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🔥Social Media Marketing Full Course 2023 | Learn Social
Media Marketing | Simplilearn
Are you always on social media, scrolling through your feed? If so, you might want to consider a
career in social media marketing. Social media marketing has become an essential part of
modern-day marketing strategies. With increasing competition in the online space, businesses
need to leverage social media platforms to build brand awareness, engage with their target
audience, and drive conversions.
Job opportunities in social media marketing are diverse, ranging from social media manager to
social media strategist, social media analyst, and social media advertising specialist. Each role
requires different skills and experience, but they all offer exciting opportunities to work with
social media platforms and create engaging content.
Some of the top hiring companies for social media marketers include Accenture, Amazon, Dell,
and Salaries in the field of social media marketing are promising, with the
average salary of a social media manager being $50,000 per year, social media advertising
specialist at $50,000 per year, social media analyst at $60,000 per year, and social media
strategist at $65,000 per year.
If you have excellent communication skills, enjoy working on social media platforms, and are
passionate about marketing, then a career in social media marketing could be the perfect fit for
you. So why not turn your love for social media into a fulfilling and rewarding career?
Now let me tell you about Simply Learn's postgraduate program in digital marketing, created in
collaboration with Purdue University and Meta Blueprint. With this program, you will learn
everything from the fundamentals of digital marketing to the latest trends and techniques used
by top marketers worldwide. We will explore SEO, SEM, content marketing, social media
marketing, email marketing, and more.
The program is led by industry experts who bring their real-world experience to the classroom,
giving you an insider's perspective on what it takes to succeed in the digital marketing world.
With hands-on projects and practical assignments, you will have the chance to apply your
knowledge and develop the skills you need to stand out in the competitive field.
If you are looking to jump-start your career in digital marketing or take your skills to the next
level, then Simply Learn's professional certificate program in digital marketing is the perfect
place to start. To learn more about the course, you can check the link in the description box
Content Marketing Full Course
Imagine it's the year 2004. Phil is looking to release a book and set up a blog. He's sure that it'd
be successful, but he's worried about how to ensure that his book reaches the right target
audience. During that period of time, there were only a few forms of advertisement available, like
print ads, billboards, radio, direct mail, direct sales, and television. All of these options were
pretty expensive, their effectiveness couldn't be accurately determined, and they didn't let him
advertise his content to the appropriate audience. Phil's book would never find the audience it
Now let's have a look at the same scenario in the present day. Alongside traditional forms of
advertising, Phil would have access to digital marketing, the form of marketing that's a lot more
lucrative, inexpensive, and configurable. Marketing that would enable marketers to advertise
their audience digitally using channels like search engines, websites, social media platforms,
emails, etc.
Among these types, social media marketing caught Phil's eye. Social media marketing would
give Phil the opportunity to take advantage of social media platforms to advertise his content to
a highly targeted audience. It would help more people learn about his book, increase interaction
with his audience, and provide marketplace insights that might help him understand his
audience preferences better.
Phil started by taking up a certification to learn about social media marketing. Since he was
already familiar with the concept of social media marketing, his next step was to learn about the
different types of content he could post on social media. Some of the most common forms of
content that Phil could post would be images, text posts, polls, and videos.
But over time, Phil began to notice that not a lot of people were being exposed to his content.
Phil needed to advertise his content. For that, he would need to use the advertising options
provided by the social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and
Most advertising platforms offer users a number of different options. Phil could use image ads
that involve the use of single or multiple attractive images with optimal text and a call to action.
He could also use text and post ads to advertise posts or excerpts from his blog or book. Video
ads featuring favorable reviews and customer testimonials could also be used to advertise his
books. Lead ads could be used to collect information from users who are interested in a weekly
newsletter or regular updates from his blog.
But that wasn't the only thing Phil could do with social media platforms. He could create a
Marketing Concept
Marketing is the activity of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that
have value for customers. It involves supplying products or services that provide value to
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing consists of three main components:
● Content: Content is the fuel of social media. It refers to the valuable information or
material that you share on various social media channels.
● Community: With good content, you can create communities of engaged followers
who interact with your brand.
● Campaigns: Running campaigns helps businesses achieve their goals by promoting
their content and engaging their communities.
Definition of Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is the use of social media to develop a company's brand, increase
website traffic, and boost sales. It focuses on achieving customer-related outcomes, such as
driving product or service purchases.
Benefits of Social Media Marketing
In digital marketing and social media marketing, data and intelligence play a significant role. By
tracking various metrics, businesses can measure the success of their marketing campaigns
and make informed decisions.
Connection, Interaction, and Customer Data
Social media has transformed the way businesses operate in three key areas:
● Connection: Social media provides a new channel to connect with stakeholders,
including customers, prospects, influencers, and employees. It allows businesses to
target specific audiences globally.
● Interaction: Businesses can interact with their stakeholders on their preferred
platforms, ensuring a customer-centric approach. Failing to engage with customers
may result in losing them to competitors.
● Customer Data: Social media marketing enables businesses to track and analyze
customer data at a granular level. This data provides key performance indicators for
measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and calculating return on
Social Media Marketing Strategy
After understanding the fundamentals of social media marketing, it is essential to develop a
comprehensive strategy. This strategy should align with your business goals and utilize tools
like HubSpot to manage and track marketing activities effectively.
Five Steps to Set Up Your Social Media Strategy
With over 40 years of experience in marketing, digital marketing, and social media, I have
developed a five-step methodology called FLIRT to help you set up your business or yourself for
social media success.
Step 1: Focus
● Identify your niche and target market
● Create a positioning statement to highlight your unique value proposition
● Develop customer personas to understand their interests and pain points
● Determine your objectives for using social media
● Select keywords for search engine optimization
Step 2: Listen
Take advantage of listening opportunities on social media to learn and improve:
● Identify where your customers are active online
● Discover top bloggers and influencers in your niche
● Monitor trends in your industry
● Observe your competitors and customers
● Set up a social media listening dashboard to consolidate information
Step 3: Integration
Integrate your strategy and social media networks:
● Set up and brand your social media profiles
● Create a content calendar
● Start blogging to create and share content
Step 4: Reach Out
Engage with your audience and expand your reach:
● Share your content and repurpose it across different formats
● Curate and share content from other sources
● Run campaigns to promote your content
Step 5: Tracking
Measure your success and plan for the future:
● Monitor your online reputation, conversions, and social media engagement
● Calculate your return on investment (ROI)
● Plan for the next quarter based on your findings
Social Media Marketing Platforms
Here are some of the most relevant social media marketing platforms:
● Facebook
● Twitter
● LinkedIn
● Instagram
Each platform follows a similar concept:
● Create an account and fill in your profile
● Connect with friends or follow and be followed by others
● Share updates and check your news feed
As a business, you can also create a page on these platforms to promote your company and
gain followers or likes.
Your Facebook page or your LinkedIn page is a great way to share updates with your followers.
In the early days of social media, organic reach was high, with up to 40-50% of your followers
seeing your posts. However, Facebook has since lowered organic reach to less than 3%,
encouraging businesses to advertise on their platform. Social media platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, and YouTube offer various features for businesses to reach their target audience.
Facebook, with 1.9 billion active users worldwide, is still a good network to reach an older
audience, such as Generation X or millennials. Facebook offers features like Facebook Pages,
Facebook Groups, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Live, and virtual reality experiences.
Instagram is a visual social media platform with higher engagement than Facebook. It offers
features like Instagram Stories, which are becoming more popular than the main timeline.
Businesses can make their brand come to life through photos and stories on Instagram.
YouTube is not just for watching videos, but also for building an audience. Businesses can
monetize their videos through advertising. YouTube is great for brand awareness and improving
search rankings on both YouTube and Google. There are various types of videos that perform
well on YouTube, such as how-to videos, unpacking videos, vlogs, review videos, and live videos.
Snapchat emerged as a social media platform around 10 years ago. It was created as a
response to Facebook's issues with privacy and coolness. Snapchat has around 300 million
daily active users and is popular among younger audiences. It offers a unique way to share
photos and messages that disappear after being viewed.
There has always been a gray area with Facebook losing its cool factor, especially among the
younger generation. Two guys came up with a new idea and created Snapchat, a social media
platform where posts delete themselves within 24 hours. The user interface was intentionally
difficult to use, making it appealing to teenagers who wanted their own exclusive social media
world. Snapchat became popular among the younger generation and introduced two major
features: stories, where you swipe from story to story, and vertical videos, which became a trend
in social media content.
Snapchat also introduced innovative advertising features such as lenses and filters, allowing
brands to engage with users creatively. On the other hand, Twitter, known as "SMS on steroids,"
was one of the first social media platforms that relied on celebrities to drive its global adoption.
Twitter's retweet feature made it instantly powerful, as tweets could go viral within minutes.
Twitter search also became a valuable tool for businesses and individuals to find content and
Pinterest, a visual bookmarking platform, allows users to collect and organize photos they like. It
became a great tool for getting ideas and inspirations from others, especially for home design,
weddings, and fashion. Businesses can also showcase their product catalog on Pinterest,
driving additional traffic to their websites. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is a serious platform for
professionals. It is known as "Facebook with a tie" and requires a professional profile photo.
LinkedIn provides a social selling index to measure a user's effectiveness in social selling.
LinkedIn and Social Media Marketing
In this article, we will discuss the importance of LinkedIn and social media marketing. LinkedIn
is a platform that offers various features to help individuals and businesses grow their online
presence. It has four components that contribute to your SSI score: your profile, activity level in
connecting with people, content sharing, and relationship building. The better you perform in
these areas, the higher your score.
How LinkedIn makes money
LinkedIn makes money through four main areas: premium accounts, recruiting services, sales
navigator, and advertising. Upgrading to a premium account provides additional features. The
recruiting version of LinkedIn is specifically designed for recruiters. Sales navigator offers
customer relationship management tools for sales teams. LinkedIn advertising is effective for
business-to-business marketing and personal profile development.
Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing has numerous advantages. It allows you to reach new audiences
globally through organic, paid, or influencer outreach. Influencer outreach, collaborating with
users who have a large following, has become a powerful strategy. However, social media also
has its downsides. It exposes your business to public scrutiny, and negative experiences can
spread quickly. Nonetheless, the benefits of social media marketing outweigh the drawbacks.
FAQs about Social Media Marketing
Here are some frequently asked questions about social media marketing:
● What is viral marketing? Viral marketing occurs when content is shared by the public
at large, going beyond its target audience.
● What is earned media? Earned media refers to positive reviews or mentions in
industry media or user-generated content.
● What are some examples of social media marketing strategies? Two notable
examples are Blendtec's "Will it Blend" campaign and Dollar Shave Club's disruptive
marketing approach.
● How do you get started in social media marketing? Start by focusing on your niche,
understanding your customers, and targeting effectively.
● What is sticky marketing? Sticky marketing refers to content that engages customers
and influences them to make a purchase and share it with others.
Simply Learn's Postgraduate Program in Digital Marketing
Simply Learn offers a comprehensive program in digital marketing in collaboration with Purdue
University and Meta Blueprint. This program covers everything from the fundamentals to the
latest trends in SEO, SEM, content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing. Led
by industry experts, the program provides hands-on projects and practical assignments to
develop the skills needed to excel in the field.
Introduction to Facebook and Digital Marketing
Facebook is a social networking platform that has evolved into a versatile marketing tool. It
offers features like 360-degree videos, chatbot-based product sales, and news distribution. With
its widespread usage, Facebook has become a prominent platform for marketing and news
Setting Up the Perfect Facebook Page
● Start with a good profile picture and cover photo that are relevant and in good taste
● Add a short description that explains what your organization is all about
● Create a memorable username for your page
● Add multiple people to help manage the page
● Customize notifications to stay informed
● Add a call to action to move people to your website or blog
Advertising on Facebook
● Choose your objective: generate likes or drive traffic to your website
● Hone in on your target audience
● Select where you want your ads to be shown
● Test different ad formats
● Utilize A/B testing to optimize your ads
● Set a budget based on Facebook's recommendations
Honing in on a Strategy
● Consider the purpose of your Facebook advertising: lead generation or increasing
● Give thought to your strategy before spending money
● Take advantage of Facebook's features such as lead ads and video ads
Facebook advertising is highly effective and impactful because people nowadays prefer video
content and engagement. You can target ads based on interests, demographics, and behaviors,
such as previous purchases. Carousel ads, which feature multiple images or videos, are
interactive and can be effective. Utilizing the Facebook pixel allows you to track website
behavior and monitor engagement and conversions. Running contests on Facebook can help
generate more followers and engagement. Offering a gift card as a prize and asking users to
submit a photo or provide their email address can be effective strategies. Promoting your
contests through social media platforms and running Facebook ads can drive traffic to your
contest page. Monitoring the contest and profiling the winner can create excitement and
generate more buzz for your brand. Another option on Facebook is to promote your posts to
increase visibility and reach. This allows you to market your organic posts and gain more
When it comes to promoting your posts on Facebook, you have a few options:
● Promoted posts: These are a cost-effective way to highlight specific posts that need
attention. You can set a budget and choose to promote the post whenever you want.
● Sponsored stories: These are short collections of user photos and videos that can be
viewed for 24 hours. They allow you to add filters, lenses, and other visual effects to
tell a more complete story.
● Facebook Open Graph: This protocol allows your website to communicate with
Facebook and control what information gets shared on the platform.
● Facebook Exchange (FBX): This platform is for desktop users and allows advertisers
to place ads on the sidebar or users' timelines in real-time.
When using Facebook, it's important to provide value-added content. This means posting unique
and original content that resonates with your audience. You can use social media platforms like
Sprout Social or Hootsuite to plan and schedule your content consistently.
Engaging with your fans and using Facebook's Graph Search can help you attract more
followers with similar interests. Finally, make use of Facebook's metrics to measure
engagement and reach of your posts.
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  • 1. 🔥Social Media Marketing Full Course 2023 | Learn Social Media Marketing | Simplilearn Simplilearn Are you always on social media, scrolling through your feed? If so, you might want to consider a career in social media marketing. Social media marketing has become an essential part of modern-day marketing strategies. With increasing competition in the online space, businesses need to leverage social media platforms to build brand awareness, engage with their target audience, and drive conversions. Job opportunities in social media marketing are diverse, ranging from social media manager to social media strategist, social media analyst, and social media advertising specialist. Each role requires different skills and experience, but they all offer exciting opportunities to work with social media platforms and create engaging content. Some of the top hiring companies for social media marketers include Accenture, Amazon, Dell, and Salaries in the field of social media marketing are promising, with the average salary of a social media manager being $50,000 per year, social media advertising specialist at $50,000 per year, social media analyst at $60,000 per year, and social media strategist at $65,000 per year. If you have excellent communication skills, enjoy working on social media platforms, and are passionate about marketing, then a career in social media marketing could be the perfect fit for you. So why not turn your love for social media into a fulfilling and rewarding career? Now let me tell you about Simply Learn's postgraduate program in digital marketing, created in collaboration with Purdue University and Meta Blueprint. With this program, you will learn everything from the fundamentals of digital marketing to the latest trends and techniques used by top marketers worldwide. We will explore SEO, SEM, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and more.
  • 2. The program is led by industry experts who bring their real-world experience to the classroom, giving you an insider's perspective on what it takes to succeed in the digital marketing world. With hands-on projects and practical assignments, you will have the chance to apply your knowledge and develop the skills you need to stand out in the competitive field. If you are looking to jump-start your career in digital marketing or take your skills to the next level, then Simply Learn's professional certificate program in digital marketing is the perfect place to start. To learn more about the course, you can check the link in the description box below. Content Marketing Full Course Imagine it's the year 2004. Phil is looking to release a book and set up a blog. He's sure that it'd be successful, but he's worried about how to ensure that his book reaches the right target audience. During that period of time, there were only a few forms of advertisement available, like print ads, billboards, radio, direct mail, direct sales, and television. All of these options were pretty expensive, their effectiveness couldn't be accurately determined, and they didn't let him advertise his content to the appropriate audience. Phil's book would never find the audience it deserved. Now let's have a look at the same scenario in the present day. Alongside traditional forms of advertising, Phil would have access to digital marketing, the form of marketing that's a lot more lucrative, inexpensive, and configurable. Marketing that would enable marketers to advertise their audience digitally using channels like search engines, websites, social media platforms, emails, etc. Among these types, social media marketing caught Phil's eye. Social media marketing would give Phil the opportunity to take advantage of social media platforms to advertise his content to a highly targeted audience. It would help more people learn about his book, increase interaction with his audience, and provide marketplace insights that might help him understand his audience preferences better.
  • 3. Phil started by taking up a certification to learn about social media marketing. Since he was already familiar with the concept of social media marketing, his next step was to learn about the different types of content he could post on social media. Some of the most common forms of content that Phil could post would be images, text posts, polls, and videos. But over time, Phil began to notice that not a lot of people were being exposed to his content. Phil needed to advertise his content. For that, he would need to use the advertising options provided by the social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Most advertising platforms offer users a number of different options. Phil could use image ads that involve the use of single or multiple attractive images with optimal text and a call to action. He could also use text and post ads to advertise posts or excerpts from his blog or book. Video ads featuring favorable reviews and customer testimonials could also be used to advertise his books. Lead ads could be used to collect information from users who are interested in a weekly newsletter or regular updates from his blog. But that wasn't the only thing Phil could do with social media platforms. He could create a Marketing Concept Marketing is the activity of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers. It involves supplying products or services that provide value to customers. Social Media Marketing Social media marketing consists of three main components: ● Content: Content is the fuel of social media. It refers to the valuable information or material that you share on various social media channels.
  • 4. ● Community: With good content, you can create communities of engaged followers who interact with your brand. ● Campaigns: Running campaigns helps businesses achieve their goals by promoting their content and engaging their communities. Definition of Social Media Marketing Social media marketing is the use of social media to develop a company's brand, increase website traffic, and boost sales. It focuses on achieving customer-related outcomes, such as driving product or service purchases. Benefits of Social Media Marketing In digital marketing and social media marketing, data and intelligence play a significant role. By tracking various metrics, businesses can measure the success of their marketing campaigns and make informed decisions. Connection, Interaction, and Customer Data Social media has transformed the way businesses operate in three key areas: ● Connection: Social media provides a new channel to connect with stakeholders, including customers, prospects, influencers, and employees. It allows businesses to target specific audiences globally. ● Interaction: Businesses can interact with their stakeholders on their preferred platforms, ensuring a customer-centric approach. Failing to engage with customers may result in losing them to competitors. ● Customer Data: Social media marketing enables businesses to track and analyze customer data at a granular level. This data provides key performance indicators for
  • 5. measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and calculating return on investment. Social Media Marketing Strategy After understanding the fundamentals of social media marketing, it is essential to develop a comprehensive strategy. This strategy should align with your business goals and utilize tools like HubSpot to manage and track marketing activities effectively. Five Steps to Set Up Your Social Media Strategy With over 40 years of experience in marketing, digital marketing, and social media, I have developed a five-step methodology called FLIRT to help you set up your business or yourself for social media success. Step 1: Focus ● Identify your niche and target market ● Create a positioning statement to highlight your unique value proposition ● Develop customer personas to understand their interests and pain points ● Determine your objectives for using social media ● Select keywords for search engine optimization Step 2: Listen Take advantage of listening opportunities on social media to learn and improve: ● Identify where your customers are active online ● Discover top bloggers and influencers in your niche ● Monitor trends in your industry
  • 6. ● Observe your competitors and customers ● Set up a social media listening dashboard to consolidate information Step 3: Integration Integrate your strategy and social media networks: ● Set up and brand your social media profiles ● Create a content calendar ● Start blogging to create and share content Step 4: Reach Out Engage with your audience and expand your reach: ● Share your content and repurpose it across different formats ● Curate and share content from other sources ● Run campaigns to promote your content Step 5: Tracking Measure your success and plan for the future: ● Monitor your online reputation, conversions, and social media engagement ● Calculate your return on investment (ROI) ● Plan for the next quarter based on your findings Social Media Marketing Platforms Here are some of the most relevant social media marketing platforms:
  • 7. ● Facebook ● Twitter ● LinkedIn ● Instagram Each platform follows a similar concept: ● Create an account and fill in your profile ● Connect with friends or follow and be followed by others ● Share updates and check your news feed As a business, you can also create a page on these platforms to promote your company and gain followers or likes. Your Facebook page or your LinkedIn page is a great way to share updates with your followers. In the early days of social media, organic reach was high, with up to 40-50% of your followers seeing your posts. However, Facebook has since lowered organic reach to less than 3%, encouraging businesses to advertise on their platform. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube offer various features for businesses to reach their target audience. Facebook Facebook, with 1.9 billion active users worldwide, is still a good network to reach an older audience, such as Generation X or millennials. Facebook offers features like Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Live, and virtual reality experiences. Instagram Instagram is a visual social media platform with higher engagement than Facebook. It offers features like Instagram Stories, which are becoming more popular than the main timeline. Businesses can make their brand come to life through photos and stories on Instagram.
  • 8. YouTube YouTube is not just for watching videos, but also for building an audience. Businesses can monetize their videos through advertising. YouTube is great for brand awareness and improving search rankings on both YouTube and Google. There are various types of videos that perform well on YouTube, such as how-to videos, unpacking videos, vlogs, review videos, and live videos. Snapchat Snapchat emerged as a social media platform around 10 years ago. It was created as a response to Facebook's issues with privacy and coolness. Snapchat has around 300 million daily active users and is popular among younger audiences. It offers a unique way to share photos and messages that disappear after being viewed. There has always been a gray area with Facebook losing its cool factor, especially among the younger generation. Two guys came up with a new idea and created Snapchat, a social media platform where posts delete themselves within 24 hours. The user interface was intentionally difficult to use, making it appealing to teenagers who wanted their own exclusive social media world. Snapchat became popular among the younger generation and introduced two major features: stories, where you swipe from story to story, and vertical videos, which became a trend in social media content. Snapchat also introduced innovative advertising features such as lenses and filters, allowing brands to engage with users creatively. On the other hand, Twitter, known as "SMS on steroids," was one of the first social media platforms that relied on celebrities to drive its global adoption. Twitter's retweet feature made it instantly powerful, as tweets could go viral within minutes. Twitter search also became a valuable tool for businesses and individuals to find content and opportunities. Pinterest, a visual bookmarking platform, allows users to collect and organize photos they like. It became a great tool for getting ideas and inspirations from others, especially for home design,
  • 9. weddings, and fashion. Businesses can also showcase their product catalog on Pinterest, driving additional traffic to their websites. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is a serious platform for professionals. It is known as "Facebook with a tie" and requires a professional profile photo. LinkedIn provides a social selling index to measure a user's effectiveness in social selling. LinkedIn and Social Media Marketing In this article, we will discuss the importance of LinkedIn and social media marketing. LinkedIn is a platform that offers various features to help individuals and businesses grow their online presence. It has four components that contribute to your SSI score: your profile, activity level in connecting with people, content sharing, and relationship building. The better you perform in these areas, the higher your score. How LinkedIn makes money LinkedIn makes money through four main areas: premium accounts, recruiting services, sales navigator, and advertising. Upgrading to a premium account provides additional features. The recruiting version of LinkedIn is specifically designed for recruiters. Sales navigator offers customer relationship management tools for sales teams. LinkedIn advertising is effective for business-to-business marketing and personal profile development. Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing Social media marketing has numerous advantages. It allows you to reach new audiences globally through organic, paid, or influencer outreach. Influencer outreach, collaborating with users who have a large following, has become a powerful strategy. However, social media also has its downsides. It exposes your business to public scrutiny, and negative experiences can spread quickly. Nonetheless, the benefits of social media marketing outweigh the drawbacks.
  • 10. FAQs about Social Media Marketing Here are some frequently asked questions about social media marketing: ● What is viral marketing? Viral marketing occurs when content is shared by the public at large, going beyond its target audience. ● What is earned media? Earned media refers to positive reviews or mentions in industry media or user-generated content. ● What are some examples of social media marketing strategies? Two notable examples are Blendtec's "Will it Blend" campaign and Dollar Shave Club's disruptive marketing approach. ● How do you get started in social media marketing? Start by focusing on your niche, understanding your customers, and targeting effectively. ● What is sticky marketing? Sticky marketing refers to content that engages customers and influences them to make a purchase and share it with others. Simply Learn's Postgraduate Program in Digital Marketing Simply Learn offers a comprehensive program in digital marketing in collaboration with Purdue University and Meta Blueprint. This program covers everything from the fundamentals to the latest trends in SEO, SEM, content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing. Led by industry experts, the program provides hands-on projects and practical assignments to develop the skills needed to excel in the field. Introduction to Facebook and Digital Marketing Facebook is a social networking platform that has evolved into a versatile marketing tool. It offers features like 360-degree videos, chatbot-based product sales, and news distribution. With
  • 11. its widespread usage, Facebook has become a prominent platform for marketing and news consumption. Setting Up the Perfect Facebook Page ● Start with a good profile picture and cover photo that are relevant and in good taste ● Add a short description that explains what your organization is all about ● Create a memorable username for your page ● Add multiple people to help manage the page ● Customize notifications to stay informed ● Add a call to action to move people to your website or blog Advertising on Facebook ● Choose your objective: generate likes or drive traffic to your website ● Hone in on your target audience ● Select where you want your ads to be shown ● Test different ad formats ● Utilize A/B testing to optimize your ads ● Set a budget based on Facebook's recommendations Honing in on a Strategy ● Consider the purpose of your Facebook advertising: lead generation or increasing engagement ● Give thought to your strategy before spending money ● Take advantage of Facebook's features such as lead ads and video ads Facebook advertising is highly effective and impactful because people nowadays prefer video content and engagement. You can target ads based on interests, demographics, and behaviors,
  • 12. such as previous purchases. Carousel ads, which feature multiple images or videos, are interactive and can be effective. Utilizing the Facebook pixel allows you to track website behavior and monitor engagement and conversions. Running contests on Facebook can help generate more followers and engagement. Offering a gift card as a prize and asking users to submit a photo or provide their email address can be effective strategies. Promoting your contests through social media platforms and running Facebook ads can drive traffic to your contest page. Monitoring the contest and profiling the winner can create excitement and generate more buzz for your brand. Another option on Facebook is to promote your posts to increase visibility and reach. This allows you to market your organic posts and gain more visibility. When it comes to promoting your posts on Facebook, you have a few options: ● Promoted posts: These are a cost-effective way to highlight specific posts that need attention. You can set a budget and choose to promote the post whenever you want. ● Sponsored stories: These are short collections of user photos and videos that can be viewed for 24 hours. They allow you to add filters, lenses, and other visual effects to tell a more complete story. ● Facebook Open Graph: This protocol allows your website to communicate with Facebook and control what information gets shared on the platform. ● Facebook Exchange (FBX): This platform is for desktop users and allows advertisers to place ads on the sidebar or users' timelines in real-time. When using Facebook, it's important to provide value-added content. This means posting unique and original content that resonates with your audience. You can use social media platforms like Sprout Social or Hootsuite to plan and schedule your content consistently. Engaging with your fans and using Facebook's Graph Search can help you attract more followers with similar interests. Finally, make use of Facebook's metrics to measure engagement and reach of your posts.