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November 2012           Year 59 #11

                                                                                           Vin Cassidy with his 1915 Buick
                                                                                                   Touring Car
                                                                                               “Read about this buick ’s 2012
                                                                                                  touR of the usa on Page 6”

            The Official Monthly Publication of Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts by The Vermont Antique Automobile Society

2]... Events…. “What’s Next”.                                     8]…Dave’s Garage, Getting ready for Winter &
                                                                          What is that tiny hole in my door?
4]…Nancy is back &                                                9]...Wow...The Hershey Show!
          Marnita’s Applesauce Spice Cake.
5]…Humor and “Did You Know in 1922”                               10]... Doris Bailey’s TC.
     from Gene Fodor’s.
6]…What is Vin Cassidy up to Now? ….An                            12]…How to Fix You Artillery Wheel.
      Explanation to the picture above.
                                                                  14]…You Gotta Read “the Plea”………….
7]… Wendell Noble’s “What is a Turnnion?

                                                        Officer Jones….
                                     "Just how big were those 'two beers' you say you had?"
Mission Statement:                                   events…
  The Vermont Antique Automobile
    Society is a tax free 501c3
                                                         What’s next ?
   organization dedicated to the
     preservation, protection,                                      October
   promotion and appreciation of
      automotive history and                     October 22nd at 1:30...VAAS Board meeting
                                                 at Dick Wheatley’s office in Essex.

                                                                  November                       Peggy Perkins was the only person I found
                                                                                                 doing a “non– car” task at the      Hershey
Wheel Tracks is a monthly newsletter                                                               show. She was working to finish a 30-
published in print and electronically            November 3rd. The VAE/ VAAS Annual               scarf project so every child in her daugh-
for the public, and for the VAE and              Meeting. Details Page 13.                          ter’s class room would have one for
VAAS membership in ten states and                                                                     Christmas. Her husband Bob and
two Canadian provinces.                                           December                       daughter (I didn’t get her name) was roam-
                                                                                                 ing the vendor isles. They are from Swartz
                                                 December 2nd. The VAE monthly meet and           Creek, Michigan and this was Bob’s 40th
Your editor and other authors are                Holiday Party. Details later                         year coming to the show.        gcf
made aware of some new products,
services or information that they feel                           January 2013
may have value to VAE’s membership.
These products, services or
informationals are not an endorsement
                                                                February 2013
by the VAE unless otherwise noted.
The opinions are solely those of the                                 ????
particular article’s author.
                                                                 March 2013

        ***Contact Us At***                                          ????                                              April 2013
                                                                     ????                         A Hershey Sign….call Wheel Tracks for
        ***Our Website Is***                                                                       the vendor information if you HOOT
                                                  Help VAE Members keep up & informed                        Does not TOOT
                                  Send Wheel Tracks your events

   VAE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS                    Membership Recruiting..
                                                                Chris Barbieri, Carol Lavallee
Chairman, Wendell Noble, 802-893-2232                           Hal Boardman, Rick Hamilton        VAE Show Chairs/Board Ex-Officio
                      Nominating.. Conception Conti,                      Antique and Classic Car Meet (Stowe)
President- Dave Sander,802-434-8418                           Gary Olney, Bob Guinn                    Bob Chase, Chair, 802-253-4897
                       Transition Bylaws.. Andy Barnett, Fred              Duane Leach, Co-Chair, 802-849-6174
1st. Vice President & Activities Chair-                              Cook, Doris Bailey,
          Jim Sears 802-482-2698                                     Chris Barbieri
                                                                     Wheel Tracks Editor (Ex-Officio)
2nd. Vice-President& Assistant Activity Chair-                  VAAS Directors                            Gary Fiske 802-933-7780
          Robert Lalancette 802-849-2692                    Gael Boardman, Chairman                            cell 802-363-1642
                     Lloyd Davis, Vice Chairman              
Treasurer- Dick Wheatley 802-879-9455                         Jan Sander, Secretary                          2503 Duffy Hill Road
                                  Dick Wheatley, Treasurer                  Enosburg Falls, Vermont 05450
 Recording Secretary- Bill Sander,                                Andy Barnett                             Clark & Isabelle Wright
       802-644-5487,                             Bob Chase                                  Burma Shave editors
Tom McHugh Exp. 2012– 802-862-1733                                Leo Laferriere                                    Edi Fiske
Les Skinner Exp. 2012 -802-485-8150                  MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT TEAM                              Wheel Tracks proof-reader
Chris Barbieri Exp. 2013 –802-223-3104                  Membership Secretary (Ex-Officio)                       Sunshine Chair
Committees:                                                    Christina McCaffrey                   Christina McCaffrey 802-862-3133
Audit……….Leo Laferriere, Doris Bailey,                            89 Ledge Road             
             Jim Sears                                      Burlington VT 05401-4140
Futures……Gael Boardman,                                   VAE
             Spencer Halstead, Gary Fiske     

WHEEL TRACKS…                                 November             2012                                                  PAGE 2
From The President
                                                                                   David Sander
                                          2012 is quickly winding down. The grass has stopped growing, the leaves are almost done turning,
                                      and have to start my fall chores.
                                        I am happy to report that 2012 has been a good year for the VAE so far. We had several successful
                                      and highly visible events this year giving our club some great exposure. The Stowe show was a
                                      stunning success, membership is stable, and we are in the black financially.
                                          I need nominations for the VAE restoration award. If you know of a car that had a restoration
                                      completed this year, please let me know. I need to begin my selection of a car restoration deserving of
                                      this award.
 I just returned from another fun trip to Hershey. I was fortunate enough to enjoy the company of several great VAE friends and also so-
cialize with my MG friends. The weather was great, and my 12 year old Chrysler made another successful round trip with no roadside re-
pairs. I was well disciplined, I only bought some chocolate bars. It was another great event, with a huge flea market, hundreds of cars for
sale, vintage racing, and a great car show on Saturday. What a fun event!
    As we go through the transition from driving our cars to planning for winter projects be well, and be safe.

                                                                                                            Sunshine Report
              From Your Editor Gary             Fiske
                                                                                                  Doris Bailey
I was one of the above mentioned VAEers who joined David at
Hershey….and that is why you might be getting your Wheel
Tracks a couple of days late this month.                                                          from hip sur-
Hershey….WOW!. I am still trying to take it all in. Almost 300                                    gery – new ad-
acres of cars or something related to cars, except maybe the Crab                                 dress at Apt 43
Cakes...I couldn’t resist! In the four days we were there I found                                 90 Allen Road,
one person involved in a non-automotive task, check out Peggy
Perkins photo on page 2.                                                                          Allenwood in
There is also another group of VAEers now traveling China. I just received an email               South
from Dick Wheatley with a short report that everything is going fine. One member of the           Burlington.
group thought he had a great deal on a purchase until he was given change in Russian              Dick Wilson of Shelburne died –
Rubles. He found it odd that the vendor quickly parted then found that Rubles are worthless
                                                                                                  notice from Inger Dybfest.
in China.
You can also find a picture of Wendell Noble Page 5 the day after he joined the                   Theresa Drake (Phil’s wife) from
“Corn Husking Union”. The group is due back on Saturday the 20th, I hope Wendell comes            Newport recovering from surgery.
with them!                                                                                        Conception & Ronnie Conti – Birthdays
Four– door MGs have been their ‘surprise’ car find in China, then there was the Rolls             and anniversary – card sent.
Royce that comes with an umbrella installed in the passenger door. I also read how Wendell
Noble and Chris Barbieri are ‘bummed out’ because there is no Mopar in China!
You have to agree….VAE Members do get around. If you “got around” and have a                      As you can see, Nancy Olney is back
story, I would sure like to hear from you.                                                        on page 4. She reports she is feeling.

                                                                    VAE/VAAS Annual Meetings
                   tings                                                 Sat. Nov. 3, 2012
        hl    y Mee                                         VT Technical College, Randolph Center, Vt.
   Mont                         Make reservations by October 23rd with Jim Sears 802-598-1663
                                                      Detailed information on Page 13

                                                           Holiday Gathering
                                                      Sunday December 2nd 1:00pm
                                                         JP’s Restaurant & Deli
                                                       39 River Road, Essex Jct., VT

This year our Holiday Party will be at JP’s Restaurant & Deli. We will be ordering from the menu and they also have daily specials. Don’t
forget an item for the gift exchange. Locating that special gift, like Elvis last year, may not be easy, but could make a special memory for
all of us. Make your reservations with Jim Sears 802-598-1663 or

November and December are difficult months for our less fortunate friends and neighbors. So please remember to bring a food item or
two to these meetings for a local food shelf.

WHEEL TRACKS..                               November           2012                                                     PAGE 3
The Softer Side
                                    A Column Shared &Written by Marnita Leach (The Cookie),
                                            Mary Noble (Left) & Nancy Olney (Right)

                         If you mention the name Hershey to anyone connected with cars, chocolate is
not what comes to mind. It is about the only thing on “car” enthusiasts’ minds the second week of October. Whether you
need a car part or two or not, it is not unlike the draw felt by the pilgrims to the Holy Land around Christmas or the Passo-
ver holiday or the very thing a deer hunters’ wife experiences when the leaves start to turn color and the weather turns
colder. It is one of the first statements made or first questions asked - I’ll look for that at Hershey or are you going to
Hershey? Such sadness for those that are not able to attend and such jubilance for those that are going. Plans are made
to meet and lists are made of parts to look for. Those fortunate enough to be able to go are always willing to keep an eye
out for an allusive part needed by the less fortunate who have to stay home. They talk about it for weeks before and it
certainly gives them much to talk about weeks after. Plans are made for the next year before this year is hardly over!
I went to Hershey in the early seventies which was long before it was anywhere as huge as it is now and I have to say that
it was too big then and really haven’t wanted to return. Not to say I don’t look forward to the annual event because I do. I
look forward to having up to a week of doing just what I want to do. Wouldn’t call me selfish, would you?

While I’m here let me take time to thank all of you for such nice cards, thoughts and prayers when I was so ill. Also, those
who had Gary for meals and brought food to the house. With your help, he and I have done very well. Thank you so much.
Sincerely, Nancy

                                    fRom the ‘cookie’ at the stoWe shoW
                                                       by Marnita Leach

                                             APPLESAUCE SPICE CAKE
                                                      2 1/2 cups flour
                                                     2 cups sugar
                                                1 1/2 teaspoons salt
                                            1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
                                             1/4 teaspoon baking powder
                                               3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
                                                 1/2 teaspoon cloves
                                                1/2 teaspoon allspice
                                                  2 cups applesauce
                                                 1/2 cup shortening
                                                    1/2 cup water
                                                        3 eggs
                                                     1cup raisins
                                                1/2 cup chopped nuts
    In a mixing bowl, sift together flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and spices. Add applesauce,
  shortening, and water: Beat 2 min. Add eggs and beat 2 mins. more, stir in raisins and nuts. Pour batter into 2
                            greased and floured loaf pans. Bake at 350 for 55-60 min.

WHEEL TRACKS..                       November          2012                                             PAGE 4
From Gene Fodor                                                       Did you Know 1921
                                                                                                 By Gene Fodor
                    TEACHER: Why are you late?
             STUDENT: Class started before I got here.
                                                                       … production dipped to 25 percent less than 1920 for both cars and
 TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the
                                 floor?                                … post-war depression brought a drastic curtailment in sales.
          JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.             … Studebaker developed nickel-molybdenum steel for
      __________________________________________                         commercial use.
           TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'               … Hudson offered adjustable front seats.
                    GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L'                          … Ford weathered financial crisis with the help of dealers.
                     TEACHER: No, that's wrong                         … Hudson offered a coach, the Essex, priced at only $300 more than
     GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.          touring cars.
                           (I Love this child)                         … Mack originated rubber engine mountings and rubber
     ____________________________________________                        spring shackles.
     TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?          … Walter C White became President of White Motor Co and
                     DONALD: H I J K L M N O.                            Windsor T. White succeeded M.B. Johnson as Chairman.
               TEACHER: What are you talking about?                    … Tommy Milton in a Frontenac won the Indy 500 with the
              DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.                    average speed of 89.62 mph.
            __________________________________                         … Ford produced 55.45 percent of the industries out put.
 TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we       … Nickel plating appeared on radiators and lamps.
                      didn't have ten years ago.                       … Cadillac offered thermostatic control of carburetion.
                             WINNIE: Me!                               … A few more manufacturers offered hydraulic brakes.
      __________________________________________                       … at the height of the post-war (WW I) depression, 59 new
          TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?                 marques were introduced. Rolls-Royce remains.
      GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
       TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I. '
                             MILLIE: I is..
             TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.'
     MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'
  TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's
  cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his
                      father didn't punish him?
       LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.....
 TEACHER: Now, Simon , tell me frankly, do you say prayers before
      SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.
 TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same
                as your brother's.. Did you copy his?
                 CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog.

                   (I want to adopt this kid!!!)
  TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking
             when people are no longer interested?
                      HAROLD: A teacher

                                                                              Wendell Noble helping the locals husk corn on a four
                                                                                       lane highway outside of Beijing.
                                                                                      The road is closed for the harvest.

WHEEL TRACKS..                              November            2012                                                 PAGE 5
Vin Cassidy, the tale is told, purchased this 1915 Buick Tourer in Iowa
                                                                   last year (2011) but did not have the room to haul it back to his home-base
                                                                   in Rowley, Massachusetts. Vin and his family operate Cassidy Brothers
                                                                   Forge in Rowley where some very beautiful architectural wrought iron is
                                                                   manufactured. Along with running the sales department, Vin also buys and
                                                                   sells vintage auto parts throughout the U.S. If you are ever in his neighbor-
                                                                   hood you really need to stop by and tour the many garages and containers of
                                                                   old car parts in the rear of the forge business. Many VAE members have
                                                                   bought some of Vin’s treasures at surprisingly low prices.
                                                                   Now back to the tale and travels of Vin’s Buick…. Earlier this year Vin
                                                                   returned to Iowa and hauled his Buick home. Then in August, deep inside of
                                                                   our Stowe Car Show vendor area we could all hear an engine cough a couple
                                                                   of times then take off with a bang or two. It was Vin’s 1915 Buick looking
                                                                   about what it looks like in the picture to the left. Someone could be seen
                                                                   stand on the trailer feeding fuel to the engine and working the carbure-
tor….Vins Buick had arrived in Stowe! No one at the show was interested in buying the car so Vin hauled it back home. During the return
trip one of the doors fell off requiring Vin to back-track to Stowe looking for it. This reporter forgot to ask Vin if he found it so you can ask
when you see him next.
Fast-forward to the Fall Hershey Car Show…. And guess what is making it’s appearance? ....The
1915 Buick sitting rather lost on it’s trailer! About the second day of the show some ‘higher old-car
power’ kicked in and yup you guessed it...a person from Iowa appeared and was interested in buying the
Buick. It is told the Buick is now residing in Forest City, Iowa with a possible bright future.
Buick made around 42,000 cars in 1915, 19,080 of them were touring cars like Vin’s and the car
pictured to the right. They were also still making carriages in 1915, in fact a completed carriage would
come out of their factory every ten minutes, some 25,000 each year. The company started around 1850 as
McLaughlin Carriage Company not far from Oshawa, Ontario and made it’s first automobile in 1907. In
the beginning the cars were known as “McLaughlins”. Later the name changed to “Mclaughlin-Buick”
then became simply “Buick” when the company became General Motors of Canada in 1915. Interesting-
ly, until 1914 the cars were finished with the same paints and varnishes the company used on their car-
riages...some fifteen coats on every car.

                  A reply from Stan Lasell of Williamstown
                 In reference to the Stewart Carb question….
                                                                                            In Ditch
Hello Jim, How are you? I saw an article in the current Wheel Tracks about                                         Driver
Stewart-Warner fuel systems. I became curious as to what my Nashes have, so                                        In Tree
looked at three before I found one clearly readable. The vacuum tank says
"Stewart", but I saw no "Warner". The "25s and the later one look the same.
When my brother bought the later one, I think in 1958, he was told it was a '26'.
After his death I registered it with the Nash Car Club, sending the serial #. They
said it's a '28. It has 20-in. rubber instead of 21, and a float with a gauge rod
sticking up through the block instead of a screw-in oil dipstick. The dash on the
'25's has three oval panels about 4"x6", whereas the later one has one rectangular                                                       ull
                                                                                                                                   Was F
panel about 6"x9" with 5 gauges in it. Other than that, I'd say they're the same.
All are Advanced 6. The carburetors are Marvel, not Stewart. I don't suppose
this sheds much light on Stewart-Warner. The arti-
cle made reference to a '22 Packard. I haven't                                                                  And so
                                                                                                                Was he
had the Nashes running in 30 years, I put a crank
in one, probably first time in 30 years, and it
turned, but I couldn't get it out of gear. Didn't try
too hard, don't want to bend the shifter forks.                                               Berma
  I hope to attend the annual meet Nov. 3- it's only                                           Shave
15 or 20 miles from home. The important thing is
to remember it. Lots going on, plus I have a good
‘forgettery’. I'm told it improves with age.
Sincerely, Stan Lasell

WHEEL TRACKS..                                November            2012                                                     PAGE 6
by Wendell Noble
                                                      Have you ever heard of a trunnion? The word comes from the French word “trognon”
                                                      which refers to the protrusions on the side of a cannon which allow it to tilt up and down in
                                                      its carriage. Well, enough of the lexicology. In my case, trunnion refers to the type of uni-
                                                      versal joints in the ’30 Chrysler I’m working on. Most of us gear heads are very familiar
                                                      with the cross and yoke (Cardan) type of universal joints found on just about any applica-
                                                      tion where a shaft has to transmit torque through varying angles (including my socket
                                                      wrench shaft.) Automotive drive shafts usually have to do this as well as deal with varying
                                                      shaft length as the drive axle moves up and down absorbing bumps and potholes. The
                                                      length variation is taken care of by a separate sliding splined section of the shaft. The trun-
                                                      nion type of universal joint, shown in the figure, takes care of both of rotating and sliding
                                                      motions in one unit. It is also frequently referred to as the ball and pin type. As you can
see from the figure, there is a pin (16) through the end of the shaft, forming a trunnion. There is a ball (6) at each end of the trunnion which
can freely rotate on needle bearings (5).The balls fit into grooves in the body (8). The body will rotate with the shaft and since the balls are
free to slide in the groove and rotate on the trunnion, the entire unit is able to transmit torque from the shaft to the body at varying angle as
well as absorb varying shaft length.
     My restoration efforts on my Chrysler require that I rebuild a drive shaft with one of these units on each end. The parts are all availa-
ble, including the boots or dust covers (10). To install the rubber boots, it would seem obvious that you must remove the pin from the shaft,
pull off the body, push on the boot and then put it all back together again. I tried removing the pressed in pin by tapping with a hammer, hit-
ting harder with a bigger hammer and then pressing it with an industrial strength press. Nothing made it
budge. The next step was to place a call to VAE member Fred Gonet. As it turned out, Fred had just installed a
couple of these dust shields on his Chrysler a couple of weeks ago. In the process, he had actually read the di-
rections, carefully. Fred instructed me on how you can do this without removing the pin. You lather up the
rubber boot and the inside of the body with plenty of white lithium grease. Then work the boot over the pin and
force it down inside the body. With the boot inside the body, hold the body in a well secured vise and pull real
hard on the shaft at various angles and the boot will “squirt’ out the other end of the body. By golly, it worked,
after one failed attempt and using a come-along to pull on the shaft. Now I’m sure everyone will want to try
this just for the fun of it. And try dropping the word “trunnion” at the next cocktail party.

                     Conception Conti, VAE President in 2005, shares one of his
                            auto tales with his fellow VAE members.
 After the flood of 1927, Dad attended an auction in Barre, VT where they were selling all the flood Buicks of the HG Bennet Dealer-
 ship. He purchased a new 1927 4- door touring Buick. He bid $100.00 and got it. He had no license so one of our neighbor ladies, taught
 Dad how to drive after the auction. When he drove it home and got to the driveway he didn't apply the brakes soon enough and smashed
 into Mother's big wild rosebush. All us children were sitting on the veranda with Mother when Dad cut the motor and sat behind the wheel
 with an Italian Parodi Stogie Cigar in his mouth. Mother asked in Italian (as none of us six children spoke English)," Now Andrew what did
 you do now?" He answered: "Bought a car."
 The Buick had side curtains and was very cold to ride in. So Dad traded it for a 1928 Overland, 2-door Whippet with glass in the win-
 dows. The spare tire was bolted to the rear and was covered with a canvas that bore the message "FOB Detroit $760.20. It had a white-wall
 475 x 19 tires mounted on wooden spoke wheels. The split metal wheels, politely speaking, were a S.O.B. to change. As many of you
 enthusiasts remember the roads were not paved and often hardly passable. I recall a week-end trip to Berlin NH--a 100-mile trip. This took
 us 6 or more hours with luck and at least 2 flat tires. We had two extra tires tied on the spare in the rear. Deep muddy ruts, wheels spinning,
 stuck in mud, paying farmers $1.00 to pull us over the real bad spots. We repaired the tubes with patches of rubber that had a perforated cap
 on the patch can to scratch the tube so the glue in the cement would stick to the
 tube. Then a little touch of gas fire to heat the patch to stick it on. Such fun. It didn't
 always hold very well.
 My dad and I went rabbit hunting when the roads were passable along with Uncle
 Peter and our Beagle, Prince, and Uncle Peter's dog, Spark. Our trip would take us 8
 miles from Barre Town, to Websterville in Orange. I was 13 years old and this is the
 1928 Whippet I learned to drive on. If it got cold while we were hunting Dad would
 tell me to go back to the car and start it and turn on the optional Arvin Heater. That I
 did. I soon got tired of sitting there so I found I could push the clutch and get the car
 moving in low and around the gravel pit. I soon found out I could get it, with a little
 grinding, into second, then later on into 3rd. All well. When Dad and Uncle Peter came
 back with 8 or 10 rabbits (legal in those days), Dad said to me, "You drive home. We
 watched you from the top of the pit." So, I did much practicing. But never got my Ver-
 mont license until WWII was over.

 WHEEL TRACKS..                                 November            2012                                                        PAGE 7
Dave’s Garage by Dave Sander
                                                               This column is a Q & A column with you asking me questions
                                                                        and after researching the answer I will reply.
                                                          Any questions ‘automotive’ is fare game, I might not know the answer
                                                                      but hopefully I will find someone who does know.
                                                    Please send all inquiries to or 32 Turkey Hill Road, Richmond VT

                                                                                       Winter Preparation
                                                 Winter in Vermont is a very harsh environment for an automobile. There are several
things I do to prepare my car for winter.
    First, I thoroughly wash the car. I wash all the dirt, leaves and pine needles out of the wheel wells, behind the fenders and all the
little nooks and cavities in the car body. I make sure the floor panel is clean. Next, I make sure all the factory drain holes are open and
clear. This includes the rocker panels, doors, fenders, hood, frame and the quarter panels. When the car is dry I put on a good coat of
wax. The interior also gets a good cleaning. The carpet gets vacuumed with my shop vac, the rubber winter floor mats go in, and the
leather seats get a good leather conditioner.
When the cleaning is done, I put the car on the lift. The wheels come off, and I undercoat the car with hot bar and chain oil. I heat it up
in a metal can until it pours like water. I spray it with a siphon sprayer and compressed air. I coat the floor pan, the frame, the rocker pan-
els, inside the wheel wells, behind the fenders, inside the door bottoms, under the hood, the strut towers, and every other place I can con-
ceive of rust forming. I usually wait until a cold October or November day so the oil will cool and cling to the car quickly when I take it
out of the garage. In the spring, all the bar and chain oil easily comes off with degreaser and a power washer.
     While the car is on the lift I do a quick inspection of the brakes and suspension. This is a good time to replace the brake fluid if it is
more than two years old. I also check the coolant and load test the battery. If the battery is weak now, it will fail to start the car on a cold
winter day. I also check the wipers, lights and all fluid levels while it is in the garage. If you are due for an oil change, or are thinking of
switching to synthetic oil, now is the time. Unlike conventional oil, synthetic still remains quite fluid at sub zero temperatures. Synthetic
oil builds oil pressure much faster at initial start up in cold temperatures . After all of this is done, I put the snow tires on and check the
pressures. Don't forget to check the spare. I make sure to have a tow strap, basic tool kit and a portable jump starter/air compressor in the
car too.
     With the cost of new cars, and the aggravation of car problems in the dead of winter, now is the time to do some preventative mainte-
nance to make your car reliable and last longer.
    Happy fall!

                                   Sent in by Bill Billado “Hole Under Door Lock”
A victim wrote:
Wednesday, I approached my truck from the passenger side to place my computer bag (aka my man purse) in the front passenger seat. As
I reached to open the door I noticed there was a hole right under my door handle. My first thought was, "someone has shot my truck!" I
began to think about it and inspect it a little closer and the "light" slowly began to come on. I phoned my friend who owns a body shop
and asked if he had any vehicles with damage to the doors that looked like a bullet hole. "Yes, I see it all the time. Thieves have a punch
and place it right under the door handle, knock a hole through, reach in and unlock it, just as if they have a key. No alarms, broken glass,
or anything. I then placed a call to my insurance agent and explained it to him. I was puzzled that they left my GPS and all other belong-
ings. Here is where it gets scary! "Oh no, he said, they want the break-in to
be so subtle that you don't even realize it. They look at your GPS to see
where "home" is. Now, they know what you drive, go to your home, and if
your vehicle isn't there they assume you aren't and break into your home."

He said they will even leave a purse or wallet and only take one or two
credit cards. By the time you realize there has been a theft, they may have
already had a couple of days or more to use them. (I didn't realize my situ-
ation for two full days!) They even give you the courtesy of re-locking
your doors for you. Periodically, walk around your car, especially after you
park in a shopping center or other large parking area. Report thefts imme-
diately....your bank w/missing check numbers, your credit card agencies,
police, and insurance companies, etc.

                      ( To the right is picture of what the hole looks like )

WHEEL TRACKS..                                November               2012                                                  PAGE 8
VAE Gossip              by GCF

 You can call the column for this month gossip or the ‘new experiences of the editor’….it doesn't matter because the editor has to
 unload some of his “Hershey Adventures” or he will burst….
 I just returned last night from the AACA Fall Meet in Hershey, PA., my very first time there and it was amazing. I joined Bill and Dave
 Sander and we stayed in a rented RV in the middle of the vendor area. Get this...we were camping in the middle of 10,425 vendors that
 covers 134 acres! When I stepped out of the RV the first morning it was wall to wall vendors and shoppers. A radio station in the area did
 some research and found if you walked every isle of vendors you would have walked 25 miles. If you add the vendor area, the 15 acre car
 corral area, the 15 acre car show area plus the parking areas the total is just under 300 acres.
 Are you impressed yet? It took me the entire first day to figure the place out, which included circling the Giant Center stadium two times to
 get an accurate bearing for our RV!
 The Car Corral, oh-my-gosh, was huge and had everything from high-wheelers to a $672,000 Rolls Royce to fire trucks. In all cases simp-
 ly side by categories. I estimate the length of the ‘street’ for the car corral was about 3/4 of a mile long with cars backed to the curb
 perpendicularly. I have tried doing an estimate and come up with a conservative number of around 700 cars plus there was an ‘over-run’
 parking lot with at least another 100 vehicles. Many of the vendor booths also had vehicles for sale, I wouldn’t dare to guess that number.

                                         We watched a high-wheeler race where the rig you can see to
                                         the left won the first heat pretty handily with two elderly gents
                                         at the controls. They had to start at the line by shutting off the
                                         rig.. getting off and running around it...starting it, then climb-
                                         ing aboard and taking off to circle the track one time. When
                                         they returned to the starting line the same procedure as the
                                         first was used then circle the track one more time...first one
                                         wins. The gents in the IH couldn’t run and took a while climb-
                                         ing in but once settled they blew their competition away. In        1933 Chev. Master..$4250 …$4000
      A 1910 IH for sale at $39,875
                                         the 2nd and last heat the IH raced against an early small Sears $3500...this on the 2nd day.
 high-wheeler. It was pretty obvious the IH would win and the crowd started cheering for the Sears
 underdog. It was a memorable moment when the Sears rig came in for the 2nd start-up while the ’old guys’ in the IH was doing their ‘run’.
 You could hear the crowd shouting “Park in front of them...Park in front of them!
                                                 The three of us would head out in the morning basical-
                                                 ly in three different directions with ideas of the areas
                                                 we wanted to cover. At the end of the day David, Bill and
                                                 I would talk about all the things we saw and the people we
                                                 had met. I think I might have covered that 25 miles and
                                                 then some because I was usually running out of gas at the
                                                 end of the day. The funny part is that Bill usually had
                                                 covered about all that I had and was the first one out of the
                                                 RV the next morning. I wonder what exactly they did to
                                                 him when he had to visit the hospital earlier this year?
                                                 One of the evenings, after the day of ‘trucking’
        A tiny example of the car corral         through the show, we drove the few short miles to the
                                                 “Antique Auto Museum at Hershey”, where the feature
                                                 during this six month period is Chevrolet… I had never             “A Hershey Convoy”
                                                 been there before and it was quite a treat. We at the VAE       The two carts in front ran
                                                 have been talking about our own museum someday and                 out of power and the
                                                 this is an example of about as good as it could possibly          friend in the rear came
                                                 get. You could tell the folks running the museum loved           along with a full charge!
                                                 and knew what they were doing. The display setting and
                                                 scenes were fantastic and the vintage vehicles were out of
                                                 this world. The museum is only about ten years old having
                                                 started almost twenty years ago by the AACA. Today it is an independent non-profit 501c3
                                                 with very close ties to the AACA. Seventy one thousand square feet celebrating       twentieth
                                                 century transportation, what gear-head could ask for more.
                                                  The final day at the car show is dedicated to “The Car Show”. Some 600 judges collect to
  Some of you might remember a July 2010 judge over 1700 cars. There is even a ‘judge school’ on the grounds to prepare for the final big
  Wheel Tracks story on Gary Olney’s 1906 day. The cars are shined, the hoods and trunks are exposing the car’s workings and the judges
  Orient Buckboard. This 1899 Orient Auto- crawl through the huge crowd of spectators with their clip-boards in hand. A few cars become
  go with it’s 2.5 HP was made by the same more valuable, and a few others get 2nd and 3rd place. My big reward is seeing them strut
  company in Boston and won many races           their stuff. The show started in 1954 and I got to see the number 58…...

WHEEL TRACKS..                                 November            2012                                                       PAGE 9
Doris Bailey Writes about Her MGTC
                                                                                                    Continued from page 16

                                                   The rest of us all loved it, and the boys got a big kick out of driving on the "wrong"
                                                   side, as the little TC wedged itself between the pickups and the pony cars at
                                                   construction sites.
                                                       Thus began our years with the TC. When the family convenes, some of the
                                                   hilarious stories of motoring the "M.G. way" will be told. I could fill up a Sacred
                                                   Octagon (MG club newsletter) with accounts of trips to the various meets in the
                                                   "little green car."
                                                       We had the TC over the years, and during that time it was painted, had a
                                                   complete engine rebuild, and new dark green leather upholstery from England. (I
                                                   also had the temerity to rewire the car myself- wadda they mean-- "positive earth?"
                                                       In the fall of 1976, I was advised that the ash bar of the upper body was rotting
                                                   away. The advise turned out to be wrong, but I thought the person was an MG
                                                   expert. I knew it would be very expensive to replace all the wood, and with two kids
still in college, we decided to sell the TC instead. I advertised in Hemmings and sold the car in two days. People called from all over
the country, and a man named Terry Carr from Illinois sent the first bankers check for $6,000 and the car was his...I had a lump in
my throat too big to swallow when I saw the TC go up on a trailer and go down our street for good, but I just went in to the house
and looked at the $6,000 check and felt a little better-- but not much.
    Fourteen years flickered by, while we owned everything from a genuine London cab to two gorgeous Cadillac convertibles to the
famed 2002TII BMW to a 1968 CamRo RS Convertible (Hot Rod)...And yet, anytime I saw an MG TC all the memories returned.
Jack Lenoard and Frank Churchill would occasionally have their TCs in for service at Tamarack Inc. (a specialty garage here in
Burlington, VT), and I would begin to think again that maybe someday... I never forgot the car or the engine number, I never got rid
of Terry Carr's phone number, I never gave away 10 years of The Sacred Octagon, I never even threw out the "TC 46" license
plates hanging in the garage... Finally, in February 1989, I decided to try and find out what had become of the TC. I called Terry
Carr in Mt. Vernon, IL: no, he did not own the car anymore, but he could find out who did. I called him again and again determined
that he knew who had the car, Not that it was for sale, but he would not tell me the name of the man who owned it. This went on
for a year. (I think he was stonewalling-- hoping to make a profit on the deal.) finally, one day he slipped and told me the name,
Lanny Pace, also of Mt. Vernon. I had Mr. Pace on the phone in ten minutes, and yes, he owned the TC, and yes, it was for sale!
The car was up on blocks and needed brake work. In three years of ownership he had never driven it! To continue: from April
through August we negotiated price and condition. (He had the brakes repaired and he and his wife took drives in it on warm
summer evenings.)
    On September 4th I flew to St. Louis, rented a car and drove down to Mt. Vernon. I called Mr. Pace, and that early evening I
went to see the car. I turned in his driveway and there it was! The TC was still British Racing Green, with red radiator slats and red
fender underskirts. I nearly cried to see our dear old car again. It had had four owners, none of whom had really cared about it-
everybody had bought it to make money on the sale. It was shabby, with great patches of paint flaking off everywhere. The valve
cover was rusty, and it still had the 1976 Vermont inspection sticker on the windshield. But the upholstery was surprisingly good;
the lights, horn and wipers all worked. Mr. Pace started it up and I drove it down the back roads near his home. It still had the
dangerous , dog-tracking direct steering that was a caution, but looking down the long green hood again and listening to the light,
airy engine sound-- I had forgotten how much fun it was to drive. It seemed to be "all there" and would make a good restoration
project (my husband says "something to keep me off the streets.") I mulled it over that night in the motel and the next day I went
back and bought the car at Mr. Pace's price of $10,000.00.
I arranged for a car hauler, who was painfully delayed by attendance at both Carlisle and Hershey car shows, but he finally
delivered it on October 23rd. It had been gone 14 years.
    What a reunion! I kept running out to the garage to look at it-I really could not believe our beloved TC had come home at last.

Post script:
Shortly after purchasing the TC again, Doris undertook A total frame off restoration, replacing all the wood body members and
totally reworking the body. The car was again painted British Racing Green. The engine was rebuilt, with all four cylinders being
sleeved and returned to standard bore.
All of the work took place at Tamarack garage in Burlington. Doris, her son-in-law George Little and George's employee Lincoln
LeHough did all of the work. Doris has since given the car to George Little.

WHEEL TRACKS..                            November           2012                                                PAGE 10
Minutes of the 2012 Stowe Show Critique
The Stowe Show critique was held on Sept. 25, 2012, at the Golden Eagle Resort conference
room in Stowe. The meeting was called to order at 12:20 by Bob Chase.
1. Fire Dept. Bob stated that, although it is not yet 100% certain that they will return, it looks
very likely that they will want to provide food service again next year. Wendell Noble men-
tioned that the person with the Good Humor truck who had asked to bring it this year, would
have made a very positive addition to the show. Since no agreement was reached with the fire
department on ice cream sales, it didn’t happen. Bob stated that this issue will be taken up in contract negotiations this year. Laurel Barbieri
mentioned that there is a definite need for drinking water to be readily available on the field. Andy Barnett sent a note stating he felt that their
provision of Sunday brunch was not adequate. Les Skinner asked that, with a future by-laws change, beer should be available on the field.
2. Finance. In Dick Wheatley’s absence, Les reported that there were $3,350 in on-line sales. The final income for the show was $123,168.
The gate receipt for Sunday was $8,000, compared to $14,000 for last year. Julie Greenia noted a lack of vendors and cars on Sunday. Many
felt that this was due to a pessimistic weather report for the day. Laurel Barbieri said she had gotten complaints about the lack of show cars on
3. Publicity. Chris Barbieri said that he had come $600 in under budget. He had placed heaviest emphasis on radio time and less on print
media. WCAX coverage was very helpful. When asked about how to judge effectiveness of publicity media, Chris said that on field surveys
would be the best method and should be considered next year. Chris asked for ways to get the flea market to last more into Sunday and sug-
gested that we consider encouraging antique dealers to come and set up on Sunday only as an extra attraction. It was also suggested that we
could use the fee schedule to entice vendors to stay longer.
4. Sponsorship. Bob stated that we received $7,550 revenue from sponsors. Fred Cook said that the WCAX in-kind sponsorship amounted
to $8,900 this year. He added that it may not be as large next year due to competition with election coverage. Bill Sander asked that we get
sponsors lined up as early as possible next year in order to facilitate preparation of the brochure.
5. Preregistration. No report
6. Registration. Laurel Barbieri asked that we have a better method of calling for emergency help, such as an EMT, with a prominent, visi-
ble flag at the EMT location and a well publicized phone number. Laurel asked that we not assign show car parking spots to steep slope areas.
She also suggested that some toilets should be at the top of the hill. Window cards should provide more space for class and car number and
less for comments. Only 5% of preregistered cars failed to show.
7. Flea Market. Tom McHugh was not present. Don Rayta’s written comment suggested an extra fee be put on vendors for a 50/50 raffle on
Sunday as an inducement to remain. Several arguments were made against this as having a negative effect. Randy Cary expressed concern
about vendors entering through gate 1, as there was no way to determine who had paid. There was concern that golf carts were driving too fast
around the grounds.
8. Car Corral. Ray Tomlinson commented that he was concerned about cars being brought in at late hours and suggested a sign stating
hours for bringing in cars. He also noted a problem maintaining the fence between the corral and the camping area.
9. Parade. Bill Sander mentioned that the parade went well. Announcements on the PA were effective and the bilingual addition helped.
10. Fashion Show. Jan Sander said that the location of the fashion show was an improvement. Having the field PA system override the
speaker was a problem.
11. Judging. Leo Laferriere reported by letter that there were 721 registered cars (versus 734 last year) of which 185 were judged. He sug-
gested a new “unlimited” class for those who do not fit into existing classes. It was also suggested to recruit judges at the gate. Don Rayta
suggested, by letter, that we solve the problem of recruiting judges by considering participant judging.
12. Souvenirs. Julie Greenia said she felt sales went very well. She suggested we include sweat shirts and noted that the WT shirts did not
sell well without Stowe Show name.
13. Announcing and activities. Gael Boardman suggested that we may want to seek a new idea for a contest. On behalf of cousin Hal, he
reported that the Vermont Crafters tent was a success and we should make it bigger next year. We also should charge participants on some
14. Street Dance. Chris Barbieri said that the dance was very well attended and successful. Many old cars were present.
15. Awards. Wendell Noble said that the awards presentation went smoothly. Awarding all three awards in a class simultaneously helps to
speed things along. We should do more to prep the presenters and announcer well in advance so that they know where to be and how to pro-
16. Gate and Parking. Randy Cary said he had plenty of manpower and was pleased overall. He asked for a prominent sign by the road near
the entrance so that people know where they will enter before they get there. He asked that more mowing be done to clear the parking lot bet-
ter. Randy suggested that ticket sales and parking be separate. Dust was a problem at the entrance area and more CaCl2 should be used. He
also said that some people are getting in without paying by walking in. More signage and stakes are needed. Suggested possible transport from
parking lot to field, maybe tractor with hay wagon.
17. Trophies and Field set up. Duane Leach agreed with previous comments that a shaded area is needed for participants to rest. Bob
Lalancette suggested that perhaps we could get gazebos from a vendor in exchange for advertising. Duane asked for more help in setting up.
18. Printing. Bill Sander would like to get printing done as early as possible. Gene Fodor asked for brochures and posters as soon as
available to help in securing TD Bank sponsorship.
19. Open Forum. We should let VTC keep their prime location on the field. Jan Sander suggested that we include ample coverage in Wheel
Tracks of the large amount of pre show preparation work.

Respectfully submitted:        Wendell Noble, ad hoc secretary

WHEEL TRACKS..                                November            2012                                                     PAGE 11
Question: Clicking Artillery Wheel—My car has an                       swell. Most of the swelling is perpendicular to the grain
artillery wheel that has started clicking when I drive. You            direction, but there is some lengthwise. The capillary action
can't hear it when driving down the road, but when driving along       in wood is so strong that with enough moisture intake
a wall, the reflected sound is noticeable. If I                        (soaking wet) the outward pressure of wood against wood
grab the top of the wheel and yank it back and forth and put           and wood against metal can crush the wood cells. What
my finger on the joint between the spokes and the rim it               happens then is that the next time the spokes dry out, they
feels like there are a couple of spokes that are not tight. The        become even more loose and will also absorb moisture even
movement is infinitesimal - just enough to make a little               more then before. It becomes a snowball affect.
click when I yank on the wheel.                                        Water moves in and out of wood better at the end grain,
I took it from my high humidity East coast home to the                 and to a lesser degree, through side grain (cell walls). The
hot dry desert Southwest - do you suppose they dried out               finish on the spokes can look fine, but the end grain up
and shrunk, and will fix themselves after re-humidifying at            against the steel rim, and the taper where each spoke meets
home? Is there a way to tighten them up. Or is this a one way situa-   at the hub can wear off any finish there. And as you know,
tion that will require having a wheelwright rebuild                    those are areas are hardest to re-seal.
the wheel? I've heard conventional wisdom that soaking                 But, you can put that capillary action to work for you.
rims in water will make them swell and tighten up, but also            You can try thinning some linseed oil, or varnish, until it is
read on a web blog that soaking in water is a good way to              rather watery. Using a small brush, dab it along every edge
promote rot.                                                           of each spoke. Repeat every 5-10 minutes until it stops
Answer: It's not uncommon to have old wood wheels make                 drawing in the liquid. Wipe off any excess when done.
noise. Especially with a drop in relative humidity like going
from the damp NE to the dry SW. If you'd have driven
through a rain storm, or puddles, very likely the wheel
would quiet down for awhile as it absorbed moisture and
swelled back up. But that is only a temporary cure. Next
time the spokes dry out, it may be even noisier.
One of the problems with using the "wetting the wheels"
fix is that if moisture can get it, it can easily dry out, which
it will. Vapor pressure is a very strong force and the
moisture in the wheels will move to areas of lower pressure,
such as dry air.
The main problem that is causing the noisy wheels is lack
of sealing the wood to maintain a low and constant moisture
content in the wood. That is key to having no size change
in the spokes. As the wood finish wears off and/or cracks,                    (Reprinted from the Franklin Car Club’s newsletter
there are more places for moisture to transfer in and out of                 “The Franklin Service Station” with permission from
the wood. As the moisture content goes up, the wood cells                                     editor Tim Miller.)

 The Anne Gypson Tour Crowd can be seen above getting instructions at New Haven Jct. before heading out on the 60 or 52 mile
 tour...depending if you took the “High Road” or the “Low Road”. Good brakes needed on one...and not on the other. Our first stop was
 at Dennis Sparling’s place on Quarry Road, Dennis is a unique and great sculptor; have you ever seen the Leap-Froggers children on
 Church Street in Burlington?...well Dennis created that.
 It was rainy that day but also beautiful with the changing leaves. We ended our tour at the Cattails Restaurant in Brandon with some
 fine food and a business meeting. The winner of the Gypson award will be announced at the Annual Meeting at VTC.

WHEEL TRACKS..                             November             2012                                                   PAGE 12
Annual meeting of the
      Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts
    Vermont Antique Automobile Society

                                  Saturday… November 3, 2012

  Quick Facts

  11:00 - 11:15 am - Arrive at New Automotive Technology Building (In
  Catamount Commercial Park on VT Rte 66)
  11:50 am - Depart for Judd Hall. Follow signs.
  12:00 Noon - Arrive at Judd Hall. Buffet luncheon seating
  Welcoming Remarks: VTC President Dr. Philip A. Conroy
  Scholarship Presentation: VAE Treasurer Dick Wheatley presents "The Frederick N. Cook Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts
  Scholarship" check (for 2012-13 academic year) to VTC Financial Aid Director Catherine McCullough, VAE Chair Wendell Noble
  Response: Robert Palmer, Project Director, Automotive Technology Program

   Luncheon Follows

  Business Meetings Convene - 1:15 PM
  Approve Minutes of the 2011 VAE/VAAS Annual Meetings
  Presentation/Approval of VAE/VAAS budgets for Calendar year 2013.
  Approve VAE Dues for 2013.
  Act on Nominating Committees reports as required under Club Bylaws
  Set next regular meetings, VAE/VAAS: Time and place
  Adjourn (estimated 3:00 PM or earlier)
  Door Prize Drawing

  Of Special Note

   Since our last VAE/VAAS annual meetings at VT Tech, the automotive technology program has been relocated to a spacious
  commercial building located within the Catamount Commercial Park just a very short distance up VT 66, from Exit 4 (Randolph).
  You'll be pleasantly surprised as Rob Palmer and Steve Belitsos describe the improved (read "enlarged") facility for the Auto Tech
  We are fortunate in having President and Mrs. Conroy with us as well as Financial Aid Director Catherine McCullough, and Rob
  Palmer and hopefully, Steve Belitsos, both of the automotive tech program.

  Kindly direct any questions to me, Fred Cook, at, or by phone 802-223-2933. Reservations to Jim Sears
  at 802-598-1663 or "Jim Sears" <>. Absolute deadline, 12 Noon, Fri. Oct. 26, 2012.

                                                                The VAE donates
                                                                   $1000 to the
                                                                Champlain Valley
                                                             Transportation Museum
                                                                In Plattsburg NY

                                                          VAAS Chair, Gael Boardman
                                                          (right) presents manager
                                                          Richard Soper the check. The
                                                          September VAE Tour was an-
                                                          other great activities director
                                                          success...Thank You Jim Sears

WHEEL TRACKS..                            Novem-           ber 2012                                             PAGE 13
This is a plea from your editor (Gary Fiske)…...Would someone agree to give me a hand with Wheel Tracks?
                          If I had my choice today I would make this newsletter even better than it is. But I help.
                                    In fact it is getting more difficult simply maintaining what we have.
                          As you can see there are many folks already helping by sending in some great articles.
                        If it were not for them Wheel Tracks would not be much….Thank You...Thank You

             Would someone take on...say...4 pages? I will install the software into your PC and teach you how to operate it.
                    You will be amazed the satisfaction and sense of accomplish you will get. Call me………..

  Tour Banners
    For Sale
  Sturdy cotton
    With ties.

  “Your Car Will
  Wear it Softly”
           Gene Fodor, 802-372-9146

         For Only $100 per year Your Business Card can be here and on our website… Every Day of the Year

                                   Contact: Christina McCaffrey (Member Secretary)
                                                                 89 Ledge Road
                                                          Burlington, Vermont 05401-4140
                                                            Go to
                                                             And click onto
                                                             “Join VAE”

WHEEL TRACKS..                             November           2012                                                   PAGE 14
September Bumper Sticker...
For Sale… Home made sand blast cabinet 30 tall x
                                                                                                            Wanted…. A reasonably priced
34 deep x 40wide on 37 inch legs. A finish it
                                                                                                            High-Wheeler auto.
yourself project with some support equipment.
                                                                                                            Any condition might be
Cheap, inquire at 802-862-6374, Roy Martin
                                                                                                            acceptable if it can be restored.
For Sale...1973                                                                                             Call Gary Fiske, Enosburg,VT
Mercedes                                                  For Sale... Oil furnace, upright, hot air         802-933-7780
450SLC silver                                             exit at the bottom, uses a minimum of
gray, power                                               floor space, great for a garage. Miller
sunroof, with                                             Company, model CMF 80-PO, 66,400                Order your VAE name tag like this
157,000 plus                                              BTU with a Wayne burner.                                      one…
miles on the car.                                         Asking $250. R Martin 802- 862-374 or                    Write check to:
Odometer doesn’t                                                 12/12                Phyllis Skinner
work so true mileage is unknown. This spring I had                                                                  PO Box 208
the following work done by a Mercedes mechanic.                                                                  Northfield Falls, VT
Tune up, front end work, rust repair on underside,        FOR SALE… Original car catalogs 1940                       05664-0208
and power windows repaired and adjusted. Price            -1980, USA, Canada and Europe. All
$7,900. Jim Sears 802-482-2698            1/13            years and models. Reasonable prices. Sell
                                                          as a lot or single items. Ship worldwide.
                                                          Gilbert Bureau, Montreal
 Hi Gary,
                                                          Info:          3/13
 You can pull my " Duralast Battery For Sale" ad. I
 got contacted by a spammer in Tasmania posing as
 a buyer. He kept asking for my email address
 linked to my paypal account.                             For Sale...1970 Dodge Charger 500.
 Might be worth warning the folks about this. In our      Been in family since new, 318 V-8,
 global world, there are always crooks out there,         Torqueflite, air, buckets, rally wheels etc.
 and now they can reach more people more quickly.         Mint interior & body, recent repaint in
 Warn people that if someone wants paypal account         original light gold metallic. Original black
 info, they should vet the person by asking for a         vinyl top in mint condition. Runs beauti-
 phone number, address, etc..                             fully with 73,000 miles. Always garaged.
 After a few months, it looks like I will not sell this   Comes with original owners manual, win-
 battery, so I'll keep it as a spare.                     dow sticker an broadcast sheet. Prefer to
 Cheers, Rick Reinstein                                   sell to VAE member. $25,000 neg.
                                                          Also still have my 1986 Dodge ES Turbo
                                                          convertible. I've owned for over 10 years       Question….The person I bought these
For Sale… Enough Model T parts to make close to                                                             hub-caps from says it is not from
                                                          and need to free up some garage space.
“2” vehicles but you have to build them.                                                                               Plymouth.
                                                          An Arizona car in excellent all original
                                                          condition, never seen a snowflake. Abso-           Can anyone tell me what other
2 frames...2 engines...2 cowls.. wheels, rims, tires,                                                          Car maker uses a sail boat
                                                          lutely no rust anywhere, runs great. Just
coil boxes...the list goes on and on.                                                                              For their symbol?
                                                          turned 90,000 miles. Asking $3850
                                                          OBO.                                               Please reply via Wheel Tracks
I need the room so I can buy another car!
                                                          For Sale: Lots of old Motor's Manuals,
Gene Towne, Milton, Vermont
                                                          flat rate books etc. $20 each or will deal
                                                          on the lot. Jim Beam 750ml 1959 pink
                                                                                                         For Sale… Selling
                                                          Cadillac decanter. Never opened and still
For Sale… 1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88, 4-door                                                               hundreds of items, stop by
                                                          in original box with all paperwork. These
Brome sedan. 34,000 original miles, red with deep                                                        and shop. Car tools, new
                                                          were issued by Jim Beam Bourbon as
red upholstery. No dents or scratches, WW tires.                                                         ww- tires, spark plug
                                                          limited collector editions of different cars
$2800.00. Al Ward, St Albans VT, 802-5242466                                                             cleaner, Car parts for
                                                          in the 1970's and 80's. This one comes
                                           12/12                                                         Caddys & VWs, garden
                                                          unopened and still full of Jim Beam's
                                                                                                         tools, auto repair manuals,
                                                          best. $75 obo.
For Sale...1968 P1800 VOLVO - 83,441 original                                                            and the reproduction
miles, 4 speed standard, dk. green exterior and tan                                                      pump in the picture.
                                                          Chris Barbieri 802 / 223-3104
interior, only minor rust on body, extra seats and                                                       Conception Conti, Water-
dash,     garaged. Certified appraisal - $3500                                                           bury 802-244-6476 3/13
firm...Contact Ray Greenia 802-863-5461. 12/12

WHEEL TRACKS..                                 November            2012                                                     PAGE 15
November 2012
           Please Send Dues or Address Changes to:
                    Christina McCaffrey
                      Membership Secretary
                      89 Ledge Road
                Burlington, VT 05401-4140

            1997 VAE President Bill Sander
           With his grandson & the 54 Bentley

                                             Doris Bailey writes about her MGTC
In the summer of 1966 both of the older boys were home from college and working in construction, and they used our fami-
ly station wagon to go to work. This left the younger children and me unable to use it to go shopping, swimming, or to the
dentist's. We needed another car: something cheap, but roadworthy and dependable, and we would store it in winters. And
so, on June 30th, 1966 (I'll bet it was a Friday) we bought the TC from a Burlington architect, Ben Stein, for $800.00...
Cheap yes, but roadworthy and dependable? My husband screamed in pain when he saw my unique solution to our family
transportation problem. He always referred to it as "that d*&#$% bucket of bolts you've got out in the garage!"
                           (Doris wrote this story in 1992 for the MG newsletter “The Sacred Octagon”)...Continued on page 10

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Wheel Tracks November 2012

  • 1. November 2012 Year 59 #11 Vin Cassidy with his 1915 Buick Touring Car “Read about this buick ’s 2012 touR of the usa on Page 6” The Official Monthly Publication of Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts by The Vermont Antique Automobile Society 2]... Events…. “What’s Next”. 8]…Dave’s Garage, Getting ready for Winter & What is that tiny hole in my door? 4]…Nancy is back & 9]...Wow...The Hershey Show! Marnita’s Applesauce Spice Cake. 5]…Humor and “Did You Know in 1922” 10]... Doris Bailey’s TC. from Gene Fodor’s. 6]…What is Vin Cassidy up to Now? ….An 12]…How to Fix You Artillery Wheel. Explanation to the picture above. 14]…You Gotta Read “the Plea”…………. 7]… Wendell Noble’s “What is a Turnnion? Officer Jones…. "Just how big were those 'two beers' you say you had?"
  • 2. Mission Statement: events… The Vermont Antique Automobile Society is a tax free 501c3 What’s next ? organization dedicated to the preservation, protection, October promotion and appreciation of automotive history and October 22nd at 1:30...VAAS Board meeting at Dick Wheatley’s office in Essex. technology. November Peggy Perkins was the only person I found doing a “non– car” task at the Hershey Wheel Tracks is a monthly newsletter show. She was working to finish a 30- published in print and electronically November 3rd. The VAE/ VAAS Annual scarf project so every child in her daugh- for the public, and for the VAE and Meeting. Details Page 13. ter’s class room would have one for VAAS membership in ten states and Christmas. Her husband Bob and two Canadian provinces. December daughter (I didn’t get her name) was roam- ing the vendor isles. They are from Swartz December 2nd. The VAE monthly meet and Creek, Michigan and this was Bob’s 40th Your editor and other authors are Holiday Party. Details later year coming to the show. gcf made aware of some new products, services or information that they feel January 2013 may have value to VAE’s membership. ???? These products, services or informationals are not an endorsement February 2013 by the VAE unless otherwise noted. The opinions are solely those of the ???? particular article’s author. March 2013 ***Contact Us At*** ???? April 2013 ???? A Hershey Sign….call Wheel Tracks for ***Our Website Is*** the vendor information if you HOOT Help VAE Members keep up & informed Does not TOOT Send Wheel Tracks your events VAE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Membership Recruiting.. Chris Barbieri, Carol Lavallee Chairman, Wendell Noble, 802-893-2232 Hal Boardman, Rick Hamilton VAE Show Chairs/Board Ex-Officio Nominating.. Conception Conti, Antique and Classic Car Meet (Stowe) President- Dave Sander,802-434-8418 Gary Olney, Bob Guinn Bob Chase, Chair, 802-253-4897 Transition Bylaws.. Andy Barnett, Fred Duane Leach, Co-Chair, 802-849-6174 1st. Vice President & Activities Chair- Cook, Doris Bailey, Jim Sears 802-482-2698 Chris Barbieri Wheel Tracks Editor (Ex-Officio) 2nd. Vice-President& Assistant Activity Chair- VAAS Directors Gary Fiske 802-933-7780 Robert Lalancette 802-849-2692 Gael Boardman, Chairman cell 802-363-1642 Lloyd Davis, Vice Chairman Treasurer- Dick Wheatley 802-879-9455 Jan Sander, Secretary 2503 Duffy Hill Road Dick Wheatley, Treasurer Enosburg Falls, Vermont 05450 Recording Secretary- Bill Sander, Andy Barnett Clark & Isabelle Wright 802-644-5487, Bob Chase Burma Shave editors Tom McHugh Exp. 2012– 802-862-1733 Leo Laferriere Edi Fiske Les Skinner Exp. 2012 -802-485-8150 MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT TEAM Wheel Tracks proof-reader Chris Barbieri Exp. 2013 –802-223-3104 Membership Secretary (Ex-Officio) Sunshine Chair Committees: Christina McCaffrey Christina McCaffrey 802-862-3133 Audit……….Leo Laferriere, Doris Bailey, 89 Ledge Road Jim Sears Burlington VT 05401-4140 Futures……Gael Boardman, VAE Spencer Halstead, Gary Fiske WHEEL TRACKS… November 2012 PAGE 2
  • 3. From The President David Sander 2012 is quickly winding down. The grass has stopped growing, the leaves are almost done turning, and have to start my fall chores. I am happy to report that 2012 has been a good year for the VAE so far. We had several successful and highly visible events this year giving our club some great exposure. The Stowe show was a stunning success, membership is stable, and we are in the black financially. I need nominations for the VAE restoration award. If you know of a car that had a restoration completed this year, please let me know. I need to begin my selection of a car restoration deserving of this award. I just returned from another fun trip to Hershey. I was fortunate enough to enjoy the company of several great VAE friends and also so- cialize with my MG friends. The weather was great, and my 12 year old Chrysler made another successful round trip with no roadside re- pairs. I was well disciplined, I only bought some chocolate bars. It was another great event, with a huge flea market, hundreds of cars for sale, vintage racing, and a great car show on Saturday. What a fun event! As we go through the transition from driving our cars to planning for winter projects be well, and be safe. Sunshine Report From Your Editor Gary Fiske Doris Bailey I was one of the above mentioned VAEers who joined David at recovering Hershey….and that is why you might be getting your Wheel Tracks a couple of days late this month. from hip sur- Hershey….WOW!. I am still trying to take it all in. Almost 300 gery – new ad- acres of cars or something related to cars, except maybe the Crab dress at Apt 43 Cakes...I couldn’t resist! In the four days we were there I found 90 Allen Road, one person involved in a non-automotive task, check out Peggy Perkins photo on page 2. Allenwood in There is also another group of VAEers now traveling China. I just received an email South from Dick Wheatley with a short report that everything is going fine. One member of the Burlington. group thought he had a great deal on a purchase until he was given change in Russian Dick Wilson of Shelburne died – Rubles. He found it odd that the vendor quickly parted then found that Rubles are worthless notice from Inger Dybfest. in China. You can also find a picture of Wendell Noble Page 5 the day after he joined the Theresa Drake (Phil’s wife) from “Corn Husking Union”. The group is due back on Saturday the 20th, I hope Wendell comes Newport recovering from surgery. with them! Conception & Ronnie Conti – Birthdays Four– door MGs have been their ‘surprise’ car find in China, then there was the Rolls and anniversary – card sent. Royce that comes with an umbrella installed in the passenger door. I also read how Wendell Noble and Chris Barbieri are ‘bummed out’ because there is no Mopar in China! You have to agree….VAE Members do get around. If you “got around” and have a As you can see, Nancy Olney is back story, I would sure like to hear from you. on page 4. She reports she is feeling. VAE/VAAS Annual Meetings tings Sat. Nov. 3, 2012 hl y Mee VT Technical College, Randolph Center, Vt. Mont Make reservations by October 23rd with Jim Sears 802-598-1663 Detailed information on Page 13 *********************************************** Holiday Gathering Sunday December 2nd 1:00pm JP’s Restaurant & Deli 39 River Road, Essex Jct., VT This year our Holiday Party will be at JP’s Restaurant & Deli. We will be ordering from the menu and they also have daily specials. Don’t forget an item for the gift exchange. Locating that special gift, like Elvis last year, may not be easy, but could make a special memory for all of us. Make your reservations with Jim Sears 802-598-1663 or November and December are difficult months for our less fortunate friends and neighbors. So please remember to bring a food item or two to these meetings for a local food shelf. WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 3
  • 4. The Softer Side A Column Shared &Written by Marnita Leach (The Cookie), Mary Noble (Left) & Nancy Olney (Right) “HERSHEY” If you mention the name Hershey to anyone connected with cars, chocolate is not what comes to mind. It is about the only thing on “car” enthusiasts’ minds the second week of October. Whether you need a car part or two or not, it is not unlike the draw felt by the pilgrims to the Holy Land around Christmas or the Passo- ver holiday or the very thing a deer hunters’ wife experiences when the leaves start to turn color and the weather turns colder. It is one of the first statements made or first questions asked - I’ll look for that at Hershey or are you going to Hershey? Such sadness for those that are not able to attend and such jubilance for those that are going. Plans are made to meet and lists are made of parts to look for. Those fortunate enough to be able to go are always willing to keep an eye out for an allusive part needed by the less fortunate who have to stay home. They talk about it for weeks before and it certainly gives them much to talk about weeks after. Plans are made for the next year before this year is hardly over! I went to Hershey in the early seventies which was long before it was anywhere as huge as it is now and I have to say that it was too big then and really haven’t wanted to return. Not to say I don’t look forward to the annual event because I do. I look forward to having up to a week of doing just what I want to do. Wouldn’t call me selfish, would you? While I’m here let me take time to thank all of you for such nice cards, thoughts and prayers when I was so ill. Also, those who had Gary for meals and brought food to the house. With your help, he and I have done very well. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Nancy fRom the ‘cookie’ at the stoWe shoW by Marnita Leach APPLESAUCE SPICE CAKE 2 1/2 cups flour 2 cups sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon allspice 2 cups applesauce 1/2 cup shortening 1/2 cup water 3 eggs 1cup raisins 1/2 cup chopped nuts In a mixing bowl, sift together flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and spices. Add applesauce, shortening, and water: Beat 2 min. Add eggs and beat 2 mins. more, stir in raisins and nuts. Pour batter into 2 greased and floured loaf pans. Bake at 350 for 55-60 min. WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 4
  • 5. From Gene Fodor Did you Know 1921 By Gene Fodor TEACHER: Why are you late? STUDENT: Class started before I got here. ____________________________________ … production dipped to 25 percent less than 1920 for both cars and TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the Trucks. floor? … post-war depression brought a drastic curtailment in sales. JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables. … Studebaker developed nickel-molybdenum steel for __________________________________________ commercial use. TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?' … Hudson offered adjustable front seats. GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L' … Ford weathered financial crisis with the help of dealers. TEACHER: No, that's wrong … Hudson offered a coach, the Essex, priced at only $300 more than GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. touring cars. (I Love this child) … Mack originated rubber engine mountings and rubber ____________________________________________ spring shackles. TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? … Walter C White became President of White Motor Co and DONALD: H I J K L M N O. Windsor T. White succeeded M.B. Johnson as Chairman. TEACHER: What are you talking about? … Tommy Milton in a Frontenac won the Indy 500 with the DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O. average speed of 89.62 mph. __________________________________ … Ford produced 55.45 percent of the industries out put. TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we … Nickel plating appeared on radiators and lamps. didn't have ten years ago. … Cadillac offered thermostatic control of carburetion. WINNIE: Me! … A few more manufacturers offered hydraulic brakes. __________________________________________ … at the height of the post-war (WW I) depression, 59 new TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty? marques were introduced. Rolls-Royce remains. GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are. _______________________________________ TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I. ' MILLIE: I is.. TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.' MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.' ________________________________ TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him? LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand..... ______________________________________ TEACHER: Now, Simon , tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating? SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook. ______________________________ TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's.. Did you copy his? CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog. (I want to adopt this kid!!!) ___________________________________ TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested? HAROLD: A teacher Wendell Noble helping the locals husk corn on a four lane highway outside of Beijing. The road is closed for the harvest. WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 5
  • 6. Vin Cassidy, the tale is told, purchased this 1915 Buick Tourer in Iowa last year (2011) but did not have the room to haul it back to his home-base in Rowley, Massachusetts. Vin and his family operate Cassidy Brothers Forge in Rowley where some very beautiful architectural wrought iron is manufactured. Along with running the sales department, Vin also buys and sells vintage auto parts throughout the U.S. If you are ever in his neighbor- hood you really need to stop by and tour the many garages and containers of old car parts in the rear of the forge business. Many VAE members have bought some of Vin’s treasures at surprisingly low prices. Now back to the tale and travels of Vin’s Buick…. Earlier this year Vin returned to Iowa and hauled his Buick home. Then in August, deep inside of our Stowe Car Show vendor area we could all hear an engine cough a couple of times then take off with a bang or two. It was Vin’s 1915 Buick looking about what it looks like in the picture to the left. Someone could be seen stand on the trailer feeding fuel to the engine and working the carbure- tor….Vins Buick had arrived in Stowe! No one at the show was interested in buying the car so Vin hauled it back home. During the return trip one of the doors fell off requiring Vin to back-track to Stowe looking for it. This reporter forgot to ask Vin if he found it so you can ask when you see him next. Fast-forward to the Fall Hershey Car Show…. And guess what is making it’s appearance? ....The 1915 Buick sitting rather lost on it’s trailer! About the second day of the show some ‘higher old-car power’ kicked in and yup you guessed it...a person from Iowa appeared and was interested in buying the Buick. It is told the Buick is now residing in Forest City, Iowa with a possible bright future. Buick made around 42,000 cars in 1915, 19,080 of them were touring cars like Vin’s and the car pictured to the right. They were also still making carriages in 1915, in fact a completed carriage would come out of their factory every ten minutes, some 25,000 each year. The company started around 1850 as McLaughlin Carriage Company not far from Oshawa, Ontario and made it’s first automobile in 1907. In the beginning the cars were known as “McLaughlins”. Later the name changed to “Mclaughlin-Buick” then became simply “Buick” when the company became General Motors of Canada in 1915. Interesting- ly, until 1914 the cars were finished with the same paints and varnishes the company used on their car- riages...some fifteen coats on every car. A reply from Stan Lasell of Williamstown In reference to the Stewart Carb question…. Car In Ditch Hello Jim, How are you? I saw an article in the current Wheel Tracks about Driver Stewart-Warner fuel systems. I became curious as to what my Nashes have, so In Tree looked at three before I found one clearly readable. The vacuum tank says "Stewart", but I saw no "Warner". The "25s and the later one look the same. When my brother bought the later one, I think in 1958, he was told it was a '26'. After his death I registered it with the Nash Car Club, sending the serial #. They said it's a '28. It has 20-in. rubber instead of 21, and a float with a gauge rod sticking up through the block instead of a screw-in oil dipstick. The dash on the Moon '25's has three oval panels about 4"x6", whereas the later one has one rectangular ull Was F panel about 6"x9" with 5 gauges in it. Other than that, I'd say they're the same. All are Advanced 6. The carburetors are Marvel, not Stewart. I don't suppose this sheds much light on Stewart-Warner. The arti- cle made reference to a '22 Packard. I haven't And so Was he had the Nashes running in 30 years, I put a crank in one, probably first time in 30 years, and it turned, but I couldn't get it out of gear. Didn't try too hard, don't want to bend the shifter forks. Berma I hope to attend the annual meet Nov. 3- it's only Shave 15 or 20 miles from home. The important thing is to remember it. Lots going on, plus I have a good ‘forgettery’. I'm told it improves with age. Sincerely, Stan Lasell WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 6
  • 7. by Wendell Noble Have you ever heard of a trunnion? The word comes from the French word “trognon” which refers to the protrusions on the side of a cannon which allow it to tilt up and down in its carriage. Well, enough of the lexicology. In my case, trunnion refers to the type of uni- versal joints in the ’30 Chrysler I’m working on. Most of us gear heads are very familiar with the cross and yoke (Cardan) type of universal joints found on just about any applica- tion where a shaft has to transmit torque through varying angles (including my socket wrench shaft.) Automotive drive shafts usually have to do this as well as deal with varying shaft length as the drive axle moves up and down absorbing bumps and potholes. The length variation is taken care of by a separate sliding splined section of the shaft. The trun- nion type of universal joint, shown in the figure, takes care of both of rotating and sliding motions in one unit. It is also frequently referred to as the ball and pin type. As you can see from the figure, there is a pin (16) through the end of the shaft, forming a trunnion. There is a ball (6) at each end of the trunnion which can freely rotate on needle bearings (5).The balls fit into grooves in the body (8). The body will rotate with the shaft and since the balls are free to slide in the groove and rotate on the trunnion, the entire unit is able to transmit torque from the shaft to the body at varying angle as well as absorb varying shaft length. My restoration efforts on my Chrysler require that I rebuild a drive shaft with one of these units on each end. The parts are all availa- ble, including the boots or dust covers (10). To install the rubber boots, it would seem obvious that you must remove the pin from the shaft, pull off the body, push on the boot and then put it all back together again. I tried removing the pressed in pin by tapping with a hammer, hit- ting harder with a bigger hammer and then pressing it with an industrial strength press. Nothing made it budge. The next step was to place a call to VAE member Fred Gonet. As it turned out, Fred had just installed a couple of these dust shields on his Chrysler a couple of weeks ago. In the process, he had actually read the di- rections, carefully. Fred instructed me on how you can do this without removing the pin. You lather up the rubber boot and the inside of the body with plenty of white lithium grease. Then work the boot over the pin and force it down inside the body. With the boot inside the body, hold the body in a well secured vise and pull real hard on the shaft at various angles and the boot will “squirt’ out the other end of the body. By golly, it worked, after one failed attempt and using a come-along to pull on the shaft. Now I’m sure everyone will want to try this just for the fun of it. And try dropping the word “trunnion” at the next cocktail party. Conception Conti, VAE President in 2005, shares one of his auto tales with his fellow VAE members. After the flood of 1927, Dad attended an auction in Barre, VT where they were selling all the flood Buicks of the HG Bennet Dealer- ship. He purchased a new 1927 4- door touring Buick. He bid $100.00 and got it. He had no license so one of our neighbor ladies, taught Dad how to drive after the auction. When he drove it home and got to the driveway he didn't apply the brakes soon enough and smashed into Mother's big wild rosebush. All us children were sitting on the veranda with Mother when Dad cut the motor and sat behind the wheel with an Italian Parodi Stogie Cigar in his mouth. Mother asked in Italian (as none of us six children spoke English)," Now Andrew what did you do now?" He answered: "Bought a car." The Buick had side curtains and was very cold to ride in. So Dad traded it for a 1928 Overland, 2-door Whippet with glass in the win- dows. The spare tire was bolted to the rear and was covered with a canvas that bore the message "FOB Detroit $760.20. It had a white-wall 475 x 19 tires mounted on wooden spoke wheels. The split metal wheels, politely speaking, were a S.O.B. to change. As many of you enthusiasts remember the roads were not paved and often hardly passable. I recall a week-end trip to Berlin NH--a 100-mile trip. This took us 6 or more hours with luck and at least 2 flat tires. We had two extra tires tied on the spare in the rear. Deep muddy ruts, wheels spinning, stuck in mud, paying farmers $1.00 to pull us over the real bad spots. We repaired the tubes with patches of rubber that had a perforated cap on the patch can to scratch the tube so the glue in the cement would stick to the tube. Then a little touch of gas fire to heat the patch to stick it on. Such fun. It didn't always hold very well. My dad and I went rabbit hunting when the roads were passable along with Uncle Peter and our Beagle, Prince, and Uncle Peter's dog, Spark. Our trip would take us 8 miles from Barre Town, to Websterville in Orange. I was 13 years old and this is the 1928 Whippet I learned to drive on. If it got cold while we were hunting Dad would tell me to go back to the car and start it and turn on the optional Arvin Heater. That I did. I soon got tired of sitting there so I found I could push the clutch and get the car moving in low and around the gravel pit. I soon found out I could get it, with a little grinding, into second, then later on into 3rd. All well. When Dad and Uncle Peter came back with 8 or 10 rabbits (legal in those days), Dad said to me, "You drive home. We watched you from the top of the pit." So, I did much practicing. But never got my Ver- mont license until WWII was over. WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 7
  • 8. Dave’s Garage by Dave Sander This column is a Q & A column with you asking me questions and after researching the answer I will reply. Any questions ‘automotive’ is fare game, I might not know the answer but hopefully I will find someone who does know. Please send all inquiries to or 32 Turkey Hill Road, Richmond VT 05477 Winter Preparation Winter in Vermont is a very harsh environment for an automobile. There are several things I do to prepare my car for winter. First, I thoroughly wash the car. I wash all the dirt, leaves and pine needles out of the wheel wells, behind the fenders and all the little nooks and cavities in the car body. I make sure the floor panel is clean. Next, I make sure all the factory drain holes are open and clear. This includes the rocker panels, doors, fenders, hood, frame and the quarter panels. When the car is dry I put on a good coat of wax. The interior also gets a good cleaning. The carpet gets vacuumed with my shop vac, the rubber winter floor mats go in, and the leather seats get a good leather conditioner. When the cleaning is done, I put the car on the lift. The wheels come off, and I undercoat the car with hot bar and chain oil. I heat it up in a metal can until it pours like water. I spray it with a siphon sprayer and compressed air. I coat the floor pan, the frame, the rocker pan- els, inside the wheel wells, behind the fenders, inside the door bottoms, under the hood, the strut towers, and every other place I can con- ceive of rust forming. I usually wait until a cold October or November day so the oil will cool and cling to the car quickly when I take it out of the garage. In the spring, all the bar and chain oil easily comes off with degreaser and a power washer. While the car is on the lift I do a quick inspection of the brakes and suspension. This is a good time to replace the brake fluid if it is more than two years old. I also check the coolant and load test the battery. If the battery is weak now, it will fail to start the car on a cold winter day. I also check the wipers, lights and all fluid levels while it is in the garage. If you are due for an oil change, or are thinking of switching to synthetic oil, now is the time. Unlike conventional oil, synthetic still remains quite fluid at sub zero temperatures. Synthetic oil builds oil pressure much faster at initial start up in cold temperatures . After all of this is done, I put the snow tires on and check the pressures. Don't forget to check the spare. I make sure to have a tow strap, basic tool kit and a portable jump starter/air compressor in the car too. With the cost of new cars, and the aggravation of car problems in the dead of winter, now is the time to do some preventative mainte- nance to make your car reliable and last longer. Happy fall! Sent in by Bill Billado “Hole Under Door Lock” A victim wrote: Wednesday, I approached my truck from the passenger side to place my computer bag (aka my man purse) in the front passenger seat. As I reached to open the door I noticed there was a hole right under my door handle. My first thought was, "someone has shot my truck!" I began to think about it and inspect it a little closer and the "light" slowly began to come on. I phoned my friend who owns a body shop and asked if he had any vehicles with damage to the doors that looked like a bullet hole. "Yes, I see it all the time. Thieves have a punch and place it right under the door handle, knock a hole through, reach in and unlock it, just as if they have a key. No alarms, broken glass, or anything. I then placed a call to my insurance agent and explained it to him. I was puzzled that they left my GPS and all other belong- ings. Here is where it gets scary! "Oh no, he said, they want the break-in to be so subtle that you don't even realize it. They look at your GPS to see where "home" is. Now, they know what you drive, go to your home, and if your vehicle isn't there they assume you aren't and break into your home." He said they will even leave a purse or wallet and only take one or two credit cards. By the time you realize there has been a theft, they may have already had a couple of days or more to use them. (I didn't realize my situ- ation for two full days!) They even give you the courtesy of re-locking your doors for you. Periodically, walk around your car, especially after you park in a shopping center or other large parking area. Report thefts imme- diately....your bank w/missing check numbers, your credit card agencies, police, and insurance companies, etc. ( To the right is picture of what the hole looks like ) WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 8
  • 9. VAE Gossip by GCF You can call the column for this month gossip or the ‘new experiences of the editor’….it doesn't matter because the editor has to unload some of his “Hershey Adventures” or he will burst…. I just returned last night from the AACA Fall Meet in Hershey, PA., my very first time there and it was amazing. I joined Bill and Dave Sander and we stayed in a rented RV in the middle of the vendor area. Get this...we were camping in the middle of 10,425 vendors that covers 134 acres! When I stepped out of the RV the first morning it was wall to wall vendors and shoppers. A radio station in the area did some research and found if you walked every isle of vendors you would have walked 25 miles. If you add the vendor area, the 15 acre car corral area, the 15 acre car show area plus the parking areas the total is just under 300 acres. Are you impressed yet? It took me the entire first day to figure the place out, which included circling the Giant Center stadium two times to get an accurate bearing for our RV! The Car Corral, oh-my-gosh, was huge and had everything from high-wheelers to a $672,000 Rolls Royce to fire trucks. In all cases simp- ly side by categories. I estimate the length of the ‘street’ for the car corral was about 3/4 of a mile long with cars backed to the curb perpendicularly. I have tried doing an estimate and come up with a conservative number of around 700 cars plus there was an ‘over-run’ parking lot with at least another 100 vehicles. Many of the vendor booths also had vehicles for sale, I wouldn’t dare to guess that number. We watched a high-wheeler race where the rig you can see to the left won the first heat pretty handily with two elderly gents at the controls. They had to start at the line by shutting off the rig.. getting off and running around it...starting it, then climb- ing aboard and taking off to circle the track one time. When they returned to the starting line the same procedure as the first was used then circle the track one more time...first one wins. The gents in the IH couldn’t run and took a while climb- ing in but once settled they blew their competition away. In 1933 Chev. Master..$4250 …$4000 A 1910 IH for sale at $39,875 the 2nd and last heat the IH raced against an early small Sears $3500...this on the 2nd day. high-wheeler. It was pretty obvious the IH would win and the crowd started cheering for the Sears underdog. It was a memorable moment when the Sears rig came in for the 2nd start-up while the ’old guys’ in the IH was doing their ‘run’. You could hear the crowd shouting “Park in front of them...Park in front of them! The three of us would head out in the morning basical- ly in three different directions with ideas of the areas we wanted to cover. At the end of the day David, Bill and I would talk about all the things we saw and the people we had met. I think I might have covered that 25 miles and then some because I was usually running out of gas at the end of the day. The funny part is that Bill usually had covered about all that I had and was the first one out of the RV the next morning. I wonder what exactly they did to him when he had to visit the hospital earlier this year? One of the evenings, after the day of ‘trucking’ A tiny example of the car corral through the show, we drove the few short miles to the “Antique Auto Museum at Hershey”, where the feature during this six month period is Chevrolet… I had never “A Hershey Convoy” been there before and it was quite a treat. We at the VAE The two carts in front ran have been talking about our own museum someday and out of power and the this is an example of about as good as it could possibly friend in the rear came get. You could tell the folks running the museum loved along with a full charge! and knew what they were doing. The display setting and scenes were fantastic and the vintage vehicles were out of this world. The museum is only about ten years old having started almost twenty years ago by the AACA. Today it is an independent non-profit 501c3 with very close ties to the AACA. Seventy one thousand square feet celebrating twentieth century transportation, what gear-head could ask for more. The final day at the car show is dedicated to “The Car Show”. Some 600 judges collect to Some of you might remember a July 2010 judge over 1700 cars. There is even a ‘judge school’ on the grounds to prepare for the final big Wheel Tracks story on Gary Olney’s 1906 day. The cars are shined, the hoods and trunks are exposing the car’s workings and the judges Orient Buckboard. This 1899 Orient Auto- crawl through the huge crowd of spectators with their clip-boards in hand. A few cars become go with it’s 2.5 HP was made by the same more valuable, and a few others get 2nd and 3rd place. My big reward is seeing them strut company in Boston and won many races their stuff. The show started in 1954 and I got to see the number 58…... WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 9
  • 10. Doris Bailey Writes about Her MGTC Continued from page 16 The rest of us all loved it, and the boys got a big kick out of driving on the "wrong" side, as the little TC wedged itself between the pickups and the pony cars at construction sites. Thus began our years with the TC. When the family convenes, some of the hilarious stories of motoring the "M.G. way" will be told. I could fill up a Sacred Octagon (MG club newsletter) with accounts of trips to the various meets in the "little green car." We had the TC over the years, and during that time it was painted, had a complete engine rebuild, and new dark green leather upholstery from England. (I also had the temerity to rewire the car myself- wadda they mean-- "positive earth?" In the fall of 1976, I was advised that the ash bar of the upper body was rotting away. The advise turned out to be wrong, but I thought the person was an MG expert. I knew it would be very expensive to replace all the wood, and with two kids still in college, we decided to sell the TC instead. I advertised in Hemmings and sold the car in two days. People called from all over the country, and a man named Terry Carr from Illinois sent the first bankers check for $6,000 and the car was his...I had a lump in my throat too big to swallow when I saw the TC go up on a trailer and go down our street for good, but I just went in to the house and looked at the $6,000 check and felt a little better-- but not much. Fourteen years flickered by, while we owned everything from a genuine London cab to two gorgeous Cadillac convertibles to the famed 2002TII BMW to a 1968 CamRo RS Convertible (Hot Rod)...And yet, anytime I saw an MG TC all the memories returned. Jack Lenoard and Frank Churchill would occasionally have their TCs in for service at Tamarack Inc. (a specialty garage here in Burlington, VT), and I would begin to think again that maybe someday... I never forgot the car or the engine number, I never got rid of Terry Carr's phone number, I never gave away 10 years of The Sacred Octagon, I never even threw out the "TC 46" license plates hanging in the garage... Finally, in February 1989, I decided to try and find out what had become of the TC. I called Terry Carr in Mt. Vernon, IL: no, he did not own the car anymore, but he could find out who did. I called him again and again determined that he knew who had the car, Not that it was for sale, but he would not tell me the name of the man who owned it. This went on for a year. (I think he was stonewalling-- hoping to make a profit on the deal.) finally, one day he slipped and told me the name, Lanny Pace, also of Mt. Vernon. I had Mr. Pace on the phone in ten minutes, and yes, he owned the TC, and yes, it was for sale! The car was up on blocks and needed brake work. In three years of ownership he had never driven it! To continue: from April through August we negotiated price and condition. (He had the brakes repaired and he and his wife took drives in it on warm summer evenings.) On September 4th I flew to St. Louis, rented a car and drove down to Mt. Vernon. I called Mr. Pace, and that early evening I went to see the car. I turned in his driveway and there it was! The TC was still British Racing Green, with red radiator slats and red fender underskirts. I nearly cried to see our dear old car again. It had had four owners, none of whom had really cared about it- everybody had bought it to make money on the sale. It was shabby, with great patches of paint flaking off everywhere. The valve cover was rusty, and it still had the 1976 Vermont inspection sticker on the windshield. But the upholstery was surprisingly good; the lights, horn and wipers all worked. Mr. Pace started it up and I drove it down the back roads near his home. It still had the dangerous , dog-tracking direct steering that was a caution, but looking down the long green hood again and listening to the light, airy engine sound-- I had forgotten how much fun it was to drive. It seemed to be "all there" and would make a good restoration project (my husband says "something to keep me off the streets.") I mulled it over that night in the motel and the next day I went back and bought the car at Mr. Pace's price of $10,000.00. I arranged for a car hauler, who was painfully delayed by attendance at both Carlisle and Hershey car shows, but he finally delivered it on October 23rd. It had been gone 14 years. What a reunion! I kept running out to the garage to look at it-I really could not believe our beloved TC had come home at last. Post script: Shortly after purchasing the TC again, Doris undertook A total frame off restoration, replacing all the wood body members and totally reworking the body. The car was again painted British Racing Green. The engine was rebuilt, with all four cylinders being sleeved and returned to standard bore. All of the work took place at Tamarack garage in Burlington. Doris, her son-in-law George Little and George's employee Lincoln LeHough did all of the work. Doris has since given the car to George Little. WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 10
  • 11. Minutes of the 2012 Stowe Show Critique The Stowe Show critique was held on Sept. 25, 2012, at the Golden Eagle Resort conference room in Stowe. The meeting was called to order at 12:20 by Bob Chase. 1. Fire Dept. Bob stated that, although it is not yet 100% certain that they will return, it looks very likely that they will want to provide food service again next year. Wendell Noble men- tioned that the person with the Good Humor truck who had asked to bring it this year, would have made a very positive addition to the show. Since no agreement was reached with the fire department on ice cream sales, it didn’t happen. Bob stated that this issue will be taken up in contract negotiations this year. Laurel Barbieri mentioned that there is a definite need for drinking water to be readily available on the field. Andy Barnett sent a note stating he felt that their provision of Sunday brunch was not adequate. Les Skinner asked that, with a future by-laws change, beer should be available on the field. 2. Finance. In Dick Wheatley’s absence, Les reported that there were $3,350 in on-line sales. The final income for the show was $123,168. The gate receipt for Sunday was $8,000, compared to $14,000 for last year. Julie Greenia noted a lack of vendors and cars on Sunday. Many felt that this was due to a pessimistic weather report for the day. Laurel Barbieri said she had gotten complaints about the lack of show cars on Friday. 3. Publicity. Chris Barbieri said that he had come $600 in under budget. He had placed heaviest emphasis on radio time and less on print media. WCAX coverage was very helpful. When asked about how to judge effectiveness of publicity media, Chris said that on field surveys would be the best method and should be considered next year. Chris asked for ways to get the flea market to last more into Sunday and sug- gested that we consider encouraging antique dealers to come and set up on Sunday only as an extra attraction. It was also suggested that we could use the fee schedule to entice vendors to stay longer. 4. Sponsorship. Bob stated that we received $7,550 revenue from sponsors. Fred Cook said that the WCAX in-kind sponsorship amounted to $8,900 this year. He added that it may not be as large next year due to competition with election coverage. Bill Sander asked that we get sponsors lined up as early as possible next year in order to facilitate preparation of the brochure. 5. Preregistration. No report 6. Registration. Laurel Barbieri asked that we have a better method of calling for emergency help, such as an EMT, with a prominent, visi- ble flag at the EMT location and a well publicized phone number. Laurel asked that we not assign show car parking spots to steep slope areas. She also suggested that some toilets should be at the top of the hill. Window cards should provide more space for class and car number and less for comments. Only 5% of preregistered cars failed to show. 7. Flea Market. Tom McHugh was not present. Don Rayta’s written comment suggested an extra fee be put on vendors for a 50/50 raffle on Sunday as an inducement to remain. Several arguments were made against this as having a negative effect. Randy Cary expressed concern about vendors entering through gate 1, as there was no way to determine who had paid. There was concern that golf carts were driving too fast around the grounds. 8. Car Corral. Ray Tomlinson commented that he was concerned about cars being brought in at late hours and suggested a sign stating hours for bringing in cars. He also noted a problem maintaining the fence between the corral and the camping area. 9. Parade. Bill Sander mentioned that the parade went well. Announcements on the PA were effective and the bilingual addition helped. 10. Fashion Show. Jan Sander said that the location of the fashion show was an improvement. Having the field PA system override the speaker was a problem. 11. Judging. Leo Laferriere reported by letter that there were 721 registered cars (versus 734 last year) of which 185 were judged. He sug- gested a new “unlimited” class for those who do not fit into existing classes. It was also suggested to recruit judges at the gate. Don Rayta suggested, by letter, that we solve the problem of recruiting judges by considering participant judging. 12. Souvenirs. Julie Greenia said she felt sales went very well. She suggested we include sweat shirts and noted that the WT shirts did not sell well without Stowe Show name. 13. Announcing and activities. Gael Boardman suggested that we may want to seek a new idea for a contest. On behalf of cousin Hal, he reported that the Vermont Crafters tent was a success and we should make it bigger next year. We also should charge participants on some basis. 14. Street Dance. Chris Barbieri said that the dance was very well attended and successful. Many old cars were present. 15. Awards. Wendell Noble said that the awards presentation went smoothly. Awarding all three awards in a class simultaneously helps to speed things along. We should do more to prep the presenters and announcer well in advance so that they know where to be and how to pro- ceed. 16. Gate and Parking. Randy Cary said he had plenty of manpower and was pleased overall. He asked for a prominent sign by the road near the entrance so that people know where they will enter before they get there. He asked that more mowing be done to clear the parking lot bet- ter. Randy suggested that ticket sales and parking be separate. Dust was a problem at the entrance area and more CaCl2 should be used. He also said that some people are getting in without paying by walking in. More signage and stakes are needed. Suggested possible transport from parking lot to field, maybe tractor with hay wagon. 17. Trophies and Field set up. Duane Leach agreed with previous comments that a shaded area is needed for participants to rest. Bob Lalancette suggested that perhaps we could get gazebos from a vendor in exchange for advertising. Duane asked for more help in setting up. 18. Printing. Bill Sander would like to get printing done as early as possible. Gene Fodor asked for brochures and posters as soon as available to help in securing TD Bank sponsorship. 19. Open Forum. We should let VTC keep their prime location on the field. Jan Sander suggested that we include ample coverage in Wheel Tracks of the large amount of pre show preparation work. Respectfully submitted: Wendell Noble, ad hoc secretary WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 11
  • 12. Question: Clicking Artillery Wheel—My car has an swell. Most of the swelling is perpendicular to the grain artillery wheel that has started clicking when I drive. You direction, but there is some lengthwise. The capillary action can't hear it when driving down the road, but when driving along in wood is so strong that with enough moisture intake a wall, the reflected sound is noticeable. If I (soaking wet) the outward pressure of wood against wood grab the top of the wheel and yank it back and forth and put and wood against metal can crush the wood cells. What my finger on the joint between the spokes and the rim it happens then is that the next time the spokes dry out, they feels like there are a couple of spokes that are not tight. The become even more loose and will also absorb moisture even movement is infinitesimal - just enough to make a little more then before. It becomes a snowball affect. click when I yank on the wheel. Water moves in and out of wood better at the end grain, I took it from my high humidity East coast home to the and to a lesser degree, through side grain (cell walls). The hot dry desert Southwest - do you suppose they dried out finish on the spokes can look fine, but the end grain up and shrunk, and will fix themselves after re-humidifying at against the steel rim, and the taper where each spoke meets home? Is there a way to tighten them up. Or is this a one way situa- at the hub can wear off any finish there. And as you know, tion that will require having a wheelwright rebuild those are areas are hardest to re-seal. the wheel? I've heard conventional wisdom that soaking But, you can put that capillary action to work for you. rims in water will make them swell and tighten up, but also You can try thinning some linseed oil, or varnish, until it is read on a web blog that soaking in water is a good way to rather watery. Using a small brush, dab it along every edge promote rot. of each spoke. Repeat every 5-10 minutes until it stops Answer: It's not uncommon to have old wood wheels make drawing in the liquid. Wipe off any excess when done. noise. Especially with a drop in relative humidity like going from the damp NE to the dry SW. If you'd have driven through a rain storm, or puddles, very likely the wheel would quiet down for awhile as it absorbed moisture and swelled back up. But that is only a temporary cure. Next time the spokes dry out, it may be even noisier. One of the problems with using the "wetting the wheels" fix is that if moisture can get it, it can easily dry out, which it will. Vapor pressure is a very strong force and the moisture in the wheels will move to areas of lower pressure, such as dry air. The main problem that is causing the noisy wheels is lack of sealing the wood to maintain a low and constant moisture content in the wood. That is key to having no size change in the spokes. As the wood finish wears off and/or cracks, (Reprinted from the Franklin Car Club’s newsletter there are more places for moisture to transfer in and out of “The Franklin Service Station” with permission from the wood. As the moisture content goes up, the wood cells editor Tim Miller.) The Anne Gypson Tour Crowd can be seen above getting instructions at New Haven Jct. before heading out on the 60 or 52 mile tour...depending if you took the “High Road” or the “Low Road”. Good brakes needed on one...and not on the other. Our first stop was at Dennis Sparling’s place on Quarry Road, Dennis is a unique and great sculptor; have you ever seen the Leap-Froggers children on Church Street in Burlington?...well Dennis created that. It was rainy that day but also beautiful with the changing leaves. We ended our tour at the Cattails Restaurant in Brandon with some fine food and a business meeting. The winner of the Gypson award will be announced at the Annual Meeting at VTC. WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 12
  • 13. Annual meeting of the Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts And Vermont Antique Automobile Society Saturday… November 3, 2012 Quick Facts 11:00 - 11:15 am - Arrive at New Automotive Technology Building (In Catamount Commercial Park on VT Rte 66) 11:50 am - Depart for Judd Hall. Follow signs. 12:00 Noon - Arrive at Judd Hall. Buffet luncheon seating Welcoming Remarks: VTC President Dr. Philip A. Conroy Scholarship Presentation: VAE Treasurer Dick Wheatley presents "The Frederick N. Cook Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts Scholarship" check (for 2012-13 academic year) to VTC Financial Aid Director Catherine McCullough, VAE Chair Wendell Noble presiding. Response: Robert Palmer, Project Director, Automotive Technology Program Luncheon Follows Business Meetings Convene - 1:15 PM Approve Minutes of the 2011 VAE/VAAS Annual Meetings Presentation/Approval of VAE/VAAS budgets for Calendar year 2013. Approve VAE Dues for 2013. Act on Nominating Committees reports as required under Club Bylaws Set next regular meetings, VAE/VAAS: Time and place Adjourn (estimated 3:00 PM or earlier) Door Prize Drawing Of Special Note Since our last VAE/VAAS annual meetings at VT Tech, the automotive technology program has been relocated to a spacious commercial building located within the Catamount Commercial Park just a very short distance up VT 66, from Exit 4 (Randolph). You'll be pleasantly surprised as Rob Palmer and Steve Belitsos describe the improved (read "enlarged") facility for the Auto Tech programs. We are fortunate in having President and Mrs. Conroy with us as well as Financial Aid Director Catherine McCullough, and Rob Palmer and hopefully, Steve Belitsos, both of the automotive tech program. Kindly direct any questions to me, Fred Cook, at, or by phone 802-223-2933. Reservations to Jim Sears at 802-598-1663 or "Jim Sears" <>. Absolute deadline, 12 Noon, Fri. Oct. 26, 2012. The VAE donates $1000 to the Champlain Valley Transportation Museum In Plattsburg NY VAAS Chair, Gael Boardman (right) presents manager Richard Soper the check. The September VAE Tour was an- other great activities director success...Thank You Jim Sears WHEEL TRACKS.. Novem- ber 2012 PAGE 13
  • 14. This is a plea from your editor (Gary Fiske)…...Would someone agree to give me a hand with Wheel Tracks? If I had my choice today I would make this newsletter even better than it is. But I help. In fact it is getting more difficult simply maintaining what we have. As you can see there are many folks already helping by sending in some great articles. If it were not for them Wheel Tracks would not be much….Thank You...Thank You Would someone take on...say...4 pages? I will install the software into your PC and teach you how to operate it. You will be amazed the satisfaction and sense of accomplish you will get. Call me……….. Tour Banners For Sale Sturdy cotton With ties. $20.00 “Your Car Will Wear it Softly” Gene Fodor, 802-372-9146 For Only $100 per year Your Business Card can be here and on our website… Every Day of the Year Contact: Christina McCaffrey (Member Secretary) 89 Ledge Road Burlington, Vermont 05401-4140 Or Go to And click onto “Join VAE” WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 14
  • 15. September Bumper Sticker... For Sale… Home made sand blast cabinet 30 tall x Wanted…. A reasonably priced 34 deep x 40wide on 37 inch legs. A finish it High-Wheeler auto. yourself project with some support equipment. Any condition might be Cheap, inquire at 802-862-6374, Roy Martin acceptable if it can be restored. For Sale...1973 Call Gary Fiske, Enosburg,VT Mercedes For Sale... Oil furnace, upright, hot air 802-933-7780 450SLC silver exit at the bottom, uses a minimum of gray, power floor space, great for a garage. Miller sunroof, with Company, model CMF 80-PO, 66,400 Order your VAE name tag like this 157,000 plus BTU with a Wayne burner. one… miles on the car. Asking $250. R Martin 802- 862-374 or Write check to: Odometer doesn’t 12/12 Phyllis Skinner work so true mileage is unknown. This spring I had PO Box 208 the following work done by a Mercedes mechanic. Northfield Falls, VT Tune up, front end work, rust repair on underside, FOR SALE… Original car catalogs 1940 05664-0208 and power windows repaired and adjusted. Price -1980, USA, Canada and Europe. All $7,900. Jim Sears 802-482-2698 1/13 years and models. Reasonable prices. Sell as a lot or single items. Ship worldwide. Gilbert Bureau, Montreal Hi Gary, Info: 3/13 You can pull my " Duralast Battery For Sale" ad. I got contacted by a spammer in Tasmania posing as a buyer. He kept asking for my email address linked to my paypal account. For Sale...1970 Dodge Charger 500. Might be worth warning the folks about this. In our Been in family since new, 318 V-8, global world, there are always crooks out there, Torqueflite, air, buckets, rally wheels etc. and now they can reach more people more quickly. Mint interior & body, recent repaint in Warn people that if someone wants paypal account original light gold metallic. Original black info, they should vet the person by asking for a vinyl top in mint condition. Runs beauti- phone number, address, etc.. fully with 73,000 miles. Always garaged. After a few months, it looks like I will not sell this Comes with original owners manual, win- battery, so I'll keep it as a spare. dow sticker an broadcast sheet. Prefer to Cheers, Rick Reinstein sell to VAE member. $25,000 neg. Also still have my 1986 Dodge ES Turbo convertible. I've owned for over 10 years Question….The person I bought these For Sale… Enough Model T parts to make close to hub-caps from says it is not from and need to free up some garage space. “2” vehicles but you have to build them. Plymouth. An Arizona car in excellent all original condition, never seen a snowflake. Abso- Can anyone tell me what other 2 frames...2 engines...2 cowls.. wheels, rims, tires, Car maker uses a sail boat lutely no rust anywhere, runs great. Just coil boxes...the list goes on and on. For their symbol? turned 90,000 miles. Asking $3850 OBO. Please reply via Wheel Tracks I need the room so I can buy another car! For Sale: Lots of old Motor's Manuals, Gene Towne, Milton, Vermont flat rate books etc. $20 each or will deal 802-893-2585 on the lot. Jim Beam 750ml 1959 pink For Sale… Selling Cadillac decanter. Never opened and still For Sale… 1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88, 4-door hundreds of items, stop by in original box with all paperwork. These Brome sedan. 34,000 original miles, red with deep and shop. Car tools, new were issued by Jim Beam Bourbon as red upholstery. No dents or scratches, WW tires. ww- tires, spark plug limited collector editions of different cars $2800.00. Al Ward, St Albans VT, 802-5242466 cleaner, Car parts for in the 1970's and 80's. This one comes 12/12 Caddys & VWs, garden unopened and still full of Jim Beam's tools, auto repair manuals, best. $75 obo. For Sale...1968 P1800 VOLVO - 83,441 original and the reproduction miles, 4 speed standard, dk. green exterior and tan pump in the picture. Chris Barbieri 802 / 223-3104 interior, only minor rust on body, extra seats and Conception Conti, Water- 1/13 dash, garaged. Certified appraisal - $3500 bury 802-244-6476 3/13 firm...Contact Ray Greenia 802-863-5461. 12/12 WHEEL TRACKS.. November 2012 PAGE 15
  • 16. November 2012 VERMONT AUTOMOBILE ENTHUSIASTS Please Send Dues or Address Changes to: Christina McCaffrey Membership Secretary 89 Ledge Road Burlington, VT 05401-4140 1997 VAE President Bill Sander With his grandson & the 54 Bentley Doris Bailey writes about her MGTC In the summer of 1966 both of the older boys were home from college and working in construction, and they used our fami- ly station wagon to go to work. This left the younger children and me unable to use it to go shopping, swimming, or to the dentist's. We needed another car: something cheap, but roadworthy and dependable, and we would store it in winters. And so, on June 30th, 1966 (I'll bet it was a Friday) we bought the TC from a Burlington architect, Ben Stein, for $800.00... Cheap yes, but roadworthy and dependable? My husband screamed in pain when he saw my unique solution to our family transportation problem. He always referred to it as "that d*&#$% bucket of bolts you've got out in the garage!" (Doris wrote this story in 1992 for the MG newsletter “The Sacred Octagon”)...Continued on page 10