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                                                                                                                                    The Urban Forum
                                                                             The UEL accepts articles/letters
                                                                             from its members and members
                                                                             of the public. These articles/
                                                                             letters do not always reflect the
                                                                                                                                               Newsletter of The Urban Environment League
                                                                             views of the Members of the                                                        Website:
                                                                             UEL, or its Board, or the views             Issue No. 17                       Email:                           March 2006
                                                                             UEL Advisors.
                                                                             To submit articles/letters, con-
                                                                             tact: nancy88@
                                                                                                                                                            Lethargy or Lack of Vision?
                                                                                                                          UEL was founded ten years ago. To celebrate, we        Forum was Honey Rand, author of Water Wars.
                                                                                                                       are updating our history of activism. It is enlightening     Additionally, UEL sponsored workshops and
                                                                                                                       to examine the League’s glowing record. UEL was on        forums to enlighten the community about urban
NAME________________________________________________________________________________________________                   the early cusp, creating awareness on issues that         planning, zoning, growth management, affordable
                                                                                                                       continue to be major community concerns. Most             housing and successful urban infill. We have spon-
                                                                                                                       astounding is that some of the most troublesome issues sored educational tours showing the fragile Everglades
DAY PHONE____________________EVE. PHONE__________________________FAX_____________________________                      of UEL’s past agendas are just beginning to surface in                         and rural areas of South Dade and
E-MAIL___________________________ OCCUP._________________INTEREST__________________________________                    government as critical                                                           the importance of the agricultural
                                                                                                                       matters. We question                                                             industry in Redland. We did this
           Signature__________________________________Date______________ (All fees are tax deductible.)                whether this is indicative of                                                    to advocate for “Hold the Line”.
                                                                                                                       prevailing lethargy in                                                          We suggested that the County
   Membership $35   Preferred Mem. $50    Board Members and Sponsors of UEL $100   Donations:          Students: $15   government leadership, or                                                       Commission create a masterplan
                                                                                                                       just a lack of grand vision for                                                 for successful urban infill designs,
                                                                                                                       Miami Dade County.
   Urban Environment                                                                                                      In compiling UEL’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                       acceptable to the diverse neigh-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       borhoods in each municipality.
   League of                                                                                                           history, I relied on past                                                           In April, the County Commis-
   Greater Miami     UEL Annual Meeting &                                                                              board agendas, the UEL                                                          sion will vote whether or not to
                      Awards Presentation                                                                              Core Values, and UEL’s               A UEL Dinner at the Miami River Inn        move the line. Victory is still far
                                                                                                                       award-winning newsletter,                                                       from reach despite the public
  945 Pennsylvania Avenue                Monday, May 22nd - 6pm                                                        The Urban Forum. I ask you to judge for yourself          outcry to “Hold the Line” from thousands of Miami
  Suite 100                                                                                                            whether progress has been made in this county or          Dade citizens, Mayor Carlos Alvarez and Governor Jeb
  Miami Beach, FL 33139                           Agriculture Bus Tour                                                 where we need change.                                     Bush. The County Commission also received stern
                                                           Friday, March 24                                               UEL began ten years ago advocating for open space,     warnings about out of control water consumption
                                                                                                                       good urban planning, smart growth, waterfront access      from the heads of the South Florida Water Manage-
  Phone: 305 532-7227                           Grow Denser...Better                                                   and respect for parkland and its use. Throughout those ment District and the State Department of Commu-
  Fax: 305 532-8727                             Forum: Monday, April 3rd
                                                                                                                       years, we held forums, marches, dinners and tours. We nity Affairs (DCA). The DCA did not approve any of                                                                                               have written to our public and appointed leaders about the UDB changes that the County Commission sent
                                                                                                                       a myriad of troublesome issues. We have appeared at       to Tallahassee for review.
  Website:                                                                                                 countless public hearings and a vast number of public                              Parkland
    To receive information                                                                                             forums. Below, I am highlighting the results of some
                                                                                                                                                                                    Five years ago, the League advocated that parkland
  on upcoming UEL events                                                                                               of those issues.
                                                                                                                                                                                 was not surplus land for schools and other public
  such as dinners, forums                                                                                                    The Urban Development Boundary buildings. UEL was instrumental in stopping both a
  and conferences send your                                                                                               The League’s Urban Forum warned about the water        school from being built in Haulover Park, and horses
  email address to:                                                                                                    crisis in 2003 in Got Water, an article by Alan Farago.   from being moved into Sewell Park. However, we were                                                                                             In November, 2003, a guest speaker at the Tug of War      unable to stop the egregious plan to put police horses
in historic Lummus Park. New concrete stalls now                        Preserving Public Amenities                                               Bus Tour / Mobile Workshop March 24th
blight a once beautiful open-space historic park.
   To our dismay, the city of Miami recently signed off
                                                                   Five years ago, the UEL’s Urban Forum ran articles                            South Miami-Dade Agricultural Community
                                                               about neighborhood gentrification; Virginia Key’s             The Urban Environment League is                                      the Line Bus Tour in order to more substan-
on an agreement with the Miami Dade School Board               master plan; the Trust for Public Land’s study for
to “agree in concept to create schools in parks”, most                                                                    conducting its third Bus Tour / Mobile                                   tially overview the quality and character of
                                                               additional waterfront access; and the Miami River          Workshop which will feature the agricul-                                  urban, suburban, rural agricultural and
notably, Bicentennial Park: An adjunct to the museum.          Commission’s River Plan. Progress has been slow on         tural community, history and economy of                                    natural lands from downtown, to
                 Bicentennial Park                             all fronts on the Government’s side, despite the non-      Redland, Florida - the South Miami-Dade                                      Kendall, along Krome Avenue, into
                                                               profit private sector’s planning process. Each of the      Agricultural Community. This is the                                            Redland, and on to Florida City and
   When the League threatened to not support Ballot
                                                               plans have hit bumps in the road. The Virginia Key         third annual UEL Bus Tour / Mobile                                               Homestead.
Question 8 of the 2004 County Bond Issue, a great
                                                               plan was suppose to be HOLISTIC of the entire              Workshop conceived as a vehicle to                                                 At our upcoming March 24th
compromise was made among the City of Miami,
                                                               island. However, it was almost upstaged when the City      discuss and visually present the complicated and            tour, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez will be a
County and bond supporters. UEL signed a pact that
                                                               of Miami Commission - in a piecemeal approach to           complex issues that underlie our support for the Hold       featured highlight for the day, joining us at Motes
provided a seat at the table for the Bicentennial Park
                                                               planning - almost approved an expansion for the Rusty      the Line Campaign and now expanded to highlight the         Orchids for remarks and reflections.
Oversight Committee and the promise of public
                                                               Pelican complete with a piano bar floating in the bay.     important economic, social, historic and environmen-           A grand team of resource interpreters will be
oversight for the park’s planning phase. To date, there
                                                               The Miami River Plan is being upstaged by the City of      tal aspects of South Florida’s rural agricultural commu-    assuring that we have a relevant, interesting and
have been 3 “closed door” meetings, the last one
                                                               Miami’s attempt to replace the River’s water depen-        nity.                                                       important day’s journey: Rod Jude, Chair of Miami
October, 2005. Where is the “open public planning
                                                               dent, commercial entities with high-rise condomini-           In the fall of 2004, UEL joined with the South           Sierra Club; Paul Mulhern, historic Grove Inn; Dr. Pat
process”? Is this happening behind closed doors, or is
                                                               ums. The Trust for Public Land’s study for waterfront      Florida National Parks Trust in hosting a trip out to the   and John Wade, our chief planning facilitator; Mary
the general lack of progress on the part of the consult-
                                                               access appears to be overshadowed by endless high-rise     Everglades. We traveled 15 miles into the vastness of       and Dr. Martin Motes of Motes Orchids; Steve
ants? The public is entitled to see the plan as it
                                                               developments on Miami’s only remaining waterfront          the Everglades on the Shark Valley tram tour narrated       Garrison, Almond Tree Nursery; Idena Burr, Burr’s
                                                               sites. As for a solution for neighborhood gentrification   by park rangers. As we traveled from Miami, we saw          Berry Farm; Wayne Worthley, Worthley Grove and
                        Parcel B                               and incentives for affordable housing, the County          the burgeoning subdivisions, marked the current             Redland agricultural teacher; Lonna Hord, Homestead
   The hard-fought battle to stop a high-rise from             Commission is beginning to hold workshops on the           development boundary, and gained a greater under-           resident and community activist; Lloyd Miller,
being placed on Parcel B was successful. UEL then              subject.                                                   standing of the interrelationship of the existing built     resident of Redland and founder of Biscayne National
urged that Parcel B be included in the comprehensive                 Good Urban Planning Strategies                       environment and the surrounding natural environ-            Park; the Park Rangers at Biscayne National Park; and
downtown waterfront park plan. In October, 2004,                                                                          ment.                                                       the Miami-Dade Transit Authority. We thank them all
                                                                  Perhaps Miami 21 will get there. Miami 21 is billed
UEL held a very successful Downtown Waterfront                                                                               Then in the Spring of 2005, UEL hosted the Hold          in Advance for their help.                   -Denis Russ
                                                               as a true vision for the city’ of Miami’s future where
Park Forum. The good news is that Parcel B owner,
                                                               historic preservation, zoning and design guidelines will
the County, has agreed to place Parcel B into the City
                                                               become the tools for revitalizing existing neighbor-                                UEL Annual Meeting & Awards Presentation
of Miami’s Bicentennial Park planning strategy. UEL
will continue to bring that plan to the public.
                                                               hoods. UEL’s April 3rd Urban Infill Forum at the                                           Monday, May 22nd - 6pm
                                                               University of Miami will highlight important concepts              Join us at the Miami Beach Golf Club, For Cocktails (cash bar) and Hors d’oeuvres
               Engaging The Public                             of good infill projects. Miami 21’s progress appears to                                Alton Road and 26th Street, Miami Beach
   Throughout its ten year history, UEL has advocated          have stalled while new highly-insensitive mega-condos
that all local branches of government need to provide a        continue to overshadow historic neighborhoods, clog           At the Annual Meeting the UEL membership will               3. Cite for its innovative infill concept developed on
transparent process. The public needs to be able to            the roadways and irritate the neighbors.                   elect and install new board members and officers. If        Biscayne Boulevard and 20th Street.
follow and participate in issues. We have encouraged              UEL will continue its mission to stop sprawl into       you are not a member, become one on May 22nd,                  4. Commissioner Katy Sorenson for her valiant
citizens to attend public forums and to speak out on           the Western and Southern environs of Miami Dade            we will be signing up members on that day!                     effort on behalf of growth management and urban
issues at public meetings. This is an awesome fete for         County. Perhaps one day, developers will stop mas-            The League will also present its annual                       development issues in Miami Dade County .
grassroots groups to organize. We all remember the             querading as affordable housing builders beyond the        Orchids and Onions Awards.                                            5. Pat and John Wade, Dewey and Lee Steele
three minute gag order on the public during the UDB            UDB and work with the citizens through Miami 21               The following seven Orchids will be                             and the Redland Community Association for
hearings. Recently, the County approved an onerous             and other master planning efforts in urban cities to       presented:                                                         their staunch support in preserving the rural
ordinance to “correct” the spoken word of citizens if          redesign the urban core.                                      1. The City of Miami Historic Preservation                      farmlands in South Dade.
their words are considered “incorrect”. Applause to               This is where we were 10 years ago, and these are       Board and the Urban Arts Group for their                               6. Mayor Carlos Alvarez for his strong
Mayor Carlos Alvarez who vetoed such an egregious              the mountains we must continue to climb to create a        efforts to designate the Miami MiMo historic                       support of the Urban Development Boundary.
assault on the public’s right to speak. We also applaud        healthy and prosperous future for our community.           district on Biscayne Boulevard.                                        7. The Miami Woman’s Club Members who
the county commissioners who voted against the                                                                               2. The Miami Beach Development Corporation for           saved the historic club from development and are
                                                                                  - Nancy Liebman - President, UEL
ordinance to begin with.                                                                                                  their work in creating affordable housing.                  working diligently to restore it to its former glory.
6                                                                                                           3
                        The Urban Environment League Presents                                                       Urban Environment League Presents An Urban Design Infill Forum:
                         Its Third Bus Tour / Mobile Workshop                                                                      Grow Denser...Better
            The Agricultural Community,                                                                                                          Monday, April 3rd
          History and Economy of Redland                                                                                                      8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
    The South Miami-Dade Agricultural Community                                                                          Jorge M. Perez Architecture Center, Glasgow Hall
Friday, March 24 - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm                                                                                      University of Miami School of Architecture
Leaving from Trinity Cathedral,                                                                                                     1215 Dickinson Drive, Coral Gables
N. Bayshore Drive at Northeast 16th Street                                                                       Limited Seating - Reservations: 305-532-7227 or
(Parking is available at the Omni garage or Cathedral)                                                                     This forum explores best practices for meeting the challenge of continued growth
Cost: $30.00 per person/UEL members $25.00                                                                              in our metropolitan area by focusing density in urban centers and along mass trans-
Includes a delicious lunch!                                                                                             portation corridors in a manner that enhances the quality of city life.
                                                                                                                           There will be discussion of urban design principles to guide infill development
Reservations: REQUIRED 305-532-7227                                                                                     using increased density as means for creating livable urban neighborhoods.
                                                                                                                           We will hear from those who are developing such best practice models.
8:30 a.m. - Park in the Omni garage or in the Cathedral lot if that is available, register and board the bus.                              8:00 A.M. Coffee Reception — Registration
9:00 a.m. PROMPTLY — Leave Trinity Cathedral 464 NE 16th Street, Miami. Bus speakers: Rod Jude,                                            8:30 A.M. Welcome And Program Overview
         Chair Sierra Club Miami Group, Paul Mulhern, owner historic Grove Inn, Nancy Liebman,                      URBAN DESIGN PRINCIPLES TO GUIDE INFILL DEVELOPMENT
         UEL President, Ernie Martin, UEL Vice President and Denis Russ, UEL Tour Chair.                        Charles C. Bohl Director Knight Program in Community Building, Research
10:00 a.m. — Visit Burrs Berry Farm located on the edge of the Urban Boundary. Meet owner and                                   Associate Professor, University of Miami School of Architecture
         founder Idena Burr who will talk about the history of the farm Dr. Pat Wade, chair of the Redland      Subrata Basu Assistant Director for Planning, Miami-Dade Department of Planning and Zoning
         Community Council will moderate the tour through Redland.                                                         Benefits of Density                     Locations Favoring Density
10:30 a.m. — Travel on historic Redland Road through the heart of the original Redland Village to the                      Characteristics of Good Urbanism        Attributes of Livable Communities
         Almond Tree Nursery. Owner Steve Garrison will conduct the tour.                                                  Public Spaces, Meeting Places           Pedestrian Friendly Environment
                                                                                                                           Promoting Vibrant Economy               Affordability and Diversity
11:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. — Travel through the agricultural district to the historic Grove Inn. Lunch                       Arts, Culture and Entertainment         Historic Preservation
         hosted by owner, Paul Mulhern and learn about the myriad of Redland’s agricultural products.
                                                                                                                                      BEST PRACTICES:
1:00 to 2:00 p.m. — Visit world-famous Motes Orchids.
          Mayor Carlos Alvarez will join us for remarks at the Motes’ home.
                                                                                                                      INTERESTING CONCEPTS OF URBAN INFILL DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                                                 The Art Deco District: Denis Russ, Miami Beach CDC
2:15 p.m. — Redland Middle School agriculture teacher Wayne Worthley will board the bus at his young
                                                                                                                 Biscayne Shores Village: Steve Nostrand, Project Director, Codina Realty Services
         avocado grove and speak about the challenges and importance of agriculture in today’s world.
                                                                                                                 Redevelopment of Downtown Hialeah: Honorable Raul Martinez/Jaime Correa
2:30 p.m. — The tour will visit one of the new developments in East Homestead. Resident, Lonna Hord,             Cite Condo: Sandy Peaceman, Cohen Freedman & Encinosa, Architect
         will provide commentary about the myths of affordable housing in today’s construction boon.             Downtown Kendall: Paul Vrooman, Project Committee Coordinator
2:45m to 3:15 p.m. — Travel to Biscayne National Park while Lloyd Miller tells the story of the birth of         Miami 21: Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Duany, Plater-Zyberk & Company
        the Park and his role in its development. Park Rangers will continue the story once at the park.
4:00 p.m. — Arrive back at Trinity Cathedral.                                                                                Sponsors: Tropical Audubon, Sierra Club Miami Group,
                    Reservations: 305-532-7227 –                                                            University of Miami School of Architecture
4                                                                                                        5
                                                                                                                        plaints into action. We need you to         have helped elevate three words to a
                                                                                                                        help load the Chamber in April and          level of universal recognition in the   UEL Dates to
                                                                                                                        to keep letters to the editor and emails    Miami-Dade vernacular:
   Everyone in Miami-Dade County must play a Role in Preventing the Urban                                               flowing to the Commissioners. The              “Hold the Line”.                     Remember:
  Development Boundary from Being Rolled Over in 2006… That Includes You!                                               TENTATIVE dates for the Master                 It’s time to put familiar words
                                                                                                                        Plan and UDB amendments are cur-            into steadfast involvement. Call
    By Nate Geisler South Florida            Proposals at the County Commis-      bers from appearing or commenting     rently April 18, 19, and 20. These          County Commissioners. Write
       Community Organizer                sion Chambers have ranged from at-      before the Commission on planning     dates are subject to change but as of       Letters to the Editor, get others up    Miami River Inn
          Clean Water Fund                tempts to erase from public record      and zoning matters. And the good      the date of this publication’s drafting,    to speed on the UDB and most            March 21
   Over the past year there has been      any “misleading” statements from the    proposals, such as a move by Com-     they “hold”. April 18 will be the day       important: Show up this April!
much coverage about the heated de-        public, stemming from the impas-        missioner Carlos Gimenez to prevent   of focused pressure so mark your cal-       Call (305) 485-5949 if you can do
bate over the Urban Development           sioned pleas of people at last year’s   municipalities from being able to     endar!                                      more and remember to check              Ag. Bus Tour
Boundary (let’s say it together: “The     UDB hearings who were concerned         lobby to move the UDB, were shot         UEL and campaign partners       for the latest.         Special Guest
U-D-B”). Not just developers, but         about Everglades encroachment (ap-      down as fast as you can say “annex-
County Commissioners as well have         parently a “dangerous exaggeration”     ation.”                                                                                                                   Mayor
                                                                                                                                                               The Urban Environment League
employed a dizzying array of tactics      worth whipping away from poster-           But let’s stop griping over the                                                                                        Carlos Alvarez
to discredit and silence the vast ma-     ity). Thank goodness Mayor Alvarez’s    County Commission’s lack of resolve                                               Dine & Discuss Dinners
jority of residents who realize the ex-   veto was recently sustained on that     or outright viciousness toward pub-                                          Are held at:                                 March 24
treme folly of allowing the Boundary      one. There was also the attempt to      lic dissent and concern over the                                                 The Historic Miami River Inn
to be moved.                              prevent Community Council mem-          UDB. Let’s transform our com-                                                     118 SW South River Drive                Grow Denser
                                                                                                                                                                    6:00 PM – Wine Reception                Better Forum
                              Urban Environment League                                                                                                                   6:45 PM – Dinner                   April 3rd
                       2005 Officers, Board Members, and Advisors                                                                                                      Followed by Program
                                                                                                                                                               Limited Seating, RSVP a must:
                           Officers:                                                                                                                                                                        Dinner, April 18
                                                                                                                                                                      Miami River Inn:
                            President                           Nancy Liebman                                                                                             305-325-0045
                            Vice-President                      Ernie Martin
                                                                                                                                                                   E-mail:               Hold The Line
                            Treasurer                           Kay Hancock Apfel
                            Secretary                           Richard Korman                                                                                                                              County Commis-
                            Past President                      Gregory Bush                                                 Come and get to know UEL Members and make new friends in the                   sion Meetings
     Board of Directors:                                                          Board of Advisors:                      Community. The meals are delicious and the wine reception is a great
                                                                                                                                                                                                            April 18, 19, 20
    Kay Hancock-Apfel                                                             Gregory Bush, Chair                     networking opportunity. Dinners are held the third Tuesday of the month.
                                    Ernest Martin
    Alan Bisno                      Robert McCabe                                 Amy Paige Condon
                                                                                                                          March 21, 2006 - An evening with Washington Post Reporter and
    Gregory Bush                    Dan McCrea                                    Sallye Jude
                                                                                  Dorothy Jenkins-Fields                        author of THE SWAMP, Michael Grunwald.
    Michael Cox                     Arsenio Milian
    John DeLeon                     Jimmy Morales                                 Dr. Paul George                         April 18, 2006 - In conjunction with Dade Heritage Days, the topic                Dinner, May 16
    Richard Donovan                 Enid Pinkney                                  Joe Kohl                                      will be: “The Miami River: Historical river or a condo canyon?”
    Robert Flanders                 Alberto Ruder                                 Dan Paul
    Albert Harum-Alvarez            Denis Russ                                    Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk                 May 16, 2006 (Tentative) - An Update on the County Bond Issue that
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Annual Meeting
    Sage Hoffman                    Paul Schwiep                                  Brenda McClymonds                       was approved a little more than a year ago.                                       and Awards
                                                                                  Arva Moore Parks McCabe
    Maria Ines Castro               Howard Slotnick
                                                                                  Gene Tinnie                                   Admission $25 for UEL Members, $30 Non-Members                              May 22
    Ruth Jacobs                     Fortuna Smukler
    James Jude                      Max Strang                                    M. Athalie Range                                                    Program only: Free 7:30
    Richard Korman                  David Turner                                  Mitchell Wolfson, Jr.                                   Seating is Limited: You must Reserve!                             Renew Your
    Nancy Liebman                   Jason Uyeda                                   George Knox
    Susan Luck                      John Van Leer
                                                                                                                             Note: Tentative dinner schedule (At times, things come up and speakers
                                                                                                                          that have confirmed cancel and at other times, the UEL itself is confronted
                                                                                                                          with a more pressing issue and has to change things around). When you             Today!
                                                                                                                          RSVP we can confirm the speakers.                                                          Cut Me Out!

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UEL Newsletter - Issue17

  • 1. 8 1 The Urban Forum NOTICE: The UEL accepts articles/letters from its members and members of the public. These articles/ letters do not always reflect the Newsletter of The Urban Environment League views of the Members of the Website: UEL, or its Board, or the views Issue No. 17 Email: March 2006 UEL Advisors. To submit articles/letters, con- tact: nancy88@ Lethargy or Lack of Vision? UEL was founded ten years ago. To celebrate, we Forum was Honey Rand, author of Water Wars. are updating our history of activism. It is enlightening Additionally, UEL sponsored workshops and URBAN ENVIRONMENT LEAGUE OF GREATER MIAMI MEMBERSHIP & RENEWAL APPLICATION to examine the League’s glowing record. UEL was on forums to enlighten the community about urban NAME________________________________________________________________________________________________ the early cusp, creating awareness on issues that planning, zoning, growth management, affordable ADDRESS____________________________________CITY___________________ST.______ZIP______________________ continue to be major community concerns. Most housing and successful urban infill. We have spon- astounding is that some of the most troublesome issues sored educational tours showing the fragile Everglades DAY PHONE____________________EVE. PHONE__________________________FAX_____________________________ of UEL’s past agendas are just beginning to surface in and rural areas of South Dade and E-MAIL___________________________ OCCUP._________________INTEREST__________________________________ government as critical the importance of the agricultural matters. We question industry in Redland. We did this Signature__________________________________Date______________ (All fees are tax deductible.) whether this is indicative of to advocate for “Hold the Line”. prevailing lethargy in We suggested that the County Membership $35 Preferred Mem. $50 Board Members and Sponsors of UEL $100 Donations: Students: $15 government leadership, or Commission create a masterplan just a lack of grand vision for for successful urban infill designs, Miami Dade County. Urban Environment In compiling UEL’s acceptable to the diverse neigh- borhoods in each municipality. League of history, I relied on past In April, the County Commis- Greater Miami UEL Annual Meeting & board agendas, the UEL sion will vote whether or not to Awards Presentation Core Values, and UEL’s A UEL Dinner at the Miami River Inn move the line. Victory is still far award-winning newsletter, from reach despite the public 945 Pennsylvania Avenue Monday, May 22nd - 6pm The Urban Forum. I ask you to judge for yourself outcry to “Hold the Line” from thousands of Miami Suite 100 whether progress has been made in this county or Dade citizens, Mayor Carlos Alvarez and Governor Jeb Miami Beach, FL 33139 Agriculture Bus Tour where we need change. Bush. The County Commission also received stern Friday, March 24 UEL began ten years ago advocating for open space, warnings about out of control water consumption good urban planning, smart growth, waterfront access from the heads of the South Florida Water Manage- Phone: 305 532-7227 Grow Denser...Better and respect for parkland and its use. Throughout those ment District and the State Department of Commu- Fax: 305 532-8727 Forum: Monday, April 3rd years, we held forums, marches, dinners and tours. We nity Affairs (DCA). The DCA did not approve any of have written to our public and appointed leaders about the UDB changes that the County Commission sent a myriad of troublesome issues. We have appeared at to Tallahassee for review. Website: countless public hearings and a vast number of public Parkland To receive information forums. Below, I am highlighting the results of some Five years ago, the League advocated that parkland on upcoming UEL events of those issues. was not surplus land for schools and other public such as dinners, forums The Urban Development Boundary buildings. UEL was instrumental in stopping both a and conferences send your The League’s Urban Forum warned about the water school from being built in Haulover Park, and horses email address to: crisis in 2003 in Got Water, an article by Alan Farago. from being moved into Sewell Park. However, we were In November, 2003, a guest speaker at the Tug of War unable to stop the egregious plan to put police horses
  • 2. 7 2 in historic Lummus Park. New concrete stalls now Preserving Public Amenities Bus Tour / Mobile Workshop March 24th blight a once beautiful open-space historic park. To our dismay, the city of Miami recently signed off Five years ago, the UEL’s Urban Forum ran articles South Miami-Dade Agricultural Community about neighborhood gentrification; Virginia Key’s The Urban Environment League is the Line Bus Tour in order to more substan- on an agreement with the Miami Dade School Board master plan; the Trust for Public Land’s study for to “agree in concept to create schools in parks”, most conducting its third Bus Tour / Mobile tially overview the quality and character of additional waterfront access; and the Miami River Workshop which will feature the agricul- urban, suburban, rural agricultural and notably, Bicentennial Park: An adjunct to the museum. Commission’s River Plan. Progress has been slow on tural community, history and economy of natural lands from downtown, to Bicentennial Park all fronts on the Government’s side, despite the non- Redland, Florida - the South Miami-Dade Kendall, along Krome Avenue, into profit private sector’s planning process. Each of the Agricultural Community. This is the Redland, and on to Florida City and When the League threatened to not support Ballot plans have hit bumps in the road. The Virginia Key third annual UEL Bus Tour / Mobile Homestead. Question 8 of the 2004 County Bond Issue, a great plan was suppose to be HOLISTIC of the entire Workshop conceived as a vehicle to At our upcoming March 24th compromise was made among the City of Miami, island. However, it was almost upstaged when the City discuss and visually present the complicated and tour, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez will be a County and bond supporters. UEL signed a pact that of Miami Commission - in a piecemeal approach to complex issues that underlie our support for the Hold featured highlight for the day, joining us at Motes provided a seat at the table for the Bicentennial Park planning - almost approved an expansion for the Rusty the Line Campaign and now expanded to highlight the Orchids for remarks and reflections. Oversight Committee and the promise of public Pelican complete with a piano bar floating in the bay. important economic, social, historic and environmen- A grand team of resource interpreters will be oversight for the park’s planning phase. To date, there The Miami River Plan is being upstaged by the City of tal aspects of South Florida’s rural agricultural commu- assuring that we have a relevant, interesting and have been 3 “closed door” meetings, the last one Miami’s attempt to replace the River’s water depen- nity. important day’s journey: Rod Jude, Chair of Miami October, 2005. Where is the “open public planning dent, commercial entities with high-rise condomini- In the fall of 2004, UEL joined with the South Sierra Club; Paul Mulhern, historic Grove Inn; Dr. Pat process”? Is this happening behind closed doors, or is ums. The Trust for Public Land’s study for waterfront Florida National Parks Trust in hosting a trip out to the and John Wade, our chief planning facilitator; Mary the general lack of progress on the part of the consult- access appears to be overshadowed by endless high-rise Everglades. We traveled 15 miles into the vastness of and Dr. Martin Motes of Motes Orchids; Steve ants? The public is entitled to see the plan as it developments on Miami’s only remaining waterfront the Everglades on the Shark Valley tram tour narrated Garrison, Almond Tree Nursery; Idena Burr, Burr’s progresses. sites. As for a solution for neighborhood gentrification by park rangers. As we traveled from Miami, we saw Berry Farm; Wayne Worthley, Worthley Grove and Parcel B and incentives for affordable housing, the County the burgeoning subdivisions, marked the current Redland agricultural teacher; Lonna Hord, Homestead The hard-fought battle to stop a high-rise from Commission is beginning to hold workshops on the development boundary, and gained a greater under- resident and community activist; Lloyd Miller, being placed on Parcel B was successful. UEL then subject. standing of the interrelationship of the existing built resident of Redland and founder of Biscayne National urged that Parcel B be included in the comprehensive Good Urban Planning Strategies environment and the surrounding natural environ- Park; the Park Rangers at Biscayne National Park; and downtown waterfront park plan. In October, 2004, ment. the Miami-Dade Transit Authority. We thank them all Perhaps Miami 21 will get there. Miami 21 is billed UEL held a very successful Downtown Waterfront Then in the Spring of 2005, UEL hosted the Hold in Advance for their help. -Denis Russ as a true vision for the city’ of Miami’s future where Park Forum. The good news is that Parcel B owner, historic preservation, zoning and design guidelines will the County, has agreed to place Parcel B into the City become the tools for revitalizing existing neighbor- UEL Annual Meeting & Awards Presentation of Miami’s Bicentennial Park planning strategy. UEL will continue to bring that plan to the public. hoods. UEL’s April 3rd Urban Infill Forum at the Monday, May 22nd - 6pm University of Miami will highlight important concepts Join us at the Miami Beach Golf Club, For Cocktails (cash bar) and Hors d’oeuvres Engaging The Public of good infill projects. Miami 21’s progress appears to Alton Road and 26th Street, Miami Beach Throughout its ten year history, UEL has advocated have stalled while new highly-insensitive mega-condos that all local branches of government need to provide a continue to overshadow historic neighborhoods, clog At the Annual Meeting the UEL membership will 3. Cite for its innovative infill concept developed on transparent process. The public needs to be able to the roadways and irritate the neighbors. elect and install new board members and officers. If Biscayne Boulevard and 20th Street. follow and participate in issues. We have encouraged UEL will continue its mission to stop sprawl into you are not a member, become one on May 22nd, 4. Commissioner Katy Sorenson for her valiant citizens to attend public forums and to speak out on the Western and Southern environs of Miami Dade we will be signing up members on that day! effort on behalf of growth management and urban issues at public meetings. This is an awesome fete for County. Perhaps one day, developers will stop mas- The League will also present its annual development issues in Miami Dade County . grassroots groups to organize. We all remember the querading as affordable housing builders beyond the Orchids and Onions Awards. 5. Pat and John Wade, Dewey and Lee Steele three minute gag order on the public during the UDB UDB and work with the citizens through Miami 21 The following seven Orchids will be and the Redland Community Association for hearings. Recently, the County approved an onerous and other master planning efforts in urban cities to presented: their staunch support in preserving the rural ordinance to “correct” the spoken word of citizens if redesign the urban core. 1. The City of Miami Historic Preservation farmlands in South Dade. their words are considered “incorrect”. Applause to This is where we were 10 years ago, and these are Board and the Urban Arts Group for their 6. Mayor Carlos Alvarez for his strong Mayor Carlos Alvarez who vetoed such an egregious the mountains we must continue to climb to create a efforts to designate the Miami MiMo historic support of the Urban Development Boundary. assault on the public’s right to speak. We also applaud healthy and prosperous future for our community. district on Biscayne Boulevard. 7. The Miami Woman’s Club Members who the county commissioners who voted against the 2. The Miami Beach Development Corporation for saved the historic club from development and are - Nancy Liebman - President, UEL ordinance to begin with. their work in creating affordable housing. working diligently to restore it to its former glory.
  • 3. 6 3 The Urban Environment League Presents Urban Environment League Presents An Urban Design Infill Forum: Its Third Bus Tour / Mobile Workshop Grow Denser...Better The Agricultural Community, Monday, April 3rd History and Economy of Redland 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The South Miami-Dade Agricultural Community Jorge M. Perez Architecture Center, Glasgow Hall Friday, March 24 - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm University of Miami School of Architecture Leaving from Trinity Cathedral, 1215 Dickinson Drive, Coral Gables N. Bayshore Drive at Northeast 16th Street Limited Seating - Reservations: 305-532-7227 or (Parking is available at the Omni garage or Cathedral) This forum explores best practices for meeting the challenge of continued growth Cost: $30.00 per person/UEL members $25.00 in our metropolitan area by focusing density in urban centers and along mass trans- Includes a delicious lunch! portation corridors in a manner that enhances the quality of city life. There will be discussion of urban design principles to guide infill development Reservations: REQUIRED 305-532-7227 using increased density as means for creating livable urban neighborhoods. We will hear from those who are developing such best practice models. TOUR HIGHLIGHTS: 8:30 a.m. - Park in the Omni garage or in the Cathedral lot if that is available, register and board the bus. 8:00 A.M. Coffee Reception — Registration 9:00 a.m. PROMPTLY — Leave Trinity Cathedral 464 NE 16th Street, Miami. Bus speakers: Rod Jude, 8:30 A.M. Welcome And Program Overview Chair Sierra Club Miami Group, Paul Mulhern, owner historic Grove Inn, Nancy Liebman, URBAN DESIGN PRINCIPLES TO GUIDE INFILL DEVELOPMENT UEL President, Ernie Martin, UEL Vice President and Denis Russ, UEL Tour Chair. Charles C. Bohl Director Knight Program in Community Building, Research 10:00 a.m. — Visit Burrs Berry Farm located on the edge of the Urban Boundary. Meet owner and Associate Professor, University of Miami School of Architecture founder Idena Burr who will talk about the history of the farm Dr. Pat Wade, chair of the Redland Subrata Basu Assistant Director for Planning, Miami-Dade Department of Planning and Zoning Community Council will moderate the tour through Redland. Benefits of Density Locations Favoring Density 10:30 a.m. — Travel on historic Redland Road through the heart of the original Redland Village to the Characteristics of Good Urbanism Attributes of Livable Communities Almond Tree Nursery. Owner Steve Garrison will conduct the tour. Public Spaces, Meeting Places Pedestrian Friendly Environment Promoting Vibrant Economy Affordability and Diversity 11:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. — Travel through the agricultural district to the historic Grove Inn. Lunch Arts, Culture and Entertainment Historic Preservation hosted by owner, Paul Mulhern and learn about the myriad of Redland’s agricultural products. BEST PRACTICES: 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. — Visit world-famous Motes Orchids. Mayor Carlos Alvarez will join us for remarks at the Motes’ home. INTERESTING CONCEPTS OF URBAN INFILL DEVELOPMENT The Art Deco District: Denis Russ, Miami Beach CDC 2:15 p.m. — Redland Middle School agriculture teacher Wayne Worthley will board the bus at his young Biscayne Shores Village: Steve Nostrand, Project Director, Codina Realty Services avocado grove and speak about the challenges and importance of agriculture in today’s world. Redevelopment of Downtown Hialeah: Honorable Raul Martinez/Jaime Correa 2:30 p.m. — The tour will visit one of the new developments in East Homestead. Resident, Lonna Hord, Cite Condo: Sandy Peaceman, Cohen Freedman & Encinosa, Architect will provide commentary about the myths of affordable housing in today’s construction boon. Downtown Kendall: Paul Vrooman, Project Committee Coordinator 2:45m to 3:15 p.m. — Travel to Biscayne National Park while Lloyd Miller tells the story of the birth of Miami 21: Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Duany, Plater-Zyberk & Company the Park and his role in its development. Park Rangers will continue the story once at the park. 4:00 p.m. — Arrive back at Trinity Cathedral. Sponsors: Tropical Audubon, Sierra Club Miami Group, Reservations: 305-532-7227 – University of Miami School of Architecture
  • 4. 4 5 plaints into action. We need you to have helped elevate three words to a help load the Chamber in April and level of universal recognition in the UEL Dates to to keep letters to the editor and emails Miami-Dade vernacular: Everyone in Miami-Dade County must play a Role in Preventing the Urban flowing to the Commissioners. The “Hold the Line”. Remember: Development Boundary from Being Rolled Over in 2006… That Includes You! TENTATIVE dates for the Master It’s time to put familiar words Plan and UDB amendments are cur- into steadfast involvement. Call By Nate Geisler South Florida Proposals at the County Commis- bers from appearing or commenting rently April 18, 19, and 20. These County Commissioners. Write Dinner Community Organizer sion Chambers have ranged from at- before the Commission on planning dates are subject to change but as of Letters to the Editor, get others up Miami River Inn Clean Water Fund tempts to erase from public record and zoning matters. And the good the date of this publication’s drafting, to speed on the UDB and most March 21 Over the past year there has been any “misleading” statements from the proposals, such as a move by Com- they “hold”. April 18 will be the day important: Show up this April! much coverage about the heated de- public, stemming from the impas- missioner Carlos Gimenez to prevent of focused pressure so mark your cal- Call (305) 485-5949 if you can do bate over the Urban Development sioned pleas of people at last year’s municipalities from being able to endar! more and remember to check Ag. Bus Tour Boundary (let’s say it together: “The UDB hearings who were concerned lobby to move the UDB, were shot UEL and campaign partners for the latest. Special Guest U-D-B”). Not just developers, but about Everglades encroachment (ap- down as fast as you can say “annex- County Commissioners as well have parently a “dangerous exaggeration” ation.” Mayor The Urban Environment League employed a dizzying array of tactics worth whipping away from poster- But let’s stop griping over the Carlos Alvarez to discredit and silence the vast ma- ity). Thank goodness Mayor Alvarez’s County Commission’s lack of resolve Dine & Discuss Dinners jority of residents who realize the ex- veto was recently sustained on that or outright viciousness toward pub- Are held at: March 24 treme folly of allowing the Boundary one. There was also the attempt to lic dissent and concern over the The Historic Miami River Inn to be moved. prevent Community Council mem- UDB. Let’s transform our com- 118 SW South River Drive Grow Denser 6:00 PM – Wine Reception Better Forum Urban Environment League 6:45 PM – Dinner April 3rd 2005 Officers, Board Members, and Advisors Followed by Program Limited Seating, RSVP a must: Officers: Dinner, April 18 Miami River Inn: President Nancy Liebman 305-325-0045 Vice-President Ernie Martin E-mail: Hold The Line Treasurer Kay Hancock Apfel Secretary Richard Korman County Commis- Past President Gregory Bush Come and get to know UEL Members and make new friends in the sion Meetings Board of Directors: Board of Advisors: Community. The meals are delicious and the wine reception is a great April 18, 19, 20 Kay Hancock-Apfel Gregory Bush, Chair networking opportunity. Dinners are held the third Tuesday of the month. Ernest Martin Alan Bisno Robert McCabe Amy Paige Condon March 21, 2006 - An evening with Washington Post Reporter and (Tentative) Gregory Bush Dan McCrea Sallye Jude Dorothy Jenkins-Fields author of THE SWAMP, Michael Grunwald. Michael Cox Arsenio Milian John DeLeon Jimmy Morales Dr. Paul George April 18, 2006 - In conjunction with Dade Heritage Days, the topic Dinner, May 16 Richard Donovan Enid Pinkney Joe Kohl will be: “The Miami River: Historical river or a condo canyon?” Robert Flanders Alberto Ruder Dan Paul Albert Harum-Alvarez Denis Russ Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk May 16, 2006 (Tentative) - An Update on the County Bond Issue that Annual Meeting Sage Hoffman Paul Schwiep Brenda McClymonds was approved a little more than a year ago. and Awards Arva Moore Parks McCabe Maria Ines Castro Howard Slotnick Gene Tinnie Admission $25 for UEL Members, $30 Non-Members May 22 Ruth Jacobs Fortuna Smukler James Jude Max Strang M. Athalie Range Program only: Free 7:30 Richard Korman David Turner Mitchell Wolfson, Jr. Seating is Limited: You must Reserve! Renew Your Nancy Liebman Jason Uyeda George Knox Susan Luck John Van Leer Note: Tentative dinner schedule (At times, things come up and speakers that have confirmed cancel and at other times, the UEL itself is confronted Membership with a more pressing issue and has to change things around). When you Today! RSVP we can confirm the speakers. Cut Me Out!