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Cape Palmas Herald
                                      Diocesan Newsletter                                           Volume 1, Issue 3
                                                                                                    January-June ,2012

                                                                                          Inside this issue:

                          Message from the Bishop                                         Priestly Ordination and Reli-
                                                                                          gious Profession              2

I am of the opinion         thus far : Where is
                                                                                          Bishop Karnley visits Catholic
that     Liberia     is     Liberia heading in                                            Agencies in Germany
gradually     moving        terms of healing and
forward in building         reconciliation? And
the institutions of         what are we Liberi-                                           Msgr. Gaye speaks at Devel-
democracy,       good       ans giving back in the                                        opment Conference
governance and the          rebuilding process of
rule of law. Plans          our country, commu-
and visions are also        nities,   educational,
                                                                                          Pastoral & Social Strategic
                                                                                          Planning committee Installed 5
being crafted for the       religious and social
infrastructural de-         economic       institu-
                                                      His Excellency, Most Rev. Karnley
                                                                                          Renewal Ministries Conduct
velopment , social          tions?                                                        Seminar & Revival          5
and economic re-                                      giving back to our coun-
covery of the coun-         I am a subscriber to      try, communities, edu-
try. Liberia has            the principle that de-    cational, religious, and
once again become           velopment      contrib-   social institutions.
                                                                                          Boosting Education in

a respectable inter-        utes to peace. But we                                         Liberia                          6

national      partner.      equally need to ad-       I can envisage an even
                                                                                          Bishop Karnley reopens the
The        country ’ s      dress the root causes     better Liberia if we work           Mission in Sasstown        7
mineral, forest, ma-        of the lack of devel-     to heal and reconcile
rine , and oil re-          opment, social and        this country through ad-            Serving Humanity with Dig-
sources have made           economic inequality       dressing      the     root          nity                       8

her attractive to in-       in the past that inevi-   causes of our conflict
ternational partners.       tably lead to the con-    and also developing a               CHS activities in Photos         9

Liberia has now be-         flict. Some programs      culture of giving back.             Priestly Ordination in
come of strategic           of structural justice                                         Photos                           10
interest to some            are     being    under
                                                                                          Final Religious Profession in
global      economic        taken     but     more    +Most Rev. Andrew J. Karnley        Photos                        11
stalwarts.                  needs to be done.
                                                      Bishop of Cape Palmas               Renewing the Infrastructure

But I need to ask           With regard to the                                            of the Diocese of Cape Pal-
two questions in-           second question, we                                           mas

spite of the note of        Liberians need to de-
                            velop the culture of                                          Back cover                       13
optimism expressed
Page 2                                                 Cape Palmas Herald


     Priestly Ordination and Religious Profession                                            Reconciliation is God’s Initiative
   4 Priests Ordained and 3 Religious Professed in the Diocese of Cape Palmas
                                                                                        There is no agreed upon definition of
                                                                                        reconciliation in human societies. Our Liberian
                                                                                        culture have a distinct concept of
January 7– 8, 2012, are days that will never be forgotten in the history of the         reconciliation that is expressed ritually: an
church in Cape Palmas . During this period, the people of God were able to wit-         accusation of wrong doing is leveled at
ness for the first time, the ordination of 4 young men to the priesthood and 3          someone, that person acknowledges the
                                                                                        wrong doing and apologizes in some formal
young religious making their final profession. These events are signs of growth
                                                                                        way; the apology is accepted by the
for the local church.                                                                   community, signifying forgiveness.
 The ordaining prelate was Archbishop John Onaiyekan of the Archdiocese of
                                                                                        First of all, reconciliation is not a human
Abuja, Nigeria. The ordination which was held in open air at the St. Francis Par-       achievement, but the work of God within us.
ish in Pleebo brought together hundreds of well wishers from across Liberia and         From the past and present situations of our
a delegation from Nigeria. Those ordained to the Priesthood were, Rev. Fr. Fran-        country, we see the challenges in reconciling
cis Torpor, Rev. Fr. Pius Gipply ,Rev. Fr. Joseph Tugbe and Rev. Fr. Godfrey Ne-        our many tribes and peoples. It is apparent
mah. In his homily, Archbishop Onaiyekan called on the congregation to ob-              how enormous, complex, and nearly
                                                                                        impossible the task of reconciliation is in
serve a moment of silence for the Late Rev. Stanley Tarwo who would had been
                                                                                        Liberia. What will reconciliation mean for a
the fifth candidate for ordination. He thanked the families of the ordinands for        neighbor whose son was killed by another
presenting them to the church for ordination and service in the church. He also         neighbor’s son or what will reconciliation
called on family members not to bother the ordinands with family problems. He           mean for a child who saw his parents killed by
then said it is great joy for the Church in Cape Palmas to have four priests or-        rebels? All of these are situations that appear
dained on the same day. Speaking with the press, after the ordination , Bishop          to exceed our capacity to change completely.
Karnley said, this is a boost to the human resource capacity of the diocese.            It is God who initiates the work of
                                                                                        reconciliation in the lives of victims. Ordinarily,
A day after the ordination, Sr. Emily Wureh, Sr, Patience Payne, and Sr. Amelia         we expect reconciliation to begin with the
Wallace, all of the Sisters of the Holy Family, made their final profession of          repentance of the wrongdoers. But experience
chastity, poverty, and obedience in the presence of their Mother Superior Sr.           in Liberia shows that wrongdoers are rarely
Edith Wallace and Bishop Andrew J. Karnley. The occasion was graced by the              willing to acknowledge what they have done.
presence of the Archbishop Lewis Zeigler of the Archdiocese of Monrovia as well         This was seen in the Truth & Reconciliation
                                                                                        Commission hearings around the country. If
as Archbishop John Onaiyekan of Abuja, Nigeria.
                                                                                        reconciliation is depended entirely upon
In his homily, Msgr. Melvin Nyanti Gaye, Vicar General of Cape Palmas, said that        wrongdoers’ initiative, there would be no
the way to poverty, chastity and obedience is through humility, prayer and the          reconciliation at all in Liberia.
sacraments. Humility , he said is being opened to say YES. He cautioned the sis-        This emphasis on God’s initiative could lead
ters to recognize their poverty and surrender themselves to the Lord in humility.       some to assume that human activity
The only way that can happen he said , is through prayer. “Spend time in prayer         contributes nothing to the reconciliation
with God and that will sustain your vocation.” Msgr. Gaye added.                        process. God’s action is not some thunderbolt
                                                                                        over and apart from human action. This
 Msgr. Gaye continued, “Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation are important sacra-          communion between the human and the
ments that nourish every vocation. Holy Eucharist reminds of the total self-giving      divine involves divine initiative coming through
to which we are called. As Jesus gives you his body and blood in the Eucharist,         human action. It is in God working through us
                                                                                        that reconciliation is to be found.
may you give him yourselves completely so as to receive him worthily and be             Reconciliation means in the first instance,
nourished spiritually”.                                                                 then, the cultivation of a relationship with God
In conclusion, Msgr. Gaye called on the sisters to live their vocation faithfully for   that becomes the medium through which
                                                                                        reconciliation can happen.         That relation
the rest of their lives. “May the Lord who pours forth his spirit upon you
                                                                                        expresses itself in practices that create space
strengthen your hearts and minds to persevere in the call he has given you. He          for truth, justice, healing, and new
has chosen you, he calls you his friends. May you respond like Mary, Let it be          possibilities. Such practices lead to creating
done unto me according to your word”, Msgr. Gaye said.                                  communities of memory, safe places to
                                                                                        explore and untangle a painful past, and the
                                                                                        cultivation of truth-telling to overcome the lies
                                                                                        of injustice and wrongdoing.
Volume 1, Issue 3                                                         Page 3

              Bishop Karnley visits Catholic Agencies in Germany
                         And speaks to the press on Taylor’s trail

                                  stein, the Association for          humanity. He was arrested            “With the tasks and
                                                                                                          challenges before us, I
                                  Development Cooperation             on March 29, 2006 when              make a fervent appeal to
                                  (AGEH) and the Archdio-             he tried to flee Nigeria.           the Clergy, Religious and
                                  cese of Cologne in Co-              Taylor was president of             Laity of the Diocese of
                                  logne. These agencies are           Liberia from 1997 to 2003.          Cape Palmas for
                                                                                                          collaborative action in the
                                  already giving support to           He was on trial on a 11             dispensation of our duties
                                  the pastoral and social de-         count indictment for war            in the Lord’s vineyard.
                                  velopment programs of               crimes against humanity             There is a popular saying
                                                                      and crimes against human-           that unity gives strength”.
                                  the diocese.
                                                                                                          Bishop Andrew J. Karnley
                                  Meanwhile , the press offi-         ity committed during the            (abstract from Bishop
       Bishop Karnley
                                  cers of MISEREOR and Aid            civil conflict in Sierra            karnley’s remarks on
                                                                      Leone.                              April 30,2011)
                                  to the Church in Need in-
                                  terviewed Bishop Karnley            In December 1989, Taylor,
                                  about the Charles Taylor            launched an armed upris-
Bishop Andrew Karnley             trail and verdict in The            ing to overthrow the Sam-
paid a two week visit to          Hague. In the interviews,           uel Doe regime, leading to
Germany from April 15-            Bishop Karnley stated that          the Liberian civil war. Dur-
29,2012 to meet with              the trail and verdict of            ing the civil war , all Libe-
Catholic funding agencies         the former Liberian Presi-          rian dioceses suffered
with    the    view    to         dent were a welcomed                greatly; a Ghanaian priest
strengthening the bonds           development in establish-           and five American nuns
of partnership and ac-            ing a culture of holding            were killed, the Church’s
quainting them with the           people accountable for              properties were vandalized
pastoral and social devel-        their actions and also in           by Taylor’s rebels, and nu-
opments of the Diocese            breaking the culture of             merous nuns and priests
of Cape Palmas. While in          impunity.     He    further         fled the country. With help
Germany, he held meet-            stated that it is his hope          from foreign Catholic fund-
ings with the following           that the guilty verdict that        ing agencies, Liberia’s three
agencies:     MISEREOR,           has been served on Mr.              dioceses, the Archdiocese
Misso Aachen and Kin-             Taylor will bring some              of Monrovia and the Dio-
dermissionswerk        in         measure of healing in Si-           ceses of Cape Palmas and
Aachen, the Medical Mis-          erra Leone and Liberia.             Gbarnga are gradually re-
sion Institute in Wurz-           The former Liberian Presi-          building their infrastruc-
burg, CARITAS Germany             dent has been standing              tures ,human capacity, so-
in Freiburg, Aid to the           trial in The Hague for war          cial and pastoral programs.
Church in Need in Konig-          crimes and crimes against

To read more visit: Thursday, April 26
Page 4                                                       Cape Palmas Herald

                         Msgr. Gaye speaks at Maryland County Development Conference

                                         land County” Msgr. Gaye said, “peace-building is      Marylanders as well as the entire
                                         the phase of the peace process that takes place       country needed more human capacity
                                         in line with peace making and peace keeping.          development most especially in the
                                         The process of peace-building facilitates the         area of agriculture. Marylanders, he
                                         establishment of durable peace and tries to           said, should find ways to enhance
                                         prevent the recurrence of violence by address-        development and that those ways
                                         ing root causes and effects of conflict through       must involve the local communities.
                                         reconciliation, institution building, and political
                                                                                               Acting Dean of TU’s College of Man-
                                         as well as economic transformation.” Speaking         agement and Public Administration,
                                         about reconciliation, Msgr. Gaye said reconcilia-     Prof. Isaac George, then spoke on
           Msgr. Gaye                    tion after violence plays an indispensible role in    current issues and pressing needs in
                                         peace theory. Quoting Galtung, Msgr. Gaye said        the county. He stated that many of
                                         that reconciliation can be thought of as the res-     the past challenges had been met but
                                         toration of a state of peace to human relation-       that there are still key outstanding
The Vicar General of the Diocese of      ship, where the individuals are at least not
                                                                                               areas of concern: Education, Security,
Cape Palmas, Rev. Msgr. Melvin Gaye      harming each other , and can begin to be
                                                                                               Economic Revitalization, Road Recon-
spoke on April 23, 2012 at the Mary-     trusted not to do such in the future, which
                                                                                               struction & Reconciliation. He laid the
land County Development Confer-          means that revenge is forgone as an option. To        road-map for the conference by com-
ence. The two day conference ,which      ensure peace-building, reconciliation, and secu-      paring targets in the 2008 Poverty
was held from April 23-24, 2012, was     rity in Maryland County, the Diocese of Cape
                                                                                               Reduction Strategy with the County
hosted by the William V.S. Tubman        Palmas in collaboration with Tubman University
                                                                                               Development Agenda.
University (TU) in collaboration with    has developed a training on Trauma Healing &
the Maryland County Authorities.         reconciliation, where 42 participants graduated       On the theme “NGOs and Inter-
Speaking on the topic “Peace-building,   from a eleven month program about two years           national Organizations as Develop-
Reconciliation and Security in Mary-     ago, Msgr. Gaye said. He continued, “as the           ment Partners”, Mr. Anthony Riggio of
                                         contribution of the diocese to the process of         Marylanders for Progress (MFP) and
                                         peace building, reconciliation and security, we       Phil Merriam, of the National Mary-
              History                    carry out legal education, human rights educa-        land County Association of Liberia
                                         tion, conduct small skill mediation, do advocacy,     (NAMCAL) were the presenters. Mr.
 The Diocese of Cape Palmas is           conduct skills training in trauma healing and         Riggio, shared a Kru proverb that says,
 located in South-eastern Liberia.       reconciliation, and network with relevant NGOs        “ once a person begins the process of
 It comprises of five counties:          as well as the government of Liberia”. In his         bending down to start picking up a
 Maryland, Grand Kru, Sinoe,             concluding statement, the Vicar General said, a       bucket of water, help will come as he
 Grand Gedeh, and River Gee              society’s religious network can play an impor-        or she is halfway”. He stated that
 Counties     with    the    total       tant role in establishing social and moral norms.     NGO’s help people who are deter-
 population of ap-proximately            Networking, he said, is one of the keys to sus-       mined to help themselves. He gave an
                                         tainable peace and sustainable peace ensures          overview of contributions MFP made
 481,908 inhabitants. Its catholic
                                         lasting security.                                     to the people of Maryland in the past,
 population is 15,863. At present,
                                                                                               such as the market women, a library
 there are ten functional parishes        Also speaking at the conference, Mrs. Edwina
                                                                                               in Pleebo, JJ Dossen Hospital, etc. MFP
 with several outstations. On            Vakun-Lincoln, Director of the Division of Micro,     also promised to help with a radio
 February 2,1950, it became a            Small and Medium Enterprise at the Ministry of        transmitter in response to a plea by
 Vicariate. On May 7,1962 it was         Commerce and Industry spoke on the impor-
                                                                                               delegates at the conference.
 elevated to a Vicariate Apostolic       tance of the business community –small, micro
 and on December 19,1981, it             and medium enterprises- working together to           Group discussions were captured. An
                                         help ensure growth and development of not             open forum was facilitated by Rev.
 was created as a diocese.
                                         only Maryland County, but also Liberia.               Rita Townsend, TU’s Vice President for
                                                                                               Institutional Advancement to identify
                                         Mr. Eli Tubman, spoke on the topic “Maryland
                                                                                               key areas. Rev. Amb. Dean Gerald
                                         Rising: A Vision for Reconstruction, Reconcilia-
                                                                                               Coleman was the conference facilita-
                                         tion and Economic Growth”. He stated that if
                                                                                               tor, while Mr. Henry Woart ably
                                         development was to truly come to Maryland,
                                                                                               served as interpreter.
Volume 1, Issue 3                                                   Page 5

                                                                  Renewal Ministries Conduct Seminar &
  Pastoral & Social Strategic Planning Committee
                                                                  Revival in the Diocese of Cape Palmas
His Excellency, Most Rev. Andrew Jaygaye Karnley has es-        A cross section of priests, religious, catechists and
tablished a Diocesan Pastoral and Social Strategic Planning    some laity of parishes of the Diocese of Cape Pal-
Committee in his diocese. Speaking to the Cape Palmas Her-     mas had the experience of being participants at a
ald, Bishop Karnley said that the committee is mandated to     seminar on the Catholic model of deliverance called
work with parishes, departments and institutions to craft a    the UNBOUND. This model of deliverance is based
short and long term vision for the Diocese of Cape Palmas.     on five keys: Repentance and Faith, Forgiveness,
In so doing, Bishop Karnley said: “ the committee shall re-    Renunciation, Command , and Blessing. The semi-
structure the Diocesan Pastoral Conference (DPC) with a        nar was facilitated by Lloyd and Nancy Greenhaw of
new vision, and prepare for the hosting of a Diocesan Pas-     Renewal Ministries based in Ann Arbor, Michigan ,
toral and Social Strategic Planning Conference within 12 to    U.S.A.
18 months.”
                                                               Renewal Ministries in collaboration with the Catho-
Those appointed by Bishop Karnley in consultation with his     lic Charismatic Renewal of Ghana and Liberia also
consulters on March 30,2012 are : Sr. Philomena Godfrey,       conducted a four day revival in the St. Theresa Ca-
SHF, Chairperson, Mr. P. Mike Jurry, Vice Chairperson, Mr.     thedral in Cape Palmas . The revival was well at-
Solo Otto Gaye, Secretary, Mrs. Regina Torpor, Member, Mr.     tended.
Charles S. Chea II, Member, Rev. Fr. Foster Gardiner, Mem-
                                                               As an outcome of the revival, the exposition of the
ber, Msgr. Melvin Nyanti Gaye, Member, and Rev. Fr. Ted
                                                               Blessed Sacrament is now taking place in the Cathe-
Hayden, SMA, Advisor.
                                                               dral from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Wednesdays. The
Meanwhile, the committee was installed on May 30, 2012 at      revival and seminar were held from March 10-14,
the Holy Mass held at the St. Theresa Cathedral. Speaking to   2012.
the press, Sr. Philomena Godfrey called on committee mem-
bers to take the task very serious so as to achieve the goal
for which the committee was organized. She then called on
parishes, departments and institutions to work in close co-
operation with the committee for a successful implementa-
tion of its mandate. The committee has since begun its

                                                               Members of the Renewal Ministries and Charismatic Renewal of
                                                               Ghana & Liberia pose with Bishop Karnley

           Members of the Strategic Planning Committee
Page 6                                                           Cape Palmas Herald

                                            Boosting Education in Liberia
                                 Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas makes strides in South-eastern Liberia

                                                 high school to further their education.      disclosed that the secretariat operates the
                                                 Completing high school is not all, but       school system from funds generated from
                                                 having the sound and quality educa-          school fees paid by students; an amount
                                                 tion that smoothens the way to higher        that does not ably caters to the payment of
                                                 institutions of learning and preparing       teachers salaries and needed materials for
                                                 the mind for future challenges is what       the schools. Another emerging challenge is
                                                 the nations and parents yearn for, a         the recent increment in salaries of teachers
                                                 challenge the secretariat is faced with.     of public schools in Liberia. This, according
                                                  Sr. Philomena Jappah explained how          to Sr. Jappah, has increased the outflow of
    Sr. Philomena Jappah, Assistant Edu-
                                                 the secretariat is preparing to face this    teachers from the system thereby increas-
    cation Secretary for Administration
                                                 great challenge. “We have in place a         ing the burden.
                                                 periodic capacity building plan for our      Speaking in terms of donors, she lauded
                                                 teachers to improve skills and add on        MISEREOR for supporting a 3 year project
                                                 their knowledge in the various sub-          which will build the capacity of teachers,
The Education Secretariat of the Catholic        jects. They also attend the rural teach-     provide science laboratory equipments for 4
Diocese of Cape Palmas in south-eastern          ers training programs organized by           high schools, renovate 3 schools, provide
Liberia has been one of government’s             government ,partners, and the educa-         essential text books for all diocesan schools
key partners in terms of providing sound         tion secretariat. We also provide mini       and a vehicle for school monitoring and
and quality education to its citizens, es-       reading rooms for our students and           supervision..
pecially in South-eastern Liberia.               closely monitor the teaching proc-
                                                                                              The Education Secretariat of the Catholic
Currently, the secretariat operates about        esses to ensure people adhere to the
                                                 policies and guidelines provided by          Diocese of Cape Palmas has provided sound
12 schools with (5,620 students)2,900                                                         and quality education for people of the
males and 2,720 females, ages ranging            both the government and the dio-
                                                                                              southeast since it was founded. Prior to the
from 3 to 24years attending. These stu-          cese”. In furtherance of their plan, a
                                                 special one month training session is        civil unrest in Liberia it was known as one of
dents include young people from differ-                                                       the best. In the 60s and 70s the Catholic
ent nations, Christian denominations,            to be held in Harper, Maryland County
                                                                                              School System also ran a college that pro-
and religions. Currently, there are stu-         from July to August 2012 for about 50
                                                 teachers within the Catholic School          duced many prominent persons who have
dents from Guinea, Ghana, as well as                                                          contributed and are contributing to the
students from the Philippines within the         System. Topics to be taught include
                                                                                              well being of society. Currently, the Diocese
school system. These schools include             counselling and testing, various meth-
                                                 ods and teaching strategies, educa-          is comprised of 5 counties, namely: Sinoe,
‘day care’, elementary, junior and senior                                                     Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Grand Kru and
secondary schools in the south-eastern           tional psychology, professional ethics,
                                                                                              Maryland. There are 4 major high schools,
region of Liberia. According to Sr. Philo-       catholic doctrines and Christian princi-
                                                 ples and key subjects such as Lan-           St. Joseph in Greenville, Sinoe, Bishop Juwle
mena Jappah, Assistant Secretary for                                                          in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh and St. Francis and
Finance, Training and Administration at          guage Arts and Mathematics.
                                                                                              Our Lady of Fatima in Pleebo and Harper
the secretariat, there are three additional      Despite these efforts, Sr. Jappah un-        cities in Maryland County.
schools undergoing scrutiny to be incor-         derscored many challenges faced by
porated in the systems soon. Also with           the secretariat in carrying out its du-      “The idea is to add on government’s efforts
the help of the SMA another school has                                                        to build the minds of our young people who
                                                 ties and mandate. She named the exit
been built in Hoffman Station, a popu-           of qualified teachers from the system        are the future leaders. The diocese also
lated community outside of Harper city,          in search of higher salaries; the insuffi-   develops the mind of people as one of its
Maryland County named in honor of the            ciency of books and other materials;         humanitarian efforts,” Sr. Philomena said.
Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese, Boniface         the lack of computer and other sci-
Nyema Dalieh. This school is expected to         ence laboratories, and the need for
begin classes in September 2012 with an          scholarships for needy and deserving
initial status of KG to 3rd Grade.               students. She also stressed the need
With the newly transformed Tubman                for an active Parents and Teachers
University in the region, more young             Associations in every school to en-
people are being motivated to complete           courage students stay in school. She
Volume 1, Issue 3                                                           Page 7

                         Bishop Karnley reopens the Mission in Sasstown

The Diocese of Cape Palmas has officially reopened the Christ the King Parish located in Sasstown, Grand Kru
County on March 24, 2012. Speaking at the official reopening of the parish, Most Rev. Andrew Karnley called on
the faithful to work in close collaboration with their pastor, Rev. Fr. Nathaniel Kumeh . The mission in Sasstown
had no priest in residence since 1994. According to Fr. Nathaniel Kumeh, there is more work to be done in Sass-
town with the church destroyed and no presbytery for the priest. The priest is presently residing in a private home
given to the Church by the family of Fr. Blamo Harris, SDB. “The challenges here are very high, there is a need to
construct a new presbytery, rehabilitate the church and school and reinforce the teaching of catechism,” Fr.
Kumeh told the Herald the church was established in Sasstown by the SMA Fathers in 1911.
 In Buah, a large number of Catholics gathered to meet their bishop for the first time. Parishioners were amazed
to meet and discuss with their bishop. One parishioner said, “it has been over ten years since a bishop had ever
visited this region. Today is a great day because the people of God are meeting their Shepherd for the first time
since his enthronement in April 2011.”.The two churches in Buah are inaccessible due to the deplorable road con-
dition. Speaking to the laity, Bishop said he was in Buah to see for himself the prevailing pastoral situation on
ground and to meet the people he has been called to shepherded. As the tradition of the people of South-eastern
Liberia demands, Bishop Karnley and his delegation were served with kola nuts and water as a sign of welcome.
In Betu, Bishop Karnley and his delegation paid a surprising visit. He and his delegation inspected church proper-
ties and visited the graves of the first SMA Missionaries who died in Betu as early as the 1900s. According to some
reliable sources, it is believed that the Church was first planted in Betu and this place is the cradle of Catholicism in
Fr. Kumeh also stressed the need for more support to the mission in Sasstown. “I have to ride my motor bike
sometimes for about two hours to reach some stations and when the bike has mechanical problems, I walk” he
told our reporter. He also called on people from this region to give back to the local church.
Bishop Karnley was accompanied on his pastoral journey by Mr. Solo Otto Gaye, Mr. Abraham B. Wesseh, and Sr.
Philomena Godfrey,SHF.

  From Left To right: Fr. Kumeh, Sr. Godfrey, Bishop                Greaves of Early SMA Missionaries who died in Betu
  Karnley, & Mr. Gaye
Page 8                                                    Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

                                      Serving Humanity with Dignity
                                              -Catholic Health Services Put Smiles on Faces-

  Sr. Edith Wallace, SHF, Heath Coordinator

Joan Sieh, a 22 years old mother walked out of the Sacred Heart Clinic with smile beaming on her face. She and her 2 year old son
have just received an emergency treatment for cholera. “I woke up this morning with the pains in my stomach, after little time I
started vomiting and my child started crying, both of us went in the latrine more than two times. I was brought here by my
brother, but I am ok now”, she explained.
This is just one scenario of the hundreds of cases catered to by the 5 Catholic clinics spread out in rural counties of south-eastern
Liberia. These clinics carry out many services ranging from consultations, PMTCT, MCH, basic laboratory services, and regular and
emergency treatments and referrals eight hours a day, five days a week. According to records from these clinics, they cater to
more than 10,000 patients monthly with various cases including emergency deliveries, HIV/AIDS counselling and testing, post and
prenatal cares, malaria, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, natural family planning methods, various vaccinations and
many others. According to the Coordinator of Catholic Health Services (CHS) in the Diocese of Cape Palmas, Sr. Edith Wallace, ser-
vices are provided for minimum fees as compared to other private clinics around the country. “We have professional staff and run
a fee for service but at a minimum cost. This is intended to make these clinics self dependent should donors funding stop in the
future”, she said. Sister Wallace named some partners of the clinics to be the government of Liberia through its National Aids Con-
trol program (NACP) and some financial aid provided at times; MISEREOR Germany for providing drugs and other supplies and the
Lutheran World Services (LWS) through counselling trainings provided for staff of the clinics.
She disclosed that with the help provided by these partners the CHS is providing Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission
(PMTCT) services of HIV/AIDS in two of its clinics in Maryland alone. These clinics include Sacred Heart in Harper and Saint Francis
in Pleebo. She added that Saint Francis Clinic has a ‘Support Group’- people living with HIV- of 100 members. “They attend regular
counselling sessions, we also give ARTs and the cotrim as the need arises”.
The coordinator of CHS also disclosed that teenage pregnancy and high rates of female contraction of HIV are major issues her
clinics are faced with. Regular counselling and health talks on family planning, STIs and STDs prevention, hygiene promotion and
other that are held at these clinics appear not to be sufficient to address these issues. The CHS also runs mobile clinic for HIV test-
ing and other health matters to help minimize the HIV infection rate in the region.
Despite these efforts it is obvious that these clinics are faced with numerous challenges as they strive to make Liberians healthy.
As Sr. Edith Wallace explained there is a need for more support. “Generally, we need funds. Finance is the key but we appreciate
other medical supplies such as laboratory equipment, solar freezers for vaccines, CD4 count machines that determine the level of
HIV infections in people and as many drugs as we can have. We also need ambulances and cars to enhance our movements.”
She also disclosed that her clinics are faced with the problem of employees exit in search of higher salaries. According to the CHS
Coordinator, the bad roads during raining season also hamper movement amongst the counties in which these clinics are located.
Managing health facilities with challenges like the ones measured is tedious and stressful, a task Sr Edith Wallace and her staff em-
brace to serve humanity. “We are motivated by the fact that we are serving humanity and contributing towards government’s ef-
forts to save lives and make our people live healthy”, Sr. Wallace said.
Page 9                                                             Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

                                      Catholic Health Services Activities in Photos

 Maternal & child health activities, Sacred Heart Clinic, Harper                    In-service training, Christ the King, Zwedru

                 Anti AIDS Club in Schools                                                       HIV Program T-Shirts

                     HIV/AIDS Awareness
                                                                                                        Mobile Testing
Page 10                   Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

          Priestly Ordination in Photos - January 7,2012
Page 11                      Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

          Final Religious Profession in Photos -January 8,2012
Page 12                                                Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

            Renewing the Infrastructure of the Diocese of Cape Palmas

The seemingly daunting and challenging task of renovating and even reconstructing the damaged infrastruc-
tures of the Diocese of Cape Palmas is one of the priorities of Bishop Andrew J. Karnley. This process has al-
ready begun with the renovation of the Diocesan Secretariat in Harper and Convent of the Schools Sisters of
Notre Dame in Zwedru. Other works already in progress are the renovation of the presbytery in Harper and a
building for the establishment of a nursery in Pleebo by the Sisters of the Holy Family. Rev. Fr. John Guiney
has provided funding for the renovation of the chapel in Bonike. Bricks are being made for the construction
of a new presbytery in Zwedru. The construction of the presbytery in Zwedru is being funded by Missio
Aachen, and the American Province of the Society of African Missions.
MISEREOR will fund the renovation of three schools in the diocese, namely: Our Lady of the Angelus in
Zlehtown, Grand Gedeh County, St. Patrick in Grandcess, Grand Kru County, and St. Joseph in Greenville, Si-
noe County. Renovation is already in process on the school in Zlehtown.
OPAM in Rome, Italy, has approved funding for some basic renovation of St. Peter Claver School in Barclay-
ville while Kindermissiowerk in Aachen, Germany will fund the renovation of the kindergarten in Grandcess.
Meanwhile, funding is being sought for other places around the diocese.

      The Conference Room of the newly renovated
      Diocesan Secretariat                                       Side view of the renovated Diocesan Secretariat

        Front view of the renovated convent in Zwedru                  Sitting room of the renovated convent in Zwedru
Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas
              follow us on facebook @

  Cape Palmas Herald is the official Newsletter of
           the Diocese of Cape Palmas

           Managing Editor : Solo Otto Gaye
               Phone: +231-886333-194
    Production Center: Diocesan Secretariat, Harper,
                 Liberia, West Africa
If you wish to discontinue receiving emailed copies of
this Newsletter, please email :

           Philippians 4:13, “I have
           the strength to face all
           conditions by the power
           that Christ gives me”.

                                                                             Bishop Karnley crossing River Gbartuah to reach the Faithful
                                                                             in Betu, Grand Kru County. SMA Missionaries arrived in Betu
                                                                             as early as 1900.


                                                                                                                    Inspirational Quote

                                                                                                                   “It is not ideologies that
                                                                                                                   save the world, but only
  Heartfelt Congratulations to Bishop Andrew J. Karnley as he cele-                                                a return to the living
  brates his first anniversary of his Episcopal Ordination on April
                                                                                                                   God, our Creator, the
  30.2011. Bishop Karnley was born on 26 April 1967 in Jawajeh
  Varney Bohn,Bomi County, North-western Liberia.He was ordained
                                                                                                                   guarantor       of     our
  to the priesthood on 9 July, 1995 at the Sacred Heart Cathedral.                                                 freedom, the guarantor
  From 2005-2009, was appointed by the Holy Father as Apostolic                                                    of what is really good
  Administrator Sede Plena of the Archdiocese of Monrovia.On 5th                                                   and true.”
  January 2011, he was appointed by the Holy Father as Bishop of the
  Diocese of Cape Palmas.                                                                                             Pope Benedict XVI

      Upcoming Event: The Silver Jubilee of Sr. Edith Wallace, SHF. Date: August 5,2012. Venue: St. Theresa Cathedral @ 10:00 AM, Harper, Liberia
                                                         RVSP: +231-886-425-339/ +231-886-601-606

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Vol. 1 issue 3 herald newsletter

  • 1. Cape Palmas Herald Diocesan Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3 January-June ,2012 Inside this issue: Message from the Bishop Priestly Ordination and Reli- gious Profession 2 I am of the opinion thus far : Where is Bishop Karnley visits Catholic that Liberia is Liberia heading in Agencies in Germany 3 gradually moving terms of healing and forward in building reconciliation? And the institutions of what are we Liberi- Msgr. Gaye speaks at Devel- democracy, good ans giving back in the opment Conference 4 governance and the rebuilding process of rule of law. Plans our country, commu- and visions are also nities, educational, Pastoral & Social Strategic Planning committee Installed 5 being crafted for the religious and social infrastructural de- economic institu- His Excellency, Most Rev. Karnley Renewal Ministries Conduct velopment , social tions? Seminar & Revival 5 and economic re- giving back to our coun- covery of the coun- I am a subscriber to try, communities, edu- try. Liberia has the principle that de- cational, religious, and once again become velopment contrib- social institutions. Boosting Education in a respectable inter- utes to peace. But we Liberia 6 national partner. equally need to ad- I can envisage an even Bishop Karnley reopens the The country ’ s dress the root causes better Liberia if we work Mission in Sasstown 7 mineral, forest, ma- of the lack of devel- to heal and reconcile rine , and oil re- opment, social and this country through ad- Serving Humanity with Dig- sources have made economic inequality dressing the root nity 8 her attractive to in- in the past that inevi- causes of our conflict ternational partners. tably lead to the con- and also developing a CHS activities in Photos 9 Liberia has now be- flict. Some programs culture of giving back. Priestly Ordination in come of strategic of structural justice Photos 10 interest to some are being under Final Religious Profession in global economic taken but more +Most Rev. Andrew J. Karnley Photos 11 stalwarts. needs to be done. Bishop of Cape Palmas Renewing the Infrastructure But I need to ask With regard to the of the Diocese of Cape Pal- 12 two questions in- second question, we mas spite of the note of Liberians need to de- velop the culture of Back cover 13 optimism expressed
  • 2. Page 2 Cape Palmas Herald Editorial Priestly Ordination and Religious Profession Reconciliation is God’s Initiative 4 Priests Ordained and 3 Religious Professed in the Diocese of Cape Palmas There is no agreed upon definition of reconciliation in human societies. Our Liberian culture have a distinct concept of January 7– 8, 2012, are days that will never be forgotten in the history of the reconciliation that is expressed ritually: an church in Cape Palmas . During this period, the people of God were able to wit- accusation of wrong doing is leveled at ness for the first time, the ordination of 4 young men to the priesthood and 3 someone, that person acknowledges the wrong doing and apologizes in some formal young religious making their final profession. These events are signs of growth way; the apology is accepted by the for the local church. community, signifying forgiveness. The ordaining prelate was Archbishop John Onaiyekan of the Archdiocese of First of all, reconciliation is not a human Abuja, Nigeria. The ordination which was held in open air at the St. Francis Par- achievement, but the work of God within us. ish in Pleebo brought together hundreds of well wishers from across Liberia and From the past and present situations of our a delegation from Nigeria. Those ordained to the Priesthood were, Rev. Fr. Fran- country, we see the challenges in reconciling cis Torpor, Rev. Fr. Pius Gipply ,Rev. Fr. Joseph Tugbe and Rev. Fr. Godfrey Ne- our many tribes and peoples. It is apparent mah. In his homily, Archbishop Onaiyekan called on the congregation to ob- how enormous, complex, and nearly impossible the task of reconciliation is in serve a moment of silence for the Late Rev. Stanley Tarwo who would had been Liberia. What will reconciliation mean for a the fifth candidate for ordination. He thanked the families of the ordinands for neighbor whose son was killed by another presenting them to the church for ordination and service in the church. He also neighbor’s son or what will reconciliation called on family members not to bother the ordinands with family problems. He mean for a child who saw his parents killed by then said it is great joy for the Church in Cape Palmas to have four priests or- rebels? All of these are situations that appear dained on the same day. Speaking with the press, after the ordination , Bishop to exceed our capacity to change completely. Karnley said, this is a boost to the human resource capacity of the diocese. It is God who initiates the work of reconciliation in the lives of victims. Ordinarily, A day after the ordination, Sr. Emily Wureh, Sr, Patience Payne, and Sr. Amelia we expect reconciliation to begin with the Wallace, all of the Sisters of the Holy Family, made their final profession of repentance of the wrongdoers. But experience chastity, poverty, and obedience in the presence of their Mother Superior Sr. in Liberia shows that wrongdoers are rarely Edith Wallace and Bishop Andrew J. Karnley. The occasion was graced by the willing to acknowledge what they have done. presence of the Archbishop Lewis Zeigler of the Archdiocese of Monrovia as well This was seen in the Truth & Reconciliation Commission hearings around the country. If as Archbishop John Onaiyekan of Abuja, Nigeria. reconciliation is depended entirely upon In his homily, Msgr. Melvin Nyanti Gaye, Vicar General of Cape Palmas, said that wrongdoers’ initiative, there would be no the way to poverty, chastity and obedience is through humility, prayer and the reconciliation at all in Liberia. sacraments. Humility , he said is being opened to say YES. He cautioned the sis- This emphasis on God’s initiative could lead ters to recognize their poverty and surrender themselves to the Lord in humility. some to assume that human activity The only way that can happen he said , is through prayer. “Spend time in prayer contributes nothing to the reconciliation with God and that will sustain your vocation.” Msgr. Gaye added. process. God’s action is not some thunderbolt over and apart from human action. This Msgr. Gaye continued, “Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation are important sacra- communion between the human and the ments that nourish every vocation. Holy Eucharist reminds of the total self-giving divine involves divine initiative coming through to which we are called. As Jesus gives you his body and blood in the Eucharist, human action. It is in God working through us that reconciliation is to be found. may you give him yourselves completely so as to receive him worthily and be Reconciliation means in the first instance, nourished spiritually”. then, the cultivation of a relationship with God In conclusion, Msgr. Gaye called on the sisters to live their vocation faithfully for that becomes the medium through which reconciliation can happen. That relation the rest of their lives. “May the Lord who pours forth his spirit upon you expresses itself in practices that create space strengthen your hearts and minds to persevere in the call he has given you. He for truth, justice, healing, and new has chosen you, he calls you his friends. May you respond like Mary, Let it be possibilities. Such practices lead to creating done unto me according to your word”, Msgr. Gaye said. communities of memory, safe places to explore and untangle a painful past, and the cultivation of truth-telling to overcome the lies of injustice and wrongdoing.
  • 3. Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 3 Bishop Karnley visits Catholic Agencies in Germany And speaks to the press on Taylor’s trail stein, the Association for humanity. He was arrested “With the tasks and challenges before us, I Development Cooperation on March 29, 2006 when make a fervent appeal to (AGEH) and the Archdio- he tried to flee Nigeria. the Clergy, Religious and cese of Cologne in Co- Taylor was president of Laity of the Diocese of logne. These agencies are Liberia from 1997 to 2003. Cape Palmas for collaborative action in the already giving support to He was on trial on a 11 dispensation of our duties the pastoral and social de- count indictment for war in the Lord’s vineyard. velopment programs of crimes against humanity There is a popular saying and crimes against human- that unity gives strength”. the diocese. Bishop Andrew J. Karnley Meanwhile , the press offi- ity committed during the (abstract from Bishop Bishop Karnley cers of MISEREOR and Aid civil conflict in Sierra karnley’s remarks on Leone. April 30,2011) to the Church in Need in- terviewed Bishop Karnley In December 1989, Taylor, about the Charles Taylor launched an armed upris- Bishop Andrew Karnley trail and verdict in The ing to overthrow the Sam- paid a two week visit to Hague. In the interviews, uel Doe regime, leading to Germany from April 15- Bishop Karnley stated that the Liberian civil war. Dur- 29,2012 to meet with the trail and verdict of ing the civil war , all Libe- Catholic funding agencies the former Liberian Presi- rian dioceses suffered with the view to dent were a welcomed greatly; a Ghanaian priest strengthening the bonds development in establish- and five American nuns of partnership and ac- ing a culture of holding were killed, the Church’s quainting them with the people accountable for properties were vandalized pastoral and social devel- their actions and also in by Taylor’s rebels, and nu- opments of the Diocese breaking the culture of merous nuns and priests of Cape Palmas. While in impunity. He further fled the country. With help Germany, he held meet- stated that it is his hope from foreign Catholic fund- ings with the following that the guilty verdict that ing agencies, Liberia’s three agencies: MISEREOR, has been served on Mr. dioceses, the Archdiocese Misso Aachen and Kin- Taylor will bring some of Monrovia and the Dio- dermissionswerk in measure of healing in Si- ceses of Cape Palmas and Aachen, the Medical Mis- erra Leone and Liberia. Gbarnga are gradually re- sion Institute in Wurz- The former Liberian Presi- building their infrastruc- burg, CARITAS Germany dent has been standing tures ,human capacity, so- in Freiburg, Aid to the trial in The Hague for war cial and pastoral programs. Church in Need in Konig- crimes and crimes against To read more visit: Thursday, April 26
  • 4. Page 4 Cape Palmas Herald Msgr. Gaye speaks at Maryland County Development Conference land County” Msgr. Gaye said, “peace-building is Marylanders as well as the entire the phase of the peace process that takes place country needed more human capacity in line with peace making and peace keeping. development most especially in the The process of peace-building facilitates the area of agriculture. Marylanders, he establishment of durable peace and tries to said, should find ways to enhance prevent the recurrence of violence by address- development and that those ways ing root causes and effects of conflict through must involve the local communities. reconciliation, institution building, and political Acting Dean of TU’s College of Man- as well as economic transformation.” Speaking agement and Public Administration, about reconciliation, Msgr. Gaye said reconcilia- Prof. Isaac George, then spoke on Msgr. Gaye tion after violence plays an indispensible role in current issues and pressing needs in peace theory. Quoting Galtung, Msgr. Gaye said the county. He stated that many of that reconciliation can be thought of as the res- the past challenges had been met but toration of a state of peace to human relation- that there are still key outstanding The Vicar General of the Diocese of ship, where the individuals are at least not areas of concern: Education, Security, Cape Palmas, Rev. Msgr. Melvin Gaye harming each other , and can begin to be Economic Revitalization, Road Recon- spoke on April 23, 2012 at the Mary- trusted not to do such in the future, which struction & Reconciliation. He laid the land County Development Confer- means that revenge is forgone as an option. To road-map for the conference by com- ence. The two day conference ,which ensure peace-building, reconciliation, and secu- paring targets in the 2008 Poverty was held from April 23-24, 2012, was rity in Maryland County, the Diocese of Cape Reduction Strategy with the County hosted by the William V.S. Tubman Palmas in collaboration with Tubman University Development Agenda. University (TU) in collaboration with has developed a training on Trauma Healing & the Maryland County Authorities. reconciliation, where 42 participants graduated On the theme “NGOs and Inter- Speaking on the topic “Peace-building, from a eleven month program about two years national Organizations as Develop- Reconciliation and Security in Mary- ago, Msgr. Gaye said. He continued, “as the ment Partners”, Mr. Anthony Riggio of contribution of the diocese to the process of Marylanders for Progress (MFP) and peace building, reconciliation and security, we Phil Merriam, of the National Mary- History carry out legal education, human rights educa- land County Association of Liberia tion, conduct small skill mediation, do advocacy, (NAMCAL) were the presenters. Mr. The Diocese of Cape Palmas is conduct skills training in trauma healing and Riggio, shared a Kru proverb that says, located in South-eastern Liberia. reconciliation, and network with relevant NGOs “ once a person begins the process of It comprises of five counties: as well as the government of Liberia”. In his bending down to start picking up a Maryland, Grand Kru, Sinoe, concluding statement, the Vicar General said, a bucket of water, help will come as he Grand Gedeh, and River Gee society’s religious network can play an impor- or she is halfway”. He stated that Counties with the total tant role in establishing social and moral norms. NGO’s help people who are deter- population of ap-proximately Networking, he said, is one of the keys to sus- mined to help themselves. He gave an tainable peace and sustainable peace ensures overview of contributions MFP made 481,908 inhabitants. Its catholic lasting security. to the people of Maryland in the past, population is 15,863. At present, such as the market women, a library there are ten functional parishes Also speaking at the conference, Mrs. Edwina in Pleebo, JJ Dossen Hospital, etc. MFP with several outstations. On Vakun-Lincoln, Director of the Division of Micro, also promised to help with a radio February 2,1950, it became a Small and Medium Enterprise at the Ministry of transmitter in response to a plea by Vicariate. On May 7,1962 it was Commerce and Industry spoke on the impor- delegates at the conference. elevated to a Vicariate Apostolic tance of the business community –small, micro and on December 19,1981, it and medium enterprises- working together to Group discussions were captured. An help ensure growth and development of not open forum was facilitated by Rev. was created as a diocese. only Maryland County, but also Liberia. Rita Townsend, TU’s Vice President for Institutional Advancement to identify Mr. Eli Tubman, spoke on the topic “Maryland key areas. Rev. Amb. Dean Gerald Rising: A Vision for Reconstruction, Reconcilia- Coleman was the conference facilita- tion and Economic Growth”. He stated that if tor, while Mr. Henry Woart ably development was to truly come to Maryland, served as interpreter.
  • 5. Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 5 Renewal Ministries Conduct Seminar & Pastoral & Social Strategic Planning Committee Revival in the Diocese of Cape Palmas Installed His Excellency, Most Rev. Andrew Jaygaye Karnley has es- A cross section of priests, religious, catechists and tablished a Diocesan Pastoral and Social Strategic Planning some laity of parishes of the Diocese of Cape Pal- Committee in his diocese. Speaking to the Cape Palmas Her- mas had the experience of being participants at a ald, Bishop Karnley said that the committee is mandated to seminar on the Catholic model of deliverance called work with parishes, departments and institutions to craft a the UNBOUND. This model of deliverance is based short and long term vision for the Diocese of Cape Palmas. on five keys: Repentance and Faith, Forgiveness, In so doing, Bishop Karnley said: “ the committee shall re- Renunciation, Command , and Blessing. The semi- structure the Diocesan Pastoral Conference (DPC) with a nar was facilitated by Lloyd and Nancy Greenhaw of new vision, and prepare for the hosting of a Diocesan Pas- Renewal Ministries based in Ann Arbor, Michigan , toral and Social Strategic Planning Conference within 12 to U.S.A. 18 months.” Renewal Ministries in collaboration with the Catho- Those appointed by Bishop Karnley in consultation with his lic Charismatic Renewal of Ghana and Liberia also consulters on March 30,2012 are : Sr. Philomena Godfrey, conducted a four day revival in the St. Theresa Ca- SHF, Chairperson, Mr. P. Mike Jurry, Vice Chairperson, Mr. thedral in Cape Palmas . The revival was well at- Solo Otto Gaye, Secretary, Mrs. Regina Torpor, Member, Mr. tended. Charles S. Chea II, Member, Rev. Fr. Foster Gardiner, Mem- As an outcome of the revival, the exposition of the ber, Msgr. Melvin Nyanti Gaye, Member, and Rev. Fr. Ted Blessed Sacrament is now taking place in the Cathe- Hayden, SMA, Advisor. dral from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Wednesdays. The Meanwhile, the committee was installed on May 30, 2012 at revival and seminar were held from March 10-14, the Holy Mass held at the St. Theresa Cathedral. Speaking to 2012. the press, Sr. Philomena Godfrey called on committee mem- bers to take the task very serious so as to achieve the goal for which the committee was organized. She then called on parishes, departments and institutions to work in close co- operation with the committee for a successful implementa- tion of its mandate. The committee has since begun its work. Members of the Renewal Ministries and Charismatic Renewal of Ghana & Liberia pose with Bishop Karnley Members of the Strategic Planning Committee
  • 6. Page 6 Cape Palmas Herald Boosting Education in Liberia Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas makes strides in South-eastern Liberia high school to further their education. disclosed that the secretariat operates the Completing high school is not all, but school system from funds generated from having the sound and quality educa- school fees paid by students; an amount tion that smoothens the way to higher that does not ably caters to the payment of institutions of learning and preparing teachers salaries and needed materials for the mind for future challenges is what the schools. Another emerging challenge is the nations and parents yearn for, a the recent increment in salaries of teachers challenge the secretariat is faced with. of public schools in Liberia. This, according Sr. Philomena Jappah explained how to Sr. Jappah, has increased the outflow of Sr. Philomena Jappah, Assistant Edu- the secretariat is preparing to face this teachers from the system thereby increas- cation Secretary for Administration great challenge. “We have in place a ing the burden. periodic capacity building plan for our Speaking in terms of donors, she lauded teachers to improve skills and add on MISEREOR for supporting a 3 year project their knowledge in the various sub- which will build the capacity of teachers, The Education Secretariat of the Catholic jects. They also attend the rural teach- provide science laboratory equipments for 4 Diocese of Cape Palmas in south-eastern ers training programs organized by high schools, renovate 3 schools, provide Liberia has been one of government’s government ,partners, and the educa- essential text books for all diocesan schools key partners in terms of providing sound tion secretariat. We also provide mini and a vehicle for school monitoring and and quality education to its citizens, es- reading rooms for our students and supervision.. pecially in South-eastern Liberia. closely monitor the teaching proc- The Education Secretariat of the Catholic Currently, the secretariat operates about esses to ensure people adhere to the policies and guidelines provided by Diocese of Cape Palmas has provided sound 12 schools with (5,620 students)2,900 and quality education for people of the males and 2,720 females, ages ranging both the government and the dio- southeast since it was founded. Prior to the from 3 to 24years attending. These stu- cese”. In furtherance of their plan, a special one month training session is civil unrest in Liberia it was known as one of dents include young people from differ- the best. In the 60s and 70s the Catholic ent nations, Christian denominations, to be held in Harper, Maryland County School System also ran a college that pro- and religions. Currently, there are stu- from July to August 2012 for about 50 teachers within the Catholic School duced many prominent persons who have dents from Guinea, Ghana, as well as contributed and are contributing to the students from the Philippines within the System. Topics to be taught include well being of society. Currently, the Diocese school system. These schools include counselling and testing, various meth- ods and teaching strategies, educa- is comprised of 5 counties, namely: Sinoe, ‘day care’, elementary, junior and senior Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Grand Kru and secondary schools in the south-eastern tional psychology, professional ethics, Maryland. There are 4 major high schools, region of Liberia. According to Sr. Philo- catholic doctrines and Christian princi- ples and key subjects such as Lan- St. Joseph in Greenville, Sinoe, Bishop Juwle mena Jappah, Assistant Secretary for in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh and St. Francis and Finance, Training and Administration at guage Arts and Mathematics. Our Lady of Fatima in Pleebo and Harper the secretariat, there are three additional Despite these efforts, Sr. Jappah un- cities in Maryland County. schools undergoing scrutiny to be incor- derscored many challenges faced by porated in the systems soon. Also with the secretariat in carrying out its du- “The idea is to add on government’s efforts the help of the SMA another school has to build the minds of our young people who ties and mandate. She named the exit been built in Hoffman Station, a popu- of qualified teachers from the system are the future leaders. The diocese also lated community outside of Harper city, in search of higher salaries; the insuffi- develops the mind of people as one of its Maryland County named in honor of the ciency of books and other materials; humanitarian efforts,” Sr. Philomena said. Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese, Boniface the lack of computer and other sci- Nyema Dalieh. This school is expected to ence laboratories, and the need for begin classes in September 2012 with an scholarships for needy and deserving initial status of KG to 3rd Grade. students. She also stressed the need With the newly transformed Tubman for an active Parents and Teachers University in the region, more young Associations in every school to en- people are being motivated to complete courage students stay in school. She
  • 7. Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 7 Bishop Karnley reopens the Mission in Sasstown The Diocese of Cape Palmas has officially reopened the Christ the King Parish located in Sasstown, Grand Kru County on March 24, 2012. Speaking at the official reopening of the parish, Most Rev. Andrew Karnley called on the faithful to work in close collaboration with their pastor, Rev. Fr. Nathaniel Kumeh . The mission in Sasstown had no priest in residence since 1994. According to Fr. Nathaniel Kumeh, there is more work to be done in Sass- town with the church destroyed and no presbytery for the priest. The priest is presently residing in a private home given to the Church by the family of Fr. Blamo Harris, SDB. “The challenges here are very high, there is a need to construct a new presbytery, rehabilitate the church and school and reinforce the teaching of catechism,” Fr. Kumeh told the Herald the church was established in Sasstown by the SMA Fathers in 1911. In Buah, a large number of Catholics gathered to meet their bishop for the first time. Parishioners were amazed to meet and discuss with their bishop. One parishioner said, “it has been over ten years since a bishop had ever visited this region. Today is a great day because the people of God are meeting their Shepherd for the first time since his enthronement in April 2011.”.The two churches in Buah are inaccessible due to the deplorable road con- dition. Speaking to the laity, Bishop said he was in Buah to see for himself the prevailing pastoral situation on ground and to meet the people he has been called to shepherded. As the tradition of the people of South-eastern Liberia demands, Bishop Karnley and his delegation were served with kola nuts and water as a sign of welcome. In Betu, Bishop Karnley and his delegation paid a surprising visit. He and his delegation inspected church proper- ties and visited the graves of the first SMA Missionaries who died in Betu as early as the 1900s. According to some reliable sources, it is believed that the Church was first planted in Betu and this place is the cradle of Catholicism in Liberia. Fr. Kumeh also stressed the need for more support to the mission in Sasstown. “I have to ride my motor bike sometimes for about two hours to reach some stations and when the bike has mechanical problems, I walk” he told our reporter. He also called on people from this region to give back to the local church. Bishop Karnley was accompanied on his pastoral journey by Mr. Solo Otto Gaye, Mr. Abraham B. Wesseh, and Sr. Philomena Godfrey,SHF. From Left To right: Fr. Kumeh, Sr. Godfrey, Bishop Greaves of Early SMA Missionaries who died in Betu Karnley, & Mr. Gaye
  • 8. Page 8 Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas E-Newsletter Serving Humanity with Dignity -Catholic Health Services Put Smiles on Faces- Sr. Edith Wallace, SHF, Heath Coordinator Joan Sieh, a 22 years old mother walked out of the Sacred Heart Clinic with smile beaming on her face. She and her 2 year old son have just received an emergency treatment for cholera. “I woke up this morning with the pains in my stomach, after little time I started vomiting and my child started crying, both of us went in the latrine more than two times. I was brought here by my brother, but I am ok now”, she explained. This is just one scenario of the hundreds of cases catered to by the 5 Catholic clinics spread out in rural counties of south-eastern Liberia. These clinics carry out many services ranging from consultations, PMTCT, MCH, basic laboratory services, and regular and emergency treatments and referrals eight hours a day, five days a week. According to records from these clinics, they cater to more than 10,000 patients monthly with various cases including emergency deliveries, HIV/AIDS counselling and testing, post and prenatal cares, malaria, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, natural family planning methods, various vaccinations and many others. According to the Coordinator of Catholic Health Services (CHS) in the Diocese of Cape Palmas, Sr. Edith Wallace, ser- vices are provided for minimum fees as compared to other private clinics around the country. “We have professional staff and run a fee for service but at a minimum cost. This is intended to make these clinics self dependent should donors funding stop in the future”, she said. Sister Wallace named some partners of the clinics to be the government of Liberia through its National Aids Con- trol program (NACP) and some financial aid provided at times; MISEREOR Germany for providing drugs and other supplies and the Lutheran World Services (LWS) through counselling trainings provided for staff of the clinics. She disclosed that with the help provided by these partners the CHS is providing Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT) services of HIV/AIDS in two of its clinics in Maryland alone. These clinics include Sacred Heart in Harper and Saint Francis in Pleebo. She added that Saint Francis Clinic has a ‘Support Group’- people living with HIV- of 100 members. “They attend regular counselling sessions, we also give ARTs and the cotrim as the need arises”. The coordinator of CHS also disclosed that teenage pregnancy and high rates of female contraction of HIV are major issues her clinics are faced with. Regular counselling and health talks on family planning, STIs and STDs prevention, hygiene promotion and other that are held at these clinics appear not to be sufficient to address these issues. The CHS also runs mobile clinic for HIV test- ing and other health matters to help minimize the HIV infection rate in the region. Despite these efforts it is obvious that these clinics are faced with numerous challenges as they strive to make Liberians healthy. As Sr. Edith Wallace explained there is a need for more support. “Generally, we need funds. Finance is the key but we appreciate other medical supplies such as laboratory equipment, solar freezers for vaccines, CD4 count machines that determine the level of HIV infections in people and as many drugs as we can have. We also need ambulances and cars to enhance our movements.” She also disclosed that her clinics are faced with the problem of employees exit in search of higher salaries. According to the CHS Coordinator, the bad roads during raining season also hamper movement amongst the counties in which these clinics are located. Managing health facilities with challenges like the ones measured is tedious and stressful, a task Sr Edith Wallace and her staff em- brace to serve humanity. “We are motivated by the fact that we are serving humanity and contributing towards government’s ef- forts to save lives and make our people live healthy”, Sr. Wallace said.
  • 9. Page 9 Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas Newsletter Catholic Health Services Activities in Photos Maternal & child health activities, Sacred Heart Clinic, Harper In-service training, Christ the King, Zwedru Anti AIDS Club in Schools HIV Program T-Shirts HIV/AIDS Awareness Mobile Testing
  • 10. Page 10 Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas Newsletter Priestly Ordination in Photos - January 7,2012
  • 11. Page 11 Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas Newsletter Final Religious Profession in Photos -January 8,2012
  • 12. Page 12 Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas Newsletter Renewing the Infrastructure of the Diocese of Cape Palmas The seemingly daunting and challenging task of renovating and even reconstructing the damaged infrastruc- tures of the Diocese of Cape Palmas is one of the priorities of Bishop Andrew J. Karnley. This process has al- . ready begun with the renovation of the Diocesan Secretariat in Harper and Convent of the Schools Sisters of Notre Dame in Zwedru. Other works already in progress are the renovation of the presbytery in Harper and a building for the establishment of a nursery in Pleebo by the Sisters of the Holy Family. Rev. Fr. John Guiney has provided funding for the renovation of the chapel in Bonike. Bricks are being made for the construction of a new presbytery in Zwedru. The construction of the presbytery in Zwedru is being funded by Missio Aachen, and the American Province of the Society of African Missions. MISEREOR will fund the renovation of three schools in the diocese, namely: Our Lady of the Angelus in Zlehtown, Grand Gedeh County, St. Patrick in Grandcess, Grand Kru County, and St. Joseph in Greenville, Si- noe County. Renovation is already in process on the school in Zlehtown. OPAM in Rome, Italy, has approved funding for some basic renovation of St. Peter Claver School in Barclay- ville while Kindermissiowerk in Aachen, Germany will fund the renovation of the kindergarten in Grandcess. Meanwhile, funding is being sought for other places around the diocese. The Conference Room of the newly renovated Diocesan Secretariat Side view of the renovated Diocesan Secretariat Front view of the renovated convent in Zwedru Sitting room of the renovated convent in Zwedru
  • 13. Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas Newsletter follow us on facebook @ Cape Palmas Herald is the official Newsletter of the Diocese of Cape Palmas Managing Editor : Solo Otto Gaye Email: Phone: +231-886333-194 Production Center: Diocesan Secretariat, Harper, Liberia, West Africa If you wish to discontinue receiving emailed copies of this Newsletter, please email : Philippians 4:13, “I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me”. Bishop Karnley crossing River Gbartuah to reach the Faithful in Betu, Grand Kru County. SMA Missionaries arrived in Betu as early as 1900. Congratulations!!!!!! Inspirational Quote “It is not ideologies that save the world, but only Heartfelt Congratulations to Bishop Andrew J. Karnley as he cele- a return to the living brates his first anniversary of his Episcopal Ordination on April God, our Creator, the 30.2011. Bishop Karnley was born on 26 April 1967 in Jawajeh Varney Bohn,Bomi County, North-western Liberia.He was ordained guarantor of our to the priesthood on 9 July, 1995 at the Sacred Heart Cathedral. freedom, the guarantor From 2005-2009, was appointed by the Holy Father as Apostolic of what is really good Administrator Sede Plena of the Archdiocese of Monrovia.On 5th and true.” January 2011, he was appointed by the Holy Father as Bishop of the Diocese of Cape Palmas. Pope Benedict XVI Upcoming Event: The Silver Jubilee of Sr. Edith Wallace, SHF. Date: August 5,2012. Venue: St. Theresa Cathedral @ 10:00 AM, Harper, Liberia RVSP: +231-886-425-339/ +231-886-601-606