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The Urban Forum
                         Newsletter of The Urban Environment League
  Issue No. 14                           Email:                           January 2005

                                                                                                   “I have lived
                                                                                                   in Miami
                                                                                                   since 1959,
                                                                                                   and –shame
                                                                                                   on me”–I
                                                                                                   have never
                                                                                                   been to the
                                                                                                         Nancy Liebman
  A Message from Nancy Liebman - UEL President                                      Photos: Nancy Lee (UEL), Don
                                                                                    Finefrock (Executive Director of South
   History was made on December           was a precursory educational foray        Florida National Parks Trust) and
21. I have lived in Miami since 1959,     for the UEL coalition committee to        Nancy Liebman in Shark Valley. Next
and “shame on me”, I have never           arrange for the upcoming February         page: Denis Russ (UEL) joins us.
been to the Everglades. I lived on        5th Everglades Trip co-sponsored by
the edge of the Glades when, in           the UEL and the South Florida Na-
1960, the edge was just west of my        tional Parks Trust.
home on SW 87th Avenue and Bird              As we entered the Park, I was mes-
Road. It was really the edge and my       merized! After leaving my urban
three children were born there.           habitat, and driving through Miami
   I have been in the expanded edge       Dade County’s sprawl, we reached
while visiting Weston. I have driven      the natural phenomenon I have al-
past the Glades on Alligator Alley. I     ways read about. Intellectually, I un-
have watched the evolution of the         derstand the Everglades as the engine
Everglades from the air as little red     that enables humanity to survive in
rooftops sprawl endlessly westward        South Florida. But, seeing it live and
and human growth dangerously in-          in its spectacular glory was a true in-
hibits the freedom of wildlife. As the    spiration.
Glades are diminished, the traffic           I now understand the awesome re-
gridlock continues to grow.               sponsibility the citizens of Florida
   The occasion of my historic trip       have to maintain the integrity of ev-
into the Everglades National Park         ery remaining blade of grass in this
Trip to the Everglades...
magical earth form. This piece of hundred sixty degree view of Shark                  our fresh water supply and destroyed
land is not only South Florida’s Valley.                                              our wildlife!
heartbeat, but it is a truly a spectacu-      We were alone with the sound of             There is a line in the sand now, a
lar breath of fresh air. I regret not silence, the expansive vistas, the              line that must not move. We call that
being part of the nurturing process sawgrass sea moving so slightly, the              line the Urban Boundary Line. It
from that day in 1959                                   green “hills” and the hard-   was meant to stop the over develop-
when I moved to Miami.                                  wood tree islands with a      ment, sprawl, lack of schools and ser-
   Upon entering the Park,                              few deer, lots of gators,     vices and preserve the natural envi-
we entered a new world,                                 (some with new babies)        ronment.
the South Florida of old                                and fabulous bird life.           Every red-blooded Floridian must
with flocks of beautifully                                 All of this and wher-      take the responsibility to hold that
feathered birds, happily                                ever I looked for miles and   line and stop the little red rooftops,
dozing alligators enjoying                              miles I SAW NO                strip malls and other deadly en-
the serenity of the quiet                              BUILDINGS! Yes, the            croachments. It is incumbent on the
marshes, brilliant sun,                                Sea of Grass is a natural      grassroots citizens of our community
open air, and doting tour-                             wonder of the world.           to guard this natural resource and
ists. I thought the vast                                   What pride I had, as a     protect the Urban Development
numbers of birds that                Denis Russ        Floridian of forty-six         Boundary Line. Continued sprawl
greeted us at the gate was                             years, who raised three        translates to increased traffic
incredible. I cringed when the tram Floridian children to realize that the            gridlock, polluted air, mercury-filled
guide explained there were one hun- citizens of Florida have at last raised           water, and decreased water supplies
dred times more in the past.               a real challenge to force the preserva-    for future Floridians. The Everglades
   Development into the Everglades, tion of this treasure for future gen-             is the heart, soul and engine that will
loss of food supply and                                   erations.                   sustain Florida forever. As the Ever-
pollution has driven the                                      A lot of us have been   glades go, so goes the future of ur-
wildlife away. Will hu- “The River of                     sleeping at the wheel       ban life in our fragile community.
man life be next? How                                     while insensitive over-         Come hear more about this at the
disappointing will it be Grass has been development com-                              Everglades Trip, Saturday February
for the folks who moved
here for warm weather
                               diminished by pressed the much more
                                                             It was a
                                                                        Everglades.   5th. See the details in this issue of
                                                                                      the Urban Forum. And, get involved.
and the ocean to run out little red roof- massive Sea of Grass                        Read about our new Program Direc-
of drinking water?                                        that has been dimin-        tor - Gilberto Osorio - on page 5 of
     Among the high- tops, strip                          ished by little red roof-   this issue.        -Nancy Liebman
lights on this trip was a malls and rock tops, strip malls and
climb up a central tower                                  rock quarries. Imagine,           Nancy and the Alligator!
in the park for a three- quarries.”                       mankind paved over
Dine and Discuss                                              Dine and Discuss
                                                                           The UEL’s monthly “Dine and
                             FEBRUARY 15                                Discuss” evenings have become a well
                              Now That The
       “New Urbanism - Applied and Misapplied.”                         known tradition in this community,
                                                                        encouraging public participation in
                                     Election is Over,
  This important matter will be discussed by Charles Bohl, Director,
Knight Program in Community Building, author of the book, “Place        the electoral process, urban planning
                                       From Here?
Making.” Herald Reporter, Andres Viglucci, will Moderate.
                                                                        and growth management. These
                                                                        evenings take place on the third Tues-
    Upcoming:                                                           day of each month during the
    MARCH 15 - An evening with County Clerk Harvey Ruvin                months of September through May
    APRIL 19 - The UEL & Dade Heritage Trust                            (due to the holidays, we do not sched-
        Noted Art Deco developer Tony Goldman on the topic,             ule one in the month of December).
                                                                        They are held at 6:00 pm at the his-
        “Preserving the Recent Past.”                                   toric Miami River Inn which is lo-
    MAY 17 - Our last “Dine and Discuss” of this season                 cated at 118 S. River Drive, Miami,
        will feature a discussion on the many efforts                   and cost $25 each.
        underway to preserve and enhance the Miami River.                  The topics scheduled for this year
                                                                        have made the 2004-2005 “Dine and
   Don’t miss the opportunity to network and share a                    Discuss” season one of the most ex-
   delicious meal at the historic Miami River Inn,                      citing ones that we had in our his-
   118 South River Drive.                                                  In September, we began with a
        Wine and Cheese, Dinner and More Wine: $25                      bang as legendary public servant,
      Call for information and to make a reservation:                   Merrett Stierheim shared many of his
                                                                        unique experiences in public life as
       Miami River Inn: 305 325-0045                                    well as views on such current topics
                                                                        as the County’s Bond Program,
                                                                        growth management, the state of the
  The UEL and South Florida National Parks Trust Present:               public school system to the sold out
        Everglades Bus Trip                                                The October evening, featured the
                                                                        Honorable State of Florida Represen-
       Feb. 5th (Saturday) 9AM to 3:30PM                                tatives Dan Gelber and Julio Robaina
                                                                        on the eight (8) State Constitution
     A tram tour of the Everglades led by park rangers from Ever-       Amendments on the November 2,
  glades National Park. Lunch included.                                 2004 ballot.
                                                                           In November, the UEL felt it was
     Bus will leave for Shark Valley from the steps of Trinity Church
                                                                        important to host a discussion on
  on North Bayshore Drive, 9AM. Bus leaves promptly!!
                                                                        what many believed could turn out
     There will be a covered tram ride so you will not be required to   to be one of the most important elec-
  do a lot of walking and there is rain protection. Park in the OMNI    tion in our history. As a result, we
  garage right across the street from the church and meet at the        invited nationally known Miami
  front, near the church entrance.                                      Herald Executive Editor Tom Fiedler
                                                                        to share his views to a capacity crowd
      DEADLINE FOR BUS TRIP IS FRIDAY, JANUARY 28.                      on the topic, “Now that the elections
         SPACE IS LIMITED - first paid, first served.                   are over, where do we go from here.”
   RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED - Send us a check for $25                     Mark your calendars because the
              Questions Call: 305 576-2553                              2nd half of our 2004-2005 season is
                                                                        generating a lot of excitement due to
the following series of diverse topics      FEBRUARY 15,2005 - The topic           tends to join forces with Dade Heri-
that are scheduled:                      will be “New Urbanism - Applied and       tage Trust and the 2005 Dade Heri-
   By the time this newsletter is pub-   Misapplied.” This important matter        tage Days events. As one of the offi-
lished we will have had our January      will be discussed by Charles Bohl,        cial events, we will be featuring noted
dinner. The UEL joined forces with       Director, Knight Program in Com-          Art Deco developer Tony Goldman
the South Florida National Park Trust    munity Building at the University of      on the topic, “Preserving the Recent
for a dinner and discussion featuring    Miami School of Architecture, au-         Past.”
two viewpoints on the landmark $8        thor of the book, “Place Making.” We         MAY 17, 2005 - Our last “Dine
billion Everglades restoration plan.     have also invited Nathaniel Belcher,      and Discuss” evening of this season
Scheduled was moderator Martha           Assistant Dean and Associate Profes-      will feature a discussion on the chal-
Musgrove - former Miami Herald           sor at FIU’s School of Architecture.      lenges and many efforts underway to
Editorial Board Member - and speak-      The discussion will be moderated by       preserve and enhance the Miami
ers, Terrance “Rock” Salt, Senior Ev-    Herald Reporter Andres Viglucci.          River.
erglades Policy Advisor, US Dept. of        MARCH 15, 2005 - The featured              I hope to see you at these events.
Interior and Alan Farago, Past Ever-     discussion will be “An evening with       I guarantee you that not only will you
glades Chair for the Florida Chapter     Miami Dade County Clerk Harvey            find the discussions very informative
of the Sierra Club. Due to the im-       Ruvin.” Mr. Ruvin will not only re-       but promise you that you will thor-
portance of the Everglades as a re-      flect on his experiences as a long time   oughly enjoy a very delicious meal
markable natural resource to current     public servant but will also discuss a    prepared the old fashioned way by the
and future generations, the UEL will     topic that has always been dear to his    Miami River Inn’s proprietor, Ms.
also be sponsoring an Everglades bus     heart - the environment (including        Sallye Jude. -Albert Ruder UEL Board
tour on February 5 (please see Page      the challenges of global warming).        Member & Chair of the “Dine and Dis-
2 for more information).                    APRIL 19, 2005 - The UEL in-           cuss” Evening Series Committee

                            Urban Environment League
                     2004 Officers, Board Members, and Advisors
  President:        Nancy Liebman
  Vice-President:   Ernie Martin
  Treasurer:        Kay Hancock Apfel                                         Board of Advisors:
  Secretary:        Richard Korman                                            Gregory Bush, Chair
  Past President:   Gregory Bush                                              Sallye Jude
                                                                              Dorothy Fields
                                                                              Dr. Paul George
  Kay Hancock Apfel                 Nancy Lee                                 Joe Kohl
  Judith Berson-Levinson            Suan Luck                                 Dan Paul
  Gioia DeCarlo                     Ernest Martin                             Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk
  John DeLeon                       Robert McCabe                             Brenda Marshall
  Richard Donovan                   Arsenio Milian                            Arva Moore Parks McCabe**
  Robert Flanders                   Enid Pinkney                              Gene Tinnie
  Lori Gold                         Pedro Quintenalli                         M. Athalie Range
  Sage Hoffman                      Alberto Ruder                             Mitchell Wolfson, Jr.
  Ruth Jacobs                       Denis Russ                                Martha Musgrove
  Sylvan Jolibois                   Paul Schwiep                              George Knox
  James Jude                        Howard Slotnick                           Chairperson of Volunteer Initiatives:
  Richard Korman                    Jason Uyeda                               Amy Paige Condon
ticipation that they can    glades will become more difficult.
    Hold the Line                                        persuade the County         With diminishing choices, businesses
     Campaign                                            Commission to move          may look elsewhere to invest in jobs
                                                         the UDB line.               and opportunity.
  by Gilberto Osorio                                     What If They Are                     How We Can Win?
   I am excited to be a part                             Successful?                     The Urban Environment League
of the Urban Environment                                    You pay. You lose.       of Greater Miami is working to build
League team.                                                Schools will become      a coalition of civic and homeowner
   My role is to help build                              more crowded, traffic       organizations determined to support
on great work already being                              will get worse, and in-     better choices for Miami Dade
done by the UEL to ensure that Mi-       vestments in infrastructure–paid for        County residents - taxpayers and
ami-Dade’s Urban Development             by your taxes–will fall further behind.     families who want a good quality of
Boundary (UDB) is not extended           Remember the half-penny sales tax           life, a safe environment, and places
further west and further south.          passed at the urging of the County          to work that are easily accessible to
    More specifically, my job is to      Commission two years ago? It is only        home.
help build a coalition of homeowner      able to pay for a small fraction of the         To join this movement and ensure
associations, civic and conservation     promised improvements to your               that our quality of life does not suf-
groups, municipalities, and others to    quality of life.                            fer in Miami-Dade County, call or
demonstrate the massive public sup-         More demand will be placed on            e-mail: Gilberto Osorio 305-576-
port to Hold The Line!                   overburdened water supply, and pro-         2553,
   We are suggesting that you:           tecting Biscayne Bay and the Ever-
   Help us reach out and educate
county commissioners, who will vote       If you belong to a group that might be interested in this effort, ask them to fill out
whether or not to move the UDB.           the form below. Return it to me at: UEL, 212 NE 24th St., Miami, FL 33137
    In the recent campaign, Mayor
Alvarez strongly supported our posi-                           HOLD THE LINE CAMPAIGN
tion to hold the line. He needs to be         Resolution:
thanked for his commitment then               To protect our quality of life, our community, and our environ-
and his determination now to see           ment, the undersigned organization supports holding the Urban
through his pledge to the people.          Development Boundary in Miami-Dade County.
            Why It Matters                    Existing infrastructure to cope with traffic, congestion, schools,
   The UDB is a line that was              clean and affordable water, and the environment cannot keep pace
adopted by county ordinance over 10        with demand. Even the 2002 half-cent tax for transportation is in-
years ago to concentrate development       adequate to meet a fraction of needs generated by existing develop-
within existing service areas, provide     ment.
adequate infrastructure like roads and        We support reasonable development alternatives that provide good
schools, and to protect natural re-        choices and places of work closer to homes. Existing impacts to in-
sources like Biscayne Bay and the          frastructure, like roadways, are so overloaded that we fear businesses
Everglades. At that time, county gov-      will not want to create new jobs in Miami-Dade County. Major
ernment prohibited any development         developments planned outside the Urban Development Boundary
beyond this boundary. Based on             further threaten our quality of life.
growth patterns, county staff do not          We ask our elected county officials to fix existing problems and to
anticipate any need to move the UDB        fund adequate infrastructure to protect our communities, Biscayne
until the 2020’s.                          Bay, and the Everglades.
Who Is Trying to Change the UDB               We oppose any alteration of the Urban Development Boundary
   Recently, major developers and          and support the effort to Hold the Line.
speculators have bought up land out-          Signed:_______________________________
side the UDB and started to plan very         Group:_______________________________
large-scale developments in the an-
So you think you want                       room allotments with travel provid- is due to the combination of the ter-
                                             ers with different cancellation poli- rorist attacks on 9/11 coupled with
   to own a boutique                         cies; numerous rates based on time the Internet rate wars.
         hotel?                              of year, time of the week, holidays;      When the travel industry discov-
  Here is a behind-the-scenes look           contracted rates and discounts based ered the power of the Internet, it was
                                             on affiliations such as AARP or AAA; an incredible means for boosting
     at how a hotel really works.            and group room blocks.                 room occupancy. Hotels developed
  By Steven Z. Levinson and Judith              Hotel rooms are not like other captivating websites to attract guests
            Berson-Levinson                  businesses where inventory that is not and were able to gain ranking on the
     Did you ever think it would be          sold today can be sold tomorrow. An search engines by painstaking work.
romantic to run a boutique hotel? Or         empty bed can never be resold so, like    This is no longer possible as a re-
think it might be kind of fun to own         airlines, hotels must overbook to sult of “sponsored links” and paid
a bed and breakfast because you en-          make up for cancellations and no- placements by discounters who now
joy entertaining friends in your             shows. But, just imagine the pande- monopolize the search engines and
home? Think again, because the re-           monium that occurs when everyone have virtually wiped out a small
ality of being a hotelier is nothing like    does show up and there are not hotel’s ability to be found by a pro-
the fantasy!                                 enough rooms.                                       spective guest surfing
    From the outside, owning an                 The hotel operator must                          the Internet.
Ocean Drive hotel in South Beach is          also deal with guests who                               Monopolistic
very prestigious and somewhat of an
ego trip, especially when the owner
                                             think that being away from
                                             home gives them license to
                                                                           O     ne guest        middlemen such as
                                                                            used a     , Expedia,
is a hands-on operator. But when it          act like barbarians. Guests                         Travelocity and Orbitz,
comes to the hotel business, all that        get drunk, steal and dam- sprinkler line that don’t contribute
glitters in definitely not gold.             age hotel property.            to do chin-ups anything to the indus-
    Here is a behind-the-scenes look            There are many guests, and flooded               try, have systematically
at how a hotel really works:                 especially those who visit                          destroyed the ability of
    First there is marketing, advertis-      South Beach, who feel ob- the hotel.                 a small hotel to make a
ing and dealing with travel provid-          ligated to get wild, act out                         profit by abusing and
ers. There are “back of the house” op-       scenes from “Animal House” or cre- humiliating hotel operators, demand-
erations such as housekeeping,               ate chaos by making mischief.          ing unreasonably low rates on large
maintenance, and repairs; and “front            One guest used a fire extinguisher allotments of deeply discounted
of the house” operations including           to spray foam throughout an entire rooms, limiting black-out dates, and
reservations, front desk, accounting,        floor. Another set off the fire alarm controlling cut-off dates while they
purchasing and other administrative          on New Year’s Eve forcing an evacu- pocket a hefty percentage. This has
duties.                                      ation. Another used a sprinkler line cut profitability to the point where
    There are no breaks in a 24/7 busi-      to do chin-ups and flooded the ho- many hotels cannot afford to stay in
ness and a small number of rooms             tel. Another thought it would be business.
does not necessarily equate to smaller       amusing to call every room pretend-       In addition, there are the day-to-
overhead costs because the same              ing to call from the front desk and day uncertainties of an unstable work
number of front desk staff are needed        invited everyone to a non-existent force; the mostly inexperienced or
for 50 rooms or 100 rooms. It is al-         complimentary breakfast in the transient workers who are more in-
most impossible to achieve any               lobby. Sounds funny until you imag- terested in having a good time than
economy of scale with hotels with less       ine the fury of aggravated guests who working, that make it difficult for
than 100 rooms.                              rushed downstairs and found no hotel managers to maintain round
    A critical function is reservations,     food.                                  the clock coverage of the front desk,
which is not simply booking rooms.              All this aside, the main reason so dependable housekeepers, and main-
It takes the skills of an air traffic con-   many hotels such as the Edison and tenance staff.
troller to balance such variables as         Royal are converting to condo-hotels      On certain shifts a front desk agent
earning $8-12 an hour is fully respon-         UEL Featured Article                      cisco and smoggy Los Angeles.
sible for a multi-million dollar enter-                                                      In Miami, however, I have experi-
prise and must make critical decisions         Walking in South Florida                  enced many challenges to getting
in the absence of senior management.                     By R. Franco Durán              around.
    It is difficult to find willing, quali-       The song goes, “Nobody walks in            Miami was founded after the in-
fied workers who are legally in the           LA.” That may be so, but people do         vention of the automobile, and this
U.S., can be depended on to come              walk in Miami. That is, there are          is evident by how difficult it is to get
to work every day on time, and pro-           thousands – if not tens of thou-           around here on foot. Despite the sea-
vide courteous service to guests.             sands—of adults in Miami who get           sonal hurricanes, heat, and humidity,
    Most of the time with close super-        around without a car. I’m one of           there are other barriers to walking (for
vision, the workers give a fair day’s         them.                                      purpose, not exercise) in Miami.
work, however unlike most other                   Certainly, the majority of us are          If you look carefully, Miami is a
jobs, hotels operate every day 24             seniors or individuals who can’t af-       Maurice Sendak nightmare – side-
hours a day and, like an airliner mak-        ford a car or the hefty insurance pre-     walks, where available, end here. This
ing a transatlantic crossing, there can-      miums of a large city. However, there      is especially apparent a block or two
not be any lapse of coverage between          are the few of who choose not to           away from any major thoroughfare.
shifts.                                       drive. Now, I need to clarify that I           For example, when I asked a long-
                                              don’t drive, but that doesn’t mean I       time inhabitant of Coconut Grove
    If all this were not enough, there                                                   why there were few sidewalks in the
                                              don’t know how to maneuver a car.
are so many systems in a hotel that                                                      residential areas, she explained that
                                              I just think that owning something
can malfunction—and usually at the                                                       their intended absence helped main-
                                              that costs a lot of money when it
most inconvenient moment—from                                                            tain the city’s charm.
                                              breaks, paying for insurance (note: a
computers, Internet connections,                                                             Charm or not, walking from U.S.
                                              large percentage of Miami drivers
networks, electric, telephones, toilets,                                                 1 to the heart of the Grove is risky
                                              believe insurance is optional), and
hot water, cable TV, fire alarm, smoke                                                   business for a person on foot. Maybe
                                              dealing with big city traffic are big
detectors to pools, bars, restaurants                                                    this is why there’s a shuttle that will
                                              stressors that I would rather avoid.
and special events.                                                                      take you from the Coconut Grove
                                                  So, I walk and use public trans-
    All of these potential problems are       portation wherever I live.                 Metro station to the shops at the
multiplied by as many rooms there                 This amazes a social psychologist      Grove and back for free. It’s nifty,
are in the hotel. So, in the final analy-     friend of mine who studies how             and it saves me from dodging cars
sis, for us, the pleasures of owning a        people plan. Certainly, before I leave     after watching a movie at CocoWalk.
small hotel were far outweighed by            the house, I have to determine what            The Miami-Dade Metro system
the headaches, and we don’t miss it a         to carry for the day (no car, no trunk),   has many faces. Well, two at least.
bit!                                          estimate how and when to get from          The Metro Train is great. The cars
     After four years operating two           here to there, and allocate extra time     run regularly along the limited 20-
South Beach hotels, we converted the          for any problems that may happen           mile stretch from South Dadeland to
Royal Hotel on Washington and 8th             along the way.                             the Palmetto. The Wachenhut guards
Street into a condo-hotel. We still               When I go grocery shopping, I          (especially at University Station) are
own several units but a management            have to determine exactly how much         cordial and knowledgeable.
company is now running the hotel              I can carry home in the various                A half-cent sales tax was added a
rental program.                               weather conditions we experience in        couple of years ago, in part, to allow
    We sold our Edison Hotel on               Miami. This keeps my diet free from        the train to run 24-hours a day. That
Ocean Drive & 10th Street to a group          ice cream and most frozen foods.           was a great time for me– I was able to
that is converting it into a luxury               Planning is old hat for me, but I’ll   stay late at work, I was never in a rush
condo-hotel. - Judith Berson-Levinson         let my friend stay in awe. I have never    to leave the beach by midnight, and
and her husband Steven Z. Levinson            had problems getting around by foot        I felt a little safer and freer knowing
own and operate rental and commer-            or by public transportation in any of      that the trains were running 24-7.
cial properties in South Beach, North         the five major cities in which I’ve            Unfortunately, that extended run
Beach and Miami                               lived. This includes hilly San Fran-       lasted only about half a year, and the
old schedule has resumed, with the
last train running around midnight.
                                                        Stop Blaming the Developers!
   What happened? Insiders say that            It is very easy to blame developers continue to operate multi-family
no one was using the trains at night,       for overbuilding as we view the ex- buildings when they cannot gener-
except the homeless to stay safe, cool,     plosion of condos rapidly changing ate enough income to cover basic
and dry. I guess nobody noticed that        the skyline, but there is another side overhead costs (and old buildings
the thousands of people who work            to the story—escalating property need more repairs).
on the beach were no longer able to         taxes.                                       Architects hired to build after
work swing or graveyard shifts.                Our cities, county and school WWII recall directives to design
   Apparently, the half-cent sales tax      board set their annual budget with housing that could be completed as
hike has been used to improve and           virtually no incentive for holding quickly and cheaply as possible.
expand the Metro Bus system, or             down costs.                               Many buildings have already outlived
what I like to refer to as the ugly step-      Then the millage rate is set to cover their expected life and have few
sister of the Metro Train.                  the budgets. Tax assessors are hesitant amenities desired by buyers.
   In a word, the bus system in Mi-         to raise millage rates so, since suffi-      This leaves a landlord no choice
ami sucks.                                  cient increases in assessments of than to convert their aging buildings
   Buses run late like clockwork. As        single-family homes are capped as a into condos or demolish them and
a regular rider of Bus 8, I can tell you    result of Florida’s Save Our                               replace them with
that people have stories of waiting         Home amendment, the ris-                                   modern condos built
over an hour and having four 8’s (go-       ing cost of government must Throughout                     to today’s codes.
ing in the same direction) arrive si-       be borne by commercial and Florida, it is                      Developers should
multaneously. I thought it was bit of       multi-family buildings.                                    not be criticized for
an exaggeration until it happened to           Instead of being assessed becoming                      using the maximum
me. I carry my cellular, and I use it       on the basis of their current, economic                    FAR (floor area ratio)
                                            value or actual return on in-                              and height available,
regularly to complain about the buses
                                            vestment, they are now as-
                                                                               suicide to              as they must cover the
(and the drivers). About 40% of the
time I get an argument: “Well, maybe        sessed on “highest and best maintain aging inflated price of the
the bus is late for a reason. Maybe         use,” defined as “what a will- rental                      land, incur construc-
there was traffic or an accident.”          ing buyer would pay a will-                                tion and marketing
                                            ing seller.”                       buildings...            costs, and assume
   In such cases, I kindly remind the
operator that his or her job is to con-        Today this translates to                                great risk.
vey my complaint to someone who             “potential” value not current value,         Another impediment to operating
cares – not to argue with me or de-         even though this has no effect on the rentals is that laws created to protect
fend the system. About a third of the       current owner’s bottom line.              the rights of law-abiding tenants who
time the operator, by way of policy,           As an example, the taxes on a typi- pay their rent, can place landlords at
gives me a reference number for my          cal 1950s waterfront garden apart- the mercy of those who take advan-
complaint. The rest of the time I           ment complex in North Beach in- tage of the legal system, adding still
know the complaint falls on deaf ears.      creased by 194 percent between 1997 another operating expense.
I have yet to receive a response about      and 2004. How much did rents in-             A tenant can invite anyone into his
any of my complaints.                       crease? Only 23 percent!                  unit, move out and stop paying the
   Despite the problems, I get around          When a rental building with a electric bill, but despite the fact that
pretty well in Miami without a car. I       negative cash flow is taxed as if it were the squatter has neither a lease nor
regularly weigh the costs and benefits      a luxury condominium, there is no permission to live there, and other
of being without wheels, and I’m            choice but to become one!                 residents are threatening to move out,
pretty happy to maintain status quo.           Throughout Florida, it is becom- the only way the squatter can be re-
Certainly, it’s not a life-style for ev-    ing economic suicide to maintain moved is through a legal eviction.
eryone. I guess you wouldn’t be sur-        aging rental buildings that offer lim-       A landlord can rent to one or two
prised to know that the most popu-          ited amenities while paying astro- tenants and, despite a stipulation in
lar reading materials on the bus and        nomical tax increases. It has become the lease limiting the number of per-
train are advertisements for used cars.     just about impossible for landlords to sons in the unit, the tenant can move
in any number of friends and rela-
tives without the landlord’s knowl-
edge and the police have no author-
ity to remove the unauthorized
    This adds the burden of increased
expenses such as water that were not
factored into the rent, yet the prop-
erty owner has no choice other than
lengthy and expensive eviction pro-
    For residents who are concerned
that the proliferation of high-rise
condos will cause increased density
and traffic, this is not necessarily true.
    Many condo buyers live elsewhere                                                                Terrance "Rock" Salt, Senior
and will not be full-time residents.                                                                Everglades Policy Advisor -
Furthermore, there is a vast difference                                                             fittingly sat below a photo of
between a single buyer or couple liv-                                                               Marjory Stoneman Douglas
ing in a luxury condo as opposed to                                                                 celebrating her 100th birthday
the current over-occupancy of under-                                                                party (photo below).
sized efficiencies and one-bedroom                                                                  When asked about the political
apartments where the tenant invites                                                                 will to hold the UDB line, Col.
in countless numbers of unautho-                                                                    Salt said that those on the other
rized “guests” to split the rent and
                                               UEL & South Florida National                         side of the UDB line don’t vote
share their dwelling space.                      Parks Trust Dinner                                 (referring to the birds, and
    Part-time residents do not add to                                                               other wildlife). He said
                                                  Terrance "Rock" Salt, U.S. Dept. of
the overcrowding of our public                                                                      personally, he thought it a good
                                               the Interior and Alan Farago, Past                   idea to hold the line.
schools and new luxury condos pro-             Everglades Chair for Sierra
vide garage parking thus alleviating           Club Florida Chapter debated
the current shortage of on-street              the success of the $8 billion
parking spaces.                                dollar Everglades Plan at the
    For those who think that restric-          Historic Miami River Inn.
tive zoning will curtail density, think        Martha Musgrove, Former
again.                                         Miami Herald Editorial
    As long as there are buyers and            Board Member, moderated.
costs keep rising, buildings will be              Over 80 people attended the
built. As more and more rental prop-           dinner panel.
erty owners are forced to sell or con-            Both speakers distilled the
vert their properties, there will be less
                                               recovery to: Water Storage.
affordable housing units available.
                                               How can they store water in
    Throughout the nation, in cities
                                               the wet season and get it in the
that allow this to happen, the result
                                               dry season when it is needed?
is an increase in homelessness.
                                                  With more land still needed for storage,
    What can help? Maybe Miami-
                                               escalating land costs was seen as a problem to the
Dade’s citizens can stop the bulldoz-
                                               restoration effort by both speakers.
ers by challenging excessive, inequi-
                                                  Col. Salt also said that more will be
table taxation.-Judith Berson-Levinson
owns and operate rental and commercial prop-   happening in Miami Dade County then
erties in South Beach, N. Beach and Miami.     anywhere else during the next 5 years.
How Do Urban                       scope of work completed on               and creating great gathering spaces
                                       Portland’s Parks 2020 Vision which          7. Ensuring that there would be
 Waterfronts Transform                 was a community driven master plan       creative parking solutions.
        Cities?                        for parks projects into the year 2020.      8. Finding a political champion
                                          Edward Uhlir, Chicago’s Millen-       (The Mayor of Chicago).
 UEL Summary Report                    nium Park Project Design Director           9. Rezoning the perimeter to en-
   The UEL held a Park Forum on        spoke about the park which is con-       courage residential development sur-
Friday, November 5, 2004 at the        sidered Chicago’s “Postcard of the       rounding the park.
Miami City Hall.                       Twenty-first Century” and was cre-          At noon, the panelists and partici-
   The theme of the Forum was          ated on an abandoned railroad site.      pants had lunch on Scotty’s Landing
“How do Urban Waterfronts Trans-       According to Mr. Uhlir, Millenniums      followed by a boat tour of Miami’s
form Cities.”                          Park’s success was the result of the     downtown waterfront, keying in on
   The opening panel, moderated by     following:                               the areas from the mouth of the Mi-
Jason Uyeda (UEL board member             1. Establishing connections be-       ami River to the Omni Area.
and principal with EDAW, design,       tween the surrounding business com-         Highlights and discussions in-
planning and specialists in environ-   munity, the waterfront access and the    cluded a look at the port, the ob-
ments), included: City of Miami        introduction of cultural activity        stacles of connecting the waterfront
Commissioner Joe Sanchez who gave         2. Hiring a world-class architect     at Port Road, the overdevelopment
welcoming remarks, Greg Bush, Uni-     and public facilitator                   of the waterfront, the mix of public
versity of Miami history professor        3. developing a “forward thinking     and private uplands, the connections
and former UEL President, who dis-     vision” rather than traditional park     between Parcel B, Bicentennial Park,
cussed the history of Miami’s water-   planning                                 Bayside, Bayfront Park and the large
front, Amy Condon, Senior Project         4. Working to make a “world           boat slip dividing Bicentennial Park
Manager with the Trust for Public      model” for a successful park             from Parcel B.
Land who gave an updated report           5. Creating a public/private fund-       At the afternoon session, Nancy
about TPL’s study of Miami’s water-    ing mechanism following an eco-          Liebman introduced Miami Mayor
front access, and Bob Weinreb, con-    nomic feasibility study for the parks’   Manny Diaz who welcomed the par-
sultant for the City of Miami who      construction, maintenance, and the       ticipants and told the audience he will
did a powerpoint presentation of       impact on the surrounding neighbor-      be very interested in hearing the con-
Miami’s downtown waterfront that       hoods.                                   cluding commentary from the guest
was the focus of the UEL’s park fo-       6. Establishing that the park would   panelists as the City of Miami moves
rum.                                   be a major destination for both          forward with the city’s masterplan
   The presentations became the        people watching and people mixing        being created by the firm of Duany
backdrop for the day’s panel dis-                                                              Plater-Zyberk.
cussions and mid-day boat tour                                                                    Following           the
of the downtown waterfront.                                                                    Mayor’s         remarks,
   The morning panel entitled:                                                                 Liebman introduced
“Successful Waterfront Parks and                                                               Jacinta McCann, prin-
Analogues from Around the                                                                      cipal with EDAW.
U.S.” began with a presentation                                                                   Ms. McCann has
by Zari Santner, Parks and Rec-                                                                had 22 years experience
reation Director for the City of                                                               in landscape master
Portland.                                                                                      planning, urban design
   Ms. Santner has refocused                                                                   and landscape architec-
Portland’s park development                                                                    ture in cities such as San
strategy through strategic busi-                                                               Francisco, Portland,
ness plans such as the Parks 2020                                                              Sydney and Los Ange-
Vision.                                                                                        les.
   Ms. Santner presented the                                                                      Jacinta’s presentation
focused on both the Oakland Water- tivities to make the park a destina-           ful, but totally useless.
front and the Port of Los Angeles, two tion that will get people to the wa-          17. There must be a clear and cre-
urban public, waterfront park spaces. terfront.                                   ative governance of parks and water-
   These urban waterfront parks were        3. There needs to be a master plan-   fronts.
well thought out and programmed to ning process between the public and               18. It is good to have economic
the needs of various user groups. The private sector. The business commu-         development in parks.
operations and management consid- nity needs to be involved to help es-              19. Parks can be good partners
erations involved city agencies as well tablish private funding sources.          with the whole city.
as design decisions to extend the life      4. Miami needs to have a clear vi-       20. Endowments for parks can
of materials, etc. During the                     sion for its downtown park.     come from impact fees.
design process, important Miami’s                 The park will need a sense         21. There should be a design re-
considerations were security, waterfront of identity. Visioning must              view process for development of
sustainability, numerous                          be a transparent and open       parks and waterfronts.
connections from the pub- needs                   process.                           The Forum concluded with a
lic park space to the water- public land             5. Develop new zoning        cocktail reception for informal dis-
front, and placement of                           for the waterfront area. Re-    cussions with the speakers and audi-
icons/memorials to create a protection. quire developers to fund                  ence.
sense of place and identity.                      walkways and park develop-
   Ernest Burkeen, City of Miami ment.
Parks and Recreation director hired         6. Establish preservation and land-
last year with 31 years of park and use easements with non-profit                       Have you been
recreation experience in Detroit and groups.
Ft. Lauderdale, spoke of his vision to      7. Create a special taxing district
                                                                                         enjoying this
clean up and restore all of Miami’s to fund the park.                                     newsletter?
park system. He said the Park and           8. Experiencing parks needs to be
Recreation budget has been increased less about “looking at the park” and                Let us know.
and he wants to make all of the parks more about “getting to the park”.
accessible and useful spaces for the This is done with clearly defined ac-           This might be your
citizens.                               cess points and connections. Water           last issue if you are
   The key point of Ernest’s message is a great attraction through which
was focused on operations and main- to engage the public.                             not a member of
tenance of the City’s parks. The man-       9. Establish destinations on the                the UEL.
agement of public parks, no matter waterfront and encourage water taxi
where they are located, is as impor- service.                                       Help us do our work
tant to the overall success as the de-      10. Miami’s waterfront needs pub-            with your
sign and planning.                      lic land protection.
   The final panel consisted of Mr.         11. Bicentennial and Bayfront              membership
Burkeen, Ms. McCann, Ms. Zantner Parks have great potential and must                     support.
and Mr. Uhlir. Each gave their ob- be connected and balanced between
servations about Miami’s urban wa- development and open greenspace.                    If you have not
terfront and the lessons learned            12. There needs to be a variety of
within their experiences about creat- activities in parks.                              renewed your
ing a park as a destination.                13. Civic buildings could be adja-       membership, do so
   The message from the panelists cent to Bicentennial Park.
included:                                   14. The identity of a park comes
                                                                                      today, the form is
   1. Create guidelines for the char- from the history of the place.                 on the back cover.
acter of the park, including signage        15. There must be a compelling
and gateways.                           reason to go to a park
   2. Combine passive and active ac-        16. Parks can be visually beauti-
                                                                            The UEL accepts articles/letters
                                                                            from its members and members of
                                                                            the public. These articles/letters do
                                                                            not always reflect the views of the
                                                                            Members of the UEL, or its Board,
                                                                            or the views UEL Advisors.
                                                                            To submit articles/letters, contact:
                                                                            The editor takes full responsibility
                                                                            for botching articles during cuts.
DAY PHONE____________________EVE. PHONE__________________________FAX_____________________________
E-MAIL___________________________ OCCUP._________________INTEREST__________________________________

           Signature__________________________________Date______________ (All fees are tax deductible.)
   Membership $35   Preferred Mem. $50   Board Members and Sponsors of UEL $100    Donations:           Students: $15

       Urban Environment
         Greater Miami
   212 N.E. 24 Street                                  Everglades Bus Trip
   Miami, Fl. 33137                             Feb. 5th (Saturday) 9AM to 3:30PM
   Phone: 305 576-2553                                    Reserve Today!
   Fax: 305 576-2530
   Website:                             Dine and Discuss
                                                                    FEBRUARY 15,2005
   E Mail Address:                    “New Urbanism - Applied and Misapplied.”

        Get on our
    dinner mailing list: •

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UEL Newsletter - Issue14

  • 1. The Urban Forum Newsletter of The Urban Environment League Website: Issue No. 14 Email: January 2005 “I have lived in Miami since 1959, and –shame on me”–I have never been to the Everglades.” Nancy Liebman A Message from Nancy Liebman - UEL President Photos: Nancy Lee (UEL), Don Finefrock (Executive Director of South History was made on December was a precursory educational foray Florida National Parks Trust) and 21. I have lived in Miami since 1959, for the UEL coalition committee to Nancy Liebman in Shark Valley. Next and “shame on me”, I have never arrange for the upcoming February page: Denis Russ (UEL) joins us. been to the Everglades. I lived on 5th Everglades Trip co-sponsored by the edge of the Glades when, in the UEL and the South Florida Na- 1960, the edge was just west of my tional Parks Trust. home on SW 87th Avenue and Bird As we entered the Park, I was mes- Road. It was really the edge and my merized! After leaving my urban three children were born there. habitat, and driving through Miami I have been in the expanded edge Dade County’s sprawl, we reached while visiting Weston. I have driven the natural phenomenon I have al- past the Glades on Alligator Alley. I ways read about. Intellectually, I un- have watched the evolution of the derstand the Everglades as the engine Everglades from the air as little red that enables humanity to survive in rooftops sprawl endlessly westward South Florida. But, seeing it live and and human growth dangerously in- in its spectacular glory was a true in- hibits the freedom of wildlife. As the spiration. Glades are diminished, the traffic I now understand the awesome re- gridlock continues to grow. sponsibility the citizens of Florida The occasion of my historic trip have to maintain the integrity of ev- into the Everglades National Park ery remaining blade of grass in this
  • 2. Trip to the Everglades... magical earth form. This piece of hundred sixty degree view of Shark our fresh water supply and destroyed land is not only South Florida’s Valley. our wildlife! heartbeat, but it is a truly a spectacu- We were alone with the sound of There is a line in the sand now, a lar breath of fresh air. I regret not silence, the expansive vistas, the line that must not move. We call that being part of the nurturing process sawgrass sea moving so slightly, the line the Urban Boundary Line. It from that day in 1959 green “hills” and the hard- was meant to stop the over develop- when I moved to Miami. wood tree islands with a ment, sprawl, lack of schools and ser- Upon entering the Park, few deer, lots of gators, vices and preserve the natural envi- we entered a new world, (some with new babies) ronment. the South Florida of old and fabulous bird life. Every red-blooded Floridian must with flocks of beautifully All of this and wher- take the responsibility to hold that feathered birds, happily ever I looked for miles and line and stop the little red rooftops, dozing alligators enjoying miles I SAW NO strip malls and other deadly en- the serenity of the quiet BUILDINGS! Yes, the croachments. It is incumbent on the marshes, brilliant sun, Sea of Grass is a natural grassroots citizens of our community open air, and doting tour- wonder of the world. to guard this natural resource and ists. I thought the vast What pride I had, as a protect the Urban Development numbers of birds that Denis Russ Floridian of forty-six Boundary Line. Continued sprawl greeted us at the gate was years, who raised three translates to increased traffic incredible. I cringed when the tram Floridian children to realize that the gridlock, polluted air, mercury-filled guide explained there were one hun- citizens of Florida have at last raised water, and decreased water supplies dred times more in the past. a real challenge to force the preserva- for future Floridians. The Everglades Development into the Everglades, tion of this treasure for future gen- is the heart, soul and engine that will loss of food supply and erations. sustain Florida forever. As the Ever- pollution has driven the A lot of us have been glades go, so goes the future of ur- wildlife away. Will hu- “The River of sleeping at the wheel ban life in our fragile community. man life be next? How while insensitive over- Come hear more about this at the disappointing will it be Grass has been development com- Everglades Trip, Saturday February for the folks who moved here for warm weather diminished by pressed the much more It was a Everglades. 5th. See the details in this issue of the Urban Forum. And, get involved. and the ocean to run out little red roof- massive Sea of Grass Read about our new Program Direc- of drinking water? that has been dimin- tor - Gilberto Osorio - on page 5 of Among the high- tops, strip ished by little red roof- this issue. -Nancy Liebman lights on this trip was a malls and rock tops, strip malls and climb up a central tower rock quarries. Imagine, Nancy and the Alligator! in the park for a three- quarries.” mankind paved over
  • 3. Dine and Discuss Dine and Discuss The UEL’s monthly “Dine and FEBRUARY 15 Discuss” evenings have become a well Now That The “New Urbanism - Applied and Misapplied.” known tradition in this community, encouraging public participation in Election is Over, This important matter will be discussed by Charles Bohl, Director, Knight Program in Community Building, author of the book, “Place the electoral process, urban planning From Here? Making.” Herald Reporter, Andres Viglucci, will Moderate. and growth management. These evenings take place on the third Tues- Upcoming: day of each month during the MARCH 15 - An evening with County Clerk Harvey Ruvin months of September through May APRIL 19 - The UEL & Dade Heritage Trust (due to the holidays, we do not sched- Noted Art Deco developer Tony Goldman on the topic, ule one in the month of December). They are held at 6:00 pm at the his- “Preserving the Recent Past.” toric Miami River Inn which is lo- MAY 17 - Our last “Dine and Discuss” of this season cated at 118 S. River Drive, Miami, will feature a discussion on the many efforts and cost $25 each. underway to preserve and enhance the Miami River. The topics scheduled for this year have made the 2004-2005 “Dine and Don’t miss the opportunity to network and share a Discuss” season one of the most ex- delicious meal at the historic Miami River Inn, citing ones that we had in our his- tory. 118 South River Drive. In September, we began with a Wine and Cheese, Dinner and More Wine: $25 bang as legendary public servant, Call for information and to make a reservation: Merrett Stierheim shared many of his unique experiences in public life as Miami River Inn: 305 325-0045 well as views on such current topics as the County’s Bond Program, growth management, the state of the The UEL and South Florida National Parks Trust Present: public school system to the sold out crowd. Everglades Bus Trip The October evening, featured the Honorable State of Florida Represen- Feb. 5th (Saturday) 9AM to 3:30PM tatives Dan Gelber and Julio Robaina on the eight (8) State Constitution A tram tour of the Everglades led by park rangers from Ever- Amendments on the November 2, glades National Park. Lunch included. 2004 ballot. In November, the UEL felt it was Bus will leave for Shark Valley from the steps of Trinity Church important to host a discussion on on North Bayshore Drive, 9AM. Bus leaves promptly!! what many believed could turn out There will be a covered tram ride so you will not be required to to be one of the most important elec- do a lot of walking and there is rain protection. Park in the OMNI tion in our history. As a result, we garage right across the street from the church and meet at the invited nationally known Miami front, near the church entrance. Herald Executive Editor Tom Fiedler to share his views to a capacity crowd DEADLINE FOR BUS TRIP IS FRIDAY, JANUARY 28. on the topic, “Now that the elections SPACE IS LIMITED - first paid, first served. are over, where do we go from here.” RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED - Send us a check for $25 Mark your calendars because the Questions Call: 305 576-2553 2nd half of our 2004-2005 season is generating a lot of excitement due to
  • 4. the following series of diverse topics FEBRUARY 15,2005 - The topic tends to join forces with Dade Heri- that are scheduled: will be “New Urbanism - Applied and tage Trust and the 2005 Dade Heri- By the time this newsletter is pub- Misapplied.” This important matter tage Days events. As one of the offi- lished we will have had our January will be discussed by Charles Bohl, cial events, we will be featuring noted dinner. The UEL joined forces with Director, Knight Program in Com- Art Deco developer Tony Goldman the South Florida National Park Trust munity Building at the University of on the topic, “Preserving the Recent for a dinner and discussion featuring Miami School of Architecture, au- Past.” two viewpoints on the landmark $8 thor of the book, “Place Making.” We MAY 17, 2005 - Our last “Dine billion Everglades restoration plan. have also invited Nathaniel Belcher, and Discuss” evening of this season Scheduled was moderator Martha Assistant Dean and Associate Profes- will feature a discussion on the chal- Musgrove - former Miami Herald sor at FIU’s School of Architecture. lenges and many efforts underway to Editorial Board Member - and speak- The discussion will be moderated by preserve and enhance the Miami ers, Terrance “Rock” Salt, Senior Ev- Herald Reporter Andres Viglucci. River. erglades Policy Advisor, US Dept. of MARCH 15, 2005 - The featured I hope to see you at these events. Interior and Alan Farago, Past Ever- discussion will be “An evening with I guarantee you that not only will you glades Chair for the Florida Chapter Miami Dade County Clerk Harvey find the discussions very informative of the Sierra Club. Due to the im- Ruvin.” Mr. Ruvin will not only re- but promise you that you will thor- portance of the Everglades as a re- flect on his experiences as a long time oughly enjoy a very delicious meal markable natural resource to current public servant but will also discuss a prepared the old fashioned way by the and future generations, the UEL will topic that has always been dear to his Miami River Inn’s proprietor, Ms. also be sponsoring an Everglades bus heart - the environment (including Sallye Jude. -Albert Ruder UEL Board tour on February 5 (please see Page the challenges of global warming). Member & Chair of the “Dine and Dis- 2 for more information). APRIL 19, 2005 - The UEL in- cuss” Evening Series Committee Urban Environment League 2004 Officers, Board Members, and Advisors President: Nancy Liebman Vice-President: Ernie Martin Treasurer: Kay Hancock Apfel Board of Advisors: Secretary: Richard Korman Gregory Bush, Chair Past President: Gregory Bush Sallye Jude Dorothy Fields Dr. Paul George Kay Hancock Apfel Nancy Lee Joe Kohl Judith Berson-Levinson Suan Luck Dan Paul Gioia DeCarlo Ernest Martin Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk John DeLeon Robert McCabe Brenda Marshall Richard Donovan Arsenio Milian Arva Moore Parks McCabe** Robert Flanders Enid Pinkney Gene Tinnie Lori Gold Pedro Quintenalli M. Athalie Range Sage Hoffman Alberto Ruder Mitchell Wolfson, Jr. Ruth Jacobs Denis Russ Martha Musgrove Sylvan Jolibois Paul Schwiep George Knox James Jude Howard Slotnick Chairperson of Volunteer Initiatives: Richard Korman Jason Uyeda Amy Paige Condon
  • 5. ticipation that they can glades will become more difficult. Hold the Line persuade the County With diminishing choices, businesses Campaign Commission to move may look elsewhere to invest in jobs the UDB line. and opportunity. by Gilberto Osorio What If They Are How We Can Win? I am excited to be a part Successful? The Urban Environment League of the Urban Environment You pay. You lose. of Greater Miami is working to build League team. Schools will become a coalition of civic and homeowner My role is to help build more crowded, traffic organizations determined to support on great work already being will get worse, and in- better choices for Miami Dade done by the UEL to ensure that Mi- vestments in infrastructure–paid for County residents - taxpayers and ami-Dade’s Urban Development by your taxes–will fall further behind. families who want a good quality of Boundary (UDB) is not extended Remember the half-penny sales tax life, a safe environment, and places further west and further south. passed at the urging of the County to work that are easily accessible to More specifically, my job is to Commission two years ago? It is only home. help build a coalition of homeowner able to pay for a small fraction of the To join this movement and ensure associations, civic and conservation promised improvements to your that our quality of life does not suf- groups, municipalities, and others to quality of life. fer in Miami-Dade County, call or demonstrate the massive public sup- More demand will be placed on e-mail: Gilberto Osorio 305-576- port to Hold The Line! overburdened water supply, and pro- 2553, We are suggesting that you: tecting Biscayne Bay and the Ever- Help us reach out and educate county commissioners, who will vote If you belong to a group that might be interested in this effort, ask them to fill out whether or not to move the UDB. the form below. Return it to me at: UEL, 212 NE 24th St., Miami, FL 33137 In the recent campaign, Mayor Alvarez strongly supported our posi- HOLD THE LINE CAMPAIGN tion to hold the line. He needs to be Resolution: thanked for his commitment then To protect our quality of life, our community, and our environ- and his determination now to see ment, the undersigned organization supports holding the Urban through his pledge to the people. Development Boundary in Miami-Dade County. Why It Matters Existing infrastructure to cope with traffic, congestion, schools, The UDB is a line that was clean and affordable water, and the environment cannot keep pace adopted by county ordinance over 10 with demand. Even the 2002 half-cent tax for transportation is in- years ago to concentrate development adequate to meet a fraction of needs generated by existing develop- within existing service areas, provide ment. adequate infrastructure like roads and We support reasonable development alternatives that provide good schools, and to protect natural re- choices and places of work closer to homes. Existing impacts to in- sources like Biscayne Bay and the frastructure, like roadways, are so overloaded that we fear businesses Everglades. At that time, county gov- will not want to create new jobs in Miami-Dade County. Major ernment prohibited any development developments planned outside the Urban Development Boundary beyond this boundary. Based on further threaten our quality of life. growth patterns, county staff do not We ask our elected county officials to fix existing problems and to anticipate any need to move the UDB fund adequate infrastructure to protect our communities, Biscayne until the 2020’s. Bay, and the Everglades. Who Is Trying to Change the UDB We oppose any alteration of the Urban Development Boundary Recently, major developers and and support the effort to Hold the Line. speculators have bought up land out- Signed:_______________________________ side the UDB and started to plan very Group:_______________________________ large-scale developments in the an-
  • 6. So you think you want room allotments with travel provid- is due to the combination of the ter- ers with different cancellation poli- rorist attacks on 9/11 coupled with to own a boutique cies; numerous rates based on time the Internet rate wars. hotel? of year, time of the week, holidays; When the travel industry discov- Here is a behind-the-scenes look contracted rates and discounts based ered the power of the Internet, it was on affiliations such as AARP or AAA; an incredible means for boosting at how a hotel really works. and group room blocks. room occupancy. Hotels developed By Steven Z. Levinson and Judith Hotel rooms are not like other captivating websites to attract guests Berson-Levinson businesses where inventory that is not and were able to gain ranking on the Did you ever think it would be sold today can be sold tomorrow. An search engines by painstaking work. romantic to run a boutique hotel? Or empty bed can never be resold so, like This is no longer possible as a re- think it might be kind of fun to own airlines, hotels must overbook to sult of “sponsored links” and paid a bed and breakfast because you en- make up for cancellations and no- placements by discounters who now joy entertaining friends in your shows. But, just imagine the pande- monopolize the search engines and home? Think again, because the re- monium that occurs when everyone have virtually wiped out a small ality of being a hotelier is nothing like does show up and there are not hotel’s ability to be found by a pro- the fantasy! enough rooms. spective guest surfing From the outside, owning an The hotel operator must the Internet. Ocean Drive hotel in South Beach is also deal with guests who Monopolistic very prestigious and somewhat of an ego trip, especially when the owner think that being away from home gives them license to O ne guest middlemen such as used a, Expedia, is a hands-on operator. But when it act like barbarians. Guests Travelocity and Orbitz, comes to the hotel business, all that get drunk, steal and dam- sprinkler line that don’t contribute glitters in definitely not gold. age hotel property. to do chin-ups anything to the indus- Here is a behind-the-scenes look There are many guests, and flooded try, have systematically at how a hotel really works: especially those who visit destroyed the ability of First there is marketing, advertis- South Beach, who feel ob- the hotel. a small hotel to make a ing and dealing with travel provid- ligated to get wild, act out profit by abusing and ers. There are “back of the house” op- scenes from “Animal House” or cre- humiliating hotel operators, demand- erations such as housekeeping, ate chaos by making mischief. ing unreasonably low rates on large maintenance, and repairs; and “front One guest used a fire extinguisher allotments of deeply discounted of the house” operations including to spray foam throughout an entire rooms, limiting black-out dates, and reservations, front desk, accounting, floor. Another set off the fire alarm controlling cut-off dates while they purchasing and other administrative on New Year’s Eve forcing an evacu- pocket a hefty percentage. This has duties. ation. Another used a sprinkler line cut profitability to the point where There are no breaks in a 24/7 busi- to do chin-ups and flooded the ho- many hotels cannot afford to stay in ness and a small number of rooms tel. Another thought it would be business. does not necessarily equate to smaller amusing to call every room pretend- In addition, there are the day-to- overhead costs because the same ing to call from the front desk and day uncertainties of an unstable work number of front desk staff are needed invited everyone to a non-existent force; the mostly inexperienced or for 50 rooms or 100 rooms. It is al- complimentary breakfast in the transient workers who are more in- most impossible to achieve any lobby. Sounds funny until you imag- terested in having a good time than economy of scale with hotels with less ine the fury of aggravated guests who working, that make it difficult for than 100 rooms. rushed downstairs and found no hotel managers to maintain round A critical function is reservations, food. the clock coverage of the front desk, which is not simply booking rooms. All this aside, the main reason so dependable housekeepers, and main- It takes the skills of an air traffic con- many hotels such as the Edison and tenance staff. troller to balance such variables as Royal are converting to condo-hotels On certain shifts a front desk agent
  • 7. earning $8-12 an hour is fully respon- UEL Featured Article cisco and smoggy Los Angeles. sible for a multi-million dollar enter- In Miami, however, I have experi- prise and must make critical decisions Walking in South Florida enced many challenges to getting in the absence of senior management. By R. Franco Durán around. It is difficult to find willing, quali- The song goes, “Nobody walks in Miami was founded after the in- fied workers who are legally in the LA.” That may be so, but people do vention of the automobile, and this U.S., can be depended on to come walk in Miami. That is, there are is evident by how difficult it is to get to work every day on time, and pro- thousands – if not tens of thou- around here on foot. Despite the sea- vide courteous service to guests. sands—of adults in Miami who get sonal hurricanes, heat, and humidity, Most of the time with close super- around without a car. I’m one of there are other barriers to walking (for vision, the workers give a fair day’s them. purpose, not exercise) in Miami. work, however unlike most other Certainly, the majority of us are If you look carefully, Miami is a jobs, hotels operate every day 24 seniors or individuals who can’t af- Maurice Sendak nightmare – side- hours a day and, like an airliner mak- ford a car or the hefty insurance pre- walks, where available, end here. This ing a transatlantic crossing, there can- miums of a large city. However, there is especially apparent a block or two not be any lapse of coverage between are the few of who choose not to away from any major thoroughfare. shifts. drive. Now, I need to clarify that I For example, when I asked a long- don’t drive, but that doesn’t mean I time inhabitant of Coconut Grove If all this were not enough, there why there were few sidewalks in the don’t know how to maneuver a car. are so many systems in a hotel that residential areas, she explained that I just think that owning something can malfunction—and usually at the their intended absence helped main- that costs a lot of money when it most inconvenient moment—from tain the city’s charm. breaks, paying for insurance (note: a computers, Internet connections, Charm or not, walking from U.S. large percentage of Miami drivers networks, electric, telephones, toilets, 1 to the heart of the Grove is risky believe insurance is optional), and hot water, cable TV, fire alarm, smoke business for a person on foot. Maybe dealing with big city traffic are big detectors to pools, bars, restaurants this is why there’s a shuttle that will stressors that I would rather avoid. and special events. take you from the Coconut Grove So, I walk and use public trans- All of these potential problems are portation wherever I live. Metro station to the shops at the multiplied by as many rooms there This amazes a social psychologist Grove and back for free. It’s nifty, are in the hotel. So, in the final analy- friend of mine who studies how and it saves me from dodging cars sis, for us, the pleasures of owning a people plan. Certainly, before I leave after watching a movie at CocoWalk. small hotel were far outweighed by the house, I have to determine what The Miami-Dade Metro system the headaches, and we don’t miss it a to carry for the day (no car, no trunk), has many faces. Well, two at least. bit! estimate how and when to get from The Metro Train is great. The cars After four years operating two here to there, and allocate extra time run regularly along the limited 20- South Beach hotels, we converted the for any problems that may happen mile stretch from South Dadeland to Royal Hotel on Washington and 8th along the way. the Palmetto. The Wachenhut guards Street into a condo-hotel. We still When I go grocery shopping, I (especially at University Station) are own several units but a management have to determine exactly how much cordial and knowledgeable. company is now running the hotel I can carry home in the various A half-cent sales tax was added a rental program. weather conditions we experience in couple of years ago, in part, to allow We sold our Edison Hotel on Miami. This keeps my diet free from the train to run 24-hours a day. That Ocean Drive & 10th Street to a group ice cream and most frozen foods. was a great time for me– I was able to that is converting it into a luxury Planning is old hat for me, but I’ll stay late at work, I was never in a rush condo-hotel. - Judith Berson-Levinson let my friend stay in awe. I have never to leave the beach by midnight, and and her husband Steven Z. Levinson had problems getting around by foot I felt a little safer and freer knowing own and operate rental and commer- or by public transportation in any of that the trains were running 24-7. cial properties in South Beach, North the five major cities in which I’ve Unfortunately, that extended run Beach and Miami lived. This includes hilly San Fran- lasted only about half a year, and the
  • 8. old schedule has resumed, with the last train running around midnight. Stop Blaming the Developers! What happened? Insiders say that It is very easy to blame developers continue to operate multi-family no one was using the trains at night, for overbuilding as we view the ex- buildings when they cannot gener- except the homeless to stay safe, cool, plosion of condos rapidly changing ate enough income to cover basic and dry. I guess nobody noticed that the skyline, but there is another side overhead costs (and old buildings the thousands of people who work to the story—escalating property need more repairs). on the beach were no longer able to taxes. Architects hired to build after work swing or graveyard shifts. Our cities, county and school WWII recall directives to design Apparently, the half-cent sales tax board set their annual budget with housing that could be completed as hike has been used to improve and virtually no incentive for holding quickly and cheaply as possible. expand the Metro Bus system, or down costs. Many buildings have already outlived what I like to refer to as the ugly step- Then the millage rate is set to cover their expected life and have few sister of the Metro Train. the budgets. Tax assessors are hesitant amenities desired by buyers. In a word, the bus system in Mi- to raise millage rates so, since suffi- This leaves a landlord no choice ami sucks. cient increases in assessments of than to convert their aging buildings Buses run late like clockwork. As single-family homes are capped as a into condos or demolish them and a regular rider of Bus 8, I can tell you result of Florida’s Save Our replace them with that people have stories of waiting Home amendment, the ris- modern condos built over an hour and having four 8’s (go- ing cost of government must Throughout to today’s codes. ing in the same direction) arrive si- be borne by commercial and Florida, it is Developers should multaneously. I thought it was bit of multi-family buildings. not be criticized for an exaggeration until it happened to Instead of being assessed becoming using the maximum me. I carry my cellular, and I use it on the basis of their current, economic FAR (floor area ratio) value or actual return on in- and height available, regularly to complain about the buses vestment, they are now as- suicide to as they must cover the (and the drivers). About 40% of the time I get an argument: “Well, maybe sessed on “highest and best maintain aging inflated price of the the bus is late for a reason. Maybe use,” defined as “what a will- rental land, incur construc- there was traffic or an accident.” ing buyer would pay a will- tion and marketing ing seller.” buildings... costs, and assume In such cases, I kindly remind the operator that his or her job is to con- Today this translates to great risk. vey my complaint to someone who “potential” value not current value, Another impediment to operating cares – not to argue with me or de- even though this has no effect on the rentals is that laws created to protect fend the system. About a third of the current owner’s bottom line. the rights of law-abiding tenants who time the operator, by way of policy, As an example, the taxes on a typi- pay their rent, can place landlords at gives me a reference number for my cal 1950s waterfront garden apart- the mercy of those who take advan- complaint. The rest of the time I ment complex in North Beach in- tage of the legal system, adding still know the complaint falls on deaf ears. creased by 194 percent between 1997 another operating expense. I have yet to receive a response about and 2004. How much did rents in- A tenant can invite anyone into his any of my complaints. crease? Only 23 percent! unit, move out and stop paying the Despite the problems, I get around When a rental building with a electric bill, but despite the fact that pretty well in Miami without a car. I negative cash flow is taxed as if it were the squatter has neither a lease nor regularly weigh the costs and benefits a luxury condominium, there is no permission to live there, and other of being without wheels, and I’m choice but to become one! residents are threatening to move out, pretty happy to maintain status quo. Throughout Florida, it is becom- the only way the squatter can be re- Certainly, it’s not a life-style for ev- ing economic suicide to maintain moved is through a legal eviction. eryone. I guess you wouldn’t be sur- aging rental buildings that offer lim- A landlord can rent to one or two prised to know that the most popu- ited amenities while paying astro- tenants and, despite a stipulation in lar reading materials on the bus and nomical tax increases. It has become the lease limiting the number of per- train are advertisements for used cars. just about impossible for landlords to sons in the unit, the tenant can move
  • 9. in any number of friends and rela- tives without the landlord’s knowl- edge and the police have no author- ity to remove the unauthorized persons. This adds the burden of increased expenses such as water that were not factored into the rent, yet the prop- erty owner has no choice other than lengthy and expensive eviction pro- cedures. For residents who are concerned that the proliferation of high-rise condos will cause increased density and traffic, this is not necessarily true. Many condo buyers live elsewhere Terrance "Rock" Salt, Senior and will not be full-time residents. Everglades Policy Advisor - Furthermore, there is a vast difference fittingly sat below a photo of between a single buyer or couple liv- Marjory Stoneman Douglas ing in a luxury condo as opposed to celebrating her 100th birthday the current over-occupancy of under- party (photo below). sized efficiencies and one-bedroom When asked about the political apartments where the tenant invites will to hold the UDB line, Col. in countless numbers of unautho- Salt said that those on the other rized “guests” to split the rent and UEL & South Florida National side of the UDB line don’t vote share their dwelling space. Parks Trust Dinner (referring to the birds, and Part-time residents do not add to other wildlife). He said Terrance "Rock" Salt, U.S. Dept. of the overcrowding of our public personally, he thought it a good the Interior and Alan Farago, Past idea to hold the line. schools and new luxury condos pro- Everglades Chair for Sierra vide garage parking thus alleviating Club Florida Chapter debated the current shortage of on-street the success of the $8 billion parking spaces. dollar Everglades Plan at the For those who think that restric- Historic Miami River Inn. tive zoning will curtail density, think Martha Musgrove, Former again. Miami Herald Editorial As long as there are buyers and Board Member, moderated. costs keep rising, buildings will be Over 80 people attended the built. As more and more rental prop- dinner panel. erty owners are forced to sell or con- Both speakers distilled the vert their properties, there will be less recovery to: Water Storage. affordable housing units available. How can they store water in Throughout the nation, in cities the wet season and get it in the that allow this to happen, the result dry season when it is needed? is an increase in homelessness. With more land still needed for storage, What can help? Maybe Miami- escalating land costs was seen as a problem to the Dade’s citizens can stop the bulldoz- restoration effort by both speakers. ers by challenging excessive, inequi- Col. Salt also said that more will be table taxation.-Judith Berson-Levinson owns and operate rental and commercial prop- happening in Miami Dade County then erties in South Beach, N. Beach and Miami. anywhere else during the next 5 years.
  • 10. How Do Urban scope of work completed on and creating great gathering spaces Portland’s Parks 2020 Vision which 7. Ensuring that there would be Waterfronts Transform was a community driven master plan creative parking solutions. Cities? for parks projects into the year 2020. 8. Finding a political champion Edward Uhlir, Chicago’s Millen- (The Mayor of Chicago). UEL Summary Report nium Park Project Design Director 9. Rezoning the perimeter to en- The UEL held a Park Forum on spoke about the park which is con- courage residential development sur- Friday, November 5, 2004 at the sidered Chicago’s “Postcard of the rounding the park. Miami City Hall. Twenty-first Century” and was cre- At noon, the panelists and partici- The theme of the Forum was ated on an abandoned railroad site. pants had lunch on Scotty’s Landing “How do Urban Waterfronts Trans- According to Mr. Uhlir, Millenniums followed by a boat tour of Miami’s form Cities.” Park’s success was the result of the downtown waterfront, keying in on The opening panel, moderated by following: the areas from the mouth of the Mi- Jason Uyeda (UEL board member 1. Establishing connections be- ami River to the Omni Area. and principal with EDAW, design, tween the surrounding business com- Highlights and discussions in- planning and specialists in environ- munity, the waterfront access and the cluded a look at the port, the ob- ments), included: City of Miami introduction of cultural activity stacles of connecting the waterfront Commissioner Joe Sanchez who gave 2. Hiring a world-class architect at Port Road, the overdevelopment welcoming remarks, Greg Bush, Uni- and public facilitator of the waterfront, the mix of public versity of Miami history professor 3. developing a “forward thinking and private uplands, the connections and former UEL President, who dis- vision” rather than traditional park between Parcel B, Bicentennial Park, cussed the history of Miami’s water- planning Bayside, Bayfront Park and the large front, Amy Condon, Senior Project 4. Working to make a “world boat slip dividing Bicentennial Park Manager with the Trust for Public model” for a successful park from Parcel B. Land who gave an updated report 5. Creating a public/private fund- At the afternoon session, Nancy about TPL’s study of Miami’s water- ing mechanism following an eco- Liebman introduced Miami Mayor front access, and Bob Weinreb, con- nomic feasibility study for the parks’ Manny Diaz who welcomed the par- sultant for the City of Miami who construction, maintenance, and the ticipants and told the audience he will did a powerpoint presentation of impact on the surrounding neighbor- be very interested in hearing the con- Miami’s downtown waterfront that hoods. cluding commentary from the guest was the focus of the UEL’s park fo- 6. Establishing that the park would panelists as the City of Miami moves rum. be a major destination for both forward with the city’s masterplan The presentations became the people watching and people mixing being created by the firm of Duany backdrop for the day’s panel dis- Plater-Zyberk. cussions and mid-day boat tour Following the of the downtown waterfront. Mayor’s remarks, The morning panel entitled: Liebman introduced “Successful Waterfront Parks and Jacinta McCann, prin- Analogues from Around the cipal with EDAW. U.S.” began with a presentation Ms. McCann has by Zari Santner, Parks and Rec- had 22 years experience reation Director for the City of in landscape master Portland. planning, urban design Ms. Santner has refocused and landscape architec- Portland’s park development ture in cities such as San strategy through strategic busi- Francisco, Portland, ness plans such as the Parks 2020 Sydney and Los Ange- Vision. les. Ms. Santner presented the Jacinta’s presentation
  • 11. focused on both the Oakland Water- tivities to make the park a destina- ful, but totally useless. front and the Port of Los Angeles, two tion that will get people to the wa- 17. There must be a clear and cre- urban public, waterfront park spaces. terfront. ative governance of parks and water- These urban waterfront parks were 3. There needs to be a master plan- fronts. well thought out and programmed to ning process between the public and 18. It is good to have economic the needs of various user groups. The private sector. The business commu- development in parks. operations and management consid- nity needs to be involved to help es- 19. Parks can be good partners erations involved city agencies as well tablish private funding sources. with the whole city. as design decisions to extend the life 4. Miami needs to have a clear vi- 20. Endowments for parks can of materials, etc. During the sion for its downtown park. come from impact fees. design process, important Miami’s The park will need a sense 21. There should be a design re- considerations were security, waterfront of identity. Visioning must view process for development of sustainability, numerous be a transparent and open parks and waterfronts. connections from the pub- needs process. The Forum concluded with a lic park space to the water- public land 5. Develop new zoning cocktail reception for informal dis- front, and placement of for the waterfront area. Re- cussions with the speakers and audi- icons/memorials to create a protection. quire developers to fund ence. sense of place and identity. walkways and park develop- Ernest Burkeen, City of Miami ment. Parks and Recreation director hired 6. Establish preservation and land- last year with 31 years of park and use easements with non-profit Have you been recreation experience in Detroit and groups. Ft. Lauderdale, spoke of his vision to 7. Create a special taxing district enjoying this clean up and restore all of Miami’s to fund the park. newsletter? park system. He said the Park and 8. Experiencing parks needs to be Recreation budget has been increased less about “looking at the park” and Let us know. and he wants to make all of the parks more about “getting to the park”. accessible and useful spaces for the This is done with clearly defined ac- This might be your citizens. cess points and connections. Water last issue if you are The key point of Ernest’s message is a great attraction through which was focused on operations and main- to engage the public. not a member of tenance of the City’s parks. The man- 9. Establish destinations on the the UEL. agement of public parks, no matter waterfront and encourage water taxi where they are located, is as impor- service. Help us do our work tant to the overall success as the de- 10. Miami’s waterfront needs pub- with your sign and planning. lic land protection. The final panel consisted of Mr. 11. Bicentennial and Bayfront membership Burkeen, Ms. McCann, Ms. Zantner Parks have great potential and must support. and Mr. Uhlir. Each gave their ob- be connected and balanced between servations about Miami’s urban wa- development and open greenspace. If you have not terfront and the lessons learned 12. There needs to be a variety of within their experiences about creat- activities in parks. renewed your ing a park as a destination. 13. Civic buildings could be adja- membership, do so The message from the panelists cent to Bicentennial Park. included: 14. The identity of a park comes today, the form is 1. Create guidelines for the char- from the history of the place. on the back cover. acter of the park, including signage 15. There must be a compelling and gateways. reason to go to a park 2. Combine passive and active ac- 16. Parks can be visually beauti-
  • 12. NOTICE: The UEL accepts articles/letters from its members and members of the public. These articles/letters do not always reflect the views of the Members of the UEL, or its Board, or the views UEL Advisors. To submit articles/letters, contact: nancy88@ The editor takes full responsibility for botching articles during cuts. URBAN ENVIRONMENT LEAGUE OF GREATER MIAMI MEMBERSHIP & RENEWAL APPLICATION NAME________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________CITY___________________ST.______ZIP______________________ DAY PHONE____________________EVE. PHONE__________________________FAX_____________________________ E-MAIL___________________________ OCCUP._________________INTEREST__________________________________ Signature__________________________________Date______________ (All fees are tax deductible.) Membership $35 Preferred Mem. $50 Board Members and Sponsors of UEL $100 Donations: Students: $15 Urban Environment League of Greater Miami 212 N.E. 24 Street Everglades Bus Trip Miami, Fl. 33137 Feb. 5th (Saturday) 9AM to 3:30PM Phone: 305 576-2553 Reserve Today! Fax: 305 576-2530 Website: Dine and Discuss FEBRUARY 15,2005 E Mail Address: “New Urbanism - Applied and Misapplied.” Get on our dinner mailing list: • 305-576-2553