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Department of Information Technology
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science
Chennai, India
Vitul Chauhan
Sai Phanindra Muvvala
Department of Information Technology
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai, India
Raja Satwik
Department of Information Technology Department of Information Technology
Hindustan Institute of Science and Technology Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science
Chennai, India Chennai, India
Abstract— From decades of years, almost all governments
across the world are collecting taxes from the earnings and
nobody have any idea where all these amounts are going to.
Most of us want to donate those amounts for some purpose
like charity/donations/sponsorships. At the same time,
everyone doesn’t know whom/which organization to trust and
handover the tax returns.
To avoid all these insecurities and doubts, the crowdfunding
portal/community/non-profit organization/peer-to-peer
automatic helping program was introduced where anybody
can donate/sponsor those money to people/startup who
needs/deserves it.
For secure funding transactions this CF application uses
blockchain technology. Each and every transaction will only
happen through Ethereum.
Here in this portal, users/employees across the world form as
a crowd to help each other and to show some humanity.
It’s a fully transparent and trustworthy and opensource
platform which focuses not only on cause but also how to
make it easier for the people to fund in simplest and smoothest
way possible.
Keywords - Crowd Funding, Charity, Ethereum,
Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Community, NGO(Non-
Governmental Organization), Campaign, Sponsorship, Auto
pool circle, Planet slots.
Through this portal, every individual can fund ideas
(Writings, music albums, movies, apps, software's, startups,
new products), causes (educational scholarships/building free
schools, hostels, old-age homes and for other reasons that you
believe in), charities (In recent years, crowdfunding platforms
have gained in popularity, with charity-focused sites becoming
more popular [1]),events (concerts, circus/magic shows,
talents) and recoveries (areas affected by floods, earthquakes,
cyclones, scarcity, etc.) Employees can sponsor their money to
one who has innovative startup ideas and can able to impress
Any individual who are willing to donate can able to create an
account and link their Ethereum wallet to the portal and start
donating using auto pool circle program strategy, Smart
contracts are stored in the network's data logic layer and make
up the Ethereum blockchain. Nodes can read other smart
contracts, and they can be read and executed. As mentioned by
N. Srinivasan [2]. Any individual who are in need can create an
account, making a request presenting their ideas or conveying
about their needs of money. He can land a page requesting
donations and can make a campaign immediately after getting
approval and can get the financial help they need, Because the
specificities of each campaign may imperil the conclusions,
they should be generic and applicable to as many campaigns as
possible discussed by Landro pereira [3].
This crowdfunding portal gives you tools, such tools when
come to crowdfunding platform will provide a more
comprehensive view of the factors in successful a greater
understanding of the factors that influence the success of
crowdfunding campaigns, as well as the capacity to account for
any interdependencies as pointed by Hanjia Lyu [4]. it allows
the user to and tips along with opportunities to narrate story to
the society with the help of a special happiness team to get a
proper funding and response and guide you to post them on
social media too, As the crowdfunding site grows more
socialised, the number of comments from participants is
increasing. as mentioned by Long-Shen-Chen [5] After the
campaign is approved, a specialized team will help you to go
through this software and elaborate dashboard to monitor your
day-to-day progress of funding, and a backend tool will provide
you the key analytics on the dashboard and also The traditional
crowdfunding platforms are vulnerable to data leaks, high
transaction and platform fees, and rampant frauds which
happens due to the anonymity of user’s identity i.e., users
cannot be identified when they commit cybercrimes. As
blockchain is immutable and decentralized, it can reduce the
possibility of data breaches. This brings in transparency as there
is no central authority over the blockchain-based crowdfunding
By Sayyam gadam.[6]
Crowdfunding has been designed with three
programs/algorithms integrated in a single interface.
*Free campaign program, based on the idea of the project one
may find many sectors which can be invested as a view by
Michal Gregus [7].
*Auto pool circle program
*Planet slots 10x program
Advantage of using Ethereum as a platform for
*Ethereum transactions and smart contrasts are serially
executed by miners and they are not concurrent and whereas
EVM executes them as a moment as mentioned by Sara
Rauhani [8], and Ethereum has a peculiar property that it can
act as money as well as it can also store value and mostly it is
used by developers.
*It’s needed by developers to create smart contacts and to use
as a tradable instrument and apps on Ethereum network.
*It can be used as a form of investment whose value goes up
and down.
Each individual account holder must have an Ethereum wallet
while/before signing up for transactions. Each Ethereum wallet
will have a unique private key which helps the person to send
or receive funds with other parties.
Main advantage of our crowdfunding software is a
donor/account holder/can able to choose whom to donate and
what purpose/idea he’s/she’s donating for and how much
amount from his/her ITR (Income Tax Returns) crowdfunding
he/she wants to donate for them.
While coming to the legal information in Favor to
crowdfunding according to the Indian government:
*Section 80G says that a person can deduct their donating
certain amount for central/state relief funds, NGOs and other
charity related trusts/institutions from your annual income to
arrival of your taxable income.
*Under section 12A or 12AA of nonprofits registered, The Act
of Income Tax in the year 1961 recognized as an exemption of
tax by the income tax department. However, the tax exempt is
limited to the income of nonprofit from direct taxation. It offers
no exemption for indirect taxes.
*Under GST donations received by nonprofit organizations
doesn’t need to pay tax.
*Interests are payed for mortgages, all kinds of loans, can be
able to get deducted from annual taxes, effectively reducing a
person's taxable income of the year.
So indirectly sponsorships/donations done by the
stakeholders (portal users/donors) can be considered as a
charity and can be deducted from their respective income tax
Following the pool's first activation, you can join the planet
slots programme, where you must make a system-defined
donation or contribution by clicking the activate now icon, and
a smart system will divide your CF contribution to the current
eight uplines. It is made up of five planets, each of which
requires you to make a system-defined gift or contribution by
clicking the activate now icon, in exchange for a 10x
contribution of the planet activation value.
According to Dahui Li [9], scholarly attention is needed
when it comes to post-crowdfunding strategy because the
existing research focuses mostly on artists' behaviour and
tactics during the crowdfunding period. Sponsorship behaviour,
social media, product category, and reputation chasing are
among the current studies on factors influencing artists'
behaviour. Producers use tactics including crowdfunding
period design, information disclosure, and engagement with
sponsors, among others, to achieve the two-fold purpose of
crowdfunding, which is to satisfy the project's goal while also
raising the most money feasible, according to these contributing
factors. According to Peng Du [10], authors' post-
crowdfunding strategy has been accepted substantially less
attention, as evidenced by the aforementioned evaluation.
Furthermore, qualitative and empirical research is the most
common methodology in crowdfunding research—analytical
studies are relatively rare. Crowdfunding is a platform that
facilitates and organizes the crowdfunding process. At this
time, a slew of new platforms is springing up all over the world
in an attempt to offer innovative business tactics and services.
There will be a lot of testing just in the parts/phases/chapters
where there are relatively few restrictions.
Bernardino has created three distinct components that are
unique in the CF's component-1 is all about the respondents'
understanding of crowdfunding investment models and
variables related to lending and crowdfunding equity as a
source of funding for business entrepreneurs, as well as Co
project models. Component 2 concerns a respondent's
understanding of non-investment crowdfunding strategies, such
as donation and benefit-based models for non-profit funding.
The third and last component concerned how much knowledge
a responder had about Crowdfunding in general, including
terminology and how it obtains funds from individual investors.
Let's get this party started. Stockholders have little legal
recourse against issuers, and if the issuer defaults or commits
fraud, the money will never be isolated through the issuer, and
the issuer will be unable to make the required sheet of offer. A
platform may or may not carry out the due diligence needed by
the issuer when listing funds.
Crowdfunding is frequently utilized with or in addition to
social lending services. investing Crowdfund (CFI) is an
alternative to pledge-based crowdfunding that focuses on
investments. This term refers to secure connected inquiry and
debt fund-raising using crowdsourcing platforms, which have
recently arisen as a viable alternative to traditional funding
techniques such as bank loans and venture capitalists.
Crowdfunding in the medical sector (MC) is the most common
method of raising donations for medical charities. Patients
utilize MC to gather donations from people all over the world,
which they use to pay for medical treatments and operations.
When opposed to typical medical donations, medical
crowdfunding allows people in MC to move donations from
offline to online, resulting in cost savings, lower thresholds,
faster communication, and greater public contact in less time.
People are turning to MC instead of depending on restricted
governmental health services in many countries.
When it comes to crowd fundraising, blockchain is really
important. Blockchain, according to Vasvi Gupta [11], has the
ability to drastically transform how it is viewed. In an
irreversible manner, all transactions are time-stamped and
logged. Also, according to Mokter Hossain [12], The media has
taken attention of crowdfunding as well as attention from
academia and traditional stakeholders from all over world,
which intern can be greatly developed using blockchain
technology by implementing it in the platform as one of the
main functionalities in the portals. Despite the frameworks
involved, Gloria Grottolo[13] believes that blockchain-based
fundraising operations are beneficial in supporting potential
investors in detecting significant signals and drivers of notable
companies. It may also assist regulators and market players
better understanding how the current regulatory framework
relates to blockchain-based crowdfunding.
Once when a transaction is entered & executed, never be
modified or erased. Proof-of-Work (Pow) consensus protocol is
used for Ethereum which is the first use case of blockchain as
well as digital money, Chandranshu Gupta[16]. Ethereum uses
Blockchain as a way to solve the long-lasting problems of
double costs of digital cash and handing out of digital
transactions in a distributed way without the need of any
reliable third party, Muhammad Nasir Mumtaz Bhutta[17].
This conceptual framework consists of:
3.1 System overview
Fig.1 System Overview
The above diagram consists how modules integrate with each
other in the current crowdfunding system
3.2 Fund transfer process
Fig.2 Fund transfer process
Above diagram is all about how donation process and validation
work in this current crowdfunding system
Initially all the users enter into a community
enrollment module. There funders as well as help seekers can
join directly or through auto pool circle referral program. When
the user joins our platform after signing in, he/she would be
greeted by a beautiful landing page with menu and about info.
Every user must create and integrate their Ethereum wallet
through Ethereum wallet integration module to start
crowdfunding process. Here all the user data would be stored in
a graph data structure with nodes connecting to each other in
the order of auto pool circle algorithm.
Also, As a result, the Blockchain has the ability to
change the way people think about it. In an irreversible manner,
all transactions are time-stamped and logged. Smart contracts
can even automate transactions, allowing you to enhance your
productivity while also speeding up the process.
All the transaction details from funder end as well as
fund seeker end will be recorded in the form of blocks in
blockchain. While all the other crowdfunding platforms are
using “all or nothing” model, instead tis portal are uses “keep it
all” model for startups. All the fund that was raised during a
timestamp is all yours and need not to be returned if it doesn’t
meet the target fund.
This consists of
1. Data structure
2. Algorithm
3. Pseudocode
4.1 Data structure
Graph is a data structure which contains a plain
connecting various nodes either in uni-directional way or in bi
directional way. A graph can be connected or be disconnected.
The users joining in our portal will be described as
nodes which forms various binary trees in a plane. Each node
contains user info of the specific user. And also, the value of
depth-first search or "backtracking" as a technique for solving
graph problems is illustrated by two examples. An enhanced
version of an algorithm for identifying the strongly linked
components of a directed graph and an algorithm for finding the
biconnected components of an undirected graph. As a thought
of Robert Tarzan [15]
4.2 Algorithm
4.2.1 Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm:
DFS is an algorithm used for traversal and searching
nodes of a tree or a graph which starts with a random node in a
graph or with a root node in a tree. DFS has lesser time
complexity and memory efficient compared to BFS. It is best
suitable even if target node is far from the source. And also,
According to Palanisamy [14], the depth-first search is a tree
search technique that allows traversal from a source node to
neighbour nodes next to the source node in a graph.
DFS is used to fetch a user detail from the
disconnected graph in our portal.
Steps for DFS:
Step 1: Initialize all node as unvisited and all edges as
Step 2: Pick a random node from the graph
Visit the node(i.e., search for unvisited nodes in the
disconnected 2d graph and Visit(V,GR))
Step 3: Any adjacent undiscovered edges? Then check with the
adjacent nodes of that particular edge.(i.e., for all incident edges
in the graph, if we found edge labelled undiscovered then,
adj_vertex(V,E) to visit adjacent node)
Step 4: If the connecting node is unvisited, then mark edge as
discovered and visit that node(i.e., setLabel(E,DISCOVERED)
and visit(W,GR))
Step 5: If the node is already visited then back track the
edge.(i.e., if(W.Label=visited) then setLabel(E,BACK))
Step 6: While checking with edge Label, if any undiscovered
edge cannot be found when moving forward, then back track
again until you reach initial node.
4.2.2 Blockchain
A blockchain database is distributed, shared, fault
tolerance and append only database that maintains the record in
blocks linked in a chronological order. Initial block in the chain
is known as genesis block.[17]
Currency in the Ethereum is generally denoted by the
term ETH and smallest unit of ETH is referred as ETH
is equal to 1 billion GWEI(Giga-WEI) and one GWEI is equal
to 1 billion WEI.
EVM(Ethereum Virtual Machine) is a platform used
by miners for computational checksum while creating hash
function for a newly added block. Then the transaction
confirmed and added into block and also be removed from the
pool of unconfirmed transactions.
Finally, each and every transaction in the blocks
presented in the system blockchain will be executed again until
final state of EVM is obtained. This state matching process with
EVM when verified every time increases trust and security
while verification.
In the current project blockchain is used to store all the
user joining, referral as well as transactional data to make it
impossible to do artificial block collision by hackers and also to
make it visible publicly to build trust among users which is
primary aspect for any non-profits.
4.2.3Proof Of Work (POW) algorithm:
Miners after doing some logical and mathematical
computations to creates hash functions with the for the
transaction data provided with previous block hash function
present in the chain. Proof of work is an algorithm used to
confirm the transaction with the hash key provided and create a
new block in the chain to add the new transaction data.[16]
Fig.3: Proof Of Work overview
Step 1: Take the hash key of previous node in blockchain.
Step 2: Take the transaction data to be added in the chain as a
new block.
Step 3: Compute and calculate the logics to solve the puzzle to
get hash key for current block.
Step 4: Get the current block hash key verified by co-miners
and get the reward.
Step 5: Add new block to the blockchain with the help of current
calculated hash key.
4.3 Pseudocode for DFS
For all V∈GR.vertices
For all E∈GR.edges
For all V∈GR.vertices
for all E∈V.incident_edges
Fig.4: survey statistics for significant growth of various
crowdfunding platforms in recent years
From the survey data collected from;Massolution, comparatively donation based
and reward based crowd fundings had a rapid growth which
made together and implemented as a hybrid model in the
current system.
Fig.5: Time taken by POW vs POS vs DAG to generate a new
Fig.6: Individual analysis for time taken by POW and POS to
create a new block
Fig.7: Performance analysis-BFS vs DFS
Fig.8: Power Consumption-Crypto mining vs banking
Fig.9: Main webpage of the portal
All the modules of the portal can be accessed from this main
Fig.10: User transaction details display page
Each and every user transaction information will be displayed
in this module along with the hash keys for each transaction
Crowdfunding is a platform that not only provides financial
assistance, but also assists in the acquisition of manpower and
the development of community relationships. Moreover,
blockchain-based fundraising campaigns are correctly
implemented and make it easier for potential investors to find
key indications and drivers of noteworthy enterprises.
Furthermore, as Gloria Grottolo said, it could assist regulators
and market participants in understanding how the present
regulatory framework applies to blockchain-based
crowdfunding. Finally this portal is to bring change with respect
to donations and sponsorships in the current world.
[1] Hongke zhao, “Recent years have witnessed the rapid
development of crowdfunding platforms among which the
charity-based ones are becoming increasingly popular” in Voice
of Charity: Prospecting the Donation Recurrence & Donor
Retention in Crowdfunding, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
8, AUGUST 2019.
[2] N. Srinivasan, “Ethereum blockchain consists of smart
contracts which reside in the data logic layer of the blockchain.
Nodes can read other smart contracts and can read and execute
them.” in Decentralised Applications Using Ethereum
Blockchain, Fifth International Conference on Science
Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM),
[3] Landro pereira, “the factors of success can vary greatly,
depending on the specificities of each campaign, and those
individual results could jeopardize the conclusions, that should
be general and applicable to the largest number of campaigns
possible.” in Success factors in a reward and equity based
crowdfunding campaign, IEEE International Conference on
Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2018
[4] Hanjia Lyu, “This combination provides a more
comprehensive view of the factors in successful crowdfunding
projects and helps to better take into account possible
interrelations” in What Contributes to a Crowdfunding
Campaign’s Success? Evidence and Analyses from GoFundMe
5255 05/06 pp183−192 Volume 2, Number 2, June 2021
[5] Long-Sheng chen, “with the socialization of the
crowdfunding platform, the commentary data of the
participants on the platform is increasing” in A Study of Social
Media Reviews Effects on the Success of Crowdfunding
Projects, IEEE 10th International Conference on Awareness
Science and Technology (ICAST), 2019
[6] Sayam Gaddam, “The traditional crowdfunding platforms
are vulnerable to data leaks, high transaction and platform fees,
and rampant frauds which happens due to the anonymity of
user’s identity i.e., users cannot be identified when they commit
cybercrimes. As blockchain is immutable and decentralized, it
can reduce the possibility of data breaches. This brings in
transparency as there is no central authority over the
Blockchain,” in Blockchain – Based Crowd funding: A trust
Building Model, Gandhinagar, India, 10 January 2022
[7] Michal Gregus, “based on the idea of the project one may
find many sectors which can be invested” in Equity
Crowdfunding in Real Estate 7th International Conference on
Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud), 2019
[8] Sara Rouhani, “Ethereum transactions and smart contrasts
are serially executed by miners and they are not concurrent and
whereas EVM executes them as a moment” in Performance
analysis of ethereum transactions in private blockchain, 8th
IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and
Service Science (ICSESS),2017
[9] Dahui Li, “post crowd funding the strategy needs more
attention in academic, extant related literature mainly focuses
on creators’ behavior and strategies in crowdfunding stage. As
for factors influencing creators’ behavior, present studies
concern behavior of sponsors, social media, product category,
and reputation pursuit, etc. According to these influencing
factors, creators utilize strategies like crowdfunding period
design, information disclosure, interaction with sponsors etc. to
achieve the two-fold mission of crowdfunding, which includes
achieving the project target and maximizing the raising fund”
in Post-crowdfunding in Reward-based Crowdfunding with
Strategic Purchasing Consideration, SSSM International, 2017
[10] Penge due, “It can be easily seen from the above review,
creators’ post-crowdfunding strategy receives far less attention.
Besides, qualitative and empirical research is the dominant
methodology-there is still a lack of analytical study in the
crowdfunding research field. Crowdfunding is a platform which
mediators and acts like organizers of Crowdfunding. At this
time, all across the world there are also lots of new platforms
that are trying to offer business models and features of novel. A
great experimentation will take place only in the
part/phase/chapter where one can find low regulation
relatively” in Post-crowdfunding in Reward-based
Crowdfunding with Strategic Purchasing Consideration,
International Conference on Service Systems and Service
Management, 2017.
[11] Vasvi Gupta, “blockchain can significantly change how it
is seen. All transactions are time- and date-stamped and are
logged irreversibly. Smart contracts can even automate
transactions, boosting your productivity and speeding up the
process even further.” In Blockchain-Based Crowdfunding
Application, Palladam, India, 20 December 2021
[12] Mokter Hossain, “Crowdfunding has attracted media
coverage and attention from academia, as well as from the
traditional stakeholders around the world.” in Crowdfunding
Motives, Definitions, Topology and Ethical Challenges,
Entrepreneurship Research Journal, December 14, 2016
[13] Gloria Grottolo, “blockchain-based fundraising initiatives
properly and facilitate potential investors to seek main signals
and drivers of outstanding projects. Furthermore, it could help
regulators and market participants to understand how the
existing regulatory framework applies to blockchain-based
crowdfunding” In Alternative Fundraising: Success Factors for
Blockchain-Based vs. Conventional Crowdfunding, Hangzhou,
China, 14 March 2019
[14] Palanisamy, “Depth-first search is a tree search algorithm
which enables the traversal from source node to neighbor nodes
adjacent to source node in a graph” In A Novel Agent Based
Depth First Search Algorithm, Greater Noida, India, 10
November 2020
[15] Robert Tarjan “The value of depth-first search or
"backtracking" as a technique for solving graph problems is
illustrated by two examples. An algorithm for finding the
biconnected components of an undirected graph and an
improved version of an algorithm for finding the strongly
connected components of a directed graph “In Depth-first
search and linear graph algorithms, USA, 18 July 2018.
[16] Chandranshu Gupta “Once when a transaction is entered
& executed, never be modified or erased. Proof-of-Work (Pow)
consensus protocol is used for Ethereum which is the first use
case of blockchain as well as digital money” in Evaluation of
Proof-of-Work Consensus Algorithm for Blockchain Networks,
1-3 July 2020.
[17] Muhammad Nasir Mumtaz Bhutta “Ethereum uses
Blockchain as a way to solve the long-lasting problems of
double costs of digital cash and handing out of digital
transactions in a distributed way without the need of any
reliable third party” in A Survey on Blockchain Technology:
Evolution, Architecture and Security, 13 April 2021.

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Vitul Chauhan’s crowd funding project

  • 1. CROWDFUNDING CHARITY PLATFORM USING BLOCKCHAIN Dr.S.Saranya Department of Information Technology Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science Chennai, India Vitul Chauhan Sai Phanindra Muvvala Department of Information Technology Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, India Raja Satwik Department of Information Technology Department of Information Technology Hindustan Institute of Science and Technology Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science Chennai, India Chennai, India Abstract— From decades of years, almost all governments across the world are collecting taxes from the earnings and nobody have any idea where all these amounts are going to. Most of us want to donate those amounts for some purpose like charity/donations/sponsorships. At the same time, everyone doesn’t know whom/which organization to trust and handover the tax returns. To avoid all these insecurities and doubts, the crowdfunding portal/community/non-profit organization/peer-to-peer automatic helping program was introduced where anybody can donate/sponsor those money to people/startup who needs/deserves it. For secure funding transactions this CF application uses blockchain technology. Each and every transaction will only happen through Ethereum. Here in this portal, users/employees across the world form as a crowd to help each other and to show some humanity. It’s a fully transparent and trustworthy and opensource platform which focuses not only on cause but also how to make it easier for the people to fund in simplest and smoothest way possible. Keywords - Crowd Funding, Charity, Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Community, NGO(Non- Governmental Organization), Campaign, Sponsorship, Auto pool circle, Planet slots. I. INTRODUCTION Through this portal, every individual can fund ideas (Writings, music albums, movies, apps, software's, startups, new products), causes (educational scholarships/building free schools, hostels, old-age homes and for other reasons that you believe in), charities (In recent years, crowdfunding platforms have gained in popularity, with charity-focused sites becoming more popular [1]),events (concerts, circus/magic shows, talents) and recoveries (areas affected by floods, earthquakes, cyclones, scarcity, etc.) Employees can sponsor their money to one who has innovative startup ideas and can able to impress them. Any individual who are willing to donate can able to create an account and link their Ethereum wallet to the portal and start donating using auto pool circle program strategy, Smart contracts are stored in the network's data logic layer and make up the Ethereum blockchain. Nodes can read other smart contracts, and they can be read and executed. As mentioned by N. Srinivasan [2]. Any individual who are in need can create an account, making a request presenting their ideas or conveying about their needs of money. He can land a page requesting donations and can make a campaign immediately after getting approval and can get the financial help they need, Because the specificities of each campaign may imperil the conclusions, they should be generic and applicable to as many campaigns as possible discussed by Landro pereira [3]. This crowdfunding portal gives you tools, such tools when come to crowdfunding platform will provide a more comprehensive view of the factors in successful a greater understanding of the factors that influence the success of crowdfunding campaigns, as well as the capacity to account for any interdependencies as pointed by Hanjia Lyu [4]. it allows the user to and tips along with opportunities to narrate story to the society with the help of a special happiness team to get a proper funding and response and guide you to post them on social media too, As the crowdfunding site grows more socialised, the number of comments from participants is increasing. as mentioned by Long-Shen-Chen [5] After the campaign is approved, a specialized team will help you to go through this software and elaborate dashboard to monitor your
  • 2. day-to-day progress of funding, and a backend tool will provide you the key analytics on the dashboard and also The traditional crowdfunding platforms are vulnerable to data leaks, high transaction and platform fees, and rampant frauds which happens due to the anonymity of user’s identity i.e., users cannot be identified when they commit cybercrimes. As blockchain is immutable and decentralized, it can reduce the possibility of data breaches. This brings in transparency as there is no central authority over the blockchain-based crowdfunding By Sayyam gadam.[6] Crowdfunding has been designed with three programs/algorithms integrated in a single interface. *Free campaign program, based on the idea of the project one may find many sectors which can be invested as a view by Michal Gregus [7]. *Auto pool circle program *Planet slots 10x program Advantage of using Ethereum as a platform for transactions: *Ethereum transactions and smart contrasts are serially executed by miners and they are not concurrent and whereas EVM executes them as a moment as mentioned by Sara Rauhani [8], and Ethereum has a peculiar property that it can act as money as well as it can also store value and mostly it is used by developers. *It’s needed by developers to create smart contacts and to use as a tradable instrument and apps on Ethereum network. *It can be used as a form of investment whose value goes up and down. Each individual account holder must have an Ethereum wallet while/before signing up for transactions. Each Ethereum wallet will have a unique private key which helps the person to send or receive funds with other parties. Main advantage of our crowdfunding software is a donor/account holder/can able to choose whom to donate and what purpose/idea he’s/she’s donating for and how much amount from his/her ITR (Income Tax Returns) crowdfunding he/she wants to donate for them. While coming to the legal information in Favor to crowdfunding according to the Indian government: *Section 80G says that a person can deduct their donating certain amount for central/state relief funds, NGOs and other charity related trusts/institutions from your annual income to arrival of your taxable income. *Under section 12A or 12AA of nonprofits registered, The Act of Income Tax in the year 1961 recognized as an exemption of tax by the income tax department. However, the tax exempt is limited to the income of nonprofit from direct taxation. It offers no exemption for indirect taxes. *Under GST donations received by nonprofit organizations doesn’t need to pay tax. *Interests are payed for mortgages, all kinds of loans, can be able to get deducted from annual taxes, effectively reducing a person's taxable income of the year. So indirectly sponsorships/donations done by the stakeholders (portal users/donors) can be considered as a charity and can be deducted from their respective income tax returns. II. RELATED WORK Following the pool's first activation, you can join the planet slots programme, where you must make a system-defined donation or contribution by clicking the activate now icon, and a smart system will divide your CF contribution to the current eight uplines. It is made up of five planets, each of which requires you to make a system-defined gift or contribution by clicking the activate now icon, in exchange for a 10x contribution of the planet activation value. According to Dahui Li [9], scholarly attention is needed when it comes to post-crowdfunding strategy because the existing research focuses mostly on artists' behaviour and tactics during the crowdfunding period. Sponsorship behaviour, social media, product category, and reputation chasing are among the current studies on factors influencing artists' behaviour. Producers use tactics including crowdfunding period design, information disclosure, and engagement with sponsors, among others, to achieve the two-fold purpose of crowdfunding, which is to satisfy the project's goal while also raising the most money feasible, according to these contributing factors. According to Peng Du [10], authors' post- crowdfunding strategy has been accepted substantially less attention, as evidenced by the aforementioned evaluation. Furthermore, qualitative and empirical research is the most common methodology in crowdfunding research—analytical studies are relatively rare. Crowdfunding is a platform that facilitates and organizes the crowdfunding process. At this time, a slew of new platforms is springing up all over the world in an attempt to offer innovative business tactics and services. There will be a lot of testing just in the parts/phases/chapters where there are relatively few restrictions. Bernardino has created three distinct components that are unique in the CF's component-1 is all about the respondents' understanding of crowdfunding investment models and variables related to lending and crowdfunding equity as a source of funding for business entrepreneurs, as well as Co project models. Component 2 concerns a respondent's understanding of non-investment crowdfunding strategies, such
  • 3. as donation and benefit-based models for non-profit funding. The third and last component concerned how much knowledge a responder had about Crowdfunding in general, including terminology and how it obtains funds from individual investors. Let's get this party started. Stockholders have little legal recourse against issuers, and if the issuer defaults or commits fraud, the money will never be isolated through the issuer, and the issuer will be unable to make the required sheet of offer. A platform may or may not carry out the due diligence needed by the issuer when listing funds. Crowdfunding is frequently utilized with or in addition to social lending services. investing Crowdfund (CFI) is an alternative to pledge-based crowdfunding that focuses on investments. This term refers to secure connected inquiry and debt fund-raising using crowdsourcing platforms, which have recently arisen as a viable alternative to traditional funding techniques such as bank loans and venture capitalists. Crowdfunding in the medical sector (MC) is the most common method of raising donations for medical charities. Patients utilize MC to gather donations from people all over the world, which they use to pay for medical treatments and operations. When opposed to typical medical donations, medical crowdfunding allows people in MC to move donations from offline to online, resulting in cost savings, lower thresholds, faster communication, and greater public contact in less time. People are turning to MC instead of depending on restricted governmental health services in many countries. When it comes to crowd fundraising, blockchain is really important. Blockchain, according to Vasvi Gupta [11], has the ability to drastically transform how it is viewed. In an irreversible manner, all transactions are time-stamped and logged. Also, according to Mokter Hossain [12], The media has taken attention of crowdfunding as well as attention from academia and traditional stakeholders from all over world, which intern can be greatly developed using blockchain technology by implementing it in the platform as one of the main functionalities in the portals. Despite the frameworks involved, Gloria Grottolo[13] believes that blockchain-based fundraising operations are beneficial in supporting potential investors in detecting significant signals and drivers of notable companies. It may also assist regulators and market players better understanding how the current regulatory framework relates to blockchain-based crowdfunding. Once when a transaction is entered & executed, never be modified or erased. Proof-of-Work (Pow) consensus protocol is used for Ethereum which is the first use case of blockchain as well as digital money, Chandranshu Gupta[16]. Ethereum uses Blockchain as a way to solve the long-lasting problems of double costs of digital cash and handing out of digital transactions in a distributed way without the need of any reliable third party, Muhammad Nasir Mumtaz Bhutta[17]. III. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK This conceptual framework consists of: 3.1 System overview Fig.1 System Overview The above diagram consists how modules integrate with each other in the current crowdfunding system 3.2 Fund transfer process
  • 4. Fig.2 Fund transfer process Above diagram is all about how donation process and validation work in this current crowdfunding system IV. METHODOLOGY Initially all the users enter into a community enrollment module. There funders as well as help seekers can join directly or through auto pool circle referral program. When the user joins our platform after signing in, he/she would be greeted by a beautiful landing page with menu and about info. Every user must create and integrate their Ethereum wallet through Ethereum wallet integration module to start crowdfunding process. Here all the user data would be stored in a graph data structure with nodes connecting to each other in the order of auto pool circle algorithm. Also, As a result, the Blockchain has the ability to change the way people think about it. In an irreversible manner, all transactions are time-stamped and logged. Smart contracts can even automate transactions, allowing you to enhance your productivity while also speeding up the process. All the transaction details from funder end as well as fund seeker end will be recorded in the form of blocks in blockchain. While all the other crowdfunding platforms are using “all or nothing” model, instead tis portal are uses “keep it all” model for startups. All the fund that was raised during a timestamp is all yours and need not to be returned if it doesn’t meet the target fund. This consists of 1. Data structure 2. Algorithm 3. Pseudocode 4.1 Data structure Graph: Graph is a data structure which contains a plain connecting various nodes either in uni-directional way or in bi directional way. A graph can be connected or be disconnected. The users joining in our portal will be described as nodes which forms various binary trees in a plane. Each node contains user info of the specific user. And also, the value of depth-first search or "backtracking" as a technique for solving graph problems is illustrated by two examples. An enhanced version of an algorithm for identifying the strongly linked components of a directed graph and an algorithm for finding the biconnected components of an undirected graph. As a thought of Robert Tarzan [15] 4.2 Algorithm 4.2.1 Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm: DFS is an algorithm used for traversal and searching nodes of a tree or a graph which starts with a random node in a graph or with a root node in a tree. DFS has lesser time complexity and memory efficient compared to BFS. It is best suitable even if target node is far from the source. And also, According to Palanisamy [14], the depth-first search is a tree search technique that allows traversal from a source node to neighbour nodes next to the source node in a graph. DFS is used to fetch a user detail from the disconnected graph in our portal. Steps for DFS: Step 1: Initialize all node as unvisited and all edges as undiscovered. Step 2: Pick a random node from the graph Visit the node(i.e., search for unvisited nodes in the disconnected 2d graph and Visit(V,GR)) Step 3: Any adjacent undiscovered edges? Then check with the adjacent nodes of that particular edge.(i.e., for all incident edges in the graph, if we found edge labelled undiscovered then, adj_vertex(V,E) to visit adjacent node) Step 4: If the connecting node is unvisited, then mark edge as discovered and visit that node(i.e., setLabel(E,DISCOVERED) and visit(W,GR)) Step 5: If the node is already visited then back track the edge.(i.e., if(W.Label=visited) then setLabel(E,BACK)) Step 6: While checking with edge Label, if any undiscovered edge cannot be found when moving forward, then back track again until you reach initial node. 4.2.2 Blockchain A blockchain database is distributed, shared, fault tolerance and append only database that maintains the record in
  • 5. blocks linked in a chronological order. Initial block in the chain is known as genesis block.[17] Currency in the Ethereum is generally denoted by the term ETH and smallest unit of ETH is referred as ETH is equal to 1 billion GWEI(Giga-WEI) and one GWEI is equal to 1 billion WEI. EVM(Ethereum Virtual Machine) is a platform used by miners for computational checksum while creating hash function for a newly added block. Then the transaction confirmed and added into block and also be removed from the pool of unconfirmed transactions. Finally, each and every transaction in the blocks presented in the system blockchain will be executed again until final state of EVM is obtained. This state matching process with EVM when verified every time increases trust and security while verification. In the current project blockchain is used to store all the user joining, referral as well as transactional data to make it impossible to do artificial block collision by hackers and also to make it visible publicly to build trust among users which is primary aspect for any non-profits. 4.2.3Proof Of Work (POW) algorithm: Miners after doing some logical and mathematical computations to creates hash functions with the for the transaction data provided with previous block hash function present in the chain. Proof of work is an algorithm used to confirm the transaction with the hash key provided and create a new block in the chain to add the new transaction data.[16] Fig.3: Proof Of Work overview Step 1: Take the hash key of previous node in blockchain. Step 2: Take the transaction data to be added in the chain as a new block. Step 3: Compute and calculate the logics to solve the puzzle to get hash key for current block. Step 4: Get the current block hash key verified by co-miners and get the reward. Step 5: Add new block to the blockchain with the help of current calculated hash key. 4.3 Pseudocode for DFS DFS(GR) { For all V∈GR.vertices { setLabel(V,UNVISITED); #INITIALIZING ALL VERTICES AS UNVISITED } For all E∈GR.edges { setLabel(E,UNDISCOVERED); #INITIALIZING ALL EDGES AS UNDISCOVERED } For all V∈GR.vertices #CHOOSING A RANDOM VERTEX FROM GRAPH { If(V.label==UNVISITED) #SEARCHING FOR ALL UNVISITED VERTICES IN GRAPH(ALSO WORKS FOR DISCONNECTED GRAPH NODES) { Visit(V,GR); } } } Visit(V,GR) { setLabel(V,VISITED)#SETTING CURRENT NODE TO VISITED for all E∈V.incident_edges { If(E.label==UNDISCOVERED) { W=adj_vertex(V,E); #W BE THE VERTEX ADJACENT TO UNDISCOVERED EDGE E If(W.label==UNVISITED) { setLabel(E,DISCOVERED); #SETTING CUREENT EDGE AS DISCOVERED visit(W,GR); } If(W.label==VISITED) #SETTING CURRENT EDGE AS A BACK EDGE { setLabel(E,BACK); } } } }
  • 6. VI. STIMULATION AND ANALYSIS Fig.4: survey statistics for significant growth of various crowdfunding platforms in recent years From the survey data collected from;Massolution, comparatively donation based and reward based crowd fundings had a rapid growth which made together and implemented as a hybrid model in the current system. Fig.5: Time taken by POW vs POS vs DAG to generate a new block Fig.6: Individual analysis for time taken by POW and POS to create a new block Fig.7: Performance analysis-BFS vs DFS Fig.8: Power Consumption-Crypto mining vs banking Fig.9: Main webpage of the portal All the modules of the portal can be accessed from this main webpage.
  • 7. Fig.10: User transaction details display page Each and every user transaction information will be displayed in this module along with the hash keys for each transaction happened. VII. CONCLUSION Crowdfunding is a platform that not only provides financial assistance, but also assists in the acquisition of manpower and the development of community relationships. Moreover, blockchain-based fundraising campaigns are correctly implemented and make it easier for potential investors to find key indications and drivers of noteworthy enterprises. Furthermore, as Gloria Grottolo said, it could assist regulators and market participants in understanding how the present regulatory framework applies to blockchain-based crowdfunding. Finally this portal is to bring change with respect to donations and sponsorships in the current world. References [1] Hongke zhao, “Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of crowdfunding platforms among which the charity-based ones are becoming increasingly popular” in Voice of Charity: Prospecting the Donation Recurrence & Donor Retention in Crowdfunding, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2019. 10.1109/TKDE.2019.2906199 [2] N. Srinivasan, “Ethereum blockchain consists of smart contracts which reside in the data logic layer of the blockchain. Nodes can read other smart contracts and can read and execute them.” in Decentralised Applications Using Ethereum Blockchain, Fifth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM), 2019, 10.1109/ICONSTEM.2019.8918887 [3] Landro pereira, “the factors of success can vary greatly, depending on the specificities of each campaign, and those individual results could jeopardize the conclusions, that should be general and applicable to the largest number of campaigns possible.” in Success factors in a reward and equity based crowdfunding campaign, IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2018 10.1109/ICE.2018.8436308 [4] Hanjia Lyu, “This combination provides a more comprehensive view of the factors in successful crowdfunding projects and helps to better take into account possible interrelations” in What Contributes to a Crowdfunding Campaign’s Success? Evidence and Analyses from GoFundMe Data, JOURNAL OF SOCIAL COMPUTING ISSN 2688- 5255 05/06 pp183−192 Volume 2, Number 2, June 2021 10.23919/JSC.2021.0010 [5] Long-Sheng chen, “with the socialization of the crowdfunding platform, the commentary data of the participants on the platform is increasing” in A Study of Social Media Reviews Effects on the Success of Crowdfunding Projects, IEEE 10th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (ICAST), 2019 10.1109/ICAwST.2019.8923411 [6] Sayam Gaddam, “The traditional crowdfunding platforms are vulnerable to data leaks, high transaction and platform fees, and rampant frauds which happens due to the anonymity of user’s identity i.e., users cannot be identified when they commit cybercrimes. As blockchain is immutable and decentralized, it can reduce the possibility of data breaches. This brings in transparency as there is no central authority over the Blockchain,” in Blockchain – Based Crowd funding: A trust Building Model, Gandhinagar, India, 10 January 2022 [7] Michal Gregus, “based on the idea of the project one may find many sectors which can be invested” in Equity Crowdfunding in Real Estate 7th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud), 2019 [8] Sara Rouhani, “Ethereum transactions and smart contrasts are serially executed by miners and they are not concurrent and whereas EVM executes them as a moment” in Performance
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