heirship challenge. Trying to make it fair for everyone by giving them all the same personality. Nope. It's being tied to the mood boosters. Even Meadow, who is fully skilled, is studying just to keep from wandering away from them. BORING!
  • 77. Yes, readers. I lied. This Official Timelapse Graphic is not for your convenience, but because it keeps me from pulling my hair out, looking at picture after picture after picture after picture after picture of the family doing THE SAME BLASTED THING ALL DAY, EVERY DAY FOR AN ENTIRE GENERATION!!! I can't wait to play them through college. It will be much more interesting. College hijinks! Romance! Drama! There's a Secret Society! Will somone screw up the schedule? Hooray!
  • 78. Corey: No, Daddy! Don't let goooooo! BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAA! I have never been so grateful for a glitch! Thank you, sims, for finally doing something interesting again. Aaaand, back to skilling and encouraging, please. Your moods are dropping outside. :sighs: Moodboosters will keep you alive but normal living is better and more varied.
  • 79. One last Official Timelapse Graphic, and then it's time for Corey and Caleb to grow into teens and move to college.
  • 80. Meadow: Caleb and Corey have grown up! I'm gonna be an empty nester, any minute. Caleb: We still need to call for scholarships, but then we're off to college! Hooray! Baldo: Bye, bye, kids. Have fun at university. Please pay this week's protection money, $2550, on your way out.
  • 81. And now here we are, all together at college, at last. … Um, guys, I'm over here.
  • 82. Here are the first Xaviers to go to college. From left to right: Clara, Carlos, Cassandra, Celeste, Corey and Caleb. They are all 10/10/10/10/10, Knowledge/Family sims, with the turn ons of Charisma and Cleaning, and a turn-off of Blonde. Zodiac signs and Brandon's/Kelly's attraction to them will be the only real difference in the coming trial. But that's for next chapter. Until then, Happy Simming!