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UltraSystems environmental | Large-Scale Master Plan Solutions | Statement of Qualifications
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UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

               Providing Intelligent Solutions for Large-Scale Master Plans

                                  UltraSystems is a certified as a UDBE | WBE | SBE firm
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications


About the Firm ............................................................................................................................... 3

Areas of Expertise .......................................................................................................................... 4

    •	 Environmental	Due	Diligence	 ............................................................................................................ 5
       •	 Site	Selection	and	Analysis

    •	 CEQA	and	NEPA	Compliance	 ............................................................................................................ 6
    	 •	 CEQA	and	NEPA	Documentation	
    	 •	 Mitigation	Monitoring	Plans
    	 •	 Public	Process/Community	Outreach

    •	 Construction	Environmental	Management	 ......................................................................................... 8
    	 •	 Permit	Compliance
    	 •	 Construction	Monitoring	&	Reporting
    	 •	 Stormwater	Pollution	Prevention	Plans

    •	 Technical	Studies .............................................................................................................................. 9
    	 •	 Aesthetics/Visual	Studies
    	 •	 Air	Quality/Greenhouse	Gas
    	 •	 Biological	Resources
    	 •	 Wetland	Delineation	and	Permitting
    	 •	 Habitat	Mitigation	and	Monitoring	Plans
    	 •	 Cultural	Resources
    	 •	 Environmental	Site	Assessment
    	 •	 Geographic	Information	Systems	(GIS)
    	 •	 Land	Use
    	 •	 Noise	&	Vibration
    	 •	 Socioeconomics/Environmental	Justice

Client Testimonials ...................................................................................................................... 14

Representative Experience............................................................................................................ 16

Key Personnel ............................................................................................................................. 22

                                                                             Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services             [2]
About UltraSystems
                              The success of any project

                               is dependent upon quality

                               work products, maintaining

                               schedules, and meeting

                                    budget requirements.

                                       Our goal is to reach

                                 consensus between our

                               clients, regulatory agencies

                                             and the public.

Providing Intelligent Solutions for Master Planned Communities
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

                      About the Firm
                      UltraSystems is a leading multidisciplinary
                      consulting firm whose focus is helping our clients
                      successfully navigate federal, state, and local
                      environmental regulations. We have served both public and
                      private sector clients throughout California since the founding
                      of the firm in 1994.
                      UltraSystems offers a broad range of environmental
                      consulting services with a particular emphasis on
                      California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National
                      Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation. We
                      believe that accurate and objective environmental
                      information and analysis is a fundamental component of
                      sound land use planning and decision-making.
                      We maintain an experienced staff of nearly 30 professionals                 covering a wide range of
                      disciplines, including planning, biology, geology, cultural resources, air quality, noise, economics, and
                      hazardous materials. Our interdisciplinary team approach enables us to proactively solve problems.
                      Our solutions emphasize anticipation and resolution of environmental issues early in the planning
                      process, when the applicant has the greatest flexibility to design the project in a way that avoids or
                      minimizes costly permitting and mitigation requirements.
                                                      UltraSystems approaches the preparation of each environmental document
                                                      with an emphasis on quality and thoroughness of analysis. Because a
   “It	was	a	pleasure	working	with	UltraSystems	      project’s environmental document is sometimes scrutinized by interested
            on	the	Arlington	Heights	Sports	Park	
   environmental process. Your professionalism,
                                                      parties, the potential environmental effects of the project must be fully
  responsiveness	and	technical	proficiency	was	       analyzed and disclosed. Although any environmental document can be legally
    a	great	asset	in	helping	the	City	of	Riverside	   challenged, a document that is thoroughly prepared using clear language and
complete	the	initial	study,	MND,	and	other	CEQA	      with substantial evidence supporting each conclusion is likely to withstand any
documentation.	We	look	forward	to	working	with	
                                                      legal challenges that might be raised.
                               you	in	the	future.”
                                                      UltraSystems is client focused and our staff works closely with clients to
        -     Randy	McDaniel,	Project	Manager,	
                                                      identify project goals and the most effective means to achieve them. Return
             City	of	Riverside,	Parks,	Recreation,	
                        and	Community	Services	       customers and referrals constitute the core of our growing client list. Superior
                                     Department.      performance on initial projects with new clients has frequently been rewarded
                                                      by sole source contracts on future projects. Such routine votes of confidence
                                                      demonstrate the firm’s ability to provide clients with exceptional consulting
                                                      advice and support. Specific client and project information is found later in
                                                      this SOQ.

                      UltraSystems is a certified UDBE, WBE, SBE firm. Our professional staff of 35 full-time employees
                      and 75 independent consultants are dedicated to maintaining a small business environmental, with
                      big business capabilities. We are committed to providing quality services that meet the needs of our

                                                                                   Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [3]
Areas of Expertise
                              The success of any project

                               is dependent upon quality

                               work products, maintaining

                               schedules, and meeting

                                    budget requirements.

                                       Our goal is to reach

                                 consensus between our

                               clients, regulatory agencies

                                             and the public.

Providing Intelligent Solutions for Master Planned Communities
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Areas of Expertise
We have a long and successful history of providing sustainable solutions to meet our client’s
development needs. With the singular objective of effectively leading our clients through the
environmental review process, UltraSystems offers a full range of environmental planning and
management services that include the following areas of expertise:

EnvironmEntal DuE DiligEncE
Opportunities and Constraints Analysis

lanD uSE analYSiS anD EntitlEmEntS
Creative Solutions For Development Opportunities

cEQa anD nEPa comPliancE
Initial Studies
Environmental Assessments
Environmental Impact Reports
Environmental Impact Statements
Mitigation Monitoring Plans
Findings of Fact
Public Process/Community Outreach

conStruction EnvironmEntal managEmEnt
Permit Compliance
Construction Monitoring & Reporting
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans

tEchnical StuDiES
Aesthetics/Visual Studies
Air Quality/Health Risk/Greenhouse Gas
Biological Resources
Wetland Delineation and Permitting
Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plans
Cultural Resources
Environmental Site Assessment
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Land Use
Noise and Vibration
Socioeconomics/Environmental Justice
                                                   Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [4]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Areas of Expertise   | Environmental Due Diligence

opportunities and constraints analysis
UltraSystems helps its clients determine the environmental regulatory risks
inherent in developing a specific site. During the opportunities and constraints
analysis, UltraSystems employs its talented pool of urban and environmental
planners, scientists, archeologists, biologists, GIS specialists and other technical
staff to perform a site reconnaissance of baseline environmental
characteristics; assess environmental regulatory risk associated
with developing the site or portions of the site; and outline
regulatory permit and timeline requirements. We then prepare
a report that maps potential resources onsite, highlights
any areas of concern, and specifies anticipated regulatory
requirements and associated timelines. The Environmental
Due Diligence report includes recommendations,
as needed, for further resource studies and agency
consultation to help identify and reduce environmental
issues and to comply with federal, state, and local
permitting requirements.

creative Solutions for Development opportunities
UltraSystems recognizes the importance of maximizing
the development potential of a site in order to enhance
its overall viability and value. By understanding the land use
policies, environmental thresholds and unique environs associated with a project,
UltraSystems provides guidance through the discretionary review and entitlements
process to ensure success that is congruent with the client’s vision, while at
the same time corresponding to the goals and policies of the governing local
jurisdiction. UltraSystems further understands the importance of connecting with
the personnel assigned to process the discretionary land use applications. With a
top management team comprised seasoned professionals with top level municipal
experience; UltraSystems is able to offer its expertise to secure the requisite
land use approvals. The combination of knowledge and past success positions
UltraSystems as a unique partner for identifying opportunities and creating land
use development solutions.

                                                     Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [5]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Areas of Expertise   | CEQA and NEPA Compliance

cEQa and nEPa Documentation
UltraSystems is thoroughly experienced with implementing
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance and is a
recognized leader in the preparation of legally-defensible
CEQA and NEPA documentation. We routinely prepare
Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Mitigated Negative
Declarations (MNDs), Initial Studies and other CEQA
documents as well as Environmental Impact Studies
(EISs), Environmental Assessment (EAs), and
Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSIs) for NEPA
Our diverse clients include the Bureau of Land
Management, California Public Utilities Commission,
US Army Corps of Engineers, California Department of Fish
and Game, Counties, Cities, Special Districts, and power producers (i.e., Southern California Edison,
Florida Power and Light, Pacific Gas and Electric, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, etc).
UltraSystems offers integrated CEQA and NEPA analysis and preparation services that include project
scoping, analysis, public review, findings, and project approval, such as:

•   Scoping Meetings, Outreach Meetings and Public Hearings
•   Preparation of Project Description, Initial Study, and Notice of Preparation
•   Definition and analysis of Project Alternatives
•   Preparation and distribution of Draft and Final documents (i.e., EIRs, EISs, MNDs, EA’s)
•   Response to Public Comments
•   Preparation of a Mitigation Monitoring Programs
•   Preparation of Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations (if warranted)

UltraSystem’s technical staff are skilled in the preparation of EIR/EIS documentation. We utilize a
project team approach, employing Resource Specialists with a depth of expertise in the following
resource areas:
•   Air Quality                                      • Noise
•   Greenhouse Gas Emissions                         • Mineral Resources
•   Aesthetics/Visual Resources                      • Population & Housing
•   Agricultural/ Soil Resources                     • Public Services
•   Biological Resources                             • Socioeconomic/Fiscal Impact
•   Cultural /Paleontological Resources              • Transportation & Traffic
•   Environmental Justice                            • Utilities, Energy & Service System
•   Geology                                          • Growth Inducing Impacts & Cumulative
•   Hazards & Hazardous Materials                      Impacts
•   Hydrology and Water Quality                      • Monitoring Plans & Reporting
•   Health and Safety                                • EMI/EMF
•   Land Use/Recreation

                                                    Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [6]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Areas of Expertise |   CEQA and NEPA Compliance

mitigation monitoring Plans
UltraSystems utilizes its expertise in mitigation and monitoring planning,
design, and construction to track CEQA and NEPA mitigation measures as
required by state and federal guidelines. Our services include mitigation
monitoring plans, coordination with agencies to determine specific
responsibilities for various program elements, pre-construction surveys
for sensitive species, onsite monitoring to assure compliance, and post-
construction documentation of compliance with the plan. We also review
proposed and existing plans to measure their effectiveness against their
original intent. Our mitigation monitoring plans are designed with the objective of meeting agency

Public Process/community outreach
Public input is required by NEPA and CEQA regulation. Our consultation
and communication experts are experienced in working with numerous
stakeholders to bring large, complex projects to successful completion.
Specific expertise includes:

• Preparation, implementation and management of the public process,
  including community relations strategies and community involvement
• Creating community presentation materials and communication tools
• Developing and maintaining mailing lists for notices
• Facilitation and public workshop management
• Conducting or moderating meetings and discussions
• Assuring appropriate supply of hand-outs and collateral materials
• Providing translated written materials into appropriate languages
• Recording comments and summarizing workshops and meetings
• Property owner consultation
• Key stakeholder and media liaison
• Public relations management

                                                   Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [7]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Areas of Expertise |   Construction Environmental Management

Permit compliance
UltraSystems develops permit compliance management programs tailored
to the size and complexity of the project, to ensure that our clients are
in compliance with federal, state, and local environmental regulations
before, during, and after construction activities. We strategically assess
required permits, establish effective working relationships with agency
representatives, meet scheduled application deadlines, and expedite
application reviews. We routinely assist our clients in obtaining and adhering
to pre-construction, construction, and post-construction requirements for the
following environmental permits and approvals:

•   CEQA and NEPA Mitigation Monitoring Plans
•   Section 7 Threatened and Endangered Species
•   Section 10 Water Crossings
•   Section 404 and 401 Wetlands/Waters of the U.S.
•   California Fish and Game Code Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Permit
•   Section 101 National Historic Preservation Act – Native American Consultation
•   Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act – Cultural Resources
•   Title V Operating Permit – Air Quality
•   Air Pollution Control District Authority to Construct Permit
•   National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
•   Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
•   Spill Prevention, Containment, and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)
•   California Coastal Development Permit

construction monitoring & reporting
We work with our clients to ensure construction compliance with federal, state, and local regulations,
including but not limited to, air quality, biological resources (i.e., sensitive habitats and species),
cultural resources, encroachment permits, grading permits, noise ordinances, stormwater BMPs, and
wetlands (see representative permit list above). UltraSystems provides construction staff training
to comply with regulations, ensure sensitive resources are protected during construction activities,
and prepares required monitoring reports for submittal to agencies, on schedule. We maintain
effective communication with the agency representatives and our client, meet scheduled monitoring
deadlines, and obtain agency approval.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
UltraSystems develops general construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Plans (SWPPPs) to assist clients in complying with Section 402 of the Federal
Clean Water Act NPDES regulations. Every construction site that disturbs one
acre or more, or is less than one acre but part of a larger common plan that
would disturb one acre or more, must comply with the State of California’s
General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction
Activities. The SWPPP must outline the Best Management Practices (BMPs)
                                                    Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [8]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

planned for use on the site to prevent pollutants from leaving the project site. The submission of a
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required prior to the issuance of an Improvement
Plan, Grading Permit or Encroachment Permit.

Areas of Expertise |   Technical Studies

aesthetics/visual Studies
UltraSystems conducts visual analyses to provide a basis for assessing
potential project impacts in terms of NEPA and CEQA significance criteria.
The assessment includes an inventory of potentially sensitive viewing
areas, including scenic vistas, major view corridors, historic buildings, and
monuments; (2) visual simulations to provide a simulation of the view’s
appearance once the project is in place; (3) identification of the project’s
potential aesthetic impacts by comparison of existing views with simulations and in association
with land use regulations; and (4) evaluation of mitigation measures or revised design features, if
significant impacts are identified. UltraSystems aesthetic/visual studies meets resource agency
guidelines and NEPA and CEQA regulations.

air Quality/health risk assessments/greenhouse gas
UltraSystems utilizes the latest air quality modeling practices and techniques to accurately
quantify air pollutant emission and concentration levels for land development projects both during
construction and after project completion. The type of modeling utilized is determined by the latest
industry standards and the needs of both the regulatory agencies involved and the project specific
demands. Models in our inventory include;

• URBEMIS 2007- The URBEMIS2007 (Urban Emissions) computer program quantifies mobile
  source, area source, and construction emissions based on the size and type of land uses
  proposed. This model uses the California Air Resources Board’s EMFAC2007 model for on-road
  vehicle emissions and the OFFROAD2007 model for off-road vehicle emissions.

• EMFAC 2007 –This model estimates emission rates of criteria pollutants for on-road mobile
  sources operating in California. Emissions are calculated based on vehicle type, model year,
  ambient weather conditions, and timeframe.

• OFFROAD 2007-The OFFROAD 2007 model estimates the activity and emissions of off-road
  mobile emission sources such as construction equipment. OFFROAD contains a database of
  default values for construction equipment information and can calculate emission factors based
  on the type of equipment and year of use.

• ISC3- ISC3 is a steady-state Gaussian plume model which can be used to assess pollutant
  concentrations from a wide variety of sources associated with an industrial complex. This model
  can account for the following: dry plume depletion of particles; downwash; point, area, line, and
  volume sources; plume rise as a function of downwind distance; separation of point sources; and
  limited terrain adjustment. ISC3 operates in both long-term and short-term modes.

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UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Areas of Expertise |   Technical Studies
• AERMOD- AERMOD is an advanced plume model that
  incorporates updated treatments of the boundary layer theory,
  understanding of turbulence and dispersion, and handling of
  terrain interactions. This is the dispersion model recommended
  by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).

Many regulatory agencies require preparation of human (HRAs)
for large scale planning projects to evaluate impacts from the
release of toxic air contaminants (TACs). Our services include
the preparation of Health Risk Assessments (HRAs) to estimate
cancer risks and non-cancer effects from TAC emissions on nearby
residents and other sensitive receptors. Such evaluations include
diesel particulate matter from diesel trucks servicing distribution
centers and large retail centers, benzene from gasoline service stations, and process TACs at large
industrial facilities. In addition, HRAs are prepared by quantifying toxic air emissions and resulting
health risks at sensitive receptors using advanced toxic air emission and health risk assessment
tools, including HARP and proprietary analytical tools.
UltraSystems’ air quality services also include analysis of greenhouses gases (GHG) per Assembly
Bill (AB) 32 (Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006). This includes using agency-approved methods
to estimate existing and potential greenhouse gas emissions from direct and indirect sources
(greenhouse gas inventories), recommending innovative greenhouse gas/air pollutant reduction
methods during the construction and operation of a project, investigating the use of renewable
energy sources/ energy efficient products, and quantifying the benefits of resource conservation
(e.g., electricity usage, recycling).

Biological resources
UltraSystems’ staff of biologists, botanists, and wetland specialists, together with a highly
skilled network of specialized contract wildlife biologists (including avian and fisheries biologists,
herpetologists, invertebrate biologists, and certified arborists) provides the technical expertise and
flexibility necessary to meet the specialized needs of each client. Our staff works on a regular basis
with a wide range of federal, state, and local permitting authorities, including the US Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), and Regional Water Quality
Control Board (RWQB).
Services offered include:
• General biological assessments/characterizations
• Focused special status species surveys
• Regulatory permitting (Section 7 and 10(a) Incidental Take Permits and
  Section 2081 Permits)
• Botanical surveys (floristic surveys and focused rare plant surveys)
• Oak Tree Surveys
• Vegetation and habitat mapping
• Resource management and habitat restoration planning
• Habitat conservation planning
• Construction monitoring and permitting
                                                   Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [10]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Areas of Expertise |   Technical Studies
UltraSystems maintains an ongoing subscription membership to the
California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) RareFind 3, the California
Department of Fish and Game’s computerized inventory of information on
the location and condition of California’s rare, threatened, endangered, and
sensitive plants, animals, and natural communities. UltraSystems also uses
GIS to accurately synthesize, analyze, and depict the location and extent of

Wetland Delineation and Permitting
UltraSystems provides expertise in delineating wetlands in compliance with Section 404 of the
federal Clean Water Act, regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and Section 1602
of the California Fish and Game Code, regulated by the California Department of Fish and Game
(CDFG). The USACE jurisdiction is determined in the field using the presence of an ordinary high
water mark (OHWM) and the methodology in the USACE 1987 wetland delineation manual. This
methodology requires that a jurisdictional wetland contain hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and
appropriate hydrology. CDFG jurisdiction is determined by the presence of hydrophytic vegetation,
the location of a definable bed and bank, and the presence of associated wildlife or fish resources.
UltraSystems employs sophisticated mapping techniques to assess the
boundaries of these jurisdictions and to calculate impacts associated with
project development. From there, we prepare a jurisdictional delineation
report describing baseline conditions and analysis of potential project
impacts to each jurisdictional feature, including methods, results, and
graphics depicting the approximate size and location of any jurisdictional
areas. The report is consistent with the requirements of USACE and CDFG
and is the necessary documentation for developing and processing Section
401 and 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act permits and obtaining a Section
1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement.

habitat mitigation and monitoring Plans
UltraSystems prepares Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Proposals (HMMPs) for projects requiring
habitat restoration to mitigate for impacts to biological resources and wetlands as required to comply
with resource agency authorizations (i.e., USACE, RWQCB, CDFG, USFW, etc). The HMMP involves
a detailed description of baseline biological resources and the environmental setting, existing
functions and values of the affected areas, mitigation goals and strategies, implementation plan,
performance criteria, maintenance and monitoring specifications and contingency plans. The HMMP
also describes site preparation activities, such as amending and redistributing topsoil, seeding and
planting, and provides recommendations for temporary irrigation systems and fencing, including
detailed construction drawings and specifications. Installation methods, maintenance procedures,
and performance monitoring and reporting requirements are defined in the report, with the objective
of achieving the overall goals and performance standards of the habitat restoration activity.

                                                  Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [11]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Areas of Expertise |   Technical Studies

cultural resources
UltraSystems cultural resource capabilities include archaeological and historic site identification and
evaluation, mitigation design and implementation, construction monitoring and compliance, and all
aspects of regulatory compliance support. We assist our clients in regulatory compliance with the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation
Act (NHPA), the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), the Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and other
state-level environmental assessment laws and regulations. We also have extensive experience with
Native American consultation.

Environmental Site assessment
UltraSystems provides Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) services related to the identification of
hazardous materials, including Phase I Environmental Due-Diligence, Phase II Site Characterization
Studies and Phase III Remediation Plans. Some of these assessments are included as part of the
CEQA and NEPA process and many are performed for on-going businesses or property ownership

geographic information Systems (giS)
UltraSystems utilizes spatial analysis and mapping techniques
to record significant features of a project study area, such
as biological resources, land use coverage, topography, and
hydrology, geology, and artifact densities. Our GIS capabilities
enable us to locate, record, and present significant amounts
of project data and perform sophisticated modeling and
spatial analysis to guide decision-making in site development.
UltraSystems provides GIS resources for a wide range
of environmental analyses, including (but not limited to)
biological inventory, land use planning, demographic modeling,
environmental justice analysis, and viewshed analysis. This
diverse project information can be mapped with precision to allow for more complex and defensible
resource studies. High quality cartographic materials and thoroughly defined analyses are standard
products for our GIS services.

land use
UltraSystems’ land use planners routinely assess land use characteristics of the project site and
vicinity, local comprehensive land use designations and zoning, plans and policies, and the project’s
conformance with applicable plans and policies for compliance with resource agency requirements
and NEPA and CEQA guidelines. We provide an assessment of proposed land use changes, land use
compatibility issues, short-term construction impacts, and cumulative impacts associated with long-
term land use trends in the project area.

                                                   Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [12]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Areas of Expertise |   Technical Studies

noise and vibration
During the planning, construction and operations phases, our noise experts measure, predict and
evaluate the noise and vibration generated by a project as well as their impact on sensitive receptors.
Our noise services include:

•   Noise contour mapping
•   Noise modeling and monitoring
•   Noise source compliance testing
•   Design of noise abatement measures
•   Exposure criteria, standards & regulations
•   Compliance during construction
•   Noise complaint investigation

UltraSystems’ technical experts record existing ambient noise levels using the Quest Technologies,
SoundPro, DL-1-1/3 noise meter that meets the standards outlined in ANSI S1.13-1995 (American
National Standard Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels in Air).The SoundPro Model Dl-1-1/3
measurement capabilities include instantaneous Sound Pressure Level; Lmin; Lmax; Lpeak and
Unweighted Peak Levels; Ln (statistics); Leq; Sound Exposure Level (SEL); and Time Weighted Average
To determine a project’s operational noise levels associated with project-generated traffic, UltraSystems
utilizes the Traffic Noise Prediction Model (TNM). The TNM Model calculates the peak hour Leq and
24-hour Ldn or Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) noise levels associated with traffic based on
a particular reference set of input conditions, including site-specific traffic volumes, distances, speeds,
topography and/or presence of noise barriers. To address short-term construction related impacts,
UltraSystems uses noise level data published by the US EPA that outlines the noise ranges of typical
construction equipment that can be found at various types of construction sites.

Socioeconomics/Environmental Justice
UltraSystems performs regional economic impact analyses of project sites using the Economic Impact
Forecast System (EIFS). Our specialists collect socioeconomic data (e.g., population, employment,
housing, tax base, etc.) and perform the required socioeconomic impact analyses using the EIFS impact
models. The analysis examines the effects of the proposed project on the availability of local housing
and local infrastructure (i.e., traffic, school, hospitals, municipal services, etc.), as well as effects on
population, short- and long-term employment, housing demand and availability, and the tax base. In
addition, to comply with Executive Order 12898 for environmental justice, UltraSystems routinely
assesses project impacts on minority or low-income populations in the project area.

                                                     Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [13]
The success of any project

                               is dependent upon quality

                                                                 Client Testimonials
                               work products, maintaining

                               schedules, and meeting

                                    budget requirements.

                                       Our goal is to reach

                                 consensus between our

                               clients, regulatory agencies

                                             and the public.

Providing Intelligent Solutions for Master Planned Communities
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Client Testimonials
UltraSystems is proud to present a few recent testimonials from clients expressing their appreciation
for our services.

“I want to take my hat off to you and your team. Completing these reports and submitting them on
time is a huge milestone for our entire Anaheim to Los Angeles team!”

“It was a pleasure working with Ultra Systems on the Arlington Heights Sports Park environmental
process. Your professionalism, responsiveness and technical proficiency was a great asset in
helping the City of Riverside complete the initial study, MND, and other CEQA documentation. We
look forward to working with you in the future.” –
                                       Randy McDaniel, Project Manager, City of Riverside, Parks,
                                              Recreation, and Community Services Department.

“I will personally make sure that the hard work and effort that UltraSystems has shown with the
expedited San Diego Creek request is reflected in the scoring/evaluation and that UltraSystems will
definitely move up in the ranking.” -
                                                                   Vinh Tran, P.E., Civil Engineer,
                                                    Project Management, RDMDCounty of Orange

“Betsy, indeed it was a pleasure working with you and the staff of UltraSystems over the last
three years. You folks did a very good job for us under the ENO70 contract. You were always
very responsive, technically proficient and reasonable in costs. You have played a major role in
facilitating Metro’s construction program. I will look forward to the opportunity to work with you
again in the future.” -
                                             Carl Peter Ripaldi, Principal Environmental Specialist,
                                                             Metropolitan Transportation Authority

“I really appreciate the hard work and the quality of work that you and your staff at UltraSystems
do. Over the past few years I have been very impressed with UltraSystems’ work ethics,
comprehensiveness, thoroughness of documents, and responsiveness to clients’ and communities’
needs (note that this observation includes my tenure at LAUSD as well, where we worked on several
of the district’s new schools projects). Hopefully we will get to work more on some of our up-coming
projects within the downtown area, as you guys were very much involved with preparation of most
of the original CEQA documents for the Bunker Hill Redevelopment Project, which financed housing
and other redevelopment projects within the City.” -
                                  Dr. Robert Manford, Senior Planner, Environmental Review Unit,
                                   Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles

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Client Testimonials

“Throughout the years and the numerous projects that you and your staff have worked on for our
Department, it has always been a great working relationship. I genuinely respect your technical
knowledge and professionalism in the outstanding work that was provided. I look forward to
continued success in working together on future projects.” -
                                                                            Sarah D. Scott,
              Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Programs Development Division

“Once provided with the Notice to Proceed, UltraSystems performed their environmental services
with minimal technical direction from W.G. Zimmerman Engineering personnel. All work was
performed as required in a method that promoted accuracy, responsiveness, cost-effectiveness,
and timely Caltrans approval for projects with Federal Funding. UltraSystems personnel provided
effective communication throughout the project duration and answered any questions from W.G.
Zimmerman Engineering, Inc. Staff in a complete and satisfactory manner.” -
                                                          Bill Zimmerman, P.E., T.E., PTOE, President,
                                                                      W. G. Zimmerman Engineering

“It is with great pleasure that I provide this letter in testament of the services provided by your
staff. I have worked with UltraSystems since you first founded your company, and although
some of your staff has changed over the years, customer service has never faltered. For this
reason and others, I have never hesitated to recommend your firm to my California clients. I
have found your fees to be competitive, your product deliverables always on time, and issues or
questions to be promptly and professionally addressed.” -
                                                                                     Ian E. Hattie, M.Sc.,
                                                                                        Associate, AMEC

“The performance of the work has been outstanding, and I have found that the technical staff at
UltraSystems were very thorough in preparing our work products and were easy to work with on all
of the assigned projects. We appreciate UltraSystems ability to easily transition when circumstances
change as flexibility is a key element to maintaining momentum. I would highly recommend their
services to other transit agencies.” -
                                                                         Randy Floyd, Executive Director,
                                                                         Antelope Valley Transit Authority

“UltraSystems Environmental, Inc. (UltraSystems) has provided environmental documentation
and report preparation services on behalf of CNC Engineering (CNC) for civil and transportation
projects. As the Project Manager, I worked directly with UltraSystems on processing NEPA
documents, biological assessments, paleontology assessments and on site performance review, to
our transportation and civil projects, I wish to communicate that UltraSystems has provided work
products and delivery of project tasks that have consistently exceeded the contractual requirements
stipulated by CNC.” -
                                                                                           Sean Nazarie, P.E,
                                                                               Director of Engineering, CNC
                                                    Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [15]
The success of any project

                               is dependent upon quality

                               work products, maintaining

                               schedules, and meeting

                                    budget requirements.

                                       Our goal is to reach

                                 consensus between our

                               clients, regulatory agencies

                                             and the public.

Providing Intelligent Solutions for Master Planned Communities
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Representative Experience
Ultrasystems has been serving its diverse public and
private sector clients with environmental planning and
permitting solutions for 16 years. Our services are
tailored to meet our individual client’s project needs,
from environmental impact assessment and permitting
to resource management and planning, community
planning, economics and applied social sciences, and
information technology. UltraSystems’ clients come
to us with project challenges at a variety of scales
— no task is too small or too big; our professional
services are designed to meet your needs.
Our project experience spans wind and solar
development, energy conveyance, schools/
colleges, marinas/ports, urban landfills, brownfields,
infrastructure/bridges, stations/railroads,
dedicated busways, street improvements, public
works, airports, redevelopment, parks/recreation facilities, business parks, churches, corporate
headquarters, distribution/warehouses, transit villages, hospitality/timeshares, master plan
communities, regional community centers, health care/hospitals, entertainment complexes,
golf course development, research development campus, historical renovations, water, retail,
recreational, residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and other infrastructure-related
As such, we are expert in navigating a breadth of environmental programs, policies, and regulations
with technical aptitude. Please review our representative project experience for a taste of what we

                                                   Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [16]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

           Representative Master Planned Project Experience
        Client/Location                          Project                                  Scope of Work Performed

                                     MASTER PLANNED PROJECTS - RESIDENTIAL

cameron ranch associates llc                                                  Preparing Environmental Impact Report (EIR);
                                 Cameron Ranch Specific Plan
riverside county, ca                                                          Conducting technical studies including air quality,
                                 609-acre ranch property
                                                                              biological, and cultural surveys.
                                 Emerald Meadows Ranch Specific Plan
                                                                              Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR);
Emr residential Properties                                                    Conducted technical studies including air quality,
                                 279-acre mixed use development,
riverside county, ca                                                          biological, cultural surveys, hydrology, fiscal impact,
                                 including 1,350 residential units and
                                                                              hazardous, and traffic.
                                 50 acres of commercial and retail
                                                                              Prepared all necessary studies, including but not
                                                                              limited to: compliance with CEQA and NEPA; Section
                                 Heart of the City Specific Plan
city of San marcos                                                            106 of the Natural Historic Preservation Act (NHPA);
San marcos, ca                                                                Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) 404, 402, and 401
                                 200-acre mixed use development
                                                                              regulations; California Department of Fish and
                                                                              Game (CDFG) Section 1602; and Section 4(f) of the
                                                                              Department of Transportation.
                                                                              UltraSystems prepared all technical studies including
                                                                              biological resource surveys, air quality, and noise
                                                                              measurements and analysis. UltraSystems worked
                                                                              closely with subconsultants on traffic engineering
                                                                              and transportation planning; geotechnical
                                                                              engineering; geologic and seismic hazards; and
                                                                              cultural/historical reports.

                                                                              The proposed project required the following:
                                                                              	 General Plan Amendment
                                                                              	 Specific Plan
                                                                              	 Environmental Impact Report
                                 Fenton Business Park
                                                                              	 Tentative Subdivision Map
                                                                              	 Site Plans/Conditional Use Permits/Variances
                                 Mixed use biotech, research and
                                                                                  (as required)
                                 development, manufacturing, and office
city of San marcos                                                            	 Section 404 Permit, U.S. Army Corps of
                                 uses, including: multi-family residential,
San marcos, ca                                                                    Engineers
                                 open space, park, and infrastructure
                                                                              	 1602 Permit, California Department of Fish and
                                 improvements pursuant to the City of
                                 San Marcos University Business Park
                                                                              	 Section 401 Certification, San Diego Regional
                                 Specific Plan.
                                                                                  Water Quality Control Board
                                                                              	 State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
                                                                                  General Permit. The SWRCB General Permit
                                                                                  would require that a Storm Water Pollution
                                                                                  Prevention Plan (SWPPP) be prepared and
                                                                              	 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
                                                                                  (NPDES) permit
                                                                              	 Construction Permit from the South Coast Air
                                                                                  Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
                                                                              	 10(a) Incidental Take Permit from the U.S. Fish
                                                                                  and Wildlife Service

                                 Mixed use Residential Project
city of San Jacinto
                                                                              Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND),
San Jacinto, ca                  Utilizing a 35-acre project site, plans
                                                                              including technical reports for air quality, noise, and
                                 included 166 apartments, each with
                                                                              biological resources.
Project cancelled by developer   one to three bedrooms, and 192
due to lack of funding           townhouses planned as clustered six-

                                                                     Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services    [17]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

                               University/Crest Planned Development

                               Four Planning Areas comprising 247.8
                                                                             Prepared Supplemental EIR containing technical
county of San Bernardino, ca   acres.
                                                                             studies that focused on air quality, land use, traffic,
San Bernardino county, ca
                                                                             transportation and biological resources.
                               The original PD included 1,238
                               single-family homes, commercial
                               development, a school, park and open
                               space on 1,111.29 acres.
                               Woodview Terrace
                               Tentative Tract Map 15966                     Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR),
city of chino hills
                                                                             technical studies for cultural resources, noise, air
KB homes
                               190-acre, planned development (PD),           quality.
chino hills, ca
                               with 247 single-family homes.

                               Residential Subdivision

                               45-residential lot subdivision. The
mccomic consolidated, inc.
                               subdivision was comprised of single,          Prepared Acoustical Analysis.
indian Wells, ca
                               double-loaded loop roadway with 20
                               interior residential lots and another 25
                               lots along the project periphery.
                               Triangle Square

                               10-story mid-rise building, containing
                               120 residential condominiums within
city of costa mesa                                                           Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND),
                               a portion of the Triangle Square retail
costa mesa, ca                                                               technical study updates.
                               center that consisted of approximately
                               186,130 square-feet of commercial
                               uses. Triangle Square includes retail,
                               dining, and entertainment uses.
                               Clear Creek Canyon Drive
city of Diamond Bar                                                          Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND),
                               Tentative Tract Map 61066
Diamond Bar, ca                                                              technical study updates.

                               Citrus Heights North Specific Plan

                               270 acres of project development,
                               of which 163 acres included 1,207
                               homes; additional area for a park for
                               youth sports and private recreation
                               uses, detention basins, and primary
                               street right-of-way.                          Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR), along
lewis homes                                                                  with technical studies for cultural resources, noise,
Fontana, ca                    An additional 10 acres of the project         air quality.
                               site, on the northwest corner of Citrus
                               and Summit avenues, was proposed
                               for approximately 100,000 square
                               feet of retail and commercial space,
                               and another 10 acres at the northeast
                               corner of Lytle Creek Road and Summit
                               Avenue was proposed for 10,000
                               square feet.
                               Citrus Heights South Specific Plan            Prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR),
lewis homes                                                                  along with technical studies for cultural resources,
Fontana, ca                    109 acres with 499 single-family              noise, air quality.

                                                                    Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services     [18]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Stone gate Development        Festival Ridge Residential
company, llc                                                               Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR), along
anaheim, ca                   78 acres designed for 70 single-family       with biological and air quality technical studies.
                              Sunset Ridge Specific Plan
Shapouri & associates
                                                                           Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR), along
riverside county, ca
                              465 acres, designed for 1,200 homes          with biological, cultural, and air quality technical
                              ranging from 7,200 to 32,670 square          studies.
city of San Juan capistrano   Whispering Hills
                                                                           Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR),
San Juan capistrano, ca
                                                                           biological, cultural and traffic technical studies.
                              470 acres, 356 housing units.
                              Highland Ranch-Parcel 23

                              The project constituted an incremental
                              development component of EHR,
                              on an approximately 1,776-acre
city of highland              PUD initially approved by the County         Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND),
highland, ca                  of San Bernardino in 1982, then              technical study updates.
                              supplemented by the City of Highland.

                              Planning Area 23 was designated for
                              79 multiple-family residential (MFR)
                              units as part of the original EHR PUD.
                                                                           Prepared Focused Biological Studies and Section
                                                                           404/401/1603 Permits.

                                                                           	Memorandum to Supplement Biology Information
                                                                             in the Draft Environmental Impact Report
                                                                           	Supplemental Delineation of Jurisdictional
                              Canyon Lake, Tentative Tract 28751
                                                                             Waters and Wetlands
lusk company                                                               	Focused Survey for Special Status Plants
                              65 acres designated for 60 single-
riverside county, ca                                                       	Focused Survey for Least Bell’s Vireo
                              family homes.
                                                                           	Focused Survey for California Gnatcatcher
                                                                           	Focused Surveys Report
                                                                           	Preparation of a Biological Assessment in
                                                                             Support of Section 7 Permitting Under Federal
                                                                             Endangered Species Act
                                                                           	Permit Assistance for State and Federal Waters
                                                                             and Wetlands
                              Southpointe Master Plan

                              171 acres for 200 single-family homes
                                                                           Prepared Draft, Final and Addendum Environmental
Woodbridge homes              and 290,000 square feet for office
                                                                           Impact Reports (EIRs), air quality, biological, cultural
Diamond Bar, ca               and/or commercial uses.

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UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications


                               Redlands-Pioneer Business Center
                                                                           Prepared technical studies including: air quality,
                               Development of 54 acres, with five          noise, and biological assessments for an Initial Study
redland, ca
                               speculative concrete tilt-up industrial     and Mitigated Negative Declaration.
county of San Bernardino, ca
                               buildings (1,135,975 sq. ft.),
                               constructed in a single phase.
                               Crossroads Business Park
Prologis                       Expansion of a warehouse business
                                                                           Prepared biological technical study.
ontario, ca                    park of 621,470 sq. ft. for an eventually
                               built-out to 1,350,930 sq. ft.
                               Citrus Plaza Project, 124 acres

                               The Citrus Plaza Project was a multi-
                               phased mixed-use center that included
                               a “power center” and a “regional mall.”
                               The total project square footage will be
                               approximately 1.85 million square feet
                                                                           Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for
                               at buildout. Within the master-planned
commerce construction/                                                     Concept Plan 5.
                               development, a variety of compatible
majestic realty
                               land uses were proposed, including
redlands, ca                                                               Prepared the Draft, Final, and Supplemental EIRs.
                               retail commercial, office professional
San Bernardino county, ca
                               development, a movie theater and
                                                                           Prepared air quality, biological, cultural, noise,
                               other entertainment-orientated
                                                                           hydrology studies.
                               uses, and numerous restaurant and
                               hospitality uses.

                               Tenants included: Kohl’s, Sport Chalet,
                               Target, Cost Plus Imports, Barnes
                               and Noble, Bed Bath & Beyond, and
                                                                           Prepared the following:

                                                                           	United States Army Corps of Engineers Section
                                                                             404 Application
                                                                           	Regional Water Quality Control Board Section 401
                                                                           	California Department of Fish and Game Section
                                                                             1602 Application
Space center, inc.             Ottawa Business Center                      	CEQA
victorville, ca                IM sq. ft. Industrial-Build Out             	Hydrology Report
                                                                           	Jurisdictional Delineation
                                                                           	Biological Technical Report
                                                                           	Rare Plant Survey
                                                                           	Mohave Ground Squirrel
                                                                           	Coast Horned Lizard
                                                                           	Burrowing Owl
                                                                           	Desert Tortoise
                                                                           	Cultural Resources
                               Canyon Springs Specific Plan
                               52-acre, freeway-oriented commercial
                                                                           Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND),
City of Riverside              and Power Center that was planned
                                                                           technical studies including air quality, noise,
Riverside, CA                  to include around 500,000 sq. ft. of
                                                                           hydrology, geotechnical, and traffic.

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                               Hunt-Wesson Development
                                                                           Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND),
                                                                           technical studies including air quality, noise, and
                               Mixed-use planned development
lincoln Properties             that included new structures for
Fullerton, ca                  warehouses, manufacturing and
                               office space. Included approximately
                               503,000 square feet of development,
                               along with infrastructure improvements.
                               The Club at Big Bear Village
Prestige resort Development,                                               Prepared Focused EIR, technical studies that
inc.                                                                       included visual resources, biological resources,
                               61-units, time-share development,
city of Big Bear, ca                                                       cultural resources, hydrology, hazards.
                               located on approximately 8 acres.
                               Mixed-use commercial and industrial
gale and Wentworth
                               Included 11 acres of industrial             Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND),
city of lake Forest
                               development, consisting of 203,760          technical studies.
lake Forest, ca
                               square feet in Pacific Commercentre
                               Technology Park.
                               EDA Grant for the Carson Town Center

carson town center             Included 56 acres of industrial uses,
carson, ca                     including 685,000 square feet of            Prepared EDA grant on behalf of City of Carson.
                               warehouse uses and 242,223 square
                               feet of research and development and
                               manufacturing uses.
                               Development of 150,000 square feet
city of South El monte                                                     Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND),
                               of commercial space; 13 single-family
El monte, ca                                                               technical studies.

                                                                   Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [21]
The success of any project

                               is dependent upon quality

                               work products, maintaining

                               schedules, and meeting

                                    budget requirements.

                                       Our goal is to reach

                                 consensus between our

                               clients, regulatory agencies

                                             and the public.

                                                                 Key Personel

Providing Intelligent Solutions for Master Planned Communities
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Key Personnel

Betsy Lindsay - Principal in charge
UltraSystems’ President and CEO, Ms. Lindsay has overall responsibility
for business and project management, contract administration, resource
allocation, and quality control. She has more than 25 years of experience
in environmental planning and permitting, redevelopment, fiscal impact
analysis, economic development, and facility planning. Ms. Lindsay also
manages all corporate endeavors and assists with the QA/QC process of
environmental documents. Specific responsibilities include overall project management, preparation
and processing of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) documents, and associated entitlement obligations for large-scale public and private
infrastructure projects.

Education: M.U.R.P., Master of Urban and Regional Planning; B.A. in Geography

Ken Koch - associate Principal
UltraSystems’ Associate Principal, Ken Koch, is an environmental planner
with 20 years of private consulting experience. He has served as a
consultant to a wide array of public and private sector clients ranging
from rural municipalities to the largest private landowners in the state
(Tejon Ranch Co. and Newhall Land & Farming Co.). Mr. Koch has directed
preparation of environmental compliance documents for projects including
marina developments requiring coastal development permits through
the coastal commission, master planned “new towns” covering tens of
thousands of acres, public and private educational facilities, industrial/
warehouse developments, general plan updates, and municipal infrastructure projects such as
roads, sewers, and similar backbone infrastructure. He maintains particular expertise with managing
the environmental review of high profile projects that are contentious or subject to legal challenge.
During his career, Mr. Koch has successfully managed the environmental review process for a
combined 30,000 residential dwelling units, 20 million square feet of industrial/warehouse space,
and 6 million square feet of commercial floor space.

Education: M.S., Environmental Policy and Planning; B.A., Environmental Health and Planning

                                                 Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [22]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Key Personnel

Kendall Jue - Deputy Director of Environmenal Services
UltraSystems’ Deputy Director of Environmental Services, Kendall Jue, has 28
years of experience in the preparation of environmental impact assessment
documentation. Mr. Jue is highly familiar with the requirements of both the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA). During his career, he has actively participated in the
environmental analysis for natural resource development for mining and
geothermal energy in compliance with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) NEPA guidance; highway improvement
projects in compliance with the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) requirements;
and major infrastructure projects in compliance with the regulations of various local, State and
federal agencies, such as the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) for
light rail tracks and stations, U.S. Air Force (USAF) for Southern California military installations, and
the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach for marine port facilities.

Education: B.A., Geography.

Robert Rusby, AICP - Senior Project manager
UltraSystems’ Senior Project Manager, Robert Rusby, has 33 years of
experience in the management and preparation of environmental impact
assessment documentation. Over his career, Mr. Rusby has successfully
managed numerous projects for local jurisdictions in southern and central
California, in completing environmental documentation in compliance with
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as well as the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). One of his areas of expertise is with
commercial-related projects and as such, he has managed projects for such
clients as the County of Kern, and the cities of Orange, La Verne, Garden
Grove, and Santa Ana.

Education: M.U.R.P., Master of Urban Planning; B.S., Park Administration; A.A., Ornamental
Horticulture Registration: American Institution of Certified Planners (AICP)

                                                     Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [23]
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Key Personnel

Oliver Mujica - Senior Project manager

Mr. Mujica draws upon his 27 years of experience in land use entitlement,
environmental review and analysis, redevelopment implementation,
and project management. Mr. Mujica has a thorough knowledge and
understanding of the California Government Code, California Redevelopment
Law, California Planning Law, Subdivision Map Act, California Environmental
Quality Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act which provides him
with the exceptional expertise to manage and complete assignments in a
manner completely consistent with State requirements and guidelines. Mr. Mujica has served as a
leader in our industry by providing recognized expertise to local governments throughout southern
California. Mr. Mujica is a two-time recipient of the prestigious League of California Cities Helen
Putnam Award and has been honored with a Golden Nugget Award from the Pacific Coast Builders
Association. Having served four years as the Director of Community Development for the City of
South Gate, Mr. Mujica understands the environs that typically face local jurisdictions during the
discretionary review process, and his four year appointment as a Planning Commissioner for the City
of Mission Viejo provides him with an insight of the decision making process. Finally, Mr. Mujica has a
proven track record as a problem-solver and innovator to make a major contribution to a community
by building and maintaining effective working relationships with City staff, community leaders, and
elected officials.

Education: B.A., Architecture; B.A., Liberal Studies

Erinn Johnson, LEED AP - Senior Project manager
UltraSystems’ Senior Project Manager, Erinn Johnson, has over a decade
of work experience in Environmental Policy, Planning, and Regulatory
Compliance. She manages the environmental entitlement process, from
origination of project opportunities through construction compliance.
Ms. Johnson demonstrates consistent success in project management,
including development and execution of project plans; prioritizing and task/
resource delegation; proposal and budget management; time management;
strategic planning and direction; presentation; agency and client relations;
management communications; quality control; and client delivery. Her
technical work includes management of the preparation and approval of California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents for a variety of public
and private developments.

Education: B.A., Human Biology, focus Environmental Studies
Certifications; LEED Accredited Professional;
Certified Project Manager by PSMJ

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Key Personnel
Renee Longman, AICP, LEED AP – Project manager

UltraSystem’s Project Manager, Renee Longman, is an urban and
environmental planner with extensive experience in the preparation and
management of CEQA and NEPA technical documents and coordination with
government and regulatory agencies. She has worked on a variety of projects,
including transportation, mixed-use, residential, educational, industrial,
and public works projects. As a planner, she works with public agencies in the identification of
existing land use conditions, analyzing a proposed project compatibility with existing land uses, and
assessing the consistency of a proposed project with relevant planning policies. Ms. Longman also
has experience in preparing aesthetics studies for environmental documents, zoning compliance,
permitting assistance, design review, and public outreach efforts including public workshops and
community meetings.

Education: M.S., Urban and Regional Planning; B.A., Geography
Certification: Accredited Professional, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

Connie Anderson - Project manager

UltraSystems’ Project Manager, Connie Anderson, has more than 10 years
of experience in project management, environmental impact analysis, and
document preparation for a wide range of environmental projects. Ms.
Anderson has managed, reviewed, and authored a full range of CEQA
and NEPA documents for projects led by cities, county departments,
transportation agencies, school districts, and State and federal agencies.
Ms. Anderson has been responsible for master-planning for Army installations
within the United States and Germany. She has participated in planning
charrettes with clients and stakeholders to discuss project strategy, site
planning, feasibility studies, design guidelines, and project budgeting.
Additionally, she has been responsible for program development and feasibility studies, NEPA
studies, Installation Design Guides, and site/urban planning projects for military projects.

Education: B.S., Environment and Resources

                                                  Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [25]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Key Personnel

Michael Rogozen, D.Env., Senior Principal Engineer

UltraSystems’ Senior Principal Engineer, Dr. Michael Rogozen, manages the
firm’s Air and Noise Group, and is responsible for consulting, technical project
management, and business development. He has 34 years experience in all
types of air quality practice, including air permitting in California, responses
to notices to comply and notices of violation, health risk assessment, carbon footprint studies,
ambient monitoring, dispersion modeling, pollution control technology assessment, economic
analysis of air pollution control alternatives, air toxics emission inventory development, offsite
consequence analysis, environmental database design, survey design and management, source test
design and analysis, subsurface methane investigations, regulatory analysis, and technical writing
and editing. Dr. Rogozen’s noise practice includes managing acoustical studies to support CEQA
documents, modeling train noise, and preparing noise control and monitoring plans for construction.
His clients have included the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, the California Air Resources
Board, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the U.S. Navy, a large number of metal
plating facilities, food processing plants, architects and developers, and many cities and counties in

Education: D.Env., Environmental Science and Engineering; M.S., Systems Engineering; B.S.,

Mike Lindsay – air Quality & noise Scientist
Mike Lindsay is an Environmental Engineer with UltraSystems’ Air and Noise
Group with more than 16 years of experience performing air and noise
impact analyses in support of CEQA and NEPA documentation. Mr. Lindsay is
proficient in the air emissions inventory software package URBEMIS-2007, as
well as its core programs: EMFAC-2007 (a model for on-road vehicle emissions
and OFFROAD-2007 (a model for off-road vehicle emissions). He also performs
noise impact analyses for CEQA and NEPA documentation. His noise expertise
includes a focus on the design and execution of ambient noise sampling programs and traffic noise
models, including TNM 2.5. Mr. Lindsay’s noise services also include computation of both existing
and project-level ambient noise levels for use in noise assessments per CEQA and NEPA guidelines.
Mr. Lindsay is also a dynamic R&D engineer and technologist with a history of improving P&L by
developing innovative engineering solutions and by generating new business. He is a strategic thinker
with a record of enhancing products, systems and processes in multiple environments and industries,
including medical devices (co-holder of a patent), energy, transportation, and logistics.

Education: B.S., Electrical Engineering; A.A., Mathematics.

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Key Personnel

Richard Friesen, Ph.D. - manager of Biological resources

UltraSystems’ Manager of Biological Resources, Richard Friesen, Ph.D, has
over 35 years of professional national and international experience as an
environmental scientist and wildlife biologist managing the monitoring of
construction activities of various projects, writing environmental assessments,
planning environmental conservation reserves, and directing field investigations of sensitive, rare,
threatened, and endangered plant and animal species. As Manager of Natural Resources, Dr. Friesen
brings to this project diverse experience in biological resources analysis for a large number of projects
in central and southern California. He has prepared focused biological plant and animal surveys for a
wide range of California plant and animal species. He has also prepared numerous biological resource
sections for project NDS, EIRs and EISs. Dr. Friesen served on the Review Panel of Biologists for the
trend-setting, highly-acclaimed Western Riverside County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan.

Education: Ph.D., Biological Sciences, Section of Ecology & Evolution; Graduate Work, Population
Ecology & Natural History; B.S., Biology
Certification: Certified Project Manager by Project Management Institute

Paul Brenner - Permitting Program manager/Senior Biologist

UltraSystem’s Permitting Program Manager and Senior Wetland Biologist,
Paul Brenner, has over fourteen years of research and applied expertise
in aquatic biology and environmental sciences. Mr. Brenner specializes in
water-related permitting under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act,
Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 1602 of the California Fish
and Game Code, and Coastal Development Permits pursuant to the California
Coastal Commission. Mr. Brenner conducts and supervises the delineation
of wetlands and other jurisdictional waters for numerous projects throughout California. He has
managed the permitting of large linear projects, such as the Metropolitan Water District of Southern
California’s Inland Feeder Project, fiber optic installation projects throughout southern California, and
Caltrans road projects. He has negotiated permits for many water-related agencies and projects,
including numerous projects for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the Orange
County Water District, and County of Orange projects, and numerous housing development projects.
In addition, he has performed numerous focused surveys and habitat assessments for the arroyo

Education: M.S., Behavioral Neurobiology, B.S., Biological Psychology

                                                    Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [27]
UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications

Key Personnel

Stephen O’Neil, MA - manager of cultural anthropology & archaeology
UltraSystems’ Stephen O’Neil, Manager of Cultural Anthropology & Archaeology,
has 28 years of experience as a cultural anthropologist in California. He
has a wide range of expertise in Phase I Environmental Site Assessments,
archaeological resource assessment surveys, salvage operations, and cultural
background studies for various EIR projects. Mr. O’Neil has worked for several cultural resource
management firms, as well as government agencies and Native American entities. He has written
technical reports as well as published journal articles.

Education: M.A., Cultural Anthropology; B.A., Anthropology; A.A., General Education

Dan Herlihy, RG, CEG, CHG, PG, REA, - Senior Environmental Engineer
UltraSystems’ Senior Environmental Engineer, Dan Herlihy, has been involved
with hydrologic testing and analysis since 1976, and has performed aquifer
tests and hydrogeologic studies in a variety of geologic settings in California,
Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas, Australia and Mexico. Mr. Herlihy has been
selected as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) by the California Board of
Registration for Geologists and Geophysicists to develop qualifications for the
practice of hydrogeology in California. His hydrologic experience includes soil
and groundwater assessments for remediation investigations and feasibility
studies, and groundwater resource studies in unconsolidated and fractured
rocks. Mr. Herlihy has developed conceptual, finite difference and analytical modeling solutions to
design groundwater remediation programs and to assess groundwater resources.

Education: M.S., Geology; B.S., Geology.
Registrations: Registered Environmental Assessor; Certified Hydrogeologist; Registered Geologist;
Certified Engineering Geologist; Certified Professional Geologist.

Jim Aidukas - Quality Assurance/Quality Control Officer
UltraSystems’ Senior Project Engineer, Jim Aidukas, has over 30 years
experience in designing, construction, and systems operations evaluation
of petroleum handling facilities. His experience includes the design of
propane, butane, and gasoline storage facilities at the Elk Hills Naval Reserve
in Bakersfield, California; the design of a vapor recovery system for million-
barrel oil storage tanks for Caltex Oil Refinery in Sydney, Australia; the risk
management evaluation of petroleum operations for Travelers Insurance in
Southern California; the storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous materials
for the petroleum and landfill gas recovery and sales industry throughout the United States.

Education: B.S., Mechanical Engineering

                                                   Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services   [28]
Corporate Headquarters:
                                                                           16431 Scientific Way
                                                                               Irvine, CA 92618


UltraSystems environmental | Large Scale Master Plan Solutions | Statement of Qualifications

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UltraSystems Masterplanning SOQ

  • 1. UltraSystems environmental | Large-Scale Master Plan Solutions | Statement of Qualifications Solar Development –Statement of Qualifications
  • 2. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Providing Intelligent Solutions for Large-Scale Master Plans UltraSystems is a certified as a UDBE | WBE | SBE firm
  • 3. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications TABLE OF CONTENTS About the Firm ............................................................................................................................... 3 Areas of Expertise .......................................................................................................................... 4 • Environmental Due Diligence ............................................................................................................ 5 • Site Selection and Analysis • CEQA and NEPA Compliance ............................................................................................................ 6 • CEQA and NEPA Documentation • Mitigation Monitoring Plans • Public Process/Community Outreach • Construction Environmental Management ......................................................................................... 8 • Permit Compliance • Construction Monitoring & Reporting • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans • Technical Studies .............................................................................................................................. 9 • Aesthetics/Visual Studies • Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas • Biological Resources • Wetland Delineation and Permitting • Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plans • Cultural Resources • Environmental Site Assessment • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) • Land Use • Noise & Vibration • Socioeconomics/Environmental Justice Client Testimonials ...................................................................................................................... 14 Representative Experience............................................................................................................ 16 Key Personnel ............................................................................................................................. 22 Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [2]
  • 4. About UltraSystems The success of any project is dependent upon quality work products, maintaining schedules, and meeting budget requirements. Our goal is to reach consensus between our clients, regulatory agencies and the public. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Master Planned Communities
  • 5. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications About the Firm UltraSystems is a leading multidisciplinary consulting firm whose focus is helping our clients successfully navigate federal, state, and local environmental regulations. We have served both public and private sector clients throughout California since the founding of the firm in 1994. UltraSystems offers a broad range of environmental consulting services with a particular emphasis on California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation. We believe that accurate and objective environmental information and analysis is a fundamental component of sound land use planning and decision-making. We maintain an experienced staff of nearly 30 professionals covering a wide range of disciplines, including planning, biology, geology, cultural resources, air quality, noise, economics, and hazardous materials. Our interdisciplinary team approach enables us to proactively solve problems. Our solutions emphasize anticipation and resolution of environmental issues early in the planning process, when the applicant has the greatest flexibility to design the project in a way that avoids or minimizes costly permitting and mitigation requirements. UltraSystems approaches the preparation of each environmental document with an emphasis on quality and thoroughness of analysis. Because a “It was a pleasure working with UltraSystems project’s environmental document is sometimes scrutinized by interested on the Arlington Heights Sports Park environmental process. Your professionalism, parties, the potential environmental effects of the project must be fully responsiveness and technical proficiency was analyzed and disclosed. Although any environmental document can be legally a great asset in helping the City of Riverside challenged, a document that is thoroughly prepared using clear language and complete the initial study, MND, and other CEQA with substantial evidence supporting each conclusion is likely to withstand any documentation. We look forward to working with legal challenges that might be raised. you in the future.” UltraSystems is client focused and our staff works closely with clients to - Randy McDaniel, Project Manager, identify project goals and the most effective means to achieve them. Return City of Riverside, Parks, Recreation, and Community Services customers and referrals constitute the core of our growing client list. Superior Department. performance on initial projects with new clients has frequently been rewarded by sole source contracts on future projects. Such routine votes of confidence demonstrate the firm’s ability to provide clients with exceptional consulting advice and support. Specific client and project information is found later in this SOQ. UltraSystems is a certified UDBE, WBE, SBE firm. Our professional staff of 35 full-time employees and 75 independent consultants are dedicated to maintaining a small business environmental, with big business capabilities. We are committed to providing quality services that meet the needs of our clients. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [3]
  • 6. Areas of Expertise The success of any project is dependent upon quality work products, maintaining schedules, and meeting budget requirements. Our goal is to reach consensus between our clients, regulatory agencies and the public. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Master Planned Communities
  • 7. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Areas of Expertise We have a long and successful history of providing sustainable solutions to meet our client’s development needs. With the singular objective of effectively leading our clients through the environmental review process, UltraSystems offers a full range of environmental planning and management services that include the following areas of expertise: EnvironmEntal DuE DiligEncE Opportunities and Constraints Analysis lanD uSE analYSiS anD EntitlEmEntS Creative Solutions For Development Opportunities cEQa anD nEPa comPliancE Initial Studies Environmental Assessments Environmental Impact Reports Environmental Impact Statements Mitigation Monitoring Plans Findings of Fact Public Process/Community Outreach conStruction EnvironmEntal managEmEnt Permit Compliance Construction Monitoring & Reporting Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans tEchnical StuDiES Aesthetics/Visual Studies Air Quality/Health Risk/Greenhouse Gas Biological Resources Wetland Delineation and Permitting Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plans Cultural Resources Environmental Site Assessment Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Land Use Noise and Vibration Socioeconomics/Environmental Justice Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [4]
  • 8. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Areas of Expertise | Environmental Due Diligence opportunities and constraints analysis UltraSystems helps its clients determine the environmental regulatory risks inherent in developing a specific site. During the opportunities and constraints analysis, UltraSystems employs its talented pool of urban and environmental planners, scientists, archeologists, biologists, GIS specialists and other technical staff to perform a site reconnaissance of baseline environmental characteristics; assess environmental regulatory risk associated with developing the site or portions of the site; and outline regulatory permit and timeline requirements. We then prepare a report that maps potential resources onsite, highlights any areas of concern, and specifies anticipated regulatory requirements and associated timelines. The Environmental Due Diligence report includes recommendations, as needed, for further resource studies and agency consultation to help identify and reduce environmental issues and to comply with federal, state, and local permitting requirements. creative Solutions for Development opportunities UltraSystems recognizes the importance of maximizing the development potential of a site in order to enhance its overall viability and value. By understanding the land use policies, environmental thresholds and unique environs associated with a project, UltraSystems provides guidance through the discretionary review and entitlements process to ensure success that is congruent with the client’s vision, while at the same time corresponding to the goals and policies of the governing local jurisdiction. UltraSystems further understands the importance of connecting with the personnel assigned to process the discretionary land use applications. With a top management team comprised seasoned professionals with top level municipal experience; UltraSystems is able to offer its expertise to secure the requisite land use approvals. The combination of knowledge and past success positions UltraSystems as a unique partner for identifying opportunities and creating land use development solutions. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [5]
  • 9. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Areas of Expertise | CEQA and NEPA Compliance cEQa and nEPa Documentation UltraSystems is thoroughly experienced with implementing California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance and is a recognized leader in the preparation of legally-defensible CEQA and NEPA documentation. We routinely prepare Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs), Initial Studies and other CEQA documents as well as Environmental Impact Studies (EISs), Environmental Assessment (EAs), and Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSIs) for NEPA compliance. Our diverse clients include the Bureau of Land Management, California Public Utilities Commission, US Army Corps of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Game, Counties, Cities, Special Districts, and power producers (i.e., Southern California Edison, Florida Power and Light, Pacific Gas and Electric, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, etc). UltraSystems offers integrated CEQA and NEPA analysis and preparation services that include project scoping, analysis, public review, findings, and project approval, such as: • Scoping Meetings, Outreach Meetings and Public Hearings • Preparation of Project Description, Initial Study, and Notice of Preparation • Definition and analysis of Project Alternatives • Preparation and distribution of Draft and Final documents (i.e., EIRs, EISs, MNDs, EA’s) • Response to Public Comments • Preparation of a Mitigation Monitoring Programs • Preparation of Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations (if warranted) UltraSystem’s technical staff are skilled in the preparation of EIR/EIS documentation. We utilize a project team approach, employing Resource Specialists with a depth of expertise in the following resource areas: • Air Quality • Noise • Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Mineral Resources • Aesthetics/Visual Resources • Population & Housing • Agricultural/ Soil Resources • Public Services • Biological Resources • Socioeconomic/Fiscal Impact • Cultural /Paleontological Resources • Transportation & Traffic • Environmental Justice • Utilities, Energy & Service System • Geology • Growth Inducing Impacts & Cumulative • Hazards & Hazardous Materials Impacts • Hydrology and Water Quality • Monitoring Plans & Reporting • Health and Safety • EMI/EMF • Land Use/Recreation Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [6]
  • 10. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Areas of Expertise | CEQA and NEPA Compliance mitigation monitoring Plans UltraSystems utilizes its expertise in mitigation and monitoring planning, design, and construction to track CEQA and NEPA mitigation measures as required by state and federal guidelines. Our services include mitigation monitoring plans, coordination with agencies to determine specific responsibilities for various program elements, pre-construction surveys for sensitive species, onsite monitoring to assure compliance, and post- construction documentation of compliance with the plan. We also review proposed and existing plans to measure their effectiveness against their original intent. Our mitigation monitoring plans are designed with the objective of meeting agency approval. Public Process/community outreach Public input is required by NEPA and CEQA regulation. Our consultation and communication experts are experienced in working with numerous stakeholders to bring large, complex projects to successful completion. Specific expertise includes: • Preparation, implementation and management of the public process, including community relations strategies and community involvement • Creating community presentation materials and communication tools • Developing and maintaining mailing lists for notices • Facilitation and public workshop management • Conducting or moderating meetings and discussions • Assuring appropriate supply of hand-outs and collateral materials • Providing translated written materials into appropriate languages • Recording comments and summarizing workshops and meetings • Property owner consultation • Key stakeholder and media liaison • Public relations management Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [7]
  • 11. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Areas of Expertise | Construction Environmental Management Permit compliance UltraSystems develops permit compliance management programs tailored to the size and complexity of the project, to ensure that our clients are in compliance with federal, state, and local environmental regulations before, during, and after construction activities. We strategically assess required permits, establish effective working relationships with agency representatives, meet scheduled application deadlines, and expedite application reviews. We routinely assist our clients in obtaining and adhering to pre-construction, construction, and post-construction requirements for the following environmental permits and approvals: • CEQA and NEPA Mitigation Monitoring Plans • Section 7 Threatened and Endangered Species • Section 10 Water Crossings • Section 404 and 401 Wetlands/Waters of the U.S. • California Fish and Game Code Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Permit • Section 101 National Historic Preservation Act – Native American Consultation • Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act – Cultural Resources • Title V Operating Permit – Air Quality • Air Pollution Control District Authority to Construct Permit • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) • Spill Prevention, Containment, and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) • California Coastal Development Permit construction monitoring & reporting We work with our clients to ensure construction compliance with federal, state, and local regulations, including but not limited to, air quality, biological resources (i.e., sensitive habitats and species), cultural resources, encroachment permits, grading permits, noise ordinances, stormwater BMPs, and wetlands (see representative permit list above). UltraSystems provides construction staff training to comply with regulations, ensure sensitive resources are protected during construction activities, and prepares required monitoring reports for submittal to agencies, on schedule. We maintain effective communication with the agency representatives and our client, meet scheduled monitoring deadlines, and obtain agency approval. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) UltraSystems develops general construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) to assist clients in complying with Section 402 of the Federal Clean Water Act NPDES regulations. Every construction site that disturbs one acre or more, or is less than one acre but part of a larger common plan that would disturb one acre or more, must comply with the State of California’s General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities. The SWPPP must outline the Best Management Practices (BMPs) Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [8]
  • 12. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications planned for use on the site to prevent pollutants from leaving the project site. The submission of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required prior to the issuance of an Improvement Plan, Grading Permit or Encroachment Permit. Areas of Expertise | Technical Studies aesthetics/visual Studies UltraSystems conducts visual analyses to provide a basis for assessing potential project impacts in terms of NEPA and CEQA significance criteria. The assessment includes an inventory of potentially sensitive viewing areas, including scenic vistas, major view corridors, historic buildings, and monuments; (2) visual simulations to provide a simulation of the view’s appearance once the project is in place; (3) identification of the project’s potential aesthetic impacts by comparison of existing views with simulations and in association with land use regulations; and (4) evaluation of mitigation measures or revised design features, if significant impacts are identified. UltraSystems aesthetic/visual studies meets resource agency guidelines and NEPA and CEQA regulations. air Quality/health risk assessments/greenhouse gas UltraSystems utilizes the latest air quality modeling practices and techniques to accurately quantify air pollutant emission and concentration levels for land development projects both during construction and after project completion. The type of modeling utilized is determined by the latest industry standards and the needs of both the regulatory agencies involved and the project specific demands. Models in our inventory include; • URBEMIS 2007- The URBEMIS2007 (Urban Emissions) computer program quantifies mobile source, area source, and construction emissions based on the size and type of land uses proposed. This model uses the California Air Resources Board’s EMFAC2007 model for on-road vehicle emissions and the OFFROAD2007 model for off-road vehicle emissions. • EMFAC 2007 –This model estimates emission rates of criteria pollutants for on-road mobile sources operating in California. Emissions are calculated based on vehicle type, model year, ambient weather conditions, and timeframe. • OFFROAD 2007-The OFFROAD 2007 model estimates the activity and emissions of off-road mobile emission sources such as construction equipment. OFFROAD contains a database of default values for construction equipment information and can calculate emission factors based on the type of equipment and year of use. • ISC3- ISC3 is a steady-state Gaussian plume model which can be used to assess pollutant concentrations from a wide variety of sources associated with an industrial complex. This model can account for the following: dry plume depletion of particles; downwash; point, area, line, and volume sources; plume rise as a function of downwind distance; separation of point sources; and limited terrain adjustment. ISC3 operates in both long-term and short-term modes. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [9]
  • 13. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Areas of Expertise | Technical Studies • AERMOD- AERMOD is an advanced plume model that incorporates updated treatments of the boundary layer theory, understanding of turbulence and dispersion, and handling of terrain interactions. This is the dispersion model recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Many regulatory agencies require preparation of human (HRAs) for large scale planning projects to evaluate impacts from the release of toxic air contaminants (TACs). Our services include the preparation of Health Risk Assessments (HRAs) to estimate cancer risks and non-cancer effects from TAC emissions on nearby residents and other sensitive receptors. Such evaluations include diesel particulate matter from diesel trucks servicing distribution centers and large retail centers, benzene from gasoline service stations, and process TACs at large industrial facilities. In addition, HRAs are prepared by quantifying toxic air emissions and resulting health risks at sensitive receptors using advanced toxic air emission and health risk assessment tools, including HARP and proprietary analytical tools. UltraSystems’ air quality services also include analysis of greenhouses gases (GHG) per Assembly Bill (AB) 32 (Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006). This includes using agency-approved methods to estimate existing and potential greenhouse gas emissions from direct and indirect sources (greenhouse gas inventories), recommending innovative greenhouse gas/air pollutant reduction methods during the construction and operation of a project, investigating the use of renewable energy sources/ energy efficient products, and quantifying the benefits of resource conservation (e.g., electricity usage, recycling). Biological resources UltraSystems’ staff of biologists, botanists, and wetland specialists, together with a highly skilled network of specialized contract wildlife biologists (including avian and fisheries biologists, herpetologists, invertebrate biologists, and certified arborists) provides the technical expertise and flexibility necessary to meet the specialized needs of each client. Our staff works on a regular basis with a wide range of federal, state, and local permitting authorities, including the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), and Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQB). Services offered include: • General biological assessments/characterizations • Focused special status species surveys • Regulatory permitting (Section 7 and 10(a) Incidental Take Permits and Section 2081 Permits) • Botanical surveys (floristic surveys and focused rare plant surveys) • Oak Tree Surveys • Vegetation and habitat mapping • Resource management and habitat restoration planning • Habitat conservation planning • Construction monitoring and permitting Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [10]
  • 14. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Areas of Expertise | Technical Studies UltraSystems maintains an ongoing subscription membership to the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) RareFind 3, the California Department of Fish and Game’s computerized inventory of information on the location and condition of California’s rare, threatened, endangered, and sensitive plants, animals, and natural communities. UltraSystems also uses GIS to accurately synthesize, analyze, and depict the location and extent of resources. Wetland Delineation and Permitting UltraSystems provides expertise in delineating wetlands in compliance with Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act, regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and Section 1602 of the California Fish and Game Code, regulated by the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). The USACE jurisdiction is determined in the field using the presence of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) and the methodology in the USACE 1987 wetland delineation manual. This methodology requires that a jurisdictional wetland contain hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and appropriate hydrology. CDFG jurisdiction is determined by the presence of hydrophytic vegetation, the location of a definable bed and bank, and the presence of associated wildlife or fish resources. UltraSystems employs sophisticated mapping techniques to assess the boundaries of these jurisdictions and to calculate impacts associated with project development. From there, we prepare a jurisdictional delineation report describing baseline conditions and analysis of potential project impacts to each jurisdictional feature, including methods, results, and graphics depicting the approximate size and location of any jurisdictional areas. The report is consistent with the requirements of USACE and CDFG and is the necessary documentation for developing and processing Section 401 and 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act permits and obtaining a Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement. habitat mitigation and monitoring Plans UltraSystems prepares Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Proposals (HMMPs) for projects requiring habitat restoration to mitigate for impacts to biological resources and wetlands as required to comply with resource agency authorizations (i.e., USACE, RWQCB, CDFG, USFW, etc). The HMMP involves a detailed description of baseline biological resources and the environmental setting, existing functions and values of the affected areas, mitigation goals and strategies, implementation plan, performance criteria, maintenance and monitoring specifications and contingency plans. The HMMP also describes site preparation activities, such as amending and redistributing topsoil, seeding and planting, and provides recommendations for temporary irrigation systems and fencing, including detailed construction drawings and specifications. Installation methods, maintenance procedures, and performance monitoring and reporting requirements are defined in the report, with the objective of achieving the overall goals and performance standards of the habitat restoration activity. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [11]
  • 15. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Areas of Expertise | Technical Studies cultural resources UltraSystems cultural resource capabilities include archaeological and historic site identification and evaluation, mitigation design and implementation, construction monitoring and compliance, and all aspects of regulatory compliance support. We assist our clients in regulatory compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and other state-level environmental assessment laws and regulations. We also have extensive experience with Native American consultation. Environmental Site assessment UltraSystems provides Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) services related to the identification of hazardous materials, including Phase I Environmental Due-Diligence, Phase II Site Characterization Studies and Phase III Remediation Plans. Some of these assessments are included as part of the CEQA and NEPA process and many are performed for on-going businesses or property ownership transfers. geographic information Systems (giS) UltraSystems utilizes spatial analysis and mapping techniques to record significant features of a project study area, such as biological resources, land use coverage, topography, and hydrology, geology, and artifact densities. Our GIS capabilities enable us to locate, record, and present significant amounts of project data and perform sophisticated modeling and spatial analysis to guide decision-making in site development. UltraSystems provides GIS resources for a wide range of environmental analyses, including (but not limited to) biological inventory, land use planning, demographic modeling, environmental justice analysis, and viewshed analysis. This diverse project information can be mapped with precision to allow for more complex and defensible resource studies. High quality cartographic materials and thoroughly defined analyses are standard products for our GIS services. land use UltraSystems’ land use planners routinely assess land use characteristics of the project site and vicinity, local comprehensive land use designations and zoning, plans and policies, and the project’s conformance with applicable plans and policies for compliance with resource agency requirements and NEPA and CEQA guidelines. We provide an assessment of proposed land use changes, land use compatibility issues, short-term construction impacts, and cumulative impacts associated with long- term land use trends in the project area. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [12]
  • 16. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Areas of Expertise | Technical Studies noise and vibration During the planning, construction and operations phases, our noise experts measure, predict and evaluate the noise and vibration generated by a project as well as their impact on sensitive receptors. Our noise services include: • Noise contour mapping • Noise modeling and monitoring • Noise source compliance testing • Design of noise abatement measures • Exposure criteria, standards & regulations • Compliance during construction • Noise complaint investigation UltraSystems’ technical experts record existing ambient noise levels using the Quest Technologies, SoundPro, DL-1-1/3 noise meter that meets the standards outlined in ANSI S1.13-1995 (American National Standard Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels in Air).The SoundPro Model Dl-1-1/3 measurement capabilities include instantaneous Sound Pressure Level; Lmin; Lmax; Lpeak and Unweighted Peak Levels; Ln (statistics); Leq; Sound Exposure Level (SEL); and Time Weighted Average (TWA). To determine a project’s operational noise levels associated with project-generated traffic, UltraSystems utilizes the Traffic Noise Prediction Model (TNM). The TNM Model calculates the peak hour Leq and 24-hour Ldn or Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) noise levels associated with traffic based on a particular reference set of input conditions, including site-specific traffic volumes, distances, speeds, topography and/or presence of noise barriers. To address short-term construction related impacts, UltraSystems uses noise level data published by the US EPA that outlines the noise ranges of typical construction equipment that can be found at various types of construction sites. Socioeconomics/Environmental Justice UltraSystems performs regional economic impact analyses of project sites using the Economic Impact Forecast System (EIFS). Our specialists collect socioeconomic data (e.g., population, employment, housing, tax base, etc.) and perform the required socioeconomic impact analyses using the EIFS impact models. The analysis examines the effects of the proposed project on the availability of local housing and local infrastructure (i.e., traffic, school, hospitals, municipal services, etc.), as well as effects on population, short- and long-term employment, housing demand and availability, and the tax base. In addition, to comply with Executive Order 12898 for environmental justice, UltraSystems routinely assesses project impacts on minority or low-income populations in the project area. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [13]
  • 17. The success of any project is dependent upon quality Client Testimonials work products, maintaining schedules, and meeting budget requirements. Our goal is to reach consensus between our clients, regulatory agencies and the public. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Master Planned Communities
  • 18. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Client Testimonials UltraSystems is proud to present a few recent testimonials from clients expressing their appreciation for our services. “I want to take my hat off to you and your team. Completing these reports and submitting them on time is a huge milestone for our entire Anaheim to Los Angeles team!” “It was a pleasure working with Ultra Systems on the Arlington Heights Sports Park environmental process. Your professionalism, responsiveness and technical proficiency was a great asset in helping the City of Riverside complete the initial study, MND, and other CEQA documentation. We look forward to working with you in the future.” – Randy McDaniel, Project Manager, City of Riverside, Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department. “I will personally make sure that the hard work and effort that UltraSystems has shown with the expedited San Diego Creek request is reflected in the scoring/evaluation and that UltraSystems will definitely move up in the ranking.” - Vinh Tran, P.E., Civil Engineer, Project Management, RDMDCounty of Orange “Betsy, indeed it was a pleasure working with you and the staff of UltraSystems over the last three years. You folks did a very good job for us under the ENO70 contract. You were always very responsive, technically proficient and reasonable in costs. You have played a major role in facilitating Metro’s construction program. I will look forward to the opportunity to work with you again in the future.” - Carl Peter Ripaldi, Principal Environmental Specialist, Metropolitan Transportation Authority “I really appreciate the hard work and the quality of work that you and your staff at UltraSystems do. Over the past few years I have been very impressed with UltraSystems’ work ethics, comprehensiveness, thoroughness of documents, and responsiveness to clients’ and communities’ needs (note that this observation includes my tenure at LAUSD as well, where we worked on several of the district’s new schools projects). Hopefully we will get to work more on some of our up-coming projects within the downtown area, as you guys were very much involved with preparation of most of the original CEQA documents for the Bunker Hill Redevelopment Project, which financed housing and other redevelopment projects within the City.” - Dr. Robert Manford, Senior Planner, Environmental Review Unit, Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [14]
  • 19. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Client Testimonials “Throughout the years and the numerous projects that you and your staff have worked on for our Department, it has always been a great working relationship. I genuinely respect your technical knowledge and professionalism in the outstanding work that was provided. I look forward to continued success in working together on future projects.” - Sarah D. Scott, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Programs Development Division “Once provided with the Notice to Proceed, UltraSystems performed their environmental services with minimal technical direction from W.G. Zimmerman Engineering personnel. All work was performed as required in a method that promoted accuracy, responsiveness, cost-effectiveness, and timely Caltrans approval for projects with Federal Funding. UltraSystems personnel provided effective communication throughout the project duration and answered any questions from W.G. Zimmerman Engineering, Inc. Staff in a complete and satisfactory manner.” - Bill Zimmerman, P.E., T.E., PTOE, President, W. G. Zimmerman Engineering “It is with great pleasure that I provide this letter in testament of the services provided by your staff. I have worked with UltraSystems since you first founded your company, and although some of your staff has changed over the years, customer service has never faltered. For this reason and others, I have never hesitated to recommend your firm to my California clients. I have found your fees to be competitive, your product deliverables always on time, and issues or questions to be promptly and professionally addressed.” - Ian E. Hattie, M.Sc., Associate, AMEC “The performance of the work has been outstanding, and I have found that the technical staff at UltraSystems were very thorough in preparing our work products and were easy to work with on all of the assigned projects. We appreciate UltraSystems ability to easily transition when circumstances change as flexibility is a key element to maintaining momentum. I would highly recommend their services to other transit agencies.” - Randy Floyd, Executive Director, Antelope Valley Transit Authority “UltraSystems Environmental, Inc. (UltraSystems) has provided environmental documentation and report preparation services on behalf of CNC Engineering (CNC) for civil and transportation projects. As the Project Manager, I worked directly with UltraSystems on processing NEPA documents, biological assessments, paleontology assessments and on site performance review, to our transportation and civil projects, I wish to communicate that UltraSystems has provided work products and delivery of project tasks that have consistently exceeded the contractual requirements stipulated by CNC.” - Sean Nazarie, P.E, Director of Engineering, CNC Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [15]
  • 20. The success of any project is dependent upon quality work products, maintaining schedules, and meeting budget requirements. Our goal is to reach Representative consensus between our Experience clients, regulatory agencies and the public. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Master Planned Communities
  • 21. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Representative Experience Ultrasystems has been serving its diverse public and private sector clients with environmental planning and permitting solutions for 16 years. Our services are tailored to meet our individual client’s project needs, from environmental impact assessment and permitting to resource management and planning, community planning, economics and applied social sciences, and information technology. UltraSystems’ clients come to us with project challenges at a variety of scales — no task is too small or too big; our professional services are designed to meet your needs. Our project experience spans wind and solar development, energy conveyance, schools/ colleges, marinas/ports, urban landfills, brownfields, infrastructure/bridges, stations/railroads, dedicated busways, street improvements, public works, airports, redevelopment, parks/recreation facilities, business parks, churches, corporate headquarters, distribution/warehouses, transit villages, hospitality/timeshares, master plan communities, regional community centers, health care/hospitals, entertainment complexes, golf course development, research development campus, historical renovations, water, retail, recreational, residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and other infrastructure-related projects. As such, we are expert in navigating a breadth of environmental programs, policies, and regulations with technical aptitude. Please review our representative project experience for a taste of what we do. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [16]
  • 22. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Representative Master Planned Project Experience Client/Location Project Scope of Work Performed MASTER PLANNED PROJECTS - RESIDENTIAL cameron ranch associates llc Preparing Environmental Impact Report (EIR); Cameron Ranch Specific Plan riverside county, ca Conducting technical studies including air quality, 609-acre ranch property biological, and cultural surveys. Emerald Meadows Ranch Specific Plan Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR); Emr residential Properties Conducted technical studies including air quality, 279-acre mixed use development, riverside county, ca biological, cultural surveys, hydrology, fiscal impact, including 1,350 residential units and hazardous, and traffic. 50 acres of commercial and retail Prepared all necessary studies, including but not limited to: compliance with CEQA and NEPA; Section Heart of the City Specific Plan city of San marcos 106 of the Natural Historic Preservation Act (NHPA); San marcos, ca Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) 404, 402, and 401 200-acre mixed use development regulations; California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) Section 1602; and Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation. UltraSystems prepared all technical studies including biological resource surveys, air quality, and noise measurements and analysis. UltraSystems worked closely with subconsultants on traffic engineering and transportation planning; geotechnical engineering; geologic and seismic hazards; and cultural/historical reports. The proposed project required the following:  General Plan Amendment  Specific Plan  Environmental Impact Report Fenton Business Park  Tentative Subdivision Map  Site Plans/Conditional Use Permits/Variances Mixed use biotech, research and (as required) development, manufacturing, and office city of San marcos  Section 404 Permit, U.S. Army Corps of uses, including: multi-family residential, San marcos, ca Engineers open space, park, and infrastructure  1602 Permit, California Department of Fish and improvements pursuant to the City of Game San Marcos University Business Park  Section 401 Certification, San Diego Regional Specific Plan. Water Quality Control Board  State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) General Permit. The SWRCB General Permit would require that a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) be prepared and certified  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit  Construction Permit from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)  10(a) Incidental Take Permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mixed use Residential Project city of San Jacinto Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), San Jacinto, ca Utilizing a 35-acre project site, plans including technical reports for air quality, noise, and included 166 apartments, each with biological resources. Project cancelled by developer one to three bedrooms, and 192 due to lack of funding townhouses planned as clustered six- plexes. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [17]
  • 23. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications University/Crest Planned Development (PD) Four Planning Areas comprising 247.8 Prepared Supplemental EIR containing technical county of San Bernardino, ca acres. studies that focused on air quality, land use, traffic, San Bernardino county, ca transportation and biological resources. The original PD included 1,238 single-family homes, commercial development, a school, park and open space on 1,111.29 acres. Woodview Terrace Tentative Tract Map 15966 Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR), city of chino hills technical studies for cultural resources, noise, air KB homes 190-acre, planned development (PD), quality. chino hills, ca with 247 single-family homes. Residential Subdivision 45-residential lot subdivision. The mccomic consolidated, inc. subdivision was comprised of single, Prepared Acoustical Analysis. indian Wells, ca double-loaded loop roadway with 20 interior residential lots and another 25 lots along the project periphery. Triangle Square 10-story mid-rise building, containing 120 residential condominiums within city of costa mesa Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), a portion of the Triangle Square retail costa mesa, ca technical study updates. center that consisted of approximately 186,130 square-feet of commercial uses. Triangle Square includes retail, dining, and entertainment uses. Clear Creek Canyon Drive city of Diamond Bar Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), Tentative Tract Map 61066 Diamond Bar, ca technical study updates. Citrus Heights North Specific Plan 270 acres of project development, of which 163 acres included 1,207 homes; additional area for a park for youth sports and private recreation uses, detention basins, and primary street right-of-way. Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR), along lewis homes with technical studies for cultural resources, noise, Fontana, ca An additional 10 acres of the project air quality. site, on the northwest corner of Citrus and Summit avenues, was proposed for approximately 100,000 square feet of retail and commercial space, and another 10 acres at the northeast corner of Lytle Creek Road and Summit Avenue was proposed for 10,000 square feet. Citrus Heights South Specific Plan Prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), lewis homes along with technical studies for cultural resources, Fontana, ca 109 acres with 499 single-family noise, air quality. homes Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [18]
  • 24. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Stone gate Development Festival Ridge Residential company, llc Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR), along anaheim, ca 78 acres designed for 70 single-family with biological and air quality technical studies. homes. Sunset Ridge Specific Plan Shapouri & associates Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR), along riverside county, ca 465 acres, designed for 1,200 homes with biological, cultural, and air quality technical ranging from 7,200 to 32,670 square studies. feet. city of San Juan capistrano Whispering Hills Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR), San Juan capistrano, ca biological, cultural and traffic technical studies. 470 acres, 356 housing units. Highland Ranch-Parcel 23 The project constituted an incremental development component of EHR, on an approximately 1,776-acre city of highland PUD initially approved by the County Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), highland, ca of San Bernardino in 1982, then technical study updates. supplemented by the City of Highland. Planning Area 23 was designated for 79 multiple-family residential (MFR) units as part of the original EHR PUD. Prepared Focused Biological Studies and Section 404/401/1603 Permits.  Memorandum to Supplement Biology Information in the Draft Environmental Impact Report  Supplemental Delineation of Jurisdictional Canyon Lake, Tentative Tract 28751 Waters and Wetlands lusk company  Focused Survey for Special Status Plants 65 acres designated for 60 single- riverside county, ca  Focused Survey for Least Bell’s Vireo family homes.  Focused Survey for California Gnatcatcher  Focused Surveys Report  Preparation of a Biological Assessment in Support of Section 7 Permitting Under Federal Endangered Species Act  Permit Assistance for State and Federal Waters and Wetlands Southpointe Master Plan 171 acres for 200 single-family homes Prepared Draft, Final and Addendum Environmental Woodbridge homes and 290,000 square feet for office Impact Reports (EIRs), air quality, biological, cultural Diamond Bar, ca and/or commercial uses. studies. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [19]
  • 25. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications MASTER PLANNED PROJECTS - COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, AND RESORT Redlands-Pioneer Business Center Prepared technical studies including: air quality, Prologis Development of 54 acres, with five noise, and biological assessments for an Initial Study redland, ca speculative concrete tilt-up industrial and Mitigated Negative Declaration. county of San Bernardino, ca buildings (1,135,975 sq. ft.), constructed in a single phase. Crossroads Business Park Prologis Expansion of a warehouse business Prepared biological technical study. ontario, ca park of 621,470 sq. ft. for an eventually built-out to 1,350,930 sq. ft. Citrus Plaza Project, 124 acres The Citrus Plaza Project was a multi- phased mixed-use center that included a “power center” and a “regional mall.” The total project square footage will be approximately 1.85 million square feet Prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for at buildout. Within the master-planned commerce construction/ Concept Plan 5. development, a variety of compatible majestic realty land uses were proposed, including redlands, ca Prepared the Draft, Final, and Supplemental EIRs. retail commercial, office professional San Bernardino county, ca development, a movie theater and Prepared air quality, biological, cultural, noise, other entertainment-orientated hydrology studies. uses, and numerous restaurant and hospitality uses. Tenants included: Kohl’s, Sport Chalet, Target, Cost Plus Imports, Barnes and Noble, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Michaels. Prepared the following:  United States Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Application  Regional Water Quality Control Board Section 401 Application  California Department of Fish and Game Section 1602 Application Space center, inc. Ottawa Business Center  CEQA victorville, ca IM sq. ft. Industrial-Build Out  Hydrology Report  Jurisdictional Delineation  Biological Technical Report  Rare Plant Survey  Mohave Ground Squirrel  Coast Horned Lizard  Burrowing Owl  Desert Tortoise  Cultural Resources Canyon Springs Specific Plan 52-acre, freeway-oriented commercial Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), City of Riverside and Power Center that was planned technical studies including air quality, noise, Riverside, CA to include around 500,000 sq. ft. of hydrology, geotechnical, and traffic. development. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [20]
  • 26. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Hunt-Wesson Development Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), technical studies including air quality, noise, and Mixed-use planned development traffic. lincoln Properties that included new structures for Fullerton, ca warehouses, manufacturing and office space. Included approximately 503,000 square feet of development, along with infrastructure improvements. The Club at Big Bear Village Prestige resort Development, Prepared Focused EIR, technical studies that inc. included visual resources, biological resources, 61-units, time-share development, city of Big Bear, ca cultural resources, hydrology, hazards. located on approximately 8 acres. Mixed-use commercial and industrial gale and Wentworth Included 11 acres of industrial Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), city of lake Forest development, consisting of 203,760 technical studies. lake Forest, ca square feet in Pacific Commercentre Technology Park. EDA Grant for the Carson Town Center carson town center Included 56 acres of industrial uses, carson, ca including 685,000 square feet of Prepared EDA grant on behalf of City of Carson. warehouse uses and 242,223 square feet of research and development and manufacturing uses. Development of 150,000 square feet city of South El monte Prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), of commercial space; 13 single-family El monte, ca technical studies. homes. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [21]
  • 27. The success of any project is dependent upon quality work products, maintaining schedules, and meeting budget requirements. Our goal is to reach consensus between our clients, regulatory agencies and the public. Key Personel Providing Intelligent Solutions for Master Planned Communities
  • 28. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Key Personnel Betsy Lindsay - Principal in charge UltraSystems’ President and CEO, Ms. Lindsay has overall responsibility for business and project management, contract administration, resource allocation, and quality control. She has more than 25 years of experience in environmental planning and permitting, redevelopment, fiscal impact analysis, economic development, and facility planning. Ms. Lindsay also manages all corporate endeavors and assists with the QA/QC process of environmental documents. Specific responsibilities include overall project management, preparation and processing of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents, and associated entitlement obligations for large-scale public and private infrastructure projects. Education: M.U.R.P., Master of Urban and Regional Planning; B.A. in Geography Ken Koch - associate Principal UltraSystems’ Associate Principal, Ken Koch, is an environmental planner with 20 years of private consulting experience. He has served as a consultant to a wide array of public and private sector clients ranging from rural municipalities to the largest private landowners in the state (Tejon Ranch Co. and Newhall Land & Farming Co.). Mr. Koch has directed preparation of environmental compliance documents for projects including marina developments requiring coastal development permits through the coastal commission, master planned “new towns” covering tens of thousands of acres, public and private educational facilities, industrial/ warehouse developments, general plan updates, and municipal infrastructure projects such as roads, sewers, and similar backbone infrastructure. He maintains particular expertise with managing the environmental review of high profile projects that are contentious or subject to legal challenge. During his career, Mr. Koch has successfully managed the environmental review process for a combined 30,000 residential dwelling units, 20 million square feet of industrial/warehouse space, and 6 million square feet of commercial floor space. Education: M.S., Environmental Policy and Planning; B.A., Environmental Health and Planning Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [22]
  • 29. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Key Personnel Kendall Jue - Deputy Director of Environmenal Services UltraSystems’ Deputy Director of Environmental Services, Kendall Jue, has 28 years of experience in the preparation of environmental impact assessment documentation. Mr. Jue is highly familiar with the requirements of both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). During his career, he has actively participated in the environmental analysis for natural resource development for mining and geothermal energy in compliance with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) NEPA guidance; highway improvement projects in compliance with the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) requirements; and major infrastructure projects in compliance with the regulations of various local, State and federal agencies, such as the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) for light rail tracks and stations, U.S. Air Force (USAF) for Southern California military installations, and the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach for marine port facilities. Education: B.A., Geography. Robert Rusby, AICP - Senior Project manager UltraSystems’ Senior Project Manager, Robert Rusby, has 33 years of experience in the management and preparation of environmental impact assessment documentation. Over his career, Mr. Rusby has successfully managed numerous projects for local jurisdictions in southern and central California, in completing environmental documentation in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as well as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). One of his areas of expertise is with commercial-related projects and as such, he has managed projects for such clients as the County of Kern, and the cities of Orange, La Verne, Garden Grove, and Santa Ana. Education: M.U.R.P., Master of Urban Planning; B.S., Park Administration; A.A., Ornamental Horticulture Registration: American Institution of Certified Planners (AICP) Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [23]
  • 30. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Key Personnel Oliver Mujica - Senior Project manager Mr. Mujica draws upon his 27 years of experience in land use entitlement, environmental review and analysis, redevelopment implementation, and project management. Mr. Mujica has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the California Government Code, California Redevelopment Law, California Planning Law, Subdivision Map Act, California Environmental Quality Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act which provides him with the exceptional expertise to manage and complete assignments in a manner completely consistent with State requirements and guidelines. Mr. Mujica has served as a leader in our industry by providing recognized expertise to local governments throughout southern California. Mr. Mujica is a two-time recipient of the prestigious League of California Cities Helen Putnam Award and has been honored with a Golden Nugget Award from the Pacific Coast Builders Association. Having served four years as the Director of Community Development for the City of South Gate, Mr. Mujica understands the environs that typically face local jurisdictions during the discretionary review process, and his four year appointment as a Planning Commissioner for the City of Mission Viejo provides him with an insight of the decision making process. Finally, Mr. Mujica has a proven track record as a problem-solver and innovator to make a major contribution to a community by building and maintaining effective working relationships with City staff, community leaders, and elected officials. Education: B.A., Architecture; B.A., Liberal Studies Erinn Johnson, LEED AP - Senior Project manager UltraSystems’ Senior Project Manager, Erinn Johnson, has over a decade of work experience in Environmental Policy, Planning, and Regulatory Compliance. She manages the environmental entitlement process, from origination of project opportunities through construction compliance. Ms. Johnson demonstrates consistent success in project management, including development and execution of project plans; prioritizing and task/ resource delegation; proposal and budget management; time management; strategic planning and direction; presentation; agency and client relations; management communications; quality control; and client delivery. Her technical work includes management of the preparation and approval of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents for a variety of public and private developments. Education: B.A., Human Biology, focus Environmental Studies Certifications; LEED Accredited Professional; Certified Project Manager by PSMJ Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [24]
  • 31. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Key Personnel Renee Longman, AICP, LEED AP – Project manager UltraSystem’s Project Manager, Renee Longman, is an urban and environmental planner with extensive experience in the preparation and management of CEQA and NEPA technical documents and coordination with government and regulatory agencies. She has worked on a variety of projects, including transportation, mixed-use, residential, educational, industrial, and public works projects. As a planner, she works with public agencies in the identification of existing land use conditions, analyzing a proposed project compatibility with existing land uses, and assessing the consistency of a proposed project with relevant planning policies. Ms. Longman also has experience in preparing aesthetics studies for environmental documents, zoning compliance, permitting assistance, design review, and public outreach efforts including public workshops and community meetings. Education: M.S., Urban and Regional Planning; B.A., Geography Certification: Accredited Professional, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Connie Anderson - Project manager UltraSystems’ Project Manager, Connie Anderson, has more than 10 years of experience in project management, environmental impact analysis, and document preparation for a wide range of environmental projects. Ms. Anderson has managed, reviewed, and authored a full range of CEQA and NEPA documents for projects led by cities, county departments, transportation agencies, school districts, and State and federal agencies. Ms. Anderson has been responsible for master-planning for Army installations within the United States and Germany. She has participated in planning charrettes with clients and stakeholders to discuss project strategy, site planning, feasibility studies, design guidelines, and project budgeting. Additionally, she has been responsible for program development and feasibility studies, NEPA studies, Installation Design Guides, and site/urban planning projects for military projects. Education: B.S., Environment and Resources Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [25]
  • 32. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Key Personnel Michael Rogozen, D.Env., Senior Principal Engineer UltraSystems’ Senior Principal Engineer, Dr. Michael Rogozen, manages the firm’s Air and Noise Group, and is responsible for consulting, technical project management, and business development. He has 34 years experience in all types of air quality practice, including air permitting in California, responses to notices to comply and notices of violation, health risk assessment, carbon footprint studies, ambient monitoring, dispersion modeling, pollution control technology assessment, economic analysis of air pollution control alternatives, air toxics emission inventory development, offsite consequence analysis, environmental database design, survey design and management, source test design and analysis, subsurface methane investigations, regulatory analysis, and technical writing and editing. Dr. Rogozen’s noise practice includes managing acoustical studies to support CEQA documents, modeling train noise, and preparing noise control and monitoring plans for construction. His clients have included the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, the California Air Resources Board, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the U.S. Navy, a large number of metal plating facilities, food processing plants, architects and developers, and many cities and counties in California. Education: D.Env., Environmental Science and Engineering; M.S., Systems Engineering; B.S., Engineering Mike Lindsay – air Quality & noise Scientist Mike Lindsay is an Environmental Engineer with UltraSystems’ Air and Noise Group with more than 16 years of experience performing air and noise impact analyses in support of CEQA and NEPA documentation. Mr. Lindsay is proficient in the air emissions inventory software package URBEMIS-2007, as well as its core programs: EMFAC-2007 (a model for on-road vehicle emissions and OFFROAD-2007 (a model for off-road vehicle emissions). He also performs noise impact analyses for CEQA and NEPA documentation. His noise expertise includes a focus on the design and execution of ambient noise sampling programs and traffic noise models, including TNM 2.5. Mr. Lindsay’s noise services also include computation of both existing and project-level ambient noise levels for use in noise assessments per CEQA and NEPA guidelines. Mr. Lindsay is also a dynamic R&D engineer and technologist with a history of improving P&L by developing innovative engineering solutions and by generating new business. He is a strategic thinker with a record of enhancing products, systems and processes in multiple environments and industries, including medical devices (co-holder of a patent), energy, transportation, and logistics. Education: B.S., Electrical Engineering; A.A., Mathematics. Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [26]
  • 33. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Key Personnel Richard Friesen, Ph.D. - manager of Biological resources UltraSystems’ Manager of Biological Resources, Richard Friesen, Ph.D, has over 35 years of professional national and international experience as an environmental scientist and wildlife biologist managing the monitoring of construction activities of various projects, writing environmental assessments, planning environmental conservation reserves, and directing field investigations of sensitive, rare, threatened, and endangered plant and animal species. As Manager of Natural Resources, Dr. Friesen brings to this project diverse experience in biological resources analysis for a large number of projects in central and southern California. He has prepared focused biological plant and animal surveys for a wide range of California plant and animal species. He has also prepared numerous biological resource sections for project NDS, EIRs and EISs. Dr. Friesen served on the Review Panel of Biologists for the trend-setting, highly-acclaimed Western Riverside County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan. Education: Ph.D., Biological Sciences, Section of Ecology & Evolution; Graduate Work, Population Ecology & Natural History; B.S., Biology Certification: Certified Project Manager by Project Management Institute Paul Brenner - Permitting Program manager/Senior Biologist UltraSystem’s Permitting Program Manager and Senior Wetland Biologist, Paul Brenner, has over fourteen years of research and applied expertise in aquatic biology and environmental sciences. Mr. Brenner specializes in water-related permitting under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 1602 of the California Fish and Game Code, and Coastal Development Permits pursuant to the California Coastal Commission. Mr. Brenner conducts and supervises the delineation of wetlands and other jurisdictional waters for numerous projects throughout California. He has managed the permitting of large linear projects, such as the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Inland Feeder Project, fiber optic installation projects throughout southern California, and Caltrans road projects. He has negotiated permits for many water-related agencies and projects, including numerous projects for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the Orange County Water District, and County of Orange projects, and numerous housing development projects. In addition, he has performed numerous focused surveys and habitat assessments for the arroyo toad. Education: M.S., Behavioral Neurobiology, B.S., Biological Psychology Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [27]
  • 34. UltraSystems Environmental | Large-Scale Master Plans | Statement of Qualifications Key Personnel Stephen O’Neil, MA - manager of cultural anthropology & archaeology UltraSystems’ Stephen O’Neil, Manager of Cultural Anthropology & Archaeology, has 28 years of experience as a cultural anthropologist in California. He has a wide range of expertise in Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, archaeological resource assessment surveys, salvage operations, and cultural background studies for various EIR projects. Mr. O’Neil has worked for several cultural resource management firms, as well as government agencies and Native American entities. He has written technical reports as well as published journal articles. Education: M.A., Cultural Anthropology; B.A., Anthropology; A.A., General Education Dan Herlihy, RG, CEG, CHG, PG, REA, - Senior Environmental Engineer UltraSystems’ Senior Environmental Engineer, Dan Herlihy, has been involved with hydrologic testing and analysis since 1976, and has performed aquifer tests and hydrogeologic studies in a variety of geologic settings in California, Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas, Australia and Mexico. Mr. Herlihy has been selected as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) by the California Board of Registration for Geologists and Geophysicists to develop qualifications for the practice of hydrogeology in California. His hydrologic experience includes soil and groundwater assessments for remediation investigations and feasibility studies, and groundwater resource studies in unconsolidated and fractured rocks. Mr. Herlihy has developed conceptual, finite difference and analytical modeling solutions to design groundwater remediation programs and to assess groundwater resources. Education: M.S., Geology; B.S., Geology. Registrations: Registered Environmental Assessor; Certified Hydrogeologist; Registered Geologist; Certified Engineering Geologist; Certified Professional Geologist. Jim Aidukas - Quality Assurance/Quality Control Officer UltraSystems’ Senior Project Engineer, Jim Aidukas, has over 30 years experience in designing, construction, and systems operations evaluation of petroleum handling facilities. His experience includes the design of propane, butane, and gasoline storage facilities at the Elk Hills Naval Reserve in Bakersfield, California; the design of a vapor recovery system for million- barrel oil storage tanks for Caltex Oil Refinery in Sydney, Australia; the risk management evaluation of petroleum operations for Travelers Insurance in Southern California; the storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous materials for the petroleum and landfill gas recovery and sales industry throughout the United States. Education: B.S., Mechanical Engineering Providing Intelligent Solutions for Transportation Services [28]
  • 35. Corporate Headquarters: 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 949-788-4900 UltraSystems environmental | Large Scale Master Plan Solutions | Statement of Qualifications