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"The case of drugs sold by the PKK in Italy and the ongoing recycling
of money of international narco-terrorists that are shipping arms into
Lebanon to the Hezbollah and Al-Qaida from the port of Gioia Tauro"
• Who caused the killing of Rocco Mole' that accepted to give info
on the containers with arms shipped to the Hezbollah and Al-
Qaeda out of the port of Gioia Tauro controlled by the
• Classifying Ndrangheta and the drug cartels they control in the
same manner as al-Qaida, the Taliban or Hezbollah would make
them a higher priority for law enforcement agencies and would
subject them to laws that target their finances and networks
• Which narco-terrorist radical state is behind the 'Ndrangheta, the
Calabrese Mafia protected by extremist politicians and corrupted
law enforcement that are looking the "other way" in Gioia Tauro
and Naples as described by Roberto Saviano in his book
• What about the infamous "Third Level" mentioned by PNA Pietro
Grasso in his book "Per non morire di Mafia"?
• How we can support Great Magistrates and Italian Citizens such
as Nicola Gratteri that said quote " la 'ndrangheta, che e'
ricchissima, e' infiltrata nelle istituzioni" unquote)?
“Enough is enough” as an America Citizen I confirm my availability in order to
ITALY) the bosses of the “ndrine” and the GOMORRA corrupted military high
ranks and law enforcement civilians associated/controlled by the ‘Ndrangheta !!!
Do we want to re-write history?
Do we want to re-write the 9/11 and the Holocaust?
Do we want to give-in to the Ndrangheta a mafia organization linked to a terrorist state?
Do we want to forget about the killing of Rocco Mole’ and the man that caused his death
- a thief, a phony “pentito” and an “INFORMANT OF THE ROSARNO’s CARABINIERI”
to whom he was renting his villa as the “Carabinieri Station” in a town fully controlled by
the Ndrangheta?
Shall we forget Angelo Boccardelli, a human being blackmailed because he was an
“Artist”, a “DIVERSO” (a “different gender” fine person) that could not take the blackmail
and harassment of “malevolent criminal minds” such as the Caldirolas, the Ruggieros
and Viscardis, the Boniccellis supported by Guardia di Finanza generals, carabinieri and
politicians of Monteporzio Catone and Rosarno (with NO capital “g”, “c” and “p”).
Shall we abandon Angelo Boccardelli (investigated by a GIP like Giancarlo Giusti
and a judge like Vincenzo Giglio) a fine artist and first secretary of H.E.
Ambassador Giacomo Maria UGOLINI (a fine Diplomat, friend of Boutros Boutros-
Ghali) that exactly twenty years ago brought the Republic of San Marino, the
oldest republic of the world into the United Nations.
Here we are going “BEYOND GOMORRA” or what is left of Italy the “Bel Paese” where
I was born.
Signed by Com.te Dott. Giorgio H. Balestrieri in NY on March 18, 2012.
Giorgio H. Balestrieri
President 2011-2012
Rotary Club of New York
The Host Club of America
From my document to the Authorities:
February 1st 2008 Rocco Mole’ our informant is killed by the Ndrangheta.
March 28, 2008 memo to Joseph C. Peters followed by messages to Col. Giuseppe De
Donno (SISDE), Andreas Viscardi and Angelo Boccardelli titled:
"Scripta Manent Verba Volant":
Subj: ABC in Calabria
A. Calabria floats over huge arms traffic. There is in Calabria a massive storage of
powerful and deadly weapons, some of them where used during the last mafia
war (from machine guns to ground to air missiles or rockets and RPGs such as
the one found in a 'ndrangheta arsenal in the province of Modena (north of
B. The other two main businesses of the mobsters in Calabria are the international
drugs trafficking and
C. Extortion that involves every productive activity including professionals such as
accountant lawyers doctors etc.
The kidnappings are not in fashion anymore, they are down considerably, since they
drive on the neck of all the families to much attention and deployment of law
enforcement units.
Where the "Families" are
• Reggio Calabria : De Stefano-Tegano (quartiere Archi), Imerti-Condello-Fontana
(Villa San Giovanni-Fiumara), Araniti (Gallico, Sambatello, Diminniti), Libri
(Modena, Vinco, Cannavò) Labate (Sbarre, Gebbione), Latella (Ravagnese,
Arangea, Gallina, Rosario Valanidi), Rosmini (Piazza Carmine), Serraino
(Modena, Arangea, Gallina), Lo Giudice (S. Caterina, Porto, S. Brunello, Vito).
• Locride : Cataldo, Cordì (Locri), Ierino (Gioiosa Ionica),Ursino- Macrì (Gioiosa
I.), Commisso, Costa (Siderno), Mazzaferro (Gioiosa Jonica), Morabito,
Bruzzaniti, Palamara, Mollica (Africo), Aquino (Marina di Gioiosa Jonica), Ruga
(Monasterace), Barbaro (Platì), Nirta-Romeo (San Luca).
• Lamezia Terme: Pagliuso, De Sensi, Gattini, Muraca.
• Melito Porto Salvo: Iamonte
• Entroterra reggino : Papalia-Italiano (Delianova, Scido, Cosoleto, Oppido
Mamertina, Santa Cristina d'Aspromonte, Alvaro (Sinopoli, Delianova, Cosoleto,
S. Eufemia d'Aspromonte, San Procopio, Scido).
• Piana di Gioia Tauro : Piromalli (Gioia Tauro), Pesce (Rosarno).
• Oppido Mamertina : Mammoliti.
• Catanzaro : Amerato, Costanzo, Arena, Catanzariti.
• Isola Capo Rizzuto-Cutro : Arena-Dragone-Mannolo.
• Vibonese: Lo Bianco, Mancuso (Limbadi), Piromalli.
• Cosenza (In-land): Sena, Pino, Perna, Pranno.
• Cosenza (Tirrenian Coast): Muto (Cetraro), Corcine, Marino, Vilardi.
• Cosenza (Jonian Coast): Carelli, Cirillo, Portoraro, Tripodoro, Elia.
Message to Joseph C. PETERS copy to Andrea VISCARDI and Dott. Angelo
BOCCARDELLI on March 24, 2008 and forwarded to Col. Giuseppe DE DONNO
(SISDE) on April 4, 2008 at
From: Comandante
To: (CC:, Aboccardelli)
Sent: 3/24/2008 12:06:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Scripta manent verba volant
Dear Joe looks like what is going on with "Virgiglio et all" after the homicide of Rocco
Mole' should not have an impact on the current candidates. I do not see any skeleton in
a nearby closet that can be used before or after the elections.
Consequently, in my opinion (I may be wrong but I hope not) the case of arms transiting
in and out of Gioia Tauro for the PKK in Iraq/Turkey and the ones now being shipped for
the future uprisings/destabilization of the Balkans can be investigated and prosecuted
without involving future Italian governmental officials, thus guaranteeing the help of
the right and the left of the political class making it a clean case to be followed.
I am not going to discuss nor even touch other activities such as drugs and/or money
laundering (there are professionals law enforcement officials for that and with my
expertise and my US Patent I can only give a technical help not an operational one).
Since 2004 within the Rotary and now the Foundation I work pro-bono in conflict
prevention, peace and development, interreligious dialogues, that includes the security
of Angelo Boccardelli as Chairman and Founder of the San Marino Foundation and the
safekeeping of the valuables of the Foundation in Villa Vecchia and “IL CRISTO”
(The Christ) now in a safe place.
Tomorrow we should put thing in writing with a Prosecutor in Velletri to prevent the
"thugs" to do to Angelo and me any "wrong" when in San Marino and in Calabria for the
rest of the week (we are afraid that they may leave guns and drugs inside our suite in
the Hotel and then call the Carabinieri). Also this will go to all our cell phones so it
can be intercepted and recorded.
All the best
In a message dated 4/2/2008 6:07:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
“They (they = contacts in the CIA) will be back in touch with me. In the meantime, any
update since the last?”
On April 2, 2008 I send the following info to Joseph C. Peters answering to his
message asking for an "Update":
MY UPDATE: The situation is very fluid.
1. Last week in Calabria we spoke with the “Guardia di Finanza” (IRS) in Vibo.
2. We have a meeting early tomorrow morning with one of the comptrollers of our
company ITA Srl. that should sell the Hotel to Cosimo Virgiglio. The brother of
the comptroller, Fausto Ventriglia, has some connections with a head of anti-
3. Tomorrow afternoon we should go back into Rosarno where Andrea Viscardi (the
one that drove us to see Col. Giuseppe De Donno of SISDE) has arranged a
meeting with one of the head of the "old families" for tomorrow night (but Angelo
is not yet convinced he should do it).
4. Being in Calabria we may go and see the “Guardia di Finanza” (IRS Customs) of
Gioia Tauro that is a friend of the one we met in Vibo.
Cosimo Virgiglio is very nervous and he is in Rome having left his right hand Alessandro
Giorgi in Rosarno and San Ferdinando. He asked again to Angelo to have the sick
Mole' transported into a Prison/Hospital (Pisa) and being afraid about the Mole'
family he would like to send the old uncle and the two young grandsons of the
one in jail into the US for a month or two and stay out of the sight of the calabresi
(they all have a legit passport).
All the best
On April 14, 2008 I am sending a SITREP (Situation Report) to Joseph C. Peters
and Col. Giuseppe De Donno (SISDE):
From: Comandante
To: FondazioneGMU
Sent: 4/14/2008 11:04:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Situation Report: Tentative of hostile takeover of the Hotel Villa Vecchia structure
and its art (mafia style), recent robberies in Rome and San Marino.
A. The Hotel Villa Vecchia complex
1. The old management that in 2006 and 2007 embezzled over 750,000 Euros is
out of the Hotel as of the end of January 2008. We do not know anything about
the three separate criminal charges we have filed on November 30, 2007 at
the Carabinieri of Monte Porzio Catone.
2. The new management (Cargo Service Srl of San Ferdinando / Gioia Tauro –
Calabria) is trying to take over the Villa Vecchia complex for “nothing”
threatening whoever will try to stop them to put them in a horizontal
3. Angelo and I we have inventoried our art exhibited in the public space of the
Hotel Villa Vecchia (estimated at 2.330.000,00 Euros) and our furniture, our art
and personal items in the Suite of the Hotel in case the authorities and the
Anti-Mafia decide to follow our request to seize the property.
B. Foundation's Programs
1. The Fondazione Giacomo Maria Ugolini Ambasciatore needs continuity in the
next 12-18 months before we can overcome the losses occurred in the last week
criminal break-in. In the robbery they were after the Christ of Michelangelo
that the criminals believed was in San Marino where they "eradicated" the
headquarters' safe from the wall with inside the Foundation's books, seal, bank
checks and valuable funds AND the bank's vault second key where INDEED the
Christ sculpture was. Without books, seal and checks, the Foundation in San
Marino had to be suspended.
2. I had to open new bank accounts and most important IMMEDIATELY save the
Michelangelo' Christ sculpture, the Koran page, the Sura and some
extremely valuable art in another bank's vault.
3. We need an active Foundation in order to continue the ongoing programs: (a)
Michelangelo’s studies; (b) Inter Religious Discussions for Peace and
Development; (b) Hospital in Benin; (c) Trees for Peace; (d) Water and
Environment; (e) Art, Business and Creativity in Disabilities. As per the
mandate received in 2007 we'll incorporate the Fondazione Giacomo Maria
Ugolini Ambasciatore in the USA next week. We'll be able to continue to
operate internationally - immediately and seamlessly - while waiting to receive
the books and seals to substitute the one stolen in San Marino.
C. The Business
1. To recuperate the heavy losses and have again some liquidity we need an active
company in San Marino. This should occur by the end of this month
beginning of May with PROMOEXPO S.A. that should handle: (a) the Art
Fund (if we cannot do it in New York); (b) the IT/Communications' sector; (c)
the "Technology Hub" for the technologies we would like to represent in a free
2. We have received the stocks from the San Marino Tribunal and we have paid the
taxes to the San Marino Central Bank.
3. The Chamber of Commerce certificate should be received by the end of April
beginning of May.
Giorgio H. Balestrieri
On May 6, 2008 before leaving New York for Rome I sent the following message to
Joseph C. Peters and our contact in the CIA (some details are still confidential
and not reported here)
A. I'll put together the entire list of the people I have direct or indirect access
B. Connections of immediate interest are Vatican's Card. Pio Laghi to whom thanks to
my position in the Rotary and in the Foundation I have introduced various high
ranked individuals for Interreligious Discussions. Omissis ..The issue was and
still is the PKK question that has a connection in Gioia Tauro containers.
C. Omissis .However on Tuesday 18 I got the news of the robberies in
Rome and San Marino villas and I took the first flight back to Italy and San
Marino on Wednesday March 19.
From March 19 to April 19 I had to deal with the situation of the calabresi and the first
time I could be debriefed by Joe was yesterday. Omissis .. are still calling and trying
to make contact (last email was this morning at 4:55 AM).
Sorry for the English and the rest but I am in a big rush.
All the best
On May 16 2008 I am back home in NY.
On May 18 I sent the following Situation Report to our contact in the CIA and
Joseph C. Peters.
SITREP dated May 18, 2008 (JP stands for Joe peters, AF stands for Adolfo Fracchetti)
and several confidential details are not included:
SITREP May 18, 2008 (17:59)
1. JP and the Italian friends in Customs
2. Dini (Chair of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee)
3. US base expansion in Vicenza (Rovigo vs. Vicenza)
4. Italy's DIS (Cucchi) will be changed by Berlusconi (De Gennaro ??)
5. Omissis
.OMISSIS.....(no details here – end)
I take a break at home in NY until May 27 and then I fly back to Rome via Milan.
June 2008
Sunday June 1st and Monday June 2 I am in Livorno.
The 1st of June I am sending the following message to Joseph C. Peters and the
contact in the CIA on the Adolfo Fracchetti affair:
Yesterday Saturday May 31st I met Adolfo he stopped by with his wife on his way from
Palmi to Verona where he will stay until May 3rd to go back to Palmi where the
Prosecutor will make a decision to free his pension or not. The objective is to have the
Carabinieri deliver a message - next Tuesday June 3rd - to the Prosecutor Dott.
Musolino of Palmi to keep the inquiry going but to take away the "embezzlement"
indictment from Adolfo, because he is the one that filed the complaint and while
continuing to help the Prosecutor in this inquiry he'll be taken out of Calabria to work on
other issues as a consultant in a Rome operation center.
This is what I have in Italian written by Adolfo Fracchetti last night:
1. That he was the one that filed the original complaint about the embezzlement.
2. After eight month a staff of 6 people of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian
IRS/Customs) was able with the help of Adolfo to locate the amount of money.
He filed the complaint because alone he was not in condition to discover the
mechanism used to embezzle the sum of 187.000 Euros. The reason why was
so difficult to find such mechanism is that Adolfo, as Director of Customs,
NEVER received any complaint from the ship forwarders that were supposed to
be reimbursed from the Customs office of Gioia Tauro for the "Anchorage Taxes"
of the ships they discharged.
3. There is only one double reimbursement for only 12,000 that was found out of a
volume of 137.000.000 Euros in 18 months. And according to Adolfo was not his
All the above was done after he filed the complaint and they involved/FRAMED Adolfo
to block him from going further relieving him from the post and transferring him.
He was advised to go away OR ELSE.
He is willing to continue work as a consultant in an appropriate Rome center.
Within 3 days the judge has to decide if to keep seized or to allow Adolfo to have
access to his monthly pension .........and he'll be able with his pension to pay his rent
and as a Consultant be useful to work on the arms and other containers he
discussed about.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Adolfo Fracchetti wrongfully accused by Cosimo Virgiglio –
the informant of the Carabinieri and testifying against the Guardia di Finanza with
FALSE ACCUSATIONS - was investigated, jailed on December 28, 2009,
prosecuted and acquitted as INNOCENT in September 2011)
On Thursday June 12 I sent the following info to Joseph C. Peters and the CIA
contact immediately after the meeting of Wednesday June 11 with Dott. Raffaele
Del Sole in Naples:
Sunday June 8:
Angelo met his friend Nicolo' Pollari that told him that a good thing to work with is the
Fondazione Giacomo Maria Ugolini Ambasciatore (now about to be registered also in
the EU in Brussels).
Monday June 9:
We went to Naples where Andrea Viscardi introduced us to a friend of Giuseppe De
Donno, Raffaele Del Sole to whom we gave the info necessary to give a hard look
into the Gioia Tauro issue connected to Villa Vecchia hostile takeover by the
mafiosi of Rosarno a town fully controlled by the Ndrangheta and where Cosimo
Virgiglio is renting his villa to the Carabinieri!!!!
Tuesday June 10:
We managed to set up the schedule for Wednesday June 11. The friends, On Scalera
first, are trying to accelerate the whole thing to accommodate my schedule since I would
like to fly back next Sunday.
Today or tomorrow I'll decide, however I believe I may have to stay another week
because the NIAF people are coming to see Frattini, Dini, visit the house and the
senate, and have a gala at the end of next week. I was invited with Angelo to join them
(looks like Enzo De Chiara is coming as well).
Wednesday June 11:
A. The meeting with Gianni Letta has to be postponed after the visit of President
B. With Andrea Viscardi and On. Scalera we met with On. Edmondo Cirielli,
President of the Defense Committee of the House. The meeting went on the
same lines of the one with Dini, more on the Italian industry involved with
defense contracts (practical strategies instead of the politics discussed with Dini)
C. We went then for a tea with Ing. Poduie and we discussed the Vicenza problem
and issues. The mayor of Vicenza, PD elected thanks to the 5% of the "No-Dal-
Molin" people is favorable to us, and together with the industries involved in the
airport is willing to work out a solution to avoid the referendum. Poduie is listing
some the companies involved in AFCEA, to have AFCEA as the ethical platform
where military and industry can discuss the problem, have me as the president of
the Founders' Chapter met the mayor with Joe as soon as possible and continue
the first meeting that we had with Gen. Alberto Frigo IAF (Ret.), Consultant for
the Mayor of Vicenza, Ing. Giulio Poduie - Consultant for the Veneto Region on
Transport Planning, Antonio Bonotto President of Vicenza Aero Club.
Note: What they do not know is that The Fondazione was approached by some
very influential people close to the US willing commit to have the industrialists
with the mayor and the political groups of a nearby important city also the Veneto
region (few miles from Vicenza and close to major airports) to give us a "red
carpet treat" willing to give an historical building plus all the necessary land for a
brand new base.
The question is when I am going to hear from both of you . OMISSIS .
All the best
On June 15 I am translating to Joseph C. Peters and the CIA contact the message
dated June 12 sent to Dott. Raffaele Del Sole copy to Col. Giuseppe De Donno
Translation 1
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 17:22:25
To: “Raffaele Del Sole" <>
CC::"Giuseppe De Donno" <>
Subject: VIRGIGLIO Cosimo
Dear Dott. Del Sole,
Allow us to contact you to explain what happened today with VIRGIGLIO Cosimo of
Cargo Service Srl. on the issue of their "take-over" of the Hotel Vila Vecchia complex
here in Monte Porzio Catone.
In short, they tried to force us (first in a polite way) to sell at their conditions (thirty nine
thousand Euros!!! plus the debts of the company), but after our motivated protests (the
real value of the building is not the one arbitrarily appraised) , Virgiglio used in front of
his architect as witness (Arch. Greco) words such as "if we do not close this
operation you Angelo and you Giorgio you are already dead" adding that we were
free to go and file criminal charges against him with the Carabinieri and that he
was determined to carry out his threat even after the complaint.
Here we have all the worries that will coerce us to let the things go and give up since
the tone, the expression of Virgiglio face when he stated that our two heads were art
stake "because" we knew very well who the “people” behind him were.
(..... regards and salutations....)
Angelo Boccardelli
Giorgio Balestrieri
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
And the second translation to Joseph C. Peters and the CIA contact of the
messaged addressed to Dott. Raffaele Del Sole copy to Col. Giuseppe De Donno
(SISDE) dated June15.
Translation 2
I believe tomorrow may be difficult to take the time to translate this one so I am doing it
now. Life is indeed really beautiful!!!.......when you can lock the bastards.....
Good night
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 20:52:31
To: "Raffaele Del Sole" <>
CC: "Giuseppe De Donno" <>
Subject: VIRGIGLIO Cosimo
Taking advantage of your willingness to listen to us, we would like to make you aware of
some certitude (realities).
1. The know subject (Virgiglio), will come back next week with the guys he refers to as
"his boys" that are Giosuele (Joshua) and Angelo (Angel) (already under
IRS/Customs investigation), they carry and show guns and we do not know if legally
or illegally. The same two guys asked (a friend of us) to change residence (from
Calabria) to the city of Colleferro (Rome).
2. The subject (Virgiglio), carries a gun in his right ankle under the sock and moves
around with rented cars or by train, he leave his Mercedes here in Villa Vecchia
where he brought a motorcycle or he leaves the car somewhere else.
3. We got info from a Calabrese source in the maximum security section of Velletri
Penitentiary, that Virgiglio with Cargo Service Srl. was until the death of Rocco Mole'
the carrier of arms, drugs, and human trafficking. (Joe I believe he was one of the
bastards that was sending containers of weapons out of Gioia Tauro to Lebanon to
the PKK and Iraq in 2005).
4. The same source has described Virgiglio as a puppet, a clean front. Virgiglio
asked us - in particular he has asked the undersigned Angelo Boccardelli - to
meet the person (free and not in custody) that moves all the organization, this
in exchange of the protection of the two nephews of Rocco Mole' and the
transfer in the Pisa hospital/penitentiary of the ill Mole' that needs special
medical attention, The ill Mole' will give only to Angelo Boccardelli, once in the
hospital, the name and location of the individual to meet.
The issue of the "fish market" was just an excuse of the Piromalli's Gioia-Naples-Milan
axis to eliminate a person (Rocco Mole') tired to continue to carry on such traffics.
5. What to do? Since the nephews (of Mole') and Virgiglio's "boys" are usually coming
into the Hotel Villa Vecchia without going through a regular check-in and
Thank you for your attention, we are awaiting your suggestions that at this juncture are
going to be quite welcome
Angelo Boccardelli
Giorgio Balestrieri
On Monday the 22nd I am in Colleferro in from of Comandante Francesco
Montesano and in front of “Sostituto Procuratore” (Prosecutor) Travaglino to
make a full deposition on what exposed in the pages above from the PKK, to
drugs, arms from Gioia Tauro to Lebanon, and what was happening with Cosimo
Virgiglio in the hostile take over of the Hotel Villa Vecchia.
• My deposition ends underwriting the following “even if I was going to break the
civil code I was NEVER going to sell Hotel Villa Vecchia to Cosimo
• I demonstrated that before the Ndrangheta pressed charges against me I
had already executed, registered the title and paid the taxes on preliminary
sale to another company NOT THE MAFIA COMPANY OF COSIMO
• I insisted in stating that once the Italian Authorities could secure and duly protect
the Mother and Father of Dott. Angelo Boccardelli whose life was threatened by
Cosimo Virgiglio also during a telephone call that I personally received when in
Bruxelles (and for sure intercepted, registered and classified as “INC”
incomprehensible by the friends and supporters of the Generals of the
Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri and GIPs such Giancarlo Giusti and judges
such as Vincenzo Giglio) I was going to take the books of the company (The
Hotel Villa Vecchia) to Court walking straight as I wished or horizontally (dead) as
threatened by Cosimo Virgiglio. “Enough was enough” as an America Citizen
I confirmed my availability in order to bring to Justice (THE US JUSTICE
“ndrine” and the GOMORRA corrupted military high ranks and law
enforcement civilians associated/controlled by the Ndrangheta !!!
Do we want to re-write history?
Do we want to re-write the 9/11 and the Holocaust?
Do we want to give-in to the Ndrangheta a mafia organization linked to a terrorist state?
Do we want to forget about the killing of Rocco Mole’ and the man that caused his death
- a thief, a phony “pentito” and an “INFORMANT OF THE ROSARNO’s CARABINIERI”
to whom he was renting his villa as the “Carabinieri Station” in a town fully controlled by
the Ndrangheta?
Shall we abandon Angelo Boccardelli, a human being blackmailed because he was an
“Artist”, a “DIVERSO” (a “different gender” fine person) that could not take the blackmail
and harassment of “malevolent criminal minds” such as the Caldirolas, the Ruggieros
and Viscardis, the Bonuccellis supported by Guardia di Finanza generals, carabinieri
and politicians of Monteporzio Catone and Rosarno (with NO capital “g”, “c” and “p”).
Shall we abandon Angelo Boccardelli (investigated by a GIP like Giancarlo Giusti
and a judge like Vincenzo Giglio) a fine artist and first secretary of H.E.
Ambassador Giacomo Maria UGOLINI (a fine Diplomat, friend of Boutros Boutros-
Ghali) that exactly twenty years ago brought the Republic of San Marino, the
oldest republic of the world into the United Nations.
Here we are going “BEYOND GOMORRA” or what is left of Italy the “Bel Paese” where
I was born.
Signed by Com.te Dott. Giorgio H. Balestrieri in NY on March 18, 2012.
Giorgio H. Balestrieri
President 2011-2012
Rotary Club of New York
The Host Club of America
Iran uses terror as a tool of policy
Countering Iranian Sponsored Terrorism AUTHOR: MAJ Nathan J. Prussian, U.S. Army
Global Iranian Arms Smuggling to Terrorists Continues by Sea, Air and Land
September 22, 2010: "The Italian police seized seven tons of RDX or T4, a
powerful military explosive hidden inside a cargo container containing "powdered
milk" at the southern port of Gioia Tauro. The explosives came from Iran and
were destined for Syria via Italy's "Gomorra" port of Gioia Tauro controlled by the
“ ..For many years, it has been suspected that Iran has established ties with
Mexican drug cartels, especially since forming a friendly relationship with Venezuela.
Iran also lends support to the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which has been verified
by the CIA as having attempted to infiltrate the U.S./Mexican border disguised as
Hispanics and carry out acts of terrorism on American soil" U.S. thwarts Iranian
terror/assassination plot October 11, 2011 Filled under John Blythe, Middle East,
Obama Administration, Terrorism By John Blythe Iran has apparently taken its act of
aggression to a new level today as the U.S. Justice Department thwarted a plot to
assassinate Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States Adel al-Jubeir and to
bomb the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington...... “
“ .Which narco-terrorist radical state is behind the 'ndrangheta? Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah met . in
Damascus along with their senior advisors. The two were the guests of Syrian President
Bashar Assad, who had dinner with the two and participated in the talks. Ahmadinejad
and Assad together unleashed vicious rhetoric against the US and Israel. President
Shimon Peres slammed the meeting between Ahmadinejad and Assad, warning that
Iran’s true designs were for hegemony over the Arab world in the Middle East. “The time
has come to tell the truth, the problem in the Middle East is not the Palestinian problem,
which will be solved in a peace process with Israel. The central problem in the Middle
East is Iran’s attempt to take control of the Arab Middle East, which is why it is building
an atomic bomb, and why it is supporting and developing terror organizations like
Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza,” Peres said ..”
“ ..Forget the CSI (Container Security Initiative) very soon we'll receive some ugly
surprises, the immediate solution is to ban from all US Ports ships entering Gioia Tauro
and/or containers trans-shipped in Gioia Tauro for the US. If we cannot defeat the
'ndrangheta at least let us stay out of their controlled areas and make mandatory a full
scan and thorough inspection of ALL containers coming into the US from port such as
Gioia Tauro, Naples and Taranto and drastically enhance security in Brindisi airport UN
logistic base .”
House of Representatives Congresswoman Raises Red Flag on Hezbollah-Cartel
Nexus on U.S. Border: Iran-tied terror group Hezbollah may be colluding with drug cartels along
the U.S.-Mexico border, a Republican congresswoman warned, calling on Homeland
Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to establish a special task force to figure out how to
"clamp down" on this "national security" threat. The Lebanon-based group has long-
standing and documented ties to South America and its drug gangs, but reports have
recently surfaced that it may be expanding its influence to Mexico and the U.S. border.
In her letter to Napolitano, Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., called on Homeland Security to
find out and report more on the extent of the problem. She cited several troubling
developments that would point to Hezbollah creeping closer to and inside the United
States, with the help of Mexican drug gangs. "It is vital we know what is happening on
our border, especially as crime and violence continue to rise there and as terrorist plots
and threats are increasing inside the U.S.," she wrote. Myrick outlined a complex set of
potential threats and evidence of their existence. She said "Iranian agents and members
of Hezbollah" are thought to be learning Spanish in Hugo Chavez-run Venezuela before
trying to obtain false documents to enter the United States as purported Mexicans. She
said Hezbollah, known for its tunnel-digging skill, could be receiving drug money from
cartel operations in exchange for help forging better tunnels across the U.S. border for
trafficking. She said gang members in prisons in the American southwest are starting to
show up with tattoos in Farsi, implying a "Persian influence that can likely be traced
back to Iran and its proxy army, Hezbollah." has reached out to the
Department of Homeland Security for comment on the numerous claims. Myrick cited
the opinions and findings of former intelligence officials and others in her detailed letter.
One of them was a "high-ranking Mexican Army officer" whom she said believes
Hezbollah could be training Mexican drug cartels to make bombs. "This might lead to
Israel-like car bombings of Mexican/USA border personnel or National Guard units," she
wrote. At a minimum, Hezbollah has a foothold in South America, according to official
reports. Anthony Placido, assistant administrator for intelligence at the Drug
Enforcement Administration, told a House Oversight and Government Reform
subcommittee in March that the "drug and terrorism nexus" is strongest in the region
where the borders of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet. He said drugs from this
region, which are cheaper than in other hot spots, "can be resold in other countries for
large profits desired by those seeking funds to further terrorist activity such as
Hezbollah." He said some drug traffickers in the region have ties to the Lebanese terror
group and have since the late 1980s or early 1990s.
"There are numerous reports of cocaine proceeds entering the coffers of Islamic Radical
Groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas," he said, calling it "easy revenue" that can be
used for terror attacks. An April Congressional Research Service report on drug
trafficking in Latin America cited that testimony. A 2006 House Homeland Security
Committee report further noted that Hezbollah members have already been caught
entering the United States via Mexico, suggesting expanded activity. The report cited as
one example the case of Mahmoud Youssef Kourani, the brother of a Hezbollah chief,
who in 2005 pleaded guilty to providing material support to Hezbollah after being
smuggled across the U.S.-Mexico border and settling in Dearborn, Mich. The report
raised red flags about the "dangerous intersection between traditional transnational
criminal activities ... and more ominous threats to national security."
Report: Cosa Nuova, An Examination of the Calabrese Mafia “ ‘Ndrangheta” Florence
Newspaper publishes this excellent essay written by Cristina Renda on the recent
developments of the ‘Ndrangheta, the mafia of the region of Calabria. Cristina has
studied History of the Mafia with Professor Lorenzo Picchi at the Richmond University in
Florence in the spring semester of 2008. Recently, a report released by the Antimafia
Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry has stated that the ‘Ndrangheta has the same
type of horizontal structure as Al Qaeda, with many heads independent from each other
but without centralized coordination. For decades, pop culture has fascinated the world
with the lifestyles of organized crime members. Whether in movies, TV series, books, or
songs, there is always a certain preoccupation with the power of these societies. Quite
possibly the most commonly portrayed of the crime organizations, is the Mafia. The
word mafia has many connotations, and to many is thought as the only organized crime
in Italy. However, “mafia” actually only refers specifically to the Sicilian Mafia, “Cosa
Nostra”, and the branch of Mafia started in the United States as a result of it. In reality,
there are three other substantially large organized crime groups in Italy, the Calabrese
being the largest of all. With a name derived in Greek, meaning “society of the men of
honor; noble, courageous man who is worthy of respect”, the ‘Ndrangheta is the most
powerful society of organized crime in Italy. Since the late 19th century, well-organized
groups of criminals have been documented in Calabria, often being referred to as
Camorra, since there was no formal name at the time (even the Sicilian mafia was
referred to the same way, though Camorra now refers to the organized crime group in
Naples, Italy). In 1888 the prefect of Reggio Calabria received a letter that warned him
of a group of men that had no fears. They had also been mentioned in novels and
autobiographies back then, but now many more details are known about the structure of
the ‘Ndrangheta. Today, the main and most well-known location of the ‘Ndrangheta is
the village of San Luca, which is located in Reggio Calabria. There are other well-known
areas concentrated in other parts of Calabria, such as Altomonte, Plati, Locri, and the
city of Reggio Calabria.
As far as numbers go, there are 21 groups of ‘Ndrangheta currently in Catanzaro, 17 in
Cosenza, 13 in Crotone, 7 in Vibo Valentina, and 73 operating in the Reggio Calabria
province. Other places that they’ve succeeded to operate with the same amount of
influence as in Calabria are the Lombardia and Piedmont regions of Italy, Germany,
Holland, France, the United States, Canada, and Australia. However, although they
have members spread out all over the world, all of the groups that are organized outside
of Reggio Calabria still pay a small percentage of their “earnings” to the principality of
San Luca. In order to fully appreciate the global success of the ‘Ndrangheta, it is
important for one to consider its unique internal structure, and why it is compared to the
structure of the Al Qaeda organization. One characteristic of the ‘Ndrangheta that
distinguishes it from other groups of organized crime is that most male relatives are
made members, making it difficult to distinguish relationships between members as
solely through blood, or crime association, because they are essentially the same. The
Al Qaeda is similarly selective in their process of choosing members. ’Ndrangheta
fathers are very preoccupied with the number of sons they bear, because it not only
helps them cushion the losses of other members, but gives them leverage and power
because they have added more men to their clan. In most cases the blood relatives are
less likely to betray each other, and since the most powerful groups have the most
members they can create strength in numbers. The ranks within their society are
complex, taking on a very horizontal structure in comparison to the Cosa Nostra’s,
similar to the horizontal chain of command in the Al Qaeda. The ’Ndrangheta also puts
much less emphasis on secrecy than the Cosa Nostra. Much of their strength can be
attributed to a “premodern contractual form”, in which the member does not bind himself
but rather obliges himself to feel like a brother of blood through their initiation process.
The process in which a new member is initiated would be more appropriately named as
a “status contract”, because he lets the existing group “replace his soul with a new one”,
as a sort of fraternization ritual. The process entails this transformation of identity, and
the new member redefines his allegiances in front of the existing party. The candidate
for initiation is presented by one member to the entire group, and then they give him a
description of their association’s rules, followed by requiring him to swear an oath. Like
in countless organizations all over the world, their use of symbols and rites are
ingenious, because it establishes an emotional connection between the candidate and
the group, making it seem more desirable than mandatory. This is often referred to as
“baptism”, when the oath is sworn, and the image of a saint with drops of blood on it
burns in his hand. Metaphorically the blood is symbolic of a calling to undergo rebirth,
implying newfound kinship and instilling the sacral value through the religious
references. The blood also serves as a warning of the punishment in the event of
betrayal by the new member. Although similar to ceremonies of other organizations, the
Ndrangheta is more elaborate than that of the Cosa Nostra. After the initiation takes
place, a new phase begins in order to incorporate the new member by letting all existing
members present at the initiation suck the blood from the new person’s hand. One of
the most essential structural parallels for Al Qaeda and the ’Ndrangheta is their ability to
sustain nearly identical branches of the same organization in all different parts of the
world, without any official training from a specific head person. Both organizations can
easily be compared to fast food chains, with a certain degree of precision and
There is also with no real way to get rid of all of the members in either group, especially
since witnesses from their communities are unwilling to attest and scared to give up any
information. These two groups succeed in their continued growth due to their levels of
intelligence, unspoken understandings, and uniform mentalities between branches,
enabling them to create such unique strategy over other groups of organized crime. The
increased success for the ‘Ndrangheta has been within the last forty years; however in
1975 the murder of a head mafia boss began a violent war between the local gangs. In
fact, the Reggio Calabria region surprisingly has the most violence and murder of any
other Italian regions. The high point of the violence between these gangs was between
the years of 1985 and 1991, called the “Second Mafia War”. During this time, two head
families, the Destefanos and the Imerti-Condellos were leading two groups of people
against each other. Although only comprising about 3.6% of the population, the Calabria
area had 16.4% of the murders in Italy during those years, with Reggio Calabria
bringing in 11% of total murders in Italy. This finally came to an end, when ‘Ndrangheta
in other countries intervened and the families realized they needed to collaborate if they
wanted success. New levels of secrecy were required, creating a more secret society
within the already existing one, called “The Santa”. It was so secret that most of the
lower ranking members were never even aware of its existence. At that point the
‘Ndrangheta began kidnapping businessmen from northern regions of Italy, and kept
them captive in caves in Calabria until their families or their business firms could come
up with ransom. This was extremely profitable, leading to the true height of the
organization, when they were able to reinvest the ransoms collected in narcotics.
Bringing heroin from Turkey, hashish from Morocco, and other drugs and arms in
Lebanon, the ‘Ndrangheta started what is now known to be a monopoly on drug
trafficking in Europe. In 1989, 500 kilograms of heroin, and 300 kilograms of cocaine at
a time were being brought into Reggio Calabria, which was reported by the Antimafia
group of the region. However, with the fear of AIDS increasing in the early 1990’s, the
public was demanding much less heroin, and the desire for cocaine increased
immensely. While they initially bought the cocaine from the Cosa Nostra because they
were more powerful at the time, within a small amount of time the ‘Ndrangheta had
established a relationship with Colombia that allowed them direct access to the source
of the drugs, meaning more profit. The Colombians found that they enjoyed working
with the ‘Ndrangheta because they are trustworthy and paid on time, and the
relationship continued to grow stronger. In 1994 a group of ‘Ndrangheta families were
caught in Turin with nearly 5,500 kilograms of cocaine, and it was later found out that in
the previous years they had brought in a total of over 11 tons of cocaine. Today, it is
estimated that 80% of the cocaine being brought into Europe is through the Calabrese
mafia in the port of Gioia Tauro. Although it is only an approximation, 35 billion Euros
worth of cocaine a year is brought in and sold by the ‘Ndrangheta, which equates to
more than the yearly legal output of the region overall (and 3.5% estimated Gross
Domestic Product of Italy). However, despite all of these large figures, the people
involved continue to live in a conservative manner because they live in the poorest
region in Italy and could easily stick out living lavish lives. This makes the influential
members even more difficult to gain evidence on, which is why they are said to be the
hardest organized crime group to penetrate.
After cocaine, public works contracts and business corruption are the other more
financially rewarding activities they participating, bringing in 4.7 billion Euros, while
Prostitution and arms trafficking bring in 4.6 billion Euros, and the last being loan-
sharking with an estimated 4.1 Euros billion being brought in. It has only been most
recently that the ‘Ndrangheta has begun taking an interest in Politics, and are suspected
to have already started becoming influential in that area as well. The fact that the
‘Ndrangheta is so open to incorporating technology into their business keeps them
thriving in modern times. They utilize the internet to its full advantage, and aren’t as
opposed to change as the Cosa Nostra for example. They also continue to invest their
profits into real estate and business rather than spending it on expensive luxuries,
making the money easier to hide. It is not just their new practices, but their continued
use of old ones that make the ‘Ndrangheta so successful. They are unique in the fact
that they continue to exercise their initial idea of a pure society, only letting Calabrese
join, even in the other active countries. Much of the time they even still have arranged
marriages in order to keep the control in the same families. Newborn boys are still
called “giovani d’onore”, like in the past (meaning young men of honor) to refer to their
future as “men of honor”. They also continue to practice a federation rather than a
pyramid structure, giving them an advantage over a group such as the Cosa Nostra.
Rather than worrying about the well-being of the whole group if a top boss is eliminated,
there is no one specific target for the Italian authorities to aim at. Even worsening the
chances for the government to fight against them, is the system where the authorities
that score highest on their exams in training are given the privilege to select the area of
Italy in which they patrol. Normally, if someone gets assigned to Calabria they request
to be sent to another area, significantly weakening the opportunity for prosecution and
law enforcement within the region. Many think that the ‘Ndrangheta has come out of
nowhere. However, in fact, while the rest of the world was satisfying their preoccupation
with the Cosa Nostra, the ‘Ndrangheta has not only existed but has been thriving for the
last century in Calabria. They have continued to evolve as a group, making wise
decisions in the past decades, eventually making them into the most powerful organized
crime in Italy. They have managed to spread their legs not only all over Europe, but all
over the world, while still keeping a low profile. These ingenious structure and tactics, as
well as their humble attitude are surely unique, making them successful in all the new
crime sectors they take on. John Hooper described the situation well in his article,
“Move Over, Cosa Nostra”, in saying, “While the Sicilian Mafia, like the US Mafia, has
been fading to a shadow of its former self, the little-known 'Ndrangheta (pronounced en-
drang-ay-ta) has been taking over as Italy's true public enemy number one and has
become a criminal empire with global clout.”
* * *
Com.te Dott. Giorgio H. Balestrieri
US Citizen, Resident in New York City
Consultant - International Affairs, Liaisons & Negotiations
Advanced Technologies and Security Systems / Counter Mafia's & State Sponsored
Narco-Terrorism / Maritime Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Piracy / International
Affairs, Liaisons & Negotiations / Public-Private Alliances for Regional Development &
Conflict Prevention.
• Retired/Consultant, 1981 – present
• Italian DOD (Navy)
Navy Officer, 1964 - 1981
• Navy College (University of Pisa)
Naval Sciences (Defense & Security), 1964 – 1968
• Istituto Superiore Marina Militare
Telecommunications, 1972 – 1973
• 117th Navy Commanding Session
Captain Combat Ship, 1976 - 1977
Born in 1943 lived in
• AFRICA (approx. 14 yrs.)
• EUROPE (approx. 23 yrs.)
• AMERICA (approx. 31 yrs.)
Comandante Balestrieri, retired from active duty in 1981, is an international consultant
in Sea-Land & Airport Cross Border Security, an expert in investigative detection
technologies and methodologies. A former Navy Officer and a graduate of the Italian
Navy Commanding School, he received a degree from the Navy College / University of
Pisa in Defense & Security Sciences (Accademia Navale di Livorno - Universita’ di Pisa:
“Dottore in Scienze Marittime e Navali” Classe delle Lauree nelle Scienze della Difesa e
Sicurezza). He has well over forty years of experience:
1. Eighteen years in NATO and National operations, including positions as Chief
of Staff of Navigation and Meteorology on ITS Doria (Command Fleet 1),
Chief of Staff of Communications on ITS Duilio (Command Fleet 2), Captain
of a Combat Ship and Operational Consultant for the Navy R&D Institute,
consultant for the Chair of the Senate Defense Committee.
2. Over twenty-five years in the strategic planning, evaluation and
implementation of advanced technologies in complex cross border systems
such as the SLA-C4I, the Multifunctional Airport Security System published in
the book TERRORISM: Defensive strategies for individuals, companies and
governments (ISBN 0965917452 9780965917452).
3. Extensive experience in international affairs, liaison and negotiations for
regional development and conflict prevention. Most recently, in March 2005,
as the Chairman of the International Service Division of the NY Rotary, he
was a key player in the peace development process in the Caucasus with the
Declaration signed by the representatives of over four hundred Rotarians that
came in Ankara from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.
* * *

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  • 1. WHAT IS BEHIND THE STORY OF IL CRISTO THE GLOBALIZATION OF THE ‘NDRANGHETA FROM A “REGIONAL MAFIA” TO A NARCO-TERRORIST ORGANIZATION LINKED TO IRAN "NDRANGHETA IS THE FOREIGN NARCOTICS KINGPIN" (31 MAY 2008)” FARC : COLOMBIA = ‘NDRANGHETA : WORLD 2010 AL-QAEDA : TERRORISM = ‘NDRANGHETA : NARCOTERRORISM "THE NDRANGHETA IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION" "The case of drugs sold by the PKK in Italy and the ongoing recycling of money of international narco-terrorists that are shipping arms into Lebanon to the Hezbollah and Al-Qaida from the port of Gioia Tauro" • Who caused the killing of Rocco Mole' that accepted to give info on the containers with arms shipped to the Hezbollah and Al- Qaeda out of the port of Gioia Tauro controlled by the 'Ndrangheta? • Classifying Ndrangheta and the drug cartels they control in the same manner as al-Qaida, the Taliban or Hezbollah would make them a higher priority for law enforcement agencies and would subject them to laws that target their finances and networks worldwide. • Which narco-terrorist radical state is behind the 'Ndrangheta, the Calabrese Mafia protected by extremist politicians and corrupted law enforcement that are looking the "other way" in Gioia Tauro and Naples as described by Roberto Saviano in his book "Gomorra"? • What about the infamous "Third Level" mentioned by PNA Pietro Grasso in his book "Per non morire di Mafia"? • How we can support Great Magistrates and Italian Citizens such as Nicola Gratteri that said quote " la 'ndrangheta, che e' ricchissima, e' infiltrata nelle istituzioni" unquote)?
  • 2. “Enough is enough” as an America Citizen I confirm my availability in order to bring to Justice (THE US JUSTICE NOT THE CORRUPTED “THIRD LEVEL” OF ITALY) the bosses of the “ndrine” and the GOMORRA corrupted military high ranks and law enforcement civilians associated/controlled by the ‘Ndrangheta !!! “THE NDRANGHETA IS A NARCO-TERRORIST ORGANIZATION LINKED TO IRAN” Do we want to re-write history? Do we want to re-write the 9/11 and the Holocaust? Do we want to give-in to the Ndrangheta a mafia organization linked to a terrorist state? Do we want to forget about the killing of Rocco Mole’ and the man that caused his death - a thief, a phony “pentito” and an “INFORMANT OF THE ROSARNO’s CARABINIERI” to whom he was renting his villa as the “Carabinieri Station” in a town fully controlled by the Ndrangheta? Shall we forget Angelo Boccardelli, a human being blackmailed because he was an “Artist”, a “DIVERSO” (a “different gender” fine person) that could not take the blackmail and harassment of “malevolent criminal minds” such as the Caldirolas, the Ruggieros and Viscardis, the Boniccellis supported by Guardia di Finanza generals, carabinieri and politicians of Monteporzio Catone and Rosarno (with NO capital “g”, “c” and “p”). Shall we abandon Angelo Boccardelli (investigated by a GIP like Giancarlo Giusti and a judge like Vincenzo Giglio) a fine artist and first secretary of H.E. Ambassador Giacomo Maria UGOLINI (a fine Diplomat, friend of Boutros Boutros- Ghali) that exactly twenty years ago brought the Republic of San Marino, the oldest republic of the world into the United Nations. Here we are going “BEYOND GOMORRA” or what is left of Italy the “Bel Paese” where I was born. AFTER “MANI PULITE” WE NEED AN “ITALIA PULITA” AND I AM SURE HONEST PEOPLE ARE INDEED THERE READY TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Signed by Com.te Dott. Giorgio H. Balestrieri in NY on March 18, 2012. Giorgio H. Balestrieri President 2011-2012 Rotary Club of New York The Host Club of America
  • 3. From my document to the Authorities: ....omissis February 1st 2008 Rocco Mole’ our informant is killed by the Ndrangheta. March 28, 2008 memo to Joseph C. Peters followed by messages to Col. Giuseppe De Donno (SISDE), Andreas Viscardi and Angelo Boccardelli titled: "Scripta Manent Verba Volant": Subj: ABC in Calabria A. Calabria floats over huge arms traffic. There is in Calabria a massive storage of powerful and deadly weapons, some of them where used during the last mafia war (from machine guns to ground to air missiles or rockets and RPGs such as the one found in a 'ndrangheta arsenal in the province of Modena (north of Bologna). B. The other two main businesses of the mobsters in Calabria are the international drugs trafficking and C. Extortion that involves every productive activity including professionals such as accountant lawyers doctors etc. The kidnappings are not in fashion anymore, they are down considerably, since they drive on the neck of all the families to much attention and deployment of law enforcement units. Where the "Families" are • Reggio Calabria : De Stefano-Tegano (quartiere Archi), Imerti-Condello-Fontana (Villa San Giovanni-Fiumara), Araniti (Gallico, Sambatello, Diminniti), Libri (Modena, Vinco, Cannavò) Labate (Sbarre, Gebbione), Latella (Ravagnese, Arangea, Gallina, Rosario Valanidi), Rosmini (Piazza Carmine), Serraino (Modena, Arangea, Gallina), Lo Giudice (S. Caterina, Porto, S. Brunello, Vito). • Locride : Cataldo, Cordì (Locri), Ierino (Gioiosa Ionica),Ursino- Macrì (Gioiosa I.), Commisso, Costa (Siderno), Mazzaferro (Gioiosa Jonica), Morabito, Bruzzaniti, Palamara, Mollica (Africo), Aquino (Marina di Gioiosa Jonica), Ruga (Monasterace), Barbaro (Platì), Nirta-Romeo (San Luca). • Lamezia Terme: Pagliuso, De Sensi, Gattini, Muraca. • Melito Porto Salvo: Iamonte
  • 4. • Entroterra reggino : Papalia-Italiano (Delianova, Scido, Cosoleto, Oppido Mamertina, Santa Cristina d'Aspromonte, Alvaro (Sinopoli, Delianova, Cosoleto, S. Eufemia d'Aspromonte, San Procopio, Scido). • Piana di Gioia Tauro : Piromalli (Gioia Tauro), Pesce (Rosarno). • Oppido Mamertina : Mammoliti. • Catanzaro : Amerato, Costanzo, Arena, Catanzariti. • Isola Capo Rizzuto-Cutro : Arena-Dragone-Mannolo. • Vibonese: Lo Bianco, Mancuso (Limbadi), Piromalli. • Cosenza (In-land): Sena, Pino, Perna, Pranno. • Cosenza (Tirrenian Coast): Muto (Cetraro), Corcine, Marino, Vilardi. • Cosenza (Jonian Coast): Carelli, Cirillo, Portoraro, Tripodoro, Elia.
  • 5. Message to Joseph C. PETERS copy to Andrea VISCARDI and Dott. Angelo BOCCARDELLI on March 24, 2008 and forwarded to Col. Giuseppe DE DONNO (SISDE) on April 4, 2008 at From: Comandante To: (CC:, Aboccardelli) Sent: 3/24/2008 12:06:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: Scripta manent verba volant Dear Joe looks like what is going on with "Virgiglio et all" after the homicide of Rocco Mole' should not have an impact on the current candidates. I do not see any skeleton in a nearby closet that can be used before or after the elections. Consequently, in my opinion (I may be wrong but I hope not) the case of arms transiting in and out of Gioia Tauro for the PKK in Iraq/Turkey and the ones now being shipped for the future uprisings/destabilization of the Balkans can be investigated and prosecuted without involving future Italian governmental officials, thus guaranteeing the help of the right and the left of the political class making it a clean case to be followed. I am not going to discuss nor even touch other activities such as drugs and/or money laundering (there are professionals law enforcement officials for that and with my expertise and my US Patent I can only give a technical help not an operational one). Since 2004 within the Rotary and now the Foundation I work pro-bono in conflict prevention, peace and development, interreligious dialogues, that includes the security of Angelo Boccardelli as Chairman and Founder of the San Marino Foundation and the safekeeping of the valuables of the Foundation in Villa Vecchia and “IL CRISTO” (The Christ) now in a safe place. Tomorrow we should put thing in writing with a Prosecutor in Velletri to prevent the "thugs" to do to Angelo and me any "wrong" when in San Marino and in Calabria for the rest of the week (we are afraid that they may leave guns and drugs inside our suite in the Hotel and then call the Carabinieri). Also this will go to all our cell phones so it can be intercepted and recorded. All the best Giorgio ..
  • 6. In a message dated 4/2/2008 6:07:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: “They (they = contacts in the CIA) will be back in touch with me. In the meantime, any update since the last?” On April 2, 2008 I send the following info to Joseph C. Peters answering to his message asking for an "Update": MY UPDATE: The situation is very fluid. 1. Last week in Calabria we spoke with the “Guardia di Finanza” (IRS) in Vibo. 2. We have a meeting early tomorrow morning with one of the comptrollers of our company ITA Srl. that should sell the Hotel to Cosimo Virgiglio. The brother of the comptroller, Fausto Ventriglia, has some connections with a head of anti- mafia. 3. Tomorrow afternoon we should go back into Rosarno where Andrea Viscardi (the one that drove us to see Col. Giuseppe De Donno of SISDE) has arranged a meeting with one of the head of the "old families" for tomorrow night (but Angelo is not yet convinced he should do it). 4. Being in Calabria we may go and see the “Guardia di Finanza” (IRS Customs) of Gioia Tauro that is a friend of the one we met in Vibo. Cosimo Virgiglio is very nervous and he is in Rome having left his right hand Alessandro Giorgi in Rosarno and San Ferdinando. He asked again to Angelo to have the sick Mole' transported into a Prison/Hospital (Pisa) and being afraid about the Mole' family he would like to send the old uncle and the two young grandsons of the one in jail into the US for a month or two and stay out of the sight of the calabresi (they all have a legit passport). All the best Giorgio ..
  • 7. On April 14, 2008 I am sending a SITREP (Situation Report) to Joseph C. Peters and Col. Giuseppe De Donno (SISDE): From: Comandante To: FondazioneGMU BCC:, Sent: 4/14/2008 11:04:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: SITREP Situation Report: Tentative of hostile takeover of the Hotel Villa Vecchia structure and its art (mafia style), recent robberies in Rome and San Marino. A. The Hotel Villa Vecchia complex 1. The old management that in 2006 and 2007 embezzled over 750,000 Euros is out of the Hotel as of the end of January 2008. We do not know anything about the three separate criminal charges we have filed on November 30, 2007 at the Carabinieri of Monte Porzio Catone. 2. The new management (Cargo Service Srl of San Ferdinando / Gioia Tauro – Calabria) is trying to take over the Villa Vecchia complex for “nothing” threatening whoever will try to stop them to put them in a horizontal position. 3. Angelo and I we have inventoried our art exhibited in the public space of the Hotel Villa Vecchia (estimated at 2.330.000,00 Euros) and our furniture, our art and personal items in the Suite of the Hotel in case the authorities and the Anti-Mafia decide to follow our request to seize the property. B. Foundation's Programs 1. The Fondazione Giacomo Maria Ugolini Ambasciatore needs continuity in the next 12-18 months before we can overcome the losses occurred in the last week criminal break-in. In the robbery they were after the Christ of Michelangelo that the criminals believed was in San Marino where they "eradicated" the headquarters' safe from the wall with inside the Foundation's books, seal, bank checks and valuable funds AND the bank's vault second key where INDEED the Christ sculpture was. Without books, seal and checks, the Foundation in San Marino had to be suspended. 2. I had to open new bank accounts and most important IMMEDIATELY save the Michelangelo' Christ sculpture, the Koran page, the Sura and some extremely valuable art in another bank's vault.
  • 8. 3. We need an active Foundation in order to continue the ongoing programs: (a) Michelangelo’s studies; (b) Inter Religious Discussions for Peace and Development; (b) Hospital in Benin; (c) Trees for Peace; (d) Water and Environment; (e) Art, Business and Creativity in Disabilities. As per the mandate received in 2007 we'll incorporate the Fondazione Giacomo Maria Ugolini Ambasciatore in the USA next week. We'll be able to continue to operate internationally - immediately and seamlessly - while waiting to receive the books and seals to substitute the one stolen in San Marino. C. The Business 1. To recuperate the heavy losses and have again some liquidity we need an active company in San Marino. This should occur by the end of this month beginning of May with PROMOEXPO S.A. that should handle: (a) the Art Fund (if we cannot do it in New York); (b) the IT/Communications' sector; (c) the "Technology Hub" for the technologies we would like to represent in a free country/market. 2. We have received the stocks from the San Marino Tribunal and we have paid the taxes to the San Marino Central Bank. 3. The Chamber of Commerce certificate should be received by the end of April beginning of May. Giorgio H. Balestrieri Omissis On May 6, 2008 before leaving New York for Rome I sent the following message to Joseph C. Peters and our contact in the CIA (some details are still confidential and not reported here) A. I'll put together the entire list of the people I have direct or indirect access to......omissis... B. Connections of immediate interest are Vatican's Card. Pio Laghi to whom thanks to my position in the Rotary and in the Foundation I have introduced various high ranked individuals for Interreligious Discussions. Omissis ..The issue was and still is the PKK question that has a connection in Gioia Tauro containers. C. Omissis .However on Tuesday 18 I got the news of the robberies in Rome and San Marino villas and I took the first flight back to Italy and San Marino on Wednesday March 19. From March 19 to April 19 I had to deal with the situation of the calabresi and the first time I could be debriefed by Joe was yesterday. Omissis .. are still calling and trying to make contact (last email was this morning at 4:55 AM). Sorry for the English and the rest but I am in a big rush.
  • 9. All the best Giorgio On May 16 2008 I am back home in NY. On May 18 I sent the following Situation Report to our contact in the CIA and Joseph C. Peters. SITREP dated May 18, 2008 (JP stands for Joe peters, AF stands for Adolfo Fracchetti) and several confidential details are not included: SITREP May 18, 2008 (17:59) 1. JP and the Italian friends in Customs 2. Dini (Chair of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee) 3. US base expansion in Vicenza (Rovigo vs. Vicenza) 4. Italy's DIS (Cucchi) will be changed by Berlusconi (De Gennaro ??) 5. Omissis .OMISSIS.....(no details here – end) I take a break at home in NY until May 27 and then I fly back to Rome via Milan.
  • 10. June 2008 Sunday June 1st and Monday June 2 I am in Livorno. The 1st of June I am sending the following message to Joseph C. Peters and the contact in the CIA on the Adolfo Fracchetti affair: Yesterday Saturday May 31st I met Adolfo he stopped by with his wife on his way from Palmi to Verona where he will stay until May 3rd to go back to Palmi where the Prosecutor will make a decision to free his pension or not. The objective is to have the Carabinieri deliver a message - next Tuesday June 3rd - to the Prosecutor Dott. Musolino of Palmi to keep the inquiry going but to take away the "embezzlement" indictment from Adolfo, because he is the one that filed the complaint and while continuing to help the Prosecutor in this inquiry he'll be taken out of Calabria to work on other issues as a consultant in a Rome operation center. This is what I have in Italian written by Adolfo Fracchetti last night: 1. That he was the one that filed the original complaint about the embezzlement. 2. After eight month a staff of 6 people of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian IRS/Customs) was able with the help of Adolfo to locate the amount of money. He filed the complaint because alone he was not in condition to discover the mechanism used to embezzle the sum of 187.000 Euros. The reason why was so difficult to find such mechanism is that Adolfo, as Director of Customs, NEVER received any complaint from the ship forwarders that were supposed to be reimbursed from the Customs office of Gioia Tauro for the "Anchorage Taxes" of the ships they discharged. 3. There is only one double reimbursement for only 12,000 that was found out of a volume of 137.000.000 Euros in 18 months. And according to Adolfo was not his signature. All the above was done after he filed the complaint and they involved/FRAMED Adolfo to block him from going further relieving him from the post and transferring him. He was advised to go away OR ELSE. He is willing to continue work as a consultant in an appropriate Rome center. THE MECHANISM DESCRIBED ABOVE - NOT TO REIMBURSE THE ANCHORAGE TAXES - IS ONE OF THE MECHANISMS THEY USE TO BRIBE THE CUSTOMS OFFICERS ADOLFO NAMED DURING OUR FIRST MEETING AND THIS IS WHAT IS GOING ON AND SO WELL DESCRIBED IN THE BOOK AND FILM "GOMORRA" - NAPLES THE CAMORRA FIRST THEN THE 'NDRANGHETA ARE BEHIND ALL THIS.
  • 11. Within 3 days the judge has to decide if to keep seized or to allow Adolfo to have access to his monthly pension .........and he'll be able with his pension to pay his rent and as a Consultant be useful to work on the arms and other containers he discussed about. (IMPORTANT NOTE: Adolfo Fracchetti wrongfully accused by Cosimo Virgiglio – the informant of the Carabinieri and testifying against the Guardia di Finanza with FALSE ACCUSATIONS - was investigated, jailed on December 28, 2009, prosecuted and acquitted as INNOCENT in September 2011) --------------------- On Thursday June 12 I sent the following info to Joseph C. Peters and the CIA contact immediately after the meeting of Wednesday June 11 with Dott. Raffaele Del Sole in Naples: Sunday June 8: Angelo met his friend Nicolo' Pollari that told him that a good thing to work with is the Fondazione Giacomo Maria Ugolini Ambasciatore (now about to be registered also in the EU in Brussels). Monday June 9: We went to Naples where Andrea Viscardi introduced us to a friend of Giuseppe De Donno, Raffaele Del Sole to whom we gave the info necessary to give a hard look into the Gioia Tauro issue connected to Villa Vecchia hostile takeover by the mafiosi of Rosarno a town fully controlled by the Ndrangheta and where Cosimo Virgiglio is renting his villa to the Carabinieri!!!! Tuesday June 10: We managed to set up the schedule for Wednesday June 11. The friends, On Scalera first, are trying to accelerate the whole thing to accommodate my schedule since I would like to fly back next Sunday. Today or tomorrow I'll decide, however I believe I may have to stay another week because the NIAF people are coming to see Frattini, Dini, visit the house and the senate, and have a gala at the end of next week. I was invited with Angelo to join them (looks like Enzo De Chiara is coming as well). Wednesday June 11: A. The meeting with Gianni Letta has to be postponed after the visit of President Bush.
  • 12. B. With Andrea Viscardi and On. Scalera we met with On. Edmondo Cirielli, President of the Defense Committee of the House. The meeting went on the same lines of the one with Dini, more on the Italian industry involved with defense contracts (practical strategies instead of the politics discussed with Dini) Note: OMISSIS . C. We went then for a tea with Ing. Poduie and we discussed the Vicenza problem and issues. The mayor of Vicenza, PD elected thanks to the 5% of the "No-Dal- Molin" people is favorable to us, and together with the industries involved in the airport is willing to work out a solution to avoid the referendum. Poduie is listing some the companies involved in AFCEA, to have AFCEA as the ethical platform where military and industry can discuss the problem, have me as the president of the Founders' Chapter met the mayor with Joe as soon as possible and continue the first meeting that we had with Gen. Alberto Frigo IAF (Ret.), Consultant for the Mayor of Vicenza, Ing. Giulio Poduie - Consultant for the Veneto Region on Transport Planning, Antonio Bonotto President of Vicenza Aero Club. Note: What they do not know is that The Fondazione was approached by some very influential people close to the US willing commit to have the industrialists with the mayor and the political groups of a nearby important city also the Veneto region (few miles from Vicenza and close to major airports) to give us a "red carpet treat" willing to give an historical building plus all the necessary land for a brand new base. The question is when I am going to hear from both of you . OMISSIS . All the best Giorgio
  • 13. On June 15 I am translating to Joseph C. Peters and the CIA contact the message dated June 12 sent to Dott. Raffaele Del Sole copy to Col. Giuseppe De Donno (SISDE) Translation 1 Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 17:22:25 To: “Raffaele Del Sole" <> CC::"Giuseppe De Donno" <> Subject: VIRGIGLIO Cosimo Dear Dott. Del Sole, Allow us to contact you to explain what happened today with VIRGIGLIO Cosimo of Cargo Service Srl. on the issue of their "take-over" of the Hotel Vila Vecchia complex here in Monte Porzio Catone. In short, they tried to force us (first in a polite way) to sell at their conditions (thirty nine thousand Euros!!! plus the debts of the company), but after our motivated protests (the real value of the building is not the one arbitrarily appraised) , Virgiglio used in front of his architect as witness (Arch. Greco) words such as "if we do not close this operation you Angelo and you Giorgio you are already dead" adding that we were free to go and file criminal charges against him with the Carabinieri and that he was determined to carry out his threat even after the complaint. Here we have all the worries that will coerce us to let the things go and give up since the tone, the expression of Virgiglio face when he stated that our two heads were art stake "because" we knew very well who the “people” behind him were. (..... regards and salutations....) Angelo Boccardelli Giorgio Balestrieri Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
  • 14. And the second translation to Joseph C. Peters and the CIA contact of the messaged addressed to Dott. Raffaele Del Sole copy to Col. Giuseppe De Donno (SISDE) dated June15. Translation 2 I believe tomorrow may be difficult to take the time to translate this one so I am doing it now. Life is indeed really beautiful!!!.......when you can lock the bastards..... Good night Giorgio From: Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 20:52:31 To: "Raffaele Del Sole" <> CC: "Giuseppe De Donno" <> Subject: VIRGIGLIO Cosimo Taking advantage of your willingness to listen to us, we would like to make you aware of some certitude (realities). 1. The know subject (Virgiglio), will come back next week with the guys he refers to as "his boys" that are Giosuele (Joshua) and Angelo (Angel) (already under IRS/Customs investigation), they carry and show guns and we do not know if legally or illegally. The same two guys asked (a friend of us) to change residence (from Calabria) to the city of Colleferro (Rome). 2. The subject (Virgiglio), carries a gun in his right ankle under the sock and moves around with rented cars or by train, he leave his Mercedes here in Villa Vecchia where he brought a motorcycle or he leaves the car somewhere else. 3. We got info from a Calabrese source in the maximum security section of Velletri Penitentiary, that Virgiglio with Cargo Service Srl. was until the death of Rocco Mole' the carrier of arms, drugs, and human trafficking. (Joe I believe he was one of the bastards that was sending containers of weapons out of Gioia Tauro to Lebanon to the PKK and Iraq in 2005). 4. The same source has described Virgiglio as a puppet, a clean front. Virgiglio asked us - in particular he has asked the undersigned Angelo Boccardelli - to meet the person (free and not in custody) that moves all the organization, this in exchange of the protection of the two nephews of Rocco Mole' and the transfer in the Pisa hospital/penitentiary of the ill Mole' that needs special medical attention, The ill Mole' will give only to Angelo Boccardelli, once in the hospital, the name and location of the individual to meet.
  • 15. The issue of the "fish market" was just an excuse of the Piromalli's Gioia-Naples-Milan axis to eliminate a person (Rocco Mole') tired to continue to carry on such traffics. 5. What to do? Since the nephews (of Mole') and Virgiglio's "boys" are usually coming into the Hotel Villa Vecchia without going through a regular check-in and registration? Thank you for your attention, we are awaiting your suggestions that at this juncture are going to be quite welcome Angelo Boccardelli Giorgio Balestrieri .....OMISSIS... On Monday the 22nd I am in Colleferro in from of Comandante Francesco Montesano and in front of “Sostituto Procuratore” (Prosecutor) Travaglino to make a full deposition on what exposed in the pages above from the PKK, to drugs, arms from Gioia Tauro to Lebanon, and what was happening with Cosimo Virgiglio in the hostile take over of the Hotel Villa Vecchia. • My deposition ends underwriting the following “even if I was going to break the civil code I was NEVER going to sell Hotel Villa Vecchia to Cosimo Virgiglio.” • I demonstrated that before the Ndrangheta pressed charges against me I had already executed, registered the title and paid the taxes on preliminary sale to another company NOT THE MAFIA COMPANY OF COSIMO VIRRGIGLIO. • I insisted in stating that once the Italian Authorities could secure and duly protect the Mother and Father of Dott. Angelo Boccardelli whose life was threatened by Cosimo Virgiglio also during a telephone call that I personally received when in Bruxelles (and for sure intercepted, registered and classified as “INC” incomprehensible by the friends and supporters of the Generals of the Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri and GIPs such Giancarlo Giusti and judges such as Vincenzo Giglio) I was going to take the books of the company (The Hotel Villa Vecchia) to Court walking straight as I wished or horizontally (dead) as threatened by Cosimo Virgiglio. “Enough was enough” as an America Citizen I confirmed my availability in order to bring to Justice (THE US JUSTICE NOT THE CORRUPTED “THIRD LEVEL” OF ITALY) the bosses of the “ndrine” and the GOMORRA corrupted military high ranks and law enforcement civilians associated/controlled by the Ndrangheta !!! “THE ‘NDRANGHETA IS A NARCO-TERRORIST ORGANIZATION”
  • 16. Do we want to re-write history? Do we want to re-write the 9/11 and the Holocaust? Do we want to give-in to the Ndrangheta a mafia organization linked to a terrorist state? Do we want to forget about the killing of Rocco Mole’ and the man that caused his death - a thief, a phony “pentito” and an “INFORMANT OF THE ROSARNO’s CARABINIERI” to whom he was renting his villa as the “Carabinieri Station” in a town fully controlled by the Ndrangheta? Shall we abandon Angelo Boccardelli, a human being blackmailed because he was an “Artist”, a “DIVERSO” (a “different gender” fine person) that could not take the blackmail and harassment of “malevolent criminal minds” such as the Caldirolas, the Ruggieros and Viscardis, the Bonuccellis supported by Guardia di Finanza generals, carabinieri and politicians of Monteporzio Catone and Rosarno (with NO capital “g”, “c” and “p”). Shall we abandon Angelo Boccardelli (investigated by a GIP like Giancarlo Giusti and a judge like Vincenzo Giglio) a fine artist and first secretary of H.E. Ambassador Giacomo Maria UGOLINI (a fine Diplomat, friend of Boutros Boutros- Ghali) that exactly twenty years ago brought the Republic of San Marino, the oldest republic of the world into the United Nations. Here we are going “BEYOND GOMORRA” or what is left of Italy the “Bel Paese” where I was born. AFTER “MANI PULITE” WE NEED AN “ITALIA PULITA” AND I AM SURE HONEST PEOPLE ARE INDEED THERE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Signed by Com.te Dott. Giorgio H. Balestrieri in NY on March 18, 2012. Giorgio H. Balestrieri President 2011-2012 Rotary Club of New York The Host Club of America
  • 17. Iran uses terror as a tool of policy Countering Iranian Sponsored Terrorism AUTHOR: MAJ Nathan J. Prussian, U.S. Army (OPEN IT IN ADOBE) bin/GetTRDoc?Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA530146 http://www.realite- Global Iranian Arms Smuggling to Terrorists Continues by Sea, Air and Land September 22, 2010: "The Italian police seized seven tons of RDX or T4, a powerful military explosive hidden inside a cargo container containing "powdered milk" at the southern port of Gioia Tauro. The explosives came from Iran and were destined for Syria via Italy's "Gomorra" port of Gioia Tauro controlled by the Ndrangheta". THE ‘NDRANGHETA IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION LINKED TO IRAN “ ..For many years, it has been suspected that Iran has established ties with Mexican drug cartels, especially since forming a friendly relationship with Venezuela. Iran also lends support to the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which has been verified by the CIA as having attempted to infiltrate the U.S./Mexican border disguised as Hispanics and carry out acts of terrorism on American soil" U.S. thwarts Iranian terror/assassination plot October 11, 2011 Filled under John Blythe, Middle East, Obama Administration, Terrorism By John Blythe Iran has apparently taken its act of aggression to a new level today as the U.S. Justice Department thwarted a plot to assassinate Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States Adel al-Jubeir and to bomb the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington...... “ “ .Which narco-terrorist radical state is behind the 'ndrangheta? Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah met . in Damascus along with their senior advisors. The two were the guests of Syrian President Bashar Assad, who had dinner with the two and participated in the talks. Ahmadinejad and Assad together unleashed vicious rhetoric against the US and Israel. President Shimon Peres slammed the meeting between Ahmadinejad and Assad, warning that Iran’s true designs were for hegemony over the Arab world in the Middle East. “The time has come to tell the truth, the problem in the Middle East is not the Palestinian problem, which will be solved in a peace process with Israel. The central problem in the Middle East is Iran’s attempt to take control of the Arab Middle East, which is why it is building an atomic bomb, and why it is supporting and developing terror organizations like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza,” Peres said ..” “ ..Forget the CSI (Container Security Initiative) very soon we'll receive some ugly surprises, the immediate solution is to ban from all US Ports ships entering Gioia Tauro and/or containers trans-shipped in Gioia Tauro for the US. If we cannot defeat the 'ndrangheta at least let us stay out of their controlled areas and make mandatory a full
  • 18. scan and thorough inspection of ALL containers coming into the US from port such as Gioia Tauro, Naples and Taranto and drastically enhance security in Brindisi airport UN logistic base .” House of Representatives Congresswoman Raises Red Flag on Hezbollah-Cartel Nexus on U.S. Border: Iran-tied terror group Hezbollah may be colluding with drug cartels along the U.S.-Mexico border, a Republican congresswoman warned, calling on Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to establish a special task force to figure out how to "clamp down" on this "national security" threat. The Lebanon-based group has long- standing and documented ties to South America and its drug gangs, but reports have recently surfaced that it may be expanding its influence to Mexico and the U.S. border. In her letter to Napolitano, Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., called on Homeland Security to find out and report more on the extent of the problem. She cited several troubling developments that would point to Hezbollah creeping closer to and inside the United States, with the help of Mexican drug gangs. "It is vital we know what is happening on our border, especially as crime and violence continue to rise there and as terrorist plots and threats are increasing inside the U.S.," she wrote. Myrick outlined a complex set of potential threats and evidence of their existence. She said "Iranian agents and members of Hezbollah" are thought to be learning Spanish in Hugo Chavez-run Venezuela before trying to obtain false documents to enter the United States as purported Mexicans. She said Hezbollah, known for its tunnel-digging skill, could be receiving drug money from cartel operations in exchange for help forging better tunnels across the U.S. border for trafficking. She said gang members in prisons in the American southwest are starting to show up with tattoos in Farsi, implying a "Persian influence that can likely be traced back to Iran and its proxy army, Hezbollah." has reached out to the Department of Homeland Security for comment on the numerous claims. Myrick cited the opinions and findings of former intelligence officials and others in her detailed letter. One of them was a "high-ranking Mexican Army officer" whom she said believes Hezbollah could be training Mexican drug cartels to make bombs. "This might lead to Israel-like car bombings of Mexican/USA border personnel or National Guard units," she wrote. At a minimum, Hezbollah has a foothold in South America, according to official reports. Anthony Placido, assistant administrator for intelligence at the Drug Enforcement Administration, told a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee in March that the "drug and terrorism nexus" is strongest in the region where the borders of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet. He said drugs from this region, which are cheaper than in other hot spots, "can be resold in other countries for large profits desired by those seeking funds to further terrorist activity such as Hezbollah." He said some drug traffickers in the region have ties to the Lebanese terror group and have since the late 1980s or early 1990s. "There are numerous reports of cocaine proceeds entering the coffers of Islamic Radical Groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas," he said, calling it "easy revenue" that can be used for terror attacks. An April Congressional Research Service report on drug trafficking in Latin America cited that testimony. A 2006 House Homeland Security Committee report further noted that Hezbollah members have already been caught
  • 19. entering the United States via Mexico, suggesting expanded activity. The report cited as one example the case of Mahmoud Youssef Kourani, the brother of a Hezbollah chief, who in 2005 pleaded guilty to providing material support to Hezbollah after being smuggled across the U.S.-Mexico border and settling in Dearborn, Mich. The report raised red flags about the "dangerous intersection between traditional transnational criminal activities ... and more ominous threats to national security." THE ‘NDRANGHETA IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION Florence Newspaper Report: Cosa Nuova, An Examination of the Calabrese Mafia “ ‘Ndrangheta” Florence Newspaper publishes this excellent essay written by Cristina Renda on the recent developments of the ‘Ndrangheta, the mafia of the region of Calabria. Cristina has studied History of the Mafia with Professor Lorenzo Picchi at the Richmond University in Florence in the spring semester of 2008. Recently, a report released by the Antimafia Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry has stated that the ‘Ndrangheta has the same type of horizontal structure as Al Qaeda, with many heads independent from each other but without centralized coordination. For decades, pop culture has fascinated the world with the lifestyles of organized crime members. Whether in movies, TV series, books, or songs, there is always a certain preoccupation with the power of these societies. Quite possibly the most commonly portrayed of the crime organizations, is the Mafia. The word mafia has many connotations, and to many is thought as the only organized crime in Italy. However, “mafia” actually only refers specifically to the Sicilian Mafia, “Cosa Nostra”, and the branch of Mafia started in the United States as a result of it. In reality, there are three other substantially large organized crime groups in Italy, the Calabrese being the largest of all. With a name derived in Greek, meaning “society of the men of honor; noble, courageous man who is worthy of respect”, the ‘Ndrangheta is the most powerful society of organized crime in Italy. Since the late 19th century, well-organized groups of criminals have been documented in Calabria, often being referred to as Camorra, since there was no formal name at the time (even the Sicilian mafia was referred to the same way, though Camorra now refers to the organized crime group in Naples, Italy). In 1888 the prefect of Reggio Calabria received a letter that warned him of a group of men that had no fears. They had also been mentioned in novels and autobiographies back then, but now many more details are known about the structure of the ‘Ndrangheta. Today, the main and most well-known location of the ‘Ndrangheta is the village of San Luca, which is located in Reggio Calabria. There are other well-known areas concentrated in other parts of Calabria, such as Altomonte, Plati, Locri, and the city of Reggio Calabria. As far as numbers go, there are 21 groups of ‘Ndrangheta currently in Catanzaro, 17 in Cosenza, 13 in Crotone, 7 in Vibo Valentina, and 73 operating in the Reggio Calabria province. Other places that they’ve succeeded to operate with the same amount of influence as in Calabria are the Lombardia and Piedmont regions of Italy, Germany, Holland, France, the United States, Canada, and Australia. However, although they
  • 20. have members spread out all over the world, all of the groups that are organized outside of Reggio Calabria still pay a small percentage of their “earnings” to the principality of San Luca. In order to fully appreciate the global success of the ‘Ndrangheta, it is important for one to consider its unique internal structure, and why it is compared to the structure of the Al Qaeda organization. One characteristic of the ‘Ndrangheta that distinguishes it from other groups of organized crime is that most male relatives are made members, making it difficult to distinguish relationships between members as solely through blood, or crime association, because they are essentially the same. The Al Qaeda is similarly selective in their process of choosing members. ’Ndrangheta fathers are very preoccupied with the number of sons they bear, because it not only helps them cushion the losses of other members, but gives them leverage and power because they have added more men to their clan. In most cases the blood relatives are less likely to betray each other, and since the most powerful groups have the most members they can create strength in numbers. The ranks within their society are complex, taking on a very horizontal structure in comparison to the Cosa Nostra’s, similar to the horizontal chain of command in the Al Qaeda. The ’Ndrangheta also puts much less emphasis on secrecy than the Cosa Nostra. Much of their strength can be attributed to a “premodern contractual form”, in which the member does not bind himself but rather obliges himself to feel like a brother of blood through their initiation process. The process in which a new member is initiated would be more appropriately named as a “status contract”, because he lets the existing group “replace his soul with a new one”, as a sort of fraternization ritual. The process entails this transformation of identity, and the new member redefines his allegiances in front of the existing party. The candidate for initiation is presented by one member to the entire group, and then they give him a description of their association’s rules, followed by requiring him to swear an oath. Like in countless organizations all over the world, their use of symbols and rites are ingenious, because it establishes an emotional connection between the candidate and the group, making it seem more desirable than mandatory. This is often referred to as “baptism”, when the oath is sworn, and the image of a saint with drops of blood on it burns in his hand. Metaphorically the blood is symbolic of a calling to undergo rebirth, implying newfound kinship and instilling the sacral value through the religious references. The blood also serves as a warning of the punishment in the event of betrayal by the new member. Although similar to ceremonies of other organizations, the Ndrangheta is more elaborate than that of the Cosa Nostra. After the initiation takes place, a new phase begins in order to incorporate the new member by letting all existing members present at the initiation suck the blood from the new person’s hand. One of the most essential structural parallels for Al Qaeda and the ’Ndrangheta is their ability to sustain nearly identical branches of the same organization in all different parts of the world, without any official training from a specific head person. Both organizations can easily be compared to fast food chains, with a certain degree of precision and unanimity. There is also with no real way to get rid of all of the members in either group, especially since witnesses from their communities are unwilling to attest and scared to give up any information. These two groups succeed in their continued growth due to their levels of intelligence, unspoken understandings, and uniform mentalities between branches, enabling them to create such unique strategy over other groups of organized crime. The
  • 21. increased success for the ‘Ndrangheta has been within the last forty years; however in 1975 the murder of a head mafia boss began a violent war between the local gangs. In fact, the Reggio Calabria region surprisingly has the most violence and murder of any other Italian regions. The high point of the violence between these gangs was between the years of 1985 and 1991, called the “Second Mafia War”. During this time, two head families, the Destefanos and the Imerti-Condellos were leading two groups of people against each other. Although only comprising about 3.6% of the population, the Calabria area had 16.4% of the murders in Italy during those years, with Reggio Calabria bringing in 11% of total murders in Italy. This finally came to an end, when ‘Ndrangheta in other countries intervened and the families realized they needed to collaborate if they wanted success. New levels of secrecy were required, creating a more secret society within the already existing one, called “The Santa”. It was so secret that most of the lower ranking members were never even aware of its existence. At that point the ‘Ndrangheta began kidnapping businessmen from northern regions of Italy, and kept them captive in caves in Calabria until their families or their business firms could come up with ransom. This was extremely profitable, leading to the true height of the organization, when they were able to reinvest the ransoms collected in narcotics. Bringing heroin from Turkey, hashish from Morocco, and other drugs and arms in Lebanon, the ‘Ndrangheta started what is now known to be a monopoly on drug trafficking in Europe. In 1989, 500 kilograms of heroin, and 300 kilograms of cocaine at a time were being brought into Reggio Calabria, which was reported by the Antimafia group of the region. However, with the fear of AIDS increasing in the early 1990’s, the public was demanding much less heroin, and the desire for cocaine increased immensely. While they initially bought the cocaine from the Cosa Nostra because they were more powerful at the time, within a small amount of time the ‘Ndrangheta had established a relationship with Colombia that allowed them direct access to the source of the drugs, meaning more profit. The Colombians found that they enjoyed working with the ‘Ndrangheta because they are trustworthy and paid on time, and the relationship continued to grow stronger. In 1994 a group of ‘Ndrangheta families were caught in Turin with nearly 5,500 kilograms of cocaine, and it was later found out that in the previous years they had brought in a total of over 11 tons of cocaine. Today, it is estimated that 80% of the cocaine being brought into Europe is through the Calabrese mafia in the port of Gioia Tauro. Although it is only an approximation, 35 billion Euros worth of cocaine a year is brought in and sold by the ‘Ndrangheta, which equates to more than the yearly legal output of the region overall (and 3.5% estimated Gross Domestic Product of Italy). However, despite all of these large figures, the people involved continue to live in a conservative manner because they live in the poorest region in Italy and could easily stick out living lavish lives. This makes the influential members even more difficult to gain evidence on, which is why they are said to be the hardest organized crime group to penetrate. After cocaine, public works contracts and business corruption are the other more financially rewarding activities they participating, bringing in 4.7 billion Euros, while Prostitution and arms trafficking bring in 4.6 billion Euros, and the last being loan- sharking with an estimated 4.1 Euros billion being brought in. It has only been most recently that the ‘Ndrangheta has begun taking an interest in Politics, and are suspected to have already started becoming influential in that area as well. The fact that the
  • 22. ‘Ndrangheta is so open to incorporating technology into their business keeps them thriving in modern times. They utilize the internet to its full advantage, and aren’t as opposed to change as the Cosa Nostra for example. They also continue to invest their profits into real estate and business rather than spending it on expensive luxuries, making the money easier to hide. It is not just their new practices, but their continued use of old ones that make the ‘Ndrangheta so successful. They are unique in the fact that they continue to exercise their initial idea of a pure society, only letting Calabrese join, even in the other active countries. Much of the time they even still have arranged marriages in order to keep the control in the same families. Newborn boys are still called “giovani d’onore”, like in the past (meaning young men of honor) to refer to their future as “men of honor”. They also continue to practice a federation rather than a pyramid structure, giving them an advantage over a group such as the Cosa Nostra. Rather than worrying about the well-being of the whole group if a top boss is eliminated, there is no one specific target for the Italian authorities to aim at. Even worsening the chances for the government to fight against them, is the system where the authorities that score highest on their exams in training are given the privilege to select the area of Italy in which they patrol. Normally, if someone gets assigned to Calabria they request to be sent to another area, significantly weakening the opportunity for prosecution and law enforcement within the region. Many think that the ‘Ndrangheta has come out of nowhere. However, in fact, while the rest of the world was satisfying their preoccupation with the Cosa Nostra, the ‘Ndrangheta has not only existed but has been thriving for the last century in Calabria. They have continued to evolve as a group, making wise decisions in the past decades, eventually making them into the most powerful organized crime in Italy. They have managed to spread their legs not only all over Europe, but all over the world, while still keeping a low profile. These ingenious structure and tactics, as well as their humble attitude are surely unique, making them successful in all the new crime sectors they take on. John Hooper described the situation well in his article, “Move Over, Cosa Nostra”, in saying, “While the Sicilian Mafia, like the US Mafia, has been fading to a shadow of its former self, the little-known 'Ndrangheta (pronounced en- drang-ay-ta) has been taking over as Italy's true public enemy number one and has become a criminal empire with global clout.” * * *
  • 23. Com.te Dott. Giorgio H. Balestrieri US Citizen, Resident in New York City Occupation Consultant - International Affairs, Liaisons & Negotiations Specialties Advanced Technologies and Security Systems / Counter Mafia's & State Sponsored Narco-Terrorism / Maritime Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Piracy / International Affairs, Liaisons & Negotiations / Public-Private Alliances for Regional Development & Conflict Prevention. Employment • Retired/Consultant, 1981 – present • Italian DOD (Navy) Navy Officer, 1964 - 1981 Education • Navy College (University of Pisa) Naval Sciences (Defense & Security), 1964 – 1968 • Istituto Superiore Marina Militare Telecommunications, 1972 – 1973 • 117th Navy Commanding Session Captain Combat Ship, 1976 - 1977 Born in 1943 lived in • AFRICA (approx. 14 yrs.) • EUROPE (approx. 23 yrs.) • AMERICA (approx. 31 yrs.)
  • 24. Comandante Balestrieri, retired from active duty in 1981, is an international consultant in Sea-Land & Airport Cross Border Security, an expert in investigative detection technologies and methodologies. A former Navy Officer and a graduate of the Italian Navy Commanding School, he received a degree from the Navy College / University of Pisa in Defense & Security Sciences (Accademia Navale di Livorno - Universita’ di Pisa: “Dottore in Scienze Marittime e Navali” Classe delle Lauree nelle Scienze della Difesa e Sicurezza). He has well over forty years of experience: 1. Eighteen years in NATO and National operations, including positions as Chief of Staff of Navigation and Meteorology on ITS Doria (Command Fleet 1), Chief of Staff of Communications on ITS Duilio (Command Fleet 2), Captain of a Combat Ship and Operational Consultant for the Navy R&D Institute, consultant for the Chair of the Senate Defense Committee. 2. Over twenty-five years in the strategic planning, evaluation and implementation of advanced technologies in complex cross border systems such as the SLA-C4I, the Multifunctional Airport Security System published in the book TERRORISM: Defensive strategies for individuals, companies and governments (ISBN 0965917452 9780965917452). 3. Extensive experience in international affairs, liaison and negotiations for regional development and conflict prevention. Most recently, in March 2005, as the Chairman of the International Service Division of the NY Rotary, he was a key player in the peace development process in the Caucasus with the Declaration signed by the representatives of over four hundred Rotarians that came in Ankara from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. * * *