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A Brief Glimpse Into the Worldwide Phenomenon of UFOs and the U.S. Government’s Involvement 
By Michael S. Lima 
A Brief Glimpse Into the Worldwide Phenomenon of UFOs and the U.S. Government’s Involvement 
The Alien Visitation Paradigm 
Mass Sighting 
Ariel School Investigation 
Landing Site Evidence 
Effects on Human Beings 
Our Future Proposes Their Existence Argument 
The Three Types of UFOs 
The 10 Forms of Physical Evidence of Alien Craft 
The 11th Form of Evidence 
Public Truth 
In the search for the answer, 3 parties vie for 
the truth and lie below the evidence. 
At the bottom is the scientific community, 
whose concern for peer recognition forces 
them to protect their reputation against the 
harmful scrutiny which would result from 
serious investigation. 
On the left is the public, left out, yet more 
focused than the scientific community. 
On the right is the government, specifically, the 
military. Unbeknownst to most, the Space 
Surveillance Network, the Air Force Space 
Command, NORAD, the Missile Defense 
Agency, and others, monitor space and the 
skies for intrusion. The network that carries 
this data, the Global Information Grid, moves 
more data than the internet. Using interlocking 
detection systems that hand off automatically, 
the US tracks in real time all unidentified 
intrusions or “uncorrelated targets” in our 
airspace. UFOs detected by NORAD are denied 
freedom of information act requests. 
The Alien Visitation Paradigm
Often, contradictory elements place the verdict of even some convincing sightings in limbo: 
Reports of UFOs span the existence of recorded time. 
Sightings have been recorded in every nation. 
95% of sightings, upon careful research, are found to be misidentifications of natural 
phenomena or manmade objects. 
November 17, 1974 Viborg, Denmark 
The witness reported the outside 
temperature was about 41 degrees 
Fahrenheit. One scientist proposed that 
the craft, based upon the accumulation 
of fog surrounding it, was 292 degrees 
below zero, thus the jellyfish 
Note: dry ice is -109.3 below zero. 
Although several organizations concluded the object in the 
photo was a craft of some kind, another organization, 
Ground Saucer Watch, analyzed the image under a grey 
filter. Their conclusion was that the dark ring was not a 
solid object. Conclusion: “a special kind of cumulus 
After taking the photo, the witness looked around for 
other witnesses so he could draw their attention to the 
craft. Seeing no one around, he looked back, and the craft, 
about 66’+ in diameter, was gone. With a wind speed 
reported as 20 knots/hr. (or 23 mph), it is highly unlikely 
that it could have traveled out of sight in the 3 seconds 
one would take to look around for witnesses. Also, 
cumulus clouds do not have hazy billowing fog trails as 
depicted in the photo. 
January 16, 2014 
Jackson County, MS 
infrared trail camera 
“No matter how long you live, you will never know any more 
about what they are, where they come from or what the 
government knows about them then you know today. 
You will remember this on your deathbed.” 
-- Phillip Klass, (deceased) Former editor of 
Aviation Weekly and famous UFO debunker. 
“UFOs are the Third Rail of Science.” 
-- Michio Kaku PhD. String Theorist 
“All debunkers make 3 mistakes, they don’t know the 
evidence, they ignore the evidence, they distort the 
evidence. There are no exceptions.” 
-- Dr. David M. Jacobs PhD. 
Retired History Professor and Alien Abduction Researcher 
1950, Yorba Linda, CA 
Photo taken by 14-year-old boy. 
September 16, 1994: Ariel School Sighting 
Around 10:10 a.m. at the Ariel School near Harare, in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, 
62 schoolchildren saw 5 metallic craft. One landed. Atop the craft a 
door opened and an alien being appeared. Black in color with piercing 
black almond shaped eyes and shoulder length black hair, it ran back 
and forth in a psychotic manner. A moment later it disappeared inside. 
On the ground seconds later, a being, possibly the same, appeared 
bounding across the ground in an odd manner -- in slow motion. It 
stopped and looked at the children. Terrified, the children screamed, 
cried and ran inside to get the headmaster. When the headmaster 
came outside, the craft were gone. 
These are the witnesses to the actual event of September 16, 1994 6 
This incident was one of at 
least 3 mass sightings by 
children reported to the media 
from around the world. 
Cindy Hind, editor of Afrinews, a UFO journal, was 
MUFON’s chief investigator in Africa on UFOs. She 
interviewed the schoolchildren at the Ariel School 
following the 1994 mass sighting and close encounter. 
Since Africa has hardly any exposure to UFO literature 
or media, her investigations were particularly insightful 
as most witnesses were free of media contamination. 
She passed away August 21, 2000 from a short illness. 
Dr. John E. Mack, Pulitzer Prize winning author of 
“A Prince of Our Disorder” about T.E. Lawrence, 
got involved in alien abduction research after 
meeting “Intruders” author and abduction 
researcher, Budd Hopkins, in New York City. A 
Harvard Medical School Professor, he would later 
light a firestorm under Harvard with his book, 
“Abduction, Human Encounters with Aliens,” in 
2009. Dr. Mack stepped in the path of a drunk 
driver and was killed in London, UK on 
September 27, 2004 at the age of 74. 
Multiple Investigators concluded the mass sighting was an actual event. Why? 
1. Corroboration of the account by multiple witnesses. 
2. The impossibility that so many select details could have been fabricated by 
so many on such short notice. Evidence: interviews & drawings. 
3. Emotional trauma. 
UFO Landing site evidence presents strong physical 
evidence effects denied by the scientific community. 
Ted Phillips, Executive Director of 
the Center for Physical Trace 
Research, is acknowledged as one of 
the world’s foremost authorities on 
UFO landing site evidence and 
investigative procedure. He has 
investigated over 5,000 landing sites 
in the U.S. and abroad dating back 
to his work with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, 
Project Blue Book, in the early 70s. 
Nov. 2, 1971: UFO landing ring, Delphos, Kansas, 
Many government organizations 
have collected irrefutable data in 
countries such as France, Brazil, 
Chile, Russia and many others.
Stefan Michalak. On May 19, 1967, the 51-year-old 
Polish immigrant, Holocaust survivor and Canadian 
citizen, was out near Falcon Lake prospecting for 
quartz when a close encounter with an alien craft 
lead to burns in a grid like pattern across his 
midsection. Steven passed away in October, 1999. 
Character Stefan Kucharek is based on: 
Physical and Psychological 
Throughout the world, there have 
been hundreds of accounts of alien 
craft causing physical ailments to those 
who’ve come in close contact with 
Medical reports confirm these 
ailments are not caused by any known 
natural phenomena, be it weather 
condition, the sun or electromagnetic. 
What makes these injuries unique, is 
that they fit a pattern. A pattern 
consistent only with the UFO 
phenomenon, nothing else.
To understand how alien craft can exist, simply look to the future of the human race. 
• Kardashev Classification Scheme: Dr. Kardashev created a 
categorization of civilizations based on energy 
consumption with the notion that they could be millions 
or billions of years more advanced than on earth. 
• Type 0 – unable to harness weather, volcanoes or 
earthquakes or meet the energy needs of its people. 
Limited space travel. Everything below 1 is a zero. We 
are .72. 
• Type 1 – able to harness weather, volcanoes, 
earthquakes and meet the energy needs of the planet. 
Engages in deep space travel. 
• Type 2 – illness, disease and aging cured. Ability to 
harness the energy of a sun and engage in interstellar 
• Type 3 – this civilization has overcome all challenges to 
existence. They travel and exist throughout the 
universe and can draw energy and subsist wherever 
they go. They are so advanced, the earlier types can 
not even detect their existence. 
Back in 1964, Russian Astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev proposed that there are 4 types of civilization. 
Dr. Nikolai Kardashev
UFO: unidentified flying object; any object in the sky which 
cannot be identified as natural or manmade, either stationery or 
moving and generally assumed to be of extraterrestrial origin. 
The Three Types of UFOs 
1.) Misidentified natural objects: weather balloons, lenticular clouds, sprites, aircraft, bright stars or planets, satellites, 
flares of light from iridium satellites, meteor, etc. 95% of reports are considered to be false or misidentifications. 
2.) Unknown natural phenomena: Hessdalen Lights, Hessdalen, Norway. Min-Min Lights, Australia, etc. 
3.) Alien craft. 
Alien craft are intelligently controlled, structured craft, exhibiting properties of weight, inert propulsion, acceleration, 
luminosity, lack of sound and lack of exhaust and can be scientifically distinguished from natural and manmade objects.
1.) Angel hair or debris dropped from craft (Oct. 22, 1973, Sudbury, MA). 
2.) Electromagnetic effects on vehicles, homes and devices (Levelland, TX 1957). 
3.) Physiological effects on people: burns to the skin & eyes, marks & illness, both physically and 
psychologically. (May 13, 1978, Kerman, CA., Police Officer Manuel Amparano). 
Angel hair or dust (NICAP circa 1950?) 
Levelland, TX – “lights go out” 
The 10 Forms of Physical Evidence 
Alien Craft
4.) Damage to Soil and Vegetation from landings. 
5.) Electromagnetic disturbances to aircraft avionics. 
6.) Performance of the craft in flight. 
Tehran, Iran 1976 – Two F-4 Phantoms were sent 
to intercept lights in the sky. Several small lights 
circled about a mothership. The first F-4 
attempted to engage the UFO, his aircraft lost its 
electronics instrumentation and he returned to 
base. Behind him, Lt. Jafari (later General, 
pictured at left) pressed on, found a target 
similar in radar to a C-127, attempted to fire a 
missile but then lost all his avionics. Believing 
his systems had all simultaneously been shut off, 
he turned away and, as he returned to base, all 
systems came back up. A Top Secret report was 
sent to the White House on this event. 
Eric Thomason, 69, March 10, 1993 
Maslin Beach, Ochre Point, Australia 
NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) 
file photo
1. Thousands of photos exist around the world. 
2. Structured craft reveal reflective and luminous surfaces. 
3. Faked photos and digital images can be uncovered through the use of filters. 
Note disturbance 
on the ground 
under the craft. 
Rex Heflin, August 3, 1965 
Santa Ana, CA 
George Stock, July 29, 1952, Passaic, NJ
Eyewitness testimony provides 
details not obtained by any other 
form of evidence collection such as: 
Performance of craft 
Psychological effect on the witness 
(odd pre-event happenings such as 
doorbell, phone call, needing to look 
outside, etc. Also, disruption of the 
witness’s sense of time to name a 
Luminosity, or the amount of energy generated by light output, presents evidence that can rule out natural causes. 
On August 23, 1956, flying #2 in a 4 plane formation 
at 37,000’, over the Canadian Rockies near Ft. 
McLeod, Alberta, Canada, Royal Canadian Air Force 
Pilot Robert Childerhose observed an object at 
about 20,000’. Although the photo shows a 
“glowing blob of light,” what Childerhose saw was a 
solid “shiny silver dollar sitting horizontally” that 
emitted light greater than the sun. Optical Physicist 
Dr. Bruce Maccabee determined it had the light 
output in excess of a gigawatt, enough to power 
over a million homes. 
1. Stephenville, TX UFO sighting, July 8, 2008 – UFO tracked for an hour. 
2. Radar evidence found worldwide. 
3. Britain, France, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Russia, are just a few of the countries who’ve had or currently operate a 
government agency studying UFO and radar phenomena. 
4. NORAD tracks well over 500 alien craft each year. 
5. 1989-90 Belgian UFO wave tracked alien craft by F-16 and ground radar. 
Hampshire, UK 
On May 25, 1995, over Bovina, Texas, America West Flight 564 reported to Air Traffic 
Control a large unknown craft flying dangerously close, below them on their right side. 
As they looked out into the night at 39,000 
feet, they saw a series of strobe lights 
running left to right on a craft estimated to 
be 400 feet in length. It was following them. 
Although local FAA radar did not detect the craft, 
NORAD did and they sent an F117 to make visual 
contact. But why send an unarmed stealth 
Aside from dropping bombs, F117s are used to 
“listen” to enemy communications. 
What did they hear? Signal intelligence collected 
by F117s are relayed to military supercomputers 
where analysts decode and dissect the data for 
actionable intelligence. 
That’s why they sent an F117 … 
The 11th Form of Evidence 
Ask yourself: 
1.) Who in the government is 
watching alien craft and how are 
they doing it? 
2.) What do they know? 
3.) What does it mean to mankind?
The phenomena of visitation of alien craft is supported by a preponderance of physical evidence. 
The pattern of evidence reflect the effects of the propulsion systems of alien craft on their 
surroundings as well as the structure as detected by radar and lights upon eyewitnesses. 
This evidence is only associated with their presence, no other natural or manmade thing can 
generate it. 
Impediments to the official confirmation this is happening lie in 
1. Lack of scrutiny by the scientific community. 
2. Government secrecy and misinformation. 
Why is the government keeping their knowledge of these events secret? 
To safeguard the study of alien craft from public intrusion. 
Q.: “Do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?” 
A.: “No. In the 5th century B.C.E., Pythagoras, observing the lunar eclipse, surmised the earth must be round otherwise it would 
not cast darkness over moon in the shape of a sphere. As for the existence of alien craft, one can proceed two ways: A. Eliminate 
natural causes of all associated phenomena and B. Focus on the accounts of what the military was doing when they appeared. 
Why? Everything the military does is based on protocol. That protocol was created somewhere, by some group and it serves a 

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  • 1. PLEASE DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE THIS DOCUMENT BY ANY MEANS FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This presentation uses this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107. EXTRAORDINARY EVIDENCE: A Brief Glimpse Into the Worldwide Phenomenon of UFOs and the U.S. Government’s Involvement By Michael S. Lima 1
  • 2. EXTRAORDINARY EVIDENCE: A Brief Glimpse Into the Worldwide Phenomenon of UFOs and the U.S. Government’s Involvement The Alien Visitation Paradigm Scope Perceptions Mass Sighting Ariel School Investigation Landing Site Evidence Effects on Human Beings Our Future Proposes Their Existence Argument The Three Types of UFOs The 10 Forms of Physical Evidence of Alien Craft The 11th Form of Evidence Conclusion 2
  • 3. 3 Public Truth Scientific Community Government Evidence In the search for the answer, 3 parties vie for the truth and lie below the evidence. At the bottom is the scientific community, whose concern for peer recognition forces them to protect their reputation against the harmful scrutiny which would result from serious investigation. On the left is the public, left out, yet more focused than the scientific community. On the right is the government, specifically, the military. Unbeknownst to most, the Space Surveillance Network, the Air Force Space Command, NORAD, the Missile Defense Agency, and others, monitor space and the skies for intrusion. The network that carries this data, the Global Information Grid, moves more data than the internet. Using interlocking detection systems that hand off automatically, the US tracks in real time all unidentified intrusions or “uncorrelated targets” in our airspace. UFOs detected by NORAD are denied freedom of information act requests. The Alien Visitation Paradigm
  • 4. Often, contradictory elements place the verdict of even some convincing sightings in limbo: 4 Reports of UFOs span the existence of recorded time. Sightings have been recorded in every nation. 95% of sightings, upon careful research, are found to be misidentifications of natural phenomena or manmade objects. November 17, 1974 Viborg, Denmark The witness reported the outside temperature was about 41 degrees Fahrenheit. One scientist proposed that the craft, based upon the accumulation of fog surrounding it, was 292 degrees below zero, thus the jellyfish appearance. Note: dry ice is -109.3 below zero. Although several organizations concluded the object in the photo was a craft of some kind, another organization, Ground Saucer Watch, analyzed the image under a grey filter. Their conclusion was that the dark ring was not a solid object. Conclusion: “a special kind of cumulus cloud.” After taking the photo, the witness looked around for other witnesses so he could draw their attention to the craft. Seeing no one around, he looked back, and the craft, about 66’+ in diameter, was gone. With a wind speed reported as 20 knots/hr. (or 23 mph), it is highly unlikely that it could have traveled out of sight in the 3 seconds one would take to look around for witnesses. Also, cumulus clouds do not have hazy billowing fog trails as depicted in the photo. SCOPE
  • 5. January 16, 2014 Jackson County, MS infrared trail camera 5 “No matter how long you live, you will never know any more about what they are, where they come from or what the government knows about them then you know today. You will remember this on your deathbed.” -- Phillip Klass, (deceased) Former editor of Aviation Weekly and famous UFO debunker. “UFOs are the Third Rail of Science.” -- Michio Kaku PhD. String Theorist “All debunkers make 3 mistakes, they don’t know the evidence, they ignore the evidence, they distort the evidence. There are no exceptions.” -- Dr. David M. Jacobs PhD. Retired History Professor and Alien Abduction Researcher 1950, Yorba Linda, CA Photo taken by 14-year-old boy. PERCEPTIONS
  • 6. September 16, 1994: Ariel School Sighting Around 10:10 a.m. at the Ariel School near Harare, in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, 62 schoolchildren saw 5 metallic craft. One landed. Atop the craft a door opened and an alien being appeared. Black in color with piercing black almond shaped eyes and shoulder length black hair, it ran back and forth in a psychotic manner. A moment later it disappeared inside. On the ground seconds later, a being, possibly the same, appeared bounding across the ground in an odd manner -- in slow motion. It stopped and looked at the children. Terrified, the children screamed, cried and ran inside to get the headmaster. When the headmaster came outside, the craft were gone. These are the witnesses to the actual event of September 16, 1994 6 This incident was one of at least 3 mass sightings by children reported to the media from around the world. MASS SIGHTING
  • 7. Cindy Hind, editor of Afrinews, a UFO journal, was MUFON’s chief investigator in Africa on UFOs. She interviewed the schoolchildren at the Ariel School following the 1994 mass sighting and close encounter. Since Africa has hardly any exposure to UFO literature or media, her investigations were particularly insightful as most witnesses were free of media contamination. She passed away August 21, 2000 from a short illness. Dr. John E. Mack, Pulitzer Prize winning author of “A Prince of Our Disorder” about T.E. Lawrence, got involved in alien abduction research after meeting “Intruders” author and abduction researcher, Budd Hopkins, in New York City. A Harvard Medical School Professor, he would later light a firestorm under Harvard with his book, “Abduction, Human Encounters with Aliens,” in 2009. Dr. Mack stepped in the path of a drunk driver and was killed in London, UK on September 27, 2004 at the age of 74. 7 Multiple Investigators concluded the mass sighting was an actual event. Why? 1. Corroboration of the account by multiple witnesses. 2. The impossibility that so many select details could have been fabricated by so many on such short notice. Evidence: interviews & drawings. 3. Emotional trauma. ARIEL SCHOOL INVESTIGATION
  • 8. UFO Landing site evidence presents strong physical evidence effects denied by the scientific community. 8 Ted Phillips, Executive Director of the Center for Physical Trace Research, is acknowledged as one of the world’s foremost authorities on UFO landing site evidence and investigative procedure. He has investigated over 5,000 landing sites in the U.S. and abroad dating back to his work with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Project Blue Book, in the early 70s. Nov. 2, 1971: UFO landing ring, Delphos, Kansas, LANDING SITE EVIDENCE Many government organizations have collected irrefutable data in countries such as France, Brazil, Chile, Russia and many others.
  • 9. Stefan Michalak. On May 19, 1967, the 51-year-old Polish immigrant, Holocaust survivor and Canadian citizen, was out near Falcon Lake prospecting for quartz when a close encounter with an alien craft lead to burns in a grid like pattern across his midsection. Steven passed away in October, 1999. Character Stefan Kucharek is based on: 9 EFFECTS ON HUMAN BEINGS: Physical and Psychological Throughout the world, there have been hundreds of accounts of alien craft causing physical ailments to those who’ve come in close contact with them. Medical reports confirm these ailments are not caused by any known natural phenomena, be it weather condition, the sun or electromagnetic. What makes these injuries unique, is that they fit a pattern. A pattern consistent only with the UFO phenomenon, nothing else.
  • 10. OUR FUTURE PROPOSES THEIR EXISTENCE ARGUMENT To understand how alien craft can exist, simply look to the future of the human race. • Kardashev Classification Scheme: Dr. Kardashev created a categorization of civilizations based on energy consumption with the notion that they could be millions or billions of years more advanced than on earth. • Type 0 – unable to harness weather, volcanoes or earthquakes or meet the energy needs of its people. Limited space travel. Everything below 1 is a zero. We are .72. • Type 1 – able to harness weather, volcanoes, earthquakes and meet the energy needs of the planet. Engages in deep space travel. • Type 2 – illness, disease and aging cured. Ability to harness the energy of a sun and engage in interstellar travel. • Type 3 – this civilization has overcome all challenges to existence. They travel and exist throughout the universe and can draw energy and subsist wherever they go. They are so advanced, the earlier types can not even detect their existence. 10 Back in 1964, Russian Astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev proposed that there are 4 types of civilization. Dr. Nikolai Kardashev
  • 11. 11 UFO: unidentified flying object; any object in the sky which cannot be identified as natural or manmade, either stationery or moving and generally assumed to be of extraterrestrial origin. The Three Types of UFOs 1.) Misidentified natural objects: weather balloons, lenticular clouds, sprites, aircraft, bright stars or planets, satellites, flares of light from iridium satellites, meteor, etc. 95% of reports are considered to be false or misidentifications. 2.) Unknown natural phenomena: Hessdalen Lights, Hessdalen, Norway. Min-Min Lights, Australia, etc. 3.) Alien craft. Alien craft are intelligently controlled, structured craft, exhibiting properties of weight, inert propulsion, acceleration, luminosity, lack of sound and lack of exhaust and can be scientifically distinguished from natural and manmade objects.
  • 12. 12 1.) Angel hair or debris dropped from craft (Oct. 22, 1973, Sudbury, MA). 2.) Electromagnetic effects on vehicles, homes and devices (Levelland, TX 1957). 3.) Physiological effects on people: burns to the skin & eyes, marks & illness, both physically and psychologically. (May 13, 1978, Kerman, CA., Police Officer Manuel Amparano). Angel hair or dust (NICAP circa 1950?) Levelland, TX – “lights go out” The 10 Forms of Physical Evidence of Alien Craft
  • 13. 13 4.) Damage to Soil and Vegetation from landings. 5.) Electromagnetic disturbances to aircraft avionics. 6.) Performance of the craft in flight. Tehran, Iran 1976 – Two F-4 Phantoms were sent to intercept lights in the sky. Several small lights circled about a mothership. The first F-4 attempted to engage the UFO, his aircraft lost its electronics instrumentation and he returned to base. Behind him, Lt. Jafari (later General, pictured at left) pressed on, found a target similar in radar to a C-127, attempted to fire a missile but then lost all his avionics. Believing his systems had all simultaneously been shut off, he turned away and, as he returned to base, all systems came back up. A Top Secret report was sent to the White House on this event. Eric Thomason, 69, March 10, 1993 Maslin Beach, Ochre Point, Australia NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) file photo
  • 14. 7. PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE 1. Thousands of photos exist around the world. 2. Structured craft reveal reflective and luminous surfaces. 3. Faked photos and digital images can be uncovered through the use of filters. Note disturbance on the ground under the craft. Rex Heflin, August 3, 1965 Santa Ana, CA 14 George Stock, July 29, 1952, Passaic, NJ
  • 15. 8. EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY Eyewitness testimony provides details not obtained by any other form of evidence collection such as: Appearance Sound Smell Performance of craft Psychological effect on the witness (odd pre-event happenings such as doorbell, phone call, needing to look outside, etc. Also, disruption of the witness’s sense of time to name a few. 15
  • 16. 9. LIGHT OUTPUT FROM ALIEN CRAFT IS MEASURABLE ENERGY Luminosity, or the amount of energy generated by light output, presents evidence that can rule out natural causes. On August 23, 1956, flying #2 in a 4 plane formation at 37,000’, over the Canadian Rockies near Ft. McLeod, Alberta, Canada, Royal Canadian Air Force Pilot Robert Childerhose observed an object at about 20,000’. Although the photo shows a “glowing blob of light,” what Childerhose saw was a solid “shiny silver dollar sitting horizontally” that emitted light greater than the sun. Optical Physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabee determined it had the light output in excess of a gigawatt, enough to power over a million homes. 16
  • 17. 10. RADAR EVIDENCE 1. Stephenville, TX UFO sighting, July 8, 2008 – UFO tracked for an hour. 2. Radar evidence found worldwide. 3. Britain, France, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Russia, are just a few of the countries who’ve had or currently operate a government agency studying UFO and radar phenomena. 4. NORAD tracks well over 500 alien craft each year. 5. 1989-90 Belgian UFO wave tracked alien craft by F-16 and ground radar. Hampshire, UK 17 EXTRAORDINARY EVIDENCE
  • 18. On May 25, 1995, over Bovina, Texas, America West Flight 564 reported to Air Traffic Control a large unknown craft flying dangerously close, below them on their right side. As they looked out into the night at 39,000 feet, they saw a series of strobe lights running left to right on a craft estimated to be 400 feet in length. It was following them. Although local FAA radar did not detect the craft, NORAD did and they sent an F117 to make visual contact. But why send an unarmed stealth fighter? Aside from dropping bombs, F117s are used to “listen” to enemy communications. What did they hear? Signal intelligence collected by F117s are relayed to military supercomputers where analysts decode and dissect the data for actionable intelligence. That’s why they sent an F117 … 18 The 11th Form of Evidence Ask yourself: 1.) Who in the government is watching alien craft and how are they doing it? 2.) What do they know? 3.) What does it mean to mankind?
  • 19. CONCLUSION 19 The phenomena of visitation of alien craft is supported by a preponderance of physical evidence. The pattern of evidence reflect the effects of the propulsion systems of alien craft on their surroundings as well as the structure as detected by radar and lights upon eyewitnesses. This evidence is only associated with their presence, no other natural or manmade thing can generate it. Impediments to the official confirmation this is happening lie in 1. Lack of scrutiny by the scientific community. 2. Government secrecy and misinformation. Why is the government keeping their knowledge of these events secret? To safeguard the study of alien craft from public intrusion. Q.: “Do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?” A.: “No. In the 5th century B.C.E., Pythagoras, observing the lunar eclipse, surmised the earth must be round otherwise it would not cast darkness over moon in the shape of a sphere. As for the existence of alien craft, one can proceed two ways: A. Eliminate natural causes of all associated phenomena and B. Focus on the accounts of what the military was doing when they appeared. Why? Everything the military does is based on protocol. That protocol was created somewhere, by some group and it serves a purpose.”