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                        M A R K E T W AT C H                                                                                                          ARGENTINA

                                                 WINE TOURISM
                                              GROWS IN ARGENTINA
                       Argentina has grown its wine tourism offerings in tandem with its wine exports. As Daniel
                       López Roca explains, this allows wine regions to benefit twice from the same bottle of wine
                       – tourists become ambassadors for Argentine wines, while wine drinkers become tourists.

                                                                                                                            number of specialised sommeliers, wine
                                                                                                                            buyers, importers, journalists, and groups of
                                                                                                                            wine enthusiasts.
                                                                                                                               The arrival of these new companies, new
                                                                                                                            specialists and new wine styles made Argen-
                                                                                                                            tine wines a product that you can buy in almost
                                                                                                                            every market today, bringing throngs of
                                                                                                                            curious wine tourists to the quiet and pastoral
                                                                                                                            region of Mendoza. They wanted to find out
                                                                                                                            what was going on, how and where the wines
                                                                                                                            were produced, and by whom. It also helped
                                                                                                                            matters that the devaluation of the local
                                                                                                                            currency (Argentine peso) allowed tourism in
                                                                                                                            Argentina to become a significant activity for
                                                                                                                            the regional economy towards 2003. That year
                                                                                                                            also witnessed the formal establishment of the
                                                                                                                            “National Wine Tourism Committee” among
                                                                                                                            Bodegas de Argentina, as a result of the work
                        Tourists view the vineyards from a classic car.                                                     that had been done in association with the
                                                                                                                            Caminos del Vino (Wine Roads) project, begin-

                                inemaking is much more than an           Argentina, the association of Argentine            ning in 1998.
                                economic and agricultural venture;       wineries.                                             Wineries now welcome tourists, and most
                                it’s an activity that reveals both the                                                      have even created tourism business units run
                                                                         Growing an industry
                       cultural and social identity of the people                                                           by high-level professionals. Large wineries are
                       involved. For this reason, wine-producing             It was the province of Mendoza that served     now absolutely committed to the development
                       countries around the world have created           as the epicentre of Argentina’s wine revolution    of their brands and know that satisfied wine
                       tourism strategies to exhibit and promote         in the 1990s, where total investment in the        tourists will eventually become their free
                       their wine industries. Wine tourism is an         wine industry reached $1.3bn within the first      brand ambassadors when they return to their
                       excellent opportunity to spread the culture       10 years. Those were years of hard work for the    home countries. In addition, small wineries
                       of wine while also promoting regional devel-      Mendocinos, planting vines and building new        also benefit from tourism, enabling them to
                       opment. Visitors arriving in a wine-growing       wineries. Argentine producers dreamt of wine       sell their products directly to consumers while
                       region can experience this culture, enjoy         exports, but in 2004 they amounted to no more      avoiding intermediaries.
                       the landscape, and further enhance their          than 3% of the total volume produced annually.
                                                                                                                            Shaking off the slow economy
                       experience by later telling friends and rela-         This slow start can partly be attributed to
                       tives about what they have done and seen.         the fact that development of tourism was not a         In 2008 a little more than one million visitors
                          Argentina is one such place where wine         priority for the wineries. Tourists were seen as   arrived in Argentina, but in 2009 this number
                       tourism is successfully growing. Argentina        a nuisance, and the wineries were more con-        fell for a variety of reasons, including the gener-
                       enjoys optimal geographic and climatic            cerned with the development of their wines.        al decline in world tourism triggered by the
                       qualities, and boasts a wide variety of               The warming of wineries to the tourism         world economic crisis, the unavailability of cred-
                       regions for the wine tourist to visit. In the     boom began gradually in the late 1990s and         it, the rise of unemployment, and the H1N1 flu
                       first half of 2010 nearly 770,000 visitors        early 2000s. Attracted by the development of       pandemic. But things have rebounded nicely.
                       travelled the wine roads of Argentina, a          the local wine industry and, especially,               The province of Mendoza alone attracted
                       57.5% increase over the same period the           because of the growth in exports of high qual-     nearly 570,000 visitors to wineries in the first
                       previous year, as reported by Bodegas de          ity wines, the wineries began to receive a large   half of 2010, a 68% increase over the same


                        M A R K E T W AT C H

                       period in 2009. Of these visitors 64% were               INTERVIEW WITH GABRIEL FIDEL
                       national residents, while 36% were interna-
                                                                                The creation of the Department of Tourism
                       tional visitors, mostly from the USA, Brazil,
                       Chile, the United Kingdom and France. In                                      Gabriel Fidel has served as           gastronomy has developed so much in Mendoza,
                       2010 those wine exports that Argentine pro-                                   the Minister of Government            you need to look at the growth of the training and
                       ducers had dreamt of reached the equivalent                                   Affairs, Minister of Economy,         formal education in the subject. The idea is to gain
                       of 17% of the year’s total production.                                        and Secretary of Tourism of           more space in universities to develop wine tourism
                                                                                                     the government of the                 programs and courses.”
                       Cause for success
                                                                                                     province of Mendoza. When
                           Today, wine tourism in Argentina has                                      in office in 1998, he created         Department of Tourism
                       reached full development. The country has                Caminos del Vino (Wine Roads), which was for-              The control of all the activities required to expand
                       diverse wine regions with breathtaking land-             mally established in 2003 with the creation of the         tourism services called for the recently created
                       scapes – 16 well-defined micro-regions in the            National Wine Tourism Committee among                      Department of Tourism within the Bodega de Argenti-
                       country – and each wine-producing province               Bodegas de Argentina.                                      na association. Fidel explains the mission of this enti-
                       is varied as well. There are four different              As a consultant, he is currently heading a strate-         ty: “To consolidate the various wine regions of
                       regions in the province of Mendoza alone.                gic plan for wine in Argentina for the Multilateral        the country under the Caminos del Vino brand
                           Mendoza and Cafayate – in the province of            Investment Fund (MIF) of the Inter-American                umbrella. In addition, it emerges as an exchange
                       Salta – are the regions favoured by foreigners.          Development Bank (IDB), the National Secretary             forum for reflection, knowledge and wine tourism
                       The number of tourists continues to grow in an           of Tourism and Bodegas de Argentina, and                   experience in order to encourage the development of
                       impressive way. There are currently 180 winer-           assesses local and foreign investors, mainly in            products and protect the identity of each region by
                       ies open to tourism and 50 have their own                the wine business and regional economy.                    promoting both the growth and the differentiation of
                       restaurants. There are also wineries that offer                                                                     local communities. The members of the product club
                       lodging and feature such activities as swim-             Creating regional identities                               are creating business networks, increasing opportu-
                       ming, tennis, golf and polo. Visitors can choose         Fidel, when asked about the next steps to consoli-         nities and promoting collaboration in joint projects.”
                       to attend cooking classes, view the vineyards            date the wine tourism boom, said, “In the case of          Fidel adds, “We have been working with Bodegas de
                       from air balloons, go horseback riding, tour the         wine tourism, our objective for the following years is     Argentina for many years with the National Commit-
                       region in classic cars, and of course have the           to continue with the diversification of the offer, to      tee of Wine Tourism, Belén Gaua (now director of
                       full range of traditional wine-related activities        make a great effort to ensure that the regions of rel-     Tourism Promotion of Mendoza) was in charge of it.
                       available, such as picking grapes, pruning,              atively lower development grow, and to continue            In addition, we have been working on the project of
                       blending wine, and, naturally, wine tasting.             creating regional identity. For example, we don’t          consolidation of wine tourism in Argentina IDB/MIF,
                           There are many cultural offerings on the             want the South of Mendoza to be sold generically.          which took place in several stages. One was the
                       calendar, with highlights including the musical          Within that region there are many strong identity          development of a strategic plan for the different
                       Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia (The Grape Har-           features that can be exploited for a town to become        wine roads, and the other the development of prod-
                       vest Festival) in March; the festival Música             a tourist destination. If we strengthen certain locali-    ucts for each of these routes. New geo-referenced
                       Clásica por los Caminos del Vino (Classical              ties that possess identity, as Villa Atuel, its history    cartography was made, the Wine Tourism Observa-
                       Music Along the Wine Roads) around Easter;               and protagonists, community and gastronomic offer,         tory was created, and a network was designed in
                       Rock y tango por los caminos del vino (Rock and          that micro-destination will raise the basis for com-       accordance with a quality plan, among other things.
                       Tango Music Along the Wine Roads); the clas-             petitiveness in that region. Thus, you can mention         The creation of the Department of Tourism (before, it
                       sic cars race Rally de las Bodega (Wineries’             the town of Pituil in the province of La Rioja as The      had been a Committee) completed the plan. The
                       Rally); as well as other artistic and sporting           Capital of Distillates in Argentina. Today, tourists are   partners participating are not members of Bodegas
                       activities throughout the year.                          always looking for new experiences, so this can            de Argentina exclusively. The idea is to work with
                           In Mendoza alone, tourism (not only wine-            capture their interest in an innovative way. The           the entire cluster (wineries, travel agencies, hotels,
                       related) now contributes more than $1bn per              tourist experiences range from visiting large wine         restaurants, all the providers in the network), not
                       year to the province’s treasury and Gross                cellars to walking around the streets in a small           just with wineries.”
                       Domestic Product (GDP). No doubt it is one of            town, learning about its craft producers or attending      Fidel emphasizes that, “the issue of quality is not
                       the sectors of greatest growth in Mendoza,               festivals, such as in Cachi in the province of Salta.”     related only to expensive services, but to each
                       which receives two million visitors each year                                                                       segment of the product, from a five star hotel, to a
                       (the average visitor spends five to six days and         The faces of tomorrow                                      Bed & Breakfast or a hostel. They all need to provide
                       $90.00 a day). Such is the importance of                 The success of wine tourism demands young,                 tourist services that comply with the required
                       tourism – not only in Mendoza but also in the            specifically trained professionals, so this has awak-      quality parameters.”
                       rest of the country – that it represents 8% of           ened a growing interest in tourism in Argentine uni-       The Department of Tourism has launched a promotion
                       total exports of Argentina and 7% of its GDP.            versities and training centers. As an example, there       and communication plan, developed a web site, and
                           Different factors have contributed to the cur-       exist tertiary-level institutes throughout the province    is currently using social media networks for promo-
                       rent successful situation. Mendoza, in particu-          of Mendoza offering tourism-related courses. About         tion. The Department is actively participating in all
                       lar, has been strongly identified as a wine des-         this matter Fidel says:“When you wonder why                tourism and wine fairs to promote in Argentina.
                       tination for tourists. It’s the first reason to visit.


 Wines of Argentina’s images to
 promote tourism.

Other factors are the increased consumption                                                                                      has shown for wine is of great importance.
of quality wines and the reappraisal of wine as                                                                                  Wine is now a priority for national tourism
a beverage at a global level, as well as                                                                                         and last year it was designated the National
consumers’ growing interest in the identity                                                                                      Beverage by President Cristina Fernandez.
and origin of the wines they drink.                                                                                              The National Secretary of Tourism serves
                                                                                                                                 Argentine wines in all their presentations
Establishing the future
                                                                                                                                 throughout the world. Wine is present in
   The growth of wine tourism in Argentina in                                                                                    every product promotion, and the Secretary
the past five years has made it essential for                                                                                    has generated alliances with Wines of Argenti-
wineries to work in association with other                                                                                       na (the association of wine exporters) to have
companies to provide more and better servic-                                                                                     wine present at every exhibition.
es to an increasingly demanding public. A new                  airlines and transport companies, restaurants
channel of Bodegas de Argentina association,                   and travel agencies, all strongly committed to                    Organisations:
Caminos del Vino (Wine Roads), has been                        the activity.                                                     Bodegas de Argentina A.C.
created for this reason.                                          To heighten awareness, there have been               
   To date, there are 29 major companies asso-                 private as well as public actions. The new              
ciated, including five-star hotels, wine hotels,               interest that the National Secretary of Tourism         

 Cultural Events of Mendoza
 Classic Cars Rally in Mendoza                                                                    Ignacio Ciancio, the young local responsible for the Department of Tourism,
 Rally de las Bodegas, a classic cars competition along 630km of beautiful roads with                                    explained, “In Argentina wine has reached such a level of
 stops in different wineries has become a traditional event. In the 2010 edition, 71                                     development that there are wineries with marvelous construc-
 classic cars participated in the race that went up to the famous Uco Valley, touring                                    tions beside traditional, historic buildings. The growth of wine
 the wine roads and visiting five prestigious wineries in Mendoza: Terrazas de los                                       tourism made it mandatory for all clusters to bet heavily on
 Andes, Cheval des Andes, Vistandes, Tupungato Winelands and Pulenta Estate.                                             services and high standards of quality to match the level of
                                                                                                                         other major wine capitals of the world.”
 Harvest Festival – Fiesta de la Vendimia                                                                                “In this sense, and understanding this unique opportunity, the
 Every year in the first weekend of March the Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia (The                 Tourism Department of Bodegas de Argentina released at the end of 2010 a new
 Grape Harvest Festival) takes place in the province of Mendoza. This traditional                 membership to a product-oriented club called Caminos del Vino, which incorporat-
 festival started officially as the ‘end of the harvest’ celebration in 1936 and is one of        ed travel agencies and tourism companies specialised in wine tourism, wine hotels
 the most important festivals in Argentina. Every year a new musical is put on in the             and lodges, restaurants, catering companies and food services, and other providers
 Frank Romero Day theater.                                                                        closely linked to tourism services,” said Ciancio.
 It is an impressive spectacle of light and sound featuring more than 800 performers              The Caminos del Vino product Club is an exclusive membership that represents the
 and dancers. The show pays homage to different aspects of the life of wine produc-               most important networking of Argentina’s wine tourism industry. In it, each of the
 ers, their sufferings and happiness. At the end of the show, a big finale sees the elec-         members has access to valuable information about the sector, participates in pro-
 tion of the Reina Nacional de la Vendimia (Harvest Queen) from the girls that repre-             motional trips to the most attractive emissive markets, and receives visits from spe-
 sent the 18 departments of the province of Mendoza.                                              cialised journalists, among other benefits.
 The program starts two months earlier, around the end of January, with the election              “More than 29 companies related to wine tourism have already become members
 of the representatives of each of the 18 departments.                                            of Caminos del Vino in Argentina and thus contribute their efforts and professional-
                                                                                                  ism to 180 wineries that receive visitors. This is the reason why Caminos del Vino
 Caminos del Vino, the wine tourism cluster                                                       has become the most important cluster in the country,” added Ciancio.
 In order to achieve the consolidation of the wine tourism products in activity, the new          Thus, wineries see their efforts supported and enhanced by a conglomerate ready to
 Department of Tourism of Bodegas de Argentina (the Argentine wineries’ association)              work professionally in the consolidation of tourism services in a destination now
 was created.                                                                                     known worldwide for the quality of its wines.


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Wine Tourism Grows in Argentina

  • 1. 3/11 MEININGER’S WBI M A R K E T W AT C H ARGENTINA WINE TOURISM GROWS IN ARGENTINA Argentina has grown its wine tourism offerings in tandem with its wine exports. As Daniel López Roca explains, this allows wine regions to benefit twice from the same bottle of wine – tourists become ambassadors for Argentine wines, while wine drinkers become tourists. number of specialised sommeliers, wine buyers, importers, journalists, and groups of wine enthusiasts. The arrival of these new companies, new specialists and new wine styles made Argen- tine wines a product that you can buy in almost every market today, bringing throngs of curious wine tourists to the quiet and pastoral region of Mendoza. They wanted to find out what was going on, how and where the wines were produced, and by whom. It also helped matters that the devaluation of the local currency (Argentine peso) allowed tourism in Argentina to become a significant activity for the regional economy towards 2003. That year also witnessed the formal establishment of the “National Wine Tourism Committee” among Bodegas de Argentina, as a result of the work Tourists view the vineyards from a classic car. that had been done in association with the Caminos del Vino (Wine Roads) project, begin- W inemaking is much more than an Argentina, the association of Argentine ning in 1998. economic and agricultural venture; wineries. Wineries now welcome tourists, and most it’s an activity that reveals both the have even created tourism business units run Growing an industry cultural and social identity of the people by high-level professionals. Large wineries are involved. For this reason, wine-producing It was the province of Mendoza that served now absolutely committed to the development countries around the world have created as the epicentre of Argentina’s wine revolution of their brands and know that satisfied wine tourism strategies to exhibit and promote in the 1990s, where total investment in the tourists will eventually become their free their wine industries. Wine tourism is an wine industry reached $1.3bn within the first brand ambassadors when they return to their excellent opportunity to spread the culture 10 years. Those were years of hard work for the home countries. In addition, small wineries of wine while also promoting regional devel- Mendocinos, planting vines and building new also benefit from tourism, enabling them to opment. Visitors arriving in a wine-growing wineries. Argentine producers dreamt of wine sell their products directly to consumers while region can experience this culture, enjoy exports, but in 2004 they amounted to no more avoiding intermediaries. the landscape, and further enhance their than 3% of the total volume produced annually. Shaking off the slow economy experience by later telling friends and rela- This slow start can partly be attributed to tives about what they have done and seen. the fact that development of tourism was not a In 2008 a little more than one million visitors Argentina is one such place where wine priority for the wineries. Tourists were seen as arrived in Argentina, but in 2009 this number tourism is successfully growing. Argentina a nuisance, and the wineries were more con- fell for a variety of reasons, including the gener- enjoys optimal geographic and climatic cerned with the development of their wines. al decline in world tourism triggered by the qualities, and boasts a wide variety of The warming of wineries to the tourism world economic crisis, the unavailability of cred- regions for the wine tourist to visit. In the boom began gradually in the late 1990s and it, the rise of unemployment, and the H1N1 flu first half of 2010 nearly 770,000 visitors early 2000s. Attracted by the development of pandemic. But things have rebounded nicely. travelled the wine roads of Argentina, a the local wine industry and, especially, The province of Mendoza alone attracted 57.5% increase over the same period the because of the growth in exports of high qual- nearly 570,000 visitors to wineries in the first previous year, as reported by Bodegas de ity wines, the wineries began to receive a large half of 2010, a 68% increase over the same 54
  • 2.
  • 3. 3/11 MEININGER’S WBI M A R K E T W AT C H period in 2009. Of these visitors 64% were INTERVIEW WITH GABRIEL FIDEL national residents, while 36% were interna- The creation of the Department of Tourism tional visitors, mostly from the USA, Brazil, Chile, the United Kingdom and France. In Gabriel Fidel has served as gastronomy has developed so much in Mendoza, 2010 those wine exports that Argentine pro- the Minister of Government you need to look at the growth of the training and ducers had dreamt of reached the equivalent Affairs, Minister of Economy, formal education in the subject. The idea is to gain of 17% of the year’s total production. and Secretary of Tourism of more space in universities to develop wine tourism the government of the programs and courses.” Cause for success province of Mendoza. When Today, wine tourism in Argentina has in office in 1998, he created Department of Tourism reached full development. The country has Caminos del Vino (Wine Roads), which was for- The control of all the activities required to expand diverse wine regions with breathtaking land- mally established in 2003 with the creation of the tourism services called for the recently created scapes – 16 well-defined micro-regions in the National Wine Tourism Committee among Department of Tourism within the Bodega de Argenti- country – and each wine-producing province Bodegas de Argentina. na association. Fidel explains the mission of this enti- is varied as well. There are four different As a consultant, he is currently heading a strate- ty: “To consolidate the various wine regions of regions in the province of Mendoza alone. gic plan for wine in Argentina for the Multilateral the country under the Caminos del Vino brand Mendoza and Cafayate – in the province of Investment Fund (MIF) of the Inter-American umbrella. In addition, it emerges as an exchange Salta – are the regions favoured by foreigners. Development Bank (IDB), the National Secretary forum for reflection, knowledge and wine tourism The number of tourists continues to grow in an of Tourism and Bodegas de Argentina, and experience in order to encourage the development of impressive way. There are currently 180 winer- assesses local and foreign investors, mainly in products and protect the identity of each region by ies open to tourism and 50 have their own the wine business and regional economy. promoting both the growth and the differentiation of restaurants. There are also wineries that offer local communities. The members of the product club lodging and feature such activities as swim- Creating regional identities are creating business networks, increasing opportu- ming, tennis, golf and polo. Visitors can choose Fidel, when asked about the next steps to consoli- nities and promoting collaboration in joint projects.” to attend cooking classes, view the vineyards date the wine tourism boom, said, “In the case of Fidel adds, “We have been working with Bodegas de from air balloons, go horseback riding, tour the wine tourism, our objective for the following years is Argentina for many years with the National Commit- region in classic cars, and of course have the to continue with the diversification of the offer, to tee of Wine Tourism, Belén Gaua (now director of full range of traditional wine-related activities make a great effort to ensure that the regions of rel- Tourism Promotion of Mendoza) was in charge of it. available, such as picking grapes, pruning, atively lower development grow, and to continue In addition, we have been working on the project of blending wine, and, naturally, wine tasting. creating regional identity. For example, we don’t consolidation of wine tourism in Argentina IDB/MIF, There are many cultural offerings on the want the South of Mendoza to be sold generically. which took place in several stages. One was the calendar, with highlights including the musical Within that region there are many strong identity development of a strategic plan for the different Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia (The Grape Har- features that can be exploited for a town to become wine roads, and the other the development of prod- vest Festival) in March; the festival Música a tourist destination. If we strengthen certain locali- ucts for each of these routes. New geo-referenced Clásica por los Caminos del Vino (Classical ties that possess identity, as Villa Atuel, its history cartography was made, the Wine Tourism Observa- Music Along the Wine Roads) around Easter; and protagonists, community and gastronomic offer, tory was created, and a network was designed in Rock y tango por los caminos del vino (Rock and that micro-destination will raise the basis for com- accordance with a quality plan, among other things. Tango Music Along the Wine Roads); the clas- petitiveness in that region. Thus, you can mention The creation of the Department of Tourism (before, it sic cars race Rally de las Bodega (Wineries’ the town of Pituil in the province of La Rioja as The had been a Committee) completed the plan. The Rally); as well as other artistic and sporting Capital of Distillates in Argentina. Today, tourists are partners participating are not members of Bodegas activities throughout the year. always looking for new experiences, so this can de Argentina exclusively. The idea is to work with In Mendoza alone, tourism (not only wine- capture their interest in an innovative way. The the entire cluster (wineries, travel agencies, hotels, related) now contributes more than $1bn per tourist experiences range from visiting large wine restaurants, all the providers in the network), not year to the province’s treasury and Gross cellars to walking around the streets in a small just with wineries.” Domestic Product (GDP). No doubt it is one of town, learning about its craft producers or attending Fidel emphasizes that, “the issue of quality is not the sectors of greatest growth in Mendoza, festivals, such as in Cachi in the province of Salta.” related only to expensive services, but to each which receives two million visitors each year segment of the product, from a five star hotel, to a (the average visitor spends five to six days and The faces of tomorrow Bed & Breakfast or a hostel. They all need to provide $90.00 a day). Such is the importance of The success of wine tourism demands young, tourist services that comply with the required tourism – not only in Mendoza but also in the specifically trained professionals, so this has awak- quality parameters.” rest of the country – that it represents 8% of ened a growing interest in tourism in Argentine uni- The Department of Tourism has launched a promotion total exports of Argentina and 7% of its GDP. versities and training centers. As an example, there and communication plan, developed a web site, and Different factors have contributed to the cur- exist tertiary-level institutes throughout the province is currently using social media networks for promo- rent successful situation. Mendoza, in particu- of Mendoza offering tourism-related courses. About tion. The Department is actively participating in all lar, has been strongly identified as a wine des- this matter Fidel says:“When you wonder why tourism and wine fairs to promote in Argentina. tination for tourists. It’s the first reason to visit. 56
  • 4. 3/11 MEININGER’S WBI ARGENTINA Wines of Argentina’s images to promote tourism. Other factors are the increased consumption has shown for wine is of great importance. of quality wines and the reappraisal of wine as Wine is now a priority for national tourism a beverage at a global level, as well as and last year it was designated the National consumers’ growing interest in the identity Beverage by President Cristina Fernandez. and origin of the wines they drink. The National Secretary of Tourism serves Argentine wines in all their presentations Establishing the future throughout the world. Wine is present in The growth of wine tourism in Argentina in every product promotion, and the Secretary the past five years has made it essential for has generated alliances with Wines of Argenti- wineries to work in association with other na (the association of wine exporters) to have companies to provide more and better servic- wine present at every exhibition. es to an increasingly demanding public. A new airlines and transport companies, restaurants channel of Bodegas de Argentina association, and travel agencies, all strongly committed to Organisations: Caminos del Vino (Wine Roads), has been the activity. Bodegas de Argentina A.C. created for this reason. To heighten awareness, there have been To date, there are 29 major companies asso- private as well as public actions. The new ciated, including five-star hotels, wine hotels, interest that the National Secretary of Tourism Cultural Events of Mendoza Classic Cars Rally in Mendoza Ignacio Ciancio, the young local responsible for the Department of Tourism, Rally de las Bodegas, a classic cars competition along 630km of beautiful roads with explained, “In Argentina wine has reached such a level of stops in different wineries has become a traditional event. In the 2010 edition, 71 development that there are wineries with marvelous construc- classic cars participated in the race that went up to the famous Uco Valley, touring tions beside traditional, historic buildings. The growth of wine the wine roads and visiting five prestigious wineries in Mendoza: Terrazas de los tourism made it mandatory for all clusters to bet heavily on Andes, Cheval des Andes, Vistandes, Tupungato Winelands and Pulenta Estate. services and high standards of quality to match the level of other major wine capitals of the world.” Harvest Festival – Fiesta de la Vendimia “In this sense, and understanding this unique opportunity, the Every year in the first weekend of March the Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia (The Tourism Department of Bodegas de Argentina released at the end of 2010 a new Grape Harvest Festival) takes place in the province of Mendoza. This traditional membership to a product-oriented club called Caminos del Vino, which incorporat- festival started officially as the ‘end of the harvest’ celebration in 1936 and is one of ed travel agencies and tourism companies specialised in wine tourism, wine hotels the most important festivals in Argentina. Every year a new musical is put on in the and lodges, restaurants, catering companies and food services, and other providers Frank Romero Day theater. closely linked to tourism services,” said Ciancio. It is an impressive spectacle of light and sound featuring more than 800 performers The Caminos del Vino product Club is an exclusive membership that represents the and dancers. The show pays homage to different aspects of the life of wine produc- most important networking of Argentina’s wine tourism industry. In it, each of the ers, their sufferings and happiness. At the end of the show, a big finale sees the elec- members has access to valuable information about the sector, participates in pro- tion of the Reina Nacional de la Vendimia (Harvest Queen) from the girls that repre- motional trips to the most attractive emissive markets, and receives visits from spe- sent the 18 departments of the province of Mendoza. cialised journalists, among other benefits. The program starts two months earlier, around the end of January, with the election “More than 29 companies related to wine tourism have already become members of the representatives of each of the 18 departments. of Caminos del Vino in Argentina and thus contribute their efforts and professional- ism to 180 wineries that receive visitors. This is the reason why Caminos del Vino Caminos del Vino, the wine tourism cluster has become the most important cluster in the country,” added Ciancio. In order to achieve the consolidation of the wine tourism products in activity, the new Thus, wineries see their efforts supported and enhanced by a conglomerate ready to Department of Tourism of Bodegas de Argentina (the Argentine wineries’ association) work professionally in the consolidation of tourism services in a destination now was created. known worldwide for the quality of its wines. 57