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Nyt i CRM 2015 Update 1
Mere brugervenlig navigation
Med den nye navigationslinie er det
nemmere og hurtigere at finde de
oplysninger du har brug for
Når du vælger hovedmenuen i
navigationslinien, kan du tilgå dine
arbejdsområder, poster eller andre
elementer med mindre rulning og færre
klik end før
Navigationslinien er blevet ændret for at
minimere behovet for at scrolle sidelæns
I navigationslinien kan/skal du scrolle fra
side til side imellem entiteter
Hop hurtigt tilbage til senest benyttede
poster med den globale MRU
Brug ikonet Recently Viewed på den nye
navigationslinie til at komme tilbage til de
elementer du har set for nyligt og/eller
Ved hjælp af dette globale værktøj kan
du få adgang til nyligt besøgte poster,
visninger og sågar dashboards. Fastgør
de elementer du bruger hele tiden for at
få dem øverst på listen
Ud over de senest senest besøgte poster
per entitet, har vi tilføjet en ny Global
MRU, der viser de senest besøgte poster
på tværs af entiteter, og tillader brugerne
at fastgøre de poster de besøger ofte
Senest besøgte poster kan tilgås fra
Navigation i formularer
Hvis du arbejder i en kompleks formular
med masser af områder, gør den nye
form navigation rullemenu det nemt at
komme til netop de data, du har brug for
Vælg rullemenuen ved siden af formular
titlen, og vælg derefter den del af den
form du ønsker at gå til.
Hop direkte til formularens sektioner
med rullelisten
Scroll for at tilgå sektioner længere nede
på formularen
Temaer – bestem selv udseendet
Temaer – bestem selv udseendet
Du kan oprette et brugerdefineret
udseende, et “tema”, for dit CRM ved at
ændre de standard farver og visuelle
elementer der er til rådighed i standard
CRM systemet
Tema tilpasninger understøttes i CRM for
tablets, CRM for Phones og i Web forms i
Outlook klienten
Temaer kan nu anvendes til CRM Online,
så organisationer kan indføre farve-
skemaer, ændre logo, og foretage andre
ændringer til at matche organisationens
Temaer ikke tilgængelige
Clear Field Values med Business Rules
Forbedringer af forretningsregler så du
nu kan rydde feltværdier på klienten og
Sikre korrektheden af din CRM-poster
uden at skrive en eneste linie kode
Forretningsregler så du kan rydde
feltværdier, på klient og server side
Mulighed for at sætte standardværdier
på felter, men ikke fjerne værdier
Kun muligt at slette værdierne fra
felterne via Javascript
Aktivér stage med Set Active
Nu er det muligt at flytte tilbage til en
tidligere fase af procesforløbet, uanset
entitets type
Tillige tilgængelig på telefon og tablet
Nu er det muligt at flytte tilbage til en
tidligere fase af procesforløbet, uanset
entitets type, og aktivere
Kunne ikke flytte tilbage til tidligere faser
og aktivere
Overholde påkrævede steps på Platform
Systemet kontrollerer automatisk, at alle
påkrævede trin i forretningsprocessen er
afsluttede før brugeren tillades at flytte
processen frem til den næste fase
Med QualifyLeadRequest og
kontrolleres nu om de nødvendige trin er
afsluttede før et lead kvalificeres hhv et
tilbud konverteres til salgsordre
Krav gennemtvinges uanset hvor
brugeren forsøger at rykke en Business
Process Stage
Brugere kan omgå krav, når de udfører
handlinger udenfor en records formular.
For eksempel kvalificerer et Lead fra
visningen Open Leads
Udnyt Custom Actions uden at skrive
Nu kan workflows og dialogs kalde
logikken i en enkelt custom action
Herunder kalde med parametre af typen:
String, Numeric types, DateTime, Entity
Nu kan du kalde custom actions direkte
fra workflows eller dialogs
Kald basale SDK actions, såsom Create,
Update og Delete en record, fra
workflows eller dialogs
Export to Excel fuldstændigt nydesignet
Vi har redesignet Eksport til Excel fra
bunden op for en mere korrekt oplevelse
Når du eksporterer bevares al
formatering, så du kan foretage dine
beregninger i Excel, og derefter impor-
tere data til CRM. Du kan eksportere op
til 100 k poster ad gangen (tidligere 10k).
Felter eksporteres nu korrekt, felttyper
bibeholdes, decimal præcision eksporter
korrekt, valuta vises i én kolonne
Visse datafelter kan ikke eksporteres
ordentligt til Excel. For eksempel
eksporteres numerisk data som tekst,
foranstillede nuller forsvinder fra data,
valuta eksporteres som to kolonner, etc.
Foretag hurtige analyser med Excel
Online, direkte i CRM Online
Nu kan du bruge Microsoft Excel Online
til hurtige analyser, uden at forlade CRM
Åbn records, redigér records og gem
records tilbage til CRM
Med “Immersive Excel” kan du åbne en
system eller personlig visning i Excel
Online i CRM, foretage ændringer i data
og uploade ændringerne med et enkelt
Data kan (kun) eksporteres til Excel
desktop klient (i XML-format), opdateres
og importeres tilbage til CRM
Drag fordel af alt det OneNote kan,
direkte fra CRM Online
Tag billeder, optag voice noter, tegn i
hånden og meget mere
Alle noter i en notesbog er knyttet til en
CRM record
Hver sektion peger på én sektion i
En ny OneNote fane vil blive føjet til
Activity Wall’en i en records formular, så
OneNote integration gøres tilgængelig
OneNote notebooks kan uploades til en
SharePoint folder hvis SharePoint
Integration er tilgængelig
Track Exchange email aktiviteter
automatisk med folder tracking
En ny og intuitiv måde at spore Exchange
Opret en tracking folder og træk derefter
en email til folderen for at spore mailen
Exchange Rules kan benyttes
Enhver mail app eller enhed - hvori du
kan flytte en email til en folder - vil gøre
det muligt at tracke i CRM
Med Folder Level Tracking kan brugere
manuelt flytte en e-mail til en tracked folder
hvorefter emailen trackes af SSS.
Exchange rules kan benyttes til automatisk at
flytte emails ind i tracking folderen for
automatisk tracking
Med Server Side Sync (SSS) kan du automatisk
tracke svar emails, eller mails som baseres på
mail aktiverede CRM records.
Email tracking sker automatisk - og du kan
ikke manuelt tracke en email fra en CRM-klient
uden for Outlook-klienten
Track emails uanset hvor du er med ny
CRM App for Outlook
Dynamics CRM App for Outlook er en
letvægts app, der omfatter fuld email
Track email, sæt en regarding record og
meget mere
Ny letvægts-app gør det muligt for dig
at tracke e-mail og meget mere
Vil være tilgængelig hurtigt efter
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015
Update 1 er frigivet
Ikke tilgængelig i tidligere versioner
Forbedringer i Server-baseret SharePoint
Nu kan SharePoint On-Prem kunder
udnytte fordelene ved Server-Baseret
SharePoint Integration med CRM Online
Ingen List Component, Sandbox
Deprecated, OneNote Integration,
Native UI, Single Sign-On
Support for CRM Online-til-SharePoint
Support for CRM Online-til-SharePoint
Den rette dato i Calculated Fields
Calculated fields nu har support for
funktionerne Now() og DateDiff.
DateDiff supporterer forskellen i
minutter, timer, dage, uger, måneder og
En vigtig bemærkning; i Dynamics CRM
Online vil funktionen Now()altid
returnere UTC DateTime fra SQL
serveren og ikke en lokal tid
Tilføjer “Now()” og seks forskellige
varianter af “DateDiff”, hvilket øger
antallet af mulige beregninger med Dato
Introducerede Calculated Fields, rig på
funktioner der involverer numeriske
Rigere muligheder med rollup fields
Rigere muligheder med rollup fields
Gennemsnits beregninger med AVG
Aggregering af data over base Activity
entiteten på tværs af alle related activity
records, såsom telefonopkald, emails
eller aftaler
Muligheden for at tælle sammen baseret
på “Activity Pointer”, som gør det muligt
for organisationer at se “Antallet af
aktiviteter” (af enhver type), i stedet for
individuelle antal
Introducerede RollUp Fields, med
mulighed for at aggregere individuelle
aktiviteter (telefonopkald, emails, aftaler,
Samme gode mobile oplevelse, uanset
om du bruger en telefon eller tablet
CRM for phones app har nu den samme
proces-drevne oplevelse som CRM for
Plej dine kundeemner og salgs-
muligheder gennem salgsprocessen med
den nye intuitive brugerflade. Du kan
benytte Cortana til stemmestyring.
Ny Mobile App til at tilgå de samme
funktioner der er tilgængelige for
brugere på tablet app’en. Renderer data
baseret på main formular og supporter
Business Process Flows, Business Rules,
Dashboard visualiseringer mm.
Mobile Express bruges til at tilgå CRM fra
ikke-tablet klienter. En mobil formular
benyttes til at præsentere data for
brugere der tilgår CRM via Mobile
Gør Kundeservice hurtigere med
standard entitlements
Nu kan service teams definere en
entitlement som værende standard
entitlement for en kunde
Når en agent opretter en sag bliver
standard entitlement automatisk
associeret med sagen, hvilket sparer tid
agenten for ekstra klik og tid
Standard entitlement for kunden vil blive
valgt automatisk
Entitlement skal vælges manuelt efter
valg af kunden på sagen
“Den tager vi på vores regning”
Mulighed for at ikke trække (timer/klip)
fra en entitlement
Sættes fra kommandolinien i sagen
Ny mulighed for brugere kan markere en
sag, som en sag der ikke bør reducere
tkundens tildeling – denne rettighed kan
gives som et Miscellaneous Privilege via
Security Roles
Kundens tildeling reduceres ifm
oprettelse eller løsning af en sag
Ny Form Rendering Engine – hurtigere
Paralleliseret så mange operationer som
muligt for at at fjerne den tid der bliver
spildt, fordi browseren er inaktiv
Øget det indhold, der er gemmes i
cachen, flyttet renderingsprocessen
delvist server-side, og optimeret
initialisering af kontrolelementer.
Da den nye form renderer er mere paralleliseret,
konstruerer renderings motoren nu formularen og
XRM modellen først - og binder først data når
serveren svarer.
Nu holder vi iFramen med de nødvendige ressourcer
intakt mens vi loader custom og entity-specific
scripts i en separate iFrame*
Form load plejede at være en meget
lineær proces.
Formularer spildte mange ressourcer. Da
de var hosted i iFrames, blev iFramen
kasseret og reloaded ved hver form load
Ny funktionsmåde for dato og klokkeslæt
data typen
I CRM Online kan du nu oprette “Date
Only” felter, hvor der ikke sker
konvertering af tidszone, og tidspunktet
er altid 12:00 AM (midnat)
Datoer kan nu gemmes så langt tilbage
som 1/1/1753
To nye tidszone uafhængige
funktionsmåder for datatypen Dato og
klokkeslæt til at løse sådanne sager:
“Date Only”, og “Time Zone
Funktionsmåden for datatypen Dato og klokkeslæt
var begrænset til brugerens lokale dato og
klokkeslæt. Med denne “time zone aware”
funktionsmåde, kunne vi ikke ordentligt løse tilfælde,
hvor datoen og klokkeslættet skulle repræsenteres
uafhængigt af brugerens lokale tidszone, såsom
fødselsdage eller hotel check-in tider
Nye “older than” operatorer giver mere
præcise queries
Nye “older than” operatorer føjet til for
mere præcise queries – Older than X
[Days | Weeks | Months | Years]
Disse nye operatorer er tilgængelige til
brug i FetchXML, samt Advanced Find og
View betingelser
Older than X Minutes, Hours, Days,
Weeks, and Years føjet til som nye dato
Kun “Older than X Months” dato
Kast dig ud i det…
Whats new
Release Preview Guide
Whats new for administrators and customizers
Nyt i CRM 2015 Update 1

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Whats new in Microsoft CRM 2015 - Update 1

  • 1.
  • 2. Nyt i CRM 2015 Update 1
  • 5. Med den nye navigationslinie er det nemmere og hurtigere at finde de oplysninger du har brug for Når du vælger hovedmenuen i navigationslinien, kan du tilgå dine arbejdsområder, poster eller andre elementer med mindre rulning og færre klik end før
  • 6. Navigationslinien er blevet ændret for at minimere behovet for at scrolle sidelæns I navigationslinien kan/skal du scrolle fra side til side imellem entiteter Sammenligning
  • 7. Hop hurtigt tilbage til senest benyttede poster med den globale MRU
  • 8. Brug ikonet Recently Viewed på den nye navigationslinie til at komme tilbage til de elementer du har set for nyligt og/eller fastgjort Ved hjælp af dette globale værktøj kan du få adgang til nyligt besøgte poster, visninger og sågar dashboards. Fastgør de elementer du bruger hele tiden for at få dem øverst på listen
  • 9. Ud over de senest senest besøgte poster per entitet, har vi tilføjet en ny Global MRU, der viser de senest besøgte poster på tværs af entiteter, og tillader brugerne at fastgøre de poster de besøger ofte Senest besøgte poster kan tilgås fra entiteten Sammenligning
  • 11. Hvis du arbejder i en kompleks formular med masser af områder, gør den nye form navigation rullemenu det nemt at komme til netop de data, du har brug for Vælg rullemenuen ved siden af formular titlen, og vælg derefter den del af den form du ønsker at gå til.
  • 12. Hop direkte til formularens sektioner med rullelisten Scroll for at tilgå sektioner længere nede på formularen Sammenligning
  • 14. Temaer – bestem selv udseendet
  • 15. Temaer – bestem selv udseendet
  • 16. Du kan oprette et brugerdefineret udseende, et “tema”, for dit CRM ved at ændre de standard farver og visuelle elementer der er til rådighed i standard CRM systemet Tema tilpasninger understøttes i CRM for tablets, CRM for Phones og i Web forms i Outlook klienten
  • 17. Temaer kan nu anvendes til CRM Online, så organisationer kan indføre farve- skemaer, ændre logo, og foretage andre ændringer til at matche organisationens branding Temaer ikke tilgængelige Sammenligning
  • 19. Clear Field Values med Business Rules
  • 20. Forbedringer af forretningsregler så du nu kan rydde feltværdier på klienten og serveren Sikre korrektheden af din CRM-poster uden at skrive en eneste linie kode
  • 21. Forretningsregler så du kan rydde feltværdier, på klient og server side Mulighed for at sætte standardværdier på felter, men ikke fjerne værdier Kun muligt at slette værdierne fra felterne via Javascript Sammenligning
  • 23. Aktivér stage med Set Active
  • 24. Nu er det muligt at flytte tilbage til en tidligere fase af procesforløbet, uanset entitets type Tillige tilgængelig på telefon og tablet
  • 25. Nu er det muligt at flytte tilbage til en tidligere fase af procesforløbet, uanset entitets type, og aktivere Kunne ikke flytte tilbage til tidligere faser og aktivere Sammenligning
  • 26. Overholde påkrævede steps på Platform niveau
  • 27. Systemet kontrollerer automatisk, at alle påkrævede trin i forretningsprocessen er afsluttede før brugeren tillades at flytte processen frem til den næste fase Med QualifyLeadRequest og ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest kontrolleres nu om de nødvendige trin er afsluttede før et lead kvalificeres hhv et tilbud konverteres til salgsordre
  • 28. Krav gennemtvinges uanset hvor brugeren forsøger at rykke en Business Process Stage Brugere kan omgå krav, når de udfører handlinger udenfor en records formular. For eksempel kvalificerer et Lead fra visningen Open Leads Sammenligning
  • 30. Udnyt Custom Actions uden at skrive kode
  • 31. Nu kan workflows og dialogs kalde logikken i en enkelt custom action Herunder kalde med parametre af typen: String, Numeric types, DateTime, Entity References
  • 32. Nu kan du kalde custom actions direkte fra workflows eller dialogs Kald basale SDK actions, såsom Create, Update og Delete en record, fra workflows eller dialogs Sammenligning
  • 34. Export to Excel fuldstændigt nydesignet
  • 35. Vi har redesignet Eksport til Excel fra bunden op for en mere korrekt oplevelse Når du eksporterer bevares al formatering, så du kan foretage dine beregninger i Excel, og derefter impor- tere data til CRM. Du kan eksportere op til 100 k poster ad gangen (tidligere 10k).
  • 36. Felter eksporteres nu korrekt, felttyper bibeholdes, decimal præcision eksporter korrekt, valuta vises i én kolonne Visse datafelter kan ikke eksporteres ordentligt til Excel. For eksempel eksporteres numerisk data som tekst, foranstillede nuller forsvinder fra data, valuta eksporteres som to kolonner, etc. Sammenligning
  • 38. Foretag hurtige analyser med Excel Online, direkte i CRM Online
  • 39. Nu kan du bruge Microsoft Excel Online til hurtige analyser, uden at forlade CRM Online Åbn records, redigér records og gem records tilbage til CRM
  • 40. Med “Immersive Excel” kan du åbne en system eller personlig visning i Excel Online i CRM, foretage ændringer i data og uploade ændringerne med et enkelt klik Data kan (kun) eksporteres til Excel desktop klient (i XML-format), opdateres og importeres tilbage til CRM Sammenligning
  • 42. Drag fordel af alt det OneNote kan, direkte fra CRM Online
  • 43. Tag billeder, optag voice noter, tegn i hånden og meget mere Alle noter i en notesbog er knyttet til en CRM record Hver sektion peger på én sektion i notesbogen
  • 44. En ny OneNote fane vil blive føjet til Activity Wall’en i en records formular, så OneNote integration gøres tilgængelig OneNote notebooks kan uploades til en SharePoint folder hvis SharePoint Integration er tilgængelig Sammenligning
  • 46. Track Exchange email aktiviteter automatisk med folder tracking
  • 47. En ny og intuitiv måde at spore Exchange emails Opret en tracking folder og træk derefter en email til folderen for at spore mailen Exchange Rules kan benyttes Enhver mail app eller enhed - hvori du kan flytte en email til en folder - vil gøre det muligt at tracke i CRM
  • 48. Med Folder Level Tracking kan brugere manuelt flytte en e-mail til en tracked folder hvorefter emailen trackes af SSS. Exchange rules kan benyttes til automatisk at flytte emails ind i tracking folderen for automatisk tracking Med Server Side Sync (SSS) kan du automatisk tracke svar emails, eller mails som baseres på mail aktiverede CRM records. Email tracking sker automatisk - og du kan ikke manuelt tracke en email fra en CRM-klient uden for Outlook-klienten Sammenligning
  • 50. Track emails uanset hvor du er med ny CRM App for Outlook
  • 51. Dynamics CRM App for Outlook er en letvægts app, der omfatter fuld email tracking Track email, sæt en regarding record og meget mere
  • 52. Ny letvægts-app gør det muligt for dig at tracke e-mail og meget mere Vil være tilgængelig hurtigt efter Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 er frigivet Ikke tilgængelig i tidligere versioner Sammenligning
  • 54. Forbedringer i Server-baseret SharePoint Integration
  • 55. Nu kan SharePoint On-Prem kunder udnytte fordelene ved Server-Baseret SharePoint Integration med CRM Online Ingen List Component, Sandbox Deprecated, OneNote Integration, Native UI, Single Sign-On
  • 56. Support for CRM Online-til-SharePoint On-Prem Support for CRM Online-til-SharePoint Online Sammenligning
  • 58. Den rette dato i Calculated Fields
  • 59. Calculated fields nu har support for funktionerne Now() og DateDiff. DateDiff supporterer forskellen i minutter, timer, dage, uger, måneder og år En vigtig bemærkning; i Dynamics CRM Online vil funktionen Now()altid returnere UTC DateTime fra SQL serveren og ikke en lokal tid
  • 60. Tilføjer “Now()” og seks forskellige varianter af “DateDiff”, hvilket øger antallet af mulige beregninger med Dato felter Introducerede Calculated Fields, rig på funktioner der involverer numeriske værdier Sammenligning
  • 62. Rigere muligheder med rollup fields
  • 63. Rigere muligheder med rollup fields
  • 64. Gennemsnits beregninger med AVG operator Aggregering af data over base Activity entiteten på tværs af alle related activity records, såsom telefonopkald, emails eller aftaler
  • 65. Muligheden for at tælle sammen baseret på “Activity Pointer”, som gør det muligt for organisationer at se “Antallet af aktiviteter” (af enhver type), i stedet for individuelle antal Introducerede RollUp Fields, med mulighed for at aggregere individuelle aktiviteter (telefonopkald, emails, aftaler, etc.) Sammenligning
  • 67. Samme gode mobile oplevelse, uanset om du bruger en telefon eller tablet
  • 68. CRM for phones app har nu den samme proces-drevne oplevelse som CRM for tablets Plej dine kundeemner og salgs- muligheder gennem salgsprocessen med den nye intuitive brugerflade. Du kan benytte Cortana til stemmestyring.
  • 69. Ny Mobile App til at tilgå de samme funktioner der er tilgængelige for brugere på tablet app’en. Renderer data baseret på main formular og supporter Business Process Flows, Business Rules, Dashboard visualiseringer mm. Mobile Express bruges til at tilgå CRM fra ikke-tablet klienter. En mobil formular benyttes til at præsentere data for brugere der tilgår CRM via Mobile Express Sammenligning
  • 71. Gør Kundeservice hurtigere med standard entitlements
  • 72. Nu kan service teams definere en entitlement som værende standard entitlement for en kunde Når en agent opretter en sag bliver standard entitlement automatisk associeret med sagen, hvilket sparer tid agenten for ekstra klik og tid
  • 73. Standard entitlement for kunden vil blive valgt automatisk Entitlement skal vælges manuelt efter valg af kunden på sagen Sammenligning
  • 74. “Den tager vi på vores regning”
  • 75. Mulighed for at ikke trække (timer/klip) fra en entitlement Sættes fra kommandolinien i sagen
  • 76. Ny mulighed for brugere kan markere en sag, som en sag der ikke bør reducere tkundens tildeling – denne rettighed kan gives som et Miscellaneous Privilege via Security Roles Kundens tildeling reduceres ifm oprettelse eller løsning af en sag Sammenligning
  • 78. Ny Form Rendering Engine – hurtigere formularer
  • 79. Paralleliseret så mange operationer som muligt for at at fjerne den tid der bliver spildt, fordi browseren er inaktiv Øget det indhold, der er gemmes i cachen, flyttet renderingsprocessen delvist server-side, og optimeret initialisering af kontrolelementer.
  • 80. Da den nye form renderer er mere paralleliseret, konstruerer renderings motoren nu formularen og XRM modellen først - og binder først data når serveren svarer. Nu holder vi iFramen med de nødvendige ressourcer intakt mens vi loader custom og entity-specific scripts i en separate iFrame* Form load plejede at være en meget lineær proces. Formularer spildte mange ressourcer. Da de var hosted i iFrames, blev iFramen kasseret og reloaded ved hver form load Sammenligning
  • 82. Ny funktionsmåde for dato og klokkeslæt data typen
  • 83. I CRM Online kan du nu oprette “Date Only” felter, hvor der ikke sker konvertering af tidszone, og tidspunktet er altid 12:00 AM (midnat) Datoer kan nu gemmes så langt tilbage som 1/1/1753
  • 84. To nye tidszone uafhængige funktionsmåder for datatypen Dato og klokkeslæt til at løse sådanne sager: “Date Only”, og “Time Zone Independent” Funktionsmåden for datatypen Dato og klokkeslæt var begrænset til brugerens lokale dato og klokkeslæt. Med denne “time zone aware” funktionsmåde, kunne vi ikke ordentligt løse tilfælde, hvor datoen og klokkeslættet skulle repræsenteres uafhængigt af brugerens lokale tidszone, såsom fødselsdage eller hotel check-in tider Sammenligning
  • 85. Nye “older than” operatorer giver mere præcise queries
  • 86. Nye “older than” operatorer føjet til for mere præcise queries – Older than X [Days | Weeks | Months | Years] Disse nye operatorer er tilgængelige til brug i FetchXML, samt Advanced Find og View betingelser
  • 87. Older than X Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, and Years føjet til som nye dato operatorer Kun “Older than X Months” dato operator Sammenligning
  • 88. Kast dig ud i det… Whats new Release Preview Guide Whats new for administrators and customizers
  • 89. Nyt i CRM 2015 Update 1
  • 90. 95

Editor's Notes

  1. Whats new – Release Preview Guide - Whats new for administrators and customizers -
  2. Remodel the navigation bar so that it supports ease of use even for large number of entities Bring back global most recently used (MRU) Bring back form navigation to allow easier navigation in a large form (300 fields)
  3. The navigation controls are as follows: • Breadcrumb and navigator drop-down: To open the navigator, choose the text label to the right of the home button in the navigation bar. (The label here is a 2-level breadcrumb, which indicates the area and category in which you are currently working.) • Application areas: The main areas of the application are represented by this row of colorful tiles. Select a tile to view the categories and features associated with a given area. • Feature categories: The various features are grouped by category. The category names are shown here. • Feature buttons: Select a button to go to a specific feature. (Usually, this brings you to a list page, which you can use to find and open the maintenance page for a specific record). • Scroll arrows: In some areas, the menu might be wider than your screen; in this case, you can scroll using the arrows on the left and right side of the menu. Try also to use your mouse scroll wheel to scroll here. • Home button: Choose the home button to go to your home page, which you can populate with a customized collection of graphical widgets (see below).
  4. With the new navigation bar, it's easier and faster to find the information you need. When you choose the Main Menu from the nav bar, you can access your work areas, records, or other items with less scrolling and fewer clicks than before.
  5. Carousel Lost focus if cursor misplaced (happened a lot)
  6. Bringing back the global MRU we had in CRM2011 to the current CRM 2015 system. This will allow end users to switch between records they’re working on quickly without going through navigation to find it. Allows quick access to recent work; Allows pinning; Works for Records, Views and Dashboards
  7. Carousel Lost focus if cursor misplaced (happened a lot) Important Considerations A maximum of 30 records and 10 views are recorded; The recently accessed ones are stored locally in the browser cache and uploaded to database on browser/window closure Saved on the UserEntityUISettings table: all details and XML structured on RecentlyViewedXml column (Pinned, LastAccessTime, etc) Fiddler trace shows upload action performed upon closure and database records created/updated Ud over entitetens senest senest besøgte poster har vi tilføjet en ny Global MRU der viser de senest besøgte poster på tværs af entiteter, og tillader brugerne at fastgøre de poster de besøger ofte
  8. In-Form Navigation In-form navigation menu located in the form header Allows a user to jump between visible tabs on the form In-Form Menu is consistently displayed while in context of the record Menu will remain when navigating to associated entities
  9. Dropdown to allow quick jump into different areas (sections) of the form; Existing client APIs which applied when the form previously had form navigation will now work with the new form navigation
  10. (Settings > Customizations > Themes) Design tema 2) Publish Theme (så bliver det aktivt Change the color scheme or add a logo to match your organization’s brand - Purpose Branding is the primary goal; Not designed to alter CRM UI drastically; Components for theming Logos (will work as webresources), Main Navigation; Hover colors, Selection colors; Limitations Most areas in the application will be theme-aware; For legacy areas, some are converted, other will default to the out-of-the-box colors; Certain areas MUST use dark or light colors due to icon colors; Icon theming or customization is not included, hover effect color is the default one Not solution aware Entity Colors Part of Entity Metadata Sitemap nodes still do not provide colors. Some pages like Dashboards will need to use a neutral default color. Limitations The same entity must be the same color Even if under different Sitemap nodes (Cannot make all Service entities one color and all Sales entities one color because they overlap);
  11. (Settings > Customizations > Themes) Design tema 2) Publish Theme (så bliver det aktivt Change the color scheme or add a logo to match your organization’s brand - Purpose Branding is the primary goal; Not designed to alter CRM UI drastically; Components for theming Logos (will work as webresources), Main Navigation; Hover colors, Selection colors; Limitations Most areas in the application will be theme-aware; For legacy areas, some are converted, other will default to the out-of-the-box colors; Certain areas MUST use dark or light colors due to icon colors; Icon theming or customization is not included, hover effect color is the default one Not solution aware Entity Colors Part of Entity Metadata Sitemap nodes still do not provide colors. Some pages like Dashboards will need to use a neutral default color. Limitations The same entity must be the same color Even if under different Sitemap nodes (Cannot make all Service entities one color and all Sales entities one color because they overlap);
  12. For example, you can create your personal product branding, add a company logo and provide entity-specific coloring. A theme is created by using the customization tools in the UI, without requiring a developer to write code. The theme colors are applied globally throughout the application, with the exception of some legacy areas, such as Gradient buttons The changes made for an organization's theme are not included in solutions exported from the organization. You can define multiple themes, but only one can be set and published as the default theme. For more information about how to export/import the theme data programmatically, see Apply Themes to provide a custom look and feel for an organization in the What’s New in CRM for Developers? section of this document.
  13. What can be adjusted Logo (Web Resource) Logo Tooltip Navigation Bar Color Navigation Bar Shelf Color Header Color Global Link Color Selected Link Effect Hover Link Effect Process Control Color Default Entity Color Default Custom Entity Color Control Shade Control Border
  14. Clear fields
  15. A new ‘type’ of action has been added for the Set field value Runs on both Entity and Form scope Possible for most of the fields: Field Type - Available to set null Single line of Text - Yes Option Set (assigned default value) - No Option Set (unassigned default value) - Yes Two Option - No Image - No Whole Number - Yes Floating Point Number - Yes Decimal - Yes Currency - Yes Lookup - Yes Date Time - Yes
  16. A new capability in Microsoft Dynamics CRM lets you go back to the previous stage in the business process flow regardless of entity type. For example, if the active stage is Deliver Quote on a quote record, you can move the active stage back to the Propose stage on an opportunity record. In another example, suppose, you are currently in the Present Proposal stage in your process flow: Qualify Lead > Identify Needs > Create Proposal > Present Proposal > Close. If the proposal presented to the customer requires more research to identify customer needs, you can simply select the Identify Needs stage of your process and choose Set Active
  17. Now it is possible to move back to the previous stage of the process flow regardless of entity type. For example, you are currently in the “Present Proposal” stage in your process flow: Qualify Lead > Identify Needs > Create Proposal > Present Proposal > Close If the proposal presented to the customer requires more research to identify customer needs, you can simply select the Identify Needs stage of your process and choose Set Active.
  18. It was possible to bypass required steps in the business process flow by manipulating it through the SDK and move to the next stage on Qualifying a Lead and Converting a Quote to a Sales Order. Now, the system automatically checks that all required steps in the business process have been completed before letting the user move to the next stage The QualifyLeadRequest and ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest messages now validate whether the required steps are completed before a lead is qualified or a quote is converted to sales order respectively.
  19. Systemet kontrollerer automatisk, at alle påkrævede trin i forretningsprocessen er afsluttede før brugeren tillades at flytte processen frem til den næste fase
  20. It was possible to bypass required steps in the business process flow by manipulating it through the SDK and move to the next stage on Qualifying a Lead and Converting a Quote to a Sales Order. Now, the system automatically checks that all required steps in the business process have been completed before letting the user move to the next stage The QualifyLeadRequest and ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest messages now validate whether the required steps are completed before a lead is qualified or a quote is converted to sales order respectively.
  21. Action is released in Dynamics CRM 2013, which separates creating and updating business logic and consuming it. Business analyst or customizer are able to use Workflow Editor to build business logic, and developers consume the service without knowing the implementation detail. The feature is very flexible and extensible, yet you had to ask developers to consume the feature. Now you are able to consume the service without writing any code.
  22. Call custom actions from workflows or dialogs Workflows and dialogs have numerous capabilities supporting business scenarios. Until now, you could call basic SDK actions, such as create, update, and delete a record, from within a workflow or a dialog. While this solves quite a few business scenarios, in this release, we coupled the capabilities of the workflows and dialogs with the power of the custom actions. Now you can invoke a custom action directly from within a workflow or a dialog, without writing a single line of code!
  23. Important Considerations Cannot pass in Entity and Entity Collection when using via Workflow Also cannot use Picklist as an input parameter XAML workflows are not supported in CRM Online Tidligere kunne du kun kalde grundlæggende SDK handlinger, såsom Create, Update og Delete en record fra workflows eller dialogs
  24. We've redesigned exporting to Excel from the bottom up to provide for a much smoother experience. With a single click in the web client or in CRM for Outlook, you can export your data as an Excel document, which can be opened anywhere, including the desktop version of Excel (2007 and later), Excel Online, and other Excel clients. When you export, all formatting is preserved, so you can do your calculations in Excel, and then reimport the data to CRM. You can export up to 100,000 records at a time (previous limit was 10,000).
  25. Cannot Open with Excel Online Warning Dialog when opening file Numeric data Exported as text Leading Zeros Disappeared Extra Currency Column Når du eksporterer bevares al formatering bevaret, så du kan gøre dine beregninger i Excel, og derefter importere data til CRM. Du kan eksportere op til 100 k poster ad gangen (tidligere 10k).
  26. Fields are now exported correctly, field types are maintained, decimal precision exports correctly, Currency is displayed in one column  Felter eksporteres nu korrekt, felttyper bibeholdes, decimal præcision eksporter korrekt, valuta vises i én kolonne
  27. Do quick analysis with Excel Online, right from CRM Online Millions of people use Microsoft Office Excel to analyze corporate data and create reports. Now you can use Microsoft Excel Online to do quick analysis, right from CRM Online. For example, if you're a sales manager, you might want to analyze the opportunities your team owns and review Key Points of Interest (KPIs) to see how you can assist your team members. If you're a sales rep, you can open your opportunities in Excel and do what-if analysis for different incentive scenarios.
  28. Immersive Ad-hoc Analysis Embedded experience in CRM Bring Excel capabilities into CRM
  29. Immersive Excel is available only in the Web client Always start Immersive Excel from a full CRM view Check file generated time in the CRM User Interface Excel | Data | Refresh is not enabled in this release
  30. Each CRM record has its own Notebook All users share the same notebook for each record All notes under the same notebook are associated with the CRM record Each section will point to an individual section in the notebook
  31. For example, when you’re on the go at a customer site, take notes on your Microsoft Surface or other mobile device while you’re viewing opportunity details. Capture photos, take voice notes, do free-form drawings and more Alle noter i en notesbog er knyttet til CRM-posten
  32. You can associate a tracked folder with a specific record, such as an account or opportunity, so whenever you move a message to that folder, it's automatically linked to that specific record. Tracked folders work with Exchange Inbox rules, which makes it even easier to manage and track incoming email. Why Folder-Level Tracking Exchange Rules can be used Exchange Rules will automatically move emails to a folder. Folder Tracking will then promote the emails to Dynamics CRM Online. Track from mail apps and devices Any mail apps or devices that allow you to move an email to folder will allow you to track in Dynamics CRM. No additional client installation required The Dynamics CRM for Outlook client would not be required to track emails.
  33. Server Side Sync (SSS) allows users to automatically track emails in response to another email, or based on CRM records that are mail enabled. Email tracking occurs automatically and the user does not have the option to manually track an email from a CRM client outside of the Outlook client Folder Level Tracking can be enabled to allow users to manually move an email into a tracked folder. The emails moved into the folder will be tracked by Server Side Sync. Exchange rules can be created to automatically move emails into the tracking folder for automatic tracking Requirements Server-Side Sync required Server-side Sync must be configured to Exchange. Exchange is required Folders to be tracked must be under Inbox These can be folders directly under the inbox or sub-folders. Folder mapping must be set up in Dynamics CRM Online The folder mapping must be setup under the user’s personal options Med SSS du kan automatisk spore svar e-mails, eller mails som baseres på CRM records, der er mail aktiveret. E-mail tracking sker automatisk og du kan ikke manuelt tracke spore en e-mail fra en CRM-klient uden for Outlook-klienten
  34. Microsoft Dynamics CRM already includes a full-featured CRM add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook called CRM for Outlook. Now you have the choice of using CRM for Outlook or the new Dynamics CRM App for Outlook to track incoming email. Dynamics CRM App for Outlook is a light-weight app that includes full email tracking capabilities. You can use Dynamics CRM App for Outlook anywhere that you use Outlook on your desktop, including Outlook Web App, which is included in Office 365. Dynamics CRM App for Outlook is also available for Outlook 2013 and Outlook for Mac. With Dynamics CRM App for Outlook, you can: •Track incoming email and set a regarding record •Determine whether a record is already tracked and view the regarding record •View information about CRM contacts or leads •Create new contact or lead records if the person on the From line isn't already in CRM •View information about last and next activities, as well as related records •Open CRMforms if you need more detailed information This Preview feature will be available soon after Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 is released. More information: What are Preview features and how do I enable them?
  36. Apps for Office (Exchange catalog) is a private catalog that is managed by an Exchange administrator for mail apps that are available to users of the Exchange Server on which it resides. It enables publication and administration of corporate mail apps, such as internally created apps and apps that are available in the Office Store and licensed for corporate use. To see what mail apps are installed on your Exchange Online server: The app must be installed on the Exchange Server by an admin and made available to users ( CRM App for Outlook requires a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online subscription. Also, an administrator needs to enable the “CRM App for Outlook” privilege on any user roles that need access to this app.
  37. As part of CRM 2013 SP1 release, we shipped a new server-based SharePoint integration that leveraged server-to-server authentication to facilitate communication between CRM and SharePoint. This was different from the previous integration which required an admin to download and install a list component on their SharePoint site before connecting their SharePoint site to CRM. While the integration with the list component displayed the SharePoint documents in CRM through an iframe, the new server-based integration displays the documents in CRM’s native grids and the SharePoint actions in the CRM command bar. The new server-based integration provides a SharePoint integration with a more consistent CRM look-and-feel that the iframed experience with the list component. Another reason for making the move to the new integration is that the SharePoint team has stated that they plan to deprecate the sandbox functionality on SharePoint sites. The sandbox functionality is required by the list component approach, without it, CRM users will be unable to connect their SharePoint sites to CRM. Since the SharePoint team’s plan was to first deprecate the functionality in SharePoint Online, the CRM 2013 SP1 release focused on CRM Online with SharePoint Online support only. For the SP1 release, there was no support for OnPremise or Hybrid (CRM Online with SharePoint OnPremise or CRM OnPrem with SharePoint Online) scenarios. However, we will need to address both the Hybrid and On Premise scenarios with the new integration. Eventually the SharePoint team plans to completely remove the sandbox solution functionality in both Online and OnPremise and we will to have an integration available in all cases that does not take a dependency on the sandbox solution. A high-trust app is a provider-hosted app for SharePoint that uses the digital certificates to establish trust between the remote web application and SharePoint. "High-trust" is not the same as "full trust". A high-trust app must still request app permissions. The app is considered "high-trust" because it is trusted to use any user identity that the app needs, because the app is responsible for creating the user portion of the access token that it passes to SharePoint.
  38. Benefits of Server-Based SP Integration No List Component Sandbox Deprecated OneNote Integration Native UI Single Sign-On
  39. Calculated fields now have support for the NOW() and DateDIff functions. DateDiff will support differences in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. One important note, in Dynamics CRM Online, the NOW() function will always return the UTC dateTime from SQL server and not a local time. For Rollup fields CRM now support the aggregation of the activity entity.
  40. Now() : Returns current datetime DiffInMinutes(start, end) : difference from start to end in minutes. DiffInHours(start, end) : difference from start to end in hours DiffInDays(start, end) : difference from start to end in days DiffInMonths(start, end) : difference from start to end in months. DiffInYears(start, end) : difference from start to end in years.
  41. Rich in functions involving *Numeric* values – no/few Date functions
  42. We introduced rollup fields in the previous release to help our users obtain insights into data by monitoring key business metrics. In this release, we are further enriching your experience with the rollup fields by adding new capabilities that include: Averaging calculations with the AVG operator Aggregating data over the base Activity entity across all related activity records, such phone calls, emails, or appointments. Aggregating data over the base Activity entity across activity records associated with the Activity through the Activity Party entity, such as Sender, ToRecipient, or Customer.
  43. We introduced rollup fields in the previous release to help our users obtain insights into data by monitoring key business metrics. In this release, we are further enriching your experience with the rollup fields by adding new capabilities that include: Averaging calculations with the AVG operator Aggregating data over the base Activity entity across all related activity records, such phone calls, emails, or appointments. Aggregating data over the base Activity entity across activity records associated with the Activity through the Activity Party entity, such as Sender, ToRecipient, or Customer.
  44. The tablet app shows multiple panes/lists/charts at a time. Accessing the command bar without selecting a specific list (pressing and holding on it), will show the global command bar actions such as New and Refresh. When you select a specific list, the command bar shows contextual commands specific to that list. With the phone app, you are only seeing 1 pane/list/chart at a time. When you access the command bar, it will show the contextual commands for that pane as well as global commands for that area. Some commands also have drill-down to the next command instead of a flyout like the tablet app. For example: Tapping Settings displays another list of commands including Sign-Out, Reconfigure, Help, and About. Some commands like Select View may display a long list of options requiring you to scroll down to see the full list.
  45. Full-featured Phone Mobile Client Application and phone-specific customizations The new Phone Mobile Client Application features the “design once, deploy everywhere” paradigm. It allows administrators to deliver to users of smartphone devices the same featurerich experience available on CRM for tablets, which includes full support for charts, processes, multiple dashboards, customization and business logic written using Business Rules or JavaScript. The administrator also has the option of optimizing the phone experience even further by selectively hiding parts of entity forms on tab, section or field levels. Top order role based form The reimagined phone client uses the main form definition just like the tablet client Process driven UI Users are able to nurture their Leads, Opportunities, and other process driven workflows no matter where they are, and what device they use Form logic Use Business Rules and/or JavaScript to run clientAPI Almost identical to tablet app Some rendering differences for smaller form factor (ex. portrait vs landscape) Very small number of functional differences Duplicate Detection Not currently available in phone app iFrames and Web Resources Currently in tablet app only as a Preview feature Open in Browser Not available in phone app Cortana Integration Only available in Windows Phone app Same available commands as prior phone app Ability to Hide Components Hide tabs, sections, sub-grids, fields, and charts Only available for phone Important Considerations Cached Records and Personalization Not shared between tablet and phone apps Stored on the device (not server side) Example: Pinning tile on tablet app will not pin it for phone app No Pinch Zoom Cannot zoom in on charts Same as tablet app Permissions Same permissions as tablet app “CRM for tablet” privilege renamed to “CRM for mobile” “CRM for mobile” privilege used for tablet and phone app “CRM for phones express” privilege used for prior phone app
  46. With the entitlement functionality that was delivered in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Spring 2014 Release, the following limitations have been observed (for which we have got feedback from partners and internal support team as well): On case creation, customer’s entitlement does not get automatically applied to the case. The Service Rep has to manually do it. This is an additional step that can be automated to increase productivity. For a case where an entitlement term has been decremented, there is no way to give back the entitlement term for the case record when needed. Workaround is painful and not acceptable (Service Manager needs to deactivate the associated entitlement, increase the entitlement terms, and then activate the entitlement. This can lead to service disruption and other inconsistencies).
  47. Setting it up Create and set a default entitlement for a customer, under Settings > Service Management > Entitlements When case is created, entitlement marked as default is assigned to the case Set as default is needed in order for the assignment to be done, even when there is only one entitlement for that customer
  48. Standard
  49. Do not decrement entitlement Option to not decrement an entitlement Set from the command bar within the case Behavior once clicked: - refund immediately: if case has been charged on case creation - will not touch the total terms on case resolution: if entitlement is charged for decrease on case resolution
  50. Behavior once clicked: refund immediately: if case has been charged on case creation, will not touch the total terms on case resolution: if entitlement is charged for decrease on case resolution
  51. Tildeling = klip/timer etc
  52. Avoid reloading and reprocessing on navigation
  53. All the changes have been focused on how the form load process can be optimized. There are 2 main changes that have been made: loading process of the form, and handling of cache. In terms of loading process, we have parallelized as many operations as possible to eliminate time wasted because the browser is idle. We increased the content that’s cached, moved rendering processes partially to server-side, and optimized the initialization of controls.
  54. *However this will cause unsupported customizations to break (including DOM manipulations, accessing internal iFrame URLs, or other window-related assumptions). What changed? All the changes have been focused on how the form load process can be optimized. There are 2 main changes that have been made: loading process of the form, and handling of cache. In terms of loading process, we have parallelized as many operations as possible to eliminate time wasted because the browser is idle. We increased the content that’s cached, moved rendering processes partially to server-side, and optimized the initialization of controls. Form load used to be a very linear process. Since the new form renderer is more parallelized, the rendering engine now constructs the form and XRM model first and binds the data whenever the server responds. The diagram below is a rough approximation in order to illustrate the differences between the 2 rendering engines and may not reflect the exact changes. Forms also used to waste a lot of resources. Since they were hosted in iframes, the iframe would be discarded and reloaded on each form load. The new form renderer does not discard iframes and instead keeps the iframe around. All common scripts are already parsed and never need to be loaded again. This introduced the design to load custom scripts and ISV scripts in a separate iframe which is the one that’s discarded when the form closes. Previously, these scripts would be loaded in the same iframe as the form.
  55. Previously, the behavior of the Date and Time data type was limited to the user’s local date and time. With the “time zone aware” behavior, we couldn’t properly address cases, where the date and time needed to be presented independently of the user’s local time zone, such as birthdays or hotel check-in time. In this release, we introduced two new time zone independent behaviors for the Date and Time data type to address such cases: Date Only Time Zone Independent
  56. Prior to this update Dynamics CRM had one DateTime attribute behavior called: “User Local”. … Customizers had the option to change the display mask for the attribute, between date only and ..,. date & time. However, the values were always converted to the users timezone upon viewing… and converted back to UTC when storing the data. To address concerns and enable new scenarios, Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 is introducing two new behaviors : … “Date Only” and “Time zone independent” Let’s look at all of the three available formats … The first is “USER LOCAL”, which previously was the only behavior for date time attributes. The User Local … DateTime… attribute behavior can display either the date or the date & time in the UI. This attribute behavior will always display relative to the users timezone. This was valuable for dates that should always be displayed relative to the users timezone … such as shipping dates or points in time relative to UTC. New to this update, the Date Only behavior will only display the date portion of the value in the UI, it will always display the value without any conversion, it will also store the exact value entered by the user without conversion. Common use cases fitting this behavior are … Birthdates, Anniversaries, and Hire Dates. Also new to this update is the Timezone Independent behavior, it will display both the date and time in the UI … without any conversion, it will also store the exact value entered by the user without conversion. Common use cases fitting this behavior are Dates of work or any timestamp that should be static across timezones. Behaviors added in CRM Online 2015 Update 1 Date Only Time zone Independent Existing Attribute Behavior Changes Will change the display format & platform conversion behavior Underlying data remains unchanged (from user local: will be UTC) After changing the attribute you may want to update the data values Updated Platform Minimum DateTime Value All previous versions – 1/1/1900 2015 Update 1 and greater– 1/1/1753 NOTE: Excel will only interpret exported date values after 1900
  57. To allow for more exact querying… new “older than” operators were added to allow querying records older than a numberof: …Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, and Years in addition to the previous versions ability to search for records older than x # of months. These new operators are available for use in FetchXML as well as advanced find and view conditions.
  58. To allow for more exact querying… new “older than” operators were added to allow querying records older than a numberof: …Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, and Years in addition to the previous versions ability to search for records older than x # of months. These new operators are available for use in FetchXML as well as advanced find and view conditions.
  59. Here's the full list of CSS Spring 2015 videos: 1) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 - Sean McNellis 2) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 -  Application New Features Goncalo Antunes 3) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 - CRM Office Integrations New Features Shawn Dieken, Kim Johnson 4) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 - Folder Based Email Tracking New Features Kim Johnson 5) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 - CRM for Phone New Features Dana Martens 6) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 - SharePoint Integration New Features Dana Martens 7) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 - Yammer Integration New Features Dana Martens 8) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 - Service New Features Goncalo Antunes 9) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 - CRM Online Administration New Features Dana Martens – this one shows screenshots that are really important 10) Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1 - CRM SDK New Features Sean McNellis 11) Microsoft Dynamics Marketing 2015 Update 1 New Features and Enhancements Training Jon Birnbaum 12) Installation and Configuration for Microsoft Dynamics Marketing Connector for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Jon Birnbaum 13) Microsoft Dynamics Social Engagement Update 2015 1 New Features Goncalo Antunes