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Villa Pancho, Mexico
Critic: Silvia Acosta

CASITA LINDA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the design
                                                                                                    buttressing wall
and construction of adobe block housing in San Miguel de                                                           buttressing wall
                                                                                                    load-bearing wall
Allende, Mexico and the surrounding areas.                                                                         load-bearing wall
                                                                                                    infill wall
                                                                                                                   infill wall
The exclusive use of adobe block establishes vaulting as the
primary means of roofing. Because a community center calls
for a larger span than that of the CASITA LINDA housing, more
structure is required. This project developed by allowing the
necessity of buttressing to become an integral part of the spatial
organization. Two types of buttressing create two different levels
of enclosure: Small, enclosed rooms and shaded seating.

The program is divided into two: that which requires water and
that which does not. Separated into two volumes, the wet
volume facilitates constant movement in the space and into
the adjacent spaces. The dry volume facilitates calm, reflective
program of teaching and learning. The non-load bearing facades
are designed accordingly.

The community center seeks to extend beyond its physical site in
its ability to teach and establish community.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Com PLAN 1
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LE: T o Villa,
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                        1 Block (15 cm) in infill walls cm) in infill walls
                                         1 Block (15                          1 Block (30 cm) 1 Block (30 cm) in buttressing walls
                                                                                              in buttressing walls                     1.5 Blocks (45 cm) Blocks (45 cm) in load bearing walls
                                                                                                                                                       1.5 in load bearing walls
Site Section showing the ascent
                                                                   from the main road through the
                                                                   garden and into the Community
                                                                   Center, down the terraced seating
                                                                   and into the recreational area.
                                                                   note: drawings are not to scale

                                   11           11


                              4             2             5

Community Center Floor Plan
1. Office
2. Classroom
3. Library
4. Seating Area
5. Covered Outdoor
6. Kitchen
7. Indoor Dining
8. Garden Storage                       8                 6
9. Compost Toilets
10. Garden
11. Water Collection Tanks

                              10        9                 7

                                                     11       11
This sequence of drawings describes
the passage through the community
center from the main entrance to the
recreational area down the hill.

                                                                                              Elevation showing both buttressing
                                                                                              conditions: seating along one exterior
                                                                                              wall, garden storage, (accessed from
                                                                                              outside) and rest rooms which open into
                                                                                              the interior.

                                       ELEVATION 1:50
                                       Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico
                                       PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP

                                                                                              Section showing interior Office Space,
                                                                                              Classroom, and Library.

                                                   SECTIONS 1:50
                                                   Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico
                                                   PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP

                                       ELEVATION 1:50                                         Section showing covered outdoor area
                                       Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico
                                       PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP        and movement through the kitchen to
                                                                                              the garden.
With cast glass block
Light Studies

The sun is extreme in this area of Mexico and there is little
shade. These diagrams show three different orientations of an
early Community Center proposal. If oriented towards the low
morning and late afternoon sun, the buttresses act as baffles
in the extreme sun of Mexico.

The in-fill walls of the vaulted spaces become the facades.
Because they are not structural walls, they are able to withstand
more perforations for light and ventilation. There is also the
possibility of replacing the adobe blocks with cast glass block
where ventilation is not needed.

The facades of each volume are treated according to their
                               With cast glass block
program. The facade of the classroom/library is visually open With      operable windows
for view out. The facade of the kitchen is physically open for
ventilation and circulation through.

                                                                    FACADE DETAIL 1:50
                                                                    Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico
                                                                    PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP


                            With operable windows

                             FACADE DETAIL 1:50
                             Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico
                             PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP
Secondary Materials

                                                                                                                 In addition to the primary material of adobe
                                                                                                                 block, this Community Center uses lighter
                                                                                                                 materials of aluminum and canvas to create
                                                                                                                 alternative levels of enclosure. Aluminum
                                                                                                                 rods inserted into the buttresses along one
                                                                                                                 wall of the Community Center establish the
                                                                                                                 infrastructure for a covered outdoor area.
                                                                                                                 Canvas extends from these buttresses to a
                                                                                                                 row of aluminum poles opposite them, which
                                                                                                                 are supported by adobe block planters/
                                                                                                                 seating. The 2 meter strips of canvas
                                                                                                                 (a strip between each buttress) can be
           Free Standing (Site Extension)                            Attached to Building
                                                                                                                 extended and retracted individually to shade
           Free Standing (Site Extension)
       Free Standing (Site Extension)
                                                             Attached to Building
                                                         Attached to Building
                                                                                                                 small or larger areas.
                                                                    Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico
                                                            CANOPY PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP
                                                            Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico
                                                            PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP
                                                         Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico
                                                         PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP

       CROSS SECTIONS 1:50
       Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico
Interior of Kitchen and Dining Area                                                                                  Interior of Classroom and Library
30 cm x 15 cm x 6 cm Adobe Block in Vaults

                                                                                                               Cast Concrete “Gutter” to catch water cast
                                                                                                               off by the vault and channel it to the water
                                                                                                               tanks on either end.

                                                                                                               Adobe Block provides additional support
                                                                                                               for horizontal thrust of vault

                                                                                                               Concrete & Steel Tie Beam counteracts
                                                                                                               the horizontal thrust of vault

 Infilled Vaulted Roofs create flat surfaces                 Composting Toilet opens onto the garden.
 for water collection and use of solar pan-                  After compost has been sealed and cured,
 els.                                                        it is easily transferred to the crops.

                                                             Adobe Block
                                                             (1.5) 30 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm

                                                             Additional Water Collection uses smaller
                                                             vaults to catch water that the larger
                                                             Cast Concrete Gutter is unable to catch.
Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico

                                                               05:1 TEKRAM TEERTS & DEHS NEDRAG
                                                               ocixeM ,alliV ohcnaP rof retneC ytinummoC
                                                  PUORG EHT DNA LAUDI05DNTEKRAM OHWRTS & DEHS P EDRAG
                                                                     VI :1 I EHT :EL TEE EHT OT TRA N
                                                                   ocixeM ,alliV ohcnaP rof retneC ytinummoC
                                                      PUORG EHT DNA LAUDIVIDNI EHT :ELOHW EHT OT TRAP

 Supplementary Water Collection &                            Adobe Block with layer of lime/plaster
 Garden Storage provides additional storage                  to grade (waterproofing)
 space and market along the main street.

                                                             Concrete & Steel Foundations
View of Community Center from Main Road        View of Community Center from Recreational Area
Classroom and Library on Left, Kitchen and Dining Area on right
Jamestown, Rhode Island (under construction)
                                                                                          Existing House   Existing Garage
Collaborative design with:
Joseph R. Combs, RISD M.Arch ‘10

The client was an artist who works at a large scale: 4’x8’
etched prints, and was in the process of moving his workplace
closer to his home. His work required ample work, storage,
and circulation spaces.

The program consists of a studio addition to the existing
garage and expansion of the house to accommodate storage
space and a master bedroom. The basement of the new
studio houses a large format etching press. Access to the
proposed basement is both from the basement of the existing
house and from the ground level of the new studio. The
ground level serves as gallery and office space. Storage
space is appropriated from the second level of the existing
garage, with direct access from the studio.
                                                                Floor Plan with Proposed Addition
The existing house provided the design framework for the new
                                                                (Shaded Area)
studio. Shifting planes create openings for light. Changes in
scale define programmatic elements such as gallery, office,
and workspace. The geometries remain simple to avoid
overpowering the complexity of the existing house.

Existing house elevations showing complex geometries
View from the street

South Elevation of Proposed Addition

 East Elevation of Proposed Addition
Roof Plan                                 Foundation Plan
showing proposed expansion of existing    showing access from existing basement
house and expansion of existing garage.   to proposed studio basement

Sketch Models of early iterations
Section                                   Section
showing circulation from proposed         showing expansion of existing house
studio basement to ground level of        for storage and basement corridor that
proposed studio and to storage level of   connects existing basement to proposed
existing garage                           studio basement.
Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Critics: Thomas Gardner & Matthew Miller

This project began with a personal study of Pawtucket, an
industrial city which has struggled to adapt to the changing
economy and find its new place in Rhode Island. Initial
explorations of the city led to an interest in the community
and social aspects of Pawtucket.
                                                               Recreational Space             Schools   Community Centers              Bus Lines
Early macro-studies produced mappings of community
spaces including recreational and educational areas.
Zooming in to the main downtown area produced a closer
look at various levels of public spaces. The inhabitation of
two heavily populated public spaces, the public library and
the visitor’s center, led to a project proposal that would
disperse community gathering spaces throughout the city.

Five community spaces designed for residential areas of
Pawtucket would establish their own network through a
typology of architectural language. Their sites would be
chosen strategically to fill in current gaps in the fabric
of community spaces such as the schools, community
centers, and recreational spaces.

Public Library of Pawtucket

                                                                                    PUBLIC RESTROOMS

                                                                                                                              ART GALLERY
Visitors’ Center of Pawtucket                                                       LECTURE SPACE

                                                                                                                              GAME SPACE
Transparency Studies: Physical and Visual   Designing a Network of Structures
                                            A simple typology is established through
                                            which various programs of communication
                                            and socialization can take place. Levels
                                            of transparency, visual and physical, create
                                            complex spaces through a common language.
Market        Game Room   Restrooms   Art Gallery   Lecture Hall
Floor Plan Diagrams
show the levels of transparency
that establish program within each
community space. The thick walls
establish privacy and protect from sun,
while changes in the ground plane
define program while allowing visual

This small space is not a typical sprawling “market” but a
small sheltered space which the inhabitants of Pawtucket
can buy and sell merchandise. The space establishes
communication through trade.

Game Room
This space provides children an enclosed play area while
allowing parents to watch from above. The space establishes
communication through physical interaction.
Rest Rooms
This space acts as a supplement to the small green areas
near its site. Rest rooms facilitate more outdoor gathering
places. They establish communication through brief moments
of interaction.

Art Gallery
This space provides a sheltered area and spacious walls
for the showing of art. Other elements extend beyond this
space to protect the artwork from the elements: sunlight and
rainwater. This gallery establishes communication through the
expression and viewing of ideas.

Lecture Hall
This space provides a large sheltered area for public speaking
and lectures.The enclosure provides acoustical elements
which project sound into the space and outside of itself. It
establishes communication through speaking and hearing.
Nantucket, Massachusetts
Critic: Jonathan Knowles

The client requested several proposals: a new
auditorium, lighting strategies for the studio and
work spaces, a master site plan, and renewable
energy studies that would allow the school to
operate off of the electrical grid of Nantucket.

The strict building codes of Nantucket Island
require that the exterior of the barn, shed, and
silos remain mostly untouched.

                            Existing Structures
                            Proposed Addition
                            Proposed Ground Works

                                                         2   3

Proposed Master Site Plan
1. Parking
2. Main Entrance
3. Offices, Studios, Residences
4. Auditorium
   (Solar panels on roof)                            6
5. Jewelry and Sculpture Studios
   (Solar panels on roof)
6. Pavilion
7. Septic System
Plan View of Lighting Strategy for Silo:
                                                                                     Reading Room and Music Room

                                                                         Redesign Of Two Grain Silos

                                                                         The programs of the two redesigned silos
                                                                         include a darkroom and storage room (no
                                                                         natural lighting) on the lower levels, and
                                                                         a library reading room and private music
                                                                         room on the second levels.

                                                                         With these programs in mind, this project
                                                                         implements a diffused lighting strategy
                                                                         throughout the School. This strategy
                                                                         creates a soft, glowing light in spaces such
                                                                         as the reading room of one of the silos.
                                                                         It also allows ample natural lighting into
                                                                         the interiors with little alteration to the
                                  Proposed Lighting Strategy for Silos   exteriors (only one column of 9.5” panels
Interior of Existing Grain Silo
                                                                         are removed from the silos).
Redesign Of Barn Studios

In the barn, diffused lighting is achieved using
multi-functional light cavities that reflect light
from above through the second floor of the
barn and into the poorly-lit studios below. As
with the silos, little alteration is made to the
exterior of the building.

The interior of the barn is reorganized to
accommodate the large open spaces required
for painting and drawing studios. Visitors
enter into the main gallery space, with the
main office to one side. They are able to walk                    1                        2   3
through the studios and view the work easily
without disrupting the students. Smaller
offices are directly above the main office, on
the second level. Residential quarters and a
school library are further down on this level.


                                                                                  5            6

On the second floor of the barn, one of the          First Floor of Barn
light-diffusing cavities acts as a boundary          1. entry deck           14       7        8   11
between the private living quarters and              2. gallery
the working quarters. The second cavity              3. studio
becomes shelving for the library.                    4. kitchen                                         10
                                                     5. main office                                9
                                                     6. studio
                                                     7. utility
                                                     8. pin up wall
                                                     9. photo classroom
On the ground level of the barn, the
                                                     10. darkroom
cavity opens onto a centered wall which
                                                     11. back deck
reflects the collected light throughout                                               12           13
                                                     12. studio
the dark interior. This reflecting wall
                                                     13. outdoor classroom
also serves as pin-up space for the
                                                     14. student bathroom
drawing and painting studios.


                                                         Existing Light Conditions in drawing and painting studios







Second Floor of Barn                                 3
1.   kitchen
2.   apartment
3.   library
4.   reading room                2
5.   office
6.   storage
7.   visiting artists’ studios               1
8.   resident bathroom

                                                                             Model of proposed Lighting Strategy
Redesign Of Long Shed Studios                                Sanyo 21 Ow© Photovoltaic Panel Specs
                                                             (panels specified by course critic)
To establish more private studio space and                   energy produced:                        194.80 Watts/panel
organization, the long shed is partitioned. A
corridor is placed along the northern wall to                Auditorium roof:                             77 panels
provide sheltered access to each new studio.                 Long Shed roof:                              99 panels
                                                             Total panels accommodated:                 176 panels
The long shed houses the jewelry, ceramics,
and sculpture studios. As this more detailed                 Total energy produced:                34,284.80 Watts
work requires stronger light, the Southern
wall is opened up to allow direct light to enter             Energy Produced/Month
these studio spaces. North-facing skylights                  month            sun hours                   watt-hr/day
are employed to light the pin-up walls and                   Jan                 3.10                      106,282.88
ensure all areas of the studio receive light.                Feb                3.80                      130,282.24
                                                             Mar               4.60                      157,710.08
The roof of the long shed is south-facing.                   Apr                 5.30                     181,709.44
In order to fulfill the client’s request for the             May                 5.70                     195,423.36
school to be off of the Nantucket Island                     Jun                 6.00                     205,708.80
electrical grid, both the long shed and                      Jul                 6.00                     205,708.80
auditorium (also south-facing) roofs are                     Aug                5.60                      191,994.88
covered with photovoltaic panels.                            Sep                 5.00                     171,424.64
                                                             Oct                 4.30                      147,424.64
                                                             Nov                3.20                      109,711.36
                                                             Dec                 2.70                       92,568.96

                                                             Average Supplied energy:     157,995.79 Watt-hr/day
                                                             School’s current energy use:  173,231.90 Watt-hr/ day
                                                             Average Photovoltaic supply:        91.20 %

Existing Light Conditions in jewelry and sculpture studios
Proposed Design Of Auditorium

                                                    The new auditorium remains simple in its design,
                                                    in keeping with the Nantucket Island building
                                                    codes. With a footprint of 30’ x 40’, it holds
                                                    approximately 100 people. The seating, however,
                                                    spills out over the lawn, which is treated to
                                                    accommodate more of an audience. The curve
                                                    of the ceiling projects sound from the stage
                                                    outwards onto the lawn. The auditorium attaches
                                                    itself to the second grain silo, which provides
                                                    storage and a small performance space above.

                                                      The auditorium uses this project’s principle of
                                                    diffused light to emphasize the performance. The
                                                    single natural light source can be found above
                                                    the stage. It uses the back wall to reflect light
                                                    onto the stage, giving the speaker prominence in
                                                    the auditorium.

                                                    The roof of the auditorium is south-facing to
                                                    take advantage of the sunlight and support the
                                                    photovoltaic panels.

Model of proposed Lighting Strategy in Auditorium

                                                              Study models of Acoustical ceiling panel

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Work Samples

  • 1. SMALL MATTERS: A COMMUNITY CENTER of SIMPLE MEANS Villa Pancho, Mexico Critic: Silvia Acosta 2009 CASITA LINDA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the design buttressing wall and construction of adobe block housing in San Miguel de buttressing wall load-bearing wall Allende, Mexico and the surrounding areas. load-bearing wall infill wall infill wall The exclusive use of adobe block establishes vaulting as the primary means of roofing. Because a community center calls for a larger span than that of the CASITA LINDA housing, more structure is required. This project developed by allowing the necessity of buttressing to become an integral part of the spatial organization. Two types of buttressing create two different levels of enclosure: Small, enclosed rooms and shaded seating. The program is divided into two: that which requires water and that which does not. Separated into two volumes, the wet volume facilitates constant movement in the space and into the adjacent spaces. The dry volume facilitates calm, reflective program of teaching and learning. The non-load bearing facades are designed accordingly. The community center seeks to extend beyond its physical site in its ability to teach and establish community. SITE Com PLAN 1 m PAR unity Ce :200 T TO n THE ter for Pa WHO nch LE: T o Villa, HE IN M DIVID exico UAL AND THE GRO UP 1 Block (15 cm) in infill walls cm) in infill walls 1 Block (15 1 Block (30 cm) 1 Block (30 cm) in buttressing walls in buttressing walls 1.5 Blocks (45 cm) Blocks (45 cm) in load bearing walls 1.5 in load bearing walls
  • 2.
  • 3. Site Section showing the ascent from the main road through the garden and into the Community Center, down the terraced seating and into the recreational area. note: drawings are not to scale 11 11 1 4 2 5 Community Center Floor Plan 3 1. Office 2. Classroom 3. Library 4. Seating Area 5. Covered Outdoor 6. Kitchen 7. Indoor Dining 8. Garden Storage 8 6 9. Compost Toilets 10. Garden 11. Water Collection Tanks 10 9 7 11 11
  • 4. This sequence of drawings describes the passage through the community center from the main entrance to the recreational area down the hill. Elevation showing both buttressing conditions: seating along one exterior wall, garden storage, (accessed from outside) and rest rooms which open into the interior. ELEVATION 1:50 Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP Section showing interior Office Space, Classroom, and Library. SECTIONS 1:50 Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP ELEVATION 1:50 Section showing covered outdoor area Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP and movement through the kitchen to the garden.
  • 5. With cast glass block Light Studies The sun is extreme in this area of Mexico and there is little shade. These diagrams show three different orientations of an early Community Center proposal. If oriented towards the low morning and late afternoon sun, the buttresses act as baffles in the extreme sun of Mexico. The in-fill walls of the vaulted spaces become the facades. Because they are not structural walls, they are able to withstand more perforations for light and ventilation. There is also the possibility of replacing the adobe blocks with cast glass block where ventilation is not needed. The facades of each volume are treated according to their With cast glass block program. The facade of the classroom/library is visually open With operable windows for view out. The facade of the kitchen is physically open for ventilation and circulation through. FACADE DETAIL 1:50 Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP C Co PA With operable windows FACADE DETAIL 1:50 Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP
  • 6. Secondary Materials In addition to the primary material of adobe block, this Community Center uses lighter materials of aluminum and canvas to create alternative levels of enclosure. Aluminum rods inserted into the buttresses along one wall of the Community Center establish the infrastructure for a covered outdoor area. Canvas extends from these buttresses to a row of aluminum poles opposite them, which are supported by adobe block planters/ seating. The 2 meter strips of canvas (a strip between each buttress) can be Free Standing (Site Extension) Attached to Building extended and retracted individually to shade Free Standing (Site Extension) Free Standing (Site Extension) Attached to Building Attached to Building small or larger areas. CANOPY Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico CANOPY PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico CANOPY PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP CROSS SECTIONS 1:50 Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP Interior of Kitchen and Dining Area Interior of Classroom and Library
  • 7. 30 cm x 15 cm x 6 cm Adobe Block in Vaults Cast Concrete “Gutter” to catch water cast off by the vault and channel it to the water tanks on either end. Adobe Block provides additional support for horizontal thrust of vault Concrete & Steel Tie Beam counteracts the horizontal thrust of vault Infilled Vaulted Roofs create flat surfaces Composting Toilet opens onto the garden. for water collection and use of solar pan- After compost has been sealed and cured, els. it is easily transferred to the crops. Adobe Block (1.5) 30 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm Additional Water Collection uses smaller vaults to catch water that the larger Cast Concrete Gutter is unable to catch. GARDEN SHED & STREET MARKET 1:50 Community Center for Pancho Villa, Mexico PART TO THE WHOLE: THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP 05:1 TEKRAM TEERTS & DEHS NEDRAG ocixeM ,alliV ohcnaP rof retneC ytinummoC PUORG EHT DNA LAUDI05DNTEKRAM OHWRTS & DEHS P EDRAG VI :1 I EHT :EL TEE EHT OT TRA N ocixeM ,alliV ohcnaP rof retneC ytinummoC PUORG EHT DNA LAUDIVIDNI EHT :ELOHW EHT OT TRAP Supplementary Water Collection & Adobe Block with layer of lime/plaster Garden Storage provides additional storage to grade (waterproofing) space and market along the main street. Concrete & Steel Foundations
  • 8. View of Community Center from Main Road View of Community Center from Recreational Area Classroom and Library on Left, Kitchen and Dining Area on right
  • 9. MARCUS RESIDENCE: PRINTMAKING STUDIO ADDITION Jamestown, Rhode Island (under construction) 2009 Existing House Existing Garage Collaborative design with: Joseph R. Combs, RISD M.Arch ‘10 The client was an artist who works at a large scale: 4’x8’ etched prints, and was in the process of moving his workplace closer to his home. His work required ample work, storage, and circulation spaces. The program consists of a studio addition to the existing garage and expansion of the house to accommodate storage space and a master bedroom. The basement of the new studio houses a large format etching press. Access to the proposed basement is both from the basement of the existing house and from the ground level of the new studio. The ground level serves as gallery and office space. Storage space is appropriated from the second level of the existing garage, with direct access from the studio. Floor Plan with Proposed Addition The existing house provided the design framework for the new (Shaded Area) studio. Shifting planes create openings for light. Changes in scale define programmatic elements such as gallery, office, and workspace. The geometries remain simple to avoid overpowering the complexity of the existing house. Existing house elevations showing complex geometries
  • 10. View from the street South Elevation of Proposed Addition East Elevation of Proposed Addition
  • 11. Roof Plan Foundation Plan showing proposed expansion of existing showing access from existing basement house and expansion of existing garage. to proposed studio basement Sketch Models of early iterations
  • 12. Section Section showing circulation from proposed showing expansion of existing house studio basement to ground level of for storage and basement corridor that proposed studio and to storage level of connects existing basement to proposed existing garage studio basement.
  • 13. HOTEL PAWTUCKET: SUBURBAN FABRIC Pawtucket, Rhode Island Critics: Thomas Gardner & Matthew Miller 2009 This project began with a personal study of Pawtucket, an industrial city which has struggled to adapt to the changing economy and find its new place in Rhode Island. Initial explorations of the city led to an interest in the community and social aspects of Pawtucket. Recreational Space Schools Community Centers Bus Lines Early macro-studies produced mappings of community spaces including recreational and educational areas. Zooming in to the main downtown area produced a closer look at various levels of public spaces. The inhabitation of two heavily populated public spaces, the public library and the visitor’s center, led to a project proposal that would disperse community gathering spaces throughout the city. Five community spaces designed for residential areas of Pawtucket would establish their own network through a typology of architectural language. Their sites would be chosen strategically to fill in current gaps in the fabric of community spaces such as the schools, community centers, and recreational spaces. MARKET Public Library of Pawtucket PUBLIC RESTROOMS ART GALLERY Visitors’ Center of Pawtucket LECTURE SPACE GAME SPACE
  • 14. Transparency Studies: Physical and Visual Designing a Network of Structures A simple typology is established through which various programs of communication and socialization can take place. Levels of transparency, visual and physical, create complex spaces through a common language.
  • 15. Market Game Room Restrooms Art Gallery Lecture Hall Floor Plan Diagrams show the levels of transparency that establish program within each community space. The thick walls establish privacy and protect from sun, while changes in the ground plane define program while allowing visual transparency. Market This small space is not a typical sprawling “market” but a small sheltered space which the inhabitants of Pawtucket can buy and sell merchandise. The space establishes communication through trade. Game Room This space provides children an enclosed play area while allowing parents to watch from above. The space establishes communication through physical interaction.
  • 16. Rest Rooms This space acts as a supplement to the small green areas near its site. Rest rooms facilitate more outdoor gathering places. They establish communication through brief moments of interaction. Art Gallery This space provides a sheltered area and spacious walls for the showing of art. Other elements extend beyond this space to protect the artwork from the elements: sunlight and rainwater. This gallery establishes communication through the expression and viewing of ideas. Lecture Hall This space provides a large sheltered area for public speaking and lectures.The enclosure provides acoustical elements which project sound into the space and outside of itself. It establishes communication through speaking and hearing.
  • 17. NANTUCKET ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN & THE ARTS Nantucket, Massachusetts Critic: Jonathan Knowles 2009 The client requested several proposals: a new auditorium, lighting strategies for the studio and work spaces, a master site plan, and renewable energy studies that would allow the school to operate off of the electrical grid of Nantucket. The strict building codes of Nantucket Island require that the exterior of the barn, shed, and silos remain mostly untouched. Existing Structures Proposed Addition 1 Proposed Ground Works 7 2 3 Proposed Master Site Plan 4 1. Parking 2. Main Entrance 3. Offices, Studios, Residences 4. Auditorium (Solar panels on roof) 6 5. Jewelry and Sculpture Studios 5 (Solar panels on roof) 6. Pavilion 7. Septic System
  • 18. Plan View of Lighting Strategy for Silo: Reading Room and Music Room Redesign Of Two Grain Silos The programs of the two redesigned silos include a darkroom and storage room (no natural lighting) on the lower levels, and a library reading room and private music room on the second levels. With these programs in mind, this project implements a diffused lighting strategy throughout the School. This strategy creates a soft, glowing light in spaces such as the reading room of one of the silos. It also allows ample natural lighting into the interiors with little alteration to the Proposed Lighting Strategy for Silos exteriors (only one column of 9.5” panels Interior of Existing Grain Silo are removed from the silos).
  • 19. Redesign Of Barn Studios In the barn, diffused lighting is achieved using multi-functional light cavities that reflect light from above through the second floor of the barn and into the poorly-lit studios below. As with the silos, little alteration is made to the exterior of the building. The interior of the barn is reorganized to accommodate the large open spaces required for painting and drawing studios. Visitors enter into the main gallery space, with the main office to one side. They are able to walk 1 2 3 through the studios and view the work easily without disrupting the students. Smaller offices are directly above the main office, on the second level. Residential quarters and a school library are further down on this level. 4 5 6 On the second floor of the barn, one of the First Floor of Barn light-diffusing cavities acts as a boundary 1. entry deck 14 7 8 11 between the private living quarters and 2. gallery the working quarters. The second cavity 3. studio becomes shelving for the library. 4. kitchen 10 5. main office 9 6. studio 7. utility 8. pin up wall 9. photo classroom On the ground level of the barn, the 10. darkroom cavity opens onto a centered wall which 11. back deck reflects the collected light throughout 12 13 12. studio the dark interior. This reflecting wall 13. outdoor classroom also serves as pin-up space for the 14. student bathroom drawing and painting studios.
  • 20. 5 5 5 Existing Light Conditions in drawing and painting studios 5 7 6 8 2 2 Second Floor of Barn 3 2 1. kitchen 2. apartment 3. library 4. reading room 2 5. office 6. storage 7. visiting artists’ studios 1 8. resident bathroom Model of proposed Lighting Strategy
  • 21. Redesign Of Long Shed Studios Sanyo 21 Ow© Photovoltaic Panel Specs (panels specified by course critic) To establish more private studio space and energy produced: 194.80 Watts/panel organization, the long shed is partitioned. A corridor is placed along the northern wall to Auditorium roof: 77 panels provide sheltered access to each new studio. Long Shed roof: 99 panels Total panels accommodated: 176 panels The long shed houses the jewelry, ceramics, and sculpture studios. As this more detailed Total energy produced: 34,284.80 Watts work requires stronger light, the Southern wall is opened up to allow direct light to enter Energy Produced/Month these studio spaces. North-facing skylights month sun hours watt-hr/day are employed to light the pin-up walls and Jan 3.10 106,282.88 ensure all areas of the studio receive light. Feb 3.80 130,282.24 Mar 4.60 157,710.08 The roof of the long shed is south-facing. Apr 5.30 181,709.44 In order to fulfill the client’s request for the May 5.70 195,423.36 school to be off of the Nantucket Island Jun 6.00 205,708.80 electrical grid, both the long shed and Jul 6.00 205,708.80 auditorium (also south-facing) roofs are Aug 5.60 191,994.88 covered with photovoltaic panels. Sep 5.00 171,424.64 Oct 4.30 147,424.64 Nov 3.20 109,711.36 Dec 2.70 92,568.96 Average Supplied energy: 157,995.79 Watt-hr/day School’s current energy use: 173,231.90 Watt-hr/ day Average Photovoltaic supply: 91.20 % Existing Light Conditions in jewelry and sculpture studios
  • 22. Proposed Design Of Auditorium The new auditorium remains simple in its design, in keeping with the Nantucket Island building codes. With a footprint of 30’ x 40’, it holds approximately 100 people. The seating, however, spills out over the lawn, which is treated to accommodate more of an audience. The curve of the ceiling projects sound from the stage outwards onto the lawn. The auditorium attaches itself to the second grain silo, which provides storage and a small performance space above. The auditorium uses this project’s principle of diffused light to emphasize the performance. The single natural light source can be found above the stage. It uses the back wall to reflect light onto the stage, giving the speaker prominence in the auditorium. The roof of the auditorium is south-facing to take advantage of the sunlight and support the photovoltaic panels. Model of proposed Lighting Strategy in Auditorium Study models of Acoustical ceiling panel