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The Ultimate Trek - Annpurna Circuit                                               Jayant Doshi
(1st October 2010 to 17th October 2010)

                                                  I met Shailesh, a keen trekker, in Pune after my
                                                  Makalu trek in 2007. We exchanged our emails. It
                                                  was in April 2010 that he wrote to me asking me if
                                                  I would like to join them on a 17 day Annpurna
                                                  Circuit trek. As I so much wanted to do this, I
                                                  replied and said I would be glad to join them.
                                                  However, later in the year I had some health
                                                  issues and it became difficult to decide till the last
                                                  few weeks if I will be able to fulfil this dream. Just
                                                  ten days before leaving London, I decided that I
                                                  am going as I was feeling perfectly in shape. I left
                                                  London on 1st October and met Shailesh together
                                                  with Vivek and Abhay (all 40 or nearby) on 2nd
                                                  October in Kathmandu. We spent the next day
                                                  sightseeing in Kathmandu.

Right from day one it appeared that they did not seem comfortable talking either in Hindi or
English, they tended to talk all the time in Marathi which I do not understand. That very day they
talked about changing our original program. It was argued that after Muktinath, there is a vehicle
road, and it is no fun walking with vehicles passing by all the time. Alternative plans were made to
utilise those days, including some trekking in Poon Hills. The arguments seemed logical and I
agreed with them. I shared the room with Vivek and he was quite friendly and we talked when we
were in the room, but when the three of them
were together all the talk seemed to be in
Marathi. If I mentioned anything either in Hindi
or English, I just got a one sentence short reply
and then talk reverted to Marathi.

Over the two weeks I got used to it and I would
read my book while they were talking. Others
also noticed that while I was with these three we
were not talking to each other much. While
playing cards with one of the porters he got
angry and told them not to talk in Marathi when
we were playing. But I guess they were so used
to talking in that language, and that they were
uncomfortable speaking in either Hindi or
English, that they could not help it and they did not notice that they were excluding me all the
time. However, as far as daily activities were concerned they gave me lot of respect, always called
me when something was happening and generally treated me well.

                                                    The Trek
                                                    First Day : We were supposed to travel by bus to
                                                    our starting point but then opted for a taxi. It
                                                    was planned that we would reach Bhulbhule
                                                    (height : 820 metres 2690 ft) by lunch time and
                                                    then we would start our trek to reach
                                                    Bahundanda for the night. But the traffic was
                                                    choker block. Everyone was trying to overtake
                                                    the others, and as such blocking the lane for
                                                    the oncoming traffic. Later, after we had spent
                                                    hours lingering in that traffic, we came to a
bridge which would take only one vehicle at a time, and it took a long time to cross that bridge. All
the way we were faced with clouds of dust, diesel fumes and stench of oil. There were hundreds of
trucks and buses belching out smoke. We passed through greenery, mountains and rivers, but we
had no chance to stop or view the beautiful scenery. It was 5.30 in the evening by the time we
reached our destination and the plan to trek to
our final destination was shelved.

Our trek proper as such started on 5th October
at 7.45. We walked through valleys, with river
flowing along out trek and beautiful views all
around. We had to cover the trek of the
previous day and also trek planned for today.
We first reached Bahudanda (height : 1310 m.
or 3608 ft.). Then we continued to Chamje
(height : 1560 m. 5118 ft) Our first day of
trekking turned out to be a long day. We
walked for 10 hours with about 2 hours of
break in between. It was a long tiring day.
When we started walking, I was in the front as is my usual pace of walking. For an hour or more I
led the way and others were far behind. But then they caught up with me, and overtook me. I was
told that they were spending lot of time photographing lovely scenery on the way which slowed
them down. Vivek and Shailesh had sophisticated cameras with lots of different lenses, and they
seemed to be perfectionist in their hobby. But once they had passed me they took a great lead, and
I was almost an hour behind them.

                                                    We were still at lower altitudes, and it was
                                                    really hot. I must have drunk over eight litres
                                                    of fluid during the day, but I was sweating by
                                                    the bucket and I hardly passed any urine
                                                    during the day. Walking through the valleys
                                                    and mountain slopes with lots of greenery, and
                                                    the gushing waters of river all the time giving
                                                    us company, made it a wonderful day for
                                                    trekking. The terrace farming on the mountains
                                                    gave it a beauty of its own, but in reality the
                                                    terrace farms were encroaching onto the
                                                    natural vegetation on these beautiful
                                                    mountains. With pressure of growing
population, and the need to develop the economy, it is natural to expect more of such farming on
these mountains.

My three colleagues were much younger, fitter and experienced trekkers, and I should have realised
that I would never be able to keep up with their pace. But doubts started occurring in my mind. I
felt that I had taken my fitness for granted, and that I had not prepared myself for the trek. The fear
cropped up that I might not be able to do the pass and just the thought scared me. I started
visualising the scene when everyone was walking ahead, I was lagging far behind and ultimately I
am told to go back the way I had come. I felt
that I had passed the age and I should not
have even come on this trek. Walking for
almost ten hours, after a long period, seemed
to have taken its toll and I felt tired when I
reached the destination. But my legs were not
hurting, and once I had sat down I was fresh in
no time. There was no urge to lie down or sleep
to recover.

Second Day :   Next day was supposed to be easy
walking. We started at 7.45 a.m. and walked
till 1.00 p.m. when we stopped for lunch. Most
of the walking involved steep climbing. After
lunch we walked for three more hours, and as such we walked as much as the day before. It
appeared that the timings given by the guide never seemed to be anywhere accurate. We passed
through Tal and then Dharapani (1920 m –
                                                      6298 ft) and ultimately to Bagarchhap (2160 m
                                                      = 7085 ft). Today we passed a few waterfalls,
                                                      and crossed the river several times. As we were
                                                      going up it got cooler and walking became
                                                      easier. Today also I lagged behind rest of the
                                                      group though I was told that I was not that
                                                      much behind them. But my confidence had
                                                      been dented and I was still not sure if I will be
                                                      able to cope with the uphill walks which would
                                                      follow later. Due to less haemoglobin, I always
                                                      had breathing problem while walking up an

                                                     Unlike Everest trek, this area is much more
populated and well served with amenities. The lodges were of better standard, hot water for shower
was available during the early days, mobile phones were working and food at meal times were of
better variety. However, the lodges lacked the atmosphere that existed in Everest trek. There was no
heating in the dining hall, and no room for all trekkers to sit around and get to know each other. It
is nice to see lot of awareness in the country. Wood fires are almost nonexistent, use of solar panels
to heat water and for electricity is very common, and
planting trees can be seen all around.

Third Day : Today we left at 7.00 a.m. and it was
comparatively a short day for walking. We reached
our destination by 2.00 and took few breaks.
Walking was moderate to difficult today. Our
destination was Chame. (2630 m – 8627 ft.) All the
way during the trek we had clear viewing of
Annpurna 2 and 4 peaks, and our trek was along
River Marsyangdi. My back pack caused some pain
on the left shoulder blade, and it was hurting me
while walking, and after wards also. I lay in bed
after lunch. The back was paining and the thighs
had become stiff. I had to empty my bowels in nature, and squatting was painful as thighs were
very stiff after walking for three days. Later we went for bathing in hot water springs. My three
colleagues were not keen on the same. The very hot water was coming out of the ground but there
were no proper facilities for bathing. I sat on the step next to the river and the porter filled the jug
with hot water, I mixed it with river water and took the bath. It felt wonderful bathing in hot
sulphur waters. Little was I to know, as per my colleagues, that the same bath would transform my
walking from the next day. Today was our first evening when we had free time, and were able to
play some cards.

                                                      Fourth Day : Today we were told that it would be
                                                   a long walk and as such started at 6.45 in the
                                                   morning. I left a few minutes before the rest. I
                                                   kept ahead of everyone for most of the trek.
                                                   Everyone was joking that spring waters had
                                                   done a miracle. But to me I was walking at
                                                   same speed as any other day. Others were
                                                   either busy taking photographs, or perhaps the
                                                   initial burst of energy had evaporated, and their
                                                   bodies were refusing to walk at the same pace
                                                   as the first three days. But for me, this was a
                                                   great boost in my confidence. I realised that I
                                                   was as good at walking as in the past and that
crossing the pass should not cause any problem. The first three long days of walking had not
affected my capacity to continue walking at the same pace. Everyone was surprised to see me
reaching Pisang half an hour before everyone else.
Pisang (3190 m – 10466 ft) has a lower section
and upper section. Also there were two routes
from Pisang to our next destination. Some other
trekkers suggested that upper route is much
more scenic. Guide was discouraging us from
taking that route. When we reached Pisang the
guide also told us that there was no chance of
finding a room in Upper Pisang, but we insisted
that we want to go up there and we found
rooms at the very first lodge we tried. It had
wonderful views of all the snow peaks, and the
professional photographers in the group were
excited by the lovely photos they were able to
take of the snow peaks in the morning sun
shine when the sun is rising. In the evening we
walked to a Buddhist monastery which was a very steep long climb.

Our evening meals were taken around 7.00 and we would be in bed by 8.00 or soon after. Dal and
rice with vegetables seemed to be the popular item though pizza, spiced boiled or fried potatoes,
Mexican items and egg items were also available. We met two trekkers from Mumbai who gave us
company for most of the days. We got a chance to intermingle with other trekkers now and then. If
we were early we would enjoy some card games. Showers were available for most of the early days.

                                                    Fifth Day : After giving consideration to the
                                                    choices, our group decided to take the easier
                                                    lower route from Pisang. It had rained previous
                                                    night and the morning was cloudy and misty.
                                                    We walked along the river and had a long climb
                                                    over a steep ridge taking us to 3400 m (11152
                                                    ft) and then a descent into the valley to 3325 m
                                                    (10906 ft) where there is an air strip. We then
                                                    climb up to Manang (3500 m – 11483 ft).

                                                    Sixth Day : Manang is a large village and a
                                                    normal stopping centre for acclimatisation. It
                                                    allows trekkers to get adjusted to the thinning
                                                    air and lessening pressure as we go to higher
altitudes. Most trekkers would walk to various sightseeing points around the village and rest for the
ardous walks to follow. We walked up a hill in the morning where we got a wonderful view of the
Annpurna range. Later we walked around the village. We rested for rest of the day.

Seventh Day : The sky was clear and sun was shining the early next morning and my colleagues
woke up early to take some lovely photos of the sun rays glistening the peaks of the snow capped
mountains. While it is possible to reach
Thorung Phedi in one day, the trek is divided
into two days to allow for more time to get
acclimatised. We walked to Tengi which was a
gradual uphill walk taking us to 3620 m (11874
ft) and then we continued steadily upwards to
Gunsang at 3930 m (12891 ft). The vegetation
and the scenery now were Alpine with scrubs
and alpine grasses. We got a clear view of
Gangapurna peak (7454 m – 24450 ft)) and
Annpurna III (7555 m – 24780 ft). Just to see
these majestic snow-capped peaks made the
trek worth undertaking. We reached Yak Kharka
|(4090m – 11341 ft) where we spent the night.
The day had wonderful sunshine and clear

                                                        For some trekking is a passion. Walking in
                                                        unpolluted air, in the open in the mountains
                                                        and seeing the beauty nature has created is
                                                        what drives that passion. For some trekking
                                                        is not only walking and seeing the natural
                                                        beauty of the mountains but also a challenge
                                                        – a challenge to set a target and to achieve it.
                                                        For others the aim is to capture the beauty
                                                        of the nature and of the snow capped peaks
                                                        in their cameras, and once this is achieved
                                                        they are happy about their achievement. My
                                                        colleagues, who had decided not to walk
                                                        along a road where vehicles are passing, but
                                                        who had decided to climb Poon hills to get a
                                                        view of the Annpurna range of snow capped
                                                        mountains, had another change of mind.
Since they had got wonderful viewing of the same range of mountains and had captured those
views on their professional cameras, they decided that it was not worth climbing that height (1830
m - 6000 ft to Pun hill top) just to view the same range again. As usual, the decision was conveyed
to me after three of them had discussed it in Marathi. I did not have a choice or a chance to express
my opinion so I listened to their decision quietly.

Eighth Day : We had some snow fall during the night. In the morning all the garden furniture in our
lodge and all the bushes were covered with snow, but there was no snow to affect our walking. We
left at 7.45. Today it was going to be a short
walk. The early part was treacherous downhill
walk with small stones and dry soil, and later
some muddy patches made it difficult. I slipped
a few times and actually fell down once. After
crossing a bridge, we had steep uphill climb.
The trail continued along a steep bank and we
reached Thorung Phedi (4441 m – 14570 ft)
which is the last stop before we cross the
Thorung La Pass. Phedi means foot of the hill.

The guide suggested that after lunch and a little
rest we should walk up the hill as far as
possible to acclimatise and to prepare for the
long walk the next day. We four started walking
up the steep slope (which leads to the High Camp which would be our first stop for breakfast next
day). While three others stopped after a while and returned to our lodge I continued walking
prompted by the porter who accompanied us. Walking up hill causes breathing problem for me due
                                                    to lack of sufficient haemoglobin in my blood,
                                                    and I am huffing and puffing after every few
                                                    steps. Prompted by the porter I kept walking
                                                    and even though it was difficult and laborious I
                                                    reached the top to the High Camp. I had no
                                                    money with me so we could not buy tea but I
                                                    refilled my water bottle. I was not fully prepared
                                                    and the cold really hit my hands. But I had the
                                                    great satisfaction that I made it to the top. I
                                                    walked down to the lodge. Walking down is also
                                                    not easy as the fear of slipping is always there
                                                    and I am extra careful on that point. While the
                                                    walk was tiring, I was not that tired that I
                                                    needed to lie down. Also the difficult uphill walk
                                                    did not give me any pains or aches and I felt
quite fresh.
Ninth Day :  Today was the big day. We woke up
                                                     at 4.00, packed our sleeping bags and rest of our
                                                     baggage, got ready, had tea and biscuits and left
                                                     by 4.45. It was freezing cold – I assume at least
                                                     minus ten degrees or even less. I was dressed for
                                                     the cold weather and I had gloves on my hands.
                                                     Walking generates heat, and putting too many
                                                     clothes can also cause problem in walking, no
                                                     matter how cold it is. I was originally planning to
                                                     wear just wind cheater over my tee shirts but on
                                                     second thought I put on my warm fleece jacket.
                                                     Even with that, while walking I felt a chill on my
                                                     abdomen. My face also was freezing with the cold.
                                                     After that day I caught a bad cold and a sore
                                                     throat which lingered for long time.

Hundreds of other trekkers also were on the slope at that time. We had to use our torches to see
the trek. I was feeling the chill in my body and my hands seemed to be freezing. Because of the
dark and many trekkers on the slope our progress was slow. While my thighs and calf muscles were
not aching, there seemed to be some sort of resistance in the thighs. After every few steps I had to
stop because I felt as if the thighs were refusing to move. Day before, I had climbed in one hour and
fifteen minutes and today it took me one hour
forty five minutes. This was because of
combination of factors but I kept wondering if
previous day’s walk would have affected my
speed of walking.

When I reached the High camp at 6.30 in the
morning I went inside the lodge dining hall to
take breakfast. But my hands were freezing
and my fingers had gone numb. I had problem
removing my gloves and to undo the clasps on
my back pack. The numbness in the fingers
left them useless. I rubbed both the hands
frantically to bring them to life but that did not
help. After a while, I went into the kitchen and
warmed my hands on the electric hot plate.
After doing that for a while I felt life coming
back into my fingers.

We had some breakfast at High Camp. Many trekkers had stayed at High Camp making their
crossing of the pass much easier. But our guide advised that altitude can possibly have adverse
effect on us. Up to now it was steep uphill walk but after High Camp it became moderate uphill
                                                    walk. I reached Thorung La Pass at about 10.00.
                                                    Shailesh was ahead of me but others were
                                                    behind. While I kept my pace of walking steady
                                                    for all nine days, it seems others lost their initial
                                                    speed and slowed down. I felt proud that not
                                                    only I had made to the top, but that I did not
                                                    struggle or was not slow in this walk. Others did
                                                    not have to wait for me. The scenery around the
                                                    pass was spectacular. We could see various
                                                    snow capped peaks from this point. A board
                                                    showing the height and name of the pass stood
                                                    prominently on the site and we all took photos.
                                                    We had reached height of 5416 m or 17765 ft. I
                                                    was overwhelmed. Some guides, porters and
                                                    other trekkers came and congratulated me. One
                                                    guide requested to take photos with me. At my
age, this was a great achievement and
those who knew my age were impressed.
Our guide and the porters had great doubts
about my ability to cross the pass,
especially after seeing me trailing behind
during the first few days. They were full of

We started our walk down to Muktinath.
Muktinath is one of the most sacred Hindu
temples and get many devotees coming
there. Our walk to Muktinath was down hill
most of the way but it was tricky as small
stones and dry soil made it easy to slip on those slopes. Also walking down hill can easily injure the
knees and we had to be careful about that. Sometimes too much fear of slipping cause tense
muscles and that could tire the muscles even more. While we were given the impression of easy
three hour walk, it did not seem to end. I was able to keep up with rest of the group but by mid day
I was feeling really tired. We stopped for lunch. I decided to take extra time before I started walking
again. We were to cross a bridge to go across but we found the bridge path was blocked and the
bridge seemed to be damaged. So we followed the trek to the bottom of the valley, crossed the river
                                                      in a precarious position, and walked up a steep
                                                      hill to get across on the other side. This took
                                                      considerable time and our day got longer and
                                                      longer. It was tricky and treacherous walk along
                                                      a narrow path. It in itself provided us with an
                                                      adventure walk for the already tiring day. When
                                                      we reached Muktinath, the guide was waiting
                                                      for us to show the famous temple so that we do
                                                      not have to come again. However the temple
                                                      was closed. From there to the town centre and
                                                      our lodge seemed like eternity but we had no
                                                      choice but to walk it. It was a long day – over
                                                      twelve and half hours of walking with some
                                                      breaks. But all that was soon forgotten with a
                                                      hot refreshing shower. Vivek and I were both
ready to go and visit the temple but no one seemed to be sure if it would be open so we turned back
and decided to go the next morning.

In one day we had climbed from Thorung Phedi to High Camp (692 m - 2270 ft) and then from High
camp to Thorung La Pass (305 m – 1000 ft.). Then on the return we walked down from Thorung La
Pass to Muktinath (1726m – 5660 ft). In short we climbed up 3270 ft and climbed down 5660 ft in
one day. That was a great achievement particularly at my age.

Return Journey :  As per the original plan we were to continue our trekking but with the change of
plans it was decided we take taxi from
Muktinath and go to Jomsom and fly to
Pokhara. However, we could not get the air
tickets. Muktinath being an important
pilgrimage centre, dirt roads that can take
vehicle traffic have been built, but being
mountainous region the roads are bumpy and
driving quite difficult. Again there was change
of plans. Our plans to climb Poon Hills was
shelved as the argument went that they had
seen all the peaks and taken all the photos so
why climb that hill. We were to proceed to
Pokhara and spend a few days there and then
go the Chitwan National Park where hotel
bookings had been arranged.
In the early morning we went to see Muktinath
                                                    temple. It was a long steep walk and I wondered
                                                    how many devotees would cope with this walk.
                                                    The temple has great significance for Hindus
                                                    and it is located on vast piece of land, and
                                                    fenced by wall. After breakfast, we got ready by
                                                    nine to board a taxi. To make up numbers we
                                                    joined another group, and as such we were
                                                    totally 13 in the taxi. It was a very bumpy ride
                                                    with pot holes, rocks, puddles, and sometimes
                                                    deep holes where the tires of the taxi would not
                                                    be able to come out. In such places driver would
                                                    put stones under the wheel to let it drive
                                                    through. At one place the road was blocked with
                                                    rocks and we had to move the rocks to pass
                                                    through. We saw lot of trekkers on the way.
Number of cars passing on the road was minimal, may be one per hour at the most. I felt pangs of
regret. We cancelled this part of trekking because we did not wish to walk with cars whizzing past
but there was nothing like it.

We reached Jomsom and walked across the
town to find another taxi. We took our lunch
and kept waiting for the taxi. Other group
decided to go on their own, and we could not
find a taxi. After 3.00 p.m. we got on a bus. It
was not a comfortable ride, with hardly any
place to keep our legs, and the bumpy road did
not help much in the cramped bus. Seats
could hardly take two, and our heads were
knocking against the luggage rack. The bus
kept rollicking side to side. We reached
Marpha which is famous for its apples and
apple by products. Some of our colleagues and
porters were out buying apples. Vivek and I
were in the bus when the bus took a U turn
and before we knew driver was driving the
same way we came. We were told that the bus was going back to Jomsom to collect some luggage.
We went through the same bumpy ride again. The top of the bus got fully loaded and rest of the
luggage was put between the seats leaving no space at all. We did not have any space even to move
our legs. Some more passengers were taken in the already full bus. We picked up rest of our group
from Marpha and continued our journey.

                                                    It was 8.00 p.m. by the time we reached Gasa.
                                                    From there we arranged a private bus taking
                                                    three groups to fill the bus but more people got
                                                    on the bus and it took some time to sort out the
                                                    outsiders. We drove on and just about 10.00
                                                    p.m. we found the road blocked. We waited for a
                                                    while, police were called and some hasty
                                                    negotiations took place. We were informed that
                                                    some villagers had blocked the road in anger.
                                                    When the villagers were told that there were
                                                    only tourists on the bus they let us go. We
                                                    reached out hotel at 10.45. While others went
                                                    for dinner, it is not my habit to eat so late, and
                                                    so I went straight to bed.

In the morning when I saw the location of the hotel and its surroundings I felt that we made a
mistake not completing the trek. The hotel with lots of greenery, river passing by and the hills with
greenery in the back made the place look wonderful. I had good sleep. We went for hot water bath
in the nearby river spot and it was totally
refreshing. On my return I was informed
that there was a change of plan. This
“change of plan” had become a big joke
during this trip. I had heard this so many
times. Now I was told that everyone was so
tired with the taxi and bus journey of the
previous day that they did not want to do
any more such travelling. They had decided
to cancel all plans and go back home. At no
time did they consider my views. I was
angry, I was frustrated but I felt it was best
to keep calm.

We had a comfortable journey to Pokhara. I
also learnt that my colleagues were planning to fly to Kathmandu. I stated that I will join them
                                                     whatever they decide. After reaching Pokhara I
                                                     had a shave and a massage. I felt rejuvenated. I
                                                     made some calls to arrange for my flight to
                                                     London. On return to my room Vivek told me
                                                     that others were now talking of going to
                                                     Chitwan National Park and suggested that I go
                                                     and talk to them. I told him that I will wait till
                                                     they tell me. I took every one for dinner that
                                                     night, and told them that I was going to
                                                     Kathmandu next day and will be flying home
                                                     day after. No one made any comment.

                                                     Next morning we all went to Kathmandu by taxi.
                                                     Of course, plans to fly had been changed by
                                                     morning time. Day after I flew to London and
                                                     the others all took a flight to Pune. While the
                                                     successful crossing of the high pass was a great
achievement, it was a big disappointment for me that I did not do the trek as planned. For them
there will be other opportunities – but for me this perhaps was my last opportunity. For them
having captured all the important peaks on their cameras was the height of their achievement and
satisfaction. For me, to have walked for the projected seventeen days, would have been the height of
achievement that would have given me immense satisfaction. But I was happy for what I had
achieved. Walking for such long hours did not give me pain in my legs or thighs though I did feel
pain a few times in my calf muscles in my sleep.
That is to be expected after such walking. But
after a long days walking I was not shattered,
unlike many others, I did not crash into the bed
at the end of the day, nor did I need to lie down
to recover myself. Trekking in the mountains
gives a pleasure which cannot be expressed in
words. In spite of all the difficulties one
encounters, the ultimate satisfaction cannot be

The bill board in Nepal says “Never say Good bye
to the Himalayas.” Would this trek be my “Good
bye” to the Himalayas? I wonder that will be so in
my case – only time will tell.

(comments to – other reports on ))

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  • 1. The Ultimate Trek - Annpurna Circuit Jayant Doshi (1st October 2010 to 17th October 2010) I met Shailesh, a keen trekker, in Pune after my Makalu trek in 2007. We exchanged our emails. It was in April 2010 that he wrote to me asking me if I would like to join them on a 17 day Annpurna Circuit trek. As I so much wanted to do this, I replied and said I would be glad to join them. However, later in the year I had some health issues and it became difficult to decide till the last few weeks if I will be able to fulfil this dream. Just ten days before leaving London, I decided that I am going as I was feeling perfectly in shape. I left London on 1st October and met Shailesh together with Vivek and Abhay (all 40 or nearby) on 2nd October in Kathmandu. We spent the next day sightseeing in Kathmandu. Right from day one it appeared that they did not seem comfortable talking either in Hindi or English, they tended to talk all the time in Marathi which I do not understand. That very day they talked about changing our original program. It was argued that after Muktinath, there is a vehicle road, and it is no fun walking with vehicles passing by all the time. Alternative plans were made to utilise those days, including some trekking in Poon Hills. The arguments seemed logical and I agreed with them. I shared the room with Vivek and he was quite friendly and we talked when we were in the room, but when the three of them were together all the talk seemed to be in Marathi. If I mentioned anything either in Hindi or English, I just got a one sentence short reply and then talk reverted to Marathi. Over the two weeks I got used to it and I would read my book while they were talking. Others also noticed that while I was with these three we were not talking to each other much. While playing cards with one of the porters he got angry and told them not to talk in Marathi when we were playing. But I guess they were so used to talking in that language, and that they were uncomfortable speaking in either Hindi or English, that they could not help it and they did not notice that they were excluding me all the time. However, as far as daily activities were concerned they gave me lot of respect, always called me when something was happening and generally treated me well. The Trek First Day : We were supposed to travel by bus to our starting point but then opted for a taxi. It was planned that we would reach Bhulbhule (height : 820 metres 2690 ft) by lunch time and then we would start our trek to reach Bahundanda for the night. But the traffic was choker block. Everyone was trying to overtake the others, and as such blocking the lane for the oncoming traffic. Later, after we had spent hours lingering in that traffic, we came to a bridge which would take only one vehicle at a time, and it took a long time to cross that bridge. All the way we were faced with clouds of dust, diesel fumes and stench of oil. There were hundreds of
  • 2. trucks and buses belching out smoke. We passed through greenery, mountains and rivers, but we had no chance to stop or view the beautiful scenery. It was 5.30 in the evening by the time we reached our destination and the plan to trek to our final destination was shelved. Our trek proper as such started on 5th October at 7.45. We walked through valleys, with river flowing along out trek and beautiful views all around. We had to cover the trek of the previous day and also trek planned for today. We first reached Bahudanda (height : 1310 m. or 3608 ft.). Then we continued to Chamje (height : 1560 m. 5118 ft) Our first day of trekking turned out to be a long day. We walked for 10 hours with about 2 hours of break in between. It was a long tiring day. When we started walking, I was in the front as is my usual pace of walking. For an hour or more I led the way and others were far behind. But then they caught up with me, and overtook me. I was told that they were spending lot of time photographing lovely scenery on the way which slowed them down. Vivek and Shailesh had sophisticated cameras with lots of different lenses, and they seemed to be perfectionist in their hobby. But once they had passed me they took a great lead, and I was almost an hour behind them. We were still at lower altitudes, and it was really hot. I must have drunk over eight litres of fluid during the day, but I was sweating by the bucket and I hardly passed any urine during the day. Walking through the valleys and mountain slopes with lots of greenery, and the gushing waters of river all the time giving us company, made it a wonderful day for trekking. The terrace farming on the mountains gave it a beauty of its own, but in reality the terrace farms were encroaching onto the natural vegetation on these beautiful mountains. With pressure of growing population, and the need to develop the economy, it is natural to expect more of such farming on these mountains. My three colleagues were much younger, fitter and experienced trekkers, and I should have realised that I would never be able to keep up with their pace. But doubts started occurring in my mind. I felt that I had taken my fitness for granted, and that I had not prepared myself for the trek. The fear cropped up that I might not be able to do the pass and just the thought scared me. I started visualising the scene when everyone was walking ahead, I was lagging far behind and ultimately I am told to go back the way I had come. I felt that I had passed the age and I should not have even come on this trek. Walking for almost ten hours, after a long period, seemed to have taken its toll and I felt tired when I reached the destination. But my legs were not hurting, and once I had sat down I was fresh in no time. There was no urge to lie down or sleep to recover. Second Day : Next day was supposed to be easy walking. We started at 7.45 a.m. and walked till 1.00 p.m. when we stopped for lunch. Most of the walking involved steep climbing. After lunch we walked for three more hours, and as such we walked as much as the day before. It appeared that the timings given by the guide never seemed to be anywhere accurate. We passed
  • 3. through Tal and then Dharapani (1920 m – 6298 ft) and ultimately to Bagarchhap (2160 m = 7085 ft). Today we passed a few waterfalls, and crossed the river several times. As we were going up it got cooler and walking became easier. Today also I lagged behind rest of the group though I was told that I was not that much behind them. But my confidence had been dented and I was still not sure if I will be able to cope with the uphill walks which would follow later. Due to less haemoglobin, I always had breathing problem while walking up an ascent. Unlike Everest trek, this area is much more populated and well served with amenities. The lodges were of better standard, hot water for shower was available during the early days, mobile phones were working and food at meal times were of better variety. However, the lodges lacked the atmosphere that existed in Everest trek. There was no heating in the dining hall, and no room for all trekkers to sit around and get to know each other. It is nice to see lot of awareness in the country. Wood fires are almost nonexistent, use of solar panels to heat water and for electricity is very common, and planting trees can be seen all around. Third Day : Today we left at 7.00 a.m. and it was comparatively a short day for walking. We reached our destination by 2.00 and took few breaks. Walking was moderate to difficult today. Our destination was Chame. (2630 m – 8627 ft.) All the way during the trek we had clear viewing of Annpurna 2 and 4 peaks, and our trek was along River Marsyangdi. My back pack caused some pain on the left shoulder blade, and it was hurting me while walking, and after wards also. I lay in bed after lunch. The back was paining and the thighs had become stiff. I had to empty my bowels in nature, and squatting was painful as thighs were very stiff after walking for three days. Later we went for bathing in hot water springs. My three colleagues were not keen on the same. The very hot water was coming out of the ground but there were no proper facilities for bathing. I sat on the step next to the river and the porter filled the jug with hot water, I mixed it with river water and took the bath. It felt wonderful bathing in hot sulphur waters. Little was I to know, as per my colleagues, that the same bath would transform my walking from the next day. Today was our first evening when we had free time, and were able to play some cards. Fourth Day : Today we were told that it would be a long walk and as such started at 6.45 in the morning. I left a few minutes before the rest. I kept ahead of everyone for most of the trek. Everyone was joking that spring waters had done a miracle. But to me I was walking at same speed as any other day. Others were either busy taking photographs, or perhaps the initial burst of energy had evaporated, and their bodies were refusing to walk at the same pace as the first three days. But for me, this was a great boost in my confidence. I realised that I was as good at walking as in the past and that crossing the pass should not cause any problem. The first three long days of walking had not affected my capacity to continue walking at the same pace. Everyone was surprised to see me reaching Pisang half an hour before everyone else.
  • 4. Pisang (3190 m – 10466 ft) has a lower section and upper section. Also there were two routes from Pisang to our next destination. Some other trekkers suggested that upper route is much more scenic. Guide was discouraging us from taking that route. When we reached Pisang the guide also told us that there was no chance of finding a room in Upper Pisang, but we insisted that we want to go up there and we found rooms at the very first lodge we tried. It had wonderful views of all the snow peaks, and the professional photographers in the group were excited by the lovely photos they were able to take of the snow peaks in the morning sun shine when the sun is rising. In the evening we walked to a Buddhist monastery which was a very steep long climb. Our evening meals were taken around 7.00 and we would be in bed by 8.00 or soon after. Dal and rice with vegetables seemed to be the popular item though pizza, spiced boiled or fried potatoes, Mexican items and egg items were also available. We met two trekkers from Mumbai who gave us company for most of the days. We got a chance to intermingle with other trekkers now and then. If we were early we would enjoy some card games. Showers were available for most of the early days. Fifth Day : After giving consideration to the choices, our group decided to take the easier lower route from Pisang. It had rained previous night and the morning was cloudy and misty. We walked along the river and had a long climb over a steep ridge taking us to 3400 m (11152 ft) and then a descent into the valley to 3325 m (10906 ft) where there is an air strip. We then climb up to Manang (3500 m – 11483 ft). Sixth Day : Manang is a large village and a normal stopping centre for acclimatisation. It allows trekkers to get adjusted to the thinning air and lessening pressure as we go to higher altitudes. Most trekkers would walk to various sightseeing points around the village and rest for the ardous walks to follow. We walked up a hill in the morning where we got a wonderful view of the Annpurna range. Later we walked around the village. We rested for rest of the day. Seventh Day : The sky was clear and sun was shining the early next morning and my colleagues woke up early to take some lovely photos of the sun rays glistening the peaks of the snow capped mountains. While it is possible to reach Thorung Phedi in one day, the trek is divided into two days to allow for more time to get acclimatised. We walked to Tengi which was a gradual uphill walk taking us to 3620 m (11874 ft) and then we continued steadily upwards to Gunsang at 3930 m (12891 ft). The vegetation and the scenery now were Alpine with scrubs and alpine grasses. We got a clear view of Gangapurna peak (7454 m – 24450 ft)) and Annpurna III (7555 m – 24780 ft). Just to see these majestic snow-capped peaks made the trek worth undertaking. We reached Yak Kharka |(4090m – 11341 ft) where we spent the night. The day had wonderful sunshine and clear
  • 5. skies. For some trekking is a passion. Walking in unpolluted air, in the open in the mountains and seeing the beauty nature has created is what drives that passion. For some trekking is not only walking and seeing the natural beauty of the mountains but also a challenge – a challenge to set a target and to achieve it. For others the aim is to capture the beauty of the nature and of the snow capped peaks in their cameras, and once this is achieved they are happy about their achievement. My colleagues, who had decided not to walk along a road where vehicles are passing, but who had decided to climb Poon hills to get a view of the Annpurna range of snow capped mountains, had another change of mind. Since they had got wonderful viewing of the same range of mountains and had captured those views on their professional cameras, they decided that it was not worth climbing that height (1830 m - 6000 ft to Pun hill top) just to view the same range again. As usual, the decision was conveyed to me after three of them had discussed it in Marathi. I did not have a choice or a chance to express my opinion so I listened to their decision quietly. Eighth Day : We had some snow fall during the night. In the morning all the garden furniture in our lodge and all the bushes were covered with snow, but there was no snow to affect our walking. We left at 7.45. Today it was going to be a short walk. The early part was treacherous downhill walk with small stones and dry soil, and later some muddy patches made it difficult. I slipped a few times and actually fell down once. After crossing a bridge, we had steep uphill climb. The trail continued along a steep bank and we reached Thorung Phedi (4441 m – 14570 ft) which is the last stop before we cross the Thorung La Pass. Phedi means foot of the hill. The guide suggested that after lunch and a little rest we should walk up the hill as far as possible to acclimatise and to prepare for the long walk the next day. We four started walking up the steep slope (which leads to the High Camp which would be our first stop for breakfast next day). While three others stopped after a while and returned to our lodge I continued walking prompted by the porter who accompanied us. Walking up hill causes breathing problem for me due to lack of sufficient haemoglobin in my blood, and I am huffing and puffing after every few steps. Prompted by the porter I kept walking and even though it was difficult and laborious I reached the top to the High Camp. I had no money with me so we could not buy tea but I refilled my water bottle. I was not fully prepared and the cold really hit my hands. But I had the great satisfaction that I made it to the top. I walked down to the lodge. Walking down is also not easy as the fear of slipping is always there and I am extra careful on that point. While the walk was tiring, I was not that tired that I needed to lie down. Also the difficult uphill walk did not give me any pains or aches and I felt quite fresh.
  • 6. Ninth Day : Today was the big day. We woke up at 4.00, packed our sleeping bags and rest of our baggage, got ready, had tea and biscuits and left by 4.45. It was freezing cold – I assume at least minus ten degrees or even less. I was dressed for the cold weather and I had gloves on my hands. Walking generates heat, and putting too many clothes can also cause problem in walking, no matter how cold it is. I was originally planning to wear just wind cheater over my tee shirts but on second thought I put on my warm fleece jacket. Even with that, while walking I felt a chill on my abdomen. My face also was freezing with the cold. After that day I caught a bad cold and a sore throat which lingered for long time. Hundreds of other trekkers also were on the slope at that time. We had to use our torches to see the trek. I was feeling the chill in my body and my hands seemed to be freezing. Because of the dark and many trekkers on the slope our progress was slow. While my thighs and calf muscles were not aching, there seemed to be some sort of resistance in the thighs. After every few steps I had to stop because I felt as if the thighs were refusing to move. Day before, I had climbed in one hour and fifteen minutes and today it took me one hour forty five minutes. This was because of combination of factors but I kept wondering if previous day’s walk would have affected my speed of walking. When I reached the High camp at 6.30 in the morning I went inside the lodge dining hall to take breakfast. But my hands were freezing and my fingers had gone numb. I had problem removing my gloves and to undo the clasps on my back pack. The numbness in the fingers left them useless. I rubbed both the hands frantically to bring them to life but that did not help. After a while, I went into the kitchen and warmed my hands on the electric hot plate. After doing that for a while I felt life coming back into my fingers. We had some breakfast at High Camp. Many trekkers had stayed at High Camp making their crossing of the pass much easier. But our guide advised that altitude can possibly have adverse effect on us. Up to now it was steep uphill walk but after High Camp it became moderate uphill walk. I reached Thorung La Pass at about 10.00. Shailesh was ahead of me but others were behind. While I kept my pace of walking steady for all nine days, it seems others lost their initial speed and slowed down. I felt proud that not only I had made to the top, but that I did not struggle or was not slow in this walk. Others did not have to wait for me. The scenery around the pass was spectacular. We could see various snow capped peaks from this point. A board showing the height and name of the pass stood prominently on the site and we all took photos. We had reached height of 5416 m or 17765 ft. I was overwhelmed. Some guides, porters and other trekkers came and congratulated me. One guide requested to take photos with me. At my
  • 7. age, this was a great achievement and those who knew my age were impressed. Our guide and the porters had great doubts about my ability to cross the pass, especially after seeing me trailing behind during the first few days. They were full of praise. We started our walk down to Muktinath. Muktinath is one of the most sacred Hindu temples and get many devotees coming there. Our walk to Muktinath was down hill most of the way but it was tricky as small stones and dry soil made it easy to slip on those slopes. Also walking down hill can easily injure the knees and we had to be careful about that. Sometimes too much fear of slipping cause tense muscles and that could tire the muscles even more. While we were given the impression of easy three hour walk, it did not seem to end. I was able to keep up with rest of the group but by mid day I was feeling really tired. We stopped for lunch. I decided to take extra time before I started walking again. We were to cross a bridge to go across but we found the bridge path was blocked and the bridge seemed to be damaged. So we followed the trek to the bottom of the valley, crossed the river in a precarious position, and walked up a steep hill to get across on the other side. This took considerable time and our day got longer and longer. It was tricky and treacherous walk along a narrow path. It in itself provided us with an adventure walk for the already tiring day. When we reached Muktinath, the guide was waiting for us to show the famous temple so that we do not have to come again. However the temple was closed. From there to the town centre and our lodge seemed like eternity but we had no choice but to walk it. It was a long day – over twelve and half hours of walking with some breaks. But all that was soon forgotten with a hot refreshing shower. Vivek and I were both ready to go and visit the temple but no one seemed to be sure if it would be open so we turned back and decided to go the next morning. In one day we had climbed from Thorung Phedi to High Camp (692 m - 2270 ft) and then from High camp to Thorung La Pass (305 m – 1000 ft.). Then on the return we walked down from Thorung La Pass to Muktinath (1726m – 5660 ft). In short we climbed up 3270 ft and climbed down 5660 ft in one day. That was a great achievement particularly at my age. Return Journey : As per the original plan we were to continue our trekking but with the change of plans it was decided we take taxi from Muktinath and go to Jomsom and fly to Pokhara. However, we could not get the air tickets. Muktinath being an important pilgrimage centre, dirt roads that can take vehicle traffic have been built, but being mountainous region the roads are bumpy and driving quite difficult. Again there was change of plans. Our plans to climb Poon Hills was shelved as the argument went that they had seen all the peaks and taken all the photos so why climb that hill. We were to proceed to Pokhara and spend a few days there and then go the Chitwan National Park where hotel bookings had been arranged.
  • 8. In the early morning we went to see Muktinath temple. It was a long steep walk and I wondered how many devotees would cope with this walk. The temple has great significance for Hindus and it is located on vast piece of land, and fenced by wall. After breakfast, we got ready by nine to board a taxi. To make up numbers we joined another group, and as such we were totally 13 in the taxi. It was a very bumpy ride with pot holes, rocks, puddles, and sometimes deep holes where the tires of the taxi would not be able to come out. In such places driver would put stones under the wheel to let it drive through. At one place the road was blocked with rocks and we had to move the rocks to pass through. We saw lot of trekkers on the way. Number of cars passing on the road was minimal, may be one per hour at the most. I felt pangs of regret. We cancelled this part of trekking because we did not wish to walk with cars whizzing past but there was nothing like it. We reached Jomsom and walked across the town to find another taxi. We took our lunch and kept waiting for the taxi. Other group decided to go on their own, and we could not find a taxi. After 3.00 p.m. we got on a bus. It was not a comfortable ride, with hardly any place to keep our legs, and the bumpy road did not help much in the cramped bus. Seats could hardly take two, and our heads were knocking against the luggage rack. The bus kept rollicking side to side. We reached Marpha which is famous for its apples and apple by products. Some of our colleagues and porters were out buying apples. Vivek and I were in the bus when the bus took a U turn and before we knew driver was driving the same way we came. We were told that the bus was going back to Jomsom to collect some luggage. We went through the same bumpy ride again. The top of the bus got fully loaded and rest of the luggage was put between the seats leaving no space at all. We did not have any space even to move our legs. Some more passengers were taken in the already full bus. We picked up rest of our group from Marpha and continued our journey. It was 8.00 p.m. by the time we reached Gasa. From there we arranged a private bus taking three groups to fill the bus but more people got on the bus and it took some time to sort out the outsiders. We drove on and just about 10.00 p.m. we found the road blocked. We waited for a while, police were called and some hasty negotiations took place. We were informed that some villagers had blocked the road in anger. When the villagers were told that there were only tourists on the bus they let us go. We reached out hotel at 10.45. While others went for dinner, it is not my habit to eat so late, and so I went straight to bed. In the morning when I saw the location of the hotel and its surroundings I felt that we made a mistake not completing the trek. The hotel with lots of greenery, river passing by and the hills with greenery in the back made the place look wonderful. I had good sleep. We went for hot water bath
  • 9. in the nearby river spot and it was totally refreshing. On my return I was informed that there was a change of plan. This “change of plan” had become a big joke during this trip. I had heard this so many times. Now I was told that everyone was so tired with the taxi and bus journey of the previous day that they did not want to do any more such travelling. They had decided to cancel all plans and go back home. At no time did they consider my views. I was angry, I was frustrated but I felt it was best to keep calm. We had a comfortable journey to Pokhara. I also learnt that my colleagues were planning to fly to Kathmandu. I stated that I will join them whatever they decide. After reaching Pokhara I had a shave and a massage. I felt rejuvenated. I made some calls to arrange for my flight to London. On return to my room Vivek told me that others were now talking of going to Chitwan National Park and suggested that I go and talk to them. I told him that I will wait till they tell me. I took every one for dinner that night, and told them that I was going to Kathmandu next day and will be flying home day after. No one made any comment. Next morning we all went to Kathmandu by taxi. Of course, plans to fly had been changed by morning time. Day after I flew to London and the others all took a flight to Pune. While the successful crossing of the high pass was a great achievement, it was a big disappointment for me that I did not do the trek as planned. For them there will be other opportunities – but for me this perhaps was my last opportunity. For them having captured all the important peaks on their cameras was the height of their achievement and satisfaction. For me, to have walked for the projected seventeen days, would have been the height of achievement that would have given me immense satisfaction. But I was happy for what I had achieved. Walking for such long hours did not give me pain in my legs or thighs though I did feel pain a few times in my calf muscles in my sleep. That is to be expected after such walking. But after a long days walking I was not shattered, unlike many others, I did not crash into the bed at the end of the day, nor did I need to lie down to recover myself. Trekking in the mountains gives a pleasure which cannot be expressed in words. In spite of all the difficulties one encounters, the ultimate satisfaction cannot be quantified. The bill board in Nepal says “Never say Good bye to the Himalayas.” Would this trek be my “Good bye” to the Himalayas? I wonder that will be so in my case – only time will tell. (comments to – other reports on ))