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Collection of
Happy Things
Volume 2
The Collection of Happy Things (COHT), as the title suggests, is a
collection of happy things. This project presents a compilation
of stories submitted to an online form seeking responses to a
range of categories. Examples include [The Best Thing That
Happened Today], [Big Appreciation For Small Things], and
[Some Ways I Am Learning From Challenges I Face].
This form is still accepting responses queued for subsequent
The founder of this project (Hello!) is an admitted dreamer. As
dreamers do, COHT began with somewhat grand ambitions of
touching lives in a revolutionary way. Putting this project has been,
among other things, an extremely humbling experience. The
responses received by this project, covering a diverse range of
stories, have all served to highlight two things:
1) that events which may be categorised as "small" or "big" may not
differ in the impact they create in people's lives, and
2) that our pursuit of the latter means we overlook the former - the
supporting base of apparently "small" events that give life any
meaning at all. 
...So no, this book series will not change your life. It will
not make a horrible event go away. But if you are
having a bad day, and this book makes you feel
slightly more hopeful about tomorrow (even just a
little bit) - then it would have been monumentally
successful in its (revised and humble) aims. 
COHT is and will always be free to access. 
To read other volumes, please go to
Behind the Scenes
Platform against which this book was designed:
Responses collected via Google Forms 
Project Founder: Just a fellow human/comrade. Rather fond of this whole Life thing.
Attempts poetry, dad jokes, and silly drawings on Instagram now and then. (@marykles)
Copyright Statement
The stories which appear in this book were volunteered by beautiful people around the
world to be published in COHT. If you would like to reproduce them elsewhere, please let
me know so I can say thank you. Contact information below:
Thank you
To each and every one of the lovely, lovely
human beings who took the time to sincerely
reflect on something personally meaningful in
their lives - and the effort to weave it all into a
story. I thank you on behalf of the readers of
this collection, to whom your time and effort will
be paid forward. If your story does not appear
in the current volume, it has been queued for
the next. Thank you for writing this book. 
or use contact form at
Please direct correspondence to,
Lots of love, (c)COHT
in [Something I Am Grateful For], & [A Past-Time/Hobby]
- Melco (20, Non-binary, USA)
"Something I like to do to feel better... is to
use google street view or similar sites, to
wander around neighborhoods and cities
around the world. and think about how
that scenery, those buildings, are ingrained
in someone as part of their daily life, in
good and bad times. It always makes me
feel peaceful, I collect screenshots and
coordinates of my favorite places in a
private folder to revisit."
"I’ve always loved the rain. Whenever I see that
it’s raining I am immediately filled with joy. While
most people see rain as something to prevent
them from doing things, I think of it as bringing
water to the earth so it can grow. So if you’re
having a bad day, it may seem rainy and
stormy. Remember, bad days are the perfect
time for personal growth. When you’ll grow up
stronger, so strong that the next time it rains
and the wind is beating down on you and
lightning is crashing around you. You won’t be
phased, because you used to be a tiny sapling,
now you’re a tall mighty oak tree that can
weather anything. I know sometimes when you’re
down it seems like the rain will never end, but
remember, it’s your decision whether the rain
ends or not. Have a good day ❤"
in [A Word of Encouragement], &
[An Element of Nature Which Is Special To Me]
- MKUltima (16M, North Carolina, USA)
"I had a very peaceful dream in which I was harvesting
the tomatoes and squash in my garden. In real life, my
garden is beautiful and doing so very well thanks to my
neighbor friend and I working together, and thanks to
Mother Nature for being so wonderful. A hummingbird
chose my garden as her home, too!
I have the prettiest, most wonderful
garden and my tomato plants are
enormous and so productive.
I'm so very proud of it!
in [Something I am Grateful For], [Big Appreciation For Small Things],
[An Element of Nature Which is Special to Me], & [A Past-Time/Hobby]
- PJ (23M, Oklahoma, USA)
P.S. I love my eggplant too, and my
resident jumping spider, Bentley."
In [The Best Thing That Happened Today],
[Some Ways I Am Learning From Challenges I Face], & [Big Appreciation for Small Things]
- Rufus (59F, Florida USA)
"My new mantra:
Daily practice
gratitude and be
"Someone poured bleach in the fish pond at my school, which killed
all the fish but one. It was still breathing but it was struggling. I
missed class to run to the lake as fast as I could with a trashcan to
get clean water for it. I got there, but I couldn’t carry it back up on my
own. I had to yell for help, and a man I’d never met before came and
helped me carry the trashcan. At this point I couldn’t breathe, was
covered in water, and worried sick. Two girls who were watching the
pond agreed to hold my legs so that I could get the living one out. I
grabbed him, put him in the trashcan, and went to class sopping wet.
A professor took him down to the lake and set him free. I got to see a
video of him breathing freely, living in a new big beautiful world. It
was worth it, even if we could only save one. It was worth it.
in [Something I Am Grateful For]
- Anne (18F, USA),
for anyone who feels like they don't matter
It might sound more sad than it is happy,
and that’s because it is. People came
together though, just to save the life of one
fish. It was really wonderful."
"You have made a lasting
impression on everybody you
have ever talked to.  In a way
your impact was a chain
reaction even if at some point
people stopped thinking about
you.  You are also living in the
echoes of everyone else's
- Bill (18M, Pennsylvania USA)
[Someone I Am Thankful To Have In My Life]
- Oliver (18M, Sweden)
"I’m grateful to have my cat in my life. he is very loving and
caring and beautiful and he makes me happy. i have a hard
time showing (and getting shown) affection, communicating
and being calm around other people because of All the
Anxiety and ASD but because my cat isn’t a human it’s much
easier for me to do that with him. i feel loved and close to
someone and it maybe sounds really sad but it makes me
happy and maybe one day i will be in a better place and be
able to slowly learn to be more affectionate and trusting, for
now this is enough.
[Something I Am Looking Forward To]
I am looking forward to being happy. i don’t know when or how
it will happen but i will be happier some day and i can’t wait."
"[Life is] some good, some bad, but
it’s a learning experience.
Sometimes shit happens in life but
things happen for a reason. [I'm]
trying to find happiness in the
small things, while trying to learn
and cope with the bad."
in [Some Ways I Am Learning From Challenges I Face], [Small Appreciation for Big Things],
[Word of Encouragement], & [Something I Didn't Appreciate Before, But I Do Now]
- Jonothan (29M, Bay Area CA, USA)
Travis (25M, Boston USA) is grateful for...
in [Something I Am Grateful For]
"...the chance to grow,
change, see the world and
old things in new and
unfamiliar ways, in the
constant reminders of who
I am and what life is."
in [Something I am Grateful For]
"I trained swimming. I watched
Michael Phelps at Olympic Games,
 was amazed by him, had a lot of
admiration. I liked him a lot, have
read Michael Phelps biography book.
One day I was visiting Baltimore and I
remembered that Michael was from
there. Walking down the streets I was
wondering where did he live, which
streets did he use when going to
school, etc. Next day still in Baltimore,
I accidentally met Michael Phelps on
the street. I am grateful that he
stopped to have a pic with me! Life is
surprising :)"
- Jan (30M, Poland)
In [An Element of Nature Which is Special to Me]
- Lenka (16F, Czech Republic)
"For me, a starry night sky or just stars in general are one of
the most beautiful and majestic things to exist in the entire
universe. They're the source of light and life. They're the only
bright spots in this otherwise dark and empty universe.
Ever since I was in kindergarten, I would always run outside
the house, sit in the middle of our garden and gaze up on the
night sky in amazement. Just gazing at them brought me
some kind of happiness and hope. Hope that we're not alone
in this cold, infinite universe. Hope for a brighter future for
everyone on our small planet. Hope for a better tomorrow.
To whoever's reading this: I know this sounds cliché, but
always believe in better future. No matter how bad everything
looks at first, there's always a spark of hope. There's always a
small star of hope in the dark universe of despair.
Take care and never stop believing."
In [A Past-Time/Hobby]
- Latera (23M, Austria)
You feel proud of yourself and on top of that,
you can share the game with others... when
you can then see the excitement in their eyes,
their love for the game, you feel like you truly
managed to do something great... not only for
you, but also for those around you."
"For the last 2 years, my favourite hobby by far has been the
amazing board game chess. Many people think of it as a dry
game for boring nerds that is just focussed on analytical
thinking... but in fact it's soooooo much more than that. There
are so many awesome personalities in chess, free thinking
spirits and genuinely cool people. Also, I would consider
chess to be an art form... if one has never played chess, one
probably cannot see it, but some chess games are as
aesthetic as, for example, a Picasso painting :) the feeling
when you manage to actually create such a piece of art is
- Flora (46F, Maine USA)
"The color of the sky
around 6 PM is almost
always beautiful. It’s
worth taking a minute to
look up every evening at
six and see what the sky
is like today."
In [Big Appreciation for Small Things]
"I have been struggling with depression and some
nasty stuff for about a year and then after months of
therapy I began to feel better. I remember one moment
very vividly. It was first day of a new year, I was walking
in a forest with my family and telling them about the
musical Hamilton that I had then discovered. There
were such lyrics there "Look around how lucky we are
to be alive right now." It was then that I realised for the
first time in a long time that I am actually so happy to
be alive right now when something so amazing is being
created and I was there to witness it. As I got deeper
into musical theatre, I delivered more and more joy
and it became my biggest passion. There are many
more quotes that helped me in times of need but this
one is really significant. "
- Martyna (19F, Poland)
in [Something I am Grateful For], [A Past-Time/Hobby],
& [Other: A Moment That Changed My Life]]
"There's a beautiful
woman asleep in
my bed right now.
I'm going to marry
her someday."
- Meg (23, Non-Binary, USA)
in [Someone I am Thankful to Have in my Life]
in [Something I Am Grateful For],
[One Thing I Am Looking Forward To] & [A Past-Time/Hobby]
"Figure skating! It’s so great and fun to
watch. The skaters are all fun and super
adorable. It’s a great hobby to follow. The
season is just beginning and I’m so excited.
My other hobbies are hip hop, basketball,
and Legos but, nothing makes me smile
like figure skating."
- Transvestite_KFC_man
- Amina (16F, Poland)
"A while back I had an accident that resulted in me
being disabled. My walking ability began to
deteriorate to the point where I was confined to a
wheelchair. Many doctors told me I wouldn’t be able
to walk ever again. They had never seen a case like
mine and decided to label it ‘unknown’ and leave it
at that. For the next few years, I had no education
and didn’t really speak to many people but I worked
hard on walking again. Even though I had been told
by many doctors I’d never walk again, I managed to
regain the ability to walk with my own will. Nowadays,
I walk as normally as anyone else. I’m insanely
grateful that I am no longer disabled."
in [Something I Didn't Appreciate Before, But I Do Now]
"[Something I am Grateful For]:
I'm grateful that I got a Visa card just a few short years ago.
[One Thing I Am Looking Forward To]:
I'm looking forward to 2 things. 1 having a proper wi-fi in the house and 2
being able to afford my own tiny apartment.
[Big Appreciation for Small Things]:
I've been sick for the past 2-3 days and I appreciate modern medicine that
helps with symptoms.
[Someone I Am Thankful To Have In My Life]:
I'm thankful to have my parents, While I don't do the normal "father son"
 interactions due to my personality it's nice to talk to him from time to time. 
[An Element of Nature Which Is Special To Me]:
Over the past month I've been enjoying sunrises and taking pictures of them.  
[Something I Didn't Appreciate Before, But I Do Now; Word of Encouragement]:
While I"m still an introvert and rather be alone I never appreciated that I do
not have social anxiety but now days I'm glad I can talk to strangers without
feeling weird. Everyone is their own unique person and being content with
who you are as a person is important.
[A Past-Time/Hobby]:  
Pastimes: YouTube, Discord, Reddit, Music, Games, Anime, Cartoons, anything
Sci-Fi or Steampunk, Watching Movies.
Hobbies: I'm a /r/worldbuilder and I love creating things for my universe."
- Human 156, 33, Canada,
for people who are having self identity issues and don't know who they are.
"Rolling fog tumbles across the hills of my hometown, and in the
quiet landscape, my mind projects fantastic vastness. Somewhere
deep in that lumbering mist lies the endless abyss which
stretches the land into infinity. It obscures the fences, the
property lines, the townships, the acres, and the "No Trespassing"
signs which remind me that every inch is claimed by someone,
that though my legs are willing to take me, the laws will not abide
my curiosities. In the fog I am entirely alone, and like the fantastic
beasts I've imagined reside here, I am hidden from the world. All
at once I am swaddled in the thick, close fog and given
immeasurable space by its emptiness. The fog sits patiently and
silently with me, and in its company I breathe relief."
- Rae (18F, USA),
for anyone who enjoys solitude.
In [An Element of Nature Which is Special to Me]
in [Something I Didn't Appreciate Before, But I Do Now],
& [Word of Encouragement]
- Connor (20M, Australia)
"We are all unique, all
special in our own way.
We don't need to
conform to any
standards in this
horribly corrupt
system. If we all finally
embrace ourselves and
others for who we are,
different though we
may be, we can beat
down the negativity in
the world."
in [Someone I Am Thankful to Have in My Life]
"I am thankful for my husband. He
persevered in the relationship when my
family didn't understand our
relationship, and made sacrifices in
order to go through the difficult
emigration process for me to move to a
different country to be with him. Once I
have successfully moved, we struggled
through a period of time when I was
I have found employment since, my
family has come around and we are now
in a better financial position. I'm glad
that he persevered. He annoys me
sometimes, but I love him all the same."
- EllynEverSweet (25F, Nothern Ireland)
[The Last Time I Laughed Uncontrollably]:
...was when my friend sent me a snap of a microwave heating
mac and cheese and he yelled 'I need more carbs!!!!!'
[Some Ways I Am Learning From Challenges I Face]:
Every challenge, or even every experience can teach us
something. We only need to look to see what we could possibly
gain in wisdom from our hardships rather than turn away.
[Big Appreciation for Small Things]:
Something small I appreciate is the way my cat looks at me with
loving eyes while I give him all the scratches/pets he wants.
[Word of Encouragement]:
You're amazing, there are billions of people in the world but no
one is as unique as you. We are our own endangered species.
[Additional Reflections]:
...There is no real meaning of life, we make our own means to
the end. Don't get so focused on making a living that you
forget to live. Stop for a second and take everything in, the
color of the flowers so vibrant, the gentle sway of the trees in
the breeze. Humans have become so far away from nature
they have lost the patience of just letting themselves be, they
expect too much from everything. Take a step back and just
be, let the winds of life carry you gently. And when it is finally
time to go let the end take you humbly, without death there
would be no life. "
- Brittany (24F, USA),
for people wishing to reflect on life
in [Someone I Am Thankful to Have in My Life]
"My teacher
changed my
grades with
one sentence."
- Niels (15M, Zurich, Switzerland)
in [Big Appreciation For Small Things]
"...Seeing the
leaves of a tree
gently floating
in the wind."
Something Nico (31M, Zurich) appreciates is...
"[One Thing I Am Looking Forward To]:
[Someone I Am Thankful To Have In My Life]:
My father.
[An Element of Nature Which Is Special To Me]:
All of nature is incredible.
[Additional Reflections]:
I’ve been going through a very bad existential
crisis lately, and it has been 99% horrible. But one
thing I learned is that you want to do something
but you don’t know if you will be successful, try.
Always ask yourself “What’s the worst thing that
could happen?” If the answer isn’t a catastrophic
life change, shoot your shot."
- Andrew (17M, NY USA)
"Learning to paint gave me an amazing new
hobby and a huge appreciation for the
peace and beauty of nature:
About 3 years ago I took up landscape
painting (thanks to Bob Ross) and
immediately loved it. When I paint, I feel at
peace and the satisfaction and joy I get
seeing the end product is just amazing.
- Jocelyn S (31F, Saskatoon, SK Canada)
in [Big Appreciation for Small Things], [An Element of Nature Which Is Special To Me]
[A Past-Time/Hobby], & [Something I Didn't Appreciate Before, But I Do Now]
There was another thing I gained though, and
that was an appreciation for nature. I spend so
much more time slowing down and appreciating
the small things like how pretty the clouds look
or the neat shape a certain tree has. No matter
how bad of a day I’m having, taking a few
minutes to look up at the sky and all around me
reminds me that things are going to be ok. It
really helps me when I’m feeling down. We live in
a beautiful world and it’s worth admiring." 
Michael (19M, Philadelphia USA) on [A Past-Time/Hobby]:
"I love to play my
electric guitar. Even
if I suck at it."
[Something I Am Grateful For]:
 Having a honest friendship with my friends.
[The Best Thing That Happened Today]:
I was thinking I'd be alone this morning - buuut, my
classmate calls me and told me to take a good day
with & in the end of the day she bought a little
snacks to eat it! ~
[The Last Time I Laughed Uncontrollably]:
This Video
[A Past-Time/Hobby]:
Drawing!!! Drawing anything cute (to make my mind
happy idk how or why) or drawing a picture that
capture feelings as I feel them - whether or not
these are bad feelings, or good feelings."
- Mela (20F)
response 57
response 73
- SaLT (18F, Nebraska USA)
"I have a lot of nail polish
and tools for nail art, it
allows me to relax and
express myself either
alone or with friends. "
In [A Past-Time/Hobby]
- Shravana (34F, India), in
[Someone I Am Thankful To Have In My Life] & [Other: Frustrating Dating]
"I find friendships are way better than
dates or relationships. A friend of me like
me a lot and I feel warmth in her
company. Though we are from different
generations, she understands me well ( I
think so).
On the other hand I find dating is
frustrating to me. I have a hard time
understanding people, which makes me
an undateable being. I don't like one-
night stands, but it's awful to realise that
I'm capable for only one-night stands
and not for long term relationships."
"My friends and I were eating at 5 guys and we all burst out
laughing when my friend commented on how nice i am to
share my food, and said I would “make a man very happy one
day”. it was an average joke but the atmosphere was already
so great, and we were already having such a great time.
Some important advice I have is to remember that life/the
universe is indifferent. it doesn’t hate you, and never will, but
it will never care about you either. Things will happen and
the only person you can rely on to get through it is yourself,
and you can, but you’re powerful. we all know this. Everybody
is born good. It’s not in our DNA to be born villains, and you
are always able to go back to that. you can overcome
anything. and also, in years from now, you’ll look back on
your past life and realize how different you are and smile.
A hobby I have is called my collection of happiness. i have a
journal where i write things that make me happy. Stuff like
being there for someone in their darkest time, and
screaming at the top of your lungs on a cliff in the middle of
nowhere because you can, because you’re free. "
- Joshua Strutt (18M, Ottawa, Ontario)
In [The Last Time I Laughed Uncontrollably], [A Past-Time/Hobby]. & & [Other: Advice]
"I'm in love with this music group called BTS! They are
absolutely amazing individuals, and I have so much
respect for them. Their mere existence makes me happy.
I love their recent album because it's all about loving
yourself. It's actually the first album I've ever bought! It
came with a poster, a picture of one of the members
(the one I got is so cute!), stickers of the members, and
of course, two discs with their music on it. I appreciate
their hard work and the message they're spreading.
Fame hasn't changed them at all and I'm proud of
stanning a group like them. They're practically inspired
my life path. Anyway, I love them!"
in[Something I am Grateful For], [Someone I Am Thankful to Have in My Life], & [A Past-Time/Hobby]
= Emily (14F, USA)
"I'm the one I should love in this world."
"If I tell you what I'm looking forward to, it
will ruin it. It gets adulterated.
I'm learning to deal with people. I learnt
that just cause you think you're stupid,
doesn't mean everyone else thinks the
same. That most people are not smart and
they can't spot the mistakes that you can
spot, so just roll with it. Take the risk, make
the mistake, you'll learn something."
- Afarin (26F, India)
[One Thing I Am Looking Forward To]:
[Some Ways I Am Learning From Challenges I Face]:
"I'm really grateful to have my mother in life. Growing up in the southern US in a
culture were a single woman of color that is raising two growing young boys
with no father, and a rocky family relationship is considered a really hard and
socially faux pas thing for her. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure times
weren't always good, but hell life isn't always good to people, but one needs to
make it the best of things. And she certainly did, she worked her ass off to
support my little brother and myself in all the things we did. From Boy Scouts,
Sports, Science projects, Choir, and all the other activities that we pursued over
our adolescence. But what I'm most thankful for was that she allowed me and
my little brother to grow and develop as WE saw fit too. Sure we had rules and
boundaries we couldn't cross, but for the most part she allowed us to be us.
If one of us were to be a baseball player then damnit that sibling would be the
best version of that sibling in that area. The values of allowing your children to
learn from their own mistakes and to grow on their own devices with a little
guidance here and there but ultimately laying the power in our hand or
metaphorically speaking, having the ball in our court with our call to do what is
next is something that I hope to pass down on to my future children one day. And
if not than to help guide others. My mother has faced numerous challenges and
problems throughout her life, but she faced them all with courage, integrity,
intelligence, poise, and humor. I hope to continue these attributes along my own
path and to pass these things down to the next generation. My mother will always
be my hero and ultimate supporter and I can never repay her for everything she
did for me throughout my life. I love you mom. 
in [Someone I'm Thankful To Have In My Life];, & [Word of Encouragement]
- Jaime Trevino (22M, Dallas, TX, USA)
...To those who are feeling down and out please don't. You my friend are
a wonderful gift to the world. Everyone is great at something even if it is
being average. Your struggle is part of your growth and overcoming
them are your tests. From someone who has been down in the deepest
darkest depths of both humanity and thy own self it will pass. Once it
does you will be stronger and wiser than before. Your true character is
tested when you are at your lowest, either you succumb to the darkness
and lose yourself in the process; or you pick yourself up and dust
yourself off and go at it with everything you have. And if you fail so
what, you showed the world that you will fight till the end. And more
importantly you showed yourself that you are stronger than you
appear. For that test of character I salute you, and that i respect you
and your fight gives me the strength to continue to fight on too. Like my
father used to say, "Sometimes all you need is to know that someone is
in your corner supporting you and your fight."
"This brief exchange with my daughter, over 20
years ago, has always stuck with me.
She was around 3 years old, and we were
grocery shopping, She was riding in the cart,
and as we passed a shelf full of those horrible,
neon colored, squeeze juice pop things, she
pointed at them and asked, "Can we get those?"
"No," I replied. "Those things are awful. Full of
fake colors and sugar."
She pouted and I said, "Oh, you can't get juice
pops. I guess life's horrible isn't it?"
"Life isn't horrible," she said. "Life is great. I like
life. But I like juice pops too." 
A [Life Lesson] Devon Felts (53M, Tampa FL USA) learnt:
... when I was trolling my best cousin in
PUBG Mobile.
... a high quality way to listen to music.
...a soulmate. A person to talk and vent to.
And a person to voice call.
- vintagefancollector (16M, Malaysia)
[The Last Time I Laughed Uncontrollably]:
[Something I Am Grateful For]:
[Someone I Am Thankful To Have In My Life]:
in [A Word of Encouragement]
"That last time I laughed
uncontrollably was with
my mom. I don’t remember
why or what it was, but I
know that it was great."
= Sarah (16F, California USA)
In [The Last Time I Laughed Uncontrollably]
"The beauty of nature gets me every time. When I see a picture
of a sunset, or the ocean, or mountains, forests, lakes, rivers,
cities, and so on, I could stare at it for hours because of how
gorgeous it is. It reminds me that there is beauty on this planet
and there is good in the world.
The ocean, or water in general, will always have a special place
in my heart. I can’t really explain why. I’m just always happiest
when I’m swimming. I guess you can say it feels like flying.
I’d give anything to scuba dive. Not even like deep sea diving,
just scuba diving in my town’s lake or a deep river.
Being able to swim freely without coming up for air.
Being alone with your thoughts, admiring the wonders of
underwater life.
Seeing things you don’t get to see every day.
From Raymond (17M, Washington State USA)...
In An Element of Nature Which is Special to Me],
[Other: Something I was able to accept about myself]
Fast forward a year though and I’ve fully accepted that I’m bi, but mostly
attracted to girls.  Every time I see a female character I’m attracted to I
can, without being scared or hesitant, admit I have a crush on them and
tell my friends about it.  And it is the biggest relief.
It’s been quite a few months (bout half a year?) since I began accepting
that I like girls and I’m still so happy about it.
I don’t have to hide that part of myself anymore.
I don’t have to lie to myself, saying I just want to look like her (before
learning I was trans), or that I just think she looks cute (after).
I can send videos of Clara Oswald to friends saying “Look at my wiiife!!!!”
and talk about how much i love her and how shes my celeb crush without
feeling guilty, uncomfortable, or fake  like when talking about male celeb
“crushes”.  in summary, I can be ~me~. Truly, and authentically, me.
And I’ve never been happier." 
Recently, about a year ago, I realized I was trans (FtM). I was terrified because of
my parents but now I’m proud and happy about it.
But what I want to tell about here isn’t that. It’s what that realization led to.
Before I realized I was trans, I was watching Doctor Who and kept denying to
myself that I had a crush on Jenna Coleman/Clara Oswald.
I remember thinking for the first time “Maybe I’m gay” and trying to get myself
used to saying “I’m lesbian” in my head. I was still scared though.
Not only because my parents would never be okay with their child being gay,
but because I was still a tad homophobic myself. 
Thank you
If you submitted to COHT but your
story has not appeared in this volume,
it has been queued for the next. 
If you have not submitted to COHT, we
would love to hear from you.
Lots of love, (c)COHT 2018

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Collection of Happy Things Volume 2

  • 2. Foreword  The Collection of Happy Things (COHT), as the title suggests, is a collection of happy things. This project presents a compilation of stories submitted to an online form seeking responses to a range of categories. Examples include [The Best Thing That Happened Today], [Big Appreciation For Small Things], and [Some Ways I Am Learning From Challenges I Face]. This form is still accepting responses queued for subsequent volumes: The founder of this project (Hello!) is an admitted dreamer. As dreamers do, COHT began with somewhat grand ambitions of touching lives in a revolutionary way. Putting this project has been, among other things, an extremely humbling experience. The responses received by this project, covering a diverse range of stories, have all served to highlight two things:    1) that events which may be categorised as "small" or "big" may not differ in the impact they create in people's lives, and 2) that our pursuit of the latter means we overlook the former - the supporting base of apparently "small" events that give life any meaning at all.  What? Why?
  • 3. ...So no, this book series will not change your life. It will not make a horrible event go away. But if you are having a bad day, and this book makes you feel slightly more hopeful about tomorrow (even just a little bit) - then it would have been monumentally successful in its (revised and humble) aims.  COHT is and will always be free to access.  To read other volumes, please go to
  • 4. Behind the Scenes Platform against which this book was designed: Responses collected via Google Forms  Project Founder: Just a fellow human/comrade. Rather fond of this whole Life thing. Attempts poetry, dad jokes, and silly drawings on Instagram now and then. (@marykles) Copyright Statement The stories which appear in this book were volunteered by beautiful people around the world to be published in COHT. If you would like to reproduce them elsewhere, please let me know so I can say thank you. Contact information below:   Thank you To each and every one of the lovely, lovely human beings who took the time to sincerely reflect on something personally meaningful in their lives - and the effort to weave it all into a story. I thank you on behalf of the readers of this collection, to whom your time and effort will be paid forward. If your story does not appear in the current volume, it has been queued for the next. Thank you for writing this book.  or use contact form at Please direct correspondence to, Lots of love, (c)COHT
  • 5. in [Something I Am Grateful For], & [A Past-Time/Hobby] - Melco (20, Non-binary, USA) "Something I like to do to feel better... is to use google street view or similar sites, to wander around neighborhoods and cities around the world. and think about how that scenery, those buildings, are ingrained in someone as part of their daily life, in good and bad times. It always makes me feel peaceful, I collect screenshots and coordinates of my favorite places in a private folder to revisit."
  • 6. "I’ve always loved the rain. Whenever I see that it’s raining I am immediately filled with joy. While most people see rain as something to prevent them from doing things, I think of it as bringing water to the earth so it can grow. So if you’re having a bad day, it may seem rainy and stormy. Remember, bad days are the perfect time for personal growth. When you’ll grow up stronger, so strong that the next time it rains and the wind is beating down on you and lightning is crashing around you. You won’t be phased, because you used to be a tiny sapling, now you’re a tall mighty oak tree that can weather anything. I know sometimes when you’re down it seems like the rain will never end, but remember, it’s your decision whether the rain ends or not. Have a good day ❤" in [A Word of Encouragement], & [An Element of Nature Which Is Special To Me] - MKUltima (16M, North Carolina, USA)
  • 7. "I had a very peaceful dream in which I was harvesting the tomatoes and squash in my garden. In real life, my garden is beautiful and doing so very well thanks to my neighbor friend and I working together, and thanks to Mother Nature for being so wonderful. A hummingbird chose my garden as her home, too! I have the prettiest, most wonderful garden and my tomato plants are enormous and so productive. I'm so very proud of it! in [Something I am Grateful For], [Big Appreciation For Small Things], [An Element of Nature Which is Special to Me], & [A Past-Time/Hobby] - PJ (23M, Oklahoma, USA) P.S. I love my eggplant too, and my resident jumping spider, Bentley."
  • 8. In [The Best Thing That Happened Today], [Some Ways I Am Learning From Challenges I Face], & [Big Appreciation for Small Things] - Rufus (59F, Florida USA) "My new mantra: Daily practice gratitude and be kind."
  • 9. "Someone poured bleach in the fish pond at my school, which killed all the fish but one. It was still breathing but it was struggling. I missed class to run to the lake as fast as I could with a trashcan to get clean water for it. I got there, but I couldn’t carry it back up on my own. I had to yell for help, and a man I’d never met before came and helped me carry the trashcan. At this point I couldn’t breathe, was covered in water, and worried sick. Two girls who were watching the pond agreed to hold my legs so that I could get the living one out. I grabbed him, put him in the trashcan, and went to class sopping wet. A professor took him down to the lake and set him free. I got to see a video of him breathing freely, living in a new big beautiful world. It was worth it, even if we could only save one. It was worth it. in [Something I Am Grateful For] - Anne (18F, USA), for anyone who feels like they don't matter It might sound more sad than it is happy, and that’s because it is. People came together though, just to save the life of one fish. It was really wonderful."
  • 10. "You have made a lasting impression on everybody you have ever talked to.  In a way your impact was a chain reaction even if at some point people stopped thinking about you.  You are also living in the echoes of everyone else's impact." - Bill (18M, Pennsylvania USA)
  • 11. [Someone I Am Thankful To Have In My Life] - Oliver (18M, Sweden) "I’m grateful to have my cat in my life. he is very loving and caring and beautiful and he makes me happy. i have a hard time showing (and getting shown) affection, communicating and being calm around other people because of All the Anxiety and ASD but because my cat isn’t a human it’s much easier for me to do that with him. i feel loved and close to someone and it maybe sounds really sad but it makes me happy and maybe one day i will be in a better place and be able to slowly learn to be more affectionate and trusting, for now this is enough. [Something I Am Looking Forward To] I am looking forward to being happy. i don’t know when or how it will happen but i will be happier some day and i can’t wait."
  • 12. "[Life is] some good, some bad, but it’s a learning experience. Sometimes shit happens in life but things happen for a reason. [I'm] trying to find happiness in the small things, while trying to learn and cope with the bad." in [Some Ways I Am Learning From Challenges I Face], [Small Appreciation for Big Things], [Word of Encouragement], & [Something I Didn't Appreciate Before, But I Do Now] - Jonothan (29M, Bay Area CA, USA)
  • 13. Travis (25M, Boston USA) is grateful for... in [Something I Am Grateful For] "...the chance to grow, change, see the world and old things in new and unfamiliar ways, in the constant reminders of who I am and what life is."
  • 14. in [Something I am Grateful For] "I trained swimming. I watched Michael Phelps at Olympic Games,  was amazed by him, had a lot of admiration. I liked him a lot, have read Michael Phelps biography book. One day I was visiting Baltimore and I remembered that Michael was from there. Walking down the streets I was wondering where did he live, which streets did he use when going to school, etc. Next day still in Baltimore, I accidentally met Michael Phelps on the street. I am grateful that he stopped to have a pic with me! Life is surprising :)" - Jan (30M, Poland)
  • 15. In [An Element of Nature Which is Special to Me] - Lenka (16F, Czech Republic) "For me, a starry night sky or just stars in general are one of the most beautiful and majestic things to exist in the entire universe. They're the source of light and life. They're the only bright spots in this otherwise dark and empty universe. Ever since I was in kindergarten, I would always run outside the house, sit in the middle of our garden and gaze up on the night sky in amazement. Just gazing at them brought me some kind of happiness and hope. Hope that we're not alone in this cold, infinite universe. Hope for a brighter future for everyone on our small planet. Hope for a better tomorrow. To whoever's reading this: I know this sounds cliché, but always believe in better future. No matter how bad everything looks at first, there's always a spark of hope. There's always a small star of hope in the dark universe of despair. Take care and never stop believing."
  • 16. In [A Past-Time/Hobby] - Latera (23M, Austria)   You feel proud of yourself and on top of that, you can share the game with others... when you can then see the excitement in their eyes, their love for the game, you feel like you truly managed to do something great... not only for you, but also for those around you." "For the last 2 years, my favourite hobby by far has been the amazing board game chess. Many people think of it as a dry game for boring nerds that is just focussed on analytical thinking... but in fact it's soooooo much more than that. There are so many awesome personalities in chess, free thinking spirits and genuinely cool people. Also, I would consider chess to be an art form... if one has never played chess, one probably cannot see it, but some chess games are as aesthetic as, for example, a Picasso painting :) the feeling when you manage to actually create such a piece of art is incredible.
  • 17. - Flora (46F, Maine USA) "The color of the sky around 6 PM is almost always beautiful. It’s worth taking a minute to look up every evening at six and see what the sky is like today." In [Big Appreciation for Small Things]
  • 18. "I have been struggling with depression and some nasty stuff for about a year and then after months of therapy I began to feel better. I remember one moment very vividly. It was first day of a new year, I was walking in a forest with my family and telling them about the musical Hamilton that I had then discovered. There were such lyrics there "Look around how lucky we are to be alive right now." It was then that I realised for the first time in a long time that I am actually so happy to be alive right now when something so amazing is being created and I was there to witness it. As I got deeper into musical theatre, I delivered more and more joy and it became my biggest passion. There are many more quotes that helped me in times of need but this one is really significant. " - Martyna (19F, Poland) in [Something I am Grateful For], [A Past-Time/Hobby], & [Other: A Moment That Changed My Life]]
  • 19. "There's a beautiful woman asleep in my bed right now. I'm going to marry her someday." - Meg (23, Non-Binary, USA) in [Someone I am Thankful to Have in my Life]
  • 20. in [Something I Am Grateful For], [One Thing I Am Looking Forward To] & [A Past-Time/Hobby] "Figure skating! It’s so great and fun to watch. The skaters are all fun and super adorable. It’s a great hobby to follow. The season is just beginning and I’m so excited. My other hobbies are hip hop, basketball, and Legos but, nothing makes me smile like figure skating." - Transvestite_KFC_man
  • 21. - Amina (16F, Poland) "A while back I had an accident that resulted in me being disabled. My walking ability began to deteriorate to the point where I was confined to a wheelchair. Many doctors told me I wouldn’t be able to walk ever again. They had never seen a case like mine and decided to label it ‘unknown’ and leave it at that. For the next few years, I had no education and didn’t really speak to many people but I worked hard on walking again. Even though I had been told by many doctors I’d never walk again, I managed to regain the ability to walk with my own will. Nowadays, I walk as normally as anyone else. I’m insanely grateful that I am no longer disabled." in [Something I Didn't Appreciate Before, But I Do Now]
  • 22. "[Something I am Grateful For]: I'm grateful that I got a Visa card just a few short years ago. [One Thing I Am Looking Forward To]: I'm looking forward to 2 things. 1 having a proper wi-fi in the house and 2 being able to afford my own tiny apartment. [Big Appreciation for Small Things]: I've been sick for the past 2-3 days and I appreciate modern medicine that helps with symptoms. [Someone I Am Thankful To Have In My Life]: I'm thankful to have my parents, While I don't do the normal "father son"  interactions due to my personality it's nice to talk to him from time to time.  [An Element of Nature Which Is Special To Me]: Over the past month I've been enjoying sunrises and taking pictures of them.   [Something I Didn't Appreciate Before, But I Do Now; Word of Encouragement]: While I"m still an introvert and rather be alone I never appreciated that I do not have social anxiety but now days I'm glad I can talk to strangers without feeling weird. Everyone is their own unique person and being content with who you are as a person is important. [A Past-Time/Hobby]:   Pastimes: YouTube, Discord, Reddit, Music, Games, Anime, Cartoons, anything Sci-Fi or Steampunk, Watching Movies. Hobbies: I'm a /r/worldbuilder and I love creating things for my universe." - Human 156, 33, Canada, for people who are having self identity issues and don't know who they are.
  • 23. "Rolling fog tumbles across the hills of my hometown, and in the quiet landscape, my mind projects fantastic vastness. Somewhere deep in that lumbering mist lies the endless abyss which stretches the land into infinity. It obscures the fences, the property lines, the townships, the acres, and the "No Trespassing" signs which remind me that every inch is claimed by someone, that though my legs are willing to take me, the laws will not abide my curiosities. In the fog I am entirely alone, and like the fantastic beasts I've imagined reside here, I am hidden from the world. All at once I am swaddled in the thick, close fog and given immeasurable space by its emptiness. The fog sits patiently and silently with me, and in its company I breathe relief." - Rae (18F, USA), for anyone who enjoys solitude. In [An Element of Nature Which is Special to Me]
  • 24. in [Something I Didn't Appreciate Before, But I Do Now], & [Word of Encouragement] - Connor (20M, Australia) "We are all unique, all special in our own way. We don't need to conform to any standards in this horribly corrupt system. If we all finally embrace ourselves and others for who we are, different though we may be, we can beat down the negativity in the world."
  • 25. in [Someone I Am Thankful to Have in My Life] "I am thankful for my husband. He persevered in the relationship when my family didn't understand our relationship, and made sacrifices in order to go through the difficult emigration process for me to move to a different country to be with him. Once I have successfully moved, we struggled through a period of time when I was unemployed. I have found employment since, my family has come around and we are now in a better financial position. I'm glad that he persevered. He annoys me sometimes, but I love him all the same." - EllynEverSweet (25F, Nothern Ireland)
  • 26. [The Last Time I Laughed Uncontrollably]: ...was when my friend sent me a snap of a microwave heating mac and cheese and he yelled 'I need more carbs!!!!!' [Some Ways I Am Learning From Challenges I Face]: Every challenge, or even every experience can teach us something. We only need to look to see what we could possibly gain in wisdom from our hardships rather than turn away.   [Big Appreciation for Small Things]: Something small I appreciate is the way my cat looks at me with loving eyes while I give him all the scratches/pets he wants. [Word of Encouragement]: You're amazing, there are billions of people in the world but no one is as unique as you. We are our own endangered species.
  • 27. [Additional Reflections]: ...There is no real meaning of life, we make our own means to the end. Don't get so focused on making a living that you forget to live. Stop for a second and take everything in, the color of the flowers so vibrant, the gentle sway of the trees in the breeze. Humans have become so far away from nature they have lost the patience of just letting themselves be, they expect too much from everything. Take a step back and just be, let the winds of life carry you gently. And when it is finally time to go let the end take you humbly, without death there would be no life. "   - Brittany (24F, USA), for people wishing to reflect on life
  • 28. in [Someone I Am Thankful to Have in My Life] "My teacher changed my grades with one sentence." - Niels (15M, Zurich, Switzerland)
  • 29. in [Big Appreciation For Small Things] "...Seeing the leaves of a tree gently floating in the wind." Something Nico (31M, Zurich) appreciates is...
  • 30. "[One Thing I Am Looking Forward To]: College. [Someone I Am Thankful To Have In My Life]: My father. [An Element of Nature Which Is Special To Me]: All of nature is incredible. [Additional Reflections]: I’ve been going through a very bad existential crisis lately, and it has been 99% horrible. But one thing I learned is that you want to do something but you don’t know if you will be successful, try. Always ask yourself “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” If the answer isn’t a catastrophic life change, shoot your shot." - Andrew (17M, NY USA)
  • 31. "Learning to paint gave me an amazing new hobby and a huge appreciation for the peace and beauty of nature: About 3 years ago I took up landscape painting (thanks to Bob Ross) and immediately loved it. When I paint, I feel at peace and the satisfaction and joy I get seeing the end product is just amazing. - Jocelyn S (31F, Saskatoon, SK Canada) in [Big Appreciation for Small Things], [An Element of Nature Which Is Special To Me] [A Past-Time/Hobby], & [Something I Didn't Appreciate Before, But I Do Now] " There was another thing I gained though, and that was an appreciation for nature. I spend so much more time slowing down and appreciating the small things like how pretty the clouds look or the neat shape a certain tree has. No matter how bad of a day I’m having, taking a few minutes to look up at the sky and all around me reminds me that things are going to be ok. It really helps me when I’m feeling down. We live in a beautiful world and it’s worth admiring." 
  • 32. Michael (19M, Philadelphia USA) on [A Past-Time/Hobby]: "I love to play my electric guitar. Even if I suck at it."
  • 33. [Something I Am Grateful For]:  Having a honest friendship with my friends. [The Best Thing That Happened Today]: I was thinking I'd be alone this morning - buuut, my classmate calls me and told me to take a good day with & in the end of the day she bought a little snacks to eat it! ~ [The Last Time I Laughed Uncontrollably]: This Video [A Past-Time/Hobby]: Drawing!!! Drawing anything cute (to make my mind happy idk how or why) or drawing a picture that capture feelings as I feel them - whether or not these are bad feelings, or good feelings." - Mela (20F)
  • 35. - SaLT (18F, Nebraska USA) "I have a lot of nail polish and tools for nail art, it allows me to relax and express myself either alone or with friends. " In [A Past-Time/Hobby]
  • 36. - Shravana (34F, India), in [Someone I Am Thankful To Have In My Life] & [Other: Frustrating Dating] "I find friendships are way better than dates or relationships. A friend of me like me a lot and I feel warmth in her company. Though we are from different generations, she understands me well ( I think so). On the other hand I find dating is frustrating to me. I have a hard time understanding people, which makes me an undateable being. I don't like one- night stands, but it's awful to realise that I'm capable for only one-night stands and not for long term relationships."
  • 37. "My friends and I were eating at 5 guys and we all burst out laughing when my friend commented on how nice i am to share my food, and said I would “make a man very happy one day”. it was an average joke but the atmosphere was already so great, and we were already having such a great time. Some important advice I have is to remember that life/the universe is indifferent. it doesn’t hate you, and never will, but it will never care about you either. Things will happen and the only person you can rely on to get through it is yourself, and you can, but you’re powerful. we all know this. Everybody is born good. It’s not in our DNA to be born villains, and you are always able to go back to that. you can overcome anything. and also, in years from now, you’ll look back on your past life and realize how different you are and smile. A hobby I have is called my collection of happiness. i have a journal where i write things that make me happy. Stuff like being there for someone in their darkest time, and screaming at the top of your lungs on a cliff in the middle of nowhere because you can, because you’re free. " - Joshua Strutt (18M, Ottawa, Ontario) In [The Last Time I Laughed Uncontrollably], [A Past-Time/Hobby]. & & [Other: Advice]
  • 38. "I'm in love with this music group called BTS! They are absolutely amazing individuals, and I have so much respect for them. Their mere existence makes me happy. I love their recent album because it's all about loving yourself. It's actually the first album I've ever bought! It came with a poster, a picture of one of the members (the one I got is so cute!), stickers of the members, and of course, two discs with their music on it. I appreciate their hard work and the message they're spreading. Fame hasn't changed them at all and I'm proud of stanning a group like them. They're practically inspired my life path. Anyway, I love them!" in[Something I am Grateful For], [Someone I Am Thankful to Have in My Life], & [A Past-Time/Hobby] = Emily (14F, USA) "I'm the one I should love in this world." -Jin
  • 39. "If I tell you what I'm looking forward to, it will ruin it. It gets adulterated. I'm learning to deal with people. I learnt that just cause you think you're stupid, doesn't mean everyone else thinks the same. That most people are not smart and they can't spot the mistakes that you can spot, so just roll with it. Take the risk, make the mistake, you'll learn something." - Afarin (26F, India) [One Thing I Am Looking Forward To]: [Some Ways I Am Learning From Challenges I Face]:
  • 40. "I'm really grateful to have my mother in life. Growing up in the southern US in a culture were a single woman of color that is raising two growing young boys with no father, and a rocky family relationship is considered a really hard and socially faux pas thing for her. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure times weren't always good, but hell life isn't always good to people, but one needs to make it the best of things. And she certainly did, she worked her ass off to support my little brother and myself in all the things we did. From Boy Scouts, Sports, Science projects, Choir, and all the other activities that we pursued over our adolescence. But what I'm most thankful for was that she allowed me and my little brother to grow and develop as WE saw fit too. Sure we had rules and boundaries we couldn't cross, but for the most part she allowed us to be us. If one of us were to be a baseball player then damnit that sibling would be the best version of that sibling in that area. The values of allowing your children to learn from their own mistakes and to grow on their own devices with a little guidance here and there but ultimately laying the power in our hand or metaphorically speaking, having the ball in our court with our call to do what is next is something that I hope to pass down on to my future children one day. And if not than to help guide others. My mother has faced numerous challenges and problems throughout her life, but she faced them all with courage, integrity, intelligence, poise, and humor. I hope to continue these attributes along my own path and to pass these things down to the next generation. My mother will always be my hero and ultimate supporter and I can never repay her for everything she did for me throughout my life. I love you mom. 
  • 41. in [Someone I'm Thankful To Have In My Life];, & [Word of Encouragement] - Jaime Trevino (22M, Dallas, TX, USA) ...To those who are feeling down and out please don't. You my friend are a wonderful gift to the world. Everyone is great at something even if it is being average. Your struggle is part of your growth and overcoming them are your tests. From someone who has been down in the deepest darkest depths of both humanity and thy own self it will pass. Once it does you will be stronger and wiser than before. Your true character is tested when you are at your lowest, either you succumb to the darkness and lose yourself in the process; or you pick yourself up and dust yourself off and go at it with everything you have. And if you fail so what, you showed the world that you will fight till the end. And more importantly you showed yourself that you are stronger than you appear. For that test of character I salute you, and that i respect you and your fight gives me the strength to continue to fight on too. Like my father used to say, "Sometimes all you need is to know that someone is in your corner supporting you and your fight."
  • 42. "This brief exchange with my daughter, over 20 years ago, has always stuck with me. She was around 3 years old, and we were grocery shopping, She was riding in the cart, and as we passed a shelf full of those horrible, neon colored, squeeze juice pop things, she pointed at them and asked, "Can we get those?" "No," I replied. "Those things are awful. Full of fake colors and sugar." She pouted and I said, "Oh, you can't get juice pops. I guess life's horrible isn't it?" "Life isn't horrible," she said. "Life is great. I like life. But I like juice pops too."  A [Life Lesson] Devon Felts (53M, Tampa FL USA) learnt:
  • 43. ... when I was trolling my best cousin in PUBG Mobile. ... a high quality way to listen to music. ...a soulmate. A person to talk and vent to. And a person to voice call.   - vintagefancollector (16M, Malaysia) [The Last Time I Laughed Uncontrollably]: [Something I Am Grateful For]: [Someone I Am Thankful To Have In My Life]: in [A Word of Encouragement]
  • 44. "That last time I laughed uncontrollably was with my mom. I don’t remember why or what it was, but I know that it was great." = Sarah (16F, California USA) In [The Last Time I Laughed Uncontrollably]
  • 45. "The beauty of nature gets me every time. When I see a picture of a sunset, or the ocean, or mountains, forests, lakes, rivers, cities, and so on, I could stare at it for hours because of how gorgeous it is. It reminds me that there is beauty on this planet and there is good in the world. The ocean, or water in general, will always have a special place in my heart. I can’t really explain why. I’m just always happiest when I’m swimming. I guess you can say it feels like flying. I’d give anything to scuba dive. Not even like deep sea diving, just scuba diving in my town’s lake or a deep river. Being able to swim freely without coming up for air. Being alone with your thoughts, admiring the wonders of underwater life. Seeing things you don’t get to see every day. From Raymond (17M, Washington State USA)...
  • 46. In An Element of Nature Which is Special to Me], [Other: Something I was able to accept about myself] Fast forward a year though and I’ve fully accepted that I’m bi, but mostly attracted to girls.  Every time I see a female character I’m attracted to I can, without being scared or hesitant, admit I have a crush on them and tell my friends about it.  And it is the biggest relief. It’s been quite a few months (bout half a year?) since I began accepting that I like girls and I’m still so happy about it. I don’t have to hide that part of myself anymore. I don’t have to lie to myself, saying I just want to look like her (before learning I was trans), or that I just think she looks cute (after). I can send videos of Clara Oswald to friends saying “Look at my wiiife!!!!” and talk about how much i love her and how shes my celeb crush without feeling guilty, uncomfortable, or fake  like when talking about male celeb “crushes”.  in summary, I can be ~me~. Truly, and authentically, me. And I’ve never been happier."  Recently, about a year ago, I realized I was trans (FtM). I was terrified because of my parents but now I’m proud and happy about it. But what I want to tell about here isn’t that. It’s what that realization led to. Before I realized I was trans, I was watching Doctor Who and kept denying to myself that I had a crush on Jenna Coleman/Clara Oswald. I remember thinking for the first time “Maybe I’m gay” and trying to get myself used to saying “I’m lesbian” in my head. I was still scared though. Not only because my parents would never be okay with their child being gay, but because I was still a tad homophobic myself. 
  • 47. Thank you If you submitted to COHT but your story has not appeared in this volume, it has been queued for the next.  If you have not submitted to COHT, we would love to hear from you. Lots of love, (c)COHT 2018