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Today, the entire world is puzzled about the root cause of the world economic
crisis or the historic global recession. The economists, politicians, environmentalists
and industrialists of over 200 countries amongst both developed and developing
nations, are busy formulating various plans and policies to readjust their economies
with a hope to have a cleaner environment and also to come out of recession.
So far, they have failed to find a solution. They are not able to pin point
the fundamental root cause of this deep, wide and historical recession. They
only say, “this economic crisis DOES NOT follow the normal principles of
economics and is an abnormal crisis.”
Synergies of the people of the world have been undergoing massive changes,
throwing major ‘isms’ like Communism and Capitalism out of gear, paving way for
a New Third World Order, having universal characteristics.
The breaking of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics in 1991, changed the
world’s economy and political environment. No other conflict of interest dominated
the post World War II era, like the cold war did. Breaking of erstwhile USSR even
brought down the statue of Lenin and events that took place from 1991 to 2000,
showed clear evidence that Communism Theory had failed.
That is ‘Collapse of Communism’.
Similarly, economic crisis began in USA in 1985. Capitalist countries like USA,
Canada, Italy, France, Germany, etc. have been under economic crisis. With this,
North and South American continents have reached a state, that resulted in additional
20 million people living below poverty line. The global economic crisis has reached
its climax and resulted in global recession since mid 2007, as reported by UN
recently. The theory of Capitalism is not able to solve the economic problems of
capitalist countries as well as other countries of the world.
That is ‘Collapse of Capitalism’.
Even Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said in Colarado, USA
in October 1995, that both Communism and Western Economic Policies have
failed, leaving two-thirds of the world’s population struggling for survival.
Gorbachev said, “a New Synthesis for World Order is needed going into the
The meeting at Colarado Springs, Colarado in 1995 was attended by top world
leaders like former US President George Bush, former French President Francois
Mitterrand, former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and former British Prime
Minister Margret Thatcher, reported the Associated Press (AP).
Dear world leaders, I would like to enlighten you about what triggered the
process that led to thinking on ‘New Synthesis for World Order’.
After nine years of relentless and extensive research done from 1975 to
1984, Ravikant H. Goyal, gave this world, the most important fundamental
aspects of life processes that nobody on this earth had even thought of.
He discovered that “Higher concentration of Calcium at cellular level is
responsible for higher rate of production of messenger Ribonucleic Acid
(mRNA), accelerating the rate of protein synthesis and consequently higher rate
of multiplication of cells, making the cells cancerous”. The main difference
between normal cells and cancerous cells, is the rate of multiplication of cells. In
cancerous cells, the growth rate is exponential.
Since higher concentration of Calcium was not appearing in the Cancerous cells,
the World Scientists could not correlate the relation between Calcium and
The excess Calcium acts only as a catalyst and gets excreted after triggering
normal cell into Cancerous cell. This is the main finding of Ravikant H. Goyal’s
research and is ably and clearly explained in the book, ‘Calcium Theory of
Thus, the year 1984 was an epoch with the release of the book ‘Calcium
Theory of Cancer’ written by Ravikant H. Goyal, published by Ravi Classes,
Mumbai, India. It revealed the fundamental causes of the dreaded disease
Cancer at cellular level.
Profound in modern scientific literature, the book was sent to 400 cancer
research institutes and hospitals across the globe on August 9, 1984, the day the
Americans dropped Atom Bomb on Japan in 1945.
Replying in a letter to Goyal on August 22, 1984, on behalf of Dr Vincent T
Devita Jr, the then director of National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, Maryland,
USA, Carol Case, the then Chief Public Inquiries officer of Cancer communications
of the institute said, “NCI scientists are glad to consider new theories about
cancer. Your ideas, along with those obtained from many other sources, will be
carefully considered by them.”
On September 6, 1984, the then director, Chemotherapy and Toxicological
Research of Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Alabama, USA had replied to
Goyal, “I found your theory most interesting …..I had not heard before that
there was an etiological relationship between Calcium and Cancer.”
On September 29, 1984 Dr C V Patel from Department of Surgery and
Oncology of Seth G S Medical College and KEM hospital, Mumbai, India, reviewed
the book and said, “I am basically, a clinician. Therefore, I can appreciate your
theory as a new hypothesis. It is well explained and ably reasoned out, only time
will tell if it is true.” The book was forwarded to Patel by eminent author and
anatomist Dr Manu L Kothari of the same institution.
On October 1, 1984, a review from a specialist Dr V A Baraboy, L D from
Kiev Roeutgon Radiological and Oncological Research Institute, Kiev, erstwhile
USSR said, “the work under review contains an original and, to certain degree,
new explanation of biochemical changes developing in human cells during their
malignant transformation, particularly those of mineral and, above all, calcium
metabolism,” in a letter sent by the Director of the Institute, Merited Scientist of the
UkSSR, Professor A I Pozmogov.
The American Scientists were first to make use of the knowledge from the
‘Calcium Theory of Cancer’. The National Institute of Health (NIH) of US
Government began its clinical trial on LOW FAT, HIGH FIBRE DIET on over
8000 women to prove conclusively that “you can eat your way to a life free from
the fear of breast cancer”.
“The diet is very simple to follow and we suggest that everyone should learn
from it”, Dr. Peter Greenwald, director of the Division of Cancer Prevention and
Control at the National Cancer Institute, had said at a meeting of the American
Cancer Society in San Diego, California in 1985, adding that the “study began last
“The basis guidelines are simple and they have just released a new book to tell
people how to do it,” he had said (NCI - NIH Publication No. 85-2711, November
Dr. Greenwald had said “the National Cancer Institute’s diet recommendations
were contained in a new booklet called ‘Diet, Nutrition and Cancer Prevention’,
which is now being given in super markets.” The book pointed out that 80 per cent
of all cancers may be related to environment and to things we eat, drink and smoke,
Greenwald said. “Our studies of groups and populations who follow Low Fat, High
Fibre diet and who have lower rates of breast and colon cancer than do Americans,
convince that we are on the right track”, he had said.
The NCI recommended people of America to avoid too much of fat, saturated
fat and cholesterol and advocated food with adequate starch and fibre, including
plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread and cereals.
With the recommendations of NCI, the people of USA changed their diet
pattern from ‘HIGH FAT, LOW FIBRE’ to a ‘LOW FAT, HIGH FIBRE’ since
1985 to escape from the dreaded disease Cancer.
Fibre is the component of dietary plant material that cannot be digested by
human enzymes and consists of a heterogenous mixture of complex carbohydrates.
These include cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, gums and mucilage. Major
sources of fibre are fruits, vegetables and wholegrain cereals.
Consuming large quantity of dietary fibre, decreases the intestinal absorption of
minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus. Phytic acid (inositol
hexaphosphate) in cereals, binds calcium in the instestinal lumen, preventing its
The digestion and absorption of proteins are also decreased. It prevents
constipation and eliminates bacterial toxins.
The three major sources of food energy are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The
fats are concentrated source of energy and dietary fats are derived from different
plant and animal sources.
Plant sources of fat include all oils obtained from edible nuts and oilseeds,
hydrogenated vegetable oil and margarine. French dressings are also visible sources
of fats. Animal sources of fat are whole milk, pork, poultry, eggs, lard, mayonnaise,
fish and dairy products (butter, ghee).
Fats of animal origin differ from vegetable fats in two significant ways. Animal
foods generally contain a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids than do vegetable
foods, and cholesterol is found only in foods of animal origin, in association with
fatty acids.
The cholesterol present in skin fat, gets converted into 7-dehydrocholesterol.
This is then biosynthesized to cholecalciferol or Vitamin D3
in the presence of sun
rays, by ultraviolet irradiation and absorbed in the blood stream.
In liver, cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3
), which has been synthesized in the skin
or derived from food, is hydroxylated to form the 25-hydroxy chlolecalciferol,
(Calcidiol). This is released into the blood circulation, bound to a Vitamin D-binding
globulin – the main storage form of Vitamin D.
In kidney, Calcidiol undergoes, either 1-hydroxylation to yield the active 1,25
dihydroxy Vitamin D (Calcitriol) or 24-hydroxylation to yield an inactive Metabo-
lite, 24,25-dihydroxy Vitamin D (24-hydroxy Calcidiol). Ergocalciferol from fortified
foods undergoes similar hydroxyplations to yield Ergcalcitriol.
Calcitriol acts to reduce its own synthesis by inducing 24-hydroxylase and
repressing the 1-hydroxylase in the kidney. Its principal function is to maintain the
plasma calcium concentration. Calcitriol achieves this in three ways : It increases
intestinal absorption of calcium, reduces excretion of calcium (by stimulating
resorption in the distal renal tubules), and mobilizes bone mineral. In its action, it
behaves like a steroid hormone, binding to a nuclear receptor protein.
Hence, the main function of Vitamin D is in the regulation of calcium
absorption and its homeostasis.
Synthesis of the intracellular (within the cell) calcium binding protein, calbindin,
required for calcium binding, is induced by Vitamin D, which also affects the
permeability of the mucosal cells to calcium, an effect that is rapid and independent
of protein synthesis. This results in increase in intracellular calcium concentra-
Hence, high animal fat containing high cholesterol, increases the formation
of Vitamin D, resulting in increased intestinal absorption of Calcium and thus
in blood circulation. It also affects the permeability of mucosal cells hence
increases the intracellular Calcium concentration.
This is the explanation of the New Theory on Cancer – ‘The Calcium
Theory of Cancer’.
In 1984, President Ronald Regan was re-elected for the second term and that
was when he started pumping huge amount of money for his famous ‘Starwars’
programme. Inspite of Gorbachev’s repeated request to review his thoughts on
‘Starwars’ programme, till mid 1985, he was stubborn on the issue.
On July 12, 1985, Reagan underwent surgery for his polyp and Colon
tumour at Bethesda Naval Medical Centre. He was put on a LOW FAT, HIGH
FIBRE diet based on ‘Calcium Theory of Cancer’. This diet had an effect on
his mental attitude. This was evident when he decided to talk to Gorbachev in
September 1985 and fixed a meeting from November 19-21, 1985 at Geneva.
The correlation between the type of food intake and mental attitude was
witnessed in World’s Super Power’s leader Ronald Reagan.
The year 1985 was a major turning point in the history of the world when
the two ‘Warring’ Super Powers met under one roof after four decades of cold
war. They also initiated simultaneously the process of reducing nuclear weapons and
disarmament programme, a step towards world peace.
The change in the diet from HIGH FAT, LOW FIBRE to LOW FAT, HIGH
FIBRE, created disturbance in high energy utilization economics of USA.
In other words, there was a change in diet from ‘High Secondary, Low
Primary Energy’ to ‘Low Secondary, High Primary Energy’.
The fibre which is derived from the plant kingdom is a Primary source of
energy, while the fat derived from animal kingdom is a Secondary source of energy.
In nature, the term production refers to the process of energy input and storage
in ecosystems. In the primary production, there is a direct transformation of light
energy into chemical energy. Energy inputs to animals and microbes are commonly
called secondary production. But the ultimate source of energy of all ecosystems is
the SUN. In other words, certain photons from the Sun are utilised in producing
energy through the process called PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
An energy budget is an estimate of the sources of energy input into and loss from
an ecosystem. An estimate of the potential maximum of primary productivity can be
derived from the potential efficiency of photosynthesis.
Thus, it is clear that the solar energy converted into carbohydrate, protein and
lipid in a natural way becomes the largest source of energy for the living beings. In
the ecosystem, there is a loss of 90 to 95 percent of energy, when it gets converted
to the animal kingdom from the plant kingdom.
This change in the energy cycle could be attributed to the chain reaction
which started with NIH’s clinical trial and propagation through market media
for a LOW FAT, HIGH FIBRE, diet to prevent Cancer. When consumption of
vegetables and fruits increased, animal fat and meat reduced, a number of industries
and related population were affected which included cattle industries, cattle feeders,
meat industries, dairies, processing industries, cold storage, packaging industries,
veterinary, pharmaceutical industries, chemical industries, transports, iron and steel
industries, engineering workshops, paper industries, automobile industries, engineers,
accountants, advocates, and others.
The year 1985 was also a turning point with the decline in US economy along
with increasing trade deficit, besides the budgetary deficit. The collapse of major
bank in Maryland in September 1985 was supposed to have been the starting point
of the economic slide down bringing in its wake the collapse of a large number of
banks. Out of the total 13,300 banks, then in the US, 1300 banks were on the verge
of collapse in 1988. In 1992, the figure went up to over 5000 banks.
In 1987, several top economists of USA, who met at Florida, could only
conclude that since 1985 onwards, the US economy was not governed by normal
economic principles.
Inspite of several Multinational Companies (MNCs) camouflaging their eco-
nomic crisis during President Bill Clinton’s regime by manipulation of their balance
sheets, the economic crisis could not be suppressed, and the scandal was exposed
during President George W. Bush regime.
The reason for pointing out the economic downfall of USA was that, it had
definitely affected the economy of Europe and Asia because of the dominant global
interconnected market economy. In other words, an imbalance in the international
economy was felt and was getting out of control.
The chain reaction of economic crisis which started in USA in 1985 had led
to the global economic crisis resulting now in Global Recession.
It is for the first time in the history of the world, recession has emerged as
a global phenomenon (Global Recession). During the great depression of early
1930s, the recession was pertained only to Europe. It was overcome by
improving the energy efficiency of engines.
The current Global Recession has not been able to overcome by any individual
leader, collectively by the world leaders or even by the United Nations by any
The declaration of global recession by the United Nations recently was not
a sudden phenomenon, but was triggered in 1985 in USA due to change in
energy economics, from secondary source of energy (HIGH FAT) to primary
source of energy (HIGH FIBRE), by the people of America and then people of
other countries.
It was an Indian scientist Ravikant H. Goyal, who enlightened the scientific
community of USA and other countries.
I had stated all these facts at UNESCO since 1992, when I was their Resource
Person on Environmental Journalism.
For the first time, I announced it at Jakarta at a workshop organised by
UNESCO jointly with Indonesian Government News Agency ANTARA titled “A
Moral basis for Environment and Environmental Journalism” on May 3, 1992. This
workshop was held just before the Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro and UNESCO
send its recommendations to the Earth Summit on it.
The facts about energy economics and about Prof. Ravikant H. Goyal’s
discovery was also given by me to UNESCO at a workshop on “Cultural Values and
Sustainable Resource Management”, held at Ching Mai, Thailand from December
14-20, 1995. The paper presented by me was “Spiritualism, Environment and
Journalism in Harmony” and was published by UNESCO in June, 1996 under
study No. 11 of ‘Contending with Global change”.
Although, UN and other international bodies are now accepting global recession,
I had already submitted over 300 copies of ‘Media Watch on Global Recession’
Published by Ravi Foundation, Mumbai, India and its summary in the book
‘Collapse of Capitalism’ to members of GATT in 1993, during their meeting in
Geneva under the leadership of Peter Sutherland. Subsequently, other world
leaders were also given the copies of these books.
In July 2008, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General
Mohammed ElBaradei, called for the institution of a Global Energy Organiza-
tion that would tackle the crisis underway in the energy field.
Global Recession is related to economics, which in turn is related to Energy.
Change in energy economics in USA since 1985, has led to a global phenomenon.
Now, at IAEA, we are stressing for Nuclear Renaissance to use nuclear energy for
useful purposes (only constructive and not destructive purposes) and nuclear
scientists are gearing up for clean energy for the world community, to save Mother
Earth from environmental degradation.
It is the global recession, which has forced the whole world to come
together to work at global level, to solve the energy, economics and environ-
mental crisis, which are interlinked.
Dear World Leaders, Cosmologically, the role of planet Saturn in Zodiac
Cancer or Kark Raashi (which is a 30 year cycle) has always given rise to
positive human development, for centuries and now it is playing a positive role
in the emergence of a New World Order.
In August 1916, Saturn entered Zodiac Cancer and stayed till June 1919 and
after the World War I, the League of Nations was formed with 44 European
countries as members.
Similarly, Saturn entered Zodiac Cancer in June 1946 and stayed till July 1948
and after the World War II, United Nations was formed with around 50 countries
as members. During the same time, India got its freedom from British rule.
Scientist, Ravikant H. Goyal was born on October 9, 1946 in Kolkata, India
and is a Libran.
Again, after a cycle of thirty years, in July 1975, Saturn entered Zodiac Cancer
and lasted till September 1977, when the former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
declared emergency, which completely changed the Indian political scenario, bringing
all the opposition political parties together, resulting in first Coalition Government in
That period was also significant for ending the ‘Cold War’ at the level of Space
Scientists. During the late seventies, US and erstwhile USSR Space Scientists began
to work together.
The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) was also formed in 1975, for export
controls governing transfers of civilian nuclear material and nuclear related
equipment, with an aim of non-proliferation.
In 1975, Ravikant H. Goyal began his historic work on the fundamental causes
of dreaded disease Cancer, which culminated in a book ‘Calcium Theory of Cancer’
in 1984 and was sent to 400 Cancer Research Institutes and hospitals across the
The ‘Calcium Theory of Cancer’ changed the energy economics of the USA
and subsequently the world, which had forced world leaders to
come together finally to work in solving energy, economics and environmental
crisis, as they are closely linked.
Again, after a cycle of 30 years, Saturn was in Zodiac Cancer during 2004-
2006, when the Swiss government amended its Old Law, enabling transparency
of accounts. This was a major turning point towards a transparent world
economics and also was the beginning of the end of the DEEP GLOBAL
LONDON has been the biggest hub of International trading and commercial
transaction and SWITZERLAND has been the ‘best asset havens’ of most of the
world Politicians, Industrialists and others, to keep their accounted (white) and
unaccounted (black) money.
One of the main reasons of Switzerland becoming the ‘best asset havens’
was due to their OLD LAW that had the provision of keeping secrecy of the
account holders. The old secrecy law of Switzerland was one of the main
reasons for continued global corruption.
However, in the last two years, the Swiss government has amended its old law,
allowing transparency of their account holders, on demand by any government. This
transparency resulted in panic among the global Politicians, Industrialists and others.
The year 2005 was another turning point in the history of the world, when
US President George W. Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
made a joint Indo-US civil nuclear co-operation statement on July 18, 2005, a
step Towards World Peace.
In the year 1996, the book titled ‘Towards World Peace’ published by Ravi
Foundation, Mumbai, India, was handed over to Claes Nobel, grand nephew of
Sir Alfred Nobel, at an inaugural function to establish ‘World Peace University’
at Pune, India.
Thereafter, the book was widely circulated across the world — to industrialists,
politicians, bureaucrats, educationists, scientists, economists, sociologists, environ-
mentalists, doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants, film personalities, Non-govern-
mental Organisations (NGOs) and others.
Now, I pray, that a New World Order to emerge with cohesive forces,
which began during Saturn in Zodiac Cancer, help in positive changes in
mankind, bringing nations, governments and people together.
The year 1990 was the year of World Peace as declared by the then US
Preseident George Bush (Sr.) and erstwhile USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev.
In the same year 1990, a Hindi feature film ‘Naya Zamana, Nai Kranti’ (New
Era, New Revolution) was released in Mumbai, India by ‘Ravi Foundation’ with a
strong message of World Peace through spiritual awakening. ‘Ravi Foundation’
was founded by Scientist Ravikant H. Goyal in 1985, in Mumbai, India for the
The New World Order in the form of ‘WORLD GOVERNMENT’ will be
a truly Global, Secular, Cosmopolitan, Democratic where over 200 nations of
the world with almost 6.5 billion population will be under one governance —
Sir Alfred Nobel’s grand nephew Claes Nobel, founder of ‘United Earth’
organisation working towards World Peace and promotes earth care, earth ethics,
earth culture and earth unity, announced in 1995 in Mumbai about establishing his
centre in India. He said that he chose India because, it has a strong spiritual base.
All ‘isms’ (Christianism, Islamism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism,
Sikkhism, Zorastrianism, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Colonialism, Secular-
ism etc.) and Socio-Politico-Economic groups will be under the World Government.
Further, the World Government will be under one leadership with one
World Budget. So far individual nations were making their own budget and
laws. The leader of the World Government will be like having one head of the family,
managing the entire family.
After the World War I, League of Nation was established in Geneva in
European continent, subsequently after the World War II, the United Nations
was established in New York in North American Continent.
Now, the headquarter of WORLD GOVERNMENT has to be in Mumbai
in Asian continent, as it is geographically well positioned and easily accessible
from all countries by Land, Sea and Air. Moreover, India is the only largest
Democratic, Secular, Cosmopolitan country in the world.
It is time to realize that coming together of few nations at a time will never bring
World Peace, as it happened during the formation of League of Nations, United
Nations or other regional groups.
It is only when all the nations of the world, with 6.5 billion population are
governed under one leadership with common agenda, common budget, common
developmental programme, working truly for the welfare of mankind and
environment, we can have long lasting peace. It is just like the human body
where several parts with millions of cells depend on each other for normal and
easy functioning.
Unfortunately, only human species is fighting with its own species for the past
thousands of years. Just as normal body function is possible with co-operation of all
the organs, it is important that only if all nations work together, there will be peace
in the world.
World Government will have an interdependent economy for a healthy,
prosperous and a blissful world.
It is time to form such a World Body to bring much wanted World Peace
and Prosperity, for the entire mankind, which in turn would make mankind
evolve further in the 21st century.

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  • 1. 1 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N ATTENTION : WORLD LEADERS RISE OF NEW THIRD WORLD ORDER Today, the entire world is puzzled about the root cause of the world economic crisis or the historic global recession. The economists, politicians, environmentalists and industrialists of over 200 countries amongst both developed and developing nations, are busy formulating various plans and policies to readjust their economies with a hope to have a cleaner environment and also to come out of recession. So far, they have failed to find a solution. They are not able to pin point the fundamental root cause of this deep, wide and historical recession. They only say, “this economic crisis DOES NOT follow the normal principles of economics and is an abnormal crisis.” Synergies of the people of the world have been undergoing massive changes, throwing major ‘isms’ like Communism and Capitalism out of gear, paving way for a New Third World Order, having universal characteristics. The breaking of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics in 1991, changed the world’s economy and political environment. No other conflict of interest dominated the post World War II era, like the cold war did. Breaking of erstwhile USSR even brought down the statue of Lenin and events that took place from 1991 to 2000, showed clear evidence that Communism Theory had failed. That is ‘Collapse of Communism’. Similarly, economic crisis began in USA in 1985. Capitalist countries like USA, Canada, Italy, France, Germany, etc. have been under economic crisis. With this, North and South American continents have reached a state, that resulted in additional 20 million people living below poverty line. The global economic crisis has reached its climax and resulted in global recession since mid 2007, as reported by UN recently. The theory of Capitalism is not able to solve the economic problems of capitalist countries as well as other countries of the world. That is ‘Collapse of Capitalism’. Even Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said in Colarado, USA in October 1995, that both Communism and Western Economic Policies have failed, leaving two-thirds of the world’s population struggling for survival.
  • 2. 2 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N Gorbachev said, “a New Synthesis for World Order is needed going into the 21st Century”. The meeting at Colarado Springs, Colarado in 1995 was attended by top world leaders like former US President George Bush, former French President Francois Mitterrand, former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and former British Prime Minister Margret Thatcher, reported the Associated Press (AP). Dear world leaders, I would like to enlighten you about what triggered the process that led to thinking on ‘New Synthesis for World Order’. After nine years of relentless and extensive research done from 1975 to 1984, Ravikant H. Goyal, gave this world, the most important fundamental aspects of life processes that nobody on this earth had even thought of. He discovered that “Higher concentration of Calcium at cellular level is responsible for higher rate of production of messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA), accelerating the rate of protein synthesis and consequently higher rate of multiplication of cells, making the cells cancerous”. The main difference between normal cells and cancerous cells, is the rate of multiplication of cells. In cancerous cells, the growth rate is exponential. Since higher concentration of Calcium was not appearing in the Cancerous cells, the World Scientists could not correlate the relation between Calcium and Cancer. The excess Calcium acts only as a catalyst and gets excreted after triggering normal cell into Cancerous cell. This is the main finding of Ravikant H. Goyal’s research and is ably and clearly explained in the book, ‘Calcium Theory of Cancer’. Thus, the year 1984 was an epoch with the release of the book ‘Calcium Theory of Cancer’ written by Ravikant H. Goyal, published by Ravi Classes, Mumbai, India. It revealed the fundamental causes of the dreaded disease Cancer at cellular level. Profound in modern scientific literature, the book was sent to 400 cancer research institutes and hospitals across the globe on August 9, 1984, the day the Americans dropped Atom Bomb on Japan in 1945. Replying in a letter to Goyal on August 22, 1984, on behalf of Dr Vincent T
  • 3. 3 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N Devita Jr, the then director of National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, Maryland, USA, Carol Case, the then Chief Public Inquiries officer of Cancer communications of the institute said, “NCI scientists are glad to consider new theories about cancer. Your ideas, along with those obtained from many other sources, will be carefully considered by them.” On September 6, 1984, the then director, Chemotherapy and Toxicological Research of Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Alabama, USA had replied to Goyal, “I found your theory most interesting …..I had not heard before that there was an etiological relationship between Calcium and Cancer.” On September 29, 1984 Dr C V Patel from Department of Surgery and Oncology of Seth G S Medical College and KEM hospital, Mumbai, India, reviewed the book and said, “I am basically, a clinician. Therefore, I can appreciate your theory as a new hypothesis. It is well explained and ably reasoned out, only time will tell if it is true.” The book was forwarded to Patel by eminent author and anatomist Dr Manu L Kothari of the same institution. On October 1, 1984, a review from a specialist Dr V A Baraboy, L D from Kiev Roeutgon Radiological and Oncological Research Institute, Kiev, erstwhile USSR said, “the work under review contains an original and, to certain degree, new explanation of biochemical changes developing in human cells during their malignant transformation, particularly those of mineral and, above all, calcium metabolism,” in a letter sent by the Director of the Institute, Merited Scientist of the UkSSR, Professor A I Pozmogov. The American Scientists were first to make use of the knowledge from the ‘Calcium Theory of Cancer’. The National Institute of Health (NIH) of US Government began its clinical trial on LOW FAT, HIGH FIBRE DIET on over 8000 women to prove conclusively that “you can eat your way to a life free from the fear of breast cancer”. “The diet is very simple to follow and we suggest that everyone should learn from it”, Dr. Peter Greenwald, director of the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control at the National Cancer Institute, had said at a meeting of the American Cancer Society in San Diego, California in 1985, adding that the “study began last year”. “The basis guidelines are simple and they have just released a new book to tell people how to do it,” he had said (NCI - NIH Publication No. 85-2711, November 1984).
  • 4. 4 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N Dr. Greenwald had said “the National Cancer Institute’s diet recommendations were contained in a new booklet called ‘Diet, Nutrition and Cancer Prevention’, which is now being given in super markets.” The book pointed out that 80 per cent of all cancers may be related to environment and to things we eat, drink and smoke, Greenwald said. “Our studies of groups and populations who follow Low Fat, High Fibre diet and who have lower rates of breast and colon cancer than do Americans, convince that we are on the right track”, he had said. The NCI recommended people of America to avoid too much of fat, saturated fat and cholesterol and advocated food with adequate starch and fibre, including plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread and cereals. With the recommendations of NCI, the people of USA changed their diet pattern from ‘HIGH FAT, LOW FIBRE’ to a ‘LOW FAT, HIGH FIBRE’ since 1985 to escape from the dreaded disease Cancer. HIGH FIBRE DECREASES THE INTESTINAL ABSORPTION OF CALCIUM Fibre is the component of dietary plant material that cannot be digested by human enzymes and consists of a heterogenous mixture of complex carbohydrates. These include cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, gums and mucilage. Major sources of fibre are fruits, vegetables and wholegrain cereals. Consuming large quantity of dietary fibre, decreases the intestinal absorption of minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus. Phytic acid (inositol hexaphosphate) in cereals, binds calcium in the instestinal lumen, preventing its absorption. The digestion and absorption of proteins are also decreased. It prevents constipation and eliminates bacterial toxins. HIGH FAT INCREASES THE INTESTINAL ABSORPTION OF CALCIUM. The three major sources of food energy are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The fats are concentrated source of energy and dietary fats are derived from different plant and animal sources. Plant sources of fat include all oils obtained from edible nuts and oilseeds, hydrogenated vegetable oil and margarine. French dressings are also visible sources of fats. Animal sources of fat are whole milk, pork, poultry, eggs, lard, mayonnaise, fish and dairy products (butter, ghee).
  • 5. 5 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N Fats of animal origin differ from vegetable fats in two significant ways. Animal foods generally contain a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids than do vegetable foods, and cholesterol is found only in foods of animal origin, in association with fatty acids. The cholesterol present in skin fat, gets converted into 7-dehydrocholesterol. This is then biosynthesized to cholecalciferol or Vitamin D3 in the presence of sun rays, by ultraviolet irradiation and absorbed in the blood stream. In liver, cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3 ), which has been synthesized in the skin or derived from food, is hydroxylated to form the 25-hydroxy chlolecalciferol, (Calcidiol). This is released into the blood circulation, bound to a Vitamin D-binding globulin – the main storage form of Vitamin D. In kidney, Calcidiol undergoes, either 1-hydroxylation to yield the active 1,25 dihydroxy Vitamin D (Calcitriol) or 24-hydroxylation to yield an inactive Metabo- lite, 24,25-dihydroxy Vitamin D (24-hydroxy Calcidiol). Ergocalciferol from fortified foods undergoes similar hydroxyplations to yield Ergcalcitriol. Calcitriol acts to reduce its own synthesis by inducing 24-hydroxylase and repressing the 1-hydroxylase in the kidney. Its principal function is to maintain the plasma calcium concentration. Calcitriol achieves this in three ways : It increases intestinal absorption of calcium, reduces excretion of calcium (by stimulating resorption in the distal renal tubules), and mobilizes bone mineral. In its action, it behaves like a steroid hormone, binding to a nuclear receptor protein. Hence, the main function of Vitamin D is in the regulation of calcium absorption and its homeostasis. Synthesis of the intracellular (within the cell) calcium binding protein, calbindin, required for calcium binding, is induced by Vitamin D, which also affects the permeability of the mucosal cells to calcium, an effect that is rapid and independent of protein synthesis. This results in increase in intracellular calcium concentra- tion. Hence, high animal fat containing high cholesterol, increases the formation of Vitamin D, resulting in increased intestinal absorption of Calcium and thus in blood circulation. It also affects the permeability of mucosal cells hence increases the intracellular Calcium concentration. This is the explanation of the New Theory on Cancer – ‘The Calcium
  • 6. 6 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N Theory of Cancer’. In 1984, President Ronald Regan was re-elected for the second term and that was when he started pumping huge amount of money for his famous ‘Starwars’ programme. Inspite of Gorbachev’s repeated request to review his thoughts on ‘Starwars’ programme, till mid 1985, he was stubborn on the issue. On July 12, 1985, Reagan underwent surgery for his polyp and Colon tumour at Bethesda Naval Medical Centre. He was put on a LOW FAT, HIGH FIBRE diet based on ‘Calcium Theory of Cancer’. This diet had an effect on his mental attitude. This was evident when he decided to talk to Gorbachev in September 1985 and fixed a meeting from November 19-21, 1985 at Geneva. The correlation between the type of food intake and mental attitude was witnessed in World’s Super Power’s leader Ronald Reagan. The year 1985 was a major turning point in the history of the world when the two ‘Warring’ Super Powers met under one roof after four decades of cold war. They also initiated simultaneously the process of reducing nuclear weapons and disarmament programme, a step towards world peace. The change in the diet from HIGH FAT, LOW FIBRE to LOW FAT, HIGH FIBRE, created disturbance in high energy utilization economics of USA. In other words, there was a change in diet from ‘High Secondary, Low Primary Energy’ to ‘Low Secondary, High Primary Energy’. The fibre which is derived from the plant kingdom is a Primary source of energy, while the fat derived from animal kingdom is a Secondary source of energy. In nature, the term production refers to the process of energy input and storage in ecosystems. In the primary production, there is a direct transformation of light energy into chemical energy. Energy inputs to animals and microbes are commonly called secondary production. But the ultimate source of energy of all ecosystems is the SUN. In other words, certain photons from the Sun are utilised in producing energy through the process called PHOTOSYNTHESIS. An energy budget is an estimate of the sources of energy input into and loss from an ecosystem. An estimate of the potential maximum of primary productivity can be derived from the potential efficiency of photosynthesis. Thus, it is clear that the solar energy converted into carbohydrate, protein and
  • 7. 7 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N lipid in a natural way becomes the largest source of energy for the living beings. In the ecosystem, there is a loss of 90 to 95 percent of energy, when it gets converted to the animal kingdom from the plant kingdom. This change in the energy cycle could be attributed to the chain reaction which started with NIH’s clinical trial and propagation through market media for a LOW FAT, HIGH FIBRE, diet to prevent Cancer. When consumption of vegetables and fruits increased, animal fat and meat reduced, a number of industries and related population were affected which included cattle industries, cattle feeders, meat industries, dairies, processing industries, cold storage, packaging industries, veterinary, pharmaceutical industries, chemical industries, transports, iron and steel industries, engineering workshops, paper industries, automobile industries, engineers, accountants, advocates, and others. The year 1985 was also a turning point with the decline in US economy along with increasing trade deficit, besides the budgetary deficit. The collapse of major bank in Maryland in September 1985 was supposed to have been the starting point of the economic slide down bringing in its wake the collapse of a large number of banks. Out of the total 13,300 banks, then in the US, 1300 banks were on the verge of collapse in 1988. In 1992, the figure went up to over 5000 banks. In 1987, several top economists of USA, who met at Florida, could only conclude that since 1985 onwards, the US economy was not governed by normal economic principles. Inspite of several Multinational Companies (MNCs) camouflaging their eco- nomic crisis during President Bill Clinton’s regime by manipulation of their balance sheets, the economic crisis could not be suppressed, and the scandal was exposed during President George W. Bush regime. The reason for pointing out the economic downfall of USA was that, it had definitely affected the economy of Europe and Asia because of the dominant global interconnected market economy. In other words, an imbalance in the international economy was felt and was getting out of control. The chain reaction of economic crisis which started in USA in 1985 had led to the global economic crisis resulting now in Global Recession. It is for the first time in the history of the world, recession has emerged as a global phenomenon (Global Recession). During the great depression of early
  • 8. 8 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N 1930s, the recession was pertained only to Europe. It was overcome by improving the energy efficiency of engines. The current Global Recession has not been able to overcome by any individual leader, collectively by the world leaders or even by the United Nations by any means. The declaration of global recession by the United Nations recently was not a sudden phenomenon, but was triggered in 1985 in USA due to change in energy economics, from secondary source of energy (HIGH FAT) to primary source of energy (HIGH FIBRE), by the people of America and then people of other countries. It was an Indian scientist Ravikant H. Goyal, who enlightened the scientific community of USA and other countries. I had stated all these facts at UNESCO since 1992, when I was their Resource Person on Environmental Journalism. For the first time, I announced it at Jakarta at a workshop organised by UNESCO jointly with Indonesian Government News Agency ANTARA titled “A Moral basis for Environment and Environmental Journalism” on May 3, 1992. This workshop was held just before the Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro and UNESCO send its recommendations to the Earth Summit on it. The facts about energy economics and about Prof. Ravikant H. Goyal’s discovery was also given by me to UNESCO at a workshop on “Cultural Values and Sustainable Resource Management”, held at Ching Mai, Thailand from December 14-20, 1995. The paper presented by me was “Spiritualism, Environment and Journalism in Harmony” and was published by UNESCO in June, 1996 under study No. 11 of ‘Contending with Global change”. Although, UN and other international bodies are now accepting global recession, I had already submitted over 300 copies of ‘Media Watch on Global Recession’ Published by Ravi Foundation, Mumbai, India and its summary in the book ‘Collapse of Capitalism’ to members of GATT in 1993, during their meeting in Geneva under the leadership of Peter Sutherland. Subsequently, other world leaders were also given the copies of these books. In July 2008, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Mohammed ElBaradei, called for the institution of a Global Energy Organiza- tion that would tackle the crisis underway in the energy field.
  • 9. 9 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N Global Recession is related to economics, which in turn is related to Energy. Change in energy economics in USA since 1985, has led to a global phenomenon. Now, at IAEA, we are stressing for Nuclear Renaissance to use nuclear energy for useful purposes (only constructive and not destructive purposes) and nuclear scientists are gearing up for clean energy for the world community, to save Mother Earth from environmental degradation. It is the global recession, which has forced the whole world to come together to work at global level, to solve the energy, economics and environ- mental crisis, which are interlinked. Dear World Leaders, Cosmologically, the role of planet Saturn in Zodiac Cancer or Kark Raashi (which is a 30 year cycle) has always given rise to positive human development, for centuries and now it is playing a positive role in the emergence of a New World Order. In August 1916, Saturn entered Zodiac Cancer and stayed till June 1919 and after the World War I, the League of Nations was formed with 44 European countries as members. Similarly, Saturn entered Zodiac Cancer in June 1946 and stayed till July 1948 and after the World War II, United Nations was formed with around 50 countries as members. During the same time, India got its freedom from British rule. Scientist, Ravikant H. Goyal was born on October 9, 1946 in Kolkata, India and is a Libran. Again, after a cycle of thirty years, in July 1975, Saturn entered Zodiac Cancer and lasted till September 1977, when the former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared emergency, which completely changed the Indian political scenario, bringing all the opposition political parties together, resulting in first Coalition Government in India. That period was also significant for ending the ‘Cold War’ at the level of Space Scientists. During the late seventies, US and erstwhile USSR Space Scientists began to work together. The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) was also formed in 1975, for export controls governing transfers of civilian nuclear material and nuclear related equipment, with an aim of non-proliferation.
  • 10. 10 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N In 1975, Ravikant H. Goyal began his historic work on the fundamental causes of dreaded disease Cancer, which culminated in a book ‘Calcium Theory of Cancer’ in 1984 and was sent to 400 Cancer Research Institutes and hospitals across the world. The ‘Calcium Theory of Cancer’ changed the energy economics of the USA and subsequently the world, which had forced world leaders to come together finally to work in solving energy, economics and environmental crisis, as they are closely linked. Again, after a cycle of 30 years, Saturn was in Zodiac Cancer during 2004- 2006, when the Swiss government amended its Old Law, enabling transparency of accounts. This was a major turning point towards a transparent world economics and also was the beginning of the end of the DEEP GLOBAL CORRUPTION. LONDON has been the biggest hub of International trading and commercial transaction and SWITZERLAND has been the ‘best asset havens’ of most of the world Politicians, Industrialists and others, to keep their accounted (white) and unaccounted (black) money. One of the main reasons of Switzerland becoming the ‘best asset havens’ was due to their OLD LAW that had the provision of keeping secrecy of the account holders. The old secrecy law of Switzerland was one of the main reasons for continued global corruption. However, in the last two years, the Swiss government has amended its old law, allowing transparency of their account holders, on demand by any government. This transparency resulted in panic among the global Politicians, Industrialists and others. The year 2005 was another turning point in the history of the world, when US President George W. Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made a joint Indo-US civil nuclear co-operation statement on July 18, 2005, a step Towards World Peace. In the year 1996, the book titled ‘Towards World Peace’ published by Ravi Foundation, Mumbai, India, was handed over to Claes Nobel, grand nephew of Sir Alfred Nobel, at an inaugural function to establish ‘World Peace University’ at Pune, India. Thereafter, the book was widely circulated across the world — to industrialists,
  • 11. 11 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N politicians, bureaucrats, educationists, scientists, economists, sociologists, environ- mentalists, doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants, film personalities, Non-govern- mental Organisations (NGOs) and others. Now, I pray, that a New World Order to emerge with cohesive forces, which began during Saturn in Zodiac Cancer, help in positive changes in mankind, bringing nations, governments and people together. A NEW WORLD ORDER — A NEW REVOLUTION FOR HUMAN EVOLUTION. The year 1990 was the year of World Peace as declared by the then US Preseident George Bush (Sr.) and erstwhile USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev. In the same year 1990, a Hindi feature film ‘Naya Zamana, Nai Kranti’ (New Era, New Revolution) was released in Mumbai, India by ‘Ravi Foundation’ with a strong message of World Peace through spiritual awakening. ‘Ravi Foundation’ was founded by Scientist Ravikant H. Goyal in 1985, in Mumbai, India for the ‘UPLIFTMENT OF BODY, MIND & SOUL’. The New World Order in the form of ‘WORLD GOVERNMENT’ will be a truly Global, Secular, Cosmopolitan, Democratic where over 200 nations of the world with almost 6.5 billion population will be under one governance — UNITED EARTH or ONE WORLD. Sir Alfred Nobel’s grand nephew Claes Nobel, founder of ‘United Earth’ organisation working towards World Peace and promotes earth care, earth ethics, earth culture and earth unity, announced in 1995 in Mumbai about establishing his centre in India. He said that he chose India because, it has a strong spiritual base. All ‘isms’ (Christianism, Islamism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikkhism, Zorastrianism, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Colonialism, Secular- ism etc.) and Socio-Politico-Economic groups will be under the World Government. Further, the World Government will be under one leadership with one World Budget. So far individual nations were making their own budget and laws. The leader of the World Government will be like having one head of the family, managing the entire family. After the World War I, League of Nation was established in Geneva in European continent, subsequently after the World War II, the United Nations was established in New York in North American Continent.
  • 12. 12 FO R PRIVATE CIRCU LATIO N Now, the headquarter of WORLD GOVERNMENT has to be in Mumbai in Asian continent, as it is geographically well positioned and easily accessible from all countries by Land, Sea and Air. Moreover, India is the only largest Democratic, Secular, Cosmopolitan country in the world. It is time to realize that coming together of few nations at a time will never bring World Peace, as it happened during the formation of League of Nations, United Nations or other regional groups. It is only when all the nations of the world, with 6.5 billion population are governed under one leadership with common agenda, common budget, common developmental programme, working truly for the welfare of mankind and environment, we can have long lasting peace. It is just like the human body where several parts with millions of cells depend on each other for normal and easy functioning. Unfortunately, only human species is fighting with its own species for the past thousands of years. Just as normal body function is possible with co-operation of all the organs, it is important that only if all nations work together, there will be peace in the world. World Government will have an interdependent economy for a healthy, prosperous and a blissful world. IT WILL BE GOVERNED BY SINGLE UNIVERSAL PROGRAMME WITH SIMPLE UNIVERSAL LAWS. It is time to form such a World Body to bring much wanted World Peace and Prosperity, for the entire mankind, which in turn would make mankind evolve further in the 21st century. OM SHANTI ! OM SHANTI !! OM SHANTI !!!