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Watervliet Arsenal ... 1813-2013
Sending FY 2013 off ...
200th Year Complete

Story on page 3
Photo by John B. Snyder

Vol. 13, No. 10

U.S. Army Watervliet Arsenal

Oct. 31, 2013
Page 2						


Oct. 31, 2013

Albany County’s Veterans’ Day Parade
11 November
11 a.m.

You have a chance to join us this November as we honor our Nation’s
Veterans by marching in this year’s Albany County Veterans’ Day Parade. In
addition to two Arsenal/Benét Labs floats, we plan to field several of our emergency service vehicles and several historic military vehicles from the
Hudson-Mohawk Military Vehicle Club.
So, please gather your family members and march with us as we pay proper
recognition to our Veterans, as well as to showcase the Arsenal to the community. If you have any questions, give John Snyder a call @ 266-5055.

Nov. 11, 2013
Veterans Day Parade

Commander, Col. Lee H. Schiller Jr.
Public Affairs Officer, John B. Snyder
Editor, John B. Snyder
Photographer: John B. Snyder

Arsenal Facebook Page @

The Arsenal Salvo is an authorized monthly publication for members of the Department
of Defense. Contents of the Salvo are not necessarily the official views of, or an endorsement by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or
the Watervliet Arsenal.
News may be submitted for publication by sending articles to Public Affairs Officer,
1 Buffington Street, Bldg. 10, Watervliet, NY 12189, or stop by office #102, Bldg. 10,
Watervliet Arsenal. The editor may also be reached at (518) 266-5055 or by e-mail: The editor reserves the right to edit all information submitted
for publication.
Page 3						




Oct. 31, 2013

Operating through adversity,
workforce prevails in FY 2013
Col. Lee H. Schiller Jr.

As I close out my first 90 days in command, I am
very busy working with arsenal leaders and their
staffs to determine the full effects of our efforts for
fiscal year 2013. And what I have seen so far, speaks
volumes about the pride and professionalism of our
This past year has been
one wild ride for us as we
had to maintain tight delivery
schedules while working
through something called
sequestration and its direct
effects that have furloughed
you, reduced your budget, and
has limited your ability to get
overtime and COMP time.
Despite all that, we came
through and delivered a very
successful manufacturing year
for the arsenal and for our

to the Afghanistan National Army. And these are
just the highlights and do not reflect everything we
manufactured and shipped.
This success wouldn’t be so great if we didn’t do it
safely, and we did.
We exceeded general industry goals for safety,
reduced contact injuries by 30 percent, increased nearmiss reporting by 25 percent,
and we came under the AMC
goal for loss time. This success
is shared by everyone because it
took all of us working as a team
to get each shipment out.
We also had great success
engaging the community last
year. We conducted nearly
70 community engagements
that ranged from parades
to a concert at the Alive-atFive location to our 200th
Anniversary Covenant
Ceremony involving four
local mayors. Our next major
engagement is the City of
Albany Veterans’ Day Parade
on Monday, November 11. So,
please join us as we march through the center of the
Albany in honor of our Veterans.

We closed out fiscal
year 2013 having achieved more that $96 million
in revenue from the sale of our products, while
maintaining on-time delivery rate above 96 percent.
And we did this while reducing our operating expenses
Before I close, I thank everyone for their
by $8.7 million, a nearly 10 percent reduction from
participation in the recent command climate survey.
what we had planned.
As soon as the results are tabulated, I will share the
results with the entire workforce.
Just to give you a sense of the amount of workflow
that we achieved in 2013, we shipped: nearly 200
I wish you the very best for a great holiday
105mm and 155mm tubes and cannon systems; more
season…you have certainly earned it. Please be safe
than 1,100 major and minor components; nearly
over the holidays by taking an extra second to consider
1,400 mortar barrel assemblies; more than 2,600
each potentially unsafe or high risk activity before you
mortar base plates; and 902 60mm mortar systems
engage it.
Page 4						


Oct. 31, 2013

Arsenal’s Face of Strength
is also its Face of the Future
manufacturing artisans during that same time frame.
So, competition is tough to find an individual today who
not only has a natural ability to use their hands to build
Since 1813, when the first foundation of the Watervliet
things, but also the intelligence to translate highly technical
Arsenal was laid, this small Army post in upstate New York drawings that are used in today’s military weapons manuhas had the uncanny ability to select and retain the very
facturing. As tough as it is to find a true artisan, it is not
best skilled workers in America.
impossible as evidence by the
As the ink was drying on the
recent graduation of the arsedeed that was signed on July
nal’s apprentice class.
14, 1813, just across the HudDylan Kusaywa, a 23-yearson River was a flurry of activold machinist, graduated last
ity in the Village of Troy as it
August from the arsenal’s fourprepared for a potential attack
year apprentice program with
from the British as the War of
not only honors, but also with a
1812 entered its second year.
reputation for machining excelTroy was the center of the
American Industrial Revolution
Dylan said he knew in high
in the early 1800s, which made
school that office work wasn’t
it a critical hub for logistical
for him because he enjoyed
support for the war effort. Albuilding and repairing things
though not a large city at the
around the house.
time, it was rich with manu“I just had a natural ability
facturing artisans who worked
and interest to fix things such
in the village’s cotton factory,
as dirt bikes,” Dylan said. “I
paper mill, firearms factory, and
kind of got ahead of myself
popular for that time period, a
in high school, because I tried
to leverage my interest in meIt would be those skilled
chanical engineering by applyartisans who in 1813 crossed
ing for an arsenal apprenticethe Hudson and began to put in
ship in my senior year of high
place the first bricks and mortar
of a future Army arsenal and
Dylan never quit on the
Photo by John B. Snyder
soon, were working side-byThis is some of the behind the scenes beauty at the arsenal as
arsenal and neither did the arside with ordnance Soldiers to a supervisor John Zayhowski, left, mentors first-year machinist senal quit on Dylan. One year
Dylan Kusaywa. Dylan graduated from the arsenal’s four-year
manufacture critical war items. apprentice program last August and today, he is working on
later, with his freshman year
The arsenal, as well as
prototype production.
at college behind him, Dylan
America, was founded on those
applied again for the arsenal’s
who have had the natural ability to use their hands to build
apprenticeship program and was accepted.
homes, towns, and to shape raw stock material into finished
John Zayhowski, who is the apprenticeship program
products. But unlike the early 1800s, there are few today
supervisor, said Dylan’s strong work ethic and natural mawho have that ability. The decline of manufacturing in the
chining ability was a great fit in every department he was
United States has been well documented.
assigned during his four years of hands-on training.
The Alliance for American Manufacturing states that
well over five million American manufacturing jobs were
eliminated from 2000 to 2009. New York has shared in
Story continues on page 5, Machinist
that dramatic decline as it has lost 41 percent of its skilled
By John B. Snyder
Page 5						

Machinist Cont.
Instantly, Dylan began to demonstrate the skills and traits that a
true artisan-machinist possesses.
Apprentices are required to put
in 8,000 hours of hands-on training at the arsenal as part of the
program. During those long, hard
hours an apprentice rotates through
every manufacturing operation at
the arsenal. Dylan quickly built a
reputation as someone who has an
exceptional work ethic and who
has a skill that has made America
great ̶ a natural ability to build
things with his hands.
During Dylan’s third year as
an apprentice, he was selected to
travel to a machine manufacturer
to prove out a very accurate, stateof-the-art machine. Once this machine was delivered, Dylan set up
the machine, produced a good part,

and then trained senior machinists.
This task is typically left to the
arsenal’s most skilled and seasoned
machinists, certainly not for apprentices. But Dylan was not a
typical apprentice.
Now having two months of
experience as a journeyman machinist under his belt, most might
think that Dylan would be working
on the most basic of machining
operations to gain experience before he moved on to more complex
machining. But Dylan’s leadership refused to let his potential be
restricted and threw him a tremendous challenge.
Dylan is now part of the arsenal’s prototype development team.
This team takes new weapons designs from Army research labs and
turns them into working, testable
prototypes. Prototype development
has historically been supported
by senior machinists who have a
special talent to turn a concept into

Oct. 31, 2013

Although Dylan is an example
of the high quality of individuals the arsenal selects and retains
through its apprenticeship program,
he is but one example of the great
talent coming from that program.
In Dylan’s graduating class, two of
his apprentice counterparts, Robert Fournier and Peter Northup,
maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA during their four years of classroom
Dylan Kusaywa is a fine example of the great machining talent the arsenal has been fortunate
to discover for 200 years and he is
also a great representative of the
quality class of apprentices the arsenal has been rewarded with since
the program began in 1905.
For what Dylan has achieved,
where he is today in the critical
process of prototype development,
and his potential to soon being a
master machinist, he is selected
as this month’s arsenal Face of

Arsenal maintains critical
international certification
The Watervliet Arsenal announced this month that it has been recertified to the ISO 9001:2008 International
Quality Standard. This was the arsenal's sixth consecutive three-year certification since becoming the Army's
first installation to achieve ISO recognition in 1998.
In supplier and customer relationships, conformance to quality standards is a given. ISO registration continues
to be the global benchmark for the Watervliet Arsenal to demonstrate its commitment to quality and to its customers.
The International Organization for Standardization or ISO is the world's number one publisher of Quality Maintenance Standards. In 1998, the Watervliet Arsenal became the first U.S. Army installation to be ISO certified.
The impact of being ISO certified means the arsenal manufactures products to specifications that are internationally accepted. But also important to note, the certification truly speaks to the arsenal's commitment to providing
world-class quality products and services to the Department of Defense and to foreign militaries.
Page 6						


Top Guns?
Where was Maverick
& Cougar?

Oct. 31, 2013

F14-A Tomcat

Photo provided by Wikipedia

enforcement officers flowed out of the woodwork and
stood all around me. “Was I set up,” I thought, now
When I heard that we had a “Top Gun” at the arsenal, feeling a little uncomfortable.
Schiller started talking about a weapons qualification
I immediately thought that an F-14A Tomcat was on
award program that was brought back to life by
display with U.S. Naval Aviator Lt. Pete “Maverick”
Columbus called the Top Gun Competition.
Mitchell (Tom Cruise) standing by for a photo op. I
Evidently, years ago the arsenal challenged its law
rushed down to emergency services, tripping over my
enforcement officers on the pistol range and whoever
camera bag, for this scoop knowing that none of the
had the highest score was awarded a Top Gun award.
local media had yet to report on this piece of news.
For one reason or
When I arrived at
another, this competition
the security desk, I was
fell by the wayside until
told that there were
actually two Top Guns
At a recent 9mm
for me to take photos
weapons certification,
of. I thought ‘oh great!’
two officers, Sgt. Andrew
because Maverick’s
Preville and Cpl. Eric
wingman, “Cougar”
Garvansites, achieved the
(John Stockwell), must
awesome score of hitting
also be here.
50 targets out of 50 shots.
My glee was almost
Yes, a perfect score.
as uncontrollable
Given that Preville
like a teen at a Justin
has had more than 20
Bieber concert. But
years experience in the
I should have known
Army National Guard
something was up
Photo by John B. Snyder
when Al Columbus, the Arsenal’s newest “Top Guns” were recognized by Commander Col. Lee H. and Garvansites’ eight
Schiller Jr. Sgt. Andrew Preville, center, and Cpl. Eric Garvansites, right,
years as a Marine,
arsenal’s chief of Law
received an award and a trophy due to their having a perfect score at their
Enforcement, simply
recent weapons qualification. Preville and Garvansites are part of the Arse- some might believe this
nal’s Law Enforcement team.
was not much of an
smiled, no he actually
accomplishment for them. But when one must fire from
smirked at me, when I asked where Tom Cruise was.
six different tables, ranging from 35 meters to 7 meters,
“I guess we didn’t give you the background
and using both hands, nothing was easy.
information about Top Gun,” Columbus said.
After a few words of praise, Schiller awarded Preville
I asked, “Is Tom Cruise not here…what about
and Garvansites a certificate and a trophy for their
superlative performance on the qualification course.
Columbus’ smirk turned to one of almost disgust.
As I walked back to my office, I was a little sad given
“Cruise, Cougar, what are you talking about, we have
that I didn’t meet Tom Cruise or John Stockwell. Nor
Garvansites and Preville.” Columbus said.
did I get to sit in the cockpit of an F-14.
“Garvansites and Preville? I don’t recall them being
But on the other hand, I felt pretty good about the
in the movie,” I said.
Columbus just shook his head and told me to wait for arsenal’s security because we have two outstanding law
enforcement officers who I know that when needed they
the commander.
When Col. Lee H. Schiller Jr. arrived a flow of law
can be counted on to stop a deadly threat.
By John B. Snyder
Page 7						


Oct. 31, 2013

Legion visit finds 92-year-old former arsenal apprentice
During a recent visit to the Albany County
American Legion commander’s meeting, Arsenal
Commander Col. Lee H. Schiller Jr. met a former
arsenal apprentice by the name of Al Hofaker.
Al attended the apprentice program from 1939
to 1943. He left the arsenal in 1943, to join the
Army. Al, now 92, is the current acting commander of American Legion Post 1040 in Delmar.
Photo by John B. Snyder

Blood Drive Thanks

Watervliet Hosts Fall Blood Drive
By Paula Martinez, WVA Blood Drive Chairperson
The American Red Cross was on post October 1 and 2
to conduct a blood drive. More than 125 people donated 121 units of whole blood and 7 units of double-red
cell. When added up, this blood drive has the potential
to save 387 lives. Great job! Thanks to all who participated by giving blood and to the wonderful volunteers
at the reception desk: Jackie Ackerman, Trish Senecal,
Debbie Moody, Faith Cuilla and Stacey Marhafer. The
next blood drive is scheduled for February 2014.

Photo by John B. Snyder

Can you use history as a job reference?
The Arsenal supported Veterans this month
at the Albany VA Medical Center’s Job Fair.
Ian Hart, right, brought what may be the most
interesting of job references to Arsenal Personnel Specialists James Ehman and Jodi Roy …
an Arsenal history book with his photo on page
168 (page 263 in today’s history book).
This was a heavily-attended event as James
and Jody talked to more than 40 Veterans in the
first three hours.
Photo by John B. Snyder
Page 8 				



Oct. 31, 2013

Powering past 1933
By John B. Snyder

Eighty years ago, Albert Einstein arrived in United States as a
refugee from Nazi Germany, the
U.S. Army’s disciplinary barracks
on Alcatraz Island turned into a
federal prison, and a power substation at the Watervliet Arsenal was
Although Einstein has since
passed and the Alcatraz federal
prison closed, the arsenal substation has continued to support
critical infrastructure at the arsenal since 1933. That is, until this
After more than 700,000 hours of continuous service, the arsenal’s electrical engineer shut off power
to this relay station this month, while sending power
through a new $669,000 substation.
“If the last substation could last for 80 years, I
have no doubt that this state-of-the-art substation will
last 100 years,” said Benjamin Dedjoe, the arsenal’s
electrical engineer who designed and supervised the
electrical requirements for the project.
This was no easy task as the project took two years
to complete, Dedjoe said.
The new station will provide power to more facilities, in larger quantities than the 1933 model, and will
do so more safely. This new substation is computerized and has its control panels in a hardened shelter.
“The old substation required us to work outside,
often in harsh weather conditions, to service it or to
do routine maintenance,” Dedjoe said. “With this
month’s transfer of power through a new substation,
we now have a safer, dryer area from which to conduct maintenance or to respond to a circuit breaker
that has been triggered.”
This electrical upgrade is just one part of a twoyear, multimillion-dollar program the arsenal has undertaken to increase the arsenal’s capability to provide
continuous power to critical operations and infrastruc-

Top: Arsenal Electrical
Specialist Jim Uram, r,
working with the Emil
Streeter, the project’s
manager to install the
finishing touches. Left:
Arsenal Electrical Engineer Benjamin Dedjoe
checking out the control
Photos by John B. Snyder

Last November, the largest electrical upgrade the
Arsenal had experienced in 30 years, a $1.7 million
project for a new electrical substation that feeds power to one of the most critical manufacturing processes
called the rotary forge, was put into operation.
More recently, a $750,000 electrical project put in
place a fire alarm system in one of the most critical
manufacturing buildings on the arsenal.
These were no small tasks for the Arsenal’s electrical engineer and Jim Uram, an arsenal electrical specialist, who assisted Dedjoe.
Uram said the hardest part of any electrical upgrade is the synchronization of turning off and turning
on power while manufacturing operations are running.
“It may take us more than eight hours to transition
from one power source to another,” Uram said. “The
key to success is to make that transition as seamless
as possible without any interruption to the machining
of products for our troops.”
Dedjoe said he didn’t yet know what he was going to do with the 1933 substation. But seeing as it
looks like it came out of an old Frankenstein movie,
he may just keep it as an historical artifact to put into
the arsenal’s museum activity when it reopens in 2015
or 2016.

Page 9						

Oct. 31, 2013

Combined Federal Campaign
back on track with extended
solicitation period
Due to the recent 16-day government
shutdown many scheduled Combine Federal Campaign events were placed on hold
or even cancelled according Elaine Kaplan,
acting Director of the Office of Personnel
Management. The original end date of December 15 is now extended to January 15.
Paula Weglarz, the arsenal’s CFC program coordinator, kicked off the arsenal’s
program on October 29 by hosting several
local charities and the CFC Campaign
Director for the North and New England
Regions to discuss the program and charities with arsenal canvassers.
New for this year is the “My Pay” option for donating, Weglarz said. This is a
great option that will allow for CFC contributions to be made online.

Photo by Billy Martin

The arsenal kicked off its Combined Federal Campaign October 29 during a
luncheon that provided canvassers the opportunity to receive the commander’s intent, as well as to learn more about the program they will support between now and January 15.

Before you know it, you might lose it
It is that time of year when you need to ensure that all of your employees have scheduled their "use or lose"
annual leave to avoid losing it at the end of the current leave year. Managers and supervisors are responsible
for ensuring that their employees’ leave is properly scheduled and approved in advance, and used in a timely
manner before the current leave year ends on Jan. 11, 2014 (see:
pay-leave/leave-administration/fact-sheets/leave-year-beginning-and-ending-dates/). Generally, the maximum
amount of annual leave an employee may carry over into the next leave year is 240 hours. Hours in excess of
this amount will be forfeited unless such leave is approved for restoration.
For restoration of annual leave forfeited, the annual leave must have been scheduled and approved in writing
before the third biweekly pay period prior to the end of the 2013 leave year (NLT 30 November 2013), and was
lost due to an administrative error when the error caused a loss of annual leave; an exigency of the public business when the annual leave was scheduled in advance; or sickness of the employee when the annual leave
was scheduled in advance. The responsibility for the approving annual leave restoration requests resides with
the Commander.
Employees with “use or lose” who do not expect to use it before the end of the leave year may wish to consider donating it to other employees who are approved leave recipients under the Voluntary Leave Transfer
Program (VLTP). The VLTP allows federal civilian employees to transfer annual leave to other federal civilian
employees who need such leave because of a medical emergency. There are limitations and restrictions on the
amount of, and circumstances supporting such leave transfers, so for assistance regarding the VLTP program,
please contact Jennifer Pusatere, CPAC VLTP POC, at 266-4066 or for additional information concerning this program.
Page 10




Oct. 31, 2013

AMC commander praises Army Civilians
By AMC Public Affairs

Gen. Dennis L. Via, Army Materiel Command's Commanding General, makes opening comments at the 2013 AUSA Civilian Professional
Development Seminar. Photo provided by AUSA.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As the leader of an Army organization that is 96 percent civilian, the commanding general of the Army Materiel Command, Gen. Dennis L. Via, shared his unique perspective at the Association of the United States Army Civilian Professional
Development Seminar here Oct. 23.
"Wherever you find Soldiers, you'll find Army civilians nearby," Via told the audience at the association's annual meeting before a
breakout into panel discussions that included AMC Executive Deputy to the Commanding General John B. Nerger.
Via said that's the reason visitors to AMC headquarters in Redstone Arsenal, Ala., see two things upon their entrance: the Soldiers
Creed and the Civilian Creed.
"We want everyone at AMC and everyone who visits, to know our Soldiers and civilians share the same values, the same mission,
and that they serve shoulder to shoulder wherever and whenever the nation calls," Via said.
The general said he has had the privilege of seeing Army civilians in action across the country in factories, laboratories and even on
the battlefield.
"I've always been impressed by their professionalism, skills and experience, their commitment, their patriotism and most of all their
willingness to serve."
Via mentioned several AMC employees by name, applauding their efforts and contributions to the warfighter.
During a visit to Watervliet Arsenal, N.Y., the sole producer of cannon tubes for the entire military, Via met machinist Ryan
"Ryan is so skilled that he can straighten the cannon tubes by listening to the sound they make when pressed with up to
900-tons of pressure," Via said. "That level of experience is nearly irreplaceable."
Civilians also make sacrifices to the war effort and 15 Army civilians have paid the ultimate price in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Via recalled the sacrifice of Linda J. Villar, an AMC employee who volunteered to deploy to Iraq in 2005. Villar, who served as
the chief of the 3rd Infantry Division's Logistics Support Element, was killed in a mortar attack June 3, 2005.
"These are your Army civilians," Via said. "Simply put, our Army and our entire joint force couldn't accomplish its mission without
them, without you."
The past year has been challenging for our Army, and especially our Army civilians. Via said as the number of Soldiers decrease,
so will the number of support personnel. He encouraged the audience to look at this as a challenge and an opportunity to responsibly
shape the Army for 2020.
"We have to be creative; we have to be innovative; we have to be bold and visionary," he said. "We must offer those innovative
solutions that in the past met with resistance."
Via mentioned several examples, such as increasing Voluntary Separation Incentive payments, removing impediments to part-time
labor, developing multi-functional position descriptions, improving our intern and fellowship programs and incorporating programs to
better take care of employees. He said the solutions will come from the civilian corps.
"We've been through times like these before. Great periods of transformation have always been challenging," he said. "Every time,
our Army and our nation emerged stronger than before."
Page 11						


Oct. 31, 2013


Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
On November 11, the annual Benefits Open Season will begin and it will run through midnight on December
9. During the open season, you may enroll, change your enrollment, or cancel your enrollment in the Federal
Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program and the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). In addition, you can enroll in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA).
Open season is an excellent opportunity to review the information for your current benefits. Even if you
are not going to change your current enrollment during this open season, it is a good idea to check out the
premiums and also determine if there are going to be any changes in your benefits or coverage for next year.
The 2014 premiums and benefits guides can be found at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) website at:
If you enroll in FEHB or change your enrollment during open season, your change will be effective Jan. 12,
There are a couple of ways for you to make an FEHB open season change. The most popular way to make a
change is by utilizing the Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS). You may access EBIS through the
ABC-C website,, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once you are
in EBIS, you will click on the “Transactions” button to make your FEHB open season change.
You may also contact the ABC-C at 1-877-276-9287, and have a benefits counselor provide assistance to
you. Counselors are available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
In addition, CPAC is always available to assist you with making a FEHB election/ change. The CPAC office
is located in the north end of Building 10, 1st floor and CPAC representatives are available from 6:30 am to
5:00 p.m. (remember to bring your CAC since EBIS is CAC-enabled). You may also set up an appointment
with a CPAC representative by contacting X-4058 or X-4053.
For questions regarding premiums or enrollment in FEDVIP, you may contact BENEFEDS at 1-877-8883337, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. To enroll, change, or cancel your enrollment in FEDVIP during this open season, visit the BENEFEDS website:
If you want to participate in FSA for 2014, you must enroll during this open season. You may enroll in an
FSA online at: or telephone by calling 1-877-372-3337. FSAFEDS Benefits Counselors are available 9 a.m to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday.
We understand that the benefits process may be confusing so please feel free to contact the CPAC on
X-4058 or X-4053, if you have any problems or questions.
Page 12						



Oct. 31, 2013

The Watervliet Arsenal Announces the Safety Star Point Program!
The arsenal Safety Office and VPP programs proudly announce the institution of the
Safety Star Point Program. In an effort to increase the amount of employee involvement
in safety, the Star Point Program identifies a safety representative for each of the buildings on the installation. Their goal is to serve as an asset for safety issues employees
may come across throughout their every day lives on the installation.
This program is geared to give each worker a more emphatic voice when it comes to the
safety at the arsenal. We need to know about issues regarding your health and safety
and then work together to mitigate them. Only with your help can we make the arsenal
a safer place and achieve our VPP Star! So again, this program is designed to give you
another avenue to voice safety issues/concerns so please take advantage of it.
Remember that Safety gets old…but so do those who practice it!
Any Questions? The POC is Matt Church (ext. 5635)
15, 17, 126		
20, 25, 36		
35, 35 East, 130	
110, 135		
10, 40, 44		
115, 120, 136	

Star Point of Contact
Dan Belk
Bob Dobbs
Tim Fontaine
Fred Willet
Greg Moore
Mike Dennin

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U.S. Army Watervliet Arsenal Newsletter for August 2016
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Watervliet Arsenal Newsletter: Salvo 31 October 2013

  • 1. S ALVO Watervliet Arsenal ... 1813-2013 Sending FY 2013 off ... 200th Year Complete Story on page 3 Photo by John B. Snyder Vol. 13, No. 10 U.S. Army Watervliet Arsenal Oct. 31, 2013
  • 2. Page 2 Salvo Oct. 31, 2013 Albany County’s Veterans’ Day Parade 11 November 11 a.m. You have a chance to join us this November as we honor our Nation’s Veterans by marching in this year’s Albany County Veterans’ Day Parade. In addition to two Arsenal/Benét Labs floats, we plan to field several of our emergency service vehicles and several historic military vehicles from the Hudson-Mohawk Military Vehicle Club. So, please gather your family members and march with us as we pay proper recognition to our Veterans, as well as to showcase the Arsenal to the community. If you have any questions, give John Snyder a call @ 266-5055. SAVE THE DATE Nov. 11, 2013 Veterans Day Parade Commander, Col. Lee H. Schiller Jr. Public Affairs Officer, John B. Snyder Editor, John B. Snyder Photographer: John B. Snyder Arsenal Facebook Page @ The Arsenal Salvo is an authorized monthly publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Salvo are not necessarily the official views of, or an endorsement by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or the Watervliet Arsenal. News may be submitted for publication by sending articles to Public Affairs Officer, 1 Buffington Street, Bldg. 10, Watervliet, NY 12189, or stop by office #102, Bldg. 10, Watervliet Arsenal. The editor may also be reached at (518) 266-5055 or by e-mail: The editor reserves the right to edit all information submitted for publication.
  • 3. Page 3 Salvo Oct. 31, 2013 Operating through adversity, workforce prevails in FY 2013 Col. Lee H. Schiller Jr. Commanding As I close out my first 90 days in command, I am very busy working with arsenal leaders and their staffs to determine the full effects of our efforts for fiscal year 2013. And what I have seen so far, speaks volumes about the pride and professionalism of our workforce. This past year has been one wild ride for us as we had to maintain tight delivery schedules while working through something called sequestration and its direct effects that have furloughed you, reduced your budget, and has limited your ability to get overtime and COMP time. Despite all that, we came through and delivered a very successful manufacturing year for the arsenal and for our military. to the Afghanistan National Army. And these are just the highlights and do not reflect everything we manufactured and shipped. This success wouldn’t be so great if we didn’t do it safely, and we did. We exceeded general industry goals for safety, reduced contact injuries by 30 percent, increased nearmiss reporting by 25 percent, and we came under the AMC goal for loss time. This success is shared by everyone because it took all of us working as a team to get each shipment out. We also had great success engaging the community last year. We conducted nearly 70 community engagements that ranged from parades to a concert at the Alive-atFive location to our 200th Anniversary Covenant Ceremony involving four local mayors. Our next major engagement is the City of Albany Veterans’ Day Parade on Monday, November 11. So, please join us as we march through the center of the Albany in honor of our Veterans. We closed out fiscal year 2013 having achieved more that $96 million in revenue from the sale of our products, while maintaining on-time delivery rate above 96 percent. And we did this while reducing our operating expenses Before I close, I thank everyone for their by $8.7 million, a nearly 10 percent reduction from participation in the recent command climate survey. what we had planned. As soon as the results are tabulated, I will share the results with the entire workforce. Just to give you a sense of the amount of workflow that we achieved in 2013, we shipped: nearly 200 I wish you the very best for a great holiday 105mm and 155mm tubes and cannon systems; more season…you have certainly earned it. Please be safe than 1,100 major and minor components; nearly over the holidays by taking an extra second to consider 1,400 mortar barrel assemblies; more than 2,600 each potentially unsafe or high risk activity before you mortar base plates; and 902 60mm mortar systems engage it.
  • 4. Page 4 Salvo Oct. 31, 2013 Arsenal’s Face of Strength is also its Face of the Future manufacturing artisans during that same time frame. So, competition is tough to find an individual today who not only has a natural ability to use their hands to build Since 1813, when the first foundation of the Watervliet things, but also the intelligence to translate highly technical Arsenal was laid, this small Army post in upstate New York drawings that are used in today’s military weapons manuhas had the uncanny ability to select and retain the very facturing. As tough as it is to find a true artisan, it is not best skilled workers in America. impossible as evidence by the As the ink was drying on the recent graduation of the arsedeed that was signed on July nal’s apprentice class. 14, 1813, just across the HudDylan Kusaywa, a 23-yearson River was a flurry of activold machinist, graduated last ity in the Village of Troy as it August from the arsenal’s fourprepared for a potential attack year apprentice program with from the British as the War of not only honors, but also with a 1812 entered its second year. reputation for machining excelTroy was the center of the lence. American Industrial Revolution Dylan said he knew in high in the early 1800s, which made school that office work wasn’t it a critical hub for logistical for him because he enjoyed support for the war effort. Albuilding and repairing things though not a large city at the around the house. time, it was rich with manu“I just had a natural ability facturing artisans who worked and interest to fix things such in the village’s cotton factory, as dirt bikes,” Dylan said. “I paper mill, firearms factory, and kind of got ahead of myself popular for that time period, a in high school, because I tried distillery. to leverage my interest in meIt would be those skilled chanical engineering by applyartisans who in 1813 crossed ing for an arsenal apprenticethe Hudson and began to put in ship in my senior year of high place the first bricks and mortar school.” of a future Army arsenal and Dylan never quit on the Photo by John B. Snyder soon, were working side-byThis is some of the behind the scenes beauty at the arsenal as arsenal and neither did the arside with ordnance Soldiers to a supervisor John Zayhowski, left, mentors first-year machinist senal quit on Dylan. One year Dylan Kusaywa. Dylan graduated from the arsenal’s four-year manufacture critical war items. apprentice program last August and today, he is working on later, with his freshman year The arsenal, as well as prototype production. at college behind him, Dylan America, was founded on those applied again for the arsenal’s who have had the natural ability to use their hands to build apprenticeship program and was accepted. homes, towns, and to shape raw stock material into finished John Zayhowski, who is the apprenticeship program products. But unlike the early 1800s, there are few today supervisor, said Dylan’s strong work ethic and natural mawho have that ability. The decline of manufacturing in the chining ability was a great fit in every department he was United States has been well documented. assigned during his four years of hands-on training. The Alliance for American Manufacturing states that well over five million American manufacturing jobs were eliminated from 2000 to 2009. New York has shared in Story continues on page 5, Machinist that dramatic decline as it has lost 41 percent of its skilled By John B. Snyder
  • 5. Page 5 Machinist Cont. Instantly, Dylan began to demonstrate the skills and traits that a true artisan-machinist possesses. Apprentices are required to put in 8,000 hours of hands-on training at the arsenal as part of the program. During those long, hard hours an apprentice rotates through every manufacturing operation at the arsenal. Dylan quickly built a reputation as someone who has an exceptional work ethic and who has a skill that has made America great ̶ a natural ability to build things with his hands. During Dylan’s third year as an apprentice, he was selected to travel to a machine manufacturer to prove out a very accurate, stateof-the-art machine. Once this machine was delivered, Dylan set up the machine, produced a good part, Salvo and then trained senior machinists. This task is typically left to the arsenal’s most skilled and seasoned machinists, certainly not for apprentices. But Dylan was not a typical apprentice. Now having two months of experience as a journeyman machinist under his belt, most might think that Dylan would be working on the most basic of machining operations to gain experience before he moved on to more complex machining. But Dylan’s leadership refused to let his potential be restricted and threw him a tremendous challenge. Dylan is now part of the arsenal’s prototype development team. This team takes new weapons designs from Army research labs and turns them into working, testable prototypes. Prototype development has historically been supported by senior machinists who have a special talent to turn a concept into reality. Oct. 31, 2013 Although Dylan is an example of the high quality of individuals the arsenal selects and retains through its apprenticeship program, he is but one example of the great talent coming from that program. In Dylan’s graduating class, two of his apprentice counterparts, Robert Fournier and Peter Northup, maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA during their four years of classroom instruction. Dylan Kusaywa is a fine example of the great machining talent the arsenal has been fortunate to discover for 200 years and he is also a great representative of the quality class of apprentices the arsenal has been rewarded with since the program began in 1905. For what Dylan has achieved, where he is today in the critical process of prototype development, and his potential to soon being a master machinist, he is selected as this month’s arsenal Face of Strength. Arsenal maintains critical international certification The Watervliet Arsenal announced this month that it has been recertified to the ISO 9001:2008 International Quality Standard. This was the arsenal's sixth consecutive three-year certification since becoming the Army's first installation to achieve ISO recognition in 1998. In supplier and customer relationships, conformance to quality standards is a given. ISO registration continues to be the global benchmark for the Watervliet Arsenal to demonstrate its commitment to quality and to its customers. The International Organization for Standardization or ISO is the world's number one publisher of Quality Maintenance Standards. In 1998, the Watervliet Arsenal became the first U.S. Army installation to be ISO certified. The impact of being ISO certified means the arsenal manufactures products to specifications that are internationally accepted. But also important to note, the certification truly speaks to the arsenal's commitment to providing world-class quality products and services to the Department of Defense and to foreign militaries.
  • 6. Page 6 Salvo Top Guns? Where was Maverick & Cougar? Oct. 31, 2013 F14-A Tomcat Photo provided by Wikipedia enforcement officers flowed out of the woodwork and stood all around me. “Was I set up,” I thought, now When I heard that we had a “Top Gun” at the arsenal, feeling a little uncomfortable. Schiller started talking about a weapons qualification I immediately thought that an F-14A Tomcat was on award program that was brought back to life by display with U.S. Naval Aviator Lt. Pete “Maverick” Columbus called the Top Gun Competition. Mitchell (Tom Cruise) standing by for a photo op. I Evidently, years ago the arsenal challenged its law rushed down to emergency services, tripping over my enforcement officers on the pistol range and whoever camera bag, for this scoop knowing that none of the had the highest score was awarded a Top Gun award. local media had yet to report on this piece of news. For one reason or When I arrived at another, this competition the security desk, I was fell by the wayside until told that there were now. actually two Top Guns At a recent 9mm for me to take photos weapons certification, of. I thought ‘oh great!’ two officers, Sgt. Andrew because Maverick’s Preville and Cpl. Eric wingman, “Cougar” Garvansites, achieved the (John Stockwell), must awesome score of hitting also be here. 50 targets out of 50 shots. My glee was almost Yes, a perfect score. as uncontrollable Given that Preville like a teen at a Justin has had more than 20 Bieber concert. But years experience in the I should have known Army National Guard something was up Photo by John B. Snyder when Al Columbus, the Arsenal’s newest “Top Guns” were recognized by Commander Col. Lee H. and Garvansites’ eight Schiller Jr. Sgt. Andrew Preville, center, and Cpl. Eric Garvansites, right, years as a Marine, arsenal’s chief of Law received an award and a trophy due to their having a perfect score at their Enforcement, simply recent weapons qualification. Preville and Garvansites are part of the Arse- some might believe this nal’s Law Enforcement team. was not much of an smiled, no he actually accomplishment for them. But when one must fire from smirked at me, when I asked where Tom Cruise was. six different tables, ranging from 35 meters to 7 meters, “I guess we didn’t give you the background and using both hands, nothing was easy. information about Top Gun,” Columbus said. After a few words of praise, Schiller awarded Preville I asked, “Is Tom Cruise not here…what about and Garvansites a certificate and a trophy for their Cougar?” superlative performance on the qualification course. Columbus’ smirk turned to one of almost disgust. As I walked back to my office, I was a little sad given “Cruise, Cougar, what are you talking about, we have that I didn’t meet Tom Cruise or John Stockwell. Nor Garvansites and Preville.” Columbus said. did I get to sit in the cockpit of an F-14. “Garvansites and Preville? I don’t recall them being But on the other hand, I felt pretty good about the in the movie,” I said. Columbus just shook his head and told me to wait for arsenal’s security because we have two outstanding law enforcement officers who I know that when needed they the commander. When Col. Lee H. Schiller Jr. arrived a flow of law can be counted on to stop a deadly threat. By John B. Snyder
  • 7. Page 7 Salvo Oct. 31, 2013 Legion visit finds 92-year-old former arsenal apprentice During a recent visit to the Albany County American Legion commander’s meeting, Arsenal Commander Col. Lee H. Schiller Jr. met a former arsenal apprentice by the name of Al Hofaker. Al attended the apprentice program from 1939 to 1943. He left the arsenal in 1943, to join the Army. Al, now 92, is the current acting commander of American Legion Post 1040 in Delmar. Photo by John B. Snyder Blood Drive Thanks Watervliet Hosts Fall Blood Drive By Paula Martinez, WVA Blood Drive Chairperson The American Red Cross was on post October 1 and 2 to conduct a blood drive. More than 125 people donated 121 units of whole blood and 7 units of double-red cell. When added up, this blood drive has the potential to save 387 lives. Great job! Thanks to all who participated by giving blood and to the wonderful volunteers at the reception desk: Jackie Ackerman, Trish Senecal, Debbie Moody, Faith Cuilla and Stacey Marhafer. The next blood drive is scheduled for February 2014. Photo by John B. Snyder Can you use history as a job reference? The Arsenal supported Veterans this month at the Albany VA Medical Center’s Job Fair. Ian Hart, right, brought what may be the most interesting of job references to Arsenal Personnel Specialists James Ehman and Jodi Roy … an Arsenal history book with his photo on page 168 (page 263 in today’s history book). This was a heavily-attended event as James and Jody talked to more than 40 Veterans in the first three hours. Photo by John B. Snyder
  • 8. Page 8 Salvo Oct. 31, 2013 Powering past 1933 By John B. Snyder Eighty years ago, Albert Einstein arrived in United States as a refugee from Nazi Germany, the U.S. Army’s disciplinary barracks on Alcatraz Island turned into a federal prison, and a power substation at the Watervliet Arsenal was installed. Although Einstein has since passed and the Alcatraz federal prison closed, the arsenal substation has continued to support critical infrastructure at the arsenal since 1933. That is, until this month. After more than 700,000 hours of continuous service, the arsenal’s electrical engineer shut off power to this relay station this month, while sending power through a new $669,000 substation. “If the last substation could last for 80 years, I have no doubt that this state-of-the-art substation will last 100 years,” said Benjamin Dedjoe, the arsenal’s electrical engineer who designed and supervised the electrical requirements for the project. This was no easy task as the project took two years to complete, Dedjoe said. The new station will provide power to more facilities, in larger quantities than the 1933 model, and will do so more safely. This new substation is computerized and has its control panels in a hardened shelter. “The old substation required us to work outside, often in harsh weather conditions, to service it or to do routine maintenance,” Dedjoe said. “With this month’s transfer of power through a new substation, we now have a safer, dryer area from which to conduct maintenance or to respond to a circuit breaker that has been triggered.” This electrical upgrade is just one part of a twoyear, multimillion-dollar program the arsenal has undertaken to increase the arsenal’s capability to provide continuous power to critical operations and infrastruc- Top: Arsenal Electrical Specialist Jim Uram, r, working with the Emil Streeter, the project’s manager to install the finishing touches. Left: Arsenal Electrical Engineer Benjamin Dedjoe checking out the control panel. Photos by John B. Snyder ture. Last November, the largest electrical upgrade the Arsenal had experienced in 30 years, a $1.7 million project for a new electrical substation that feeds power to one of the most critical manufacturing processes called the rotary forge, was put into operation. More recently, a $750,000 electrical project put in place a fire alarm system in one of the most critical manufacturing buildings on the arsenal. These were no small tasks for the Arsenal’s electrical engineer and Jim Uram, an arsenal electrical specialist, who assisted Dedjoe. Uram said the hardest part of any electrical upgrade is the synchronization of turning off and turning on power while manufacturing operations are running. “It may take us more than eight hours to transition from one power source to another,” Uram said. “The key to success is to make that transition as seamless as possible without any interruption to the machining of products for our troops.” Dedjoe said he didn’t yet know what he was going to do with the 1933 substation. But seeing as it looks like it came out of an old Frankenstein movie, he may just keep it as an historical artifact to put into the arsenal’s museum activity when it reopens in 2015 or 2016.
  • 9. Salvo Page 9 Oct. 31, 2013 Combined Federal Campaign back on track with extended solicitation period Due to the recent 16-day government shutdown many scheduled Combine Federal Campaign events were placed on hold or even cancelled according Elaine Kaplan, acting Director of the Office of Personnel Management. The original end date of December 15 is now extended to January 15. Paula Weglarz, the arsenal’s CFC program coordinator, kicked off the arsenal’s program on October 29 by hosting several local charities and the CFC Campaign Director for the North and New England Regions to discuss the program and charities with arsenal canvassers. New for this year is the “My Pay” option for donating, Weglarz said. This is a great option that will allow for CFC contributions to be made online. Photo by Billy Martin The arsenal kicked off its Combined Federal Campaign October 29 during a luncheon that provided canvassers the opportunity to receive the commander’s intent, as well as to learn more about the program they will support between now and January 15. Before you know it, you might lose it It is that time of year when you need to ensure that all of your employees have scheduled their "use or lose" annual leave to avoid losing it at the end of the current leave year. Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their employees’ leave is properly scheduled and approved in advance, and used in a timely manner before the current leave year ends on Jan. 11, 2014 (see: pay-leave/leave-administration/fact-sheets/leave-year-beginning-and-ending-dates/). Generally, the maximum amount of annual leave an employee may carry over into the next leave year is 240 hours. Hours in excess of this amount will be forfeited unless such leave is approved for restoration. For restoration of annual leave forfeited, the annual leave must have been scheduled and approved in writing before the third biweekly pay period prior to the end of the 2013 leave year (NLT 30 November 2013), and was lost due to an administrative error when the error caused a loss of annual leave; an exigency of the public business when the annual leave was scheduled in advance; or sickness of the employee when the annual leave was scheduled in advance. The responsibility for the approving annual leave restoration requests resides with the Commander. Employees with “use or lose” who do not expect to use it before the end of the leave year may wish to consider donating it to other employees who are approved leave recipients under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP). The VLTP allows federal civilian employees to transfer annual leave to other federal civilian employees who need such leave because of a medical emergency. There are limitations and restrictions on the amount of, and circumstances supporting such leave transfers, so for assistance regarding the VLTP program, please contact Jennifer Pusatere, CPAC VLTP POC, at 266-4066 or for additional information concerning this program.
  • 10. Page 10 Salvo Oct. 31, 2013 AMC commander praises Army Civilians By AMC Public Affairs Gen. Dennis L. Via, Army Materiel Command's Commanding General, makes opening comments at the 2013 AUSA Civilian Professional Development Seminar. Photo provided by AUSA. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As the leader of an Army organization that is 96 percent civilian, the commanding general of the Army Materiel Command, Gen. Dennis L. Via, shared his unique perspective at the Association of the United States Army Civilian Professional Development Seminar here Oct. 23. "Wherever you find Soldiers, you'll find Army civilians nearby," Via told the audience at the association's annual meeting before a breakout into panel discussions that included AMC Executive Deputy to the Commanding General John B. Nerger. Via said that's the reason visitors to AMC headquarters in Redstone Arsenal, Ala., see two things upon their entrance: the Soldiers Creed and the Civilian Creed. "We want everyone at AMC and everyone who visits, to know our Soldiers and civilians share the same values, the same mission, and that they serve shoulder to shoulder wherever and whenever the nation calls," Via said. The general said he has had the privilege of seeing Army civilians in action across the country in factories, laboratories and even on the battlefield. "I've always been impressed by their professionalism, skills and experience, their commitment, their patriotism and most of all their willingness to serve." Via mentioned several AMC employees by name, applauding their efforts and contributions to the warfighter. During a visit to Watervliet Arsenal, N.Y., the sole producer of cannon tubes for the entire military, Via met machinist Ryan Putnam. "Ryan is so skilled that he can straighten the cannon tubes by listening to the sound they make when pressed with up to 900-tons of pressure," Via said. "That level of experience is nearly irreplaceable." Civilians also make sacrifices to the war effort and 15 Army civilians have paid the ultimate price in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Via recalled the sacrifice of Linda J. Villar, an AMC employee who volunteered to deploy to Iraq in 2005. Villar, who served as the chief of the 3rd Infantry Division's Logistics Support Element, was killed in a mortar attack June 3, 2005. "These are your Army civilians," Via said. "Simply put, our Army and our entire joint force couldn't accomplish its mission without them, without you." The past year has been challenging for our Army, and especially our Army civilians. Via said as the number of Soldiers decrease, so will the number of support personnel. He encouraged the audience to look at this as a challenge and an opportunity to responsibly shape the Army for 2020. "We have to be creative; we have to be innovative; we have to be bold and visionary," he said. "We must offer those innovative solutions that in the past met with resistance." Via mentioned several examples, such as increasing Voluntary Separation Incentive payments, removing impediments to part-time labor, developing multi-functional position descriptions, improving our intern and fellowship programs and incorporating programs to better take care of employees. He said the solutions will come from the civilian corps. "We've been through times like these before. Great periods of transformation have always been challenging," he said. "Every time, our Army and our nation emerged stronger than before."
  • 11. Page 11 Salvo Oct. 31, 2013 CPAC - Civilian Personnel Advisory Center BENEFITS OPEN SEASON IS APPROACHING On November 11, the annual Benefits Open Season will begin and it will run through midnight on December 9. During the open season, you may enroll, change your enrollment, or cancel your enrollment in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program and the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). In addition, you can enroll in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Open season is an excellent opportunity to review the information for your current benefits. Even if you are not going to change your current enrollment during this open season, it is a good idea to check out the premiums and also determine if there are going to be any changes in your benefits or coverage for next year. The 2014 premiums and benefits guides can be found at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) website at: If you enroll in FEHB or change your enrollment during open season, your change will be effective Jan. 12, 2014. There are a couple of ways for you to make an FEHB open season change. The most popular way to make a change is by utilizing the Employee Benefits Information System (EBIS). You may access EBIS through the ABC-C website,, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once you are in EBIS, you will click on the “Transactions” button to make your FEHB open season change. You may also contact the ABC-C at 1-877-276-9287, and have a benefits counselor provide assistance to you. Counselors are available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. In addition, CPAC is always available to assist you with making a FEHB election/ change. The CPAC office is located in the north end of Building 10, 1st floor and CPAC representatives are available from 6:30 am to 5:00 p.m. (remember to bring your CAC since EBIS is CAC-enabled). You may also set up an appointment with a CPAC representative by contacting X-4058 or X-4053. For questions regarding premiums or enrollment in FEDVIP, you may contact BENEFEDS at 1-877-8883337, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. To enroll, change, or cancel your enrollment in FEDVIP during this open season, visit the BENEFEDS website: If you want to participate in FSA for 2014, you must enroll during this open season. You may enroll in an FSA online at: or telephone by calling 1-877-372-3337. FSAFEDS Benefits Counselors are available 9 a.m to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday. We understand that the benefits process may be confusing so please feel free to contact the CPAC on X-4058 or X-4053, if you have any problems or questions.
  • 12. Page 12 Salvo Oct. 31, 2013 The Watervliet Arsenal Announces the Safety Star Point Program! The arsenal Safety Office and VPP programs proudly announce the institution of the Safety Star Point Program. In an effort to increase the amount of employee involvement in safety, the Star Point Program identifies a safety representative for each of the buildings on the installation. Their goal is to serve as an asset for safety issues employees may come across throughout their every day lives on the installation. This program is geared to give each worker a more emphatic voice when it comes to the safety at the arsenal. We need to know about issues regarding your health and safety and then work together to mitigate them. Only with your help can we make the arsenal a safer place and achieve our VPP Star! So again, this program is designed to give you another avenue to voice safety issues/concerns so please take advantage of it. Remember that Safety gets old…but so do those who practice it! Any Questions? The POC is Matt Church (ext. 5635) Buildings 15, 17, 126 20, 25, 36 35, 35 East, 130 110, 135 10, 40, 44 115, 120, 136 Star Point of Contact Dan Belk Bob Dobbs Tim Fontaine Fred Willet Greg Moore Mike Dennin