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1 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
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3 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Which is the name of the Messiah?........................5
Yahshua ist Elohim first part ................................22
Yahshua is Elohim second part.............................62
Yahshua is Elohim third part ................................93
Is Yahshua Son or Elohim?.................................119
If Yahshua is Elohim, why did he pray?.............143
The attributes of Yahshua HaMashiaj.................176
4 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
5 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Which is the name of the
We will learn about a beautiful teaching. There are many
people who are confused about the name of the Messiah.
Today, you will have a clear perception of this subject.
The name is Yahshua.
1. He came in the name of the Abba, It means, he came in the
name of the father and he is the Abba..
2. We have learned that we say: Halleluyah!!!!! ,which means
glorification to YHWH.
One can find about this teaching in the canal You Tube
Shalom 132, I called it: “Which is the name of the
Everlasting Father and how it should be pronounced.” In
that teaching I speak about Yahshua`s name.
The question for some people is this: Which is the right name
of the Messiah? Is Yehshua or Yahshua? Many are confused
about it. I did beg to the Ruaj Hakodesh to guide us to the
truth. You have known the Ruaj HaKodesh as Holy Ghost.
3. The Messiah has a name, which is above every name. It
means that the Messiah from Israel does not have a name of a
human being here on earth, because his name is above every
4.In Strong's concordance number 3443 is found the name of
Yeshua, but it refers here to the name of a high priest after the
6 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
captivity of babylon. It does not refer to the name of the
The high priest, Cohen, Yeshua was a mortal, just like you
and me. How is the name Yehshua written? In Hebrew it is
written from right to left, for those who know Hebrew it is
written like this ‫ישרע‬ but this name Yeshua is not a name
above every name.
Well, I should emphasize on the subject, that the Messiah has
a name above every name.
The name of Yeshua is written with a “yod, shin, vav and
ayin” ‫ישרע‬ ans this is not the name of the Messiah and that is
why I gave you Strong's concordance.
As a conclusion, Yeshua is not a name above every name.
In Strong's concordance number 3442 we find the name
Yeshua and it refers to Joshua, Joshua was a mortal man just
like we are, also Yeshua is not the name above every name.
I have also taught that they were not going to condemn
Yahshua because he pronounced a wrong name, which does
not belong to the Abba (father).
He was not going to be condemned to death because he
pronounced any name, which was from a mortal.
Please pay good attention!!!!!
7 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
If you look for the word salvation in any Spanish-Hebrew
dictionary my beloved brothers, you will find the word as
Hatsala= ‫הצלה‬ and underneath you will see the word
Yeshua= ‫ישרעה‬ .
The word Hatsala refers to the salvation of a life. In fact in
Mexico City the ambulances of our beloved brothers of the
house of Judah, have the name Hatsala on the ambulances.
It refers to rescue a life, as a help to save a life.
It does not refer to the salvation of a soul, because, which
ambulance with some doctors and paramedics could save a
I will go to a deeper idea, if in the dictionary Hebrew-Spanish
appears Yeshua as salvation; I will say this; shua means in the
same dictionary salvation.
I have a question; why was not this word taken away if they
knew that it meant salvation? Why did not write the word
I will explain this in a while.
The point which follows is very important. Let's remember
that for those who do not believe in the Messiah of Israel,
they say this: That his name may be erased ant there is no
more memory of this name forever.
8 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
They are hard words from the beloved house of Judah, which
does not believe in our Messiah, but many of them are
starting to believe that Yahshua is Mashiaj.
In the Talmud , which are rabbi writings , is written bad
things about our Messiah. There is a video, which I called ;
What the Talmud say about Yahshua? It is in the canal of You
Tube Shalom 132; you will faint when you hear about it!!!
Also, the ones who do not believe in the Messiah of Israel
say: That his name may be erased and there is no more
memory of it forever.
To which name do they refer? To the name of Yahshua and
not to the name of Yeshua.
We have already seen that Yeshua was a high priest and also
refers to the name of Joshua.
By the way, the Masorets did many things, so the name of the
Messiah did not appear in the tanaj, in the bible. Many people
say: The name Yeshua appears in Hebrew and in arameish but
not Yahshua. It is logic that they did hide the name.
In the more ancient parchments appears the name Yahshua,
satan has always tried to stop that the truth comes to light, but
the tanaj says; that there is no sin, to remain a secret. Yahshua
says it ant it is fulfilled.
It is a sin that the name had been hidden and so they, who do
not believe in the Messiah try to erase it. They did not have an
9 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
idea that ancient parchments were going to be found, where
the name Yahshua appears and not Yehshua.
The fact that Yeshua appears many times, is because
hasatan`s lie, that his name should be erased, but the
Everlasting Father himself would let his name to be known in
these last days.
There is a talk about this matter between many people, who
do not keep holiness. Yahshua says; by their fruits you will
recognize them.
When a person does not have good fruits, it is because he still
commits sin, as a result he will believe in lies, he will not
believe in the light of the Ruaj HaKodesh. So the talk of
many people about the word Yasha = ‫ישע‬ according to
Strong's concordance number 3467, which means to save, is
this: His name would be Yasha, but it is not wright.
In the next number of Strong's concordance 3468 one finds
the word Yesha= ‫ישע‬, which also means salvation or better to
say health, refers to the physical health.
Please pay very good attention to the next.
In Strong's concordance number 7769 ‫שרע‬ says; they will
All, who say that his name is Yasha o Yesha, take some
Strong's concordances, just like the name of Elisha, one finds
it in Strong's concordance number 447 Elisha= ‫אלישע‬.
10 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Elisha means; Elohim is salvation, well they say: If here in
Strong's concordance says clearly that the end
“Sha=‫“ישע‬ means salvation, well, the name of the Messiah is
Yasha or Yesha but the name of the Messiah is not Yahshua.
How is Elisha written? “Alef, Lamed, Yod, Shin, Ayin”=
There is another Strong's concordance number 1954 where
the name of the prophet Hoshea is written ‫הרשע‬ , and means
as well salvation.
So they say: Well, the name of the Messiah has to be Yesha or
Yeshea, but not Yahshua.
Let`s remember that the concordance Strong is modern and it
does not have anything to do with the ancient Hebrew, that is
very important to have it in mind.
In Strong's concordance number 7769 says clearly Shua=
‫שרע‬ .
Remember, the translation of the Hebrew-Spanish dictionary,
we can not leave to the side one thing or the other.
Also, people who think that his name is Yahsha, say; Well, it
means that YHWH begs for help (in Strong's concordance
7769 we find to beg or will beg). If one says Yasha it would
11 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
be like if YHWH would be begging for help.. But it is not so,
the Everlasting Father rebukes that. He does not need help.
We get the salvation thanks to Yahshua, through his sacrifice
on the timber, through his blood. We were bought with the
price of his blood.
Another doctrine, another group of people say: Well, it
means that he is begging for salvation, that is the meaning of
No, He does not beg for help, because He is the
Remember that in the most ancient parchments the name
Yahshua appears, and it means the salvation comes from
YHWH, or YHWH is my salvation.
We, as messianic understand that Yahshua is the Almighty.
Remember that in the book of revelations it does not say “I
am the Alfa and the Omega” no, because that is Greek and
Yahshua was Jew, He is the Almighty.
Revelations 1:8
“I am the Alef and Tav,” says the Lord God, “Who is, and
who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
12 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Remember that in You Tube Shalom 132, you will find the
teaching: Which one is the Name of the Everlasting Father
and how it should be pronounced? I explained there the word
Haya, and in the verse of revelation The Everlasting Father
says clearly that He is, He was and He will be forever.
For us there is no problem to understand clearly that He does
not beg for his salvation, not even that he begs for help. NO!
Because He is the Almighty.
How is Yahshua written? It is written so: “Yod, Hey, Vav,
Shin, Ayin”= ‫יהרשע‬.
It is a conjugation that people have not understood.
Now, how is Yeshua written? And do not forget it, that is not
his name, we have already studied that Yeshua is the name of
any mortal here on earth.
It is written: “Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin”= ‫ישרע‬. This name is not
the name above every name. If someone tells you, that his
name is Yeshua, it is logic, that when you are full with the
Ruaj HaKodesh, you will say: No, that is not his name. It is
the name of any mortal on earth, even when it is a very nice
The fact is that when people come from Christianity and are
used to say “Jesus” , which is a blasphemy, because the name
13 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
means: Here is the horse or look to the horse, and the name
comes from Iesus, Zeus, Deus, the shiny god of Sunday.
When I started to pronounce the name Yahshua and not
Many used to tell me: Roeh, the name Yeshua was very sweet
and now YAHSHUA, it sounds harshly.
He is the Almighty and He is a man of war.
I understand that some one who comes from Christianity to
the messianic, would say: The truth is that “Jesus” sounds
sweet, and “Yeshua” sounds even sweeter, but Yahshua? It
sounds very harshly.
I received those comments from the ones who are now
brothers, they have already understood clearly that his name
is Yahshua and not Jesus or Yeshua.
This teaching is short, but I want you to review it 20 or 50
times and memorize it. It is an obligation from us, who know
the truth, to teach it to the ones, who do not know this.
Ephesians 1:21
Far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and
every title that can be given, not only in the present age but
also in the one to come.
14 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
And above every name as well. Well, I have already
explained that Yeshua was the name that a high priest had.
Philippians 2:9-11
“Therefore Elohim exalted him to the highest place and gave
him the name that is above every name, that at the name of
Yahshua every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and
under the earth, and every tongue confess that Yahshua
HaMashiaj is Adon, to the glory of Elohim the Abba.”
Please put very good attention.
Remember that our names have a meaning, for example:
Javier means, the one who opens a door of a house.
Elohim is the almighty, so YHWH is the one who was, the
one who is and the one who will come, the one who is
forever, the one who is.
That is why he says: “I AM WHO I AM” His name does not
have another meaning, but ETERNITY, it goes over of what
you and I can understand.
Acts 4:12
“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name
under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”
15 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
With these verses, we understand clearly that the name
Yeshua can not be the name of the Messiah, because it is a
name of a mortal man here on earth. What I am saying is not
a blasphemy.
In fact in the sidurim, in the books of the house of Judah, one
finds the word “Yeshua” , because it means salvation. We
have already seen it in the dictionary, but Yeshua is not the
name of the Messiah.
How can we be saved in the name of someone, who was a
high Cohen after the Babylon captivity? Any one who has the
Ruaj HaKodesh understands this.
1 John 3:21-22
“Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have
confidence before Elohim and receive from him anything we
ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases
If we keep his commands and he tells us, that he was going to
take away from us the false names, also, let's listen to the
Everlasting Father.
I would like to say something a little deeper. The verse which
we will read, I have already explained it. You will find the
teaching in the canal You Tube Shalom 132 in the book of the
prophet Zechariah.
16 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Zechariah 6:11
“Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the
head of the high priest, Joshua son of Hejozadak.”
In the original Hebrew version says Yeshua instead Joshua.
Here, there is something deciphered, I know that there are
here kadoshim (holy ones) and they are in holiness, there is
nothing bad to think, but Torah learn and to work hard out of
shabath to earn our bread honestly.
This verse of Zechariah 6:11 tells us that no high priest would
have a crown, but Yahshua. He has a crown, because he is the
King of kings.
What does it mean? The prophet was doing something
prophetic, something for the future.
Remember for example Yosef (Joseph), he was a prototype of
Mashiaj, because he saved his people from hunger.
Moshe (Moses) was as well a prototype of Mashiaj Yahshua,
And in this case the high priest Joshua or Yeshua is a
prototype of what the Messiah was going to come to do. Of
course that high priest was not the Messiah and had the name
of Yeshua.
17 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Look for it in the original Hebrew version, he does not have
the name of the Messiah. That is another way to prove that
Yeshua is not the name of the Messiah.
There were so many translations, from Hebrew to Greek,
from Greek to Latin, from Latin to English and from English
to many other languages, or English into Spanish.
If someone has a Reina Valera bible 1559, you will find that
the Messiah was not called Jesus, but Yefu (Yahshua
HaMashiaj rebukes that) Translations are a problem, and
many things were changed on purpose.
Because people's rebellion, our parent's rebellion and ours,
the name of the Messiah was taken away.
Jeremiah 44:26
“But hear the word of YHWH, all Jews living in Egypt: “I
swear by my great name,” says the Lord, that no one from
Judah living anywhere in Egypt will ever again invoke my
name or swear, “As surly as the sovereign YHWH lives?
The Everlasting Father is good, remember that the Everlasting
Father allows everything.
Let's see the promise of Isaiah.
Isaiah 52:4-6
18 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
For this is what the Sovereign YHWH says: “At first my
people went down to Egypt to live; lately, Assyria has
oppressed them. And now what do I have here? Declares
YHWH, “For my people have been taken away for nothing,
and those who rule them mock,” declares YHWH. “And all
day long my name is constantly blasphemed. Therefore my
people will know my name; therefore in that day they will
know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I.”
There is a way to proof that shua does not mean “to beg”, no,
it does not mean that. In Strong`s concordance number 3091
is the name of Yehoshua= ‫יהרשרע‬.
For all those who are confused now and say: No, shua means
to beg; so if you say “Yahshua” it is not wright, because that
means: “YHWH begs for help”
It is not so, in Strong's concordance we have: What does the
name Yehoshua mean? The Adon is salvation.
In the same Strong's concordance says that shua means
salvation and not to beg. We also saw that you can consult a
Hebrew-Spanish dictionary.
Shua means salvation, Yahshua=Salvation belongs to YHWH
or YHWH is my salvation.
Mashiaj is not a man, Yahshua is not a human being, He
himself is Elohim made flesh.
19 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
He came in the name of the Abba, (Father); the name of the
father is YHWH and the name of the Messiah is YAHSHUA,
THEY ARE ONE, there is no trinity.
Also his name is YAHSHUA, because it is the name ABOVE
EVERY NAME, Yeshua is not a name over every name.
Psalm 118: 8-9
“It is better to take refuge in YHWH than to trust in man”
“It is better to take refuge in YHWH than to trust in princes”
Psalm 49:7
“No man can redeem the life of another or give YHWH a
ransom for him.”
As a result, no human being could rescue us, only YHWH
who made himself flesh.
Jeremiah 17:5
“This is what YHWH says: Cursed is the man who trusts in
man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart
turns away from YHWH”
Also, with all these concepts, it is clear that the name of the
Messiah is YAHSHUA!
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Yeshua= High Priest
To beg, to save, saves
Strong's 3467
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22 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Yahshua ist Elohim first part
I will start saying that I am a surgeon doctor and the
Everlasting Father has already allowed me to work as a
doctor for a while. Being a doctor is very beautiful, because
one “rescues” people from the claws of death, that is what it
is taught to us at the university.
Thanks to the Everlasting Father I did not make any oath..
Being a doctor is a very big blessing, because one “rescues”
(I make this clear, that only Elohim rescues) people from the
claws of death.
Yes, that is the job as a doctor, the work as the servant of the
Everlasting Father is to rescue souls, who were on the way to
hell. The work in the spiritual is harder than being a doctor,
one works only in the physical way,
Being a servant of the Everlasting Father has to do more with
how good ,one makes the work. It is logic that the glory is
only for Yahshua HaMashiaj. I have always said and I will
keep saying that I am not the only one or the best one, there
are many people with lots of knowledge and with lots of
Yes, it is beautiful to “rescue” people (only Elohim rescues),
but it is more beautiful to rescue souls, who were on the way
to hell.
23 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
When a person tells me: Listen, I heard an audio with a
preach and that changed my life. I give kavod (glory) to the
Everlasting Father, I will not take it for me, because that does
not exist; or when someone tels me; I saw a video with a
preach and that changed my life. I give thanks to the
Everlasting Father and tell him: Todah raba Abba Kadosh
(Thanks so much Holy Father), all the glory is for you.
Because, if the life of a person changed with a free audio or a
video; the whole material is for free, the word of the
Almighty should be free; well if that soul got rescued from
the claws of hell, not from the physical death. The Everlasting
Father includes us in his team to share his blessed Torah and
it is not because of our work, or our faith, our fasten, no, but
he certainly takes that as part of our obedience.
The time which a person has invested at school or at the
university, or at any subject is important, unfortunately that
does not lead us to the eternal life; to study Torah and to keep
his commandments lead us to the eternal life.
Also, faith which means believe, trust and obey, in hebrew
emunaj, this faith was given to the kadoshim (holy ones), to
the ones who believe in Yahshua, the Mashiaj and Elohim
himself, we have to contend for the faith.
Jude 3
24 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about
the salvation we share. I felt I had to write and urge you to
contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the
Your homework will be to study Jude`s letter, it is in the same
Homepage of internet.
Which one is this faith which has been given to the kadoshim
(to the holy ones)? To believe in Elohim YHWH, to believe
that Yahshua is the Mashiaj and to believe that YHWH,
Yahshua are one. I will explain it.
When a person starts with the thought that Yahshua is not
Elohim and before he believed that He was Elohim, (We have
experienced this) this person will renounce of his faith, first
he denies that Yahshua is Elohim, later on he will say that
Yahshua is not the Messiah and at the end he will end up in
apostasy. And from where the Everlasting Father rescued him,
hasatan will send him back there with permit of the
Everlasting Father. This is not a tale, this is an experience,
because the person goes back to his concupiscence.
Here in the tanaj, in the bible says clearly that Jude had gotten
information that there was so much apostasy. I explain deeper
in the letter of Jude.
Well, if it was 2000 years ago. What would not be now that
the devil is trying to confuse to half world? Or the whole
25 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
world is confused because people do not keep the blessed
We are told to contend for the faith.
What does it mean? if the tanaj, the bible is not to contend? It
refers to defend the faith which was given to the Kadoshim.
Jude 22
“Be merciful to those who doubt”
Why do I mention this Verse? Because one questions many
messianics and they are asked? Do you believe that Yahshua
is Elohim? And I have had this answer many times: Well
when Yahshua comes he will clear it up.
But that is not the right answer to a logic question, which I
am asking.
If I ask a person: Do yo believe that Yahshua is Elohim? The
person answers: When Yahshua comes he will tell us. That
tells me that he or she does not believe that Yahshua is
Elohim. That is why I am giving you this teaching.
Also: To those who doubt from the faith, convince them. We
pray, fast and the Ruaj HaKodesh works and only then the
person says: Yes, yes, I understand that Yahshua is Elohim.
26 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Most people world wide are copying every day thousands of
audios from YouTube, one has to understand that the ministry
is world wide to the glory of the Everlasting Father. The
Everlasting Father gave this congregation a huge order to
Jude 23
“snatch others from the fire and save them….”
Also, as I said; for me as a doctor is very important to help
someone before he suffers a hearth stroke, or any other kind
of help. What would not be in the spiritual? It is more. Of
course as a doctor, one tries to save a life, of course life
depends on Yahshua, on Elohim self, in the spiritual is even
“…….. to others show mercy, mixed with fear-hating even
the clothing stained by corrupted flesh”
You find the explanation of this verse in Jude`s letter, I will
not talk about apostasy now, the teaching now is Yahshua is
There are two situations which I have ministered in the years
I have ministered.
In the tanaj there are two aspects which keep the attention of
someone, one is the light and the other darkness, about this
you have the parashot in internet, you can study them, they
27 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
are based on Bereshit (Genesis). You also have the five books
of Moshe (Moses) , which are explained verse after verse.
Light diffuses darkness, for example: If I enter to a cave full
with spiderwebs, bats and tarantulas where nothing can be
seen, and I enter with a lamp, as a result I will diffuse
darkness with the light of a lamp.
But darkness can not diffuse light.
If we do not start from zero, one does not understand that
Yahshua is Elohim. If a person can not discern between light
and darkness according to the blessed Torah, then he will not
be able to understand that Yahshua is Elohim.
Also, light differs darkness and darkness can not differ light.
How will you enter with something dark to make the place
dark? It is impossible..
People of Israel were in darkness, and Yahshua YHWH sent
them a prophet and they killed him, he sent them another
prophet and they killed him, he sent them another one and
they killed him as well: Yahrushalaim, Yahrushalaim¡ You,
who stone the ones are sent to you and kill the prophets.
Yahshua was making a prophesy about the destruction of the
temple of Yahrushalaim and of the city, which was totally
burned by Titus in the year 70.
28 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Also, people were living in darkness, they needed light and
the light in this case, under the shamayim in Yahshua`s,
YHWH`s mishkahn, so this light could light this world.
During the time of the old covenant the prophets were also
light, but Yahshua HaMashiaj came and said: I am the light of
the world, so he is the light of the world. Afterwards he told
his disciples: You are the light of the world, he also tell us
this, because we are Yahshua`s disciples as well.
So the people of Israel were in darkness, they needed the light
of Yahshua, who YHWH is, to diffuse darkness.
What is this teaching about?
1. To rescue souls from hell
2. All those who doubt, convince them.
Please pay good attention to what it is being ministered.
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on
those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has
Darkness is shadow and shadow leads to death. If someone
does not see things, he may stumble.
What is this teaching about? To rescue souls but not in the
physical way: to those who doubt, convince them, the faith
29 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
which was given once to the kadoshim, contend passionately
for that faith.
Mathew 4:16
“The people living in darkness have seen a great life: on those
living in the land of shadow of death a light has dawned.”
Here is being spoken in the past. From whom is spoken?
Elohim himself had to come to diffuse darkness.
If a man would have come, any man, not even a small amount
of darkness would have been dissipated: it was about to get
the New Covenant and Elohim himself had to come.
A prophet can be light, yes, but only if he announces the
word. We are now light for the world; but can we save
someone? No! We can not save anybody, we can give a
person the message of salvation, but we can not save any one.
Also light disperses darkness and darkness can not disperse
And I do not make a mistake to say this, with the time one
sees it, I say this for all which happens world wide
30 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Who is the light? Yahshua HaMashiaj!
It is a fact that Yahshua came and the adversary and his
children try to discredit him. I will give you an example: If
you go to the bank to get some money, they will ask you for
your ID, so you can cash a check or get some money.
So to say, he as Mashiaj, he presented all his ID cards. He
fulfilled all prophesies, Yahshua HaMashiaj.
Well, the enemies will try to do so and we, who love Yahshua
HaMashiaj, have to light.
When one does not understand what we are talking about, the
meaning to defend that Yahshua is Elohim, the person is lost.
When a person starts saying that Yahshua is not Elohim, to
start, let`s review his history, it is like when one of my
patients gets really ill, I have to make immediately his
medical history.
I will give you a practical example: A sick person starts to
vomit blood, they tell me: Doctor, do you remember that 15
years ago you treated my husband? Yes, I did. Do you
remember that he used to vomit blood? Yes I do. Well he
started again with the situation and I want you to treat him.
I have to check his medical history and to check what that
person had. If he had a gastritis, a stomach ulcer, tuberculosis
31 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
in the lungs and he throws up blood, usually it comes from
the stomach. I have to make a quick diagnosis and perhaps an
ultrasound to make sure from where the illness comes. It can
be that the person is a drunker and has many ulcers in the
throat and they have already exploded. As soon as I have the
diagnostic, I hurry up to treat him quickly.
Well, the same is in the spiritual, I have to review the history
of a congregant or you my beloved roeh, you have to do it as
well. The tanaj says that many will hear demons` doctrines,
denying the faith. They get together according their own
concupiscence. So their history will be reviewed and we the
problem of that person. The diagnosis does not fail.
If in medicine the diagnosis is exact, above all in the
Then we ask ourselves: What does this person used to do? For
example, he was in a band, well, what kind of mentality can
have a member of a band? Or what kind of mentality can
have someone who steals cars, or is a thief? In such
behaviors, lye and other sins are involved.
Can someone, who gives an excellent testimony, say that
Yahshua is not Elohim? Someone with an unblemished
No, I was not born yesterday!! And it does not mean as well
that we are very old, no, it is the anointing of the Ruaj
HaKodesh that YHWH gives us to make the right diagnostic.
32 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Let`s compare that person with a little plant, also that little
plant did not grow up, did not flourished, and died just like a
person dies in its concupiscence and the devil catches that
person not with any doctrine, no, but with something simple.
For example: If a woman did not like to cover her head or use
long skirts and suddenly she says: Yahshua is not Elohim. So
she does not contaminate the flock, she is expelled from the
congregation and the next day you see her without covering
her head and with a short skirt or a miniskirt.
This problem is worldwide, the roim (pastors) and the elder
give me oft the information and we have also here examples.
If the woman would only say: No, Yahshua is not Elohim, I
go to the orthodox jewish. If it would be so, she would have
not taken off the cover of her head. As messianic she had to
cover her head and to wear a long skirt but her concupiscence
is coming out very quickly because the tanaj says so.
The man who says: No, Yahshua is not Elohim: but how? his
behavior was unblemished. If he denies it, it is because he is
blind and goes to witches and sorcerers as well.
Also, was he a testimony of his faith? How did he come to
celebrate pesaj? Was he a testimony? How was his behavior
in his daily life? Was he a testimony? The diagnostic is very
easy to make, it is not so much to deny Yahshua, it is to go
back to the world.
33 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
I have already registered so many cases from people who start
saying that Yahshua is not Elohim, that Yahshua is not
Mashiaj. They turn into orthodox Jews and later on they are
reproved. Why? Because they got back to their
concupiscence, they never renounced to their concupiscence.
Also, Yahshua`s light removes darkness and as they did not
want to have him as a Adon (a Lord), their Mashiaj, their
Elohim, their judge, their ALL, they say: Yahshua is not
Elohim and they quickly reprove themselves. It is so, my
beloved ones.
That is why you should be very careful! Pastors and elders
observe the diagnostics, one always knows who will be a
Why do I say that YHWH and Yahshua are one?
1. When Elohim YHWH made with abraham a covenant,
he put him to sleep deeply, because YHWH knew that
Abraham being a human being could fail.
YHWH was going to enter into a covenant with Abraham; but
when YHWH was going by, he put Abraham to sleep deeply,
Abraham had the vision that his people was going to be in
captivity in egypt, and YHWH did not swear by Abraham but
by himself.
We learned that in the parashots and you can find those
audios in this same homepage.
34 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
With that action he was talking about the total redemption of
Israel and of the whole world; and He could not give a human
being a great mission as the redemption of Israel. He could
use a man to guide people as in the case of Moses, but not to
save Israel. It had to be YHWH self. He did not say: I swear
by Abraham. No, he did not say that, but he did swear by
This is an easy teaching, it is a subject of faith based in the
tanaj. It is not a blind faith.
Genesis 15:6-13
“Abraham believe YHWH, and he credited it to him a
righteousness. He also said to him, “I am YHWH, who
brougth out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to
take possession of it.”But Abraham said, “O sovereign
YHWH, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?” So
YHWH said to him, “bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram,
each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.”
Abraham brought all these to him, cut them in two and
arranged the halves opposite each other; the birds, however,
he did not cut in half. Then birds of pray came down on the
carcasses, but Abraham drove them away.
As the sun was setting, Abraham fell into a deep sleep and a
thick and dreadful darkness came over him. Then YHWH
said to him, “Know for certain that your descendants will be
35 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved
and mistreated four hundred years.”
Later on he gives the promise of Israel`s liberation. He is
talking about Israel`s liberation, also he could not swear by
Abraham, but by himself, because it was about the whole
Genesis 15:14 But I will punish the nation they serve as
slaves, and afterward they will come out with great
Memorize this well: Elohim is the only one who can give
No man, no medicine against depression, this is absurd.
Moses took the people out because Elohim was with him,
Moses was the mean to do such a job.
In the case of Yahshua HaMashiaj; he is talking about the
liberty to get to the olam haba (the coming world). We are
talking about eternal life not about any liberation from any
In chapter 22 of Bereship Abraham gets the message to
sacrifice his son Issac.
Bereship 22:16-17
36 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
And said, “I swear by myself, declares YHWH, that because
you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only
son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as
numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the
seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities
of their enemies”
He is clearly talking about a redemption but he did not say: I
did swear by you, Abraham.
I am not taking bad about Abraham Avinu I am saying that
Abraham was a man and being a man he could have failed
and the Everlasting Father was not going to risk a huge task,
that is why he did swear by himself. The explanation is in the
parasha as well.
It says: I swear by myself, declares YHWH. He could not risk
the freedom of Israel in the hands of a human being. If that
was the total freedom, the salvation is more than that. That is
why he says: I swear by myself, declares YHWH. Let`s
remember that Abraham could have failed.
Is this first point clear? He did swear by himself. He used and
still uses human beings for different purposes; but to what
salvation concerns, nobody can interfere in that matter. He
does not allow it.
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2. If someone says that a human being payed for his sins,
he goes directly to hell. Because in no human being there is
salvation, only in YWHW who is Yahshua there is salvation.
For those who had doubts: Is Yahshua Elohim? And answer;
well, when Yahshua comes he will clear this.
Also, you still doubt whether you go to heaven or to hell,
because if you say that a human being can save you, I am
sorry because of you, you are heading direct to hell.
A human being can not save anybody because his blood is
contaminated, that is why one has to break with courses until
the forth generation..
So if someone thinks that Yahshua is a human being and he is
not Elohim, I am really sorry for you because you go direct to
hell: because no human being can pay for your sins, only
YHWH, Yahshua and they are one, they are the same.
Please pay very good attention!!!!!
3. I do not believe in an Elohim who had created a human
being and from heaven he would have said: Well, hit him,
spit on him, mistreat him, cover his eyes, pull out his
beard, put on a spine crown so he can save you. Do as you
like with him, kill him and that blood will be to redeem
your sins.
It is not possible to think so.
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The first attribute of Elohim is love, and the next one is that
He is just , also if his first attribute is love: I do not believe in
an Elohim who had created a human being and would say: Hit
him, mistreat him, whip, let him bleed and he will be the one
to forgive sins.
Because one would think that YHWH is not love, that he
created a human being to be humiliated and be sacrificed as
Yahshua was. YHWH it just, he could not give this huge work
to another person, because the debt was with him.
Something kept my attention once when I heard a Jew who
was an ultra orthodox rabbi, saying: The King of kings and
Lord of lords, I will contact him, because I am sure that he
already believes that Yahshua is YHWH.
Sorry for being so repetitive but I simply do not believe that
YHWH would have created a human being and he would
have said, hit him, let him bleed, kill him. I do not believe
that, because that does not speak from love and he always
protects his creation.
He would not either say: The debt was with me but this
human being will pay for it. That is impossible.
For the ones who understand and have common sense and a
brain, but in the first place the one who has the Ruaj
HaKodesh believes that: that is impossible, because the debt
was with Elohim and nobody could pay that debt, ONLY
Elohim self, nobody, no human being.
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The one who thinks so, is crazy, he needs to be born again;
but first he needs to make repentance from his disgusting sins,
from his concupiscence, envy, pride, arrogance and all kind of
sins to be able to understand all these very clear concepts.
The debt was eternal and that debt could be only paid by the
Everlasting Father.
The debt was unaffordable by human beings and only Elohim,
who is the Almighty, could pay that debt.
If you are still thinking: Well, when Yahshua comes he will
tell us who he is. You are very lost. I got that answer many
times, that means that the person does not know where he is, I
mean, he is not firm on the rock of salvation and that is why
any devil comes and takes him.
The debt was with Elohim and a human being was not able to
pay for it.
John 10:30
“I and the Father are one.”
This is clear, is not it? He did not say: I am a person and the
Abba is another person.
I would like to make something clear.
1. We do not believe in the trinity.
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The doctrine of Gozo y Paz is the Torah. We do not believe in
the trinity.
2. We are not followers of the trinity, apparently it is the
same, but it is not. The one who believes in the trinity,
believes in god father, god son, and the god of the holy ghost
and that is roman catholic, because of the egipcian divinities,
which are three gods and that is called polytheism = to have
many gods.
We have ONE, because so is said in Devarim (Deuteronomy)
6:4 Shema Israel, YHWH Eloheinu, YHWH Ejad. Only one
You and I have read it: I and the Father are one.
What did YHWH do? He made himself flesh and he did dwell
between us, that is what the word says.
John 1:1
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
Elohim, and the Word was Elohim”
John 1:2-4
He was with Elohim at the beginning. Through him all things
were made; without him nothing was made that has been
made. In him was life, and that light was the light of men. The
41 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has no
understood it.
That is why I wanted to start this teachind with the verses of
Isaiah 9:2 and Mathew 4:16
John 1:14
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who
came from the Father, full of grace and truth”
And the Word is Elohim.
I will explain the term Son, because many have doubt. In
proverbs says: Do you know the Father? Tell me the name of
his son and Yahshua HaMashiaj was not born yet. This was
written by king Salomon before Yahshua HaMashiaj.
What does it mean: The Word became flesh? The Word
became flesh and with the Word he made all things and even
his own mishkan (body) who is Yahshua, YHWH self.
The word became flesh?
In the psalms says that with the Word he made all, the stars,
the sun, the moon, etc. All was mane by his Word.
42 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Was someone going to limit YHWH, so he would not make
his body in Yahshua?
The Word became flesh. Which word? The breath of his
blessed Ruaj HaKodesh. And he did not come down as a
feather, this idea comes from the jesuits and we do not have
anything to do with it.
I have already explained in another teaching that if the divine
presence would have come down, the whole planet would
have exploded. And the whole divine presence could have not
come down because it is infinite.
You will understand why Yahshua said; The Father is greater
than I.
John 14:28
“You heard me say: “I am going away and I am coming back
to you”, If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going
to the Father, for the Father is greater than me”
If we would not have common sense, we would understand
that it is spoken from two persons, so to say, but it is spoken
about the divine presence.
When it says: The Father is greater than I; it refers to the
divine presence, because with the Word he made all things
and with the Word he made the mishkahn of Yahshua.
43 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
There are supernatural things, because He is supernatural, he
did not make his mishkahn from Miriam`s womb, Joseph`s
wife, but he is from the eternity, He is, because He is the
Abba of the eternity.
If you do not understand this: The Abba is greater than I, then
you could say: They believe in three gods, they believe in the
trinity. We do not believe in such idea. It refers to the divine
If someone looks directly to the sun when there is a solar
eclipse, when the first light comes out, the retina will burn,
because the pupil is dilated. Did you learn that?
One says: Do not look the solar eclipse without a special
protection. A person will be blind because a moment before
there was complete darkness and with lots of light a person
will get blind.
An elder was making a comment about some mine workers
who were trapped in a coal mine and had only darkness. The
rescuers started to dig until they reached the miners and in
that moment a little bit of light entered. One of them looked at
it and got blind.
Why do I give you these two examples, the one of the solar
eclipse and the Elder`s? Because if people can not avoid a
little light and gets blind what would not be in the spiritual?
44 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Someone says: Yahshua is not Elohim but how is his
testimony? With a little light, he got, he did not give a
testimony of a radical change in his life. What would be if the
Everlasting Father would tell him: “I am Elohim”1 He would
not avoid it and he would fall down.
We can not understand the majesty of the Everlasting Father.
There is an audio called: The Majesty of Yahshua, it is in this
same homepage.
We have an effect not only in the physical way, but also in the
spiritual. You can say: Yes, I believe that Yahshua is Elohim.
Well, do you obey him? Because people who once did think
that Yahshua was Elohim, I did not see that they obeyed him.
No, one always had to draw their attention to the fact that
they were not obeying in anything. For example: Woman,
your skirt is too short, please be on time for the shabath, etc.
If they did not understand something very simple. What
would be if the Everlasting Father would have given them
more of his light? They would have not avoided it.
An important thing is the testimony as well because if a
person is in love with YHWH and his holy torah, he will be
on time for the shabath, he will not miss anything and he or
she will dress modestly here and anywhere. The important
thing is to believe that Yahshua is Elohim; Yes, of course, but
45 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
demons believe and tremble. Also, one has to obey the
Everlasting Father.
Knowing some attributes of our Elohim and knowing that
YHWH knows that the human being is imperfect, and not
only that but he is as well rebel. How would he send a human
being to redeem mankind? We are talking about the salvation
of human beings. The rebellious angels have not pardon. How
would Elohim send a human being to redeem mankind from
the crawls os hasatan?
I know some of the attributes of Elohim who is YHWH,
Yahshua. How would he send a human being knowing that he
is imperfect and rebellious?
That is why he did not swear for Abraham, but for himself.
John 10:30
“I and the Father are one.”
John 14:20
“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you
are in me, and I am in you”
Why? Because with the Word he made the mishkan of
Yahshua and not in Miriam`s womb, but since the eternity.
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Which one is my reference? Before Abraham was, I was,
says Yahshua.
People who do not accept this are in severe problems, because
they are calling crazy to the Redeemer of the world, and all
sin will be forgiven but not the blasphemies against the Ruaj
HaKodesh. Here we are not talking about stealing and later on
to ask for forgiveness, and not stealing again. No, one is
blaspheming against the Everlasting Father.
He is one with the Abba, he came out of the Word, with the
Word he made his body to come to earth.
For those who can read Hebrew, look for it in Hebrew and it
is so.
Isaiah 43:10
“ You are my witnesses, declares YHWH and my servant
whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe
me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was
formed, nor will there be one after me.
That I am he- ki any hu (Because I am he)
“Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after
me”….. and then Yahshua is eternal and He is the Abba,
because if he had formed him afterwards in Miriam`s womb,
how would it be, if Yahshua is saying, that He was before
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Please check it in the original Hebrew tanaj (bibel) made by
orthodox Jews, it says: Ki any hu (because I am) one can not
translate this in a different version.
And we have ministered so to the beloved brothers of Judah`s
house, even when some say that we do not minister them, I do
not care their opinion because many people from Judah`s are
starting to believe in Yahshua, this is for the splendor of the
Everlasting Father.
I was talking about a brother who said that when Yahshua
would come, he was going to clear us who he is. I do not need
to wait, for me it is very clear who Yahshua is, Elohim self.
Whenever one speaks, one has to speak the truth, always the
truth, but when someone says something and his testimony is
the opposite, that person tells lies.
Let`s see about the clinic spiritual history of that person, how
many problems did this person give us? This and that, he was
in discipline, he used to burn cd`s for the christians when we
were already messianics.
There is a history and I am not wrong, with this I am not
saying that I am perfect, I am imperfect, only Yahshua is
perfect. But in this diagnosis I can not make a mistake,
because there are things which are very clear. It is like 2 plus
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2 = 4 or are they 5? No, they are four, You did not make a
mistake, did you? and you can say: I was right! 2 plus 2=
That is why I started with Judah`s verses 3,22-23 Be merciful
to those who doubt ……..
For those who still doubt CAREFUL! Because if a human
being payed for your sins: I am sorry because of you, because
you will end up in hell!. Yahshua who is Elohim self, payed
for your sins and if you make teshuva (you repent) you will
go to heaven, to the shamayim.
There is always a history in the life of someone, the problem
is that this person does not want to repent of his sins even
when he knows that he is sick in the spiritual.
Jeremiah 17:5
“This is what YHWH says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in
man, who depends on flesh for his strenght and whose heart
turns away from YHWH”
Also, your trust should be in Yahshua, and Yahshua is not a
Because if someone says: Yahshua is not Elohim, you are
under damnation. I have already ministered about it.
When one asks a person. Do you trust in Yahshua? The
answer is; yes, I do trust in Yahshua, but he is not Elohim. As
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a result the person is condemn for the eternity, because he is
trusting in a human being, but it is not so. Yahshua is Elohim.
What you believe in or not , it does not change reality!
For example: There is a bottle of water and if I would not
believe that it does not have water, that would not change the
reality that that bottle has water.
This is not philosophy, that is another thing, this is a logic
Zechariah 12:4
“On that day I will strike every horse with panic and its rider
with madness, declares YHWH, I will keep a watchful eye
over the house of Judah, but I will blind all the horses of the
He is talking about the Armagedon battle and who comes to
fight is Yahshua who YHWH is, because Yahshua is the one
who will set on his feet on the mount of olives.
Zechariah 12:10
“And I will pour out on the house of David and the
inhabitants of Yahrushalaim a spirit of grace and supplication.
They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they
will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and
grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a first born son.”
…. they will look on me….. this is: Ki any hu Isaiah 43:10
50 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
It is like a game of words, but it is not. At the beginning it
says: They look on me ……. and after it says: They will
mourn for him …….. : it is as if he would be talking from two
different persons, but it is only one.
On me ….. (on Him) = Part of the divine presence who came
to earth, but he will come next time with all his splendor. You
will ask: Why is the earth going to explode? I will explain it
in a while.
The divine presence refers that the Word made itself flesh and
it refers to Elohim himself.
Please pay good attention to this, because you will dance and
shout: Yahshua HaMashiaj lives!! and if you keep on thinking
that he is a human being, you are completely lost and it can
be that you are more condemned than you already are. It is
better that you repent, you make teshuva.
We are seeing verses that we have already read but we have
not being able to understand.
Psalm 22:17
“I can count all my bones: people stare and gloat over me”
Zechariah 12:10
“They will look on me, the one they have pierced”
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The fact that in the tanaj: that many words are repetitive , it
does not mean that it is allegorical, or a coincidence.
YHWH who Yahshua is, is the one who comes to marry.
After the millennium this earth will explode and the new
Yahrushalaim will come down; light will not be needed,
because Yahshua is the light, do I make me understand?
The Everlasting Father acts by terms and there are not
dispensations, they are covenants.
When Yahshua rules on earth, the whole divine presence is
not going to come down to earth, that is why the earth will
explode after the millennium and the new Yahrushalaim will
come down.
The restoration of the kingdom will be in the millennium and
the total restoration will be in the new Yahrushalaim. In the
millennium people will still die. So if the whole divine
presence would come down, people would not die in the
Colossians 1:15-20
“He is the image of the invisible Elohim, the first born over
all creation. For by him all things were created: things on
heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or
powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him
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and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold
together. And he is the head of the body, the kehila; he is the
beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in
everything he might have the supremacy. For Elohim was
pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him
to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or
things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed in
the cross.
I repeat this, because I have gotten this same answer during
all these years. Do you believe that Yahshua is Elohim? And
the answer from people who say they are messianics is: Well,
when Yahshua comes he will clear us this and many other
Yahshua does not have to clears us anything, it is already
clear who he is. We, as human beings have so many doubts,
for example about the resurrection and other things; but if we
doubt that Elohim self or a human being rescued us, we are in
serious problems.
There are doctrines which one thinks that have lots of weight
for salvation, for example: Women try to put on their mitpajad
in this or in the other way. This is not a doctrine which leads
us to salvation, in that matter there is no big deal. The huge
problem, is not to believe that Yahshua is Mashiaj and Elohim
self, and that he payed for our sins. That is really serious
53 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
because to believe or not that Yahshua is Elohim, takes us
whether to heaven or to hell.
When he comes, he will reveal us things that he does not want
us to know now, other ways we would faint. When one
receives the Ruaj HaKodesh, he reveals us what he pleases.
In Isaiah 9:6 says that he is the Father of the eternity. That is
logic or does he have to clear it to you? That is logic, other
thing is that you are unbeliever and you do not want to
believe it.
The trap now is to lead people to the orthodoxy, later on they
deny that Yahshua is Elohim and for logic they get lost in the
orthodox practices.
That is why Yahshua HaMashiaj came to save us and to deny
him now, how? One must have something else in the head but
a brain.
1 Timothy 4:1
“ The spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon
the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things thaught by
Do you remember Judah 3? …. contend for the faith ……
I want you to know that they are not human beings` doctrines,
they are doctrines of demons which get in people to divide a
congregation. That is a very delicate matter.
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Let`s see what is happening in the actuality.
2 Peter 2:1
“But there were also false prophets among the people, just as
there will be false teachers among you, They will secretly
introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign
YHWH who bought them - bringing swift destruction on
“There will be …... among you” = future tense
“Destructive heresies”= to divide a congregation and to lead
the souls to hell.
“even denying the sovereign Adon who bought them –
bringing swift destruction on themselves” This is very clear.
Verse 2
“Many will follow their shameful ways and they will bring
the way of truth into disrepute”
The sad thing is that it says: “Many”, but it s the truth.
Verse 3
“In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories
they have made up. Their condemnation has long been
hanging over them, and their destruction has not been
55 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Will exploit: you have to see, if those who are denying that
Yahshua is Elohim, are exploiting or not to people. I am
referring to the false teachers not to the followers of the devil.
Made up Stories: Hypocritically I have already ministered
about it a lot of.
In this congregation, we do not make business with the word,
I mention this before I give a teaching. We give away for free
cds, cards and other teaching material. We do not charge to
the brother when they connect in internet and if someone
needs teaching material we send it for free. This is the
doctrine of Yahshua HaMashiaj!
We do not charge for the hallel, we do not charge when the
brothers come to a fest or that the kids come to school.
And look, there are more people who are abandoning the
congregations where they charge for every single thing.
First people deny that Yahshua is Elohim, second they deny
Yahshua as Messiah and at the end they get totally lost.
Please pay good attention to the example I will give you.
I met a man here in Tehuacan who had an unblemished
reputation, he gave a well behaved testimony, he made honest
business, he was not a cheater, payed his taxes, his actions
56 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
were correct. One day he invited me to dine at his house,
when I arrived there, he did lead me to his living room,
invited me a glass of wine and did chat for a while.
After a while of chatting he told me; Doctor, I want to
introduce you to my son. I thought that he did not have a
child. I told him: Yes, please I would like to meet him.
He led me to his library, it was a very huge library and he
took out a book from the shelf, which was bound with very
good thick book cover.
I thought after showing me the book he was going to
introduce me to his son. In that moment I had so many
thoughts in mind; then he said: Here doctor, this is my son. I
was really surprised. He said to me: Yes this is my son, so is
the title of this book. I lend it to you, read it, I am interested
about your opinion and in eight days we will see again to
We did dine, said good by and the next day in my doctor`s
office between one appointment and the other I read the book.
He wrote his complete history, describing all kind of things he
used to do. The book was interesting. He did very good
What was portrayed in that book? His own actions. When I
read the whole book I said: This is an excellent book, this
57 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
man is good, he had made good things. In that time I had not
still recovered my Hebrew roots.
We meet again, gave him his book back. He was a well
educated man and I told him: I give you back your son and he
thanked him and asked my opinion about his book. I do not
like to idolize people, but you have done good actions and
that is admirable. I have nothing else to say, the book is good
and your actions are very good as well.
He smiled, he was not proud and put back his book. When I
left his house the Everlasting Father started to talk to me and
now he is talking to you with this example. That man
portrayed his actions in that book, calling it: My Son.
Since then The Everlasting Father started to talk to me about
who He is. It is like he would say: I am He, and in this book
are portrayed my actions.
And it is the same which is in Zechariah 12:10 …….. “they
will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will
mourn for him as one mourns for an only child” It is the
The Everlasting Father allowed me that I meet that man and I
do not idolize him.
It is the same, YHWH came to earth in the mishkan of
Yahshua to make good actions.
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From then on I started to understand more things, that was 25
years ago or maybe less when I lived this experience, so I can
give you this example now.
His book called: My son; is about his own good actions, but
in reality was the same person whose actions were portrayed
in that book.
I hope this example is clear to you, if not, read it again.
Judah 22
“Be merciful to those who doubt”
Judah 24-25
“ To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present
you before his glorious presence without fault and with great
To the only Elohim our savior be glory, majesty, power and
authority, through Yahshua HaMashiaj our Adon, before all
ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
Yahshua who is Elohim, because Elohim says: Apart from me
there is no one who saves.
Look, the letter of Judah is for our times.
“ To the only and wise Elohim, our Mashiaj….” Yes, because apart
from him there is no one who saves. It is not 2 persons, He is the same
It is a satanic heresy to deny that Yahshua is Elohim.
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Now, you will not have any doubt that Yahshua is Elohim.
You will dance and ask for forgiveness if you did doubt about
it and you will tell him: You are my Mashiaj, you are my
This verse is as well a clue to prove that Yahshua is Elohim, even
when we already know that Yashua is Elohim, this clue is very
Elohim made man to his image.
Genesis 1: 26-27
Elohim said, “Let`s us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let
them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the
livestock, over all the earth, all over all the creatures that move along
the ground.
So Elohim created man in his own image, in the image of Elohim he
created him; male and female he created them”
He is not talking about the god father and the god son, no, it
does not exist. You can find more in the parashots in this
same internet page.
Verse 27 “ in his image”
Colossians 1:15
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“He is the image of the invisible Elohim, the first born over
all creation.”
Here is the opposite .
Elohim made man in his image. Yahshua is the image of the invible
Elohim. Do you underestand? HE IS ELOHIM! Halluluyah!!!!
Yahshua is not the image of any human being, that is clear to us, he is
the image of the invisible Elohim.
We will end up this teaching with more joyness, knowing who is our
How to explain that he made his own mishkan?
Psalm 33:6
“By the Word of YHWH were the heavens made, their starry
host by the breath of hi mouth”
Also all was made by the breath of his mouth, that is why I
said that the Word became flesh.
To limit Elohim is the worst stupidity that I human being can do.
Who was going to stop that Elohim made his mishkan in the eternity?
As He is the Abba of the eternity.
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Who was going to make that having a body in an adult man,
would form himself in a womb? For him, there is nothing
You have all these verses to prove that Yahshua is Elohim,
you have this teaching to share it with those who still doubt
about the divinity of Yahshua.
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Yahshua is Elohim second part
We will continue with the teaching Yahshua is Elohim
Let`s start with this point.
1. No human being can breath on someone and tell him:
Receive the Ruaj HaKodehs, the Holy Spirit. No human being
can do that, only Elohim.
John 20:22 And with that he breathed on them and said:
“Receive the Holy Spirit”
Yahshua did it because he is Elohim self. He is the only one
who can do it.
Now, there are christian pastors who say: “Receive the Ruaj
HaKodesh or the Holy Geist as they say?
No, the person will certainly not receive anythig, an
incircumcise man from heart and flesh can not do that.
When the shaliajim (disciples) used to put their hands on the
head of someone, the person got the Ruaj HaKodesh.
But in this case we speak specifically from the breath of the
Almighty, the one who made his body with his Word, do you
remember? And the Word became flesh.
Also, He has the whole power to breath and to say:”Receive
the Ruaj HaKodesh” Is it clear?
63 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
2. When people went to arrest Yahshua; they asked who
Yahshua was and Yahshua answered: I am! And the ones who
were there steped back and fell to the ground.
No human being can do that. No human being can make that
people step back and fall to the ground, only Elohim self!!
John 18:4-6
Yahshua, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went
out and asked them, “Who is it you want?”
“Yahshua of Nazareth” they replied..
“I am he” Yahshua said.
When Yahshua said, “I am he”, they drew back and fell to the
They had weapons and had many soldiers with them. Also
why did they step back and fell to the ground? Was it because
fear of a man? NO! They had fear of Elohim. The presence
self of Elohim was there, Elohim made flesh, that is why they
steped back and fell to the ground. No human being can do
Look! We have more evidences here that Yahshua is Elohim.
I gave you the verse of John 29:22
And with that he breathed on them and he said: “Recieve the
Ruaj HaKodesh”
Can a human being do this? Of course not, only Elohim can
do it.
The Word became flesh and lived among us.
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Exodus 3:14
“Elohim said to Moses: “I AM WHO I AM” This is what
you are to say to the Israelites: “I am has sent me to you”
“I AM” is not his name, his name is YHWH, YAHSHUA.
I am is to emphasize that He is and He does not need from
anybody. He is unic, he is the omnipresent one,the
omnipotent, all his qualities.
I am means: I am the only one. In Isaiah we find this as well.
“I, even I am ELOHIM, the only one who saves, and apart
from me there is no saviour. And I will not give anyone my
As a conclusion Yahshua is Elohim. Omein? That is why the
people and soldiers who wanted to arrest him, steped back
and fell to the ground. They heard the voice of Elohim self: I
Be careful, be very careful! If you still believe that a man
payed for your sins, you are very lost, because a human being
can not pay an eternal debt.
That is absolutely impossible.
The verses (pasukim) were translated wrongly on purpose.
The old and the actual Spanish language has around 1000 bad
65 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
There is a satanic back ground to have such bad words, do
you understand? Do not believe that there were not bad words
in the old Spanish language that people just put then there
because they did not have anything else to do.
No, my beloved ones, It is not so. The devil hates the bible,
he hates the Word of the Everlasting Father, he hates the
Torah and now he hates you and me. First of all because we
are creatures of Elohim and second because we are believers
in Yahshua HaMashiaj, followers of the Torah. But we do not
care, we bind him fest and throw him away in the blessed
name of Yahshua HaMashiaj. And if he goes to the lake of
fire we go to the shamayim (to heaven)
We will start with a pasuk; in Spanish versiculo; this word has
a satanic background.
This is one of the first verses that were changed.
Colossians 1:14
“In whom we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness
of sins”
Dam in Hebrew. The translations which were made into greek
says as well, “in his blood”
What do the bad translatios say? I would like to mention that
there have been always bad translations, but with the time
those bad translations of the bible have increased.
The aim is to deny that Yahshua is divine, that Yahshua is
Elohim and that we were not redeemed by his blood.
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Please pay good attention to this because millions of those
books have been sold worldwide and also messianics have
them, but they are cabalistic, who like to make business out
the word of the Everlastig Father.
The word does not fail. In the last teaching we were saying
that there were going to be false teachers who were going to
make business out of the word, let`s call them hypocrites.
Well, one of these verses is Colossians 1:14
In some translations says: In whom we have redemption ……
It does not say “by his blood”: and that implies many things.
You could say: But it is the same. No, it is not the same. We
have redemption by his blood; because without shedding
blood there is no forgiveness of sins. That is what the bible
It only says: “In whom” They omit “ blood” They do not say:
“By his blood” Please review many bibles and you will see
that it only says: “In whom we have redemption” and they
omit by his “blood”.
“In whom we have redemtion by his blood, the forgiveness
of sins”
I will speak about his blood later on and we will understand
the context which it has, because if one had to sacrifice
animals for the forgiveness of sins, then blood had to be
sheded, but not human blood.
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Mathew`s book is the only book, which was preserved in
Hebrew. Here there is no way to say: Ir was translated
wrongly to the greek, and later on the Hebrew version got
lost. No, it is not so. That book is only in Hebrew.
Mathew 20:20
“Then the mother of Zebedee`s sons came to Yahshua with
her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him”
In some translations they take away, kneeling down, they
write; to throw herself down in front of his feet. That
translation is really bad.
“To knee down” means adoration which is really different.
Luke 24:52
“Then they worshiped him and returned to Yahrushalaim with
great joy.”
The translations say: “ To pay royal homage”
But “to pay royal homage” can be done to any king here on
earth, or a president from any “democratic” republic; in
brackets, because democracy does not exist.
Also, the original is to worship him and not to pay him royal
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Let`s see a verse which is laughable to those who have the
Ruaj HaKodesh, it is wrong translated. Unfortunately there
are people who beleive this.
There is a saying that for a fool, there is a full and a half, is
not there? That means that there should be a bigger fool so the
fool beleive him. Well, this is said with bad words but it is not
correct to say it.
There will always be a bigger fool with huge ears, even the
teeth out so he beleives to the fool. Did I make myself
understood? Terrible, is not it?
John 1:14
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who
came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
What do the translations say? They say so: And that Word
was made flesh, because it was what Elohim had in mind.
That is completely absurd.
“What Elohim had in mind” Is Yahshua the result of a
thought? NO! Of course not.
The term “idiot” is in the books of medicine and it is not a
bad word.
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The term “idiot” means to have a huge idea, unfortunately
those huge ideas become absurd.
Also one has to be an idiot and a half. It means someone who
believes to have a great wisdom and says: Yes, it is truth,
Yahshua is not Elohim.
He believed it and swallowed it. But he must be fooler than
the other one, to beleve him.
Yahshua is the Father of the Eternity and he is not the result
of a thought, that is why I said that the translation was absurd.
Now, who has made the translations? Kabbalists.
What is a Kabbalist? One who believes in reincarnation, in
the emigration of spirits, he believes that the Everlasting
Father has masculine and femenine attributes and denies that
Elohim is a man of war.
Do you see it? That is an idiot, it is a big idea. It grows more
and more like a snowball which rolls and gets bigger and
bigger. That is a big problem.
Let`s see, here says: And the word was made flesh and did
duellt among us ………
It is clear that YHWH made his mishkan, his body through
his word.
To say that Elohim made a thought he had in his mind, that is
total absurd!!
Yahshua is not the result of a thought, No! Of course not.
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Some other say: Well, Yahshua was created after the creation.
Look how absurd it is.
NO! after the creation, nothing else was created. Elohim
rested on the seventh day, shabath. Elohim made the shabath
holy and he did not do anything else.
In the last teaching we read that all was made by Yahshua, it
is in Colosser 1:15
He is the image of the invible Elohim.
To say: Elohim created Yahshua after the creation, that is the
worst stupidity someone can say or one of the worst
Stupid is not a bad word, do not get scared about this word.
Also, it is wrong to say that Yahshua was created after the
creation, because after the creation nothing else was made!
By him were made all things, Halleluyah!!!
Look, only with these bad translated verses we have seen that
there is enough material to teach.
As a result; the common sense of a person gets lost when he
starts to mutter deliriously. You already have the teaching
“The deliriums” in this same homepage.
Man discovers things because there are not inventions, man
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I will tell you something: One says: That man invented the
wheel. NO!! The wheel was already there. Does not exist the
sun, the moon, the stars? Well, did man invented the wheel? A
human being does not invent anything, he discovers.
Once I talked to you about the penicillin notatum. Did man
discover or invented it? No, he did not.
It was only fungus which jumped to the sandwich of Fleming
and he noticed that some bacterium did not grow. It was like a
sparkle that the Everlasting Father allowed him.
Also, man does not invent anything; great inventors, are not
they? No, they do not invent anything. All was already there.
Did man invented the fire? How many years does the sun
have? The earth is 6000 years old. The constelations are
million years old. All that is very clear to us.
There is a serie about creation and science in this same home
About the solar sistem we will learn deeper from the
Everlasting Father, when he comes.
We understand very well that Yahshua is Elohim and by his
blood we got the redemption. Yahshua does not need to
explain us that. Do I make myself understand?
Isaiah 9:6
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the
government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called
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Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty Elohim,, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.”
Abba Shel Netzaj=Father of the Eterniyy.
He is more than an Eternal Father, he is the Father of the
How do we make the difference between these two facts?
Eternal Father or Everlasting Father, yes he is Eternal but
Father of the Eternity goes beyond of what we can image.
Here it says Elohim Mighty, Everlasting Father. It does not
say “that he was a thought” or “that he is the result of a
thought.” So, do you understand the whole matter?.
So the bad translations like the vers of John 1:14 “they go to
the ground” and look: I repeat this again. There should be
fools and half fools to follow this lie, just like the shabath
based on the cicle of the moon.
There is no trinity, we do not believe in that lie. To say that
we in gozo y paz believe in the trinity, one sees that those
people never understood not even a single teaching.
We do not believe in the trinity, to say it, we would be
ignorant of the doctrin of the torah, which has been taught
here for about 12 years.
That is why I am always telling you: Please listen to the
audios, read this teaching. It is very important to do it.
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Yesterday I saw some ajim (brothers) who were amazed and
had an open mouth because of the teaching, later on they
started to smile, they said: Yes, that`s it. This is the doctrine, I
had not understood it.
You will get home and worship the Everlasting Father with
sense and joy.
Please pay good attention.
Yahshua gave us the authority to walk on snakes and
scorpions. The scorpions are the demons.
We saw in 1 Timoty 4:1 that they are doctrines of demons. I
will tell you something.
In the medical practice, remember that I told you that to be a
doctor is a great beraja (blessing)? Because it allows me to
rescue a person from death, thanks to the Everlasting Father,
because he is the owner of life, the Everlasting Father does it
not me. It is beautiful!! Someone to come with much pain and
be able to know how to help that person. What would not be
to rescue a soul from hell?
We saw it in the teaching before that it is not us the ones who
do things but Mashiaj. Mashiaj is Yahshua, who is YHWH
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“Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the
fire ……..” Jude 1: 22-23
Jude !:3 “…….. urge you to contend for the faith that was
once for all entrusted to the saints.”
A scorpion stings someone, but a sanake bites. I have
attended in emergency many kids, who had been stung by a
scorpion, the parents can not tell me what happened. The
child has the pupille dilated and starts to sweet very cold. My
brother, it is catastrophic to see a kid stung by a scorpion.
He is in schock and he has a very low blood pressure.
There are special devices to check the blood pressure in
children, it is a mistake to use a device for an adult.
The child starts to shake, why does he shake? Because the
poison works in his body and if he does not get a treatment he
might die. What would not be in the spiritual? The souls die
as well, if they do not receive help.
One got decontaminated and the poison is not longer there.
There are thousands of people who are now brothers and
sisters. All what we do here on earth has a reflect.
I will give you an example and you will enjoy it.
When I have to treat a child who was stung by a scorpion I
use a very strong dosis of serum of antidote, according to the
weight of the child.
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For example; I have to use the serum in miligrams, I use 5mg
per kilo. If a child weights 10 kilos I use 50mg.
Some cortisone, oxigen, etc. In the case of a child I have to
use a big dosis of serum and for an adult I use less dosis.
Now, pay good attention: A kid=a big dosis, because his body
is small, weights only a few kilos. The scorpion inyects the
same amount of poison to a kid and to a an adult, so to say it..
The adult will have less effect because he is tall but even
though he will be intoxicated and I have to use less serum of
At the medical university I made this question to the students:
If I get at my doctors office a kid and an adult who were stung
by an scorpion which was the same big: what amount of dosis
of serum do I have to use? The answer was: To the kid certain
amount and to the adult a duplicate. NO!! This answer was
because the students are taught to use more penicillin in an
adult. By a dosis of serum, it is not so. Do you understand?
Please pay attention because I am going to say something
which has lots of weight.
A spiritual child, I have to protect with a big dosis (I am
talking in the spiritual not physically way) Me and the
zakenim (elders) have to minister that child more, because he
comes very contminated by the world, by his concupiscence,
by religions and by the different christian denominations.
As well contaminated by heresies as John 1:14 describes.
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One of these heresies is to say that Yahshua was the thought
that the father had or the result of a thought? That is an
abomination against the Abba Kadosh!! He does not need
that. He already knows all.
The result of a thought. See how bad the translations are
Also, I have to give a spiritual child more dosis of what I
have to give to a big man. Example: A person was here for
about eight years, he did not understand the doctrin. It is not
worth that I keep on misnistrating him (dosis), he is reproved,
he will not understand, his own pride will get him lost.
There is practically nothing to do with that person, but with
Someone who waas here 8 years and did not understand the
doctrin and did spit it out; is like the dog who goes back to his
vomit ; and it refers to the apostasie, it is clear, is not it?
There is nothing to do and I will not be thinking all the time;
They do not want to come, such family does not want to
come, they do not want your word Abba, what do I do? No, I
do not have time for such thoughts, millions will come.!!!
Also, the idea of the devil is; and I rebuke him and kick him
out in the name of Yahshua HaMashiaj, also, the idea of the
devil is that I spent time with the rebels and I neglect millions
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of souls. No, it is not so. These people are already
contaminated, let`s get the millions of souls. HalleluYah!!!!
That is why I am giving you this teaching so you help me to
minister the new ones.
Philippians 4:13
“I can do everything through Mashiaj who gives me strength”
My beloved ones, we can do everything, everything!!
We will go through struggle, tribulations, etc. and the great
tribulation will come and we will be able to get over
everything in Yahshua HaMashiaj.
There will be no thing that we can not get over. He is good.
He loves us very much. How does the translation says? In
whom I take my strength.
You can selbst check it it does not say: Who gives me
Look, this could be a satanic invocation, the devil gives
power to the sourceres, and you would say: No, roeh, it does
not mean that.
Me beloved ones, there are some many traps in the bible like
the obscene words in spanish which we find in the spanish
bible, for example verse=versiculo, tabernacle=tabernaculo,
You have to understand, we were not born yesterday and also
the Ruaj HaKodehs gives testimony about that.
78 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
The Everlasting Father and the high kohen of this kehila is
Yahshua HaMashiaj, and I am as your piritual father, I tell
you: My beloved ones; do not see other pages of internet
because you can contaminate yourself.
Someone might say: The roeh is very pride and he wants us to
listen only to his audios. No, it is not so. If I were pride I
would charge for the teachings, you have to understand.
If someone did not submit to his father here on earth, or at
home, and was a rebel, etc. How is he going to submit to the
roeh if he did not submit to his father? This is worldwide,
remember that there are already thousands of brothers.
That is logic, do not think that I am a fool. When someone
comes I know who will persevere and be loyal; and I am not
Elohim, but one sees when someone has a genuin love for
Elohim. One sees when someone is a hypocrite and knows
how to obey the authorities.
If someone calls me aj (brother) I answer him: I am certainly
your aj, but I am a roeh, call me better roeh and you will have
more blessings.
It is like if a patient would come to my doctors office and
would call me: Listen Javier, I want you to check me. I will
tell him; excusame? I am a doctor, am I not?
The Everlasting Father selected authorities, if hewould have
not done it so, this world would be a chaos more than it is
79 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Also the translations say: In whom I get my strength………,
but it does not say in whom. Many would say: Well, it refers
to Yahshua but the verse has to say: I can do everything
through Mashiaj who gives me strength ……
What happens with this other verse? They are denying the
divinity of Yahshua, and they are getting into a huge trouble.
When Yahshua comes, those people will say: Stones fall upon
us, hide us from him (Yahshua). When the prophesies of
Revelations happen, they will shout and they will want the
rocks to fall upom them before Yahshua judges them.
But Yahshua will take off that rock and will take them out of
there, and judge them all who have commited sin in one or
another way.
When we understand that Yahshua sees us all the time. For
example there are people who think that what we are talking,
saying or thinking is not heard, or seen, or is not being filmed
in heaven.
But this is the idea. Why do I have to think that if I do this or
that Elohim does not see me, does not hear me or he does not
know what I am thinking? Yes, Elohim knows everything. He
searches all thoughts. He knows all.
For those who have understood that the Everlasting Father
sees us all the time; we behave in holiness, there is no
problem for us to do it, we think clear things, we speak with
80 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
the truth, we do not make lashon hara (gossip) , we do not
talk from someone behind him and we do not have any
problem with the Abba Kadosh. Here on earth we have so
many probles with people, even with people who call
themselves messianics but they are rebels.
There are people who say: No, no, I do not believe that there
is a recorder in heaven. Do you believe that the one who
allowed the one who discovered how to tape, would not have
that and more? Do you understand?
Do not you believe that all is taped? Do you think that the one
(YHWH) who allowed someone to find out how to tape,
would not have something very sophisticated to film all
actions from heaven? He is the Allmighty. He allowed us to
have only spots of wisdom, that is all.
For those who feel very proud and say I did discover the blac
thread of the Torah.
Oh boy! How is it? Can you show it to me?
Those who say: I do not believe that he has a device to read
the thoughts. Look, Here there is no device which can do that
but there is a substance called Queta mina that injected in the
blood vessel, the person tells the truth. That is “the serum of
the truth” which is used in the United States.
Do you think that the one who created this substance to say
the truth, can not read the thoughts? We have this kind of
Elohim, Halleluyah!!!!
81 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Well, are we recorded in heaven? Does the Everlasting Father
see our thoughts? He sees all!!
“No roeh, I did not want to say that” And the person is
sweating. No mein beloved one just a minute. I am a human
being and I am seeing your attitudes that you are about to pee
because you are so nervous. What would not see the
Everlasting Father? He sees all. Logic, my beloved ones, the
problem is that one does not want to understand who the
Everlasting Father is.
Now, listen up very well to this lesson: Does it help to be
filmed in heaven? Is it good or not to be filmed in heaven?
Most people, when they know that they are still commiting
sin, say: No, it is not convenient to be filmed in heaven.
But you will emd up in hell if you keep thinking that you do
not get filmed or taped in heaven. You will wake up being in
hell thinking that you will go to heaven with all your bad
business and to satisfy your lust, your sins, etc,
Do you think that Elohim does not see you that you are
commiting fornication and almost having a sexual relation on
the street.?
Is it good to be filmed? Of course it is. I will explain you
82 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
There were huge losses of money in a store and the manager
said: This can not keep going on.
He asked for advice to an expert, telling him that his workers
were stealing and he answered him: Why do not you put
cameras and you will solve your problem.
He put cameras everywhere, specially by the cashiers, it was
a supermarket. All workers went to him to complain: Why do
you do this? That means that you do not trust us.
And he answered them: The ones who want to stay, stay: and
the onse who wants to go, go!! There is no problem.
Many of them renounced to their job and were payed
according to the law of this country. The turnovers started to
go up, because the stealing was over.
Later on the boss called a worker and asked him: How much
do you earn? He answered: I am making two tausend pesos a
month, the boss says to him: from now on, you will earn six
thousand pesos. Why? Asks the worker. The boss answered
him; because you are a good servant and you do not steal to
me; so you deserve that and also because you treat the clients
very well .
Now, pay good attention.
It could be that you thought at the beginning or the devil
made you think: No, it is not good to be filmed.
83 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
That is why you are still commiting sin, but for those who are
ok in front of Elohim, it is good to be filmed, because we will
be rewarded.
It is not pride. we just do not have anything to hide and we do
not do it because of the reward, no, we already have the
But if Elohim wants he will give us crowns and rewards
because of being loyal. Or is he going to put all upon ten
cities? No, it is ot goig to be so.
Also, is it good to be filmed by the Everlasting Father? Of
course yes!! Each time you applaud with joy, that is being
filmed. Each time you praise, that is being filmed and you are
fullfilling a commandment and you are accumulating wealth
in the shamayim (in heaven). This is not cabbala, Yahshua
says it. Do not accumulate richness on earth, accumulate it in
the shamayim …..
So right now he is filming us from the shamayim. He is
filming as well all our thoughts and that is why I have alwyas
ministered psalm 50:21
One day we will show up for the tribunal of Yahshua
If you repent and you keep away from all your sins, the
Everlasting Father forgives you and says: I will never
remember your sins and your iniquities.
84 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
And the one who does not repent, he will have a judgement.
Do you realize how many people will condemn themselves
thinking that they will go to heaven, to have a gossip about
others and slandering everywhere?
Tell me, what would say the one who translated wrongly John
1:14 and wrote: It is the result of a thought that Elohim had?
Other translations: Yahshua was created after the creation, it
is absurd! What would answer this person?
The Everlasting Father will face then and tell them: When did
I do that? Who told you, that I did that? Only the devil puts
you such thoughts in your head!
Psalm 50:21
“These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought I
was altogether like you. But I will rebuke you and accuse you
to your face.”
Well, from now on be heiliger (Kadoshim), all men and
women. Do not forget, we are filmed all the time.
If someone thinks that the best technologie, like iphone, ipod,
cameras etc. are here on earth, and not in heaven, he is crazy!!
“Oh, I have an iphone and Yahshua does not have an iphone
like this, that person is crazy!
85 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
You touch the screen of your iphone and it goes back to the
last information you had, Yahshua can do it without touching
anything and you feel great with your little device.
Use your iphone to listen to the teachings and halle to
Well, if someone thinks that has a huge screen at home and
that in heaven there is nothing much, much better to see the
actios of human beings, you are wrong.
The beast made a copy of that, that is why there are so many
satellits and a space station. Remember, the devil has always
wanted to be a copy or to be just like Elohim. He wii never be
able to do it!!
The Everlasting Father can do everything because he is
Almighty, but the devil needs satellits which the Everlastibg
Father can burn with a a sunbeam.
Yahshua is Elohim, it goes beyond our imagination.
If you have already repented of your sins and you live a life in
holiness: when a bad thought comes you have to rebuke it.
That comes from the devil and you have to learn how to
distinguish it.
But if you are still covetous, you feel envy towards someone,
etc. CAREFUL!! All is being filmed.
86 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Mathew 2:2
“And asked, where is the one who has been born king of the
Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship
The translations say: To pay him royal homage. It does not
say “to worship him”
There are bibles from the house of Juda who already believe
that Yahshua is Mashiaj and that Yahshua is Elohim self. They
have a very high concept of Elohim, because they have gone
through tribulations and persecutions.
Logic, they have the original Hebrew version and in those
bibles one finds: to worship him and look, the ones who
study Torah are wise and are feared of YHWH.
King Salomon said: The heavens of the heavens can not
contein you, That is why the whole Divine Presence did not
come down.
Yahsua wanted to have limits here on earth because he said: If
I want, my Abba would send lots of millions of angels. But if
it would have been so the redemption would have not
87 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
After the millenium the Divine Presence will disapear the
earth, because if the heavens of the heavens can not keep
him ; coud this earth keep him? No, it is not possible.
We can read all the time in the evangelium of Mark about the
doctrine of driving out demons. People used to ask: What
kind of new doctrine is this?
I would like to give you this idea: To drive out demons is not
through us; but by Yahshua HaMashiaj, beause he is Elohim,
he did not have to call another name because, He is Yahhsua
and He is YHWH.
We have to expulse demons in his blessed name. Demons are
not afraid of a human being but they are afraid of Yahshua
and He is YHWH self.
Mark 1: 22-27
“The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught
them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.
Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an
evil spirit cried out.
“What do you want with us, Yahshua of Nazareth? Have you
come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy (Kadosh)
of Elohim.”
“Be quiet!” say Yahshua sternly. “Come out of him!”
The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him
with a shriek.
88 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
The people were also so amazed that they asked each other,
“What is this? A new teaching and with authority! He even
gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him.”
Look, only Elohim gives orders to evil spirits No human
being can do that. We make it in his name, but no human
being can subjugate evil spirits.
Isaiah 53: 4-5
“Surely he took our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet
we considered him stricken by Elohim, smitten by him, and
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for
our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon
him, and by his wounds we are healed”
The Brit Hadasha describes that people with one hand came
to him. No human being can create hands, only Yahshua.
The devil tries to attack all the time the kadosh.
Do you remember the nasty book called the code of Da
Vinci? Where it says that he had sexual intercourse with
Miriam of Magdala? That is a blasphemie!!
The worl is full with manure and that is not an irreverence,
the tanaj says that the carcass of those people will be like
Can a human being create a hand? Of course not!
89 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Mathew 8:16-17
“When evening came, many who were demon-possessed
were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word
and healed all the sick.
This was to fullfill what was spoken through the prophet
Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases”
What you will read, it is already in our homepage.
Psalm 23:1
“YHWH is my shepherd, I shall not be in want”
John 10:11
“I am the good shepherd, The good shepherd lays down his
life for the sheep”
Hosea 2:16-19
“In that day,” declares YHWH, “You will call me “my
husband”; you will no longer call me my master.
I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips; no longer
will their names invoked.
90 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of
the field and the birds of the air and the creatures that move
along the ground. Bow and sword and battle I will abolish
from the land, so that all may lie down in safety.
I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in
righteousness and justice, in love and compassion.”
That is why we will marry Yahshua HaMashiaj, because he is
the husband.
Let`s see how are you doing in the matter of righteousness?
Have you applied the justice and compassion (rajem)?
Most of the people who have been expelled from this
congragation say that there is no love here.
No, it is no so. There is not even love in their families, not
even in their marriages, or between their children and they
want to teach us what love is.
Or do they want to find love here? No, they should start at
There is love here, that is why I demand discipline and
loyality to YHWH from you and I do not steel your money.
Mathew 25:1
“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins
who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.”
91 Youtube Channel : Shalom132
Revelations 19:7-8
“Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the
weadding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made
herself ready”
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear. Fine linen
stands for the righteous acts of the saints”
The First and the Last
Isaiah 44:6
“This is what YHWH says: Israel`s King and redeemer,
YHWH Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from
me there is no Elohim”
I make a parentheses
In a jew orthodox order (sidur) (look, there is so much danger
in it) They say: Eat bread every day and the goblins will not
come to you.
To whom will you trust: In Yahshua or in eating bread?
Or they say I am thankful every day because I resurrected
No, you did sleep but you did not die.
Or my spirit left my body…... A astral projection
Or I do say a prayer for a dead relative……. Invocation to
This is the danger, please be very careful.
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Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
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Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?
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Who is Yahsua ha Mashiaj?

  • 3. 3 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Contents Which is the name of the Messiah?........................5 Yahshua ist Elohim first part ................................22 Yahshua is Elohim second part.............................62 Yahshua is Elohim third part ................................93 Is Yahshua Son or Elohim?.................................119 If Yahshua is Elohim, why did he pray?.............143 The attributes of Yahshua HaMashiaj.................176
  • 5. 5 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Which is the name of the Messiah? We will learn about a beautiful teaching. There are many people who are confused about the name of the Messiah. Today, you will have a clear perception of this subject. The name is Yahshua. 1. He came in the name of the Abba, It means, he came in the name of the father and he is the Abba.. 2. We have learned that we say: Halleluyah!!!!! ,which means glorification to YHWH. One can find about this teaching in the canal You Tube Shalom 132, I called it: “Which is the name of the Everlasting Father and how it should be pronounced.” In that teaching I speak about Yahshua`s name. The question for some people is this: Which is the right name of the Messiah? Is Yehshua or Yahshua? Many are confused about it. I did beg to the Ruaj Hakodesh to guide us to the truth. You have known the Ruaj HaKodesh as Holy Ghost. 3. The Messiah has a name, which is above every name. It means that the Messiah from Israel does not have a name of a human being here on earth, because his name is above every name. 4.In Strong's concordance number 3443 is found the name of Yeshua, but it refers here to the name of a high priest after the
  • 6. 6 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 captivity of babylon. It does not refer to the name of the Messiah. The high priest, Cohen, Yeshua was a mortal, just like you and me. How is the name Yehshua written? In Hebrew it is written from right to left, for those who know Hebrew it is written like this ‫ישרע‬ but this name Yeshua is not a name above every name. Well, I should emphasize on the subject, that the Messiah has a name above every name. The name of Yeshua is written with a “yod, shin, vav and ayin” ‫ישרע‬ ans this is not the name of the Messiah and that is why I gave you Strong's concordance. As a conclusion, Yeshua is not a name above every name. In Strong's concordance number 3442 we find the name Yeshua and it refers to Joshua, Joshua was a mortal man just like we are, also Yeshua is not the name above every name. I have also taught that they were not going to condemn Yahshua because he pronounced a wrong name, which does not belong to the Abba (father). He was not going to be condemned to death because he pronounced any name, which was from a mortal. Please pay good attention!!!!!
  • 7. 7 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 If you look for the word salvation in any Spanish-Hebrew dictionary my beloved brothers, you will find the word as Hatsala= ‫הצלה‬ and underneath you will see the word Yeshua= ‫ישרעה‬ . The word Hatsala refers to the salvation of a life. In fact in Mexico City the ambulances of our beloved brothers of the house of Judah, have the name Hatsala on the ambulances. It refers to rescue a life, as a help to save a life. It does not refer to the salvation of a soul, because, which ambulance with some doctors and paramedics could save a soul? I will go to a deeper idea, if in the dictionary Hebrew-Spanish appears Yeshua as salvation; I will say this; shua means in the same dictionary salvation. I have a question; why was not this word taken away if they knew that it meant salvation? Why did not write the word sha? I will explain this in a while. The point which follows is very important. Let's remember that for those who do not believe in the Messiah of Israel, they say this: That his name may be erased ant there is no more memory of this name forever.
  • 8. 8 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 They are hard words from the beloved house of Judah, which does not believe in our Messiah, but many of them are starting to believe that Yahshua is Mashiaj. In the Talmud , which are rabbi writings , is written bad things about our Messiah. There is a video, which I called ; What the Talmud say about Yahshua? It is in the canal of You Tube Shalom 132; you will faint when you hear about it!!! Also, the ones who do not believe in the Messiah of Israel say: That his name may be erased and there is no more memory of it forever. To which name do they refer? To the name of Yahshua and not to the name of Yeshua. We have already seen that Yeshua was a high priest and also refers to the name of Joshua. By the way, the Masorets did many things, so the name of the Messiah did not appear in the tanaj, in the bible. Many people say: The name Yeshua appears in Hebrew and in arameish but not Yahshua. It is logic that they did hide the name. In the more ancient parchments appears the name Yahshua, satan has always tried to stop that the truth comes to light, but the tanaj says; that there is no sin, to remain a secret. Yahshua says it ant it is fulfilled. It is a sin that the name had been hidden and so they, who do not believe in the Messiah try to erase it. They did not have an
  • 9. 9 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 idea that ancient parchments were going to be found, where the name Yahshua appears and not Yehshua. The fact that Yeshua appears many times, is because hasatan`s lie, that his name should be erased, but the Everlasting Father himself would let his name to be known in these last days. There is a talk about this matter between many people, who do not keep holiness. Yahshua says; by their fruits you will recognize them. When a person does not have good fruits, it is because he still commits sin, as a result he will believe in lies, he will not believe in the light of the Ruaj HaKodesh. So the talk of many people about the word Yasha = ‫ישע‬ according to Strong's concordance number 3467, which means to save, is this: His name would be Yasha, but it is not wright. In the next number of Strong's concordance 3468 one finds the word Yesha= ‫ישע‬, which also means salvation or better to say health, refers to the physical health. Please pay very good attention to the next. In Strong's concordance number 7769 ‫שרע‬ says; they will beg. All, who say that his name is Yasha o Yesha, take some Strong's concordances, just like the name of Elisha, one finds it in Strong's concordance number 447 Elisha= ‫אלישע‬.
  • 10. 10 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Elisha means; Elohim is salvation, well they say: If here in Strong's concordance says clearly that the end “Sha=‫“ישע‬ means salvation, well, the name of the Messiah is Yasha or Yesha but the name of the Messiah is not Yahshua. How is Elisha written? “Alef, Lamed, Yod, Shin, Ayin”= ‫אלישע‬ There is another Strong's concordance number 1954 where the name of the prophet Hoshea is written ‫הרשע‬ , and means as well salvation. So they say: Well, the name of the Messiah has to be Yesha or Yeshea, but not Yahshua. Let`s remember that the concordance Strong is modern and it does not have anything to do with the ancient Hebrew, that is very important to have it in mind. In Strong's concordance number 7769 says clearly Shua= ‫שרע‬ . Remember, the translation of the Hebrew-Spanish dictionary, we can not leave to the side one thing or the other. Also, people who think that his name is Yahsha, say; Well, it means that YHWH begs for help (in Strong's concordance 7769 we find to beg or will beg). If one says Yasha it would
  • 11. 11 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 be like if YHWH would be begging for help.. But it is not so, the Everlasting Father rebukes that. He does not need help. I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN IMPORTANT EXPLANATION. We get the salvation thanks to Yahshua, through his sacrifice on the timber, through his blood. We were bought with the price of his blood. Another doctrine, another group of people say: Well, it means that he is begging for salvation, that is the meaning of Yasha. No, He does not beg for help, because He is the ALMIGHTY!! Remember that in the most ancient parchments the name Yahshua appears, and it means the salvation comes from YHWH, or YHWH is my salvation. We, as messianic understand that Yahshua is the Almighty. Remember that in the book of revelations it does not say “I am the Alfa and the Omega” no, because that is Greek and Yahshua was Jew, He is the Almighty. Revelations 1:8 “I am the Alef and Tav,” says the Lord God, “Who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
  • 12. 12 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Remember that in You Tube Shalom 132, you will find the teaching: Which one is the Name of the Everlasting Father and how it should be pronounced? I explained there the word Haya, and in the verse of revelation The Everlasting Father says clearly that He is, He was and He will be forever. For us there is no problem to understand clearly that He does not beg for his salvation, not even that he begs for help. NO! Because He is the Almighty. How is Yahshua written? It is written so: “Yod, Hey, Vav, Shin, Ayin”= ‫יהרשע‬. It is a conjugation that people have not understood. Now, how is Yeshua written? And do not forget it, that is not his name, we have already studied that Yeshua is the name of any mortal here on earth. It is written: “Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin”= ‫ישרע‬. This name is not the name above every name. If someone tells you, that his name is Yeshua, it is logic, that when you are full with the Ruaj HaKodesh, you will say: No, that is not his name. It is the name of any mortal on earth, even when it is a very nice name. The fact is that when people come from Christianity and are used to say “Jesus” , which is a blasphemy, because the name
  • 13. 13 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 means: Here is the horse or look to the horse, and the name comes from Iesus, Zeus, Deus, the shiny god of Sunday. When I started to pronounce the name Yahshua and not Yeshua. Many used to tell me: Roeh, the name Yeshua was very sweet and now YAHSHUA, it sounds harshly. He is the Almighty and He is a man of war. I understand that some one who comes from Christianity to the messianic, would say: The truth is that “Jesus” sounds sweet, and “Yeshua” sounds even sweeter, but Yahshua? It sounds very harshly. I received those comments from the ones who are now brothers, they have already understood clearly that his name is Yahshua and not Jesus or Yeshua. This teaching is short, but I want you to review it 20 or 50 times and memorize it. It is an obligation from us, who know the truth, to teach it to the ones, who do not know this. Ephesians 1:21 Far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.
  • 14. 14 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 And above every name as well. Well, I have already explained that Yeshua was the name that a high priest had. Philippians 2:9-11 “Therefore Elohim exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Yahshua every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Yahshua HaMashiaj is Adon, to the glory of Elohim the Abba.” Please put very good attention. Remember that our names have a meaning, for example: Javier means, the one who opens a door of a house. Elohim is the almighty, so YHWH is the one who was, the one who is and the one who will come, the one who is forever, the one who is. That is why he says: “I AM WHO I AM” His name does not have another meaning, but ETERNITY, it goes over of what you and I can understand. Acts 4:12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”
  • 15. 15 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 With these verses, we understand clearly that the name Yeshua can not be the name of the Messiah, because it is a name of a mortal man here on earth. What I am saying is not a blasphemy. In fact in the sidurim, in the books of the house of Judah, one finds the word “Yeshua” , because it means salvation. We have already seen it in the dictionary, but Yeshua is not the name of the Messiah. How can we be saved in the name of someone, who was a high Cohen after the Babylon captivity? Any one who has the Ruaj HaKodesh understands this. 1 John 3:21-22 “Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before Elohim and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him.” If we keep his commands and he tells us, that he was going to take away from us the false names, also, let's listen to the Everlasting Father. I would like to say something a little deeper. The verse which we will read, I have already explained it. You will find the teaching in the canal You Tube Shalom 132 in the book of the prophet Zechariah.
  • 16. 16 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Zechariah 6:11 “Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the head of the high priest, Joshua son of Hejozadak.” In the original Hebrew version says Yeshua instead Joshua. Here, there is something deciphered, I know that there are here kadoshim (holy ones) and they are in holiness, there is nothing bad to think, but Torah learn and to work hard out of shabath to earn our bread honestly. This verse of Zechariah 6:11 tells us that no high priest would have a crown, but Yahshua. He has a crown, because he is the King of kings. What does it mean? The prophet was doing something prophetic, something for the future. Remember for example Yosef (Joseph), he was a prototype of Mashiaj, because he saved his people from hunger. Moshe (Moses) was as well a prototype of Mashiaj Yahshua, And in this case the high priest Joshua or Yeshua is a prototype of what the Messiah was going to come to do. Of course that high priest was not the Messiah and had the name of Yeshua.
  • 17. 17 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Look for it in the original Hebrew version, he does not have the name of the Messiah. That is another way to prove that Yeshua is not the name of the Messiah. There were so many translations, from Hebrew to Greek, from Greek to Latin, from Latin to English and from English to many other languages, or English into Spanish. If someone has a Reina Valera bible 1559, you will find that the Messiah was not called Jesus, but Yefu (Yahshua HaMashiaj rebukes that) Translations are a problem, and many things were changed on purpose. Because people's rebellion, our parent's rebellion and ours, the name of the Messiah was taken away. Jeremiah 44:26 “But hear the word of YHWH, all Jews living in Egypt: “I swear by my great name,” says the Lord, that no one from Judah living anywhere in Egypt will ever again invoke my name or swear, “As surly as the sovereign YHWH lives? The Everlasting Father is good, remember that the Everlasting Father allows everything. Let's see the promise of Isaiah. Isaiah 52:4-6
  • 18. 18 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 For this is what the Sovereign YHWH says: “At first my people went down to Egypt to live; lately, Assyria has oppressed them. And now what do I have here? Declares YHWH, “For my people have been taken away for nothing, and those who rule them mock,” declares YHWH. “And all day long my name is constantly blasphemed. Therefore my people will know my name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I.” There is a way to proof that shua does not mean “to beg”, no, it does not mean that. In Strong`s concordance number 3091 is the name of Yehoshua= ‫יהרשרע‬. For all those who are confused now and say: No, shua means to beg; so if you say “Yahshua” it is not wright, because that means: “YHWH begs for help” It is not so, in Strong's concordance we have: What does the name Yehoshua mean? The Adon is salvation. In the same Strong's concordance says that shua means salvation and not to beg. We also saw that you can consult a Hebrew-Spanish dictionary. Shua means salvation, Yahshua=Salvation belongs to YHWH or YHWH is my salvation. Mashiaj is not a man, Yahshua is not a human being, He himself is Elohim made flesh.
  • 19. 19 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 He came in the name of the Abba, (Father); the name of the father is YHWH and the name of the Messiah is YAHSHUA, THEY ARE ONE, there is no trinity. Also his name is YAHSHUA, because it is the name ABOVE EVERY NAME, Yeshua is not a name over every name. Psalm 118: 8-9 “It is better to take refuge in YHWH than to trust in man” “It is better to take refuge in YHWH than to trust in princes” Psalm 49:7 “No man can redeem the life of another or give YHWH a ransom for him.” As a result, no human being could rescue us, only YHWH who made himself flesh. Jeremiah 17:5 “This is what YHWH says: Cursed is the man who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from YHWH” Also, with all these concepts, it is clear that the name of the Messiah is YAHSHUA!
  • 20. 20 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 THE REAL NAME OF MASHIAJ ‫ישרע‬ Yeshua= High Priest STRONG`S 3443 ‫ישע‬ To beg, to save, saves Strong's 3467
  • 22. 22 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Yahshua ist Elohim first part I will start saying that I am a surgeon doctor and the Everlasting Father has already allowed me to work as a doctor for a while. Being a doctor is very beautiful, because one “rescues” people from the claws of death, that is what it is taught to us at the university. Thanks to the Everlasting Father I did not make any oath.. Being a doctor is a very big blessing, because one “rescues” (I make this clear, that only Elohim rescues) people from the claws of death. Yes, that is the job as a doctor, the work as the servant of the Everlasting Father is to rescue souls, who were on the way to hell. The work in the spiritual is harder than being a doctor, one works only in the physical way, Being a servant of the Everlasting Father has to do more with how good ,one makes the work. It is logic that the glory is only for Yahshua HaMashiaj. I have always said and I will keep saying that I am not the only one or the best one, there are many people with lots of knowledge and with lots of anointing. Yes, it is beautiful to “rescue” people (only Elohim rescues), but it is more beautiful to rescue souls, who were on the way to hell.
  • 23. 23 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 When a person tells me: Listen, I heard an audio with a preach and that changed my life. I give kavod (glory) to the Everlasting Father, I will not take it for me, because that does not exist; or when someone tels me; I saw a video with a preach and that changed my life. I give thanks to the Everlasting Father and tell him: Todah raba Abba Kadosh (Thanks so much Holy Father), all the glory is for you. Because, if the life of a person changed with a free audio or a video; the whole material is for free, the word of the Almighty should be free; well if that soul got rescued from the claws of hell, not from the physical death. The Everlasting Father includes us in his team to share his blessed Torah and it is not because of our work, or our faith, our fasten, no, but he certainly takes that as part of our obedience. The time which a person has invested at school or at the university, or at any subject is important, unfortunately that does not lead us to the eternal life; to study Torah and to keep his commandments lead us to the eternal life. Also, faith which means believe, trust and obey, in hebrew emunaj, this faith was given to the kadoshim (holy ones), to the ones who believe in Yahshua, the Mashiaj and Elohim himself, we have to contend for the faith. Jude 3
  • 24. 24 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share. I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. Your homework will be to study Jude`s letter, it is in the same Homepage of internet. Which one is this faith which has been given to the kadoshim (to the holy ones)? To believe in Elohim YHWH, to believe that Yahshua is the Mashiaj and to believe that YHWH, Yahshua are one. I will explain it. When a person starts with the thought that Yahshua is not Elohim and before he believed that He was Elohim, (We have experienced this) this person will renounce of his faith, first he denies that Yahshua is Elohim, later on he will say that Yahshua is not the Messiah and at the end he will end up in apostasy. And from where the Everlasting Father rescued him, hasatan will send him back there with permit of the Everlasting Father. This is not a tale, this is an experience, because the person goes back to his concupiscence. Here in the tanaj, in the bible says clearly that Jude had gotten information that there was so much apostasy. I explain deeper in the letter of Jude. Well, if it was 2000 years ago. What would not be now that the devil is trying to confuse to half world? Or the whole
  • 25. 25 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 world is confused because people do not keep the blessed Torah. We are told to contend for the faith. What does it mean? if the tanaj, the bible is not to contend? It refers to defend the faith which was given to the Kadoshim. Jude 22 “Be merciful to those who doubt” Why do I mention this Verse? Because one questions many messianics and they are asked? Do you believe that Yahshua is Elohim? And I have had this answer many times: Well when Yahshua comes he will clear it up. But that is not the right answer to a logic question, which I am asking. If I ask a person: Do yo believe that Yahshua is Elohim? The person answers: When Yahshua comes he will tell us. That tells me that he or she does not believe that Yahshua is Elohim. That is why I am giving you this teaching. Also: To those who doubt from the faith, convince them. We pray, fast and the Ruaj HaKodesh works and only then the person says: Yes, yes, I understand that Yahshua is Elohim.
  • 26. 26 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Most people world wide are copying every day thousands of audios from YouTube, one has to understand that the ministry is world wide to the glory of the Everlasting Father. The Everlasting Father gave this congregation a huge order to fulfill. Jude 23 “snatch others from the fire and save them….” Also, as I said; for me as a doctor is very important to help someone before he suffers a hearth stroke, or any other kind of help. What would not be in the spiritual? It is more. Of course as a doctor, one tries to save a life, of course life depends on Yahshua, on Elohim self, in the spiritual is even more. “…….. to others show mercy, mixed with fear-hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh” You find the explanation of this verse in Jude`s letter, I will not talk about apostasy now, the teaching now is Yahshua is Elohim. There are two situations which I have ministered in the years I have ministered. In the tanaj there are two aspects which keep the attention of someone, one is the light and the other darkness, about this you have the parashot in internet, you can study them, they
  • 27. 27 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 are based on Bereshit (Genesis). You also have the five books of Moshe (Moses) , which are explained verse after verse. Light diffuses darkness, for example: If I enter to a cave full with spiderwebs, bats and tarantulas where nothing can be seen, and I enter with a lamp, as a result I will diffuse darkness with the light of a lamp. But darkness can not diffuse light. If we do not start from zero, one does not understand that Yahshua is Elohim. If a person can not discern between light and darkness according to the blessed Torah, then he will not be able to understand that Yahshua is Elohim. Also, light differs darkness and darkness can not differ light. How will you enter with something dark to make the place dark? It is impossible.. People of Israel were in darkness, and Yahshua YHWH sent them a prophet and they killed him, he sent them another prophet and they killed him, he sent them another one and they killed him as well: Yahrushalaim, Yahrushalaim¡ You, who stone the ones are sent to you and kill the prophets. Yahshua was making a prophesy about the destruction of the temple of Yahrushalaim and of the city, which was totally burned by Titus in the year 70.
  • 28. 28 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Also, people were living in darkness, they needed light and the light in this case, under the shamayim in Yahshua`s, YHWH`s mishkahn, so this light could light this world. During the time of the old covenant the prophets were also light, but Yahshua HaMashiaj came and said: I am the light of the world, so he is the light of the world. Afterwards he told his disciples: You are the light of the world, he also tell us this, because we are Yahshua`s disciples as well. So the people of Israel were in darkness, they needed the light of Yahshua, who YHWH is, to diffuse darkness. What is this teaching about? 1. To rescue souls from hell 2. All those who doubt, convince them. Please pay good attention to what it is being ministered. “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Darkness is shadow and shadow leads to death. If someone does not see things, he may stumble. What is this teaching about? To rescue souls but not in the physical way: to those who doubt, convince them, the faith
  • 29. 29 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 which was given once to the kadoshim, contend passionately for that faith. Mathew 4:16 “The people living in darkness have seen a great life: on those living in the land of shadow of death a light has dawned.” Here is being spoken in the past. From whom is spoken? Elohim himself had to come to diffuse darkness. If a man would have come, any man, not even a small amount of darkness would have been dissipated: it was about to get the New Covenant and Elohim himself had to come. A prophet can be light, yes, but only if he announces the word. We are now light for the world; but can we save someone? No! We can not save anybody, we can give a person the message of salvation, but we can not save any one. Also light disperses darkness and darkness can not disperse light. YAHSHUA`S ENEMIES WILL TRY TO DISPERSE LIGHT! And I do not make a mistake to say this, with the time one sees it, I say this for all which happens world wide
  • 30. 30 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Who is the light? Yahshua HaMashiaj! It is a fact that Yahshua came and the adversary and his children try to discredit him. I will give you an example: If you go to the bank to get some money, they will ask you for your ID, so you can cash a check or get some money. So to say, he as Mashiaj, he presented all his ID cards. He fulfilled all prophesies, Yahshua HaMashiaj. Well, the enemies will try to do so and we, who love Yahshua HaMashiaj, have to light. When one does not understand what we are talking about, the meaning to defend that Yahshua is Elohim, the person is lost. When a person starts saying that Yahshua is not Elohim, to start, let`s review his history, it is like when one of my patients gets really ill, I have to make immediately his medical history. I will give you a practical example: A sick person starts to vomit blood, they tell me: Doctor, do you remember that 15 years ago you treated my husband? Yes, I did. Do you remember that he used to vomit blood? Yes I do. Well he started again with the situation and I want you to treat him. I have to check his medical history and to check what that person had. If he had a gastritis, a stomach ulcer, tuberculosis
  • 31. 31 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 in the lungs and he throws up blood, usually it comes from the stomach. I have to make a quick diagnosis and perhaps an ultrasound to make sure from where the illness comes. It can be that the person is a drunker and has many ulcers in the throat and they have already exploded. As soon as I have the diagnostic, I hurry up to treat him quickly. Well, the same is in the spiritual, I have to review the history of a congregant or you my beloved roeh, you have to do it as well. The tanaj says that many will hear demons` doctrines, denying the faith. They get together according their own concupiscence. So their history will be reviewed and we the problem of that person. The diagnosis does not fail. If in medicine the diagnosis is exact, above all in the spiritual? Then we ask ourselves: What does this person used to do? For example, he was in a band, well, what kind of mentality can have a member of a band? Or what kind of mentality can have someone who steals cars, or is a thief? In such behaviors, lye and other sins are involved. Can someone, who gives an excellent testimony, say that Yahshua is not Elohim? Someone with an unblemished reputation? No, I was not born yesterday!! And it does not mean as well that we are very old, no, it is the anointing of the Ruaj HaKodesh that YHWH gives us to make the right diagnostic.
  • 32. 32 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Let`s compare that person with a little plant, also that little plant did not grow up, did not flourished, and died just like a person dies in its concupiscence and the devil catches that person not with any doctrine, no, but with something simple. For example: If a woman did not like to cover her head or use long skirts and suddenly she says: Yahshua is not Elohim. So she does not contaminate the flock, she is expelled from the congregation and the next day you see her without covering her head and with a short skirt or a miniskirt. This problem is worldwide, the roim (pastors) and the elder give me oft the information and we have also here examples. If the woman would only say: No, Yahshua is not Elohim, I go to the orthodox jewish. If it would be so, she would have not taken off the cover of her head. As messianic she had to cover her head and to wear a long skirt but her concupiscence is coming out very quickly because the tanaj says so. The man who says: No, Yahshua is not Elohim: but how? his behavior was unblemished. If he denies it, it is because he is blind and goes to witches and sorcerers as well. Also, was he a testimony of his faith? How did he come to celebrate pesaj? Was he a testimony? How was his behavior in his daily life? Was he a testimony? The diagnostic is very easy to make, it is not so much to deny Yahshua, it is to go back to the world.
  • 33. 33 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 I have already registered so many cases from people who start saying that Yahshua is not Elohim, that Yahshua is not Mashiaj. They turn into orthodox Jews and later on they are reproved. Why? Because they got back to their concupiscence, they never renounced to their concupiscence. Also, Yahshua`s light removes darkness and as they did not want to have him as a Adon (a Lord), their Mashiaj, their Elohim, their judge, their ALL, they say: Yahshua is not Elohim and they quickly reprove themselves. It is so, my beloved ones. That is why you should be very careful! Pastors and elders observe the diagnostics, one always knows who will be a traitor. Why do I say that YHWH and Yahshua are one? 1. When Elohim YHWH made with abraham a covenant, he put him to sleep deeply, because YHWH knew that Abraham being a human being could fail. YHWH was going to enter into a covenant with Abraham; but when YHWH was going by, he put Abraham to sleep deeply, Abraham had the vision that his people was going to be in captivity in egypt, and YHWH did not swear by Abraham but by himself. We learned that in the parashots and you can find those audios in this same homepage.
  • 34. 34 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 With that action he was talking about the total redemption of Israel and of the whole world; and He could not give a human being a great mission as the redemption of Israel. He could use a man to guide people as in the case of Moses, but not to save Israel. It had to be YHWH self. He did not say: I swear by Abraham. No, he did not say that, but he did swear by himself. This is an easy teaching, it is a subject of faith based in the tanaj. It is not a blind faith. Genesis 15:6-13 “Abraham believe YHWH, and he credited it to him a righteousness. He also said to him, “I am YHWH, who brougth out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to take possession of it.”But Abraham said, “O sovereign YHWH, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?” So YHWH said to him, “bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.” Abraham brought all these to him, cut them in two and arranged the halves opposite each other; the birds, however, he did not cut in half. Then birds of pray came down on the carcasses, but Abraham drove them away. As the sun was setting, Abraham fell into a deep sleep and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him. Then YHWH said to him, “Know for certain that your descendants will be
  • 35. 35 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years.” Later on he gives the promise of Israel`s liberation. He is talking about Israel`s liberation, also he could not swear by Abraham, but by himself, because it was about the whole freedom. Genesis 15:14 But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions. Memorize this well: Elohim is the only one who can give freedom. No man, no medicine against depression, this is absurd. Moses took the people out because Elohim was with him, Moses was the mean to do such a job. In the case of Yahshua HaMashiaj; he is talking about the liberty to get to the olam haba (the coming world). We are talking about eternal life not about any liberation from any jail. In chapter 22 of Bereship Abraham gets the message to sacrifice his son Issac. Bereship 22:16-17
  • 36. 36 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 And said, “I swear by myself, declares YHWH, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies” He is clearly talking about a redemption but he did not say: I did swear by you, Abraham. I am not taking bad about Abraham Avinu I am saying that Abraham was a man and being a man he could have failed and the Everlasting Father was not going to risk a huge task, that is why he did swear by himself. The explanation is in the parasha as well. It says: I swear by myself, declares YHWH. He could not risk the freedom of Israel in the hands of a human being. If that was the total freedom, the salvation is more than that. That is why he says: I swear by myself, declares YHWH. Let`s remember that Abraham could have failed. Is this first point clear? He did swear by himself. He used and still uses human beings for different purposes; but to what salvation concerns, nobody can interfere in that matter. He does not allow it.
  • 37. 37 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 2. If someone says that a human being payed for his sins, he goes directly to hell. Because in no human being there is salvation, only in YWHW who is Yahshua there is salvation. For those who had doubts: Is Yahshua Elohim? And answer; well, when Yahshua comes he will clear this. Also, you still doubt whether you go to heaven or to hell, because if you say that a human being can save you, I am sorry because of you, you are heading direct to hell. A human being can not save anybody because his blood is contaminated, that is why one has to break with courses until the forth generation.. So if someone thinks that Yahshua is a human being and he is not Elohim, I am really sorry for you because you go direct to hell: because no human being can pay for your sins, only YHWH, Yahshua and they are one, they are the same. Please pay very good attention!!!!! 3. I do not believe in an Elohim who had created a human being and from heaven he would have said: Well, hit him, spit on him, mistreat him, cover his eyes, pull out his beard, put on a spine crown so he can save you. Do as you like with him, kill him and that blood will be to redeem your sins. It is not possible to think so.
  • 38. 38 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 The first attribute of Elohim is love, and the next one is that He is just , also if his first attribute is love: I do not believe in an Elohim who had created a human being and would say: Hit him, mistreat him, whip, let him bleed and he will be the one to forgive sins. Because one would think that YHWH is not love, that he created a human being to be humiliated and be sacrificed as Yahshua was. YHWH it just, he could not give this huge work to another person, because the debt was with him. Something kept my attention once when I heard a Jew who was an ultra orthodox rabbi, saying: The King of kings and Lord of lords, I will contact him, because I am sure that he already believes that Yahshua is YHWH. Sorry for being so repetitive but I simply do not believe that YHWH would have created a human being and he would have said, hit him, let him bleed, kill him. I do not believe that, because that does not speak from love and he always protects his creation. He would not either say: The debt was with me but this human being will pay for it. That is impossible. For the ones who understand and have common sense and a brain, but in the first place the one who has the Ruaj HaKodesh believes that: that is impossible, because the debt was with Elohim and nobody could pay that debt, ONLY Elohim self, nobody, no human being.
  • 39. 39 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 The one who thinks so, is crazy, he needs to be born again; but first he needs to make repentance from his disgusting sins, from his concupiscence, envy, pride, arrogance and all kind of sins to be able to understand all these very clear concepts. The debt was eternal and that debt could be only paid by the Everlasting Father. The debt was unaffordable by human beings and only Elohim, who is the Almighty, could pay that debt. If you are still thinking: Well, when Yahshua comes he will tell us who he is. You are very lost. I got that answer many times, that means that the person does not know where he is, I mean, he is not firm on the rock of salvation and that is why any devil comes and takes him. The debt was with Elohim and a human being was not able to pay for it. John 10:30 “I and the Father are one.” This is clear, is not it? He did not say: I am a person and the Abba is another person. I would like to make something clear. 1. We do not believe in the trinity.
  • 40. 40 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 The doctrine of Gozo y Paz is the Torah. We do not believe in the trinity. 2. We are not followers of the trinity, apparently it is the same, but it is not. The one who believes in the trinity, believes in god father, god son, and the god of the holy ghost and that is roman catholic, because of the egipcian divinities, which are three gods and that is called polytheism = to have many gods. We have ONE, because so is said in Devarim (Deuteronomy) 6:4 Shema Israel, YHWH Eloheinu, YHWH Ejad. Only one Elohim. You and I have read it: I and the Father are one. What did YHWH do? He made himself flesh and he did dwell between us, that is what the word says. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim” John 1:2-4 He was with Elohim at the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that light was the light of men. The
  • 41. 41 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has no understood it. That is why I wanted to start this teachind with the verses of Isaiah 9:2 and Mathew 4:16 John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” And the Word is Elohim. I will explain the term Son, because many have doubt. In proverbs says: Do you know the Father? Tell me the name of his son and Yahshua HaMashiaj was not born yet. This was written by king Salomon before Yahshua HaMashiaj. What does it mean: The Word became flesh? The Word became flesh and with the Word he made all things and even his own mishkan (body) who is Yahshua, YHWH self. The word became flesh? In the psalms says that with the Word he made all, the stars, the sun, the moon, etc. All was mane by his Word.
  • 42. 42 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Was someone going to limit YHWH, so he would not make his body in Yahshua? The Word became flesh. Which word? The breath of his blessed Ruaj HaKodesh. And he did not come down as a feather, this idea comes from the jesuits and we do not have anything to do with it. I have already explained in another teaching that if the divine presence would have come down, the whole planet would have exploded. And the whole divine presence could have not come down because it is infinite. You will understand why Yahshua said; The Father is greater than I. John 14:28 “You heard me say: “I am going away and I am coming back to you”, If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than me” If we would not have common sense, we would understand that it is spoken from two persons, so to say, but it is spoken about the divine presence. When it says: The Father is greater than I; it refers to the divine presence, because with the Word he made all things and with the Word he made the mishkahn of Yahshua.
  • 43. 43 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 There are supernatural things, because He is supernatural, he did not make his mishkahn from Miriam`s womb, Joseph`s wife, but he is from the eternity, He is, because He is the Abba of the eternity. If you do not understand this: The Abba is greater than I, then you could say: They believe in three gods, they believe in the trinity. We do not believe in such idea. It refers to the divine presence. If someone looks directly to the sun when there is a solar eclipse, when the first light comes out, the retina will burn, because the pupil is dilated. Did you learn that? One says: Do not look the solar eclipse without a special protection. A person will be blind because a moment before there was complete darkness and with lots of light a person will get blind. An elder was making a comment about some mine workers who were trapped in a coal mine and had only darkness. The rescuers started to dig until they reached the miners and in that moment a little bit of light entered. One of them looked at it and got blind. Why do I give you these two examples, the one of the solar eclipse and the Elder`s? Because if people can not avoid a little light and gets blind what would not be in the spiritual?
  • 44. 44 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Someone says: Yahshua is not Elohim but how is his testimony? With a little light, he got, he did not give a testimony of a radical change in his life. What would be if the Everlasting Father would tell him: “I am Elohim”1 He would not avoid it and he would fall down. We can not understand the majesty of the Everlasting Father. There is an audio called: The Majesty of Yahshua, it is in this same homepage. We have an effect not only in the physical way, but also in the spiritual. You can say: Yes, I believe that Yahshua is Elohim. Well, do you obey him? Because people who once did think that Yahshua was Elohim, I did not see that they obeyed him. No, one always had to draw their attention to the fact that they were not obeying in anything. For example: Woman, your skirt is too short, please be on time for the shabath, etc. If they did not understand something very simple. What would be if the Everlasting Father would have given them more of his light? They would have not avoided it. An important thing is the testimony as well because if a person is in love with YHWH and his holy torah, he will be on time for the shabath, he will not miss anything and he or she will dress modestly here and anywhere. The important thing is to believe that Yahshua is Elohim; Yes, of course, but
  • 45. 45 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 demons believe and tremble. Also, one has to obey the Everlasting Father. Knowing some attributes of our Elohim and knowing that YHWH knows that the human being is imperfect, and not only that but he is as well rebel. How would he send a human being to redeem mankind? We are talking about the salvation of human beings. The rebellious angels have not pardon. How would Elohim send a human being to redeem mankind from the crawls os hasatan? I know some of the attributes of Elohim who is YHWH, Yahshua. How would he send a human being knowing that he is imperfect and rebellious? That is why he did not swear for Abraham, but for himself. John 10:30 “I and the Father are one.” John 14:20 “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you” Why? Because with the Word he made the mishkan of Yahshua and not in Miriam`s womb, but since the eternity.
  • 46. 46 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Which one is my reference? Before Abraham was, I was, says Yahshua. People who do not accept this are in severe problems, because they are calling crazy to the Redeemer of the world, and all sin will be forgiven but not the blasphemies against the Ruaj HaKodesh. Here we are not talking about stealing and later on to ask for forgiveness, and not stealing again. No, one is blaspheming against the Everlasting Father. He is one with the Abba, he came out of the Word, with the Word he made his body to come to earth. For those who can read Hebrew, look for it in Hebrew and it is so. Isaiah 43:10 “ You are my witnesses, declares YHWH and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me. That I am he- ki any hu (Because I am he) “Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me”….. and then Yahshua is eternal and He is the Abba, because if he had formed him afterwards in Miriam`s womb, how would it be, if Yahshua is saying, that He was before Abraham?
  • 47. 47 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Please check it in the original Hebrew tanaj (bibel) made by orthodox Jews, it says: Ki any hu (because I am) one can not translate this in a different version. And we have ministered so to the beloved brothers of Judah`s house, even when some say that we do not minister them, I do not care their opinion because many people from Judah`s are starting to believe in Yahshua, this is for the splendor of the Everlasting Father. I was talking about a brother who said that when Yahshua would come, he was going to clear us who he is. I do not need to wait, for me it is very clear who Yahshua is, Elohim self. Whenever one speaks, one has to speak the truth, always the truth, but when someone says something and his testimony is the opposite, that person tells lies. Let`s see about the clinic spiritual history of that person, how many problems did this person give us? This and that, he was in discipline, he used to burn cd`s for the christians when we were already messianics. There is a history and I am not wrong, with this I am not saying that I am perfect, I am imperfect, only Yahshua is perfect. But in this diagnosis I can not make a mistake, because there are things which are very clear. It is like 2 plus
  • 48. 48 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 2 = 4 or are they 5? No, they are four, You did not make a mistake, did you? and you can say: I was right! 2 plus 2= four. That is why I started with Judah`s verses 3,22-23 Be merciful to those who doubt …….. For those who still doubt CAREFUL! Because if a human being payed for your sins: I am sorry because of you, because you will end up in hell!. Yahshua who is Elohim self, payed for your sins and if you make teshuva (you repent) you will go to heaven, to the shamayim. There is always a history in the life of someone, the problem is that this person does not want to repent of his sins even when he knows that he is sick in the spiritual. Jeremiah 17:5 “This is what YHWH says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strenght and whose heart turns away from YHWH” Also, your trust should be in Yahshua, and Yahshua is not a man. Because if someone says: Yahshua is not Elohim, you are under damnation. I have already ministered about it. When one asks a person. Do you trust in Yahshua? The answer is; yes, I do trust in Yahshua, but he is not Elohim. As
  • 49. 49 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 a result the person is condemn for the eternity, because he is trusting in a human being, but it is not so. Yahshua is Elohim. What you believe in or not , it does not change reality! For example: There is a bottle of water and if I would not believe that it does not have water, that would not change the reality that that bottle has water. This is not philosophy, that is another thing, this is a logic matter. Zechariah 12:4 “On that day I will strike every horse with panic and its rider with madness, declares YHWH, I will keep a watchful eye over the house of Judah, but I will blind all the horses of the nations” He is talking about the Armagedon battle and who comes to fight is Yahshua who YHWH is, because Yahshua is the one who will set on his feet on the mount of olives. Zechariah 12:10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Yahrushalaim a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a first born son.” …. they will look on me….. this is: Ki any hu Isaiah 43:10
  • 50. 50 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 It is like a game of words, but it is not. At the beginning it says: They look on me ……. and after it says: They will mourn for him …….. : it is as if he would be talking from two different persons, but it is only one. On me ….. (on Him) = Part of the divine presence who came to earth, but he will come next time with all his splendor. You will ask: Why is the earth going to explode? I will explain it in a while. The divine presence refers that the Word made itself flesh and it refers to Elohim himself. Please pay good attention to this, because you will dance and shout: Yahshua HaMashiaj lives!! and if you keep on thinking that he is a human being, you are completely lost and it can be that you are more condemned than you already are. It is better that you repent, you make teshuva. We are seeing verses that we have already read but we have not being able to understand. Psalm 22:17 “I can count all my bones: people stare and gloat over me” Zechariah 12:10 “They will look on me, the one they have pierced”
  • 51. 51 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 The fact that in the tanaj: that many words are repetitive , it does not mean that it is allegorical, or a coincidence. YHWH who Yahshua is, is the one who comes to marry. After the millennium this earth will explode and the new Yahrushalaim will come down; light will not be needed, because Yahshua is the light, do I make me understand? The Everlasting Father acts by terms and there are not dispensations, they are covenants. When Yahshua rules on earth, the whole divine presence is not going to come down to earth, that is why the earth will explode after the millennium and the new Yahrushalaim will come down. The restoration of the kingdom will be in the millennium and the total restoration will be in the new Yahrushalaim. In the millennium people will still die. So if the whole divine presence would come down, people would not die in the millennium Colossians 1:15-20 “He is the image of the invisible Elohim, the first born over all creation. For by him all things were created: things on heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him
  • 52. 52 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the kehila; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For Elohim was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed in the cross. I repeat this, because I have gotten this same answer during all these years. Do you believe that Yahshua is Elohim? And the answer from people who say they are messianics is: Well, when Yahshua comes he will clear us this and many other things. Yahshua does not have to clears us anything, it is already clear who he is. We, as human beings have so many doubts, for example about the resurrection and other things; but if we doubt that Elohim self or a human being rescued us, we are in serious problems. There are doctrines which one thinks that have lots of weight for salvation, for example: Women try to put on their mitpajad in this or in the other way. This is not a doctrine which leads us to salvation, in that matter there is no big deal. The huge problem, is not to believe that Yahshua is Mashiaj and Elohim self, and that he payed for our sins. That is really serious
  • 53. 53 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 because to believe or not that Yahshua is Elohim, takes us whether to heaven or to hell. When he comes, he will reveal us things that he does not want us to know now, other ways we would faint. When one receives the Ruaj HaKodesh, he reveals us what he pleases. In Isaiah 9:6 says that he is the Father of the eternity. That is logic or does he have to clear it to you? That is logic, other thing is that you are unbeliever and you do not want to believe it. The trap now is to lead people to the orthodoxy, later on they deny that Yahshua is Elohim and for logic they get lost in the orthodox practices. That is why Yahshua HaMashiaj came to save us and to deny him now, how? One must have something else in the head but a brain. 1 Timothy 4:1 “ The spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things thaught by demons” Do you remember Judah 3? …. contend for the faith …… I want you to know that they are not human beings` doctrines, they are doctrines of demons which get in people to divide a congregation. That is a very delicate matter.
  • 54. 54 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Let`s see what is happening in the actuality. 2 Peter 2:1 “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign YHWH who bought them - bringing swift destruction on themselves” “There will be …... among you” = future tense “Destructive heresies”= to divide a congregation and to lead the souls to hell. “even denying the sovereign Adon who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves” This is very clear. Verse 2 “Many will follow their shameful ways and they will bring the way of truth into disrepute” The sad thing is that it says: “Many”, but it s the truth. Verse 3 “In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping”
  • 55. 55 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Will exploit: you have to see, if those who are denying that Yahshua is Elohim, are exploiting or not to people. I am referring to the false teachers not to the followers of the devil. Made up Stories: Hypocritically I have already ministered about it a lot of. In this congregation, we do not make business with the word, I mention this before I give a teaching. We give away for free cds, cards and other teaching material. We do not charge to the brother when they connect in internet and if someone needs teaching material we send it for free. This is the doctrine of Yahshua HaMashiaj! We do not charge for the hallel, we do not charge when the brothers come to a fest or that the kids come to school. And look, there are more people who are abandoning the congregations where they charge for every single thing. HalleluYAH!!!! First people deny that Yahshua is Elohim, second they deny Yahshua as Messiah and at the end they get totally lost. Please pay good attention to the example I will give you. I met a man here in Tehuacan who had an unblemished reputation, he gave a well behaved testimony, he made honest business, he was not a cheater, payed his taxes, his actions
  • 56. 56 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 were correct. One day he invited me to dine at his house, when I arrived there, he did lead me to his living room, invited me a glass of wine and did chat for a while. After a while of chatting he told me; Doctor, I want to introduce you to my son. I thought that he did not have a child. I told him: Yes, please I would like to meet him. He led me to his library, it was a very huge library and he took out a book from the shelf, which was bound with very good thick book cover. I thought after showing me the book he was going to introduce me to his son. In that moment I had so many thoughts in mind; then he said: Here doctor, this is my son. I was really surprised. He said to me: Yes this is my son, so is the title of this book. I lend it to you, read it, I am interested about your opinion and in eight days we will see again to dine. We did dine, said good by and the next day in my doctor`s office between one appointment and the other I read the book. He wrote his complete history, describing all kind of things he used to do. The book was interesting. He did very good things. What was portrayed in that book? His own actions. When I read the whole book I said: This is an excellent book, this
  • 57. 57 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 man is good, he had made good things. In that time I had not still recovered my Hebrew roots. We meet again, gave him his book back. He was a well educated man and I told him: I give you back your son and he thanked him and asked my opinion about his book. I do not like to idolize people, but you have done good actions and that is admirable. I have nothing else to say, the book is good and your actions are very good as well. He smiled, he was not proud and put back his book. When I left his house the Everlasting Father started to talk to me and now he is talking to you with this example. That man portrayed his actions in that book, calling it: My Son. Since then The Everlasting Father started to talk to me about who He is. It is like he would say: I am He, and in this book are portrayed my actions. And it is the same which is in Zechariah 12:10 …….. “they will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child” It is the same. The Everlasting Father allowed me that I meet that man and I do not idolize him. It is the same, YHWH came to earth in the mishkan of Yahshua to make good actions.
  • 58. 58 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 From then on I started to understand more things, that was 25 years ago or maybe less when I lived this experience, so I can give you this example now. His book called: My son; is about his own good actions, but in reality was the same person whose actions were portrayed in that book. I hope this example is clear to you, if not, read it again. Judah 22 “Be merciful to those who doubt” Judah 24-25 “ To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy. To the only Elohim our savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Yahshua HaMashiaj our Adon, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. Yahshua who is Elohim, because Elohim says: Apart from me there is no one who saves. Look, the letter of Judah is for our times. “ To the only and wise Elohim, our Mashiaj….” Yes, because apart from him there is no one who saves. It is not 2 persons, He is the same one. It is a satanic heresy to deny that Yahshua is Elohim.
  • 59. 59 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Now, you will not have any doubt that Yahshua is Elohim. You will dance and ask for forgiveness if you did doubt about it and you will tell him: You are my Mashiaj, you are my Elohim!! This verse is as well a clue to prove that Yahshua is Elohim, even when we already know that Yashua is Elohim, this clue is very important. Elohim made man to his image. Genesis 1: 26-27 Elohim said, “Let`s us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, all over all the creatures that move along the ground. So Elohim created man in his own image, in the image of Elohim he created him; male and female he created them” He is not talking about the god father and the god son, no, it does not exist. You can find more in the parashots in this same internet page. Verse 27 “ in his image” Colossians 1:15
  • 60. 60 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 “He is the image of the invisible Elohim, the first born over all creation.” Here is the opposite . Elohim made man in his image. Yahshua is the image of the invible Elohim. Do you underestand? HE IS ELOHIM! Halluluyah!!!! Yahshua is not the image of any human being, that is clear to us, he is the image of the invisible Elohim. We will end up this teaching with more joyness, knowing who is our Redeemer. How to explain that he made his own mishkan? Psalm 33:6 “By the Word of YHWH were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of hi mouth” Also all was made by the breath of his mouth, that is why I said that the Word became flesh. To limit Elohim is the worst stupidity that I human being can do. Who was going to stop that Elohim made his mishkan in the eternity? As He is the Abba of the eternity.
  • 61. 61 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Who was going to make that having a body in an adult man, would form himself in a womb? For him, there is nothing impossible: You have all these verses to prove that Yahshua is Elohim, you have this teaching to share it with those who still doubt about the divinity of Yahshua.
  • 62. 62 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Yahshua is Elohim second part We will continue with the teaching Yahshua is Elohim Let`s start with this point. 1. No human being can breath on someone and tell him: Receive the Ruaj HaKodehs, the Holy Spirit. No human being can do that, only Elohim. John 20:22 And with that he breathed on them and said: “Receive the Holy Spirit” Yahshua did it because he is Elohim self. He is the only one who can do it. Now, there are christian pastors who say: “Receive the Ruaj HaKodesh or the Holy Geist as they say? No, the person will certainly not receive anythig, an incircumcise man from heart and flesh can not do that. When the shaliajim (disciples) used to put their hands on the head of someone, the person got the Ruaj HaKodesh. But in this case we speak specifically from the breath of the Almighty, the one who made his body with his Word, do you remember? And the Word became flesh. Also, He has the whole power to breath and to say:”Receive the Ruaj HaKodesh” Is it clear?
  • 63. 63 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 2. When people went to arrest Yahshua; they asked who Yahshua was and Yahshua answered: I am! And the ones who were there steped back and fell to the ground. No human being can do that. No human being can make that people step back and fall to the ground, only Elohim self!! John 18:4-6 Yahshua, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?” “Yahshua of Nazareth” they replied.. “I am he” Yahshua said. When Yahshua said, “I am he”, they drew back and fell to the ground. They had weapons and had many soldiers with them. Also why did they step back and fell to the ground? Was it because fear of a man? NO! They had fear of Elohim. The presence self of Elohim was there, Elohim made flesh, that is why they steped back and fell to the ground. No human being can do that, Look! We have more evidences here that Yahshua is Elohim. I gave you the verse of John 29:22 And with that he breathed on them and he said: “Recieve the Ruaj HaKodesh” Can a human being do this? Of course not, only Elohim can do it. The Word became flesh and lived among us.
  • 64. 64 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 I AM! Exodus 3:14 “Elohim said to Moses: “I AM WHO I AM” This is what you are to say to the Israelites: “I am has sent me to you” “I AM” is not his name, his name is YHWH, YAHSHUA. I am is to emphasize that He is and He does not need from anybody. He is unic, he is the omnipresent one,the omnipotent, all his qualities. I am means: I am the only one. In Isaiah we find this as well. “I, even I am ELOHIM, the only one who saves, and apart from me there is no saviour. And I will not give anyone my splendor……...” As a conclusion Yahshua is Elohim. Omein? That is why the people and soldiers who wanted to arrest him, steped back and fell to the ground. They heard the voice of Elohim self: I AM. Be careful, be very careful! If you still believe that a man payed for your sins, you are very lost, because a human being can not pay an eternal debt. That is absolutely impossible. The verses (pasukim) were translated wrongly on purpose. The old and the actual Spanish language has around 1000 bad words.
  • 65. 65 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 There is a satanic back ground to have such bad words, do you understand? Do not believe that there were not bad words in the old Spanish language that people just put then there because they did not have anything else to do. No, my beloved ones, It is not so. The devil hates the bible, he hates the Word of the Everlasting Father, he hates the Torah and now he hates you and me. First of all because we are creatures of Elohim and second because we are believers in Yahshua HaMashiaj, followers of the Torah. But we do not care, we bind him fest and throw him away in the blessed name of Yahshua HaMashiaj. And if he goes to the lake of fire we go to the shamayim (to heaven) We will start with a pasuk; in Spanish versiculo; this word has a satanic background. This is one of the first verses that were changed. Colossians 1:14 “In whom we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of sins” Dam in Hebrew. The translations which were made into greek says as well, “in his blood” What do the bad translatios say? I would like to mention that there have been always bad translations, but with the time those bad translations of the bible have increased. The aim is to deny that Yahshua is divine, that Yahshua is Elohim and that we were not redeemed by his blood.
  • 66. 66 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Please pay good attention to this because millions of those books have been sold worldwide and also messianics have them, but they are cabalistic, who like to make business out the word of the Everlastig Father. The word does not fail. In the last teaching we were saying that there were going to be false teachers who were going to make business out of the word, let`s call them hypocrites. Well, one of these verses is Colossians 1:14 In some translations says: In whom we have redemption …… It does not say “by his blood”: and that implies many things. You could say: But it is the same. No, it is not the same. We have redemption by his blood; because without shedding blood there is no forgiveness of sins. That is what the bible says. It only says: “In whom” They omit “ blood” They do not say: “By his blood” Please review many bibles and you will see that it only says: “In whom we have redemption” and they omit by his “blood”. “In whom we have redemtion by his blood, the forgiveness of sins” I will speak about his blood later on and we will understand the context which it has, because if one had to sacrifice animals for the forgiveness of sins, then blood had to be sheded, but not human blood.
  • 67. 67 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Mathew`s book is the only book, which was preserved in Hebrew. Here there is no way to say: Ir was translated wrongly to the greek, and later on the Hebrew version got lost. No, it is not so. That book is only in Hebrew. Mathew 20:20 “Then the mother of Zebedee`s sons came to Yahshua with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him” In some translations they take away, kneeling down, they write; to throw herself down in front of his feet. That translation is really bad. “To knee down” means adoration which is really different. Luke 24:52 “Then they worshiped him and returned to Yahrushalaim with great joy.” The translations say: “ To pay royal homage” But “to pay royal homage” can be done to any king here on earth, or a president from any “democratic” republic; in brackets, because democracy does not exist. Also, the original is to worship him and not to pay him royal homage.
  • 68. 68 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Let`s see a verse which is laughable to those who have the Ruaj HaKodesh, it is wrong translated. Unfortunately there are people who beleive this. There is a saying that for a fool, there is a full and a half, is not there? That means that there should be a bigger fool so the fool beleive him. Well, this is said with bad words but it is not correct to say it. There will always be a bigger fool with huge ears, even the teeth out so he beleives to the fool. Did I make myself understood? Terrible, is not it? John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” What do the translations say? They say so: And that Word was made flesh, because it was what Elohim had in mind. That is completely absurd. “What Elohim had in mind” Is Yahshua the result of a thought? NO! Of course not. The term “idiot” is in the books of medicine and it is not a bad word.
  • 69. 69 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 The term “idiot” means to have a huge idea, unfortunately those huge ideas become absurd. Also one has to be an idiot and a half. It means someone who believes to have a great wisdom and says: Yes, it is truth, Yahshua is not Elohim. He believed it and swallowed it. But he must be fooler than the other one, to beleve him. Yahshua is the Father of the Eternity and he is not the result of a thought, that is why I said that the translation was absurd. Now, who has made the translations? Kabbalists. What is a Kabbalist? One who believes in reincarnation, in the emigration of spirits, he believes that the Everlasting Father has masculine and femenine attributes and denies that Elohim is a man of war. Do you see it? That is an idiot, it is a big idea. It grows more and more like a snowball which rolls and gets bigger and bigger. That is a big problem. Let`s see, here says: And the word was made flesh and did duellt among us ……… It is clear that YHWH made his mishkan, his body through his word. To say that Elohim made a thought he had in his mind, that is total absurd!! Yahshua is not the result of a thought, No! Of course not.
  • 70. 70 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Some other say: Well, Yahshua was created after the creation. Look how absurd it is. NO! after the creation, nothing else was created. Elohim rested on the seventh day, shabath. Elohim made the shabath holy and he did not do anything else. In the last teaching we read that all was made by Yahshua, it is in Colosser 1:15 He is the image of the invible Elohim. To say: Elohim created Yahshua after the creation, that is the worst stupidity someone can say or one of the worst stupidities. Stupid is not a bad word, do not get scared about this word. Also, it is wrong to say that Yahshua was created after the creation, because after the creation nothing else was made! By him were made all things, Halleluyah!!! Look, only with these bad translated verses we have seen that there is enough material to teach. As a result; the common sense of a person gets lost when he starts to mutter deliriously. You already have the teaching “The deliriums” in this same homepage. Man discovers things because there are not inventions, man discovers.
  • 71. 71 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 I will tell you something: One says: That man invented the wheel. NO!! The wheel was already there. Does not exist the sun, the moon, the stars? Well, did man invented the wheel? A human being does not invent anything, he discovers. Once I talked to you about the penicillin notatum. Did man discover or invented it? No, he did not. It was only fungus which jumped to the sandwich of Fleming and he noticed that some bacterium did not grow. It was like a sparkle that the Everlasting Father allowed him. Also, man does not invent anything; great inventors, are not they? No, they do not invent anything. All was already there. Did man invented the fire? How many years does the sun have? The earth is 6000 years old. The constelations are million years old. All that is very clear to us. There is a serie about creation and science in this same home page. About the solar sistem we will learn deeper from the Everlasting Father, when he comes. We understand very well that Yahshua is Elohim and by his blood we got the redemption. Yahshua does not need to explain us that. Do I make myself understand? Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called
  • 72. 72 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty Elohim,, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Abba Shel Netzaj=Father of the Eterniyy. He is more than an Eternal Father, he is the Father of the Eternity. How do we make the difference between these two facts? Eternal Father or Everlasting Father, yes he is Eternal but Father of the Eternity goes beyond of what we can image. Here it says Elohim Mighty, Everlasting Father. It does not say “that he was a thought” or “that he is the result of a thought.” So, do you understand the whole matter?. So the bad translations like the vers of John 1:14 “they go to the ground” and look: I repeat this again. There should be fools and half fools to follow this lie, just like the shabath based on the cicle of the moon. There is no trinity, we do not believe in that lie. To say that we in gozo y paz believe in the trinity, one sees that those people never understood not even a single teaching. We do not believe in the trinity, to say it, we would be ignorant of the doctrin of the torah, which has been taught here for about 12 years. That is why I am always telling you: Please listen to the audios, read this teaching. It is very important to do it.
  • 73. 73 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Yesterday I saw some ajim (brothers) who were amazed and had an open mouth because of the teaching, later on they started to smile, they said: Yes, that`s it. This is the doctrine, I had not understood it. You will get home and worship the Everlasting Father with sense and joy. Please pay good attention. Yahshua gave us the authority to walk on snakes and scorpions. The scorpions are the demons. We saw in 1 Timoty 4:1 that they are doctrines of demons. I will tell you something. In the medical practice, remember that I told you that to be a doctor is a great beraja (blessing)? Because it allows me to rescue a person from death, thanks to the Everlasting Father, because he is the owner of life, the Everlasting Father does it not me. It is beautiful!! Someone to come with much pain and be able to know how to help that person. What would not be to rescue a soul from hell? We saw it in the teaching before that it is not us the ones who do things but Mashiaj. Mashiaj is Yahshua, who is YHWH self.
  • 74. 74 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 “Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire ……..” Jude 1: 22-23 Jude !:3 “…….. urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.” A scorpion stings someone, but a sanake bites. I have attended in emergency many kids, who had been stung by a scorpion, the parents can not tell me what happened. The child has the pupille dilated and starts to sweet very cold. My brother, it is catastrophic to see a kid stung by a scorpion. He is in schock and he has a very low blood pressure. There are special devices to check the blood pressure in children, it is a mistake to use a device for an adult. The child starts to shake, why does he shake? Because the poison works in his body and if he does not get a treatment he might die. What would not be in the spiritual? The souls die as well, if they do not receive help. One got decontaminated and the poison is not longer there. There are thousands of people who are now brothers and sisters. All what we do here on earth has a reflect. I will give you an example and you will enjoy it. When I have to treat a child who was stung by a scorpion I use a very strong dosis of serum of antidote, according to the weight of the child.
  • 75. 75 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 For example; I have to use the serum in miligrams, I use 5mg per kilo. If a child weights 10 kilos I use 50mg. Some cortisone, oxigen, etc. In the case of a child I have to use a big dosis of serum and for an adult I use less dosis. Now, pay good attention: A kid=a big dosis, because his body is small, weights only a few kilos. The scorpion inyects the same amount of poison to a kid and to a an adult, so to say it.. The adult will have less effect because he is tall but even though he will be intoxicated and I have to use less serum of antidote. At the medical university I made this question to the students: If I get at my doctors office a kid and an adult who were stung by an scorpion which was the same big: what amount of dosis of serum do I have to use? The answer was: To the kid certain amount and to the adult a duplicate. NO!! This answer was because the students are taught to use more penicillin in an adult. By a dosis of serum, it is not so. Do you understand? Please pay attention because I am going to say something which has lots of weight. A spiritual child, I have to protect with a big dosis (I am talking in the spiritual not physically way) Me and the zakenim (elders) have to minister that child more, because he comes very contminated by the world, by his concupiscence, by religions and by the different christian denominations. As well contaminated by heresies as John 1:14 describes.
  • 76. 76 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 One of these heresies is to say that Yahshua was the thought that the father had or the result of a thought? That is an abomination against the Abba Kadosh!! He does not need that. He already knows all. The result of a thought. See how bad the translations are nowdays. Also, I have to give a spiritual child more dosis of what I have to give to a big man. Example: A person was here for about eight years, he did not understand the doctrin. It is not worth that I keep on misnistrating him (dosis), he is reproved, he will not understand, his own pride will get him lost. There is practically nothing to do with that person, but with you!!! Someone who waas here 8 years and did not understand the doctrin and did spit it out; is like the dog who goes back to his vomit ; and it refers to the apostasie, it is clear, is not it? There is nothing to do and I will not be thinking all the time; They do not want to come, such family does not want to come, they do not want your word Abba, what do I do? No, I do not have time for such thoughts, millions will come.!!! Also, the idea of the devil is; and I rebuke him and kick him out in the name of Yahshua HaMashiaj, also, the idea of the devil is that I spent time with the rebels and I neglect millions
  • 77. 77 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 of souls. No, it is not so. These people are already contaminated, let`s get the millions of souls. HalleluYah!!!! That is why I am giving you this teaching so you help me to minister the new ones. Philippians 4:13 “I can do everything through Mashiaj who gives me strength” My beloved ones, we can do everything, everything!! We will go through struggle, tribulations, etc. and the great tribulation will come and we will be able to get over everything in Yahshua HaMashiaj. There will be no thing that we can not get over. He is good. He loves us very much. How does the translation says? In whom I take my strength. You can selbst check it it does not say: Who gives me strength. Look, this could be a satanic invocation, the devil gives power to the sourceres, and you would say: No, roeh, it does not mean that. Me beloved ones, there are some many traps in the bible like the obscene words in spanish which we find in the spanish bible, for example verse=versiculo, tabernacle=tabernaculo, oracle=oraculo. You have to understand, we were not born yesterday and also the Ruaj HaKodehs gives testimony about that.
  • 78. 78 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 The Everlasting Father and the high kohen of this kehila is Yahshua HaMashiaj, and I am as your piritual father, I tell you: My beloved ones; do not see other pages of internet because you can contaminate yourself. Someone might say: The roeh is very pride and he wants us to listen only to his audios. No, it is not so. If I were pride I would charge for the teachings, you have to understand. If someone did not submit to his father here on earth, or at home, and was a rebel, etc. How is he going to submit to the roeh if he did not submit to his father? This is worldwide, remember that there are already thousands of brothers. That is logic, do not think that I am a fool. When someone comes I know who will persevere and be loyal; and I am not Elohim, but one sees when someone has a genuin love for Elohim. One sees when someone is a hypocrite and knows how to obey the authorities. If someone calls me aj (brother) I answer him: I am certainly your aj, but I am a roeh, call me better roeh and you will have more blessings. It is like if a patient would come to my doctors office and would call me: Listen Javier, I want you to check me. I will tell him; excusame? I am a doctor, am I not? The Everlasting Father selected authorities, if hewould have not done it so, this world would be a chaos more than it is already.
  • 79. 79 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Also the translations say: In whom I get my strength………, but it does not say in whom. Many would say: Well, it refers to Yahshua but the verse has to say: I can do everything through Mashiaj who gives me strength …… What happens with this other verse? They are denying the divinity of Yahshua, and they are getting into a huge trouble. When Yahshua comes, those people will say: Stones fall upon us, hide us from him (Yahshua). When the prophesies of Revelations happen, they will shout and they will want the rocks to fall upom them before Yahshua judges them. But Yahshua will take off that rock and will take them out of there, and judge them all who have commited sin in one or another way. When we understand that Yahshua sees us all the time. For example there are people who think that what we are talking, saying or thinking is not heard, or seen, or is not being filmed in heaven. But this is the idea. Why do I have to think that if I do this or that Elohim does not see me, does not hear me or he does not know what I am thinking? Yes, Elohim knows everything. He searches all thoughts. He knows all. For those who have understood that the Everlasting Father sees us all the time; we behave in holiness, there is no problem for us to do it, we think clear things, we speak with
  • 80. 80 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 the truth, we do not make lashon hara (gossip) , we do not talk from someone behind him and we do not have any problem with the Abba Kadosh. Here on earth we have so many probles with people, even with people who call themselves messianics but they are rebels. There are people who say: No, no, I do not believe that there is a recorder in heaven. Do you believe that the one who allowed the one who discovered how to tape, would not have that and more? Do you understand? Do not you believe that all is taped? Do you think that the one (YHWH) who allowed someone to find out how to tape, would not have something very sophisticated to film all actions from heaven? He is the Allmighty. He allowed us to have only spots of wisdom, that is all. For those who feel very proud and say I did discover the blac thread of the Torah. Oh boy! How is it? Can you show it to me? Those who say: I do not believe that he has a device to read the thoughts. Look, Here there is no device which can do that but there is a substance called Queta mina that injected in the blood vessel, the person tells the truth. That is “the serum of the truth” which is used in the United States. Do you think that the one who created this substance to say the truth, can not read the thoughts? We have this kind of Elohim, Halleluyah!!!!
  • 81. 81 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Well, are we recorded in heaven? Does the Everlasting Father see our thoughts? He sees all!! “No roeh, I did not want to say that” And the person is sweating. No mein beloved one just a minute. I am a human being and I am seeing your attitudes that you are about to pee because you are so nervous. What would not see the Everlasting Father? He sees all. Logic, my beloved ones, the problem is that one does not want to understand who the Everlasting Father is. Now, listen up very well to this lesson: Does it help to be filmed in heaven? Is it good or not to be filmed in heaven? Most people, when they know that they are still commiting sin, say: No, it is not convenient to be filmed in heaven. But you will emd up in hell if you keep thinking that you do not get filmed or taped in heaven. You will wake up being in hell thinking that you will go to heaven with all your bad business and to satisfy your lust, your sins, etc, Do you think that Elohim does not see you that you are commiting fornication and almost having a sexual relation on the street.? Is it good to be filmed? Of course it is. I will explain you something.
  • 82. 82 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 There were huge losses of money in a store and the manager said: This can not keep going on. He asked for advice to an expert, telling him that his workers were stealing and he answered him: Why do not you put cameras and you will solve your problem. He put cameras everywhere, specially by the cashiers, it was a supermarket. All workers went to him to complain: Why do you do this? That means that you do not trust us. And he answered them: The ones who want to stay, stay: and the onse who wants to go, go!! There is no problem. Many of them renounced to their job and were payed according to the law of this country. The turnovers started to go up, because the stealing was over. Later on the boss called a worker and asked him: How much do you earn? He answered: I am making two tausend pesos a month, the boss says to him: from now on, you will earn six thousand pesos. Why? Asks the worker. The boss answered him; because you are a good servant and you do not steal to me; so you deserve that and also because you treat the clients very well . Now, pay good attention. It could be that you thought at the beginning or the devil made you think: No, it is not good to be filmed.
  • 83. 83 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 That is why you are still commiting sin, but for those who are ok in front of Elohim, it is good to be filmed, because we will be rewarded. It is not pride. we just do not have anything to hide and we do not do it because of the reward, no, we already have the salvation. But if Elohim wants he will give us crowns and rewards because of being loyal. Or is he going to put all upon ten cities? No, it is ot goig to be so. Also, is it good to be filmed by the Everlasting Father? Of course yes!! Each time you applaud with joy, that is being filmed. Each time you praise, that is being filmed and you are fullfilling a commandment and you are accumulating wealth in the shamayim (in heaven). This is not cabbala, Yahshua says it. Do not accumulate richness on earth, accumulate it in the shamayim ….. So right now he is filming us from the shamayim. He is filming as well all our thoughts and that is why I have alwyas ministered psalm 50:21 One day we will show up for the tribunal of Yahshua HaMashiaj. If you repent and you keep away from all your sins, the Everlasting Father forgives you and says: I will never remember your sins and your iniquities.
  • 84. 84 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 And the one who does not repent, he will have a judgement. Do you realize how many people will condemn themselves thinking that they will go to heaven, to have a gossip about others and slandering everywhere? Tell me, what would say the one who translated wrongly John 1:14 and wrote: It is the result of a thought that Elohim had? Other translations: Yahshua was created after the creation, it is absurd! What would answer this person? The Everlasting Father will face then and tell them: When did I do that? Who told you, that I did that? Only the devil puts you such thoughts in your head! Psalm 50:21 “These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought I was altogether like you. But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face.” Well, from now on be heiliger (Kadoshim), all men and women. Do not forget, we are filmed all the time. If someone thinks that the best technologie, like iphone, ipod, cameras etc. are here on earth, and not in heaven, he is crazy!! “Oh, I have an iphone and Yahshua does not have an iphone like this, that person is crazy!
  • 85. 85 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 You touch the screen of your iphone and it goes back to the last information you had, Yahshua can do it without touching anything and you feel great with your little device. Use your iphone to listen to the teachings and halle to YHWH!! Well, if someone thinks that has a huge screen at home and that in heaven there is nothing much, much better to see the actios of human beings, you are wrong. The beast made a copy of that, that is why there are so many satellits and a space station. Remember, the devil has always wanted to be a copy or to be just like Elohim. He wii never be able to do it!! The Everlasting Father can do everything because he is Almighty, but the devil needs satellits which the Everlastibg Father can burn with a a sunbeam. Yahshua is Elohim, it goes beyond our imagination. If you have already repented of your sins and you live a life in holiness: when a bad thought comes you have to rebuke it. That comes from the devil and you have to learn how to distinguish it. But if you are still covetous, you feel envy towards someone, etc. CAREFUL!! All is being filmed.
  • 86. 86 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Mathew 2:2 “And asked, where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.· The translations say: To pay him royal homage. It does not say “to worship him” There are bibles from the house of Juda who already believe that Yahshua is Mashiaj and that Yahshua is Elohim self. They have a very high concept of Elohim, because they have gone through tribulations and persecutions. Logic, they have the original Hebrew version and in those bibles one finds: to worship him and look, the ones who study Torah are wise and are feared of YHWH. King Salomon said: The heavens of the heavens can not contein you, That is why the whole Divine Presence did not come down. Yahsua wanted to have limits here on earth because he said: If I want, my Abba would send lots of millions of angels. But if it would have been so the redemption would have not happened.
  • 87. 87 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 After the millenium the Divine Presence will disapear the earth, because if the heavens of the heavens can not keep him ; coud this earth keep him? No, it is not possible. We can read all the time in the evangelium of Mark about the doctrine of driving out demons. People used to ask: What kind of new doctrine is this? I would like to give you this idea: To drive out demons is not through us; but by Yahshua HaMashiaj, beause he is Elohim, he did not have to call another name because, He is Yahhsua and He is YHWH. We have to expulse demons in his blessed name. Demons are not afraid of a human being but they are afraid of Yahshua and He is YHWH self. Mark 1: 22-27 “The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an evil spirit cried out. “What do you want with us, Yahshua of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy (Kadosh) of Elohim.” “Be quiet!” say Yahshua sternly. “Come out of him!” The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.
  • 88. 88 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 The people were also so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him.” Look, only Elohim gives orders to evil spirits No human being can do that. We make it in his name, but no human being can subjugate evil spirits. Isaiah 53: 4-5 “Surely he took our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by Elohim, smitten by him, and aflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed” The Brit Hadasha describes that people with one hand came to him. No human being can create hands, only Yahshua. The devil tries to attack all the time the kadosh. Do you remember the nasty book called the code of Da Vinci? Where it says that he had sexual intercourse with Miriam of Magdala? That is a blasphemie!! The worl is full with manure and that is not an irreverence, the tanaj says that the carcass of those people will be like manure. Can a human being create a hand? Of course not!
  • 89. 89 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Mathew 8:16-17 “When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fullfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases” What you will read, it is already in our homepage. Shepherd Psalm 23:1 “YHWH is my shepherd, I shall not be in want” John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd, The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” Husband Hosea 2:16-19 “In that day,” declares YHWH, “You will call me “my husband”; you will no longer call me my master. I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips; no longer will their names invoked.
  • 90. 90 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the creatures that move along the ground. Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land, so that all may lie down in safety. I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion.” That is why we will marry Yahshua HaMashiaj, because he is the husband. Let`s see how are you doing in the matter of righteousness? Have you applied the justice and compassion (rajem)? Most of the people who have been expelled from this congragation say that there is no love here. No, it is no so. There is not even love in their families, not even in their marriages, or between their children and they want to teach us what love is. Or do they want to find love here? No, they should start at home. There is love here, that is why I demand discipline and loyality to YHWH from you and I do not steel your money. Mathew 25:1 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.”
  • 91. 91 Youtube Channel : Shalom132 Revelations 19:7-8 “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the weadding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready” Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear. Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints” The First and the Last Isaiah 44:6 “This is what YHWH says: Israel`s King and redeemer, YHWH Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no Elohim” I make a parentheses In a jew orthodox order (sidur) (look, there is so much danger in it) They say: Eat bread every day and the goblins will not come to you. To whom will you trust: In Yahshua or in eating bread? Or they say I am thankful every day because I resurrected again. No, you did sleep but you did not die. Or my spirit left my body…... A astral projection Or I do say a prayer for a dead relative……. Invocation to demons. This is the danger, please be very careful.