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“We are all down stream of Mountaintop Removal coal
  mining in Appalachia this impacts everyone for every
                  generation to come”
                     Maria Gunnoe
      North American Goldman Prize Winner 2009
As the Mountaintops Fall, a Coal Town Vanishes
By Dan Barry April 12, 2011
The depopulation of Lindytown, WV was covered
by national and international press.
There is now only one family left.
William’s MTN
Pigeon Roost Holler’
 Water is the basis of all life and that includes your
  body. Your muscles that move your body are 75%
  water; your blood that transports nutrients is 82%
  water; your lungs that provide your oxygen are 90%
  water; your brain that is the control center of your
  body is 76% water; even your bones are 25% water.
 Our health is truly dependent on the quality of the
  water we drink.
 There are 722 references to water in the Bible. Most of
  which refer to water as THE Gift of Life..
 It is water that unites us globally. Water = Health= Life
Every preparation plant (where they wash and
  prepare the coal) produces many thousands of
  gallons of coal sludge each day, requiring
  massive disposal areas. Most sludge is
  disposed of above ground in toxic lakes called
  impoundments. Not only do these facilities
  often leach toxins and cause black water spills
  into our streams, there have been several
  catastrophic failures resulting in toxic
  floods, massive property destruction and even
  death.                                      News article where my Aunt (43)
                                                     and her grandson(6) died in flash
                                                     flood from a surface mining
                                                     operation in Boone Co, WV. When
                                                     found, they were still embraced.
Coal waste
running into
The Big coal
Sludge not stored above ground is pumped, or "injected," into
  abandoned underground mines. Once underground it can
  (and does) migrate into the groundwater contaminating
  local well water, especially when blasting from surface
  mining occurs in the area. Several communities have had
  their water supply quietly contaminated by underground
  injection causing widespread, often life-threatening
In the town of Prenter, WV, 98 % of the people (including
  children) have had their gallbladders removed.
Boone County has 16-20
injection sites pumping
millions of gallons per
minute into our aquifers
Toilet Bowl

              Toilet tank
from a
Dibutyl phtalate            1,3-Dichlorobenzene
Aniline                       Diethyl phthalate           1,4-Dichlorobenzene
Acenaphthene                  Dimethyl phthalate          2,4-Dinitrotoluene
Acenapthylene                 Dioctylphthalate            2,6-Dinitrotoluene
Anthracene                    Fluoranthene                2-Chloronaphtalene
Benzidine                     Fluorene                    2-Methylnapthalene
Benzo(a) anthracene           Hexachlorobenzene           |2-Nitroaniline
Benzo(a) pyrene               Hexachloroethane            3-3'-Dichlorobenzidine
Benzo(b) fluoranthene         Indeno(1,2,3-c,d) pyrene    3-Nitroaniline
Benzo perylene                Isophorone                  4-Bromophenyl phenyl
Benzo(k) fluoroanthene        N- Nitrosodi npropylamine   ether
Benzyl alcohol                N- Nitrosodiphenylamine     4-Chloroaniline
bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate   Naphthalene                 4-Chhlorophenyl phenyl
bis (2-chloroethoxy)-         Nitrobenzene                ether
methane                       Phenanthrene                4-Nitroaniline
bis(2-chloroethyl)ether       Pyrene
bis(2-                        Acrylamide
                              Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene     The coal industry
Butyl benzyl phthalate        Hexa-Cl-1,3-                   said that “the
Chrysene                      Cyclopentadiene               contents of coal
Dibenzo anthracene            1,2,4-trichlorobenzene
Dibenzofuran                  1,2-Dichlorobenzene           sludge is a trade
                                                          secret” when asked
                                                          what's in this stuff??
Chronic exposure to the metals found in coal sludge can
 damage virtually every part of the body. Health problems
 caused by these metals include intestinal
 lesions, neuropathy, kidney and liver failure, cancer, high
 blood pressure, brittle bones, miscarriages and birth
 defects among others. Studies of the effects of coal slurry
 on human cell tissues have found evidence that coal slurry
 causes cancerous proliferation, cell death and damage to
 kidney cells.
We won a moratorium on sludge injection in the state of WV.
 Sludge injection is no longer being permitted, however we
 are still dealing with what did get permitted.
 There are nearly 5.5 million pounds of blasting material
  (ANFO)detonated each day in WV & KY alone.
 The repercussions from blasting cracks home
  foundations, breaks windows and rattles the nerves of the
  people in nearby homes. It is like living in a war zone.
 The air pollution from the blasting alone is poisoning the
  people that live in the valley below these massive
 Even our gardens are being made unsafe for consumption
  by the chemical fall out from MTR.
These photos were taken from my yard

Photo by Antrim Caskey
   Health Study Articles on the Effects of Coal Mining
   How Many Mountains Can We Mine? Assessing the Regional Degradation of Central Appalachian Rivers by Surface Coal Mining
    (July 2012)
   PowerPoint: Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Proximity to Mountaintop Coal Mines (presented in 2012)
   Summary: Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Proximity to Mountaintop Coal Mines (presented in 2012)
   The association between mountaintop mining and birth defects among live births in central
    Appalachia,19962003 (May 2011)
   Health-Related Quality of Life Among Central Appalachian Residents in Mountaintop Mining Counties (May 2011)
   Self-Reported Cancer Rates in Two Rural Areas of West Virginia with and Without Mountaintop Coal Mining (July 2011)
   Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal (2011)
   Chronic Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Mountaintop Mining Areas of Central Appalachian States (2011)
   Poverty and Mortality Disparities in Central Appalachia: Mountaintop Mining and Environmental
    Justice (2011)
   Residence in Coal-Mining Areas and Low-Birth-Weight Outcomes(January 2010)
   Mountaintop Mining Consequences (January 2010)
   Ecological Integrity of Streams Related to Human Cancer Mortality Rates (April 2010)
   A Comparative Analysis of Health-Related Quality of Life for Residents of U.S. Counties with and without Coal Mining (July
   Learning Outcomes among Students in Relation to West Virginia Coal Mining: an Environmental Riskscape Approach (2010)
   A geographical information system-based analysis of cancer mortality and population exposure to coal mining activities in West
    Virginia, United States of America (2010)
   Mortality in Appalachian Coal Mining Regions: The Value of Statistical Life Lost (July 2009)
   Higher coronary heart disease and heart attack morbidity in Appalachian coal mining regions (September 2009)
   Relations Between Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Virginia (April 2008)
   Mortality Rates in Appalachian Coal Mining Counties: 24 Years Behind the Nation (2008)
   Mortality from heart, respiratory, and kidney disease in coal mining areas of Appalachia (May 2008)
   Lung cancer mortality is elevated in coal-mining areas of Appalachia(February 2008)
                                   SEE THESE STUDIES AT WWW.OHVEC.ORG
Lawyers from the firm Crowell & Moring are attacking the latest study by
  Melissa Ahern and West Virginia University’s Michael Hendryx
  indicating that people who live near mountaintop removal operations
  face a greater risk of birth defects.
But the internet posting from four of the firm’s lawyers was, well, here’s
  what it said:
“The studyfailed to account for consanguinity, one of
  the most prominent sources of birth defects.”
               I had to look this one up…
“consanguinity : of blood relation refers to the
  property of being from the same kinship.
WVU: Air pollution at mountaintop
              mines may cause heart trouble
A published study by researchers at the West Virginia University School of Medicine and
   School of Public Health is the first of its kind to suggest that exposure to air pollution
   particles from mountaintop mining sites may impair blood vessels' ability to dilate,
   which may lead to cardiovascular disease.
   Air pollution particulate matter consisting largely of sulfur and silica was collected
   through a vacuum system within one mile of an active mountaintop mining site in
   southern West Virginia.
Adult male rats were exposed to the air particles and, 24 hours
  following the exposure, their blood vessels' ability to dilate and
  function normally was significantly reduced.
    "This is the first study of this kind to directly associate mountaintop mining air pollution
    with a lack of vascular function. West Virginians who live near mountaintop mining sites
    are exposed to comparable levels of air pollution, and, with pre-existing health
    conditions in West Virginia, certain populations are pre-disposed to cardiac distress,"
    Tim Nurkiewicz, associate professor in the WVU Department of Physiology and
    Pharmacology, said.
"It is going to be foreseeably worse for those individuals who live near mountaintop mining
    sites," Nurkiewicz said.
   The second phase of the study will be to examine specific bodily organs that are affected
   or stressed by mountaintop mining air pollution exposure, Nurkiewicz said.
                                       The State Journal
Asbury Cemetery                            Bailey

  Jarrell Cemetery

Twilight Surface Mines 25 square miles..
This is a scanned page from our children’s history
     book it says in reference to surface mining "in some
       instances that the land is left in better than
                       before condition.”

   One local 12-year-old child was asked to do a report on
     surface mine reclamation and was failed because he
    couldn’t come up with anything positive to say about
   it. His ancestral cemetery is now inaccessible because
                          of MTR.
     These coal companies are imbedded in our schools.

May 11, 2011

“Coal Curriculum Called Unfit for 4th Graders”
   Activities included getting chocolate chips out of cookies with minimal damage

      The three groups — Rethinking Schools, the Campaign for a
     Commercial-Free Childhood and Friends of the Earth- worked to
     have this taken out of scholastic curriculum, using our grass work
                 as their example why it should be taken out.
“Generations of West Virginia coal miners have
  dedicated their careers to making Patriot and the
  entire coal industry a success. These employees and
  retirees have spent decades working hard under the
  promise of fair wages, safe working conditions, secure
  pensions, and lifetime health-care benefits. I am
  therefore troubled that Patriot has indicated that it is
  reviewing pension and health-care benefits as
  potential sources of savings as it restructures —
  especially since all of these benefits were contractually
  agreed to or voluntarily assumed by Patriot.”
Senator Jay Rockefeller to Patriot CEO
“We gotta fight everyday for
                                                      everything, but at the end of the day it’s
                                                         worth it all.. We are still at home.
                                                      Quinnie Richmond last resident in Lindytown, WV

Why should we be sacrificed for the wealth of
Wall Street? Why should we have to pay with
       all evidence that we ever existed?
Is it because we are Hillbillies or because the
coal industry thinks we are stupid Hillbillies?
    Larry Gibson 2003
              Last resident of Kayford MTN
Regionally we “Proud Hillbillies” have helped to organize community members
to improve their own lives and stop expanding MTR. Through
organizing, awareness, education, non-violent protest, litigation, coalition
building, networking with committed organizations and determined individuals
we have help to change the face of coal nationally. We now have community
members helping to point out non- enforcement of current regulations to
government agencies and government leaders on both federal and state levels.
We have testified in Congressional hearings and lobbied in DC year round. We
have educated the banks that fund this insanity. We have slowed the permit
process for MTR and valley fills in our headwater streams substantially in the past
10 years. All this work began at the grassroots. The coal industry has found it
difficult to obtain valley fill permits and yet currently this same industry has
found loop holes that allows them to continue MTR operations without these
required permits. The people in Appalachia don’t belong anywhere other than
Appalachia. Our roots and our culture is tied to these mountains. If we leave our
culture will die. We value our connection to these mountains as this is how we
have survived for many generations. Through the rise and fall of the coal
industry our people have learned to live from these mountains. We gather food
and medicines in all seasons of the year. These mountains are our churches and
our gift from God who appointed the people as stewards of His creation. We will
always survive as long as we have clean water, healthy air and mountains to
flourish in-- if not we die.
Judy Bonds North American Goldman Prize Winner 2003
Marsh Fork Elementary..
Debbie and Ed Wiley Grandparents who committed their lives to a
new school in Sundial, WV.
Alpha agrees to $50 million for selenium
                Monday, December 12, 2011
Breaking: Patriot agrees to huge selenium
               Wednesday, January 18, 2012
                Headlines from Ken ward at the Coal Tattoo

 Because of our victories we have been under violent
   attack by industry supporters, including our own
WV Senator Joe Manchin
“ I will take on anyone who tries to stop us.”
 Does he know that it’s WV citizens
       standing in his way?

Army Corps Fails to Consider Human Cost of
 Proposed Coal Mine
 Groups Contend Army Corps of Engineers Ignored
 Health Studies When Issuing a New Mountaintop
 Removal Permit in W.Va.
Boone County, W. Va. – The U.S. Army Corps of
 Engineers failed to account for the negative health
 impacts on people living near a massive new mine in
 Boone County, according to a lawsuit filed today by the
 Sierra Club, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition,
 West Virginia Highlands Conservancy and Coal River
 Mountain Watch.
                               2D SESSION H. R. 5959
      To place a moratorium on permitting for mountaintop removal coal mining
         until health studies are conducted by the Department of Health and
                      Human Services, and for other purposes.
                       IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                                    JUNE 19, 2012

            14 Congressional Reps introduced the ACHE ACT
      Please help support and follow this bill at
 Contact your state Congressional representatives and find out if
 they have signed on in support of HR 5959 The Ache Act and if not
                             ask them to do so.
Join us in the struggle to save all that is Appalachia see

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Wallenbergpresentation10 23-12

  • 1. “We are all down stream of Mountaintop Removal coal mining in Appalachia this impacts everyone for every generation to come” Maria Gunnoe North American Goldman Prize Winner 2009
  • 2. As the Mountaintops Fall, a Coal Town Vanishes By Dan Barry April 12, 2011 The depopulation of Lindytown, WV was covered by national and international press. There is now only one family left.
  • 4.
  • 6.  Water is the basis of all life and that includes your body. Your muscles that move your body are 75% water; your blood that transports nutrients is 82% water; your lungs that provide your oxygen are 90% water; your brain that is the control center of your body is 76% water; even your bones are 25% water.  Our health is truly dependent on the quality of the water we drink.  There are 722 references to water in the Bible. Most of which refer to water as THE Gift of Life..  It is water that unites us globally. Water = Health= Life
  • 7.
  • 8. Every preparation plant (where they wash and prepare the coal) produces many thousands of gallons of coal sludge each day, requiring massive disposal areas. Most sludge is disposed of above ground in toxic lakes called impoundments. Not only do these facilities often leach toxins and cause black water spills into our streams, there have been several catastrophic failures resulting in toxic floods, massive property destruction and even death. News article where my Aunt (43) and her grandson(6) died in flash flood from a surface mining operation in Boone Co, WV. When found, they were still embraced.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Coal waste running into The Big coal River
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. Sludge not stored above ground is pumped, or "injected," into abandoned underground mines. Once underground it can (and does) migrate into the groundwater contaminating local well water, especially when blasting from surface mining occurs in the area. Several communities have had their water supply quietly contaminated by underground injection causing widespread, often life-threatening illnesses. In the town of Prenter, WV, 98 % of the people (including children) have had their gallbladders removed.
  • 15. Boone County has 16-20 injection sites pumping millions of gallons per minute into our aquifers
  • 16. Toilet Bowl Toilet tank
  • 17.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Dibutyl phtalate 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Aniline Diethyl phthalate 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Acenaphthene Dimethyl phthalate 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Acenapthylene Dioctylphthalate 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Anthracene Fluoranthene 2-Chloronaphtalene Benzidine Fluorene 2-Methylnapthalene Benzo(a) anthracene Hexachlorobenzene |2-Nitroaniline Benzo(a) pyrene Hexachloroethane 3-3'-Dichlorobenzidine Benzo(b) fluoranthene Indeno(1,2,3-c,d) pyrene 3-Nitroaniline Benzo perylene Isophorone 4-Bromophenyl phenyl Benzo(k) fluoroanthene N- Nitrosodi npropylamine ether Benzyl alcohol N- Nitrosodiphenylamine 4-Chloroaniline bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Naphthalene 4-Chhlorophenyl phenyl bis (2-chloroethoxy)- Nitrobenzene ether methane Phenanthrene 4-Nitroaniline bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Pyrene bis(2- Acrylamide Hexachloro-1,3-Butadiene The coal industry chloroisopropyl)ether Butyl benzyl phthalate Hexa-Cl-1,3- said that “the Chrysene Cyclopentadiene contents of coal Dibenzo anthracene 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene Dibenzofuran 1,2-Dichlorobenzene sludge is a trade secret” when asked what's in this stuff??
  • 22. Chronic exposure to the metals found in coal sludge can damage virtually every part of the body. Health problems caused by these metals include intestinal lesions, neuropathy, kidney and liver failure, cancer, high blood pressure, brittle bones, miscarriages and birth defects among others. Studies of the effects of coal slurry on human cell tissues have found evidence that coal slurry causes cancerous proliferation, cell death and damage to kidney cells. We won a moratorium on sludge injection in the state of WV. Sludge injection is no longer being permitted, however we are still dealing with what did get permitted.
  • 23.  There are nearly 5.5 million pounds of blasting material (ANFO)detonated each day in WV & KY alone.  The repercussions from blasting cracks home foundations, breaks windows and rattles the nerves of the people in nearby homes. It is like living in a war zone.  The air pollution from the blasting alone is poisoning the people that live in the valley below these massive operations.  Even our gardens are being made unsafe for consumption by the chemical fall out from MTR.
  • 24. These photos were taken from my yard Photo by Antrim Caskey
  • 25.
  • 26. Health Study Articles on the Effects of Coal Mining  How Many Mountains Can We Mine? Assessing the Regional Degradation of Central Appalachian Rivers by Surface Coal Mining (July 2012)  PowerPoint: Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Proximity to Mountaintop Coal Mines (presented in 2012)  Summary: Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Proximity to Mountaintop Coal Mines (presented in 2012)  The association between mountaintop mining and birth defects among live births in central Appalachia,19962003 (May 2011)  Health-Related Quality of Life Among Central Appalachian Residents in Mountaintop Mining Counties (May 2011)  Self-Reported Cancer Rates in Two Rural Areas of West Virginia with and Without Mountaintop Coal Mining (July 2011)  Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal (2011)  Chronic Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Mountaintop Mining Areas of Central Appalachian States (2011)  Poverty and Mortality Disparities in Central Appalachia: Mountaintop Mining and Environmental Justice (2011)  Residence in Coal-Mining Areas and Low-Birth-Weight Outcomes(January 2010)  Mountaintop Mining Consequences (January 2010)  Ecological Integrity of Streams Related to Human Cancer Mortality Rates (April 2010)  A Comparative Analysis of Health-Related Quality of Life for Residents of U.S. Counties with and without Coal Mining (July 2010)  Learning Outcomes among Students in Relation to West Virginia Coal Mining: an Environmental Riskscape Approach (2010)  A geographical information system-based analysis of cancer mortality and population exposure to coal mining activities in West Virginia, United States of America (2010)  Mortality in Appalachian Coal Mining Regions: The Value of Statistical Life Lost (July 2009)  Higher coronary heart disease and heart attack morbidity in Appalachian coal mining regions (September 2009)  Relations Between Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Virginia (April 2008)  Mortality Rates in Appalachian Coal Mining Counties: 24 Years Behind the Nation (2008)  Mortality from heart, respiratory, and kidney disease in coal mining areas of Appalachia (May 2008)  Lung cancer mortality is elevated in coal-mining areas of Appalachia(February 2008) SEE THESE STUDIES AT WWW.OHVEC.ORG
  • 27. Lawyers from the firm Crowell & Moring are attacking the latest study by Melissa Ahern and West Virginia University’s Michael Hendryx indicating that people who live near mountaintop removal operations face a greater risk of birth defects. But the internet posting from four of the firm’s lawyers was, well, here’s what it said: “The studyfailed to account for consanguinity, one of the most prominent sources of birth defects.” I had to look this one up… “consanguinity : of blood relation refers to the property of being from the same kinship. Inbreeding
  • 28.
  • 29. WVU: Air pollution at mountaintop mines may cause heart trouble A published study by researchers at the West Virginia University School of Medicine and School of Public Health is the first of its kind to suggest that exposure to air pollution particles from mountaintop mining sites may impair blood vessels' ability to dilate, which may lead to cardiovascular disease. Air pollution particulate matter consisting largely of sulfur and silica was collected through a vacuum system within one mile of an active mountaintop mining site in southern West Virginia. Adult male rats were exposed to the air particles and, 24 hours following the exposure, their blood vessels' ability to dilate and function normally was significantly reduced. "This is the first study of this kind to directly associate mountaintop mining air pollution with a lack of vascular function. West Virginians who live near mountaintop mining sites are exposed to comparable levels of air pollution, and, with pre-existing health conditions in West Virginia, certain populations are pre-disposed to cardiac distress," Tim Nurkiewicz, associate professor in the WVU Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, said. "It is going to be foreseeably worse for those individuals who live near mountaintop mining sites," Nurkiewicz said. The second phase of the study will be to examine specific bodily organs that are affected or stressed by mountaintop mining air pollution exposure, Nurkiewicz said. The State Journal
  • 30. Asbury Cemetery Bailey Cemetery Jarrell Cemetery Twilight Surface Mines 25 square miles..
  • 31. This is a scanned page from our children’s history book it says in reference to surface mining "in some instances that the land is left in better than before condition.” One local 12-year-old child was asked to do a report on surface mine reclamation and was failed because he couldn’t come up with anything positive to say about it. His ancestral cemetery is now inaccessible because of MTR. These coal companies are imbedded in our schools. May 11, 2011 “Coal Curriculum Called Unfit for 4th Graders” By TAMAR LEWIN Activities included getting chocolate chips out of cookies with minimal damage The three groups — Rethinking Schools, the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood and Friends of the Earth- worked to have this taken out of scholastic curriculum, using our grass work as their example why it should be taken out.
  • 32. “Generations of West Virginia coal miners have dedicated their careers to making Patriot and the entire coal industry a success. These employees and retirees have spent decades working hard under the promise of fair wages, safe working conditions, secure pensions, and lifetime health-care benefits. I am therefore troubled that Patriot has indicated that it is reviewing pension and health-care benefits as potential sources of savings as it restructures — especially since all of these benefits were contractually agreed to or voluntarily assumed by Patriot.” Senator Jay Rockefeller to Patriot CEO
  • 33. “We gotta fight everyday for everything, but at the end of the day it’s worth it all.. We are still at home. Quinnie Richmond last resident in Lindytown, WV Why should we be sacrificed for the wealth of Wall Street? Why should we have to pay with all evidence that we ever existed? Is it because we are Hillbillies or because the coal industry thinks we are stupid Hillbillies? Larry Gibson 2003 Last resident of Kayford MTN
  • 34. Regionally we “Proud Hillbillies” have helped to organize community members to improve their own lives and stop expanding MTR. Through organizing, awareness, education, non-violent protest, litigation, coalition building, networking with committed organizations and determined individuals we have help to change the face of coal nationally. We now have community members helping to point out non- enforcement of current regulations to government agencies and government leaders on both federal and state levels. We have testified in Congressional hearings and lobbied in DC year round. We have educated the banks that fund this insanity. We have slowed the permit process for MTR and valley fills in our headwater streams substantially in the past 10 years. All this work began at the grassroots. The coal industry has found it difficult to obtain valley fill permits and yet currently this same industry has found loop holes that allows them to continue MTR operations without these required permits. The people in Appalachia don’t belong anywhere other than Appalachia. Our roots and our culture is tied to these mountains. If we leave our culture will die. We value our connection to these mountains as this is how we have survived for many generations. Through the rise and fall of the coal industry our people have learned to live from these mountains. We gather food and medicines in all seasons of the year. These mountains are our churches and our gift from God who appointed the people as stewards of His creation. We will always survive as long as we have clean water, healthy air and mountains to flourish in-- if not we die.
  • 35. Judy Bonds North American Goldman Prize Winner 2003
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  • 38. Marsh Fork Elementary.. Debbie and Ed Wiley Grandparents who committed their lives to a new school in Sundial, WV.
  • 39. Alpha agrees to $50 million for selenium treatment Monday, December 12, 2011 Breaking: Patriot agrees to huge selenium cleanup Wednesday, January 18, 2012 Headlines from Ken ward at the Coal Tattoo Because of our victories we have been under violent attack by industry supporters, including our own politicians.
  • 40. WV Senator Joe Manchin “ I will take on anyone who tries to stop us.” Does he know that it’s WV citizens standing in his way?
  • 41. Army Corps Fails to Consider Human Cost of Proposed Coal Mine Groups Contend Army Corps of Engineers Ignored Health Studies When Issuing a New Mountaintop Removal Permit in W.Va. Boone County, W. Va. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers failed to account for the negative health impacts on people living near a massive new mine in Boone County, according to a lawsuit filed today by the Sierra Club, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, West Virginia Highlands Conservancy and Coal River Mountain Watch.
  • 42. 112TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION H. R. 5959 To place a moratorium on permitting for mountaintop removal coal mining until health studies are conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JUNE 19, 2012 14 Congressional Reps introduced the ACHE ACT Please help support and follow this bill at Contact your state Congressional representatives and find out if they have signed on in support of HR 5959 The Ache Act and if not ask them to do so. Join us in the struggle to save all that is Appalachia see