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Software is eating the world and what most of us see of it is the user interface. The user
interface has become the key component of how the users experience the business
behind it. Competition is lost or won due to user experience. Simplicity is king and the
users get frustrated by anything ugly, slow or not working on the device they happen to
use at the time. We at Vaadin fight for simplicity and invite everyone to join this fight.
Together we want to build a user interface that puts a smile on the user’s face.
Vaadin is the technology that empowers developers to build the best web-apps for
business purposes. Our priority over everything else is developer productivity because
we believe that by simplifying the developer experience and saving the developer’s
time, they are best able to focus on building great user interfaces.
Our brand is what we want everyone to think about us. When everyone - both us and
the people around us - have a consistent understanding of what Vaadin is and what we
stand for, it enables that image to spread and amplify. This book defines what we want
that image to be. It defines what the Vaadin brand is.
I hope that You are as excited and proud of living and breathing the Vaadin brand as
I am. You are the one who is shaping what everyone thinks about Vaadin - using this
brand as a tool and a guideline every day.
Let’s fight for simplicity for both the users and the developers!
Joonas Lehtinen
Founder & CEO
V A A D I N 8 & 1 0
Session’s content
• History meets Roadmap
• Modern & Functional DataBinding
• Web Component & Vaadin 10
Session’s content
• History meets Roadmap
• Modern & Functional DataBinding
• Web Component & Vaadin 10
Vaadin Framework
.1 .2 3 4 5 6 7
Vaadin Framework
.1 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Vaadin Elements
• Web Components

A new, major standard to create
components for the Web

“Custom tags for HTML”
• Vaadin Elements

High-quality UI components for
users of client-side frameworks
such as Angular, ionic …
• A new generation of UI
components to be used also with
future versions of the Vaadin
server-side framework
Main changes
• Java 8
• New data binding
• Focus on new browsers
• Initial Web component support
• Improved performance
Vaadin Framework
.1 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8
UI Backend
UI Backend
Widgets Components
UI Backend
Widgets Components
UI Backend
Widgets Components
Shared State

Vaadin Framework
.1 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Vaadin Framework
.1 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Moving forward from GWT
Vaadin Framework
.1 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Framework
4 5 6 7 8
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Framework
4 5 6 7 8
Flow Vaadin 10
Session’s content
• History meets Roadmap
• Modern & Functional DataBinding
• Web Component & Vaadin 10
Grid<Customer> grid = new Grid<>();
Grid<Customer> grid = new Grid<>();
Grid<Customer> grid = new Grid<>();
grid.addColumn(customer -> customer.getLastName());
Grid<Customer> grid = new Grid<>();
Grid<Customer> grid = new Grid<>();
grid.addColumn(customer ->
Grid<Customer> grid = new Grid<>();
grid.addColumn(customer ->
grid.addColumn(customer ->
String.valueOf( - customer.getYearOfBirth()));
F u n c t i o n a l P a r a d i g m
c . v . u i . A b s t r a c t F i e l d < T >
1 8 5 3 l o c 2 2 8 l o c
F i e l d G r o u p
B i n d e r
H o w w o u l d y o u e d i t
c u s t o m e r r e c o r d s ?
firstName = new TextField("First name");
lastName = new TextField("Last name");
status = new ComboBox<CustomerStatus>("Status");
yearOfBirth = new TextField("Year of Birth");
firstName = new TextField("First name");
lastName = new TextField("Last name");
status = new ComboBox<CustomerStatus>("Status");
yearOfBirth = new TextField("Year of Birth”);
firstName = new TextField("First name");
lastName = new TextField("Last name");
status = new ComboBox<CustomerStatus>("Status");
yearOfBirth = new TextField("Year of Birth”);
binder = new Binder<Customer>();
firstName = new TextField("First name");
lastName = new TextField("Last name");
status = new ComboBox<CustomerStatus>("Status");
yearOfBirth = new TextField("Year of Birth”);
binder = new Binder<Customer>();
binder.forField(firstName).bind(Customer::getFirstName, Customer::setFirstName);
firstName = new TextField("First name");
lastName = new TextField("Last name");
status = new ComboBox<CustomerStatus>("Status");
yearOfBirth = new TextField("Year of Birth”);
binder = new Binder<Customer>();
binder.forField(firstName).bind(Customer::getFirstName, Customer::setFirstName);
binder.forField(lastName).bind(Customer::getLastName, Customer::setLastName);
firstName = new TextField("First name");
lastName = new TextField("Last name");
status = new ComboBox<CustomerStatus>("Status");
yearOfBirth = new TextField("Year of Birth”);
binder = new Binder<Customer>();
binder.forField(firstName).bind(Customer::getFirstName, Customer::setFirstName);
binder.forField(lastName).bind(Customer::getLastName, Customer::setLastName);
binder.forField(status).bind(Customer::getStatus, Customer::setStatus);
firstName = new TextField("First name");
lastName = new TextField("Last name");
status = new ComboBox<CustomerStatus>("Status");
yearOfBirth = new TextField("Year of Birth”);
binder = new Binder<Customer>();
binder.forField(firstName).bind(Customer::getFirstName, Customer::setFirstName);
binder.forField(lastName).bind(Customer::getLastName, Customer::setLastName);
binder.forField(status).bind(Customer::getStatus, Customer::setStatus);
.withConverter(Integer::valueOf, String::valueOf)
.bind(Customer::getYearOfBirth, Customer::setYearOfBirth);
public interface Converter<P, M> {
Result<M> convertToModel(P value, ValueContext context);
P convertToPresentation(M value, ValueContext context);
public interface Validator<T>
extends BiFunction<T, ValueContext, ValidationResult>
ValidationResult apply(T value, ValueContext context);
.withConverter(Integer::valueOf, String::valueOf)
.withValidator(value -> value > 1975, "You can't be that old!")
.bind(Customer::getYearOfBirth, Customer::setYearOfBirth);
.withConverter(Integer::valueOf, String::valueOf)
.withValidator(value -> value > 1975, "You can't be that old!”)
.withValidator(value -> value <=, "You're not born yet!")
.bind(Customer::getYearOfBirth, Customer::setYearOfBirth);
.withConverter(Integer::valueOf, String::valueOf)
.withValidator(value -> value > 1975, "You can't be that old!”)
.withValidator(value -> value <=, "You're not born yet!”)
.withValidationStatusHandler(statusChange -> {
if (statusChange.isError()) {
statusChange.getMessage().ifPresent(msg -> {, 1000, Position.TOP_CENTER);
.bind(Customer::getYearOfBirth, Customer::setYearOfBirth);
binder.withValidator(item -> {
return true;
}, “Error message");
binder.withValidator(item -> {
return true;
}, “Error message");
binder.setValidationStatusHandler(binderValidationStatus -> {
if (!binderValidationStatus.isOk()) {
Session’s content
• History meets Roadmap
• Modern & Functional DataBinding
• Web Component & Vaadin 10
Web Component Standards
4 C O R E C O N C E P T S , S T I L L E V O L V I N G
• Custom Elements
• Shadow DOM
• Templates
• Reusability, HTML Imports / JS Modules
Custom Elements
Shadow DOM
<template id=“my-template"> 





<h1>Web Components</h1> 

<img src="/img/logo.svg"> 



HTML Imports
<link rel="import" href="my-el.html">

HTML Imports
<link rel="import" href="my-el.html">

Replaced with JS modules
• Encapsulation
• Reusability
Benefits of using Web Components
• Vaadin Components are built with Polymer
• For Vaadiner Polymer is the new client side technology
• Affiliated with Google
• Building Web Components with slowly stabilizing standards
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Framework
4 5 6 7 8
Flow Vaadin 10
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Flow
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Flow
Component APIs
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Flow
Component APIs
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Flow
Component APIs
Vaadin 10
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Flow
Component APIs
Vaadin Components
Polymer Element
• For Vaadin Developer it’s mentally the Widget
• Defines own “dom-module”with <template> and <script>
• Specifies the logical DOM structure with HTML and Web Components
• Extends from Polymer.Element JavaScript class
Use any Web Component
V A A D I N D I R E C T O R Y / W E B C O M P O N E N T S . O R G
Vaadin 10
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Flow
Component APIs
Vaadin Flow
PolymerTemplate (Java)Polymer Element (HTML)
public class CustomerForm extends PolymerTemplate<MODEL> {
public class CustomerForm extends PolymerTemplate<MODEL> {
private TextField firstName;
private TextField lastName;
public class CustomerForm extends PolymerTemplate<MODEL> {
private TextField firstName;
private TextField lastName;
private ComboBox<CustomerStatus> status;
public class CustomerForm extends PolymerTemplate<MODEL> {
private TextField firstName;
private TextField lastName;
private ComboBox<CustomerStatus> status;
binder = new Binder<>();
binder.forField(firstName).bind(Customer::getFirstName, Customer::setFirstName);
binder.forField(lastName).bind(Customer::getLastName, Customer::setLastName);
binder.forField(status).bind(Customer::getStatus, Customer::setStatus);
<dom-module id="customer-form">
<dom-module id="customer-form">
<dom-module id="customer-form">
<vaadin-text-field id="firstName"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-text-field id="lastName"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-combo-box id="status"></vaadin-combo-box>
<vaadin-text-field id="yearOfBirth"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-button on-click="saveForm">save</vaadin-button>
<dom-module id="customer-form">
<vaadin-text-field id="firstName"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-text-field id="lastName"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-combo-box id="status"></vaadin-combo-box>
<vaadin-text-field id="yearOfBirth"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-button on-click="saveForm">save</vaadin-button>
<dom-module id="customer-form">
<vaadin-text-field id="firstName"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-text-field id="lastName"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-combo-box id="status"></vaadin-combo-box>
<vaadin-text-field id="yearOfBirth"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-button on-click="saveForm">save</vaadin-button>
class CustomerForm extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() {return 'customer-form'}
customElements.define(, CustomerForm);
<dom-module id="customer-form">
<vaadin-text-field id="firstName"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-text-field id="lastName"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-combo-box id="status"></vaadin-combo-box>
<vaadin-text-field id="yearOfBirth"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-button on-click="saveForm">save</vaadin-button>
class CustomerForm extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() {return 'customer-form'}
customElements.define(, CustomerForm);
public void saveForm() {;
public class CustomerForm extends PolymerTemplate<CustomerModel> {
public interface CustomerModel extends TemplateModel {
Customer getCustomer();
@Include({ "firstName", "lastName", "status", "yearOfBirth" })
void setCustomer(Customer customer);
<dom-module id="customer-form">
<vaadin-text-field id="firstName" value="{{customer.firstName}}"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-text-field id="lastName" value="{{customer.lastName}}"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-combo-box id="status" value="{{customer.status}}"></vaadin-combo-box>
<vaadin-text-field id="yearOfBirth" value="{{customer.yearOfBirth}}"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-button on-click="saveForm">save</vaadin-button>
class CustomerForm extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() {return 'customer-form'}
customElements.define(, CustomerForm);
<dom-module id="customer-form">
<vaadin-text-field id="firstName" value="[[customer.firstName]]"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-text-field id="lastName" value="[[customer.lastName]]"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-combo-box id="status" value="[[customer.status]]"></vaadin-combo-box>
<vaadin-text-field id="yearOfBirth" value="[[customer.yearOfBirth]]"></vaadin-text-field>
<vaadin-button on-click="saveForm">save</vaadin-button>
class CustomerForm extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() {return ‘customer-form'}
customElements.define(, CustomerForm);
function saveForm() {
T H E 5 W A Y S O F F L O W
1 S E R V E R - D R I V E N U I D E V E L O P M E N T
HorizontalLayout buttonLayout = new
Button saveButton = new Button(“Save”);
saveButton.addClickListener(event -> save());
Button cancelButton = new Button(“Cancel”);
cancelButton.addClickListener(event -> cancel());
1 S E R V E R - D R I V E N U I D E V E L O P M E N T
2 D E C L A R AT I V E C O M P O S I T I O N
PolymerTemplate (Java)Polymer Element (HTML)
3 N E W U I C O M P O N E N T S
public class YourComponent extends Div {
public YourComponent {
add([any Vaadin component]);
3 N E W U I C O M P O N E N T S
public class YourComponent extends Composite<Div> {
public YourComponent {
getContent().add([any Vaadin component]);
3 N E W U I C O M P O N E N T S
public class YourComponent extends Component {
public YourComponent {
getElement().appendChild([any Element])
3 N E W U I C O M P O N E N T S
public class PaperInputComponent extends Component {
public String getValue() {
return getElement().getProperty("value", "");
public class PaperInputComponent extends Component {
public String getValue() {
return getElement().getProperty("value", "");
public class PaperInputComponent extends Component {
public String getValue() {
return getElement().getProperty("value", "");
public static class ValueChangeEvent extends
ComponentEvent<PaperInputComponent> {
public ValueChangeEvent(PaperInputComponent source,
boolean fromClient) {
super(source, fromClient);
public class PaperInputComponent extends Component {
public String getValue() {
return getElement().getProperty("value", "");
public static class ValueChangeEvent extends
ComponentEvent<PaperInputComponent> {
public ValueChangeEvent(PaperInputComponent source,
boolean fromClient) {
super(source, fromClient);
4 L AT E N C Y - C O M P E N S AT I O N
@ E V E N T H A N D L E R
• Exposes server side methods for invocation from JavaScript
• Can be mixed with pure JS functions for immediate response
4 L AT E N C Y - C O M P E N S AT I O N
<div id="div" on-click="updateStatus">[[status]]</div>
// JavaScript event handler, run immediately
updateStatus() {
this.status = "Connecting to server…";
// Java event handler on the server, run asynchronously
private void updateStatus() {
getModel().setStatus("Confirmed on the server");
5 C L I E N T - S I D E V I E W S
<person-list-view on-add="addPerson"
5 C L I E N T - S I D E V I E W S
5 C L I E N T - S I D E V I E W S
public interface PersonListModel extends TemplateModel {
List<Person> getPersons();
void setPersons(List<Person> persons);
private void addPerson(@EventData("event.newPerson") Person person) {
List<Person> persons = getModel().getPersons();
Vaadin 10
Vaadin Components
Vaadin Flow
Component APIs
• Vaadin 8 and 10 - built on Java 8
• Lambdas and Functional paradigm at large
• Data binding completely redone
• Targets simplifications and flexibility, #FFS ;)
• Flexible components and multiple ways to data bind
• Gathers all data binding to Binder, simplifies Fields
Lessons learned
Lessons learned
• Web Components are becoming standard in browsers
• Vaadin Components - the client side API for JavaScript Developers
• Component API - the server side API for Java Developers
• Vaadin Flow - the bridge between Client and Server
• Vaadin 10 provides the richest set of development features
T H A N K Y O U !

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Vaadin 8 - Data Binding with BinderVaadin 8 - Data Binding with Binder
Vaadin 8 - Data Binding with BinderPeter Lehto
GWT integration with Vaadin
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Remote controlling Parrot AR Drone with Spring Boot & Vaadin (JavaCro15)
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JavaEE with Vaadin - Workshop
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Vaadin with Java EE 7
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Remote controlling Parrot AR drone with Vaadin & Spring Boot @ GWT.create
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Vaadin 7 - Java Enterprise Edition integration
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