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Weekly Assignment one for Jan 11th 2018
Write two one-sentence descriptions of what it is like to feel a
particular emotion. One sentence should be less than ten words
long, and the other should be a full typed page. Both sentences
must describe the same emotion. Do this exercise for two
different emotions. (4 sentences total)
I can’t find myself through his eyes.
A lot of little fuzzy things would cause a terrible world,
misunderstanding is piled up by a lot of little fuzzy things; also
unhappiness is produced by a lot of little fuzzy things, maybe
it’s started when he is talking while paste his face on her face in
the music festival; maybe it’s started when she says he is an
attractive hero that she has ever met; maybe it’s started when
she feeds you Ketamine with her fingernails; or maybe when I
flashed my eyes at her every single time—she‘s looking at you,
it make me feel sick while she attempt to FaceTime with him,
don’t really care how many times, feel like a pebble fierce
against my heart; yes, your guess is right, he is my boyfriend;
he says he loves me so much as well as accepting other girls;
jealous, grievance, cardiodynia arrives at unable breath, though
I said I would try my best to forget him; that’s such a short time
that I cannot stop the cardiodynia feeling; the sound of singing
as sounds of nature spreads boundlessly in chaotic space, like
being like drop, having entered one drop of blackish red blood,
having stirred a fit heartache in the black ink; when I look to
him for strength, all I see is heartache; don’t ask me how much
painful would take for injected hyaluronic acid, nothing would
hurt you more then breaking up.
Swimming your own way, you are one fearless fish.
Remember when you in the first grade—less egocentric;
everyday much more aware; you blossom so beautifully, so fast,
it can’t seem fair; your mind is learning logic; each night you
ask about more; you empathize with others so much, you centers
my core no matter you still struggle with the abstract or not;
but, like all else, that too will be; your love is concrete, so
strong, you are my little enrollee; as time goes by; although you
don’t have decades-long degree; no delivery-room deliverance;
no sense of sterile steel; you are still the most qualified to help
me; even though you are not a doctor; you have a warm smile of
confident knowing; a graduate in bringing life; a gentle breeze
through your open window; a soothing saxophone on your
stereo; though tears and toils make up your nights, your sleep,
your effort and competing; fear not these works or weary hours,
your girl’s infancy is fleeting; for the time she screams and
feeds and cries, but you have enough time to ponder; what may
be when tears of need, transform to shoes that wander; rest now,
at peace, beside her crib, know time is fast and reckless; a baby
is ignorant, a teenage is fearless; stand up to fatigue and dreary;
test and strain apparently; those nights may soon be missed
Weekly Assignment two for Jan.18th
Describe a building as seen by a person whose loved one has
been killed. Do not mention the loved one, or how they died.
Then, describe the same building (in the same weather, at the
same time of day), as seen by a person newly in love. Do not
mention love or the new lover.
I saw the building caught fire, and blazed up; I saw the
foundations of the building have subsided. Maybe it’s not,
maybe the building tones (in) sad with the surroundings. It has
been raining since morning because there is mass of dark cloud
is raining over the building. The rain boomed a deafening roar;
maybe I should drink some wine, it’ll help with my temper.
Maybe it won’t. The pressure was intense, and the constant
churning and scraping of the wind made ghastly sounds; a
deafening noise began, and the whole building shook. At this
point, the building is quiet, sorrowful and deafening all at once,
the gloomy contrast to explore over a glass of crimson blood.
The building is saturnine and swarthy, and the construction
seemed to be twisted with disdain. Suddenly, from feeling I had
nothing left to live for; the building lost the value of existence;
the building was cruelly dismal with their walls on guard like
man from hell. Nothing remained of the magnificent building;
looked like it had been looted. What can I do to respect the
building, how can I bring it back to life? “You can’t, I’m
already died” the building answered. In a moment of intense
loneliness, the sadness will return and may again be driven
away by anger; I hate to admit it, but the building is unkind and
unsympathetic to anything. This building is known for being
desolate and lifeless, covered in garbage, filth and blood. Let
the dead bury the dead.
The building beamed with happy smile—a little bit shy;
even it rain, the building wants take in all the experience, sniff
the air, sniff the lamppost; the rain cleared the air, and the grass
smelt fresh and sweet around the building. The building looked
like a child, cuddled up under the warm grass; lounged on a
hillside; beckoned everything that is peaceful. I heard knocking
at the door from the building, makes my heart beat fast; it
smelled like crisp-fried potatoes with a secret sauce, and mel i
mato, a curd cheese and honey dessert cooked in an earthenware
pot; makes me feel hungry. And at such times, if sitting in a hot
bath; thinking the whole town is warm; because of this lovely
building; I am emotion in motion. The rain has reflected the
world, color has enriched the room; I gripped my other hand,
the building has been moving my sentiment. I stood adsorbed
and motionless in the fresh grassland in front of the building,
feeling the depth of its attachment in my own heart; feeling the
heartbeat. The building possesses an inexpressible beauty of
nature and fascinating structure; it has hard and durable, and
perfect layout; novel design, reasonable structure, facilitates
people live. In terms of its impeccable taste and the quality of
the wall paint, this building looked impeccable; even from a
profession point of view it’s a nice result. Like all things
sprout, bloom, and reach completeness, the first flavor I notice
is sweetness.
Weekly Assignment three for Jan. 25th
Write a natural feature about global warming.
She woke up in the morning; she ate some yogurt and granola
and flipped on the TV (you know, only planning to watch while
she ate).
“Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not
only causes serious problems such as global warming but also
could threaten to end human life on our planet.” News anchor
“Predictions of global warming have no foundation in science,
but should pay attention to it”, she said.
All she knows is, there are things she can do to stop, or at least
slow down, global warming, and those are things she should do.
She is an exchange student majoring in Interdisciplinary Arts;
she used Photoshop to create a poster card for Cascadia
Climatic Change Company about global warming. The warmer
weather is melting glaciers and hitting polar bears right where
they live. After a week, “A Polar Bear Walking to Death” has
been completed.
Polar ice cap melting; into streams; the streams merge into
rivers; rivers dry up; into land; finally the land cracks. “Can
you imagine how the polar bears died because of global
warming?” she asked. “I guess you have never thought about
Years later, She draw it out. There is no difference between her
postcard and painting, but she made the painting more vivid.
She made the problem of global warming more obvious. In her
point of view, that we should act as if the reports about man
made global warming are correct – because we don’t have
another planet to experiment on.
“Save the Earth from global warming… fro who?” Someone
“For you, for us, for polar bear.” She said, “the battle against
global warming makes sense only if we battle against it now,
while alive, without taking one another life.”
“The science of global warming is clear and so are the
solutions, yet the world is moving in reverse. Why?”
“That’s a very good question. I believe it is because some
people think they do not have to flight global warming because
it is futile to do so. They are stupid, but you are not.” She
answered. All the stuff you’re doing that seems hard — it will
be of use. This is the first one that might not be as obvious.
If we do not protect our environment, if that day really comes,
it will be the end of the world. You will see the statue of liberty
to be submerged; you will see the New York City to be
submerged; you will see the entire United States to be
submerged; you will see the Mount Everest as high as your
house; you will see nothing except ocean. You may never see
the sunset again; you may never see the sunshine on children’s
smiling face; you may never see daytime anymore. You will live
in darkness without a star, without the moon, but with
When that day came. She abandoned herself to despair; fear and
despair engulfed her.
Weekly Assignment four for Feb 1st
Write scenes describing the same person (a character). In each
scene, describe a change in the body (character's).
Body’s changes in different seasons
Ruby is sixteen-year-old American-Hispanic girl from Boston,
MA. Being a teenager, she is very conscious about her body
since this is the developmental stage where one develops an
identity. Ruby’s relationship with her body can be described
with one word, vain due to the high value that she places on her
appearance. Ruby’s relationship to her body and her energy
level is affected by different seasons. During summer, Ruby is
very energetic and playful, walks and talks a lot. Her dress
code, which she says that she dresses to please her body, is
tightly linked to the hippies of the free love movement of the
1960s. During summer, she puts on crop tops and shorts, or
rugged jeans and kinky dresses. She argues that these dresses
allow her body to enjoy the sun and this makes her feel good
about herself. She is also very active during summer and
engages in a lot of swimming activities to keep her body cool
and fit. Besides, during summer, she consumes a lot of cold
drinks to keep her body cool.
Ruby changes a lot during winter where she changes from the
energetic playful girl that likes outdoor environment to one that
imitates hibernating amphibian. During the cold season, Ruby
spends most of her time indoors unless she is going for
mandatory shopping. This behavior, she says is due to the high
value that she places on her body. She says that she cannot
expose her body to cold in fear of pneumonia and other cold-
related diseases. As a result, a lot of changes take place in her
body. She becomes relatively inactive, a change that is
attributed to the reduced body metabolism due to the external
cold environment. And then, cold makes her face pale and due
to reduced activity, she feels pain in some parts of her body,
mainly at the joints. These experiences change her to a silent
and a dormant girl, and to some extent she becomes anti-social.
Besides, she does not flaunt her body like she does during
Ruby takes several moderate measures in response to winter to
adjust her body to difficult circumstances or discomfiting
temperatures. Ruby abandons her hippie style mode of dressing
and adopts the Eskimo mode of heavy dressing. She puts on
heavy jackets, neck scarfs, Marvin, and socks to generate
warmth. She engages in the consumption of hot coffee to
increase the metabolic activities of her body and to keep her
warm. To adjust to the occasional pains that she feels in her
joint due to reduced body activity, Ruby dances to music.
Dancing is her favorite physical activity during winter as it
helps her to remain active. After dancing, she takes a warm bath
and puts on heavy clothing and remains in door. Some of the
major indoor activities that she enjoys most is cooking and
watching movies. She prefers thriller movies and says that the
tension and thrill in the movies increases her body metabolism
and this keeps her warm.
Weekly Assignment five for Feb. 8th
Write a dialogue between two characters. Each of these
characters has a secret, which you will not reveal but make
readers intuit. The dialogue is between a husband and his wife,
both cheating to each other.
“Darling, I have to go to work now and I’ll be back very late.
Don’t wait me.”
“Can you explain why you always go so late? ” Annie asked.
“En… cause… nothing need to explain, you do what I said.”
Tom said in dismay.
“I don’t wanna be alone, can I go with you?” Annie said.
“It’s an very important meeting, you know, my boss likes work
at night, it’s not appropriate for you to go.” Tom said.
“I get it, you never let me know where you work and who you
work for, am I your real wife? Who likes work so late? It’s your
boss male or female? ” Replied Annie.
“I love you, Ann. I need your understanding. Can we talk this
later? I have to go.”
“Do you know that you just changed subject, honey, you only
change the subject when you feel guilty. It’s your boss a female,
isn’t it?”
“Here, drink some water and relax Ann. Yes, my boss is a
female, she is a capable woman and very charming, I didn’t tell
you because I knew you’d worry. We just partner.” Tom
explained. While Annie is drinking the water, she vomited.
“Tom, I am pregnant, one month pregnant. You go out for work
every night, I don't even have a chance to tell you.” Annie
cried, “Could you stay tonight, please?”
“Oh, I’m sorry Ann, I didn’t know you are pregnant. I’d love to
stay, but my boss is calling me. I’m sorry.” Tom paused. “I was
on a business trip a month ago, how could you pregnant? Ann.”
“Really? En… maybe I got it wrong… en… en… maybe one and
half months.” Annie looked down at Tom’s neck. “Hey, you
have a lipstick on your collar. I don’t think its mine…”
“What? No. No. No. It was you, you didn’t remember… It
should be yours.” Tom said. “Let’s drive you to hospital to
check the baby. You’re thinking too much tonight, you know,
it’s not good for baby.”
“Oh, en… I don’t think it’s necessary, honey. It’s already
midnight. It’s time for bed. I’m too tried to go to
hospital.”Annie said.
“O…K… Well, you go to bed first. I have to make a phone
call.” Tom went downstairs and closed door, then he called his
Weekly Assignment six for Feb.15th
Invent and populate four lists of your own—the more specific,
the better. And create relationships between apparently
dissimilar and unrelated things.
Keeping a journal is one of the most effective ways through
which individuals can learn from their environments and make
necessary adjustments. Journalizing the daily observation is
important in keeping track of various events and actions. This is
vital in ensuring that an individual is able to move from an
abstract to the specific and in creating the relationships between
dissimilar and unrelated events within the environment. This
may in most cases involve consciously recording observations
one makes in the day-to-day interactions with other people.
A. Things that are irritating to listen to
There are many things that individuals may find irritating to
listen to. For instance, listening to someone who has limited
understanding and knowledge yet speaks without restraint; a
student shouting at a tutor in front of other students; a
commonplace person arguing about eating in public as well as
listening to a young woman quarreling with a toddler.
B. Things that may bring embracement
There are usually are number of things that can result into
embracement to a person especially in the public. This include
the moment when a stranger speaks casually with the family
members and demand for the same privileges as one of the
family member; hearing parents overrating their dimwit child
before the visitors as well as spotting neighbors scolding their
child loudly before everyone else especially in the social
C. Things create boredom
There are different occasions when the feeling of boredom
may creep in to an individual. For instance, watching
uninteresting documentary in the company of friends; being
subjected to endless interrogation with repeated questions;
following a series with no clear storyline.
D. Most feared moments in life
There are different moments that may results into extreme
fear for many individuals. These include witnessing a grisly
road accident in a broad daylight; witnessing robber with
violence from the next door neighbor and when it is raining
heavily with thunder at night more so when one is alone.
E. Actions that people hate
Normally, there are some behaviors that most people hate.
For instance, seeing someone courting for unnecessary attention
especially in the public gallery; someone talking with food in
his mouth as well as someone repeating himself too much.
Generally, the creation of the list is vital in allowing an
individual to associated dissimilar events. By listing down
various observations on different events, one is able to
understand and appreciate the significance of such actions in the
social context. Therefore, it is through such understanding and
appreciation that one is able to move from abstract to specific
and create connection between unrelated events.
Therefore, it is imperative to note that the practice of
journalizing is important in enhancing personal growth on
social issues. A great depth of understanding can be gained by
individuals especially when they consciously write down the
happenings in the day-to-day activities and experience. There
are usually a lot of valuable information and lessons that can be
derived from the day-to-day interaction with people and through
deliberate efforts by individuals to acquire such knowledge and
Weekly Assignment seven for Feb. 22th
Describe a character using mostly long vowels and soft
consonants (o as in “moan,” e as in “see”; l, m, n, sh, etc.).
Then, describe the same character using mostly short vowels
and hard consonants (I as in “sit”; k, t, p, g, etc.).
Long vowels and soft consonants in describing a character
In a certain city there once lived a woman who loved her kids
very much. The lady used to wake up early in the morning to
prepare and bake cakes for her lovely kids before they left for
school. The kids were pleased by their mother and always
portrayed a lot of respect to their mother due to the concern and
care she had on them. The kids had a typical behavior that
distinguished them from the other kids who lived in the city.
The lady never failed to discipline the kids. On one particular
morning, a kid whose name was Tommy was caught while
stealing from her mother’s pockets and that day turned to be
chaotic for the entire family. The lady was very furious and
could not control her temper and she beat the errant kid telling
her that she could not tolerate thieves in the house. After the
thorough beating the kid apologized to the mum and their
former relationship was restored.
The children loved what their mother taught them on the need to
have virtues based on the biblical aspect. The lady was a
staunch follower in the Christianity doctrines and would usually
emphasize to the kid s on the need to fear and adore the
almighty. Going to church become a core quality that would
ensure the children would acquire the proper ethics that would
assist them in future. The qualities of the children become
outstanding and were normally admired by the rest of the
Today the kids are prominent men and women. The mother
indeed raised a generation that others always want to emulate
and follow in their footsteps.
Short vowels and hard consonants used to describe a character
Back in the days there lived a woman who was madly in love
with her kids. The mother always wanted to see the best out of
her kids. The lady yearned to raise a generation that whose
characters would amaze the world. The woman always hid the
kids from the wild world, as she always believed in good
The kids loved their mother so much. When the mother fell ill
or was tired, the kids would assist their mother in the daily
chores of the house. Tommy who was the eldest of all would
always hug her mother and comfort her that things will get
better someday. The kids would show exemplary performance in
their classes. The head teacher praised the discipline of the kids
and would always give gifts to the kids whenever they
performed well.
Poverty had struck the family hard. Getting a meal was difficult
and the mum had to work extra hard for her to put food on the
table. She could usually encourage the kids that God was in
control and one day they will make it in life. The mother had to
come up with a clear plan on how the children would acquire
education. As we speak today, the generation raised by the
woman is shining. The greatness in this generation can never be
compared with others in the society.
Weekly Assignment eight for March 1st
Write a series of 6 micro essays, each one exploring one word a
character often uses in his speech.
Childhood memories are very strange things in a person’s life.
That is because, you are not sure if what you remember is real
or you just think of it because others told you. My cousin,
James is commonly referred to us notably. That is because he
used to like using certain words, very funny English that most
people do not use when they interact with friends. Some of the
words that he used include myriad, venerate, invoke,
nonetheless, furthermore, curb and even notably.
My cousin often used the word myriad. I remember there was a
time we were playing at my grandparent’s farm and he shouted
to us to come and see how my grandfather had a myriad of
animals in his farm. His repetitive uses of myriad to refer to a
large number made us identify him with that word all the time.
Many a times he also used the word venerate when he enjoys his
sister who loves singing but has a terrible voice. Anytime he
found his sister singing, he would tell her to venerate the owner
of the music she is singing because she is singing their songs
with a terrible voice. As kids, we would laugh out loud and her
sister would feel so bad about that and sometimes even cry.
Invoke is the other word James would use before he attacks her
sister on her voice. He would say that before he says whatever
he is going to say her sister should laugh for the; last time
because his actions will invoke negative consequences that will
make her sister cry for some time. Actually everyone was used
to the jokes James would make because he was a joker who
never minds who he jokes with.
After attacking his sister and making her cry, he would say
sorry to her and tell her he only does what he does to her to
make people laugh, Nonetheless you are still my sister and I
love you. Actually, just sitting with James for a day, you will
easily hear him speak of these words after a short period of
time. It does not take him more than a day before he speaks out
one of these words. He would then say furthermore, I am your
only brother, and you are my only sister, you should feel happy
when I tell you this thing because no one can ever tell them to
He would also use the word curb when telling her sister not to
be sad because no one can curb the words coming from his
mouth. He used the word curb anytime he wanted to refer to
control. He would even tell his parents the same word when he
was told to stop hurting his sister. And lastly, the word we used
to describe him, notably. That word he used all the time since
he used to tell us that he was notably by his style and that
anywhere he was, people were always laughing and happy.
In conclusion, in as much as we were children then, we still
remember James with everything he used to say. That is because
he was always funny and whenever we were in any family
gathering, he would make us happy. We always wanted to go
over to their place to visit. He also made us learn of these words
because as he used them, we had to look for the meaning so that
we could understand what he was saying. By his actions, we
learnt the word, how to use them and when to use them

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Weekly Assignment one for Jan 11th 2018Write two one-sentence de.docx

  • 1. Weekly Assignment one for Jan 11th 2018 Write two one-sentence descriptions of what it is like to feel a particular emotion. One sentence should be less than ten words long, and the other should be a full typed page. Both sentences must describe the same emotion. Do this exercise for two different emotions. (4 sentences total) I can’t find myself through his eyes. A lot of little fuzzy things would cause a terrible world, misunderstanding is piled up by a lot of little fuzzy things; also unhappiness is produced by a lot of little fuzzy things, maybe it’s started when he is talking while paste his face on her face in the music festival; maybe it’s started when she says he is an attractive hero that she has ever met; maybe it’s started when she feeds you Ketamine with her fingernails; or maybe when I flashed my eyes at her every single time—she‘s looking at you, it make me feel sick while she attempt to FaceTime with him, don’t really care how many times, feel like a pebble fierce against my heart; yes, your guess is right, he is my boyfriend; he says he loves me so much as well as accepting other girls; jealous, grievance, cardiodynia arrives at unable breath, though I said I would try my best to forget him; that’s such a short time that I cannot stop the cardiodynia feeling; the sound of singing as sounds of nature spreads boundlessly in chaotic space, like being like drop, having entered one drop of blackish red blood, having stirred a fit heartache in the black ink; when I look to him for strength, all I see is heartache; don’t ask me how much painful would take for injected hyaluronic acid, nothing would hurt you more then breaking up. Swimming your own way, you are one fearless fish. Remember when you in the first grade—less egocentric; everyday much more aware; you blossom so beautifully, so fast, it can’t seem fair; your mind is learning logic; each night you ask about more; you empathize with others so much, you centers
  • 2. my core no matter you still struggle with the abstract or not; but, like all else, that too will be; your love is concrete, so strong, you are my little enrollee; as time goes by; although you don’t have decades-long degree; no delivery-room deliverance; no sense of sterile steel; you are still the most qualified to help me; even though you are not a doctor; you have a warm smile of confident knowing; a graduate in bringing life; a gentle breeze through your open window; a soothing saxophone on your stereo; though tears and toils make up your nights, your sleep, your effort and competing; fear not these works or weary hours, your girl’s infancy is fleeting; for the time she screams and feeds and cries, but you have enough time to ponder; what may be when tears of need, transform to shoes that wander; rest now, at peace, beside her crib, know time is fast and reckless; a baby is ignorant, a teenage is fearless; stand up to fatigue and dreary; test and strain apparently; those nights may soon be missed inherently. Weekly Assignment two for Jan.18th Describe a building as seen by a person whose loved one has been killed. Do not mention the loved one, or how they died. Then, describe the same building (in the same weather, at the same time of day), as seen by a person newly in love. Do not mention love or the new lover. I saw the building caught fire, and blazed up; I saw the foundations of the building have subsided. Maybe it’s not, maybe the building tones (in) sad with the surroundings. It has been raining since morning because there is mass of dark cloud is raining over the building. The rain boomed a deafening roar; maybe I should drink some wine, it’ll help with my temper. Maybe it won’t. The pressure was intense, and the constant churning and scraping of the wind made ghastly sounds; a deafening noise began, and the whole building shook. At this point, the building is quiet, sorrowful and deafening all at once, the gloomy contrast to explore over a glass of crimson blood.
  • 3. The building is saturnine and swarthy, and the construction seemed to be twisted with disdain. Suddenly, from feeling I had nothing left to live for; the building lost the value of existence; the building was cruelly dismal with their walls on guard like man from hell. Nothing remained of the magnificent building; looked like it had been looted. What can I do to respect the building, how can I bring it back to life? “You can’t, I’m already died” the building answered. In a moment of intense loneliness, the sadness will return and may again be driven away by anger; I hate to admit it, but the building is unkind and unsympathetic to anything. This building is known for being desolate and lifeless, covered in garbage, filth and blood. Let the dead bury the dead. The building beamed with happy smile—a little bit shy; even it rain, the building wants take in all the experience, sniff the air, sniff the lamppost; the rain cleared the air, and the grass smelt fresh and sweet around the building. The building looked like a child, cuddled up under the warm grass; lounged on a hillside; beckoned everything that is peaceful. I heard knocking at the door from the building, makes my heart beat fast; it smelled like crisp-fried potatoes with a secret sauce, and mel i mato, a curd cheese and honey dessert cooked in an earthenware pot; makes me feel hungry. And at such times, if sitting in a hot bath; thinking the whole town is warm; because of this lovely building; I am emotion in motion. The rain has reflected the world, color has enriched the room; I gripped my other hand, the building has been moving my sentiment. I stood adsorbed and motionless in the fresh grassland in front of the building, feeling the depth of its attachment in my own heart; feeling the heartbeat. The building possesses an inexpressible beauty of nature and fascinating structure; it has hard and durable, and perfect layout; novel design, reasonable structure, facilitates people live. In terms of its impeccable taste and the quality of the wall paint, this building looked impeccable; even from a profession point of view it’s a nice result. Like all things sprout, bloom, and reach completeness, the first flavor I notice
  • 4. is sweetness. Weekly Assignment three for Jan. 25th Write a natural feature about global warming. She woke up in the morning; she ate some yogurt and granola and flipped on the TV (you know, only planning to watch while she ate). “Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet.” News anchor said. “Predictions of global warming have no foundation in science, but should pay attention to it”, she said. All she knows is, there are things she can do to stop, or at least slow down, global warming, and those are things she should do. She is an exchange student majoring in Interdisciplinary Arts; she used Photoshop to create a poster card for Cascadia Climatic Change Company about global warming. The warmer weather is melting glaciers and hitting polar bears right where they live. After a week, “A Polar Bear Walking to Death” has been completed. Polar ice cap melting; into streams; the streams merge into rivers; rivers dry up; into land; finally the land cracks. “Can you imagine how the polar bears died because of global warming?” she asked. “I guess you have never thought about it”. Years later, She draw it out. There is no difference between her postcard and painting, but she made the painting more vivid. She made the problem of global warming more obvious. In her point of view, that we should act as if the reports about man made global warming are correct – because we don’t have another planet to experiment on. “Save the Earth from global warming… fro who?” Someone asked. “For you, for us, for polar bear.” She said, “the battle against global warming makes sense only if we battle against it now,
  • 5. while alive, without taking one another life.” “The science of global warming is clear and so are the solutions, yet the world is moving in reverse. Why?” “That’s a very good question. I believe it is because some people think they do not have to flight global warming because it is futile to do so. They are stupid, but you are not.” She answered. All the stuff you’re doing that seems hard — it will be of use. This is the first one that might not be as obvious. If we do not protect our environment, if that day really comes, it will be the end of the world. You will see the statue of liberty to be submerged; you will see the New York City to be submerged; you will see the entire United States to be submerged; you will see the Mount Everest as high as your house; you will see nothing except ocean. You may never see the sunset again; you may never see the sunshine on children’s smiling face; you may never see daytime anymore. You will live in darkness without a star, without the moon, but with hopelessness. When that day came. She abandoned herself to despair; fear and despair engulfed her. Weekly Assignment four for Feb 1st Write scenes describing the same person (a character). In each scene, describe a change in the body (character's). Body’s changes in different seasons Ruby is sixteen-year-old American-Hispanic girl from Boston, MA. Being a teenager, she is very conscious about her body since this is the developmental stage where one develops an identity. Ruby’s relationship with her body can be described with one word, vain due to the high value that she places on her appearance. Ruby’s relationship to her body and her energy level is affected by different seasons. During summer, Ruby is very energetic and playful, walks and talks a lot. Her dress
  • 6. code, which she says that she dresses to please her body, is tightly linked to the hippies of the free love movement of the 1960s. During summer, she puts on crop tops and shorts, or rugged jeans and kinky dresses. She argues that these dresses allow her body to enjoy the sun and this makes her feel good about herself. She is also very active during summer and engages in a lot of swimming activities to keep her body cool and fit. Besides, during summer, she consumes a lot of cold drinks to keep her body cool. Ruby changes a lot during winter where she changes from the energetic playful girl that likes outdoor environment to one that imitates hibernating amphibian. During the cold season, Ruby spends most of her time indoors unless she is going for mandatory shopping. This behavior, she says is due to the high value that she places on her body. She says that she cannot expose her body to cold in fear of pneumonia and other cold- related diseases. As a result, a lot of changes take place in her body. She becomes relatively inactive, a change that is attributed to the reduced body metabolism due to the external cold environment. And then, cold makes her face pale and due to reduced activity, she feels pain in some parts of her body, mainly at the joints. These experiences change her to a silent and a dormant girl, and to some extent she becomes anti-social. Besides, she does not flaunt her body like she does during summer. Ruby takes several moderate measures in response to winter to adjust her body to difficult circumstances or discomfiting temperatures. Ruby abandons her hippie style mode of dressing and adopts the Eskimo mode of heavy dressing. She puts on heavy jackets, neck scarfs, Marvin, and socks to generate warmth. She engages in the consumption of hot coffee to increase the metabolic activities of her body and to keep her warm. To adjust to the occasional pains that she feels in her joint due to reduced body activity, Ruby dances to music. Dancing is her favorite physical activity during winter as it helps her to remain active. After dancing, she takes a warm bath
  • 7. and puts on heavy clothing and remains in door. Some of the major indoor activities that she enjoys most is cooking and watching movies. She prefers thriller movies and says that the tension and thrill in the movies increases her body metabolism and this keeps her warm. Weekly Assignment five for Feb. 8th Write a dialogue between two characters. Each of these characters has a secret, which you will not reveal but make readers intuit. The dialogue is between a husband and his wife, both cheating to each other. “Darling, I have to go to work now and I’ll be back very late. Don’t wait me.” “Can you explain why you always go so late? ” Annie asked. “En… cause… nothing need to explain, you do what I said.” Tom said in dismay. “I don’t wanna be alone, can I go with you?” Annie said. “It’s an very important meeting, you know, my boss likes work at night, it’s not appropriate for you to go.” Tom said. “I get it, you never let me know where you work and who you work for, am I your real wife? Who likes work so late? It’s your boss male or female? ” Replied Annie. “I love you, Ann. I need your understanding. Can we talk this later? I have to go.” “Do you know that you just changed subject, honey, you only change the subject when you feel guilty. It’s your boss a female, isn’t it?” “Here, drink some water and relax Ann. Yes, my boss is a female, she is a capable woman and very charming, I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d worry. We just partner.” Tom explained. While Annie is drinking the water, she vomited. “Tom, I am pregnant, one month pregnant. You go out for work every night, I don't even have a chance to tell you.” Annie cried, “Could you stay tonight, please?” “Oh, I’m sorry Ann, I didn’t know you are pregnant. I’d love to stay, but my boss is calling me. I’m sorry.” Tom paused. “I was
  • 8. on a business trip a month ago, how could you pregnant? Ann.” “Really? En… maybe I got it wrong… en… en… maybe one and half months.” Annie looked down at Tom’s neck. “Hey, you have a lipstick on your collar. I don’t think its mine…” “What? No. No. No. It was you, you didn’t remember… It should be yours.” Tom said. “Let’s drive you to hospital to check the baby. You’re thinking too much tonight, you know, it’s not good for baby.” “Oh, en… I don’t think it’s necessary, honey. It’s already midnight. It’s time for bed. I’m too tried to go to hospital.”Annie said. “O…K… Well, you go to bed first. I have to make a phone call.” Tom went downstairs and closed door, then he called his boss… Weekly Assignment six for Feb.15th Invent and populate four lists of your own—the more specific, the better. And create relationships between apparently dissimilar and unrelated things. Keeping a journal is one of the most effective ways through which individuals can learn from their environments and make necessary adjustments. Journalizing the daily observation is important in keeping track of various events and actions. This is vital in ensuring that an individual is able to move from an abstract to the specific and in creating the relationships between dissimilar and unrelated events within the environment. This may in most cases involve consciously recording observations one makes in the day-to-day interactions with other people. A. Things that are irritating to listen to There are many things that individuals may find irritating to listen to. For instance, listening to someone who has limited understanding and knowledge yet speaks without restraint; a student shouting at a tutor in front of other students; a commonplace person arguing about eating in public as well as listening to a young woman quarreling with a toddler.
  • 9. B. Things that may bring embracement There are usually are number of things that can result into embracement to a person especially in the public. This include the moment when a stranger speaks casually with the family members and demand for the same privileges as one of the family member; hearing parents overrating their dimwit child before the visitors as well as spotting neighbors scolding their child loudly before everyone else especially in the social facility. C. Things create boredom There are different occasions when the feeling of boredom may creep in to an individual. For instance, watching uninteresting documentary in the company of friends; being subjected to endless interrogation with repeated questions; following a series with no clear storyline. D. Most feared moments in life There are different moments that may results into extreme fear for many individuals. These include witnessing a grisly road accident in a broad daylight; witnessing robber with violence from the next door neighbor and when it is raining heavily with thunder at night more so when one is alone. E. Actions that people hate Normally, there are some behaviors that most people hate. For instance, seeing someone courting for unnecessary attention especially in the public gallery; someone talking with food in his mouth as well as someone repeating himself too much. Generally, the creation of the list is vital in allowing an individual to associated dissimilar events. By listing down various observations on different events, one is able to understand and appreciate the significance of such actions in the social context. Therefore, it is through such understanding and appreciation that one is able to move from abstract to specific and create connection between unrelated events. Therefore, it is imperative to note that the practice of journalizing is important in enhancing personal growth on social issues. A great depth of understanding can be gained by
  • 10. individuals especially when they consciously write down the happenings in the day-to-day activities and experience. There are usually a lot of valuable information and lessons that can be derived from the day-to-day interaction with people and through deliberate efforts by individuals to acquire such knowledge and understanding. Weekly Assignment seven for Feb. 22th Describe a character using mostly long vowels and soft consonants (o as in “moan,” e as in “see”; l, m, n, sh, etc.). Then, describe the same character using mostly short vowels and hard consonants (I as in “sit”; k, t, p, g, etc.). Long vowels and soft consonants in describing a character In a certain city there once lived a woman who loved her kids very much. The lady used to wake up early in the morning to prepare and bake cakes for her lovely kids before they left for school. The kids were pleased by their mother and always portrayed a lot of respect to their mother due to the concern and care she had on them. The kids had a typical behavior that distinguished them from the other kids who lived in the city. The lady never failed to discipline the kids. On one particular morning, a kid whose name was Tommy was caught while stealing from her mother’s pockets and that day turned to be chaotic for the entire family. The lady was very furious and could not control her temper and she beat the errant kid telling her that she could not tolerate thieves in the house. After the thorough beating the kid apologized to the mum and their former relationship was restored. The children loved what their mother taught them on the need to have virtues based on the biblical aspect. The lady was a staunch follower in the Christianity doctrines and would usually emphasize to the kid s on the need to fear and adore the almighty. Going to church become a core quality that would ensure the children would acquire the proper ethics that would
  • 11. assist them in future. The qualities of the children become outstanding and were normally admired by the rest of the society. Today the kids are prominent men and women. The mother indeed raised a generation that others always want to emulate and follow in their footsteps. Short vowels and hard consonants used to describe a character Back in the days there lived a woman who was madly in love with her kids. The mother always wanted to see the best out of her kids. The lady yearned to raise a generation that whose characters would amaze the world. The woman always hid the kids from the wild world, as she always believed in good morals. The kids loved their mother so much. When the mother fell ill or was tired, the kids would assist their mother in the daily chores of the house. Tommy who was the eldest of all would always hug her mother and comfort her that things will get better someday. The kids would show exemplary performance in their classes. The head teacher praised the discipline of the kids and would always give gifts to the kids whenever they performed well. Poverty had struck the family hard. Getting a meal was difficult and the mum had to work extra hard for her to put food on the table. She could usually encourage the kids that God was in control and one day they will make it in life. The mother had to come up with a clear plan on how the children would acquire education. As we speak today, the generation raised by the woman is shining. The greatness in this generation can never be compared with others in the society. Weekly Assignment eight for March 1st Write a series of 6 micro essays, each one exploring one word a character often uses in his speech. Childhood memories are very strange things in a person’s life. That is because, you are not sure if what you remember is real or you just think of it because others told you. My cousin,
  • 12. James is commonly referred to us notably. That is because he used to like using certain words, very funny English that most people do not use when they interact with friends. Some of the words that he used include myriad, venerate, invoke, nonetheless, furthermore, curb and even notably. My cousin often used the word myriad. I remember there was a time we were playing at my grandparent’s farm and he shouted to us to come and see how my grandfather had a myriad of animals in his farm. His repetitive uses of myriad to refer to a large number made us identify him with that word all the time. Many a times he also used the word venerate when he enjoys his sister who loves singing but has a terrible voice. Anytime he found his sister singing, he would tell her to venerate the owner of the music she is singing because she is singing their songs with a terrible voice. As kids, we would laugh out loud and her sister would feel so bad about that and sometimes even cry. Invoke is the other word James would use before he attacks her sister on her voice. He would say that before he says whatever he is going to say her sister should laugh for the; last time because his actions will invoke negative consequences that will make her sister cry for some time. Actually everyone was used to the jokes James would make because he was a joker who never minds who he jokes with. After attacking his sister and making her cry, he would say sorry to her and tell her he only does what he does to her to make people laugh, Nonetheless you are still my sister and I love you. Actually, just sitting with James for a day, you will easily hear him speak of these words after a short period of time. It does not take him more than a day before he speaks out one of these words. He would then say furthermore, I am your only brother, and you are my only sister, you should feel happy when I tell you this thing because no one can ever tell them to you. He would also use the word curb when telling her sister not to be sad because no one can curb the words coming from his mouth. He used the word curb anytime he wanted to refer to
  • 13. control. He would even tell his parents the same word when he was told to stop hurting his sister. And lastly, the word we used to describe him, notably. That word he used all the time since he used to tell us that he was notably by his style and that anywhere he was, people were always laughing and happy. In conclusion, in as much as we were children then, we still remember James with everything he used to say. That is because he was always funny and whenever we were in any family gathering, he would make us happy. We always wanted to go over to their place to visit. He also made us learn of these words because as he used them, we had to look for the meaning so that we could understand what he was saying. By his actions, we learnt the word, how to use them and when to use them correctly.