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(12> Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,390,794 B1
Chin (45) Date of Patent: May 21, 2002
(54) ROTARY PISTON ASSEMBLY GB 2077857 * 12/1981 ............... .. 418/227
JP 45-30386 * 10/1970 418/207
(76) Inventor: Andrew Chin, 11301 SW. 156th St, JP 59422795 * 7/1984 418/209
Miami, FL (Us) 33157 RU 546738 * 3/1997 ............... .. 418/207
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this * Cited by examiner
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 _ _ _
U_S_C_ 154(k)) by 0 days_ Primary Examzner—John J. Vrabllk
ttorney, gent, 0r lrm a oy a oy, . .74A A F' —Mll &Mll PA
(21) Appl. No.: 09/442,321 (57) ABSTRACT
(22) Filed: NOV‘ 22’ 1999 A rotary piston assembly including a piston housing With a
(51) Int CL? F01C 1/00 central axis, and an annular chamber de?ned about the
(52) U S C] iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 418/226 central axis. Apair of pistons are disposed about 180 degrees
' ' ' """"""""""" " ’ ’ 418/227’ apart from one another Within the annular chamber and
rotate about the central axis a ?rst angular velocity. The
assembly also includes an abutment housing including a gap
de?ned in its peripheral Wall structure, and structured to
(58) Field of Search ............................... .. 418/207, 209,
418/226, 227
(56) References Cited rotate about an abutment axis at a second angular velocity.
The abutment housing overlaps the piston housing and
US. PATENT DOCUMENTS rotates therethrough to de?ne an interior chamber
therebetWeen, the ?rst and second angular velocities being
15533332 i Z1315 2311? 113/53? de?ned relative to another so that the gap of the
211102554 A * 3/1938 Metzler ____________________ " 418/227 abutment housing rotates through the annular chamberWhen
2,944,533 A * 7/1960 Park ________ __ 418/226 each of the pistons passes into and out of the interior
3,867,912 A * 2/1975 Parr et al. ................... 418/227 Chamber, thereby allowing the Pistons to Pass into and Out Of
the interior chamber through the gap.
DE 4319896 * 12/1994 ............... .. 418/226 38 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
V 62
20 30 __
31 28
24 42 44 35
U.S. Patent May 21, 2002 Sheet 1 0f 6 US 6,390,794 B1
U.S. Patent May 21, 2002 Sheet 4 0f 6 US 6,390,794 B1
U.S. Patent May 21, 2002 Sheet 5 0f 6 US 6,390,794 B1
FIG. 8
U.S. Patent May 21, 2002 Sheet 6 6f 6 US 6,390,794 B1
FIG. 11
US 6,390,794 B1
1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a rotary piston assembly
structured to be usable in a variety of mechanical devices so
as to provide a highly effective and efficient piston assembly,
Which maximiZes the continuous output achievable through
its utiliZation of a rotary assembly, While also signi?cantly
simplifying the overall mechanical design into a more
ef?cient, versatile, and expandable con?guration.
2. Description of the Related Art
For years standard piston assemblies have been utiliZed in
a variety of different con?gurations so as to provide driving
poWer and/or the compression of ?uid in a variety of
different ?elds. Typically, conventional piston assembly
operate under a reciprocating movement Whereby the move
ment of the standard piston sequentially expand and con
tracts a ?xed chamber. Naturally, the expansion time during
Which the piston retracts is a necessary step in order to alloW
future compression by the piston to take place, and visa
versa. As a result, such a conventional piston assembly
typically can only operate one half of the time, the remaining
time being spent in essentially a reset function. Accordingly,
it Would be bene?cial to provide a mechanical system Which
does not have such doWn time.
To this end, and recogniZing this problem piston assem
blies Which require large and/or continuous poWer outputs
typically incorporate the use of a plurality of piston
assemblies, sometimes offset from one another. As a result,
a certain degree of poWer and/or mechanical activity is
alWays being undertaken by at least some of the piston
assemblies, While other piston assemblies are resetting. Still,
hoWever, such a con?guration requires large and complex
mechanical assemblies to be con?gured so as to accommo
date the large numbers of piston assemblies and effectively
drive them in opposing manners With one another. As a
result, such assemblies are not conducive to compact and/or
high ef?ciency uses.
Having recogniZed the general ef?ciency losses associ
ated With standard piston assemblies, others in the ?eld have
attempted over the years to develop rotary assemblies Which
can provide for continuous outputs and/or driving operation.
For example, others have sought to replace standard piston
driven engines With rotary engines that seek to take advan
tage of the mechanical bene?ts associated With a continuous
rotary driving. Much like other devices Which seek to take
advantage of a rotary action, such rotary engines are often
substantially complex assemblies, Which have a variety of
physical limitations associated With their use. For example,
recogniZing the compression and expansion that is still
required Within any type engine assembly, including a rotary
engine, conventional rotary engines typically try to solve the
problem by utiliZing an interior body rotating asymmetri
cally Within an exterior body. This asymmetrical relative
rotation is a critical factor in such current rotary engines, as
such has generally been considered one of the only physical
and effective manners available to achieve the required
compression surface against the leading edge of the interior
?n structures. As can be appreciated, hoWever, the complex
mechanical nature of such rotary engines tends to counter
any advantage that is generally achieved from the continu
ous rotary aspect of the driving and/or pumping cycle.
As a result, it Would be highly bene?cial to provide a
rotary assembly Which achieves a mechanical advantage by
having one or more pistons continuously rotating in the
same direction, but Which does not require overly complex
and elaborate con?gurations to provide effective results.
Moreover, such rotary piston assembly should be readily
expandable and usable in a variety of con?gurations, includ
ing engines, turbines, pumps, etc., Wherein piston assem
blies are currently utiliZed and Wherein the losses associated
With the necessary reciprocating motion of standard pistons
are seen as limiting.
The present invention relates to a rotary piston assembly
con?gured for use in a variety of different applications,
including, engines, turbines, pumps, and the like, many of
Which have traditionally utiliZed standard reciprocating pis
ton con?gurations. Looking particularly to the rotary piston
assembly of the present invention, it includes a piston
housing. The piston housing is structured to contain at least
one, but preferably a pair of pistons, and preferably includes
a generally circular cross-sectional. De?ned Within the pis
ton housing is at least one annular chamber. The annular
chamber is preferably concentrically disposed about a cen
tral axis of the piston housing, and is con?gured so that the
piston may move therethrough as it rotates about the central
Disposed in generally overlapping association With the
piston housing is an abutment housing. In particular, the
piston housing preferably includes a generally arcuate pas
sage de?ned therein, and Which may receive at least a
portion of the abutment housing. As such, the abutment
housing, Which is structured to rotate about an abutment
axis, rotates through the arcuate passage, and accordingly,
through the piston housing. As a result of this overlapping
engagement, an interior chamber is de?ned betWeen the
abutment housing and the piston housing.
Further de?ned in the abutment housing is at least one
gap. In particular, the gap is de?ned by a pair of opposing
ends, and as a result of rotation of the abutment housing, the
gap is also structured to pass through at least the annular
chamber of the piston housing.
The piston and the abutment housing are structured to
rotate relative to one another at ?rst and second angular
velocities, respectively. Preferably, hoWever, the ?rst and
second angular velocities are set relative to one another such
that the gap of the abutment housing is disposed in the
annular chamber upon the piston moving into the interior
chamber de?ned betWeen the abutment housing and the
piston housing. Accordingly, passage of the piston into the
interior chamber is achieved through the gap. LikeWise, the
?rst and second angular velocities are also preferably set
relative to one another such that the gap is also positioned
Within the annular chamber upon the piston moving out of
the interior chamber. As a result, upon the piston passing out
of the interior chamber, it again passes through the gap.
Accordingly, the abutment housing generally provides a
surface Which de?nes a necessary piston chamber and/or
against Which compression from a leading surface of the
piston can take place. Still, hoWever, continuous movement
of the piston in its rotary path is not hindered and/or
otherWise interrupted by the opposing surface de?ned by the
abutment housing. A mechanical advantage from the rotary
piston is thereby achieved, in an ef?cient and effective
These and other features and advantages of the present
invention Will become more clear When the draWings as Well
as the detailed description are taken into consideration.
For a fuller understanding of the nature of the present
invention, reference should be had to the folloWing detailed
US 6,390,794 B1
description taken in connection With the accompanying
drawings in Which:
FIG. 1 is a perspective exploded illustration of an embodi
ment of the rotary piston assembly of the present invention;
FIGS. 2A and 2B are sequential, cross-sectional illustra
tions of the rotary piston assembly of the present invention
illustrating cooperative passage of the piston through the gap
de?ned in the abutment housing of the present invention;
FIG. 3 is a schematic, cross-section illustration of an
alternative embodiment of the piston assembly of the present
invention incorporating a plurality of pistons and a plurality
of gaps de?ned in the abutment housing;
FIG. 4 is a schematic cross-section illustration of an
alternative embodiment of the rotary piston assembly of the
present invention incorporating a pair of abutment housings;
FIG. 5 is a schematic, cross-section illustration of the
rotary piston assembly of the present invention including a
plurality of concentric annular chambers de?ned in the
piston housing;
FIG. 6 is a schematic cross-section illustration of the
present invention utiliZed as a pump;
FIG. 7 is a schematic cross-section illustration of the
piston assembly of the present invention utiliZed in a turbine
FIG. 8 is a schematic cross-section illustration of the
piston assembly of the present invention utiliZed in an
internal combustion engine con?guration;
FIG. 9 is a schematic cross-section illustration of yet
another alternative embodiment of the rotary piston assem
bly of the present invention Wherein the annular chamber is
de?ned only partially and variably about the central axis of
the piston housing betWeen the pistons and the abutment
FIG. 10 is a perspective, schematic illustration of yet
another embodiment of the present invention Wherein a
rotational direction of the abutment housing is generally
perpendicular to a direction of rotation of the piston; and
FIG. 11 is a cross-section of a preferred gearing con?gu
ration in an embodiment of the present invention.
Like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout the
several vieWs of the draWings.
ShoWn throughout the Figures, the present invention is
directed toWards a rotary piston assembly, generally indi
cated as 10. The rotary piston assembly 10 may be incor
porated for a variety of different uses, including a ?uid
pump, as depicted in FIG. 6, a turbine, as depicted in FIG.
7, an internal combustion engine, as depicted in FIG. 8, and
a variety of other uses Wherein a piston assembly may be
Looking in particular to the rotary piston assembly 10 of
the present invention, it includes a piston housing 20. The
piston housing 20 preferably, but not necessarily depending
upon the embodiment, includes a generally circular interior,
cross-section surface contour. Moreover, de?ned, preferably
as part of the piston housing 20, generally about a central
axis 23 is at least one annular chamber 22. The annular
chamber 22 preferably de?nes a generally donut or circular
shaped con?guration along a cross-section of the rotary
piston assembly 10 of the present invention relative to the
central axis 23, as depicted in the accompanying Figures. It
is noted, hoWever, that the piston housing 20, and as a result
the annular chamber 22, in addition to a generally circular
cross-section for the annular chamber 22 perpendicular to
the central axis may include a generally elongate tubular
and/or elliptical type con?guration along a length of the
central axis 23, and/or may include an overall annular and/or
circumferencially tubular con?guration about the central
axis 23, With any shaped cross section in the plane of the
central axis 23. Moreover, the overall siZe and dimension of
the piston housing 20 may be varied depending upon the
output and/or input requirement of the system in Which the
rotary piston assembly 10 Will be utiliZed. HoWever, it is
noted, that the effective yet simplistic design to be described
hereafter is particularly suited for effective utiliZation Within
a small, compact assembly, thereby alloWing for the sim
pli?cation and effective operation of small articles, as Well
as a larger high output con?gurations. Additionally, the
choice of materials from Which the piston housing 20, and
the various other components of the present invention to be
described, are formed may also vary although, a rigid
material, such as a metal, plastics, rigid composite and/or
combination thereof, is typically preferred so as to maintain
the general integrity of the piston housing 20, and/or the
other components during operation of the rotary piston
assembly 10.
Movably disposed Within the piston housing 20, and
preferably Within the annular chamber 22 de?ned about the
central axis 23, is at least one piston 30. The piston 30
preferably includes a general length and contour, betWeen its
oppositely disposed side ends, that is at least someWhat
equivalent to a length and/or contour of the piston housing
20 and annular chamber 22, but includes a general Wedge
shaped con?guration at its cross-section. As a result, the
piston 30 Will include a leading surface Which extends
preferably radially across the annular chamber 22, and a
trailing surface Which also extends preferably radially across
the annular chamber 22. Preferably, the aforementioned
Wedge shape is such that the radially exterior end, Which
preferably conforms to the radially exterior surface contour
of the annular chamber 22, is de?ned by an arc that is at least
slightly larger than the arc Which de?nes the radially interior
end, Which preferably conforms to the radially interior
surface contour of the interior chamber 22.
Also, in the preferred embodiment, and for reasons to be
described subsequently, it is preferred that at least a pair of
pistons 30 be movably disposed Within the annular chamber
22, at a spaced apart distance from one another. Preferably
that spaced apart relation is one hundred and eighty (180)
degrees so as to provide uniform, opposing movement. In
particular, the at least one, but preferably opposing pair of
pistons 30 are structured to rotate about the central axis 23
of the piston housing 20 by moving through the annular
chamber 22. Furthermore, the pistons 30 preferably rotate in
unison With one another through the annular chamber 22,
thereby maintaining the predetermining spacing betWeen
one another, at a ?rst angular velocity. The ?rst velocity may
vary depending upon the particular needs from the rotary
piston assembly 10, and in the illustrating embodiment, a
preferably uniform ?rst angular velocity is maintained in a
direction of rotation. For example, the pistons 30 preferably
rotate about the central axis 23 in a ?rst direction, shoWn in
the illustrating embodiments of FIGS. 2A and 2B to be a
counter clockWise direction.
The rotary piston assembly 10 of the present invention
further includes at least one abutment housing, generally
indicated as 40, Which rotates about an abutment axis 43.
The abutment housing 40 also preferably includes a gener
ally circular cross-section perpendicular to the abutment axis
US 6,390,794 B1
43, and much like the piston housing 20 may include an
elongate tubular con?guration along the abutment axis 43,
and/or an annular tube type con?guration about the abut
ment axis With any shaped cross section in the plane of the
abutment axis 43. The abutment housing 40 is preferably
de?ned by at least a generally rigid peripheral Wall structure
Which folloWs that circular con?guration. Furthermore, the
abutment housing 40 includes at least one gap de?ned in that
peripheral Wall structure. In particular, the gap is preferably
de?ned by a pair of spaced apart ends 42 and 44 of the
peripheral Wall structure. Moreover, in the illustrated
embodiment a siZe of the gap is de?ned by an arc that has
an angular dimension that is generally about tWice a radial
angular thickness of the piston 30.
The abutment housing 40 is structured to rotate about the
abutment axis 43 at a second angular velocity. Furthermore,
the abutment housing 40 is structured to overlap and gen
erally pass through the piston housing 20, as seen in FIGS.
2A and 2B. In particular, the piston housing 20 preferably
includes one or more arcuate passages 26, 28 de?ned
therein. The abutment housing 40 is structured to rotate
through those passages 26, 28 so as to effectively rotate
through and relative to the piston housing 20. Moreover,
de?ned betWeen the overlapping portions of the piston
housing 20 and the abutment housing 40 is preferably an
interior chamber 35. The interior chamber 35 is de?ned
primarily Within the annular chamber 22, and is bordered by
the rotating peripheral Wall structure of the abutment hous
ing 40. As can be appreciated, hoWever, based upon the
rotation of the abutment housing 40 the gap de?ned by the
opposite ends 42 and 44 of the abutment housing 40 Will also
rotate through the annular chamber 22, and at times Will
de?ne the opposite ends of the interior chamber 35.
Along these lines, the ?rst and second angular velocity of
the piston 30 and abutment housing 40, respectively, are set
relative to one another such that the gap de?ned by the
opposite ends 42 and 44 of the abutment housing 40 rotate
through the annular chamber 22 of the piston housing 20
substantially simultaneously With the piston 30 passing into
the interior chamber 35. Looking speci?cally to FIGS. 2A
and 2B, the abutment housing 40 and the piston 30
preferably, but not necessarily, rotate about parallel axis in
the same direction as one another, although the ?rst and
second angular velocities, respectively, may be different
from one another. Accordingly, as one of the pistons 30 is
entering the interior chamber 35, the gap de?ned by the
opposite ends 42, 44 of the abutment housing 40 is prefer
ably simultaneously rotating into the annular chamber 22 to
begin to de?ne the entrance of the interior chamber 35. As
a result of the timed relative rotation, and preferred siZing of
the pistons 30 and the gap in the abutment housing 40, the
piston 30 essentially passes through the gap in the abutment
housing 40 so as to enter the interior chamber 35 Without
being obstructed. In this regard, references should be had to
FIG. 2A Which illustrates hoW one end 44 of the abutment
housing 40 generally passes along the front or leading
surface of the piston 30, While the other end 42 of the
abutment housing 40 trails toWards the trailing surface of the
piston 30. As the abutment housing 40 continues to rotate
and the piston 30 continues to move, as in FIG. 2B, the end
44 of the abutment housing 40 continues to slide radially
outWard along the leading surface of the piston 30 until
eventually full clearance for the piston is achieved and the
piston 30 can pass into the interior chamber 35. Based upon
the relative angular velocities and siZing, the piston 30
moves continuously and generally unobstructed into the
interior chamber 35. Furthermore, so as to facilitate that
slided passage of the ends 42, 44 of the abutment housing 40
over the piston 30, thereby permitting the piston 30 to pass
therethrough, the ends 42, 44 are preferably tapered
inWardly toWards the gap. Moreover, the ends 42, 44, Which
may be rigid or someWhat resilient, preferably de?ned a
substantially ?uid impervious sliding engagement With the
piston 30 during the piston’s passage through the gap,
thereby preserving an integrity of the interior chamber 35
and/or a remainder of the annular chamber 22 in substantial
isolation from one another.
Looking further to the illustrated embodiments of the
piston housing 20 and the abutment housing 40, the diameter
of the abutment housing 40 may be generally equivalent to
the diameter of the piston housing 20 at an outer periphery
of the annular chamber 22. Furthermore, the piston housing
20 and the abutment housing 40 preferably overlap relative
to one another such that the abutment axis 43 is generally
aligned With an outer periphery of the annular chamber 22
of the piston housing 20, While the peripheral Wall structure
of the abutment housing 40 is generally aligned With and
passes through the central axis 23 of the piston housing 20.
Also in such an embodiment, the second angular velocity
of the abutment housing 40 is preferably tWice the ?rst
angular velocity of the piston 30. As a result of this relative
angular velocity betWeen the abutment housing 40 and the
piston 30, not only can the piston 30 effectively slide
through the gap de?ned betWeen the ends 42 and 44 of the
abutment housing 40 When entering the interior chamber 35,
but the abutment housing 40 Will also rotate suf?ciently such
that the gap Will re-enter the annular chamber 22 When the
piston 30 is exiting the interior chamber 35. Accordingly, in
the same manner that the piston 30 passes through the gap
so as to enter the interior chamber 35, the piston 30 passes
through the gap once again so as to exit the interior chamber
35, still preserving the isolated integrity of the interior
chamber 35 from the rest of the annular chamber 22. As a
result of the proceeding, and as Will be described in greater
detailed subsequently With regard to some speci?c examples
of the use of the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present
invention, the abutment housing 40 generally provides a
surface against Which the piston 30 moves and/or pushes
?uid to de?ne a piston chamber, While not restricting and/or
otherWise hampering the normal rotary movement of the
piston 30 as it continues along it rotary path. Further, in the
illustrated embodiment, the second, one hundred and eighty
degree offset piston is also provided, the timed rotation
betWeen the pistons and the abutment housing 40 being such
that When the second piston enters and leaves the interior
chamber 35, the gap once again moves into position to
permit the entry and exit of the piston 30 therethrough. In
addition to ensuring the unhindered movement of the pistons
30 along the rotary path, such a con?guration also ensures
that a generally sealed isolation is maintained betWeen the
interior chamber 35 and the remainder of the annular cham
ber 22 When gap once again rotates through the annular
chamber 22.
Although the illustrated preferred embodiment, as
depicted in FIGS. 2A and 2B includes a pair of piston 30
disposed at a one hundred eighty degree spacing from one
another and a single gap de?ned in the abutment housing 40,
it is understood that a variety of alternate con?guration, such
as those including one or more gaps and/or one or a plurality
of pistons 30, could also be utiliZed and considered to be
Within the scope of the present invention. For example,
looking speci?cally to FIG. 3, four pistons 30 and 30‘ are
preferably provided, the pistons 30 and 30‘ preferably de?n
ing tWo oppositely disposed piston pairs, the corresponding
US 6,390,794 B1
pistons Within each pair being spaced one hundred eighty
degree apart from one another. Likewise in the embodiment
of FIG. 3 a pair of gap 45 and 45‘ are preferably de?ned in
the abutment housing 40. The gaps 45, 45‘ are disposed a
predetermined distance relative to one another correspond
ing the spacing betWeen the piston pairs 30 and 30‘. For
example, in the illustrated embodiment, the gaps are dis
posed of one hundred eighty degrees apart from one another
since the piston pairs 30, 30‘ are disposed generally ninety
(90) degrees from one another. As a result, the rotation of the
abutment housing 40 and the pistons 30, 30‘ in a correspond
ing uniform direction results in one of the gaps 45 passing
through the annular chamber 22 When the ?rst pair ofpistons
30 are entering and leaving the interior chamber 35, While
the second gap 45‘ passes through the annular chamber 22
When the second set of pistons 30‘ are entering and leaving
the interior chamber 35. Along these lines, it is noted that
although it is preferred that a generally symmetrical orien
tation betWeen the pairs of pistons 30 and 30‘ as previously
described be maintained, alternate spacings could also be
utiliZed. In such an embodiment Wherein the spacing
betWeen the piston pairs 30 and 30‘ is not ninety degrees,
and/or is less than ninety degree so that additional piston
pairs can be incorporated, the relative orientation of the gaps
45 and 45‘ relative to one another in the abutment housing
40 Would correspondingly be adjusted so as to effectuate
proper timed passage of the gaps into the annular chamber
Turning to FIG. 4, in yet another embodiment a pair of
abutment housings 40, 40‘ may be provided in overlapping
relation With a single piston housing 20. In such an embodi
ment each of the abutment housings 40 and 40‘ preferably
includes a gap de?ned therein, hoWever, a pair of spaced
apart interior chambers 35, 35‘ are de?ned Within the annular
chamber 22 of the piston housing 20. Further, although in
the illustration the abutment housings 40, 40‘ are disposed
directly opposite from one another, it is understood that
differing, and/or more tangential con?gurations With tWo or
more abutment housing 40, 40‘ could also be con?gured.
HoWever, in such an embodiment a more symmetrical
con?guration is preferred so as to standardiZe an effective
piston stroke achieved by either of the pistons 30. Likewise,
it is also noted that a single abutment housing 40 can also be
seen to rotate through multiple piston housing 20 in much
the same manner that multiple abutment housings 40, 40‘
rotate through a single piston housing 20. As a result, a
generally continuous array of interlocking piston housings
20 and abutment housings 40 could be utiliZe, if desired, for
a particular application.
Also, looking to FIG. 5, an embodiment Wherein a plu
rality of annular chambers 22, 22‘ are de?ned radially from
one another Within the piston housing 20 may also be
provided. in such an embodiment a plurality of integral or
separate pistons 30, 30‘ are correspondingly disposed to
move through an appropriate annular chamber 22, 22‘ and
pass into an out of a corresponding plurality of interior
chamber 35, 35“. In such an embodiment, as Well as some
others, the diameters of the abutment housing is different
from that of the piston housing.
In yet another embodiment, as de?ned in FIG. 9, the
annular chamber is only partially and/or variably de?ned
about the central axis 23, more precisely being de?ned
directly betWeen the abutment housing 40 and an enlarged
piston 30. In such an embodiment, the interior chamber and
the annular chamber are generally equivalent, an engage
ment by the abutment housing along the leading and trailing
surfaces of the pistons 30 serving to enclose and de?ne the
interior chamber Whose radial position moves With rotation
of the piston about the central axis.
Furthermore, looking to FIG. 10, it is also recogniZed that
the abutment axis of the abutment housing 40 may be
de?ned perpendicular to the central axis of the piston
housing, While still achieving the desired overlap therebe
tWeen. Such an embodiment may be bene?cial Wherein the
piston housing includes an annular tubular con?guration
about the central axis.
So as to preserve a general isolating integrity betWeen the
abutment housing 40 and the piston housing 20, an exterior
housing 46, Which at least partially contains the abutment
housing 40 is provided. In particular, the abutment housing
40 is preferably structured to rotate through the exterior
housing 46 When not passing through the piston housing 20.
As a result, the exterior housing 46 alloWs for effective
rotation of the abutment housing 40 through the piston
housing 20, While maintaining overall containment Within
an interior of the rotary piston assembly 10, as needed.
Looking once again to the individual pistons 30, the
radially interior and exterior ends preferably generally con
tact and/or are disposed in close spaced apart relation to the
interior Wall surfaces of the interior chamber 22 in a sub
stantially precise manner, as required so as to maintain the
effective and/or typically desirable ?uid impervious integ
rity Within the annular chamber 22. Additionally, hoWever,
and as best illustrated in FIG. 1 a drive assembly 60 is also
preferably provided so as to actually move the pistons 30
through the annular chamber 22, and/or provide a take-off
for the rotating energy of ?uid driven pistons 30. Because
the piston housing 20 is preferably stationery, and the
abutment housing 40 preferably rotates through the piston
housing 20, the drive assembly 60 preferably includes one or
more drive contacts 64 Which are structured to operatively
engage at least one of the side ends of each of the pistons 30
at an end of the rotary piston assembly 10. As a result,
rotation of the drive assembly 60 Will not interfere With
rotation of the pistons and/or abutment housing 40 through
the piston housing 20 and relative to one another. Also in the
embodiment of FIG. 1, although a pair of drive assemblies
could be provided on opposite ends, a more standard cap
structure 62 is preferably provided so as to de?ne an
enclosure of the annular chamber 22 betWeen the cap 62 and
the drive assembly 60. It is noted that in other embodiments,
such as that of FIG. 10, a central drive assembly could be
effectively provided.
Turning to FIG. 11, it is also recogniZed, that if desired a
single gearing con?guration could be provided to achieve
the desired relative rotational angular velocities betWeen the
abutment housing 40 and the piston 30. In such an
embodiment, the drive assembly 60, Which engages the
pistons 30 so as to achieve the desired rotational angular
velocity, includes a gearing extension 77 Which engages a
perimeter toothed surface 47 of the abutment housing 40. As
a result of the relative dimensions of the gearing, the pistons
30 and the abutment housing 40 can be effectively rotated at
desired relative angular velocities utiliZing only the drive
assembly 60.
As previously described, the rotary piston assembly 10 of
the present invention may be integrated Within a variety of
different operative assemblies. For example, referring ?rst to
FIG. 6, the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present inven
tion may be provided as part of a ?uid pump. For example,
one or more inlets 70, 74 may be provided in the piston
housing 20 for the in?oW of ?uid, Whether a liquid or a gas.
As the piston 30 rotates through the annular chamber 22,
US 6,390,794 B1
?uid in front of the piston 30 is pushed into and out of the
next available outlet 72 or 73 as the abutment housing
isolates the interior chamber 35 from the rest of the annular
chamber 22 and does not alloW continued ?uid ?oW there
through. Moreover, after each piston 30 passes one of the
inlets 70 or 74, a vacuum tends to be formed behind the
piston 30 also draWing in additional quantities of ?uid and
helping to further the cycle. The piston 30 in such an
embodiment are preferably driven by a drive assembly 60
such as that depicted in FIG. 1, and continuous movement
and pumping rotation of a pistons 30 can be achieved,
Without the need for a reset motion of the pistons to alloW
a reciprocating con?guration as With conventional piston
Looking to FIG. 7, yet another embodiment of the present
invention may relate to the integration of the rotary piston
assembly 10 of the present invention as part of a turbine
assembly. In such an embodiment, a pressuriZed ?uid is
introduced into the piston housing 20 through an inlet 80
drives the pistons through the annular chamber 22 until an
outlet 82 is reached and the ?uid is evacuated from annular
chamber 22. Likewise, corresponding inlet and outlet can be
provided Within the interior chamber 35 so as to provide an
effective continuous rotary cycle, or preferably cooling can
take place Within the interior chamber 35. In such an
embodiment, the pistons 30 are connected to the drive
assembly, hoWever, it is the rotation of the pistons 30 that
causes the movement and rotation of the drive assembly
itself so that a conventional poWer take off can poWer other
portions of an overall machine. By Way of example, such a
turbine con?gurations, as depicted in FIG. 7, can also be
integrated into an internal combustion con?guration, as
depicted in FIG. 8, Wherein the turbine represented by rotary
piston assembly 10B can be in operative communication
With preferably a second rotary piston assembly 10A. In
particular, in such an embodiment the ?rst rotary piston
assembly 10A provides for air compression Wherein air or
another gas is introduced through one or more inlets 90, 91
and is compressed by the pistons 30A rotating through the
piston housing 20A. The air is compressed against the
peripheral Wall structure of the rotating abutment housing
40A and as a result of the compression is pushed through one
or more corresponding outlets 92, 93 in a pressuriZed state.
The compressed air then ?oWs into a combustion chamber
95 Wherein fuel is introduced through a fuel supply 96, and
an ignition structure 97 ignites and combusts the fuel
generating a pressuriZed gas. The pressuriZed gas then enters
the turbine rotary piston assembly 10B through one or more
inlet 98, 98‘ so as to drive the pistons 30B Within the piston
housing 20B of the rotary piston assembly 10B. The exhaust
gas is then evacuated in a conventional fashion through one
or more outlets 99, 99‘. In such a con?guration, a general
cooling preferably takes place in the interior chamber 35B
Which is isolated from the remainder of the annular chamber
of the piston housing 20B by the abutment housing 40B,
thereby providing a complete driving cycle in a substantially
continuous fashion. Along these lines, it is noted that
although a pair of inlets and a pair of outlets is illustrated
With regard to each of the rotary piston assemblies 10A and
10B, only one inlet and one outlet, or any appropriate
combination thereof, could be effectively utiliZed in asso
ciation With the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present
invention. Furthermore, this speci?c illustrated embodiment
of the integration of the rotary piston assembly 10 of the
present invention is merely an example of one of a variety
of uses to Which the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present
invention can be put.
Since many modi?cations, variations and changes in
detail can be made to the described preferred embodiment of
the invention, it is intended that all matters in the foregoing
description and shoWn in the accompanying draWings be
interpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense. Thus,
the scope of the invention should be determined by the
appended claims and their legal equivalents.
NoW that the invention has been described,
What is claimed is:
1. A rotary piston assembly comprising:
a piston housing, said piston housing including a central
axis and at least one annular chamber de?ned about
said central axis;
at least one piston structured to rotate about said central
axis Within said annular chamber;
said piston structured to move through said annular
chamber at a ?rst angular velocity;
at least one abutment housing, said abutment housing
including a peripheral Wall structure and at least one
gap de?ned in said peripheral Wall structure;
said abutment housing structured to rotate about an
abutment axis at a second angular velocity;
said abutment housing and said piston housing being
overlappingly disposed With one another so as to
de?ne an interior chamber therebetWeen, said abut
ment housing structured to rotate at least said periph
eral Wall structure through said piston housing so as
to de?ne said interior chamber;
said ?rst angular velocity and said second angular
velocity being de?ned relative to one another such
that said gap of said abutment housing rotates
through said annular chamber of said piston housing
substantially simultaneously With said piston passing
into said interior chamber; and
said second angular velocity being further de?ned as
substantially tWice said ?rst angular velocity.
2. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein
said ?rst angular velocity and said angular second velocity
are further de?ned relative to one another such that said gap
of said abutment housing rotates through said annular cham
ber of said piston housing substantially simultaneously With
said piston passing out of said interior chamber such that
said piston passes therethrough out of said interior chamber.
3. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein
a diameter of said abutment housing at said peripheral Wall
structure is generally equal to a diameter of said piston
housing at an outer periphery of said annular chamber.
4. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein
said abutment housing and said piston housing are disposed
With said central axis aligned With said peripheral Wall
structure of said abutment housing.
5. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 further
comprising an exterior housing structured to at least partially
and rotatably contain said abutment housing.
6. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein
said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a pair of
spaced apart ends, each of said ends being generally tapered
toWards said gap so as to facilitate slided passage over said
piston during simultaneous rotational movement of said
piston and said abutment housing.
7. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein
said piston housing includes a generally arcuate passage
de?ned therein and structured to at least partially receive
said abutment housing rotatingly therethrough.
8. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 further
comprising a plurality of said pistons.
9. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 further
comprising a plurality of said annular chambers concentri
cally disposed relative to one another.
US 6,390,794 B1
10. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 further
including a second piston disposed in said piston housing.
11. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 10
Wherein said second piston is spaced generally about 180
degrees from said ?rst piston.
12. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein
said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a pair of
spaced apart ends, said ends structured and disposed to
maintain a generally ?uid impervious, sliding engagement
With said piston during passage of said piston through said
13. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 12
Wherein said gap is de?ned by an arc having an angular
length that is generally about tWice an angular thickness of
said piston.
14. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein
said piston comprises a leading surface, a trailing surface, a
radially exterior end, a radially interior end, and a pair of
oppositely disposed side ends.
15. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 14 further
comprising a drive assembly structured to move said piston
through said annular chamber.
16. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 15
Wherein said drive assembly is structured to engage at least
one of said side ends of said piston so as to move said piston
Without interfering With said rotation of said abutment
17. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 further
comprising a second abutment housing structured to rotate
through said annular chamber of said piston housing so as to
de?ne a second one of said interior chambers therebetWeen.
18. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 17
Wherein said ?rst interior chamber is spaced apart from said
second interior chamber.
19. A rotary piston assembly comprising:
a piston housing, said piston housing including a central
axis and at least one annular chamber de?ned about
said central axis;
at least a ?rst piston and a second piston disposed gen
erally about 180 degrees from one another and struc
tured to rotate about said central axis Within said
annular chamber;
said pistons structured to move through said annular
chamber at a ?rst angular velocity;
at least one abutment housing, said abutment housing
including a peripheral Wall structure and at least one
gap de?ned in said peripheral Wall structure;
said abutment housing structured to rotate about an
abutment axis at a second angular velocity;
said abutment housing and said piston housing being
overlappingly disposed With one another so as to
de?ne an interior chamber therebetWeen, said abut
ment housing structured to rotate at least said periph
eral Wall structure through said piston housing so as
to de?ne said interior chamber;
said ?rst angular velocity and said second angular
velocity being de?ned relative to one another such
that said gap of said abutment housing rotates
through said annular chamber of said piston housing
substantially simultaneously With each of said pis
tons passing into and out of said interior chamber, so
that said pistons pass into and out of said interior
chamber through said gap; and
said second angular velocity being further de?ned as
substantially tWice said ?rst angular velocity.
20. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 19
Wherein said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a
pair of spaced apart ends, said ends structured and disposed
to maintain a generally ?uid impervious, sliding engagement
With said pistons during passage of said pistons through said
21. A rotary piston assembly comprising:
a piston housing, said piston housing including a central
axis and at least one annular chamber de?ned about
said central axis;
at least one piston structured to rotate about said central
axis Within said annular chamber;
said piston structured to move through said annular
chamber at a ?rst angular velocity;
at least one abutment housing, said abutment housing
including a peripheral Wall structure and at least one
gap de?ned in said peripheral Wall structure;
said abutment housing structured to rotate about an
abutment axis at a second angular velocity;
said central axis and said abutment axis being substan
tially parallel With one another;
said abutment housing and said piston housing being
overlappingly disposed With one another so as to
de?ne at least an interior chamber therebetWeen, said
abutment housing structured to rotate at least said
peripheral Wall structure through said piston housing
so as to de?ne said interior chamber;
said ?rst angular velocity and said second angular
velocity being de?ned relative to one another such
that said gap of said abutment housing rotates
through said annular chamber of said piston housing
substantially simultaneously With said piston passing
into and out of said interior chamber;
said second angular velocity being further de?ned as
substantially tWice said ?rst angular velocity; and
a drive assembly structured to engage said piston so as to
move said piston Without interfering With said rotation
of said abutment housing.
22. Arotary piston assembly as recited in claim 21 further
including a second piston disposed in said piston housing at
a spacing of generally about 180 degrees from said ?rst
23. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 21
Wherein said abutment housing and said piston housing are
disposed With said central axis aligned With said peripheral
Wall structure of said abutment housing.
24. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 21
Wherein said piston comprises a leading surface, a trailing
surface, a radially exterior end, a radially interior end, and
a pair of oppositely disposed side ends.
25. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 24
Wherein said abutment housing rotates through said central
axis of said piston housing.
26. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 25
Wherein said gap includes an angular length relative to said
abutment axis that is tWice an angle betWeen said leading
surface and said trailing surface of said piston.
27. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 26
Wherein said piston includes a general Wedge shaped con
?guration de?ned betWeen said leading surface and said
trailing surface thereof, said leading surface and said trailing
surface extending radially across said annular chamber.
28. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 27
Wherein said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a
pair of spaced apart ends, said ends structured and disposed
to maintain a generally ?uid impervious, sliding engagement
With said piston during passage of said piston through said
29. Arotary piston assembly as recited in claim 28 further
including a second piston disposed in said piston housing at
a spacing of generally about 180 degrees from said ?rst
US 6,390,794 B1
30. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 29
Wherein a diameter of said abutment housing at said periph
eral Wall structure is generally equal to a diameter of said
piston housing at an outer periphery of said annular cham
31. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 29
Wherein a radially exterior surface of said annular chamber
is de?ned by said abutment housing.
32. A rotary piston assembly comprising:
a piston housing, said piston housing including a central
aXis and at least one annular chamber de?ned about
said central axis;
at least one piston structured to rotate about said central
ads Within said annular chamber in a rotational direc
said piston structured to move through said annular
chamber at a ?rst angular velocity;
at least one abutment housing, said abutment housing
including a peripheral Wall structure and at least one
gap de?ned in said peripheral Wall structure;
said abutment housing structured to rotate about an
abutment aXis at a second angular velocity in said
rotational direction;
said abutment housing and said piston housing being
overlappingly disposed With one another so as to
de?ne an interior chamber therebetWeen, said abut
ment housing structured to rotate at least said periph
eral Wall structure through said piston housing so as
to de?ne said interior chamber;
said ?rst angular velocity and said second angular
velocity being de?ned relative to one another such
that said gap of said abutment housing rotates
through said annular chamber of said piston housing
substantially simultaneously With said piston passing
into said interior chamber; and
said second angular velocity being further de?ned as
substantially tWice said ?rst angular velocity.
33. An assembly as recited in claim 32 Wherein said
abutment housing is further structured to rotate through said
central aXis of said piston housing.
34. An assembly as recited in claim 32 Wherein said gap
in said abutment housing is de?ned by a pair of spaced apart
ends, said ends structured and disposed to maintain a gen
erally ?uid impervious, sliding engagement With said piston
during passage of said piston through said gap.
35. An assembly as recited in claim 32 further comprising
a second piston disposed generally about 180 degrees from
said at least one piston and structured to rotate about said
central ads Within said annular chamber in said rotational
36. A rotary piston assembly comprising:
a piston housing, said piston housing including a central
aXis and at least one annular chamber de?ned about
said central aXis;
at least one piston structured to rotate about said central
aXis Within said at least one annular chamber;
said piston structured to move through said annular
chamber at a ?rst angular velocity;
at least one abutment housing, said abutment housing
including a peripheral Wall structure and at least one
gap de?ned in said peripheral Wall structure;
said abutment housing structured to rotate about an
abutment aXis at a second angular velocity;
said abutment housing and said piston housing being
overlappingly disposed With one another so as to de?ne
an interior chamber therebetWeen, said abutment hous
ing structured to rotate at least said peripheral Wall
structure through said piston housing so as to de?ne
said interior chamber;
said ?rst angular velocity and said second angular veloc
ity being de?ned relative to one another such that said
gap of said abutment housing rotates through said
annular chamber of said piston housing substantially
simultaneously With said piston passing into said inte
rior chamber, and
said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a pair
of spaced apart ends, said ends structured and dis
posed to maintain a generally ?uid impervious, slid
ing engagement With said piston during passage of
said piston through said gap.
37. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 36
Wherein said gap is de?ned by an arc having an angular
length that is generally about tWice an angular thickness of
said piston.
38. Arotary piston assembly as recited in claim 36 further
comprising a second piston disposed Within said at least one
annular chamber generally about 180 degrees from said at
least one piston, said second piston structured to rotate about
said central ads Within said annular chamber.

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  • 1. US006390794B1 (12> Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,390,794 B1 Chin (45) Date of Patent: May 21, 2002 (54) ROTARY PISTON ASSEMBLY GB 2077857 * 12/1981 ............... .. 418/227 JP 45-30386 * 10/1970 418/207 (76) Inventor: Andrew Chin, 11301 SW. 156th St, JP 59422795 * 7/1984 418/209 Miami, FL (Us) 33157 RU 546738 * 3/1997 ............... .. 418/207 ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this * Cited by examiner patent is extended or adjusted under 35 _ _ _ U_S_C_ 154(k)) by 0 days_ Primary Examzner—John J. Vrabllk ttorney, gent, 0r lrm a oy a oy, . .74A A F' —Mll &Mll PA (21) Appl. No.: 09/442,321 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: NOV‘ 22’ 1999 A rotary piston assembly including a piston housing With a (51) Int CL? F01C 1/00 central axis, and an annular chamber de?ned about the (52) U S C] iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 418/226 central axis. Apair of pistons are disposed about 180 degrees ' ' ' """"""""""" " ’ ’ 418/227’ apart from one another Within the annular chamber and rotate about the central axis a ?rst angular velocity. The assembly also includes an abutment housing including a gap de?ned in its peripheral Wall structure, and structured to (58) Field of Search ............................... .. 418/207, 209, 418/226, 227 (56) References Cited rotate about an abutment axis at a second angular velocity. The abutment housing overlaps the piston housing and US. PATENT DOCUMENTS rotates therethrough to de?ne an interior chamber therebetWeen, the ?rst and second angular velocities being 15533332 i Z1315 2311? 113/53? de?ned relative to another so that the gap of the 211102554 A * 3/1938 Metzler ____________________ " 418/227 abutment housing rotates through the annular chamberWhen 2,944,533 A * 7/1960 Park ________ __ 418/226 each of the pistons passes into and out of the interior 3,867,912 A * 2/1975 Parr et al. ................... 418/227 Chamber, thereby allowing the Pistons to Pass into and Out Of the interior chamber through the gap. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS DE 4319896 * 12/1994 ............... .. 418/226 38 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets V 62 4a 20 30 __ 31 28 4O 24 42 44 35
  • 2. U.S. Patent May 21, 2002 Sheet 1 0f 6 US 6,390,794 B1
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. U.S. Patent May 21, 2002 Sheet 4 0f 6 US 6,390,794 B1
  • 6. U.S. Patent May 21, 2002 Sheet 5 0f 6 US 6,390,794 B1 FIG. 8
  • 7. U.S. Patent May 21, 2002 Sheet 6 6f 6 US 6,390,794 B1 FIG. 11
  • 8. US 6,390,794 B1 1 ROTARY PISTON ASSEMBLY BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a rotary piston assembly structured to be usable in a variety of mechanical devices so as to provide a highly effective and efficient piston assembly, Which maximiZes the continuous output achievable through its utiliZation of a rotary assembly, While also signi?cantly simplifying the overall mechanical design into a more ef?cient, versatile, and expandable con?guration. 2. Description of the Related Art For years standard piston assemblies have been utiliZed in a variety of different con?gurations so as to provide driving poWer and/or the compression of ?uid in a variety of different ?elds. Typically, conventional piston assembly operate under a reciprocating movement Whereby the move ment of the standard piston sequentially expand and con tracts a ?xed chamber. Naturally, the expansion time during Which the piston retracts is a necessary step in order to alloW future compression by the piston to take place, and visa versa. As a result, such a conventional piston assembly typically can only operate one half of the time, the remaining time being spent in essentially a reset function. Accordingly, it Would be bene?cial to provide a mechanical system Which does not have such doWn time. To this end, and recogniZing this problem piston assem blies Which require large and/or continuous poWer outputs typically incorporate the use of a plurality of piston assemblies, sometimes offset from one another. As a result, a certain degree of poWer and/or mechanical activity is alWays being undertaken by at least some of the piston assemblies, While other piston assemblies are resetting. Still, hoWever, such a con?guration requires large and complex mechanical assemblies to be con?gured so as to accommo date the large numbers of piston assemblies and effectively drive them in opposing manners With one another. As a result, such assemblies are not conducive to compact and/or high ef?ciency uses. Having recogniZed the general ef?ciency losses associ ated With standard piston assemblies, others in the ?eld have attempted over the years to develop rotary assemblies Which can provide for continuous outputs and/or driving operation. For example, others have sought to replace standard piston driven engines With rotary engines that seek to take advan tage of the mechanical bene?ts associated With a continuous rotary driving. Much like other devices Which seek to take advantage of a rotary action, such rotary engines are often substantially complex assemblies, Which have a variety of physical limitations associated With their use. For example, recogniZing the compression and expansion that is still required Within any type engine assembly, including a rotary engine, conventional rotary engines typically try to solve the problem by utiliZing an interior body rotating asymmetri cally Within an exterior body. This asymmetrical relative rotation is a critical factor in such current rotary engines, as such has generally been considered one of the only physical and effective manners available to achieve the required compression surface against the leading edge of the interior ?n structures. As can be appreciated, hoWever, the complex mechanical nature of such rotary engines tends to counter any advantage that is generally achieved from the continu ous rotary aspect of the driving and/or pumping cycle. As a result, it Would be highly bene?cial to provide a rotary assembly Which achieves a mechanical advantage by having one or more pistons continuously rotating in the 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 2 same direction, but Which does not require overly complex and elaborate con?gurations to provide effective results. Moreover, such rotary piston assembly should be readily expandable and usable in a variety of con?gurations, includ ing engines, turbines, pumps, etc., Wherein piston assem blies are currently utiliZed and Wherein the losses associated With the necessary reciprocating motion of standard pistons are seen as limiting. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a rotary piston assembly con?gured for use in a variety of different applications, including, engines, turbines, pumps, and the like, many of Which have traditionally utiliZed standard reciprocating pis ton con?gurations. Looking particularly to the rotary piston assembly of the present invention, it includes a piston housing. The piston housing is structured to contain at least one, but preferably a pair of pistons, and preferably includes a generally circular cross-sectional. De?ned Within the pis ton housing is at least one annular chamber. The annular chamber is preferably concentrically disposed about a cen tral axis of the piston housing, and is con?gured so that the piston may move therethrough as it rotates about the central axis. Disposed in generally overlapping association With the piston housing is an abutment housing. In particular, the piston housing preferably includes a generally arcuate pas sage de?ned therein, and Which may receive at least a portion of the abutment housing. As such, the abutment housing, Which is structured to rotate about an abutment axis, rotates through the arcuate passage, and accordingly, through the piston housing. As a result of this overlapping engagement, an interior chamber is de?ned betWeen the abutment housing and the piston housing. Further de?ned in the abutment housing is at least one gap. In particular, the gap is de?ned by a pair of opposing ends, and as a result of rotation of the abutment housing, the gap is also structured to pass through at least the annular chamber of the piston housing. The piston and the abutment housing are structured to rotate relative to one another at ?rst and second angular velocities, respectively. Preferably, hoWever, the ?rst and second angular velocities are set relative to one another such that the gap of the abutment housing is disposed in the annular chamber upon the piston moving into the interior chamber de?ned betWeen the abutment housing and the piston housing. Accordingly, passage of the piston into the interior chamber is achieved through the gap. LikeWise, the ?rst and second angular velocities are also preferably set relative to one another such that the gap is also positioned Within the annular chamber upon the piston moving out of the interior chamber. As a result, upon the piston passing out of the interior chamber, it again passes through the gap. Accordingly, the abutment housing generally provides a surface Which de?nes a necessary piston chamber and/or against Which compression from a leading surface of the piston can take place. Still, hoWever, continuous movement of the piston in its rotary path is not hindered and/or otherWise interrupted by the opposing surface de?ned by the abutment housing. A mechanical advantage from the rotary piston is thereby achieved, in an ef?cient and effective con?guration. These and other features and advantages of the present invention Will become more clear When the draWings as Well as the detailed description are taken into consideration. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS For a fuller understanding of the nature of the present invention, reference should be had to the folloWing detailed
  • 9. US 6,390,794 B1 3 description taken in connection With the accompanying drawings in Which: FIG. 1 is a perspective exploded illustration of an embodi ment of the rotary piston assembly of the present invention; FIGS. 2A and 2B are sequential, cross-sectional illustra tions of the rotary piston assembly of the present invention illustrating cooperative passage of the piston through the gap de?ned in the abutment housing of the present invention; FIG. 3 is a schematic, cross-section illustration of an alternative embodiment of the piston assembly of the present invention incorporating a plurality of pistons and a plurality of gaps de?ned in the abutment housing; FIG. 4 is a schematic cross-section illustration of an alternative embodiment of the rotary piston assembly of the present invention incorporating a pair of abutment housings; FIG. 5 is a schematic, cross-section illustration of the rotary piston assembly of the present invention including a plurality of concentric annular chambers de?ned in the piston housing; FIG. 6 is a schematic cross-section illustration of the present invention utiliZed as a pump; FIG. 7 is a schematic cross-section illustration of the piston assembly of the present invention utiliZed in a turbine con?guration; FIG. 8 is a schematic cross-section illustration of the piston assembly of the present invention utiliZed in an internal combustion engine con?guration; FIG. 9 is a schematic cross-section illustration of yet another alternative embodiment of the rotary piston assem bly of the present invention Wherein the annular chamber is de?ned only partially and variably about the central axis of the piston housing betWeen the pistons and the abutment housing; FIG. 10 is a perspective, schematic illustration of yet another embodiment of the present invention Wherein a rotational direction of the abutment housing is generally perpendicular to a direction of rotation of the piston; and FIG. 11 is a cross-section of a preferred gearing con?gu ration in an embodiment of the present invention. Like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout the several vieWs of the draWings. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT ShoWn throughout the Figures, the present invention is directed toWards a rotary piston assembly, generally indi cated as 10. The rotary piston assembly 10 may be incor porated for a variety of different uses, including a ?uid pump, as depicted in FIG. 6, a turbine, as depicted in FIG. 7, an internal combustion engine, as depicted in FIG. 8, and a variety of other uses Wherein a piston assembly may be utiliZed. Looking in particular to the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present invention, it includes a piston housing 20. The piston housing 20 preferably, but not necessarily depending upon the embodiment, includes a generally circular interior, cross-section surface contour. Moreover, de?ned, preferably as part of the piston housing 20, generally about a central axis 23 is at least one annular chamber 22. The annular chamber 22 preferably de?nes a generally donut or circular shaped con?guration along a cross-section of the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present invention relative to the central axis 23, as depicted in the accompanying Figures. It is noted, hoWever, that the piston housing 20, and as a result 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 4 the annular chamber 22, in addition to a generally circular cross-section for the annular chamber 22 perpendicular to the central axis may include a generally elongate tubular and/or elliptical type con?guration along a length of the central axis 23, and/or may include an overall annular and/or circumferencially tubular con?guration about the central axis 23, With any shaped cross section in the plane of the central axis 23. Moreover, the overall siZe and dimension of the piston housing 20 may be varied depending upon the output and/or input requirement of the system in Which the rotary piston assembly 10 Will be utiliZed. HoWever, it is noted, that the effective yet simplistic design to be described hereafter is particularly suited for effective utiliZation Within a small, compact assembly, thereby alloWing for the sim pli?cation and effective operation of small articles, as Well as a larger high output con?gurations. Additionally, the choice of materials from Which the piston housing 20, and the various other components of the present invention to be described, are formed may also vary although, a rigid material, such as a metal, plastics, rigid composite and/or combination thereof, is typically preferred so as to maintain the general integrity of the piston housing 20, and/or the other components during operation of the rotary piston assembly 10. Movably disposed Within the piston housing 20, and preferably Within the annular chamber 22 de?ned about the central axis 23, is at least one piston 30. The piston 30 preferably includes a general length and contour, betWeen its oppositely disposed side ends, that is at least someWhat equivalent to a length and/or contour of the piston housing 20 and annular chamber 22, but includes a general Wedge shaped con?guration at its cross-section. As a result, the piston 30 Will include a leading surface Which extends preferably radially across the annular chamber 22, and a trailing surface Which also extends preferably radially across the annular chamber 22. Preferably, the aforementioned Wedge shape is such that the radially exterior end, Which preferably conforms to the radially exterior surface contour of the annular chamber 22, is de?ned by an arc that is at least slightly larger than the arc Which de?nes the radially interior end, Which preferably conforms to the radially interior surface contour of the interior chamber 22. Also, in the preferred embodiment, and for reasons to be described subsequently, it is preferred that at least a pair of pistons 30 be movably disposed Within the annular chamber 22, at a spaced apart distance from one another. Preferably that spaced apart relation is one hundred and eighty (180) degrees so as to provide uniform, opposing movement. In particular, the at least one, but preferably opposing pair of pistons 30 are structured to rotate about the central axis 23 of the piston housing 20 by moving through the annular chamber 22. Furthermore, the pistons 30 preferably rotate in unison With one another through the annular chamber 22, thereby maintaining the predetermining spacing betWeen one another, at a ?rst angular velocity. The ?rst velocity may vary depending upon the particular needs from the rotary piston assembly 10, and in the illustrating embodiment, a preferably uniform ?rst angular velocity is maintained in a direction of rotation. For example, the pistons 30 preferably rotate about the central axis 23 in a ?rst direction, shoWn in the illustrating embodiments of FIGS. 2A and 2B to be a counter clockWise direction. The rotary piston assembly 10 of the present invention further includes at least one abutment housing, generally indicated as 40, Which rotates about an abutment axis 43. The abutment housing 40 also preferably includes a gener ally circular cross-section perpendicular to the abutment axis
  • 10. US 6,390,794 B1 5 43, and much like the piston housing 20 may include an elongate tubular con?guration along the abutment axis 43, and/or an annular tube type con?guration about the abut ment axis With any shaped cross section in the plane of the abutment axis 43. The abutment housing 40 is preferably de?ned by at least a generally rigid peripheral Wall structure Which folloWs that circular con?guration. Furthermore, the abutment housing 40 includes at least one gap de?ned in that peripheral Wall structure. In particular, the gap is preferably de?ned by a pair of spaced apart ends 42 and 44 of the peripheral Wall structure. Moreover, in the illustrated embodiment a siZe of the gap is de?ned by an arc that has an angular dimension that is generally about tWice a radial angular thickness of the piston 30. The abutment housing 40 is structured to rotate about the abutment axis 43 at a second angular velocity. Furthermore, the abutment housing 40 is structured to overlap and gen erally pass through the piston housing 20, as seen in FIGS. 2A and 2B. In particular, the piston housing 20 preferably includes one or more arcuate passages 26, 28 de?ned therein. The abutment housing 40 is structured to rotate through those passages 26, 28 so as to effectively rotate through and relative to the piston housing 20. Moreover, de?ned betWeen the overlapping portions of the piston housing 20 and the abutment housing 40 is preferably an interior chamber 35. The interior chamber 35 is de?ned primarily Within the annular chamber 22, and is bordered by the rotating peripheral Wall structure of the abutment hous ing 40. As can be appreciated, hoWever, based upon the rotation of the abutment housing 40 the gap de?ned by the opposite ends 42 and 44 of the abutment housing 40 Will also rotate through the annular chamber 22, and at times Will de?ne the opposite ends of the interior chamber 35. Along these lines, the ?rst and second angular velocity of the piston 30 and abutment housing 40, respectively, are set relative to one another such that the gap de?ned by the opposite ends 42 and 44 of the abutment housing 40 rotate through the annular chamber 22 of the piston housing 20 substantially simultaneously With the piston 30 passing into the interior chamber 35. Looking speci?cally to FIGS. 2A and 2B, the abutment housing 40 and the piston 30 preferably, but not necessarily, rotate about parallel axis in the same direction as one another, although the ?rst and second angular velocities, respectively, may be different from one another. Accordingly, as one of the pistons 30 is entering the interior chamber 35, the gap de?ned by the opposite ends 42, 44 of the abutment housing 40 is prefer ably simultaneously rotating into the annular chamber 22 to begin to de?ne the entrance of the interior chamber 35. As a result of the timed relative rotation, and preferred siZing of the pistons 30 and the gap in the abutment housing 40, the piston 30 essentially passes through the gap in the abutment housing 40 so as to enter the interior chamber 35 Without being obstructed. In this regard, references should be had to FIG. 2A Which illustrates hoW one end 44 of the abutment housing 40 generally passes along the front or leading surface of the piston 30, While the other end 42 of the abutment housing 40 trails toWards the trailing surface of the piston 30. As the abutment housing 40 continues to rotate and the piston 30 continues to move, as in FIG. 2B, the end 44 of the abutment housing 40 continues to slide radially outWard along the leading surface of the piston 30 until eventually full clearance for the piston is achieved and the piston 30 can pass into the interior chamber 35. Based upon the relative angular velocities and siZing, the piston 30 moves continuously and generally unobstructed into the interior chamber 35. Furthermore, so as to facilitate that 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 6 slided passage of the ends 42, 44 of the abutment housing 40 over the piston 30, thereby permitting the piston 30 to pass therethrough, the ends 42, 44 are preferably tapered inWardly toWards the gap. Moreover, the ends 42, 44, Which may be rigid or someWhat resilient, preferably de?ned a substantially ?uid impervious sliding engagement With the piston 30 during the piston’s passage through the gap, thereby preserving an integrity of the interior chamber 35 and/or a remainder of the annular chamber 22 in substantial isolation from one another. Looking further to the illustrated embodiments of the piston housing 20 and the abutment housing 40, the diameter of the abutment housing 40 may be generally equivalent to the diameter of the piston housing 20 at an outer periphery of the annular chamber 22. Furthermore, the piston housing 20 and the abutment housing 40 preferably overlap relative to one another such that the abutment axis 43 is generally aligned With an outer periphery of the annular chamber 22 of the piston housing 20, While the peripheral Wall structure of the abutment housing 40 is generally aligned With and passes through the central axis 23 of the piston housing 20. Also in such an embodiment, the second angular velocity of the abutment housing 40 is preferably tWice the ?rst angular velocity of the piston 30. As a result of this relative angular velocity betWeen the abutment housing 40 and the piston 30, not only can the piston 30 effectively slide through the gap de?ned betWeen the ends 42 and 44 of the abutment housing 40 When entering the interior chamber 35, but the abutment housing 40 Will also rotate suf?ciently such that the gap Will re-enter the annular chamber 22 When the piston 30 is exiting the interior chamber 35. Accordingly, in the same manner that the piston 30 passes through the gap so as to enter the interior chamber 35, the piston 30 passes through the gap once again so as to exit the interior chamber 35, still preserving the isolated integrity of the interior chamber 35 from the rest of the annular chamber 22. As a result of the proceeding, and as Will be described in greater detailed subsequently With regard to some speci?c examples of the use of the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present invention, the abutment housing 40 generally provides a surface against Which the piston 30 moves and/or pushes ?uid to de?ne a piston chamber, While not restricting and/or otherWise hampering the normal rotary movement of the piston 30 as it continues along it rotary path. Further, in the illustrated embodiment, the second, one hundred and eighty degree offset piston is also provided, the timed rotation betWeen the pistons and the abutment housing 40 being such that When the second piston enters and leaves the interior chamber 35, the gap once again moves into position to permit the entry and exit of the piston 30 therethrough. In addition to ensuring the unhindered movement of the pistons 30 along the rotary path, such a con?guration also ensures that a generally sealed isolation is maintained betWeen the interior chamber 35 and the remainder of the annular cham ber 22 When gap once again rotates through the annular chamber 22. Although the illustrated preferred embodiment, as depicted in FIGS. 2A and 2B includes a pair of piston 30 disposed at a one hundred eighty degree spacing from one another and a single gap de?ned in the abutment housing 40, it is understood that a variety of alternate con?guration, such as those including one or more gaps and/or one or a plurality of pistons 30, could also be utiliZed and considered to be Within the scope of the present invention. For example, looking speci?cally to FIG. 3, four pistons 30 and 30‘ are preferably provided, the pistons 30 and 30‘ preferably de?n ing tWo oppositely disposed piston pairs, the corresponding
  • 11. US 6,390,794 B1 7 pistons Within each pair being spaced one hundred eighty degree apart from one another. Likewise in the embodiment of FIG. 3 a pair of gap 45 and 45‘ are preferably de?ned in the abutment housing 40. The gaps 45, 45‘ are disposed a predetermined distance relative to one another correspond ing the spacing betWeen the piston pairs 30 and 30‘. For example, in the illustrated embodiment, the gaps are dis posed of one hundred eighty degrees apart from one another since the piston pairs 30, 30‘ are disposed generally ninety (90) degrees from one another. As a result, the rotation of the abutment housing 40 and the pistons 30, 30‘ in a correspond ing uniform direction results in one of the gaps 45 passing through the annular chamber 22 When the ?rst pair ofpistons 30 are entering and leaving the interior chamber 35, While the second gap 45‘ passes through the annular chamber 22 When the second set of pistons 30‘ are entering and leaving the interior chamber 35. Along these lines, it is noted that although it is preferred that a generally symmetrical orien tation betWeen the pairs of pistons 30 and 30‘ as previously described be maintained, alternate spacings could also be utiliZed. In such an embodiment Wherein the spacing betWeen the piston pairs 30 and 30‘ is not ninety degrees, and/or is less than ninety degree so that additional piston pairs can be incorporated, the relative orientation of the gaps 45 and 45‘ relative to one another in the abutment housing 40 Would correspondingly be adjusted so as to effectuate proper timed passage of the gaps into the annular chamber 22. Turning to FIG. 4, in yet another embodiment a pair of abutment housings 40, 40‘ may be provided in overlapping relation With a single piston housing 20. In such an embodi ment each of the abutment housings 40 and 40‘ preferably includes a gap de?ned therein, hoWever, a pair of spaced apart interior chambers 35, 35‘ are de?ned Within the annular chamber 22 of the piston housing 20. Further, although in the illustration the abutment housings 40, 40‘ are disposed directly opposite from one another, it is understood that differing, and/or more tangential con?gurations With tWo or more abutment housing 40, 40‘ could also be con?gured. HoWever, in such an embodiment a more symmetrical con?guration is preferred so as to standardiZe an effective piston stroke achieved by either of the pistons 30. Likewise, it is also noted that a single abutment housing 40 can also be seen to rotate through multiple piston housing 20 in much the same manner that multiple abutment housings 40, 40‘ rotate through a single piston housing 20. As a result, a generally continuous array of interlocking piston housings 20 and abutment housings 40 could be utiliZe, if desired, for a particular application. Also, looking to FIG. 5, an embodiment Wherein a plu rality of annular chambers 22, 22‘ are de?ned radially from one another Within the piston housing 20 may also be provided. in such an embodiment a plurality of integral or separate pistons 30, 30‘ are correspondingly disposed to move through an appropriate annular chamber 22, 22‘ and pass into an out of a corresponding plurality of interior chamber 35, 35“. In such an embodiment, as Well as some others, the diameters of the abutment housing is different from that of the piston housing. In yet another embodiment, as de?ned in FIG. 9, the annular chamber is only partially and/or variably de?ned about the central axis 23, more precisely being de?ned directly betWeen the abutment housing 40 and an enlarged piston 30. In such an embodiment, the interior chamber and the annular chamber are generally equivalent, an engage ment by the abutment housing along the leading and trailing surfaces of the pistons 30 serving to enclose and de?ne the 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 8 interior chamber Whose radial position moves With rotation of the piston about the central axis. Furthermore, looking to FIG. 10, it is also recogniZed that the abutment axis of the abutment housing 40 may be de?ned perpendicular to the central axis of the piston housing, While still achieving the desired overlap therebe tWeen. Such an embodiment may be bene?cial Wherein the piston housing includes an annular tubular con?guration about the central axis. So as to preserve a general isolating integrity betWeen the abutment housing 40 and the piston housing 20, an exterior housing 46, Which at least partially contains the abutment housing 40 is provided. In particular, the abutment housing 40 is preferably structured to rotate through the exterior housing 46 When not passing through the piston housing 20. As a result, the exterior housing 46 alloWs for effective rotation of the abutment housing 40 through the piston housing 20, While maintaining overall containment Within an interior of the rotary piston assembly 10, as needed. Looking once again to the individual pistons 30, the radially interior and exterior ends preferably generally con tact and/or are disposed in close spaced apart relation to the interior Wall surfaces of the interior chamber 22 in a sub stantially precise manner, as required so as to maintain the effective and/or typically desirable ?uid impervious integ rity Within the annular chamber 22. Additionally, hoWever, and as best illustrated in FIG. 1 a drive assembly 60 is also preferably provided so as to actually move the pistons 30 through the annular chamber 22, and/or provide a take-off for the rotating energy of ?uid driven pistons 30. Because the piston housing 20 is preferably stationery, and the abutment housing 40 preferably rotates through the piston housing 20, the drive assembly 60 preferably includes one or more drive contacts 64 Which are structured to operatively engage at least one of the side ends of each of the pistons 30 at an end of the rotary piston assembly 10. As a result, rotation of the drive assembly 60 Will not interfere With rotation of the pistons and/or abutment housing 40 through the piston housing 20 and relative to one another. Also in the embodiment of FIG. 1, although a pair of drive assemblies could be provided on opposite ends, a more standard cap structure 62 is preferably provided so as to de?ne an enclosure of the annular chamber 22 betWeen the cap 62 and the drive assembly 60. It is noted that in other embodiments, such as that of FIG. 10, a central drive assembly could be effectively provided. Turning to FIG. 11, it is also recogniZed, that if desired a single gearing con?guration could be provided to achieve the desired relative rotational angular velocities betWeen the abutment housing 40 and the piston 30. In such an embodiment, the drive assembly 60, Which engages the pistons 30 so as to achieve the desired rotational angular velocity, includes a gearing extension 77 Which engages a perimeter toothed surface 47 of the abutment housing 40. As a result of the relative dimensions of the gearing, the pistons 30 and the abutment housing 40 can be effectively rotated at desired relative angular velocities utiliZing only the drive assembly 60. As previously described, the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present invention may be integrated Within a variety of different operative assemblies. For example, referring ?rst to FIG. 6, the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present inven tion may be provided as part of a ?uid pump. For example, one or more inlets 70, 74 may be provided in the piston housing 20 for the in?oW of ?uid, Whether a liquid or a gas. As the piston 30 rotates through the annular chamber 22,
  • 12. US 6,390,794 B1 ?uid in front of the piston 30 is pushed into and out of the next available outlet 72 or 73 as the abutment housing isolates the interior chamber 35 from the rest of the annular chamber 22 and does not alloW continued ?uid ?oW there through. Moreover, after each piston 30 passes one of the inlets 70 or 74, a vacuum tends to be formed behind the piston 30 also draWing in additional quantities of ?uid and helping to further the cycle. The piston 30 in such an embodiment are preferably driven by a drive assembly 60 such as that depicted in FIG. 1, and continuous movement and pumping rotation of a pistons 30 can be achieved, Without the need for a reset motion of the pistons to alloW a reciprocating con?guration as With conventional piston assemblies. Looking to FIG. 7, yet another embodiment of the present invention may relate to the integration of the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present invention as part of a turbine assembly. In such an embodiment, a pressuriZed ?uid is introduced into the piston housing 20 through an inlet 80 drives the pistons through the annular chamber 22 until an outlet 82 is reached and the ?uid is evacuated from annular chamber 22. Likewise, corresponding inlet and outlet can be provided Within the interior chamber 35 so as to provide an effective continuous rotary cycle, or preferably cooling can take place Within the interior chamber 35. In such an embodiment, the pistons 30 are connected to the drive assembly, hoWever, it is the rotation of the pistons 30 that causes the movement and rotation of the drive assembly itself so that a conventional poWer take off can poWer other portions of an overall machine. By Way of example, such a turbine con?gurations, as depicted in FIG. 7, can also be integrated into an internal combustion con?guration, as depicted in FIG. 8, Wherein the turbine represented by rotary piston assembly 10B can be in operative communication With preferably a second rotary piston assembly 10A. In particular, in such an embodiment the ?rst rotary piston assembly 10A provides for air compression Wherein air or another gas is introduced through one or more inlets 90, 91 and is compressed by the pistons 30A rotating through the piston housing 20A. The air is compressed against the peripheral Wall structure of the rotating abutment housing 40A and as a result of the compression is pushed through one or more corresponding outlets 92, 93 in a pressuriZed state. The compressed air then ?oWs into a combustion chamber 95 Wherein fuel is introduced through a fuel supply 96, and an ignition structure 97 ignites and combusts the fuel generating a pressuriZed gas. The pressuriZed gas then enters the turbine rotary piston assembly 10B through one or more inlet 98, 98‘ so as to drive the pistons 30B Within the piston housing 20B of the rotary piston assembly 10B. The exhaust gas is then evacuated in a conventional fashion through one or more outlets 99, 99‘. In such a con?guration, a general cooling preferably takes place in the interior chamber 35B Which is isolated from the remainder of the annular chamber of the piston housing 20B by the abutment housing 40B, thereby providing a complete driving cycle in a substantially continuous fashion. Along these lines, it is noted that although a pair of inlets and a pair of outlets is illustrated With regard to each of the rotary piston assemblies 10A and 10B, only one inlet and one outlet, or any appropriate combination thereof, could be effectively utiliZed in asso ciation With the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present invention. Furthermore, this speci?c illustrated embodiment of the integration of the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present invention is merely an example of one of a variety of uses to Which the rotary piston assembly 10 of the present invention can be put. 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 10 Since many modi?cations, variations and changes in detail can be made to the described preferred embodiment of the invention, it is intended that all matters in the foregoing description and shoWn in the accompanying draWings be interpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense. Thus, the scope of the invention should be determined by the appended claims and their legal equivalents. NoW that the invention has been described, What is claimed is: 1. A rotary piston assembly comprising: a piston housing, said piston housing including a central axis and at least one annular chamber de?ned about said central axis; at least one piston structured to rotate about said central axis Within said annular chamber; said piston structured to move through said annular chamber at a ?rst angular velocity; at least one abutment housing, said abutment housing including a peripheral Wall structure and at least one gap de?ned in said peripheral Wall structure; said abutment housing structured to rotate about an abutment axis at a second angular velocity; said abutment housing and said piston housing being overlappingly disposed With one another so as to de?ne an interior chamber therebetWeen, said abut ment housing structured to rotate at least said periph eral Wall structure through said piston housing so as to de?ne said interior chamber; said ?rst angular velocity and said second angular velocity being de?ned relative to one another such that said gap of said abutment housing rotates through said annular chamber of said piston housing substantially simultaneously With said piston passing into said interior chamber; and said second angular velocity being further de?ned as substantially tWice said ?rst angular velocity. 2. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein said ?rst angular velocity and said angular second velocity are further de?ned relative to one another such that said gap of said abutment housing rotates through said annular cham ber of said piston housing substantially simultaneously With said piston passing out of said interior chamber such that said piston passes therethrough out of said interior chamber. 3. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein a diameter of said abutment housing at said peripheral Wall structure is generally equal to a diameter of said piston housing at an outer periphery of said annular chamber. 4. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein said abutment housing and said piston housing are disposed With said central axis aligned With said peripheral Wall structure of said abutment housing. 5. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 further comprising an exterior housing structured to at least partially and rotatably contain said abutment housing. 6. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a pair of spaced apart ends, each of said ends being generally tapered toWards said gap so as to facilitate slided passage over said piston during simultaneous rotational movement of said piston and said abutment housing. 7. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein said piston housing includes a generally arcuate passage de?ned therein and structured to at least partially receive said abutment housing rotatingly therethrough. 8. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 further comprising a plurality of said pistons. 9. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 further comprising a plurality of said annular chambers concentri cally disposed relative to one another.
  • 13. US 6,390,794 B1 11 10. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 further including a second piston disposed in said piston housing. 11. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 10 Wherein said second piston is spaced generally about 180 degrees from said ?rst piston. 12. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a pair of spaced apart ends, said ends structured and disposed to maintain a generally ?uid impervious, sliding engagement With said piston during passage of said piston through said gap. 13. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 12 Wherein said gap is de?ned by an arc having an angular length that is generally about tWice an angular thickness of said piston. 14. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 Wherein said piston comprises a leading surface, a trailing surface, a radially exterior end, a radially interior end, and a pair of oppositely disposed side ends. 15. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 14 further comprising a drive assembly structured to move said piston through said annular chamber. 16. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 15 Wherein said drive assembly is structured to engage at least one of said side ends of said piston so as to move said piston Without interfering With said rotation of said abutment housing. 17. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 1 further comprising a second abutment housing structured to rotate through said annular chamber of said piston housing so as to de?ne a second one of said interior chambers therebetWeen. 18. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 17 Wherein said ?rst interior chamber is spaced apart from said second interior chamber. 19. A rotary piston assembly comprising: a piston housing, said piston housing including a central axis and at least one annular chamber de?ned about said central axis; at least a ?rst piston and a second piston disposed gen erally about 180 degrees from one another and struc tured to rotate about said central axis Within said annular chamber; said pistons structured to move through said annular chamber at a ?rst angular velocity; at least one abutment housing, said abutment housing including a peripheral Wall structure and at least one gap de?ned in said peripheral Wall structure; said abutment housing structured to rotate about an abutment axis at a second angular velocity; said abutment housing and said piston housing being overlappingly disposed With one another so as to de?ne an interior chamber therebetWeen, said abut ment housing structured to rotate at least said periph eral Wall structure through said piston housing so as to de?ne said interior chamber; said ?rst angular velocity and said second angular velocity being de?ned relative to one another such that said gap of said abutment housing rotates through said annular chamber of said piston housing substantially simultaneously With each of said pis tons passing into and out of said interior chamber, so that said pistons pass into and out of said interior chamber through said gap; and said second angular velocity being further de?ned as substantially tWice said ?rst angular velocity. 20. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 19 Wherein said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 12 pair of spaced apart ends, said ends structured and disposed to maintain a generally ?uid impervious, sliding engagement With said pistons during passage of said pistons through said gap. 21. A rotary piston assembly comprising: a piston housing, said piston housing including a central axis and at least one annular chamber de?ned about said central axis; at least one piston structured to rotate about said central axis Within said annular chamber; said piston structured to move through said annular chamber at a ?rst angular velocity; at least one abutment housing, said abutment housing including a peripheral Wall structure and at least one gap de?ned in said peripheral Wall structure; said abutment housing structured to rotate about an abutment axis at a second angular velocity; said central axis and said abutment axis being substan tially parallel With one another; said abutment housing and said piston housing being overlappingly disposed With one another so as to de?ne at least an interior chamber therebetWeen, said abutment housing structured to rotate at least said peripheral Wall structure through said piston housing so as to de?ne said interior chamber; said ?rst angular velocity and said second angular velocity being de?ned relative to one another such that said gap of said abutment housing rotates through said annular chamber of said piston housing substantially simultaneously With said piston passing into and out of said interior chamber; said second angular velocity being further de?ned as substantially tWice said ?rst angular velocity; and a drive assembly structured to engage said piston so as to move said piston Without interfering With said rotation of said abutment housing. 22. Arotary piston assembly as recited in claim 21 further including a second piston disposed in said piston housing at a spacing of generally about 180 degrees from said ?rst piston. 23. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 21 Wherein said abutment housing and said piston housing are disposed With said central axis aligned With said peripheral Wall structure of said abutment housing. 24. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 21 Wherein said piston comprises a leading surface, a trailing surface, a radially exterior end, a radially interior end, and a pair of oppositely disposed side ends. 25. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 24 Wherein said abutment housing rotates through said central axis of said piston housing. 26. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 25 Wherein said gap includes an angular length relative to said abutment axis that is tWice an angle betWeen said leading surface and said trailing surface of said piston. 27. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 26 Wherein said piston includes a general Wedge shaped con ?guration de?ned betWeen said leading surface and said trailing surface thereof, said leading surface and said trailing surface extending radially across said annular chamber. 28. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 27 Wherein said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a pair of spaced apart ends, said ends structured and disposed to maintain a generally ?uid impervious, sliding engagement With said piston during passage of said piston through said gap. 29. Arotary piston assembly as recited in claim 28 further including a second piston disposed in said piston housing at a spacing of generally about 180 degrees from said ?rst piston.
  • 14. US 6,390,794 B1 13 30. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 29 Wherein a diameter of said abutment housing at said periph eral Wall structure is generally equal to a diameter of said piston housing at an outer periphery of said annular cham ber. 31. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 29 Wherein a radially exterior surface of said annular chamber is de?ned by said abutment housing. 32. A rotary piston assembly comprising: a piston housing, said piston housing including a central aXis and at least one annular chamber de?ned about said central axis; at least one piston structured to rotate about said central ads Within said annular chamber in a rotational direc tion; said piston structured to move through said annular chamber at a ?rst angular velocity; at least one abutment housing, said abutment housing including a peripheral Wall structure and at least one gap de?ned in said peripheral Wall structure; said abutment housing structured to rotate about an abutment aXis at a second angular velocity in said rotational direction; said abutment housing and said piston housing being overlappingly disposed With one another so as to de?ne an interior chamber therebetWeen, said abut ment housing structured to rotate at least said periph eral Wall structure through said piston housing so as to de?ne said interior chamber; said ?rst angular velocity and said second angular velocity being de?ned relative to one another such that said gap of said abutment housing rotates through said annular chamber of said piston housing substantially simultaneously With said piston passing into said interior chamber; and said second angular velocity being further de?ned as substantially tWice said ?rst angular velocity. 33. An assembly as recited in claim 32 Wherein said abutment housing is further structured to rotate through said central aXis of said piston housing. 34. An assembly as recited in claim 32 Wherein said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a pair of spaced apart ends, said ends structured and disposed to maintain a gen erally ?uid impervious, sliding engagement With said piston during passage of said piston through said gap. 10 15 25 35 14 35. An assembly as recited in claim 32 further comprising a second piston disposed generally about 180 degrees from said at least one piston and structured to rotate about said central ads Within said annular chamber in said rotational direction. 36. A rotary piston assembly comprising: a piston housing, said piston housing including a central aXis and at least one annular chamber de?ned about said central aXis; at least one piston structured to rotate about said central aXis Within said at least one annular chamber; said piston structured to move through said annular chamber at a ?rst angular velocity; at least one abutment housing, said abutment housing including a peripheral Wall structure and at least one gap de?ned in said peripheral Wall structure; said abutment housing structured to rotate about an abutment aXis at a second angular velocity; said abutment housing and said piston housing being overlappingly disposed With one another so as to de?ne an interior chamber therebetWeen, said abutment hous ing structured to rotate at least said peripheral Wall structure through said piston housing so as to de?ne said interior chamber; said ?rst angular velocity and said second angular veloc ity being de?ned relative to one another such that said gap of said abutment housing rotates through said annular chamber of said piston housing substantially simultaneously With said piston passing into said inte rior chamber, and said gap in said abutment housing is de?ned by a pair of spaced apart ends, said ends structured and dis posed to maintain a generally ?uid impervious, slid ing engagement With said piston during passage of said piston through said gap. 37. A rotary piston assembly as recited in claim 36 Wherein said gap is de?ned by an arc having an angular length that is generally about tWice an angular thickness of said piston. 38. Arotary piston assembly as recited in claim 36 further comprising a second piston disposed Within said at least one annular chamber generally about 180 degrees from said at least one piston, said second piston structured to rotate about said central ads Within said annular chamber.