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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MAKING SE
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Turn a Classic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Neck Scarf
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From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 26, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
    Designed by                                    ®
                                                            ®    ®                  ®
                                        ❑ Bernat Berella “4” yarn by Spinrite
Michele Wilcox                            or worsted yarn:
                                             3 oz. Scarlet #8933
                                             1 oz. White #8942
                                             Small amounts each Med.
                                                Lagoon #8821 (green), Lt.
                                                Peach #8977 and Black #8994
                                        ❑ Three 5⁄8" buttons in assorted colors
                                        ❑ Polyester fiberfill
                                        ❑ Tapestry needle
                                        ❑ G hook or hook needed to obtain

                                        Finished Size: 8" high.

                                        Gauge: 4 sc = 1"; 4 sc rows = 1".

                                        Basic Stitches: Ch, sl st, sc.

                                        Notes: Work in rnds; do not join or turn

                                           unless otherwise stated. Mark first st
                                           of each rnd.
                                        When changing colors (see Stitch
                                           Guide), always change color in last
                                           st made and fasten off color not
                                           being used.

                                        Rnd 1: Starting at bottom of Body, with
                                          scarlet, ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from
                                          hook. (6 sc made)
                                        Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)
                                        Rnd 3: (Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st)
                                          around. (18)
                                        Rnd 4: (Sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st)
                                          around. (24)
                                        Rnd 5: (Sc in next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st)
                                          around. (30)
                                        Rnd 6: (Sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st)
                                          around. (36)
                                        Rnd 7: (Sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st)
                                          around. (42)
                                        Rnds 8–20: Sc in each st around.
                                        Rnd 21: (Sc next 2 sts tog) around. (21)
                                        Rnd 22: Sc in each st around chang­
                                          ing to lt. peach (see Notes). Stuff
                                        Rnds 23–26: For head, sc in each st
                                          around changing to scarlet at end
                                          of last rnd.
                                        Rnds 27–31: For hat, sc in each st
                                        Rnd 32: (Sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts

From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 27, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
Roly-Poly Characters
                                Fasten off. Stuff.
                                                  For Trim, with white, ch 15, sc in second
  tog) around. (18)                                  ch from hook, sc in each ch across.
Rnd 33: (Sc in next 4 sts, sc next 2 sts             Fasten off. Sew around rnd 6 of Arm.
  tog) around. (15) Begin stuffing head.          Flatten rnd 15 and sew Arms to Body.
Rnd 34: (Sc in next 3 sts, sc next 2 sts
  tog) around. (12)                               Finishing
Rnd 35: (Sc in next 2 sts, sc next 2 sts          1: With black, using French knots (see
  tog) around. (9)                                   Stitch Guide), embroider eyes as
Rnd 36: (Sc in next st, sc next 2 sts tog)           shown in photo.
  around. (6) Finish stuffing.                    2: With scarlet, using fly stitch (see illus­
Rnd 37: (Sc next 2 sts tog) around, join             trations), embroider mouth as shown.
  with sl st in first sc. (3) Leaving a long      3:	 Sew three buttons down front of
  end of yarn, fasten off.                           Body.
Thread tapestry needle with end of
  yarn; weave through sts on last rnd
  and pull to close opening. Secure.
For pom-pom, wrap white around 2 fin­                1.	                       2.
  gers 40 times, slide loops off fingers,
  tie separate strand white tightly
  around center of all loops. Cut loops,
  trim to 2" ball. Sew to top of hat.
For hanger, with scarlet, ch 25, sl st in first
  ch to form a ring. Sew ring to back of
  hat below pom-pom.

Hat Trim                                                    Snowman
Row 1: With white, ch 24, sc in second
  ch from hook, sc in each ch across,
                                                                     ®   ®                   ®
  turn. (23 sc made)                              ❑ Bernat Berella “4” yarn by Spinrite
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across. Fasten           or worsted yarn:
  off.                                                 3 oz. Winter White #8941
Sew Hat Trim around rnds 28 and 29.                    1 oz. Black #8994
  Sew ends together.                                   1 oz. Med. Lagoon #8821 (green)
                                                       Small amount Scarlet #8933
Beard                                             ❑ Three 1⁄2" blue buttons
Row 1: With white, ch 13, sc in second            ❑ Polyester fiberfill
  ch from hook, sc in each ch across,             ❑ Tapestry needle
  turn. (12 sc made)                              ❑ G hook or hook needed to obtain
Row 2: Ch 5, sl st in next sc, (ch 5, sl st in      gauge
  next sc) across, turn.
Row 3: Ch 1, 6 sc in first ch-5 sp, sl st in      Finished Size: 8" high.

  next sl st, (6 sc in next ch-5 sp, sl st in     Gauge: 4 sc = 1"; 4 sc rows = 1".

  next sl st) across. Fasten off.                 Basic Stitches: Ch, sl st, sc, hdc.

Sew to rnds 23–27 as shown in photo.              Notes: Work in continuous rnds; do not

                                                     join or turn unless otherwise stated.
Arm (make 2)                                         Mark first st of each rnd.
Rnd 1: With green, ch 2, 6 sc in second           When changing colors (see Stitch
  ch from hook. (6 sc made)                          Guide), always change color in last st
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)                  made and fasten off color not being
Rnds 3–5: Sc in each st around chang­                used.
  ing to scarlet at end of last rnd.
Rnds 6–15: Sc in each st around. At
  end of last rnd, join with sl st in first sc.
    From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 28, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
Body                                                Flatten rnd 15 and sew Arms to Body.
Rnd 1: Starting at bottom of Body, with
  white, ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from               Scarf
  hook. (6 sc made)                                 Row 1: With green, ch 6, sc in second ch
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)                    from hook, sc in each ch across, turn.
Rnd 3: (Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st)                (5 sc made)
  around. (18)                                      Rows 2–50: Working in back lps, ch 1,
Rnd 4: (Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in              sc in each st across, turn. At end of
  next st) around. (24)                                last row, fasten off.
Rnd 5: (Sc in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in           Tie Scarf around Snowman as shown in
  next st) around. (30)                                photo; tack in place.
Rnd 6: (Sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st)
  around. (36)                                      Finishing
Rnd 7: (Sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st)          Work steps 1–3 of Santa’s Finishing on
  around. (42)                                       page 28.
Rnds 8–20: Sc in each st around.
Rnd 21: (Sc next 2 sts tog) around. (21)
Rnd 22: Sc in each st around. Stuff                               Angel
Rnds 23–30: For head, sc in each st
                                                                     ®    ®                   ®
  around changing to black at end of                ❑ Bernat Berella “4” yarn by Spinrite
  last rnd.                                           or worsted yarn:

Rnd 31: For hat, sc in each st around.                   3 oz. Med. Teal #8844

Rnd 32: Working in front lps (see Stitch                 1 oz. Black #8994 

  Guide), (sl st, ch 2, hdc) in first st, 2              1 oz. Lt. Peach #8977

  hdc in each st around, join with sl st in              1 oz. Lt. Tapestry Gold #8886

  top of ch-2. Fasten off.                               Small amount Scarlet #8933

Rnd 33: Working in remaining back lps               ❑ Three 5⁄8" star-shaped buttons
  on rnd 31, join scarlet with sc in first st,      ❑ 24" gold 1⁄4" metallic ribbon
  sc in each st around.                             ❑ Pencil
Rnd 34: Sc in each st around changing               ❑ Polyester fiberfill
  to black.                                         ❑ Tapestry needle
Rnds 35–38: Sc in each st around. Stuff.            ❑ G hook or hook needed to obtain
Rnd 39: Working in back lps, (sc next 2               gauge
  sts tog) 10 times, sc in next st.
Rnd 40: (Sc next 2 sts tog) 5 times, sc in          Finished Size: 8" high.

  next st, join with sl st in first sc. Leaving     Gauge: 4 sc = 1"; 4 sc rows = 1".

  a long end of yarn, fasten off.                   Basic Stitches: Ch, sl st, sc.

Thread tapestry needle with end of                  Notes: Work in continuous rnds; do not

  yarn; weave through sts on last rnd                  join or turn unless otherwise stated.
  and pull to close opening. Secure.                   Mark first st of each rnd.
  Tack brim of hat up in front as shown             When changing colors (see Stitch
  in photo.                                            Guide), always change color in last st
For hanger, with black, ch 25, sl st in first          made and fasten off color not being
  ch to form a ring. Sew ring to top of                used.
For trim, working in remaining lps on rnd                           Angel
  38, join black with sl st in first st, sl st in   Body
  each st around, join with sl st in first st.      Rnds 1–22: With med. teal, work rnds 1­
  Fasten off.                                         22 of Santa Body on page 35 chang­
                                                      ing to lt. peach at end of last rnd (see
Arm (make 2)                                          Notes). Stuff Body.
Rnds 1–15: Using white throughout,                  Rnds 23–31: For head, sc in each st
  work rnds 1–15 of Santa’s Arm.                      around. Stuff.
     From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 29, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
Roly-Poly Characters
                                                     Rnd 3: (Sc in next st ch 3, skip next st)
                                                       around, join with sl st in first sc. Fasten
Rnd 32: (Sc next 2 sts tog) 10 times, sc in            off.
   next st.                                          Sew Wings to back of Body.
Rnd 33: (Sc next 2 sts tog) 5 times, sc in
   next st, join with sl st in first sc. (6) Leav­   Finishing
   ing a long end of yarn, fasten off.               1:	 For hair, with tapestry needle and
Thread tapestry needle with end of                      two strands black, leaving an area
   yarn; weave through sts on last rnd                  unworked for face, embroider Turkey
   and pull to close opening. Secure.                   Work (see illustrations below) around
Arm (make 2)                                         2: For halo, with gold, ch 22, sl st in first
Rnd 1: With peach, ch 2, 6 sc in second                 ch to form ring, sl st in each ch
   ch from hook. (6 sc made)                            around. Fasten off. Tack to back of
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)                     head.
Rnds 3–5: Sc in each st around chang­                3: For hanger, with teal, ch 22, sl st in first
   ing to med. teal at end of last rnd.                 ch to form ring. Fasten off. Tack to
Rnds 6–15: Sc in each st around. At end                 back of head below halo.
   of last rnd, join with sl st in first sc. Leav­   4: Tie ribbon in a bow around neck.
   ing a long end of yarn, fasten off. Stuff.        5: Work steps 1–3 of Santa’s Finishing. ❑❑
Flatten rnd 15; sew to sides of Body.

Wing (make 2)
Rnd 1: With gold, ch 6, sc in second ch
  from hook, sc in next ch, hdc in each              1   3       2
  of next 2 chs, 6 dc in last ch; working
  in remaining lps on opposite side of
  ch, hdc in each of next 2 chs, sc in                                         5     4
  next ch, 2 sc in next ch. (15 sts made)
                                                                         1   3 2
Rnd 2: 2 sc in first st, sc in next st, 2 hdc
  in each of next 2 sts, 2 dc in each of                         7 6
  next 6 sts, 2 hdc in each of next 2 sts,                   5
  2 sc in next st, sc in next st, 2 sc in next
     From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 30, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
                                                     processPcolor version (below).
                                                                                   Preferred    R is                                                                     FO                                    CMYK version (below)


for crocheter like you!                                               Discover a
                                                                    Annie’s Hook & Needle Kit Club art, created 5/08, modified 6/09

                                                               Kit-of-the-Month Club
                                                                    (You must be familiar with the DRG continuity series
                                                                    standards before any usage attempt.)

                           T                                      for CroCheters
                     no Sh
                                 G                                 and Knitters!
                        InSTA oAdS                                  CMYK version (below)

                       dow   nl

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Black versio

                                                                   2   eT
                                                                CroCh                                                         EX
                                                                                                                                   AM                                                                       Tw
                                                                   IT!                                                                PL                                                                TIO
                                                                                                                                          EO                                                        LICA
                                                                                                                                    Note: Symbols such as ®, ©, and ™ are never to
                                                                                                                                                  Y                                       P   UB
                                                                                                                                    appear as less than 5 pt. in size. If, in the event of
                                                                                                                                    reducing art to fit a space the symbol appears
                                                                                                                                                               PL NO
                                                                                                                                    too small, that symbol must be reset to the
                                                                                                                          X         minimum 5 pt. type size.
                                                                                                                                                               N ONL
                                                                                                                                                            IO       YE
                                                                                                                                                      IC AT             X
                                                                                                                                                    L                                        AM
                                                                                                                                         P    UB                                               PL
  AIRpoRT ScARvES              cApE cod cAblES & ShEllS                                                                               OR
                                                                                                                                TF                                                                      NL
                                                                                                     1 IT!                    NO


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                                                                     Note: Symbols such as ®, ©, and ™ are never to
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                                                                            as less than 5 pt. in size. If, in the event of Specifications for Annie’s Hoo
                                                                     reducing art to fit a space the symbol appears

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                                                                                             • All the kits version
                                                                     too small, that symbol must be reset to the
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  • 1. 29 ENTICIN G IDEAS / Me dit ation Mask: So othing Relaxati on DE FIN ING CR OC HE T ® The digital version MAY 200 9 / CRO CHE TMA GAZ INE .CO M Create a Stunni of Crochet! ng Prizewinning Ja cket! FANTASY IN COLOR is now here! Unravel the My Pattern Repeats stery of MAKING SE OF MULTIPLENSE S Turn a Classic Neck Scarf Into a Chic To te BANDANNA BAG 3 reasons to sign up for a digital subscription to Crochet!: 1 Instant access to two searchof back issues! You’ll be able to easily years for patterns, articles and how-to techniques—everything is right there at your ngertips electronically! 2 Zoom in on just what you want! Whether it’s the current issue or a back issue, you can enlarge photos, text or diagrams to make things clearer and easier on your eyes. Zoom in on os! 3 Get a great value! At only pennies a pattern, it’s the smart way to build up your crochet library! t text and pho 33 fun, fresh ideas / Special Craft Directory Inside! ® defining crochet 32 inspiring ideas / Double Take: Designs for Him & Her novem b er 2 0 0 8 / C ro Chetm a g a z i ne.C om ® definin g 27 ideas to stir your creativity / Custom Fit Your Socks! croch et ® definin g croch et get Wrapped Up in Belt! l Hemp Plush, cozy Style h Our Coo 26 NEW January ® 2009 / CroChetM Hip Wit winTer wHiTe /Get agazine .CoM IDEAS/ TS Pret ty for PROJEC agazine .Com . NG Easter: Show Your Supp CroChetm PTI r 2008 / DEF ININ Holiday 26 TEM septembe car coaT Finery ort for CRO CHE G for Little Women’s hear T Girls t health DEF ININ CRO CHE G T A one-of-a-kind With Standout cardigan Status easy gifts for All Ages! GreaT Go RED! ® CroChet & crochet a Simple Diagona STockinG With a Powerful Scarf Message Figure-Fr l Stripes Give DenIm STufferS thREaDS oF iendly Sty ique d Techn ent CompaSSion LAZY D le Old-Worl JACKET AYS Make 3 fun Projects tem Turn an ic Fashion Sta Breast cancer S LACE Using Both techniques 1 easy hat Pattern Into a Ch Awareness Scarf kniT ‘n’ BRUGE for 2 great Looks! A SYmbol crocHeT DoublE YouR Make Eith of hope s Doily Fro er a Rug or le Square s & Rec tangle plEaSuRE LATTICE m One Pattern 1 ! ETRY 10 Fashionab reinvent Plain or Worn ROSE GEOM jects for insider Secrets crochet for Create clothing with Pulling it All togeth Fun Ne mAkeover er For the w Looks Quick, Easy Pro on SEaminG Basic RAZZLEChevron Instant Gratificati T mAgIC gIC SuCCESS RIPPLES DAZZLE I WANW! IT NO Learn Its Stitch a History and Lovely Your Bed IRISH C Lace Cuff COTTA Dress Up ROCHET TERRA ARF BED SC Get your digital subscription to Crochet! right now! $ 9.97 a year when added to a print subscription, $14.97 per year for digital only When you sign up, you’ll get your rst issue (and two-year archive access) immediately!
  • 2. Roly-Pol oly Characters Characters From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 26, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
  • 3. Santa Designed by ® Materials ® ® ® ❑ Bernat Berella “4” yarn by Spinrite Michele Wilcox or worsted yarn: 3 oz. Scarlet #8933 1 oz. White #8942 Small amounts each Med. Lagoon #8821 (green), Lt. Peach #8977 and Black #8994 ❑ Three 5⁄8" buttons in assorted colors ❑ Polyester fiberfill ❑ Tapestry needle ❑ G hook or hook needed to obtain gauge Finished Size: 8" high. Gauge: 4 sc = 1"; 4 sc rows = 1". Basic Stitches: Ch, sl st, sc. Notes: Work in rnds; do not join or turn unless otherwise stated. Mark first st of each rnd. When changing colors (see Stitch Guide), always change color in last st made and fasten off color not being used. Santa Body Rnd 1: Starting at bottom of Body, with scarlet, ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from hook. (6 sc made) Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12) Rnd 3: (Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st) around. (18) Rnd 4: (Sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (24) Rnd 5: (Sc in next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (30) Rnd 6: (Sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (36) Rnd 7: (Sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (42) Rnds 8–20: Sc in each st around. Rnd 21: (Sc next 2 sts tog) around. (21) Rnd 22: Sc in each st around chang­ ing to lt. peach (see Notes). Stuff Body. Rnds 23–26: For head, sc in each st around changing to scarlet at end of last rnd. Rnds 27–31: For hat, sc in each st around. Rnd 32: (Sc in next 5 sts, sc next 2 sts From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 27, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
  • 4. Roly-Poly Characters Fasten off. Stuff. For Trim, with white, ch 15, sc in second tog) around. (18) ch from hook, sc in each ch across. Rnd 33: (Sc in next 4 sts, sc next 2 sts Fasten off. Sew around rnd 6 of Arm. tog) around. (15) Begin stuffing head. Flatten rnd 15 and sew Arms to Body. Rnd 34: (Sc in next 3 sts, sc next 2 sts tog) around. (12) Finishing Rnd 35: (Sc in next 2 sts, sc next 2 sts 1: With black, using French knots (see tog) around. (9) Stitch Guide), embroider eyes as Rnd 36: (Sc in next st, sc next 2 sts tog) shown in photo. around. (6) Finish stuffing. 2: With scarlet, using fly stitch (see illus­ Rnd 37: (Sc next 2 sts tog) around, join trations), embroider mouth as shown. with sl st in first sc. (3) Leaving a long 3: Sew three buttons down front of end of yarn, fasten off. Body. Thread tapestry needle with end of yarn; weave through sts on last rnd and pull to close opening. Secure. For pom-pom, wrap white around 2 fin­ 1. 2. gers 40 times, slide loops off fingers, tie separate strand white tightly around center of all loops. Cut loops, trim to 2" ball. Sew to top of hat. For hanger, with scarlet, ch 25, sl st in first ch to form a ring. Sew ring to back of hat below pom-pom. Hat Trim Snowman Row 1: With white, ch 24, sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch across, ® Materials ® ® ® turn. (23 sc made) ❑ Bernat Berella “4” yarn by Spinrite Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across. Fasten or worsted yarn: off. 3 oz. Winter White #8941 Sew Hat Trim around rnds 28 and 29. 1 oz. Black #8994 Sew ends together. 1 oz. Med. Lagoon #8821 (green) Small amount Scarlet #8933 Beard ❑ Three 1⁄2" blue buttons Row 1: With white, ch 13, sc in second ❑ Polyester fiberfill ch from hook, sc in each ch across, ❑ Tapestry needle turn. (12 sc made) ❑ G hook or hook needed to obtain Row 2: Ch 5, sl st in next sc, (ch 5, sl st in gauge next sc) across, turn. Row 3: Ch 1, 6 sc in first ch-5 sp, sl st in Finished Size: 8" high. next sl st, (6 sc in next ch-5 sp, sl st in Gauge: 4 sc = 1"; 4 sc rows = 1". next sl st) across. Fasten off. Basic Stitches: Ch, sl st, sc, hdc. Sew to rnds 23–27 as shown in photo. Notes: Work in continuous rnds; do not join or turn unless otherwise stated. Arm (make 2) Mark first st of each rnd. Rnd 1: With green, ch 2, 6 sc in second When changing colors (see Stitch ch from hook. (6 sc made) Guide), always change color in last st Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12) made and fasten off color not being Rnds 3–5: Sc in each st around chang­ used. ing to scarlet at end of last rnd. Rnds 6–15: Sc in each st around. At end of last rnd, join with sl st in first sc. From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 28, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
  • 5. Snowman Body Flatten rnd 15 and sew Arms to Body. Rnd 1: Starting at bottom of Body, with white, ch 2, 6 sc in second ch from Scarf hook. (6 sc made) Row 1: With green, ch 6, sc in second ch Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12) from hook, sc in each ch across, turn. Rnd 3: (Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st) (5 sc made) around. (18) Rows 2–50: Working in back lps, ch 1, Rnd 4: (Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in sc in each st across, turn. At end of next st) around. (24) last row, fasten off. Rnd 5: (Sc in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in Tie Scarf around Snowman as shown in next st) around. (30) photo; tack in place. Rnd 6: (Sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st) around. (36) Finishing Rnd 7: (Sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st) Work steps 1–3 of Santa’s Finishing on around. (42) page 28. Rnds 8–20: Sc in each st around. Rnd 21: (Sc next 2 sts tog) around. (21) Rnd 22: Sc in each st around. Stuff Angel Body. Rnds 23–30: For head, sc in each st ® Materials ® ® ® around changing to black at end of ❑ Bernat Berella “4” yarn by Spinrite last rnd. or worsted yarn: Rnd 31: For hat, sc in each st around. 3 oz. Med. Teal #8844 Rnd 32: Working in front lps (see Stitch 1 oz. Black #8994 Guide), (sl st, ch 2, hdc) in first st, 2 1 oz. Lt. Peach #8977 hdc in each st around, join with sl st in 1 oz. Lt. Tapestry Gold #8886 top of ch-2. Fasten off. Small amount Scarlet #8933 Rnd 33: Working in remaining back lps ❑ Three 5⁄8" star-shaped buttons on rnd 31, join scarlet with sc in first st, ❑ 24" gold 1⁄4" metallic ribbon sc in each st around. ❑ Pencil Rnd 34: Sc in each st around changing ❑ Polyester fiberfill to black. ❑ Tapestry needle Rnds 35–38: Sc in each st around. Stuff. ❑ G hook or hook needed to obtain Rnd 39: Working in back lps, (sc next 2 gauge sts tog) 10 times, sc in next st. Rnd 40: (Sc next 2 sts tog) 5 times, sc in Finished Size: 8" high. next st, join with sl st in first sc. Leaving Gauge: 4 sc = 1"; 4 sc rows = 1". a long end of yarn, fasten off. Basic Stitches: Ch, sl st, sc. Thread tapestry needle with end of Notes: Work in continuous rnds; do not yarn; weave through sts on last rnd join or turn unless otherwise stated. and pull to close opening. Secure. Mark first st of each rnd. Tack brim of hat up in front as shown When changing colors (see Stitch in photo. Guide), always change color in last st For hanger, with black, ch 25, sl st in first made and fasten off color not being ch to form a ring. Sew ring to top of used. hat. For trim, working in remaining lps on rnd Angel 38, join black with sl st in first st, sl st in Body each st around, join with sl st in first st. Rnds 1–22: With med. teal, work rnds 1­ Fasten off. 22 of Santa Body on page 35 chang­ ing to lt. peach at end of last rnd (see Arm (make 2) Notes). Stuff Body. Rnds 1–15: Using white throughout, Rnds 23–31: For head, sc in each st work rnds 1–15 of Santa’s Arm. around. Stuff. From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 29, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
  • 6. Roly-Poly Characters st. Rnd 3: (Sc in next st ch 3, skip next st) around, join with sl st in first sc. Fasten Rnd 32: (Sc next 2 sts tog) 10 times, sc in off. next st. Sew Wings to back of Body. Rnd 33: (Sc next 2 sts tog) 5 times, sc in next st, join with sl st in first sc. (6) Leav­ Finishing ing a long end of yarn, fasten off. 1: For hair, with tapestry needle and Thread tapestry needle with end of two strands black, leaving an area yarn; weave through sts on last rnd unworked for face, embroider Turkey and pull to close opening. Secure. Work (see illustrations below) around head. Arm (make 2) 2: For halo, with gold, ch 22, sl st in first Rnd 1: With peach, ch 2, 6 sc in second ch to form ring, sl st in each ch ch from hook. (6 sc made) around. Fasten off. Tack to back of Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12) head. Rnds 3–5: Sc in each st around chang­ 3: For hanger, with teal, ch 22, sl st in first ing to med. teal at end of last rnd. ch to form ring. Fasten off. Tack to Rnds 6–15: Sc in each st around. At end back of head below halo. of last rnd, join with sl st in first sc. Leav­ 4: Tie ribbon in a bow around neck. ing a long end of yarn, fasten off. Stuff. 5: Work steps 1–3 of Santa’s Finishing. ❑❑ Flatten rnd 15; sew to sides of Body. Wing (make 2) Rnd 1: With gold, ch 6, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next ch, hdc in each 1 3 2 of next 2 chs, 6 dc in last ch; working in remaining lps on opposite side of ch, hdc in each of next 2 chs, sc in 5 4 next ch, 2 sc in next ch. (15 sts made) 1 3 2 Rnd 2: 2 sc in first st, sc in next st, 2 hdc in each of next 2 sts, 2 dc in each of 7 6 next 6 sts, 2 hdc in each of next 2 sts, 5 2 sc in next st, sc in next st, 2 sc in next From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 30, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
  • 7. UB processPcolor version (below). Preferred R is FO CMYK version (below) T NO for crocheter like you! Discover a Annie’s Hook & Needle Kit Club art, created 5/08, modified 6/09 Kit-of-the-Month Club (You must be familiar with the DRG continuity series standards before any usage attempt.) Bl huGEIon SElEc T for CroCheters no Sh IppIn G and Knitters! nT InSTA oAdS CMYK version (below) dow nl Black versio v 2 eT X CroCh EX AM Tw IT! PL TIO EO LICA NL Note: Symbols such as ®, ©, and ™ are never to Y P UB OR appear as less than 5 pt. in size. If, in the event of EX TF reducing art to fit a space the symbol appears AM PL NO too small, that symbol must be reset to the X minimum 5 pt. type size. E N ONL IO YE IC AT X L AM P UB PL EO AIRpoRT ScARvES cApE cod cAblES & ShEllS OR TF NL 1 IT! NO Y KNIT X DOUBLE your passion... DOUBLE your“o” in therepresented b which equals the x-height of the fun... “Hook Minimum space around the logo (left) is word with Annie’s Hook & Needle Kit Club! C Spend more time knitting or crocheting... all the project’s supplies Note: Symbols such as ®, ©, and ™ are never to appearand instructions for every kit are sent right to your door! as less than 5 pt. in size. If, in the event of Specifications for Annie’s Hoo reducing art to fit a space the symbol appears • YOUR SUCCESS IS GUARANTEED! The preferred are of the Annie’s • All the kits version too small, that symbol must be reset to the minimum 5 pt. type size. created by America’s finest designers, and thenchange. A black version and does not tested by the pros at Annie’s Attic. Simple step-by-step photos and instructions guide you from start to Always scale the art proportionally. • finish. • HALF-OFF INTRODUCTORY SAVINGS!file is kitsto be altered in any wa • This The not have a regular member price of $14.99 each, but if you order now you can get the first kit for just $7.49 (plus postage & processing). ShEllS & lATTIcE dElIcATE SnowFlAkES Click here for Details! Contin FAST And Fun hoodEd SwEATERS 2 eT 1 CroCh ! IT! KNIT IT The fastest, easiest way to shop for patterns. ® FREE GIFT! Get a handy CROCHET & KNITTING STITCH GUIDE (a $7.00 value) as a free bonus with your first shipment.