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Women Suffrage Movement
On the other hand, women started to fight for their rights at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twenty century "the changes
came in part because of practical problems of maintaining property, inheritance, and settlement in new states and territories" (Lowi 109) since women
at that time could not own property. The women suffrage movement was created and with this many women and men contribute to the "National
Women Suffrage Association (NWSA) [which] was formed in New York, and it immediately began an effort to amend the U.S. Constitution to allow
women to vote" (Lowi 109). It wasn't until 1919 that "Congress ratified the Nineteenth Amendment granting women the right to vote... the amendment
was ratified by the states,
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The Women 's Suffrage Movement Essay
Women's Suffrage Movement On the 19th of September, 1893, New Zealand women experienced a monumental change in political status when the
right to vote in parliamentary elections was extended to them. Prior to this it was only men who were permitted to vote. Intense protest against such
came at full force in the late 19th century, from women who were seeking political and legal reforms. Achieving franchise for women was the
primary focus of the first wave of feminism in New Zealand. This was of massive importance because it was the first major step in achieving gender
equality in New Zealand. The suffragists directly opposed and managed to rid New Zealand of a manifestation of the prevalent gender–based
discrimination that women have dealt with throughout history. The idea that women should be barred from participating in the political sphere while
men are able to is seriously misogynistic. When voting, people elect representatives who will make laws and policies that will govern their lives; it
is the opportunity to put forward an opinion which could aid in solving the issues that an individual cares about. To deny women this right is to say
that women's beliefs and opinions have basically no worth. Enfranchisement, (as a result of extensive campaigning by suffragists) was recognition of
the fact that women's ideas are just as valid as men's. This event is also significant as gaining the vote was an instigator for more feminist development,
like the second wave of feminism
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Picketing In The Women's Suffrage Movement
Women had to used many different tactics such as picketing and performing hunger strike to earn the right to vote in the Woman's Suffrage
Movement. To begin with, the tactic of picketing at the White House deemed successful. Women from the National Women's Party picketed from
dawn to dusk everyday and held banners that notioned to the wrongdoing of President Wilson. Even though NASWA did not approve of this Lucy
Burns and Alice Paul made sure that they did had people picketing everyday. The woman showed how little that President Wilson was doing to be able
for women to have the right to vote. The women stood out in front of the White House everyday no matter the weather, if it was raining, sleeting, or
snowing they were out there. The women
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Essay On Women's Suffrage Movement
Since the early times, women were pictured as "intellectually inferior to men but also a major source of temptation and evil" as well as the weaker
sex (WIC). For example, Pandora, in Greek mythology, was a woman who opened a forbidden box which then unleashed sin, plagues, and
unhappiness into the world. In the early 19th century, women were only allowed to work in factories or, otherwise, stayed at home and did domestic
work; the only professions that was acceptable for them to do was to become a teacher or a writer. In the 1920's, women gained the right to vote.
Throughout history, there has been many issues between the male and female genders, most significantly with the female gender, but, the rights of
women have soared since the early times of history. Women have had fewer legal rights and career opportunities throughout history. Their most
significant professions were wifehood, taking care of the husband and making him happy, and motherhood, taking care of the children and of
more content...
This was known as the Women's Suffrage Movement. When the 19th Amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920, women were given the right to
vote, this right was called women suffrage. The female citizens of the United States did not share the same rights as men, which included the right to
vote, in the beginning when the United States was founded. It was only when the Seneca Falls convention was organized in New York by the
abolitionists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott when the women's rights movement launched on a national level. With this, the right to vote
became the centerpiece of the women's rights movement. Public awareness was raised when Elizabeth Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B. Anthony
created organizations. After a 70–year battle, these groups finally emerged victorious with the passage of the 19th
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Why Was The Women's Suffrage Movement Important
The Women's Suffrage Movement was an important and significant time in history. It was the struggle that women went through to gain equality, their
rights, and respect. Many died in the process but were still know as strong fighters. There were the first wave and the second wave of women that
wanted suffrage. Many events happened to support women's suffrage, like the Parade. Many people like Alice Paul went on many hunger strikes that
caused them to get force–fed. The suffragists had to deal with the fights of the anti–suffragists, who were mostly men. While these women did the
protest, many got put into jail, mistreated or violently disrespected. If it wasn't for these women supporting the struggles and difficulties, we (the
female) would not have the right to vote or have a voice on decisions. Women were excluded from anything that important (having opinions, expressing
themselves and more content...
This amendment granted American Women the right to vote. This was also known as a women suffrage. ( Before this Amendment was
signed, women did not have the same rights as men, including the right to vote. The Nineteenth amendment came out at the time of the second wave.
At the time of Alice Paul. All of the struggles and difficulties that the women had to go through were really worth it when the Nineteenth Amendment
signed. The Women's Suffrage Movement was a really important time in history. It was the time of struggle and suffering for women. The time that
women took action and stood up for themselves. The time that women realized that they deserved rights as well, and not just only men. There was the
First Wave and the Second Wave. The Amendment that granted women rights made all of the struggles pay off and really worth it. Many women died
in the process but are still known as heroes and fighters. Many had to go through many struggles to get this to happen but are now known as respected
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Women's Suffrage Essay examples
Women's Suffrage      The women's suffrage movement began in 1848 when a group of women met in Seneca Falls
New York. These women issued what became known as the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolution s, and 11 pt. document outlining the demand for
equal rights. Al of the articles of the Declaration passed except for the right to vote. It was widely believed at that time, that women were both
physically and mentally inferior to men, and therefore should not have the right to vote. The Seneca Falls convention was organized by a group of
women who had been active in the antislavery movement. When they were rejected as delegates to an abolitionist convention because of their sex, they
vowed to turn more content...
Susan B. Anthony, a leader in the movement, met a wealthy businessman named George Francis Train while campaigning in Kansas. He offered her
the money to launch a suffrage newspaper. In return he would be allowed to write a column about economics. Thus the Revolution was born. It's motto
was "Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less."      Lucy Stone and a group of
conservative suffragists broke away from Anthony's National Woman's suffrage Association and founded the American Woman Suffrage Association.
The NWSA attracted younger and more radical women who worked for a constitutional amendment to get the vote. The AWSA directed its efforts
toward getting states to give women the right to vote. Anthony believed that this would take to long and tried to the the courts to declare that voting
is the right of all citizens. She based this belief on the fact that the 14th amendment made women citizens. In 1872 she went to the polls and cast her
ballet for president. Two weeks later she was arrested for voting illegally. Virginia Minor, a friend of Anthony's and president of the Missouri Woman
Suffrage Association, tried to vote in 1872. The election registers refused to let her cast her ballet, so she brought a suit against them. She claimed that
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Women Suffrage
The struggle to achieve equal rights for women is often thought to have begun, in the English–speaking world, with the publication of Mary
Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792). During the 19th century, as male suffrage was gradually extended in many countries,
women became increasingly active in the quest for their own suffrage. Not until 1893, however, in New Zealand, did women achieve suffrage on the
national level. Australia followed in 1902, but American, British, and Canadian women did not win the same rights until the end of World War I.
The demand for the enfranchisement of American women was first seriously formulated at the Seneca Falls Convention (1848). After the Civil War,
agitation by women for more content...
Other continental powers were quick to accord women the right to vote at the end of World War I. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the
Netherlands granted suffrage in 1917; Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Sweden in 1918; and Germany and Luxembourg in 1919. Spain extended
the ballot to women in 1931, but France waited until 1944 and Belgium, Italy, Romania, and Yugoslavia until 1946. Switzerland finally gave women the
vote in 1971, and women remained disenfranchised in Liechtenstein until 1984.
In Canada women won the vote in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan in 1916; after federal suffrage was achieved in 1918, the other provinces
followed suit, the last being Quebec in 1940. Among the Latin American countries, nationalwomen's suffrage was granted in 1929 in Ecuador, 1932 in
Brazil, 1939 in El Salvador, 1942 in the Dominican Republic, 1945 in Guatemala, and 1946 in Argentina. In India during the period of British rule,
women were enfranchised on the same terms as men under the Government of India Act of 1935; following independence, the Indian Constitution,
adopted in 1949 and inaugurated in 1950, established adult suffrage. In the Philippines women received the vote in 1937, in Japan in 1945, in China
in 1947, and in Indonesia in 1955. In African countries men and women have generally received the vote at the same time, as in Liberia (1947),
Uganda (1958), and Nigeria (1960). In
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Women's Suffrage Movements
Women used many different methods to earn the right to vote in the women's Suffrage Movement. One of the methods is a parade, The parade took
place in Washington D.C. on the day that president Woodrow Wilson was going to be sworn in for his second presidency. Large crowds that consisted
of many men drinking then throwing the bottles at the women who were marching and riding floats in the parade. Also they were yelling at the
women, and this lead to the crowds violently attacking the girls and the police did nothing. At the end of all the fighting there were 100 people
hospitalized. But thankfully the newspaper supported the women. Another method that the woman used was to picket at the white house, They would
stand at the white house from
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Women Suffrage Essay Outline
The Women Suffrage Alexis Kallenborn Mrs. T. Westling English III 13 October 2017 Outline Thesis Statement: Due to the Hardiments of Determined
Females, Because of their Hostile feelings towards Woman Suffrage, Society began to view them as a part of the Union. Introduction I. Suppressed
Women of the 19th Century Women 's Role in Society Woodrow Wilson 's Beliefs. The Society 's beliefs on Woman Suffrage II. Woman Suffrage
Movement Susan Brownell Anthony 's contribution Carrie Chapman Catt 's contribution III. Life after the 19th Amendment was Ratified Females
Versus Males Women 's Adjustments to the 19th Amendment Society 's Reactions to the Change Conclusion The Women's Suffrage Era "The only
Question left more content...
Women eventually became repulsive against the standards of which they were being held to, yet they had to remain quiet. Several organizations were
created regarding women's suffrage. Many of the organizations had committed members who devoted all of their free time to the organization. Susan
Brownell Anthony was one of those committed members. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts. She became interested in
Women suffrage at a young age. She practically devoted her life to the Women's Suffrage Movement. Anthony's father worked as a farmer. Eventually
he became wealthy by starting a cotton mill. Despite their, wealth they lived a simple life. Keeping up with their Quaker faith. Quakers believed in
equality between the sexes. Anthony was raised in an environment filled with outspoken women resulting in her outspoken personality. In 1849,
Anthony quit her job and rejoined her parents, who moved to Rochester Newyork, where Anthony became intrigued with the fight for women 's
suffrage. Anthony 's participation in several organizations and outspoken nature made her a target for criticism. The editors of the newspaper
attempted to perceive her to the public as a "bitter spinster" who only had interest in Women Suffrage because she could not find a husband, when in
fact Anthony had received numerous proposals all of which she had refused. She felt that if she were to get married she would
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The Women’s Suffrage Movement Essay
Starting in 1776 with a letter from Abigail Adams to her husband, the movement for Women's suffrage lasted a superfluous amount of time. Mrs.
Adam's request for the President to "remember the ladies" set in motion a whole movement that would revolutionize the United States of America. A
movement that set forth rights that the women of today take for granted.
The women's suffrage movement began in the mid–nineteenth century. Women began discussing the problems they faced in society and the different
ways they wanted to change their lives. The Civil War and World War I also had an enormous effect upon the movement. During both of these wars,
women felt a new sense of independence and strength. During this time, the women had to step more content...
Most things surrounding the women's suffrage movement was widely silent and unnoticed until late 1859 when a political cartoon finally arose titled,
"Ye May Session of ye Woman's Right convention– Ye orator of ye day denouncing ye Lords of creation" The cartoon shows and elegantly dressed
woman in the middle of a large auditorium holding a scroll and addressing the crowd of people which consists of men and women who look largely
furious and unruly. This cartoon satirizes an event in which a hysterical crowd drowned out the speeches of three women's rights advocates. Soon after
these events began the Civil War which threw the women's movement into a kick start.
During the Civil war events, women like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed the National Woman Suffrage Association while the
more conservative Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe organized the American Woman Suffrage Association. The same year of these events (1869), two
more political cartoons were produced that caused much uproar amongst the male population of America. The first was titled "The Age of Brass." The
cartoon portrays a woman holding a scepter sitting on a stool next to a sign that reads "Vote for the Cherished Man Tamer." The woman and the sign
were surrounded by
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Women's suffrage, or the crusade to achieve the equal right for women to vote and run for political office, was a difficult fight that took activists in the
United States almost 100 years to win. On August 26, 1920 the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was ratified, declaring all
women be empowered with the same rights and responsibilities of citizenship as men, and on Election Day, 1920 millions of women exercised their
right to vote for the very first time.
The women's suffrage movement is thought to have begun with the publication of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft in
1792. Wollstonecraft is considered the "mother of feminism" and wrote of the sexual double standards between men more content...
In 1848 a group of women met at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York and began to formulate a demand for the enfranchisement of American
women (Women's Suffrage, 2011).Elizabeth Cady Stanton composed the Declaration of Sentiments, modeled after the Declaration of Independence,
stating that "a man should not withhold a woman's rights, take her property or refuse to allow her to vote" (Kelly, 2011, para.3 ). The convention
participants spent two days arguing and refining the content of the Declaration of Sentiments, then voted on its contents; the document received
support from about one third of the delegates in attendance. The Seneca Falls Convention was not a resounding success, but it "represented an
important first step in the evolving campaign for women's rights" (Tindall & Shi, 2010, p.374, para.1).
During the 1850's the women's rights movement in the United States continued to build, but lost momentum when the Civil War began. After the war
ended, the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution were drafted and ratified; protection to all citizens – with the term "citizens" defined as
male, and suffrage for black men, respectively. The drafting of the 15th Amendment caused animosity with women's rights activists and led them to
believe that this was their chance to push lawmakers for truly universal suffrage. They "allied
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Women Suffrage Essay
Women Suffrage
Women's rights in America have always been a major issue throughout history.
Women's rights have been closely linked with human rights throughout . This violation of
Women's rights is apparent in the fight for suffrage in the late 1800's–early 1900's . It can be said that the government denying the vote to women is a
human right offense because the right to vote is a natural right that comes with citizenship. To deny a certain group based on race, age, or gender is
deny them of their basic rights and therefore taking the stance that they are second–class citizens if they are citizens at all. . The fight for suffrage was a
human rights struggle for more than just the right to vote. They were also more content...
Many of those who attend sign a "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" that outlines the main issues and goals for the emerging women's
movement. Included in the
"women's Declaration of Independence" was the goal of the right to vote, but that was looked upon by most of the women as a radical unachievable
goal. The passage of the Fifteenth Amendment in 1869 caused a rift in the suffrage movement. Elizabeth Caty Stanton and Susan B Anthony form the
National Woman
Suffrage Association (NWSA). Lucy Stone, Henry Blackwell, and Julia Ward Howe formed the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA). The
NWSA did not support the 15th Amendment, it pushed for an alternative 15th Amendment granting women's right to vote. They were considered the
more radical of the two groups.. The AWSA was in support of the 15th amendment, while still working for women's enfranchisement, more on a state
level. The NWSA thought it was more important to attack the issue on a national scale while the AWSA thought that if you worked within the states
and perhaps got state by state suffrage, the goal could be attained. IN 1872 Susan B Anthony attempted to vote for the elections in New York. She and
several other women were successful in their attempts. Anthony was arrested and found guilty of "knowingly, wrongfully, and unlawfully voting for a
representative to the
Congress of the
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Women Suffrage Movement Essay
Today, we take for granted what our ancestors accomplished for us. Day by day we exercise our rights as humans that were fought for. Until 1920,
women were not allowed to vote. They were seen as humans that belonged at home to do housework and cook meals for their families. They had no
say in what went on around them and had to endure the discrimination that women weren't capable of anything. It had always been a fight for women
to be seen as equal and still is today. When exactly did the movement for women's suffrage begin and become national? It dates as far back as 1848
when the first convention was initiated. If you do the math that means it took around 70 years for women to accomplish what they were fighting for,
the right to more content...
"In 1893 to 1896, the newest states Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Idaho amended their state constitutions to include women's suffrage" (Lewis). This
was a step in the right direction. The organization kept working hard and organized tons of campaigns to get the movement on state ballots, however,
every time they were on the ballots they did not go through. As of 1906, the leaders who started the movement had all passed away. In spite of this,
from 1910 to 1912 Washington State, California, Michigan, Kansas, Oregon, and Arizona had all approved of women's suffrage (Lewis). The states
passing these laws created a fear in the Southern states that this progression in the movement would impact the voting rights for African Americans.
The end of this large organization was near and a new organization created by Lucy Burns and Alice Paul called the Congressional Committee had
been created within NAWSA and was later called the National Woman's Party.
In 1872, Susan B. Anthony was arrested after voting illegally in the presidential election. She was fined $100 but refused to pay. Not only did she
refuse but she spoke out to everyone about it. "'Friends and fellow citizens: I stand before you tonight under indictment for the alleged crime of having
voted at the last presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus voting, I not
only committed no crime, but, instead, simply
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Women's Suffrage Movement Essay
From the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 to Betty Friedman and her bestselling book, The Feminine Mystique, the women's suffrage movement
advocated for equality between men and women. Throughout the years, there were many women that fought for the rights they have today. Susan B.
Anthony along with a colleague formed the National Woman Suffrage Association that served to gain women the right to vote. In 1920, women were
granted the right to vote by the 19th amendment of the constitution. At this point, women did not want to be the typical housewife men wanted them to
be which created conflict. Women were familiar being domestic; cooking, cleaning and taking care of children. Because of World War 1, women felt
more liberated than more content...
Fast forward to the twentieth century and marriage was primarily based on love. Courtship slowly but surely started to disintegrate by the late
nineteenth, early twentieth centuries. Dating emerged by men wanting to test the waters with various women until they found true love. In the years
leading up to the feminist movement, men initiated the contact with women. Men would woo young women by their charm and with the permission of
her parents, spend time together. As time progressed, dating became more common and a way of really getting to know someone. With the emergence
of the twenty–first century, dating has taken an entirely new form with many stages. The first stage of dating is of course the initial "liking of someone
because they are attractive" stage. This stage then leads to the talking stage. As.... says, "talking" is a time in which two people may casually get to
know each other through texting, talking on the phone and hanging out casually, possibly while going on dates. Once women began working at the
beginning of the twentieth century due to the war, gender roles drastically changed within households. The world was used to women spending time on
housework versus men so it was an adjustment for everyone. In all actuality, when husbands take on a greater role in the house, it will result in lower
divorce rates in the long run. Studies show that although this change
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The Women 's Suffrage Movement Essay
For decades, women struggled to gain their suffrage, or right to vote. The women's suffrage movement started in the decades before the Civil War, and
eventually accomplished its goal in the year of 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified into the U.S. Constitution. After the U.S. Civil War, the
women's suffrage movement gained popularity and challenged traditional values and sexism in the country; the increase of progressive social values
benefited the women suffragists by allowing them to succeed in passing the 19th Amendment which changed the role of women in society, guaranteed
them a voice in politics, and encouraged future generations to struggle for women's equal rights. It's important to realize that prior to the 19th
Amendment, many states had already given women the right to vote. Therefore, women in certain states, were allowed to vote alongside with men.
The first state to guarantee the vote for women was Wyoming in 1869 which at that time was considered a territory. The western states that gave
women the right to vote in 1869–1914 were Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, Colorado with the
exception of Kansas and Illinois that were located elsewhere. The sex ratio in these states is a major reason why the state legislations granted women
suffrage. Since there were far more men than women in the west, there was much lower risks to political stability. Women may have gained the vote in
these states; however, they
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Women's Suffrage Movement Research Paper
The process to have women vote has not been easy. The Women's Suffrage movement got started in the Abolitionist movement between the 1830's
and 1840's. While this was going on there was also a lot of violence and social upheaval. We would have massive parades to gather attention from the
public and try to gain some help and support. We did this because most of the United States denied to support us during this process. There were many
times that we wanted to give up, but we still had hope to keep pushing to get women's rights. We organized a parade on the inauguration of Woodrow
Wilson on March 3, 1913. We hoped that this wouldn't bring down the denial of our civil rights. Alice Paul was definitely a women who never gave up
on what she wants.
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Women's Suffrage Movement Thesis
Thesis: The women's suffrage movement effect many areas around America, including: social expectations, economic roles, and political positions.
Revised Thesis: The women's suffrage movement opened many doors for the women of America and allowed them to achieve many objects they had
never before thought of including: economic roles, political positions, and a place in social society.
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The Women's Suffrage Movement
In 1914, World War I, men went off to fight in the war. During that time, women had to handle all the work that the men would do. In this period of
time, women had moments of realization that they can be independent and can live on their own without men. Women have been fighting for equality
for a while, since before the Civil War. Multiple women began to go against the typical women. The Women's Suffrage Movement commenced in 1848,
when a women's right convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. Technically, Seneca Falls was not the first to support women's rights, but
suffragists viewed it as the meeting that launched the suffrage movement. In this convention, women and men would discuss the problems involving
women's rights. As depicted in the movie Suffragettes, women were allowed to speak and be heard but that didn't mean that they would get what they
wanted. In Seneca Falls, Delegates agreed that "American Women were autonomous individuals who deserved their own political Identities." Also, the
Delegates said, "that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are
life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness." They believed that women should have the more content...
The Women's suffrage became a mass movement. Leadership of the women's suffrage movement passed 2 organizations, American Woman Suffrage
Association, Leader was Carrie Chapman Catt. Second group was, the National Woman's Party under the leadership of Alice Paul. The American
Women's Suffrage association was more of a political organizations than National Woman's Party, focused more on "winning dramatic publicity" for
their cause. These women would go on hunger strikes and white house pickets. In the movie, Suffragettes, you can see the way they would get
attention would be by breaking glass of store
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Women's Suffrage Movement Research Paper
Women's Suffrage Movement Turning Point in Society
Clarisa Estrada
Mrs. Crosby
Honors Government
6th period
Economically and socially the movement gained women more rights and privileges. The Women's Rights Movement granted women more political
rights like property rights. It changed how both genders saw one another and themselves. But did it really give women and men equality? Did it really
make everything better?
The women's suffrage movement was the struggle to get equality in society. The Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal," it
had its loopholes when coming to women. Which caused the existence of the women's suffrage. The women's suffrage movement was the struggle to
get equality in more content...
Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton knew that they were being discriminated against because of their gender, and they refused to take it. "In 1869,
however, a rift developed among feminists over the proposed 15th Amendment, which gave the vote to black men. Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, and others refused to endorse the amendment because it did not give women the ballot." (Grolier). Stanton and Anthony formed the National
Woman Suffrage Association to work for suffrage on the federal level and to press for more extensive institutional changes, such as the granting of
property rights to married women. (Grolier)Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815–1902), one of the main leaders in the women's rights movement, she
worked for over 50 years to help women achieve the right to vote. She gave speeches to make her views known to everyone. On January 18, 1892, she
spoke before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary. The speech was highly favorable, both within and outside the woman
suffrage movement. (Solitude of Self)Susan B. Anthony registered and voted in the 1872 election in Rochester, NY. As planned, she was arrested
(Susan B. Anthony Petition)
Susan B. Anthony was an important woman civil rights activist for the woman suffrage movement in the United States in the 1800s. She became
president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Susan B. Anthony not only gave have hope to women but changed the minds of men
and political
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Women Suffrage Movement

  • 1. Women Suffrage Movement On the other hand, women started to fight for their rights at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twenty century "the changes came in part because of practical problems of maintaining property, inheritance, and settlement in new states and territories" (Lowi 109) since women at that time could not own property. The women suffrage movement was created and with this many women and men contribute to the "National Women Suffrage Association (NWSA) [which] was formed in New York, and it immediately began an effort to amend the U.S. Constitution to allow women to vote" (Lowi 109). It wasn't until 1919 that "Congress ratified the Nineteenth Amendment granting women the right to vote... the amendment was ratified by the states, Get more content on
  • 2. The Women 's Suffrage Movement Essay Women's Suffrage Movement On the 19th of September, 1893, New Zealand women experienced a monumental change in political status when the right to vote in parliamentary elections was extended to them. Prior to this it was only men who were permitted to vote. Intense protest against such came at full force in the late 19th century, from women who were seeking political and legal reforms. Achieving franchise for women was the primary focus of the first wave of feminism in New Zealand. This was of massive importance because it was the first major step in achieving gender equality in New Zealand. The suffragists directly opposed and managed to rid New Zealand of a manifestation of the prevalent gender–based discrimination that women have dealt with throughout history. The idea that women should be barred from participating in the political sphere while men are able to is seriously misogynistic. When voting, people elect representatives who will make laws and policies that will govern their lives; it is the opportunity to put forward an opinion which could aid in solving the issues that an individual cares about. To deny women this right is to say that women's beliefs and opinions have basically no worth. Enfranchisement, (as a result of extensive campaigning by suffragists) was recognition of the fact that women's ideas are just as valid as men's. This event is also significant as gaining the vote was an instigator for more feminist development, like the second wave of feminism Get more content on
  • 3. Picketing In The Women's Suffrage Movement Women had to used many different tactics such as picketing and performing hunger strike to earn the right to vote in the Woman's Suffrage Movement. To begin with, the tactic of picketing at the White House deemed successful. Women from the National Women's Party picketed from dawn to dusk everyday and held banners that notioned to the wrongdoing of President Wilson. Even though NASWA did not approve of this Lucy Burns and Alice Paul made sure that they did had people picketing everyday. The woman showed how little that President Wilson was doing to be able for women to have the right to vote. The women stood out in front of the White House everyday no matter the weather, if it was raining, sleeting, or snowing they were out there. The women Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Women's Suffrage Movement Since the early times, women were pictured as "intellectually inferior to men but also a major source of temptation and evil" as well as the weaker sex (WIC). For example, Pandora, in Greek mythology, was a woman who opened a forbidden box which then unleashed sin, plagues, and unhappiness into the world. In the early 19th century, women were only allowed to work in factories or, otherwise, stayed at home and did domestic work; the only professions that was acceptable for them to do was to become a teacher or a writer. In the 1920's, women gained the right to vote. Throughout history, there has been many issues between the male and female genders, most significantly with the female gender, but, the rights of women have soared since the early times of history. Women have had fewer legal rights and career opportunities throughout history. Their most significant professions were wifehood, taking care of the husband and making him happy, and motherhood, taking care of the children and of more content... This was known as the Women's Suffrage Movement. When the 19th Amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920, women were given the right to vote, this right was called women suffrage. The female citizens of the United States did not share the same rights as men, which included the right to vote, in the beginning when the United States was founded. It was only when the Seneca Falls convention was organized in New York by the abolitionists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott when the women's rights movement launched on a national level. With this, the right to vote became the centerpiece of the women's rights movement. Public awareness was raised when Elizabeth Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B. Anthony created organizations. After a 70–year battle, these groups finally emerged victorious with the passage of the 19th Get more content on
  • 5. Why Was The Women's Suffrage Movement Important The Women's Suffrage Movement was an important and significant time in history. It was the struggle that women went through to gain equality, their rights, and respect. Many died in the process but were still know as strong fighters. There were the first wave and the second wave of women that wanted suffrage. Many events happened to support women's suffrage, like the Parade. Many people like Alice Paul went on many hunger strikes that caused them to get force–fed. The suffragists had to deal with the fights of the anti–suffragists, who were mostly men. While these women did the protest, many got put into jail, mistreated or violently disrespected. If it wasn't for these women supporting the struggles and difficulties, we (the female) would not have the right to vote or have a voice on decisions. Women were excluded from anything that important (having opinions, expressing themselves and more content... This amendment granted American Women the right to vote. This was also known as a women suffrage. ( Before this Amendment was signed, women did not have the same rights as men, including the right to vote. The Nineteenth amendment came out at the time of the second wave. At the time of Alice Paul. All of the struggles and difficulties that the women had to go through were really worth it when the Nineteenth Amendment signed. The Women's Suffrage Movement was a really important time in history. It was the time of struggle and suffering for women. The time that women took action and stood up for themselves. The time that women realized that they deserved rights as well, and not just only men. There was the First Wave and the Second Wave. The Amendment that granted women rights made all of the struggles pay off and really worth it. Many women died in the process but are still known as heroes and fighters. Many had to go through many struggles to get this to happen but are now known as respected Get more content on
  • 6. Women's Suffrage Essay examples Women's Suffrage      The women's suffrage movement began in 1848 when a group of women met in Seneca Falls New York. These women issued what became known as the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolution s, and 11 pt. document outlining the demand for equal rights. Al of the articles of the Declaration passed except for the right to vote. It was widely believed at that time, that women were both physically and mentally inferior to men, and therefore should not have the right to vote. The Seneca Falls convention was organized by a group of women who had been active in the antislavery movement. When they were rejected as delegates to an abolitionist convention because of their sex, they vowed to turn more content... Susan B. Anthony, a leader in the movement, met a wealthy businessman named George Francis Train while campaigning in Kansas. He offered her the money to launch a suffrage newspaper. In return he would be allowed to write a column about economics. Thus the Revolution was born. It's motto was "Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less."      Lucy Stone and a group of conservative suffragists broke away from Anthony's National Woman's suffrage Association and founded the American Woman Suffrage Association. The NWSA attracted younger and more radical women who worked for a constitutional amendment to get the vote. The AWSA directed its efforts toward getting states to give women the right to vote. Anthony believed that this would take to long and tried to the the courts to declare that voting is the right of all citizens. She based this belief on the fact that the 14th amendment made women citizens. In 1872 she went to the polls and cast her ballet for president. Two weeks later she was arrested for voting illegally. Virginia Minor, a friend of Anthony's and president of the Missouri Woman Suffrage Association, tried to vote in 1872. The election registers refused to let her cast her ballet, so she brought a suit against them. She claimed that Get more content on
  • 7. Women Suffrage The struggle to achieve equal rights for women is often thought to have begun, in the English–speaking world, with the publication of Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792). During the 19th century, as male suffrage was gradually extended in many countries, women became increasingly active in the quest for their own suffrage. Not until 1893, however, in New Zealand, did women achieve suffrage on the national level. Australia followed in 1902, but American, British, and Canadian women did not win the same rights until the end of World War I. The demand for the enfranchisement of American women was first seriously formulated at the Seneca Falls Convention (1848). After the Civil War, agitation by women for more content... Other continental powers were quick to accord women the right to vote at the end of World War I. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Netherlands granted suffrage in 1917; Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Sweden in 1918; and Germany and Luxembourg in 1919. Spain extended the ballot to women in 1931, but France waited until 1944 and Belgium, Italy, Romania, and Yugoslavia until 1946. Switzerland finally gave women the vote in 1971, and women remained disenfranchised in Liechtenstein until 1984. In Canada women won the vote in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan in 1916; after federal suffrage was achieved in 1918, the other provinces followed suit, the last being Quebec in 1940. Among the Latin American countries, nationalwomen's suffrage was granted in 1929 in Ecuador, 1932 in Brazil, 1939 in El Salvador, 1942 in the Dominican Republic, 1945 in Guatemala, and 1946 in Argentina. In India during the period of British rule, women were enfranchised on the same terms as men under the Government of India Act of 1935; following independence, the Indian Constitution, adopted in 1949 and inaugurated in 1950, established adult suffrage. In the Philippines women received the vote in 1937, in Japan in 1945, in China in 1947, and in Indonesia in 1955. In African countries men and women have generally received the vote at the same time, as in Liberia (1947), Uganda (1958), and Nigeria (1960). In Get more content on
  • 8. Women's Suffrage Movements Women used many different methods to earn the right to vote in the women's Suffrage Movement. One of the methods is a parade, The parade took place in Washington D.C. on the day that president Woodrow Wilson was going to be sworn in for his second presidency. Large crowds that consisted of many men drinking then throwing the bottles at the women who were marching and riding floats in the parade. Also they were yelling at the women, and this lead to the crowds violently attacking the girls and the police did nothing. At the end of all the fighting there were 100 people hospitalized. But thankfully the newspaper supported the women. Another method that the woman used was to picket at the white house, They would stand at the white house from Get more content on
  • 9. Women Suffrage Essay Outline The Women Suffrage Alexis Kallenborn Mrs. T. Westling English III 13 October 2017 Outline Thesis Statement: Due to the Hardiments of Determined Females, Because of their Hostile feelings towards Woman Suffrage, Society began to view them as a part of the Union. Introduction I. Suppressed Women of the 19th Century Women 's Role in Society Woodrow Wilson 's Beliefs. The Society 's beliefs on Woman Suffrage II. Woman Suffrage Movement Susan Brownell Anthony 's contribution Carrie Chapman Catt 's contribution III. Life after the 19th Amendment was Ratified Females Versus Males Women 's Adjustments to the 19th Amendment Society 's Reactions to the Change Conclusion The Women's Suffrage Era "The only Question left more content... Women eventually became repulsive against the standards of which they were being held to, yet they had to remain quiet. Several organizations were created regarding women's suffrage. Many of the organizations had committed members who devoted all of their free time to the organization. Susan Brownell Anthony was one of those committed members. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts. She became interested in Women suffrage at a young age. She practically devoted her life to the Women's Suffrage Movement. Anthony's father worked as a farmer. Eventually he became wealthy by starting a cotton mill. Despite their, wealth they lived a simple life. Keeping up with their Quaker faith. Quakers believed in equality between the sexes. Anthony was raised in an environment filled with outspoken women resulting in her outspoken personality. In 1849, Anthony quit her job and rejoined her parents, who moved to Rochester Newyork, where Anthony became intrigued with the fight for women 's suffrage. Anthony 's participation in several organizations and outspoken nature made her a target for criticism. The editors of the newspaper attempted to perceive her to the public as a "bitter spinster" who only had interest in Women Suffrage because she could not find a husband, when in fact Anthony had received numerous proposals all of which she had refused. She felt that if she were to get married she would Get more content on
  • 10. The Women’s Suffrage Movement Essay Starting in 1776 with a letter from Abigail Adams to her husband, the movement for Women's suffrage lasted a superfluous amount of time. Mrs. Adam's request for the President to "remember the ladies" set in motion a whole movement that would revolutionize the United States of America. A movement that set forth rights that the women of today take for granted. The women's suffrage movement began in the mid–nineteenth century. Women began discussing the problems they faced in society and the different ways they wanted to change their lives. The Civil War and World War I also had an enormous effect upon the movement. During both of these wars, women felt a new sense of independence and strength. During this time, the women had to step more content... Most things surrounding the women's suffrage movement was widely silent and unnoticed until late 1859 when a political cartoon finally arose titled, "Ye May Session of ye Woman's Right convention– Ye orator of ye day denouncing ye Lords of creation" The cartoon shows and elegantly dressed woman in the middle of a large auditorium holding a scroll and addressing the crowd of people which consists of men and women who look largely furious and unruly. This cartoon satirizes an event in which a hysterical crowd drowned out the speeches of three women's rights advocates. Soon after these events began the Civil War which threw the women's movement into a kick start. During the Civil war events, women like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed the National Woman Suffrage Association while the more conservative Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe organized the American Woman Suffrage Association. The same year of these events (1869), two more political cartoons were produced that caused much uproar amongst the male population of America. The first was titled "The Age of Brass." The cartoon portrays a woman holding a scepter sitting on a stool next to a sign that reads "Vote for the Cherished Man Tamer." The woman and the sign were surrounded by Get more content on
  • 11. Women's suffrage, or the crusade to achieve the equal right for women to vote and run for political office, was a difficult fight that took activists in the United States almost 100 years to win. On August 26, 1920 the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was ratified, declaring all women be empowered with the same rights and responsibilities of citizenship as men, and on Election Day, 1920 millions of women exercised their right to vote for the very first time. The women's suffrage movement is thought to have begun with the publication of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft in 1792. Wollstonecraft is considered the "mother of feminism" and wrote of the sexual double standards between men more content... In 1848 a group of women met at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York and began to formulate a demand for the enfranchisement of American women (Women's Suffrage, 2011).Elizabeth Cady Stanton composed the Declaration of Sentiments, modeled after the Declaration of Independence, stating that "a man should not withhold a woman's rights, take her property or refuse to allow her to vote" (Kelly, 2011, para.3 ). The convention participants spent two days arguing and refining the content of the Declaration of Sentiments, then voted on its contents; the document received support from about one third of the delegates in attendance. The Seneca Falls Convention was not a resounding success, but it "represented an important first step in the evolving campaign for women's rights" (Tindall & Shi, 2010, p.374, para.1). During the 1850's the women's rights movement in the United States continued to build, but lost momentum when the Civil War began. After the war ended, the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution were drafted and ratified; protection to all citizens – with the term "citizens" defined as male, and suffrage for black men, respectively. The drafting of the 15th Amendment caused animosity with women's rights activists and led them to believe that this was their chance to push lawmakers for truly universal suffrage. They "allied Get more content on
  • 12. Women Suffrage Essay Women Suffrage Women's rights in America have always been a major issue throughout history. Women's rights have been closely linked with human rights throughout . This violation of Women's rights is apparent in the fight for suffrage in the late 1800's–early 1900's . It can be said that the government denying the vote to women is a human right offense because the right to vote is a natural right that comes with citizenship. To deny a certain group based on race, age, or gender is deny them of their basic rights and therefore taking the stance that they are second–class citizens if they are citizens at all. . The fight for suffrage was a human rights struggle for more than just the right to vote. They were also more content... Many of those who attend sign a "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" that outlines the main issues and goals for the emerging women's movement. Included in the "women's Declaration of Independence" was the goal of the right to vote, but that was looked upon by most of the women as a radical unachievable goal. The passage of the Fifteenth Amendment in 1869 caused a rift in the suffrage movement. Elizabeth Caty Stanton and Susan B Anthony form the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA). Lucy Stone, Henry Blackwell, and Julia Ward Howe formed the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA). The NWSA did not support the 15th Amendment, it pushed for an alternative 15th Amendment granting women's right to vote. They were considered the more radical of the two groups.. The AWSA was in support of the 15th amendment, while still working for women's enfranchisement, more on a state level. The NWSA thought it was more important to attack the issue on a national scale while the AWSA thought that if you worked within the states and perhaps got state by state suffrage, the goal could be attained. IN 1872 Susan B Anthony attempted to vote for the elections in New York. She and several other women were successful in their attempts. Anthony was arrested and found guilty of "knowingly, wrongfully, and unlawfully voting for a representative to the Congress of the Get more content on
  • 13. Women Suffrage Movement Essay Today, we take for granted what our ancestors accomplished for us. Day by day we exercise our rights as humans that were fought for. Until 1920, women were not allowed to vote. They were seen as humans that belonged at home to do housework and cook meals for their families. They had no say in what went on around them and had to endure the discrimination that women weren't capable of anything. It had always been a fight for women to be seen as equal and still is today. When exactly did the movement for women's suffrage begin and become national? It dates as far back as 1848 when the first convention was initiated. If you do the math that means it took around 70 years for women to accomplish what they were fighting for, the right to more content... "In 1893 to 1896, the newest states Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Idaho amended their state constitutions to include women's suffrage" (Lewis). This was a step in the right direction. The organization kept working hard and organized tons of campaigns to get the movement on state ballots, however, every time they were on the ballots they did not go through. As of 1906, the leaders who started the movement had all passed away. In spite of this, from 1910 to 1912 Washington State, California, Michigan, Kansas, Oregon, and Arizona had all approved of women's suffrage (Lewis). The states passing these laws created a fear in the Southern states that this progression in the movement would impact the voting rights for African Americans. The end of this large organization was near and a new organization created by Lucy Burns and Alice Paul called the Congressional Committee had been created within NAWSA and was later called the National Woman's Party. In 1872, Susan B. Anthony was arrested after voting illegally in the presidential election. She was fined $100 but refused to pay. Not only did she refuse but she spoke out to everyone about it. "'Friends and fellow citizens: I stand before you tonight under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus voting, I not only committed no crime, but, instead, simply Get more content on
  • 14. Women's Suffrage Movement Essay From the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 to Betty Friedman and her bestselling book, The Feminine Mystique, the women's suffrage movement advocated for equality between men and women. Throughout the years, there were many women that fought for the rights they have today. Susan B. Anthony along with a colleague formed the National Woman Suffrage Association that served to gain women the right to vote. In 1920, women were granted the right to vote by the 19th amendment of the constitution. At this point, women did not want to be the typical housewife men wanted them to be which created conflict. Women were familiar being domestic; cooking, cleaning and taking care of children. Because of World War 1, women felt more liberated than more content... Fast forward to the twentieth century and marriage was primarily based on love. Courtship slowly but surely started to disintegrate by the late nineteenth, early twentieth centuries. Dating emerged by men wanting to test the waters with various women until they found true love. In the years leading up to the feminist movement, men initiated the contact with women. Men would woo young women by their charm and with the permission of her parents, spend time together. As time progressed, dating became more common and a way of really getting to know someone. With the emergence of the twenty–first century, dating has taken an entirely new form with many stages. The first stage of dating is of course the initial "liking of someone because they are attractive" stage. This stage then leads to the talking stage. As.... says, "talking" is a time in which two people may casually get to know each other through texting, talking on the phone and hanging out casually, possibly while going on dates. Once women began working at the beginning of the twentieth century due to the war, gender roles drastically changed within households. The world was used to women spending time on housework versus men so it was an adjustment for everyone. In all actuality, when husbands take on a greater role in the house, it will result in lower divorce rates in the long run. Studies show that although this change Get more content on
  • 15. The Women 's Suffrage Movement Essay For decades, women struggled to gain their suffrage, or right to vote. The women's suffrage movement started in the decades before the Civil War, and eventually accomplished its goal in the year of 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified into the U.S. Constitution. After the U.S. Civil War, the women's suffrage movement gained popularity and challenged traditional values and sexism in the country; the increase of progressive social values benefited the women suffragists by allowing them to succeed in passing the 19th Amendment which changed the role of women in society, guaranteed them a voice in politics, and encouraged future generations to struggle for women's equal rights. It's important to realize that prior to the 19th Amendment, many states had already given women the right to vote. Therefore, women in certain states, were allowed to vote alongside with men. The first state to guarantee the vote for women was Wyoming in 1869 which at that time was considered a territory. The western states that gave women the right to vote in 1869–1914 were Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, Colorado with the exception of Kansas and Illinois that were located elsewhere. The sex ratio in these states is a major reason why the state legislations granted women suffrage. Since there were far more men than women in the west, there was much lower risks to political stability. Women may have gained the vote in these states; however, they Get more content on
  • 16. Women's Suffrage Movement Research Paper The process to have women vote has not been easy. The Women's Suffrage movement got started in the Abolitionist movement between the 1830's and 1840's. While this was going on there was also a lot of violence and social upheaval. We would have massive parades to gather attention from the public and try to gain some help and support. We did this because most of the United States denied to support us during this process. There were many times that we wanted to give up, but we still had hope to keep pushing to get women's rights. We organized a parade on the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson on March 3, 1913. We hoped that this wouldn't bring down the denial of our civil rights. Alice Paul was definitely a women who never gave up on what she wants. Get more content on
  • 17. Women's Suffrage Movement Thesis Thesis: The women's suffrage movement effect many areas around America, including: social expectations, economic roles, and political positions. Revised Thesis: The women's suffrage movement opened many doors for the women of America and allowed them to achieve many objects they had never before thought of including: economic roles, political positions, and a place in social society. Get more content on
  • 18. The Women's Suffrage Movement In 1914, World War I, men went off to fight in the war. During that time, women had to handle all the work that the men would do. In this period of time, women had moments of realization that they can be independent and can live on their own without men. Women have been fighting for equality for a while, since before the Civil War. Multiple women began to go against the typical women. The Women's Suffrage Movement commenced in 1848, when a women's right convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. Technically, Seneca Falls was not the first to support women's rights, but suffragists viewed it as the meeting that launched the suffrage movement. In this convention, women and men would discuss the problems involving women's rights. As depicted in the movie Suffragettes, women were allowed to speak and be heard but that didn't mean that they would get what they wanted. In Seneca Falls, Delegates agreed that "American Women were autonomous individuals who deserved their own political Identities." Also, the Delegates said, "that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness." They believed that women should have the more content... The Women's suffrage became a mass movement. Leadership of the women's suffrage movement passed 2 organizations, American Woman Suffrage Association, Leader was Carrie Chapman Catt. Second group was, the National Woman's Party under the leadership of Alice Paul. The American Women's Suffrage association was more of a political organizations than National Woman's Party, focused more on "winning dramatic publicity" for their cause. These women would go on hunger strikes and white house pickets. In the movie, Suffragettes, you can see the way they would get attention would be by breaking glass of store Get more content on
  • 19. Women's Suffrage Movement Research Paper Women's Suffrage Movement Turning Point in Society Clarisa Estrada Mrs. Crosby Honors Government 6th period Economically and socially the movement gained women more rights and privileges. The Women's Rights Movement granted women more political rights like property rights. It changed how both genders saw one another and themselves. But did it really give women and men equality? Did it really make everything better? The women's suffrage movement was the struggle to get equality in society. The Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal," it had its loopholes when coming to women. Which caused the existence of the women's suffrage. The women's suffrage movement was the struggle to get equality in more content... Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton knew that they were being discriminated against because of their gender, and they refused to take it. "In 1869, however, a rift developed among feminists over the proposed 15th Amendment, which gave the vote to black men. Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and others refused to endorse the amendment because it did not give women the ballot." (Grolier). Stanton and Anthony formed the National Woman Suffrage Association to work for suffrage on the federal level and to press for more extensive institutional changes, such as the granting of property rights to married women. (Grolier)Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815–1902), one of the main leaders in the women's rights movement, she worked for over 50 years to help women achieve the right to vote. She gave speeches to make her views known to everyone. On January 18, 1892, she spoke before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary. The speech was highly favorable, both within and outside the woman suffrage movement. (Solitude of Self)Susan B. Anthony registered and voted in the 1872 election in Rochester, NY. As planned, she was arrested (Susan B. Anthony Petition) Susan B. Anthony was an important woman civil rights activist for the woman suffrage movement in the United States in the 1800s. She became president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Susan B. Anthony not only gave have hope to women but changed the minds of men and political
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