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visitation of angels and the 3 goblets
the question is how do angels look like ? firstly i greet you brother and sisters allover the world i,m
pastor moise lushiku,now firstly the angels are spirits without flesh but they manisfest in color
whiter than snow and that whiteness is brightening it is also luminous ,this is the aspect of angels
ever since i saw them the first time, and as i continue to see them i notice that they are always
very serious, i ve never seen them laughing they are alwayss serious ,and when you see angels you
feel like you want to sanctify yourself because they reflect God holiness they are holly, my first
time to see angels was in the year 2007 february 5, it was in the afternoom in the church, i was in
a 8 months prayer retreat ,you may ask me the question is it neccesary for christian to
experience angelic manifestation ? sinc christ has promised us the holy spirit not angels as it is
written... I tell you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. Unless I go away, the
Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. And when He comes, He will
convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:…And I will ask the Father, and
He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot
receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with
you and He will be in you,first of all the holy spirit is God, he is the divine spirit that coordinate
everything in christians life, he is God but angels responsability is to carry out the will of God who
is the holy spirit ,and God said to moses in Exodus 23:20"Behold, I am going to send an angel
before you to guard you along the way and to bring you into the place which I have
prepared,generally angels are messangers, the holy spirit is the presence of God in us, God gave
moses a mission to liberate the children of israel and he said to him behold i place an angel before
you ,the purpose of angels in the ministry or service is for performing wonders,miracles and
signs,angels assist us in fulfilling or carrying out the assignment given to us by God ,because every
aspect of missions given to christian are related to specific types of angels ,whether its
healing,deliverance,preaching and every time we do the work of God we are assisted by angels
although we have the holy spirit, like i said they are associated to specificity in ministries,as the
bible say For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways, we are
not to pray to angels or to command them it is God who order them ,and somewhere it is wriiten
he make his angels winds and his servant flame of fires,angels are like winds as they are
everywhere they move like wind,in the day of pentecost there was like a wind and then a flamme
of fire which is the nature and characteristic of the servants of God ,angels do the works of power
like winds exactly the way an angel was shaking waters in the bethesda pool angels manifest
powers in the nature but we are flame of fire, the purpose of fire is purification and
transformation, and servants of God are suppose to affect transformation and purification when
dispensating God counsel ,unfortunately people prefer winds over fire ,they prefer mighty
works,winds are miracles,wonders and signgs, these are spectacles that people like but fire purify
and turn raw material to gold ,we should go after fire and cleasing not just winds as we are
servants, we are flames of fires ,the last time i saw angels was in the 16th december 2015 i was in
my bedroom reading the bible i was suppose to hold a seminary, actually the lord has accustomed
me to these experiences ,every time i am holding a seminary, a board would appeard and there
will be a handwritting on the board and i would take a sheet of paper to write what i m seeing on
the board ,sometimes i would close my eyes and see things or images then i would write what i am
seeing, these are visions , thirdly i would see appearance of angels or the lord jesus himself
accompanied with his angels,on that day i was reading the bible then i felt like a wind blowing in
my bed room, then i began to hear voices in that wind,later when i was writting what i was
reading in the scripture i felt like stifled and hot as the day was sunny, so i decided to take a
shower to refresh myself, i went to bath, and as i was in the atmosphere of the spirit i took my
tablet with me in the bathroom to listern to christian music in order to stay in the atmosphere of
the spirit,so i started to bath and i put a christian song , it was in that bathroom while i washing
that i got angelic visitation, you may wonder how come angels are appearing to a man washing in
the bathroom, do angels care whether the person is in the bathroom or a delivery room or a place
of initimacy ?well there are many category of angels there are warrior angels and if you are in
danger they dont mind where you are,and the bible say that The angel of the LORD encamps
around those who fear him, and he delivers them,so you got to understand that wherever you go
and wherever you are,you are always ccompanied by the angel of the lord ,he does not care
about the place you are, its the execution of the misssion assigned to him which is to protect you
that matter, whether you are in a plane he is always with you for your security irrespective of the
place you are, they are also angels that are messanger, if its urgent for you to get the message
whatever the place and the condition you will get the message,what happen is that as i was taking
shower i put a chrisitan song in order to be in the atmosphere of the spirit ,the song was talking
about the passion of christ , but very soon i began to realise that the song was bringing down my
anointing ,i noticed that since i put that music the intensity of the anointing in my spirit was
coming down ,this christian song was getting me out of the atmosphere of spirit ,when i realised
this i then took the tablet and i changed the song ,and when i changed the song i realised that i
was back in the atmosohere of the spirit,i felt the anointing again ,and i began to wonder why is
that the previous gospel song got me out of the anointing and i was about to put the tablet back
on the shelf where i put towel when sudddeenly the bathroom wall disappear, and was replaced
by an angelic scene i saw 3 angels showing up before me they were not touching the ground as
usual, i rememeber in the previous vison when i saw the angel of the church who is callled
marvellous, he transported me beyond the ceiling of my house in a altitud of 4 meters then he
showed me how they perceive the earth, it was really dirty ,he showed me the earth which looked
like rotten pork skin and he said to me this is the earth this is why we dont trample on it, and the 3
angels that appeared in my bathroom were not touching the ground as well ,i noticed that the 3
angels had in their hand ustensils like glass or goblet, one of them took the word and said mose!
immediatly i stopped washing i was there beholding what was happening ,firstly the 3 angels
introduced themselves as the angels of impact ,one of them asked me moses do you know why
your anointing was brought down ? the angel say it was because of the previous song, but why
did the previous song brought down your anointing ? the angel asked what was wrong with the
song and why did it get you out of the atmosphere of the spirit ?actually the song was a sang by a
popular female singer in the country , the angel said that although the singer is singing about the
word of God she is not worthy nor sacreed or holly , she just made a son and released it like that,
the angel said that whenever or wherever a man or woman is serving God if the person that is
serving God is holy his holyness is transmitted to his service or his dispensation, when a servant of
God is holy ,consacreted or sacreed, his service therefore become sacreed whether it is singing
,preaching and praying it will become sacred because he is sacred ,the angel said that when a
servant is dispensating God counsel if we notice that his service or dispensation is sacred and
worthy then we implicate and involved ourself in that dispensation and counsel which could be a
song or preaching ,and what we do is that we cause the song or the preaching to make an impact
upon those who are receiving message or the song because we are angels of impact ,the angel
said that that gospel singer just made a song and just release without our implication and our
involvement because she was not worthy or sacreed as consequence you ended up out of the
atmosphere of the spirit, the angel told me that every time servants or labourers are serving God
whether its preaching,singing,praying, if they are sacred or holly our assignement is to bring about
impact in the life of those are exposed to their sing, preaching,or prayer because we are the angel
of impact ,we use God servants dispensation as a channel to cause impact in the lives of those
listening to them, we implicate ourselves in what you do so that it can affect,impact and edify
them, beloved when we preach the gospel if we are sacred or holly, angels would come in our
preaching and used as channel to create impact ,conversion edification, healing,transformation
,then the angels said to me that the person that was singing the song that i was hearing was not
sacred or consacreted, therefore they could not involved themselves in that music or used it as
channel in order to fortiied me, as a result the song was giving me nothing ,its not just about
working for the kingdom but its about being in a state or condition of consecration and holyness
that will allow the angels of impact to get in your service or preaching or singing for it to impact
those who are exposed to your service or dispensation ,this is the reason why there are many
empty songs and empty preaching without impact on people that are exposed to them ,then the
angels said to me we are here to give you 3 secrets of impact,so that singers,preachers,those
doing deliverance,soul winning and all the workers of the kingdom would attract angelic
participation in what they do and have impact on people lives,as i was observing theses angels
they were all holding their goblets that look like glass,the firsrt angel brandished his goblet and
said,moses look ! when i looked inside the goblet i saw a greenish oil inside that goblet,the second
angel brandished his glasss there was wheat seed inside,and the thrid angel brandished his goblet
and i saw that there was water inside then they said these are the secrets of impact in God service
or the ministry ,after showing me these 3 goblets and their containing the angels then allowed me
to go get dressed, then i took my towels and i wiped water off my body the 3 angels were still
standing there then i went quickly to dress in my bed room ,curiously they were also standing in
my bedroom in the same position as they were in my bathroom i thought i left them in the
bathroom but i found them in the bedroom ,then i dressed myself quickly, afterward the angel
that had the goblet full of greenish oil held my hand, and instantly we travel away to an unknown
place and we landed in a place that look like offices or classroom ,there was a board and an angel
was speaking like in a classrrom, he was teaching and his word was appearing on the board,then
then angel holding goblet full of greenish oil took word and said mose have you ever heard about
God school this is it ,the the angel said to me today i am giving you the first secret of impact, the
angel gave me the goblet containing greenish oil and said drink it! i took the goblet and i drank
the green oil ,but while drinking it i noticed that the greenish oil was foamed like beer, so when i
drank it it was suppose to cause an effect of drunkenness, not of beer but of the holy spirit, the
angel said that the oil that you drank is the first secret of impact and you are supposed tho be
drunk of the holy spirit ,then the angel said to me tell the church and the labourers in the kingdom
that before anybody serve or dispensate service to people he must beforehand be filled with the
holy spirit who is represented by this green oil you just drunk ,they must make sure that are
consaccreted because there will be consequence and when a worker is consacreted,sacred and
holy as consequence he attract the angels of impacts in his dispensation and service and there will
impact in what they do ,whether they are singer or a musician or a preacher, then the angel said
to me the reason you drunk the oil is that its in you its part of you,we were still in the school of
God when the angel said to me, remember moses in the scriptures he was not anointed though he
was the one who anointed aaron as it is written Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for
brethren to dwell together in unity!It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down
upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; the bible say
that when we are together let someone sing a song let some one preach as the purpose of our
gathering is edification , as a result oil will flow whenever someone sing or preach in order to
affect and impact or edify one another ,in this passage they mention aaron because he was
anointed not moses although he was called so when we gather the oil will first flow to the leader
because aaron is the symbol of leadership the oil will come first to the leader then to the body
which is the church ,now let suppose in the church the pastor is not sacred d holy he become an
obstacle for the church as the anointing is suppose to come him first ,the angel said to me that it
was aaron that was anointed and God said to moses i made you god and aaron will be your
prophet, in otherword its aaron who will speak because he is anointed not moses as he is not
anointed ,i bless the lord becausse in the school of god i learn why moses was failing to speak, any
leader that is not anointed and lack intimacy with the holy spirit his message wil be powerlees or
lifeless and unconvincing ,the angel said that those who have not drink oil their words and
preaching will be limited and powerless, arron was anointed because he had a prophetic minstry
but moses was not since he had no ministry he was made god that explain why he had difficult
languagein comparaision to arron though he was a powerfull leader ,the angel said that the oil is
also prophetic you can prophecy and declare things,the angel said your job is to drink oil and
declare the word and our job is to come in your dispensation and to cause impact including
miracles wonder and signs ,the angel finish by saying that for us angels of impact there is no such
things as bad or good songs as long as the one who is singing has drank oil and is filled with the
holy spirit we will enter in his dispenstion cause his service to impact those listerning to him ,the
angel said we dont mind his voice whether its good or not ,as long as he is sacred ,holy and full of
the holy spirit we will cause his song to affect those who are expose to it, when you are anointed
you will not fight to heal the sick just simple word will have an effect and jesus was not fighting to
heal the sick becaus he said the spirit of the lord is upon me he has anointed me to heal the sick
,if you want angelic implication in your service be filled with the holy spirit ,
the second angel took a recipient in the shape of glass and inside that glass there was wheat ,the
angel said to me take some and eat, i took some of the wheat in that glass and i ate it was crispy,
then the angel said behold the mystery,the bread is made from the farina which is made from
wheat from which allow to making of bread ,these wheat from the angel was chocolate,beloved if
you want to make an impact whether you are a minister a servant a labourer in the kingdom
serving the lord you must be eating wheat continually ,before presenting yourselves in front of the
people you must eat the wheat and it should be in your stomack this is a mystery that why the
angel asked to take some and eat,and it is in my stomack now as i am talking to you thats why i am
impacting the world because i have been fed with wheat by angels of impact ,then the angel said
to me that jesus was born bethlem and conceived in nazareth,gabriel told marie you shall
conceived and jesus was conceive in nazareth but he could not be born in nazareth as no prophet
has prophecy about nazareth it is not known in the bible,in the hystory and the prophecy,thats
why gabriel order marry and jesoth to go to bethlem during the recement as this is a prohpetic city
related to messiah in comparaon to nazareth and bethlem means house of bread later jesus said i
am bread of life in fact jesus was born in the house of breads therefore he was the bread of life
,you must understand tht bread is the main food in current life whatever the country or culture it
is eaten everyday in the morn and the evening not noom jesus is alpha and omega,we start the
day with bread and we finish the day with bread ,this is suppose to be threroutine of the believer
who want toa malke a impact he must stst the day wit the word and finsihe the day with the
word ,let read in proverd tLet all who are simple come to my house!”To those who have no sense
she says,5 “Come, eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed.6 Leave your simple ways and
you will live; walk in the way of insigh,the angel told me to tell the world that whoevr want to
make an imapct will have to eat the wheat the image of jesus,in the above passage given to me by
the second angel of impact we can read that the implication of eating bread rsult in 2 effect on
the person eating it,the first effect is that you quit stupidity and the second effect is that you
become wise,if you want to lead god people and if you want to impact god people jesus want you
to abandon stupidity you must not be stupid ,through out the scripture stupidity is associated to
sin,iniquite is associated wih foolishness,the bible talked about the follish bride who lack oil the
anointing and the consecration to God ,when we eat brea we quit supidiy and fooolishness whcih
sin and iniquity if you gonna make an impact on others you will start by leaving supidy and
foolishness you must quit iniquity it is written you hated iniquity and you justice thats why your
God anointed you,the second effect of eating bread is wisdom the passage we read say come to
eat my bread so that you become intelligent ,the angel of the lord said to me that the intelligence
that the book of proverb talk about is what you human call inspiration,the one eat bread become
wise and the bible say the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom
the angel of impact and the goblet of water
we were still in the school of God when the third angel of impact gave me his goblet and asked to
drink the mysterious water that was inside
he told that this water is a secret of impact and then he began to explain to me mystery regarding
the angel said that there is a mystery behind this water and that water go through a rotation cyle
and water do a continual routine,
then the angel said to me that the lord jesus our master and your father said in the scripture that
my people have committed a double sin they have abandoned me the source of the living water,
firstly the angel said that jesus is our father and their master which means we are his children and
heirs while angels are his servants they obeyed orders from their master but we are in the family
as the bible say that The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. And if we
are children, then we are heirs: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ — if indeed we suffer with
Him, so that we may also be glorified with Him.
then the angel said to me that the stream water or the flowing water undergo a cycle by which it is
exposed to the heat of the sun, as a result it entered into boiling process, and as consequence there
will be evaporation,
the angel was trying to explain to me the mystery and the cycle of water, the question is what is
the necessity of evaporation process, firstly the angel said to me that the lord Jesus Christ is the
sun of
who fear My name, the sun of righteousness wilt rise with healing in its wings;
the angel say that the church or the believers go through a process similar to that of a stream or
flowing water that is exposed to the sun heat and then goes through a cycle of boiling and
evaporation cause by the heat of the sun of righteousness which is the image of the lord Jesus
christ as the bible say,
the bible say, Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you,
as though something strange were happening to you.
But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed
when his glory is revealed.
in fact anybody can do experience of evaporation just take recipient and put water inside then
then expose it to fire or heat there will be boiling and evaporation and liquid water will become
in Jeremiah 51:16 it is written When He utters His voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens,
And He causes the clouds to ascend from the end of the earth; He makes lightning for the rain And
brings forth the wind from His storehouses
and if you ever heat water like we do here in congo you will notice that there are particles or
materials that comes out of water ,so in heating water there is a separation that happen dirt
would separate from
we understand that when the heat of the sun boiled the stream water and there is evaporation
and as consequence there is a separation that happen as the water evaporate, yet there are
particles or sediment that cannot evaporate or dissolved, these particules or dirt become solide
,this cycle is a representative or an image of what happen to believers that are suppose to be used
by the lord as efficient labours in the kingdom
and for the angels of impact to involved themselves in your service and dispensation you will be
expose to heat of the sun as a result there will be separation with everything in the world,the lust
of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
an the bible say in isaie 53: said But the LORD was pleased To crush Him, putting Him to grief;
and it is written, But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his
glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with
exceeding joy.
the consequence of evaporation is the change state, water turn into gaseous state and it is for a
purpose, but before changing the state there must be a separation from water that is not
evapaporable or dissolvable which turn to particles or sediment
beloved there is part of you that is to die before you become a powerful instrument in the hand of
God, separation must happen first
this is the secret of impact, before serving the lord before singing or peaching or leading others you
must undergo separation you must be expose to the heat of the sun you must undergo boiling
process for separation from elements in your personality that will stop you from rising in the air,
because evaporation is an image of the rise in dimension and for you to rise in dimension you
gonna have to separate with something that you know tha is not suppose to be there, a sin or an
you have to understand that water boil when it reach 100 degree this is a difficult and a painfull
period or stage for the believer as he is experiencing separation he is to be broken through
suffering and
its never easy
but it is a compulsory process in order to be used effectively and efficiently by the lord and to make
an impact, if you want to make an impact you gonna have to go through the cycle of separation
,those who aspire to serve the lord and to make an impact in their generation they will have to go
through separation process they must separate from anger, evil though, fleshly attitudes,
the condition and state of water after the boiling and evaporation process is different from the
water before
these 2 process
there is a change of state and condition, before the boiling, water was liquid and after the boiling
water has become gas or vapour, there is a change of nature, a change a state, and a change of
and when a believer went through the breaking process successfully the change in his personality
will be evident to all ,as the bible say that you shall know
them by their fruits,
and when he serve God the angels of impact will involved themselves and cause those who are
expose to his service, his praching, his singing to be impacted
this is a major secret about service and impact revealed to me by the angels of impact
beloved this teaching was happening in the school of God, there was a board, chairs or desks and
tables, and while the angels was speaking his word were appearing on the board,
he said when water has become a vapour or gaz you have to understand it is already separated
from particles that was not subjected to evaporation phenomena and when water turn to vapour it
become lighter than liquid water
because it is separated from sediments, its like you are discharged of your loads which are sins you
consequently you become light,
but they are Christians that are raw, yet there are serving God, how can you do exorcism or pray
for people while you have a girlfriend and you are in fornication
preachers and singers especially singers, they dress badly, they are in fornication, they tend to
rebel themselves in the church when they become popular
most Christian are not yet used by God and many servants think that they are anointed but they
are just emotional and in many case its just the name of jesus displaying its power. it has nothing
to have with
the servant,
now what happen next is that the water that is turned to vapour will seat in the clould, tike job say
in his book that the cloud support the water, that is in gaseous state or vapor state
and the next thing that will happen is that this water will be exposed to the sun heat, as a result
this gaseous water will be will ionised by the sun,
the sun will ionise and transmit electric charge to that water or vapour, if you collect rain water
you can use like battery because it contain electric charge it contain ions received from the sun,
a broken believer is bound to be filled and clothed with the power of holy spirit and the anointing
of the holly spirit as he is broken and separated, this is the third secret of impact revealed by the
angel of the impact
the angel is talking the cyle of stream water which is an imagiry of the process by with believers
and servants in the kingdom had to go through so that
they can make impact while dispensating God counsel
the first step was that the water was boiled as it was heat by the sun as a result there was
separation and the water turn to gas or vapour then the water in gas state was again exposed to
the sun which was suppose to transmit electric charge to this water.
and it is after this last process after receiving electric charge that finaly the water would come
down to earth to water the earth and sproute or germinate the earth and this water affect the
vegetal life, the water will be useful to man to animat to vegetation
because the water contain electric charge received from the sun, after these water have water the
earth it will have to have to be subjected to the heat of the again then the boiling and evaporation
it wilt have to complet the cycle and come down to water the earth and germinate vegetation
this is an imagiry of chistian live,
beloved for you to be loaded with electric charge and to impact your generation there is a process
that you will not escape that is separation, its only this way that the angels of impact will involved
themselves in your ministry.
we are the water charged with eletric energy to germinate the earth, to couse life to human,
and animal life,
and in Hebrews 6:7 the bible say For ground that drinks the rain which often falls on it and brings
forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is also tilled, receives a blessing from God;

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Visitation of angels and the 3 goblets

  • 1. visitation of angels and the 3 goblets 1 the question is how do angels look like ? firstly i greet you brother and sisters allover the world i,m pastor moise lushiku,now firstly the angels are spirits without flesh but they manisfest in color whiter than snow and that whiteness is brightening it is also luminous ,this is the aspect of angels ever since i saw them the first time, and as i continue to see them i notice that they are always very serious, i ve never seen them laughing they are alwayss serious ,and when you see angels you feel like you want to sanctify yourself because they reflect God holiness they are holly, my first time to see angels was in the year 2007 february 5, it was in the afternoom in the church, i was in a 8 months prayer retreat ,you may ask me the question is it neccesary for christian to experience angelic manifestation ? sinc christ has promised us the holy spirit not angels as it is written... I tell you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:…And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and He will be in you,first of all the holy spirit is God, he is the divine spirit that coordinate everything in christians life, he is God but angels responsability is to carry out the will of God who is the holy spirit ,and God said to moses in Exodus 23:20"Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared,generally angels are messangers, the holy spirit is the presence of God in us, God gave moses a mission to liberate the children of israel and he said to him behold i place an angel before you ,the purpose of angels in the ministry or service is for performing wonders,miracles and signs,angels assist us in fulfilling or carrying out the assignment given to us by God ,because every aspect of missions given to christian are related to specific types of angels ,whether its healing,deliverance,preaching and every time we do the work of God we are assisted by angels although we have the holy spirit, like i said they are associated to specificity in ministries,as the bible say For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways, we are not to pray to angels or to command them it is God who order them ,and somewhere it is wriiten he make his angels winds and his servant flame of fires,angels are like winds as they are everywhere they move like wind,in the day of pentecost there was like a wind and then a flamme of fire which is the nature and characteristic of the servants of God ,angels do the works of power like winds exactly the way an angel was shaking waters in the bethesda pool angels manifest powers in the nature but we are flame of fire, the purpose of fire is purification and transformation, and servants of God are suppose to affect transformation and purification when dispensating God counsel ,unfortunately people prefer winds over fire ,they prefer mighty works,winds are miracles,wonders and signgs, these are spectacles that people like but fire purify and turn raw material to gold ,we should go after fire and cleasing not just winds as we are servants, we are flames of fires ,the last time i saw angels was in the 16th december 2015 i was in my bedroom reading the bible i was suppose to hold a seminary, actually the lord has accustomed
  • 2. me to these experiences ,every time i am holding a seminary, a board would appeard and there will be a handwritting on the board and i would take a sheet of paper to write what i m seeing on the board ,sometimes i would close my eyes and see things or images then i would write what i am seeing, these are visions , thirdly i would see appearance of angels or the lord jesus himself accompanied with his angels,on that day i was reading the bible then i felt like a wind blowing in my bed room, then i began to hear voices in that wind,later when i was writting what i was reading in the scripture i felt like stifled and hot as the day was sunny, so i decided to take a shower to refresh myself, i went to bath, and as i was in the atmosphere of the spirit i took my tablet with me in the bathroom to listern to christian music in order to stay in the atmosphere of the spirit,so i started to bath and i put a christian song , it was in that bathroom while i washing that i got angelic visitation, you may wonder how come angels are appearing to a man washing in the bathroom, do angels care whether the person is in the bathroom or a delivery room or a place of initimacy ?well there are many category of angels there are warrior angels and if you are in danger they dont mind where you are,and the bible say that The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them,so you got to understand that wherever you go and wherever you are,you are always ccompanied by the angel of the lord ,he does not care about the place you are, its the execution of the misssion assigned to him which is to protect you that matter, whether you are in a plane he is always with you for your security irrespective of the place you are, they are also angels that are messanger, if its urgent for you to get the message whatever the place and the condition you will get the message,what happen is that as i was taking shower i put a chrisitan song in order to be in the atmosphere of the spirit ,the song was talking about the passion of christ , but very soon i began to realise that the song was bringing down my anointing ,i noticed that since i put that music the intensity of the anointing in my spirit was coming down ,this christian song was getting me out of the atmosphere of spirit ,when i realised this i then took the tablet and i changed the song ,and when i changed the song i realised that i was back in the atmosohere of the spirit,i felt the anointing again ,and i began to wonder why is that the previous gospel song got me out of the anointing and i was about to put the tablet back on the shelf where i put towel when sudddeenly the bathroom wall disappear, and was replaced by an angelic scene i saw 3 angels showing up before me they were not touching the ground as usual, i rememeber in the previous vison when i saw the angel of the church who is callled marvellous, he transported me beyond the ceiling of my house in a altitud of 4 meters then he showed me how they perceive the earth, it was really dirty ,he showed me the earth which looked like rotten pork skin and he said to me this is the earth this is why we dont trample on it, and the 3 angels that appeared in my bathroom were not touching the ground as well ,i noticed that the 3 angels had in their hand ustensils like glass or goblet, one of them took the word and said mose! immediatly i stopped washing i was there beholding what was happening ,firstly the 3 angels introduced themselves as the angels of impact ,one of them asked me moses do you know why your anointing was brought down ? the angel say it was because of the previous song, but why did the previous song brought down your anointing ? the angel asked what was wrong with the song and why did it get you out of the atmosphere of the spirit ?actually the song was a sang by a popular female singer in the country , the angel said that although the singer is singing about the word of God she is not worthy nor sacreed or holly , she just made a son and released it like that,
  • 3. the angel said that whenever or wherever a man or woman is serving God if the person that is serving God is holy his holyness is transmitted to his service or his dispensation, when a servant of God is holy ,consacreted or sacreed, his service therefore become sacreed whether it is singing ,preaching and praying it will become sacred because he is sacred ,the angel said that when a servant is dispensating God counsel if we notice that his service or dispensation is sacred and worthy then we implicate and involved ourself in that dispensation and counsel which could be a song or preaching ,and what we do is that we cause the song or the preaching to make an impact upon those who are receiving message or the song because we are angels of impact ,the angel said that that gospel singer just made a song and just release without our implication and our involvement because she was not worthy or sacreed as consequence you ended up out of the atmosphere of the spirit, the angel told me that every time servants or labourers are serving God whether its preaching,singing,praying, if they are sacred or holly our assignement is to bring about impact in the life of those are exposed to their sing, preaching,or prayer because we are the angel of impact ,we use God servants dispensation as a channel to cause impact in the lives of those listening to them, we implicate ourselves in what you do so that it can affect,impact and edify them, beloved when we preach the gospel if we are sacred or holly, angels would come in our preaching and used as channel to create impact ,conversion edification, healing,transformation ,then the angels said to me that the person that was singing the song that i was hearing was not sacred or consacreted, therefore they could not involved themselves in that music or used it as channel in order to fortiied me, as a result the song was giving me nothing ,its not just about working for the kingdom but its about being in a state or condition of consecration and holyness that will allow the angels of impact to get in your service or preaching or singing for it to impact those who are exposed to your service or dispensation ,this is the reason why there are many empty songs and empty preaching without impact on people that are exposed to them ,then the angels said to me we are here to give you 3 secrets of impact,so that singers,preachers,those doing deliverance,soul winning and all the workers of the kingdom would attract angelic participation in what they do and have impact on people lives,as i was observing theses angels they were all holding their goblets that look like glass,the firsrt angel brandished his goblet and said,moses look ! when i looked inside the goblet i saw a greenish oil inside that goblet,the second angel brandished his glasss there was wheat seed inside,and the thrid angel brandished his goblet and i saw that there was water inside then they said these are the secrets of impact in God service or the ministry ,after showing me these 3 goblets and their containing the angels then allowed me to go get dressed, then i took my towels and i wiped water off my body the 3 angels were still standing there then i went quickly to dress in my bed room ,curiously they were also standing in my bedroom in the same position as they were in my bathroom i thought i left them in the bathroom but i found them in the bedroom ,then i dressed myself quickly, afterward the angel that had the goblet full of greenish oil held my hand, and instantly we travel away to an unknown place and we landed in a place that look like offices or classroom ,there was a board and an angel was speaking like in a classrrom, he was teaching and his word was appearing on the board,then then angel holding goblet full of greenish oil took word and said mose have you ever heard about God school this is it ,the the angel said to me today i am giving you the first secret of impact, the angel gave me the goblet containing greenish oil and said drink it! i took the goblet and i drank
  • 4. the green oil ,but while drinking it i noticed that the greenish oil was foamed like beer, so when i drank it it was suppose to cause an effect of drunkenness, not of beer but of the holy spirit, the angel said that the oil that you drank is the first secret of impact and you are supposed tho be drunk of the holy spirit ,then the angel said to me tell the church and the labourers in the kingdom that before anybody serve or dispensate service to people he must beforehand be filled with the holy spirit who is represented by this green oil you just drunk ,they must make sure that are consaccreted because there will be consequence and when a worker is consacreted,sacred and holy as consequence he attract the angels of impacts in his dispensation and service and there will impact in what they do ,whether they are singer or a musician or a preacher, then the angel said to me the reason you drunk the oil is that its in you its part of you,we were still in the school of God when the angel said to me, remember moses in the scriptures he was not anointed though he was the one who anointed aaron as it is written Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; the bible say that when we are together let someone sing a song let some one preach as the purpose of our gathering is edification , as a result oil will flow whenever someone sing or preach in order to affect and impact or edify one another ,in this passage they mention aaron because he was anointed not moses although he was called so when we gather the oil will first flow to the leader because aaron is the symbol of leadership the oil will come first to the leader then to the body which is the church ,now let suppose in the church the pastor is not sacred d holy he become an obstacle for the church as the anointing is suppose to come him first ,the angel said to me that it was aaron that was anointed and God said to moses i made you god and aaron will be your prophet, in otherword its aaron who will speak because he is anointed not moses as he is not anointed ,i bless the lord becausse in the school of god i learn why moses was failing to speak, any leader that is not anointed and lack intimacy with the holy spirit his message wil be powerlees or lifeless and unconvincing ,the angel said that those who have not drink oil their words and preaching will be limited and powerless, arron was anointed because he had a prophetic minstry but moses was not since he had no ministry he was made god that explain why he had difficult languagein comparaision to arron though he was a powerfull leader ,the angel said that the oil is also prophetic you can prophecy and declare things,the angel said your job is to drink oil and declare the word and our job is to come in your dispensation and to cause impact including miracles wonder and signs ,the angel finish by saying that for us angels of impact there is no such things as bad or good songs as long as the one who is singing has drank oil and is filled with the holy spirit we will enter in his dispenstion cause his service to impact those listerning to him ,the angel said we dont mind his voice whether its good or not ,as long as he is sacred ,holy and full of the holy spirit we will cause his song to affect those who are expose to it, when you are anointed you will not fight to heal the sick just simple word will have an effect and jesus was not fighting to heal the sick becaus he said the spirit of the lord is upon me he has anointed me to heal the sick ,if you want angelic implication in your service be filled with the holy spirit , 2.
  • 5. the second angel took a recipient in the shape of glass and inside that glass there was wheat ,the angel said to me take some and eat, i took some of the wheat in that glass and i ate it was crispy, then the angel said behold the mystery,the bread is made from the farina which is made from wheat from which allow to making of bread ,these wheat from the angel was chocolate,beloved if you want to make an impact whether you are a minister a servant a labourer in the kingdom serving the lord you must be eating wheat continually ,before presenting yourselves in front of the people you must eat the wheat and it should be in your stomack this is a mystery that why the angel asked to take some and eat,and it is in my stomack now as i am talking to you thats why i am impacting the world because i have been fed with wheat by angels of impact ,then the angel said to me that jesus was born bethlem and conceived in nazareth,gabriel told marie you shall conceived and jesus was conceive in nazareth but he could not be born in nazareth as no prophet has prophecy about nazareth it is not known in the bible,in the hystory and the prophecy,thats why gabriel order marry and jesoth to go to bethlem during the recement as this is a prohpetic city related to messiah in comparaon to nazareth and bethlem means house of bread later jesus said i am bread of life in fact jesus was born in the house of breads therefore he was the bread of life ,you must understand tht bread is the main food in current life whatever the country or culture it is eaten everyday in the morn and the evening not noom jesus is alpha and omega,we start the day with bread and we finish the day with bread ,this is suppose to be threroutine of the believer who want toa malke a impact he must stst the day wit the word and finsihe the day with the word ,let read in proverd tLet all who are simple come to my house!”To those who have no sense she says,5 “Come, eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed.6 Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of insigh,the angel told me to tell the world that whoevr want to make an imapct will have to eat the wheat the image of jesus,in the above passage given to me by the second angel of impact we can read that the implication of eating bread rsult in 2 effect on the person eating it,the first effect is that you quit stupidity and the second effect is that you become wise,if you want to lead god people and if you want to impact god people jesus want you to abandon stupidity you must not be stupid ,through out the scripture stupidity is associated to sin,iniquite is associated wih foolishness,the bible talked about the follish bride who lack oil the anointing and the consecration to God ,when we eat brea we quit supidiy and fooolishness whcih sin and iniquity if you gonna make an impact on others you will start by leaving supidy and foolishness you must quit iniquity it is written you hated iniquity and you justice thats why your God anointed you,the second effect of eating bread is wisdom the passage we read say come to eat my bread so that you become intelligent ,the angel of the lord said to me that the intelligence that the book of proverb talk about is what you human call inspiration,the one eat bread become wise and the bible say the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom 3. the angel of impact and the goblet of water we were still in the school of God when the third angel of impact gave me his goblet and asked to drink the mysterious water that was inside
  • 6. he told that this water is a secret of impact and then he began to explain to me mystery regarding this water the angel said that there is a mystery behind this water and that water go through a rotation cyle and water do a continual routine, then the angel said to me that the lord jesus our master and your father said in the scripture that my people have committed a double sin they have abandoned me the source of the living water, firstly the angel said that jesus is our father and their master which means we are his children and heirs while angels are his servants they obeyed orders from their master but we are in the family as the bible say that The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. And if we are children, then we are heirs: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ — if indeed we suffer with Him, so that we may also be glorified with Him. then the angel said to me that the stream water or the flowing water undergo a cycle by which it is exposed to the heat of the sun, as a result it entered into boiling process, and as consequence there will be evaporation, the angel was trying to explain to me the mystery and the cycle of water, the question is what is the necessity of evaporation process, firstly the angel said to me that the lord Jesus Christ is the sun of who fear My name, the sun of righteousness wilt rise with healing in its wings; the angel say that the church or the believers go through a process similar to that of a stream or flowing water that is exposed to the sun heat and then goes through a cycle of boiling and evaporation cause by the heat of the sun of righteousness which is the image of the lord Jesus christ as the bible say, the bible say, Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. in fact anybody can do experience of evaporation just take recipient and put water inside then then expose it to fire or heat there will be boiling and evaporation and liquid water will become vapour in Jeremiah 51:16 it is written When He utters His voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens, And He causes the clouds to ascend from the end of the earth; He makes lightning for the rain And brings forth the wind from His storehouses
  • 7. and if you ever heat water like we do here in congo you will notice that there are particles or materials that comes out of water ,so in heating water there is a separation that happen dirt would separate from we understand that when the heat of the sun boiled the stream water and there is evaporation and as consequence there is a separation that happen as the water evaporate, yet there are particles or sediment that cannot evaporate or dissolved, these particules or dirt become solide remains ,this cycle is a representative or an image of what happen to believers that are suppose to be used by the lord as efficient labours in the kingdom and for the angels of impact to involved themselves in your service and dispensation you will be expose to heat of the sun as a result there will be separation with everything in the world,the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. an the bible say in isaie 53: said But the LORD was pleased To crush Him, putting Him to grief; and it is written, But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. the consequence of evaporation is the change state, water turn into gaseous state and it is for a purpose, but before changing the state there must be a separation from water that is not evapaporable or dissolvable which turn to particles or sediment beloved there is part of you that is to die before you become a powerful instrument in the hand of God, separation must happen first this is the secret of impact, before serving the lord before singing or peaching or leading others you must undergo separation you must be expose to the heat of the sun you must undergo boiling process for separation from elements in your personality that will stop you from rising in the air, because evaporation is an image of the rise in dimension and for you to rise in dimension you gonna have to separate with something that you know tha is not suppose to be there, a sin or an attitude you have to understand that water boil when it reach 100 degree this is a difficult and a painfull period or stage for the believer as he is experiencing separation he is to be broken through suffering and its never easy but it is a compulsory process in order to be used effectively and efficiently by the lord and to make
  • 8. an impact, if you want to make an impact you gonna have to go through the cycle of separation ,those who aspire to serve the lord and to make an impact in their generation they will have to go through separation process they must separate from anger, evil though, fleshly attitudes, the condition and state of water after the boiling and evaporation process is different from the water before these 2 process there is a change of state and condition, before the boiling, water was liquid and after the boiling water has become gas or vapour, there is a change of nature, a change a state, and a change of condition and when a believer went through the breaking process successfully the change in his personality will be evident to all ,as the bible say that you shall know them by their fruits, and when he serve God the angels of impact will involved themselves and cause those who are expose to his service, his praching, his singing to be impacted this is a major secret about service and impact revealed to me by the angels of impact beloved this teaching was happening in the school of God, there was a board, chairs or desks and tables, and while the angels was speaking his word were appearing on the board, he said when water has become a vapour or gaz you have to understand it is already separated from particles that was not subjected to evaporation phenomena and when water turn to vapour it become lighter than liquid water because it is separated from sediments, its like you are discharged of your loads which are sins you consequently you become light, but they are Christians that are raw, yet there are serving God, how can you do exorcism or pray for people while you have a girlfriend and you are in fornication preachers and singers especially singers, they dress badly, they are in fornication, they tend to rebel themselves in the church when they become popular most Christian are not yet used by God and many servants think that they are anointed but they are just emotional and in many case its just the name of jesus displaying its power. it has nothing to have with the servant, now what happen next is that the water that is turned to vapour will seat in the clould, tike job say
  • 9. in his book that the cloud support the water, that is in gaseous state or vapor state and the next thing that will happen is that this water will be exposed to the sun heat, as a result this gaseous water will be will ionised by the sun, the sun will ionise and transmit electric charge to that water or vapour, if you collect rain water you can use like battery because it contain electric charge it contain ions received from the sun, a broken believer is bound to be filled and clothed with the power of holy spirit and the anointing of the holly spirit as he is broken and separated, this is the third secret of impact revealed by the angel of the impact the angel is talking the cyle of stream water which is an imagiry of the process by with believers and servants in the kingdom had to go through so that they can make impact while dispensating God counsel the first step was that the water was boiled as it was heat by the sun as a result there was separation and the water turn to gas or vapour then the water in gas state was again exposed to the sun which was suppose to transmit electric charge to this water. and it is after this last process after receiving electric charge that finaly the water would come down to earth to water the earth and sproute or germinate the earth and this water affect the vegetal life, the water will be useful to man to animat to vegetation because the water contain electric charge received from the sun, after these water have water the earth it will have to have to be subjected to the heat of the again then the boiling and evaporation it wilt have to complet the cycle and come down to water the earth and germinate vegetation this is an imagiry of chistian live, beloved for you to be loaded with electric charge and to impact your generation there is a process that you will not escape that is separation, its only this way that the angels of impact will involved themselves in your ministry. we are the water charged with eletric energy to germinate the earth, to couse life to human, vegetation
  • 10. and animal life, and in Hebrews 6:7 the bible say For ground that drinks the rain which often falls on it and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is also tilled, receives a blessing from God;